HomeMy WebLinkAboutCC_Regular Meeting Agenda_20250127_GS1-4_V1CITY COMMISSION REGULAR MEETING AGENDA MONDAY, JANUARY 27, 2025 - 6:30 PM CITY HALL - COMMISSION CHAMBERS 1126 EAST STATE ROAD 434, WINTER SPRINGS, FLORIDA 1 CALL TO ORDER Roll Call Invocation Pledge of Allegiance Agenda Changes AWARDS AND PRESENTATIONS 100. Non-Binding Preliminary Review (NBPR-2025-0002): HARBCO, 1063 W SR 434, Oviedo, FL 32765 Concept Plan INFORMATIONAL AGENDA PUBLIC INPUT Anyone who wishes to speak during Public Input on any Agenda Item or subject matter will need to fill out a “Public Input” form. Individuals will limit their comments to three (3) minutes, and representatives of groups or homeowners' associations shall limit their comments to five (5) minutes, unless otherwise determined by the City Commission. CONSENT AGENDA 300. Quarter 1 Budget Amendment for Fiscal Year 2024-2025 Resolution 2025-01 Quarter 1 Budget Amendment.pdf Attachment 1 Res 2025-01.pdf 301. Public Works / Fleet Division - Wheel Alignment Machine Purchase O'Reilly Alignment rack.pdf HUNTER-City of WinterSprings.L451LT-PS.060324.pdf Repair Right Alignment quote.pdf 302. Ellianos Coffee Shop Final Site Acceptance Final Site Acceptance Checklist Ellianos Coffee Shop 01.27.2025.pdf 303. The Oviedo-Winter Springs Chamber of Commerce "Central Winds Music Festival" Agreement Central Winds Music Festival Permit Agreement - November 15 2025.pdf PUBLIC HEARINGS AGENDA 400. Second Reading of Ordinance 2025-01: Tree Removal, Land Clearing, Grading, and Excavation Permits Ordinance 2025-01 Tree Removal and Excavation Grading Permits Clean.pdf Ordinance 2025-01 Legal Ad 401. Second Reading of Ordinance 2025-02: Land Development and Subdivisions 2 Ordinance 2025-02 Land Development and Subdivisions.pdf Ordinance 2025-02 Legal Ad 402. Greenway Kia North: Site Plan/Final Engineering Plans, Aesthetic Review, and Development Agreement. Staff Report Greenway Kia North Civil Plans.pdf A401_-_Exterior_Elevations_v1Origin.pdf KIA_Ground_Signs_Artwork_v1Origin.pdf Development Agreement - Greenway Kia - 1.2.2025.pdf Kia_Greenway_North_CC_Presentation 2025 01 27.pdf 403. First Reading of Ordinance 2025-03: Revising Section 14-3 of the City Code Regarding Criminal History Background Screening Ordinance No 2025-03 - Criminal History Checks.pdf REGULAR AGENDA 500. Discussion and Direction for 2025 Legislative Priorities 2025 Project Appropriations List.pdf 501. Review of the Veteran and Veteran Families Advisory Committee Resolution 2020-22 Establishing the Veterans Committee.pdf Veteran & Veteran Family Committee Staff Review.pdf Veteran Committee Support Emails 502. Matters Related to Boards & Committees 503. New Business REPORTS 600. City Manager Kevin A. Sweet 601. City Attorney Anthony A. Garganese 602. City Clerk Christian Gowan 603. Seat Three Commissioner Sarah Baker 604. Seat Four Commissioner/Deputy Mayor Cade Resnick 605. Seat Five Commissioner Mark Caruso 606. Mayor Kevin McCann 607. Seat One Commissioner Paul Diaz 608. Seat Two Commissioner Victoria Bruce PUBLIC INPUT Anyone who wishes to speak during Public Input on any Agenda Item or subject matter will need to fill out a “Public Input” form. Individuals will limit their comments to three (3) minutes, and representatives of groups or homeowners' associations shall limit their comments to five (5) minutes, unless otherwise determined by the City 3 Commission. ADJOURNMENT PUBLIC NOTICE This is a Public Meeting, and the public is invited to attend and this Agenda is subject to change. Please be advised that one (1) or more Members of any of the City's Advisory Boards and Committees may be in attendance at this Meeting, and may participate in discussions. Persons with disabilities needing assistance to participate in any of these proceedings should contact the City of Winter Springs at (407) 327-1800 "at least 48 hours prior to meeting, a written request by a physically handicapped person to attend the meeting, directed to the chairperson or director of such board, commission, agency, or authority" - per Section 286.26 Florida Statutes. "If a person decides to appeal any decision made by the board, agency, or commission with respect to any matter considered at such meeting or hearing, he or she will need a record of the proceedings, and that, for such purpose, he or she may need to ensure that a verbatim record of the proceedings is made, which record includes the testimony and evidence upon which the appeal is to be based" - per Section 286.0105 Florida Statutes. 4 AWARDS AND PRESENTATIONS ITEM 100 CITY COMMISSION AGENDA | JANUARY 27, 2025 REGULAR MEETING TITLE Non-Binding Preliminary Review (NBPR-2025-0002): HARBCO, 1063 W SR 434, Oviedo, FL 32765 SUMMARY The applicant requests non-binding preliminary review for consideration of an interlocal utility agreement between the City of Winter Springs and the City of Oviedo to support the applicant's proposed retail commercial concept plan that encompasses two properties and two jurisdictions. Property located at 1063 W SR 434, Oviedo, FL 32765, with parcel number 04-21-31-300-0040-0000, consists of approximately 0.92 acres within the jurisdiction of the City of Winter Springs. The applicant proposes 4,600 SF of retail development within the City of Winter Springs. The second property is located at 1021 W SR 434, Oviedo, FL 32765, with parcel number 04-21-31-500-0A00- 0000, consists of approximately 1.55 acres within the City of Oviedo's jurisdiction. The 6,500 SF retail development within the City of Oviedo does not have access to its respective jurisdiction's public utilities. Thus, the applicant is requesting an intercity utility agreement. FUNDING SOURCE RECOMMENDATION N/A 5 FEGWINTER SPRINGS AND OVIEDO RETAIL DEVELOPMENT 6 5127 S. Orange Avenue, Suite 200 Orlando, FL 32809 Phone: 407-895-0324 Fax: 407-895-0325 www.feg-inc.us DESIGNED BY DRAWN BY CHECKED BY APPROVED BY PROJECT NO. SCALE DATE SHEET NO. SHEET OFDATEREVISIONSBYCHECKED 24-025 NOVEMBER 20, 2024 FLORIDA ENGINEERING GROUP Engineering the Future FEG SAM J. SEBAALI, P.E. LICENSE NO. 42075 FLORIDA ENGINEERING GROUP, INC. CERTIFICATE No. EB-0006595 SJS THIS ITEM HAS BEEN ELECTRONICALLY SIGNED AND SEALED BY (ENGINEER), P.E. ON (DATE) USING A DIGITAL SIGNATURE. PRINTED COPIES OF THIS DOCUMENT ARE NOT CONSIDERED SIGNED AND SEALED AND THE SIGNATURE MUST BE VERIFIED ON ANY ELECTRONIC COPIES.ET SJS SJS WINTER SPRING RETAIL, FLORIDA 1"=30' 1 24-025_Concept2.dwg CONCEPT 2 C-1 1 7 8 9 West Elevation Front Elevation East Elevation new comercial building NUPA ARCHITECTURE L AIA NCARB Longwood FL 32779 101 Smokerise Blvd WWW.PNM-ARCHITECTURE.COM PHONE NUMBER 407-701-6440 AR # 96512 YELDEMtcetihcrA Concept Plan forSR 434 1050 Oviedo Florida A2 10 CONSENT AGENDA ITEM 300 CITY COMMISSION AGENDA | JANUARY 27, 2025 REGULAR MEETING TITLE Quarter 1 Budget Amendment for Fiscal Year 2024-2025 SUMMARY The City Manager is requesting that the City Commission consider and approve Resolution 2025-01 amending the Fiscal Year 2024-2025 budget. The City Charter provides the Commission may amend the budget by resolution. Only those funds requiring budget adjustments are included herein. This amendment represents activity for Quarter 1 FY 2025. The amendments are necessary for one of the following reasons: Rollover of Purchase Order of non-spent funds, must be re-appropriated if not included in subsequent budget. Re-allocation of Purchase Order due to movement of ARPA funds Appropriation of Storm Reserve based on final numbers for Milton Cleanup Recognition of Event Revenues/Expenses in preparation for Upcoming Spring Event This resolution formalizes the fiscal impact of the above items that were not included in the original 2024-2024 budget. Attachment 1 provides the detail on the increases and decreases of revenues and expenditures. FUNDING SOURCE RECOMMENDATION Staff recommends the City Commission consider and approve Resolution 2025-01. 11 City of Winter Springs Resolution 2025-01 Page 1 of 2 RESOLUTION 2025-01 A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COMMISSION OF THE CITY OF WINTER SPRINGS FLORIDA, AMENDING THE FISCAL YEAR 2024-2025 BUDGET; PROVIDING FOR SEVERABILITY, REPEAL OF PRIOR INCONSISTENT RESOLUTIONS, AND AN EFFECTIVE DATE. WHEREAS, Section 7.05 of the City Charter provides that the annual City budget may be amended by Resolution duly adopted by the Commission; and WHEREAS, the City Commission of the City of Winter Springs deems that this Resolution is in the best interests of the public health, safety, and welfare of the citizens of Winter Springs. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED BY THE CITY COMMISSION OF THE CITY OF WINTER SPRINGS, SEMINOLE COUNTY, FLORIDA, AS FOLLOWS: Section 1. Incorporation of Recitals. The foregoing recitals are deemed true and correct and are hereby fully incorporated by this reference. Section 2. That the Fiscal Year 2024-2025 City Budgets are amended as provided in Attachment 1 hereto. Section 3. Repeal of Prior Inconsistent Resolutions. All prior resolutions or parts of resolutions in conflict herewith are hereby repealed to the extent of the conflict. Section 4. Severability. If any section, subsection, sentence, clause, phrase, word, or portion of this Resolution is for any reason held invalid or unconstitutional by any court of competent jurisdiction, such portion shall be deemed a separate, distinct and independent provision and such holding shall not affect the validity of the remaining portion hereto. Section 5. Effective Date. This Resolution shall become effective immediately upon adoption by the City Commission of the City of Winter Springs, Florida. RESOLVED by the City Commission of the City of Winter Springs, Florida, in a regular meeting assembled on the 27th day of January, 2025. ATTEST: __________________________________________ KEVIN McCANN, Mayor 12 City of Winter Springs Resolution 2025-01 Page 2 of 2 _____________________________________ CHRISTIAN GOWAN, City Clerk Approved as to legal form and sufficiency for the City of Winter Springs only: _____________________________________ ANTHONY A. GARGANESE, City Attorney 13 City of Winter Springs Resolution 2025-01 Budget Amendment Attachment #1 Fund GL Db Cr 001-General Fund Increase Promo Advertising Expenditures for Eggciting Egg Hunt 001-72-7400-555480-003 5,220 Increase Misc Private Contribution/Donations for Eggciting Egg Hunt 001-72-7400-366000-003 5,220 130 - Solid Waste Fund Increase emergency recovery budget for Hurricane Milton debris cleanup - Storm Reserve 130-41-0000-530910 400,000 Increase consulting budget for FEMA application support (Carlisle Thompson) - Storm Reserve 130-41-0000-530314-003 30,000 Appropriate from Storm Reserve Fund Balance 130-00-0000-399900 430,000 * This is being submitted to FEMA for reimbursement and funds received will be reallocated to Storm Reserve 160 - TLBD Maintenance Fund Increase CIP Budget, project delayed due to Hurricane Milton (Rollover PO)160-15-0000-560650 200,000 Increase Insurance Settlement Proceeds 160-15-0000-369301 43,443 Appropriate from Fund Balance 160-00-0000-399900 156,557 180 - ARPA Fund Increase CIP Budget, Approved 09.23.24 Item 500 (Rollover PO) for Lift Station 7W Construction 180-36-0000-560650 4,044,327 Increase Recognition of ARPA Revenue from Deferred Revenue as Spent 180-00-0000-332390 4,044,327 Increase CIP Budget, Approved 12.11.23 Item 500 Budget (Rollover PO) for Waste Water Treatment Plant Design 180-36-0000-560650 3,700,000 Increase Recognition of ARPA Revenue from Deferred Revenue as Spent 180-00-0000-332390 3,700,000 410 - Water/Sewer Fund Increase CIP Budget, Approved 12.11.23 Item 500 Budget (Rollover PO) for Waste Water Treatment Plant Design 410-36-3600-560650 5,452,000 Increase Debt Proceeds from Approval of State Revolving Design Loan 01.10.25 410-00-0000-384000 5,452,000 Increase CIP Budget, Approved 12.11.23 Item 500 Budget (Rollover PO) for Waste Water Treatment Plant Design 410-36-3600-560650 3,457,045 Appropriate from Designated Sewer Infrastructure Funds, approved 09.23.24 BA 2024-24 410-00-0000-399900 3,457,045 Increase of Revenues/Expenditures 17,288,592 17,288,592 14 CONSENT AGENDA ITEM 301 CITY COMMISSION AGENDA | JANUARY 27, 2025 REGULAR MEETING TITLE Public Works / Fleet Division - Wheel Alignment Machine Purchase SUMMARY In advancing our in-house capabilities while reducing down time required for cars to be sent out to a third-party vendor for a wheel alignment, the Public Works Department would like to purchase a wheel alignment machine, which includes training and installation. This purchase would provide an overall savings to the Fleet Maintenance Division in its long term ongoing operating costs. Staff recommends that City award this purchase to O'Reilly Auto Parts for the sum of $57,335.00. Though this was not the lowest bid it includes training and the initial installation of the equipment. The other two bids were from Hunter Engineering Company for $81,223.03 and Repair Right for $51,140.00 which did not provide training or installation. FUNDING SOURCE Budgeted Item: 001-41-1940-560640 (Wheel Alignment Machine) RECOMMENDATION Staff requests approval from the City Commission for the purchase of a wheel alignment machine from O'Reilly Auto Parts for the sum of $57,335.00, to provide internal required services for all City-owned vehicles. This will extend the service life of tires and provide an added measure of safety to vehicle performance. 15 16 Vendor:MOHAWK LIFTS LLC PO Box 110, Amsterdam, NY 12010 HUNTER@MOHAWKLIFTS.COM Karly 800-833-2006 x7777 6/3/2024 PART #QTY LIST PRICE CONTRACT PRICE TOTAL L451LT-PS 1 52,459.21$ 40,967.13$ 40,967.13$ 20-2993-1 1 1,798.23$ 1,404.30$ 1,404.30$ 20-3146-1 1 2,877.17$ 2,246.88$ 2,246.88$ WA684CMA 1 45,546.11$ 35,568.46$ 35,568.46$ 20-2511-1 1 269.73$ 210.64$ 210.64$ 20-2621-1 1 239.77$ 187.24$ 187.24$ 20-2664-1 1 598.23$ 467.18$ 467.18$ 213-47-2 1 191.82$ 171.20$ 171.20$ mohawklifts.com/w9 Subtotal 81,223.03$ Sales Tax (if applicable)-$ NOTES: TOTAL 81,223.03$ JAX V8.23 Sourcewell Contract # 121223-MRL Valid: 02/07/2024 - 02/12/2028 Payment Terms: FOB Destination, Prepaid Net 30 For purchase of Hunter equipment using: QUOTE NUMBER Freight Terms: All quoted equipment has been Competitively Bid and Competitively Awarded on Sourcewell Contract # 121223-MRL, and is Guaranteed Best government pricing. Freight, Installation, Training & Training Certificates Included @ No Charge. CUSTOMER QUOTE DATE Lead Time: (407) 327-8982 June 23, 2024 WinterSprings.L451LT-PS.060324 WinAlign Package including WA684 console with 27" Wide Screen LCD Display and HE421CM sensors. This quotation is subject to the terms and conditions noted on the following page 380 Old Sanford Oviedo Rd WINTER SPRINGS, FL 32708 City of Winter Springs Good Through: L45x 4-Post Lift LED Lighting Kit - Illuminates front and rear of vehicle. Turns on/off automatically as rack is raised/lowered. Click here for Mohawk Lifts LLC Form W9: Convex Mirror 20" x 30". up to 90 Business Days ARO Extra Long Drive-On Ramp Extension Kit for 26" wide runway L45X model 4-posts. Adds 40" to length for low ground clearance vehicles or high floor slope conditions. May be folded up. DESCRIPTION 4-Post, Open Front, PowerSlide, 18,000lbs Capacity, 211" 2WA WB, (2) 9,000lbs Swing Jacks, PowerSlide turnplates, air line kit. TD Target (Elite) Wheel Off Adjustment - This kit contains 20-1978-1 wheel off adaptor kit, and kit 20-2577-1, TD target to SCA adaptor kit. Medium Duty Truck Spacer kit - This kit contains 4 each spacers for medium duty trucks. These spacers may be used with kit 20-2640-1. Wide Angle Extender Target Kit-Includes Left Wide Angle Adaptor, Right Wide Angle Adaptor and Bay ID Decals. Used for additional measurements, such as max steer and 20~ caster steers. 17 1) This order is subject to the standard terms and conditions of the above named contract and the corresponding master agreement, which are hereby incorporated by reference and accessible at www.govlifts.com. 2) The quoted prices have been competitively bid and awarded and are guaranteed to be the lowest government prices. 3) Electrical and compressed air connections to equipment are not included on this quotation. Any required concrete or electrical work is to be supplied by an outside contractor or the buyer and is not included in this quote. 4) All software pre-installed on, or subsequently released by Hunter for, Hunter equipment is licensed pursuant to the Hunter Engineering Company End User License Agreement ("EULA") accompanying such software. By placing an order for, purchasing, or using Hunter equipment, you acknowledge and agree to be legally bound by the EULA, which is hereby incorporated by reference. 5) Each party will agree to defend, hold harmless, and indemnify the other from any cost, loss, or damages of any type, including attorney fees, to the extent that they arise from the breach of the Agreement and/or willful misconduct or negligence. 6) The buyer is responsible for inspecting all products at the time of delivery and before signing the delivery receipt, freight bill, or bill of lading. Should the buyer determine at the time of delivery that any items are damaged or missing the buyer must note the item, discrepancy, or condition on the delivery receipt, freight bill, or bill of lading. Mohawk is not responsible for missing or damaged products when the buyer has signed the delivery receipt, freight bill, or bill of lading in good condition. 7) A fork truck must be supplied at the offload site to unload the equipment from the freight carriers and, if applicable, for installation. 8) Price does not include sales tax (unless applicable), duties, brokerage, or any other fees. 9) Any and all permits, licenses, fees, etc. are the buyers responsibility JAX V8.23 Name: Address: Contact: Phone: Email: Delivery Hours/Instructions: HUNTER@MOHAWKLIFTS.COM BILLING INFORMATION SHIPPING INFORMATION Remit orders to: Acknowledged and Accepted by: Email MOHAWK LIFTS LLC PO Box 110, Amsterdam, NY 12010 Authorized Buyers Signature Date Phone Title Name: Address: Contact: Authorized Buyers Name (PRINT) To place your order using this quotation, please fill in the following required information: Phone: TERMS AND CONDITIONS WinterSprings.L451LT-PS.060324 Email: DUNS: 117797939 / CAGE CODE: 8VDK6 / UEI: F9QME4G11RT5 / FEIN: 85-3221959 / SMALL BUSINESS SAM REGISTERED Same as Billing 18 INVOICE **** ESTIMATE **** Repair Right ============ Blaine Langford 558 Highland Drive Eustis FL 32726 ---Jesse 828-371-7272---- Blaine 352-267-2161 Invoice # 88982 DATE:12/18/2024 Acct# 3119 winter springs fleet maitenance city of winter springs 380 old sanford oviedo rd winter springs ---------------------------------- TYPE SALE PART NUMBER DESCRIPTION QTY UNIT PRICE EXTENDED ---------------------------------- Regular ATEATTD-414 ATLAS 14000 LB HEAVY DUTY 4-POST 1 7141.43 7141.43 Regular ATEATEDGE-TD3200HP RAVAGLIOLI TD3200HP PREMIUM 3-D 1 43998.57 43998.57 ---------- Subtotal 51140.00 Tax 0.00 ----------------- TOTAL 51140.00 19 CONSENT AGENDA ITEM 302 CITY COMMISSION AGENDA | JANUARY 27, 2025 REGULAR MEETING TITLE Ellianos Coffee Shop Final Site Acceptance SUMMARY Ellianos Coffee Shop, located at 1483 E SR 434. The project was approved on December 11, 2023 via SP2023-0034 and AR2023-00000035. The project's final acceptance closeout list is attached. All relevant items on said list have been completed. The final Engineering review was completed January 14, 2025; final Fire Inspection was completed January 16, 2025; final Building Inspection was completed January 17, 2025. A Temporary Certificate of Occupancy was issued on January 17, 2025. FUNDING SOURCE N/A RECOMMENDATION Staff recommends that the City Commission find the site work to have been built in substantial accordance with the Final Engineering plans. 20 21 22 CONSENT AGENDA ITEM 303 CITY COMMISSION AGENDA | JANUARY 27, 2025 REGULAR MEETING TITLE The Oviedo-Winter Springs Chamber of Commerce "Central Winds Music Festival" Agreement SUMMARY The Oviedo-Winter Springs Chamber of Commerce intends to partner with the City of Winter Springs to host a one day music festival event, "Central Winds Music Festival" located at Central Winds Park on Saturday, November 15th from 4pm to 8pm. The proposed agreement will include a $2,000.00 facility rental fee for the exclusive use of Central Winds Park by The Chamber. Additional Oviedo-Winter Springs Chamber of Commerce obligations include, but are not limited to, providing payment for additional overtime exceeding $5,500.00 for City Law enforcement, overnight security services (if needed), all banner production costs, cost of repairs to event space (if needed), advertising, parking coordination for vendors, stage, sound, lighting, entertainment, food, beverage, generators, light towers, vendor coordinator, portable restroom facilities, etc. The City of Winter Springs will provide City Law enforcement services of up to $5,500.00 in overtime for services authorized by the City Manager to ensure public safety. Further City obligations include, but are not limited to, allowing event parking in City areas as appropriate, providing available restroom facilities at the baseball complex, event promotion by City social media as appropriate, site preparations to include mowing grass and spraying insect repellant and road closures as necessary. FUNDING SOURCE RECOMMENDATION Staff recommends Commission approval for this agreement between the Oviedo Winter Springs Chamber of Commerce and the City of Winter Springs to host the second annual " Central Winds Music Festival " Additionally, staff recommends authorizing the City Manager and City Attorney to prepare and execute any and all documents consistent with this agenda item. 23 3rd Annual Central Winds Music Festival 2025 City of Winter Springs/Oviedo-Winter Springs Regional Chamber of Commerce, Inc. Page 1 of 13 CITY OF WINTER SPRINGS, FLORIDA 3rd ANNUAL CENTRAL WINDS MUSIC FESTIVAL PERMIT AGREEMENT THIS PERMIT AGREEMENT (“Agreement”) is made and entered into as of the ____ day of _____________, 2025, by and between the CITY OF WINTER SPRINGS, a Florida municipal corporation (“City”), and THE OVIEDO-WINTER SPRINGS REGIONAL CHAMBER OF COMMERCE, INC., a Florida Not For Profit Corporation (“Permittee”). WITNESSETH: WHEREAS, Permittee desires to hold a Special Event for the benefit of the public in the interest of increasing public appreciation of music through the production of the Central Winds Music Festival on November 15, 2025, in Central Winds Park, located in and owned by the City of Winter Springs, Florida; and WHEREAS, Permittee held the 1st Annual Central Winds Music Festival in 2023 and the 2nd Annual Central Winds Music Festival in 2024, and desires to continue to hold the annual event in the City; and WHEREAS, Permittee desires a permit from the City which would authorize the Permittee to hold the 3rd Annual Central Winds Music Festival at the Central Winds Park as permitted under the terms of this Agreement; and WHEREAS, Permittee represents and warrants that it has the personnel, tools, materials, and experience to satisfy the permit requirements set forth hereunder and to provide the Special Event as provided herein. NOW THEREFORE, in consideration of the provisions contained in this Agreement, and other good and valuable consideration, which the parties acknowledge has been received, the parties agree as follows: 1.0 Incorporation of Recitals: The foregoing recitals are true and correct and by this reference are fully incorporated into this Agreement. 2.0 General Provisions: 2.1 Definitions. a) “Advertise” shall mean the act of publicly announcing or calling attention to the Special Event and could include, but not be limited to, the distribution of handbills or mass mailings, the use of outdoor advertising and announcements by billboard, poster, radio, television, or newspapers. 24 3rd Annual Central Winds Music Festival 2025 City of Winter Springs/Oviedo-Winter Springs Regional Chamber of Commerce, Inc. Page 2 of 13 b) “Agreement” or “Contract” shall mean this Agreement and all exhibits and addendums thereto between the City and Permittee regarding the Special Event permitted herein. c) “Central Winds Park” shall mean the park owned and operated by the City, which is located within the City of Winter Springs on State Road 434 and adjacent to the Winter Springs High School and Lake Jessup. d) “City” shall mean the City of Winter Springs, a Florida municipal corporation and its employees, agents and contractors. e) “City Manager” shall mean the City Manager of the Winter Springs, Florida or his designee. f) “Permittee” shall mean THE OVIEDO-WINTER SPRINGS REGIONAL CHAMBER OF COMMERCE, INC., a Florida Not For Profit Corporation, and its officers, employees, agents, and its contractors. g) “Effective Date” shall be the date on which the last signatory hereto shall execute this Agreement, and it shall be the date on which this Agreement shall go into effect. The Agreement shall not be effective against any party until said date. h) “Public Records” are as defined in Chapter 119, Florida Statutes. i) “Special Event” shall mean the outdoor Central Winds Music Festival to be held at Central Winds Park, further described in this Agreement. The Special Event shall be held on November 15, 2025, from 4:00 p.m. to 8:00 p.m. The Special Event shall be planned, promoted, managed, and operated by the Permittee pursuant to the terms of this Agreement. 2.2 Permit. The City hereby permits the Permittee and the Permittee agrees to provide the Special Event outlined in this Agreement. No prior or present agreements or representations shall be binding upon any of the parties hereto unless incorporated in this Agreement. 3.0 Scope of Special Event. Permittee agrees to provide the following Special Event under the following special operating conditions: 3.1 Special Event. Permittee shall advertise, produce, plan, promote, manage and operate the Special Event in cooperation with the City. In furtherance thereof, Permittee agrees to keep the City Manager fully informed of its plan to promote, manage, and operate the Special Event so that City can reasonably satisfy its obligations under this Agreement and reasonably address issues of public health, safety, and welfare related to the Special Event. 25 3rd Annual Central Winds Music Festival 2025 City of Winter Springs/Oviedo-Winter Springs Regional Chamber of Commerce, Inc. Page 3 of 13 3.2 Food and Beverage. Permittee agrees to provide all food and beverage concessions for the Special Event. Alcoholic beverages shall be limited to beer and wine. Permittee shall retain all fees, commissions, and net profits from the concessions provided by Permittee. 3.3 Sponsorship; Event Fees. Unless otherwise provided in this Agreement, Permittee shall retain the sole right to all sponsorships and paid fees for the Special Event. 3.4 Staging; Other Production Materials. Permittee shall provide all staging and production materials necessary to produce a high quality Special Event including, but not limited to, professional audio system, staging and stage lighting, golf carts, radios, tents, port-a-lets, security, event staff, and catering for staff. 3.5 Professional Entertainment. Permittee shall provide professional entertainment during the Special Event as deemed appropriate to a family-oriented and traditional Music Festival event. 3.6 City Special Event Policy. Permittee agrees to comply with the City’s written Special Event policies, if any, deemed applicable to the Special Event by the City Manager. 3.7 Permits. Permittee shall obtain all local, state, and federal permits necessary to hold the Special Event and conduct any particular activities therein. City shall waive all City permit fees for the Special Event in consideration of the compensation required to be paid City under this Agreement. 4.0 Compensation, Expenses and Obligations. Compensation, expenses and obligations for the Special Event shall be paid as follows: 4.1 Permittee Expenses. Unless otherwise provided in this Agreement, Permittee shall pay all costs and expenses necessary for the Permittee to satisfy its obligations under this Agreement including, but not limited to: (1) the cost of overtime exceeding $5,500.00 for City law enforcement services authorized by the City Manager to ensure public safety during the Special Event and during set- up and breakdown of the Special Event; (2) the cost of any fire department services authorized or required by the City Manager to ensure public safety during the Special Event and during set-up and breakdown of the Special Event; (3) overnight security services, if desired by Permittee; (4) facility rental fee for use of Central Winds Park in the amount of Two Thousand Dollars and Zero Cents ($2,000.00); (5) all costs of production and otherwise relating to all Central Winds Music Festival banners; (6) actual cost to repair any damage to Central Winds Park and adjacent areas incurred as a direct result of the Special Event; (7) all advertising, directional, informational and like signage for the Special Event; (8) parking coordination for musicians, vendors, and public; (9) stage, sound system, lighting, and entertainment; (10) all food and beverages; (11) provide portable 26 3rd Annual Central Winds Music Festival 2025 City of Winter Springs/Oviedo-Winter Springs Regional Chamber of Commerce, Inc. Page 4 of 13 restroom facilities (and the cleaning and stocking thereof); (12) all generators needed for the event; (13) all necessary power at Central Winds Park to include three phase 300-amp; single phase 100-amp power drop at the main stage location and additional 20-amp as needed (each of the main drops must be isolated during the Special event and on set-up days); (14) a minimum of eight (8) light towers to be used for the Event; (15) clean up during and at the conclusion of the Special Event, including but not limited to the set-up and emptying of all trash containers both throughout and until the conclusion of the Special Event; and (16) trash containers and liners for set-up, use, and emptying by Permittee. Payment for any expenses owed to the City under this provision shall be made no later than ten (10) days following the City’s submission of such expenses to Permittee. If Permittee desires that such Central Winds Music Festival banners be returned to Permittee following the Event, Permittee is responsible for the coordination and pickup from City staff of such banners within one week of the Event. 4.2 City Obligations. City shall provide the following services and facilities for the Special Event: (1) use of Central Winds Park on the day of the Central Winds Music Festival, and Permittee shall have general access during the four (4) preceding days for set-up purposes and the four (4) days following the event for load out and clean up purposes; (2) use of Central Winds Park parking areas in addition to City-owned parking areas at City Offices; (3) use of restroom facilities at the baseball complex; (4) promotion of the event through The Insider, E-Alerts, City Hall electronic sign messaging, and City website; (5) hanging and removal of Central Winds Music Festival banners on existing pole brackets, and, if also provided to the City by Permittee, hanging and removal of one forty-foot (40’) long event banner; (6) use of electric as available in Central Winds Park; (7) mowing of the Special Event site; (8) spraying of a barrier spray and mosquito spray; (9) road closure and re-opening of Orange Avenue as needed, as determined at the City’s discretion; (10) coordination of fire and first aid services; (11) ensure the shutting down of irrigation at Central Winds Park on the Special Event date; and (12) the cost of overtime not to exceed $5,500.00 for City law enforcement services authorized by the City Manager to ensure public safety during the Special Event and during set-up and breakdown of the Special Event. 5.0 Due Diligence. Permittee acknowledges that it has investigated prior to the execution of this Agreement and satisfied itself as to the conditions affecting the Special Event desired hereunder, the availability of materials and labor, the cost thereof, the requirements to obtain necessary insurance, permits, professional entertainment and the steps necessary to complete the Special Event within the time set forth herein. The Permittee warrants unto the City that it has the competence and abilities to carefully, professionally, and faithfully complete the Special Event in the manner and within the time limits proscribed herein. The Permittee will perform the Special Event with due and reasonable diligence consistent with sound professional and labor practices and with due and reasonable consideration to the public health, safety, and welfare. 27 3rd Annual Central Winds Music Festival 2025 City of Winter Springs/Oviedo-Winter Springs Regional Chamber of Commerce, Inc. Page 5 of 13 6.0 General Miscellaneous Provisions. The following general miscellaneous provisions shall apply to this Agreement: 6.1 Time of the Essence. The City’s responsibility to make Central Winds Park and adjacent areas available to Permittee is limited to the time periods set forth hereunder. As such, the Permittee acknowledges and agrees that time is of the essence for the completion of the Special Event to be performed under this Agreement. 6.2 Non-Business Day. In the event that any period of time as set forth in this Agreement expires or any date herein occurs on a Saturday, Sunday, holiday or other non-business day, then such date shall automatically extend to 5:00 p.m. on the next subsequent business day, excluding the day(s) the Special Event will be held pursuant to this Agreement. 6.3 No Assignment. This Agreement shall not be assigned or transferred unless prior written consent is granted by the City Commission of Winter Springs. 6.4 Further Assurances. From and after the execution of this Agreement, each of the parties hereto shall fully cooperate with each other and perform any further act(s), execute and deliver any further documents which may be necessary or desirable in order to carry out the purposes and intentions of this Agreement. 6.5 Legal Representation. The parties acknowledge that Anthony A. Garganese, Esquire, and Garganese, Weiss, D’Agresta & Salzman, P.A., and other attorneys therein, have acted as counsel for the City in connection with this Agreement and the transactions contemplated herein, and have not given legal advice to any party hereto other than the City. 6.6 Severability. If a word, sentence, or paragraph herein shall be declared illegal, unenforceable, or unconstitutional, the said word, sentence, or paragraph shall be severed from this Agreement, and this Agreement shall be read as if said illegal, unenforceable, or unconstitutional word, sentence, or paragraph did not exist. 6.7 Governing Law and Venue. This Agreement shall be governed by the law of the State of Florida. Venue of all disputes shall be properly placed in Seminole County, Florida. The parties agree that the Agreement was consummated in Seminole County, and the site of the Special Event is Seminole County. If any dispute concerning this Agreement arises under Federal law, the venue will be the Middle District of Florida, Orlando Division. Any objections to jurisdiction and venue are expressly waived. 6.8 Attorney’s Fees. Should any litigation arise concerning this Agreement between the parties, the parties agree to bear their own costs and attorney’s fees and paralegal’s fees. 28 3rd Annual Central Winds Music Festival 2025 City of Winter Springs/Oviedo-Winter Springs Regional Chamber of Commerce, Inc. Page 6 of 13 6.9 Non Waiver. No delay or failure by either party to exercise any right under this Agreement, and no partial or single exercise of that right, shall constitute a waiver of that or any other rights, unless otherwise expressly provided herein. 6.10 Notices. Any notice, request, instruction, or other document to be given as part of this Agreement shall be in writing and shall be deemed given under the following circumstances: when delivered in person; or three (3) business days after being deposited in the United States Mail, postage prepared, certified or registered; or the next business day after being deposited with a recognized overnight mail or courier delivery service; or when transmitted by facsimile or telecopy transmission, with receipt acknowledged upon transmission; and addressed as follows (or to such other person or at such other addresses, of which any party hereto shall have given written notice as provided herein): TO THE CITY: City Manager City of Winter Springs 1126 East S.R. 434 Winter Springs, FL 32708-2799 (407) 327-5957 (Phone) (407) 327-6686 (Fax) WITH A COPY TO: Anthony A. Garganese, City Attorney Garganese, Weiss, D’Agresta, & Salzman P.A. 111 N. Orange Avenue, Suite 2000 Orlando, FL 32802-2873 (407) 425-9566 (Phone) (407) 425-9596 (Fax) TO PERMITTEE: Roxane Ferguson, President The Oviedo-Winter Springs Regional Chamber of Commerce P.O. Box 621236 Oviedo, FL 32762-1236 Phone: (407)278-4870 Email: rferguson@owsrcc.org 6.11 Counterparts. This Agreement may be executed in any number of counterparts, each of which when so executed and delivered, shall be original; but such counterparts shall together constitute but one and the same instrument. 6.12 Public Record. In accordance with section 119.0701, Florida Statutes, Permittee agrees that all documents, transactions, writings, papers, letters, tapes, photographs, sound recordings, data processing software, or other material, regardless of the physical form, characteristics, or means of transmission, made or received pursuant to this Agreement or in connection with any funds provided by the City pursuant to this Agreement may be considered public records pursuant to 29 3rd Annual Central Winds Music Festival 2025 City of Winter Springs/Oviedo-Winter Springs Regional Chamber of Commerce, Inc. Page 7 of 13 Chapter 119, Florida Statutes. Permittee agrees to keep and maintain any and all public records that ordinarily and necessarily would be required by the City in order to perform the services required by this Agreement. Permittee also agrees to provide the public with access to public records on the same terms and conditions that the City would provide the records and at a cost that does not exceed the cost provided by Chapter 119, Florida Statutes or as otherwise provided by law. Permittee shall also ensure that public records that are exempt or confidential and exempt from public records disclosure requirements are not disclosed except as authorized by law. In addition, Permittee shall meet all requirements for retaining public records and transfer, at no cost, to the City all public records in possession of the Permittee upon termination of this Agreement and destroy any duplicate public records that are exempt or confidential and exempt from public records disclosure requirements. All records stored electronically must be provided to the City in a format that is compatible with the information technology systems of the City. If Permittee does not comply with a public records request, the City shall have the right to enforce the provisions of this Paragraph. In the event that Permittee fails to comply with the provisions of this Paragraph, and the City is required to enforce the provisions of this Paragraph, or the City suffers a third party award of attorney’s fees and/or damages for violating the provisions of Chapter 119, Florida Statutes due to Permittee’s failure to comply with the provisions of this Paragraph, the City shall be entitled to collect from Permittee prevailing party attorney’s fees and costs, and any damages incurred by the City, for enforcing this Paragraph against Permittee. And, if applicable, the City shall also be entitled to reimbursement of any and all attorney’s fees and damages which the City was required to pay a third party because of Permittee’s failure to comply with the provisions of this Paragraph. This Paragraph shall survive the termination of this Agreement. 