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Duke Energy Florida, LLC Transmission Easement - 2024 01 22
G ARGANESE, WEIS S, UAGIESTA & SALZtvr � �i N, P.A. Attorneys at Law 111 N. Oran ae Ave., Suite 2000 P.O. Box 2873 Orlando. Florida 32802-2873 Phone (407) 425-9566 Fax (407) 425-9596 February 195 2024 Christian Gowan, City Clerk City of Winter Springs 1126 East S.R. 434 Winter Springs, FL 32708 Re: Duke Energy Florida, LLC Transmission Easement Tax Parcel Number: 26-20-30-5AR-01)00-I 100 Dear Christian: Anthony A. Garganese Board Certified City, County & Local Government Law agargancsc(n�orlandola ru, net In connection with the above -referenced matter, enclosed are the following documents: 1. Dollar Binder (signed by the City). 2. Memorandum of Understanding (fully executed). 3. Easement from the City to Duke Energy Florida, LLC (recorded). n Please retain these documents for safekeeping purposes. AAG/nh Enclosures Sincerely, /s/Anthony A. Garganese City Attorney Ft. Lauderdale (954) 670-1979 •Kissimmee (321) 402-0144 •Cocoa (866) 425-9566 Website: vvww.orlandolaw.net •Email: ftrm@orlandolaw.net {insert Owner N;lme, Item # ) {insert project name) Thor #: Orndc #: DOLLAR DJNJJZA I72c undersigned hereby aclaiolvle( ges receipt of the sum of ;)— 14237,000 n paid by DUKE ENERGY FLORIDA, L.LC., a Florida limited liability company d/b/a DUKE ENERGY (liereinafter "DUXI I_;NERGY') for an Eltsenient this clay of , 2021 11 over the following described land in Scmitiole County, Florida, to wit: 13cing pats of See attached ea:l2ibit A Tax Parcel No.: 2G2030aAROD001100 It is understood that no t7gllts or privileges, atllcr thau curry far sun•cy pulposcs, arc to be exercised under the above- mentioticd Easement until f payment of the mbovc still) lids becli provided to the tlll(lersigtletl l)y DUKE ENEItGY. You arc recpuil:cd ley law to pirovicic DUICE TNERCY with your correct taxp)aycr icicutificmtion number. IEyott do L?ot provide llUIC13 I�NERGY with your correct taxpayer identification number, you umy be subject to civil or criminal penalties imposed by law. Nr1Iv1E: City oE�Vinter A1312 ftSS 17: '1'r1X1)AYL+'it Ill OR SOCIAL. SI CURI'1'1' NUM13L'?R: E:N'I'I'I`1' NAlVi13 (FOR "I'AXP)\Yhai ID NUMBER): Certification under penalties cif perjury, I certify that: Tlie nunibcr shown on this form is a correct taxpayer identiGcatiou ttulllber (I [N} and I niay be subject to civil nr criminal penalties for failing to fiirnisti the correct TIN (or I leave applied for, and am waiting fora number to he issiled to me}. Grantor's Silmature I.c:C::ti.t if t`:e al.vY:'.-i?2et2tlaticd 1.',aS::l?ICIIt is l?ercl)y aClit!v:VlcdgC;l, St1bleCt to the E::YegC>it2g understanding which l hereby agrc:ecl to 1)y DUCCI EN131LGY, as of the above stated date. DUKE ENERGY FLORIDA, l.,.L,C. d/b/a DUICE ENIsRGY Datiicl I-Ieudricks Real Estate Representative Memorandum of Understanding 2ox� This Memorandum of Understanding ("MOU") entered into this u day of , 2023; by and between DUKE ENERGY FLORIDA, LLC, a Florida limited liability company d/b/a DUKE ENERGY, ("Duke Energy") and the CITY OF WINTER SPRINGS, FLORIDA (the "City"), {hereinafter individually, a "Party," or collectively referred to as the "Parties"). WITNESSI✓TH WHEREAS, the City is the fee simple owner of that certain property located in Winter Springs, Florida, currently being utilized as a utility spray field and defined as Seminole County Parcel ID: 26"20- 30=5AR4D00A 100 (the "Subject Property'); and WHEREAS, Duke Energy wishes to erect certain improvements within the Subject Property as further shown, indicated, and described on Exhibit A (the Easement Area); and WHEREAS, the Parties have entered into this MOU for the purpose of establishing easement conditions for the installation of a new 230kv Transmission line (Winter Springs to Sanford Poinsett) to connect with an existing