HomeMy WebLinkAbout_1997 09 22 City Commission Regular Meeting Agenda
Telephone (407) 327-1800
MONDAY. SEPTEMBER 22, 1997 6:30 P.M.
I. Call to Order
Roll Call
Pledge of Allegiance
Approval of Minutes of September 8, 1997
Approval of Minutes of Special Meeting of September 10, 1997
Mayor Partyka - Election Proclamation
Presentation of Resolution No. 825 to Robert Amato
Presentation of Resolution No. 826 to Charles Holzman
Presentation of Resolution No. 827 to Art Hoffmann
Parks and Recreation Department
A Requests that the Commission review the information and details regarding the City of
Winter Springs Annual Employee Picnic tentatively scheduled to be held October 25, 1997.
PURPOSE: to update the Commission on the planning preparations regarding the event
which will serve City Employees, Commissioners, Board Members and their families.
Public Works Department
B. Requesting Authorization for the City Manager to execute the Highway Beautification
Grant Memorandum of Agreement with F.D.O.T. PURPOSE: to request authorization for
the City Manager to execute the Highway Beautification Grant Memorandum of Agreement
with the Florida Department of Transportation in order to receive $117,316.00 for
landscaping improvements to S.R. 434 from Tuskawilla Road to S.R. 419.
Parks and Recreation Department
C. Requests the Commission waive the requirement to go to bid for the $9,173.00 purchase
offive each basketball goals and standards for the basketball courts construction at Torcaso
Park recognizing the U.S. patent protected Wausau Tile (Form, Inc.) Product #TF7180DB
stand and goals on sole source and authorize the City Manager to proceed with such
purchase. PURPOSE: to declare sole source therefore waiving bid requirements and
authorizing City Manager to proceed.
City Manager
D. Requesting the Commission authorize the City Manager to retain the services of Gray,
Harris and Robinson, Attorneys at Law, to develop new pension plan documents.
PURPOSE: to authorize the City Manager to retain the services of Gray, Harris and
Robinson, Attorneys at Law, to develop all necessary documents to implement the City's new
Pension Plan.
Community Development DepartmentlLand Development Division
A. Presents to the Commission, for informational purposes, the site plan for the AMOCO
facility. PURPOSE: to inform the Commission of the Staff approved site plan engineering for
the AMOCO facility to be located at the intersection of Hayes Road and State Road 434 (SW
City Manager
A Requesting the Commission hold a Public Hearing relative to the approval of Resolution
No. 829, setting the Final Millage Rate at 3.600 Mils or an alternative rate the Commission
deems appropriate and adoption of same, and relative to the adoption of the final reading of
Ordinance No. 677 establishing the Final Budget for Fiscal Year 1997-1998. PURPOSE: to
have the Commission approve Resolution No. 829 establishing the Final Millage Rate at
3.600 Mils or an alternative rate the Commission deems appropriate.
Al Requesting the Commission hold a Public Hearing relative to the approval of Ordinance
No. 677 establishing the Final Budget for Fiscal Year 1997-1998. PURPOSE: to have the
Commission adopt the Second Reading of Ordinance No. 677 otherwise known as the Final
Budget for Fiscal Year 1997-1998.
Community Development Department/Planning Division
B. Requests the Commission approve the Second Reading and adoption of Ordinance 680
to annex a 1.47 acre parcel located approximately 700 feet west of the intersection of Wade
Street and Old Sanford-Oviedo Road. PURPOSE: to request the Commission to approve the
Second Reading and adoption of Ordinance 680 to annex a 1.47 acre parcel in the County
enclave along Old Sanford-Oviedo Road.
