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GAI Consultant, INC. Central Winds Park Master Plan Update Service Agreement 2024 07 31
City of Winter Springs, Florida 1126 East State Road 434 Winter Springs, Florida 32708 REQUEST FOR PROPOSALS CENTRAL WINDS PARK MASTER PLAN UPDATE SERVICES PROPOSAL : RFP- 05-24-03 LH DATE: May 22, 2024 Sealed Proposals to develop a Central Winds Park (CWP) Master Plan Update will be accepted by the City of Winter Springs (CITY) Procurement Department, located at Winter Springs City Hall, 1126 East State Road 434, Winter Springs, Florida 32708, until: June 14, 2024 2:00 p.m., local time FOR Central Winds Park Master Plan Update Services Said Proposals shall conform to the minimum requirements outlined in the Request For Proposal. The CITY reserves the right to reject any and all offers and to waive minor informalities. The CITY issues this Request for Proposals in order to select a Proposal for further contract negotiation. Selection by the CITY Commission may not result in the formation of a contract. Submission and Receipt of RFP’s: PROPOSERS shall submit their Proposal response to this RFP by: Providing one (1) original, marked as such, three (3) copies, marked as such and one (1) electronic copy of your RFP response to this office by the date and time indicated above. The outside of your package must be clearly labeled with the RFP number, title, opening date and time, and the name and address of the PROPOSER. The CITY is not responsible for submittals via postal or mail courier services, receipt by the post office or mail courier prior to the deadline does not meet the CITY’s deadline requirements. Offers received after June 14, 2024 at 2:00 p.m., will be rejected . Virtual Site Visit May 28, 2024 – See Schedule for details Deadline for questions is June 05, 2024 1:00pm local time Any Addenda will be issued by 5:00pm on June 07, 2024 if questions are received and require clarification. If you have any questions regarding this Request for Proposal, please contact Stuart MacLean, Procurement Manager, at (407) 327-7581, or via email at smaclean@winterspringsfl.org and Talbert Jackson, Senior City Planner at 407-327-5969, or via email at tjackson@winterspringsfl.org PROPOSAL AND ADDENDUM DOCUMENTS CAN BE DOWNLOADED FREE OF CHARGE FROM: www.demandstar.com or https://www.winterspringsfl.org/rfps Request for Proposal Table of Contents PART I SCOPE OF WORK/EVALUATION CRITERIA .................................................................................................................. 1 Background .......................................................................................................................................................................... 1 Scope of Work ..................................................................................................................................................................... 1 Evaluation Criteria ............................................................................................................................................................... 2 Timeline of Events/Schedule ............................................................................................................................................... 3 PART II INSTRUCTIONS TO PROPOSERS AND GENERAL PROVISIONS .................................................................................. 4 Definitions ........................................................................................................................................................................... 4 Preparation of Request for Proposal ................................................................................................................................... 4 Submission and Receipt of Proposals .................................................................................................................................. 5 Selection of Proposal ........................................................................................................................................................... 5 Acceptance of Offer............................................................................................................................................................. 6 Discrepancies, Errors, and Omissions .................................................................................................................................. 6 Right to Reject Proposals ..................................................................................................................................................... 6 Compensation ..................................................................................................................................................................... 6 Fiscal Non-Funding Clause ................................................................................................................................................... 6 Conflict of Interest ............................................................................................................................................................... 6 Public Entity Crimes ............................................................................................................................................................. 7 Options ................................................................................................................................................................................ 7 Subcontracting .................................................................................................................................................................... 7 Failure to Submit Proposal .................................................................................................................................................. 7 Default of Contract .............................................................................................................................................................. 7 Modification for Changes .................................................................................................................................................... 7 Order of Precedence ........................................................................................................................................................... 8 Examination of Records ....................................................................................................................................................... 8 Proposals Received .............................................................................................................................................................. 8 Lobbying/Cone of Silence .................................................................................................................................................... 8 Insurance and Hold Harmless Indemnification ................................................................................................................... 8 Qualifications of Proposer ................................................................................................................................................... 9 Disqualification of Proposer ................................................................................................................................................ 9 Licenses and Permits ........................................................................................................................................................... 9 Provisions for Other Agencies ............................................................................................................................................. 9 Applicable Law and Venue ................................................................................................................................................ 10 Proposal Disclosure; Public Records Responsibilities ........................................................................................................ 10 E-Verify .............................................................................................................................................................................. 11 Additional Information ...................................................................................................................................................... 11 Modification and Withdraw .............................................................................................................................................. 11 Prohibition on Gifts to City Employees and Officials ......................................................................................................... 12 Discrimination ................................................................................................................................................................... 12 Federal Requirements ....................................................................................................................................................... 12 PART III SPECIFIC PROPOSAL REQUIREMENTS ........................................................................................................... 13 Format ............................................................................................................................................................................... 13 Section A – PROPOSER Information and Acknowledgement Form ................................................................................... 13 Section B – Table of Contents ........................................................................................................................................... 13 Section C – Introduction Letter ......................................................................................................................................... 13 Section D – Qualifications.................................................................................................................................................. 13 Section E - Other Information ........................................................................................................................................... 14 Section F – Cost and Time ................................................................................................................................................. 14 Section G – Mandatory Proposal Forms ............................................................................................................................ 14 Section H – Florida State Corporate Filing......................................................................................................................... 14 Mandatory Proposal Forms .................................................................................................................................................. 15 • PROPOSER Information and Acknowledgement • Reference Information • Insurance Requirements • Scrutinized Company Certification • Non-Collusions Affidavit • Drug Free Workplace Certification • Public Entity Crimes Statement • E-Verify Statement • Conflict of Interest Statement • SMWBE Utilization Plan Appendix A Cost Proposal Worksheet 1 RFP# 05-24-03 TR Central Winds Park Master Plan Update Services PART I SCOPE OF WORK/EVALUATION CRITERIA FOR RFP 05-24-03 LH Central Winds Park Master Plan Update Services Background The City of Winter Springs is located in Seminole County Florida, which is part of the Orlando-Kissimmee-Sanford Metropolitan Area. As of 2021 the City of Winter Springs has a population of 38,317, covering 14.99 square miles. Scope of Work Develop Central Winds Park (CWP) Master Plan Update to include concept, transportation, public facilities, signage, implementation strategy and funding opportunities, consistent with the goals and policies of CITY’s comprehensive plan. 1.0 Boardwalk a. Provide narrative on the benefits of providing a boardwalk, encompassing approximately 2,000 feet in length along the Central Winds Park shoreline, that is resilient to Lake Jessup seasonal highs. Integrate connectivity of boardwalk along the passive area of Central Winds Parks’ shoreline, Cross Seminole Trail, CWP Nature Trail, Hicks Avenue, Central Winds Parkway, and Orange Avenue, considering existing spaces such as the Pickleball Court, Dog Park, and Lower Fields. 2.0 Environmental & Sustainability Considerations a. Identify environmentally sensitive areas and determine sustainable mitigation measures to protect and preserve such areas. b. Develop narrative of the history and growth of the park pertaining to environmentally sensitive areas, habitats, and tree species. Provide education resource suggestions regarding value of the same. c. Identify natural and cultural resource protection to include, but not be limited to, species identification, nesting areas, seasonal high water level, monuments, etc. 3.0 Additional Amenities a. Provide narrative for feasibility and benefits of proposing a lodge/event center within park. b. Provide an assessment of existing facility conditions within Central Winds Park and identify improvement opportunities. c. Identify and determine feasibility and benefits of identifying frisbee golf and other activity areas for year-round or seasonal recreational activity. d. Provide narrative identifying concession location(s) within passive area and benefits of the same. e. Provide options for seating accommodations for Amphitheater area. 4.0 Implementation Strategy a. Five and ten-year implementation strategy 5.0 Maps, Plans, and Renderings a. Concept, landscape, lighting, transportation, and 2016 Central Winds Master Plan Update b. Signage Plan for wayfinding, accessibility, and education c. Renderings of projects 6.0 Identify Funding Opportunities 2 RFP# 05-24-03 TR Central Winds Park Master Plan Update Services Additional Considerations • St. John’s River Water Management District compliance • Seminole County Cross Seminole Trail initiatives • Site coordinated with City of Winter Springs’ Park Manager Additional Resources City of Winter Springs Central Winds Park Website https://www.winterspringsfl.org/parksrec/page/central-winds-park 2030 Comprehensive Plan https://www.winterspringsfl.org/cd/page/adopted-2030-comprehensive-plan Recreation and Open Space Element https://www.winterspringsfl.org/sites/default/files/fileattachments/community_development/page/18190/06._recreation_and_op en_space_adopted_03-28-2022.pdf Conservation Element https://www.winterspringsfl.org/sites/default/files/fileattachments/community_development/page/18190/conservation_element_ 2023.pdf Capital Improvements Element https://www.winterspringsfl.org/sites/default/files/fileattachments/community_development/page/18190/capital_improvements_ element_december_2023.pdf Intergovernmental Coordination Element https://www.winterspringsfl.org/sites/default/files/fileattachments/community_development/page/18190/08._intergovernmental _coordination_element_adopted_2019.pdf Pre-Bid Meeting The Parks and Recreation Department invites prospective bidders to attend an optional virtual Pre-Bid Meeting to be held on May 28th . Please see the schedule for information regarding invite/confirm attendance. Evaluation Criteria Proposals will be evaluated by the CITY, and the PROPOSER will be selected based upon, but not limited to, the following criteria: a. The background, and experience of the PROPOSER in providing similar services or items elsewhere, including the level of experience in working with municipalities and the quality of services performed or items supplied. b. Reasonableness/competitiveness of proposed costs and/or benefits to the City of Winter Springs. The CITY is not bound to select the PROPOSER who proposes the lowest cost or most benefits for service. The CITY of Winter Springs reserves the right to negotiate fees and/or benefits with the selected PROPOSER. c. Determination that the selected PROPOSER has no contractual relationship which would result in a conflict of interest with the CITY. d. The PROPOSER‘s ability, capacity, and skill to fully and satisfactorily, provide these services and/or items required in this RFP. e. The quality of the PROPOSER’s performance in comparable and/or similar projects. f. Whether the PROPOSER can provide the service and/or items in a prompt and timely fashion. Proposals will be evaluated by the CITY, and selection will be based on, but not limited to, the following scoring criteria: 3 RFP# 05-24-03 TR Central Winds Park Master Plan Update Services Criteria: Max Points: Experience: The Proposer’s clear understanding of the needs of the CITY as demonstrated by the description of its approach to the elements listed within this document. Related Experience/Background with the review of existing Master Plan elements and developing an action plan to research and identify recommended changes to the existing Master Plan to ensure it remains current and relevant in addressing the needs of the City 30 Related Experience/Background with the development and implementation of a Master Plan for a municipality similar in nature to the City of Winter Springs 20 Experience Total: 50 References: Evaluation of the Proposer’s work from previous organizations receiving similar services to those proposed within this RFP. See the Mandatory Proposal Form, Reference Information Form. Reference 1 15 Reference 2 15 Reference Total: 30 Cost: The cost of the proposal is important to the City; however, based on the evaluation of the other criteria, the City will not necessarily select the lowest proposer. See Appendix A; Cost Worksheet Cost Total: 20 EXTRA BONUS POINTS: Certified Minority Business Enterprise: (3 Extra Bonus Points if Yes) The firm is a certified minority business enterprise as defined by the Florida Small and Minority Business Assistance Act. 3 Total Possible Points 103 Pursuant to Florida Statutes § 287.05701, the CITY shall not request documentation regarding, consider, or give preference based upon, a vendor’s social, political, or ideological interests when determining the vendor’s qualifications. Timeline of Events/Schedule Release of RFP May 22, 2024 Virtual Site Visit at 10:00AM; Contact Talbert Jackson, Senior Planner 407-327-5969 tjackson@winterspringsfl.org for registration May 28, 2024 Deadline to receive questions (electronically) - 1:00pm local time June 05, 2024 Addendum Released by 5:00pm local time June 07, 2024 RFP Submittals Due by 2:00 pm local time June 14, 2024 RFP Opening – Immediately following the registration of Proposals received June 14, 2024 Evaluation Committee Meeting/Selection Meeting: 3:00 pm local time Determine Recommended Vendor for City Commission approval June 20, 2024 CITY Commission Approval of Selection and Consideration of Contract TBD Submission of Deliverable 1 (Preliminary): Preliminary Research, Narrative Summary, Preliminary Concept, Landscape, Lighting, and Transportation Plans Sept. 02, 2024 Staff Review and Comments to Candidate Sept. 20, 2024 Deliverable 2 (Final): 2024 Central Winds Park Master Plan, Complete Narrative, Final Research, Final Plans Dec. 31, 2024 4 RFP# 05-24-03 TR Central Winds Park Master Plan Update Services PART II INSTRUCTIONS TO PROPOSERS AND GENERAL PROVISIONS FOR RFP 05-24-03 LH Central Winds Park Master Plan Update Services Definitions (as used herein) a. The term "Request for Proposal" means a solicitation of proposals. The acronym "RFP" means Request for Proposal. b. The term "Proposal" means the offer of qualitative evaluations by the PROPOSER. c. The term "professional services" means those services of architects, auditors, dentists, engineers, landscape architects, lawyers, physicians, psychologists, surveyors, and any other professional service as determined by the CITY. d. The term " PROPOSER " means the person, company, or entity making an offer. e. The term "Change Order" means a written order signed by the Finance Department or authorized representative directing the PROPOSER to make changes to a contract or purchase order resulting from the RFP. f. The term "CITY" means the City of Winter Springs, Florida. g. The term "CITY Commission" means the governing body of the City of Winter Springs. The CITY Commission is the only body that can award Proposals. h. The term “Evaluation Committee” means a team of CITY staff that will review and rank all Proposals and may provide a recommendation regarding selection of a PROPOSER to the CITY Commission. Preparation of Request for Proposal a. PROPOSERS are expected to examine the minimum requirements and all special and general conditions. Omission on the part of the PROPOSER to make the necessary examinations and investigations, or failure to fulfill every detail the requirements of the contract document, will not be accepted as a basis for varying the requirements of the CITY or the compensation to the PROPOSER. Failure to properly and fully complete the Proposal is at the PROPOSER's risk. The PROPOSER shall sign the Request for Proposal and print or type his/her name, address, and telephone number on the face page. b. The apparent silence of any supplemental minimum requirements as to any details, or the omission from it of a detailed description concerning any point will be regarded as meaning that only the best commercial practices are to prevail. All workmanship is to be first quality. All interpretations of the minimum requirements shall be made upon the basis of this statement. c. PROPOSERS should submit their response to this RFP by: Providing one (1) original, marked as such, three (3) copies, marked as such and one (1) electronic copy of PROPOSER’s Proposal to this office by the date and time indicated in Part I Timeline of Events/Schedule. The outside of PROPOSER’s package must be clearly labeled with the RFP number, title, opening date and time and the name and address of the PROPOSER. The CITY is not responsible for submittals via postal or mail courier services, receipt by the post office or mail courier prior to the deadline does not meet the CITY’s deadline requirements. d. The PROPOSER should retain a copy of all documents for future reference. 5 RFP# 05-24-03 TR Central Winds Park Master Plan Update Services e. All Proposals must be signed with the PROPOSER’s name and by an officer or employee having authority to bind the PROPOSER by his/her signature as indicated by the Florida Department of State, Division of Corporations (www.sunbiz.org). Proof of corporate signer must be included with the submittal with the Proposal. You may use the Sunbiz website screen shot or include a copy of your Corporate Resolution to prove the authority of the corporate signer. f. Failure to follow the instructions in the Request for Proposal is cause for rejection of your offer. Submission and Receipt of Proposals a. Proposals must be received before the specified time as designated in the RFP Timeline of Events. A list of PROPOSERS who submitted Proposals will be furnished, upon request, following opening of the Proposals. b. Proposals shall be submitted in a sealed envelope. The envelope shall show the opening date and time, the RFP number, and the name and address of the PROPOSER. c. The City of Winter Springs is not responsible for the U.S. Mail or private couriers, in regard to mail being delivered by the specified time so that a Proposal can be considered. Late Proposals will be rejected. d. Email and Facsimile (FAX) Proposals will not be considered, however, Proposals may be modified by email and FAX notice, provided such notices are received prior to the hour and date specified. e. Proposals having any erasures or corrections must be initialed by the offer or in ink. Proposals shall be signed in ink. All amounts shall be typewritten or completed in ink. f. All Mandatory Proposal Forms must be completed and attached to the Proposal. g. All costs of Proposal preparation, inspection of the RFP documents, and presentation of the Proposal shall be solely borne by the PROPOSER. The CITY shall not be liable for any cost incurred by the PROPOSER during the preparation and submission of its Proposal in response to this RFP. Selection of Proposal SELECTION OF THE PROPOSER AND PROPOSAL DEEMED THE MOST QUALIFIED, MOST ADVANTAGEOUS, AND IN THE BEST INTERESTS OF THE CITY, AS DETERMINED BY THE CITY COMMISSION OF THE CITY OF WINTER SPRINGS’S SOLE AND ABSOLUTE DISCRETION, SHALL NOT RESULT IN THE FORMATION OF A CONTRACT. NO CONTRACT SHALL BE FORMED UNTIL FINAL APPROVAL OF SUCH CONTRACT BY THE CITY COMMISSION AFTER SUCCESSFUL NEGOTIATION OF SPECIFIC CONTRACT TERMS DETERMINED TO BE IN THE BEST INTERESTS OF THE CITY BY THE CITY COMMISSION. Negotiations may be terminated at any time by the CITY Manager or CITY Commission if, in his/her/its sole discretion, the CITY Manager OR CITY Commission determines that the negotiation of terms acceptable to the CITY will not be successful. Only the CITY Commission can select Proposals, authorize the CITY Manager to engage in negotiations, and ultimately enter into a contract. The RFP Evaluation Committee scores Proposals and provides a recommendation for selection. The recommendation may be adopted by the CITY Commission. After the initial Evaluation Committee meeting, the Evaluation Committee may require one or more of the top-ranking PROPOSERS to attend a meeting to make an oral presentation, answer questions. This meeting will be exempt from the requirements of the Sunshine Law in accordance with section 286.0113, Florida Statutes. PROPOSER(s) will be notified of any further meeting requirements. 6 RFP# 05-24-03 TR Central Winds Park Master Plan Update Services Acceptance of Offer The signed Proposal shall be considered an offer on the part of the PROPOSER; however, such offer shall be deemed accepted only upon issuance by the CITY of a Purchase Order, Blanket Purchase Order, or execution of another contractual document deemed acceptable to the CITY. The contract will be awarded to the most responsible and responsive, qualified PROPOSER(s) whose Proposal is deemed the most advantageous and in the best interests of the CITY in accordance with the criteria set forth in this RFP. The CITY reserves the right to accept or reject any and all Proposals or parts of Proposals, waive minor informalities, and to request clarification of information from any PROPOSER. Notice of Award, Performance Bond and Labor and Materials Payment Bond Within ten (10) calendar days from the date stipulated in the Notice of Award notifying PROPOSER that its Proposal has been accepted, the successful PROPOSER shall execute the Agreement. Simultaneously with the execution of the Agreement, PROPOSER shall furnish a Performance Bond and a Labor and Materials Bond each in the amount of 110 percent of the contract price. The bonds shall be secured from a surety company acceptable to the CITY. The forms of the Bonds the successful PROPOSER will be required to execute are included in the RFP Documents. Failure to execute the Agreement and/or to furnish said bonds within ten (10) calendar days from the date of the Notice of Award entitles the CITY to consider all rights arising out of the CITY's acceptance of the Proposal as abandoned and the Bid Bond shall be forfeited. The CITY shall be entitled to such other rights as may be granted by law. Discrepancies, Errors, and Omissions Any discrepancies, errors, or ambiguities in the Request for Proposals or addenda (if any) should be reported in writing to the CITY's Procurement Manager. Should it be found necessary, a written Addenda will be incorporated in the Request for Proposals and will become part of the Service Agreement (contract documents). The CITY will not be responsible for any oral instructions, clarifications, or other communications. Right to Reject Proposals The CITY reserves the right to reject any or all Proposals, and to disregard typographical, mathematical, or obvious errors. The CITY will not pay costs incurred by any PROPOSER in the preparation of Proposals. Compensation Compensation, which is determined to be fair, competitive, and reasonable, will be considered during the negotiations of a final contract with the selected PROPOSER. Fiscal Non-Funding Clause In the event sufficient budgeted funds are not available for a new fiscal period, the CITY shall notify the PROPOSER of such occurrence and any contracts entered into between the CITY and PROPOSER shall terminate on the last day of the current fiscal period without penalty or expense to the CITY. Conflict of Interest PROPOSER acknowledges and certifies that this Agreement does not violate any ethics provision found in Chapter 112, Florida Statutes, or Chapter 2 of the Code of Ordinances of the City of Winter Springs. The PROPOSER certifies that, to the best of their knowledge or belief, no elected/appointed official or employee of the City of Winter Springs, a spouse thereof or other person residing in the same household, is financially interested, directly or indirectly, in providing the goods or services specified in this Proposal. Financial interest includes ownership of more 7 RFP# 05-24-03 TR Central Winds Park Master Plan Update Services than five percent (5%) of the total assets or capital stock or being an officer, director, manager, partner, proprietor, or agent of the business submitting the Proposal or of any subcontractor or supplier thereof providing goods or services in excess of ten percent (10%) of the total Proposal amount. Additionally, the PROPOSER, on company letterhead, must divulge at the time of Proposal submittal, any relative, other than those already specified, of an elected /appointed official or employee of the City of Winter Springs who has a financial interest, as defined herein, in providing the goods or services specified in the Proposal. The CITY, at its sole discretion, will determine whether a conflict exists and whether to accept or reject the Proposal. Public Entity Crimes A person or affiliate who has been placed on the convicted vendor list following a conviction for public entity crime may not submit a Proposal on a contract to provide any goods or services to a public entity, may not submit a Proposal on a contract with a public entity for the construction or repair of a public building or public work, may not submit Proposals on leases of real property to a public entity, may not be awarded or perform work as a contractor, supplier, subcontractor, or consultant under a contract with any public entity, and may not transact business with any public entity in excess of the threshold amount provided in Section 287.017, for CATEGORY TWO for a period of thirty-six (36) months from the date of being placed on the convicted vendor list. Options When the CITY requests Proposals with options; if applicable, regarding the extent of services to be provided, the CITY requests all PROPOSERS to provide a cost breakdown for each option proposed. Although all options may be purchased, some options may not ultimately be purchased. The CITY reserves the right to decide, at its discretion, which options shall be purchased. The CITY reserves the right to engage more than one (1) PROPOSER if it is believed that different PROPOSERS might best serve the CITY's interests in performing different segments of the work (e.g., one PROPOSER to provide building estimates, and another to provide infrastructure estimates). Subcontracting Where PROPOSERS do not have the "in-house" capability to perform work desired in the Request for Proposal, subcontracting may be permitted only with prior knowledge and approval of the CITY. The CITY must be assured of and agree that any proposed subcontractor(s) can perform work of the desired quality and in a timely manner. The name(s) of any intended subcontractor(s) should be given in the Proposal. Failure to Submit Proposal If PROPOSER does not wish to submit a Proposal, return the RFP and state the reason therefor; otherwise, PROPOSER’s name may be removed from CITY’s mailing list. Default of Contract In case of default by the PROPOSER, the CITY may procure the requested services from other sources and hold the PROPOSER responsible for any excess costs occasioned or incurred thereby. Modification for Changes No agreement or understanding to modify this RFP and resultant purchase order or contract shall be binding upon the CITY unless made in writing by the City of Winter Springs. 