HomeMy WebLinkAbout2024 05 06 Informational 201 Winter Springs Pension InformationINFORMATIONAL AGENDA ITEM 201 CITY COMMISSION AGENDA | MAY 6, 2024 REGULAR MEETING TITLE City of Winter Springs Pension Information SUMMARY At the March 25th 2024 City Commission meeting it was requested that the Commission discuss the City's pension plan. To assist in the facilitation of future dialogue staff compiled publicly available pension information for employers in Seminole County for the Commission to review. Staff is requesting that any follow up questions regarding this information be sent to the City Clerk by May 17th 2024. Staff will answer the questions received and schedule a regular item at a future commission meeting. FUNDING SOURCE RECOMMENDATION Staff is recommending The City Commission review the information attached to this item. 9 R E T I R E M E N T B E N E F I T C O M P A R I S O N R E T I R E M E N T B E N E F I T C O M P A R I S O N 10 T H I S C O M P A R I S O N I N C L U D E S T H E F O L L O W I N G B E N E F I T S A N D I N F O R M A T I O N . D E F I N E D C O N T R I B U T I O N E M P L O Y E R C O N T R I B U T I O N E M P L O Y E R M A T C H I N G C O N T R I B U T I O N F L O R I D A R E T I R E M E N T S Y S T E M (F R S ) E M P L O Y E E C O N T R I B U T I O N D E F I N E D B E N E F I T P L A N M A N A G E M E N T D E F I N E D B E N E F I T M U L T I P L I E R E M P L O Y E E C O N T R I B U T I O N M A X I M U M A C C R U E D B E N E F I T A N N U A L P E N S I O N A B L E O V E R T I M E C O S T O F L I V I N G B E N E F I T D E F E R R E D R E T I R E M E N T O P T I O N P L A N "D R O P " N O R M A L R E T I R E M E N T A G E A N D Y E A R S O F S E R V I C E R E Q U I R E D E A R L Y R E T I R E M E N T A G E A N D Y E A R S O F S E R V I C E R E Q U I R E D E A R L Y R E T I R E M E N T R E D U C T I O N R U L E S T H I S R E P O R T I S A C O M P R E H E N S I V E C O M P A R I S O N O F R E T I R E M E N T B E N E F I T S W I T H I N S E M I N O L E C O U N T Y . T H I S R E P O R T I S A C O M P R E H E N S I V E C O M P A R I S O N O F R E T I R E M E N T B E N E F I T S W I T H I N S E M I N O L E C O U N T Y . 11 0 5 10 15 20 Winter SpringsAltamonte SpringsCasselberryLake MaryLongwoodOviedoSanford / Seminole CountySanford / Seminole CountyD E F I N E D C O N T R I B U T I O NDEFINED C O N T R I B U T I O N T H E P E R C E N T A G E O F P A Y T H E E M P L O Y E R C O N T R I B U T E S I N A D D I T I O N A L T O W H A T T H E E M P L O Y E R W I L L M A T C H W I T H E M P L O Y E E C O N T R I B U T I O N . 5 % 1 0 %1 0 % 2 .5 % 4 % 1 0 % 5 % 1 0 % 2 .5 % E M P L O Y E R C O N T R I B U T I O N E M P L O Y E R M A T C H I N G C O N T R I B U T I O N E M P L O Y E E R E Q U I R E D C O N T R I B U T I O N 3 % 3 % 1 6 % 8 .3 % F R S R E G U L A R C L A S S F R S S P E C I A L R I S K C L A S S 12 Plan Management Defined Benefit Multiplier Employee Contribution Maximum Accrued Benefit Annual Pensionable Overtime Hours Winter Springs City 3%5%90%150 Winter Springs City 2.5%5%90%150 Altamonte Springs City 3%3%100%300 Casselberry City 3%3%100%300 Lake Mary City 3.2%5%100%300 Longwood F.S.S. 185 3%1%99%300 Oviedo City 3%6%100%300 Sanford FRS 3%3%100%300 Seminole County FRS 3%3%100%300 FRS FRS 1.60%3%100%300 T H I S R E P O R T I S A C O M P R E H E N S I V E C O M P A R I S O N O F P E N S I O N P L A N B E N E F I T S W I T H I N S E M I N O L E C O U N T Y . T H I S R E P O R T I S A C O M P R E H E N S I V E C O M P A R I S O N O F P E N S I O N P L A N B E N E F I T S W I T H I N S E M I N O L E C O U N T Y . D E F I N E D B E N E F I TDEFINED B E N E F I T (Special Risk Employee) (Regular Class / General Employee) (Special Risk Employee) (General Employee )* Closed Plan (Special Risk Employee) (Special Risk Employee) (Special Risk Employee) (Special Risk Employee) (Special Risk Employee) (Special Risk Employee) 13 Annual Cost of Living Benefit (COLA) DROP Program Winter Springs 0%No Altamonte Springs 3%No Casselberry 3% after 5 years No Lake Mary 0%Yes - 5 years Longwood 0%No - **DRAGO Oviedo 0%Yes - 5 years Sanford *3%Yes - 8 years Seminole County *3%Yes - 8 years FRS - Regular Class *3%Yes - 8 years T H E D E F E R R E D R E T I R E M E N T O P T I O N P L A N (“D R O P ”) I S A V O L U N T A R Y P R O G R A M T H A T A L L O W S E M P L O Y E E S T O H A V E T H E I R M O N T H L Y P E N S I O N B E N E F I T D E P O S I T E D I N A N I N T E R E S T -B E A R I N G A C C O U N T W H I L E T H E Y C O N T I N U E T O W O R K I N T H E I R C U R R E N T D E P A R T M E N T A N D R E C E I V E T H E I R S A L A R Y A N