HomeMy WebLinkAbout1995 03 21 Code Enforcement Board Regular Meeting Agenda CITY OF WINTER SPRINGS, FLORIDA 1126 EAST STATE ROAD 434 WINTER SPRINGS. FLORIDA 32708-2799 Telephone (407) 327-1800 AGENDA CODE ENFORCEMENT BOARD 'Tuesday. 1'[are1121. 1995 - 7 ;00 P.M C:.1 ty Ha.lf ,. Cornmi 55I on ChamhE'l'S 1126 East state Road 434 Nin tel' Eipl J.ngs! 708 1. ('a.1l to 0 er~ "J Pledg~ of AllegJ.ance .., , Ro11 Ciall 4. Approval of Mlnu~es of JanualY 17, 1995. ':.l . DISCUSSIon of =ll1d PendIng Cases. 6. Case CEB-94-464 - Tuscar.;illa Realty Inc., 1301 Wlnter SprIngs Boule'1ard, WInter .1ngs.. PI, }2'~08. sect:ion 20-412, permit requJ.red for temporary building. 7. Case 5001.917- Charles S. AndreSC31lage, 219 ["forton Lane, Wil1tEJ1. Spring'.'3f FL 3270S'. SectioTi 4-",1 (A,n~nlal contI"ol anc! protection old.inane.? of Sem.lnole County, J:i'lorida, adopted.) 20.23, AnImals at large. c. ./1d)()l) ?1:nerl t.' Persons wlth d~sabJ.lltles needlng assistance co part~cipate In any of these proeeed~ngs shoul d COll tact the Emp10yee Rei at 1, ons Departmeni ADA Coord.inator 48 hours .in advi'11Jce of the mec:tlng at (407) 327 1800. Per,s ()lJE} aL-e: ,:]e]V".iEJEl(i tilat if rl~lej/ cie(-'.1:dt~: to a!:)p'ea.1 anv' ,je'('.lsJcris made at t:hese rneet.in9s hearlllqs.. ma.v need to insure that.: a verbatim re C'I().t' ct ()t rht=? .pL"DCeecii.ny,s .IS lna(fe' at t.he.iL ~?.."'{l)e'rlSe w',h_IC'}] L~t"~(~CTCj Includes the testImony and eVIdence upon WhICh the appeal is to be based per !i286.0105 Florida statutes.