Florida Power and Light Transmission line that is adjacent to the Subject Property, follows: NdW, THEREFORE, for and in consideration of the benetits herein provided the Parties agree as 1. Duke Energy shall be responsible for the following construction and access actions at the Property: a. Duke Energy will install gates with interlocking locks at mutually agreeable location within the Subject Property in accordance with specifications approved by the City. b. Duke Energy will construct a stabilization path using fifty-seven (57) stone. c. Duke Energy will identify any underground facility conflicts located within the Easement Area, using either Ground Penetrating Radar or Sub -Surface Utility Engineering or both. d. Duke Energy will take such steps as may be reasonably necessary to minimize damage to the Easement Area. Duke Energy will use matting on an as needed basis to minimize and/or prevent damage to existing improvements located Easement Area. In the event that damage occurs by Duke Energy's actions, Duke Energy will promptly repair or cause to be repaired to the City's satisfaction any physical damage to the surface area of the Easement Area, existing improvements, and Easement Area resulting from the exercise of the rights granted herein to Duke Energy. e. Duke Energy will construct access around wetland areas, which will be located in a mutually agreeable location. Upon completion of the construction of the access path, the City and Duke Energy covenant to jointly prepare and execute an acceptable and recordable access agreement. f. As -built drawings will be provided at the completion of construction g. Ground penetrating Radar (GPR) and/or soft digs will be performed at each pole location to avoid contact with underground utilities. 2. Duke Energy agrees to indemnify and hold harmless the City and its employees and officials from and against any and all claims, damages, losses and expenses, including reasonable attorney's fees, arising out of or resulting from Duke Energy's and its contractors use of the Easement Area including, but not limited to, the construction, location, repair, replacement, and maintenance of any improvements installed within the Easement Area, except in any situation where such injury, loss or damage as shall have been caused by the negligent or intentional act of the City and its employees and officials 3. This MOU constitutes the entire agreement behveen the parties with respect to the actions completed herein, and, except as set forth herein, it supersedes all prior understandings or agreements between the parties related to this Agreement. The provisions of Section 1 of the Memorandum of Understanding shall remain in full force and effect. 4. This MOU shall be binding on the parties hereta and their representative, successors, and assigns. Neither party shall assign this Agreement or the rights and obligations to any other party without the prior written eonsent of the other party hereto, which may not be unreasonably withheld. S, This MOU shall be governed by and construed in accordance with the laws of Florida, Venue for any legal proceeding related to this MOU shall be Seminole County, Florida. This MOU may be executed in multiple counterparts, each of which shall constitute an original, but all of which, taken together, shall constitute one and the same agreement. [SIGNATU�tE 1?AGE(S} TO FOLLOW, ILEIYIAINDEIt Ol~ �'AC`rE LEFT BLANK iNTENTiONALLY� IN WITNESS WrizP zUF, the Parties have executed this MOU by their respective authorized signors as of the day and year first written above. Duke Energy: DUKE ENERGY FLORIDA, LLC, a Florida IiEnited liability company d/b/a DUKE ENERGY Title: P,�ana er Land Services Florida Printed Name: wren Adams Date: January 3I 2024___ The City: Attest: Signature:. Title: !