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2024 09 09 Public Input - Submitted by Donna Bruno
City of Winter Springs General Fund, a 5 year Summary FISCAL YEARS 2019 2020 2021 2022 2023 GENERAL FUND Assets Cash/Cash Equiv 611,923 701,256 586,064 1,106,342 362,272 Investments 8,869,836 9,457,208 9,380,765 9,371,710 10,631,679 Receivables 57,491 43,144 188,504 189,338 116,625 Leases Receivable 4,339,581 4,351,595 Inventories (cost) 29,734 30,664 25,343 23,932 16,782 PrePaids 209,340 261,994 163,478 79,069 441,372 SepcialAssessmentReceivable Advances to Other Funds 48,217 45,357 42,417 145,178 126,950 Restricted Assets Cash/Cash Equiv 75,884 86,344 91,707 125,741 135,795 TOTAL Assets 9,902,425 10,625,967 10,478,278 15,380,891 16,183,070 Liabilities 8 Fund Balance Liabilities Accounts Payable 229,550 579,608 469,675 599,748 506,034 Accrued Liabilities 688,353 854,796 654,025 1,053,855 905,660 Unearned Revenue 100,391 11,074 35,049 72,888 Retainage Payable 70,540 796 796 796 77,689 Advancesfrom OtherFunds DuetoOtherGovt's 139,987 68,638 208,014 66,851 312,961 Paybale from Restricted Funds 75,884 86,344 91,707 125,741 135,795 TOTALLIABLILITIES 1,204,314 1,690,573 1,435,291 1,882,040 2,011,027 Defered Inflows of Resources Defered Inflows from Leases 4,176,708 4,030,632 Unavailable Revenue -Other 36,390 Unavailable Revenue-SpecialAssessments TOTAL DEFERRED INFLOWS OFRESOURCES - - 4,176,708 4,067,022 Fund Balance Non -Spendable 287,291 338,015 231,238 248,179 585,104 Restricted Committed Assigned 944,gg3 Unassigned 8,410,820 8,597,379 8,811,749 9,073,964 8,575,434 TOTAL FUND BALANCE 8,698,111 8,935,394 9,042,987 9,322,143 10,105,021 TOTAL LIABILITIES<DEFERED INFLOWS OF RESOURCES &FUND BALANCE 9,902,425 10,625,967 10,478,278 15,380,891 16,183,070 Comprehensive Annual Financial Report (CAFR) ** Annual Comprehensive Financial Report(ACFR) *** Financial Statements andlnde endentAuditor'sRe ort �, City of Winter Springs Infrastructure Tax, a 5 year Summary FISCALYEARS 2019 2020 2021 2022 2023 ROAD IMPROVEMENTS (INFRASTRUCTURE TAX) Assets Cash/Cash Equiv 64%042 776,650 613,568 19101,243 503,761 Investments %386,391 9*340,551 8,507,838 %383,970 8,963,883 Receivables 13,268 754 754 754 Leases Receivable Inventories (cost) PrePaids SepcialAssessment Receivable Advances to Other Funds Restricted Assets Cash/Cash Equiv TOTALAssets 990480701 10,117,955 1 99122*160 99485,967 99467,644 Liabilities & Fund Balance Liabilities Accounts Payable 5,143 108 1,149,880 423:648 Accrued Liabilities Unearned Revenue Retainage Payable Advances from Other Funds Due to Other Govt's Paybale from Restricted Funds TOTAL LIABLILITIES 5,143 108 19149,880 423,648 Defered Inflows of Resources Defered Inflows from Leases Unavailable Revenue -CountyTaxes 754 754 754 754 Unavailable Revenue -Special Assessments TOTAL DEFERRED INFLOWS OF RESOURCES 754 754 754 754 Fund Balance Non -Spendable Restricted %042,804 10,117,093 7,971,526 9/4850213 9104%996 Committed Assigned Unassigned TOTAL FUND BALANCE 9,042,804 10,117,093 7,971,526 90485,213 9,043,996 77 TOTAL LIABILITIES< DEFERED INFLOWS OF RESOURCES & FUND BALANCE 900489701 10,1179955 92172,160 99485,967 914879644 Comprehensive Annual Financial Report (CAFR) ** Annual Comprehensive Financial Report (ACFR) *** Financial Statements and Independent Auditor's Report City of Winter Springs Solid Waste, a 5 year Summary FISCALYEARS 2019 2020 2021 2022 2023 SOLID WASTE Assets Cash/Cash