6.13 Interpretation. Both the City and the Permittee have participated substantially and materially in the drafting of all parts of this Agreement. As a result, it is the intent of the parties that no portion of this Agreement shall be interpreted more harshly against either of the parties as the drafter. 6.14 No Joint Venture. This Agreement shall not in any way be deemed to create a joint venture or principal-agent relationship between Permittee and the City. 6.15 No City Representations and Warranties; Success of Special Event. Permittee agrees and acknowledges that the City has made no representations and warranties regarding the Special Event. Permittee has assumed full responsibility for furnishing, performing, and completing the Special Event and that Permittee agrees and acknowledges the City has in no way guaranteed that the Special Event will be successful and profitable by any person’s standard and belief of success and profit. 30 3rd Annual Central Winds Music Festival 2025 City of Winter Springs/Oviedo-Winter Springs Regional Chamber of Commerce, Inc. Page 8 of 13 7.0 Entire Agreement. This Agreement represents the entire and integrated Agreement between the parties and supersedes all prior negotiations, representations, or Agreements, either oral or written, and all such matters shall be deemed merged into this Agreement. 8.0 Sovereign Immunity. The City intends to avail itself of the benefits of Section 768.28, Florida Statutes and any other statutes and common law governing sovereign immunity to the fullest extent possible. Neither this provision nor any other provision of this Agreement shall be construed as a waiver of the City’s right to sovereign immunity under Section 768.28, Florida Statutes, or other limitations imposed on the City’s potential liability under state or federal law. Permittee agrees that City shall not be liable under this Agreement for punitive damages or interest for the period before judgment. Further, City shall not be liable for any claim or judgment, or portion thereof, to any one person for over two hundred thousand dollars ($200,000.00), or any claim or judgment, or portion thereof, which, when totaled with all other claims or judgments paid by the State or its agencies and subdivisions arising out of the same incident or occurrence, exceeds three hundred thousand dollars ($300,000.00). Nothing in this Agreement is intended to inure to the benefit of any third party for the purpose of allowing any claim which would otherwise be barred under the doctrine of sovereign immunity or by operation of law. This paragraph shall survive termination of this Agreement. 9.0 General Liability Insurance. For all activities and services permitted and which occur under this Agreement, including any and all activities and services provided and performed by Permittee and by authorized participants of the Special Event, the Permittee shall purchase and maintain, at its own expense, such general liability insurance, food and liquor liability insurance and automobile liability insurance to cover claims for damages because of bodily injury or death of any person or property damage arising in any way out of the activities and services permitted and occurring under this Agreement, including any and all activities and services provided and performed by Permittee and by authorized participants of the Special Event. The insurance shall have minimum limits of coverage of $1,000,000.00 per occurrence combines single limit for bodily injury liability, property damage liability, and food and liquor liability. This shall include, but not be limited to, automobile liability of owned vehicles, hired and non-owned vehicles, and employee non-ownership. All insurance coverage shall be insurer(s) approved by the City Manager and licensed by the state of Florida to engage in business of writing of insurance. Neither approval by the City nor failure to disapprove the insurance furnished by a Permittee shall relieve the Permittee of the Permittee’s full responsibility for performance of any obligation including the Permittee’s indemnification of the City under this Agreement. The City shall be named on the foregoing insurance policies as “additional insured.” The Permittee shall cause its insurance carriers to furnish insurance certificates and endorsements clearly specifying the types and amounts of coverage and effect pursuant hereto, the expiration date on such policies, and the statement that no insurance under such policies will be cancelled without thirty (30) days prior written notice to the City in compliance with other provisions of this Agreement. The Permittee shall furnish the Certificate of Insurance directly to the City’s designated representative. The Permittee shall be solely responsible to pay any deductible, if any, relating to any claim made against the insurance coverages and policies provided under this Agreement. 31 3rd Annual Central Winds Music Festival 2025 City of Winter Springs/Oviedo-Winter Springs Regional Chamber of Commerce, Inc. Page 9 of 13 If this City has any objection to the coverage afforded by or other provision of the insurance required to be purchased and maintained by the Permittee in accordance with this paragraph on the basis of its not complying with the Agreement, the City shall notify the Permittee in writing thereof within thirty (30) days of the date of delivery of such certificates and endorsements to the City. For all activities and services permitted and occurring under this Agreement, including any and all activities and services provided and performed by Permittee and by authorized participants of the Special Event, the Permittee shall continuously maintain such insurance in the amount, type, and quality as required by this paragraph. 10.0 Indemnification and Hold Harmless. 10.1 For all activities and services permitted and occurring under this Agreement, including any and all activities and services provided and performed by Permittee and by authorized participants of the Special Event, the Permittee agrees to the fullest extent permitted by law, to indemnify and hold harmless the City and its employees, officers, officials, agents, servants, and attorneys from and against any and all claims, losses, damages, personal injuries (including but not limited to death), or liability (including reasonable attorney’s fees), which directly or indirectly arises out of, or results from any act or failure to act of Permittee or any person authorized by Permittee to participate in the Special Event which in any way is related to Permittee’s obligations under this Agreement, and/or the services and activities provided and performed under this Agreement. The indemnification provided above shall obligate the Permittee to defend at its own expense or to provide for such defense, at the option of the City, as the case may be, of any and all claims and liability and all suits and actions of every name and description that may be brought against the City or its employees, officers, officials, agents, servants, and attorneys which may arise or result from this Agreement. In all events the City shall be permitted to choose legal counsel of its sole choice, the fees for which shall be reasonable and subject to and included with this indemnification provided herein. This section shall survive termination of this Agreement. 10.2 Supplemental Addendum to Agreement Relating to Infectious Communicable Diseases. In addition to the Indemnity and Hold Harmless provisions as set forth in Section 10.1, Permittee further agrees, to the fullest extent permitted by law, to all provisions of the Waiver of Liability and Hold Harmless Agreement (Infectious Communicable Diseases Including Covid-19) (“Infectious Communicable Disease Waiver”) attached hereto as a Supplemental Addendum to the Agreement and which is fully incorporated herein by this reference. Permittee shall execute the Infectious Communicable Disease Waiver along with this Agreement. 11.0 Standard of Care. In performing its activities and services hereunder, the Permittee will use that degree of care and skill ordinarily exercised, under similar circumstances by 32 3rd Annual Central Winds Music Festival 2025 City of Winter Springs/Oviedo-Winter Springs Regional Chamber of Commerce, Inc. Page 10 of 13 reputable members of its profession practicing in the same or similar locality. Permittee shall protect the public and property from any safety hazards directly or indirectly resulting from the Special Event and authorized participants thereto. 12.0 Public Forum Areas. The parties acknowledge and agree that during special events held on City owned or leased property, some portions of City owned or leased property such as roads, sidewalks and parks, may be considered a traditional, limited or designated public forum under law. For these areas, the parties acknowledge that the general public may have certain levels of First Amendment rights to express themselves freely within the parameters of the U.S. and Florida Constitutions. The City intends to preserve its rights and discretion to exercise control over these areas to promote an orderly special event and public safety, but the City’s control over and acceptance of First Amendment activities may be limited and will be governed by constitutional principles of law. The City does not provide any endorsements, guarantees or commitments of any kind to Permittee regarding any of these First Amendment activities should they occur during the Special Event even if said activities interfere with or impede the Special Event held by Permittee under this Agreement. 13.0 Suspension or Cancellation of Special Event. The City shall have the right to temporarily suspend or cancel the Special Event at any time in the event of an adverse weather condition, emergency, or in the event of any other occurrence requiring the temporary suspension or cancellation of the Special Event in furtherance of the health, safety and welfare of the City, pursuant to its inherent police powers under Chapter 166, Florida Statutes. Any such suspension or cancellation shall be at the City’s sole discretion and shall be without penalty to the City. The City shall provide Permittee with notice of any suspension or cancellation of the Special Event as soon as is practicable under the circumstances warranting suspension or cancellation. If the Special Event is cancelled through no fault of the Permittee, the City shall refund any fees paid by Permittee under this Agreement. 14.0 Term. The term of this Agreement shall commence upon full execution of this Agreement by the parties and end at such time Permittee has fully performed all the services required by this Agreement to the complete satisfaction of the City. 15.0 Permittee’s Signatory. The undersigned person executing this Agreement on behalf of Permittee hereby represents and warrants that he has the full authority to sign said Agreement for Permittee and to fully bind Permittee to the terms and conditions set forth in this Agreement. 16.0 Reporting Requirement. No later than sixty (60) days after the Special Event, Permittee agrees to make a presentation to the City Commission recapping the successes and challenges experienced during the Special Event. During the City Commission meeting, the Permittee will also present a written profit and loss statement for the Special Event which details the revenues received and expenses incurred by the Permitee. [Remainder of page intentionally blank. Signature page follows.] 33 3rd Annual Central Winds Music Festival 2025 City of Winter Springs/Oviedo-Winter Springs Regional Chamber of Commerce, Inc. Page 11 of 13 IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the parties hereto have executed this Agreement on the day and year written above. CITY OF WINTER SPRINGS, FLORIDA THE OVIEDO-WINTER SPRINGS REGIONAL CHAMBER OF COMMERCE, INC. By:_________________________ By:__________________________ Roxane Ferguson, President Name: ______________________ Date: _______________________ Title: _______________________ Date: _______________________ 34 3rd Annual Central Winds Music Festival 2025 City of Winter Springs/Oviedo-Winter Springs Regional Chamber of Commerce, Inc. Page 12 of 13 SUPPLEMENTAL ADDENDUM TO CITY OF WINTER SPRINGS 3RD ANNUAL CENTRAL WINDS MUSIC FESTIVAL PERMIT AGREEMENT WAIVER OF LIABILITY AND HOLD HARMLESS AGREEMENT INFECTIOUS COMMUNICABLE DISEASES INCLUDING COVID-19 As a condition of the use of any CITY OF WINTER SPRINGS (“CITY”) Facilities and/or Property (collectively referred to as the “Facilities”) and in consideration of being allowed to use the Facilities and to conduct and participate in the 2nd Annual Central Winds Music Festival and related activities conducted by Permittee (collectively referred to as “Activities”) thereon of any kind whatsoever, I, as the Applicant and Special Event Organizer (“Permittee”), on behalf of the Permittee, and any officers, employees, agents, contractors, volunteers, and guests under their supervision and control or for whom Permittee has the capacity to contract, hereby acknowledge and agree to the following: 1. The Permittee understands that use of the Facilities includes possible exposure to illness from infectious communicable diseases including, but not limited to MRSA, influenza, and the novel coronavirus (“COVID-19”). Permittee understands the hazards of infectious communicable diseases such as COVID-19 and is familiar with the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (“CDC”) guidelines regarding COVID-19. Permittee acknowledges and understands in particular that the circumstances regarding COVID-19 are changing from day to day and that, accordingly, the CDC guidelines are regularly modified and updated, and Permittee accepts full responsibility for familiarizing itself with the most recent updates about COVID-19 and any other infectious communicable disease. Permittee further recognizes and assumes the risk that while the City has implemented sanitation procedures for its Facilities, infectious communicable diseases and COVID-19 in particular may remain on surfaces for days, sanitation procedures do not guarantee in anyway such disease is not present, and other individuals present within or upon the Facilities may be COVID+ or infected with some other infectious communicable disease and Permittee accepts the inherent risks associated therewith by entering the Facilities or engaging in the Activities. 2. Notwithstanding the risks associated with infectious communicable diseases, including but not limited to those specifically set forth herein, which Permittee readily acknowledges, it hereby willingly chose to be in or on the Facilities and participate in Activities. Permittee shall also provide its officers, employees, agents, contractors, volunteers, and guests such health advisories it deems appropriate to maintain safety, in its sole responsibility and discretion, regarding communicable diseases and COVID-19 related to participating in the Activities at the Facilities, and Permittee shall further take such health and safety precautions that Permittee deems appropriate, in its sole responsibility and discretion, to ensure the health and safety of itself, and its officers, employees, agents, contractors, volunteers, and guests who will be present at the Facilities and participate in the Activities. 3. Permittee acknowledges and fully assumes the risk of illness or death related to all kinds of infectious communicable diseases including, but not limited to, COVID-19 arising from Permittee conducting the Activities at the Facilities and hereby RELEASE, WAIVE, DISCHARGE, AND COVENANT NOT TO SUE (on behalf of itself, and any officers, employees, agents, contractors, volunteers, and guests under their supervision and control or for whom Permittee has the capacity to contract to the extent legally possible, on behalf of any others with whom Permittee may come into contact and allege that they became ill or contracted any infectious communicable disease including, but not limited to, COVID-19 due to Permittee’s and any of its officer’s, employee’s, agent’s, contractor’s, volunteer’s, and guest’s presence in or on the Facilities and/or participation in the Activities), the CITY and the City’s elected officials, officers, attorneys, directors, employees, professional staff, agents and assigns (the “RELEASEES”) from any liability related to any and all infectious communicable diseases including, but not limited to COVID-19 which might occur as a result of Permittee conducting the Activities at the Facilities. 4. Permittee shall hold harmless the RELEASEES from and against any and all claims, demands, suits, judgments, losses or expenses of any nature whatsoever (including, without limitation, attorneys’ fees, costs and disbursements, whether of in-house or outside counsel and whether or not an action is brought, on appeal or otherwise), arising from or out of, or relating to, directly or indirectly, the infection of any and all communicable diseases including, but not limited to, COVID-19 or any other illness, property damage, injury or death alleged to have occurred on or in the Facilities or arising out of the Activities. 5. It is Permittee’s express intent that this Waiver and Hold Harmless Agreement shall bind any assigns and representatives, and shall be deemed as a RELEASE, WAIVER, DISCHARGE, AND COVENANT NOT TO SUE the above-named RELEASEES. This Agreement and the provisions contained herein shall be construed, interpreted and controlled according to the laws of the State of Florida and Venue related to any legal action related to the subject matter contained in this Agreement shall be Seminole County, Florida. PERMITTEE HEREBY KNOWINGLY AND VOLUNTARILY WAIVES ANY RIGHT TO A JURY TRIAL OF ANY DISPUTE ARISING IN CONNECTION WITH THIS AGREEMENT. PERMITTEE ACKNOWLEDGES THAT THIS WAIVER WAS EXPRESSLY NEGOTIATED AND IS A MATERIAL INDUCEMENT TO THE AUTHORIZATION GRANTED BY CITY TO BE ON OR IN THE FACILITIES AND PARTICIPATE IN THE ACTIVITIES. IN SIGNING THIS AGREEMENT. PERMITTEE ACKNOWLEDGES AND REPRESENTS THAT Permittee has read the foregoing Waiver of Liability and Hold Harmless Agreement, understands it and signed it voluntarily as Permittee’s own free act and deed; no oral representations, statements, or inducements, apart from the foregoing written agreement, have been made; the undersigned is at least eighteen (18) years of age and fully competent and authorized to contractually bind the Permittee; and the undersigned executes this Agreement for full, adequate and complete consideration fully intending to bind the Permittee to the terms and conditions of this Agreement. Permittee further represents this waiver and hold harmless is not in lieu of, but rather in addition to, any other waiver, hold harmless, release or indemnification set forth in the City of Winter Springs, Florida’s 2nd Annual Central Winds Music Festival Permit Agreement and the CITY’s adopted Rules, Policies & Rates for Usage for All CITY Facilities. This Agreement is hereby incorporated into and made a part of the 2nd Annual Central Winds Music Festival Permit Agreement if executed in conjunction herewith. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, I have signed this Waiver and Agreement on this _______ day of _______________________, 2025. 35 3rd Annual Central Winds Music Festival 2025 City of Winter Springs/Oviedo-Winter Springs Regional Chamber of Commerce, Inc. Page 13 of 13 NAME OF /ORGANIZATION/PERMITTEE: Oviedo-Winter Springs Regional Chamber of Commerce, Inc. SIGNATURE: _________________________________________________________ NAME/TITLE: ________________________________________________________ 36 PUBLIC HEARINGS AGENDA ITEM 400 CITY COMMISSION AGENDA | JANUARY 27, 2025 REGULAR MEETING TITLE Second Reading of Ordinance 2025-01: Tree Removal, Land Clearing, Grading, and Excavation Permits SUMMARY The Community Development Department has worked with the City Attorney’s Office to draft proposed changes to Chapter 5, Tree Protection and Preservation, Chapter 9, Land Development, and Chapter 20, Zoning, to clarify restrictions and requirements related to land clearing (grubbing), excavation, and grading operations. In recent months, staff has found that there has been confusion from developers pertaining to when they had permission to begin land clearing after approval of a site plan by the City Commission. In order to alleviate this confusion, this ordinance was drafted to add clarifying language to the various chapters of the City Code. The City Attorney’s Office drafted the proposed changes to the various chapters of the City Code. The Planning and Zoning Board approved on January 02, 2025 to recommend to City Commission. The first of two reading was approved by City Commission on January 13, 2025. Staff recommends City Commission approve the second and final reading of Ordinance 2025-01. FUNDING SOURCE RECOMMENDATION Staff recommends that the City Commission hold a Public Hearing and approve the Second Reading of Ordinance 2025-01. 37 City of Winter Springs Ordinance No. 2025-01 Page 1 of 13 ORDINANCE NO. 2025-01 AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY COMMISSION OF THE CITY OF WINTER SPRINGS, FLORIDA; AMENDING THE CODE OF ORDINANCES OF THE CITY OF WINTER SPRINGS TO CLARIFY THE PROCEDURES TO APPLY FOR TREE REMOVAL AND LAND CLEARING PERMITS; TO AMEND THE PENALTIES FOR TREE REMOVAL AND LAND CLEARING WITHOUT A PERMIT; TO ESTABLISH REGULATIONS REGARDING EXCAVATION AND GRADING AND PROCEDURES FOR APPLYING FOR EXCAVATION AND GRADING PERMITS; PROVIDING FOR THE REPEAL OF PRIOR INCONSISTENT ORDINANCES AND RESOLUTIONS; INCORPORATION INTO THE CODE; SEVERABILITY AND AN EFFECTIVE DATE. WHEREAS, the City is granted the authority, under Section 2(b), Article VIII, of the State Constitution, to exercise any power for municipal purposes, except when expressly prohibited by law; and WHEREAS, the City Commission recognizes that, in many cases, development permit applications, in particular applications for final engineering and site plans, are accompanied with grading, landscaping, and tree removal plans that are approved in conjunction with the development permit application; and WHEREAS, the City Commission desires to clarify that such development permit applications shall not themselves constitute permits or approvals to commence land clearing, tree removal, or excavation and grading operations; and WHEREAS, the City intends to establish specific regulations regarding excavation and grading operations; and WHEREAS, the City Commission desires to ensure that open excavation and grading sites and land clearing and tree removal operations do not commence until it is certain that preliminary plat and/or building permit applications have been approved for development so that these sites are not causing nuisance erosion and dust accumulation on neighboring properties for longer than necessary; and WHEREAS, the tree removal and land clearing provisions of the Code shall be updated with regard to penalties and enforcement to discourage tree removal and land clearing without a permit to the maximum extent permitted by law; and WHEREAS, pursuant to the Florida Community Planning Act and the City Code, the City’s Planning & Zoning Board/Land Planning Agency has reviewed and recommended adoption of this Ordinance at a duly held public meeting; and 38 City of Winter Springs Ordinance No. 2025-01 Page 2 of 13 WHEREAS, the City Commission of the City of Winter Springs, Florida, hereby finds this Ordinance to be in the best interests of the public health, safety, and welfare of the citizens of Winter Springs; and NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT ORDAINED BY THE CITY COMMISSION OF THE CITY OF WINTER SPRINGS, SEMINOLE COUNTY, FLORIDA, AS FOLLOWS: Section 1. Recitals. The foregoing recitals are hereby fully incorporated herein by this reference as legislative findings and the intent and purpose of the City Commission of the City of Winter Springs. Section 2. Code Amendment. Chapter 5, of the City Code is hereby amended as follows: (underlined type indicates additions to the City Code and strikeout type indicates deletions, while asterisks (* * *) indicate a deletion from this Ordinance of text existing in Chapter 5. It is intended that the text in Chapter 5 denoted by the asterisks and set forth in this Ordinance shall remain unchanged from the language existing prior to adoption of this Ordinance): Chapter 5 – TREE PROTECTION AND PRESERVATION * * * Sec. 5-3. Definitions. As used in this chapter, the following terms shall have the meanings indicated unless the context clearly indicates otherwise: * * * Land clearing (grubbing). The act of removing or destroying trees, ground cover, and other vegetation by manual, mechanical, or chemical means. Routine lawn mowing, sod replacement, planting of landscape material, shrub pruning, and shrub removal shall not be considered land clearing and grubbing provided no grade change occurs. Removal of understory by bush hog, forestry mulcher, or other means shall not be considered routine mowing when preparing a property for construction or results in trees being removed, destroyed or severely damaged. Excavation or grading activities shall not be considered land clearing and shall be regulated by Chapter 9, Article VI of the City Code of Ordinances. * * * Sec. 5-4. Permit required for tree removal and land clearing; separate violations; criteria; contractor permit required. (a) Permit required. Except as provided in section 5-4.5 herein, no person shall engage in tree removal or engage in land clearing located within the city, without first obtaining an approved land clearing and tree removal permit as provided in this chapter. Approval of a site and final engineering plan by the City Commission including a tree removal and landscaping/tree replacement plan shall not excuse an applicant from the requirement to apply for a tree removal or land clearing permit separately herein and concurrently with 39 City of Winter Springs Ordinance No. 2025-01 Page 3 of 13 such site and final engineering plan application for City Commission approval. Site and final engineering plan approval by the City Commission shall not be construed as a permit under this Chapter. If a property owner has retained a contractor to perform the land clearing or tree removal, the contractor must have a valid city issued arbor license required by subsection 5-4(e) and shall obtain the permit required by this chapter prior to the land clearing or tree removal. If no permit is obtained prior to tree removal or land clearing, the property owner and the contractor (if retained) shall have violated this section. It shall be a separate violation of this chapter for each tree removed and each day a person is engaged in land clearing without a permit. (b) Trees that can be removed by permit. Upon receipt of a completed application and verification on-site by the city arborist, a permit may be issued for tree removal if it is first determined by the city arborist that any one (1) of the following limited conditions exists to lawfully justify the tree removal: (1) Trees located on building and construction sites or projects as shown on city approved plans as provided in Section 5-6 below, provided said trees are replaced elsewhere on the property in accordance with section 5-9 of this chapter, except that city trees as defined in section 5-3 and historic and specimen trees under section 5-8 shall be preserved to the extent required by this chapter. (2) Trees with a trunk(s) located within ten (10) feet of a structure and that pose a clear hazard or that have caused significant damage to said structure as determined by the city arborist. (3) Trees severely diseased, severely injured or dead. (4) Trees that interfere with the construction or repair of public infrastructure and facilities including utilities. (5) Undesirable trees, per appendix A. (6) Trees required to be removed by the city or other governmental agency to facilitate necessary public utilities and infrastructure or remove visibility obstructions to vehicle drivers within a intersection visibility triangle and which are located within a public road, drainage rights-of-way, or permanent utilities and drainage easements. (7) Trees that pose a serious threat to persons or property. (8) Trees that prohibit or have the effect of prohibiting the installation or operation of a solar collector, clothesline, or other energy device based on a renewable resource. (9) All trees and plants, within a licensed tree nursery, planted for harvest shall be exempt from the terms and provisions of this chapter only if trees are planted and growing on the premises of the licensee and are for sale or intended for sale in its ordinary course of business. (10) One (1) tree located on an existing single-family home lot within a ten-year period pursuant to subsection 5-9(e). (11) Trees that unreasonably interfere with a property owner's established riparian or littoral rights or substantially interfere with and obstruct a substantial portion of a property 40 City of Winter Springs Ordinance No. 2025-01 Page 4 of 13 owner's visibility to a natural water body such as a lake, but only to the extent such right or visibility cannot be secured by tree trimming, pruning or windowing. * * * (e) Contractor city-issued license required; contractor obtaining permits. Any person or entity engaged in the business of tree removal or pruning shall be licensed by the city on an annual basis. Licenses may be obtained from the city by completing an application prepared by the city and paying the required license fee. The license application shall contain at a minimum the name, address, and telephone number of the contractor and a copy of the contractor's local business tax receipt, state license if required and proof of liability and workers' compensation insurance. As a condition of obtaining a license under this subsection, any previously unpaid penalties imposed by the city under section 5-18 shall be paid in full. It shall be unlawful for any person or entity to engage in the business of tree removal or pruning within the city without a license required under this subsection. It shall also be unlawful for any such person or entity to fail to obtain a permit on behalf of a property owner pursuant to subsection 5-4(a) of this chapter. * * * Sec. 5-6. Permit application. (a) Filing application and payment of fees. An application for tree removal and land clearing shall be filed on official forms provided by the city's arborist. The applicant shall be required to pay a fee as may be established by resolution of the city commission, except that no fee shall be required for the removal of trees that (i) are dead, diseased, or suffer from severe structural defects, (ii) pose a clear and obvious safety hazard to structures and people, (iii) are removed for a public project sponsored and paid for by the city, or (iv) any tree found on the Florida Exotic Pest Plant Council's Invasive Plant Species List. If the applicant is not the property owner, then the applicant shall attach the written permission of the property owner to the application. All completed applications shall be returned to the arborist, along with the following: * * * (b) Time for application. Applications for a tree removal or land clearing permit shall be made prior to removal or clearing; except that in the following cases, application shall be filed when indicated: (1) All new subdivisions shall be required to submit an application for a tree removal or land clearing permit, at the time of initial submittal of the preliminary subdivision plan and site and final engineering plan, to the city so that due consideration may be given to protection of trees during the subdivision design process. Each application for a tree removal permit shall be subject to review under the staff development review committee process. However, the tree removal permit shall not be approved and issued by the City until the preliminary subdivision plan and site and final engineering plans have been approved by the City Commission and all requirements of this Chapter have 41 City of Winter Springs Ordinance No. 2025-01 Page 5 of 13 been met, including identification of a city-licensed tree removal contractor as required by Section 5-4. (2) Any commercial, industrial, multi-family, mixed use or other use requiring final engineering and site plan approval under the city land development regulations shall be required to submit an application for a tree removal and land clearing permit at the time of site plan submittal so that due consideration may be given to the protection of trees during the site plan design process. Each application for a tree removal permit shall be subject to review under the staff development review committee process. However, the tree removal permit shall not be approved and issued by the City until all site and final engineering plan conditions of approval have been satisfied, a building permit for a building or structure has been approved by the Building Official, and all requirements of this Chapter have been met, including identification of a city-licensed tree removal contractor as required by Section 5-4. (3) All new single-family and duplex dwelling units shall be required to submit an application for a tree removal and land clearing permit at the time of application for a building permit; the tree inventory may be shown on the building permit plot plan. The tree removal permit shall not be approved and issued by the City until the building permit has been approved by the Building Official and all requirements of this Chapter have been met, including identification of a city-licensed tree removal contractor as required by Section 5-4. (c) Exempting portion of the tree survey. Upon request, the city arborist may permit an applicant to omit certain portions of the tree inventory required by subsection 5-6(a)(1) where compliance with the requirements set forth herein would be unnecessarily burdensome and the exempted portions are not needed for the city to evaluate the application such as in applications unrelated to the new development of buildings, structures or infrastructure on the subject land, limited only to the removal of one (1) or more isolated and specific trees on already developed land and have no impact on protected city trees. (d) Permit fee. A nonreturnable permit fee to be established by resolution of the city commission shall be paid for purposes of processing the application, enforcing the provisions of this chapter, and inspecting the real property subject to the application. (e) Posting of permit. The permit must be posted upon the property and visible from the street to be valid. (f) City commission approved plans, permits, and agreements. All permits issued by the city arborist under this chapter shall be required to be consistent, and not in conflict, with any plans, permits, or development agreements approved by the city commission. All permits or portions thereof issued by the city arborist in conflict with any approval of the city commission shall be deemed null and void and the approval of the city commission shall remain in full force and effect. * * * 42 City of Winter Springs Ordinance No. 2025-01 Page 6 of 13 Sec. 5-18. Enforcement; penalties. (a) Enforcement. The city may enforce the provisions of this chapter by any lawful means including, but not limited to, issuing a civil citation, bringing charges before the city's code enforcement board or special magistrate, and seeking injunctive and equitable relief. For purposes of determining the penalties provided under this chapter, the removal or death of a tree in violation of this chapter shall be deemed irreparable or irreversible. (b) Penalties. In addition to all other remedies set forth in this chapter or any applicable agreement between the city and a property owner, one (1) or more of the following civil fines shall apply to violations of this chapter: (1) Failure to obtain a permit under subsection 5-4(a): Fine of two hundred fifty dollars ($250.00) per tree or five hundred dollars ($500.00) per specimen or historic tree removed, or five hundred dollars ($500.00) per quarter acre of land cleared, whichever is greater, not to exceed five thousand dollars ($5,000.00). The fine under this subsection is in addition to the fine provided in subsection (2) or (3) for removal of tree without a permit. for each day the person fails to obtain an after-the-fact tree removal permit after the time provided to comply by the code enforcement board or, if at least one specimen tree has been removed, five hundred dollars ($500.00) for each day the person fails to obtain an after-the-fact tree removal permit after the time provided to comply by the code enforcement board, or five hundred dollars ($500.00) per quarter acre of land cleared for each day the person fails to obtain an after-the-fact land clearing permit after the time provided to comply by the code enforcement board, whichever is greater. Fines imposed for repeat violations shall be as provided in F.S. Chapter 162, as may be amended. If the trees were removed or land was cleared in anticipation of a development project on the property, the City’s code enforcement board may, in its discretion, allow for up to one (1) year for the developer to obtain approval of an after-the-fact permit in conjunction with approval of a final engineering and site plan, site plan amendment, or subdivision preliminary plat approval. In order to obtain an after-the-fact tree removal permit, a tree survey shall be required as provided in this section based on best available evidence of the trees that existed on the property prior to removal, such as aerial photographs. Restoration, replacement, and/or mitigation shall be required in order to obtain an after-the-fact tree removal or land clearing permit as provided in this section, in addition to the aggravating penalties provided in subsections (b)(2), (3), (4), and/or (5) below. (2) Removal of a tree without a permit: Fine of fifty dollars ($50.00) per caliper inch, not to exceed five thousand dollars ($5,000.00) per tree. Notwithstanding the penalties in subsection (b)(1) for failure to obtain a permit, for each individual tree removed without a permit: A fine of one hundred dollars ($100.00) per caliper inch, not to exceed five thousand dollars ($5,000.00) per tree. Violations of this section are considered irreparable and irreversible in nature. To the extent that a tree survey prepared during the course of applying for an after-the-fact tree removal permit reveals further inches removed, the City's Code Enforcement Board retains jurisdiction to adjust the fine. (3) Removal of a specimen or historic tree without a permit: Fine of one hundred dollars ($100.00) per caliper inch, not to exceed five thousand dollars ($5,000.00) per tree. 43 City of Winter Springs Ordinance No. 2025-01 Page 7 of 13 Notwithstanding the penalties in subsection (b)(1) for failure to obtain a permit, for each individual specimen tree removed without a permit: A fine of one hundred fifty dollars ($150.00) per caliper inch, not to exceed five thousand dollars ($5,000.00) per tree. Violations of this section are considered irreparable and irreversible in nature. To the extent that a tree survey prepared during the course of applying for an after-the-fact tree removal permit reveals further inches removed, the City's Code Enforcement Board retains jurisdiction to adjust the fine. (4) Removal of trees with inches unknown: Notwithstanding the penalties in subsection (b)(1) for failure to obtain a permit, for each individual tree removed without a permit with inches removed unknown: A fine of five thousand dollars ($5,000.00) per tree. This subsection shall apply if trees are removed in a manner making it impossible to determine the number of inches removed, such as where all stumps of the trees are removed. Violations of this section are considered irreparable and irreversible in nature. (5) Land clearing without a permit: Notwithstanding the penalties in subsection (b)(1) for failure to obtain a permit, land clearing without a permit: A fine of five thousand dollars ($5,000.00) per each quarter acre cleared. This subsection may also be utilized if the number of trees removed cannot be determined. Violations of this section are considered irreparable and irreversible in nature. (6) Failure to abide by a cease and desist order issued under this chapter: Fine of five hundred dollars ($500.00) per day. (7) Failure to obtain a contractor's license under subsection 5-4(e): Fine of two hundred fifty dollars ($250.00) (first offense); five hundred dollars ($500.00) (second and each subsequent offense). In addition, if a contractor continues to engage in work without a contractor's license under this chapter in violation of a written cease and desist issued by the city, the penalty for failure to obtain a contractor's license under this subsection shall be increased two hundred fifty dollars ($250.00) per day for continued activity without a license after the cease and desist was issued. (68) Failure to abide by the requirements of section 5-10 of this chapter: Fine of two hundred fifty dollars ($250.00) per occurrence. (79) Any other violation of this chapter: Fine as provided by law and this chapter. (c) Civil fine determination. In determining the amount of the civil fine under subsection (69) above, the following factors shall be considered: (1) The gravity of the violation. (2) Any actions taken by the violator to correct the violation. (3) Any previous violations of this chapter committed by the violator. (4) The number and size of the trees removed, if any. (5) The historical significance of any tree removed if the tree was deemed historic. (6) Whether the violation is irreparable or irreversible in nature. 