HomeMy WebLinkAbout2024 01 17 OWBDAC Regular Meeting Minutes CITY OF WINTER SPRINGS, FLORIDA MINUTES OAK FOREST WALL AND BEAUTIFICATION DISTRICT ADVISORY COMMITTEE REGULAR MEETING JANUARY 17, 2024 CALL TO ORDER Assistant City Clerk Tristin Motter called the Wednesday, January 17, 2024 Oak Forest Wall and Beautification District Advisory Committee Regular Meeting to order at 6:30 p.m. in the Commission Chambers of the Municipal Building (City Hall, 1126 East State Road 434, Winter Springs, Florida 32708). Roll Call: Committee Member Debi Panke, present Committee Member Lisa Ely, present Committee Member Dan Finley, present Committee Member Deborah Sears, present Assistant City Clerk Tristin Motter Also present: Ms. Donna Bruno, Interim Finance Director, Finance Department Mr. Kevin Maddox, Landscape Manager, Parks and Recreation A moment of silence was held and was followed by the Pledge of Allegiance. REGULAR AGENDA – PART I 500) Election for Chairperson of the Oak Forest Wall and Beautification District Advisory Committee for Calendar Year 2024 Committee Member Lisa Ely nominated Committee Member Debi Panke for Chairperson. “I NOMINATE DEBI PANKE” NOMINATION BY COMMITTEE MEMBER ELY. SECONDED BY COMMITTEE MEMBER FINLEY. COMMITTEE MEMBER PANKE ACCEPETED THE NOMINATION. NO OBJECTION TO THE NOMINATION WERE GIVEN. NO OTHER NOMINATIONS WERE GIVEN. MOTION PASSED WITH UNANIMOUS CONSENT. DEBI PANKE WAS ELECTED THE CHAIRPERSON 501) Election for Vice-Chairperson of the Oak Forest Wall and Beautification District Advisory Committee for Calendar Year 2024 Chairperson Panke nominated Committee Member Finely for Vice-Chairperson. CITY OF WINTER SPRINGS, FLORIDA MINUTES OAK FOREST WALL AND BEAUTIFICATION DISTRICT ADVISORY COMMITTEE REGULAR MEETING –JANUARY 17, 2024 PAGE 2 OF 3 “I NOMINATE DAN FINELY.” NOMINATION BY CHAIRPERSON PANKE. SECONED BY COMMITTEE MEMBER ELY. THE NOMINATION WAS ACCEPTED. NO OBJECTION TO THE NOMINATION WERE GIVEN. NO OTHER NOMINATIONS WERE GIVEN. MOTION PASSED WITH UNANIMOUS CONSENT. DAN FINELY WAS ELECTED THE VICE-CHAIRPERSON AWARDS AND PRESENTATIONS 100) Not Used INFORMATIONAL AGENDA 200) Not Used PUBLIC INPUT Chairperson Panke opened “Public Input”. No one addressed the Committee. Chairperson Panke closed “Public Input”. CONSENT AGENDA 300) Approval of the Wednesday, October 11, 2023 Oak Forest Wall and Beautification District Advisory Committee Regular Meeting Minutes. "I MOTION TO APPROVE THE MINUTES." MOTION BY COMMITTEE MEMBER ELY. SECONDED BY VICE-CHAIRPERSON FINELY. DISCUSSION. MOTION PASSED WITH UNANIMOUS CONSENT. PUBLIC HEARINGS AGENDA 400) Not Used REGULAR AGENDA – PART II 502) Quarterly Fiscal Year-To-Date Expenditure Details Ms. Bruno briefly reviewed the quarterly Year-To-Date expenditure details and invited questions. Discussion ensued regarding the utility budget and initial budget for fiscal year 2024 starting off lower than how much was spent in the previous last year. Staff relayed a review would be conducted on the utilities due to the suggestion of a leak adjustment being needed from some line break cause by WOW putting in fiber internet. Staff additionally address the budget is crafted by historical numbers and the rise in cost is not included. Staff are looking into conducting an assessment evaluation on the districts to analyze a further increase to raising their legal cap limit. Brief discussion continued on specific line code and question relating to the mulching ensued due to that not helping last year and taking up large portion of the budget. CITY OF WINTER SPRINGS,FLORIDA MINUTES OAK FOREST WALL AND BEAUTIFICATION DISTRICT ADVISORY COMMITTEE REGULAR MEETING-JANUARY 17,2024 PAGE 3OF3 503) Update on Oak Forest Wall and Landscaping Projects Mr. Maddox furthered the discussion regarding the mulching, relaying that mulching is normally done annually but was not conducted last year due to maintenance that was being conducted. Additionally, Mr. Maddox relayed the electrical issues have been resolved, all entrances repairs have been completed and replacement landscaping is being looked at. Suggestions to utilize perennials oryear around landscaping with color was given.Staff relayed some concerns with growth height and obstruction. Discussion ensued on the additional vines going over the wall. Staff conveyed they are working with a new contractor and keeping them tamed. The issue being the vines removal for resident side of wall hasn't been complete due to access issues. The committee volunteered to inform residents about staff needing access to remove the vines on the resident side of the wall and that if agree they can contact the city. PUBLIC INPUT Chairperson Panke opened "Public Input". No one addressed the Committee. Chairperson Panke closed "Public Input". REPORTS ADJOURNMENT �pR11:�S Chairperson Panke adjourned the Regular Meeting at 7:05 pm �� ,• a r RESPECTFULLY SUBMITTED: ►• c. �,� `fib •� ' TRISTIN MOTTER ASSISTANT CITY CLERK NOTE: These Minutes were approved at the MlkA d �i 2eg4- Oak Forest Wall and Beautification District Advisory Committee Regular Meeting.