8 RFP# 05-24-03 TR Central Winds Park Master Plan Update Services Order of Precedence In the event of an inconsistency between provisions of the RFP, the inconsistency shall be resolved by giving precedence in the following order: (a) Instructions to PROPOSERS and General Provisions; and (b) the minimum requirements. Examination of Records The PROPOSER shall keep adequate records and supporting documentation applicable to the subject matter of this RFP to include, but not be limited to: records of costs, time worked, working paper and/or accumulations of data, and criteria or standards by which findings or data are measured. Said records and documentation shall be retained by the PROPOSER for a minimum of one (1) year from the date the contract is completed and accepted by the CITY. If any litigation is initiated before the expiration of the one-year period, the records shall be retained until all litigation, claims, or audit findings involving the records have been resolved, unless otherwise instructed by the CITY. Should any questions arise concerning this contract, the CITY and its authorized agents shall have the right to review, inspect, and copy all such records and documentation during the record retention period stated above; provided, however, such activity shall be conducted only during normal business hours and shall be at CITY expense. PROPOSERS shall be authorized to retain microfilm copies in lieu of original records if they so desire. Any subcontractor(s) employed by a PROPOSER who is subject to these requirements and the PROPOSER itself are required to so notify any such subcontractor(s). Proposals Received All Proposals received in response to this RFP become the property of the CITY. Lobbying/Cone of Silence Lobbying is defined as any action taken by an individual, firm, association, joint venture, partnership, syndicate, corporation, and/or all other groups who seek to influence the governmental decision of a CITY Commission Member, the CITY Manager, any requesting or evaluating Department/Division/Office personnel and/or any member of the Evaluation Committee concerning an active solicitation during the black-out period. A lobbying black-out period commences upon the issuance of this solicitation document. If an award item is presented to CITY Commission for approval or for a request to provide authorization to negotiate a Contract(s) and the CITY Commission refers the item back to the CITY Manager, Procurement Division and/or requesting Department/Division/Office for further review or otherwise does not act on the item, the Cone of Silence/Lobbying Black-out Period will be reinstated until such time as the CITY Commission meets to consider the item for action. Bidders, PROPOSERS, Respondents, potential vendors, service providers, lobbyists, consultants, or vendor representatives shall not contact any CITY Commission member, the CITY Manager, any requesting or evaluating Division, Department, Office personnel, and/or any member of the Evaluation Committee concerning an active Request For Proposal during the Lobbying/Cone of Silence Black-out Period. Insurance and Hold Harmless Indemnification To the fullest extent permitted by laws and regulations, Bidder shall indemnify and hold harmless CITY and its consultants, agents and employees from and against all claims, damages, losses and expenses, direct, indirect or consequential (including but not limited to fees and charges of engineers, architects, attorneys and other professionals and court and arbitration costs) arising out of or resulting from the performance of the Work, provided that any such claim, damage, loss or expenses (a) is attributable to bodily injury, sickness, disease or death, or to injury to or destruction of tangible property other than the Work itself) including the loss of use resulting therefrom and (b) is caused in whole or in part by any negligent act or omission of Bidder, any Subcontractor, any person or organization directly or indirectly employed by any of them to perform or furnish any of the Work or anyone for whose acts any of them may be liable, regardless of whether 9 RFP# 05-24-03 TR Central Winds Park Master Plan Update Services or not it is caused in part by a party indemnified hereunder or arises by or is imposed by Law and Regulations regardless of the negligence of any such party. In any and all claims against CITY or any of their consultants, agents or employees by any employee of PROPOSER, any Subcontractor, any person or organization directly or indirectly employed by any of them to perform or furnish any of the Work or anyone for whose acts any of them may be liable, the indemnification obligation under the previous paragraph shall not be limited in any way by any limitation on the amount or type of damages, compensation or benefits payable by or for Bidder or any such Subcontractor or other person or organization under workers’ or workmen’s compensation acts, disability benefit acts or other employee benefit acts. PROPOSER's Liability Insurance - The PROPOSER shall not commence any work under this Contract until he has obtained all insurance required under the Agreement. PROPOSER shall purchase and maintain such comprehensive general liability and other insurance as is appropriate for the Work being performed and furnished and as will provide protection from claims set forth which may arise out of or result from PROPOSER's performance and furnishing of the Work and PROPOSER's other obligations under the Contract Documents, whether it is to be performed or furnished by PROPOSER, by any Subcontractor, by anyone directly or indirectly employed by any of them to perform or furnish any of the Work, or by anyone for whose acts any of them may be liable. The insurance required shall include the specific coverage's and be written for not less than the limits of liability and coverage's provided or required by law, whichever is greater. The comprehensive general liability insurance shall include completed operations insurance. The comprehensive general liability insurance shall also include Contractual Liability Insurance applicable to Bidder's obligations under the Hold Harmless Indemnification. All of the policies of insurance so required to be purchased and maintained (or the certificates or their evidence thereof) shall contain a provision or endorsement that the coverage afforded will not be canceled, materially changed or renewal refused until at least thirty days’ prior written notice has been given to CITY by certified mail. All such insurance shall remain in effect until final payment and at all times thereafter when PROPOSER may be correcting, removing or replacing defective work in accordance with the Contract Documents. PROPOSER's General Liability Insurance shall include the CITY, and CITY's consultants as insured or additional insured which may be accomplished by either an endorsement of PROPOSER's Comprehensive General Liability policy or by PROPOSER 's carrier issuing a separate protection liability policy. Qualifications of PROPOSER A PROPOSER may be required, before the award of any contract, to show to the complete satisfaction of the CITY that they have the necessary facilities, equipment, ability and financial resources to perform the work in a satisfactory manner within the time specified. Disqualification of PROPOSER Any or all Proposals will be rejected if there is any reason for believing that collusion exists among the PROPOSERS, and participants in such collusion will not be considered in future Proposals for the same work. Licenses and Permits The PROPOSER shall secure all licenses and permits and shall comply with all applicable laws, regulations and codes as required by the United States, the State of Florida, or by the City of Winter Springs. The PROPOSER must fully comply with all Federal and State Laws and County and Municipal Ordinances and Regulations in any manner affecting the performance of the work. Provisions for Other Agencies Unless otherwise stipulated by the PROPOSER, the PROPOSER agrees to make available to the Government agencies, departments, and municipalities the prices submitted in accordance with said terms and conditions therein, should any said governmental entity desire to buy under the Proposal. 10 RFP# 05-24-03 TR Central Winds Park Master Plan Update Services Applicable Law and Venue This Agreement shall be governed by, construed and interpreted in accordance with the laws of the State of Florida without regard to the conflicts or choice of law principals thereof. Each of the parties hereto: (a) irrevocably submits itself to the exclusive jurisdiction of the State of Florida, and agree that venue shall lie exclusively in the Eighteenth Judicial Circuit Court in and for Seminole County, Florida for any state court action arising out of this Agreement, and exclusively in the United States District Court for the Middle District of Florida, Orlando Division, for any federal court action arising out of this Agreement; (b) waives and agrees not to assert against any party hereto, by way of motion, as a defense or otherwise, in any suit, action or other proceeding, (i) any claim that it is not personally subject to the jurisdiction of the above-named courts for any reason whatsoever, and (ii) any claim that such suit, action, or proceeding by any party hereto is brought in an inconvenient form or that venue of such suit, action, or proceeding is improper or that this Agreement or the subject matter hereof may not be enforced in or by such courts. Proposal Disclosure; Public Records Responsibilities Florida law provides that municipal records shall, at all times, be open for personal inspection by any person. Section 119.01, Florida Statutes et. seq. (the Public Records Law). Unless otherwise provided by the Public Records Law, information and materials received by the CITY in connection with an RFP response and under any awarded contract shall be deemed to be public records subject to public inspection and/or copying at the end of the statutory exemption time period pursuant to Section 119.071, Florida Statutes. However, certain exemptions to the Public Records Law are statutorily provided for under sections 119.07 and 119.071, Florida Statutes, and other applicable laws. If the PROPOSER believes any of the information contained in its response is exempt from the Public Records Law, including trade secrets as defined by Florida law, the PROPOSER must, in its response, specifically identify the material which is deemed to be exempt and cite the legal authority for the exemption; otherwise, the CITY will treat all materials received as public records. Pursuant to section 119.0701, Florida Statutes, for any tasks performed by PROPOSER on behalf of the CITY, PROPOSER shall: (a) keep and maintain all public records, as that term is defined in chapter 119, Florida Statutes (“Public Records”), required by the CITY to perform the work contemplated by this Agreement; (b) upon request from the CITY’s custodian of public records, provide the CITY with a copy of the requested Public Records or allow the Public Records to be inspected or copied within a reasonable time at a cost that does not exceed the costs provided in chapter 119, Florida Statutes, or as otherwise provided by law; (c) ensure that Public Records that are exempt or confidential and exempt from Public Records disclosure requirements are not disclosed except as authorized by law for the duration of the term of this Agreement and following completion or termination of this Agreement, if PROPOSER does not transfer the records to the CITY in accordance with (d) below; and (d) upon completion or termination of this Agreement, (i) if the CITY, in its sole and absolute discretion, requests that all Public Records in possession of PROPOSER be transferred to the CITY, PROPOSER shall transfer, at no cost, to the CITY, all Public Records in possession of PROPOSER within thirty (30) days of such request or (ii) if no such request is made by the CITY, PROPOSER shall keep and maintain the Public Records required by the CITY to perform the work contemplated by this Agreement. If PROPOSER transfers all Public Records to the CITY pursuant to (d)(i) above, PROPOSER shall destroy any duplicate Public Records that are exempt or confidential and exempt from Public Records disclosure requirements within thirty (30) days of transferring the Public Records to the CITY and provide the CITY with written confirmation that such records have been destroyed within thirty (30) days of transferring the Public Records. If PROPOSER keeps and maintains Public Records pursuant to (d)(ii) above, PROPOSER shall meet all applicable requirements for retaining Public Records. All Public Records stored electronically must be provided to the CITY, upon request from the CITY’s custodian of public records, in a format that is compatible with the information technology of the CITY. If PROPOSER does not comply with a Public Records request, or does not comply with a Public Records request within a reasonable amount of time, the CITY may pursue any and all remedies available in law or equity including, but not limited to, specific performance. The provisions of this section only apply to those tasks in which PROPOSER is acting on behalf of the CITY. IF THE PROPOSER HAS QUESTIONS REGARDING THE APPLICATION OF CHAPTER 119, FLORIDA STATUTES, TO THE PROPOSER’S DUTY TO PROVIDE PUBLIC RECORDS RELATING TO THIS CONTRACT, CONTACT THE CUSTODIAN OF PUBLIC RECORDS AT: Telephone number: (407) 327-6560 ext. 7003, E-mail address: cityclerkdepartment@winterspringsfl.org 11 RFP# 05-24-03 TR Central Winds Park Master Plan Update Services E-Verify Pursuant to section 448.095, Florida Statutes, beginning January 1, 2021, any CITY contractors shall register with and use the U.S. Department of Homeland Security’s E-Verify system, https://e-verify.uscis.gov/emp, to verify the work authorization status of all employees hired on and after January 1, 2021. CITY contractors must provide evidence of compliance with section 448.095, Florida Statutes. Evidence shall consist of an affidavit from the PROPOSER stating all employees hired on and after January 1, 2021 have had their work authorization status verified through the E-Verify system and a copy of their proof of registration in the E-Verify system. Failure to comply with this provision will be a material breach of the contract, and shall result in the immediate termination of a contract without penalty to the CITY. PROPOSER shall be liable for all costs incurred by the CITY securing a replacement contract, including but not limited to, any increased costs for the same services, any costs due to delay, and rebidding costs, if applicable. If the PROPOSER utilizes subcontractors the following shall apply: PROPOSER shall also require all subcontractors performing work under the Agreement to use the E-Verify system for any employees they may hire during the term of the Agreement. PROPOSER shall obtain from all such subcontractors an affidavit stating the subcontractor does not employ, contract with, or subcontract with an unauthorized alien, as defined in section 448.095, Florida Statutes. PROPOSER shall provide a copy of all subcontractor affidavits to the CITY upon request and shall maintain a copy for the duration of the Agreement. Additional Information Additional information may be obtained from the Procurement Manager, (407) 327-7581, or from any other individual listed on the RFP cover letter. Modification and Withdraw Proposals may not be modified after submittal. Proposals may be withdrawn at any time prior to the deadline. Withdrawal requests shall be made in writing and must be received by the CITY’s Procurement Manager before the time and date stated or as amended for the Proposal Opening. Properly withdrawn Proposals will be returned unopened to the PROPOSER submitting the Proposal. A PROPOSER who timely withdraws his Proposal may submit a new Proposal in the same manner as specified herein under “Submission of Proposal.” A Proposal submitted in place of a withdrawn Proposal shall be clearly marked as such on the outside of the envelope and on the Bid Form. If a Contract is not awarded within 90 calendar days after opening of Proposals, a PROPOSER may file a written request with the CITY’s Procurement Manager for the withdrawal of its Proposal. Prohibition on Gifts to City Employees and Officials No organization or individual shall offer or give, either directly or indirectly, any favor, gift, loan, fee, service or other item of value to any CITY employee, as set forth in Chapter 112, Part III, Florida Statutes, the current CITY Ethics Ordinance, and CITY Administrative Policy. Violation of this provision may result in one or more of the following consequences: a.Prohibition by the individual, firm, and/or any employee of the firm from contact with CITY staff for a specified period of time; b.Prohibition by the individual and/or firm from doing business with the CITY for a specified period of time, including but not limited to: submitting bid/Proposals, RFP, and/or quotes; and, c.Immediate termination of any contract held by the individual and/or firm for cause. 12 RFP# 05-24-03 TR Central Winds Park Master Plan Update Services Discrimination An entity or affiliate who has been placed on the discriminatory vendor list may not submit a bid, Proposal, or reply on a contract to provide any goods or services to a public entity; may not submit a bid, Proposal, or reply on a contract with a public entity for the construction or repair of a public building or public work; may not submit bids, Proposals, or replies on leases of real property to a public entity; may not be awarded or perform work as a contractor, supplier, subcontractor, or consultant under a contract with any public entity; and may not transact business with any public entity. Federal Requirements This contract may be funded in whole or in part with federal funding. As such, federal laws, regulations, policies and related administrative practices shall apply to any contract negotiated with a selected firm as required by federal law. The most recent of such requires, including any amendments made such the submission of the Proposal, shall apply, unless federal government determines otherwise. The federal government requirements contained in the most recent version of the Uniform Administrative Requirements for federal awards (Uniform Rules) codified at 2.C.F.R, Part 200, including any certifications and contractual provisions required by any federal statutes or regulations referenced therein to be included in this contract are deemed incorporated herein by reference and shall be incorporated into any sub-agreement or subcontract executed by the Proposer pursuant to its obligations under federal law. 13 RFP# 05-24-03 TR Central Winds Park Master Plan Update Services PART III SPECIFIC PROPOSAL REQUIREMENTS For RFP #05-24-03 LH Central Winds Park Master Plan Update Services Format To assure consistency, Proposals must conform to the following format: A. PROPOSER Information and Acknowledgement Form B. Table of Contents C. Introduction Letter D. Qualifications E. Other Information F. Cost & Time G. Mandatory Proposal Forms H. Florida State Corporate Filing Section A – PROPOSER Information and Acknowledgement Form 1. Use the form provided in the Mandatory Proposal Forms titled “PROPOSER INFORMATION AND ACKNOWLEDGEMENT FORM.” (See Proposal Form 1) Section B – Table of Contents 1. Identify Proposal material by section and page number. Section C – Introduction Letter 1. Summarize the key points of the Proposal including an understanding of the scope of work. Must be signed by an authorized official of the PROPOSER. Section D – Qualifications 1. General – Provide general information about the PROPOSER, including size, office location(s), and structure of PROPOSER. Identify and explain any significant changes in organizational structure, ownership, or management both firm-wide and within Fixed Income/ Public Finance during the past five (5) years. 2. PROPOSER Experience – Describe the PROPOSER’s experience with providingComprehensive Plan Development services, focus on the PROPOSER’s experience with municipalities that are similar to the City of Winter Springs. 3. Team Experience – Identify key members of PROPOSER’s team that will service the CITY. Identify the primary day-to-day contact for the engagement and their experience. Identify the proposed project manager. Provide brief resumes for key team members that will service the CITY as an Appendix. 4. Florida Knowledge – Describe any political, economic, legal, or other issues impacting Florida municipalities, specifically those impacting the City of Winter Springs, which may be relevant to the Proposal. 5. References – Use the form provided in the Mandatory Proposal Forms titled “REFERENCE INFORMATION FORM” 6. Conclusion – Briefly summarize why PROPOSER should be selected, including why PROPOSER is pursuing the City of Winter Springs’ business. In short, summarize what makes PROPOSER different and why the CITY should select PROPOSER above all others. 14 RFP# 05-24-03 TR Central Winds Park Master Plan Update Services Section E - Other Information This section should address any other information necessary for a full understanding of PROPOSER’s services. Please provide relevant information on any additional services offered by PROPOSER. Section F – Cost and Time This section must clearly state the cost and estimated completion time associated with the project. Use Appendix A: Cost Proposal Worksheet. Section G – Mandatory Proposal Forms 1. Fill out and return the forms provided; PROPOSER Information and Acknowledgement Form (see Item A in Format), References Information Form, Insurance Requirement Form, Scrutinized Company Certification, Non-Collusion Affidavit of Prime Respondent, Drug Free Workplace Form, Public Entity Crimes Statement, E-Verify Statement, Conflict of Interest Statement, SMWBE Utilization Pland and Appendix A Cost Proposal Worksheet. Section H – Florida State Corporate Filing 1. All Proposals must be signed with the PROPOSER’s name and by an officer or employee having authority to bind the PROPOSER by his/her signature as indicated by the Florida Department of State, Division of Corporations (www.sunbiz.org). Proof of corporate signer must be included with the submittal with the Proposal. Use Sunbiz website screen shot or include a copy of Corporate Resolution or a Power of Attorney. RFP # 05-24-03 LH MANDATORY FORM MANDATORY PROPOSAL FORMS Proposal Form 1 - PROPOSER Information and Acknowledgement Form Proposal Form 2 - References Information Form Proposal Form 3 - Insurance Requirements Form Proposal Form 4 - Scrutinized Company Certification Proposal Form 5 – Non-Collusion Affidavit Proposal Form 6 - Drug Free Workplace Certification Proposal Form 7 - Public Entity Crimes Statement Proposal Form 8 - E-Verify Statement Proposal Form 9 - Conflict of Interest Statement Proposal Form 10 - SMWBE Utilization Plan Appendix A - Cost Proposal Worksheet Mandatory forms must be submitted with the Proposal. Failure to submit forms may disqualify the PROPOSER from the RFP RFP # 05-24-03 LH MANDATORY FORM PROPOSER INFORMATION AND ACKNOWLEDGEMENT FORM For CENTRAL WINDS PARK MASTER PLAN UPDATE SERVICES RFP 05-24-03 LH The undersigned PROPOSER does hereby agree to furnish the City of Winter Springs, Florida, the items listed in accordance with the minimum requirements/evaluation criteria shown by the Request for Proposal to be delivered to the specified site for the price indicated. IT IS THE PROPOSER’S RESPONSIBILITY TO CHECK www.demandstar.com FOR FINAL DOCUMENTS AND ADDENDA BEFORE SUBMITTAL THIS PROPOSAL MUST BE SIGNED BY THE PRINCIPAL OR DIRECTOR AS INDICATED BY THE FLORIDA DEPARTMENT OF STATE, DIVISION OF CORPORATIONS (www.sunbiz.org). Proof of corporate signer must be submitted with Proposal. If not submitted, PROPOSER will be considered non-responsive. Use Sunbiz website screen shot or copy of Corporate Resolution or Power of Attorney. PROPOSER NAME: TAX ID# SNN or EIN: PROPOSER ADDRESS: PURCHASE ORDER ADDRESS: PHONE NUMBER: COMPANY WEBSITE: COMPANY CONTACT (REP): CONTACT EMAIL ADDRESS: SIGNATURE: THE UNDERSIGNED: A. Acknowledges receipt of: 1. RFP # 05-24-03 LH Pertaining To: CWP Master Plan Update Services 2. Addenda: Number: _________, Dated _________________. Number: _________, Dated _________________. B. Has examined the site and all RFP Documents and understands that in submitting its Proposal, they waive all right to plead any misunderstanding regarding the same. C. Agrees: 1. To hold this Proposal open for 90 calendar days after the bid opening date. 2. To furnish the services specified in this RFP at the prices quoted in Proposal and in compliance with the RFP Documents. 3. To accept the provisions of the Instructions to PROPOSERS. 4. To negotiate a contract with the CITY incorporating the Proposal prices, if selected on the basis of this Proposal. 5. To accomplish the work in accordance with the contract documents. D. Certifies: 1. That all information contained in this Proposal is truthful to the best of my knowledge and belief. 2. That I am duly authorized to submit this Proposal on behalf of the PROPOSER and that the PROPOSER is ready, willing, and able to perform if awarded the Proposal. Stipulated Amount A. Submit on Cost Proposal Worksheet, Appendix A. RFP # 05-24-03 LH MANDATORY FORM REFERENCE INFORMATION FORM CENTRAL WINDS PARK MASTER PLAN UPDATE SERVICES RFP 05-24-03 LH Organization: Contact Person: Address: City: State: Zip: Phone Number: ( ) Project Cost: Date Performed: Organization: Contact Person: Address: City: State: Zip: Phone Number: ( ) Project Cost: Date Performed: Organization: Contact Person: Address: City: State: Zip: Phone Number: ( ) Project Cost: Date Performed: PROPOSER Representative Typed Name/Signature PROPOSER Representative Title: Firm: RFP # 05-24-03 LH MANDATORY FORM INSURANCE REQUIREMENTS FORM Insurance Type Required Limits Worker’s Compensation Statutory Limits of Florida Statutes, Chapter 440 and all Federal Government Statutory Limits Employer’s Liability $1,000,000 each accident, single limit per occurrence Commercial General Liability (Occurrence Form) patterned after the current ISO form $1,000,000 single limit per occurrence $3,000,000 aggregate for Bodily Injury Liability & Property Damage Liability. This shall include Premises and Operations; Independent Contractors; Products & Completed Operations & Contractual Liability. Indemnification To the maximum extent permitted by Florida law, the Contractor/Vendor/Consultant shall indemnify and hold harmless City of Winter Springs, its officers and employees from any and all liabilities, damages, losses and costs, including, but not limited to, reasonable attorneys’ fees and paralegals’ fees, to the extent caused by the negligence, recklessness, or intentional wrongful conduct of the Contractor/Vendor/Consultant or anyone employed or utilized by the Contractor/Vendor/Consultant in the performance of the Agreement. This indemnification obligation shall not be construed to negate, abridge or reduce any other rights or remedies which otherwise may be available to an indemnified party or person described in this paragraph. This section does not pertain to any incident arising from the sole negligence of the City of Winter Springs. Automobile Liability $1,000,000 each person; Bodily Injury & Property Damage, Owned/Non-owned/Hired; Automobile Included. Other PROPOSER shall ensure that all subcontractors comply with the same insurance requirements that it is required to meet. The same PROPOSER shall provide the CITY with certificates of insurance meeting the required insurance provisions. The City of Winter Springs must be named as “Additional Insured” on the Insurance Certificate for Commercial General Liability where required. The Certificate Holder shall be named as City of Winter Springs. Thirty (30) days cancellation notice required. The undersigned PROPOSER agrees to obtain, prior to award, if selected, insurance as stated above. PROPOSER Authorized Signature Officer Title Date RFP # 05-24-03 LH MANDATORY FORM SCRUTINIZED COMPANY CERTIFICATION Florida Statutes, Sections 287.135 and 215.473 Pursuant to Section 287.135, Florida Statutes (2017), a company is ineligible to, and may not, bid on, submit a Proposal for, or enter into or renew a contract with the CITY for goods or services of: a. Any amount if, at the time of submitting a Proposal for, or entering into or renewing such contract, the PROPOSER is on the Scrutinized Companies that Boycott Israel List, created pursuant to s. 215.4725, or is engaged in a boycott of Israel; or b. One million dollars or more if, at the time of bidding on, submitting a Proposal for, or entering into or renewing such contract, the PROPOSER: Is on the Scrutinized Companies with Activities in Sudan List or the Scrutinized Companies with Activities in the Iran Petroleum Energy Sector List, created pursuant to s. 215.473; or Is engaged in business operations in Cuba or Syria. Subject to limited exceptions provided in state law, the CITY will not contract for the provision of goods or services with any scrutinized company referred to above. The PROPOSER must submit this required certification form attesting that it is not a scrutinized company and is not engaging in prohibited business operations. The following shall be grounds for termination of the contract at the option of the awarding body: a. The PROPOSER is found to have submitted a false certification; been placed on the Scrutinized Companies with Activities in Sudan List or the Scrutinized Companies with Activities in the Iran Petroleum Energy Sector List; b. Been placed on the Scrutinized Companies that Boycott Israel List or c. Is engaged in a boycott of Israel; or d. Been engaged in business operations in Cuba or Syria. The CITY shall provide notice, in writing, to the PROPOSER of any determination concerning a false certification. a. The PROPOSER shall have five (5) days from receipt of notice to refute the false certification allegation. b. If such false certification is discovered during the active contract term, the PROPOSER shall have ninety (90) days following receipt of the notice to respond in writing and demonstrate that the determination of false certification was made in error. c. If the PROPOSER does not demonstrate that the CITY’s determination of false certification was made in error then the CITY shall have the right to terminate the contract and seek civil remedies pursuant to Section 287.135, Florida Statutes. RFP # 05-24-03 LH MANDATORY FORM THIS CERTIFICATION FORM MUST BE COMPLETED AND INCLUDED IN YOUR BID RESPONSE. FAILURE TO SUBMIT THIS FORM AS INSTRUCTED SHALL RENDER YOUR BID SUBMITTAL NON-RESPONSIVE. a. The Vendor, owners, or principals are aware of the requirements of Section 287.135, Florida Statutes; and b. The Vendor, owners, or principals are eligible to participate in this solicitation and not listed on the Scrutinized Companies that Boycott Israel List or engaged in a boycott of Israel; and c. For contracts of one million dollars or more, the Vendor, owners, or principals are eligible to participate in this solicitation and not listed on the Scrutinized Companies with Activities in Sudan List or the Scrutinized Companies with Activities in the Iran Petroleum Energy Sector List and, further, are not engaged in business operations in Cuba or Syria; and d. If awarded the Contract, the Vendor, owners, or principals will immediately notify the CITY in writing if any of its company, owners, or principals: are placed on the Scrutinized Companies that Boycott Israel List, the Scrutinized Companies with Activities in Sudan List, or the Scrutinized Companies with Activities in the Iran Petroleum Energy Sector List; engage in a boycott of Israel; or engage in business operations in Cuba or Syria. STATE OF _________________________________ COUNTY OF _______________________________ The foregoing instrument was acknowledged before me by means of (_____) physical presence or (_____) online notarization, this ______ day of __________, 20244 by _____________________ the _________________ of ___________________________, a ________________________ (____) who is personally known to me or (_____) who produced ______________________________________ as identification. _________________________________________________________________ Notary Public Print Name: _______________________________________________________ My Commission Expires: _____________________________________________ RFP # 05-24-03 LH MANDATORY FORM NON-COLLUSION AFFIDAVIT of PRIME PROPOSER STATE OF COUNTY OF ____________________________________, being duly sworn, deposes and says that: (1) He/she is ___________________________ of ___________________________________ Title PROPOSER The PROPOSER that has submitted the attached response. (2) He/she is fully informed respecting the preparation and contents of the attached Proposal and of all pertinent circumstances respecting such solicitation. (3) Such Proposal is genuine and is not a collusive or sham solicitation. (4) Neither the PROPOSER nor any of its officers, partners, owners, agent representatives, employees or parties in interest including this affiant, has in any way, colluded, conspired, or agreed, directly or indirectly, with any other PROPOSER, firm or person, to submit a collusive or sham response in connection with the RFP for which the attached Proposal has been submitted or to refrain from proposing in connection with such RFP, or has in any manner, directly or indirectly, sought by Agreement or collusion or communication or conference with any other PROPOSER, firm or person to fix the price or prices in the attached Proposal or of any other PROPOSER, or to fix any overhead, profit or cost element of the proposed price or the proposed price of any other PROPOSER, or to secure through any collusion, conspiracy, connivance or unlawful Agreement any advantage against the City of Winter Springs, Florida, or any person interested in the proposed Agreement. (5) The price or prices quoted in the attached Proposal are fair and proper and are not tainted by any collusion, conspiracy, or unlawful Agreement on the part of the PROPOSER or any of its agents, representatives, owners, employees, or parties of interest, including affiant. (Signed) (Title) STATE OF _______________________________________ COUNTY OF _____________________________________ The foregoing instrument was acknowledged before me this ____________________by _____________________________, who is (___) personally known to me or (___) who has produced _______________________________ as identification and who (did / did not) take an oath. ________________________________________ (Signature of Notary Public) ________________________________________ (Name of Notary Typed, Printed or Stamped) Notary Public ________________________________________ (Commission Number) RFP # 05-24-03 LH MANDATORY FORM DRUG FREE WORKPLACE CERTIFICATION The undersigned PROPOSER, in accordance with Florida Statute 287.087 hereby certifies that _____________________________________________________ does: (Name of PROPOSER) 1. Publish a statement notifying employees that the unlawful manufacture, distribution, dispensing, possession or use of a controlled substance is prohibited in the workplace and specifying the actions that will be taken against employees for violations of such prohibition. 2. Inform employees about the dangers of drug abuse in the workplace, the business’s policy of maintaining a drug-free workplace, any available drug counseling, rehabilitation, and employee assistance programs, and the penalties that may be imposed upon employees for drug abuse violations. 3. Give each employee engaged in providing the commodities or contractual services that are under contract a copy of the Drug-Free statement. 4. Notify the employees that as a condition of working on the commodities or contractual services that are under contract, employee will abide by the terms of the statement and will notify the employer of any conviction of, or plea of guilty or nolo contendere to, any violation of Chapter 893 or of any controlled substance law of the United States or any state, for a violation occurring in the workplace no later than five (5) days after such conviction. 5. Impose a sanction on, or require the satisfactory participation in a drug abuse assistance or rehabilitation program if such is available in the employee’s community, by any employee who is so convicted. 6. Make a good faith effort to continue to maintain a drug-free workplace through implementation of this section. 7. As the person authorized to sign the statement, I certify that this business complies fully with the above requirements. (Authorized Signature) (Date) (Print/Type Name as Signed Above RFP # 05-24-03 LH MANDATORY FORM PUBLIC ENTITY CRIMES STATEMENT SWORN STATEMENT UNDER F.S. SECTION 287.133(3) (A), ON PUBLIC ENTITY CRIMES THIS FORM MUST BE SIGNED IN THE PRESENCE OF A NOTARY PUBLIC OR OTHER OFFICER AUTHORIZED TO ADMINISTER OATHS. 1. This sworn statement is submitted with Proposal for Central Winds Park Master Plan Update Services. 2. This sworn statement is submitted by (PROPOSER) ___________________________ whose business address is _____________________________________ and (if applicable) Federal Employer Identification Number (FEIN) is _____________________ (If a Sole Proprietor and you have no FEIN, include the last four (4) digits of your Social Security Number: ___________. 