✓ te e k Printed Name: LAr4 harl Lo w O,fn Approve as to correchtess and form: City Attorney z.' Ci*1 of 1�intcr aringr Winter Springs•Stn€ortl Polaaett north 0mck:'Ms Site #60 t rid UAII t'rc�d Hya Alanny L Waret, Hu mire Alam taco, N.t.0 50901 ffinka Orde, Suite C Swint Poershurs,P AJ3 337I6 GRANT MALOY, SEMINOLE COUNTY CLERK OF CIRCUIT COURT & COMPTROLLER CFIV# 2024009683 W10573 Ag:•1686-16196(10Pgs) REC: 02/01/2024 12;80:10 PM key Pklrkland RECORDING FEES $W50 i�a�lotw AI,%, iti3:BN iIl"I'!-�5E Pltis"SC:N`i'S, the unclersignetl C1�^It C�1? i�l•A`NTLxR 5PitINGS, a plorldxt municlpstl eotporation (GRANTOR herein), In consideration of the suns of One Dollar (31.00) and other valuable consideration, the receipt ofwhich is liereby ackiiow)edged, grant anti convey to DUKE VINRRGrY FLORIDA, LLC, u Florldta limited liability anmpany d/b f u Di)KL FNVRGY (GRANTBG )ierein), Post Office BoN 14042, St, Petersburg, Plorlda 33733, Its successors, assigns, lessees, licensees, transferees, pcnnittecs, and apportionces, the right, privilege anti casement to construct, remove, reconstruct, Operate, and maintain in perpetuity overhead and/or anderg;round electric transriiimsion anci distribution lilies, and related facilities for providing electric energy services all of which may be installed or constructed over, under, upon, across, through and within the: following described IAtids in Seminole County, Florida, and referred to bcteinafter as the Bisennent Arta to wlt: See)~:xizl[>It "A. [tent I30"& `TNIrIi�[t A itetn139" zatttzclaed herein, iric(zzportarec[ Iaert:iri, rind by this reference zaattds a part hereof. Parcel Nuulbcr: 0-3[)-SAll -QQ00.1'i Qp Together with the the right to construct, install, operate:, utilize, patrol, ittsprcE, alter, ianpr(ive, tcpa[r, rebuild, rcicicate or teniova such lines, systmaas and supporting strut nzres (including poles} and rclnled faces, inaliulingg else right to isarrrnsc or (fecrcasc the number and type of supporting; structures (including poles), wires and voltage, adjust the ceznerlittc within tlic Casement Area and to build, mainntaianci pretest such roadways as may reasonably be requited for these purposes („Facilities'). GitAN'I'lai? shall hove: all other tights and privileges rcasenab)y necessary or convenient for the safe noel efficient npceation and niaintz�nanec of saki Facilities, including {i) file right to Felten, taut, rea»ove, art(I 1(erp cleric trees, limbs and undergrowth within lair[ Basement Area And the right to cut clown at arty time and from time to time, in GRANTBE's sole discretion, any tree standing outside the Basement Arca which if felled, or upon frilling;, could fall within rive (5) feet of nny conductor or other facility include() within said iaasetnent Area, anci further including (it) the reasonable right to enter upon ndioloing Inndls of the 01AN'IOR by such route or routcs, including private toads and) ways then existing thereon, on foot or by conveyance, with nnsatctials, supplies, and equipment as tray be dcoinblc for the purpose of cNcrosing n[) rights hctein granted atxi further including; (iii) thti right to instill P. ttza inlaitnum of sixteen (16) feet in width if GRANTOR has installed a fence w[rbin or across the Casement Area, along) with GItAN'I'EE's lock linked with GI2ANTOWs loci( and further including (iv) the right to relocate any listed or protected plant or animal specks found within the Basement Area to another location within the Easenntrt Arca. As a result of said relocations, GRANTEE hereby agrees to restore the Eascmcnt Area to as near its practicable to the oziginol condition. GRAN"I'CLx shall construct a pets peter fence: and nssodatcdi gates arotntd the Iiasenient Arca for purposes of securing; the GRANTOR's existing reclaimed water spray field within the Basement Arca in accordnncc with specifications approved by die GRANTOR. GRANTEE shall also repair any damage caused by GRANTER and restore as