D B E N E F I T S A S A N A C T I V E E M P L O Y E E . D E F I N E D B E N E F I TDEFINED B E N E F I T ** - DRAGO - Defined Retirement Accumulation Group Obligation Fund * - only applies to years of service prior to 2011 14 Normal Retirement Age / Years of Service Early Retirement Age / Years of Service Annual actuarial reduction if collected before Normal Retirement Winter Springs 65 / 10 55 / 15 years 6.5% -7.5% reduction per year (actuarial calculation) Altamonte Springs 55 / 6 or 25 years regardless of age Any Age / 6 years 3% reduction per year Casselberry 55 / 10 or 52 / 20 Any Age / 6 years 3% first 5 years, then 5% each additional year Lake Mary 55 / 5 or 20 years regardless of age 50 / 5 years 3% reduction per year Longwood 50 / 5 or 25 years regardless of age None N/A Oviedo 55 / 10 or 25 years regardless of age 45 / 10 years 3% reduction per year Sanford 55 / 8 or 25 years regardless of age Any Age / 8 years 5% reduction per year Seminole County 55 / 8 or 25 years regardless of age Any Age / 8 years 5% reduction per year FRS - Regular Class 65 / 8 or 33 years regardless of age Any Age / 8 years 5% reduction per year N O R M A L A N D E A R L Y R E T I R E M E N T A G E A N D Y E A R S O F S E R V I C E R E Q U I R E D N O R M A L A N D E A R L Y R E T I R E M E N T A G E A N D Y E A R S O F S E R V I C E R E Q U I R E D D E F I N E D B E N E F I TDEFINED B E N E F I T 15 The Altamonte Springs Retirement System General Employees’ Defined Benefit Pension Plan Member Handbook for General Employees December 2022 Edition 16 2 | Page TABLE OF CONTENTS Introduction .................................................................................................................................... 3 Basic Plan Information .................................................................................................................... 5 Board of Trustees ............................................................................................................................ 6 Membership.................................................................................................................................... 6 Contributions .................................................................................................................................. 6 Beneficiary Designation .................................................................................................................. 7 Vesting ............................................................................................................................................ 8 Terminating Employment Before Retirement ................................................................................ 8 Your Retirement Benefit ............................................................................................................... 10 Other Benefits Not Provided by this Pension Plan ....................................................................... 12 Retiring from the City ................................................................................................................... 13 Retirement Benefit Options .......................................................................................................... 14 Disability Benefits ......................................................................................................................... 15 Divorce or Legal Separation: Qualified Domestic Relations Order ............................................... 16 Survivor Benefits ........................................................................................................................... 17 Other Survivor Benefits Not Provided by this Pension Plan ......................................................... 18 After Retirement ........................................................................................................................... 18 Forfeiture of Benefits .................................................................................................................... 19 Claims Procedures ........................................................................................................................ 21 General Information ..................................................................................................................... 21 Financial and Actuarial Information ............................................................................................. 23 Glossary of Terms ......................................................................................................................... 