44 City of Winter Springs Ordinance No. 2025-01 Page 8 of 13 (7) The remedial actions offered by the violator to restore the property consistent with this chapter. (8) Whether the violation was willful and intentional or in violation of an express provision of an agreement in which applicable rights were provided to the city. * * * Section 3. Code Amendment. Chapter 9, of the City Code is hereby amended as follows: (underlined type indicates additions to the City Code and strikeout type indicates deletions, while asterisks (* * *) indicate a deletion from this Ordinance of text existing in Chapter 9. It is intended that the text in Chapter 9 denoted by the asterisks and set forth in this Ordinance shall remain unchanged from the language existing prior to adoption of this Ordinance): CHAPTER 9 – LAND DEVELOPMENT ARTICLE I. – IN GENERAL * * * Sec. 9-8. Soil, rock, etc., removal. Reserved. (a) It shall be unlawful for any person to remove from any real property within the city any soil, subsoil, rock, or sand without approval as provided herein. Prior to such removal such person shall file with the city manager an application which shall include a written consent of the owner for such removal. The city manager shall present the application to the city commission for its approval. If the commission approves the application, the mayor shall issue a written permit for such removal. (b) Unless such removal becomes a public nuisance or endangers the public health, safety or welfare, no permit would be necessary other than a building permit for the removal which would be incident to the preparation of single-family homes or auxiliary structures such as patios, swimming pools or driveways. * * * ARTICLE VI. – RESERVED EXCAVATION AND GRADING Secs. 9-326-9.369. – Reserved. Sec. 9-326. – Definitions. The following definitions shall be applicable to this chapter: 45 City of Winter Springs Ordinance No. 2025-01 Page 9 of 13 Agricultural use shall include, but not be limited to, the use of land in horticulture, floriculture, viticulture, forestry, dairy, livestock, poultry, bee keeping, piscaculture and all forms of farm products and farm production. Excavation shall be defined to include the hollowing out, removal by digging, dredging, or leveling and/or filling of any land, dirt, sand, clay, soil, rock, solid materials or other soil materials. It shall not include the procedure involved in cleaning and maintaining holding and retention ponds in accordance with a management plan approved by SJRWMD nor shall it include the digging of cemetery graves. Land clearing shall not be considered excavation or grading activities and shall be regulated by Chapter 5 of the City Code of Ordinances. Person means any person, partnership, limited partnership, sole proprietorship, corporation, joint venture, trust or estate or other similar legal entity. Zoning authority means the duly constituted city commission of the city. Sec. 9-327. – Excavations and grading prohibited; Exceptions. Excavations and grading are strictly prohibited within the city unless approved by the city in accordance with section 9-328 herein and for the purpose of performing one (1) of the following development activities: (a) For wells or trenches for utilities. (b) For installation of foundations of any building or structure approved under a valid building permit. (c) For other on-site leveling or excavation in accordance with a site or final engineering plan approved by the City Commission, provided that all conditions of approval for the site or final engineering plan have been satisfied and a valid building permit for a building or structure has been approved. (d) For construction of subdivisions complying with chapter 18 of the City Code, provided that a preliminary plat and site and final engineering plans have been approved by the City Commission. (e) Excavations relating to the accessory use of land and designed to be filled upon completion of excavation, such as septic tanks, provided applicable building or other permits have been obtained. (f) Swimming pools when a building permit has been issued for construction of such pool. (g) Borrow pits designated or controlled by any local, regional, state, or federal government agency, providing for mosquito control or drainage, or any drainage district created pursuant to applicable Florida statutes. (h) Excavation in conjunction with agricultural use of lands, where no excavated materials are sold, whether directly or indirectly, or transferred from one (1) parcel of land to any noncontiguous parcel. (i) Excavations or leveling for private drives to provide ingress or egress in accordance with the City Code or for the creation of designated parking areas in accordance with the City Code. 46 City of Winter Springs Ordinance No. 2025-01 Page 10 of 13 (j) Private lakes for recreational or aesthetic purposes only, on residentially zoned lots which are greater than one (1) acre in size, if the excavation is less than one thousand (1,000) cubic yards. (k) Exploratory excavations performed under the direction of a registered engineer or design professional. Sec. 9-328. Permits required. Prior to any person or entity excavating or grading pursuant to this Article, said person or entity shall first obtain an excavation permit issued by the building official and obtain approval of the Community Development Director if the excavation is part of a subdivision, site and final engineering plan, planned unit development or similar development plan. No excavation permit shall be approved unless for the purpose of performing one (1) of the development activities listed in section 9-327. Such excavation permit shall remain in effect for a period of one (1) year. Applications for an excavation permit shall be submitted in duplicate to the building official, together with the application fee as established by the City Commission from time to time, and shall contain the following information in addition to any additional information requested by the building official: (a) The name and address of the person seeking the permit, which shall be a licensed contractor unless otherwise exempt by Florida law; if a corporation, all principals, partners or officers. (b) A legal description of the real property. (c) A map showing the exact location and boundaries of the tract of land in question, to include the location and type of trees existing thereon. (d) Drawings to scale by a registered, professional engineer showing the dimensions of the proposed excavation to be undertaken. (e) A topographical survey of the real property including the location of water courses or water bodies. (f) A detailed statement and plan for the proposed reclamation and future use of the real property at the conclusion of the excavation operation, including landscaping and tree replacements if not otherwise provided in a tree removal permit application. (g) A detailed statement indicating the nature, purpose and method of the proposed excavation including stockpile locations, pump locations and the proposed method of treatment of the flow leaving the site. (h) An acknowledged written consent of the owner of the real property and mortgagee, if any, including their respective addresses. (i) Proposed and precise vehicular routes indicating the streets and roadways over which all vehicles utilized to remove and transport the materials removed from any excavation shall travel, together with a statement from the city engineer that such streets and roadways are capable of accommodating such vehicles. A statement 47 City of Winter Springs Ordinance No. 2025-01 Page 11 of 13 granting permission to use such roads from the appropriate county, city, and state officials shall also be included. (j) An affidavit from a person authorized to act on behalf of the applicant stating both a familiarity with all federal and state statutes, rules and regulations applicable to the project and that the applicant has fully complied with them. (k) Copies of all other applicable permits for the proposed excavation. (l) A written plan to control dust when excavation occurs within two hundred (200) feet of an occupied residential structure or water body. (m) A written schedule indicating the length of time the excavation area is to be under construction and when restoration is to be completed. The maximum construction time shall be limited to one (1) year, with a six (6) month extension granted if approved by the city. All restoration should be completed within ninety (90) days of completion of excavation. Applications for excavation permits may be submitted concurrently with an application for a building permit. Notwithstanding the issuance of an excavation permit under this Section, the applicant shall not be excused from obtaining stormwater drainage approval of the city engineer for any new development and significant redevelopment as provided in Chapter 9, Article IV, Division 4 of the City Code of Ordinances, and nor shall the applicant be excused from the requirement to obtain approval of a pollution prevention plan for all significant construction activities as required in Chapter 19, Section 19-170.5 of the City Code of Ordinances. Land clearing/tree removal permits shall be separately required for the removal of trees, ground cover, and other vegetation by manual, mechanical, or chemical means in accordance with Chapter 5 of the City Code of Ordinances. Section 4. Code Amendment. Chapter 20, of the City Code is hereby amended as follows: (underlined type indicates additions to the City Code and strikeout type indicates deletions, while asterisks (* * *) indicate a deletion from this Ordinance of text existing in Chapter 20. It is intended that the text in Chapter 20 denoted by the asterisks and set forth in this Ordinance shall remain unchanged from the language existing prior to adoption of this Ordinance): Chapter 20 – ZONING * * * ARTICLE V. – SUPPLEMENTAL DISTRICT REGULATIONS * * * DIVISION 2. – MOTOR VEHICLES * * * 48 City of Winter Springs Ordinance No. 2025-01 Page 12 of 13 Sec. 20-439. Parking areas on residential lots; design requirements. (a) Permitted parking locations. On residential lots, vehicles shall be parked within a garage, carport, or on a driveway and/or designated parking area. * * * (f) When site driveway construction permit required. A site construction driveway construction permit shall be required from the building division, community development department, whenever impervious materials are used to construct a driveway or designated parking area, or whenever a new designated parking area is constructed on any residential lot. Section 5. Repeal of Prior Inconsistent Ordinances and Resolutions. All prior inconsistent ordinances and resolutions adopted by the City Commission, or parts or ordinances and resolutions in conflict herewith, are hereby repealed to the extent of the conflict. Section 6. Incorporation into Code. This Ordinance shall be incorporated into the Winter Springs City Code and any section or paragraph, number or letter, and any heading may be changed or modified as necessary to effectuate the foregoing. Grammatical, typographical, and like errors may be corrected and additions, alterations, and omissions, not affecting the construction or meaning of this ordinance and the City Code may be freely made. Section 7. Severability. If any section, subsection, sentence, clause, phrase, word, or provision of this ordinance is for any reason held invalid or unconstitutional by any court of competent jurisdiction, whether for substantive, procedural, or any other reason, such portion shall be deemed a separate, distinct and independent provision, and such holding shall not affect the validity of the remaining portions of this ordinance. Section 8. Effective Date. This Ordinance shall become effective upon adoption by the City Commission of the City of Winter Springs, Florida, and pursuant to City Charter. ADOPTED by the City Commission of the City of Winter Springs, Florida, in a regular meeting assembled on the _____ day of______________, 2025. Kevin McCann, Mayor ATTEST: Christian Gowan, City Clerk 49 City of Winter Springs Ordinance No. 2025-01 Page 13 of 13 APPROVED AS TO LEGAL FORM AND SUFFICIENCY FOR THE CITY OF WINTER SPRINGS ONLY: _______________________________ Anthony A. Garganese, City Attorney Legal Ad: First Reading: Legal Ad: Second Reading: 50 12 Orlando Sentinel | Section 1 | Wednesday, January 15, 2025 Placing a Classified Ad in Orlando Sentinel Classifieds is the most cost effective way to sell your Home, Car or Va luables! NOTICE TO CREDITORSIN THE CIRCUIT COURT FOR ORANGE COUNTY, FLORIDA PROBATE DIVISIONFile No. 2024-CP-003590-ODivisionIN RE: ESTATE OF JERRY KEITH FIXDeceased.The administration of the estate of Jerry Keith Fix, deceased, whose date of death was September 11th, 2024, is pending in the Circuit Court for Orange County, Florida, Probate Division, the address of which is 425 N. Orange Ave., Orlando, FL 32801. The names and addresses of the personal representative and the personal representative’s attorney are set forth below. All creditors of the decedent and other persons having claims or demands against decedent’s estate on whom a copy of this notice is required to be served must file their claims with this court ON OR BEFORE THE LATER OF 3 MONTHS AFTER THE TIME OF THE FIRST PUBLICATION OF THIS NOTICE OR 30 DAYS AFTER THE DATE OF SERVICE OF A COPY OF THIS NOTICE ON THEM. All other creditors of the decedent and other persons having claims or demands against decedent’s estate must file their claims with this court WITHIN 3 MONTHS AFTER THE DATE OF THE FIRST PUBLICATION OF THIS NOTICE. ALL CLAIMS NOT FILED WITHIN THE TIME PERIODS SET FORTH IN FLORIDA STATUTES SECTION 733.702 WILL BE FOREVER BARRED. NOTWITHSTANDING THE TIME PERIODS SET FORTH ABOVE, ANY CLAIM FILED TWO (2) YEARS OR MORE AFTER THE DECEDENT’S DATE OF DEATH IS BARRED. Attorney for Personal Representative: Nicholas L. Bruce Email Addresses:nbruce@estatebruce.com cperalta@bruceestatelaw.com nmendoza@bruceestatelaw.com Florida Bar No. 982921575 Indian River Blvd. Suite C-230Vero Beach, Florida, 32960 Te lephone: 772-610-6580 Personal Representative: Mark Alan Fix 4265 Parnell RoadMarietta, Georgia, 30062 1/8/2025, 1/15/2025 7749700 NOTICE UNDER FICTITIOUS NAME TO WHOM IT MAY CONCERN: Notice is hereby given that the under signed pursuant to the “Fictitious Name Statute, Chapter 865.09, Florida Statutes, will register with the Division of Corporations, Department of State, State of Florida upon receipt of this notice. The fictitious name, to-wit: Paula White under which (I am) (we are) engaged in business at 421 Kentucky Blue Circle That the (party) (parties) interested in said business enterprise is as follows: Paula Friga 421 Kentucky Blue Circle Dated at Apopka, Orange County , Florida, 01/14/2025 7753575 1/15/2025 NOTICE UNDER FICTITIOUS NAME TO WHOM IT MAY CONCERN: Notice is hereby given that the under signed pursuant to the “Fictitious Name Statute, Chapter 865.09, Florida Statutes, will register with the Division of Corporations, Department of State, State of Florida upon receipt of this notice. The fictitious name, to-wit: Jonathan Cain under which (I am) (we are) engaged in business at 421 Kentucky Blue Circle That the (party) (parties) interested in said business enterprise is as follows: John Friga 421 Kentucky Blue Circle Dated at Apopka, Orange County , Florida, 01/14/2025 7753493 1/15/2025 NOTICE UNDER FICTITIOUS NAME TO WHOM IT MAY CONCERN: Notice is hereby given that the under signed pursuant to the “Fictitious Name Statute, Chapter 865.09, Florida Statutes, will register with the Division of Corporations, Department of State, State of Florida upon receipt of this notice. The fictitious name, to-wit:HIZ MORTGAGE ADVISORS under which (I am) (we are) engaged in business at 10078 LOVEGRASS LN That the (party) (parties) interested in said business enterprise is as follows: HOUSING INVESTMENT ZONE LLC 10078 LOVEGRASS LANE Dated at ORLANDO, Orange County , Florida, 01/13/2025 7753236 1/15/2025 NOTICE UNDER FICTITIOUS NAME TO WHOM IT MAY CONCERN: Notice is hereby given that the under signed pursuant to the “Fictitious Name Statute, Chapter 865.09, Florida Statutes, will register with the Division of Corporations, Department of State, State of Florida upon receipt of this notice. The fictitious name, to-wit: PTN Travel under which (I am) (we are) engaged in business at 4261 E. UNIVERSITY DR. #30-505, PROSPER, TX 75078 That the (party) (parties) interested in said business enterprise is as follows: PICKLES VACATIONS LLC 4261 E. UNIVERSITY DR. #30-505, PROSPER, TX 75078 Dated at Orlando, Orange County , Florida, 01/13/2025 7753132 1/15/2025 INVITAT ION TO BIDSEMA Construction, Inc. invites all Central Florida Expressway Authority, Orange County, City of Orlando, FDOT Certified M/WBE Subcontractors and Suppliers to bid on the following project: SR 528 BRIDGE IMPROVEMENTSPROJECT NO. 528-778 CONTRACT NO. 002177 The work consists of providing all labor, materials, equipment, and incidentals necessary to complete the work of bridge repair work for six (6) bridges along SR 528 at International Corporate Park Blvd, Dallas Blvd, and the east Farm Access Road. The included bridges are Bridge Nos. 750058, 750059, 750213, 750214, 750332, and 750333. Work includes Expansionn Joint Header and Sealant repairs, concrete crack repairs, concrete spall repairs, concrete crash wall construction, concrete gutter restoration, slope pavement clearing and grubbing, clean and reseal slope pavement joints, drainage scupper installation, pressure washing, concrete overlay, re-tension span wire, three-beam guardrail replacement, concrete slope pavement end block installation, and the addition of vertical clearance signage in Orange County Plans and specifications are available for review at our office. Please submit your proposal in written form by Monday, January 20 th , 2025, to SEMA Construction, Inc.6200 Hazeltine National Drive,Suite 100, Orlando, Florida 32822 All interested parties should contact Estimating at phone: 407-563-7900 and e-mail to estimating.fl@semaconstruction.com 1/15/2025 7753445 BID NOTICESThe Orange County Board of County Commissioners is soliciting bids (IFBs) and proposals (RFPs) for goods, services, construction and professional services. Interested parties may obtain documents and subscribe to notifications at www.ocfl.net/eprocurement. For assistance, email procurement@ocfl.net or call 407-836-5635. Jan 1, 8, 15, 22, 29, 2025 7735545 Additional Public Notices can be found online at classifieds.orlandosentinel.com and floridapublicnotices.com Conne ct with one of our re cruitment specialists today (407)420-5605 or sgulsby@tribpub.com We areDedicat ed ttttoHHHHellllpiiiing YYYYou MMMMakkkkeHHHHiiiires. NOTICE OF REGULAR MEETING GRAMERCY FARMS COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT DISTRICTThe Board of Supervisors of the Gramercy Farms Community Development District will hold a meeting on January 22, 2025, at 9:00 a.m., at the Anthem Park Clubhouse, located at 2090 Continental Street, St. Cloud, Florida 34769. A copy of the agenda may be obtained at the office of the District Manager, Rizzetta & Company, Inc., located at 8529 South Park Circle, Suite 330, Orlando, Florida 32819, (407) 472-2471, during normal business hours. Additionally, a copy of the agenda, along with any meeting materials available in an electronic format, may be obtained at (www.gramercyfarmscdd.org). The meeting is open to the public and will be conducted in accordance with theprovisions of Florida law. The meetings may be continued to a date, time, and place to be specified on the record at the meeting. There may be occasions when Supervisors or District Staff may participate by speaker telephone. Any person requiring special accommodations at the meeting because of a disability or physical impairment should contact the District Manager’s Office at least forty-eight (48) hours prior to the meeting. If you are hearing or speech impaired, please contact the Florida Relay Service by dialing 7-1-1, or 1-800-955-8771 (TTY) / 1-800-955-8770 (Voice), for aid in contacting the District Manager’s Office. Brian MendesDistrict Manager 01/15/2025 7752864 NOTICE OF PUBLIC HEARINGS CITY OF WINTER SPRINGS NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN THAT THE CITY COMMISSION PROPOSE TO CONSIDER THE FOLLOWING: ORDINANCE NO. 2025-01 AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY COMMISSION OF THE CITY OF WINTER SPRINGS, FLORIDA; AMENDING THE CODE OF ORDINANCES OF THE CITY OF WINTER SPRINGS TO CLARIFY THE PROCEDURES TO APPLY FOR TREE REMOVAL AND LAND CLEARING PERMITS; TO AMEND THE PENALTIES FOR TREE REMOVAL AND LAND CLEARING WITHOUT A PERMIT; TO ESTABLISH REGULATIONS REGARDING EXCAVATION AND GRADING AND PROCEDURES FOR APPLYING FOR EXCAVAT ION AND GRADING PERMITS; PROVIDING FOR THE REPEAL OF PRIOR INCONSISTENT ORDINANCES AND RESOLUTIONS; INCORPORATION INTO THE CODE; SEVERABILITY AND AN EFFECTIVE DATE. ORDINANCE 2025-02 AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY COMMISSION OF THE CITY OF WINTER SPRINGS, FLORIDA; AMENDING THE CODE OF ORDINANCES OF THE CITY OF WINTER SPRINGS RELATING TO SUBDIVISION APPLICATION REQUIREMENTS AND PROCESSING PROCEDURES FOR BOTH PRELIMINARY AND FINAL PLATS; ALTERING THE REQUIREMENTS FOR POSTING SECURITY PRIOR TO FINAL PLAT APPROVAL TO ENSURE COMPLETION OF REQUIRED IMPROVEMENTS; AMENDING THE PROCESSING PROCEDURES FOR FINAL ENGINEERING AND SITE PLANS FOR CONFORMITY WITH CHAPTER 20; PROVIDING FOR THE REPEAL OF PRIOR INCONSISTENT ORDINANCES AND RESOLUTIONS; INCORPORATION INTO THE CODE; SEVERABILITY AND AN EFFECTIVE DATE. THE CITY COMMISSION SECOND READING/PUBLIC HEARINGWILL BE HELD ON MONDAY, JANUARY 27, 2025AT 6 :30 P.M. OR SOON THEREAFTER IN THECOMMISSION CHAMBERS LOCATED ATWINTER SPRINGS CITY HALL1126 EAST STATE ROAD 434WINTER SPRINGS, FLORIDA THE CITY COMMISSION RESERVE THE RIGHT TO POSTPONE OR CONTINUE THE PUBLIC HEARING ON THIS ORDINANCE AT THIS MEETING WITHOUT FURTHER NOTICE. The proposed ordinance may be obtained by interested parties between 8 a.m. and 5 p.m., Monday through Friday, from the office of the City Clerk, located at 1126 E. SR 434, Winter Springs, Florida. For more information, call (407) 327-1800 #237. Persons with disabilities needing assistance to participate in any of these proceedings should contact the Employee Relations Department Coordinator, 48 hours in advance of the meeting at (407) 327-1800, #236. This is a public hearing. Interested parties are advised that they may appear at the meeting and be heard with respect to the proposed ordinance. If you decide to appeal any recommendation or decision made by the City Commission with respect to any matter considered at this meeting, you will need a record of the proceedings, and for such purposes, you may need to ensure that a verbatim record of the proceedings is made upon which the appeal is based. 1/15/25 7752488 NOTICE OF BOARD OF SUPERVISORS MEETING FOR GIR EAST COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT DISTRICT Notice is hereby given that the Board of Supervisors (“Board”) of the GIR East Community Development District (“District”) will hold a meeting of the Board of Supervisors on January 22, 2025 at 3:30 p.m. at 3850 Canoe Creek Road, Saint Cloud, Florida 34772. A copy of the agenda may be obtained by contacting the District Manager at 407-841-5524 and providing a telephone and email address during normal business hours. The meetings are open to the public and will be conducted in accordance with the provisions of Florida law for community development districts. The meeting may be continued to a date, time, and place to be specified on the record at such meeting. Any person requiring special accommodations in order to access and participate in the meeting because of a disability or physical impairment should contact the District Manager’s Office at least forty-eight (48) hours prior to the meeting. I f you are hearing or speech impaired, please contact the Florida Relay Service by dialing 7-1-1, or 1-800-955-8771 (TTY) / 1-800-955-8770 (Voice), for aid in contacting the District Manager’s Office. Each person who decides to appeal any decision made by the Board with respect to any matter considered at the Meetings is advised that person will need a record of proceedings and that accordingly, the person may need to ensure that a verbatim record of the proceedings is made, including the testimony and evidence upon which such appeal is to be based. George S. FlintDistrict ManagerGovernmental Management Services – Central Florida, LLC 1/15/2025 7753287 Celebrate Events OrlandoSentinel.com/celebration NOTICE OF PUBLIC SALE:Self-storage Cube contents of the following customers containing household and other goods will be sold for cash by CubeSmart Management, LLC # 428- 1007 Willa Springs Dr, Winter Springs, FL 32708 satisfies a lien on Thursday, January 30, 2025, at approx. 10:00 AM at www.storagetreasures.com: Sabrina Perryman, John Barrett, Robert To rretti, Varney Lisa, Michael Hill, Miguel Soto-Ramirez. NOTICE OF PUBLIC SALE: Self-storage Cube contents of the following customers containing household and other goods will be sold for cash by CubeSmart Management, LLC # 696 – 3508 S Orlando Dr Sanford, FL 32773 to satisfy a lien on Friday, January 31 2025, at approx. 11:00 am at www.storagetreasures.com: Omar G, Scott Bridges, Deborah Nash, Anthony Garcia, Daniel Perez NOTICE OF PUBLIC SALE: Self-storage Cube contents of the following customers containing household and other goods will be sold for cash by CubeSmart Asset Management, LLC as Agent for Owner# 4362- 750 Orange Ave, Altamonte Springs, FL 32714 to satisfy a lien on Thursday, January 30, 2025, at approx. 11:00 am www.storagetreasures.com:Raymond Rogers, Miqueta Pender, Noemi Rodriguez, Ta ylor Walker Bland, Latoya bowers, Kwaniqua glenn, Carl Epps, Noemi Rodriguez NOTICE OF PUBLIC SALE: Self-storage Cube contents of the following customers containing household and other goods will be sold for cash by CubeSmart Asset Management, LLC as Agent for Owner # 5770 - 240 Storage Pointe, Altamonte Springs, FL 32701 to satisfy a lien on Thursday, January 30, 2025, at approx. 12:00 pm at www.storagetreasures.com: Carlos Hernandez, To ni Randazzo, Alberto Lopez, Meghan R Riley, Sarah Stobber, Natalee Peter, Stephanie Verzwvelt, Sherene Smith NOTICE OF PUBLIC SALE: Self-storage Cube contents of the following customers containing household and other goods will be sold for cash by CubeSmart Management, LLC # 857 - 3750 W 1st ST Sanford FL 32771 to satisfy a lien on Friday, January 31 2025, at approx. 12:00 PM at www.storagetreasures.com: Katrina Whitaker, Myleseia Reed, Alan Wilson, Tony Gonzalez, DeAunah Estill, Jalonee Hopkins, Jerry Ponder, Glenda Clemons, Arden Corday, Andrew Ammon. NOTICE OF PUBLIC SALE: Self-storage Cube contents of the following customers containing household and other goods will be sold for cash by CubeSmart Management, LLC # 703- 3730 S Orange Ave Orlando, FL 32806 to satisfy a lien on Friday, January 31, 2025, at approx. 1:00 PM at www.storagetreasures.com: Gurbaksh Singh, Edmund Tu rner, Jean R. Severe, Linda Page, Hilda M. Quintana, Vickie Lynn Collier, Ye nshia S. Williams, Sean N. Rickson, Ernante Racine, Hydeia Anderson, Benjanese S. Ta ylor, Tyshaun Holiday, Simone Palma Pingitori, NOTICE OF PUBLIC SALE: Self-storage Cube contents of the following customers containing household and other goods will be sold for cash by CubeSmart Management, LLC # 429- 965 S Semoran Blvd Winter Park, FL 32792 to satisfy a lien on Friday, January 31, 2025, at approx. 2:00 PM at www.storagetreasures.com:Azsile LaShondra, Jaquan Butler, Gerardo Garcia, Charles I Muniz, Scarlett A Padron, Dwight Shropshire, Charles Lesine NOTICE OF PUBLIC SALE: Self-storage Cube contents of the following customers containing household and other goods will be sold for cash by CubeSmart Asset Management, LLC as Agent for Owner #4394- 1910 S Alafaya Trail Orlando, FL 32828 to satisfy a lien on Friday, January 31, 2025, at approx. 3:00 PM at www.storagetreasures.com: Dylan Brown, Kachina Moore, Michael Lloyd, Shayna Williams NOTICE OF PUBLIC SALE: Self-storage Cube contents of the following customers containing household and other goods will be sold for cash by CubeSmart Management, LLC # 858- 6875 University Blvd Winter Park, FL 32792 to satisfy a lien on Friday, January 31, 2025, at approx. 4:00 PM at www.storagetreasures.com: Jayme Echols, Julio Poblano, Cameron Graves, Eskarly Romero Del Orbe, Michael Solomatin, Alexander Castellanos, Stephanie Wright NOTICE OF PUBLIC SALE: Self-storage Cube contents of the following customers containing household and other goods will be sold for cash by CubeSmart Management, LLC # 431- 3040 S Goldenrod Rd Orlando, FL 32822 to satisfy a lien on Thursday, January 30, 2025, at approx. 2:00 PM at www.storagetreasures.com: Leonard King, Jordan R Sullivan, Michael Rivera, Walter E Ingles, Candio Rosario, Jasmine Glover, Koretell S Jones, Mark C Bretl, Ricardo Portalatin, Jorge W Miraba, Jose H Ortiz NOTICE OF PUBLIC SALE: Self-storage Cube contents of the following customers containing household and other goods will be sold for cash by CubeSmart Management, LLC # 694- 3651 Alafaya Trl Oviedo, FL 32765 satisfy a lien on Thursday, January 30, 2025, at approx. 3:00 PM at www.storagetreasures.com: Leon Johnson NOTICE OF PUBLIC SALE: Self-storage Cube contents of the following customers containing household and other goods will be sold for cash by CubeSmart Asset Management, LLC as Agent for Owner #4650- 1201 Lewis Drive Winter Park, FL 32789 to satisfy a lien on Thursday, January 30, 2025, at approx. 4:00 PM at www.storagetreasures.com:Pasquale Federici - Meichauna Kye - Mary Bernhardt - D’Vonte Flemming - Genesis Wright NOTICE OF PUBLIC SALE: Self-storage Cube contents of the following customers containing household and other goods will be sold for cash by CubeSmart Asset Management, LLC as Agent for Owner #5571- 14545 E Colonial Dr. Orlando, FL 32826 to satisfy a lien on Thursday, January 30, 2025, at approx. 1:00 PM at www.storagetreasures.com:Eboni M Birk NOTICE OF PUBLIC SALE: Self-storage Cube contents of the following customers containing household and other goods will be sold for cash by CubeSmart Asset Management, LLC as Agent for Owner #4575- 16864 Old Cheney Hwy Orlando, FL 32833 to satisfy a lien on Thursday, January 30, 2025, at approx. 4:30 PM at www.storagetreasures.com:David Arthur, Shavon Lee FOR SALE! Classified ads in the Orlando Sentinel will drive your sales! With over 441,000 weekday readers and nearly 739,000 on Sunday, we’ll help you rev up your sales figures! NOTICE OF LEGISLATION BY TOHO WATER AUTHORITYTO WHOM IT MAY CONCERN: Notice is hereby given of intent to apply to theFlorida Legislature, in the 2025 regular or any special or extended legislative sessions, for passage of an act relating to To hopekaliga Water Authority, Osceola County, amending chapter 2003-368, Laws of Florida, as amended; providing the Central Florida To urism Oversight District as successor to the Reedy Creek Improvement District; revising district boundaries; providing an effective date. 1/15/2025 7753327 NOTICE OF PROPOSED PURCHASE AND ASSUMPTION AND MERGER TRANSACTIONSNotice is hereby given that Winter Park National Bank (Winter Park, Florida) and DFCU Financial (Dearborn, Michigan) have made application to the Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation for its written consent (i) for DFCU Financial to purchase substantially all of the assets of Winter Park National Bank and assume substantially all of the liabilities of Winter Park National Bank, including all of its deposit liabilities, and (ii) for Winter Park National Bank thereafter to merge with and into WPNB, Inc, a wholly-owned subsidiary of Winter Park National Bank, such that Winter Park National Bank will merge out of existence. The main office of Winter Park National Bank is located at 201 N. New York Avenue, Suite 100, Winter Park, Florida 32789. The main office of DFCU Financial is located at 400 To wn Center Drive, Dearborn, Michigan 48126. It is contemplated that all banking offices of Winter Park National Bank will continue to be operated as offices of DFCU Financial following the consummation of proposed transaction. This notice is published pursuant to the Federal Deposit Insurance Act. Any person wishing to comment on the application may file his or her comments in writing with the Regional Director (DOS) of the Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation at its regional office located at 10 Te nth Street, N.W., Suite 800, Atlanta, Georgia 30309-3849, not later than January 21, 2025, unless the comment period has been extended or reopened in accordance with the FDIC’s regulations. The non-confidential portions of the application are on file in the corporation’s regional office and are available for inspection during regular business hours. Photocopies of the information in the non-confidential portions of the application file will be made available upon request. Winter Park National BankWinter Park, Florida DFCU FinancialDearborn, Michigan 12/22 1/01 1/15/2025 7741390 NOTICE OF SALEIN THE CIRCUIT COURT OF THE NINTH JUDICIAL CIRCUIT IN AND FOR ORANGE COUNTY, FLORIDACASE NO.: 2024-CA-005599-O JE PWRS CAPITAL, LLC, a Florida limited liability company, Plaintiff,vs.TRSTE, LLC, a Florida limited liability company, as trustee of the 5919 Holmes Land Tr ust dated February 15, 2022; LAFAYSAUNT ACQUISITIONS AND HOLDINGS CORPORATION, a Florida corporation; WILBUR L. FAYSON, an individual; and JOHN DOE and JANE DOE, as unknown tenant(s) in possession, Defendants. NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN pursuant to a Final Judgment of Foreclosure dated January 2, 2025, and entered in Case No. 2024-CA-005599-O of the Circuit Court of the Ninth Judicial Circuit in and for Orange County, a foreclosure sale will take place at https://myorangeclerk.realforeclose.com, the Clerk’s website for on-line auctions, at 11:00 a.m. EST on January 21, 2025. The following described property will be sold to the highest and best bidder for cash as set forth in said Final Judgment, to wit: Lot 4, Block B, Robinswood Heights Second Addition, according to the map or plat thereof, as recorded in Plat Book Z, Page(s) 23, of the Public Records of Orange County, Florida.Parcel ID: 13-22-28-7577-02-040The Property or its address is commonly known as 5919 Holmes Drive, Orlando, Florida 32808. Any person claiming an interest in the surplus from the sale, if any, other than the property owner as of the date of the lis pendens, must file a claim with the Clerk no later than the date that the clerk reports the funds as unclaimed.DATED this 3rd day of January, 2025. STOVASH, CASE, SHAY & PEARCE, P.A.By: /s/ Rachel E. ScherwinRobert L. Case, EsquireFlorida Bar Number 0152129rcase@scsplaw.comRachel E. Scherwin, EsquireFlorida Bar No. 0479934rscherwin@scsplaw.comThe VUE at Lake Eola220 North Rosalind AvenueOrlando, Florida 32801Telephone: (407) 316-0393Facsimile: (407) 316-8969Attorneys for Plaintiff 1/8/25, 1/15/25 7748917 NOTICESale of Abandoned Property at Public Auction: Notice is hereby given that Storage Rentals of America 7200 Old Cheney Highway, Orlando FL 32807 will hold a PUBLIC SALE THAT WILL TA KE PLACE AT lockerfox.com of stored personal property to enforce liens against the below named persons for non-payment of rent pursuant to the Florida Self Storage Facility Act Statutes (Section 83.801 et seq). Auction sale for the following units will take place on January 30th, 2025, at 11:00AM, or thereafter. Sale of property includes Units: Unit 0128 – John Wood - HHGUnit 0174 – Thomas N Zickell – HHG 1/15/2025 1/22/2025 7752973 7744680 1/8,1/15/2025 The right place to advertise your Merchandise,Pets, Auto,Real Estate, Ta gSales &Flea Markets,Va cation Property,Wanted to Buy Items and more! Renting or Selling Yo ur Home? placeanad.orlandosentinel.com reach your buyers at placeanad.orlandosentinel.com 51 PUBLIC HEARINGS AGENDA ITEM 401 CITY COMMISSION AGENDA | JANUARY 27, 2025 REGULAR MEETING TITLE Second Reading of Ordinance 2025-02: Land Development and Subdivisions SUMMARY The Community Development Department has worked with the City Attorney’s Office to draft proposed changes to Chapter 9, Land Development, of the City Code. Staff noted that the language in the City Code pertaining to platting had not been significantly updated since 1974; in addition to the language being fifty years old, the language did not make a clear distinction between platting and site plans. The Florida Legislature created a new Section 177.073, Florida Statutes, requiring that municipalities create a program to expedite the process for issuing building permits for residential subdivisions or planned communities in accordance with the Florida Building Code before a final plat is recorded with the clerk of the circuit court. The legislature also required municipalities to create a master building permit process for applicants seeking multiple building permits for residential subdivisions or planned communities. The City Attorney’s Office drafted changes to resolve all of the issues mentioned above as well as to comply with the various changes to Florida Statutes. The Planning and Zoning Board approved on January 02, 2025 to recommend to City Commission. The first of two reading was approved by City Commission on January 13, 2025. Staff recommends City Commission approve the second and final reading of Ordinance 2025-02. FUNDING SOURCE RECOMMENDATION Staff recommends City Commission hold a Public Hearing and approve the second reading of Ordinance 2025-02. 