nearly as practicable the surface of the Iand to its pre-existing condition following any Installation, maintennndw, repair, rcplacctnctat or removal of the Facilities of GRAN'TE?13 S located within the l astmient Axert• R ESERVING t+7 the GiiA[\'I'Olt, however, a)1 existing rigbts of title and possession, Including but not limited to the fo)loevinl3: (I) rise reasonable right of iagrest anci egress to, upon, over had under the l`?nscniesat Arco, parc3ricle(i fleet such right of ingress nisi ogress (goes rive intcrfcrc whit tow safe and efficient construcdott, nlaintcnaucc fuse) opat•ation (af sn'sc1 [^ncilitics; (I1) the continued use, repair and maintenance of the existing; trelairned avater spray field avithin the Basement Arca including p[ping and irrigation lends that transm[r And dispose of rcclalmed water in accordance with applicable laws and perni[ts sued ttic Winter Springs Project _ AC Induction Study — Irrigation System prepared for GRANTOR slid GRANT1 b by Burns 8c iti[cllonneli Englacering Company, Inc., dated August 7, 2023 (Project No. 160337), (III) mineral interests, If Any, with the iteturs€ to Di,be 1:€»r0p Ann: Bata and Vottiurcnt hie€at; hunt 3300 Mxchnnge t'lacr, Nt'aA t.IKC 1114cy, i°I.. 327't6 tight )f explorati)n and extraction, providcd such activities do not interfere with the mainicnance and safe opt tati)n of the Facilities, nor inflict any damage or injury to the Facilities; (IV) gcnentl Famung; and M construction, tea n(enance and travel )vet roads and streets across the Easement Area, GltAN7 OIt Covenants stud agrees that no trees, lauildings, structures (other titan spmy field infrastructure}, p)nds, r}r i7T)slacles will be located or constructed within the Easement Area nor shall ground clevation be altered mom than two (2) feet unless prior written opptovat is gtanted by the Grantee. GRANTOR shall have all other rights in and to said Lsscncut urea not inconsistent with (t) MANI' EF?s right to the safe anti efficient operation anti maintenance of said electric tratismimlon and distribution litres, communications systems and related facilities, Including dear, continuous access within the I?nsenicut Area, (i) GRA.NUETS right-af-uay= utikation or encroachment guidelines, or (hi) ally federal, state, or local laws, rules, or regulations. GRAI�'T�I3 shall inclainnify and bald GIIAt�'I't3lt harmtoss against tiny claittt ufli:,biliry or lass front petsanal injury nr property damage to the extent arising out of any negligence ofGRANiT1 , its servants, employees, or agents, mvpting, however; such claims or dat»ages caused by the acts of third parties. t)Itt:}Vllll?T�, idC}'�vlpSVClt, that as a condition prc�cdcnt tp t}ic exercise of any such right )then than ingn.^ss and egress, MAN'I`OR covenams and agrees to ohtnitt front GIiAMUM ((800) 700-8741, mmpmnprolr tanbj0as__r tom, or P.O. Box I40421 St, Petersburg, Flotida;33733, Attcndon: Asset Protection Righr-ttfAllay Specialist) a prior written .lctenttination that the mercisc of such right Is not inconsistent with the safe And efficient operatic n and in, ntenance of said electric transmission and distril)udon litres and commun cadom systems or with any of the foregoing guidelines or laws. GfttiN'l'OR Nvarrattts and covenants that they have the right to convey to G1tANTE:L' this Lascrnc{tr lxustrtni to Ordinance No. 202343 adopted by the City Commission of Nvititer Springs, and that GMINri EP shall have tluict attd Iseaccful possesslon, use and enjoyment ofs uim All covenants, tennis, provisions and conditions herein contained shall inure and cmend to and be obligatory upon the successarv, lessees and assigns of the respective patties hereto. IN iYfl'I'NFSS WHEREOF, the said GRANTOR has hmunto affixed its hand and scat this � � ,� � � ,_,clay of GRANTOR* 11TTEST: SIGNZ7.I7, SE.A.1 �.Li }1Nn 1�1�T..IVITt2:T3 it3 TIiI, T'RLSiNCI3 iJx; 1126 E.SR-43A enter 2 CITY OF i'fTNTER BPRINNGS Kevin i1I'cCann, �rfintr3Y'E sxtrtiling atltlrexs: l 12617. Stare Rand 434 \Viatcr S-penis, l:I�yrid:< 327t71i {Sd t11 I r i tr. r} U is /? 