24 17 3 | Page INTRODUCTION Upon hiring, all full time City employees are automatically enrolled in one of the primary employee pension plans offered by the City. The various primary retirement plans include: Primary Retirement Plans The Florida Retirement System (FRS) Includes all full-time employees hired prior to January 1, 1996. The Altamonte Springs Police Officers’ Defined Benefit Pension Plan Includes all full-time Police Officers hired on or after January 1, 1996. The Altamonte Springs General Employees’ Defined Benefit Pension Plan Includes full-time employees other than Police Officers hired on or after January 1, 1996 The Altamonte Springs General Employees’ Defined Contribution Investment Plan Includes General Employees who have elected to move from the General Employees’ Pension Plan to the General Employees Investment Plan. This is an investment plan. Participants make their own investment decisions. This plan is not available to Police Officers. For pension purposes full-time employees carry one of several classifications. These include: Police Officer Sworn Police Officers employed by the City as Police Officers General Employee All full-time employees other than Police Officers further classified as either – Regular Employee. General Employees other than Senior Management Senior Management. Department Directors, City Manager, and Elected Officials. 18 4 | Page In addition to the primary retirement plans the City offers supplementary retirement plans to full-time employees. These include: Supplemental Retirement Plans Executive Employees Investment Pension Plan Includes department directors, deputy directors, and certain other designated positions. This is an investment plan funded with contributions from the City. Employee contributions are neither required to allowed. Participants make their own investment decisions. The Police Officers’ Share Plan Includes all full-time Police Officers who are members of the Police Officers’ Defined Benefit Pension Plan. This is an investment plan funded with contributions from the City. Employee contributions are neither required nor allowed. Participants make their own investment decisions. The Altamonte Springs Deferred Compensation Pension Plan (Sec 457 Plan) This plan is voluntary and open to all full-time employees. It is funded with pre-tax employee contributions. The City does not may any contributions to this plan. Participants make their own investment decisions. See page 13 for additional information on this plan. This Summary Plan Description is for General Employees enrolled in the Altamonte Springs General Employees’ Defined Benefit Pension Plan. There are separate summary plan descriptions for the other plans. This guide explains your retirement plan - its benefits and policies, and your rights as a member of the City of Altamonte Springs General Employees’ Pension Plan. Membership in the Pension Plan is an important benefit provided to you by the City. This guide is a basic employee handbook and is intended to be a reference for you. Inside you will find explanations of certain provisions of your Pension Plan. You are encouraged to study these provisions in order to become familiar with the benefits provided by the Plan. This guide is only a brief explanation of the Plan. As much as possible, this guide has been written in nontechnical terms, avoiding the formal language of retirement laws and rules. However, if 19 5 | Page there are any conflicts between this document and the ordinances of the City of Altamonte Springs, State law, or Federal law, the ordinances, State laws, and Federal laws will govern. A copy of the ordinances governing the Plan can be obtained from the City Clerk. If you have questions about a particular item or issue, please contact the City’s Human Resources Department. BASIC PLAN INFORMATION Name of Plan The Altamonte Springs General Employees’ Pension Plan (the Plan). Type of Plan The Plan is a defined benefit plan, qualified under section 401(a) of the Internal Revenue Code. Administration The Plan is administered by the Altamonte Springs General Employees’ Pension Plan Board of Trustees (Code Ch.2-16.03). Service of Legal Process The City Manager is the person designated for service of legal process. The contact information is: City Manager, City of Altamonte Springs 225 Newburyport Avenue Altamonte Springs, FL 32701 Provisions of Law The Plan was established in 1995 and is operated pursuant to applicable law including but not limited to the United States Internal Revenue Code, Chapter 112, Florida Statues, City Code of Ordinances (“Code”), Chapter 2, Article