Equiv 106,261 1539425 163,024 3542457 103,087 Investments 1,37%019 1,845,201 2,260,526 2,698,549 1,834,313 Receivables 903,110 134,832 1599598 144,524 131,634 Leases Receivable Inventories (cost) PrePaids Sepcial Assessment Receivable Advances to Other Funds Restricted Assets Cash/Cash Equiv TOTAL Assets $382,390 2,1331458 2,583,148 3,197,530 2,0691034 Liabilities & Fund Balance Liabilities Accounts Payable 217,303 2342825 2470064 296,734 252,775 Accrued Liabilities Unearned Revenue Retainage Payable Advances from Other Funds Due to Other Govt's Paybale from Restricted Funds TOTAL LIABLILITIES 2177303 2349825 247,064 2969734 2SZ775 Defered Inflows of Res0urces Defered Inflows from Leases Unavailable Revenue - CountyTaxes Unavailable Revenue -Special Assessments TOTAL DEFERRED INFLOWS OF RESOURCES Fund Balance Non -Spendable Restricted Committed 951,065 660,945 6919597 330,317 1,816,259 Assigned (Storm Reserve) 1,2141022 1,237,688 1,644,487 21570,479 Unassigned TOTAL FUND BALANCE 2,1651087 1,898,633 2,336,084 2,900,796 1,8161259 TOTAL LIABILMES< DEFERED INFLOWS OF RESOURCES & FUND BALANCE Z3829390 2,13%458 2,583,148 3,197,530 40699034 Comprehensive Annual Financial Report (CAFR) ** Annual Comprehensive Financial Report (ACFR) ** Financial Statements and Independent Auditor's Report City of Winter Springs American Rescue Plan Act (ARPA), a 5 year Summary FISCALYEARS 2019 2020 2021 2022 2023 ARPA Assets Cash/Cash Equiv 2,155,407 1,023,692 Investments 16,409,526 18,215,485 Receivables Leases Receivable Inventories (cost) PrePaids Sepcial Assessment Receivable Advances to Other Funds Restricted Assets Cash/Cash Equiv TOTALAssets - - 189564,933 19,239,177 Liabilities & Fund Balance Liabilities Accounts Payable Accrued Liabilities Unearned Revenue 18,679*951 18,679,951 Retainage Payable Advances from Other Funds Due to Other Govt's Paybale from Restricted Funds TOTAL LIABLILITIES 1896797951 189679,951 Defered Inflows of Resources Defered Inflows from Leases Unavailable Revenue - County Taxes Unavailable Revenue -Special Assessments TOTAL DEFERRED INFLOWS OF RESOURCES Fund Balance Non -Spendable Restricted Committed Assigned (Water Sewer - New W WTF) 5597226 Unassigned (115,018) TOTAL FUND BALANCE (115,018) 5599226 TOTAL LIABILITIES, DEFERED INFLOWS OF RESOURCES & FUND BALANCE - - 18,564,933 1%239,177 ** Annual Comprehensive Financial Report (ACFR) *** Financial Statements and Independent Auditor's Report City of Winter Springs Cash, Cash Equivalents and Investments, A 5 Year Summay _ 2019 TOTAL 2020 _ TOTAL 2021 TOTAL 202.2 TOTAL 2023 TOTAL Gov_ emmemal Enterprise Governmental Enterprise Governmental Enterprise Governmental Enterprise Governmental Enterprise -- — Cash & Cash Equivalents 2,593,603 9,600 2,241,207 4,834,810 2,972,717,363 5,696,963 2,658,757 -- -L_ 2,636,824 51295,581 8,302,880 . 6,046,760 14,351,640 303240014 1,771,620 5,095s34 Investments 34,475,481 28,9571788 630433,269 36.858.210 32,679,776 69,5379986 38,121,098 36,561,279 74,682,377 54,453,503 31,774,893 86,228.396 611144,019 31,522,276 92,666,295 TOTAL Cash, Cash Equiv & Invesments 37906%084 31,19%995 68,268,079 3998379810 35,3971139 75,234,949 40,7799855 39,198,103 79,977,958 62,7561383 37,8239653 100,580,036 6494689033 33,293,896 97,761,929 urce _ •_ oComrehensiveAn_ua_lFlnancialReport CAFR Comprehensive Financial (ACFR) � - Financial Statements and Independent Auditor's Report Includes initial deposit of ARPA Funds $ 18,679,951