HomeMy WebLinkAbout2024 07 15 Awards and Presentation 100 Tobacco PresentationThe Dangers of Tobacco 5 The Problem ●In Seminole County, 355 people died from causes of tobacco in 2022. ●In Florida, 19,646 deaths were reported. ●9 out of 10 cases of lung cancer come from smoking tobacco. ●Tobacco causes cancer in nearly every part of the body including the bladder, blood, cervix, colon, kidney, liver, mouth, pancreas, and stomach 6 Tobacco is a carcinogen or an agent which causes cancer. Along with tobacco, there are over 7000 chemicals inside which are toxic and many which are cancer causing. 7 ●Smoking causes more deaths each year than the following causes combined, HIV, illegal drug use, alcohol use, motor vehicle injuries, and firearm-related incidents. ●Smoking can cause stroke, coronary heart disease, and affect pregnancies both during and after which can result in fetal and infant death. Deaths From Tobacco 8 ●first introduced into the market as a “safer” alternative to tobacco cigarettes. ●Adolescents who use e- cigarettes are 3.6 times more likely to report using combustible cigarettes later in life. Electronic Cigarettes 9 ●Flavor is one of the most important factors adolescents consider in trying e-cigarettes. ●From 2014 to 2016, advertising for vaping exploded and one study found that 78%of middle and high school students had been exposed to at least one advertisement. Electronic Cigarettes 10 11 “Close to 90% of adult daily smokers started before the age of 18” (Kong, G., & Krishnan-Sarin, S.) 12 Secondhand Smoke ●Impaired lung development. ●Ear Infections. ●Respiratory Infections. Effects on ChildrenEffects on Adults ●Heart disease. ●Throat cancer. ●Respiratory infection. When individuals breathe in smoke exhaled by someone smoking or from burning tobacco products There is no safe level of secondhand smoke exposure. Any exposure is harmful. 13 Thirdhand Smoke ●Respiratory Cancer (tracheal, lung, and bronchial cancer). ●Skin Disorders. ●Respiratory Issues. Effects on PetsEffects on Children ●SIDS. ●Respiratory Problems(Asthma and Bronchitis). ●Cancer. ●Skin Disorders. Tobacco-related gasses and particles that become embedded in materials, such as the carpet, walls, furniture, blankets, and toys. 14 ●Group session w/ trained specialist. ○Can be virtual or in person ●Social media support groups. ●Free 2-4 week supply of NRT. Phone ●Text coach/specialist. ●Free 4 week supply of NRT. Website Group ●Call and text coach. ●Free 4 week supply of NRT. Quit Your Way 15 Over the Counter (Provided by DOH) ●Patch. ●Lozenge. ●Gum. Benefits●Reduces withdrawal symptoms. ●No smoking. ●Safer than cigarettes. ●More likely to successfully quit! Nicotine Replacement Therapy 16 Due to lack of research, NRT is only for 18+ but support groups can help teens and adults alike 1-877-U-CAN-NOW 407-665-3278 1-800-LUNGUSA National Line: 1- 800-QUIT-NOW 17 Thank You! 18 Citations ●E-cigarette And Vape Market Size And Share Report, 2030 ●Flat world no tobacco day (decaying lungs) ●Flat world no tobacco day (healthy and unhealthy lungs) ●Flat world no tobacco day (no smoking) ●Hand drawn world no tobacco day illustration ●No tobacco day with the "stop" ●AAP.org ●About Secondhand Smoke | Smoking and Tobacco Use | CDC ●A call to end the epidemic of adolescent E-cigarette use -ScienceDirect ●Cigarettes | FDA ●Deaths From Tobacco-Related Cancers -FL Health CHARTS -Florida Department of Health ●E-cigarette | Characteristics, Safety Issues, & Regulation | Britannica ●FDA ●Health Effects of Cigarette Smoking | CDC ●Helping Teens Quit Smoking and Vaping | American Lung Association ●Nicotine Replacement Therapy to Help You Quit Tobacco | American Cancer Society ●On the potential harmful effects of E‐Cigarettes (EC) on the developing brain: The relationship between vaping‐induced oxidative stress and adolescent/young adults social maladjustment. -Tobore -2019 ●Secondhand Smoke and Cancer -NCI ●Selekman, J. (2019). Vaping: It's All a Smokescreen. Pediatric Nursing, 45(1) ●smokefree.gov ●Thirdhand Smoke: Babies, Symptoms, SIDS, Effects, and More ●Thirdhand Smoke: The Danger to Other People (& Pets) ●Tobacco and Cancer ●Tobacco Free Florida ●What is new in electronic-cigarettes research? ●What "Thirdhand" Smoke Can Do to Your Pet. ●What is thirdhand smoke, and why is it a concern? -Mayo Clinic Resources Images 19