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1972 03 20 Board of Adjustment Regular Meeting Agenda
~"-'r---~~~~" ;^,"t~~ll ..,~ -~;;-,R ".." _'.:r~<' ;;':i~):>;^~:; l<,:"':,)~:t :~~:~j PUBTJIO JIEABINO.. :eW OF ADJU8'1MJJ1-r -, 7 fOO P. M. Requeat tor atWaaee to construct and operate a,dal'''. oent..r at 401 Moaa Road tor MIt. and Mfa. J ,,,j Oat. ' ., . '., " ;~>,::~ :';,?,~: 'ir~ , /<:;~~ AGBlDA ,;.l'\;~ RECIVLAR. '.' SES8IOI-. .~~.'.'..'.'. . GE 0001. an. VnLAOEOP 1082110a..,00 Mdem ,20~ 1'72' '. '.ij, . .' . 1. C&1.1 to 01'4" ''t~ .,\"::-'<> 2. Pledse to Plal'~*tW 3. Roll C.ll ~;"'~-;J:. ~~. . ",,~>'_:>j;~ 4. Public BeariDI_t.;;; ~. . , ..,.. APplloation. ~......,,~8peOlal Peralt tor Mtt.. ' . '. . '.' Chal'le. Bl'ook.j\~ 1011. a_ba., A...e. '... . . APPllcatlC)Qj,~Sp.Clal Permit 1',01' Mra.M,Ji"J Eleanor Scottii;';lOO I. .Oortes Ave. ." ;.,. ("',~' .' 5. Seeoad and Th.. i~.,... :.:..."ar .adlnga _. t Ordlnanoe '10. 70 (Dr. Maeke.,' ~::.nex.tlon) ,:(.8'~'; ... 6. Ordln81),oe N o. 4If;~J'baDgea , , ':C":',-", ;'~'..'~ " 7. 1l1::::=r. otp1<>&ed Jl/aTOI'.. Sa1UJ'arl4 'XP''Q''~ " ';~::.~~':~, ....--' .e'ldenta .otlrl.d'."".\~...'.".,O OrL.....II'OO..~. . ,are_. ..... .... ,8tl,111. DS...; : " "'~". ....l.tt-,.: Mr. Rilllola" 1Ir.: ..t.., ';,;~.scotta.d. Mx-a. Benton. 01' Mr.. Scott are Mr.. ""00"', Mr.. and a.Mat&lnsel', Ifr. and Mra. Jaooba, . an,d. Mr.. he, Mr. . a."d Mr.. Ekatl'O., l'.a"4 Mr.. Bentonand'Mr. a"d Mr.. ,....':L. .. .. . ' ,;,~>',.;; ollinger. . "<j;.,~ ;::.";" ";;;;3~~~ ~;'~~~ .~ .J.... ~o~ ..~ t '. .;' ,'./ '.'",1 '.is