52 City of Winter Springs Ordinance No. 2025-02 Page 1 of 25 ORDINANCE NO. 2025-02 AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY COMMISSION OF THE CITY OF WINTER SPRINGS, FLORIDA; AMENDING THE CODE OF ORDINANCES OF THE CITY OF WINTER SPRINGS RELATING TO SUBDIVISION APPLICATION REQUIREMENTS AND PROCESSING PROCEDURES FOR BOTH PRELIMINARY AND FINAL PLATS; ALTERING THE REQUIREMENTS FOR POSTING SECURITY PRIOR TO FINAL PLAT APPROVAL TO ENSURE COMPLETION OF REQUIRED IMPROVEMENTS; AMENDING THE PROCESSING PROCEDURES FOR FINAL ENGINEERING AND SITE PLANS FOR CONFORMITY WITH CHAPTER 20; PROVIDING FOR THE REPEAL OF PRIOR INCONSISTENT ORDINANCES AND RESOLUTIONS; INCORPORATION INTO THE CODE; SEVERABILITY AND AN EFFECTIVE DATE. WHEREAS, the City is granted the authority, under Section 2(b), Article VIII, of the State Constitution, to exercise any power for municipal purposes, except when expressly prohibited by law; and WHEREAS, the Florida Legislature, via Chapter 2024-210, Laws of Florida, creating a new Section 177.073, Florida Statutes, has required that the governing body of a municipality shall create a program to expedite the process for issuing building permits for residential subdivisions or planned communities in accordance with the Florida Building Code before a final plat is recorded with the clerk of the circuit court; and WHEREAS, the expedited process must include an application for an applicant to identify the percentage of planned homes, not to exceed 50 percent of the residential subdivision or planned community, or the number of building permits that the governing body must issue for the residential subdivision or planned community prior to approval of the final plat; and WHEREAS, by December 31, 2027, the expedited process must include an application for an applicant to identify the percentage of planned homes, not to exceed 75 percent of the residential subdivision or planned community, or the number of building permits that the governing body must issue for the residential subdivision or planned community prior to approval of the final plat; and WHEREAS, the Florida Legislature has further required that the governing body of a municipality create a two-step application process for the adoption of a preliminary plat, inclusive of any plans, in order to expedite the issuance of building permits; and WHEREAS, the preliminary plat application must allow an applicant to identify the percentage of planned homes or the number of building permits that the governing body must issue for the residential subdivision or planned community prior to the approval of a final plat; and 53 City of Winter Springs Ordinance No. 2025-02 Page 2 of 25 WHEREAS, the City must also create a master building permit process consistent with s. 553.794, Florida Statutes, for applicants seeking multiple building permits for residential subdivisions or planned communities, which shall be valid for 3 consecutive years after its issuance or until the adoption of a new Florida Building Code, whichever is earlier. After a new Florida Building Code is adopted, the applicant may apply for a new master building permit, which, upon approval, is valid for 3 consecutive years; and WHEREAS, an applicant homebuilder or developer who files an application with the City for a subdivision may contract to sell, but may not transfer ownership of, a residential structure or building located in the residential subdivision or planned community until the final plat is approved by the City Commission and recorded in the public records by the clerk of the circuit court; and WHEREAS, an applicant may not obtain a temporary or final certificate of occupancy for each residential structure or building for which a building permit is issued until the final plat is approved by the City Commission and recorded in the public records by the clerk of the circuit court; and WHEREAS, the City of Winter Springs does not currently have a clearly delineated preliminary and final plat process and must update its ordinances to comply with current legislation; and WHEREAS, pursuant to the Florida Community Planning Act and the City Code, the City’s Planning & Zoning Board/Land Planning Agency has reviewed and recommended adoption of this Ordinance at a duly held public meeting; and WHEREAS, the City Commission of the City of Winter Springs, Florida, hereby finds this Ordinance to be in the best interests of the public health, safety, and welfare of the citizens of Winter Springs; and NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT ORDAINED BY THE CITY COMMISSION OF THE CITY OF WINTER SPRINGS, SEMINOLE COUNTY, FLORIDA, AS FOLLOWS: Section 1. Recitals. The foregoing recitals are hereby fully incorporated herein by this reference as legislative findings and the intent and purpose of the City Commission of the City of Winter Springs. Section 2. Code Amendment. Chapter 9, of the City Code is hereby amended as follows: (underlined type indicates additions to the City Code and strikeout type indicates deletions, while asterisks (* * *) indicate a deletion from this Ordinance of text existing in Chapter 9. It is intended that the text in Chapter 9 denoted by the asterisks and set forth in this Ordinance shall remain unchanged from the language existing prior to adoption of this Ordinance): CHAPTER 9 – LAND DEVELOPMENT ARTICLE I. – IN GENERAL 54 City of Winter Springs Ordinance No. 2025-02 Page 3 of 25 Sec. 9-1. Definitions. The following words, terms and phrases, when used in this chapter, shall have the meanings ascribed to them in this section, except where the context clearly indicates a different meaning: Alley means a right-of-way providing a secondary means of access and service to abutting property. Block includes "tier" or "group" and means a group of lots existing within well-defined and fixed boundaries, usually being an area surrounded by streets or other physical features and having an assigned number, letter or other name through which it may be identified. Boundary line adjustment. An adjustment of a boundary line between contiguous lots or parcels, which may be platted or unplatted and which are under separate ownership or the same ownership, where such adjustment does not create any additional lots. Building shall mean any structure designed or built for the support, enclosure, shelter or protection of persons, animals or chattels of any kind. Ditch means an open cut with a slope deeper than 3:1. Easement means any strip of land created by a subdivider for public or private utilities, drainage, sanitation, or other specified uses having limitations, the title to which shall remain in the name of the property owner, subject to the right of use designated in the reservation of the servitude. Flag lot shall mean any lot with less than the required lot width at the front set back as specified in the bulk regulations for a zoning district that widens in a corridor or driveway like fashion to the required minimum width farther from the street. Flag lots, although not a favored and traditional shape of a buildable lot, are intended to allow development of parcels that would otherwise be undevelopable due to constraints of terrain or size and shape of the original parcel. Improvements may include, but are not limited to, street pavements, curbs and gutters, sidewalks, alley pavements, walkway pavements, water mains, sanitary sewers, storm sewers or drains, street names, signs, landscaping, permanent reference monuments (PRM's), permanent control points (PCP's), or any other improvement required by a governing body. Lot, tract or parcel means the least fractional part of subdivided lands having limited fixed boundaries, and an assigned number, letter or other name through which it may be identified. Plat means a map or delineated representation of the subdivision of lands, being a complete exact representation of the subdivision and other information in compliance with the requirements of all applicable sections of this chapter and of any local ordinances, and may include the terms "replat," "amended plat" or "revised plat." Plat, final means the final plat and supporting data representing a land survey of lots, blocks and streets, and the engineering plans and specifications for streets, utilities and other improvements. means the final tracing, map, or site plan presented by the subdivider to the City Commission for final approval, and, upon approval by the City Commission, is submitted to the clerk of the circuit court for recording. Plan Plat, preliminary means a preliminary plan with supporting data for a proposed development of streets, lots, block and utilities. means a map or delineated representation of the 55 City of Winter Springs Ordinance No. 2025-02 Page 4 of 25 subdivision of lands that is a complete and exact representation of the residential subdivision or planned community and contains any additional information needed to be in compliance with the requirements of this chapter and Chapter 177, Florida Statutes. Public utility includes any public or private utility, such as, but not limited to, storm drainage, sanitary sewers, electric power, water service, gas service, telephone line, or cablevision whether underground or overhead. Right-of-way means land dedicated, deeded, used or to be used, for a street, alley, walkway, boulevard, drainage facility, access for ingress and egress, or other purpose by the public, or certain designated individuals or governing bodies. Site and final engineering plans means engineering plans, or site plans, or their functional equivalent, submitted by an applicant in accordance with Chapter 20, Zoning. Street includes any accessway such as a street, road, lane, highway, avenue, boulevard, alley, parkway, viaduct, circle, court, terrace, place or cul-de-sac and also includes all of the land lying between the right-of-way lines as delineated on a plat showing such street, whether improved or unimproved, but shall not include those accessways such as easements and rights-of-way intended solely for limited utility purposes, such as for electric power lines, gas lines, telephone lines, water lines, drainage and sanitary sewers and easements of ingress and egress. Streets shall be classified as follows: (1) Arterial. (2) Collector. (3) Minor, as set out in section 9-146 herein. Subdivision means the platting of real property into three (3) or more lots, parcels, tracts, tiers, blocks, sites, units or any other division of land, and includes establishment of new streets and alleys, additions and resubdivisions, and when appropriate to the context, relates to the process of subdividing or to the lands or area subdivided; and further means the division of a lot, parcel or tract of land, whether improved or unimproved, into three (3) or more contiguous lots or parcels of lands, designated by reference to the number or symbol of the lot or parcel contained in the plat of such subdivision, for the purpose, whether immediate or future, of transfer of ownership, or if the establishment of a new street is involved, any division of such parcel. The term includes a resubdivision and, when appropriate to the context, relates to the process of subdividing or to the land subdivided. Swale means an open cut with a slope ratio of the front face, or roadside face, which is shallower than 3:1. Tree preservation, see section 5-1. Sec. 9-2. Division of land; city commission approval required. No owner of real property being a subdivision or lot split as defined in this chapter, shall sell lots or tracts of land from such property without first having divided such property in accordance with the requirements hereof. The City Commission shall be the official authority regarding the division of land, and no division of land within the corporate limits of the city shall be entitled to record in the office of the clerk of the circuit court of Seminole County unless it 56 City of Winter Springs Ordinance No. 2025-02 Page 5 of 25 shall have the approval of the City Commission inscribed thereon. Before such lot or tract is divided, the lots or tracts proposed to be divided shall be surveyed by a duly licensed surveyor and approved by the city commission by plat, lot split resolution, or development agreement (see section 9-14 for property zoned town center) in accordance with the specific applicable provisions of this chapter and F.S. Ch. 177. The filing or recording of any instrument effectuating a lot split or subdivision of land without the approval of the City Commission or City Manager or designee as required by this chapter is declared to be unlawful. No permit shall be issued for the construction of any building or structure or for an electrical hookup on any lot or tract sold in violation of this chapter; provided, however, that any such violation can be remedied by complying with the provisions of this article. * * * Sec. 9-4. Waiver to engineering development plan requirements. For subdivisions or lot splits where no new streets, water, sewer, or drainage or other infrastructure are involved, application for approval of preliminary or final engineering development plans site and final engineering plans may be waived provided, however, that a plat of the proposed subdivision or the metes and bounds legal description of the proposed lot split is approved by the city commission in accordance with section 9-2. Sec. 9-5. Variances. (a) The city commission may grant a variance from the terms of this chapter when such variance will not be contrary to the public interest, and where owing to special conditions, a literal enforcement of the provisions of this chapter would result in unnecessary hardships. Such variance shall not be granted if it has the effect of nullifying the intent and purpose of this chapter. (b) A written application for such variance must be submitted demonstrating that special conditions exist which are peculiar to the lands, structures or required subdivision improvements involved and which are not applicable to other lands, structures or required subdivision improvements. Application shall be accompanied by the fee for a variance as specified in the fee schedule currently in effect. (c) Before any variance shall be granted, a public hearing on the proposed variance shall be held by the city commission. Notice of such public hearing shall be published fifteen (15) days prior to the hearing in a newspaper of general circulation in the county. Such notice shall also be posted fifteen (15) days prior to the hearing in three (3) separate places in the city, and be mailed to all persons who are record owners of property within one hundred fifty (150) feet of the subject property. provided in accordance with Chapter 20, Zoning, Article II. – Administration, of the City Code. (d) The city commission shall make findings that the requirements of each portion of this section have been met. The city commission shall further make a finding that the reasons set forth in the application justify granting of the variance and that the variance is the minimum 57 City of Winter Springs Ordinance No. 2025-02 Page 6 of 25 variance that would make possible the reasonable use of the lands, buildings or other improvements. (e) The city commission shall make a further finding that the granting of the variance would be in harmony with the general purpose and intent of this chapter and will not be injurious to the surrounding territory or otherwise detrimental to the public welfare. (f) In granting any variance, the city commission may prescribe appropriate conditions and safeguards, to such variance, and when made a part of the terms which the variance is granted a violation of any term or condition shall be deemed a violation of this chapter and shall be punishable as such. * * * Sec. 9-7. Enforcement and penalties. (a) The city commission or any aggrieved person may have recourse to such remedies in law and equity as may be necessary to ensure compliance with the provisions of this chapter, including injunctive relief, to enjoin and restrain any person from violating the provisions of this chapter and any rules and regulations adopted under this chapter, and the court may, upon proof of the violation of this chapter, issue such temporary and permanent injunctions as are necessary to prevent the violation of this chapter. (b) Any person violating or failing to comply with the terms and provisions specified herein, shall be punished, upon conviction and at the discretion of the court, by a fine not to exceed five hundred dollars ($500.00) or by imprisonment not exceeding sixty (60) days, or by both fine and imprisonment. Each day that a violation is permitted to exist shall constitute a separate offense. (c) As an additional means of ensuring compliance with the provisions of this article, the code enforcement board or special magistrate shall have jurisdiction and authority to hear and decide alleged violations occurring in the corporate limits of the city. Proceedings before the code enforcement board or special magistrate shall be governed by its rules and procedures. Sec. 9-8. Soil, rock, etc., removal.Reserved. (a) It shall be unlawful for any person to remove from any real property within the city any soil, subsoil, rock, or sand without approval as provided herein. Prior to such removal such person shall file with the city manager an application which shall include a written consent of the owner for such removal. The city manager shall present the application to the city commission for its approval. If the commission approves the application, the mayor shall issue a written permit for such removal. (b) Unless such removal becomes a public nuisance or endangers the public health, safety or welfare, no permit would be necessary other than a building permit for the removal which would be incident to the preparation of single-family homes or auxiliary structures such as patios, swimming pools or driveways. 58 City of Winter Springs Ordinance No. 2025-02 Page 7 of 25 * * * Sec. 9-11. Lot splits. The city commission may by resolution at a public hearing grant waivers from the platting requirements of this chapter for divisions of land that constitute a lot split: (a) For purposes of this section, the term "lot split" shall mean a division of a tract of land or lot that will result in the creation of exactly one (1) additional lot or tract of land provided the following conditions are met: (1) The lot or tract of land to be split is a previously platted lot or legal description of record. (2) Each lot or tract of land created hereunder shall abut a public or approved private street, unless perpetual cross-access easements already exist on the lot to be split or are determined not to be necessary, or, if necessary, are provided by separate instrument. (3) The lot split shall in every respect meet the criteria established elsewhere in this chapter and the City Code and Comprehensive Plan for the category of zoning and other relevant Codes under which the property is zoned. (b) Every lot split shall be processed in the following manner: (1) An application form provided by the community development department shall be completed and filed with the department, accompanied with the following: a. An application fee approved by the city commission by resolution; b. Twelve (12) paper copies of the proposed lot split; c. A statement indicating whether new streets, water, sewer, drainage structures, or other infrastructure are required off-site to provide sufficient access or municipal services to the subject land; and d. Legal descriptions and acreage of the two proposed lots or tracts of land and a scaled drawing showing the intended division shall be prepared by a duly licensed land surveyor registered in the state. If a lot or tract of land contains any principal or accessory structures, a A survey showing the principal and accessory structures, existing easements, and existing utility improvements or infrastructure on the lot or tract of land shall accompany the application. e. A description of the planned means of access for each resulting lot and copy of proposed supporting cross-access easements, if any, including width of access ways or easements. f. Title opinion: A title opinion from an attorney or a property information report that is prepared within the preceding thirty (30) days showing the status of the title to the site encompassed by the lot split and all mortgages, liens, encumbrances and defects, if any. 59 City of Winter Springs Ordinance No. 2025-02 Page 8 of 25 (2) Special notice for residential lot splits. Any proposed lot split of a residentially zoned property shall require public notice and notice to adjacent property owners as provided in accordance with Chapter 20, Zoning, Article II. – Administration, of the City Code prior to the City Commission meeting on the proposed residential lot split. Notices provided under this subsection are hereby deemed courtesy notices only and the failure to provide or receive said notices shall not be a basis of appealing any decision made under this section. Applicants shall be solely responsible for the cost of the notices required by this subsection. (3) Upon approval of the lot split by resolution of the city commission, the resolution shall be duly recorded in the public records of Seminole County and recorded on the appropriate city maps and documents. (c) No further division of an approved lot split is permitted under this section, unless a plat is prepared and approved in accordance with this chapter. * * * Sec. 9-14. Town center zoned property. The City Commission recognizes that the Town Center is subject to a master plan set forth in the Comprehensive Plan and the Town Center District Code. Further, in accordance with the master plan, the Town Center will be divided into a series of streets, squares, parks, blocks, and parcels. In order to facilitate the implementation of the Town Center master plan, land may be divided by plat, lot split resolution, or in accordance with a recorded development agreement unless an exemption set forth in section 9-13 is applicable. All development agreements shall be subject to approval by the city commission after the initial effective date of this section. The development agreement shall not permit the creation of residual parcels or tracts that are undevelopable by city standards excluding those lands that are dedicated to the public. Moreover, the development agreement shall set forth the surveyed legal description and proposed development plan of the land that may be divided and any other terms and conditions deemed necessary by the city commission to permit the division of land in accordance with the Town Center District Code and the general criteria set forth in section 9-10. Notwithstanding, town home and single family residential projects with more than three (3) units shall require a plat all divisions of land creating three or more resulting lots shall require approval of a subdivision plat in accordance with Chapter 177, Florida Statutes. Sec. 9-15. – Boundary Line Adjustments. (a) Boundary line adjustment. An adjustment of a boundary line between contiguous lots or parcels (hereinafter “lots” or “lot”) which may be platted or unplatted and which are under separate ownership or the same ownership shall be exempt from the platting requirements of this Chapter if the boundary line adjustment does not create any additional lots and meets all of the following conditions. 60 City of Winter Springs Ordinance No. 2025-02 Page 9 of 25 (1) It is demonstrated that the request is to correct an engineering or surveying error in a recorded plat or is to permit a boundary change between adjacent lots; and (2) Both landowners whose lot lines are being adjusted provide written consent to the boundary line adjustment; and (3) Instrument(s) evidencing the boundary line adjustment shall be filed in the official records of Seminole County, Florida, upon approval, and shall indicate that the result of the boundary line adjustment will meet the standards of, and conforms to, the requirements of the City Code, including the dimensional requirements of the zoning district and the subdivision in which the lots are located. However, in cases of an existing nonconforming lot of record, the adjustment shall not increase the nonconformity of the lot; and (4) It is demonstrated that the boundary line adjustment will not affect the development rights or permitted density or intensity of use of the affected lots by providing the opportunity to create a new lot(s) for resale or development or by making the density or intensity of any lot nonconforming. The aggregation of multiple lots under common ownership shall not be considered a boundary line adjustment and may be accomplished through a unity of title agreement with the City. (b) Boundary line adjustment review and processing. Every boundary line adjustment shall be processed in the following manner: (1) Application. An application form provided by the planning and zoning division shall be completed and filed with the division, accompanied with the following: a. An application fee approved by resolution of the City Commission; b. A narrative describing the reason(s) for the boundary line adjustment and proposed reconfiguration; c. An affidavit by all property owners that they consent to the boundary line adjustment and resulting lot formation; d. A survey of the original and proposed reconfigured lots prepared by a duly licensed land surveyor registered in Florida. The survey shall also include: i. The location of any principal or accessory buildings or structures and the existing and proposed setbacks on each lot; and ii. The existing location of all easements and utilities serving the lots; and 61 City of Winter Springs Ordinance No. 2025-02 Page 10 of 25 iii. The location of proposed access to the lots, including the location of proposed access easements. e. A title opinion from an attorney or a property information report that is prepared within the preceding thirty (30) days showing the status of the title to the site encompassed by the boundary line adjustment and all mortgages, liens, encumbrances and defects, if any; f. Where required by the City Attorney, a joinder and consent from any affected mortgage holders; g. Proposed deeds appropriate to accomplish any necessary property conveyances to effectuate the boundary line adjustment. (2) Review criteria. The City Manager or designee shall approve, approve with conditions, or deny the boundary line adjustment using the criteria established below: a. The boundary line adjustment shall not result in the creation of any additional lot; b. The lots resulting after the boundary line adjustment shall meet all dimensional requirements specified for the applicable district as outlined in the City Code, except that in cases of an existing nonconforming lot of records, the adjustment shall not increase the nonconformity of the lot. c. The boundary line adjustment shall not create a nonconforming setback for any existing building or structure; d. All lots modified by the boundary line adjustment procedures shall have access in compliance with the standards established by the City; e. The boundary line adjustment shall not cause lot lines to bisect on-site sewage disposal systems, prevent adequate access to water supply, obstruct fire lanes or otherwise interfere with existing easements or the provision of utilities or emergency services; f. The boundary line adjustment shall not violate an applicable requirement or condition of a previous land use action, subdivision, plat or site plan; g. All boundary line adjustments shall be recorded surveys consistent with the requirements of applicable law. All boundary lines being adjusted shall be surveyed, and newly established lot corners shall be determined; h. All conditions for a boundary line adjustment as established in subsection (a) shall be satisfied. 62 City of Winter Springs Ordinance No. 2025-02 Page 11 of 25 (c) Unity of title. The City Manager or designee shall require the affected property owners to enter into a unity of title agreement with the city for purposes of creating the new developable lots resulting from the boundary line adjustment. The City Manager shall be required to execute the unity of title agreement on the City’s behalf provided the application is in compliance with the provisions of this section. The City Manager or designee may determine that a unity of title agreement is not required for insubstantial boundary changes. (d) Recording. No boundary line adjustment shall be recorded unless approved as provided in this section. The boundary line adjustment shall be recorded with the Clerk of the Court of Seminole County within twelve (12) months of approval by the planning official, and one reproducible copy shall be furnished to the planning and zoning division. ARTICLE II. – PROCEDURE FOR SECURING APPROVAL OF PLANS AND PLATS DIVISION 1. – GENERALLY Sec. 9-26. Maps, engineering plans and plats to be submitted in preliminary and final form. Reserved. Nine (9) copies of all maps, engineering plans or plats of subdivisions of any land within the city or other projects (condominiums, mobile home parks, etc.) subject to the provisions of this chapter, shall be submitted originally in preliminary form for preliminary approval. Subsequently plans shall be submitted to the city commission in final form for final review and approval prior to the approval to record such plat, or prosecute such plan. Final submittal to the city council shall be preceded by the approval of the appropriate city agencies, as indicated in this chapter, who shall determine whether all applicable requirements have been complied with by the applicant. Secs. 9-27—9-45. Reserved. DIVISION 2. – PRELIMINARY PLAN PLAT Sec. 9-46. Filing and contents of preliminary map and plan. (a) Preapplication approval procedure. It is recommended that any developer contemplating subdividing land in the city consult with city planning, building and engineering officials before laying out any such plan. The above-referenced officials shall advise such person in the preparation of any such plan particularly as regards the requirements of these regulations. No person may rely upon any comment made by any participant at the pre- application conference as a representation or implication that the application will be ultimately approved or rejected in any form. The pre-application submission should include the following: (1) Data on the existing site conditions, such as physical characteristics, adjacent community facilities and public utilities. 63 City of Winter Springs Ordinance No. 2025-02 Page 12 of 25 (2) Description of the proposed subdivision, including the proposed number of lots, average lot width and depth, building types and sizes, community facilities, street and drainage improvements. (3) Topographic map at a scale no smaller than one hundred (100) feet to one (1) inch, showing items (1) and (2) in sketch form. (b) Preliminary plan plat and site and final engineering plan submission. (1) No improvements, including clearing and grading, shall be undertaken until final engineering drawings for the subdivision, or unit division thereof, have been submitted to and approved by the City Commission. Accordingly, the preliminary plat application shall be accompanied by and processed concurrently with final engineering drawings for the development, as well as a site plan if the specific plan of development is known for each lot to be created, at the time of preliminary plat application submission, unless final engineering drawings and/or a site plan was previously approved by the City for the property or adequate means of providing ingress and egress, utilities, and drainage have been or may be provided as determined by the City Manager or designee. Final engineering drawings and site plans shall be processed in accordance with Chapter 20, Zoning, Article II, of the City Code of Ordinances. The applicant shall prepare and submit a preliminary plat subdivision map and/or plan together with other supplementary material specified below, accompanied by the appropriate form and fee to the city planner who shall process the application in accordance with provisions of this Code. Processing shall be as follows: a. City planner. b. City engineer. c. Staff review. d. City surveyor and City Attorney. e. Planning and zoning board. e.f. City council commission. (2) Preliminary plan plat supporting data. The preliminary plan plat shall be drawn on standard twenty-four-inch by thirty-six-inch paper for convenient filing at a reasonable scale (normally one (1) inch equals one hundred (100) feet) and shall include the following either on the plat or, as appropriate, in supporting final engineering and site plans submitted concurrently with the preliminary plat: a. Name of development; date of preliminary plan plat or revision; scale of plan plat; north arrow; approximate acreage in the tract being subdivided; total number of lots; name, address and telephone number of developer, surveyor and engineer. b. Location map showing relationship between area proposed for development and surrounding area. c. Legal description of tract to be subdivided. 64 City of Winter Springs Ordinance No. 2025-02 Page 13 of 25 d. Boundaries of tract shown by a heavy line. e. Existing streets. The name, location and right-of-way width of all existing improved streets, rights-of-way and platted streets within two hundred (200) feet of the proposed subdivision; surface elevation, including any legally established centerline elevations; walks, curbs, gutters, culverts, etc. f. Proposed streets. The name of temporary designation (Street A, B, C, etc.), right- of-way, and type and width of pavement. Include any streets shown on the adopted comprehensive plan. g. Existing and proposed Proposed easements or rights-of-way other than for streets (e.g., for drainage, pedestrian ways, bridle paths, or bicycle paths), location, width and purpose. h. Lots. Lot lines and scaled dimension, lot numbers, and/or block numbers, and building setback lines for irregularly shaped lots. The building setback distance is the distance required to meet the minimum lot width of the zoning district. i. Sites, if any, for multifamily dwellings, shopping centers, churches, industry, parks, playgrounds, and other public and nonpublic uses exclusive of single- family dwellings. j. Names of abutting subdivisions, recordation date and number. k. Existing utilities on and abutting the tract; location, size and invert elevation of sanitary, storm, and combined sewers; location and size of water mains; location of gas lines, fire hydrants, electric and telephone poles, and streetlights. If water mains and sewers are not on or abutting the tract, indicate the direction and distance to, and size of nearest ones, showing invert elevation of sewers. l. Proposed utilities. A statement on the proposed method of water supply and sewage disposal. m. Other existing improvements, including buildings, on the tract. n. Natural features, including lakes, marshes or swamps, watercourses, and other pertinent features; wooded areas. A general description of soils and existing vegetation on the tract shall also be provided (Seminole County Soils Survey). o. Existing contours at one-foot intervals based on U.S. Coast and Geodetic Datum for the tract to be subdivided and, where practicable, extending twenty-five (25) feet beyond the tract boundary. p. Proposed surface drainage with direction of flow and method of disposition to the natural drainage area indicated or other acceptable stormwater systems. q. Subsurface conditions on the tract, to a minimum depth requested by the city engineer; location and results of tests made to ascertain subsurface soil, rock and groundwater conditions; depth to groundwater; location and results of soil percolation tests; location and extent of muck pockets. Tests shall indicate weight- bearing capability of the soil after stripping and compacting. 