Community Development DepartmentlPlanning Division
C. Requests the Commission approve the Second Reading and adoption of Ordinance 681
to change the future land use designation of a 1.47 acre parcel located approximately 700 feet
west of the intersection of Wade Street and Old Sanford-Oviedo Road, on the south side of
Old Sanford-Oviedo Road, from County designation of "Industrial" to the City's designation
of "Industrial". PURPOSE: to request the Commission to approve the Second Reading and
adoption of Ordinance No. 681 to change the future land use designation of a 1.47 acre
(Bracco) parcel in a County enclave from County designation "Industrial" to the City's
designation "Industrial".
Community Development Department/Planning Division
D. Requests the Commission approve the Second Reading and adoption of Ordinance 682,
to change the zoning designation ofa 1.47 acre parcel located approximately 700 feet west
of the intersection of Wade Street and Old Sanford-Oviedo Road from County designation
M-l "Industrial District" to City designation C-2 "General Commercial and Industrial" on the
City's Official Zoning Map. PURPOSE: to request the Commission to approve the First
Reading for adoption of Ordinance 682 to change the zoning designation of a 1.47 acre parcel
from County designation M-l"lndustrial District" to City designation C-2 "General
Commercial and Industrial" on the City's Official Zoning Map.
Community Development DepartmentIPlanning Division
E. Requests the Commission hold a Public Hearing to approve the First Reading for adoption
of Ordinance No. 683 to establish the "Redevelopment Area" Overlay Zoning District
Regulations (Design Guidelines) of the State Road 434 Corridor Vision Plan. PURPOSE:
to request the Commission to approve the First Reading for adoption of Ordinance No. 683
establishing the "Redevelopment Area" Overlay Zoning District Regulations (Design
Guidelines) that would become a part of Chapter 20 "The Zoning Ordinance" of the Code of
Ordinances of the City of Winter Springs.
Community Development DepartmentlPlanning Division
F. Requests the Commission approve the Second Reading and adoption of Ordinance No.
675 to establish the ''New Development Area" Overlay Zoning District Regulations (Design
Guidelines) of the State Road 434 Corridor Vision Plan. PURPOSE: to request the
Commission approve the Second Reading and adoption of Ordinance No. 675 to establish the
"New Development Area" Overlay Zoning District Regulations (Design Guidelines) of the
State Road 434 Corridor Vision Plan.
Community Development Department/Land Development Division
G. Presenting to the Commission the Planning and Zoning Board's recommendation as it
relates to the Preliminary Engineering for that project called Tuskawilla Road Site for
Commission action on the project. PURPOSE: to present to the Commission the Planning
and Zoning Board's recommendation as it relates to the preliminary engineering for the
Tuskawilla Road Site for Commission action on the project. This project is located on the
southwest corner of Tuskawilla Road and Orange Avenue and is proposed to have twenty
four (24) lots on approximately 11.2 acres ofland. The property is zoned R-IA.
Public Works Department
H. Requesting approval of the First Reading of Ordinance No. 684 revlsmg the
Transportation Impact Fee. PURPOSE: to authorize the First Reading of Ordinance No. 684
which replaces the Transportation Impact Fee Cost Table identified as Appendix "B" of
Division 2, Article VII, Chapter 9 of the City Code of Ordinances.
A. City Attorney - Frank Kruppenbacher/Bob Guthrie
B. City Manager - Ronald W. McLemore
C. Commission Seat II - Michael Blake
D. Commission Seat III - John Langellotti
E. Commission Seat IV - Cindy Gennell
F. Commission Seat V - David McLeod
G. Commission Seat I - Larry Conniff
H. Mayor's Office - Paul P. Partyka
a. Appointment to the Board of Trustees - Employee Pension Plan
Persons with disabilities needing assistance to participate in any of these proceedings should contact
the Employee Relations Department ADA Coordinator, 48 hours in advance of the meeting at
Persons are advised that if they decide to appeal any decision made at these meetings/hearings they
will need a record of the proceedings and for such purpose they may need to insure that a verbatim
record of the proceedings is made which record includes the testimony and evidence upon which the
appeal is to be based per Section 286.0105 F.S.