1 112G E. 5R•434 YVirAst5pFang©, F132i45 State a£ Ftlaxida 39 Ct3uncy of Seminale Vibe fore," Easement wk ckn��wle gr� before roe by an�� 4 of rj/,b, .oi preserecw or t online rzo ucian, ci�ki r , day of Ar V M U 20 by Kevin McCann, Mayor of the sty of Winter Springs , �yila are acrsot�ly �z►awn.�a_, m, g or wbo have produced as iden"Cadom NOTARY SEAL tt Notuy Public ', Msli,wy PubNeState ai Fb�ida Tdatin M �Aottet E� oo �a2a oasr7 EXHIBrr "A" ITEM 1 30.1 THIS IS NOT A SURVEY Legal Description: Parcel ;#26-20-3O-5AR�OD00-1100 PARCEL. "A" A portion of a parcel recorded in Official Records Book 2178, Page 441, public records of Seminole County, Florida, lying in the. Moses E, Levy Grant, being described as follows: Begin at the northwest corner of Lot 5, Encigve at Dunmor, as per the plot thereof recorded in Plot Book , Poge 77, public records of Seminole County, Florida; thence North 04'03'51" East, along the west line of the parcel recorded in Official Records Book 2178, Page 441, public records of Seminole County, Florida, a distance of 106.40 feet; thence South 65'57'51" East, a distance of 360.26 feet to the west line of Tract "A", of said Enclave at DUnn)Qr; thence South 26004'45" West, along the west line of said Tract "All, a ristance of 100.06 feet to the north line of the Florida Power Corporation, easement recorded in Official Records Book 193, Page 289, public records of Seminole .County, Florida; thence North 65'57'51" West, along said north easement line, a distance of 320.35 feet to the Point of Beginning. Contains 0.78 acre (�4,031 Square Feet) Surveyor's Notes: 1, North and the bearings shown hereon ore referenced to the north line of the En0ove at Dunmor as per Plat Book 81, Page 77, as being North 65'57'51" West. 2. All measurements shown hereon are in U.S. Survey Feet. 3. An- obstruct of title was not performed by or furnished to Pickett and Associates, Inc. Any easements or encumbrances that may appear as a result of said abstract are not warranted by this sketch. 4. Legal description was prepared by Pickett and Associates, Inc. per client request and is based on deeds of record and a field survey to locate the controlling corners peeled to establish the parcels, right—of—way and easement shown in the legal description and sketch hereon. 5. This sketch meets the applicable "Standards of Practice" as set forth by the Florida Board of Professional Surveyors and Mappers in rule 5J17.051-�.053, Florida Adrninistrotive Code. Not valid without the original signature and the noised seal or the electronic signature and computer generated seal of a Florida Licensed Surveyor and Mapper. Gregory A Prather 2023.0/.25 0/:3/:40 �04'00' Gregory CERTIFIED A. Prnther, f- rtorida Registration No: P.S.IA. 5135 DATE Pickett and Assoclotes, tnc. f7orida Registration No. i.8 364 1 DUKE ENERGY •" 1� • � i III �• e e 475 SOUTH FIRST AVENUE BARTaPI, FLORIDA 33830 L.B. NUMBER 364 (883) 533-9095 wwvi•pickekturasoom SIONS 3 07fp6/23 ND REVI 4 07/19/23 ND VENDOR PROJECT No. 19344 VENDOR DRAWING No. SD 5655 CITY OF WINTER SPRINGS WINTER SPRINGS — LOOP IN SANFORD 8c POINSETT 230kV DRAWN CHECK SCALE: N/A _ DMIN ND DATE: 10/15/20 —07192023 550 5. TRYOP! STREET CHARLOTTE, N.C. 28202 TELEPHONE NO. (704)382-2361 27299673 LU: 1 OF 5 CITY OF WINTER SPRINGS WINTER SPRINGS — LOOP IN SANFORD 8c POINSETT 230kV DRAWN CHECK SCALE: N/A _ DMIN ND DATE: 10/15/20 —07192023 550 5. TRYOP! STREET CHARLOTTE, N.C. 28202 TELEPHONE NO. (704)382-2361 27299673 LU: 1 OF 5 EXH]Brr "9 THIS 1S NOT A SURVEY CTEM 130.1 LEGEND: ORB OFFICIAL RECORDS BOOK P.S.bd. PROFESSIONAL SURVEYOR AND MAPPER L8 LICENSED BUSINESS PH PLAT BOOK WEST LINE OF —r ORB 2178, PAGE 441 \ � v \ d \ z \ POINT OF BEGINNING \ PARCEL "A" NORTHWEST CORNER OF LOT 5, ENCLAVE AI DUNMAR PB B1, PAGE 77 ITEM 133 26-20-30-5AR-01)00-110C RICHARD E. ROY u KATHLEEN J. ROY (ORB 5418, PACE 444) �, SURVEYING «ENGINEERING 475 SOUTH FIRST AVENUE BARTOW, FLORIDA 33830 L.8. NUMBER 364 (863) 533-9095 www.plckettuua.c.om 3 07/06/23 Na REV1510PlS 4 07/19/23 ND VENDOR PROJECT No. 19344 VENDOR DRAWING No. SD 5655 M05E5 E. LEVY GRANT SEMINOLE COUNTY FTEM i 30.1 PARCEL 26-20-30-5AR-QD00-1100 CITY OF WINTER SPRINGS (ORB 21781 PAGE 441) PARCEL "A" ?'