HomeMy WebLinkAbout2024 06 10 Awards and Presentation 103 Update of the Tuskawilla Crossings PondAWARDS AND PRESENTATIONS ITEM 103 CITY COMMISSION AGENDA | JUNE 10, 2024 REGULAR MEETING TITLE Design/Permitting Update of the Tuskawilla Crossings Pond SUMMARY David Hamstra, PE and Greg Teague, PE of Pegasus Engineering will provide the Commission an update on their findings and design efforts to address the failed stormwater pond facility. FUNDING SOURCE RECOMMENDATION Pegasus Engineering will provide an update on their design and permitting efforts in the redesign of the failed stormwater pond facility. 5 TUSKAWILLACROSSINGSSUBDIVISIONPOND1 REPAIR ANDREHABILITATIONProject Update on June 10, 202416 Commission Briefings and Project UpdatesPresentation #1City Commission briefing on October 23, 2023.Presentation #2City Commission project update on December 11, 2023.Presentation #3City Commission project update on June 10, 2024.27 PRESENTATION PART 1 –POND1 REPAIR ANDREHABILITATIONACTIVITIES38 2022 AERIALLOCATION49 EXISTINGCONDITIONSPLAN510 Pond 1 Repair and Rehabilitation Activities1. The berm failure that occurred on the north side of Pond 1 closer to the east end of the pond near Graceful Doe Loop. Special slope re-construction is required in the area of the berm failure as well as the east end of Pond 1 near 1533 Graceful Doe Loop.2. Side slope erosion has occurred around the entire pond perimeter.3. Erosion and scour at the outlet end of the five (5) storm pipes that discharge into Pond 1. The proposed outfall pipe improvements will include extending the pipes, lowering the outlet elevation and installing erosion control countermeasures in the form of rubble riprap.4. An existing rear yard drainage system located at 1533 Graceful Doe Loop will be modified to eliminate the current overland flow discharge into Pond 1.5. Pond 5 was designed and permitted with a control water level at elevation 39.75-ft, NAVD, which is nearly 20-feet above Pond 1 which was designed and permitted with a control water level at elevation 22.6-ft, NAVD. An underdrain located along the south side of the Cross Seminole Trail is proposed to intercept groundwater seepage from Pond 5, with a direct connection to the Pond 5 outfall system that bypasses Pond 1 to eventually discharge into the conservation area (Tract B-1).611 Pond 1 Repair and Rehabilitation Activities6. A grassed spillway located between the Pond 1 broad-crested concrete weir and the conservation area (Tract B-1) has a high erosion potential, especially when considering the magnitude of the discharges that were predicted in the previously approved permit for the regulatory storm events. Erosion control countermeasures in the form of a vegetated concrete block erosion control mat are proposed in combination with raised concrete curbing to confine the high velocity flows within the protected spillway area.7. The fiberglass skimmer for the Pond 1 broad-crested concrete weir is severely damaged and needs to be removed and replaced with an improved design that will be more resistant to any future damage.8. Vegetated concrete block erosion control mats are also proposed along the south and east sides of Pond 1 to prevent future erosion and provide improved protection for a sanitary sewer pipe and storm sewer pipe that were installed within the pond side slope with very little cover depth. Erosion of the Pond 1 side slope has previously exposed these pipes.712 PRESENTATION PART 2 –PHOTOGRAPHS FOR THEPOND1 REPAIR ANDREHABILITATIONACTIVITIES(TIMEPERMITTING)813 9Photograph Taken on December 6, 2023Photograph Taken on December 6, 2023The berm failure was “temporarily filled-in” by City staff in November 2023POND1 REPAIR ANDREHABILITATIONACTIVITY#1 –BERMFAILURE14 10POND1 REPAIR ANDREHABILITATIONACTIVITY#1 –BERMFAILUREA Contractor has already completed additional temporary repairs for the berm failurePhotograph Taken on June 2, 202415 POND1 REPAIR ANDREHABILITATIONACTIVITY#2 –SLOPEEROSION1116 Inflow Pipe from Wooded Vine DrivePond 1ScourHolePOND1 REPAIR ANDREHABILITATIONACTIVITY#3 –SCOUR ATPIPEOUTLETS1217 Inflow Pipe from Graceful Doe LoopScour HoleErosion Caused byOverland FlowPOND1 REPAIR ANDREHABILITATIONACTIVITY#4 –EXISTINGROOFDRAINAGESYSTEM FOR1533 GRACEFULDOELOOP1318 POND1 REPAIR ANDREHABILITATIONACTIVITY#5 –GROUNDWATERSEEPAGE FROMPOND514UnderdrainInterceptorPond 5Pond 1ConservationArea (Tract B-1)Sheet Pile19 Area of Erosion PotentialPond 1FiberglassSkimmerNutrient RemovalFiltration SystemTract B‐1(Wetland andConservation Area)Broad CrestedConcrete WeirPOND1 REPAIR ANDREHABILITATIONACTIVITY#6 –POND1 OVERFLOWWEIR1520 DEFICIENCY#7POND1 OVERFLOWWEIRSKIMMER1621 17Photograph Taken on November 18, 2023Photograph Taken on November 18, 2023POND1 REPAIR ANDREHABILITATIONACTIVITY#8 –PIPESEXPOSED BYPOND1 EROSION22 PRESENTATION PART 3 –FUTURESUTTONCROSSINGSDEVELOPMENT1823 Sutton CrossingsThe future Sutton Crossings development (by others) comprises 6.40 acres of presently undeveloped land that is located immediately north of Michael Blake Boulevard, just south of the State Road 434 and Tuskawilla Road intersection. 