65 City of Winter Springs Ordinance No. 2025-02 Page 14 of 25 r. Zoning on and abutting the tract. s. Proposed public improvements; highways or other major improvements planned by public authorities for future consideration on or near the tract. t. Draft of restrictive covenants, if any. If the development is a PUD or private development of any nature, restrictive covenants will be required, if available at the time of submission. u. Other preliminary plans. When requested by the city, typical cross sections of the proposed grading, roadway and sidewalk, preliminary plans of proposed potable water and firefighting systems, sanitary sewage systems, stormwater management systems. All elevations shall be based on U.S. Coast and Geodetic Datum. The applicant shall provide the location and information of the hundred-year flood elevation relative to the proposed site, based on the FEMA (Federal Emergency Management Agency) maps and establish the wetlands boundary by the approved governing agencies, such as the Florida Department of Environmental Regulation, the St. John's Water Management District and the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers. In addition, the seasonal high water elevation shall be provided, as determined by a registered professional engineer in the State of Florida. v. Landscaping plan and tree removal and/or land clearing application in accordance with Chapter 5 of the City Code of Ordinances. w. Title opinion: A title opinion from an attorney or a property information report that is prepared within the preceding sixty (60) days showing the status of the title to the site encompassed by the preliminary plat and all mortgages, liens, encumbrances and defects, if any. x. For Planned Unit Developments, the setbacks for each lot and building setback from the perimeter of the Planned Unit Development shall be provided on the preliminary plat. y. Soils explorations. The results of comprehensive soils explorations, evaluation of results and recommendations by a city-approved soils engineering and testing firm. The soils explorations work shall include as a minimum: i. Results of borings located by survey at suitable intervals along the proposed roadways; classification and properties of soils encountered; and groundwater elevation to United States Geological Survey datum found subsequent to making the borings. The evaluation of the results and recommendations by the soils firm shall include as a minimum: Recommendations on the type of base construction; projected high-water elevation to United States Geological Survey datum along the proposed roadways, need, design, size, location, depth and details of underdrains; and a recommendation on the elevation of street grades including depth of cut. The results of the soils work, evaluation of results, and recommendations shall be incorporated into the plans and specifications submitted for review. ii. If during construction of improvements, the city determines in the field that soils and/or groundwater conditions are found to be different than shown in 66 City of Winter Springs Ordinance No. 2025-02 Page 15 of 25 the data submitted with final development and engineering plans, or there is question about adequacy of the approved plans caused by conditions found in the field, the city shall have the right to require the performance and submission of additional soils work and/or to require modification of the previously approved design plans including, but not limited to modification of street grades and/or installation of additional underdrains, use of soil cement base course, or other modifications. z. Lot grading. At the time final engineering plans are submitted, lot grading and drainage plans shall be submitted for review and approval. The plans shall show minimum floor elevations for all homes, existing topography, grading of all lots, and any drainage improvements proposed or required on the lots. The lot grading and drainage plans shall show the lot lines, existing topography (one-foot contour intervals), and proposed lot filling, grading and drainage at a scale of one (1) inch is equal to one hundred (100) feet (or larger) in general accordance with FHA standards for lot grading. Substantiating soil borings, evaluations and studies shall also be submitted to document soil conditions, projected high-water groundwater elevation on the lots, and adequacy of the lot grading and drainage plans. aa. Identification of the percentage of planned homes or the number of building permits that the City is requested to issue for the residential subdivision or planned community before a final plat is recorded with the clerk of the circuit court of Seminole County, if any, in accordance with Section 177.073, Florida Statutes. Final engineering and site plan applications shall contain all application requirements as established in Chapter 20, Zoning, Article II, of the City Code of Ordinances. Nothing in this Chapter shall supersede the requirements listed in Chapter 20 for such applications nor excuse the applicant from compliance with Chapter 20. Sec. 9-47. Action on preliminary plan by city council. Planning and Zoning Board. Within forty-five (45) days after receipt by the city of the complete preliminary plan, the city commission shall take action at any regular or special meeting and report to the applicant its approval, conditional approval, disapproval or request additional information from the applicant. Following public notice as provided in Chapter 20, the planning and zoning board shall review the preliminary plat to determine its conformity with the land development regulations and these subdivision regulations. Upon completing its review, the planning and zoning board shall recommend to the city commission the approval, approval subject to conditions, or denial of the preliminary plat. In recommending approval subject to conditions or in recommending denial, the reasons for such action shall be stated in writing and reference shall be made to the specific sections of the chapter with which the preliminary plat does not comply. The subdivider shall be notified in writing of the action taken. 67 City of Winter Springs Ordinance No. 2025-02 Page 16 of 25 Sec. 9-48. Reasons when preliminary plan is disapproved; conditional approval. Action on preliminary plat by City Commission; effect of approval. Upon disapproval of any plan, the city commission shall indicate those sections of this chapter with which the plan does not comply. Conditional approval may be granted specifying conditions which must be complied with, and such conditions shall be considered thereafter as part of the preliminary plan. (a) Time. The city commission shall approve or disapprove the preliminary plat: (1) Within thirty (30) days after its receipt of the recommendation of the planning and zoning board, or, (2) Within thirty (30) days after being placed on the agenda of the city commission if the planning board failed to act on the proposed subdivision within a reasonable time. (b) Effect of Approval. Approval of the preliminary plat shall not be construed as authority for filing of the plat with the clerk of the circuit court of Seminole County, nor as authority for the sale of lots in reference thereto. Approval of the preliminary plat authorizes the subdivider to install all required improvements in accordance with the approved plans and specifications. All work shall be inspected and approved by the city engineer. No improvements, including clearing and grading, shall be undertaken until final engineering drawings and/or site plan for the subdivision, or unit division thereof, have been submitted to and approved by the City Commission. Sec. 9-49. Approval of preliminary plan to be construed only as authority to submit final plan. Request for expedited issuance of building permits prior to final plat approval. Approval of the preliminary plan shall be construed as authority for submitting a final plan in accordance with this chapter. Approval of the preliminary plan by the city council shall not be construed as authority for the sale of lots in reference to the preliminary plan, nor as authority for obtaining building permits, nor for the recording of a plat, nor for the installation of required improvements. (a) Issuance of expedited building permits. Pursuant to Section 177.073, Florida Statutes an applicant may make application for up to fifty (50) percent [seventy-five (75) percent effective December 1, 2027] of residential building permits for those lots approved in the preliminary plat and final engineering and site plan and the City Commission shall issue such building permits in accordance with the Florida Building Code and Section 177.073, Florida Statutes, before a final plat is recorded with the clerk of the circuit court, provided the residential buildings or structures are unoccupied and all of the following conditions are met: (1) The City Commission has approved a preliminary plat for each residential subdivision or planned community. (2) The applicant provides a master sheet identifying the specific lots of the subdivision, not to exceed fifty (50) percent [seventy-five (75) percent effective December 1, 2027] of the total, for which the applicant plans to submit application for a building permit prior to the approval of the final plat. This master sheet shall be submitted to the City Commission with 68 City of Winter Springs Ordinance No. 2025-02 Page 17 of 25 the preliminary plat for approval prior to approval of any requested building permit. The City reserves the right to deny authorization for development on a specific lot or lots to protect the interests of the City. (3) The applicant provides proof to the City that the applicant has provided a copy of the approved preliminary plat, along with the approved plans, to the relevant electric, gas, water, and wastewater utilities. (4) The applicant has submitted the required performance security as provided in Section 9- 76 herein. For purposes of a master planned community as defined in Section 163.3202(5)(b), Florida Statutes, performance security is required on a phase-by-phase basis. (b) Contracts to sell. An applicant may contract to sell, but may not transfer ownership of, a residential structure or building located in the residential subdivision or planned community until the final plat is approved by the City Commission and recorded in the public records by the clerk of the circuit court. (c) Certificates of occupancy. An applicant may not obtain a temporary or final certificate of occupancy for each residential structure or building for which a building permit is issued until the final plat is approved by the City Commission and recorded in the public records by the clerk of the circuit court. (d) Indemnification. An applicant requesting expedited issuance of building permits prior to the recordation of the final plat shall indemnify and hold harmless the City, its governing body, its employees, and its agents from liability or damages resulting from the issuance of a building permit or the construction, reconstruction, or improvement or repair of a residential building or structure, including any associated utilities, located in the residential subdivision or planned community. Additionally, an applicant shall indemnify and hold harmless the City, its governing body, its employees, and its agents from liability or disputes resulting from the issuance of a certificate of occupancy for a residential building or structure that is constructed, reconstructed, improved, or repaired before the approval and recordation of the final plat of the qualified project. This indemnification includes, but is not limited to, any liability and damage resulting from wind, fire, flood, construction defects, bodily injury, and any actions, issues, or disputes arising out of a contract or other agreement between the developer and a utility operating in the residential subdivision or planned community. The indemnity obligation of the applicant shall be consistent with Section 177.073, Florida Statutes, as it may be amended from time to time. Secs. 9-50—9-70. Reserved. DIVISION 3. – FINAL DEVELOPMENT PLAN, FINAL PLAT Sec. 9-71. When final development plan plat is to be filed; extension. (a) The final development plan including engineering and plat for all or a portion of the area covered by the preliminary plan plat shall be submitted within one (1) year of the date of approval of the preliminary plan plat; otherwise, such preliminary approval will 69 City of Winter Springs Ordinance No. 2025-02 Page 18 of 25 automatically become null and void unless the city commission grants a specific extension of time. (b) Application for approval of the final development plan/plat, engineering and supplementary data shall be submitted to the city planner accompanied by a check in an amount determined by the fee schedule in force at the time of application, payable to the city to cover the cost of handling, review and engineering inspections during the processing of the plans. Sec. 9-72. Processing of final plans. Processing of final plans shall be as follows: (1) City planner. (2) City engineer. (3) Staff review. (4) City surveyor and City Attorney. (5) Only if significant changes, alterations or modifications have been made to the final plans and plat which would cause to be construed at the time of staff review that a substantial difference between the final and the preliminary plans/plat now exists, plans the plat must then be sent to planning and zoning for further review. If no substantial difference between the preliminary and final plansplat exists, this step in the process will not be required. (5)(6) City commission. Sec. 9-73. Form and contents of final development plan. plat. (a) The final development plan and plat shall conform substantially to the approved preliminary plan plat as approved and shall include all conditional requirements specified by the city commission on any conditional approval of the preliminary plan plat. The subdivider may propose only a portion of the area of an approved preliminary plan plat for final development should that be desired. Whenever developing only a portion of an approved preliminary planplat, that portion being developed must be engineered so that section is not dependent upon further development to ensure adequate drainage, sewerage, water and other improvements. (b) Additional engineering/plans to accompany the final development plan/plat: (1) Potable water including fire protection systems. (2) Sanitary sewer. (3) Drainage and stormwater management facilities including underdrains. (4) Bulkheads. (5) Excavation and fill. 70 City of Winter Springs Ordinance No. 2025-02 Page 19 of 25 (6) Sidewalks, bicycle paths, and bridle paths. (7) Streets and curbs. Street grades and elevation shall be established to minimize the need for underdrains. In soils where high groundwater is found or suspected, cuts shall be minimized in order to reduce the need for underdrains. Wherever along the proposed roadways projected groundwater elevation is less than one (1) foot, six (6) inches below the bottom of swale (or bottom of road base where curb and gutter is used), underdrains shall be required. (8) Soils explorations. The results of comprehensive soils explorations, evaluation of results and recommendations by a city-approved soils engineering and testing firm. The soils explorations work shall include as a minimum: a. Results of borings located by survey at suitable intervals along the proposed roadways; classification and properties of soils encountered; and groundwater elevation to United States Geological Survey datum found subsequent to making the borings. The evaluation of the results and recommendations by the soils firm shall include as a minimum: Recommendations on the type of base construction; projected high-water elevation to United States Geological Survey datum along the proposed roadways, need, design, size, location, depth and details of underdrains; and a recommendation on the elevation of street grades including depth of cut. The results of the soils work, evaluation of results, and recommendations shall be incorporated into the plans and specifications submitted for review. b. If during construction of improvements, the city determines in the field that soils and/or groundwater conditions are found to be different than shown in the data submitted with final development and engineering plans, or there is question about adequacy of the approved plans caused by conditions found in the field, the city shall have the right to require the performance and submission of additional soils work and/or to require modification of the previously approved design plans including, but not limited to modification of street grades and/or installation of additional underdrains, use of soil cement base course, or other modifications. (9) Lot grading. At the time final engineering plans are submitted, lot grading and drainage plans shall be submitted for review and approval. The plans shall show minimum floor elevations for all homes, existing topography, grading of all lots, and any drainage improvements proposed or required on the lots. The lot grading and drainage plans shall show the lot lines, existing topography (one-foot contour intervals), and proposed lot filling, grading and drainage at a scale of one (1) inch is equal to one hundred (100) feet (or larger) in general accordance with FHA standards for lot grading. Substantiating soil borings, evaluations and studies shall also be submitted to document soil conditions, projected high-water groundwater elevation on the lots, and adequacy of the lot grading and drainage plans. (10) Street lighting plan, demonstrating power company participation. (11) Landscaping plans. Where site is commercial, industrial, or multifamily in nature, landscaping plans shall be presented along with the final development plans, unless specifically waived by the staff at the time of processing the preliminary plan. 71 City of Winter Springs Ordinance No. 2025-02 Page 20 of 25 (b) The final plat shall be twenty-four (24) by thirty (30) inches in size and shall be drawn on linen with India ink at the scale no smaller than one hundred (100) feet to the inch meeting all the platting requirements of Florida Statutes, and shall conform substantially to the preliminary plat as approved. The final plat shall constitute only that portion of the approved preliminary plat which the subdivider proposes to record and develop at the time, provided, however, that such portion conforms to all requirements of this chapter. The final plat shall be prepared by a registered Florida surveyor and shall show the following information: (1) Title, date, name and description of the subdivision and graphic scale. (2) Name of the subdivider and registered surveyor. (3) The lines and names of all streets and roads. (4) Lot lines and lot and block numbers. (5) Location, right-of-way and classification of canals and waterways. (6) Reservations, easements, alleys and any areas to be dedicated to public use or sites for other than residential use with notes stating their purpose and any limitations. (7) Sufficient data to determine readily and reproduce on the ground the location, bearing and length of every street line, lot line, boundary line whether curved or straight and including a north point. (8) The radius, central angle, point of tangent, and arcs and chords of all curved streets and curved property lines. (9) All dimensions should be to the nearest one-hundredths (100ths) of a foot and angles to the nearest second. (10) A legal description of the subdivision boundaries with bearings and distances. (11) Accurate location and descriptions of all monuments and markers. (12) The names and locations of adjoining subdivisions, streets and unsubdivided property. (13) Surveys and surveying data on the final plat shall be in accordance with acceptable professional practices and principles for land surveying and preparation of plats. Special consideration shall be given to the relationship of the proposed plat to existing abutting plats to prevent unintended overlap or omission of lands. (14) Mortgage holders shall execute before two (2) witnesses and a notary public the following certification on plats: "The mortgagee(s) consents and agrees to the platting of lands embraced in this plat and to the dedication(s) shown herein; and further, should it become necessary to foreclose the mortgage covering the property, that all pieces and parcels dedicated to the public will be excluded from the suit and the dedication shall remain in full force and effect." (15) A dedication to the public by the owners of all roads, streets, alleys, easements and other rights-of-way, however designated, shown on the plan for perpetual use for all public purposes. 72 City of Winter Springs Ordinance No. 2025-02 Page 21 of 25 (c) At the time the final plat is submitted to the city for approval, the plat shall be accompanied by: (1) A title opinion from an attorney or a property information report that is prepared within the preceding thirty (30) days showing the status of the title to the site encompassed by the final plat and demonstrating that the parties executing the plats are owners of the land included therein and listing all mortgages, liens, encumbrances and defects, if any. In addition, the title opinion shall state that taxes and assessments have been paid to date. The City may request an update of the title opinion or property information report prior to recording of the final plat. (2) Improvement and maintenance security as provided in Section 9-76 below. (3) A copy of the final declaration of restrictive covenants and easements. All land designated on the final plat as common open space, except public rights-of-way, including green(s) and all structures, roads and permitted drives, stormwater drainage facilities, and recreational amenities devoted to the common use of the inhabitants of this district shall be owned and maintained either by a property homeowners' association, a special taxing district, community development district, or a similar entity. In the case of a homeowners' association, the ownership of lots shall be subject to mandatory covenants providing for the maintenance of the common facilities in a manner that assures its continuing use for its intended purpose. The subdivider shall submit evidence of the lawful formation of a homeowner's association or other ownership entity to be reviewed and approved by the city attorney for legal sufficiency prior to the final plat being scheduled for review by the city council. The final plat shall neither be approved nor given full force and effect unless and until the declaration of restrictive covenants is provided to the city by the subdivider, has been reviewed and approved by the city attorney for legal sufficiency, and recorded in the public records of Seminole County. Sec. 9-74. Action on final development plan final engineering and site plans; expiration of approval. (a) If the developer elects to request approval of a final development engineering and site plan separately and prior to approval to record the plat of that development, the city commission may approve such final development engineering and site plan if the plan is in substantial conformity with the approved preliminary plan or a subsequently approved modification to the preliminary plan. in accordance with the procedures and criteria contained in Chapter 20, Zoning, of the City Code of Ordinances. The final development engineering and site plan may be approved if it complies with all relevant regulations included in this chapter and Chapter 20. Approval of the plan shall be subject to fulfillment of all conditions specified by the city staff and sanctioned by the city commission. Action to approve a final development plan shall be taken by the city commission within thirty (30) days after receipt by the city of the complete plan with all supporting data required by this chapter. (b) If within two (2) years after approval of a final development engineering and site plan of a development not part of a PUD and for which the plat has not yet been recorded, the 73 City of Winter Springs Ordinance No. 2025-02 Page 22 of 25 development encompassed by the plan has not been completed and inspected by the city, the final development engineering and site plan shall be resubmitted for reapproval of all streets and areas within the scope of the plan that remain incomplete and/or unable to function independently of completion of remaining undeveloped portions of the development covered by the previously approved plan. Procedures for reapproval of such expired final development engineering and site plans shall be the same as for the original approval. Sec. 9-75. Final plat, contents and recording procedures. Reserved. (a) The final plat shall conform substantially to the approved preliminary plan, and shall be submitted to the city planner as follows: (1) The final plat shall include one (1) linen original. If more than one (1) sheet is required, a suitable index map showing the entire development with index for the various sheets shall be shown on the first sheet. (2) The final plat shall show streets, lots, blocks and easements indicating the centerline, width and sidelines of all easements. (3) Surveys and surveying data on the final plat shall be in accordance with acceptable professional practices and principles for land surveying and preparation of plats. Special consideration shall be given to the relationship of the proposed plat to existing abutting plats to prevent unintended overlap or omission of lands. (4) Mortgage holders shall execute before two (2) witnesses and a notary public the following certification on plats: "The mortgagee(s) consents and agrees to the platting of lands embraced in this plat and to the dedication(s) shown herein; and further, should it become necessary to foreclose the mortgage covering the property, that all pieces and parcels dedicated to the public will be excluded from the suit and the dedication shall remain in full force and effect." (5) A dedication to the public by the owners of all roads, streets, alleys, easements and other rights-of-way, however designated, shown on the plan for perpetual use for all public purposes. (b) Three (3) copies of all protective or restrictive covenants to be recorded shall be submitted with the final plat. (c) A letter from an acceptable abstractor shall certify the following: (1) That the parties executing the plats are owners of the land included therein. (2) All recorded mortgages, liens and other encumbrances. (3) That taxes and assessments have been paid to date. (4) That the description shown on the plat is correct. (d) An appropriate bond submitted in accordance with bonding procedures set forth in section 9-76 shall be required for all developments within which improvements are to be dedicated to the public. 74 City of Winter Springs Ordinance No. 2025-02 Page 23 of 25 Sec. 9-76. Bonding procedures. Improvement and maintenance security. (a) Surety-performance bond. Performance security. When requesting to record a plat for property with streets to be dedicated to the public in which all improvements have not been installed or have been only partially installed, the developer shall provide a corporate or surety completion bond including a payment of vendors' clause executed by a company authorized to do business in the state and acceptable to the city, payable to the city in the penal sum of the amount of the engineer's estimate or alternative bid estimates for the incompleted portions of the work to be done to provide the streets, drainage facilities, street signs, water and sewer facilities, sidewalks and other improvements as shown on the final development plan. As an alternative to the provision of a corporate or surety bond, the subdivider may provide the deposit of equivalent cash in an escrow account with the city, or a letter of credit drawn on an approved institution, drawn in a form approved by the city attorney. For final plat applications filed after January 1, 2025, where the required improvements have not been substantially completed prior to the submission of the final plat, the approval of such plat shall be subject to the subdivider guaranteeing the installation of such improvements through one (1) of the following methods: (a) Filing a letter of credit in the amount of one hundred thirty percent (130%) of the construction cost estimation of any unfinished portion of the required improvements and in a form acceptable to the City Attorney, which shall be presentable and payable to the City should the improvements not be completed within two (2) years of final plat approval. (b) Depositing or placing in escrow a certified check, cash or other acceptable security as determined by the City Attorney, in the amount of one hundred thirty percent (130%) of the construction cost estimation of any unfinished portion of the required improvements, which shall be subject to the City’s use should the improvements not be completed within two (2) years of final plat approval. In addition, should the subdivider request approval of the final plat prior to substantial completion of all improvements, the subdivider shall be required to place the following advisory notice on the first page of the plat, underneath the signature block for the City’s mayor, in at least 12-point boldfaced type: ADVISORY: At the request of the Owner, this final plat has been approved prior to the installation and completion of the subdivision improvements, which may include roads, curbs, gutters, sidewalks, utility lines, stormwater drainage improvements, and recreational amenities. (b) Where the required improvements have been substantially completed prior to the submission of the final plat, approval of such plat shall be subject to the subdivider guaranteeing the completion of such improvements through one (1) of the methods described above in subsection (1) or by filing a performance surety bond in the amount of one hundred thirty percent (130%) of the construction cost estimation of any unfinished portion of the required improvements and in a form acceptable to the City Attorney. 75 City of Winter Springs Ordinance No. 2025-02 Page 24 of 25 (b)(c) Maintenance bonds. When requesting to record a plat for which the improvements have been installed, inspected and approved by the city engineer and when the city is being asked to accept such improvements, the subdivider shall provide a maintenance bond payable to the city guaranteeing the performance of required and installed improvements for two (2) years after the date of completion and acceptance by the city, executed and enforceable in the same manner as the corporate or surety completion bond. The bond shall be in the amount of ten (10) percent of the estimated construction cost of all improvements to be owned and maintained by the city. As an alternative to the provision of a corporate or surety bond, the subdivider may provide the deposit of equivalent cash in an escrow account with the city, or a letter of credit drawn on an approved institution, drawn in a form approved by the city attorney. Sec. 9-77. Approval of final plat. The city commission may approve the final plat at a public hearing noticed at least seven (7) days in advance in accordance with the methods described in Chapter 20, Zoning, Article II, of the City Code of Ordinances, considering any applicable agency reports, if the plan is in substantial conformity with the approved preliminary plans plat and if it complies with regulations established by this chapter. Action by the city commission may be taken expeditiously, but not to exceed thirty (30) days after receipt of the final plat and supporting data by the city unless delay is requested by or caused by the applicant. If the commission certifies that the development has met all requirements hereof, the plat shall be endorsed as finally approved by the mayor and attested by the city clerk in order that the same may be recorded among the public records of the county. The Building Official shall not issue a certificate of occupancy until the final plat has been approved and recorded and all drainage, street and utility improvements have been installed and accepted by the City as applicable. Sec. 9-78. Recording/distribution of the final plat. Upon completion of all approval action, the city planner shall be responsible for ensuring that the original linen is signed and sealed, and the plat and deed restrictions, if any, are delivered to the appropriate authority for recording. The developer shall submit to the city the recording fee as specified in the current fee schedule. Secs. 9-79—9-100. Reserved. Section 5. Repeal of Prior Inconsistent Ordinances and Resolutions. All prior inconsistent ordinances and resolutions adopted by the City Commission, or parts or ordinances and resolutions in conflict herewith, are hereby repealed to the extent of the conflict. Section 6. Incorporation into Code. This Ordinance shall be incorporated into the Winter Springs City Code and any section or paragraph, number or letter, and any heading may be changed or modified as necessary to effectuate the foregoing. Grammatical, typographical, and like errors may be corrected and additions, alterations, and omissions, not affecting the construction or meaning of this ordinance and the City Code may be freely made. 76 City of Winter Springs Ordinance No. 2025-02 Page 25 of 25 Section 7. Severability. If any section, subsection, sentence, clause, phrase, word, or provision of this ordinance is for any reason held invalid or unconstitutional by any court of competent jurisdiction, whether for substantive, procedural, or any other reason, such portion shall be deemed a separate, distinct and independent provision, and such holding shall not affect the validity of the remaining portions of this ordinance. Section 8. Effective Date. This Ordinance shall become effective upon adoption by the City Commission of the City of Winter Springs, Florida, and pursuant to City Charter. ADOPTED by the City Commission of the City of Winter Springs, Florida, in a regular meeting assembled on the _____ day of______________, 2025. Kevin McCann, Mayor ATTEST: Christian Gowan, City Clerk APPROVED AS TO LEGAL FORM AND SUFFICIENCY FOR THE CITY OF WINTER SPRINGS ONLY: _______________________________ Anthony A. Garganese, City Attorney Legal Ad: First Reading: Legal Ad: Second Reading: 77 12 Orlando Sentinel | Section 1 | Wednesday, January 15, 2025 Placing a Classified Ad in Orlando Sentinel Classifieds is the most cost effective way to sell your Home, Car or Va luables! NOTICE TO CREDITORSIN THE CIRCUIT COURT FOR ORANGE COUNTY, FLORIDA PROBATE DIVISIONFile No. 2024-CP-003590-ODivisionIN RE: ESTATE OF JERRY KEITH FIXDeceased.The administration of the estate of Jerry Keith Fix, deceased, whose date of death was September 11th, 2024, is pending in the Circuit Court for Orange County, Florida, Probate Division, the address of which is 425 N. Orange Ave., Orlando, FL 32801. The names and addresses of the personal representative and the personal representative’s attorney are set forth below. All creditors of the decedent and other persons having claims or demands against decedent’s estate on whom a copy of this notice is required to be served must file their claims with this court ON OR BEFORE THE LATER OF 3 MONTHS AFTER THE TIME OF THE FIRST PUBLICATION OF THIS NOTICE OR 30 DAYS AFTER THE DATE OF SERVICE OF A COPY OF THIS NOTICE ON THEM. All other creditors of the decedent and other persons having claims or demands against decedent’s estate must file their claims with this court WITHIN 3 MONTHS AFTER THE DATE OF THE FIRST PUBLICATION OF THIS NOTICE. ALL CLAIMS NOT FILED WITHIN THE TIME PERIODS SET FORTH IN FLORIDA STATUTES SECTION 733.702 WILL BE FOREVER BARRED. NOTWITHSTANDING THE TIME PERIODS SET FORTH ABOVE, ANY CLAIM FILED TWO (2) YEARS OR MORE AFTER THE DECEDENT’S DATE OF DEATH IS BARRED. Attorney for Personal Representative: Nicholas L. Bruce Email Addresses:nbruce@estatebruce.com cperalta@bruceestatelaw.com nmendoza@bruceestatelaw.com Florida Bar No. 982921575 Indian River Blvd. Suite C-230Vero Beach, Florida, 32960 Te lephone: 772-610-6580 Personal Representative: Mark Alan Fix 4265 Parnell RoadMarietta, Georgia, 30062 1/8/2025, 1/15/2025 7749700 NOTICE UNDER FICTITIOUS NAME TO WHOM IT MAY CONCERN: Notice is hereby given that the under signed pursuant to the “Fictitious Name Statute, Chapter 865.09, Florida Statutes, will register with the Division of Corporations, Department of State, State of Florida upon receipt of this notice. The fictitious name, to-wit: Paula White under which (I am) (we are) engaged in business at 421 Kentucky Blue Circle That the (party) (parties) interested in said business enterprise is as follows: Paula Friga 421 Kentucky Blue Circle Dated at Apopka, Orange County , Florida, 01/14/2025 7753575 1/15/2025 NOTICE UNDER FICTITIOUS NAME TO WHOM IT MAY CONCERN: Notice is hereby given that the under signed pursuant to the “Fictitious Name Statute, Chapter 865.09, Florida Statutes, will register with the Division of Corporations, Department of State, State of Florida upon receipt of this notice. The fictitious name, to-wit: Jonathan Cain under which (I am) (we are) engaged in business at 421 Kentucky Blue Circle That the (party) (parties) interested in said business enterprise is as follows: John Friga 421 Kentucky Blue Circle Dated at Apopka, Orange County , Florida, 01/14/2025 7753493 1/15/2025 NOTICE UNDER FICTITIOUS NAME TO WHOM IT MAY CONCERN: Notice is hereby given that the under signed pursuant to the “Fictitious Name Statute, Chapter 865.09, Florida Statutes, will register with the Division of Corporations, Department of State, State of Florida upon receipt of this notice. The fictitious name, to-wit:HIZ MORTGAGE ADVISORS under which (I am) (we are) engaged in business at 10078 LOVEGRASS LN That the (party) (parties) interested in said business enterprise is as follows: HOUSING INVESTMENT ZONE LLC 10078 LOVEGRASS LANE Dated at ORLANDO, Orange County , Florida, 01/13/2025 7753236 1/15/2025 NOTICE UNDER FICTITIOUS NAME TO WHOM IT MAY CONCERN: Notice is hereby given that the under signed pursuant to the “Fictitious Name Statute, Chapter 865.09, Florida Statutes, will register with the Division of Corporations, Department of State, State of Florida upon receipt of this notice. The fictitious name, to-wit: PTN Travel under which (I am) (we are) engaged in business at 4261 E. UNIVERSITY DR. #30-505, PROSPER, TX 75078 That the (party) (parties) interested in said business enterprise is as follows: PICKLES VACATIONS LLC 4261 E. UNIVERSITY DR. #30-505, PROSPER, TX 75078 Dated at Orlando, Orange County , Florida, 01/13/2025 7753132 1/15/2025 INVITAT ION TO BIDSEMA Construction, Inc. invites all Central Florida Expressway Authority, Orange County, City of Orlando, FDOT Certified M/WBE Subcontractors and Suppliers to bid on the following project: SR 528 BRIDGE IMPROVEMENTSPROJECT NO. 528-778 CONTRACT NO. 002177 The work consists of providing all labor, materials, equipment, and incidentals necessary to complete the work of bridge repair work for six (6) bridges along SR 528 at International Corporate Park Blvd, Dallas Blvd, and the east Farm Access Road. The included bridges are Bridge Nos. 750058, 750059, 750213, 750214, 750332, and 750333. Work includes Expansionn Joint Header and Sealant repairs, concrete crack repairs, concrete spall repairs, concrete crash wall construction, concrete gutter restoration, slope pavement clearing and grubbing, clean and reseal slope pavement joints, drainage scupper installation, pressure washing, concrete overlay, re-tension span wire, three-beam guardrail replacement, concrete slope pavement end block installation, and the addition of vertical clearance signage in Orange County Plans and specifications are available for review at our office. Please submit your proposal in written form by Monday, January 20 th , 2025, to SEMA Construction, Inc.6200 Hazeltine National Drive,Suite 100, Orlando, Florida 32822 All interested parties should contact Estimating at phone: 407-563-7900 and e-mail to estimating.fl@semaconstruction.com 1/15/2025 7753445 BID NOTICESThe Orange County Board of County Commissioners is soliciting bids (IFBs) and proposals (RFPs) for goods, services, construction and professional services. Interested parties may obtain documents and subscribe to notifications at www.ocfl.net/eprocurement. For assistance, email procurement@ocfl.net or call 407-836-5635. Jan 1, 8, 15, 22, 29, 2025 7735545 Additional Public Notices can be found online at classifieds.orlandosentinel.com and floridapublicnotices.com Conne ct with one of our re cruitment specialists today (407)420-5605 or sgulsby@tribpub.com We areDedicat ed ttttoHHHHellllpiiiing YYYYou MMMMakkkkeHHHHiiiires. NOTICE OF REGULAR MEETING GRAMERCY FARMS COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT DISTRICTThe Board of Supervisors of the Gramercy Farms Community Development District will hold a meeting on January 22, 2025, at 9:00 a.m., at the Anthem Park Clubhouse, located at 2090 Continental Street, St. Cloud, Florida 34769. A copy of the agenda may be obtained at the office of the District Manager, Rizzetta & Company, Inc., located at 8529 South Park Circle, Suite 330, Orlando, Florida 32819, (407) 472-2471, during normal business hours. Additionally, a copy of the agenda, along with any meeting materials available in an electronic format, may be obtained at (www.gramercyfarmscdd.org). The meeting is open to the public and will be conducted in accordance with theprovisions of Florida law. The meetings may be continued to a date, time, and place to be specified on the record at the meeting. There may be occasions when Supervisors or District Staff may participate by speaker telephone. Any person requiring special accommodations at the meeting because of a disability or physical impairment should contact the District Manager’s Office at least forty-eight (48) hours prior to the meeting. If you are hearing or speech impaired, please contact the Florida Relay Service by dialing 7-1-1, or 1-800-955-8771 (TTY) / 1-800-955-8770 (Voice), for aid in contacting the District Manager’s Office. Brian MendesDistrict Manager 01/15/2025 7752864 NOTICE OF PUBLIC HEARINGS CITY OF WINTER SPRINGS NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN THAT THE CITY COMMISSION PROPOSE TO CONSIDER THE FOLLOWING: ORDINANCE NO. 2025-01 AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY COMMISSION OF THE CITY OF WINTER SPRINGS, FLORIDA; AMENDING THE CODE OF ORDINANCES OF THE CITY OF WINTER SPRINGS TO CLARIFY THE PROCEDURES TO APPLY FOR TREE REMOVAL AND LAND CLEARING PERMITS; TO AMEND THE PENALTIES FOR TREE REMOVAL AND LAND CLEARING WITHOUT A PERMIT; TO ESTABLISH REGULATIONS REGARDING EXCAVATION AND GRADING AND PROCEDURES FOR APPLYING FOR EXCAVAT ION AND GRADING PERMITS; PROVIDING FOR THE REPEAL OF PRIOR INCONSISTENT ORDINANCES AND RESOLUTIONS; INCORPORATION INTO THE CODE; SEVERABILITY AND AN EFFECTIVE DATE. ORDINANCE 2025-02 AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY COMMISSION OF THE CITY OF WINTER SPRINGS, FLORIDA; AMENDING THE CODE OF ORDINANCES OF THE CITY OF WINTER SPRINGS RELATING TO SUBDIVISION APPLICATION REQUIREMENTS AND PROCESSING PROCEDURES FOR BOTH PRELIMINARY AND FINAL PLATS; ALTERING THE REQUIREMENTS FOR POSTING SECURITY PRIOR TO FINAL PLAT APPROVAL TO ENSURE COMPLETION OF REQUIRED IMPROVEMENTS; AMENDING THE PROCESSING PROCEDURES FOR FINAL ENGINEERING AND SITE PLANS FOR CONFORMITY WITH CHAPTER 20; PROVIDING FOR THE REPEAL OF PRIOR INCONSISTENT ORDINANCES AND RESOLUTIONS; INCORPORATION INTO THE CODE; SEVERABILITY AND AN EFFECTIVE DATE. THE CITY COMMISSION SECOND READING/PUBLIC HEARINGWILL BE HELD ON MONDAY, JANUARY 27, 2025AT 6 :30 P.M. OR SOON THEREAFTER IN THECOMMISSION CHAMBERS LOCATED ATWINTER SPRINGS CITY HALL1126 EAST STATE ROAD 434WINTER SPRINGS, FLORIDA THE CITY COMMISSION RESERVE THE RIGHT TO POSTPONE OR CONTINUE THE PUBLIC HEARING ON THIS ORDINANCE AT THIS MEETING WITHOUT FURTHER NOTICE. The proposed ordinance may be obtained by interested parties between 8 a.m. and 5 p.m., Monday through Friday, from the office of the City Clerk, located at 1126 E. SR 434, Winter Springs, Florida. For more information, call (407) 327-1800 #237. Persons with disabilities needing assistance to participate in any of these proceedings should contact the Employee Relations Department Coordinator, 48 hours in advance of the meeting at (407) 327-1800, #236. This is a public hearing. Interested parties are advised that they may appear at the meeting and be heard with respect to the proposed ordinance. If you decide to appeal any recommendation or decision made by the City Commission with respect to any matter considered at this meeting, you will need a record of the proceedings, and for such purposes, you may need to ensure that a verbatim record of the proceedings is made upon which the appeal is based. 