%lLDUKE ENERGY EASEMENT CONTAINS 0.78 ACRE (34,031 SQ FT) 0 0 r o (b�Rrvo 32 o x�oc/ q B�S�s� �`3S p !4 ORe LOT 5 ITEM 132 02-21-30-5V6-0000--0050 ANDREW HYLTIN, TRUSTEE (ORS 9272, PAGE 419) ED T0: DUKE ENERGY FL:ORIDA, LLC DESCRIPTION SKETCH C{TY OP WINTER SPRII�IGS WINTER SPRINGS - LOOP IN SANFORD & POINS�Tf 230kV AWN � CHECK SCALE: 1 "=100' BMW I ND DATE: 10/15/20 TRACT A" \'�// TRACT A" 1T£M 132 2s-20-30�bAR-onoo—000D ANDREW HYLTIN, TRUSTEE (ORB 9272, PAGE 421) ENCLAVE AT DUNh9AK (PB 81, PAGE 77) L NORTH LINE OF FLflftiDA POWER CORPORATION EASEMENT LOT 6 \ `� ITEM 132 02-21-3O-5VB-0000-0060 \ ANDREW HYLTIN, TRUSTEE (O.R.B. 9321, PAGE 886) 130.1 550 S. TRYON STREET CHARLOTTE, N.C. 28202 TELEPHONE NO. (704)382--2361 W0; 27299673 SHEET 2 OF 5 517E=: LLI: EXH18rr °A" THIS IS NOT A SURVEY nEM 13061 Legal Description: Parcel #26-20-30-5AR�ODOO-1100 PARCEL "B" A portion of a parcel recorded In Official Records Book 2178, Page 441, public records of Seminole County, Florida, lying in the Moses E. Levy Grant, being described as follows: Begirt at the southeast carnet of Tract "A", Enclave at Dunmor, as per the plot thereof recorded in Plat Book 8i0 Page 77, public records of Seminole County, Florida; thence North 10'47'33" West, along the east line of said Tract "A", a distance of 121.82 feet; thence South 65257'51" East, a distance of 884.53 feet; thence North 03'35'16" East, a distance of 777.82 feet; 'thence North 10'52'59" East, a distance of 541.97 feet; thence North 08'43'33" West, a distance of 653.91 feet to the south line of the parcel recorded in Official Records Book 6842, Page 1507 public records of Seminole County, Florida; thence North 82'50'23" East, along said south line. a distance of 110.04 feet to the west line of the Florida Power and Light Company easement recorded in Official Records Book 148, Page 79, and Official Records Book 183, Page 132, public records of Seminole County, Florida; thence South 08043'33" East, along said west line, a distance of 51.48 feet; thence North 81616'27" East, a distance of 110.00 feet to the east line of the Florida Power and Light Company easement recorded in Official Records Book 148. Page 79, and Official Records Book 183, Page 132, public records of Seminole County, Florida; thence South OF43'33" East, along sold east line, a distance of 110.00 feet; thence South 81'16'27" West, a distance of 110.00 feet to sold west line; thence South 08643'33" East, along said west line, a distance of 478.64 feet; thence South 10'52'59" West, a distance of 582.67 feet; thence South 03'35'16" West, a distance of 915.46 feet to the north line of the Florida Power Corporation easement recorded in Official Records Book 193, Page 289, public records of Seminole County, Florida; thence North 65'57'51" West, along said north easement line, a distance of 958.96 feet to the Point of Beginning. Contains 7.28 acres (316,342 Square Feet) �� ����� CERTIFIED T0: DUKE ENERGY FLORIDA, L f3ESCRIPTION SKETCH SURVEYING •ENGINEERING 475 SOUTH FIRST AVENUE BARTOW, FLORIDA 33830 L.B. NUMBER 364 (863) 533�soss wwwvplokettuso.com 510NS 3 07/06/23 ND REV1 4 07/19/23 ND VENDOR PROJECT No, 19344 VENDOR DRAWING No. � 5D 5655 CITY OF WIidTER SPRINGS TER SPRINGS - LOOP IN WIN SANFORD & POINSETT 230kV DRAWN CHECK SCALE: N/A BMW ND DATE: 10/15/20 13D.1—SD05—WSFX-07192623. 