3. My name is ____________________ and my relationship to the PROPOSER named above is _____________________. 4. I understand that a "public entity crime" as defined in Paragraph 287.133(a) (g). Florida Statutes, means a violation of any state or federal law by a person with respect to and directly related to the transaction of business with any public entity or with an agency or political subdivision of any other state or with the United States, including, but not limited to, any proposal or contract for goods or services to be provided to any public entity or any agency or political subdivision of any other state or of the United States and involving antitrust, fraud, theft, bribery, collusion, racketeering, conspiracy, or material misrepresentation. 5. I understand that "convicted" or "conviction" as defined in paragraph 287.133(a) (b), Florida Statutes, means finding of guilt or a conviction of a public entity crime with or without an adjudication of guilt, in any federal or state trial court of records relating to charges brought by indictment or information after July 1, 1989, as a result of a jury verdict, non-jury trial, or entry of a plea of guilty or nolo contendere. 6. I understand that an "affiliate" as defined in Paragraph 287.133(1) (a), Florida Statutes, means: • A predecessor or successor of a person convicted of a public entity crime; or • An entity under the control of any natural person who is active in the management of the entity and who has been convicted of a public entity crime. The term "affiliate" includes those officers, directors, executives, partners, shareholders, employees, members, and agents who are active in the management of an affiliate. The City of Fernandina Beach, Florida ownership by one of shares constituting a controlling income among persons when not for fair interest in another person, or a pooling of equipment or income among persons when not for fair market value under a length agreement, shall be a prima facie case that one person controls another person. A person who was knowingly convicted of a public entity crime, in Florida during the preceding 36 months shall be considered an affiliate. 7. I understand that a "person" as defined in Paragraph 287.133(1) (e), Florida Statutes, means any natural person or entity organized under the laws of the state or of the United States with the legal power to enter into a binding contract for provision of goods or services let by a public entity, or which otherwise transacts or applies to transact business with a public entity. The term "person" includes those officers, directors, executives, partners, shareholders, employees, members, and agents who are active in management of an entity. directors, executives, partners, shareholders, employees, members, and agents who are active in management of an entity. 8. Based on information and belief, the statement which I have marked below is true in relation to the entity submitting this sworn statement. (Please indicate which statement applies) ____Neither the entity submitting this sworn statement, nor any officers, directors, executives, partners, shareholders, employees, members, or agents who are active in management of the entity, nor affiliate of the entity have been charged with and convicted of a public entity crime subsequent to July 1, 1989. ____The entity submitting this sworn statement, or one or more of the officers, directors, executives, partners, shareholders, employees, members, or agents who are active in management of the entity, or an affiliate of the entity has been charged with and convicted of a public entity crime subsequent to July 1, 1989. (Please attach a copy of the final order.) ____The person or affiliate was placed on the convicted FIRM list. There has been a subsequent proceeding before a hearing officer of the State of Florida, Division of Administrative Hearings. The final order entered by the hearing officer determined that it was in public interest to remove the person or affiliate from the convicted FIRM list. (Please attach a copy of the final order.) ____The person or affiliate has not been placed on the convicted FIRM list. (Please describe any action taken by, or pending with, the Department of General Services.) ___________________________________________________________ Signature Date: RFP # 05-24-03 LH MANDATORY FORM PUBLIC ENTITY CRIMES STATEMENT cont. STATE OF __________________________________ COUNTY OF ________________________________ PERSONALLY, APPEARED BEFORE ME, the undersigned authority, who, after first being sworn by me, affixed his/her signature at the space provided above on this ______ day of ________________, 2024, and is personally known to me, or has provided ____________________________ as identification. ____________________________________________ My Commission expires: ________________ Notary Public RFP # 05-24-03 LH MANDATORY FORM E-VERIFY STATEMENT Proposal Number: RFP 05-24-03 LH Project Description: CWP Master Plan Update Services PROPOSER acknowledges and agrees to the following: PROPOSER shall utilize the U.S. Department of Homeland Security’s E-Verify system, in accordance with the terms governing use of the system, to confirm the employment eligibility of: 1. All persons employed by the PROPOSER during the term of the Contract to perform employment duties within Florida; and 2. All persons assigned by the PROPOSER to perform work pursuant to the contract with the CITY. PROPOSER: __________________________________________________________________ Authorized Signature: __________________________________________________________ Title: ________________________________________________________________________ Date: _______________________________________________________________________ RFP # 05-24-03 LH MANDATORY FORM CONFLICT OF INTEREST STATEMENT This sworn statement is submitted with Proposal for RFP 05-24-03 LH CWP Master Plan Update Services. This sworn statement is submitted by (PROPOSER) ___________________________________ whose business address is __________________________________________ and (if applicable) Federal Employer Identification Number (FEIN) is ___________________________( If a Sole Proprietor and you have no FEIN, include the last four (4) digits of your Social Security Number: ____________.) My name is ________________________ and my relationship to the entity named above is__________________. 1. The above-named PROPOSER is submitting a Proposal for the City of Winter Springs. 2. The Affiant has made diligent inquiry and provides the information contained in the Affidavit based upon his/her own knowledge. 3. The Affiant states that only one submittal for the above Proposal is being submitted and that the above-named PROPOSER has no financial interest in other entities submitting Proposals for the same project. 4. Neither the Affiant nor the above- named PROPOSER has directly or indirectly entered into any agreement, participated in any collusion, or otherwise taken any action in restraints of free competitive pricing in connection with the PROPOSER’s submittal for the above Proposal. This statement restricts the discussion of pricing data until the completion of negotiations if necessary and execution of the Contract for this project. 5. Neither the PROPOSER not its affiliates, nor anyone associated with them, is presently suspended or otherwise ineligible from participation in contract letting by any local, State, or Federal Agency. 6. Neither the PROPOSER nor its affiliates, nor anyone associated with them have any potential conflict of interest due to any other clients, contracts, or property interests for this project. 7. I certify that no member of the PROPOSER’s ownership or management is presently applying for an employee position or actively seeking an elected position with the City of Winter Springs. 8. I certify that no member of the PROPOSER’s ownership or management, or staff has a vested interest in any aspect of the City of Winter Springs. 9. In the event that a conflict of interest is identified in the provision of services, I, on behalf of the above-named PROPOSER, will immediately notify the City of Winter Springs. ________________________________________________________ Signature Date: STATE OF ____________________________ COUNTY OF __________________________ PERSONALLY, APPEARED BEFORE ME, the undersigned authority, who, after first being sworn by me, affixed his/her signature at the space provided above on this ______ day of ________________, 2024, and is personally known to me, or has provided ______________________ as identification. ________________________________________ My Commission expires: ____________________ Notary Signature RFP # 05-24-03 LH MANDATORY FORM SMWBE UTILIZATION PLAN Small, Minority, and Women’s Business Enterprises (SMWBE), and Labor Surplus Area Firms Utilization PROPOSER Company Name: _________________________________________________________________ Project Name : RFP Number : RFP # 05-24-03 LH Central Winds Park Master Plan Update Services CFR §200.321 requires local governments to take all necessary affirmative steps to assure that minority business, women’s business enterprises, and labor surplus area firms are used when possible. The CITY requires that PROPOSERS (Prime Contractors), if subcontracts are to be let, to take the five affirmative steps as cited below. Please describe your firm’s plan for identifying and potential use of SMWBE and Labor Surplus Area Firms. Additional pages may be attached, as necessary. • Placing qualified small and minority business and women’s business enterprises on solicitation lists. • Assuring that small and minority businesses, and women’s business enterprises are solicited whenever they are potential sources. • Dividing total requirements, when economically feasible, into smaller tasks or quantities to permit maximum participation by small and minority business and women’s business enterprises. • Establishing delivery schedules where the requirement permits, which encourage participation by small and minority businesses, and women’s business enterprises and veteran owned businesses. • Using the services and assistance, as appropriate, of such organizations as the Small Business Administration or the Florida Office of Supplier Diversity https://www.dms.myflorida.com/agency_administration/office_of_supplier_diversity_osd RFP # 05-24-03 LH MANDATORY FORM Appendix A COST PROPOSAL WORKSHEET The Proposerer hereby indicates the following total units and total prices which represent all materials, labor, equipment, transportation, performance of all operations relative to development and delivery of the project including, but not limited to, overhead, and costs of all kinds and profit to complete the work items in accordance with the Scope of Work, plans, and permits. Work for which there is not a listed item below shall be considered incidental to the Contract and no additional compensation will be allowed. The detailed Schedule of Values shall be provided by the lowest responsible Proposer and be included with their executed contract. Additionally, Proposers must provide overall project cost, and hourly rate per position title details in page 2 of this Appendix. Pay Item # ITEM DESCRIPTION UNIT QUANTITY UNIT PRICE TOTAL 1 Research Each 1 2 Site Visit Each 2 3 Transportation Map Each 1 4 Lighting Map Each 1 5 Landscape Map Each 1 6 Signage Plan Each 1 7 Strategic Plan Each 1 8 Narrative Each 1 9 2024 Central Winds Master Plan Each 1 TOTAL BASE BID (SUM OF ALL ITEMS): RFP # 05-24-03 LH MANDATORY FORM Appendix A cont. Position Title Hourly Cost Page | 14 Service Agreement Central Winds Park Master Plan Update City of Winter Springs – GAI Consultants, Inc. EXHIBIT B Service Provider RFP Response Incorporated by Reference DIGITAL Central Winds Park Master Plan Update Services PROPOSAL | RFP# 05-24-03 TR City of Winter Springs, Florida June 14, 2024 Parks are the single most meaningful connection between a community and its government. Parks are the single most meaningful connection between a community and its government. Lake Lorna Doone Park | Orlando, FL gaiconsultants.com/communitysolutionsgroup RFP- 05-24-03 LH • Central Winds Park Master Plan Update Services • City of Winter Springs 1 GAI Consultants, Inc.2 RFP- 05-24-03 LH • Central Winds Park Master Plan Update Services • City of Winter Springs [PAGE LEFT INTENTIONALLY LEFT BLANK] gaiconsultants.com/communitysolutionsgroup RFP- 05-24-03 LH • Central Winds Park Master Plan Update Services • City of Winter Springs 3 Central Winds Park Master Plan Update Services PROPOSAL | RFP# 05-24-03 TR City of Winter Springs, Florida APPENDIX B – TABLE OF CONTENTS A INFORMATION AND ACKNOWLEDGMENT FORM 1 B TABLE OF CONTENTS 3 C INTRODUCTION LETTER 5 TAB D QUALIFICATIONS 7 D.1 General 7 D.2 Proposer Experience 8 D.3 Team Experience 10 D.4 Florida Knowledge and Qualifications 14 D.5 References 17 D.6 Conclusion 18 TAB E OTHER INFORMATION 21 E.1 GAI/CSG Services Overview 21 E.2 Relevant Project Experience 27 TAB F COST AND TIME 67 TAB G MANDATORY PROPOSAL FORMS 71 TAB H FLORIDA STATE CORPORATE FILING 93 A KEY STAFF RESUMES A-1 GAI Consultants, Inc.4 RFP- 05-24-03 LH • Central Winds Park Master Plan Update Services • City of Winter Springs [PAGE LEFT INTENTIONALLY LEFT BLANK] GAI Consultants, Inc. • Orlando Office • 618 East South Street, Suite 700 • Orlando, FL 32801 • 407.843.1070 • gaiconsultants.com C – INTRODUCTION LETTER June 14, 2024 Mr. Stuart MacLean, Procurement Manager City of Winter Springs – Finance Department 1126 East State Road 434, Winter Springs, FL 32708 RE: Proposal | RFP# 05-24-03 LH Central Winds Park Master Plan Update Services Dear Mr. MacLean and Selection Committee Members: On behalf of the GAI/Community Solutions Group (CSG) team, we are pleased to submit this response to the City of Winter Spring’s request for Central Winds Park Master Plan Update Services. The CSG team has successfully delivered Parks and Recreation Planning and Landscape Architectural Design projects for a variety of public agencies—including the Florida Department of Transportation (FDOT), Seminole County, Clay County, the City of Orlando, and the City of Jacksonville. Our team brings a proven ability to successfully manage and deliver multiple assignments across the state at the same time. Drawing upon our extensive Florida resources and the resources of our subconsultants, we have built a broad team of experts ready to make the Central Winds Park a vibrant center for Winter Springs. The rapid growth and changes that are occurring around Winter Springs require thoughtful leadership from the City, supported by the knowledge and experience of a seasoned team of professionals with a history of planning, designing and executing successful, high quality projects. The leaders of the CSG team have spent their careers creating such places. Our leadership team is strong, including Pete Sechler, PLA, AICP, Kristin Caborn, CPRE, FCP, and Donald Wishart, PLA, ASLA, all of whom have, for decades, played key roles in the development of Central Florida’s great community venues, parks, streetscapes and neighborhoods. This experienced group of leaders, coupled with the deep talent pool of our staff, has extensive experience in parks master planning and conceptual design such as outlined in this RFP. In addition to park planning and design, the CSG team also has extensive capabilities in wayfinding systems, land management plans, the design of complete streets, the completion of design guidelines, the creation of high-quality graphics for public involvement and participation meetings, and assistance through the construction phase of work. We believe our team represents diverse resources with a proven track record of effectuating positive change for community-driven outcomes. Our abilities are extensive, featuring local and national experience where we’ve helped communities succeed in achieving their vision, while introducing appropriate ideas from around the country to support local objectives. In reviewing the evaluation criteria, we can confidently say that we are experienced with all of the services listed in the RFP. We are your experts. We do not bring a set formulaic “metrics and solutions” to our public parks projects. Everything distinct to Winter Springs matters to us and is taken into consideration as work on the project progresses. Parks are a CSG hallmark—not just one service among many we dabble in. Kristin Caborn, CPRE, FCP, will serve as Project Director and will lead the team with Andrea Penuela, PLA who will be the Project Manager. Ms. Caborn has 25 years of professional experience in public parks and recreation. As a former parks and recreation director for a city in Florida, she has dedicated her career to serving park and recreation clients. Recent examples of Ms. Caborn’s and Ms. Penuela’s parks and recreation master planning efforts include system-wide and individual parks plans in the cities of Jacksonville and Orlando, as well as Alachua County, Clay County, and Seminole County. Thank you for your careful consideration. We anxiously anticipate an opportunity to meet with you in person and share examples of our past successes and how we might help you with the master planning for Central Winds Park. Having worked on many Florida municipal park projects throughout the years, we have the expertise to deliver, and we have the personnel available to begin immediately. Sincerely, GAI Consultants, Inc. Peter C. Sechler, PLA, AICP Director, Community Solutions Group/Vice President Authorized Representative of the Firm GAI Consultants, Inc.6 RFP- 05-24-03 LH • Central Winds Park Master Plan Update Services • City of Winter Springs [PAGE LEFT INTENTIONALLY LEFT BLANK] Victory Pointe Park | Clermont, FL D Qualifications Creating Great Community Places GAI CONSULTANTS | COMMUNITY SOLUTIONS GROUP gaiconsultants.com/communitysolutionsgroup RFP- 05-24-03 LH • Central Winds Park Master Plan Update Services • City of Winter Springs 7 D – QUALIFICATIONS D.1 General COMPANY OVERVIEW 66 YEARS STRONG. Transforming Ideas Into Reality©, GAI Consultants, Inc. (GAI) has grown to become a leading transportation, engineering, planning, and environmental consulting firm, providing local expertise to worldwide clients in the energy, transportation, water, municipal, government, industrial, real estate, education, and healthcare markets. GAI empowers and challenges our employees to meet the unique needs of our clients, while providing innovative and unique solutions. We study, analyze, design, build, inspect, and manage for our clients, pooling our skills and resources to deliver superior client service throughout the U.S. and abroad. GAI’s projects throughout Florida have been recognized by diverse industry leading organizations such as the American Society of Landscape Architects (ASLA), Florida Planning and Zoning Association (FPZA), the Florida Transportation Builders Association (FTBA), American Planning Association (APA), American Association of State Highway and Transportation Officials (ASSHTO), Design-Build Institute of America (DBIA), and Engineering News-Record (ENR). Firm History Founded on August 28, 1958 by Carnegie Mellon University engineering graduate students, GAI developed a strong professional reputation in foundation engineering by supporting the needs of nationally recognized industrial and energy clients. In the late 1960s, and in response to urban growth and mounting environmental regulations, GAI diversified into transportation and land development while adding niche services in survey, environmental studies, and cultural resources, setting GAI apart from more traditional engineering firms. Strategic decisions to open offices located near our clients in growing markets throughout the U.S. led to the rapid growth of our firm. Corporate-wide consolidation of strategic acquisitions diversified our firm and transformed GAI into a premier engineering, planning, and environmental firm in the U.S. and abroad. In October 2022, GAI became a wholly owned subsidiary of GAI Consultants Holdings, LLC, an equity partner. GAI management, technical operations, and administrative functions remain unchanged. Bridge and Structure Inspection and Design Civil Engineering Construction Engineering and Inspection (CEI) and Management Cultural Resources Management Economic Analyses and Strategies Electric Transmission Design and Siting Environmental Engineering Environmental Studies, Species Studies, and Permitting Gas Pipeline Surveying and Mapping Geographic Information Systems (GIS) Geotechnical Engineering and Geology Impoundment and Landfill Permitting /Design Land Development Engineering Landscape Architecture and Design Master Planning and Urban Design Mechanical, Electrical, Structural Engineering Natural Gas Federal Energy Regulatory Commission Certification and Permitting Right-of-Way (ROW) and Appraisal Support Land Surveying and Mapping Stormwater Design Transportation Planning and Design Utility Management Consulting Water and Wastewater Management and Design Wayfinding and Environmental Graphics GAI'S SERVICES OFFERED Organizational Structure Through growth, acquisition, and much success, GAI has 900+ employees, serving our clients from 28 office locations throughout Florida and the United States. Our offices are organized to mobilize staff and services seamlessly. GAI is a corporation organized under the laws of the State of Pennsylvania since 1958 and has been licensed to conduct business in the State of Florida since 1982. What We Do We specialize in providing professional engineering and planning services as the prime consultant, drawing upon a unique blend of in-house experts and technicians, and utilizing specialty subconsultants as necessary to meet the project’s individual work assignment requirements. From feasibility studies to concept design to final design/ permitting—and through construction implementation— GAI’s ability to meet your needs is second to none in Florida. GAI Consultants, Inc.8 RFP- 05-24-03 LH • Central Winds Park Master Plan Update Services • City of Winter Springs We Are A Comprehensive Practice The GAI team is ideally positioned to meet the needs of the City of Winter Springs for the Central Winds Park Master Plan. Our Florida practice is comprehensive across the disciplines of Civil Engineering, Transportation, Construction Inspection, Environmental Services, Planning, Economics, and Landscape Architecture. We have the specific discipline leaders to address a wide range of assignments, along with a collaborative practice to assemble integrated teams capable of managing and delivering cross-discipline projects and complex City initiatives. Our Integrated Practice Comprises High-Caliber Disciplines Each of our specific professional disciplines is highly accomplished at all phases of project delivery. We work Planning to Policy, Concept to Construction. We cover all the bases. Civil Engineering: Our civil engineering practice includes all civil engineering, roadway, stormwater, and utilities services necessary to bring plans and permits to life. The stormwater management professionals at GAI design ponds, and water channels, keeping them operational our clients advance their development projects. We manage drainage and run-off in compliance with watershed rules for stormwater systems. The civil engineering is point for leadership of multifaceted projects making sure they are managed to schedule and budget. Planning, Economics, and Landscape Design: GAI’s Community Solutions Group (CSG)—a GAI Service Group specialty discipline—is a unique team of landscape architects, urban designers, land use planners, public finance and economic development specialists, and public administrators who capture the full dimensions of strategy and solution. Committed to positioning communities for a sustainable future, we are recognized for delivering insightful, thorough, and technically sophisticated solutions. Transportation: GAI’s widely respected highway, roadway, bridge, and traffic engineers deliver award-winning projects to local, state, and federal agencies. Seasoned engineers and designers develop plans, specs, and reports based on creative solutions that meet the specific needs of each project— solutions that save clients valuable time and money. Environmental: Our stormwater, civil engineering, and transportation practices are supplemented by our environmental permitting specialists, experienced in all areas of permitting and certification. They also develop implementation plans for restoration and renewal of natural systems. Construction Engineering Inspection (CEI): GAI monitors the daily activities and materials that are critical to CEI projects with exceptional client service, high- level of construction integrity, and a successful project delivery in mind. From rural RRR projects to complex urban interchanges, our staff of CEI management and inspection staff have the experience and expertise to address all our clients’ construction challenges. gaiconsultants.com/communitysolutionsgroup RFP- 05-24-03 LH • Central Winds Park Master Plan Update Services • City of Winter Springs 9 GAI CONSULTANT'S COMMUNITY SOLUTIONS GROUP WHAT WE ARE. As part of GAI, our specialized Community Solutions Group (CSG) practice combines with the broad knowledge of our engineering and environmental consulting firm to offer services in Landscape Architecture, Planning, Economics, and Management Consulting. CSG is our idea-driven, specially positioned team for landscape architecture, urban planning, redevelopment economics, and wayfinding/ environmental graphics. We are committed to enhancing communities in ways that are practical, sustainable, and authentic to our clients’ needs, while being politically aware, financially feasible, and aesthetically compelling. Landscape Architecture + Design Master Planning + Urban Design Economics + Real Estate Consulting Urban Analytics Wayfinding + Environmental Graphics WHO WE ARE. CSG is a unique team of landscape architects, urban designers, land use planners, public finance and economic development specialists, and public administrators who capture the full dimensions of strategy and solution. Committed to positioning communities for a sustainable future, we are recognized for delivering insightful, thorough, and technically sophisticated solutions. We embrace a philosophy that values the complex interrelation of people, place, and policy while considering a project’s ability to positively impact its investors, community, and setting. WHAT WE DO. Our work centers on finding resolution to place-based problems by implementing context- sensitive, sustainable solutions that are economically and fiscally beneficial and implementable. We engage diverse community groups to effect positive outcomes with shared benefits by integrating ideas. Consequently, our clients include governments, agencies, institutions, and developers who share an equal need to address complex and inter-related challenges. We work from planning to policy and concept to construction across the scales of region, city, and campus; neighborhood, street, and site. THE LINKAGE OF DESIGN, ENGINEERING, PLANNING, ECONOMICS, AND ENVIRONMENT IS WHAT SETS US APART AND ALLOWS US TO REALIZE OUR PASSION: WORKING WITH PARTNERS TO CREATE COMMUNITY Map Shows GAI Florida Office Locations Orlando Sanford Tampa Palm Beach Gardens Fort Lauderdale Jacksonville Office Responsible for Providing Services for this Contract GAI/CSG – Orlando (Prime) 618 East South Street, Suite 700 Orlando, FL 32801 407.423.8398 GAI Consultants, Inc.10 RFP- 05-24-03 LH • Central Winds Park Master Plan Update Services • City of Winter Springs D.2 Proposer Experience GENERAL PLANNING Our team includes resources with vast national and local experience in leading planning and design efforts across a range of strategic and interconnected topics in cities of all sizes. These include every major City in Florida as well as Atlanta, Raleigh, Baltimore, Chicago, Minneapolis, Greenville, Washington, DC, Charlotte, Pittsburgh, Kansas City, Columbus, Indianapolis, and Milwaukee. We have been engaged for work on such diverse projects as parks planning and design, campus master planning for universities and hospitals, feasibility studies for hotel/conference, museums, professional stadiums, neighborhood stabilization, suburban retrofit, infill and redevelopment, corridor plans, development codes and guidelines as well as strategic economic development plans. As a result of these skills and capabilities, we can bring national-caliber capabilities for Central Winds Park and its interface with surrounding land uses. And we are fully capable of participating with staff in the vision and strategic thinking regarding the broader systems that link the entire community and provide a stronger sense of place for residents and businesses. COMPREHENSIVE PLANNING Comprehensive planning seeks to influence the amount, type, timing, character, and location of future development within a jurisdiction. This type of planning at all scales is in our roots. We have worked with, or are currently working with challenged communities, such as the Town of Eatonville, Orange Blossom Trail CRA, the City of Mount Dora, the City of Kissimmee, and Seminole County . We have also provided comprehensive planning services in high value areas with tremendous upward mobility, such as St. Petersburg and Jacksonville’s South Bank. In all cases, our linkage of professions is what provides value because we view the community holistically and can integrate our services to provide actionable solutions to complex areas. Our team includes personnel who have managed municipal comprehensive planning programs in Florida. Because of this we have a deep understanding of comprehensive planning in Florida, which was largely turned over to local governments in 2011, with the economic development functions and oversight now occurring in the Florida Department of Economic Opportunity (DEO). This was a marked reduction in State oversight of comprehensive planning in Florida and is still in effect today. Local Florida municipalities have more autonomy to amend their comprehensive plans, which today tend to be more oriented toward economic growth and development. The DEO still reviews local comprehensive plans for areas of critical State concern, primarily for affordable housing, resilience to natural disasters, and sustainability, rather than reviewing every aspect of local plans, or every amendment in detail. Additionally, we understand the DEO assists communities like Winter Springs with both funding and technical assistance. These programs include the Florida Small Cities Community Development Block Grant (CDBG) Program for cities smaller than 50,000 in population, and technical assistance in planning, grant applications, and program management. Additionally, The DEO administers the Competitive Florida Partnership for economic development strategy technical assistance, the Job Growth Fund incentive program for public infrastructure that helps create jobs and stimulate economic growth, and small business assistance through partnering with and providing resources to local Small Business Development Centers (SBDCs), of which UCF has a satellite office in Winter Springs. The CSG Team also understands that we in Florida have new laws affecting municipal comprehensive plans and zoning, such as the Live Local Act, which can impact existing land use plans and local expectations through a few items of State preemption. The intent of this act was to provide more affordable housing in Florida, but the law may accomplish this at the potential costs of lands that cities have designated for commercial, industrial, or employment center uses. Additionally, taller building heights and higher densities than the surrounding contexts might have allowed in the past could be imposed in areas identified for Live Local projects. Due to this evolving nature of the comprehensive planning process in Florida, our approach will be consistent with State statutes and the Florida Administrative Code, as amended. However, we also utilize a variety of tools and techniques that are available to minimize the impact of new growth while encouraging sustainable development. We understand our role as planning staff to the city is to provide a menu of growth management options for the City to consider to protect its interests and its future tax base. gaiconsultants.com/communitysolutionsgroup RFP- 05-24-03 LH • Central Winds Park Master Plan Update Services • City of Winter Springs 11 Our Parks and Recreation Commitment City of Atlanta Parks and Recreation Comprehensive Plan, Atlanta, GA Clay County Parks and Recreation Master Plan Chattanooga Tennessee Parks Master Plan, Chattanooga Fernandina Beach Parks Master Planning, Fernandina Beach Lake Alfred Parks and Recreation Master Plan, Lake Alfred North Miami Beach Parks and Recreation Master Plan, North Miami Beach Tavares Parks and Recreation Master Plan, Tavares 27th Avenue Park, New Smyrna Beach Atwater Community Park, North Port Austin Tindal Regional Park, Osceola County Belle Terre Park, Palm Coast Bennett Park, Volusia County Birthplace of Speed Park, Ormond Beach Blue Cypress Pool Design, Jacksonville Child’s Park, Mt. Dora Coachman Park, Clearwater Coraci Sports Park, Port Orange Daytona North Park, Flagler County Daytona Riverfront Park, Daytona Beach Deltona Parks, Deltona Drew Drop Park, Casselberry East Lake Community Park, Lake County Ferran Park Master Plan and Phase 1 Improvements, Eustis First Coast Aquatic Center Design, Jacksonville Florida Kraze Krush Sports Complex Master Plan, Oviedo Frank Rendon Park, Volusia County Fort Mellon Park, Sanford Hackney Prairie Park, Ocoee Haines City Municipal Pool, Haines City Heroes City Park in Lake Nona, Orlando Historic Corridor Preservation Park, DeLand Hopkins Community Park, St. Cloud Hunter Springs Park Master Plan,Crystal River Indian Trails Sports Complex, Palm Coast Jackie Robinson Ballpark, Daytona Beach Korona Park, Flagler County Lake Eola Park, Orlando Lakefront Park Concept Plan, St. Cloud Lake Lorna Doone Park, Orlando Lake Monroe Park, Volusia County Lee Wenner Park, Cocoa Lincoln Park Master Plan, Mount Dora The City of Winter Spring's Central Winds Park Master Plan Update will require a strong commitment by our team to partner with the City, engage the community, and spend time on site evaluating current and potential recreation facilities throughout the City. We have read the scope in the RFP and have performed all of these services in a creative and collaborative way with our clients in the past. THE CSG TEAM HAS PLANNED, DESIGNED, AND CONSTRUCTED OVER 130 PARKS AND RECREATION PROJECTS IN FLORIDA, FURTHER DEMONSTRATING OUR COMMITMENT AND DEDICATION TO OUR PUBLIC CLIENTS. Martin Luther King, Jr. Park Master Plan, Winter Park Neighborhood Park and Nature Trail, Lake Nona New Smyrna Beach Sports Complex, New Smyrna Beach North Collier Regional Park, Collier County