1924 Sutton Crossings – Stormwater Management IssuesTuskawilla Crossings Primary Drainage SystemStormwater runoff from the undeveloped land located north of Michael Blake Boulevard has not been accommodated within any of the stormwater management systems that serve Tuskawilla Crossings or The Savoy.Tuskawilla Crossings Secondary Drainage SystemThe existing storm sewer systems for Tuskawilla Crossings Pond 1 and The Savoy were not designed to include any stormwaterrunoff contributions from the undeveloped land located north of Michael Blake Boulevard.2025 Sutton Crossings – Stormwater Design CriteriaTuskawilla Crossings Primary Drainage SystemTuskawilla Crossings Pond 1 has sufficient volume to accommodate additional stormwater runoff contributed by the future land use (assumed 80% impervious surface) for Sutton Crossings.The City will require that Sutton Crossings provide on-site stormwater management to comply with the SJRMWD presumptive criteria for water quality treatment, as well as the additional nutrient removal criteria for the Lake Jesup Basin.2126 Sutton Crossings – Stormwater Design CriteriaTuskawilla Crossings Primary Drainage SystemIn addition to requesting construction authorizations for the repair and rehabilitation of Pond 1, the City’s new SJRWMD application for permit modification will also request an increase in the previously permitted project area for TuskawillaCrossings to encompass the future Sutton Crossings development.2227 Sutton Crossings – Stormwater Design CriteriaProject Area for Tuskawilla CrossingsPreviously Approved SJRWMD Permit = 133.32 acresFuture Sutton Crossings Development = 6.40 acresProject area for the City’s permit application = 139.72 acresDrainage Area for Tuskawilla Crossings Pond 1Previously Approved SJRWMD Permit = 47.72 acresFuture Sutton Crossings Development = 6.40 acresPond 1 drainage area for the City’s permit application = 54.12 acres2328 Sutton Crossings – Stormwater Design CriteriaTuskawilla Crossings Secondary Drainage SystemDue to hydraulic limitations imposed by the existing storm sewer system for Tuskawilla Crossings Pond 1, the City is regulating the maximum allowable discharge at the proposed point-of-connection for the future Sutton Crossings development. More specifically, a maximum discharge rate of 8 cfs can be contributed to the existing storm sewer system for TuskawillaCrossings Pond 1 from the future Sutton Crossings development at the proposed point-of-connection on Michael Blake Boulevard.2429 POND1 STORMSEWERSYSTEM2530 MAXIMUMALLOWABLEDISCHARGEFORSUTTONCROSSINGSAT THEPROPOSEDPOINT-OF-CONNECTION ONMICHAELBLAKEBOULEVARD2631 Sutton Crossings – Stormwater Design CriteriaMemorandum of UnderstandingA Memorandum of Understanding was prepared and transmitted on May 8, 2024 to officially document the stormwater management design criteria for the future Sutton Crossings development.2732 PRESENTATION PART 4 –CURRENT ANDFUTUREWORKEFFORTS2833 Current Work EffortsA Memorandum of Understanding related to the stormwatermanagement design criteria for the future Sutton Crossings development was transmitted on May 8, 2024.The City’s SJRWMD Application (No. 148395-4) for permit modification was submitted on May 24, 2024.Construction Plans (90% Progress) for the Pond 1 Repair and Rehabilitation were submitted to the SJRWMD on May 29, 2024.2934 Future Work EffortsContinued Coordination with SJRWMD representatives to secure an approved permitFinalize the Construction PlansAcquire the Temporary Construction Easements (TCEs)Prepare Bid Documents for a Public AdvertisementEvaluate Bids and Award the Construction ContractCommence Construction3035 Questions and AnswersDavid W. Hamstra, P.E., CFMStormwater Department Manager301 West State Road 434, Suite 309Winter Springs, Florida 32708Phone: 407-992-9160, ext. 309E-mail: david@pegasusengineering.net3136