1/15/25 7752488 NOTICE OF BOARD OF SUPERVISORS MEETING FOR GIR EAST COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT DISTRICT Notice is hereby given that the Board of Supervisors (“Board”) of the GIR East Community Development District (“District”) will hold a meeting of the Board of Supervisors on January 22, 2025 at 3:30 p.m. at 3850 Canoe Creek Road, Saint Cloud, Florida 34772. A copy of the agenda may be obtained by contacting the District Manager at 407-841-5524 and providing a telephone and email address during normal business hours. The meetings are open to the public and will be conducted in accordance with the provisions of Florida law for community development districts. The meeting may be continued to a date, time, and place to be specified on the record at such meeting. Any person requiring special accommodations in order to access and participate in the meeting because of a disability or physical impairment should contact the District Manager’s Office at least forty-eight (48) hours prior to the meeting. I f you are hearing or speech impaired, please contact the Florida Relay Service by dialing 7-1-1, or 1-800-955-8771 (TTY) / 1-800-955-8770 (Voice), for aid in contacting the District Manager’s Office. Each person who decides to appeal any decision made by the Board with respect to any matter considered at the Meetings is advised that person will need a record of proceedings and that accordingly, the person may need to ensure that a verbatim record of the proceedings is made, including the testimony and evidence upon which such appeal is to be based. George S. FlintDistrict ManagerGovernmental Management Services – Central Florida, LLC 1/15/2025 7753287 Celebrate Events OrlandoSentinel.com/celebration NOTICE OF PUBLIC SALE:Self-storage Cube contents of the following customers containing household and other goods will be sold for cash by CubeSmart Management, LLC # 428- 1007 Willa Springs Dr, Winter Springs, FL 32708 satisfies a lien on Thursday, January 30, 2025, at approx. 10:00 AM at www.storagetreasures.com: Sabrina Perryman, John Barrett, Robert To rretti, Varney Lisa, Michael Hill, Miguel Soto-Ramirez. NOTICE OF PUBLIC SALE: Self-storage Cube contents of the following customers containing household and other goods will be sold for cash by CubeSmart Management, LLC # 696 – 3508 S Orlando Dr Sanford, FL 32773 to satisfy a lien on Friday, January 31 2025, at approx. 11:00 am at www.storagetreasures.com: Omar G, Scott Bridges, Deborah Nash, Anthony Garcia, Daniel Perez NOTICE OF PUBLIC SALE: Self-storage Cube contents of the following customers containing household and other goods will be sold for cash by CubeSmart Asset Management, LLC as Agent for Owner# 4362- 750 Orange Ave, Altamonte Springs, FL 32714 to satisfy a lien on Thursday, January 30, 2025, at approx. 11:00 am www.storagetreasures.com:Raymond Rogers, Miqueta Pender, Noemi Rodriguez, Ta ylor Walker Bland, Latoya bowers, Kwaniqua glenn, Carl Epps, Noemi Rodriguez NOTICE OF PUBLIC SALE: Self-storage Cube contents of the following customers containing household and other goods will be sold for cash by CubeSmart Asset Management, LLC as Agent for Owner # 5770 - 240 Storage Pointe, Altamonte Springs, FL 32701 to satisfy a lien on Thursday, January 30, 2025, at approx. 12:00 pm at www.storagetreasures.com: Carlos Hernandez, To ni Randazzo, Alberto Lopez, Meghan R Riley, Sarah Stobber, Natalee Peter, Stephanie Verzwvelt, Sherene Smith NOTICE OF PUBLIC SALE: Self-storage Cube contents of the following customers containing household and other goods will be sold for cash by CubeSmart Management, LLC # 857 - 3750 W 1st ST Sanford FL 32771 to satisfy a lien on Friday, January 31 2025, at approx. 12:00 PM at www.storagetreasures.com: Katrina Whitaker, Myleseia Reed, Alan Wilson, Tony Gonzalez, DeAunah Estill, Jalonee Hopkins, Jerry Ponder, Glenda Clemons, Arden Corday, Andrew Ammon. NOTICE OF PUBLIC SALE: Self-storage Cube contents of the following customers containing household and other goods will be sold for cash by CubeSmart Management, LLC # 703- 3730 S Orange Ave Orlando, FL 32806 to satisfy a lien on Friday, January 31, 2025, at approx. 1:00 PM at www.storagetreasures.com: Gurbaksh Singh, Edmund Tu rner, Jean R. Severe, Linda Page, Hilda M. Quintana, Vickie Lynn Collier, Ye nshia S. Williams, Sean N. Rickson, Ernante Racine, Hydeia Anderson, Benjanese S. Ta ylor, Tyshaun Holiday, Simone Palma Pingitori, NOTICE OF PUBLIC SALE: Self-storage Cube contents of the following customers containing household and other goods will be sold for cash by CubeSmart Management, LLC # 429- 965 S Semoran Blvd Winter Park, FL 32792 to satisfy a lien on Friday, January 31, 2025, at approx. 2:00 PM at www.storagetreasures.com:Azsile LaShondra, Jaquan Butler, Gerardo Garcia, Charles I Muniz, Scarlett A Padron, Dwight Shropshire, Charles Lesine NOTICE OF PUBLIC SALE: Self-storage Cube contents of the following customers containing household and other goods will be sold for cash by CubeSmart Asset Management, LLC as Agent for Owner #4394- 1910 S Alafaya Trail Orlando, FL 32828 to satisfy a lien on Friday, January 31, 2025, at approx. 3:00 PM at www.storagetreasures.com: Dylan Brown, Kachina Moore, Michael Lloyd, Shayna Williams NOTICE OF PUBLIC SALE: Self-storage Cube contents of the following customers containing household and other goods will be sold for cash by CubeSmart Management, LLC # 858- 6875 University Blvd Winter Park, FL 32792 to satisfy a lien on Friday, January 31, 2025, at approx. 4:00 PM at www.storagetreasures.com: Jayme Echols, Julio Poblano, Cameron Graves, Eskarly Romero Del Orbe, Michael Solomatin, Alexander Castellanos, Stephanie Wright NOTICE OF PUBLIC SALE: Self-storage Cube contents of the following customers containing household and other goods will be sold for cash by CubeSmart Management, LLC # 431- 3040 S Goldenrod Rd Orlando, FL 32822 to satisfy a lien on Thursday, January 30, 2025, at approx. 2:00 PM at www.storagetreasures.com: Leonard King, Jordan R Sullivan, Michael Rivera, Walter E Ingles, Candio Rosario, Jasmine Glover, Koretell S Jones, Mark C Bretl, Ricardo Portalatin, Jorge W Miraba, Jose H Ortiz NOTICE OF PUBLIC SALE: Self-storage Cube contents of the following customers containing household and other goods will be sold for cash by CubeSmart Management, LLC # 694- 3651 Alafaya Trl Oviedo, FL 32765 satisfy a lien on Thursday, January 30, 2025, at approx. 3:00 PM at www.storagetreasures.com: Leon Johnson NOTICE OF PUBLIC SALE: Self-storage Cube contents of the following customers containing household and other goods will be sold for cash by CubeSmart Asset Management, LLC as Agent for Owner #4650- 1201 Lewis Drive Winter Park, FL 32789 to satisfy a lien on Thursday, January 30, 2025, at approx. 4:00 PM at www.storagetreasures.com:Pasquale Federici - Meichauna Kye - Mary Bernhardt - D’Vonte Flemming - Genesis Wright NOTICE OF PUBLIC SALE: Self-storage Cube contents of the following customers containing household and other goods will be sold for cash by CubeSmart Asset Management, LLC as Agent for Owner #5571- 14545 E Colonial Dr. Orlando, FL 32826 to satisfy a lien on Thursday, January 30, 2025, at approx. 1:00 PM at www.storagetreasures.com:Eboni M Birk NOTICE OF PUBLIC SALE: Self-storage Cube contents of the following customers containing household and other goods will be sold for cash by CubeSmart Asset Management, LLC as Agent for Owner #4575- 16864 Old Cheney Hwy Orlando, FL 32833 to satisfy a lien on Thursday, January 30, 2025, at approx. 4:30 PM at www.storagetreasures.com:David Arthur, Shavon Lee FOR SALE! Classified ads in the Orlando Sentinel will drive your sales! With over 441,000 weekday readers and nearly 739,000 on Sunday, we’ll help you rev up your sales figures! NOTICE OF LEGISLATION BY TOHO WATER AUTHORITYTO WHOM IT MAY CONCERN: Notice is hereby given of intent to apply to theFlorida Legislature, in the 2025 regular or any special or extended legislative sessions, for passage of an act relating to To hopekaliga Water Authority, Osceola County, amending chapter 2003-368, Laws of Florida, as amended; providing the Central Florida To urism Oversight District as successor to the Reedy Creek Improvement District; revising district boundaries; providing an effective date. 1/15/2025 7753327 NOTICE OF PROPOSED PURCHASE AND ASSUMPTION AND MERGER TRANSACTIONSNotice is hereby given that Winter Park National Bank (Winter Park, Florida) and DFCU Financial (Dearborn, Michigan) have made application to the Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation for its written consent (i) for DFCU Financial to purchase substantially all of the assets of Winter Park National Bank and assume substantially all of the liabilities of Winter Park National Bank, including all of its deposit liabilities, and (ii) for Winter Park National Bank thereafter to merge with and into WPNB, Inc, a wholly-owned subsidiary of Winter Park National Bank, such that Winter Park National Bank will merge out of existence. The main office of Winter Park National Bank is located at 201 N. New York Avenue, Suite 100, Winter Park, Florida 32789. The main office of DFCU Financial is located at 400 To wn Center Drive, Dearborn, Michigan 48126. It is contemplated that all banking offices of Winter Park National Bank will continue to be operated as offices of DFCU Financial following the consummation of proposed transaction. This notice is published pursuant to the Federal Deposit Insurance Act. Any person wishing to comment on the application may file his or her comments in writing with the Regional Director (DOS) of the Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation at its regional office located at 10 Te nth Street, N.W., Suite 800, Atlanta, Georgia 30309-3849, not later than January 21, 2025, unless the comment period has been extended or reopened in accordance with the FDIC’s regulations. The non-confidential portions of the application are on file in the corporation’s regional office and are available for inspection during regular business hours. Photocopies of the information in the non-confidential portions of the application file will be made available upon request. Winter Park National BankWinter Park, Florida DFCU FinancialDearborn, Michigan 12/22 1/01 1/15/2025 7741390 NOTICE OF SALEIN THE CIRCUIT COURT OF THE NINTH JUDICIAL CIRCUIT IN AND FOR ORANGE COUNTY, FLORIDACASE NO.: 2024-CA-005599-O JE PWRS CAPITAL, LLC, a Florida limited liability company, Plaintiff,vs.TRSTE, LLC, a Florida limited liability company, as trustee of the 5919 Holmes Land Tr ust dated February 15, 2022; LAFAYSAUNT ACQUISITIONS AND HOLDINGS CORPORATION, a Florida corporation; WILBUR L. FAYSON, an individual; and JOHN DOE and JANE DOE, as unknown tenant(s) in possession, Defendants. NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN pursuant to a Final Judgment of Foreclosure dated January 2, 2025, and entered in Case No. 2024-CA-005599-O of the Circuit Court of the Ninth Judicial Circuit in and for Orange County, a foreclosure sale will take place at https://myorangeclerk.realforeclose.com, the Clerk’s website for on-line auctions, at 11:00 a.m. EST on January 21, 2025. The following described property will be sold to the highest and best bidder for cash as set forth in said Final Judgment, to wit: Lot 4, Block B, Robinswood Heights Second Addition, according to the map or plat thereof, as recorded in Plat Book Z, Page(s) 23, of the Public Records of Orange County, Florida.Parcel ID: 13-22-28-7577-02-040The Property or its address is commonly known as 5919 Holmes Drive, Orlando, Florida 32808. Any person claiming an interest in the surplus from the sale, if any, other than the property owner as of the date of the lis pendens, must file a claim with the Clerk no later than the date that the clerk reports the funds as unclaimed.DATED this 3rd day of January, 2025. STOVASH, CASE, SHAY & PEARCE, P.A.By: /s/ Rachel E. ScherwinRobert L. Case, EsquireFlorida Bar Number 0152129rcase@scsplaw.comRachel E. Scherwin, EsquireFlorida Bar No. 0479934rscherwin@scsplaw.comThe VUE at Lake Eola220 North Rosalind AvenueOrlando, Florida 32801Telephone: (407) 316-0393Facsimile: (407) 316-8969Attorneys for Plaintiff 1/8/25, 1/15/25 7748917 NOTICESale of Abandoned Property at Public Auction: Notice is hereby given that Storage Rentals of America 7200 Old Cheney Highway, Orlando FL 32807 will hold a PUBLIC SALE THAT WILL TA KE PLACE AT lockerfox.com of stored personal property to enforce liens against the below named persons for non-payment of rent pursuant to the Florida Self Storage Facility Act Statutes (Section 83.801 et seq). Auction sale for the following units will take place on January 30th, 2025, at 11:00AM, or thereafter. Sale of property includes Units: Unit 0128 – John Wood - HHGUnit 0174 – Thomas N Zickell – HHG 1/15/2025 1/22/2025 7752973 7744680 1/8,1/15/2025 The right place to advertise your Merchandise,Pets, Auto,Real Estate, Ta gSales &Flea Markets,Va cation Property,Wanted to Buy Items and more! Renting or Selling Yo ur Home? placeanad.orlandosentinel.com reach your buyers at placeanad.orlandosentinel.com 78 PUBLIC HEARINGS AGENDA ITEM 402 CITY COMMISSION AGENDA | JANUARY 27, 2025 REGULAR MEETING TITLE Greenway Kia North: Site Plan/Final Engineering Plans, Aesthetic Review, and Development Agreement. SUMMARY The subject property is the existing Kia Greenway North car dealership located on the northeast corner of Hwy 17-92 and Florida Ave. The existing dealership building has outgrown their needs, and the applicant intends to construct a new, 36,100 sq. ft. building on the site before demolishing the existing building. This new building will allow the dealership to better serve their customers. The Planning & Zoning Board recommended approval with conditions of the Site Plan/Final Engineering plans, Aesthetic Review, and Development Agreement. Staff recommends City Commission approve the Site Plan/Final Engineering plans, Aesthetic Review, and Development Agreement. FUNDING SOURCE RECOMMENDATION Staff recommends City Commission approve the Site Plan/Final Engineering plans, Aesthetic Review, and Development Agreement. 79 TITLE Kia Greenway North – Aesthetic Review, Site Plan/Final Engineering, and Development Agreement. SUMMARY The Community Development Department requests that the City Commission hold a Public Hearing to consider Aesthetic Review, Site Plan/Final Engineering, and Development Agreement regarding the applicant’s request to build a 36,100 sq. ft. car dealership building on the subject property. General Information Applicant Major Stacy, PE (Appian Engineering LLC) Property Owner(s) Longwood Property Acquisitions LLC Location Northeast corner of Hwy 17-92 and Florida Ave. Tract Size ±10.83 Acres Parcel ID Number 33-20-30-503-0000-0140 Zoning Designation C-2 General Commercial District FLUM Designation Industrial Adjacent Land Use North: Vacant/small car dealer East: Single-family residential South: Commercial & single-family residential West: Hwy 17-92 Height 50 ft. maximum Setbacks Front: 25 ft. Rear: 15 ft. Side: 15 ft. Development Standards Lot Coverage: 75% maximum Development Permits Not applicable Development Agreement Development Agreement | Pending Code Enforcement Not applicable City Liens Not applicable PUBLIC HEARINGS AGENDA ITEM CITY COMMISSION MONDAY, JANUARY 27, 2025 REGULAR MEETING 80 PUBLIC HEARINGS AGENDA ITEM | MONDAY, JANUARY 27 , 2025 | PAGE 2 OF 9 Background Data: The subject property is the existing Kia Greenway North car dealership located on the northeast corner of Hwy 17-92 and Florida Ave. The existing dealership building has outgrown their needs, and the applicant intends to construct a new, 36,100 sq. ft. building on the site before demolishing the existing building. This new building will allow the dealership to better serve their customers. Public Notices: Notices were mailed to all owners of real property adjacent to and within approximately five-hundred feet (500) of the subject property and all Homeowner’s Associations within one-half mile (1/2 mile) of the subject property (30 notices) on December 16, 2024. A Community Workshop was held on October 17, 2024. There were approximately 10 people in attendance, and the majority of feedback related to stormwater concerns. The applicant has addressed those concerns in their plans. Analysis of Final Engineering (Sec. 20-33.1) Criteria: (a) Site and final engineering plans and the subdivision of land shall also be subject to the technical requirements set forth in Chapter 9 of the City Code. It is the intent of this section to apply to applications for site and final engineering plans and to any subdivision of land requiring a plat, if applicable, and does not include review and approval of a lot split application. (b) Except in situations involving one (1) single-family home, the planning and zoning board shall be required to review all site and final engineering plan and subdivision of land applications and make a written recommendation to the city commission. Such recommendation shall include the reasons for the board's recommendation and show the board has considered the applicable criteria set forth in this section. (c) Upon receipt of the planning and zoning board's recommendation, the city commission shall make a final decision on the application. If the city commission determines that the planning and zoning board has not made a recommendation on an application within a reasonable period of time, the city commission may, at its discretion, consider an application without the planning and zoning board's recommendation. (d) Except in situations involving one (1) single-family home, all site and final engineering plan and subdivision recommendations and final decisions shall be based on whether the site and final engineering plan and subdivision of land complies with all the technical requirements set forth in chapter 9 of the City Code and the following criteria to the extent applicable: (1) Whether the applicant has demonstrated the site and final engineering plan and subdivision of land, including its proposed density, height, scale and intensity, 81 PUBLIC HEARINGS AGENDA ITEM | MONDAY, JANUARY 27 , 2025 | PAGE 3 OF 9 hours of operation, building and lighting design, setbacks, buffers, noise, refuse, odor, particulates, smoke, fumes and other emissions, parking and traffic- generating characteristics, number of persons anticipated using, residing or working under the plan, and other off-site impacts, is compatible and harmonious with adjacent land uses, and will not adversely impact land use activities in the immediate vicinity. Analysis: The subject property is currently being used as a car dealership. The proposed changes to the site include constructing a new dealership building and then demolishing the old building. The overall change in impact of the site should be minimal. The density, height, scale, and intensity will be similar to the existing conditions. There is not an anticipated change to the hours of operation. There will be a temporary increase in the density and intensity of the site because of the construction of the new building, but the old building will be demolished once the new building is complete. The proposed changes are compatible and harmonious with adjacent land uses as there is not expected to be any significant change to the character of the site. (2) Whether the applicant has demonstrated the size and shape of the site, the proposed access and internal circulation, and the design enhancements to be adequate to accommodate the proposed density, scale and intensity of the site and final engineering plan requested. The site shall be of sufficient size to accommodate design amenities such as screening, buffers, landscaping, open space, off-street parking, safe and convenient automobile, bicycle, and pedestrian mobility at the site, and other similar site plan improvements needed to mitigate against potential adverse impacts of the proposed use. Analysis: The subject site is of adequate size to handle the proposed building. The layout of the parking, ingress, and egress will not significantly change as a result of the proposed changes. The site currently has the off-loading of vehicles for sale taking place on Florida Avenue, and the redesigned site will shift that off-loading to be on the site rather than in the road. (3) Whether the proposed site and final engineering plan and subdivision of land will have an adverse impact on the local economy, including governmental fiscal impact, employment, and property values. Analysis: The proposed project will have a positive impact on the property value. The increased size of the dealership will possibly lead to additional job creation. (4) Whether the proposed site and final engineering plan and subdivision of land will have an adverse impact on the natural environment, including air, water, and noise pollution, vegetation and wildlife, open space, noxious and desirable vegetation, and flood hazards. Analysis: The proposed use of the site will not be changing with the proposed project. There will be an increase in the amount of impervious surface on the site, but this was accounted for when the existing stormwater pond on-site was 82 PUBLIC HEARINGS AGENDA ITEM | MONDAY, JANUARY 27 , 2025 | PAGE 4 OF 9 designed when the original car dealership building was constructed. There is not anticipated to be any adverse impact on the natural environment. (5) Whether the proposed site and final engineering plan and subdivision of land will have an adverse impact on historic, scenic, and cultural resources, including views and vistas, and loss or degradation of cultural and historic resources. Analysis: There are no historic, scenic, or cultural resources in the immediate vicinity. (6) Whether the proposed site and final engineering plan and subdivision of land will have an adverse impact on public services, including water, sewer, stormwater and surface water management, police, fire, parks and recreation, streets, public transportation, marina and waterways, and bicycle and pedestrian facilities. Analysis: The proposed project will have a minimal impact on existing public services as the site is already being used as a car dealership. The change of off- loading vehicles to being on the site rather than on Florida Avenue will have a positive impact on the surrounding neighborhoods. (7) Whether the site and final engineering plan and subdivision of land, and related traffic report and plan provided by the applicant, details safe and efficient means of ingress and egress into and out of the neighborhood and adequately addresses the impact of projected traffic on the immediate neighborhood, traffic circulation pattern for the neighborhood, and traffic flow through immediate intersections and arterials. Analysis: The proposed project will not have much impact on circulation or traffic as the ingress and egress to the site will remain unchanged. The change of off- loading vehicles to being on the site rather than on Florida Avenue will have a positive impact on the surrounding neighborhoods. (8) Whether the proposed site and final engineering plan and subdivision of land will have an adverse impact on housing and social conditions, including variety of housing unit types and prices, and neighborhood quality. Analysis: This project will not have any impact on housing or social conditions as there is not a proposed change in the use of the property. (9) Whether the proposed site and final engineering plan and subdivision of land avoids significant adverse odor, emission, noise, glare, and vibration impacts on adjacent and surrounding lands regarding refuse collection, service delivery, parking and loading, signs, lighting, and other sire elements. Analysis: The proposed project is not anticipated to have any significant impact on the surrounding lands with respect to odor, emission, noise, glare, or vibration. The use of the property is not changing and the site layout is generally staying the same. 83 PUBLIC HEARINGS AGENDA ITEM | MONDAY, JANUARY 27 , 2025 | PAGE 5 OF 9 (10) Whether the applicant has provided an acceptable security plan for the proposed establishment to be located on the site and final engineering plan and subdivision of land that addresses the safety and security needs of the establishment and its users and employees and minimizes impacts on the neighborhood, if applicable. Analysis: The existing site has adequate lighting to ensure security during the night. The proposed project will maintain adequate lighting and security, therefore staff is not anticipating any adverse impact with respect to security. (11) Whether the applicant has provided on the site and final engineering plan and subdivision of land an acceptable plan for the mass delivery of merchandise for new large footprint buildings (greater than twenty thousand (20,000) square feet) including the hours of operation for delivery trucks to come into and exit the property and surrounding neighborhood, if applicable. Analysis: Not applicable. (12) Whether the applicant has demonstrated that the site and final engineering plan and subdivision of land have been designed to incorporate mitigative techniques and plans needed to prevent adverse impacts addressed in the criteria stated herein or to adjacent and surrounding uses and properties. Analysis: The applicant’s inclusion of a wall along the southern edge of the property provides physical and aesthetic separation between the site and the residential properties to the south. (13) Whether the applicant has agreed to execute a binding development agreement required by city to incorporate the terms and conditions of approval deemed necessary by the city commission including, but not limited to, any mitigative techniques and plans required by City Code. Analysis: The applicant has agreed to a binding development agreement which is included as an exhibit to this staff report. Water and Sewer: The site will utilize existing water and sewer connections that service the existing dealership building. Stormwater: Stormwater for the site is being managed by an existing on-site pond on the east side of the site. The pond was designed to handle the expanded impervious surface from the expanded parking area. The applicant has obtained the appropriate permitting from St. Johns River Water Management District. 84 PUBLIC HEARINGS AGENDA ITEM | MONDAY, JANUARY 27 , 2025 | PAGE 6 OF 9 Transportation: Ingress and egress to the site will be unaffected by this project as the points of ingress and egress are not changing. Internal circulation on the site will change as a new building is being constructed, but the ease of navigating the site will remain once the new building is constructed and the old building is demolished. Parking: The property currently has 353 parking spaces and phase 2, which includes the new dealership building and expanded parking lot, proposed an additional 141 parking spaces. Section 9-277 of the City Code does not explicitly list a required number of required parking spaces. However, it is staff’s opinion that the 494 total parking spaces proposed far exceeds what is needed to satisfying parking needs of customers to the business. However, given that the business is an automotive dealership, staff is not recommending a reduction in parking spaces. Aesthetic Review: Pursuant to Section 9-603, which sets forth guidelines and minimum standards for Aesthetic Review packages, staff has utilized the below criteria in Section 9-603 to determine the following. The attached Aesthetic Review package (Exhibit 2) includes all of the submittal requirements for aesthetic review as set forth in Section 9-600 through 9-607 and include the following: (a) a site plan; (b) elevations illustration all sides of structures facing public streets or spaces; (c) illustrations of all walls, fences, and other accessory structures and the indication of height and their associated materials; (d) elevation of proposed exterior permanent signs or other constructed elements other than habitable space, if any; (e) illustrations of materials, texture, and colors to be used on all buildings, accessory structures, exterior signs; and (f) other architectural and engineering data as may be required. The procedures for review and approval are set forth in Section 9-603. Aesthetic Review 1. The plans and specifications of the proposed project indicate that the setting, landscaping, proportions, materials, colors, texture, scale, unity, balance, rhythm, contrast, and simplicity are coordinated in a harmonious manner relevant to the particular proposal, surrounding area and cultural character of the community. Analysis: The proposed design of the new dealership building is harmonious with the surrounding area with respect to setting, landscaping, proportions, materials, colors, texture, scale, unity, balance, rhythm, contrast, and simplicity. 2. The plans for the proposed project are in harmony with any future development which has been formally approved by the city within the surrounding area. Analysis: This criterion does not apply. 3. The plans for the proposed project are not excessively similar or dissimilar to any other building, structure or sign which is either fully constructed, permitted but not fully constructed, or included on the same permit 85 PUBLIC HEARINGS AGENDA ITEM | MONDAY, JANUARY 27 , 2025 | PAGE 7 OF 9 application, and facing upon the same or intersecting street within five hundred (500) feet of the proposed site, with respect to one or more of the following features of exterior design and appearance: a. Front or side elevations; b. Size and arrangement of elevation facing the street, including reverse arrangement; or c. Other significant features of design such as, but not limited to: materials, roof line, hardscape improvements, and height or design elements. Analysis: The proposed design of the new dealership building is not too similar or dissimilar from any building in the immediate vicinity. The modern design will enhance the aesthetic of the area. 4. The plans for the proposed project are in harmony with, or significantly enhance, the established character of other buildings, structures or signs in the surrounding area with respect to architectural specifications and design features deemed significant based upon commonly accepted architectural principles of the local community. Analysis: The modern design of the proposed dealership building will significantly enhance the character of the surrounding area. This will set a standard for future development in the area with respect to architectural character and design. 5. The proposed project has incorporated significant architectural enhancements such as concrete masonry units with stucco, wrought iron, columns and piers, porches, arches, planting areas, display windows, and other distinctive design detailing and promoting the character of the community. Analysis: The modern design incorporates large display windows, sleek lines, and neutral color tones (greys and black) into the design. These details provide distinctive detailing that will enhance the aesthetics of the site and the surrounding area. Reports: The Final Engineering submittal is required to include the following reports or updates of previously prepared reports for the same property. Reports February 21, 2024 Geotechnical Exploration Report - UES June 12, 2024 Potable Water and Fire Flow Analysis – Appian Engineering July 31, 2024 Lift Station Analysis – Appian Engineering August 1, 2024 Traffic Study – Appian Engineering 86 PUBLIC HEARINGS AGENDA ITEM | MONDAY, JANUARY 27 , 2025 | PAGE 8 OF 9 Procedural History: January 2, 2025 Planning & Zoning Board/Local Planning Agency Approved with Conditions January 27, 2025 City Commission TBD Applicable Law, Public Policy, and Events: Florida Statutes 163.2511-163.3246: Growth Policy; County and Municipal Planning; Land Development Regulation (Provides that land development regulations for municipal planning be consistent with the Comprehensive Plan). Home Rule Powers Code of Ordinances City of Winter Springs. Section 20-1. Definitions. Development Agreement: The Applicant has previously agreed to specific conditions of approval as outlined in the Development Agreement. The draft Development Agreement is enclosed as an Exhibit hereto. Planning & Zoning Board The Planning & Zoning Board held a Public Hearing on January 2, 2025 and recommended approval of the Aesthetic Review, Site Plan/Final Engineering, and Development Agreement. STAFF RECOMMENDATION Staff recommends approval of the Aesthetic Review, Site Plan/Final Engineering, and Development Agreement subject to the following conditions: 1. The Developer must apply for a Demolition Permit from the City of Winter Springs for the old dealership building within six (6) months of the issuance of a Certificate of Occupancy for the new building being constructed to house the automobile dealership. 