Ormond Beachfront Park, Volusia County Payne Park + Skate Park, Sarasota Plymouth Avenue Soccer Park, Volusia County Pompey Park, Delray Beach Riverfront Park North, Daytona Beach Riverfront Park, Daytona Beach Riverfront Park, Titusville Riverside Park, New Smyrna Beach Rockefeller Park, Ormond Beach Royal Palms Tennis Complex, Palm Coast Sand Point Park, Titusville Seminole County Parks and Recreation Master Plan Seminole Woods Park, Palm Coast Soldier’s Creek Park, Longwood South Lake Regional Park, Groveland Spruce Creek Park, Volusia County Station Square Park, Clearwater Stetson Soccer Complex, DeLand Strickland Community Park, Volusia County Sunland Park, Seminole County Sunsplash Park, Daytona Beach Tennis Center, Palm Coast Tom Renick Park, Volusia County Turkey Lake Park, Orlando University of North Florida Soccer Complex, Jacksonville Valentine Park, Orange City Victory Pointe Park, Clermont Volusia County Dog Park, Volusia County Volusia County Courthouse Plaza, Volusia County Wayside Park, Sanford Ballough Road Fishing Pier, Daytona Beach Barrier Island Ecosystem Visitor Center, Brevard County Bethune Beach Dune Crossover, Volusia County Big Mulbery Branch Management Plan, Palm Coast Big Mulbery Branch Trail, Palm Coast Black Bear Wilderness Boardwalk and Trail, Seminole County Buschman Park, Port Orange Centennial Park, Sanford Central Park Trail, Ormond Beach Coastline Park and Trailhead, Sanford Cooter Pond, Inverness DeBary Hall Visitor Center Trailhead, Volusia County Dune Crossover Program, Volusia County Environmental Learning Center, Seminole County Gainesville Park Wayfinding System, Gainesville Gainesville Park Design Standards, Gainesville Gamble Place, Port Orange Gemini Springs Park, Volusia County Halifax River Recreation Trail, Daytona Beach Inverness Wayfinding Plan, Inverness Jungle Trail, Vero Beach Keller Seabird Rehabilitation Sanctuary, Ponce Inlet Lake Beauty Park, Orlando Lake Beresford Park, Volusia County Lake Diaz Park, Volusia County Lighthouse Point Park, Ponce Inlet Loch Haven Park, Orlando Long Creek Nature Preserve, Palm Coast Longs Landing Management Plan, Palm Coast Maitland Bike-Ped Master Plan, Maitland Marine Science Center, Volusia County North Central Park Concept Design, Winter Park North Shore Overlook and Trailhead, Ferndale Northshore Park, Ormond Beach Oslo Riverfront Park, Indian River County Painter’s Pond Park, DeLand Palm Coast Greenway, Palm Coast Palm Coast Linear Park, Palm Coast Palm Coast Waterfront Park, Palm Coast Pine Meadows Conservation Area, Eustis Prairie Lake Park, Ocoee Riverbreeze Park, Volusia County Riverwalk (Phase II and III), Sanford Smyrna Settlement Archeology Site, New Smyrna Beach Spring to Spring Trailhead, Volusia County Spring Hammock Preserve, Seminole County Sugar Mills Garden, Volusia County Volusia County Dog Park, Volusia County West Conservation Area, Volusia County GAI Consultants, Inc.12 RFP- 05-24-03 LH • Central Winds Park Master Plan Update Services • City of Winter Springs Seminole County Parks System Master Plan | Seminole County, Florida Soldiers Creek Park | Longwood, Florida Rolling Hills Park Design and Implementation | Sanford, Florida Lake Monroe Wayside Park | Sanford, Florida St. Cloud Waterfront Park | St. Cloud, Florida The Ranch | St. Cloud, Florida Chisholm Park Master Plan | St. Cloud, Florida Dew Drop Park | Casselberry, Florida Casselberry Parks Go Bond Referendum | Casselberry, Florida Lake Eola Park Master Plan | Orlando, Florida Downtown Master Stormwater Pond and Park – Unity Park | Ocoee, Florida Fort Mellon Park | Sanford, Florida Austin-Tindall Economic and Fiscal Impact Analysis | Kissimmee, Florida Plantation Central Park Master Plan | Plantation, Florida Independence Lane | Orlando, Florida Independence Square | Orlando, Florida Lake Lorna Doone Park Graphics and Wayfinding | Orlando, Florida Lake Lorna Doone Park | Orlando, Florida Victory Pointe Park | Clermont, Florida City of Jacksonville Master Recreation Improvement Plan (MRIP) | Jacksonville, Florida Citywide Park System Design Guidelines | Gainesville, Florida Gainesville Park Wayfinding Master Plan and Guidelines | Gainesville, Florida Clay County Parks and Recreation System Master Plan | Clay County, Florida Alachua County Parks and Recreation Master Plan | Alachua County, Florida City of Orlando Parks and Recreation Vision and Master Plan | Orlando, Florida Cauley Lott Park | Mount Dora, Florida RELEVANT PROJECT EXPERIENCE The GAI/CSG team has the experience and personnel to quickly and efficiently provide the City of Winter Springs with the services as requested in the RFP. The projects highlighted below have a direct correlation to the Central Winds Park Master Plan Update. Project descriptions are included in Section E – Other Information. gaiconsultants.com/communitysolutionsgroup RFP- 05-24-03 LH • Central Winds Park Master Plan Update Services • City of Winter Springs 13LEADERSHIP TEAMLEADERSHIP TEAMSTAFF RESUMES ARE INCLUDED IN APPENDIX A DESIGN PLANNING SUPPORT SERVICES TASK LEAD Jon Templin, PLA LANDSCAPE ARCHITECTURE Ruth Perry, PLA CIVIL ENGINEERING Aimee Shields, PE WAYFINDING Ana Kimelton, SEGD ECONOMICS Laura Smith, MPA, FRA-RA ENVIRONMENTAL DJ Silverberg, SR. PWS, GTA TASK LEAD Claudia Ray PLANNER Daniel Ashworth, PLA, ASLA, AICP Jordan Kowalchik Daphne Green, AICP PROJECT MANAGER/ PRIMARY POINT OF CONTACT Andrea Penuela, PLA PROJECT EXECUTIVE Donald Wishart, PLA PROJECT DIRECTOR Kristin Caborn, CPRE, FCP D.3 Team Experience OUR TEAM FOR THE CITY OF WINTER SPRINGS Our team for this contract has vast expertise across the full spectrum of planning, design, engineering, and implementation for public, private, and institutional clients. This experience creates value for the City of Winter Springs because our understanding of “both sides of the fence” allows us to develop a vision for a project and create plans and policies that are actionable, while supporting and advancing the long-term aspirational goals of the community. Organizational Chart GAI Consultants, Inc.14 RFP- 05-24-03 LH • Central Winds Park Master Plan Update Services • City of Winter Springs D.4 Florida Knowledge and Qualifications PARKS MAKE PLACES The CSG Team understands the larger planning issues typical of Florida municipalities and we know parks and public spaces can be economic drivers in themselves. All communities can be defined by the public places that we share. Our beliefs about the cities we live in are formed in great part by the quality of the parks, trails, and civic places we frequent. When considering the full range of important things that local government does, there is no other function that touches a broader representation of the residents through direct personal experience than the places it has created for its people. A complete view of the public realm includes the full spectrum of active and passive recreation opportunities in well-designed parks. In vibrant communities, access to that system begins at your front door, with walkable streets, bikeways, greenways, and trails to create a well-connected system of local places and regional destinations. PARKS AND PUBLIC SPACES IMPLEMENT GOALS Parks and public spaces, including their connected trails, are the platform that can deliver on the needs of a wide variety of community entities. This system of public places touches every neighborhood, corridor, main street, and activity center in the City. A well-conceived updated park Master Plan for Central Winds Park can help realize the objectives of many constituents, because each investment provides multiple benefits. The City is seeking to undertake a plan update in this RFP and this effort is a testament to your understanding of the importance of a robust and well-connected series of park amenities accessible to all residents. An updated plan for Central Winds Park can be a response to the national dialogue about critical societal issues that are directly affected in the Public Realm, including Healthy Lifestyles, Youth Activity, Age-Friendly Communities, Environmental Stewardships, Livable Cities, Safe Neighborhoods, Buy Local, and so many others. What each of these topics has in common is a clearly stated linkage to a strong public realm with local access to trails, parks, civic buildings, and community programs that respond directly to local needs and shared objectives. Eatonville CRA Master Plan | Eatonville, FL gaiconsultants.com/communitysolutionsgroup RFP- 05-24-03 LH • Central Winds Park Master Plan Update Services • City of Winter Springs 15 CSG’s master planning, urban design, and landscape architecture practice focuses on crafting plans that create livable places of lasting value for communities that reflect their local setting and require sustainable solutions. We prioritize close collaboration with clients through an approach that emphasizes plans that reflect strong neighborhoods, livable transportation networks, interconnected park and open space systems, environmental sensitivity, and economic opportunities. Through work at the scale of city, neighborhood, and street, our plans create the framework for rich, interactive settings that bring people together in environments that facilitate meaningful experiences that enrich lives. Our team draws upon expertise in multiple disciplines to balance physical, social, environmental, and economic needs and create urban places that enhance quality of life. We understand that each building, streetscape, transportation corridor, and park works toward creating a place that transcends the value of any individual element. Our planners, landscape architects, and engineers work closely with clients to ensure that each piece of a place is deliberately planned and designed with quality and respect for its role in the public realm. We have in-house ecologists and environmental specialists who identify rare and sensitive habitats and species so that they can be integrated into the configuration of both the physical and educational elements of the design. With an eye toward implementation, we also understand the complex regulatory processes that must be navigated to gain approval for these great community plans. We draft clear plans and regulations designed to support community goals, preserve lifestyle choices, and create economic development and redevelopment opportunities, and we forge partnerships between stakeholders and local governments to achieve these positive outcomes. Project Understanding Central Winds Park is comprised of approximately 100 acres and is located in the Town Center District of Winter Springs, a lakefront community park with a mix of active and passive uses that is anchoring the planned center of commerce and activity for the City. The park is Winter Spring’s community hub for exercise, games, and events. The Town Center has a Transect-based zoning code overlay that is expected to provide more walkable, denser, and higher intensity redevelopment to the area surrounding the park. The Cross Seminole Trail runs adjacent to and crosses through a portion of the park, providing regional bicycle and pedestrian connectivity for the park to the larger Seminole County trails system. The trail itself is an important regional asset, providing trail-oriented development opportunities in Winter Spring’s Town Center area and trail- oriented amenities in Central Winds Park itself. The City of Winter Springs would like to update the Master Plan for Central Winds Park to explore conceptual park improvements, transportation improvements, updated and potentially relocated public facilities, signage, implementation strategy and funding opportunities for the park that reinforces Winter Spring’s surrounding Town Center land uses, protects environmentally sensitive lands in the park, and improves access and circulation to and through the park. One particular item the City wants to analyze is the possibility of a boardwalk along the Lake Jesup shoreline that will bring people closer to the water while connecting to the Park’s Nature Trail, adjacent streets, and the Cross Seminole Trail. The CSG Team understands that environmental and sustainability issues are concerns of the City for the Park, which is clear in both the comprehensive plan’s Conservation and Recreation and Open Space elements. Our Team will work to identify environmentally sensitive areas and to develop recommendations for management Riverwalk | Sanford, FL GAI Consultants, Inc.16 RFP- 05-24-03 LH • Central Winds Park Master Plan Update Services • City of Winter Springs to preserve, sustain, and potentially mitigate/restore such areas. We will integrate the history and growth of the park as it pertains to environmentally sensitive areas, habitats, and tree species into our design narrative, and work with City staff to identify and develop suggestions for educational opportunities within the Park relative to ecological communities or the presence of rare or unique species and systems. Our Team will identify natural and cultural resources the City should consider protecting, such as rare and sensitive habitats, species of special concern, roosting and nesting areas for sensitive wildlife species, wetland and flood prone areas affected by seasonal high water levels, and other pertinent items as identified by the City and through the engagement process. Our parks planning and design staff, paired with our market analysis group, will evaluate the feasibility and benefits of proposing a lodge/event center within the park. Our Team will also provide an assessment of existing facility conditions within Central Winds Park and identify improvement opportunities. We will also look at the feasibility and benefits of adding additional popular amenities such as frisbee golf and other recreational activities to increase the utilization of the park in all seasons. The CSG Team can evaluate the possibility and location of concession locations within Central Winds Park’s passive area and analyze options for seating accommodations for the Amphitheater area. The updated Central Winds Park Master Plan will include a robust and vetted implementation strategy that will include implementation goals for the five- and ten-year horizons. Since the CSG Team is experienced with implementing our plans and getting parks built, we can effectively and realistically scope future projects based on priority, level of effort, and cost. We can also identify funding opportunities for the identified park improvements and upgrades. Our talented design team can generate attractive and clear graphics that support the updated Central Winds Park Master Plan. The CSG Team will assemble graphic maps, plans, and supporting renderings for the park that will depict the Master Plan Concept Plan, identified landscape improvements, potential site lighting, multimodal and active transportation improvements, conceptual signage and wayfinding, accessibility improvements, and opportunities for educational exhibits that will illustrate the Master Plan document. Additionally, the CSG Team can provide plans and graphics specific to identified park improvement projects and implementation items. Our mission is to create livable places of lasting value in an increasingly connected, complex, and competitive world. gaiconsultants.com/communitysolutionsgroup RFP- 05-24-03 LH • Central Winds Park Master Plan Update Services • City of Winter Springs 17 D.5 References GAI Consultants, Inc.18 RFP- 05-24-03 LH • Central Winds Park Master Plan Update Services • City of Winter Springs D.6 Conclusion WHY CHOOSE THE GAI/CSG TEAM? The CSG Team will bring our many years of experience and multidisciplinary expertise in parks planning and design to achieve the community’s vision and goals for Central Winds Park. Our team has the availability and will communicate and work promptly with City staff on the project while completing deliverables in a timely fashion and within budget. We will ensure the updated park Master Plan fulfills the City’s comprehensive plan vision, and we will coordinate and work with the City’s consultant team currently updating the City’s comprehensive plan to ensure continued future alignment with the updated plan horizon. The planners and urban designers on our staff understand the land use and economic development implications that parks can have on surrounding land uses, and we have a good grasp of Florida’s policies regarding comprehensive planning, land use planning, and zoning. Our creative CSG graphics and wayfinding group is adept at designing thoughtful branding, signage, wayfinding, and educational materials that can highlight the natural features of Central Winds Park and provide education of their larger environmental benefits. The CSG Team conceptualizes park plans that are visionary, yet implementable, and are illustrated with vibrant and clear graphics to aid in the public’s understanding of the concepts and to foster excitement for funding & implementing future projects. Our Team can provide a phased approach to implementing the Central Winds Park Master Plan by listing implementation items ranked by priority, level of effort and probable costs as vetted with staff and the public. And finally, we will work to identify potential funding sources to begin aligning funds with these future improvement projects. BASED ON OUR EXPERIENCE AND UNDERSTANDING OF THE CITY’S ISSUES, WE ARE YOUR TEAM TO ENSURE CENTRAL WINDS PARK CONTINUES AS THE VIBRANT AND AWARD-WINNING ACTIVITY CENTER FOR WINTER SPRINGS. EXPERIENCED PEOPLE, OPEN MINDS, FRESH IDEAS CSG Orlando Team gaiconsultants.com/communitysolutionsgroup RFP- 05-24-03 LH • Central Winds Park Master Plan Update Services • City of Winter Springs 19 GAI CONSULTANTS | COMMUNITY SOLUTIONS GROUP We Enjoy the Process! We Bring Ideas! We Make Places for People! GAI Consultants, Inc.20 RFP- 05-24-03 LH • Central Winds Park Master Plan Update Services • City of Winter Springs [PAGE LEFT INTENTIONALLY LEFT BLANK] E Other InformationIndependence Square | Maitland, FL Creating Great Community Places GAI CONSULTANTS | COMMUNITY SOLUTIONS GROUP . gaiconsultants.com/communitysolutionsgroup RFP- 05-24-03 LH • Central Winds Park Master Plan Update Services • City of Winter Springs 21 E – OTHER INFORMATION E.1 GAI/CSG Services Overview GAI is a comprehensive, integrated practice. We specialize in providing professional services as the prime consultant, drawing upon a unique blend of in- house experts and utilizing specialty subconsultants as necessary to meet the project’s individual work assignment requirements. Cost Estimating and CIP Given our extensive Florida municipal knowledge and experience, the CSG Team possesses ample experience in performing data analysis, calculating cost estimates, and preparing budgets for projects of varying sizes, and we are well suited to providing cost estimates as outlined in the scope of services for this RFP. Cost estimating for parks and recreation projects requires a comprehensive approach that incorporates various factors, including materials, item specifications, and ADA requirements. Materials for such projects often include durable and weather-resistant options like pressure-treated or naturally rot-resistant lumber, composite decking, recycled plastic, and galvanized steel. These materials are chosen for their longevity and minimal maintenance needs, ensuring the park’s durability over time. Item specifications must cover a wide range of features, such as playground equipment, seating, lighting, pathways, landscaping, and restrooms. For example, playground equipment should be specified by age appropriateness, safety features, and compliance with ASTM standards. ADA requirements play a crucial role in cost estimating. Ensuring accessibility involves incorporating features like ramps, tactile warning surfaces, railings, accessible seating, and inclusive playground equipment. Pathways must be designed with appropriate slopes and widths, and surfaces should be firm, stable, and slip resistant. Restrooms need to be equipped with accessible fixtures and adequate turning space for wheelchairs. Compliance with the Florida Building Code, Accessibility standards often involves additional costs, but it is essential for ensuring that facilities are inclusive for all users. Accurate cost estimating also involves considering site- specific factors such as soil conditions, topography, and existing infrastructure. Additionally, soft costs like design fees, permits, and contingency allowances should be included. By integrating detailed specifications for materials, adherence to accessibility requirements, and site-specific considerations, cost estimates can be more precise, helping to ensure the successful completion of parks and recreation projects. Soldiers Creek Park | Seminole County, FL GAI Consultants, Inc.22 RFP- 05-24-03 LH • Central Winds Park Master Plan Update Services • City of Winter Springs Estimating for capital improvement projects involves a detailed assessment of the scope, timeline, and financial requirements of large-scale infrastructure enhancements or new construction. These projects typically include renovations, expansions, or new constructions of public facilities, utilities, and transportation networks. Key components in the cost estimation process include materials, labor, equipment, and subcontractor costs, each of which must be accurately quantified and priced. Special considerations include the project’s complexity, potential for unforeseen conditions, and the need for specialized equipment or expertise. Additionally, regulatory compliance and permitting processes can add to both the timeline and budget. One of the most critical aspects is contingency planning. Given the scale of capital improvement projects, there is a higher likelihood of encountering unexpected challenges, such as environmental issues, supply chain disruptions, or changes in regulatory requirements. A contingency allowance, typically a percentage of the total project cost, should be included to cover these uncertainties. Moreover, inflation and market volatility can affect material and labor costs over the project’s duration, necessitating regular updates to the cost estimate. Stakeholder engagement and clear communication with all parties involved are vital to manage expectations and ensure that the project stays on track and within budget. Accurate and dynamic cost estimating, incorporating these special considerations, is essential for the successful execution of capital improvement projects. Land Development Codes and Review Our team has written and administered a variety of land development regulations, codes, and guidelines. Many types of public and private redevelopment efforts often include some form of targeted development regulation instrument, of which our team has authored many. Regarding evaluation of private development proposals, we are successful because we understand the intent of the public documents and community goals as well as the usual needs of all types of private development models. As a result, we have been particularly effective in cities from Columbus, Ohio, to Orlando, Florida, at reconciling development plans with urban guidelines and vision. Our team can provide input on recommended changes to the land development code, based on our extensive public and private sector experience throughout Florida. Our team includes personnel who have managed municipal land development programs in Florida. A city is always evolving. Annexations, demographics, economic climate, and population growth all affect how a city functions. The role of land use planning and zoning is sometimes to respond to those changes, and at other times anticipate those changes. We are advocates for proper planning that can help coordinate resources to more effectively manage the built environment and the resources required to run a city. Our land use planning experience, tied directly to development, economics, and urban design, can help the City achieve its goals and serve its residents more effectively. Economic Development Services Our approach to providing Economic Development services is embodied in the close relationship of our CSG Planning and CSG Economics professionals and the integration of our collective experience, skills, and abilities. In our opinion, successful Economic Development is described as achieving three things: A focus of local government to improve community standards of living – Creation of jobs, higher wealth, sense of community, and an overall better quality of life. Sports & Entertainment District Design/Construction & Education Hub Authentic Food District Auto and Services Hub Education and Jobs District Holden Ave Americana Blvd Oak Ridge Rd Sand Lake RdRio Grande AveWestmoreland DrWEST ORLANDO HOLDEN HEIGHTS HOLDEN AMERICANA LAKE ELLENOR OBTNext | Orlando, FL gaiconsultants.com/communitysolutionsgroup RFP- 05-24-03 LH • Central Winds Park Master Plan Update Services • City of Winter Springs 23 The net gain of economic flow into the community – Simply put, creating the business and industry activity in excess of local consumption needs. Measured progress in economic activity – Adoption of new technologies, transition from agriculture to services and industry, and the improvement in individual standards of living. We therefore cater our approach to providing our clients with Economic Development services based on individual needs in relation to their existing success in Economic Development. For example, some communities may simply require a more focused, efficient Economic Development plan that crates a roadmap and identifies opportunities and constraints, specific tools, and funding (e.g., OBTNext). While all communities have a desire to improve standards of living, we can provide the support for the initial steps to bring that vision together in a form that creates the necessary focus for the community to be successful. On the other hand, some community needs are past the focus and vision stage and require support for executing and implementing the components that add to success in economic development. These components can include urban planning, land-use policies, zoning regulations, infrastructure design and construction, tax- increment projections and funding, marketing, and market analysis. Finally, in the most mature stages of economic development, some communities rely on our services to measure their successes to quantify the benefits created for the community or refine their focus where needed (e.g., Winter Park). In short, our approach to Economic Development in each case would be targeted to your needs and are more specifically outlined in those services described under our approaches to general planning, market analysis, comprehensive planning, land-use regulation, zoning, and rate studies. Market Study and Analysis Industry, Real Estate, or Market Feasibility studies (Market Analysis) should be a reflection of the existing supply and demand for a defined trade area and generally follow an industry standard approach. Our approach for market feasibility studies, culminating in a detailed final report, can broadly be organized between the following: Project due diligence Market due diligence Identifying market opportunities The primary purposes of a Market Analysis would be to test the concept generally, identify the range of activities suited to its intended orientation, size the properly for the potential project, estimate a range of supportable demand, and test its relationship with other area project components. Every project is unique, and we recognize the potential for adjusting specific tasks to meet your needs and create a final scope that would be tailored for this proposed project. Thus, one of the most important steps in our process is the initial client meeting and outlining the specific goals and objectives of the assignment. Afterwards, we anticipate the process for developing a final market feasibility analysis would flow as described above. Public Outreach and Engagement Grounded in extensive public outreach, community input, and data analysis, GAI is comfortable working inclusively with a wide array of constituents from residents and business owners, land owners, peer consultants, special interest stakeholders, elected officials, and public agency representatives. We utilize diverse techniques, including public meetings, focus groups, walking audits, on-site workshops, questionnaires, information outreach, and statistically valid surveys. We are also multilingual; our team includes numerous individuals who are fluent in Spanish. We have used parallel online web-based platforms in our work for years. In today’s Post-COVID world, we have dramatically expanded our ability to foster meaningful community input and creative workshop sessions through our in-house, ESRI-based web platform that allows us to create our own project websites with basic project information, as well as diverse opportunities for input through “public event meetings,” story maps, programming games, surveys, and issues input. Civil/Site Engineering GAI’s Civil/Site Engineering Practice is comprised of experienced design professionals, including several former City and County Public Works officials. With decades of combined experience, these former public officials lead and advise our project teams to deliver superior engineering solutions, while keeping an eye toward overall project goals and objectives such as public information, budgetary constraints, bidding/contract administration protocol, and schedule. We understand that typical civil/site projects may include a wide range of City facilities including parks, libraries, public GAI Consultants, Inc.24 RFP- 05-24-03 LH • Central Winds Park Master Plan Update Services • City of Winter Springs safety facilities (fire stations, sheriff offices), stormwater management facilities, maintenance yards, and other miscellaneous needs. Through our experience, we have learned that each of these projects will have a vested group of stakeholders that will be charged with ensuring the site development project provides for efficient site operations, while maintaining schedule and budgetary constraints. Our team has successfully worked alongside parks staff, public works staff, fire chiefs, sheriff’s officers, and planning staff to implement these types of projects for cities and counties across Florida. Our civil engineering practice includes stormwater and utility design services necessary to bring plans and permits to life. The stormwater management professionals at GAI model and design all aspects of stormwater treatment and attenuation systems, including ponds, collection systems, and outfalls. Oftentimes, our design approach will require keeping these systems operational as our clients implement their capital improvement projects. We manage drainage and run-off in compliance with watershed rules for stormwater systems. Our stormwater professionals are also on the cutting edge of new stormwater treatment technologies, including those design approaches geared more heavily toward sustainability and resiliency. Our staff has developed award-winning stormwater management designs that have been integrated into parks in order to maximize the value of our clients' land assets, while simultaneously solving flood control and stormwater treatment challenges. Our utility design team is accustomed to design challenges for both large and small projects. Among other utility design tasks, we anticipate utility replacement and relocation work to be a predominant need under this contract, with work often occurring within constrained right-of-way. Working in these conditions requires innovative design approaches that minimize lane closure durations, maximize safety, and provide an efficient, constructible solution. Surveying and Mapping The survey teams at GAI—a dedicated and experienced group of skilled professionals that provide services ranging from boundary and topographic surveys to specialized surveys for archaeology projects. Our surveys cover any discipline in any market including transportation, development, energy, and industry. State of the Art Equipment and Tools GIS Story Maps for Community Meetings Virtual Reality Tools for Stakeholder Engagement Utilization of Drones for Surveying gaiconsultants.com/communitysolutionsgroup RFP- 05-24-03 LH • Central Winds Park Master Plan Update Services • City of Winter Springs 25 GAI field survey crews, working closely with in-house mapping specialists, have access to an extensive library of computerized mapping software including Terramodel, Arc-Info, GRASS, Microstation and AutoCAD. Transportation GAI’s widely respected bridge, highway, roadway, and traffic engineers deliver award-winning projects to public and private clients, and local, state, and federal agencies. We are committed to providing comprehensive transportation services in all phases of project development and for all project applications, from feasibility review through facility dedication. We apply practical engineering and field experience to solve urban, residential, and rural highway and traffic challenges; and the skill we bring to bridge projects for all types of steel, concrete, and timber structures is evident in a long list of project successes. Seasoned engineers and designers develop plans, specs, and reports based on creative solutions that meet the specific needs of each project—solutions that save clients valuable time and money. Construction Monitoring, Observation, and Administration GAI’s resident engineers, construction engineers, specialists, and technicians skillfully address private and government clients’ distinct construction challenges. As our clients’ eyes and ears, GAI provides quality control and cost protection throughout the construction process. We monitor construction at every stage verifying that the work is executed in accordance with contract documents, and that the completed work meets quality standards. Clients’ projects are professionally delivered with none or minimal construction delays, cost overruns, or safety violations. GAI works extensively with state agencies, municipalities, institutions, and private developers. GAI’s CEI projects have been recognized for excellence, having won multiple FTBA Best in Construction Awards in Florida. Our engineers and construction specialists are skilled in developing and providing the following services: Pre-Construction Project Evaluation and Conference Post-Construction Inspection and Evaluation Value Engineering Biddability and Constructability Reviews Cost Estimating Scheduling Permit Approval Construction Inspection and Monitoring Contract Administration Progress Reporting Change Order Review and Processing Supplier/Construction Deliveries Shop Drawing Review and Plan Interpretation Contractor Quality Control Program Monitoring Project Closeout Construction Management for Cost Savings and Time Optimization. GAI’s engineering and inspection services cover all elements of the construction process. We start by evaluating each construction project