550 S. TRYOtd STREET CHARLOTTE, N,C, 28202 TELEPHONE N0, (7O4)382-2361 WO: 27299673 ISHEET 3 OF 5 SITE: LU: EXHIBIT '°AA THIS IS NOT A SURVEY ITEM 130.1 LEGEND: ORB OFFICIAL RECORDS BOOK P.S.M. PROFESSIONAL SURVEYOR AND MAPPER LB LICENSED BUSINIrSS PE? PLAT BOOK TRACT .A„ ITEM 132 26-20-30-5AR-OA00-00C ANDREW HYLTIN, TRUSTEE (ORB 9272, PAGE 421) ENCLAVE AT DUNMAR (PB 81, PAGE 77) N10'47'33"4Y 141.82' I �' POINT OF - 1 BEGINNING PARCEL "0".- SOUTHEAST CORNER OF TRACT "A', ENCLAVE AT DUNMAR PH 81, PAGE 77 ITEM i 30.i PARCEL 28-20-30-5AR-OD00-1100 CITY OF WINTER SPRINGS (ORB 2.178, PAGE 441) MOSES E. I.E1rY GRANT � 100,0' SEMINOLE COUNTY FAST LINE OF TRACT A" n PARCEL nBn DUKE ENERGY EASEMENT CONTAINS MW 6.98 ACRES (304,242 SO FT) `r° LO r5 0 z LOT 8 ITEM132 ~� 02-21-30-6V11--0000-0080 \ ANDREW HYLTIN, TRUSTEE \\ (ORB 93211 PAGE 586) NORTH LINE OF FLORIDA POWER CORPORATION EASEMENT I'EM 1:51 11- 21-30-3AG-1'80-0000 SURNA CONSTRUCTION GROUP, INC. (ORB 10390, PAGE 269) SURVEYING, • ENGINEER1Nr; 475 SOUTH FIRST AVENUE BAR70W, FLORIDA 33830 L,i3. NUMBER 364 (863) 533-9095 www.pickattuso.com 3 07/06/23 ND REVISIONS --- 4 07/19/23 ND VENDOR PROJECT No. 19344 VENDOR DRAWING No, SD 5655 ITEM 130 \, 11-21-30 3AG-126D-0000'�,� NAUSHIK HOODA, ET AL {ORB 9140, PAGE 616) TO: DUKE ENERGY FLORIDA, DESt�RIPTiON SKETCH CITY OF VdINTER SPRINGS WINTER SPRINGS — LOOP IN SANEORD & POINSEiT 230kV DRAWN CHECK SCALE: 1 "=200' BMW ND DATE: 10/15/20 ,+7 550 S. TRYON STREET CHARLOTTE, N.G. 2$202 TELEPHONE N0, (704)382--2361 W0: 27299673 SHEET 4 OF 5 SITE: LU: EXHIBIT "A" ITEM 130.1 THIS IS NOT A SURVEY LEGEND: ORB OFFICIAL RECORDS BOOK P,S,,bf. PROFESSIONAL SURVEYOR AND MAPPER LB LICENSED BUSINESS P8 PLAT BOOK � z:.: t".T. *5rs 26--20-30-5AR—OD60—�10E CITY OF W114TE.R SPRINGS (ORB 6842, PAGE 1507) SUUTH LINE OF B 68�2, PAGE 1507 MQSES E. LE1R' GRANT SEMINOLE COIiNTY 110.04 110WIDE ELORIDA POWER 3r. LIGHT COMPANY EP.SEMEN7 (ORJ3 148. WAGk %9 & ORh3 1'33, PAGE 132) PARC�tw "B" DUKE ENERGY EASEMENT CONTAINS 7,26 ACRES (316,342 SQ FT) ITEM 130.1 PARCEJ_ 26-20-30 aAR-OD00-1100 _ CITY OF WINTER SPRINGS MATCHLJNE - S EH ET (ORB 2178, PAGE 441) a 475 SOUTH FIRST AVENUE BARTOW, FLORIDA 33830 L.S. NUMBER 364 (863) 533-9095 www.pickettusa.00m SIONS 3 07/05j23 1 r,D 4 07/19j23 ND VENDOR PROJECT No. 19344 VENDt7R DRAWING No. SD 5655 CITY OF WINTER SPRINGS WINTER SPRWGS - LQQP IN SANFQRD & POINSETT 230kV DRAWN CHECK SCALE; 1 "=200' BMW ND DATE; 10/15/20 51.4J3' 'N81.16' % , 110.00' � 11 Oj.UO' a S61'16'27"W `110400, � � 1 OD w 4�,y 110.0� i0 p, a -071 550 S. TRYON STREET CHARLOTTE, N.C. 282U2 TELEPHONE N0. (704}382-2361 27299673 SHEET 5 OF 5 LU; CITY OF WINTER SPRINGS WINTER SPRWGS - LQQP IN SANFQRD & POINSETT 230kV DRAWN CHECK SCALE; 1 "=200' BMW ND DATE; 10/15/20 51.4J3' 'N81.16' % , 110.00' � 11 Oj.UO' a S61'16'27"W `110400, � � 1 OD w 4�,y 110.0� i0 p, a -071 550 S. TRYON STREET CHARLOTTE, N.C. 282U2 TELEPHONE N0. (704}382-2361 27299673 SHEET 5 OF 5 LU; EXHIBIT "A" THIS IS NOT A, SURVEY Legal Description: Parcel #26-20-30- 5AR—OD00-1010 A portion of the parcels recorded in Official Records Book 1955, Page 522, public records of Seminole County, Florida, lying in the Moses E, Levy Grant, being described as follows: Begin at the northwes# comer of Lot 5, Enclave at Dunmar, as per the plat thereof recordod in Plat Book 81, Page 77, public records of Seminole County, Florida; thence North 65457'51 " West, along the north line of the Florida Power Corporation easement recorded in Official Records Book 193, Page 289, public records of Seminole County, Florida, a distance of 398.34 feet to the west line of the parcel recorded in Official Records Book 5418, Page 444, public records of Seminole County, Florida; thence North 00'34'15" East, along the said west line, a distance of 54.51 feet to the southeast corner of so id parcel recorded ,in Official Records Book 1955, Page 