HomeMy WebLinkAbout1989 10 04 Planning And Zoning /Local Planning Agency Regular Meeting Agenda
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WINTER ~fUtiGS. FI.QAIPl- ~7oa
. '. T~QphoOe ,(306) 3.~7'lUQQ .
planning and zoning ~oard Meeting
wednesday, october 4, 1989, 7:30 P.M.
Ci ty Hall
1126 East State RQad 434
winter Sprin~s, FL 32708
1. Call to Order.
2. Pledge of Aliegiance.
A. staff, Consultant, and 1\gency. In;Qr1Ili;\t~9nal and 'l'echnic~l'Sej;lsions
with Board. : , .
3.. Roll Call.
4. Approval of Minutes of septe~r 20,1989.
5. Annexation of 2 1/2 Acres Contiguouj;lto p~ Esti;\tes ...Pt.. Lot 147,
Blk. P, Mitchell survey, on ~liIca '.l'rail East O~F,i.sher' - Bird
6. 1\djour~ent.
overview of public: participation Program'to EPsure Awareness '~dEl'icit
from Citizens on proposed21ements of 1991CaIlprehensive Plan. , .
B. open Houses, Exhibits, Publications, Speakers, 2uestion.n~ires, and
SimilarOpportWlities to Acquire Cj.tizensCOJMlents." .'
. '
Persons are advised that if they decide to appeal any decision made At this meeting.
th~)' will need a record of the proceedings And fur such purpose. c:he)' IlIA)' nec:d '. to
en~ure thAt a verbatim record of th.: pl"oceedinga is puule ,which l"ecord'includc.ul the
te~ti",on)' and evidence upon which the Appeal is to be b~s~d pOl"Seccion 2U6.0L05
Florida Stututes. . .