before it begins, tailoring staff and resources to fit the need, and setting a tone of cooperation and close communication. GAI’s project portfolio includes construction services for major highways and bridges, complex interchanges, urban roadways, and numerous trail/pedestrian bridge projects. We specialize in complex, multiphase construction projects for state agencies, municipalities, institutions, private developers, and power providers. Our CEI team with FDOT expertise is able to leverage our design professionals and uniquely prevent problems, save time, vet potential solutions, and drive down costs. Environmental GAI’s Environmental Services group provides multidisciplinary expertise that serves as the foundation for addressing complex environmental permitting, planning, and design challenges. Our team of environmental engineers, geologists, hydrogeologists, soil scientists, biologists, ecologists, planners, GIS specialists, and industrial hygienists design and permit sites for industrial and power facilities, landfills, and impoundments, and clear the way for transportation and land development projects. Our solutions comply with government regulations and satisfy community concerns—successfully securing permit approvals and incorporating protected species into managed lands. Our highly recognized ecological consulting group specializes in integrating ecological sciences into the regulatory-driven world of growth management. We explore and implement creative and effective methods for evaluating undeveloped land and assessing individual project impacts. GAI’s biologists offer experience in GAI Consultants, Inc.26 RFP- 05-24-03 LH • Central Winds Park Master Plan Update Services • City of Winter Springs Riverplace Boulevard | Jacksonville, FL Unity Park | Ocoee, FL natural communities assessment; wetland assessment and delineation; threatened and endangered plant and animal species surveys and management; State and Federal permitting; and coordination of mitigation for wetland and listed species impacts. GAI has two FWC-certified Gopher Tortoise Agents on staff. GAI’s team has extensive experience consulting on scientific research projects for large-scale habitat mapping projects, and on large wildlife inventory projects for aquatic, terrestrial, and avian species. Along with permitting work, GAI staff have surveyed thousands of acres and provided successful protected species management plans for numerous projects. Structural Engineering GAI has been utilizing advanced technology in applied structural engineering and mechanics to solve complex structural engineering problems and address analysis and design projects. GAI’s structural engineering staff utilizes their knowledge, experience, understanding of structural engineering, and the latest codes and standards in their structural engineering practice. We are committed to providing proactive project management on every project. GAI specializes in structural design for commercial, industrial, and municipal buildings and process structures, as well as existing structure evaluations and rehabilitation assessments. We are well versed in various project delivery approaches, including design-bid-build, construction management at-risk, design-build, and open book (time and material). Boardwalks, Boat Docks, and Pedestrian Bridges. GAI’s dock and shoreline services include design, engineering, and CEI services for piers, boardwalks, bulkhead retaining walls, floating docks, boat ramps, mooring pilings, seawalls, and riprap rock revetments. These shoreline structures may have unique loading, including wave impacts and tidal influences, which contribute to significant erosion. Typically, there is also a substantial environmental component to these projects that involves maintaining coastal habitats and underwater life. Many of these projects involve coordinating with architects to create aesthetically pleasing shoreline facilities. It is also critical to incorporate all Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) requirements for structures that carry pedestrians including boardwalks, docks, and floating docks. GAI’s team posesses all of these unique skillsets and experience to design safe, functional marine facilities with an extensive design life. Low Impact Development Through the integration of our Landscape Architecture, Civil Engineering, Transportation, and Environmental Design practices, GAI has become a leader in Low Impact Development and environmentally sustainable park, street and infrastructure projects. This includes integrated stormwater ponds with restored natural lakes, such as Lake Beauty at Orlando Health’s Orlando campus; urban rain gardens, such as Riverplace Boulevard in Jacksonville and South Main Street in Gainesville; and combined stormwater, park, water quality, and economic development features, such as Ocoee’s Downtown Stormwater Park – Unity Park and Victory Pointe Park in Clermont, a winner of the National ENR Small Project (under $10M) Award, as well as award recognition by the American Society of Landscape Architects and Florida Chapter of the American Planning Association. gaiconsultants.com/communitysolutionsgroup RFP- 05-24-03 LH • Central Winds Park Master Plan Update Services • City of Winter Springs 27 Cauley Lot Park | Mount Dora, FL E.2 Relevant Project Experience We take pride in our work and love to make our clients successful. Our master planning and urban design practice focuses on crafting plans that create livable places of lasting value for communities that require context-sensitive, sustainable solutions. We prioritize close collaboration with clients through an approach that emphasizes strong neighborhoods, livable transportation networks, interconnected park and open space systems, environmental sensitivity, and economic opportunities. Through work at the scale of city, neighborhood, and street, our plans create the framework for rich, interactive settings that bring people together in environments that facilitate meaningful experiences that enrich lives. Our team draws upon expertise in multiple disciplines to balance physical, social, and economic needs and create urban places that enhance quality of life. We understand that each building, streetscape, transportation corridor, and park works toward creating an urban place that transcends the value of any individual element. Our planners and engineers work closely with clients tvo ensure that each piece of this urban fabric is deliberately designed with quality and respect for its role in the public realm. With an eye toward implementation, we also understand the complex regulatory processes that must be navigated in order to gain approval for these great community plans. We draft clear plans and regulations designed to support community goals, preserve lifestyle choices, and create economic development and redevelopment opportunities, and we forge partnerships between stakeholders and local governments to achieve these positive outcomes. Ability to Create Conceptual Plans and Renderings GAI’s landscape architects have the ability to produce beautiful rendered conceptual plans for our projects. Besides being beautiful, our plans have a high level of design integrity because our civil engineers are down the hall and work closely with us- which means they can translate to built projects in the future. The following pages include examples of relevant experience followed by a summary of various project types, along with graphic samples. GAI Consultants, Inc.28 RFP- 05-24-03 LH • Central Winds Park Master Plan Update Services • City of Winter Springs CLIENT Seminole County SERVICES Parks and Recreation System Master Planning Landscape Architecture + Design –Parks, Trails + Public Realm Urban Design + Planning –Parks System Planning + Bike/ Pedestrian Systems Inventory + Mapping Public Outreach + Engagement COMPLETION 2024 (Master Plan) SEMINOLE COUNTY PARKS SYSTEM MASTER PLAN SEMINOLE COUNTY, FLORIDA GAI's Community Solutions Group (CSG) provided services to implement an update of the County’s Parks System Master Plan with the aim of building a parks system that is responsive to both the specific needs of the community and the resources available to meet those needs. Since the previous Master Plan, Seminole County has experienced significant growth in both incorporated and non-incorporated areas necessitating a new plan to address changing demographics and trends. Initiatives and recommendations were specifically tailored to address Seminole County’s unique suburban and rural land development patterns and consider the role of various park service providers. The resulting updated Master Plan provides a blueprint for the next 10 years through a series of actionable initiatives and recommendations to bolster the existing park system. The development of this plan included public engagement, needs assessment, master planning, and capital improvement plan development. gaiconsultants.com/communitysolutionsgroup RFP- 05-24-03 LH • Central Winds Park Master Plan Update Services • City of Winter Springs 29 SOLDIERS CREEK PARK SEMINOLE COUNTY | LONGWOOD, FLORIDA GAI’s Community Solutions Group (CSG) as a subconsultant to HKS Architects, Inc., provided sport facility services for a state-of-the-art, $6.5 million softball complex. CSG performed services for site analysis, master plan, design development construction documents, and construction observation phases. More specifically, the design, construction documents, and specifications for the redevelopment project included: Softball Field Layout Plans, Enlargements, and Details Fencing, Backstop, and Netting Plans Hardscape Plans and Details, Including Walks, Walls, Steps, Ramps, etc. Playground and Play Surface Area Layout Shelters Site Furnishings Plan and Inventory Sports Equipment Inventory Batting Cages Landscape Plans and Details Irrigation Plans Project Technical Specifications Intended as an economic driver in south Seminole County, the complex has drawn several significant tournaments since its opening in 2017. CLIENT/REFERENCE Seminole County Richard Durr, Jr., CPRP, PLA, AICP Parks and Recreation Director 407.665.2173 rdurr@seminolecountyfl.gov SERVICES Landscape Architecture + Design –Parks, Trails + Public Realm Parks Master Planning Site Analysis Inventory + Mapping Construction Documents Construction Observation COST $6.5 Million (Construction) COMPLETION 2017 (Construction) 1 See Reference Form GAI Consultants, Inc.30 RFP- 05-24-03 LH • Central Winds Park Master Plan Update Services • City of Winter Springs ROLLING HILLS PARK DESIGN AND IMPLEMENTATION SEMINOLE COUNTY | SANFORD, FLORIDA GAI’s Community Solutions Group (CSG) has been selected by Seminole County to lead the design and engineering of the planned Rolling Hills Community Park. CSG worked with Seminole County and the surrounding neighborhoods in 2020 to create the Rolling Hills Community Park Master Plan. This recent contract award is for eight years, and may be used to implement the entire master plan in a phased approach. As prime consultant going forward, GAI/CSG’s implementation role will include landscape architecture, civil engineering, environmental enhancement, and wayfinding signage as well as coordination of subconsultants. GAI/CSG will lead all public involvement efforts and will provide construction observation services for each phase of implementation. The current Phase 1 program includes over 4 miles of pedestrian and bicycle trails, along with associated trailheads that connect 11 distinct areas featuring a variety of visitor experiences. Design elements will include ADA-compliant primary and secondary trails, trailheads, and trail amenities; parking areas; playgrounds, restroom buildings; pavilions; boardwalk/pier; site structures such as pedestrian bridges and/or culverts; landscape improvements; and wayfinding and other required signage. Design will also be coordinated to connect to the regional Seminole County Trail System, as well as adjacent traffic calming improvements within the neighborhood. CLIENT Seminole County SERVICES Landscape Architecture + Design –Parks, Trails + Public Realm –Green Infrastructure + Environmental Design Urban Design + Planning –Redevelopment Planning + Urban Design COMPLETION DATE Ongoing gaiconsultants.com/communitysolutionsgroup RFP- 05-24-03 LH • Central Winds Park Master Plan Update Services • City of Winter Springs 31 LAKE MONROE WAYSIDE PARK SEMINOLE COUNTY | SANFORD, FLORIDA Wayside Park is an existing park in Sanford, Florida that featured a popular two-lane boat ramp at Lake Monroe on SR 17, one of the busiest in Seminole County, along with passive park amenities and trailer parking. The boat ramp flooded regularly, especially during the wet season when the St. John's River would rise. GAI and its Community Solutions Group (CSG) was hired to provide master planning, design, engineering, and permitting services for this fully renovated and rebuilt boat ramp. Improvements included renewed entry, increased parking, a 3rd boats ramp with expanded ramp access and additional Dock capacity. Other amenities include improved picnic areas with shelters, lighting (PV Power) and interpretive signage. This project was funded by the Seminole County One Center Infrastructure Sales Tax and MYFWC Florida Fish and Wildlife Boating Infrastructure Program. CSG/GAI provided all final design, permitting services (including the Army Corps of Engineers, Florida Department of Environmental Protection, and the Saint Johns River Water Management District), bidding, and construction management assistance. CLIENT Seminole County SERVICES Landscape Architecture + Design –Parks, Trails + Public Realm Land Development –Civil + Site Engineering Water –Stormwater Management + Flood Protection Permitting COMPLETION DATE 2022 (Design) 2022 (Construction) GAI Consultants, Inc.32 RFP- 05-24-03 LH • Central Winds Park Master Plan Update Services • City of Winter Springs DOG PARKSEATING NOOKSEATING NOOKRETENTIONFIRE/POLICE BOAT STORAGEBOAT RAMPTRAILER PARKINGPARKINGTRAILHEADOVER FLOW PARKINGBASS TOURN.STAGINGCOMPENSATING STORAGESEATING NOOKSEATING NOOKHOTEL/ RESTAURANTCRA B B Y BIL L ’ S PAVILIONSGRAND ENTRYDROP-OFF EVENT SPACELAWNAMPHITHEATERSWIMMING AREAENHANCED DAN TARRELL MEMORIAL POINTKAYAK LAUNCHPARKINGPARKINGJETSKI LAUNCHBUOYSBEACHSIDEWALKCYCLETRACKPROMENADECIVIC CENTERPARKINGPARKINGADMIN BUILDINGFAMILY ZONE• SPLASH PAD• PLAYGROUNDSEAPLANE DOCKSEXPANDED MARINAW/ TRANSIENT BOAT SLIPSRETAILRETAILWATERFRONT OVERLOOKNATURE BOARDWALKPAVED WALKPAVED WALKPAVED WALKPAVED WA LKNATURE BOARDWALKNATURE BOARDWA LK NATURE BOARDWALKTRAILHEADTRAIL CONNECTIONBRIDGE CONN ECTIONSEA T ING NOOKSEA T ING NOOK SE A T ING N OO K TRAIL CONNECTIONNEW YORK AVE PENNSYLVANIA AVE FLORIDA AVE OHIO AVE INDIANA AVE ILLINIOIS AVE MICHIGAN AVE VIRGINIA AVE MARYLAND AVE CAROLINA AVE DELAWARE AVE WYOMING AVE OREGON AVE MISSISSIPPI AVE MASSACHUSETTS AVE KENTUCKY AVE MINNESOTA AVE WISCONSIN AVE MISSOURI AVE CONNECTICUT AVE JERSEY AVE VERMONT AVE DAKOTA AVE CALIFORNIA AVE ALABAMA AVE TENNESSEE AVE GEORGIA AVE LOUISIANA AVE MONTANA AVE COLUMBIA AVE St. Cloud, FloridaLakefront & Waterfront Master Plan0 100 ’ 200’400’DRAWING NO.DATE OF ISSUEREVISION00106/23/20211A GAI Con sultan ts, In c. Serv ice Group618 E. Sou th St reet Su ite 700Orlando, F lorida 32801T 407.423 .8398gainconsultant s.com/commun ity solu tions LAKEFRONT & WATERFRONT MASTER PLANNEW YORK AVEPENNSYVANIA AVEFLORIDA AVEOHIO AVEINDIANA AVEILLINIOIS AVEMICHIGAN AVEMASSACHUSETTS AVEKENTUCKY AVELAKESHORE BLVD HOTEL/ RESTAURANT CRABBY BILL’SPAVI L I O N S GRAND ENTRYDROP-OFFEVENT SPACE LAWN AMPHITHEATER SWIMMING AREA ENHANCED DAN TARRELL MEMORIAL POINT KAYAK LAUNCHJETSKI LAUNCH BUOYS BEACH SIDEWALK CYCLETRACKPROMENADECIVIC CENTER PARKING PAR K I N G ADMIN BUILDING FAMILY ZONE• SPLASH PAD• PLAYGROUND SEAPLANE DOCKS EXPANDED MARINA W/ TRANSIENT BOAT SLIPS RETAIL R E T A I L LAKEFRONT MASTER PLAN Lakefront Park Master PlanSt. Cloud, Florida 0 80’ 160’320’ DRAWING NO. DATE OF ISSUE REVISION 001 06/23/2021 1 A GAI Consultants, Inc. Service Group 618 E. South Street Suite 700Orlando, Florida 32801T 407.423.8398gainconsultants.com/community solutions ST. CLOUD WATERFRONT PARK OSCEOLA COUNTY | ST. CLOUD, FLORIDA The St. Cloud Waterfront Park Master Plan was one of the first initiatives to be implemented from GAI Community Solutions Group's (CSG) award-winning Envision St.Cloud Downtown Master Plan. The Downtown Master Plan identified implementation of this activated lakefront and environmental park as the first critical step to enable future redevelopment and economic growth downtown. The vision includes an expanded marina and seaplane base, a new civic building, and retail and hotel operations. The lakefront park area will be activated by expanding the park open space and recreation potential, adding parking, an interconnected system of trails, boardwalks and trailheads, pavilions, a new boat and jet ski ramp, outdoor dining, multi-use open spaces, space for social and club gatherings, lake beachfront recreation/swimming area and food truck venue. GAI/CSG was responsible for schematic design and conceptual cost estimating for this planned $20 million waterfront park on the south shore of East Lake Tohopekaliga. CLIENT City of St. Cloud Parks and Recreation Department Stephanie Holtkamp, CPRE, CPSI, AFO Director 407.908.9625 stephanie.holtkamp@stcloud.gov SERVICES Landscape Architecture + Design Urban Design and Planning –Parks System Planning + Bike/Ped Systems COST $20M (Construction) COMPLETION 2021 (Design) 2 See Reference Form gaiconsultants.com/communitysolutionsgroup RFP- 05-24-03 LH • Central Winds Park Master Plan Update Services • City of Winter Springs 33 CLIENT City of St. Cloud SERVICES Landscape Architecture + Design Urban Design + Planning –Parks System Planning + Bike/Pedestrian Systems Public Engagement + Outreach Site Investigation Cost Estimating COMPLETION DATE Ongoing THE RANCH OSCEOLA COUNTY | ST. CLOUD, FLORIDA GAI’s Community Solutions Group (CSG) facilitated the park site master planning for The Ranch site located at 5452 Jones Road in St. Cloud, Florida. The planning process will include site investigation, public input including an interactive web site, conceptual planning, master planning, and cost estimating. The park is envisioned to be an outdoor recreation and passive recreation site that does not include formalized sports fields. The park plan will be coordinated with the City’s needs identified in the Parks and Recreation Master Plan. The design incorporates lake from activities that include kayak launching, lake front pavilions and primitive camping. In addition, the site has significant old growth wetlands that will be accessed through a new pedestrian board walk that connects to other amenities on the site and is park of a 5K trail for future race events. GAI/CSG is designing a children’s playground complete with a ropes course, and a new amphitheater, as well and vehicular circulation and parking. GAI Consultants, Inc.34 RFP- 05-24-03 LH • Central Winds Park Master Plan Update Services • City of Winter Springs CHISHOLM PARK MASTER PLAN OSCEOLA COUNTY | ST. CLOUD, FLORIDA Chisholm Park is one of the many jewels in the City of St. Cloud’s parks system. Its rural nature along with its mature oak canopy are becoming harder to find in an ever- expanding urban environment. Featuring a public boat ramp and large, open play areas, Chisholm Park is an ideal setting of a variety of outdoor recreation experiences for all ages. Per the Citywide Vision Plan and the Parks and Recreation Master Plan, Chisholm Park is envisioned to be an all-inclusive park that is completely ADA accessible. The park incorporates information from these two plans to optimize the adjacent land uses as well as connections around the park. The master planning process began with the consultant team gathering data related to the current park layout and inventory; as well as special events, such as the Battle of Narcoossee, which is an annual tradition. This formed the foundation and starting point for the new master plan. As with all master plans, public input is paramount to developing a plan the meets the needs of the community. Typically, this is done through a series of meetings designed to inform the public of the project’s nature and solicit input related the desires of the community. With the onset of COVID in 2020, the consultant team held online meetings in an innovative and interactive live format that proved very successful. Also, a unique website was developed to keep the public informed on the ongoing planning process, and to allow users to tour the site without leaving home. The website allowed for users to place points on an aerial and leave comments at these locations about strengths and weaknesses of the park from a user’s standpoint. Another website activity was a “Dream Park”, which included a survey featuring a variety of park programming elements that ranged from nature-based recreation to special events. The survey allowed users to select desired programs and rate program elements from least to most desirable. Lastly, the website contained a traditional online survey to collect data such as demographic information and a ranking for desired amenities. Based on 381 surveyed participants, the consultant team gathered and analyzed the data provided to incorporate specific park uses into the final design. The respondents’ “Dream Park" activities included trails, picnic areas, nature play, wildlife interaction possibilities, lakefront activities, special events, and sports/fitness activities. Specific program elements requested were: Multi-Use Walking Trails Picnic Opportunities Nature-theme Play and Obstacle Course Native Plant Garden Observation Tower Educational Signage Limited Camping Opportunities Fishing Pier Open Beach Slash Pad Kayak/Boat Rental Options Dog Park Restrooms Disc Golf Finally, a Conceptual Rough Magnitude of Cost associated with the build out of the park was provided to assist the City with understanding their future capital improvements budget and how the master implementation might be plan over several years. CLIENT City of St. cloud SERVICES Landscape Architecture + Design –Parks, Trails + Public Realm –Green Infrastructure + Environmental Design Urban Design + Planning Public Engagement Economis COMPLETION DATE 2020 (Master Plan) WEBSITE ChisholmParkPlan.com gaiconsultants.com/communitysolutionsgroup RFP- 05-24-03 LH • Central Winds Park Master Plan Update Services • City of Winter Springs 35 CHISHOLM PARK MASTER PLAN (PROJECT CONTINUED) GAI Consultants, Inc.36 RFP- 05-24-03 LH • Central Winds Park Master Plan Update Services • City of Winter Springs CLIENT/REFERENCE City of Casselberry Kelly Brock, PhD, PE, CFM, LEED AP Public Works and Utilities Director 407.262.7725 ext. 235 kbrock@casselberry.org SERVICES Landscape Architecture + Design –Parks, Trails + Public Realm Urban Design + Planning –Parks System Planning + Bike/Pedestrian Systems Public Engagement + Outreach Civil Engineering Survey Environmental Services Construction Documents COST $49,575 (Conceptual Planning) $173,820 (Project Cost) COMPLETION 2019 (Design) DEW DROP PARK SEMINOLE COUNTY | CASSELBERRY, FLORIDA The City of Casselberry completed a Parks and Recreation Master Plan in 2017, which led to the identification of priorities for improvements across the system. Dew Drop Park is an existing neighborhood park in the City of Casselberry identified as needing to be updated. GAI's Community Solutions Group (CSG) led a master planning process in 2018-2019 to build public consensus and create a master plan for the park. The planning process included several on-site public meetings that explored the existing conditions of the parks, different types of potential improvements, and concept plans for implementation of the improvements. An order of magnitude cost estimate was develop for the final plan, and the project is included in the General Obligation (GO Bond) project list that was passed by the voters in 2020. GAI also has prepared construction documents for the park improvements, and supported the City in securing a Land and Water Conservation Fund (LWCF) grant. The grant is federal funding that runs through the Department of Environmental Protection (DEP). 3 See Reference Form gaiconsultants.com/communitysolutionsgroup RFP- 05-24-03 LH • Central Winds Park Master Plan Update Services • City of Winter Springs 37 CLIENT City of Casselberry SERVICES Public Engagement + Outreach Conceptual Design Economics + Funding COMPLETION 2020 WEBSITE https://goparks2020.org CASSELBERRY PARKS GO BOND REFERENDUM SEMINOLE COUNTY | CASSELBERRY, FLORIDA GAI's Community Solutions Group (CSG) assisted the City of Casselberry in promoting and successfully passing the $24 million Parks Go Bond in March 2020. The work included conceptual design of key park sites, budgeting and prioritization, building upon our previous Casselberry Parks System Master Plan. Promotional materials were delivered online via website, social media, and numerous public event informational appearances by our team. We were assisted by Dana Loncar/Consensus Communications. All public information was presented bilingually, and our CSG team included Spanish-speaking staff members at all public events. GAI Consultants, Inc.38 RFP- 05-24-03 LH • Central Winds Park Master Plan Update Services • City of Winter Springs LAKE EOLA PARK MASTER PLAN ORANGE COUNTY | ORLANDO, FLORIDA GAI’s Community Solutions Group (CSG) is responsible for the re envisioning of this “Central Park” of Orlando. The project includes analysis of existing facilities and uses of the most iconic park in Orlando and the greater Central Florida region. Analysis includes the park’s uses within the context of downtown Orlando and the larger region, as well as comparisons to other iconic parks throughout the U.S. The master planning process includes extensive public engagement to develop the vision for Lake Eola’s Park’s future. CLIENT City of Orlando SERVICES Landscape Architecture + Design Urban Design + Planning COMPLETION 2021 (Master Plan) gaiconsultants.com/communitysolutionsgroup RFP- 05-24-03 LH • Central Winds Park Master Plan Update Services • City of Winter Springs 39 DOWNTOWN MASTER STORMWATER POND AND PARK – UNITY PARK ORANGE COUNTY | OCOEE, FLORIDA Upon completion of the award-winning City of Ocoee Downtown Master Plan prepared by GAI’s Community Solutions Group (CSG), the City of Ocoee, Florida, identified implementation of the master stormwater pond and environmental park, now known as Unity Park, as the first critical step to enable future redevelopment and economic growth downtown. The City engaged GAI/CSG as the prime consultant to provide professional technical services. Unity Park provides stormwater management for 40+ acres of redevelopment and public open space. The system utilizes a treatment train with baffle box, filter marsh, and wet detention to provide nutrient removal prior to discharge to Starke Lake, improving the overall water quality in the lake. A pre-existing swale and piped conveyance system through the site is realigned and naturalized as a gentle stream. The design incorporates check dams to slow the flow and encourage contaminant settling and vegetative nutrient uptake through additional native plantings. The 6-acre park features a quarter-mile walking loop, comprising a wide boardwalk with views of the filter marsh and naturalized stream, a pier and shade pavilion overlooking the wet pond, a Florida-native planting palette throughout, and new parking and streetscape along Franklin Street. Infrastructure improvements also included the installation of over 900 LF of storm pipe (ranging from 18” to 60”) and over 700 LF of 6” and 8” water main pipe. GAI and CSG’s services included site civil engineering, landscape architecture, survey, electrical, structural, and geotechnical engineering, irrigation design, permitting through the City of Ocoee and SJRWMD, and construction phase management. SERVICES Land Development –Civil/Site Engineering Water –Stormwater Management + Flood Protection –Water and Wastewater Engineering Urban Design + Planning –Community Development –Parks System Planning + Bike/ Ped Systems Landscape Architecture + Design –Parks, Trails + Public Realm –Urban Streets + Livable Corridor –Green Infrastructure + Environmental Design Mechanical, Electrical + Structural Engineering Construction Management AWARDS Florida Stormwater Association | 2023 Innovative Accomplishment and Outstanding Commitment to Stormwater Management Practices Benefiting the Environment and the Local Citizenry COMPLETION 2022 (Design) 2022 (Construction) GAI Consultants, Inc.40 RFP- 05-24-03 LH • Central Winds Park Master Plan Update Services • City of Winter Springs FORT MELLON PARK SEMINOLE COUNTY | SANFORD, FLORIDA In an effort to continue to revitalize historic downtown Sanford, the City retained GAI’s Community Solutions Group (CSG) to complete a multi- phase master plan for improvements to Fort Mellon Park, located in the heart of downtown on the shores of Lake Monroe. Upon approval of the master plan, contract documents for the entire park were completed, and a first phase was bid and awarded. The project consisted of a $1 million interactive play fountain, which is the largest interactive play fountain in Central Florida. The park also includes a four-tower, fort-themed playground, Grande Plaza, and lawn to accommodate large special events; as well as basketball courts, restroom buildings, custom shade structures and pavilions, gardens, and a lakefront overlook. Fort Mellon Park project is part of larger program of improvements that GAI and our senior staff have led over the last 15 years, including Sanford Downtown Plan, Riverwalk and Seawall Reconstruction, First Street Streetscape, and Phase 2 Riverwalk Trail. CLIENT City of Orlando SERVICES Landscape Architecture + Design –Parks, Trails + Public Realm Permitting Contract Documents + Bidding Construction Observation COMPLETION 2014 (Design) gaiconsultants.com/communitysolutionsgroup RFP- 05-24-03 LH • Central Winds Park Master Plan Update Services • City of Winter Springs 41 CLIENT Osceola County SERVICES Economics + Strategy –Fiscal + Economic Impact –Funding, Revenue + Financial Modeling –Redevelopment + Special Area Strategic Planning COMPLETION 2022 (Analysis) AUSTIN-TINDALL ECONOMIC AND FISCAL IMPACT ANALYSIS OSCEOLA COUNTY, FLORIDA GAI’s Community Solutions Group (CSG) was retained by Osceola County, Florida, to serve as consultant for the preparation of an economic and fiscal impact analysis associated with the expansion of Austin-Tindall Park, one of central Florida’s largest multi-purpose sports complexes. The expansion will add to the desirability of Osceola County as a destination and also enhance the quality of life for those living in the area. To date, the Park comprises ten multipurpose fields, a stadium, parking for about 1,700 cars, and various administrative or support facilities. Expansion plans contemplate the addition of ten multipurpose fields, as well as areas dedicated to cross country running, paint ball and rowing via controlled lake access. The work considered academic literature for background, theory, and findings; case studies of multi-purpose sports facilities and complexes; sports participation data for context; review of locally available tourism data for comparisons; and the application of an Impact Analysis and Planning (IMPLAN) model based on the summarized assumptions developed from our research and case studies. GAI/CSG relied extensively on data that had been collected over the course of many years in several settings and adjusted any spending information to 2021 dollars to aid comparisons. The analysis also considered data from Orlando and Kissimmee specifically which, of course, have their own discrete spending characteristics because of the region’s theme park influences. The reconciled case study data is illustrated in several tables within this report. Finally, GAI prepared and discussed with staff the key activity and spending assumptions for use in the IMPLAN models. GAI expanded upon IMPLAN’s measure of the latter by focusing on tourist taxes as well as several discrete classes of property taxes so this indicator of fiscal benefit would be much more specific to Osceola County. The analysis revealed, based on generalized data with local adjustments, suggest that there could be very significant economic and fiscal impacts as a result of the Austin Tindall Park expansion in Osceola County. GAI Consultants, Inc.42 RFP- 05-24-03 LH • Central Winds Park Master Plan Update Services • City of Winter Springs CLIENT City of Plantation SERVICES Landscape Architecture + Design –Parks, Trails + Public Realm –Green Infrastructure + Environmental Design Land Development –Civil/Site Engineering Urban Design + Planning Wayfinding COMPLETION DATE 2023 (Master Plan) PLANTATION CENTRAL PARK MASTER PLAN BROWARD COUNTY | PLANTATION, FLORIDA GAI and its Community Solutions Group (CSG) in partnership with Wannemacher Jensen Architects, provided comprehensive design and planning services to the City of Plantation, Florida, for the completion of a master plan for the City’s Central Park. The existing 107-acre park includes the Veltri Tennis Center, the Plantation Aquatic Complex, a multi-purpose building, a baseball/softball complex, soccer fields, a running track, pickleball complex, basketball, a 10 acre lake, and all associated support infrastructure. Tasks included a complete inventory of the existing park conditions and infrastructure— such as utilities (water, electricity, sewer), ingress/egress to the park, parking, recreation facilities and usage (aquatics, tennis, pickleball, athletics, events, and programming); as well as extensive public input. GAI/CSG developed three Master Plan concepts for modifying Central Park that addresses the City’s present needs, while providing a blueprint for future development of the park. These concepts include improved access to the park via the newly constructed adjacent roadways, better pedestrian connectivity within the park, wayfinding, additional spectator seating, upgrades to existing buildings, outdoor community event space, and improved and expanded parking. Also, as part of the Master Plan development, GAI/CSG performed an overall ADA site analysis, culminating in a site accessibility assessment report that outlined locations within the park where accessibility could be improved. Through stakeholder input and communication with the park’s advisory team, the three Master Plan concepts for Central Park have been condensed into one feasible phased plan for the City to adopt and implement. gaiconsultants.com/communitysolutionsgroup RFP- 05-24-03 LH • Central Winds Park Master Plan Update Services • City of Winter Springs 43 PLANTATION CENTRAL PARK MASTER PLAN (PROJECT CONTINUED) GAI Consultants, Inc.44 RFP- 05-24-03 LH • Central Winds Park Master Plan Update Services • City of Winter Springs INDEPENDENCE LANE ORANGE COUNTY | MAITLAND, FLORIDA The Independence Lane corridor between Horatio and Packwood Avenues is set to be the starting point for a genuine downtown Maitland. GAI/Community Solutions Group (CSG) completed the Maitland Downtown Master Plan in 2017, and this initial downtown investment is one of the highest priority capital improvement projects as identified by the community. The first 600-ft block of this new “main street” has been constructed, in conjunction with an adjacent mixed-use development. Additional blocks are in the planning and design stages to extend the experience and economic development opportunity. Our team designed Independence Lane as a shared-use space between Maitland City Hall, Maitland City Centre, and Independence Square Park—making this area an important center for community and social activity in Maitland. Other features include green design stormwater features, overhead festival lighting, event power, structural soils, and the introduction of special hardscape and landscape details, which will be carried into the planned Independence Square Park. CLIENT City of Maitland SERVICES Landscape Architecture + Design –Urban Streets + Livable Corridors –Urban Buildings + Special Places –Green Infrastructure + Environmental Design Urban Design + Planning Land Development –Civil/Site Engineering COMPLETION 2018 (Design) 2018 (Construction) gaiconsultants.com/communitysolutionsgroup RFP- 05-24-03 LH • Central Winds Park Master Plan Update Services • City of Winter Springs 45 INDEPENDENCE SQUARE ORANGE COUNTY | MAITLAND, FLORIDA GAI’s Community Solutions Group (CSG) master planned, designed, documented, and provided construction review services to the City of Maitland for Independence Square from 2017-2020. The urban park is slated to serve as an important center for City functions, community events, and social activity, and further establishes the emergent downtown area. Situated immediately north of City Hall, with the SunRail commuter rail line to the west, Independence Square was synchronously designed with Independence Lane—Maitland’s new “main street” located directly to the east. The $2.3 million project is a continuation of the Maitland Downtown Master Plan, completed by CSG in 2017, and is among the highest-priority capital improvement projects that were identified by the community. Project elements include a public rest room building, an engaging civic fountain, shaded seating, pedestrian walkways, hardscape features, decorative lighting, event lawn, environmentally conscious rain gardens, and infrastructure to support a wide range of community events and gatherings. Independence Square and Independence Lane were both direct implementation actions resulting from CSG’s award winning Maitland Downtown CRA Master Plan and associated City-wide Bicycle Plan. SERVICES Landscape Architecture + Design –Parks, Trails + Public Realm Urban Streets + Livable Corridors –Urban Buildings and Special Places Redevelopment Planning + Urban Design –Community Development Public Involvement COMPLETION 2020 (Design) 2020 (Construction) GAI Consultants, Inc.46 RFP- 05-24-03 LH • Central Winds Park Master Plan Update Services • City of Winter Springs Rules & Regula�onsLake Lorna Doone Park West Lot Parking for: “Sponsored” Splash Pad “Sponsored” Playground Community Garden Rules & Regulations Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetuer adipiscing elit, sed diam nonummy nibh euismod tincidunt ut laoreet dolore magna aliquam erat volutpat. Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetuer adipiscing elit, sed diam nonummy nibh euismod tincidunt ut laoreet dolore magna aliquam erat volutpat. Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetuer adipiscing elit, sed diam nonummy nibh euismod tincidunt ut laoreet dolore magna aliquam erat volutpat. Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetuer adipiscing elit, sed diam nonummy nibh euismod tincidunt ut laoreet dolore magna aliquam erat volutpat. Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetuer adipiscing elit, sed diam nonummy nibh euismod tincidunt ut laoreet dolore magna aliquam erat volutpat. for their commitment to the community and generosity in funding this pavilion Lake Lorna Doone Park In grateful recognition of Rules and Regula�ons Wayfinding Map Donor Recogni�on Wayne Densch Family Fun Zone WAYNE DENSCH FAMILY FUN ZONE Mini Golf Course Fitness Area Splash Pad Community Garden Playground Nature Walk Restroom Parking Direc�onal Parking Arrival Sign Rules & Regula�onsLake Lorna Doone Park West Lot Lake Lorna Doone Park i CLIENT City of Orlando SERVICES Wayfinding Planning + Design Exterior Wayfinding Pedestrian Wayfinding Mapping Design Parks, Trails + Public Realm COMPLETION 2020 LAKE LORNA DOONE PARK GRAPHICS AND WAYFINDING ORANGE COUNTY | ORLANDO, FLORIDA GAI’s Community Solutions Group (CSG) was retained to provide wayfinding, planning, and design as part of the effort to revitalize this historic park in downtown Orlando, located adjacent to Camping World Stadium. Florida Citrus Sports (FCS) hired GAI to create a comprehensive and coordinated graphic and signage wayfinding system for the park. The intent is to create a system that will easily inform visitors where to park, depending upon what amenities they want to visit. Once parked, the system will communicate how to locate those amenities. In addition, FCS intends to create a donor/sponsor commemorative element that is graphically consist with the wayfinding system. gaiconsultants.com/communitysolutionsgroup RFP- 05-24-03 LH • Central Winds Park Master Plan Update Services • City of Winter Springs 47 CLIENT City of Orlando SERVICES Landscape Architecture + Design –Parks, Trails + Public Realm Land Development –Civil/Site Engineering Contract Documents COMPLETION 2021 (Design) 2021 (Construction) LAKE LORNA DOONE PARK ORANGE COUNTY | ORLANDO, FLORIDA GAI’s Community Solutions Group (CSG) provided design, contract documents, and construction observation services for this historic park in downtown Orlando, located directly adjacent to the Citrus Bowl. The location of the first integrated Little League baseball game to be played in the South, Lorna Doone is a complete renovation of all of the park’s facilities, including play fields, interactive play fountain, playgrounds, community garden, pavilions, lake overlooks and docks, restroom, and other amenities. At $9 million, and partially funded by the National Football League (NFL) resulting from the 2017 Pro Bowl held at the stadium, the project was completed in 2021. GAI Consultants, Inc.48 RFP- 05-24-03 LH • Central Winds Park Master Plan Update Services • City of Winter Springs CLIENT City of Clermont SERVICES Landscape Architecture + Design –Parks, Trails + Public Realm –Green Infrastructure + Environmental Design Economics + Strategy –Development Positioning + Strategy Land Development –Civil + Site Engineering Transportation –Highway/Roadway Engineering + Design Water –Stormwater Management + Flood Protection –Water + Wastewater Engineering Environmental Studies –Environmental Studies + Permitting –Wetlands Mitigation – Wildlife and Protected/ Endangered Species Construction Management COMPLETION 2018 (Design) 2018 (Construction) VICTORY POINTE PARK LAKE COUNTY | CLERMONT, FLORIDA As part of the City of Clermont’s Downtown Master Plan process, GAI’s Community Solutions Group (CSG) identified Victory Pointe Park as a key catalyst project, based on the City’s need for a new stormwater facility on the west side. The Victory Pointe Park project re-envisioned the typical stormwater pond approach by creating a community amenity that provides recreation, a wildlife habitat, and a signature address for adjacent future development. The new park receives stormwater from a significant portion of the downtown streets, and includes a series of cascading filter marsh treatment areas designed to reference native Florida environments—just part of a series of innovative stormwater strategies developed to help improve water quality within Lake Minneola and expand development opportunities downtown. In addition to providing environmental improvements and serving as a development catalyst, the project establishes the adjacent lakefront as the location for the myriad special events hosted by the city, creating economic opportunities for merchants and restaurants. GAI/CSG also assisted the City in obtaining a $600,000 Lake County Water Authority Grant to support the project budget. AWARDS ENR | Best of the Best Projects 2019 Awards Program, (Best Small project) ENR | Regional Best Projects 2019 Awards Program, Best Project (Small project) 2019 FRA Roy F. Kenzie Award [Capital Projects Beautification] 2019 American Society of Landscape Architects | Florida Chapter, Award of Honor Downtown Master Plan: 2016 Florida Redevelopment Awards: Roy F. Kenzie, Urban Planning Studies gaiconsultants.com/communitysolutionsgroup RFP- 05-24-03 LH • Central Winds Park Master Plan Update Services • City of Winter Springs 49 CITY OF JACKSONVILLE MASTER RECREATION IMPROVEMENT PLAN (MRIP) DUVAL COUNTY | JACKSONVILLE, FLORIDA As Prime Consultant, GAI's Community Solutions Group (CSG) is working to develop the blueprint for the future of the City of Jacksonville Parks and Recreation System. Our multidisciplinary team has led the effort to provide an update to the Master Recreation Improvement Plan (MRIP), including an in-depth existing conditions analysis focusing on understanding the parks system as it exists today. Since the previous iteration of the MRIP nearly 20 years ago, the City has focused on developing a vision for a more resilient and inclusive Jacksonville. Leveraging the previously developed Future Opportunities Continuous Upgrade Strategy (FOCUS) matrix, the project team identified additional metrics and criteria designed to provide a better understanding of the current conditions of environmental and social resilience as well as social equity within the community. Resiliency dimensions focus on leveraging the parks system to enhance the community’s capacity to respond to change matching existing sites with green infrastructure/conservation opportunities as well as helping communities build social capital and be better equipped to respond to new challenges. The social equity dimension focuses on generating equity for all populations throughout the City and focuses on targeting improvements to under-served populations. These tools allow the City to prioritize and target projects based on their vision for a more resilient and equitable Jacksonville. CLIENT City of Jacksonville Parks, Recreation, and Community Services SERVICES Landscape Architecture + Design –Parks, Trails + Public Realm Urban Design + Planning –Parks System Planning + Bike/Pedestrian Systems Inventory + Mapping Capital Cost Estimating COMPLETION Ongoing GAI Consultants, Inc.50 RFP- 05-24-03 LH • Central Winds Park Master Plan Update Services • City of Winter Springs CITYWIDE PARK SYSTEM DESIGN GUIDELINES ALACHUA COUNTY | GAINESVILLE, FLORIDA As a part of their Wild Spaces Public Places (WSPP) referendum, used to fund park improvements throughout the city, Gainesville retained GAI's Community Solutions Group (CSG) to create a document that would guide the design of park renovations and new park development. The document describes the current state of Gainesville’s parks, including extensive natural conservation lands as well as a variety of nature-based and active parks. With this understanding of current conditions, the guidelines document best practices for the design of elements within each park, specify detailed requirements for the layout of park furnishings and features; and conclude with specific requirements for the use of hardscapes, furnishings, lighting and plant material by designers who may retained for park design under the WSPP program. CLIENT City of Gainesville SERVICES Landscape Architecture + Design –Parks, Trails + Public Realm Land Planning COMPLETION 2019 (Design) gaiconsultants.com/communitysolutionsgroup RFP- 05-24-03 LH • Central Winds Park Master Plan Update Services • City of Winter Springs 51 GAINESVILLE PARK WAYFINDING MASTER PLAN AND GUIDELINES ALACHUA COUNTY | GAINESVILLE, FLORIDA GAI’s Community Solutions Group (CSG) was retained by the City of Gainesville to develop a wayfinding master plan and sign guidelines that can be adapted to the various park types that exist in the City, but also allow room on the signs for unique designs and features to highlight the uniqueness of each park. CSG created bid documents for signage, resulting from the research and development of Park Wayfinding Guidelines. To accomplish this, CSG provided research, analysis, schematic design, and detailed design to demonstrate the design intent for signage and wayfinding in order to create a system that will be unique and unified throughout the City. The system will inform visitors of amenities and destinations within the parks, where to park, and once parked, how to locate amenities, features, and destinations within the parks. CLIENT City of Gainesville SERVICES Wayfinding Master Plan Sign Design Guidelines Map Design COMPLETION 2019 (Design) 2021 (Implementation) Gle n Spr ings Run Hogtow n Cre ek Hogtown Creek Hogtown C reek2’ 4’ 6’ 8’ 10’ 12’ 14’ 16’ Parking Direc�onal Parking Amenity Direc�onal Gateway Portrait (Front View) Gateway Landscape (Front View) Minor Gateway (Front View) City of Gainesville Wayfinding Standards for City ParksGainesville, FL Detailed Sign Design DRAWING NO. SCALE: 1/2” = 1’DATE OF ISSUE REVISION 01 of 02 06/21/2019 GAI Consultants, Inc. 618 E. South Street Suite 700Orlando, Florida 32801T 407.423.8398gainconsultants.com/community solutions WestsidePark Amenity 3 Amenity 2 Amenity 1 Parking Lot Arrival Parking Lot Arrival (Back panel) 2’ 4’ 6’ 8’ 10’ 12’ 14’ 16’ Pedestrian Direc�onal (Front View) Pedestrian Direc�onal Totem (Double Sided) Pedestrian Direc�onal (Back View) Trail Map Rules and Regula�ons City of Gainesville Wayfinding Standards for City ParksGainesville, FL Detailed Sign DesignDRAWING NO. SCALE: 1/2” = 1’DATE OF ISSUE REVISION 02 of 02 06/21/2019 GAI Consultants, Inc. 618 E. South Street Suite 700Orlando, Florida 32801T 407.423.8398gainconsultants.com/community solutions Rules and Regulations Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetuer adipiscing elit, sed diam nonummy nibh euismod tincidunt ut laoreet dolore magna aliquam erat volutpat. 8:00am - 8:00pm Duis autem vel eum iriure dolor in hendrerit in vulputate velit esse molestie consequat, vel illum dolore eu feugiat. Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetuer adipiscing elit, sed diam nonummy nibh euismod tincidunt ut laoreet dolore magna aliquam erat volutpat. Ut wisi enim ad minim veniamt. Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetuer adipiscing elit, sed diam nonummy nibh euismod tincidunt ut laoreet dolore magna aliquam erat volutpat. Ut wisi enim ad mi. Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetuer adipiscing elit, sed diam nonummy nibh euismod tincidunt ut laoreet dolore magna aliquam erat volutpat. Ut wisi dolore te feugait nulla facilisi. Albert “Ray” Massey Westside Park Park map24” x 28” Albert “Ray” Massey Westside Park Parking Tennis Courts Westside Pool Skate ParkBaseball/Softball Field Parking Tennis Courts Westside Pool Skate ParkBaseball/Softball Field Alfred A.Ring Park Trail map16” x 38” Rules and Regulations Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetuer adipiscing elit, sed diam nonummy nibh euismod 8:00am - 8:00pm Duis autem vel eum iriure dolor in hendrerit in vulputate velit esse molestie consequat, vel illum dolore eu feugiat nulla. Albert “Ray” MasseyWestside Park Albert “Ray” MasseyWestside Park Albert “Ray” MasseyWestside Park Albert “Ray” MasseyWestside Park Glen Springs R u n Hogtown Creek Hogtown Creek Hogtown Creek GAI Consultants, Inc.52 RFP- 05-24-03 LH • Central Winds Park Master Plan Update Services • City of Winter Springs CLIENT Clay County Parks and Recreation Department SERVICES Landscape Architecture + Design –Parks, Trails + Public Realm Urban Design + Planning –Parks System Planning + Bike/ Pedestrian Systems Inventory + Mapping Capital Cost Estimating COMPLETION Ongoing CLAY COUNTY PARKS AND RECREATION SYSTEM MASTER PLAN CLAY COUNTY, FLORIDA Under a continuing services contract with Clay County, Florida, GAI's Community Solutions Group (CSG) is providing a diverse range of services to enhance the County’s Parks and Recreation Department programming, including planning, feasibility studies, construction administration, permitting, and most notably development of a Parks and Recreation System Master Plan (PRMP). The PRMP will serve as a roadmap that will guide the future of the County’s parks and recreation system—effectively enriching recreational experiences for all residents and visitors. Clay County, located in northeast Florida, is experiencing rapid growth, especially in its urban area along the St. Johns River. Creating a viable PRMP is a comprehensive process that includes broad public engagement, along with field work and analysis. GAI’s equitable public input program includes a combination of in-person/virtual meetings, a statistically valid and online survey, and targeted focus groups. Another consideration for the PRMP is planning for growth in parks and recreation with an eye toward equity across an urban, suburban, and rural transect. Since population growth is a key influence in decision-making, traditional population projection methodologies do not provide accurate enough data to forecast where people are moving and how quickly it’s happening. To overcome this, the GAI team used the smaller-scale Transportation Analysis Zone (TAZ) Data and Micro Analysis Zone (MAZ) data to project population more accurately and, subsequently, guide decisions for equitable level of service now and into the future. GAI also evaluated the County’s existing Level of Service (LOS) by examining current measurement tools and proposing a revised measurement tool to more accurately demonstrate where current and future population will demand parks and recreation investment. This evaluation and analysis incorporates pertinent results of the public workshops, statistically valid survey, and focus group meetings to form the guiding principles of the PRMP—pertaining to park standards, land acquisition, renovations, and policies—and develop succinct, achievable goals and objectives to realize each of the principles. This visioning has resulted in an implementable PRMP that prioritizes recommendations while incorporating available and projected capital resources and to move the Clay County Parks and Recreation Department through 2034. gaiconsultants.com/communitysolutionsgroup RFP- 05-24-03 LH • Central Winds Park Master Plan Update Services • City of Winter Springs 53 CLAY COUNTY PARKS AND RECREATION SYSTEM MASTER PLAN (PROJECT CONTINUED) GAI Consultants, Inc.54 RFP- 05-24-03 LH • Central Winds Park Master Plan Update Services • City of Winter Springs 12 | Alachua County Parks & Open Space Master Plan The following breakdown of Guiding Principles provides a further explanation of the desired Objectives for each Guiding Principle as well as the Implementation Strategies that serve as the blueprint to reach these aspirations. Collectively, these Objectives and Implementation Strategies guide the specific recommendations provided in the Vision. ALACHUA COUNTY PARKS AND RECREATION MASTER PLAN ALACHUA COUNTY, FLORIDA GAI and its Community Solutions Group (CSG) worked through local civil engineering firm JB Pro to create a modern, implementable, comprehensive parks and recreation master plan for Alachua County, Florida. Alachua County comprises nine incorporated cities and towns that offer a multitude of municipal park and recreation opportunities. These areas collectively are estimated to contain over half the County’s population. The Alachua County Parks & Open Space Master Plan served as a roadmap to guide how the County’s system can effectively enrich recreation experiences for all County residents and visitors. To accomplish this, the Master Plan provided an in-depth review of existing conditions, needs, and desires before developing a blueprint for the future of the system. The Master Plan aimed to be a proactive plan for the Parks and Open Space Department to better prepare for future growth and anticipated needs of the greater Alachua County community. Specifically, the Master Plan achieved the following: Ensured consistency with the overall vision of the Comprehensive Plan Evaluated current park properties and facilities Evaluated and made recommendations regarding priorities for the improvement and expansion of these facilities Planned for a future parks system that responds to growth within Alachua County Made recommendations for prioritization of future land acquisition and park facility construction Identified and made recommendations on how the County might partner with other agencies to maximize its park and open space resources Located and identified existing bicycle and pedestrian pathways in the County and recommended safe connections between park properties Created an action plan that was implementable, and identified acquisitions and projects for the future Provided a conceptual blueprint for improving, sustaining, and enhancing the Quality of life in Alachua County CLIENT Alachua County SERVICES Parks + Recreation System Master Planning Landscape Architecture + Design –Parks, Trails + Public Realm Urban Design + Planning –Parks System Planning + Bike/ Pedestrian Systems Inventory + Mapping Public Outreach + Engagement COMPLETION 2023 FEBRUARY 2023 ALACHUA COUNTY PARKS & OPEN SPACE MASTER PLAN gaiconsultants.com/communitysolutionsgroup RFP- 05-24-03 LH • Central Winds Park Master Plan Update Services • City of Winter Springs 55 189 ft Orange C re e k 26 24 47 18 18 121 241 241232 340 337 337 225 138 121 346 241 21 21 26 16 18 100 315 234 1474 27 27 27 27 301 301 301 75 Park Springs State Park Preserve State Paynes Prairie Butler State Palatka-to-Lake State Trail Gainesville-to-Hawthorne W m a Camp Blanding Alachua Gilchrist Bradford Putnam Trenton Newberry High Springs Alachua Chiefland Williston Starke Gainesville A B C D E F G K J I H DISTRICT 1 DISTRICT 2 DISTRICT 3 DISTRICT 4 DISTRICT 56 5 4 7 1 2 26 17 13 14 2018 19 2223 21 10 25 11 29 28 27 16 9 3 12 8 15 24 New Parks A Community Park Rural: 6 mi. B Neighborhood Park Rural: 2 mi. C Community Park Rural: 6 mi. D Neighborhood Park Urban: 1 mi. E Neighborhood Park Urban: 1 mi. F Neighborhood Park Rural: 2 mi. G Community Park Rural: 6 mi. H Neighborhood Park Rural: 2 mi. I Neighborhood Park Rural: 2 mi. J Community Park Rural: 6 mi. K Community Park Rural: 6 mi. 12 Melrose Boat Ramp 13 Mark S. Hopkins Park 14 Veterans Memorial Park (2 Lighted Soccer Fields) 15 Veterans Memorial Park (Gainesville Use Agreement) 16 Kanapaha Lake (Undeveloped) 17 Kanapaha Botanical Gardens 18 Squirrel Ridge (Dog Park) 19 Cynthia Moore Chestnut Park and Clark Butler Nature Preserve Park Legend 1 Poe Springs 2 McCall (Undeveloped) 3 High Springs Boat Ramp 4 Cellon Oak 5 Monteocha 6 DeSoto Park 7 Lake Alto 8 Rotary Park at Jonesville 9 Jane B Walker Park (Undeveloped) 10 Copeland 11 Santa Fe Lake 20 Earl P. Powers 21 Owens-Illinois 22 Scott-Phifer House 23 Grove 24 Hawthorne Dog Park (Undeveloped) 25 Holden Pond 26 Watermelon Pond 27 Cuscowilla Nature and Retreat Center 28 Kate Barnes Boat Ramp at Marjorie Kinnan Rawlings Park 29 Lochloosa ¯ COMMUNICATION Park users are aware of park and programming offerings: • Residents can easily find and share information about available amenities and upcoming events. • Partnership between departments and agencies allow for efficient and expanded park programming opportunities. PROXIMITY AND ACCESS All residents have access to opportunities for play and recreation: • Each resident lives within a close range of either a neighborhood park (1-mile urban or 2-miles rural) or a community park (3-miles urban or 6-miles rural). • A robust network of trails and pathways connect users with park amenities. • Parks provide amenities to facilitate multi-modal access. PROVIDE FOR TODAY AND PLAN FOR TOMORROW Parks provide for the needs of current users and respond to future trends. • To achieve equity, Parks throughout the county are of a consistent quality and meet basic standards. • Amenities offered respond to the needs of surrounding park users achieved through a community engagement process. • Amenities planned for future parks respond to trends and forecasting. INCLUSIVITY AND SAFETY Parks are safe and welcoming to multicultural users of all ages and abilities: • Each park provides facilities usable by people of all ages and abilities. • Each park promotes safe and inclusive spaces for all users. NATURAL ALACHUA Alachua County residents have access to nature-based recreation: • Residents have access to nature trails and water-based activities. • Parks leverage natural assets for environmental education and interpretation ALACHUA COUNTY PARKS & OPEN SPACE VISION ALACHUA COUNTY PARKS AND RECREATION MASTER PLAN (PROJECT CONTINUED) GAI Consultants, Inc.56 RFP- 05-24-03 LH • Central Winds Park Master Plan Update Services • City of Winter Springs CITY OF ORLANDO PARKS AND RECREATION VISION AND MASTER PLAN ORANGE COUNTY | ORLANDO, FLORIDA GAI's Community Solutions Group (CSG) is leading an update to the City of Orlando Parks and Recreation Master Plan. The last master plan was performed by a different firm, and while had some visioning elements that provided guidance, it was not written in a way to be implementable. To move the City in a direction where they can have an implementable plan, we are approaching the project as partners. We have completed a detailed inventory and assessment report which is also linked to a smart GIS mapping and asset database for ongoing management of all City park assets. The technical inventory was also informed by substantial public involvement including highly participatory public meetings in all 6 City Districts and a City-wide Statistically Valid and on-line surveys. Our team provided facility assessment and programming analysis for all of the neighborhood centers and recreation programming. An in-depth GIS-based connectivity analysis for bike/ped access to parks and recreation facilities was designed to help the City with their 10 Minute Walk Grant from the Trust For Public Land. Our team is also evaluating viable sustainable parks best practices for Orlando based on what’s important to the public and obtainable for the department. All of this information will inform the actual Master Plan recommendations and prioritization of future Parks and Recreation investments. CSG continues to work toward the completion of this master planning effort with the City, Community, and our Team. CLIENT City of Orlando SERVICES Parks and Recreation System Master Planning Landscape Architecture + Design –Parks, Trails + Public Realm Urban Design + Planning –Parks System Planning + Bike/ Pedestrian Systems Inventory + Mapping Public Outreach + Engagement COMPLETION Ongoing gaiconsultants.com/communitysolutionsgroup RFP- 05-24-03 LH • Central Winds Park Master Plan Update Services • City of Winter Springs 57 CLIENT City of Mount Dora SERVICES Land Development –Civil/Site Engineering Landscape Architecture + Design –Urban Streets + Livable Corridors –Green Infrastructure + Environmental Design Urban Design + Planning –Community Development –Parks System Planning + Bike/ Pedestrian Systesm COMPLETION 2023 (Design) 2023 (Construction) CAULEY LOTT PARK LAKE COUNTY | MOUNT DORA, FLORIDA The City of Mount Dora undertook their first ever parks and recreation master planning process in 2017. The master plan helped the City create a plan that had an implementation focus on providing an equitable level of service to all of its residents. Cauley Lott Park was identified as a neighborhood park that had been well loved over the years but was past its useful life and no longer serving the residents of the area to the new level of service established for Mount Dora Parks. It was identified as the first priority implementation project as a result of the master plan. GAI and its Community Solutions Group (CSG) provided concept planning, public input, grant assistance, construction documents, permitting, and construction administration services to breathe new life into the park. Cauley Lott Park has a lot of engaged, passionate neighbors and there was a lot of enthusiasm about the renovated park. The site master planning process included comprehensive public input that cumulated with an open house even during the very popular, well attended annual Martin Luther King, Jr. Festival at the park. Our team was able to connect with people of all ages in the community to help uncover their vision for the park and help guide our pen as we put their vision on paper. The concept planning phase included creating several iterations of a site plan based on the public input process. The concepts were reviewed by the public, the Community Redevelopment Agency (CRA), and the City Commission. A final, approved concept laid the groundwork for the construction document phase. The City hired a Construction Manager at Risk to build the project and GAI/CSG staffworked hand in hand with City staff and the Construction Manager throughout the design and construction project and ultimately cut the ribbon on the new park at the Martin Luther King, Jr. Festival in February 2023. GAI Consultants, Inc.58 RFP- 05-24-03 LH • Central Winds Park Master Plan Update Services • City of Winter Springs Passive Parks Environmental Learning Centers Palm Coast Linear Park | Palm Coast, FL Marine Science Center | Volusia County, FL Brevard Environmental Learning Center | Vero Beach, FLLong Ceeek Nature Center | Palm Coast, FL FUTURE ROADWAY BUILD-OUT OPTION SEE FUTURE ROADWAY BUILD-OUT OPTION Golden Gate Camino TrailGolden Gate CRA DRAWING NO.DATE OF ISSUEREVISION 1 of 108/16/2019v1 A GAI Consultants, Inc. Service Group 618 E. South Street Suite 700Orlando, Florida 32801T 407.423.8398gainconsultants.com/community solutions Concept PlanPlano Conceptual200’100’50’0 MULTI-PURPOSE FIELD CASSIDY CENTER LAMAR HOWARD PARK TENNIS COURT FUTSAL COURT PLAYGROUND BASKETBALL COURT COMMUNITYGARDEN HOUSING PARK/PICNIC AREA PARK NODE @ DIXIE HWY TRAILHEAD LAWN PLAZA ENTRY MONUMENT SIGN OFF-ROAD TRAIL SE CAMINO AVE SE INDIAN STSE AMHERST STSE BONITA STSE CLAYTON STSE DELMAR STSE ELLENDALE STSE FAIRMONT STSE GARDEN STSE HAWTHORNE STDIXIE H W YSE IRIS STSE JEFFERSON STOFF-ROAD TRAIL TRAIL TRAIL TRAILCONNECTION TRAIL TRAIL TRAIL ON-STREET PARKING PICNIC AREA PICNIC AREA PICNIC AREA WITH ORCHARD MARTIN COUNTY PAL CENTER ON-STREET PARKING TRAIL TRAIL TRAIL CROSSINGTRAIL CROSSINGTRAIL CROSSINGTRAIL CROSSINGTRAIL CROSSINGDROP-OFFTRAIL CROSSINGTRAIL CROSSINGTRAIL CROSSINGTRAIL CROSSINGVACUUM SEWER SYSTEM VACUUM SEWER SYSTEM BUS STOP FITNESS STATION EARTH MOUNDS Combined Concept FORMAL PARKTRELLIS @ ROAD END TRAIL VIEW gaiconsultants.com/communitysolutionsgroup RFP- 05-24-03 LH • Central Winds Park Master Plan Update Services • City of Winter Springs 59 Connectivity, Trails, and Trailheads Trail Connector tie-in to Withlacoochee Trail Park Linkage trail access into Whispering Pines Whispering Pines trail destination Downtown Inverness trail destination Withlacoochee Trail multi-use trail Trailhead connection to Withlacoochee Trail Forest Drive Gulf to Lake HighwayHighway 41Inverness Trailhead: Withlacoochie Trail Connector | Inverness, FL Sanford Riverwalk | Sanford, FL Golden Gate CRA Bike and Pedestrian Trail | Martin County, FL Kanawha Boulevard Bikeway | Charleston, WV GAI Consultants, Inc.60 RFP- 05-24-03 LH • Central Winds Park Master Plan Update Services • City of Winter Springs Urban Parks Victory Pointe Park | Clermont, FL Fort Mellon Park | Sanford, FLLake Beauty Park | Orlando, FL Payne Park | Sarasota, FL Kissimmee Lakefront Park | Kissimme, FL North Collier Regional Park | Collier County, FL gaiconsultants.com/communitysolutionsgroup RFP- 05-24-03 LH • Central Winds Park Master Plan Update Services • City of Winter Springs 61 Focus Groups and Public Input Casselberry Parks and Recreation Master Plan | Casselberry, FL Golden Gate Bike and Pedestrian Trail | Martin County, FL Martin Luther King, Jr. Park Master Plan | Winter Park, FLDew Drop Park | Casselberry, FL Orlando Parks and Recreation Vision and Master Plan | Orlando, FL GAI Consultants, Inc.62 RFP- 05-24-03 LH • Central Winds Park Master Plan Update Services • City of Winter Springs Parks and Recreation System Master Planning Casselberry Parks Walkability and Level of Service | Casselberry, FL St. Cloud Parks and Recreation Master Plan | St. Cloud, FL ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! !! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! !! ! ! ! Wirz Park Secret Lake Park Sunnytown Park Dew Drop Park Seminola SWF Lake Hodge Park Plumosa Oaks Park Sunset Park Forest Brook Park Lake Concord Park Casselberry Greenway Trailhead Crystal Bowl Park Sportsman's Park Lancelot Park Rotary Park Branch Tree Park Triplet Lake Boat RampVeteran's Park City of Casselberry - Parks & Recreation Master Plan Neighborhood-Park Service Areas: 5-min walk o 0 1,750 3,500 ft 0 – 1.9 Below Expectations 2.1 – 2.9 Meets Expectations 3.0 Exceeds Expectations Park Quality by Service Area (based on existing infrastructure) City Limit Park Boundary !Park Point-of-Entry Legend ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! !! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! Wirz Park Secret Lake Park Sunnytown Park Dew Drop Park Seminola SWF Lake Hodge Park Plumosa Oaks Park Sunset Park Forest Brook Park Lake Concord Park Casselberry Greenway Trailhead Crystal Bowl Park Sportsman's Park Lancelot Park Rotary Park Branch Tree Park Triplet Lake Boat RampVeteran's Park City of Casselberry - Parks & Recreation Master Plan Neighborhood-Park Service Areas: 10-min walk o 0 1,750 3,500 ft 0 – 1.9 Below Expectations 2.1 – 2.9 Meets Expectations 3.0 Exceeds Expectations Park Quality by Service Area (based on existing infrastructure) City Limit Park Boundary !Park Point-of-Entry Legend gaiconsultants.com/communitysolutionsgroup RFP- 05-24-03 LH • Central Winds Park Master Plan Update Services • City of Winter Springs 63 Jacksonville Master Recreation Improvement Plan (MRIP) | Jacksonville, FL St. Cloud Parks and Recreation Master Plan | St. Cloud, FL Orlando Parks and Recreation Master Plan | Orlando, FL GAI Consultants, Inc.64 RFP- 05-24-03 LH • Central Winds Park Master Plan Update Services • City of Winter Springs Conceptual Plans Wheeling Gateway Park | Wheeling, WV Lake Eola Park Master Plan | Orlando, FL Rolling Hills Park Trail and Master Plan | Seminole County, FL Art^2 Park | Orlando, FL Unity Park | Occoee, FLDew Drop Park | Casselberry, FL gaiconsultants.com/communitysolutionsgroup RFP- 05-24-03 LH • Central Winds Park Master Plan Update Services • City of Winter Springs 65 Gordon River Greenway Wayfinding | Naples, FL University of Florida Campus Wayfinding Master Plan | Gainesville, FL St. Cloud Downtown Wayfinding Master Plan | St. Cloud, FL I-Drive District Signage + Wayfinding | Orlando, FLFlorida AveFlorida AveMassachusse�s AveUS 192 US 192 US 192 10th St. 10th St. 10th St.10th St.Vermont AveVermont AveColumbia Budinger AveMississippi AveNew York AveMichigan AveEast Lakeshore Blvd Eas t L a k e s h o r e B lv d 12th St. 14th St. 15th St. 16th St. 17th St. 14th St. 15th St. 16th St. 17th St. 11th St. 9th St. 8th St. 7th St. 6th St. 5th St. 1st St.Montana Ave.Louisiana Ave.Georgia Ave.Tennessee Ave.Alabama Ave.California Ave.Dakota Ave.Jersey Ave.Jersey Ave.Winsconsin Ave.Missouri Ave.Connec�cut Ave.Minnesota Ave.Kentucky Ave.Massachuse�s Ave.Pensylvania Ave.Ohio Ave.Indiana Ave.Illinois Ave.Michigan Ave.Virginia Ave.Maryland Ave.Carolina Ave.Delaware Ave.Wyoming Ave.Oregon Ave.New York Ave.Louisiana Ave.Georgia Ave.Tennessee Ave.Alabama Ave.California Ave.Dakota Ave.Winsconsin Ave.Missouri Ave.Connec�cut Ave.Minnesota Ave.Kentucky Ave.Massachuse�s Ave.Pensylvania Ave.Ohio Ave.Indiana Ave.Illinois Ave.Virginia Ave.Maryland Ave.Carolina Ave.Delaware Ave.Wyoming Ave.Oregon Ave.Mississippi Ave.New York Ave.2nd St. 3rd St. 4th St. 12th St. 11th St. 9th St. 8th St. 7th St. 6th St. 5th St. 2nd St. 3rd St. 4th St. Cypress Ave. Cyp r e ss A ve. Civic Center/Parks & Recrea�on MAC Chris Lyle Aqua�cs Center Peghorn Nature Park St. Cloud Wheel Park Extreme Sports Complex St. Cloud BMX Veteran’s Memorial Park Hopkins Park St. Cloud Heritage Museum St. Cloud Fire Department O.P. Johnson Park PolynesianInn FloridianSunshineInn St. CloudCity Hall Veterans MemorialLibrary St. Cloud Twin Theater Hunter Arms Hotel Veterans of Foreign Wars St. Cloud Main Street Office The Women’s Club of St. Cloud St. Cloud Chamberof Commerce Budget InnSt. Cloud Day-ZeeInn Lakefront Park Marina Lakefront Park Godwin Park Mt. Peace Cemetery Health Department Dan Tarrell Memorial Point Ralph V. Chrisholm Regional Park & Public Boat Ramp(2.8 miles) Lake Runnymede Conserva�on Area& Nature Walk(0.5 miles) Lake Side Inn and CafeHome Suite Home Eastgate(out of analysis area) Stephanie Leigh Rothstein Memorial Park(0.7 miles) St. Cloud Square(1 mi.) Water Tower Park(3.0 miles) Community Center DowntownCity HallLakefrontPark• Downtown St. Cloud• St. Cloud’s Community Center• Chris Lyle Aquatics Center• St. Cloud Civic Center • St. Cloud City Hall• St. Cloud Lakefront & Marina/Lakefront Park &Dan Tarrell Memorial Point• St. Cloud Regional Medical Center • Public Parking City HallLakefrontParkRegionalMedical Ctr.AquaticsCenterCommunityCenterRegionalMedical Ctr.DowntownCity HallLakefrontParkDowntown City Hall LakefrontPark City HallAquaticsCenterRegionalMedical Ctr.City HallPublicParkingLakefrontParkPublic ParkingDowntownAquaticsCenterRegionalMedical Ctr.DowntownCity HallWaterfrontParkRegionalMedical Ctr.DowntownWaterfrontParkDowntownCity Hall WaterfrontPark PublicParking City Hall WaterfrontPark WaterfrontPark RegionalMedical Ctr.Aquatics CenterCommunity CenterCity HallPublicParkingCity HallDowntownPublicParkingCity HallDowntownRegionalMedical Ctr.PublicParkingDowntownCity HallPublicParkingPublicParkingCity HallAquaticsCenterCommunityCenterRegionalMedical Ctr.AquaticsCenterCommunityCenterRegionalMedical Ctr.AquaticsCenterCommunityCenterRegionalMedical Ctr.AquaticsCenterCommunityCenterRegionalMedical Ctr.RegionalMedical Ctr.AquaticsCenterCommunityCenterRegionalMedical Ctr.AquaticsCenterCommunityCenterAquaticsCenterCommunityCenter2’ 4’ 6’ 8’ 10’ 12’ 14’ 16’ 18’ City of St. Cloud Downtown Waynding System St. Cloud, FL Sign Design Palette - Option BDRAWING N O. SCALE: 1/2” = 1’DATE OF ISSUE REVISION 01 of 04 08/XX/2018 1 A GAI Consultants, Inc. Se rvice Group 618 E. South Street Suite 700Orlando, Florida 32801T 407.423.8398gainconsultants.com/community solutions Gorden River Greenway Wayfinding Workshop Signage and Wayfinding 2’ 4’ 6’ 8’ 10’ 12’ 14’ 16’ Sign Design Palette - Option ADRAWING NO.SCALE: 1/2” = 1’DATE OF ISSUEREVISION 03 of 0908/27/20191 - 10/10/2019 GAI Consultants, Inc. 618 E. South Street Suite 700Orlando, Florida 32801T 407.423.8398gainconsultants.com/community solutions (Front View)Large Vehicular Sign (FDOT Roads)Small Vehicular Sign (City/County Roads)Parking Direc�onal Pedestrian Kiosk Pedestrian Direc�onal I-Drive Wayfinding Master PlanOrange County, FL B4E2C4D3D5D2D4C1C2 BIG HOUSE LNEOLA PKWYE CHURCH STE CENTRAL BLVDE JACKSON STE JEFFERSON STE PINE STE ROBINSON STE WASHINGTON ST C33AB22AD2C2 2ED2D3 N COURT AVEN GARLAND AVEN GERTRUDE AVEN HUGHEY AVEN MAGNOLIA AVEN ORANGE AVEN ROSALIND AVEPALMETTO AVES COURT AVE STREETS A5A4D4F4E5B1D3B3B4 S GARLAND AVES HUGHEY AVES MAGNOLIA AVES ORANGE AVES ROSALIND AVESTATE LNWALL STW CENTRAL BLVDW CHURCH ST W JEFFERSON STW PINE STW ROBINSON STW WASHINGTON STB2B4B1B2 Sign Design Palette - Option ADRAWING NO.SCALE: 1/2” = 1’DATE OF ISSUEREVISION 01 of 0908/27/20191 - 10/10/2019 GAI Consultants, Inc. 618 E. South Street Suite 700Orlando, Florida 32801T 407.423.8398gainconsultants.com/community solutions I-Drive Wayfinding Master PlanOrange County, FL 2’ 4’ 6’ 8’ 10’ 12’ 14’ 16’ District Gateway Portrait (Front View) District Gateway Portrait (Front View)I-DRIVE2’ 4’ 6’ 8’ 10’ 12’ 14’ 16’ (Front View) (Top View) I-Drive Wayfinding Master PlanOrange County, FL Sign Design Palette - Option BDRAWING NO.SCALE: 1/2” = 1’DATE OF ISSUEREVISION 06 of 0908/27/20191 - 10/10/2019 GAI Consultants, Inc. 618 E. South Street Suite 700Orlando, Florida 32801T 407.423.8398gainconsultants.com/community solutions Large Vehicular Sign (FDOT Roads)Small Vehicular Sign (City/County Roads)Parking Direc�onal Pedestrian Kiosk Pedestrian Direc�onal DestinationDestinationDestinationDestinationDestinationDestinationDestination DestinationDestinationDestination SUBDISTRICTNAME B4E2C4D3D5D2D4C1C2 BIG HOUSE LNEOLA PKWYE CHURCH STE CENTRAL BLVDE JACKSON STE JEFFERSON STE PINE STE ROBINSON STE WASHINGTON ST C33AB22AD2C2 2ED2D3 N COURT AVEN GARLAND AVEN GERTRUDE AVEN HUGHEY AVEN MAGNOLIA AVEN ORANGE AVEN ROSALIND AVEPALMETTO AVES COURT AVE STREETS ATTRACTIONSA5A4D4F4E5B1D3B3B4 D3D3 C4D3E2 S GARLAND AVES HUGHEY AVES MAGNOLIA AVES ORANGE AVES ROSALIND AVESTATE LNWALL STW CENTRAL BLVDW CHURCH ST Orange County Regional History CenteOrlando Public Library1 Astrogenesis II 2 Global Convergence 3 Muse of DiscoveryE23 Muse of DiscoverySEE ART ORLANDO D3D3 C4D3E2 Orange County Regional History CenteOrlando Public Library1 Astrogenesis II 2 Global Convergence 3 Muse of DiscoveryE23 Muse of DiscoverySEE ART ORLANDO Sign Design Palette - Option BDRAWING NO.SCALE: 1/2” = 1’DATE OF ISSUEREVISION 04 of 0908/27/20191 - 10/10/2019 GAI Consultants, Inc. 618 E. South Street Suite 700Orlando, Florida 32801T 407.423.8398gainconsultants.com/community solutions I-Drive Wayfinding Master PlanOrange County, FL 2’ 4’ 6’ 8’ 10’ 12’ 14’ 16’ District Gateway(Front View)District Gateway(Side View) I-DRIVEwelcome to RESORT AREAI-DRIVE GAI Consultants, Inc.66 RFP- 05-24-03 LH • Central Winds Park Master Plan Update Services • City of Winter Springs Naming, Logo, Branding, and Website Design GO Pasco 4 Lake Beauty Park | Orlando, FL F Cost and Time Creating Great Community Places GAI CONSULTANTS | COMMUNITY SOLUTIONS GROUP gaiconsultants.com/communitysolutionsgroup RFP- 05-24-03 LH • Central Winds Park Master Plan Update Services • City of Winter Springs 67 F – COST AND TIME Scope of Work Based on our understanding of the project requirements, CSG will perform the following described Scope of Services: TASK 1 – THE FOUNDATION: RESEARCH AND SITE ANALYSIS 1.Research Project Initiation After notice to proceed, CSG will meet with the City to discuss the shared project management approach for the project, focusing on key personnel, schedules, data gathering, regular coordination meetings and other logistics, and to discuss key planning objectives. We will also look at issues and factors requiring special consideration, including overview summaries from the various City Departments relevant to this project. Following the initial City kick-off, CSG will conduct a separate kick-off meeting with the Parks and Recreation Advisory Committee (PRAC) to obtain input required for the development of the master plan. Based on ideas generated during these initial meetings and other assessments carried out as part of this task, the CSG will prepare and email a written program statement summarizing the program elements for the area's development. This program statement will be the basis for the preparation of the conceptual plan for the site. Site/Code Investigation CSG will obtain pertinent site information from the City, and review other existing site data, including availability of utilities, on-site and off-site drainage constraints, soils information, existing features, existing vegetation and other environmental features, adjacent land uses and adjacent roadway constraints and opportunities for boardwalk, trail, and walk connectivity. This information will be included in our deliverable for this task. Research existing published literature and available documents pertinent to the project area’s natural and cultural resources. Review existing databases from the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service (Service) and the Florida Fish and Wildlife Conservation Commission (FWC) for the presence of federal and state listed plant and animal species, including a search of the FWC database and the Audubon Society’s Eaglewatch database for the presence of Southern Bald Eagle nest(s) on site or within a one-mile radius of the project area. The review will also include a query of the Service’s Information for Planning and Consultation (IPaC) system (RFP Task 2.0). Feasibility Assessments Research demand and benchmarking for lodge/event center within the park at a high level including broader market trends and common market requirements necessary to support this kind of activity. Analysis would be supplemented by up to four case studies providing practical insight into any quantitative efforts. 2.Site Visits Natural Resources Assessment Conduct one site assessment to evaluate the presence of threatened and endangered species, critical habitat, and natural communities, including the presence of wetlands potentially within the jurisdiction of governmental agencies with statutory permitting authority following the 2010 Final Atlantic & Gulf Coast Supplement to the Corps of Engineers Wetlands Delineation Manual (1987) and the Unified Wetland Delineation Methodology for the State of Florida dated July 1, 1994. Delineation of the landward extent of wetlands is not included in this Scope of Services. Prepare a Natural Resources Assessment Report outlining the findings of the on-site field investigation. Included will be a discussion of the existing site conditions, a summary of those regulatory agencies with potential jurisdiction over portions of the site, and any opportunities and/or constraints posed by the presence of wetlands and threatened and endangered species, or species of special concern. Also included will be a land use map utilizing the Florida Land Use, Cover and Forms Classification System (FLUCCS) depicting the approximate land use limits for the project site based on observed conditions. Site Assessment During this phase of work, CSG will visit the site up to two (2) times to document these conditions and to document existing conditions of the park’s facilities and amenities. CSG will provide a graphic representation of the site issues and opportunities on an aerial exhibit, considering the items listed above. CSG will prepare a summary for the park that provides GAI Consultants, Inc.68 RFP- 05-24-03 LH • Central Winds Park Master Plan Update Services • City of Winter Springs an overview of the issues identified above. The summary will provide an overview of the site conditions and opportunities for improvements. CSG will meet with the City to review the site issues and opportunities and prepare for Task 2. Task 1 Deliverables: Site issues and opportunities Exhibit Summary of Feasibility Assessments, Natural Resources Assessment, and Site Assessments Program Statement TASK 2 – EXPLORING: CONCEPT PLANS Concept Plan Development Based on input received from City staff and PRAC, program statement and the issues and opportunities report, CSG will prepare two preliminary black and white concept plans for the park site to include the following items: 3.Transportation Map CSG will map existing vehicular and nonmotorized transportation assets including streets, trails, and walkways. This map will be a base for proposed vehicular and bicycle & pedestrian circulation improvements that increase access and connectivity to Central Winds Park and the park’s amenities. 4.Lighting Map CSG will map existing site light and provide a draft lighting opportunities plan. This task does not include photometric analysis of existing or proposed lighting conditions. 5.Landscape Map CSG will provide a draft landscape site plan informed by the site understanding and site program developed through Task 1. 6.Signage Plan CSG will prepare a signage plan based on the site inventory from Task 1, and aligns with the proposed strategic plan and transportation improvements, that will enhance wayfinding, accessibility, and education about the park. Following this, the project team will meet with the City review to review park programming and concepts. We will make a set of revisions prior to the community workshop. Community Workshop CSG will conduct and provide staffing for a single community workshop to review programmatic opportunities and the concept plans to coincide with a special event at the park arranged by the City. Task 2 Deliverables: Preliminary Concept Plans Public Engagement Summary TASK 3 – THE VISION: FINAL MASTER PLAN 7.Strategic Plan CSG will generate an implementation strategy for the five- and ten-year horizons. The strategy will include identified improvement projects with probable costs. Note: Construction costs are volatile and unpredictable. CSG will do their best to provide planning level estimates per phase for budgeting purposes but makes no guarantee of pricing when the project moves into construction. The Master plan will also include a section on potential funding sources, whether municipal capital funds, State & Federal grants, or other sources. 8.Narrative CSG will develop plan narrative sections on the following items: The benefits of adding a boardwalk to Central Winds Park’s shore line (RFP Task 1.0) The history and growth of the park as it relates to environmentally sensitive areas, habitats, and tree species (RFP Task 2.0). The feasibility and benefits of a potential lodge or event center in Central Winds Park, along with additional activities and amenities not currently in the park (RFP Task 3.0) Concession locations in passive areas of the park. 9.2024 Central Winds Master Plan Based on staff review comments of items provided in Task 2 above, CSG will prepare the final Central Winds Park Master Plan, 2024 Update document. The plan will contain formatted sections of the items generated above, along with narrative sections pertaining to each. The plan will also include a rendered, consolidated Park Master Plan graphic depicting the overall proposed improvements to the park. The overall graphic plan will address issues and opportunities, programmatic and design gaiconsultants.com/communitysolutionsgroup RFP- 05-24-03 LH • Central Winds Park Master Plan Update Services • City of Winter Springs 69 recommendations, access and connectivity, and innovative approaches to stormwater management /stormwater retrofits (Low Impact Development strategies). CSG will provide up to three (3) additional rendered graphic plans at a more detailed scale depicting up to three (3) specific areas of park improvement. CSG will generate up to five (5) supporting graphics to further illustrate the proposed improvements, which can include cross sections, sketches, or photosimulations. As part of the Master Plan document, CSG will provide final versions of the transportation improvements map, lighting opportunities map, and landscape opportunities map that were generated in Task 2 above. CSG will present the final master plan to City staff for final input on the plan and phasing. Following the meeting, CSG will finalize the plan based on staff input. Task 3 Deliverables: Final 2024 Central Winds Master Plan ASSUMPTIONS AND UNDERSTANDINGS The field delineation of wetlands or other jurisdictional surface waters potentially within the jurisdiction of governmental agencies with statutory permitting authority following the 2010 Final Atlantic and Gulf Coast Supplement to the Corps of Engineers Wetlands Delineation Manual (1987) and the Unified Wetland Delineation Methodology for the State of Florida dated July 1, 1994, is not included in this Scope of Services. Quantitative population surveys for any onsite protected plant and/or animal species are not included in this Scope of Services. Preparation of specific management plans for federal and state listed plant and animal species in accordance with established guidelines are not included in this Scope of Services. Cost Proposal Worksheet Pay Item #Item Description Unit Quantity Unit Price Total 1 Research Each 1 $29,460.00 $29,460.00 2 Site Visit Each 2 $4,200.00 $8,400.00 3 Transportation Map Each 1 $8,020.00 $8,020.00 4 Lighting Map Each 1 $7,180.00 $7,180.00 5 Landscape Map Each 1 $9,140.00 $9,140.00 6 Signage Plan Each 1 $7,220.00 $7,220.00 7 Strategic Plan Each 1 $16,700.00 $16,700.00 8 Narrative Each 1 $25,440.00 $25,440.00 9 2024 Central Winds Master Plan Each 1 $32,940.00 $32,940.00 Total Base Bid (Sum of All Items): $144,500.00 THE CSG TEAM'S RATE SCHEDULE IS INCLUDED ON THE FOLLOWING PAGE GAI Consultants, Inc.70 RFP- 05-24-03 LH • Central Winds Park Master Plan Update Services • City of Winter Springs 2024 Community Development Rate Schedule Professionals include Economists, Planners, Designers, Landscape Architects, and Engineers. Any changes in hourly rates to reflect increases in cost of living, taxes, benefits, etc. will take effect on January 1, 2025. Rates in the below table are "loaded" hourly rates and include all overhead, costs, and benefits per hourly unit rate. Labor Classification Invoice Rate Expert Witness $350.00 CSG Senior Director 3 $350.00 CSG Senior Director 2 $315.00 CSG Senior Director 1 $295.00 CSG Director 2 $265.00 CSG Director 1 $235.00 CSG Senior Manager 2 $215.00 CSG Senior Manager 1 $195.00 CSG Manager $175.00 CSG Assistant Manager $165.00 CSG Senior Professional 2 $155.00 CSG Senior Professional 1 $145.00 CSG Professional 2 $135.00 CSG Professional 1 $125.00 CSG Senior Project Technician $115.00 CSG Project Technician 2 $110.00 CSG Project Technician 1 $95.00 CSG Technician 1 $85.00 Principal $360.00 Technical/Professional 30 $345.00 Technical/Professional 29 $330.00 Technical/Professional 28 $320.00 Technical/Professional 27 $310.00 Technical/Professional 26 $300.00 Technical/Professional 25 $285.00 Technical/Professional 24 $275.00 Technical/Professional 23 $260.00 Technical/Professional 22 $245.00 Technical/Professional 21 $235.00 Technical/Professional 20 $225.00 Technical/Professional 19 $220.00 Technical/Professional 18 $210.00 Technical/Professional 17 $200.00 Technical/Professional 16 $195.00 Technical/Professional 15 $185.00 Technical/Professional 14 $175.00 Technical/Professional 13 $165.00 Technical/Professional 12 $155.00 Technical/Professional 11 $145.00 Technical/Professional 10 $140.00 Technical/Professional 09 $135.00 Technical/Professional 08 $125.00 Technical/Professional 07 $115.00 Technical/Professional 06 $110.00 Technical/Professional 05 $105.00 Technical/Professional 04 $100.00 Technical/Professional 03 $95.00 Technical/Professional 02 $90.00 Technical/Professional 01 $85.00 Technical/Support 2 $80.00 Technical/Support 1 $75.00 Lake Monroe Wayside Park | Seminole County, FL G Mandatory Proposal Forms Creating Great Community Places GAI CONSULTANTS | COMMUNITY SOLUTIONS GROUP gaiconsultants.com/communitysolutionsgroup RFP- 05-24-03 LH • Central Winds Park Master Plan Update Services • City of Winter Springs 71 GAI Consultants, Inc.72 RFP- 05-24-03 LH • Central Winds Park Master Plan Update Services • City of Winter Springs [PAGE LEFT INTENTIONALLY LEFT BLANK] Insurance Requirements Form (1 page) gaiconsultants.com/communitysolutionsgroup RFP- 05-24-03 LH • Central Winds Park Master Plan Update Services • City of Winter Springs 73 GAI Consultants, Inc.74 RFP- 05-24-03 LH • Central Winds Park Master Plan Update Services • City of Winter Springs [PAGE LEFT INTENTIONALLY LEFT BLANK] Scrutinized Company Certification ( Page 1) gaiconsultants.com/communitysolutionsgroup RFP- 05-24-03 LH • Central Winds Park Master Plan Update Services • City of Winter Springs 75 GAI Consultants, Inc.76 RFP- 05-24-03 LH • Central Winds Park Master Plan Update Services • City of Winter Springs [PAGE LEFT INTENTIONALLY LEFT BLANK] Scrutinized Company Certification ( Page 2) gaiconsultants.com/communitysolutionsgroup RFP- 05-24-03 LH • Central Winds Park Master Plan Update Services • City of Winter Springs 77 GAI Consultants, Inc.78 RFP- 05-24-03 LH • Central Winds Park Master Plan Update Services • City of Winter Springs [PAGE LEFT INTENTIONALLY LEFT BLANK] Non-Collusion Affidavit (Page 1) gaiconsultants.com/communitysolutionsgroup RFP- 05-24-03 LH • Central Winds Park Master Plan Update Services • City of Winter Springs 79 GAI Consultants, Inc.80 RFP- 05-24-03 LH • Central Winds Park Master Plan Update Services • City of Winter Springs [PAGE LEFT INTENTIONALLY LEFT BLANK] Drug Free Workplace Certification (Page 1) gaiconsultants.com/communitysolutionsgroup RFP- 05-24-03 LH • Central Winds Park Master Plan Update Services • City of Winter Springs 81 GAI Consultants, Inc.82 RFP- 05-24-03 LH • Central Winds Park Master Plan Update Services • City of Winter Springs [PAGE LEFT INTENTIONALLY LEFT BLANK] Public Entity Crimes Statement (Page 1) gaiconsultants.com/communitysolutionsgroup RFP- 05-24-03 LH • Central Winds Park Master Plan Update Services • City of Winter Springs 83 GAI Consultants, Inc.84 RFP- 05-24-03 LH • Central Winds Park Master Plan Update Services • City of Winter Springs [PAGE LEFT INTENTIONALLY LEFT BLANK] Public Entity Crimes Statement (Page 2) gaiconsultants.com/communitysolutionsgroup RFP- 05-24-03 LH • Central Winds Park Master Plan Update Services • City of Winter Springs 85 GAI Consultants, Inc.86 RFP- 05-24-03 LH • Central Winds Park Master Plan Update Services • City of Winter Springs [PAGE LEFT INTENTIONALLY LEFT BLANK] E-Verify Statement (1 Page) gaiconsultants.com/communitysolutionsgroup RFP- 05-24-03 LH • Central Winds Park Master Plan Update Services • City of Winter Springs 87 GAI Consultants, Inc.88 RFP- 05-24-03 LH • Central Winds Park Master Plan Update Services • City of Winter Springs gaiconsultants.com/communitysolutionsgroup RFP- 05-24-03 LH • Central Winds Park Master Plan Update Services • City of Winter Springs 89 GAI Consultants, Inc.90 RFP- 05-24-03 LH • Central Winds Park Master Plan Update Services • City of Winter Springs [PAGE LEFT INTENTIONALLY LEFT BLANK] RFP # 05-24-03 LH MANDATORY FORM SMWBE UTILIZATION PLAN Small, Minority, and Women’s Business Enterprises (SMWBE), and Labor Surplus Area Firms Utilization PROPOSER Company Name: __________________________________________________________________ Project Name : RFP Number : RFP # 05-24-03 LH Central Winds Park Master Plan Update Services CFR §200.321 requires local governments to take all necessary affirmative steps to assure that minority business, women’s business enterprises, and labor surplus area firms are used when possible. The CITY requires that PROPOSERS (Prime Contractors), if subcontracts are to be let, to take the five affirmative steps as cited below. Please describe your firm’s plan for identifying and potential use of SMWBE and Labor Surplus Area Firms. Additional pages may be attached, as necessary. •Placing qualified small and minority business and women’s business enterprises on solicitation lists. •Assuring that small and minority businesses, and women’s business enterprises are solicited whenever they are potential sources. • Dividing total requirements, when economically feasible, into smaller tasks or quantities to permit maximum participation by small and minority business and women’s business enterprises. •Establishing delivery schedules where the requirement permits, which encourage participation by small and minority businesses, and women’s business enterprises and veteran owned businesses. •Using the services and assistance, as appropriate, of such organizations as the Small Business Administration or the Florida Office of Supplier Diversity https://www.dms.myflorida.com/agency_administration/office_of_supplier_diversity_osd GAI Consultants, Inc. Central Winds Park Master Plan Update Services gaiconsultants.com/communitysolutionsgroup RFP- 05-24-03 LH • Central Winds Park Master Plan Update Services • City of Winter Springs 91 GAI is not a certified SBE/MBE/WBE/VBE firm; however, we work in partnership with our clients to support their SBE/MBE/ WBE/VBE programs. GAI’s approach to partnering with firms is to work with DBE firms that can act as an extension of our staff to provide meaningful and valued project services. We have established working relationships with a large number of SBE/MBE/ WBE/VBE firms, and we actively pursue new relationships with qualified SBE/MBE/WBE/VBE firms. Commitment to Diversity Within the Firm GAI understands the importance of employing a diverse workforce, and is committed to promoting diversity among the directors, officers, members, and employees of the company. We believe that diverse cultural perspectives and creativity drive innovation. In Mid-2020, GAI formed a Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion (DEI) Committee which is made up of members from all levels of the organization with diverse backgrounds. The DEI Committee's current focus in developing awareness campaigns and increased educations for DEI in the workplace. In addition, GAI has an Affimative Action Program and has pledged full support to the program and its policy of nondiscrimination and equal opportunity, in compliance with Executive Order 11246, as amended, as well as applicable state and local laws, directives and regulations. "GAI Consultants, Inc. will recruit, hire, train and promote persons in all job titles without regard to race, color or creed, religion, ancestry, national origin, sex, sexual orientation, age, marital status, disability status, protected veteran status or status with regard to public assistance." We will insure that hiring and promotion decisions are in accord with equal employment opportunity principles by imposing only requirements which are job related or do not have an adverse impact, and that other employment decisions further the principle of equal employment opportunity. Commitment to Diversity In the Community GAI is fully committed to diversity in the Northeast Florida community and beyond. This commitment is demonstrated by GAI’s investment in women and minority owned businesses, several of which have been key partners for over 20 years. GAI’s commitment to diversity within the community is also demonstrated by its support of a variety initiatives to improve minority neighborhoods and expand community relations. Such initiatives include the LaVilla Redevelopment, 8th Street Streetscape, Lift Every Voice and Sing Park, and Pineloch Elementary School. GAI'S MISSION STATEMENT THAT DEFINES OUR GUIDING PRINCIPLES ON DIVERSITY, EQUITY, AND INCLUSION GAI is committed to diversity, equity, and inclusion through fostering a workforce that represents different communities, cultures, and viewpoints. We will continue to build mutual trust and respect where employees are empowered to share their diverse perspectives, experiences, and ideas. Pineloch Elementary STREAM Program GAI Consultants, Inc.92 RFP- 05-24-03 LH • Central Winds Park Master Plan Update Services • City of Winter Springs Orlando Parks and Recreation Vision and Master Plan | Orlando, FL H Florida State Corporate Filing Creating Great Community Places GAI CONSULTANTS | COMMUNITY SOLUTIONS GROUP gaiconsultants.com/communitysolutionsgroup RFP- 05-24-03 LH • Central Winds Park Master Plan Update Services • City of Winter Springs 93 Document Number FEI/EIN Number Date Filed State Status Last Event Event Date Filed Event Effective Date Department of State / Division of Corporations / Search Records / Search by Entity Name / Detail by Entity Name Foreign Profit Corporation G-A-I CONSULTANTS, INC. Filing Information 833525 25-1260999 12/11/1974 PA ACTIVE CORPORATE MERGER 12/22/2003 12/31/2003 Principal Address 385 EAST WATERFRONT DR. HOMESTEAD, PA 15120-5005 Changed: 10/22/2012 Mailing Address 385 EAST WATERFRONT DR. HOMESTEAD, PA 15120-5005 Changed: 02/05/2016 Registered Agent Name & Address CORPORATION SERVICE COMPANY 1201 HAYS STREET TALLAHASSEE, FL 32301 Name Changed: 06/26/2023 Address Changed: 06/26/2023 Officer/Director Detail Name & Address Title CEO D������� �� C����������Florida Department of State DEJIDAS, GARY M 385 East Waterfront Drive Homestead, PA 15120 Title Sr. Vice President / Treasurer/ Secretary PALVISAK, KARL S 385 East Waterfront Drive Homestead, PA 15120 Title President Morrocco, Anthony F 385 E Waterfront Drive Homestead, PA 15120 Title Senior VP, President Transportation & Infrastructure Leadbetter, Kevin 12574 Flagler Center Blvd Ste 202 Jacksonville, FL 32258 Title Executive VP, President Power & Energy/ CAO/ Assistant Secretary Gould, Stephen 385 EAST WATERFRONT DR. HOMESTEAD, PA 15120-5005 Title VP Leo, Kathleen 618 E South Street STE 700 Orlando, FL 32801 Title VP Sechler, Peter 618 E South St STE 700 Orlando, FL 32801 Title VP Bevilacqua, David 385 EAST WATERFRONT DR. HOMESTEAD, PA 15120-5005 Title Senior VP/ CFO H – FLORIDA STATE CORPORATE FILLING Florida Florida Division of Corporations Registration (SunBiz) GAI Consultants, Inc.94 RFP- 05-24-03 LH • Central Winds Park Master Plan Update Services • City of Winter Springs [PAGE LEFT INTENTIONALLY LEFT BLANK] Ocoee Master Stormwater Pond and Park – Unity Park | Ocoee, FL Appendix A – Key Staff Resumes Creating Great Community Places GAI CONSULTANTS | COMMUNITY SOLUTIONS GROUP gaiconsultants.com/communitysolutionsgroup RFP- 05-24-03 LH • Central Winds Park Master Plan Update Services • City of Winter Springs A-1 Andrea, a Landscape Architect in GAI's Community Solutions Group (CSG), is identity focused, believing that the interweaving of the places we have been creates the people we are. Through landscape architecture, she strives to form the places that both represent and craft the identities of people and their communities. HIGHLIGHTED EXPERIENCE Plantation Station, Plantation, FL Citywide Park System Design Guidelines, Gainesville,FL Lorna Doone Park, Orlando, FL Mount Dora Parks and Recreation Master Plan (PRMP), Mount Dora, FL Golden Gate Bike and Pedestrian Trail, Martin County, FL The Packing District Stormwater Park, Orlando, FL Independence Square, Maitland, FL Dixie Road Streetscape, Martin County, FL Chisholm Park Master Plan, St. Cloud, FL Casselberry Go Bond Referendum, Casselberry, FL City of Orlando Parks and Recreation Vision and Master Plan, Orlando, FL Waterfront Park and Marina Master Plan, St. Cloud, FL St. Cloud Parks and Recreation Master Plan, St. Cloud, FL Packing District Streetscapes and Parks, Dr. Phillips, Inc., Orlando, FL NeoCity Streetscapes Master Plan, Osceola County, FL Independence Lane, Maitland, FL University of Florida (UF) Wayfinding Master Plan, Gainesville, FL City of Atlanta Parks and Recreation Master Plan, Atlanta, GA Ocoee Downtown Master Plan, Ocoee, FL Eola Park Master Plan, Orlando, FL Gainesville Park Wayfinding, Gainesville, FL Haines City Municipal Pool, Hanies City, FL Leesburg Mainstreet Plan, Leesburg, FL Maitland Bike-Ped Master Plan, Maitland, FL Rolling Hills Park Trail and Master Plan, Rolling Hills, FL Seminole County Parks and Recreation Master Plan, Seminole County, FL Andrea Penuela, PLA Landscape Architect CONTRACT ROLE Project Manager/Primary Point of Contact YEARS OF EXPERIENCE 8 EDUCATION BLA, Landscape Architecture (Summa Cum Laude) (Minor: Wildlife Ecology and Conservation), 2017, University of Florida SPECIALIZED SKILLS Landscape Architecture Bilingual (Spanish/English) Photoshop Illustrator InDesign AutoCAD SketchUp ArcGIS Lumion Revit AWARDS + HONORS FANN Real Florida Landscapes Design Competition 2015, Central Florida Award, Florida Association of Native Nurseries – Innovative Design with Native Plants Tremron Scholarship Award 2015, University of Florida + Tremron – Innovative Paving Design Gilkey Third Year Student Professional Planting Design Scholarship Award 2015 – Faculty-Selected, Merit-Based Foster Conant Award Scholarship 2015, 2016 – Faculty-Selected, Merit-Based The Packing District Stormwater Park Orlando, FL Independence Square Maitland, FL Golden Gate Bike and Pedestrian Trail Martin County, FL GAI Consultants, Inc.A-2 RFP- 05-24-03 LH • Central Winds Park Master Plan Update Services • City of Winter Springs Wekiva River Wild and Scenic Management Plan Central FL Lake Alfred Parks and Recreation Master Plan Lake Alfred, FL Haines City Municipal Pool/Aquatic Facility at Ben W. Graham Park Haines City, FL Kristin has 24 years of extensive parks and recreation management and planning experience involving managing several multimillion-dollar parks and recreation projects, and providing master plan implementation and phasing plans services for public sector clients. Kristin thoroughly understands the municipal park planning process through her experience as a previous Parks and Recreation Director, where she was actively involved in all aspects of park planning, including extensive public involvement and facilitation. She is a Certified Park and Recreation Executive, Florida Crime Prevention Through Environmental Design (CPTED) Practitioner, and was named to Engineering News-Record’s Southeast Top 20 under 40 in 2015. HIGHLIGHTED EXPERIENCE Golden Gate Pedestrian and Bike Trail, Martin County, FL Ember Dog Park, Haines City, FL Cauley Lott Park, Mount Dora, FL Alachua County Parks and Recreation Master Plan, Alachua County, FL St. Cloud Parks and Recreation Master Plan, St. Cloud, FL Chisholm Park Master Plan, St. Cloud, FL Architectural and Engineering Services for Miscellaneous Park Improvement Projects – Annual Contract (North), Jacksonville, FL Whispering Pines Park, Inverness, FL Maitland Bicycle and Pedestrian Master Plan, Maitland, FL Lake Alfred Parks and Recreation Master Plan, Lake Alfred, FL Haines City Pool/Aquatic Facility at Ben W. Graham Park, Haines City, FL Mount Dora Pickelball Site Plan, Mount Dora, FL City of Sebastian Parks Signage Plan, Sebastian, FL Martin Luther King, Jr. Park Master Plan, Winter Park, FL Parks, Recreation, Pathways and Open Spaces Master