522, thence North 65.57'51 " West, along the south line of said parcel recorded in Official Records Book 1955, !')age 522, a distance of 127,29 feet; thence South 80'04'22" East, a distance of 118.34 feet to said west line of the parcel recorded in Official Records Book 5418, Page 444; thence South 00'34'15" West, along said west line, a distance of 31.45 feet to the Point of Beginning. Contains 0.04 acres (1;836 Square Feet) Surveyor's Notes: 1. North and the bear:ngs shown hereon are referenced to the north line of the Enclave at Dunmar as per Plat Book 81, Page 77, as being Nci 65'57'51" West. 2. All measurements shown hereon are in U.S. Survey Feet. 3. An abstract of title was not performed by or furnished to Pickett and Associates, Inc. Any easements or enaumbrancas that may appear as a result of said abstract are not warranted by this sketch. 4. Lego] description was prepared by Pickett and Associates, Inc. per client request and is based on deeds of record and a field survey to locate the controlling corners needed t'o establish the parcels, right—of—woy and easement shown in the legal description and sketch hereon. 5. This sketch meets the applicable "Standards of Proctica" as set forth by the Florida Board of Professional Surveyors and Mappers 'sn rule 5J17.051--.053, Florida Administrative Code, Not valid without the original signature and the raised seal or the electronic signature and computer generated sent of a Florida Licensed Surveyor and4 Mapper. • �CERTIFIED ' * DUKE ENERGY .. FLORIDA, DESCRIPTION SKETCH Q'vo�� 475 SOUTH FIRST AVENUE UARTOW, FLORIDA .. INGJ •• REVISIONS ���—� AINFORD Se SPRINGS N5ETf02030kV VENDOR PROJECT No, 19344_I DRAWN I CHECK SCALE: N/A VENQOR DRAWING No, SD 5685 ND BMW DATE: 10/1; —WSF7{--151 550 S. TRYON STREET cHARLo7TE, N.C. z82o2 TELEPHONE N0. (704)382-2361 W0: 27299673 LU: SHEET 1 OF 2 EXHIBrr '19 THIS IS NOT A SURVEY LtUtND: ORB OFFICIAL RECORDS BOOK P.S.M. PROFESSIONAL SURVEYOR AND MAPPER LB LICENSED BUSINESS P8 PLAT BOOK ITEM � �0 26-20-30�5AR-000-1010 CITY OF WINTER SPRINGS (ORB 19557 PAGE 522) SOUTH LINE OF DR$ 1955, PAGE 522 NOSES E. L.E11'! GRANT WEST LINE OF SEMINOLE COUNTY ORB 5418, PAGE 444 —DUKE ENERGY EASEMENT CONTAINS 0,04� ACRE 11,838 SC} F� �.. SO4'34'95'1M t'51 "W �31.451 27.29 POINT OF BEGINNING SOUTHWEST CORNER OF POINT OF ORB 1955, PAGE 522 COMMENCEMENT 1400'34115„E NORTHWEST CORNER OF l f&i 133 54.5V LOT 5, ENCi.�VE AT DUNMAR 26-20-30-5AR-0000110C PB 81, PAGE 77 RICHARD E. ROY & KATHLEEN J. ROY (OR9 5418, PAGE 444 (g & ORB 6871., PAGE 289) �OR�p ' 6SSj �'�7% a7, �Ec T OORp31 ITEM 134 26-20-30-5AR—GD00-1110 FLORIDA POWER CORP. (ORB 1221, PAGE 170) SURVEYING eENGi[�4ERRING 975 SOUTH FIRST AVENUE BARTOW, FLORIDA 33830 L.B. NUMBER 304 (863) 533-9095 www.pickettusn:co m REVISIONS VENDOR PROJECT No. 19344 VENDOR DRAWING No, SD 5685 \ NORTH L1 FLORIDA POWER \ CORPORATION \ EASEMENT o -\ ITEM 133 26-20-30-5AR�01)00-11CC .� RICHARD E. ROY & XATHLEEN J. ROY (ORB 5418, PAGE 444 & ORB 6871, PAGE 289) T0: bUKE ENERGY FLORIDA, DESCR3PTION SKETCH Clfl' OF WINTER 5PR{NGS WINTER SPRINGS - LOOP IN SANFORD 8c POINSEfT 2�QkV DRAWN CHECK SCALE: 1"=100' ND I BMW DATE: 10/15/20 ENCLAVE AT DUNMAR (P8 81, PAGE 77} LOT 5 550 S. TRYON STREET CHARLOTTE, N.G. 28202 TELEWHONE N0. (704)382-2361 W0: 27299673 SHEET 2 OF 2 SITE: _.-_._`_ L�U: Customer; DANIEL S HENDRICKS Account No; 855254 1 EASEMENT Inst# 2024009683 BK/PG 10573/1686 CVUNTy RECQRDING FEES Receipt 't'otap: Paid By; CREDIT CARD Grant Maloy Clerk of the Circuit Court & Comptroller Seminole County P.Q. Box 8099 Sanford FL 32772 Phone: EASEMENT 77e50f4c-0824-48 b0-8 fb5-6713a b e304f6 Credit Card Service Fee: Total Tendered HAVE A MICE DAY HOW ARE WE DOING? PLEASE VISIT SEMINOLECLERK.ORG Tran:5560916 $4157632 Receipt # 2307543 Receipt Date 02/01/2024 Account Balance: O9 $86.50 0 $s6PSO ,50 3.03 $89.53 m ver, 19:08.26.1001