HomeMy WebLinkAbout_1997 10 13 City Commission Regular Meeting Agenda
Telephone (407) 327-1800
MONDAY. OCTOBER 13. 1997 - 6:30 P.M.
I. Call to Order
Roll Call
Pledge of Allegiance - Led by Cub Scout Den 5 of Pack 787
Approval of Minutes of September 22, 1997
Approval of Minutes of Special Meeting of September 29, 1997
Recognition to Winter Spring Firefighters for their efforts collecting donations for the
Muscular Dystrophy Association
Community Development Department/Administrative Division
A. Presents to the Commission for informational purposes a draft of an "lnterlocal
Agreement relating to the Annexation of Enclaves" prepared by staff. PURPOSE: to apprise
the Commission that City staffhas prepared a draft of an Interlocal Agreement relating to the
Annexation of Enclaves that will be reviewed by Seminole County staff.
Parks and Recreation Department
B. Requests the Commission accept the low bid of $25,750.00 from D & B Tennis of
Sebring, Florida for construction of basketball courts at Torcaso Park and authorize the City
Manager to enter into a contract for such services with D & B Tennis. PURPOSE: to request
that the Commission accept the low bid from D & B Tennis and authorize the City manager
to enter into a contract for such services.
City Manager
A. Updating the Commission on the land clearing activity occurring at The Oaks Subdivision.
PURPOSE: to update the Commission regarding the land clearing for The Oaks Subdivision
and whether it is in compliance with the Arbor Ordinance.
Police Department
B. Informing the Commission of the approval ofa Bureau of Justice Assistance Block Grant.
PURPOSE: to provide information to the Commission regarding the Police Department's
approval for a Bureau of Justice Assistance Block Grant, to be used for Crime Prevention
projects in the Department's Community Relations Section.
Police Department
A. Requesting the Commission accept the donation of two (2) Police Mountain Bikes to
initiate a Bicycle Patrol unit to enhance the Community Policing philosophy of the
Department. PURPOSE: to request Commission review, approve and accept a donation of
two (2) Police Mountain Bikes from Pizzuti Development, Inc., for the purpose of beginning
a Bicycle Patrol unit.
Community Development Department/Planning Division
B. Requests the Commission hold a Public Hearing to approve the First Reading for adoption
of Ordinance No. 683 to establish the "Redevelopment Area" Overlay Zoning District
Regulations (Design Guidelines) of the State Road 434 Corridor Vision Plan. PURPOSE:
to request the Commission approve the First Reading for adoption of Ordinance No. 683
establishing the "Redevelopment Area" Overlay Zoning District Regulations (Design
Guidelines) that would become a part of Chapter 20 "The Zoning Ordinance" of the Code of
Ordinances of the City of Winter Springs.
Community Development Department/Planning Division
C. Requests the Commission hold a Public Hearing and approve the Second Reading and
Adoption of Ordinance No. 675 to establish the "New Development Area" Overlay Zoning
District Regulations (Design Guidelines) of the State Road 434 Corridor Vision Plan.
PURPOSE: to hold a Public Hearing and approve the Second Reading and adoption of
Ordinance No. 675 to establish the "New Development Area" Overlay Zoning District
Regulations (Design Guidelines) of the State Road 434 Corridor Vision Plan.
Public Works Department
D. Requesting the Commission hold a Public Hearing and approval of the Second Reading
of Ordinance No. 684 revising the Transportation Impact Fee. PURPOSE:to request the
Commission hold a Public Hearing and approve the Second Reading of Ordinance No. 684
which replaces the Transportation Impact Fee Cost Table identified as Appendix "B" of
Division 2, Article VII, Chapter 9 of the City Code of Ordinances.
Finance Department
E. Requesting the Commission approve for First Reading, Ordinance No. 688, establishing
a Police Public Safety Facilities Impact Fee. PURPOSE: to approve for First Reading,
Ordinance No. 688, establishing a Police Public Safety Facilities Impact Fee which repeals the
prior ordinance and establishes new fees.
Finance Department
F. Requesting the Commission approve for First Reading, Ordinance No. 689, establishing
a Fire Public Safety Facilities Impact Fee. PURPOSE: to approve for First Reading,
Ordinance No. 689, establishing a Fire Public Safety Facilities Impact Fee which repeals the
prior ordinance and establishes new fees.
City Manager
G. Requesting Commission review alternative life insurance coverage for City employees,
and authorize the City Manager to solicit ~ids for the life insurance alternative the
Commission desires. PURPOSE: to review alternative life insurance coverage for City
employees to determine ifit desires to change the current coverage, and to authorize the City
Manager to bid the life insurance alternative desired.
City Manager
H. Commission action relative to the Mayor's Veto of the Telecommunication Tower
Ordinance. PURPOSE: for the Commission to determine if it desires to over-ride the
Mayor's Veto of the Telecommunication Tower Ordinance.
A. City Attorney Frank Kruppenbacher/Bob Guthrie
B. City Manager Ronald W. McLemore
C. Commission Seat III - John Langellotti
D. Commission Seat IV - Cindy Gennell
E. Commission Seat V - David McLeod
F. Commission Seat I - Larry Conniff
G. Commission Seat II - Michael Blake
H. Mayor's Office - Paul P. Partyka
I. Adjournment.
There will be a workshop following the Regular Meeting of the City Commission.
I. Call to Order
n. Discussion on "Town Center" Planning
m. Adjournment.
Persons with disabilities needing assistance to participate in any of these proceedings should contact the Employee Relations Department,
ADA Coordinator 48 hours before the meeting at (407) 327-1800.
Persons are advised that if they decide to appeal any decisions made at these meetings/hearings may need a record of the proceedings and for
such purpose, they may need to insure that a verbatim record of the proceedings is made at their expense which record includes the
testimony and evidence upon which the appeal is to be based per Section 286.0105 Florida Statutes.