Plan, Casselberry, FL Martin County Parks and Recreation Master Plan, Martin County, FL First Coast Aquatic Center, Jacksonville, FL South Lake Regional Park, Lake County, FL Bayshore Gateway Triangle Public Art and Placemaking Planning Services, Collier County, Naples, FL Parks and Recreation Continuing Services Contract, Osceola County, FL Daughtery Park Master Plan and Construction Documents, Polk County, FL Palm Bay Trailblazer Grant Public Input, Palm Bay, FL Continuing Parks Engineering, Design and Planning Services, Polk County, FL Kristin Caborn, CPRE, FCP Parks and Public Spaces Director CONTRACT ROLE Project Executive YEARS OF EXPERIENCE 24 EDUCATION MS, Recreational Studies, 2000, University of Florida BS, Recreation (Honors), 1997, University of Florida LICENSES + CERTIFICATIONS Certified Park and Recreation Executive (CPRE), National Recreation and Park Association, Florida (11160) Crime Prevention Through Environmental Design (CPTED) SPECIALIZED SKILLS Park and Recreation System Planning Public Outreach + Engagement AFFILIATIONS Florida Recreation and Parks Association (FRPA) Foundation Trustee, President, 2013–2014 Member of the first class of Certified Park and Recreation Executives through NRPA Board Member, Florida Design Out Crime Association, a Crime Prevention Through Environmental Design (CPTED) Network National Recreation and Park Association Florida Recreation and Park Association (FRPA) AWARDS + HONORS Top 20 under 40, Engineering News- Record, 2015 gaiconsultants.com/communitysolutionsgroup RFP- 05-24-03 LH • Central Winds Park Master Plan Update Services • City of Winter Springs A-3 Lake Beauty Park Orlando, FL Wildlight Community Master Plan Nassau County, FL South Main Complete Street Gainesville, FL Donald is a Director and Senior Design Leader for GAI’s Community Solutions Group (CSG), with more than 30 years of diverse landscape architecture experience. He focuses on creating innovative livable, sustainable places, and has worked on an extensive range of resort, recreational, residential, civic, and commercial projects located throughout the U.S. Donald’s experience includes master planning, sustainable site design, streetscape design, and detailed landscape architectural design and construction documentation—with expertise in creating and developing project vision and character and bringing that conception to the built form. HIGHLIGHTED EXPERIENCE South Main Complete Street, Gainesville, FL Lake Eola Park Master Plan, Orlando, FL Victory Pointe Park, Clermont, FL Soccer Training Facility at Wildlight, Nassau County, FL MLK, Jr. Park Master Plan, Winter Park, FL Lake Beauty Park, Orlando, FL Lake Hiawatha Preserve Park, Clermont, FL Doral 116th Street Park, Doral, FL Vance Harmon Park, Osceola County, FL Laureate City Soccer Park, Orlando, FL Laureate Park Community, Lake Nona, Orlando, FL Clermont Downtown Waterfront Master Plan, Clermont, FL Gatherings® of Lake Nona, Orlando, FL South Main Street, Gainesville, FL Independence Lane, Maitland, FL Whispering Pines Park, Inverness, FL Inverness Wayfinding, Inverness, FL Port Orange Riverwalk, Port Orange, FL University of Central Florida Campus Gateway, Orlando, FL University of Central Florida, Campus Landscape Master Plan, Orlando, FL Wildlight Village Center, Nassau County, FL Baldwin Park Village Center Streetscape and Common Areas, Orlando, FL Camp Twin Lakes, Morgan County, GA Lenora Community Park, Gwinnett County, GA Bethesda Community Park, Lawrenceville, GA Donald Wishart, PLA, ASLA, Landscape Architecture Director CONTRACT ROLE Project Director YEARS OF EXPERIENCE 32 EDUCATION BLA, Landscape Architecture (with Honors), 1989, University of Florida LICENSES + CERTIFICATIONS Professional Landscape Architect (PLA): FL – 1998, #LA0001626 SPECIALIZED SKILLS Landscape Architecture Sustainable Site Design Urban Landscapes Innovative Low Impact Development (LID) Stormwater Strategies AWARDS + HONORS Florida Chapter – American Society of Landscape Architects (FLASLA) –Award of Excellence, Nemours Children's Hospital, 2013 –Award of Honor, Lake Beauty Park, 2013 –Environmental Sustainability Honor, Lake Beauty Park, 2013 –Award of Honor, Broad Street Park, Baldwin Park, FL, 2003 –Award of Merit – Community Parks and Open Space, Baldwin Park, FL, 2008 –Award of Honor, Broad Street Park, Baldwin Park, FL, 2003 GAI Consultants, Inc.A-4 RFP- 05-24-03 LH • Central Winds Park Master Plan Update Services • City of Winter Springs GAI Consultants, Inc.4 RFP- 05-24-03 LH • Central Winds Park Master Plan Update Services • City of Winter Springs Jon has proven experience in project planning, quality assurance, multimedia communications, and client services. He is exceptional at implementing new skills and thrives both independently and within a team environment. He has experience working with all facets of landscape architecture and is able to convey the design intension through conceptual perspective sketches. Jon's project experience also includes award-winning landscape architecture and planning projects for clients such as Polk County Parks, City of Sanford, and Lake Nona. HIGHLIGHTED EXPERIENCE St. Petersburg Pier, St. Petersburg, FL. Landscape Architect for conceptual master planning and architecture as part of a design competition for the St. Petersburg Pier. The design solution transforms the St. Petersburg Pier into a new public destination combining art, cultural history, and Marine education that showcases St. Petersburg’s multidimensional community. Christina Park, Polk County, FL. Worked with the County’s Parks team to design and renovate an existing softball park into a girl’s fast pitch softball venue that was featured in the 2013 NSA Southern World Series. Provided conceptual design through construction administration services and ensured a timely, on- budget, first-class championship softball venue. Fort Blount Park, Bartow, FL. Landscape Architect for conceptual design, presentation graphics, and supervision of the construction document process. Transformed previously existing parking lot into a beautiful civil park commemorating Polk County’s history, and inspired by the historic former county courthouse. Design elements included 12 columns with historical facts and a shallow, 3-tiered reflection fountain inspired by a beautiful, fleur-de-lis mosaic from the original courthouse floor. City of Sanford Downtown Plan, Sanford, FL. Landscape Designer for site analysis, conceptual design, and presentation graphics for the Downtown Master Plan, Riverwalk, First Street Improvements, and Memorial Park Design. Worked with the Urban Design and Master Planning teams to help restore the historic traditional downtown and stimulate economic development. Participated in public outreach through community charrettes and town meetings. (Project won ASLA Award of Honor) Sanford Riverwalk, Sanford, FL. Landscape Designer responsible for creating the vision and character for the 6,000-lf Riverwalk and produced construction documents. As the “front porch” to the community, design elements were inspired by the architecture from the memorial park’s old band pavilion, which included shade overlook pavilions, garden trellis swing structures, seating walls and educational displays. (Project won FPZA Award of Honor) Niceville Waterfront Master Plan, Niceville, FL. Senior Landscape Architect and urban designer for the Niceville Landings waterfront redevelopment project, a 5+-acre site in the historic waterfront downtown area of the city and the City’s Community Redevelopment Area. Golden Gate Trail, Martin County, FL. Principal Landscape Architect for the design of a 10-block linear park located in the City of Stuart’s Golden Gate CRA. The project scope includes schematic design, public involvement, construction documents, and construction phase services. Park Avenue Streetscape, Lake Wales, FL. Principal Landscape Architect for the design of the City of Lake Wales’s Park Avenue Streetscape, which functions as the heart of the downtown shopping district. The streetscape is a building face-to-building face project, which balances the automobile-dominated street by converting the oversized one-way street with angled parking into a two-way street with parallel parking. Jon Templin, PLA Landscape Architecture Manager CONTRACT ROLE Lead Designer YEARS OF EXPERIENCE 19 EDUCATION BA, Landscape Architecture, 1999, Virginia Polytechnic Institute & State University LICENSES + CERTIFICATIONS Professional Landscape Architect (PLA): FL – 2008, #LA6667227; NC – 2022, #2314 SPECIALIZED SKILLS Building Information Modeling (BIM) Conceptual Design Construction Administration Master Planning gaiconsultants.com/communitysolutionsgroup RFP- 05-24-03 LH • Central Winds Park Master Plan Update Services • City of Winter Springs A-5 Ruth is responsible for the management, design, and production of a variety of project types. She is personally active in overseeing public and commercial projects throughout Florida. Her attention to detail and strong communication skills have earned her a reputation as an effective and efficient Project Manager. She has the innate ability to keep projects on track, which has earned her the confidence of clients and peers alike. Ruth regularly manages projects of great complexity, including those with large subconsultant teams, keeping these projects on schedule and budget. Her expertise in the profession ranges from small-scale private gardens to large-scale resorts, residential communities, parks, streetscapes, educational facilities, and design guidelines HIGHLIGHTED EXPERIENCE Leesburg Main Street Streetscape, Leesburg, FL South Lake County Regional Park, Lake County, FL Victory Pointe Park, Clermont, FL Fort Mellon Park Phase I & II, Sanford, FL Venetian Gardens Park, Leesburg, FL Lake County East Lake Community Park, Sorrento, FL Menedez Seawall and Promenade, St. Augustine, FL Cleveland Street Streetscape Phase I and II, Clearwater, FL Broadway Streetscape and US 17/92, Kissimmee, FL Canal Street Streetscape/SR 44, New Smyrna Beach, FL City Gateway Features, Oviedo, FL Toho Square Pedestrian Plaza, Kissimmee, FL North Collier Regional Park, Naples, FL Soldier’s Creek Park, Longwood, FL East Lake Park, Lake County, FL Ferran Park, Eustis, FL Lorna Doone Park, Orlando, FL Plymouth Avenue Soccer Park, Volusia County, FL Royal Palms Tennis Complex Master Plan, Palm Coast, FL Seminole Woods Park, Palm Coast, FL Strickland Community Park Master Plan, Volusia County, FL Volusia County Dog Park, Volusia County, FL Tiger Minor Park Master Plan, Ocoee, FL Woodlea Sports Complex, Tavares, FL Ruth Perry, PLA Landscape Architecture Manager CONTRACT ROLE Landscape Architecture YEARS OF EXPERIENCE 34 EDUCATION BLA, Landscape Architecture, 1988, University of Florida LICENSES + REGISTRATIONS Professional Landscape Architect (PLA): FL – 1995, #LA0001530 Council of Landscape Architecture Registration Board (CLARB) SPECIALIZED SKILLS Landscape Architecture AFFILIATIONS American Society of Landscape Architects Florida Recreation and Park Association, #15324 Lake Nona Design Review Board Leesburg Main Street Streetscape Leesburg, FL Fort Melon Park Sanford, FL Cleveland Street Streetscape Clearwater, FL GAI Consultants, Inc.A-6 RFP- 05-24-03 LH • Central Winds Park Master Plan Update Services • City of Winter Springs Laureate City Park "Heroes Park" Orlando, FL Lake Beauty Park Orlando, FL Victory Pointe Park Clermont, FL Aimee has demonstrated expertise in project management and civil site design for commercial, residential, institutional, municipal, and private projects. Her design work includes grading, drainage, storm sewer systems, stormwater management facilities, water systems, sanitary sewers, pump stations, and roadways. Aimee develops construction drawings and specifications, and prepares permit application packages for submittal and processing through various local, state, and federal permitting agencies. Her civil engineering experience includes urban infill, hospitality and streetscape/roadway projects, healthcare campus master planning, enabling/infrastructure, and expansion projects. She has also prepared feasibility studies, flood mitigation analyses, and engineer’s estimates of probable cost. In addition to her PE license and MBA, Aimee holds advanced certification for maintenance of traffic design. HIGHLIGHTED EXPERIENCE Clermont Boat Ramp and Trail Relocation, Clermont, FL Orlando City Lions Soccer Training Facility at Lake Nona, Orlando, FL Coastline Park and Trailhead, Sanford, FL Victory Pointe Park, Clermont, FL Atwater Park Phase III, North Port, FL Lake Beauty Health Park, Orlando, FL Orlando Health General Services, Orlando, FL Lake Lorna Doone Park, Orlando, FL Lake Nona Soccer Fields, Orlando, FL Orlando Events Center Roadway, Orlando, FL City of Orlando Fire Station No. 1, Orlando, FL Streetscape Projects, New Smyrna Beach, FL City of Winter Park Orange Avenue Enhancements Project, Winter Park, FL Winter Park Train Station, City of Winter Park, FL Orlando Utility Commission (OUC) Administration Building, Orlando, FL Orlando Events Center Roadway, Orlando, FL Laureate City Park “Heroes Park”, Orlando, FL Spring Hammock Preserve Phase 1 Master Plan Improvements, Seminole County, FL Terwilliger Trail, Sanford, FL LIFT Orlando Early Learning Center, Orlando, FL Dr. Phillips Packing District, Orlando, FL Creative Village Development Projects, Orlando, FL Aimee Shields, PE Senior Engineering Manager CONTRACT ROLE Civil Engineering YEARS OF EXPERIENCE 21 EDUCATION MBA, Business Administration, 2017, Point Park University BS, Civil Engineering, 2003, Villanova University LICENSES + CERTIFICATIONS Professional Engineer (PE): FL – 2008, #68011 SPECIALIZED SKILLS Civil Engineering Infrastructure Engineering and Design Permitting Sanitary Sewer System Analysis and Design Stormwater Management Stormwater Pollution Prevention Control AFFILIATIONS National Engineering Honor Society, Tau Beta Pi National Civil and Environmental Engineering Honor Society, Chi Epsilon HONORS + AWARDS Engineering News-Record Southeast’s Top Young Professionals, 2019 gaiconsultants.com/communitysolutionsgroup RFP- 05-24-03 LH • Central Winds Park Master Plan Update Services • City of Winter Springs A-7 St. Petersburg WADA and Deuces Live Action Plan St. Petersburg, FL OBTNext Orlando, FL Denning Drive Streetscape Winter Park, FL Claudia’s background in the field of architecture, urban planning, and design distinguishes her as valuable asset to GAI's Community Solutions Group. While working in the public and private sector, she specialized in local, regional, and international projects related to vision, planning, and community engagement. The focus of her work now includes research, data analysis, site analysis, outreach, project branding, visioning, design, and strategic planning for public and private clients. Claudia is highly skilled in the utilization of GIS, 3D, and 2D graphic technologies for the creation of geodatabases, analyses, and base mapping, for use in visioning plans, reports, and presentations. She is also familiar with online engagement tools, such as Engage Plans, Engage Apps, and GIS Story Boards. HIGHLIGHTED EXPERIENCE OBTNext, a Corridor Master Plan for the Orange Blossom Trail (OBT) Corridor, Orange County, FL St. Petertsburg Warehouse Arts District (WADA) and Deuces Live Action Plan, St. Petersburg, FL Eatonville CRA Plan Update, Town of Eatonville, Eatonville, FL Ocoee Downtown Master Plan, Ocoee, FL Cleveland Street and Gulf to Bay Boulevard Streetscape, Clearwater, FL Denning Drive Streetscape, City of Winter Park, FL University Club (Modera Central) Streetscape, Milk Creek, Orlando, FL Wauwatosa Village Streetscapes and Parks Milwaukee County, Wauwatosa, WI LaVilla Neighborhood Development Strategy, Jacksonville, FL Zephyrhills CRA Plan Update, Zephyrhills, FL City o f Clermont Master Plan, Clermont, FL Denning Drive Road Diet, Winter Park, FL St. Petersburg Innovation District, St. Petersburg, FL Jacksonville Parks and Recreation Master Plan, Jacksonville, FL Lakeland Downtown West Action Plan, Lakeland, FL Gainesville CRA South Main Street, Gainesville, FL Orlando Health General Planning, Orlando, FL Claudia Ray Senior Project Planner CONTRACT ROLE Lead Planner YEARS OF EXPERIENCE 17 EDUCATION MS, Architecture and Urban Design, 2012, Columbia University B. Architecture, 2005, Universidad Simon Bolivar, Venezuela SPECIALIZED SKILLS Urban Planning and Design Community Engagement Streetscape Design Languages – English, Spanish AFFILIATIONS American Planning Association – Florida (APA-FL) Sun Coast Chapter / Public Outreach and Engagement Award for the Warehouse Arts District and Deuces Live Action Plan, 2018 Florida Planning & Zoning Association (FPZA) Outstanding Plan/Study Award for OBTNext, 2018 APA-FL Award of Merit – Eatonville CRA Plan Update, 2017 APA-FL Award of Excellence – Ocoee Downtown Master Plan, 2017 GAI Consultants, Inc.A-8 RFP- 05-24-03 LH • Central Winds Park Master Plan Update Services • City of Winter Springs GAI Consultants, Inc.8 RFP- 05-24-03 LH • Central Winds Park Master Plan Update Services • City of Winter Springs Daniel is a Landscape Architect and Planner with over 20 years of experience that includes leading design projects, project management, and business development. He has a wealth of relevant experience in planning and design work for parks, trails, streetscapes, institutions, and private developments. His expertise includes comprehensive and site planning, schematic design, construction documentation, construction administration, and project management of both public and private projects. Throughout his career, Daniel has contributed to many projects of varying stages and scales in over 10 states across the U.S. He brings an ability to see the larger community development and placemaking benefits of projects—down to the minute design details such as finishes, furnishings, and planting selections that add vibrancy and value to cities and communities. Daniel's professional interests include urban design, site planning, parks and public spaces, trails and greenways, and multimodal transportation planning and design. He is also an expert in plants and plant identification. HIGHLIGHTED EXPERIENCE Wildlight Park Spaces, Nassau County, FL Wildlight Crosstown Avenue Streetscape, Nassau County, FL Whiteview Parkway Landscape, Palm Coast, FL Emerald Trail LaVilla Link, Jacksonville, FL The District/Rivers Edge Review, Jacksonville, FL The Heights Line, Memphis, TN Walker Avenue Streetscape Design, Memphis, TN West Ashley Greenway and Bikeway Master Plan, Charleston, SC Medical District Streetscapes, Memphis, TN A-State University Cycle Loop, Phase 2, Jonesboro, AK Memphis 3.0 Comprehensive Plan, Memphis, TN East Farmingdale Development Plan, Babylon, New York Wolf River Greenway, Memphis, TN Bonita Springs West Terry Street Side Path, Bonita Springs, FL Okeechobee Boulevard Corridor Study, West Palm Beach, FL Plan West Ashley, Charleston, South Carolina Germantown Road Streetscape Design, Germantown, TN Styx Alley Design, West Palm Beach, FL Surface Transportation and Land Use Master Plan, Munford, TN Green Rail Trail and Multimodal Improvements, Dresden, TN Surface Transportation Master Plan, Covington, TN Center Connect Streetscape Improvements, Collierville, TN Beale Street Landing, Phase 4B, Memphis, TN The Main to Main and Big River Crossing, Memphis, TN and West Memphis, AK Salvation Army Ray and Joan Kroc Community Center, Memphis, TN Greenlaw Community Center, Memphis, TN Shelby Farms Greenline, Phase 1, Memphis, TN Paris Downtown Park, Paris, TN Lamar Park, Oxford, MS Fourth Bluff Park – University of Memphis Law School Access Project, Memphis, TN Memphis Cobblestone Landing, Memphis, TN Discovery Park of America, Union City, TN Daniel Ashworth, PLA, ASLA, AICP Landscape Architecture Manager CONTRACT ROLE Lead Planner YEARS OF EXPERIENCE 22 EDUCATION MLA, Landscape Architecture and Regional Planning2004, University of Pennsylvania BLA, Landscape Architecture 2002, Mississippi State University BS, Landscape Contracting & Mgmt, 2002, Mississippi State University LICENSES + CERTIFICATIONS Professional Landscape Architect (PLA): AL – 2018, #835; FL– 2006, #LA6666839; SC – 2018, #1439; TN – 2016, #1066 SPECIALIZED SKILLS Urban Design Site Planning Parks/Public Spaces/ Trails/Greenways Planning and Design Multimodal & Active Transportation Planning and Design Horticulture AFFILIATIONS American Institute of Certified Planners (AICP) American Planning Association (APA) American Society of Landscape Architects (ASLA) Congress for the New Urbanism (CNU) – Urbanist Member gaiconsultants.com/communitysolutionsgroup RFP- 05-24-03 LH • Central Winds Park Master Plan Update Services • City of Winter Springs A-9 Parks and Recreation Master Plan Jacksonville, FL Seminole County Parks and Recreation Master Plan Seminole County, FL Orlando Health Downtown Campus General Planning Orlando, FL Jordan serves as a Project Planner for GAI's Community Solutions Group (CSG). His previous experience working for municipalities gives him an understanding of public and private development processes that engage and benefit communities. His project experience includes master planning, site plan approvals, lot splits, plats, subdivision plans, annexations, and commercial and residential permitting. He holds a master’s degree in Urban and Regional Planning from the University of Central Florida (UCF). HIGHLIGHTED EXPERIENCE Clay County Parks and Recreation Master Plan, Clay County, Florida Deltona Parks and Recreation Master Plan, Deltona, Florida High Springs CRA Trails and Parks, High Springs, Florida Jacksonville Parks and Recreation Master Plan, Jacksonville, Florida Seminole County Parks and Recreation Master Plan, Seminole County, Florida West Melbourne Parks Master Plan, West Melbourne, Florida City of Seminole Recreation Master Plan, City of Seminole, Florida Zephyrhills Parks and Recreation Master Plan, Zephyrhills, Florida Winter Park CRA Plan Update, Winter Park, Florida Zephyrhills CRA Plan Update, Zephyrhills, Florida City of Holly Hill Planning Services, Holly Hill, Florida Lakeland Downtown West Master Plan, Lakeland, Florida Ocoee CRA Plan Update, Ocoee, Florida Harbor Hills II Master Plan Development, Lake County, Florida University of Central Florida Master Plan Support, Orange County, Florida Orlando Health Downtown Campus General Planning, Orlando, Florida LIFT Choice Neighborhood Grant Support, LIFT Orlando, Inc., Orlando, Florida Jordan Kowalchik Project Planner CONTRACT ROLE Planner YEARS OF EXPERIENCE 2 EDUCATION MS, Urban and Regional Planning, 2021, University of Central Florida BA, Art History, 2019, Florida Atlantic University SPECIALIZED SKILLS ArcGIS Bluebeam Revu SketchUp Microsoft Office Adobe Creative Suite AFFILIATIONS American Planning Association GAI Consultants, Inc.A-10 RFP- 05-24-03 LH • Central Winds Park Master Plan Update Services • City of Winter Springs Daphne specializes in project management, policy and data analysis, comprehensive planning, strategic planning, health planning, public involvement, and technical research and reporting. She has managed and supported a broad range of projects, including Comprehensive Plan amendments and updates, Health in All Policies strategic planning, vulnerability assessments, neighborhood planning, meeting facilitation and stakeholder engagement, housing policy development, health impact assessments, and several healthy policy support tools. With her Urban and Regional Planning experience, geography background, and knowledge of GIS applications, Daphne effectively integrates a technical approach into all areas of planning. Daphne is adept at organizing and conducting public engagement activities in support of planning efforts. Her outreach efforts have included coordinating and implementing charrettes, workshops, and public presentations; conducting group exercises; leading virtual webinars and related breakout sessions; presenting at conferences; and coordinating live electronic polling. HIGHLIGHTED EXPERIENCE Seminole County Recreation Master Plan, Seminole County, FL Deltona Parks and Recreation Master Plan (PRMP), Deltona, FL Jacksonville Parks and Recreation Master Plan, Jacksonville, FL West Melbourne Parks and Recreation Master Plan (PRMP), West Melbourne, FL Citywide Recreation Master Plan, Seminole, FL Clay County Parks and Recreation Master Plan, Clay County, FL Zephyrhills Parks and Recreation Master Plan, Zephyrhills, FL City of High Springs CRA Strategic Plan, High Springs, FL Orlando Parks and Recreation Visioining and Master Plan, Orlando, FL Panama City CRA Update, Panama City, FL Kissimmee Vision and Comprehensive Plan, Kissimmee, FL Daphne Green, AICP Project Planner CONTRACT ROLE Planner YEARS OF EXPERIENCE 7 EDUCATION MS, Urban and Regional Planning, 2018, Florida State University BS, Geography and Environmental Studies, 2016, Florida State University LICENSES + REGISTRATIONS American Institute of Certified Planners, #033616 SPECIALIZED SKILLS Comprehensive and Strategic Planning Health Planning and Health Impact Assessment (HIA) Policy and Data Analysis Project Management Meeting Facilitation and Public Outreach Geographic Information Systems (GIS) Clay County Parks and Recreation Master Plan Clay County, FL Orlando Parks and Recreation Visioning and Master Plan Orlando, FL High Springs CRA Strategic Plan High Springs, FL gaiconsultants.com/communitysolutionsgroup RFP- 05-24-03 LH • Central Winds Park Master Plan Update Services • City of Winter Springs A-11 Gainesville Park Wayfinding Master Plan Gainesville, FL 2022 Strategic Plan Update for the EastTampa Community RedevelopmentArea May 20, 2022 East Tampa CRA SAP UpdateTampa, FL Final Logo - Full ColorDRAWING NO. DATE OF ISSUE REVISION 02 of 02 11/16/2020 0 GAI Consultants, Inc. 618 E. South Street Suite 700Orlando, Florida 32801T 407.423.8398 East Tampa CRA Action Plan Branding Tampa, FL Gordon River Greenway Design Workshop Naples, FL With 13 years of experience, including wayfinding design and planning, Ana is a passionate Graphic and Industrial Designer, who is vastly skilled with product design and development, branding, and corporate identity. Ana is self- motivated, creative, versatile, and knowledgeable in both 2D and 3D design work. Her background in industrial design gives her extensive knowledge of fabrication and materials, as well as experience with construction documents for retail commercial interior renovations and build-out supervision. Ana has both analytic and creative thinking—allowing her concepts to be data driven and data oriented. Her designs are well thought out and consider the project character and goals. Research plays a big part in her design methodology. HIGHLIGHTED EXPERIENCE City of St. Cloud Downtown Wayfinding, St. Cloud, FL Gordon River Greenway Design Workshop, Naples, FL I-Drive Signage and Wayfinding, Orange County, FL Orange Avenue Streetscape and Corridor Plan, Orlando, FL University of Florida Wayfinding Master Plan, Gainesville, FL City of St. Cloud Downtown Wayfinding, St. Cloud, FL East Tampa Community Redevelopment Agency (CRA) Action Plan Branding, Tampa, FL Packing District Wayfinding Master Plan, Orange County, Orlando, FL Orange Avenue Streetscape and Corridor Plan, Orlando, FL Gainesville Park Wayfinding, Gainesville, FL Lake Lorna Doone Park Graphics + Wayfinding, Orlando, FL Riverplace Boulevard Bicycle and Pedestrian Improvements, Jacksonville, FL Edgewater Naming and Branding, Osceola County, Kissimmee, FL Maitland Bike-Ped Plan, Maitland, FL Nassau County Parks Estimating, Nassau County, FL Pasco Parks and Recreation Master Plan Capital Improvement Program (CIP) Public Awareness, Pasco County, FL Sebastian Wayfinding and Parks Signage Plan, Sebastian, FL Heritage Trail Wayfinding and Streetscape Improvements, Gainesville, FL South Hills Junction Master Plan and Station Signage Design Standards Manual, Port Authority of Allegheny County , PA Floridian Town Center Wayfinding Design Development, Apopka, FL Ana Kimelton, SEGD Wayfinding and Environmental Graphics Director CONTRACT ROLE Wayfinding + Environmental Graphic Design YEARS OF EXPERIENCE 13 EDUCATION BFA, Industrial Design, 2013, Savannah College of Art and Design BS, Graphic Design, 2010, Instituto de Diseño de Caracas BS, Industrial Design, 2007, Instituto de Diseño de Caracas SPECIALIZED SKILLS Industrial + Graphic Design Wayfinding Branding + Logo Design Adobe Creative Cloud (Photoshop, Illustrator, InDesign, Flash, After Effects, Premier) AutoCAD 3ds Max Rhino SketchBook Pro KeyShot SketchUp AFFILIATIONS The Society for Experiential Graphic Design (SEGD) University of South Florida Digital Marketing Advisory Board Steering Committee Member GAI Consultants, Inc.A-12 RFP- 05-24-03 LH • Central Winds Park Master Plan Update Services • City of Winter Springs Laura serves as Urban Analytics Director within GAI’s Community Solutions Group (CSG), where she conducts and oversees the research and analysis of market, economic, and demographic data; commercial, industrial, and multifamily performance indicators; census data; and employment statistics for various products of the firm. Her expertise extends to include assessments, evaluations, and impact studies relating to parks, trail networks, and athletic/ sports complexes. Laura served as a professional municipal planner for 6 years, affording her valuable skills such as writing and updating land development codes and development plan reviews; as well as comprehensive plan rewrites and updates, Evaluation and Appraisal Reports (EAR), Community Redevelopment Agency (CRA) Findings of Necessity (FON), and CRA Redevelopment Plans. HIGHLIGHTED EXPERIENCE Orange County Parks Growth Analysis, Orange County, FL Atlanta Comprehensive Recreation and Parks Plan, Atlanta, GA Mount Dora Parks and Recreation Master Plan, Mount Dora, FL Park and Recreation Impact Fee Study, Nassau County, FL City of Tallahassee CRA, Tallahassee, FL Deuces rising/Sankofa on the Deuces Market Analysis, St. Petersburg, FL City of Sebastian CRA Master Plan, Sebastian, FL New Smyrna Beach Coastal Community Resiliency Program, New Smyrna Beach, FL Orange Blossom Trail CRA Redevelopment Plan, Orlando, FL SR 200/A1A Corridor Design Plan, Nassau County, FL City of Jacksonville Business Investment and Development (BID) Plan and CRA Update, Jacksonville, FL Bartow City Master Plan, Bartow, FL I-Drive CRA Redevelopment Plan, Orange County, FL High Springs CRA, High Springs, FL Clermont CRA Redevelopment Plan, Clermont, FL Crystal River CRA Redevelopment Plan, Crystal River, FL LaVilla Neighborhood Development Strategy, Jacksonville, FL Jax Beach Market Analysis, Jacksonville Beach, FL Financial, Market, and Analytical Services Central Station, RIDA Development Corporation, Orlando, FL Laura Smith, MPA, FRA-RA Urban Analytics Director CONTRACT ROLE Economics YEARS OF EXPERIENCE 16 EDUCATION MS, Urban and Regional Planning, 2018, Florida State University BS, Geography and Environmental Studies, 2016, Florida State University LICENSES + REGISTRATIONS American Institute of Certified Planners, #033616 SPECIALIZED SKILLS Comprehensive and Strategic Planning Health Planning and Health Impact Assessment (HIA) Policy and Data Analysis Project Management Meeting Facilitation and Public Outreach Geographic Information Systems (GIS) Mount Dora Parks and Recreation Master Plan Mount Dora, FL Orange Blossom Trail CRA Redevelopment Plan Orlando, FLOrange County Parks Growth Analysis Orange County, FL gaiconsultants.com/communitysolutionsgroup RFP- 05-24-03 LH • Central Winds Park Master Plan Update Services • City of Winter Springs A-13 DJ, a Professional Wetland Scientist since 1995, has been conducting ecological consulting studies since 1987. He has performed preliminary land use assessments, wetland delineations, and listed species evaluations for more than 600 sites throughout FL; and wetland jurisdictional delineations for local, state, and federal regulatory programs. He completes permit applications for all levels of the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers (USACE) Permit Program, the FL Department of Environmental Protection (FDEP), and various FL Water Management District Environmental Resource Permit (ERP) programs. DJ specializes in client and regulatory agency interaction, technical writing, wetland delineation, plant identification, and project management. HIGHLIGHTED EXPERIENCE Master Stormwater System and Park – Unity Park, Occoee, FL Victory Pointe Park, Clermont, FL Lake Lorna Doone Park, Orlando, FL Dr. Phillips Community Park – Capital Projects, Orange County, FL Spring-to-Spring Trail, Phase 3, Volusia County, FL Silver Star Community Park and Cricket Field, Orange County, FL Lakeshore Boulevard/East Revels Road Bike Lane, Howey-in-the-Hills, FL Lake Louisa State Park Master Plan, FL Tosohatchee Preserve Addition, FDEP, FL Division of State Lands, FL Tomoka River State Park Additions, Volusia County, FL Environmentally Endangered Land Sanctuaries, Brevard County, FL SR 600 (US 92) Multi Use Trails, Volusia County, FL Silver Star Community Park Gym Site, Capital Projects, Orange County, FL Dr. Phillips Community Park, Capital Projects, Orange County, FL Twin Lakes Park, Public Works, Lake County, FL South Lake Trail, Phase II, Lake County, FL Environmentally Endangered Land Sanctuaries, Brevard County, FL SR 600 (US 92) Multi Use Trails, Volusia County, FL Prairie Lake Park Improvements, Ocoee, FL Dredged Material Management Area (DMMA) Flagler County, FL (FL-3) North Hutchinson Island Development Project, St. Lucie County, FL Eustis Master Stormwater Plan, Eustis, FL City of DeBary General Engineering Services, DeBary, FL Palmo Park, St. Johns County, FL DJ Silverberg, SR. PWS, GTA Environmental Manager CONTRACT ROLE Environmental YEARS OF EXPERIENCE 36 EDUCATION MS, Biological Sciences (Ecology), 1988, Florida Institute of Technology BS, Biological Sciences (Marine), 1985, Florida Institute of Technology LICENSES + REGISTRATIONS Professional Wetland Scientist (PWS): #000272 Environmental Professionals of Florida Registered Environmental Professional (REP): #239 Authorized Gopher Tortoise Agent, Florida Fish and Wildlife Conservation Commission, #GTA 09-00004-F, March 2009 SPECIALIZED SKILLS Ecology and Biology Wetland Delineation Land Use Assessments AFFILIATIONS National Association of Environmental Professionals (AEP) Florida AEP, Central Florida AEP Society of Wetland Scientists, SWS/PCP Certification, Renewal Committee Home Builders Association of Mid-Florida Lake Lorna Doone Park Orlando, FL Unity Park Ocoee, FL Victory Pointe Park Clermont, FL GAI Consultants, Inc.A-14 RFP- 05-24-03 LH • Central Winds Park Master Plan Update Services • City of Winter Springs [PAGE LEFT INTENTIONALLY LEFT BLANK] EXPERIENCED PEOPLE, OPEN MINDS, FRESH IDEAS GAI CONSULTANTS | COMMUNITY SOLUTIONS GROUP GAI Consultants, Inc. 618 East South Street Suite 700 Orlando, Florida 32801 407.423.8398 gaiconsultants.com © 2024 GAI Consultants, Inc.