2. Upon completion of the Project, the use of Florida Avenue by the Developers or any subsequent owners, lessees, tenants, assignees, or occupants of the Property for loading and unloading vehicles, equipment, freight, or heavy machinery, or for any purpose other than regular automobile traffic or similar uses, shall be prohibited. This provision is not intended to prohibit vehicles from accessing on Florida Avenue and loading/unloading within the site. 3. All signs located upon the property must conform to the signage regulations codified in the City of Winter Springs Code of Ordinances, Chapter 16, Signs and Advertising. Any ground mounted, monument-style, 87 PUBLIC HEARINGS AGENDA ITEM | MONDAY, JANUARY 27 , 2025 | PAGE 9 OF 9 permanent signs placed upon the property may not be more than twelve (12) feet in height above the closest driveway or vehicular use area. 4. Execution of proposed Development Agreement Attachments: Exhibit 1 – Final Engineering Plans Exhibit 2 – Aesthetic Plans Exhibit 3 – Development Agreement 88 VICINITY MAP CONSTRUCTION SITE PLANFORGREENWAY KIA NORTH SITE RETROFITCITY OF WINTER SPRINGS , FLORIDASCPA PARCEL ID# 33-20-30-503-0000-0140N11/15/24SOILS MAPAERIAL MAPFEMA FLOOD MAPUTILITY PROVIDERSWATER/SEWER:CITY OF WINTER SPRINGS1126 E. S.R. 434WINTER SPRINGS, FL 32708CONTACT: DILLON THOMAS(407) 327-1800, EXT. 588GAS:FL PUBLIC UTILITIES450 S. HWY 17-92DEBARY, FLORIDA 32713CONTACT: COLIN DUNNPHONE: (386) 785-4554FIBER/TELEPHONE:CENTURY LINK1325 BLAIRSTONE RD RM 113TALLAHASSEE, FL 32301CONTACT: BILL MCCLOUDPHONE: (850) 599-1444CABLE:CHARTER COMMUNICATIONS (A.K.A. SPECTRUM)3767 ALL AMERICAN BOULEVARDORLANDO, FLORIDA 32810CONTACT: JOHN SMITHPHONE: (407) 532-8520POWER:DUKE ENERGY1150 GREENWOOD BLVD.LAKE MARY, FL 32746CONTACT: DUKE'S CUSTOMER SERVICEPHONE: (407) 629-1010PROJECT TEAMOWNERLONGWOOD PROPERTY ACQUISITIONS, LLC9001 EAST COLONIAL DRIVEORLANDO, FL 32817CONTRACTORRLH CONSTRUCTION LLC5700 DOT COM CT. STE 1070OVIEDO, FL 32765PHONE: (407) 247-5207EMAIL: PWHITEHILL@RLH-LLC.COMARCHITECTPRAXIS3 ARCHITECTURE ARCHITECT: KRISTIN FRAILEY, RA100 PEACHTREE STREET NW, SUITE 1450ATLANTA, GA 30303PHONE: (678) 904-7450EMAIL: KFRAILEY@PRAXIS3.COMENGINEERAPPIAN ENGINEERING, LLC ENGINEER: MAJOR L. STACY, P.E.2221 LEE ROAD-SUITE 17WINTER PARK, FL 32789PHONE: (407) 960-5868EMAIL: MSTACY@APPIANFL.COMSURVEYORWOHLFARTH CONSULTING GROUP LLCSURVEYOR: WILSON E. WAY, P.S.M.246 N. WESTMONTE DRIVEALTAMONTE SPRINGS, FLORIDA 32714PHONE: (407) 350-9090EMAIL: WWAY@WCGROUP.COMLANDSCAPE ARCHITECTRAVENSDALE PLANNING & DESIGNLANDSCAPE ARCHITECT: SCOTT MOORE5106 SOUTH POINTE DRIVE,INVERNESS, FL 34450PHONE: (407) 647-1213EMAIL: RAVSVM@OUTLOOK.COMGEOTECHNICAL ENGINEERUNIVERSAL ENGINEERING SCIENCES, LLCENGINEER: RICARDO C. KIRIAKIDIS, P.E.3532 MAGGIE BLVD.ORLANDO, FL 32811PHONE: (407) 423-0504FAX. (407) 423-3106EMAIL: KFIRTANA@TEAMUES.COMLEGAL DESCRIPTION PER WOHLFARTHCONSULTING GROUP LLC. DATED: 01/31/2024LEGAL DESCRIPTION:LOTS 14 AND 15 (LESS THE EASTERLY 225 FEET OF THE NORTHERLY 385 FEET OF LOT 15)ENTZMINGER FARMS ADDITION NO. 3., ACCORDING TO THE PLAT THEREOF AS RECORDED IN PLATBOOK 6, PAGE 27, PUBLIC RECORDS OS SEMINOLE COUNTY, FLORIDA, LESS ROAD RIGHT OF WAY;AND BEGIN AT THE SOUTHWEST CORNER OF LOT 13 ENTZMINGER FARMS ADDITION NO. 1,ACCORDING TO THE PLAT THEREOF AS RECORDED IN PLAT BOOK 5, PAGE 8, SEMINOLE COUNTY,FLORIDA, RUNNING NORTH ALONG THE RIGHT OF WAY OF STATE ROAD 600 (FORMERLY STATEROAD NO. 3) 20 FEET; THENCE EAST 500 FEET; THENCE SOUTH 20 FEET; THENCE WEST ALONG THESOUTHERLY LINE OF SAID LOT 13 OF ENTZMINGER FARMS ADDITION NO. 1., TO THE SOUTHWESTCORNER OF SAID LOT AND POINT OF BEGINNING. LESS ROAD RIGHT OF WAY.Sheet List TableSheet Numbe r Sheet T itle--COVERC1.0GENERAL NOTESC1.1SYMBOLS AND ABBREVIATIONSC1.2EXISTING CONDITIONSC2.0EROSION CONTROL & DEMO PLANC2.1EROSION CONTROL & DEMO PLANC2.2EROSION CONTROL & DEMO PLANC3.0GEOMETRY PLANC3.1CROSS SECTIONSC3.2SIGNAGE & STRIPINGC4.0UTILITY NOTESC4.1UTILITY PLANC4.2FIRE TRUCK ROUTEC5.0PAVING & GRADING PLANC6.0DRAINAGE PLANC7.0CIVIL DETAILSC7.1CIVIL DETAILSC8.0DRAINAGE DETAILSC9.0UTILITY DETAILSC9.1UTILITY DETAILSFIRE DEPARTMENT:SEMINOLE COUNTY FIRE DEPARTMENT1101 E FIRST STREET, RM 1040SANFORD, FL 32771CONTACT: MATTHEW MAYWALDPHONE: (407) 665-5177Digitally signed by Major StacyDN: CN=Major Stacy, dnQualifier=A01410C0000018D46746A2E0003237A, O=Appian Engineering, C=USLocation: IdenTrust Global Common Root CA1Reason: I am approving this documentDate: 2024.11.15 11:03:56-05'00'89 ····”11/15/24APPIAN ENGINEERING LLC. STATE OF FLORIDA CERTIFICATE OF AUTHORIZATION NO. 32174 90 AA11/15/24APPIAN ENGINEERING LLC. STATE OF FLORIDA CERTIFICATE OF AUTHORIZATION NO. 32174 91 FIRC FDOTFIR 5/8"FIR 3/8"WMWPPWPPWPPGAWPPWPPWPPGAGAWPPGA GA CB CORNCB CORNCB CORNCB CORNCB CORNCB CORNCB CORNCB CORNCBCBCBCBCBCBCBCBCBCABLE SPLICE BOXWPPFIRC LB 4887FIRC LB 4887FIRC LB 4887FIRC LB 4887FPRM PLS ILLFPRM ILLZONE AEZONE XCBC B CBCBCBCBELECELECELECELECELECELECELECELECELECELECELECELEC WATWATWATWATWATWATWATWATWATWATWATSANSANSANSANSANSANSANSANSANSANSANSANSANSANSANSANSANSANSANWE NEED TO WAIT FOR TOMS FIELD NOTES TOUPDATE THIS. HIS POINTS AREN'T ACCURATEAND WE NEED THE MEASURMENTS FROM HISWMWMWMWMWMWMWMWMWMWMWMWMWMWMWMWMWMWMWMWMWMWMWMWMWMWMWMWMWMWMWMWMWMWMWMWMWMWMWMWMWMWMWMWMWMWMWMWMWMWMWMWMWMWMWMWMWMWMWMWMWMWMWMWMWMWMWMWMWMWMWMWMWMWMWMWM11/15/24APPIAN ENGINEERING LLC. STATE OF FLORIDA CERTIFICATE OF AUTHORIZATION NO. 32174 SURVEYOR'S NOTES:1.ALL PROPERTY CORNERS ARE SET IRON ROD & CAP, WOHL LB 8214, UNLESS OTHERWISE NOTED.2.THE DESCRIPTION SHOWN HEREON IS PER TITLE COMMITMENT NUMBER 110195705 BY FIRST AMERICAN TITLE INSURANCE COMPANY; ISSUING AGENT:BURR & FORMAN LLP; ISSUING OFFICE'S FILE NUMBER:38993-2.3.BEARINGS SHOWN HEREON ARE BASED ON THE NORTH RIGHT-OF-WAY LINE OF FLORIDA AVENUE, HAVING AN ASSUMED BEARING OF SOUTH 82°52'51”WEST.4.BENCHMARK OF ORIGIN: BENCHMARK MAPPING BY SEMINOLE COUNTY FLORIDA, BENCHMARK "2603201", ELEVATION (NGVD88) =71.947'5.NO EVIDENCE OF RECENT EARTH MOVING WORK, BUILDING CONSTRUCTION, OR BUILDING ADDITIONS OBSERVED IN THE PROCESS OF CONDUCTING THEFIELDWORK.6.THE MAP OF BOUNDARY SURVEY IS NOT VALID UNLESS IT BEARS THE SIGNATURE AND ORIGINAL SEAL OF THE CERTIFYING SURVEYOR.7.THE UNDERSIGNED & WOHLFARTH CONSULTING GROUP, LLC MAKE NO REPRESENTATIONS OR GUARANTEES AS TO THE INFORMATION REFLECTEDHEREON PERTAINING TO EASEMENTS, RIGHTS-OF-WAY, SETBACK LINES, AGREEMENTS AND OTHER MATTERS, AND FURTHER, THIS INSTRUMENT IS NOTINTENDED TO REFLECT OR SET FORTH SUCH MATTERS. SUCH INFORMATION SHOULD BE OBTAINED AND CONFIRMED BY OTHERS THROUGHAPPROPRIATE TITLE VERIFICATION. LANDS SHOWN HEREON WERE NOT ABSTRACTED FOR RIGHTS-OF-WAY AND/OR EASEMENTS OF RECORD.8.SUBJECT PROPERTY CONTAINS 471,705 SQUARE FEET MORE OR LESS.PROPERTY BOUNDARYLEGENDMAJOR CONTOURMINOR CONTOUR92 FIRC FDOTFIR 5/8"FIR 3/8"WMWPPWPPWPPGAWPPWPPWPPGAGAWPPGA GA CB CORNCB CORNCB CORNCB CORNCB CORNCB CORNCB CORNCB CORNCBCBCBCBCBCBCBCBCBCABLE SPLICE BOXWPPFIRC LB 4887FIRC LB 4887FIRC LB 4887FIRC LB 4887FPRM PLS ILLFPRM ILLZONE AEZONE XCBC B CBCBCBCBELECELECELECELECELECELECELECELECELECELECELECELEC WATWATWATWATWATWATWATWATWATWATWATSANSANSANSANSANSANSANSANSANSANSANSANSANSANSANSANSANSANSANWE NEED TO WAIT FOR TOMS FIELD NOTES TOUPDATE THIS. HIS POINTS AREN'T ACCURATEAND WE NEED THE MEASURMENTS FROM HISWMWMWMWMWMWMWMWMWMWMWMWMWMWMWMWMWMWMWMWMWMWMWMWMWMWMWMWMWMWMWMWMWMWMWMWMWMWMWMWMWMWMWMWMWMWMWMWMWMWMWMWMWMWMWMWMWMWMWMWMWMWMWMWMWMWMWMWMWMWMWMWMWMWMWMWMXXX XXXX XXX XXX XXX XXX XXX X XXXXXXXXXXXXXXX XXXXX X XXXXX X X X X X XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX XXXXXX X X XXX X XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX X X X X X XXXX X X X X X X X X X X X X XXXX X X X X X X XXXXXXXXXXXXXXX X XXXXXX XXX X XXXXX11/15/24APPIAN ENGINEERING LLC. STATE OF FLORIDA CERTIFICATE OF AUTHORIZATION NO. 32174 SILT FENCEPROPERTY BOUNDARYWETLAND FLAGSSFEXISTING LIGHT POLE REMOVAL/RELOCATIONXXDEMOLITIONDEMO EXISTING PAVEMENTPHASE 2 EXISTING BUILDING DEMOLITIONMILLING AND RESURFACING OR REPLACEMENTTO ACHIEVE PROPOSED GRADES93 11/15/24APPIAN ENGINEERING LLC. STATE OF FLORIDA CERTIFICATE OF AUTHORIZATION NO. 32174 94 11/15/24APPIAN ENGINEERING LLC. STATE OF FLORIDA CERTIFICATE OF AUTHORIZATION NO. 32174 95 FIRC FDOTFIR 5/8"FIR 3/8"WMWPPWPPWPPGAWPPWPPWPPGAGAWPPGA GA CBCBCBCBCBCBCBCABLE SPLICE BOXWPPFIRC LB 4887FIRC LB 4887FIRC LB 4887FIRC LB 4887FPRM PLS ILLFPRM ILLZONE AEZONE XCBCB CBCBCBAABBCCD D 11/15/24APPIAN ENGINEERING LLC. STATE OF FLORIDA CERTIFICATE OF AUTHORIZATION NO. 32174 PROPERTY BOUNDARYLEGENDRESURFACED PAVEMENTPROPOSED PAVEMENTEXISTING FLAGGED WETLAND LINEPERMITTED:(PHASE I & PHASE II INCLUDED)1.ZONING:C-2 GENERAL RETAIL2.REQUIRED SETBACKS:FRONT15'SIDEMAINTAIN ENOUGH FOR MAINTENANCEREARMAINTAIN ENOUGH FOR MAINTENANCE3.LOT AREA:472,347 S.F.4.BUILDABLE LOT AREA:390,506 S.F.5.FLOOR AREA:11,229 S.F.6.LOT COVERAGE CALCULATIONS AT FULL BUILDOUT:6.1.PARKING & SIDEWALK AREA:230,737.4 S.F.59.09%6.2.BUILDING AREA:11,229 S.F.2.87%6.3.TOTAL IMPERVIOUS AREA:241,737.4 S.F.61.96%6.4.TOTAL GREEN AREA:148,539.6 S.F.38.04%6.5.TOTAL GREEN AREA - WET POND:128,502 S.F. 6.6.TOTAL BUILDABLE SITE AREA:390,506 S.F.100.00%7.SJRWMD PERMITTED IMPERVIOUS AREA:5.56 AC.8.SJRWMD PERMITTED PERVIOUS AREA:2.95 AC.9.PROPOSED LAND USE: COMMERCIAL - MITSUBISHI / KIA DEALERSHIP10.PARKING CRITERIA:GENERAL BUSINESS ESTABLISHMENTS: BASED ON 1 SPACE/300 S.F. OF G.F.A.GROSS FLOOR AREA = 11,229 S.F.(11,229 S.F.)X(1 SPACE/300 S.F.) = 38 SPACES REQUIREDPROVIDED:PHASE I353 SPACESPHASE II141 SPACES494 SPACESAISLE WIDTH PROVIDED = 24 FT. FOR TWO WAY LANESREGULAR PARKING STALL SIZE PROVIDED = 10 FT. X 20 FT.HANDICAPPED PARKING STALL SIZE PROVIDED = 12 FT. X 20 FT.SITE DATA:PROPOSED:1.ZONING:C-2 GENERAL RETAIL2.REQUIRED SETBACKS:FRONT15'SIDEMAINTAIN ENOUGH FOR MAINTENANCEREARMAINTAIN ENOUGH FOR MAINTENANCE3.LOT AREA:471,704 S.F.4.BUILDABLE LOT AREA:390,506 S.F.5.FLOOR AREA:36,068 S.F.6.LOT COVERAGE CALCULATIONS:6.1.PARKING & SIDEWALK AREA:205,751.25 S.F.52.69%6.2.BUILDING AREA:36,068 S.F.9.24%6.3.TOTAL IMPERVIOUS AREA:241,689.04 S.F.61.93%6.4.TOTAL GREEN AREA:148,686.75 S.F.38.07%6.5.TOTAL GREEN AREA - WET POND: 128,649.15 S.F.6.6.TOTAL BUILDABLE SITE AREA:390,506 S.F.100.00%7.SJRWMD PERMITTED IMPERVIOUS AREA:5.56 AC.8.SJRWMD PERMITTED PERVIOUS AREA:2.95 AC.9.PROPOSED LAND USE: COMMERCIAL - MITSUBISHI / KIA DEALERSHIP10.PARKING CRITERIA:GENERAL BUSINESS ESTABLISHMENTS: BASED ON 1 SPACE/300 S.F. OF G.F.A.GROSS FLOOR AREA = 36,068 S.F.(36,068 S.F.)X(1 SPACE/300 S.F.) = 121 SPACES REQUIREDADA SPACES REQUIRED (PER IBC CHAPTER 11): 5 SPACESPROVIDED:STANDARD SPACES:361 SPACESACCESSIBLE SPACES:5 SPACESTOTAL:366 SPACESAISLE WIDTH PROVIDED = 24 FT. FOR TWO WAY LANESREGULAR PARKING STALL SIZE PROVIDED = 10 FT. X 20 FT.HANDICAPPED PARKING STALL SIZE PROVIDED = 12 FT. X 20 FT.EXISTING 25' WETLAND BUFFERPROPOSED CONCRETEEXISTING 25' WETLAND BUFFER96 11/15/24APPIAN ENGINEERING LLC. STATE OF FLORIDA CERTIFICATE OF AUTHORIZATION NO. 32174SECTION A-AN.T.S.SECTION B-BN.T.S.SECTION C-CN.T.S.SECTION D-DN.T.S.97 ZONE AEZONE X11/15/24APPIAN ENGINEERING LLC. STATE OF FLORIDA CERTIFICATE OF AUTHORIZATION NO. 32174 PROPERTY BOUNDARYLEGEND98 11/15/24APPIAN ENGINEERING LLC. STATE OF FLORIDA CERTIFICATE OF AUTHORIZATION NO. 32174 99 FIRC FDOTFIR 5/8"FIR 3/8"WMWPPWPPWPPGAWPPWPPWPPGAGAWPPGA GA CBCBCBCBCBCBCBCABLE SPLICE BOXWPPFIRC LB 4887FIRC LB 4887FIRC LB 4887FIRC LB 4887FPRM PLS ILLFPRM ILLZONE AEZONE XCBC B CBCBCBWATWATWATWATWATWATWATWATWATWATWATSANSANSANSANSANSANSANSANSANSANSANSANSANSANSANSANSANSANSANWE NEED TO WAIT FOR TOMS FIELD NOTES TOUPDATE THIS. HIS POINTS AREN'T ACCURATEAND WE NEED THE MEASURMENTS FROM HISWMWMWMWMWMWMWMWMWMWMWMWMWMWMWMWMWMWMWMWMWMWMWMWMWMWMWMWMWMWMWMWMWMWMWMWMWMWMWMWMWMWMWMWMWMWMWMWMWMWMWMWMWMWMWMWMWMWMWMWMWMWMWMWMWMWMWMWMWMWMWMWMWMWMWMWMCLP 15'OSCLP 5'OSWPPCB CORNCB CORNCB CORNCB CORNCBWATWATWATWATWATWATWATWATWATWATWATWATWATWATWATWATWATWATWATWATWATWATWATWATWAT SANSANSANSANSANSANSANSANSANSANSANSANWMWMWMWMWMWMWMWMWMWMWMWMWMWMWMWMWMWMWMWMWMWMWMWMWMWMWMWMWMWMWMWMWMWMWMWMWMWMWMWMWMWMWMWMWMWMWMWMWMWMWMELECELECELECELECELECELECELECELECELECWATWATWATWATWATWATWATWATWATWATSANSANSANSANSANSANSANSANSANSANSANSANSANSANSANSANSANSAN11/15/24APPIAN ENGINEERING LLC. STATE OF FLORIDA CERTIFICATE OF AUTHORIZATION NO. 321741" = 20'UTILITY DETAIL1" = 20'TEMPORARY UTILITY CONNECTION DETAIL100 ZONE AEZONE XZONE AEZONE X11/15/24APPIAN ENGINEERING LLC. STATE OF FLORIDA CERTIFICATE OF AUTHORIZATION NO. 32174FIRE HYDRANT CLEARANCEDETAILTURNING RADIUS SKETCH⁄101 FIRC FDOTFIR 5/8"FIR 3/8"WMWPPWPPWPPGAWPPWPPWPPGAGAWPPGA GA CBCBCBCBCBCBCBCABLE SPLICE BOXWPPFIRC LB 4887FIRC LB 4887FIRC LB 4887FIRC LB 4887FPRM PLS ILLFPRM ILLZONE AEZONE XCBCB CBCBCBELECELECELECELECELECELECELECELECELECELECELECELEC WATWATWATWATWATWATWATWATWATWATWATWE NEED TO WAIT FOR TOMS FIELD NOTES TOUPDATE THIS. HIS POINTS AREN'T ACCURATEAND WE NEED THE MEASURMENTS FROM HISWPPELEC ELEC ELEC ELEC ELEC ELEC ELEC ELEC ELEC ELEC ELEC ELEC ELEC ELEC ELEC ELEC ELEC ELEC WPP11/15/24APPIAN ENGINEERING LLC. STATE OF FLORIDA CERTIFICATE OF AUTHORIZATION NO. 321741" = 10'SIDEWALK CONNECTION DETAIL1" = 10'FLORIDA AVE. CONNECTION DETAIL102 FIRC FDOTFIR 5/8"FIR 3/8"WMWPPWPPWPPGAWPPWPPWPPGAGAWPPGA GA CBCBCBCBCBCBCBCABLE SPLICE BOXWPPFIRC LB 4887FIRC LB 4887FIRC LB 4887FIRC LB 4887FPRM PLS ILLFPRM ILLZONE AEZONE XCBC B CBCBCBWE NEED TO WAIT FOR TOMS FIELD NOTES TOUPDATE THIS. HIS POINTS AREN'T ACCURATEAND WE NEED THE MEASURMENTS FROM HIS11/15/24APPIAN ENGINEERING LLC. STATE OF FLORIDA CERTIFICATE OF AUTHORIZATION NO. 32174 103 11/15/24APPIAN ENGINEERING LLC. STATE OF FLORIDA CERTIFICATE OF AUTHORIZATION NO. 32174 104 11/15/24APPIAN ENGINEERING LLC. STATE OF FLORIDA CERTIFICATE OF AUTHORIZATION NO. 32174 105 11/15/24APPIAN ENGINEERING LLC. STATE OF FLORIDA CERTIFICATE OF AUTHORIZATION NO. 32174ROTATEDSECTION TROWEL-FINISHEDCONCRETE BENCHINGAFTER MANHOLE BASECURE6"MIN.9"MIN(TYP)FDOT #57 STONEBEDDING6" MIN. 0.8D D"DOGHOUSE" KNOCKOUTMANUFACTURED IN PRECASTSIZE KNOCKOUT OPENING W/ 3"GAP BETWEEN PIPE AND OPENING.PRIOR TO GROUTING APPLYHYDROPHILIC SWELLING WATERSTOP (SEE NOTE 5)NOTES:1.DETAIL IS INCOMPLETE WITHOUT ACCOMPANYING DETAILS 302 & 304.2.MANHOLES SHALL BE TESTED IN ACCORDANCE WITH THE LATEST SEMINOLE COUNTY UTILITIES ENGINEERING MANUALPRIOR TO CUTTING THE EXISTING SEWER.3.NEW PIPING CONNECTED TO THE MANHOLE SHALL BE SEALED PER DETAIL 305.4.MANHOLES SHALL BE CENTERED OVER THE CENTERLINE OF THE EXISTING GRAVITY SEWER.5.PRIOR TO ANY POURING OR GROUTING A HYDROPHILIC SWELLING WATER STOP SHALL BE AFFIXED BOTH TO THE OUTERDIAMETER OF THE EXISTING GRAVITY SEWER AND ALL PERIMETERS OF THE KNOCKOUT.APPLY HYDROPHILIC SWELLING WATER STOP TOMANHOLE BASE KNOCKOUT, POUR KNOCKOUT W/4000 PSI CONC, REINFORCING TO MATCHPRECAST MANHOLE BASE REINFORCING.9" MIN 8" MIN. REF. DETAIL 302 FOR CONTINUATION SECTION6" MIN. 9" MIN 8" MIN. REF. DETAIL 302 FOR CONTINUATION SAW CUT PIPE CLEANLY(SEE NOTE 2)SIZE KNOCKOUT OPENING W/ 3"GAP BETWEEN PIPE AND OPENING.PRIOR TO GROUTING APPLYHYDROPHILIC SWELLING WATERSTOP (SEE NOTE 5)4' MIN.4' MIN.106 11/15/24APPIAN ENGINEERING LLC. STATE OF FLORIDA CERTIFICATE OF AUTHORIZATION NO. 32174 107 11/15/24APPIAN ENGINEERING LLC. STATE OF FLORIDA CERTIFICATE OF AUTHORIZATION NO. 32174 108 LEVEL 1 0" 9754318.6 12'-0" EIFS-1 ACM-2 EG-3EG-1 EG-4 ACM-1 ACM-1 EIFS-1 MC-1 CW-1 SF-1 100a 30'-0" T/PARAPET 18'-0" T/PARAPET LEVEL 1 0" 86 Low Prapet 26'-0" EIFS-1 PAINT EXTERIOR DOORS AND FRAMES EP-1 MC-1 144a LEVEL 1 0" KHDAJFGA.7 ACM-2 EIFS-1ACM-1 EIFS-1 EIFS-1EIFS-1 PAINT EXTERIOR DOORS AND FRAMES EP-1 SCUPPER AND DOWNSPOUT, PAINT EP-1 MC-1MC-1MC-1MC-1 CW-1 SF-1 SF-1 SF-1 120 129a 128a 141 134f 144c 144d 144e 144f 144g 26'-0" T/PARAPET 30'-0" T/PARAPET 10'-4 3/4"78°EIFS-1 LEVEL 1 0" K AECE.7E.6 ACM-1ACM-1 EG-2 ACM-2 PAINT EXTERIOR DOORS AND FRAMES EP-1 EIFS-1MC-1 EIFS-1MC-1 EIFS-1 EIFS-1 EIFS-1 EIFS-1 CW-1SF-1SF-1SF-1 30'-0" 18'-0" 26'-0" T/PARAPET T/PARAPET T/PARAPET 100b109134b134c SCUPPER AND DOWNSPOUT, PAINT EP-1 7 8 ° LEVEL 1 0" 9 8 2 1EIFS-1 ACM-1 12'-0" PAINT EXTERIOR DOORS AND FRAMES EP-1 EIFS-1 MC-1MC-1 EIFS-1 MC-1 MC-1 128b 144b 134e 134d 18'-0" 30'-0" 26'-0" T/PARAPET T/PARAPET T/PARAPET LEVEL 1 0" 9 8 6 EIFS-1EIFS-1 PAINT EXTERIOR DOORS AND FRAMES EP-1 MC-1 MC-1 143 142128b 26'-0" T/PARAPET Sheet Number: Project Number: Project Name: Client: Copyright (c) 2024 Praxis3, LLC All reports, plans, specifications, computer files, field data, notes and other documents and instruments prepared by Praxis3 shall retain all common law, statutory and other reserved rights, including copyright thereto. This drawing may not be reproduced in whole or in part without written permission of Praxis3. It is to be returned upon request. Scales as stated are valid on the original drawings. 100 Peachtree St NW Suite 1450 Atlanta, GA 30303 RELEASED FOR CONSTRUCTION AND PERMITSheet Title: 404-875-4500 tel www.praxis3.com P 3RAXIS Key Plan:7/25/2024 11:25:17 AMA401 Exterior Elevations 23152 Greenway Automotive Group Greenway Kia North 625 N US Hwy 17 92, Longwood, FL 32750 Template Address Rev Date Comments 3/32" = 1'-0"A401 1 West Elevation 3/32" = 1'-0"A401 2 West Elevation - Detail 3/32" = 1'-0"A401 3 South Elevation 3/32" = 1'-0"A401 4 North Elevation 3/32" = 1'-0"A401 5 East Elevation 3/32" = 1'-0"A401 6 East Elevation - Comp. Fluids MC-2 METAL COPING MATCH P-4 - TOP OF EIFS-1 MISC MC-1 METAL COPING MATCH ACM-1 - TOP OF ACM-1 SF-1 STORE FRONT KAWNEER SEE FRAME ELEVATIONS SEE FRAME ELEVATIONS SEE FRAME ELEVATIONS FRAME SYSTEM CW-1 CURTAIN WALL KAWNEER SEE FRAME ELEVATIONS SEE FRAME ELEVATIONS SEE FRAME ELEVATIONS EXTERIOR PAINT EP-1 EXTERIOR PAINT BENJAMIN MOORE REGAL SELECT EXTERIOR LATEX PAINT COLOR: HC-169 CONVENTRY GRAY; FINISH EGGSHELL - EXTERIOR PAINT EIFS-1 EXTERIOR INSULATION FINISH SYSTEM DRYVIT "OUTSULATION PLUS MD" EIFS WITH MOISTURE DRAINAGE MATCH P-4 - EXTERIOR OF BUILDING CMU-2 CONCRETE MASONRY UNIT - SMOOTH FACE MATCH P-4 - CMU-1 CONCRETE MASONRY UNIT - SPLIT FACE MATCH P-4 - ACM-2 ALUMINUM COMPOSITE PANEL APOLIC APOLIC / FR BSX SILVER METALLIC SEE ELEVATIONS ENTRY PORTAL CLADDING ACM-1 ALUMINUM COMPOSITE PANEL APOLIC APOLIC / FR TOB BLACK SEE ELEVATIONS EXTERIOR FACADE CODE MATERIAL MANUFACTURER PATTERN COLOR SIZE/DESCRIPTION LOCATION AND NOTES Exterior Finish Schedule EG-4 SERVICE SIGNAGE 8'-3" X 1'-6" KIA METALLIC SILVER PERFORATED VINYL THAT WILL ILLUMINATE WHITE AT NIGHT WITH 3" DEEP ALUMINUM RETURNS, INTERNALLY ILLUMINATED EG-3 ANYTOWN SIGNAGE 2'-0" HIGH. FOR LONGER TOWN NAMES, USE 1'-6" HIGH LETTERS. PATTISON SIGN GROUP TO COORDINATE WIT... KIA METALLIC SILVER PERFORATED VINYL THAT WILL ILLUMINATE WHITE AT NIGHT WITH 3" DEEP ALUMINUM RETURNS, INTERNALLY ILLUMINATED EG-2 SIDE LOGO SIGNAGE 12'-9" X 3'-0" KIA METALIC SILVER WITH 2" DEEP ALUMINUM RETURNS, BACKLIT EG-1 FRONT LOGO SIGNAGE PATTISON SIGN GROUP 12'-9" X 3'-0" KIA METALLIC SILVER WITH 2" DEEP ALUMINUM RETURNS, BACKLIT GRAPHIC VENDOR TO FIELD VERIFY LOCATION AND SITE CONDITIONS, PLACEMENT AND FINAL DIMENSIONS. COORDINATE ALL ACCESS, ELECTRICAL REQUIREMENTS, SITE PREPARATION AND MOUNTING DETAILS WITH GC PRIOR TO PRODUCTION. GRAPHIC VENDOR TO PROVIDE ALL NECESSARY CONCEALED MOUNTING HARDWARE. ALL SIGNS REQUIRE SEPARATE APPLICATION AND REVIEW PROCESS. NO TACIT NOR IMPLICIT APPROVAL UNDER THIS REVIEW. CODE NAME MANUFACTURER DIMENSIONS MATERIAL/ COLOR NOTES Signage and Elements by Owner's Vendor 109 Fluorescent, Neon and HID lamps contain Mercury (HG). Dispose of the lamps according to Local, Provincial, State or Federal Laws. This sign to be installed in accordance with the requirements of Article 600 of the National Electrical Code and/or other applicable local codes. This includes proper grounding and bonding of the sign. Project ID It is the Customer’s responsibility to ensure that the structure of the building is designed and constructed to accept the installation of the signs being ordered. Please ask PSG to provide further details if required. All rights reserved. The artwork depicted herein are copyright and are the exclusive property of Pattison Sign Group and as such cannot be reproduced in whole or in part without written permission by Pattison Sign Group. 120V Other Signature MM/DD/YYYY 347V Customer Approval Date: Scale: Sales: Designer: Revision Note: Required: Missing Information Rev. #: Date: Sign Item Electrical 06-25-2021 3/16”=1’ E. Mackle M. Holman Ground Signs Kia America, Inc. Sign Family 2021 520 W Summit Hill, Suite 702, Knoxville TN, 37902 (Toll Free) 1.866.635.1110 (Fax) 1.888.694.1106 www.pattisonsign.com Final dimensions subject to site survey and/or technical specifications. SIGN FAMILY 2021 SMALL MONOLITHS / MONUMENTS Scale: 3/16”=1’ 15'-0"5'-0 5/16"13'-9 5/16"2’-1 3/4”10'-0"4'-0”9'-0 5/16"7 3/4"2’-8 15/16” 2'-0"7'-6"10'-3 1/8"5'-2 3/4"10'-8 7/8" 1'-0 7/8"1'-9 11/16"7'-8 1/4" 9'-6 15/16"1’-11 15/16”5'-0"1'-0 3/4" 5'-4 1/8"3'-4 9/16"3'-7 1/8" 5'-0 5/16"10 1/8"1'-8" Logo: 3 Sq. Ft. Total: 75.39 Sq. Ft. Logo: 1.77 Sq. Ft. Total: 40 Sq. Ft. Logo: 13.49 Sq. Ft. Total: 76.95 Sq. Ft. Logo: 3 Sq. Ft. Total: 26.71 Sq. Ft. KUSPS15 KUSPS10 KUSMS7 KUSMS5 3'-7 1/8"10 1/8"9 13/16"5”4 15/16”7 1/2"1'-9 1/16"9 13/16"Black KIA ACM – Kia Midnight Black Metallic Silver KIA ACM – Alfrex Exotic Mica Accent Lighting Lens – 7328 White LED – 7100K White Illumination Cladding – 4MM KIA Black and Metallic Silver ACM Accent Lighting – 7100K LED illumination with 7328 White Polycarbonate Lens KIA Wordmark – Milled Aluminum and Plastic “Sandwich” Design with 7100K LED illumination thru edge of filler Black edge always toward street > Black edge always toward street > Update Square footage of KUSMS7 R10 M. Holman 08-19-2022 SW1-33184-R10 110 Development Agreement Greenway Kia North Page 1 of 10 THIS INSTRUMENT WAS PREPARED BY AND SHOULD BE RETURNED TO: Anthony A. Garganese City Attorney of Winter Springs Garganese, Weiss, D'Agresta & Salzman, P.A. 111 N. Orange Avenue, Suite 2000 Orlando, FL 32802 (407) 425-9566 DEVELOPMENT AGREEMENT Greenway Kia North THIS DEVELOPMENT AGREEMENT (“Agreement”) is made and executed this _____ day of ______________________, 2025, by and between the CITY OF WINTER SPRINGS, a Florida Municipal Corporation with a principal address at 1126 E. S.R. 434, Winter Springs, Florida 32708 (“City”), and LONGWOOD PROPERTY ACQUISITIONS, LLC, a Florida Limited Liability Company with a principal address at 9001 E. Colonial Drive, Orlando, Florida 32817 (“Developer”). WITNESSETH: WHEREAS, the Developer is the owner of approximately 10.83 acres, more or less, of real property generally located at the intersection of Florida Avenue and U.S. Highway 17-92, with a registered address of 625 N. U.S. HWY 17-92, Longwood, Florida 32750; and WHEREAS, Developer, through their engineer Appian Engineering, LLC, has applied for Site and Final Engineering Plan Approval to construct a new single story commercial automobile dealership to house the Greenway Kia North dealership located upon the property, with the intention of subsequently demolishing the existing building which currently houses the dealership located upon the property (the “Project”); and WHEREAS, pursuant to Chapter 20 Zoning, Article II, Division 1, Section 20-29.1 of the Winter Springs City Code (“City Code”), a community workshop for the Project was held on October 17, 2024; and WHEREAS, Section 20-29(c) of the City Code requires that all site plans shall be binding on the use of the subject property and, further, that as a condition of approval by the City FOR RECORDING DEPARTMENT USE ONLY 111 Development Agreement Greenway Kia North Page 2 of 10 Commission, all development projects requiring a community workshop pursuant to Section 20- 29.1 of the City Code shall be required to be memorialized in a binding development agreement; and WHEREAS, this Development Agreement shall be recorded against the property so that the terms and conditions of approval related to the Project shall run with the land; and NOW THEREFORE, in consideration of the mutual promises and covenants contained herein, the parties mutually agree as follows: 1.0 Recitals. The foregoing recitals are true and correct and are hereby incorporated herein by this reference. 2.0 Authority. This Agreement is entered into pursuant to the Florida Municipal Home Rule Powers Act. 3.0 The Property. The real property subject to this Agreement has a tax parcel identification number of 33-20-30-503-0000-0140 and is legally described in Exhibit A, which is attached hereto and fully incorporated herein by this reference (the “Property”). 4.0 Project Description and Requirements. Developer shall, at its expense, design, permit and construct a single-story commercial automobile dealership with associated parking expansion and landscaping located on the Property. Following construction of the dealership building, the building which currently exists upon the property, and which will no longer be in use as the dealership will be demolished. (Hereinafter the project description and requirements are referred to as the “Project”). The Developer shall construct the Project in a manner consistent with all plans approved by the City of Winter Springs, including any and all approved Final Engineering/Site Plans and Aesthetic Plans that are on file with the City, with the following File Numbers: File No: Site Plan Review/Final Engineering FEDP-2024-0004 File No: Aesthetic Review AERV-2024-0002 The Overall Site Plan is attached hereto for convenience and fully incorporated herein by reference as Exhibit B. Developer shall also construct the Project consistent with the requirements contained in this Agreement. Specific conditions of approval for the Project are as follows: A. The Developer must apply for a Demolition Permit from the City of Winter Springs for the old dealership building within six (6) months of the issuance of a Certificate of Occupancy for the new building being constructed to house the automobile dealership. 112 Development Agreement Greenway Kia North Page 3 of 10 B. Upon completion of the Project, the use of Florida Avenue by the Developers or any subsequent owners, lessees, tenants, assignees, or occupants of the Property for loading and unloading vehicles, equipment, freight, or heavy machinery, or for any purpose other than regular automobile traffic or other similar uses, shall be prohibited. This provision is not intended to prohibit vehicles from accessing on Florida Avenue and loading/unloading within the site. C. All signs located upon the property must conform to the signage regulations codified in the City of Winter Springs Code of Ordinances, Chapter 16, Signs and Advertising. Any ground mounted, monument-style, permanent signs placed upon the property may not be more than twelve (12) feet in height above the closest driveway or vehicular use area. 5.0 Future Permitting. Developer shall be required to receive building permits for the Project within two (2) years of the Effective Date of this Agreement. Further, the Developer shall substantially commence vertical construction of buildings, which shall at minimum include building foundations, within two and one-half (2 ½) years of the Effective Date this Agreement. 6.0 Representations of the Parties. The City and Developer hereby each represent and warrant to the other that it has the power and authority to execute, deliver and perform the terms and provisions of this Agreement and has taken all necessary action to authorize the execution, delivery and performance of this Agreement. This Agreement will, when duly executed and delivered by the City and Developer, constitute a legal, valid and binding obligation enforceable against the parties hereto. Upon recording of this Agreement in the Public Records of Seminole County, Florida, the Agreement shall be a binding obligation upon the Property in accordance with the terms and conditions of this Agreement. Developer represents that it has voluntarily and willfully executed this Agreement for purposes of binding himself and the Property to the terms and conditions set forth in this Agreement. 7.0 Successors and Assigns. This Agreement shall automatically be binding upon and shall inure to the benefit of the City and Developer and their respective successors and assigns. The terms and conditions of this Agreement similarly shall be binding upon the Property, and shall run with title to the same upon being duly recorded against the Property by the City. 8.0 Applicable Law; Venue. This Agreement shall be governed by and construed in accordance with the laws of the State of Florida. The venue of any litigation arising out of this Agreement shall be in Seminole County, Florida or, for federal court actions, in Orlando, Florida. 9.0 Amendments. This Agreement shall not be modified or amended except by written agreement duly executed by both parties hereto (or their successors or assigns) and approved by the City Commission. 10.0 Entire Agreement; Exhibits. This Agreement and all attached exhibits hereto supersede any other agreement, oral or written, regarding the Property and contain the entire agreement 113 Development Agreement Greenway Kia North Page 4 of 10 between the City and Developer as to the subject matter hereof. The Exhibits attached hereto and referenced herein are hereby fully incorporated herein by this reference. 11.0 Severability. If any provision of this Agreement shall be held to be invalid or unenforceable to any extent by a court of competent jurisdiction, the same shall not affect in any respect the validity or enforceability of the remainder of this Agreement. 12.0 Effective Date. This Agreement shall become effective upon approval by the City Commission and execution of this Agreement by both parties hereto. 13.0 Recordation. Upon full execution by the Parties, this Agreement shall be recorded in the Public Records of Seminole County, Florida by the City. The Developer shall be responsible for all recording fees associated with this Agreement. 14.0 Relationship of the Parties. The relationship of the parties to this Agreement is contractual and Developer is an independent contractor and not an agent of the City. Nothing herein shall be deemed to create a joint venture or principal-agent relationship between the parties, and neither party is authorized to, nor shall either party act toward third persons or the public in any manner, which would indicate any such relationship with the other. 15.0 Sovereign Immunity. The City intends to avail itself of sovereign immunity and other applicable limitations on City liability whenever deemed applicable by the City. Therefore, notwithstanding any other provision set forth in this Agreement, nothing contained in this Agreement shall be construed as a waiver of the City’s right to sovereign immunity under section 768.28, Florida Statutes, or other limitations imposed on the City’s potential liability under state or federal law. As such, the City shall not be liable under this Agreement for punitive damages or interest for the period before judgment. Further, the City shall not be liable for any claim or judgment, or portion thereof, to any one person for more than two hundred thousand dollars ($200,000.00), or any claim or judgment, or portion thereof, which, when totaled with all other claims or judgments paid by the State or its agencies and subdivisions arising out of the same incident or occurrence, exceeds the sum of three hundred thousand dollars ($300,000.00). 16.0 City's Police Power. Developer agrees and acknowledges that the City hereby reserves all police powers granted to the City by law. In no way shall this Agreement be construed as the City bargaining away or surrendering its police powers. 17.0 Interpretation. The parties hereby agree and acknowledge that they have both participated equally in the drafting of this Agreement and no party shall be favored or disfavored regarding the interpretation to this Agreement in the event of a dispute between the parties. 18.0 Third-Party Rights. This Agreement is not a third-party beneficiary contract and shall not in any way whatsoever create any rights on behalf of any third party. 19.0 Specific Performance. Strict compliance shall be required with each and every provision of this Agreement. The parties agree that failure to perform the obligations provided by this 114 Development Agreement Greenway Kia North Page 5 of 10 Agreement shall result in irreparable damage and that specific performance of these obligations may be obtained by a suit in equity. 20.0 Attorney's Fees. In connection with any arbitration or litigation arising out of this Agreement, each party shall be responsible for their own attorney’s fees and costs. 21.0 Development Permits. Nothing herein shall limit the City's authority to grant or deny any development permit applications or requests subsequent to the effective date of this Agreement in accordance with the criteria of the City Code and the requirements of this Agreement. The failure of this Agreement to address any particular City, County, State and/or Federal permit, condition, term or restriction shall not relieve Developer or the City of the necessity of complying with the law governing said permitting requirement, condition, term or restriction. Without imposing any limitation on the City’s police powers, the City reserves the right to withhold, suspend or terminate any and all certificates of occupancy for any building, trailer, structure or unit if Developer is in breach of any term and condition of this Agreement. 22.0 Default. Failure by either party to perform each and every one of its obligations hereunder shall constitute a default, entitling the non-defaulting party to pursue whatever remedies are available to it under Florida law or equity including, without limitation, termination of this Agreement, an action for specific performance, and/or injunctive relief. Prior to any party filing any action as a result of a default under this Agreement, the non-defaulting party shall first provide the defaulting party with written notice of said default. Upon receipt of said notice, the defaulting party shall be provided a thirty (30) day opportunity in which to cure the default to the reasonable satisfaction of the non-defaulting party prior to filing said action. 23.0 Termination. The City shall have the unconditional right, but not obligation, to terminate this Agreement, without notice or penalty, if (1) Developer fails to receive building permits for the Project within two (2) years of the Effective Date this Agreement; or (2) Developer fails to substantially commence vertical construction of buildings, which shall at minimum include building foundations, within two and one-half (2 ½) years of the Effective Date this Agreement. The Developer may apply to the City Commission for an extension of this Agreement, which may be granted upon good cause shown. In addition, the City shall have the right, but not obligation, to terminate the Agreement if Developer permanently abandons construction of the Project, provided, however, the City shall first deliver written notice and an opportunity to cure to the defaulting party as set forth in Section 22 above. If the City terminates this Agreement, the City shall record a notice of termination against the Property in the public records of Seminole County, Florida. 24.0 Indemnification and Hold Harmless. Developer shall be solely responsible for designing, permitting, constructing, operating and maintaining this Project. As such, Developer hereby agrees to indemnify, release, and hold harmless the City and its commissioners, employees and attorneys from and against all claims, losses, damages, personal injuries (including, but not limited to, death), or liability (including reasonable attorney’s fees and costs through all appellate proceedings), directly or indirectly arising from, out of, or caused by Developer and Developer’s contractor’s and subcontractor’s performance of design, permit and construction, and maintenance 115 Development Agreement Greenway Kia North Page 6 of 10 activities in furtherance of constructing the Project and maintaining the improvements of this Project. This indemnification shall survive the termination of this Agreement. 25.0 Force Majeure. The parties agree that in the event that the failure by either party to accomplish any action required hereunder within a specified time period (“Time Period”) constitutes a default under the terms of this Agreement and, if any such failure is due to acts of God, acts of government authority (other than the City’s own acts), acts of public enemy or war, riots, civil disturbances, power failure, shortages of labor or materials, injunction or other court proceedings beyond the control of such party, or severe adverse weather conditions (“Force Majeure Event”), then, notwithstanding any provision of this Agreement to the contrary, that failure shall not constitute a default under this Agreement and any Time Period proscribed hereunder shall be extended by the amount of time that such party was unable to perform solely due to the Force Majeure Event. The extended Time Period shall be agreed to in writing by the parties and said agreement shall not be unreasonably withheld by either party. The City Manager shall have the authority to grant an extended Time Period. An extension of any Time Period for reasons of a Force Majeure Event shall be requested solely as provided in this Section. Developer hereby waives and relinquishes the right to notify the City of the intent to exercise the tolling and extension of any permit related to the Project, including Time Periods under this Agreement, development orders, and building permits, available under Section 252.363, Florida Statutes, as the result of a declaration of a state of emergency issued by the Governor for a natural emergency. 26. Notice. Whenever either party desires to give notice to the other, notice shall be sent by hand delivery or certified mail, return receipt requested, and shall be sent to: For the City: Attn: City Manager City of Winter Springs 1126 East S.R. 434 Winter Springs, Florida 32708 With additional notice to: Anthony A. Garganese, Esq. Garganese, Weiss, D’Agresta & Salzman, P.A. 111 N. Orange Avenue, Suite 2000 Orlando, FL 32802 For Developer: Longwood Property Acquisitions, LLC Attn: Christopher Allen 9001 E. Colonial Dr. Orlando, FL 32817 116 Development Agreement Greenway Kia North Page 7 of 10 Either party may freely modify their respective contact person and address contained in this Paragraph by providing written notice of the modification to the other party. Any Notice given as provided herein shall be deemed received as follows: if delivered by personal service, on the date so delivered; and if mailed, on the third business day after mailing. 27.0 Assignment. Prior to completing the construction of the Project and reaching final build- out of the Project, Developer shall not assign this Agreement without the prior written consent of the City. Such assignment shall also require the written approval of the City by amendment to this Agreement, which shall not require a public hearing and shall not be unreasonably withheld. However, Developer shall be entitled to assign its rights and obligations under this Agreement to a parent, subsidiary, or affiliated entity in which Developer or its members are members or interest holders without City consent, provided that the City is given notice of such assignment in accordance with Section 26.0 herein. Any assignment authorized by this subparagraph shall require the assignee to be a formal signatory to this Agreement and fully assume all of Developer’s obligations, commitments, representations, and warranties under this Agreement. In any assignment, the rights and obligations contained herein shall be binding on successors in interest to the Property, and the terms and conditions of this Agreement shall bind and inure to the benefit of the parties hereto and any respective successors and assigns. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the parties have hereunto set their hands and seal on the date first above written. CITY OF WINTER SPRINGS By: Kevin McCann, Mayor ATTEST: By: Christian Gowan, City Clerk Date:_________________________________ CITY SEAL APPROVED AS TO FORM AND LEGALITY For the use and reliance of the City of Winter Springs, Florida only. Date: By: Anthony A. Garganese, City Attorney for the City of Winter Springs, Florida 117 Development Agreement Greenway Kia North Page 8 of 10 Signed, sealed and delivered in the presence of the following witnesses: Signature of Witness Printed Name of Witness ____________________________________________ Address of Witness Signature of Witness Printed Name of Witness ____________________________________________ Address of Witness LONGWOOD PROPERTY ACQUISITIONS, LLC Print name and title: ________________________ Date: _______________ STATE OF COUNTY OF The foregoing instrument was acknowledged before me by means of (___) physical presence or (___) online notarization, this ______ day of ___________, 20____, by____________________, the __________________of Longwood Property Acquisitions, LLC, on behalf of the Association, who is personally known to me or produced ___________________ _______________ as identification. (NOTARY SEAL) (Notary Public Signature) (Print Name) Notary Public, State of Commission No.: My Commission Expires: DEVELOPER IS HEREBY ADVISED THAT SHOULD DEVELOPER FAIL TO FULLY EXECUTE, AND DELIVER TO THE CITY, THIS AGREEMENT WITHIN THIRTY (30) DAYS FROM THE DATE THAT THE CITY COMMISSION APPROVES THIS AGREEMENT, THIS AGREEMENT, AND THE DEVELOPMENT PERMIT APPROVALS REFERENCED HEREUNDER, SHALL AUTOMATICALLY BE DEEMED NULL AND VOID. 118 Development Agreement Greenway Kia North Page 9 of 10 EXHIBIT A PROPERTY LEGAL DESCRIPTION 119 Development Agreement Greenway Kia North Page 10 of 10 EXHIBIT B Overall Site Plan 120 Greenway Kia North Retrofit Nick Tafelsky, MUEP, AICP Senior Planner City Commission 121 Background COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENTJanuary 27, 2025 City CommissionGreenway Kia North RetrofitFEDP-2024-0004•Located on the northeast corner of US Hwy 17-92 and Florida Ave •Proposal is to built a new car dealership building and then demolish the old (existing) building. There will also be added paved area on the east side of the site to accommodate additional vehicles. •Property is zoned C-2 General Commercial District. •Site was previously approved by St. Johns Water Management District with the expectation that additional paved area would be added. 122 Site Plan COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENTJanuary 27, 2025 City CommissionGreenway Kia North RetrofitFEDP-2024-0004123 Rendering COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENTJanuary 27, 2025 City CommissionGreenway Kia North RetrofitFEDP-2024-0004124 Proposed Conditions COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENTJanuary 27, 2025 City CommissionGreenway Kia North RetrofitFEDP-2024-0004•Staff proposes the following conditions of approval: 1.The Developer must apply for a Demolition Permit from the City of Winter Springs for the old dealership building within six (6) months of the issuance of a Certificate of Occupancy for the new building being constructed to house the automobile dealership. 2.Upon completion of the Project, the use of Florida Avenue by the Developers or any subsequent owners, lessees, tenants, assignees, or occupants of the Property for loading and unloading vehicles, equipment, freight, or heavy machinery, or for any purpose other than regular automobile traffic or similar uses, shall be prohibited. This provision is not intended to prohibit vehicles from accessing on Florida Avenue and loading/unloading within the site. 3.All signs located upon the property must conform to the signage regulations codified in the City of Winter Springs Code of Ordinances, Chapter 16, Signs and Advertising. Any ground mounted, monument-style, permanent signs placed upon the property may not be more than twelve (12) feet in height above the closest driveway or vehicular use area. 4.Execution of proposed Development Agreement 125 ANY QUESTIONS? January 27, 2025 City Commission COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENTGreenway Kia North RetrofitFEDP-2024-0004126 PUBLIC HEARINGS AGENDA ITEM 403 CITY COMMISSION AGENDA | JANUARY 27, 2025 REGULAR MEETING TITLE First Reading of Ordinance 2025-03: Revising Section 14-3 of the City Code Regarding Criminal History Background Screening SUMMARY On November 16, 2023, the City Commission adopted Ordinance 2023-10 authorizing the City Manager or designee to conduct Level 2 background checks, as provided in Florida Statutes § 166.0442 permitting the City to designate, via ordinance, positions which the City finds critical to security or public safety and for required fingerprint- based, state and national criminal history record checks. Prior to drafting Ordinance 2023-10, City staff consulted with a liaison from the Florida Department of Law Enforcement (FDLE), who provided guidance on the proposed language. This collaboration aimed to ensure the ordinance would be accepted by the FBI and comply with both state and federal requirements for Level 2 background checks. A draft of the ordinance was reviewed by the FDLE liaison before being included on the City Commission agenda, and no recommended changes were provided at that time. Since the adoption of the ordinance, City staff has been working with FDLE to obtain authorization to continue conducting Level 2 background checks for all newly hired employees. Recently, City staff was informed that the FBI would not accept the ordinance as written due to language in Section 14-3(a). The concern was that the phrase "the City Manager or his or her designee" could be interpreted to allow the City Manager to delegate this authority to someone who is not a City employee. In response, the language has been revised to read: "the City Manager, or another assigned City employee." This revision was made following further clarification from FDLE and the FBI. FUNDING SOURCE RECOMMENDATION Staff is recommending the City Commission conduct a first reading and approve Ordinance 2025-03. 127 City of Winter Springs Ordinance No. 2025-03 Page 1 of 4 ORDINANCE NO. 2025-03 AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY COMMISSION OF THE CITY OF WINTER SPRINGS, FLORIDA, AMENDING CHAPTER 14, ARTICLE I, OF THE CITY OF WINTER SPRINGS CODE OF ORDINANCES TO REVISE SECTION 14-3 REGARDING CRIMINAL HISTORY BACKGROUND SCREENING; PROVIDING FOR THE REPEAL OF PRIOR INCONSISTENT ORDINANCES AND RESOLUTIONS, INCORPORATION INTO THE CODE, SEVERABILITY, AND AN EFFECTIVE DATE. WHEREAS, the City is granted the authority, under § 2(b), Art. VIII of the State Constitution, to exercise any power for municipal purposes except when expressly prohibited by law; and WHEREAS, the City Commission previously adopted Ordinance 2023-10 which amended Chapter 14, Article I, of the City of Winter Springs Code of Ordinances to add a new section 14-3 regarding background screening, finding that the creation of Section 14-3 would enhance the City’s ability to ensure that personnel are appropriately qualified for positions which may involve security or public safety; and WHEREAS, Florida Statutes § 166.0442 permits the City to designate, via ordinance, positions which the City finds critical to security or public safety and for which fingerprint-based, state and national criminal history record checks will be required; and WHEREAS, pursuant to Florida Statutes §166.0442, the City Commission finds that it is critical for the security of the City and its residents to be able to conduct thorough background screenings of potential employees, appointees, or private contractors for criminal offenses nationwide; and WHEREAS, Section 14-3 provides the City with the ability to conduct fingerprint-based, state and national criminal history record checks for certain positions of public importance; and WHEREAS, since the passage of Ordinance 2023-10, the Federal Bureau of Investigations and Florida Department of Law Enforcement have completed their review the City’s Ordinance 2023-10 and have requested that the City make minor revisions to the new Section 14 -3 in order to ensure compliance with Federal Bureau of Investigation Public Law 92-544; and WHEREAS, the City Commission therefore desires to amend Section 14 -3, as provided herein, pursuant to comments from the Federal Bureau of Investigations and Florida Department of Law Enforcement; and WHEREAS, the City Commission of the City of Winter Springs, Florida, hereby finds this Ordinance to be in the best interests of the public health, safety, and welfare of the citizens of Winter Springs. 128 City of Winter Springs Ordinance No. 2025-03 Page 2 of 4 NOW, THEREFORE, THE CITY COMMISSION OF THE CITY OF WINTER SPRINGS HEREBY ORDAINS, AS FOLLOWS: Section 1. Recitals. The foregoing recitals are hereby fully incorporated herein by this reference. Section 2. Amendment to Chapter 14, Personnel. The City of Winter Springs Code of Ordinances, Chapter 14, Personnel, Article I, In General, is hereby amended as follows: (underlined type indicates additions to the City Code and strikeout type indicates deletions, while asterisks (* * *) indicate a deletion from the Ordinance of text existing in Chapter 14. It is intended that the text in Chapter 14 denoted by the asterisks and set forth in this Ordinance shall remain unchanged from the language existing prior to the adoption of this Ordinance): * * * Chapter 14 – PERSONNEL * * * Article I. – IN GENERAL * * * Sec. 14-3. – Background Screening. (a) As provided by Florida Statutes § 166.0442, the City may require criminal history background screening for any positions of City employment or appointment, whether paid, unpaid, or contractual, which are considered critical to security or public safety; or for any private contractor, employee of a private contractor, vendor, repair person, or delivery person who has direct contact with individual members of the public or access to any public facility in such a manner or to such an extent that the City Manager or his or her designee the City Manager, or another assigned City employee, finds that preventing unsuitable persons from having such contract or access is critical to security or public safety. (b) Each person applying for, or continuing employment in, any position or appointment or having contact or access described in subsection (a) shall be fingerprinted if the position, appointment, contractor, vendor, repair person, or delivery person is designated for a criminal history background screening by the City Manager or his or her designee the City Manager, or another assigned City employee. Fingerprints shall be submitted to the Florida Department of Law Enforcement for a state criminal history record check and to the Federal Bureau of Investigation for a national criminal history record check. The information obtained from criminal history record checks conducted pursuant to this section may be used by the City to determine an applicant's eligibility 129 City of Winter Springs Ordinance No. 2025-03 Page 3 of 4 for employment or appointment and to determine an employee's eligibility for continued employment. (c) Any other background screening which the City may lawfully undertake is not prohibited by this supplemental grant and implementation of authority. (d) The City Manager, or another assigned City employee, The City Manager or his or her designee shall determine, in his or her discretion, the positions and appointments that are deemed to be critical to security or public safety under this section. Secs. 14-4 – 14-25.- Reserved. * * * Section 3. Repeal of Prior Inconsistent Ordinances and Resolutions. All prior inconsistent ordinances and resolutions adopted by the City Commission, or parts of prior ordinances and resolutions in conflict herewith, are hereby repealed to the extent of the conflict. Section 4. Incorporation Into Code. This Ordinance shall be incorporated into the Winter Springs City Code and any section or paragraph, number or letter, and any heading may be changed or modified as necessary to effectuate the foregoing. Grammatical, typographical, and like errors may be corrected and additions, alterations, and omissions, not affecting the construction or meaning of this Ordinance and the City Code may be freely made. Section 5. Severability. If any section, subsection, sentence, clause, phrase, word or provision of this Ordinance is for any reason held invalid or unconstitutional by any court of competent jurisdiction, whether for substantive, procedural, or any other reason, such portion shall be deemed a separate, distinct and independent provision, and such holding shall not affect the validity of the remaining portions of this Ordinance. Section 6. Effective Date. This Ordinance shall become effective immediately upon adoption by the City Commission of the City of Winter Springs, Florida, and pursuant to City Charter. ADOPTED by the City Commission of the City of Winter Springs, Florida, in a regular meeting assembled on the _________ day of __________________________, 20______. ____________________________________ KEVIN McCANN, Mayor ATTEST: _____________________________________ 130 City of Winter Springs Ordinance No. 2025-03 Page 4 of 4 CHRISTIAN GOWAN, City Clerk Approved as to legal form and sufficiency for the City of Winter Springs only: ________________________________________ ANTHONY A. GARGANESE, City Attorney First Reading: __________________ Legal Ad: __________________ Second Reading: __________________ 131 System TypeProject NumberProject NameProject DescriptionTotal Estimated CostFunding SourceSystem BenefitGreater Environmental BenefitReclaimed Water System Improvements 1 Vistawilla RWM ExtensionDesign and installation of 4,300 linear feet (LF) of 12" RWM along Vistawilla from SR 4341,750,000.00$ City budgeted for project - CIP 2025This project will increase reclaimed water supply and offset potable water use for irrigation. It is estimated that this project will provide 450,000 GPD to reclaimed users (resulting in 450,000 GPD of potable water "saved").Offsetting potable water (with reclaimed water) has a large benefit to the Floridan acquifers. It is estimated that this project will offset potable use by 450,000 GPD.Design 250,000.00$ Construction 1,500,000.00$ Reclaimed Water System Improvements 2Chestnut Ridges ConnectionDesign 10,400 LF of 6" RCW from Winter Springs Blvd. to Northern Way1,800,000.00$ City budgeted for project - CIP 2026, construction of project TBD when funds become availble.This project will increase reclaimed water supply and offset potable water use for irrigation. It is estimated that this project will provide 7,860 GPD to reclaimed users (resulting in 7,860 GPD of potable water "saved").Offsetting potable water (with reclaimed water) has a large benefit to the Floridan acquifers. It is estimated that this project will offset potable use by 7,860 GPD.Design 300,000.00$ Construction 1,500,000.00$ Reclaimed Water System Improvements 3Chestnut Estates ConnectionDesign 700 LF of 6" RCW along Winer Springs Blvd to Blue Creek Dr1,100,000.00$ City budgeted for project - CIP 2026, construction of project TBD when funds become available.This project will increase reclaimed water supply and offset potable water use for irrigation. It is estimated that this project will provide 12,920 GPD to reclaimed users (resulting in 12,920 GPD of potable water "saved").Offsetting potable water (with reclaimed water) has a large benefit to the Floridan acquifers. It is estimated that this project will offset potable use by 12,920 GPD.Design 100,000.00$ Construction 1,000,000.00$ Reclaimed Water System Improvements4Winter Springs Village RWM ExtensionConstruction of 4,500 LF of 6" reclaimed water main along Michael Blake Blvd960,000.00$ Applying for FDEP/SJWMD cost share programThis project will increase reclaimed water supply and offset potable water use for irrigation. It is estimated that this project will provide 24,635 GPD to reclaimed users (resulting in 24,635 GPD of potable water "saved").Offsetting potable water (with reclaimed water) has a large benefit to the Floridan acquifers. It is estimated that this project will offset potable use by 24,635 GPD.Potable Water Treatment Plant Improvements5 Tray Aerator ImprovementsReplacement of the tray aerators at WTP #1, WTP #2 and WTP #3 for increased performance and better water quality. - Construction1,000,000.00$ City budgeted for project - CIP 2026, construction of project TBD when funds become available.This project will provide increased, and more reliable, treatment at the WTPs and provide residents with a higher potable water quality.Potable Water System Improvements 6Sheoah Blvd Water Main ReplacementDesign and replacement of shallow asbestos cement water main along Sheoah Blvd1,800,000.00$ City budgeted for project - CIP 2025This project will replace a water main made of hazardous materials for improved reliability and water quality.Design 300,000.00$ Construction 1,500,000.00$ Potable Water System Improvements 7Winter Springs Blvd Water Main ReplacementDesign and replacement of asbestos cement water main along Winter Springs Blvd700,000.00$ City budgeted for project - CIP 2026, construction of project TBD when funds become available.This project will replace a water main made of hazardous materials for improved reliability and water quality.Design 100,000.00$ Construction 600,000.00$ Potable Water System Improvements 8 Parkstone Water Main LoopInstall additional water main to Parkstone (reliability project)600,000.00$ City budgeted for project - CIP 2026, construction of project TBD when funds become available.Currently, the entire Parkstone Community receives potable water through one main. If that main fails, the entire Parkstone community will be affected. This project provides increased reliability to Parkstone, by installing an additional main to serve the community. Additionally, the system will now be "looped" which provides less stagnant water and ultimately, higher water quality.Design 100,000.00$ Construction 500,000.00$ City of Winter Springs - 2025 Project Appropriations List132 Potable Water System Improvements9Winter Springs Blvd Valve AdditionsInstallation of additional water valves 40,000.00$ City budgeted for project - CIP 2026, construction of project TBD when funds become available.This project will provide additional reliability to Winter Springs Blvd. At this time, there are no isolation mains along the Winter Springs Blvd potable water main. If part of the main becomes compromised, the entire main must be taken out of service, and hundreds of residents will be impacted.Wastewater Facility Improvements 10East and West WRF ReplacementsReplacement of existing, outdated wastewater plants with a 5-stage BNR facility, capable of meeting advanced wastewater treatment (AWT) standards in the future when required.112,900,000.00$ ARPA and SRFThe existing wastewater facilities are outdated ring-steel package plants (installed in the 1970's/80's) that have surpassed the end of their useful life and require both replacement and modernization. Upgrade of these facilities will greatly reduce operational challenges currently experienced at the facilities, and also provide more reliability and higher reclaimed effluent quality. Additionally, due to the current condition of these facilities, wastewater spills occur, which will be greatly reduced once the plants are The upgrade of these facilities will produce a much higher-quality effluent and greatly reduce total nitrogen and phosphorous. This will greatly benefit the Lake Jesup Basin.Design 12,900,000.00$ Construction 100,000,000.00$ Wastewater Sewer System Improvements 11Moss Road Force Main ReplacementReplacement of sewer force main along Moss Rd which has experienced failures.650,000.00$ City budgeted for project - CIP 2025This project will replace a failed sewer main that is placing additional strain on the system. This project will reduce risk of environmental impact.Design 50,000.00$ Construction 600,000.00$ 133 REGULAR AGENDA ITEM 501 CITY COMMISSION AGENDA | JANUARY 27, 2025 REGULAR MEETING TITLE Review of the Veteran and Veteran Families Advisory Committee SUMMARY The City Clerk's Office presented a review of all Boards and Committees at the January 13, 2025 City Commission Regular Meeting complete with recommendations. The City Commission subsequently voted to review each board and committee individually at subsequent meetings. Attached to this item is Resolution 2020-22 which established the Veteran and Veteran Families Committee and the relevant excerpt from the previously presented report. Staff's recommendation to sunset the committee is based on irregular meetings, many due to a lack of quorum, and the absence of clearly defined areas for the committee to operate within. Sunsetting the committee would require a resolution. Should the Commission wish to maintain the committee, staff would request that a new resolution be adopted addressing the following areas: Clear goals and areas of responsibility of the committee. This should include if the committee plays a part in the Hometown Hero selection process. Membership of five (5) members instead of the currently stated range. Frequency of meetings dependent on the assigned areas of responsibility. Currently the committee is set to meet quarterly. Staff liaison dependent on the assigned areas of responsibility. Currently the designated representative is the "Marketing and Events Manager," a position which no longer exists. The Recreation and Events Manager is serving as the current committee liaison. FUNDING SOURCE RECOMMENDATION Staff is requesting the Commission discuss the Veteran and Veteran Families Committee and make a determination to sunset the committee or propose changes and adopt a resolution to modify the committee specifically addressing, at a minimum, areas of responsibility, membership, meeting frequency, and the staff liaison. 134 RESOLUTION NO. 2020-22 RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COMMISSION OF THE CITY OF WINTER SPRINGS, FLORIDA, ESTABLISHING THE CITY OF WINTER SPRINGS VETERAN AND VETERAN FAMILY ADVISORY COMMITTEE; PROVIDING FOR REPEAL OF PRIOR INCONSISTENT RESOLUTIONS; SEVERABILITY AND AN EFFECTIVE DATE. WHEREAS,the City is granted the authority,under Section 2(b),Article VIII,of the State Constitution,to exercise any power for municipal purposes, except when expressly prohibited by law; and WHEREAS,the City Commission desires to encourage and facilitate the involvement of veterans and their families in the Winter Springs community and city events and,therefore,desires to create an ad-hoc City of Winter Springs Veteran and Veteran Family Advisory Committee to obtain input in matters of special interest to veterans and to encourage meaningful veteran participation in city events;and WHEREAS,the City Commission of the City of Winter Springs fords that this Resolution is in the best interests of the public health,safety,and welfare of the citizens of Winter Springs. NOW,THEREFORE,BE IT RESOLVED BY THE CITY COMMISSION OF THE CITY OF WINTER SPRINGS,SEMINOLE COUNTY,FLORIDA,AS FOLLOWS: Section 1. Recitals. The foregoing recitals are deemed true and correct and are hereby fully incorporated herein by this reference. Section 2. Creation of the Winter Springs Veteran and Veteran Family Advisory Committee. The City Commission hereby creates an ad-hoc Winter Springs Veteran and Veteran Family Advisory Committee to advise and make appropriate recommendations to the City Commission regarding matters affecting local veterans and their families and, specifically,ways to encourage meaningful veteran participation in city events, such as the Celebration of Freedom, Veteran's Day Tribute,Winter Wonderland,and Hometown Harvest. The Winter Springs Veteran and Veteran Family Advisory Committee shall be an advisory committee only and shall not have any final decision making authority. Section 3. Composition of the Winter Springs Veteran and Veteran Family Advisory Committee. The Winter Springs Veteran and Veteran Family Advisory Committee shall consist of no more than seven(7)and no fewer than five(5)members,who shall be residents of the City as defined in Section 2-41 of the City Code. In addition,each member must be either(1)a veteran of the U.S. military who was discharged or released therefrom under conditions other than City of Winter Springs Resolution No.2020-22 Page 1 of 3 135 dishonorable; (2)an immediate family member of a veteran or deceased veteran; or(3)an officer or leader of a veteran organization based in Winter Springs. Section 4. Appointment and Term of Members. Appointment of members, term length, vacancies,and removal of members of the Winter Springs Veteran and Veteran Family Advisory Committee shall be governed by Section 24lof the City Code. No alternates shall be appointed. Prior to appointment, each applicant shall be required to complete an application as prescribed by the City Commission or City Manager. Upon appointment, each member of the Winter Springs Veteran and Veteran Family Advisory Committee shall serve at the pleasure of the City Commission and may be summarily removed at any time with and without cause. Each member of the Winter Springs Veteran and Veteran Family Advisory Committee shall serve without compensation. Section 5. Winter Springs Veteran and Veteran Family Advisory Committee Meetings. Meetings of the Winter Springs Veteran and Veteran Family Advisory Committee shall be duly- noticed, public meetings which shall be open to the public. The Winter Springs Veteran and Veteran Family Advisory Committee shall meet at least quarterly. Meetings shall be coordinated and scheduled through the City Manager or his or her designee so as not to conflict with other City meetings or overburden limited City resources. A portion of each meeting will be reserved for taking public input relevant to issues being considered during the meeting or matters of special interest to Winter Springs veterans. The agendas, minutes and a record of the proceedings and recommendations of the Winter Springs Veteran and Veteran Family Advisory Committee shall be kept and filed with the City Clerk in the same manner as those kept and filed for the City Commission. The first order of business for the Winter Springs Veteran and Veteran Family Advisory Committee shall be to elect a chairperson and deputy chairperson. The chairperson shall be responsible for running the meetings,which may be conducted informally. In the absence of the chairperson,the deputy chairperson shall run the meetings. A majority of the members of the Winter Springs Veteran and Veteran Family Advisory Committee shall constitute a quorum. The Winter Springs Veteran and Veteran Family Advisory Committee shall act by consensus to the extent possible, but if consensus cannot be reasonably reached, then the Committee may act by majority vote. However, the Winter Springs Veteran and Veteran Family Advisory Committee may reference and explain minority opinions/positions which obtained the vote of at least two(2) members of the Committee in any recommendation made to the City Commission. Section 6. Staff Resources. The Marketing and Events Manager,through the City Manager, shall serve as staff liaisons to the Winter Springs Veteran and Veteran Family Advisory Committee. The City Clerk's office shall provide administrative assistance to the Winter Springs Veteran and Veteran Family Advisory Committee and shall be responsible for noticing meetings, preparing minutes, and archiving public records. Section 7. Repeal of Prior Inconsistent Resolutions. All prior inconsistent resolutions adopted by the City Commission, or parts of prior resolutions in conflict herewith, are hereby repealed to the extent of the conflict. City of Winter Springs Resolution No.2020-22 Page 2 of 3 136 Section 8. Severability. If any section,subsection,sentence,clause,phrase,word,or portion of this Resolution is for any reason held invalid or unconstitutional by any court of competent jurisdiction,such portion shall be deemed a separate,distinct and independent provision and such holding shall not affect the validity of the remaining portion hereto. Section 9. Effective date. This Resolution shall take effect upon adoption. DONE AND ADOPTED in regular session of the City Commission of the City of Winter Springs,Florida,this &4M day of August,2020. t SIIII ss yy.. vi WEV s..•.. { ' t' iATTEST: Y t CHRISTIAN GOWAN,Interim City Clerk U. Approved as to legal form and sufficiency for O ' the City inter Springs only: 4, kt1N4t ANTHONY M GARGANESE,City Attorney City of Winter Springs Resolution No.2020-22 Page 3 of 3 137 Page | 15 Veteran and Veteran Families Advisory Committee No. of Members: 7 Meetings: Quarterly Background The Veteran and Veteran Families Committee was established in 2020 following the adoption of Resolution 2020-22.8 The Committee was set up to advise and make appropriate recommendations to the City Commission regarding matters affecting local veterans and their families and, specifically, ways to encourage meaningful veteran participation in city events, such as the Celebration of Freedom, Veteran' s Day Tribute, Winter Wonderland, and Hometown Harvest. The membership of the committee is limited to residents and each member must be either (1) a veteran of the U.S. military who was discharged or released therefrom under conditions other than dishonorable; (2) an immediate family member of a veteran or deceased veteran; or(3) an officer or leader of a veteran organization based in Winter Springs. Meetings are staffed by a representative of the City Clerk’s Office and the Parks and Recreation Department. Staff Analysis The Veteran and Veteran Families Advisory Committee has met irregularly since its inception, oftentimes due to an inability to establish a quorum, and does not have clearly defined areas to operate in. The only stated purpose of the committee is to increase veteran participation in city events; however this could be accomplished, perhaps more effectively, outside of a city advisory board. Many of the initiatives that have been discussed or proposed by the committee are outside of the scope of the establishing resolution. Veterans and Veterans Family’s Advisory Committee – meets quarterly Cancelled or Occurred Reason Duration 2022 2 Cancelled 1 - No Quorum 2 Meetings Average 47 minutes 2023 1 Cancelled No Quorum 3 Meeting Average 50 minutes 2024 2 Cancelled 4 Meetings Average 44 minutes 8 See Appendix A 138 Page | 16 Recommendation Staff recommends sunsetting the Veteran and Veteran Families Advisory Committee. This would require a resolution. 139 1/22/25, 9:43 AM Fw: Veteran and Veteran Family Advisory Committee - Christian Gowan - Outlook about:blank 1/1 Outlook Fw: Veteran and Veteran Family Advisor y Committee From Kevin Sweet <ksweet@winterspringsfl.org> Date Tue 1/21/2025 8:14 AM To _City Clerk Department <City-Clerk-Department@winterspringsfl.org> Cc City Manager Office <CMOffice@winterspringsfl.org> Kevin Sweet, MPA, ICMA-CM City Manager P: (407) 327-5950  F: (407) 327-4753 A: 1126 East State Road 434      Winter Springs, Florida 32708 From: Winter Springs, FL <noreply@civicplus.com> Sent: Saturday, January 18, 2025 6:22 AM To: City Manager Office <CMOffice@winterspringsfl.org> Subject: Veteran and Veteran Family Advisory Commiee   EXTERNAL EMAIL: [Caution: Do not click on links or open any attachments unless you trust the sender and know the content is safe.] Name: Walter Person Email: Walter.Person@icpcchaplains.org Message: Dear City Manager, Kevin Sweet I am writing to express my opinion about the City of Winter Springs disbanding the Veteran and Veteran Family Advisory Committee. I believe the City needs this committee to stay in touch with issues that specifically relate to this demographic in our City. I want to let you know that Winter Springs has always been known as a veteran friendly community and believe that the Committee is a vital part of that reputation. I highly encourage the City of Winter Springs to keep the Veteran and Veteran Family Advisory Committee active and support it as they continue to recognize and assist members of our city and beyond. Respectfully, Walter S. Person Jr. USAF Veteran, Retired Winter Springs Resident 140 1/22/25, 9:44 AM Fw: Veteran and Veteran Family Advisory Committee - Christian Gowan - Outlook about:blank 1/1 Outlook Fw: Veteran and Veteran Family Advisor y Committee From Kevin Sweet <ksweet@winterspringsfl.org> Date Tue 1/21/2025 8:13 AM To _City Clerk Department <City-Clerk-Department@winterspringsfl.org> Cc City Manager Office <CMOffice@winterspringsfl.org> Kevin Sweet, MPA, ICMA-CM City Manager P: (407) 327-5950  F: (407) 327-4753 A: 1126 East State Road 434      Winter Springs, Florida 32708 From: Winter Springs, FL <noreply@civicplus.com> Sent: Thursday, January 16, 2025 9:08 PM To: City Manager Office <CMOffice@winterspringsfl.org> Subject: Veteran and Veteran Family Advisory Commiee   EXTERNAL EMAIL: [Caution: Do not click on links or open any attachments unless you trust the sender and know the content is safe.] Name: Laurel Ross Email: laureleross@gmail.com Message: I am writing to express my opinion about the City of Winter Springs disbanding the Veteran and Veteran Family Advisory Committee. I believe the City needs this committee to stay in touch with issues that specifically relate to this demographic in our City. At last count, the city is home to over 2,700 male and 110 female veterans. I want to let you know that Winter Springs has always been known as a veteran friendly community and believe that the Committee is a vital part of that reputation. I believe disbanding the VAVFA Committee sends a message that the City no longer wants or values input from its veteran residents on these matters. I highly encourage the City of Winter Springs to keep the Veteran and Veteran Family Advisory Committee active and support it as they continue to recognize and assist members of our city and beyond. Respectfully, Laurel Ross US Army Veteran Winter Springs Resident 407-227-5340 141 1/22/25, 9:44 AM Fw: Veteran and Veteran Family Advisory Committee - Christian Gowan - Outlook about:blank 1/1 Outlook Fw: Veteran and Veteran Family Advisor y Committee From Kevin Sweet <ksweet@winterspringsfl.org> Date Tue 1/21/2025 8:13 AM To _City Clerk Department <City-Clerk-Department@winterspringsfl.org> Cc City Manager Office <CMOffice@winterspringsfl.org> For packet Kevin Sweet, MPA, ICMA-CM City Manager P: (407) 327-5950  F: (407) 327-4753 A: 1126 East State Road 434      Winter Springs, Florida 32708 From: David C. Godwin <godwindc@aol.com> Sent: Monday, January 20, 2025 4:35 PM To: Kevin Sweet <ksweet@winterspringsfl.org> Subject: Veteran and Veteran Family Advisory Commiee   EXTERNAL EMAIL: [Caution: Do not click on links or open any attachments unless you trust the sender and know the content is safe.] Dear Mr. Sweet, I am writing to express my opinion about the City of Winter Springs disbanding the Veteran and Vete ran Family Advisory Committee. I believe the City needs this committee to stay in touch with issues that specifically relate to this demographic in our City. The City of Winter Springs has always been known as a veteran friendly community, and I believe that the Committee is a vital part of that reputation. I would highly encourage you to ke ep the Veteran and Veteran Family Advisory Committee active and support it as they continue to rec ognize and assist veterans in our city and beyond. Respectfully, BG (Ret) David C. Godwin US Army 1434 Northern Way Winter Springs, FL 32708 142 REGULAR AGENDA ITEM 502 CITY COMMISSION AGENDA | JANUARY 27, 2025 REGULAR MEETING TITLE Matters Related to Boards & Committees SUMMARY The City Clerk Department wishes to inform the City Commission of the following vacancies: Per Section 2-41(e) of the City Code , "If any commissioner fails to appoint a member within thirty (30) days after a vacancy occurs or a term expires, that seat shall be filled by a majority vote of the commission." CURRENT VACANCIES: Districting Commission By February 1, 2025, the City Commission must appoint seven (7) city electors determined from the registration of the last election; one (1) to be appointed by each Commissioner from their respective district, and two (2) appointed by the Mayor from the city at-large. Electors chosen shall not be employed by the City in any other capacity. Parks and Recreation Advisory Committee Seat One Appointment: Term Expires February 1, 2025 Seat Five Appointment: Term Expires February 1, 2025 Veteran and Veteran Families Advisory Committee Seat Four Appointment At-Large Appointment UPCOMING VACANCIES City Chaplain: Per the Resolution, terms are for one year and current terms will expire January 31, 2025. Bicycle and Pedestrian Advisory Committee Seat One: Term Expires February 1, 2025 Seat Three: Term Expires February 1, 2025 Seat Five: Term Expires February 1, 2025 Parks and Recreation Advisory Committee Seat Three: Term Expires February 1, 2025 FUNDING SOURCE 143 RECOMMENDATION Staff requests the Commission make appointments to the Districting Commission, review the staff report on all boards and committees, and provide further direction. 144 REGULAR AGENDA ITEM 503 CITY COMMISSION AGENDA | JANUARY 27, 2025 REGULAR MEETING TITLE New Business SUMMARY Pursuant to Sec 2-27 (c)(2) of the City Code, "Unless otherwise determined by the city commission, each regular agenda shall have a new business section, in the order on the agenda approved by the city commission, which allows the mayor, any city commissioner, city manager or city attorney an opportunity to raise, if necessary, new issues not on the agenda that require discussion and potential future direction by the city commission. The new business section shall not be used to present items requiring prior public notice or hearing, for reports allowed under subsection (m), or be used as a substitute for timely placing items on the agenda prior to the agenda packet being distributed or as an add-on item as required by subsection (b). The city commission will not take final action on any new business item that is considered a major initiative and/or initiative that would ordinarily require significant city staff research. Persons introducing new business items are encouraged to provide background information regarding the item prior to or at the meeting in the same manner as permitted for reports under subsection (m)(4)." FUNDING SOURCE RECOMMENDATION 145