HomeMy WebLinkAbout2002 02 06 Planning And Zoning /Local Planning Agency Regular Meeting Agenda CITY OF WINTER SPRINGS, FLORIDA 1126 EAST STATE ROAD 434 WINTER SPRINGS, FLORIDA 32708-2799 Telephone: (407) 327-1800 Fax: (407) 327-4753 E-mail: contactus@winterspringsfl.org AGENDA CITY OF WINTER SPRINGS PLANNING & ZONING BOARD/LOCAL PLANNING AGENCY REGULAR MEETING WEDNESDAY, FEBRUARY 6, 2002 -7:00 P.M. CITY HALL - COMMISSION CHAMBERS I. CALL TO ORDER Roll Call Pledge of Allegiance Agenda Changes II. CONSENT CONSENT A. Approval Of The November 7,2001 Regular Meeting Minutes. III. REGULAR AGENDA REGULAR A. Discussion With City Attomey Anthony A. Garganese On Dual Office Holding And The Sunshine Law. REGULAR B. Land And Water Conservation Fund Program Grant. IV. FUTURE AGENDA ITEMS V. REPORTS CITY OF WINTER SPRINGS AGENDA PLANNING & ZONING/LOCAL PLANNING AGENCY REGULAR MEETING - FEBRY ARY 6, 2002 PAGE 2 OF 2 VI. ADJOURNMENT Docs\BOARDS\P and Z LPA\AGENDA\2001\0209602 REGULAR.doc * PUBLIC NOTICE * This is a public mccting, and thc public is invited to attcnd. Plcasc bc adviscd that onc (1) or more members of The City OfWintcr Springs City Commission may be in attcndance at this mceting and may participatc in thc discussions at thc mccting. This Agcnda is subjcct to change. Persons with disabilitics nccding assistancc to participatc in any of thesc procccdings should contact thc City of Wintcr Springs, 48 hours in advance of the meeting at (407) 327-1800, pcr Scction 286.26 Florida Statutcs. Persons arc adviscd that if they decidc to appeal any dccisions made at thcse mcctings/hearings thcy will nccd a record ofthc proceedings and for such purposc, they may need to insurc that a verbatim record of thc proccedings is madc which record includcs the tcstimony and cvidencc upon which thc appeal is to be bascd pcr Scction 286.0105 Florida Statutcs.