II, Division 1, and certain other City ordinances and resolutions. Funding The Plan is contributory meaning contributions are paid by both the members and the City. However, only those employees hired on or after January 1, 2012, are required to make contributions to the Plan (Code Ch. 2-16.05). Plan Year The plan year is October 1st through September 30th. Employment Rights Not Implied Membership in the Plan does not give you the right to be retained in the employ of the City, nor does it give you a right or claim to any benefit you have not accrued under the terms of the Plan. 20 6 | Page BOARD OF TRUSTEES The City of Altamonte Springs General Employees' Pension Plan is a defined benefit pension plan administered by the City Commission acting as the Board of Trustees. The Board meets once every three months usually in City Hall. The dates, times and locations of these meetings are publicly posted. The meetings are open to the public. (Code Ch. 2-16.03). MEMBERSHIP Membership in the Plan Each full-time employee hired on or after January 1, 1996, and not classified as a sworn City Police Officer becomes a Plan Member as a condition of employment (Code Ch. 2-16.02(1)). Optional Retirement Program The Altamonte Springs General Employees Investment Plan is the defined contribution plan alternative to the Altamonte Springs General Employee’s Defined Benefit Pension Plan, and is available to all General Employees not in the Florida Retirement System. Any member in the General Employees’ Defined Benefit Plan can, at any time prior to retirement or otherwise leaving employment with the City, choose to opt out of the Defined Benefit Plan and join the General Employees’ Investment Plan. If you choose this option the City will transfer from the defined benefit Plan to the Investment Plan an amount of money equal to the present value of your accumulated benefit obligation under the Defined Benefit Plan. The Investment Plan is contributory for ALL participants regardless of when hired. ALL members are required to contribute one-percent (1%) of compensation to the Plan. The decision to transfer from the Defined Benefit program to the Investment Plan is irrevocable. You cannot go back again. (Code Ch. 2-16.02(5)). For more information on the Investment Plan contact the Human Resources Department. CONTRIBUTIONS The Plan is an employee contributory plan. This means some employees are required to contribute to the Plan. General Employees hired prior to January 1, 2012 are not required to contribute to the Plan. General Employees hired on or after January 1, 2012 are required to contribute one percent (1%) of compensation to the Plan. Your Member contributions are “picked up” by the City in 21 7 | Page accordance with sec. 414(h) of the Internal Revenue Code, which means those contributions are considered employer contributions for tax purposes, but your pay is reduced by an amount equal to the Member contribution amount. This allows your employee contributions to be made pre- tax. Use of these funds is restricted for the sole purpose of funding the Plan (Code Ch. 2-16.05). The City contributes to the Plan an amount equal to the normal cost of the Plan and an amount required to fund any actuarial deficiency shown by the most recent actuarial valuation. The City is ultimately responsible for contributing sufficient funds to ensure the Plan remains adequately funded. Refund of Contributions You may request a refund of contributions you made to the Plan if you terminate all employment with the City. Your refund will not include contributions made by or from any source other than yourself and will not include any interest. If your employee contributions are refunded, you waive the right to a future benefit under the Plan, and you lose any accrued pension benefits forever. Further information can be obtained from the City’s Human Resources Department (Code Ch. 2-16.09(1)). BENEFICIARY DESIGNATION Before You Retire A beneficiary is a person or persons named by you to receive any pension benefits due if you die before retirement. When you started work you should have filled out a form naming one or more beneficiaries to receive any pension benefits due if you die before retirement. You may name any person or persons you choose as beneficiary (Code Ch. 2-16.12). While employed by the City, you may change the beneficiary at any time by completing a new designation of beneficiary form. This is important to remember if your designated beneficiary dies or your marital or family status changes. A Member’s divorce decree or will has no bearing on how Member survivor benefits are paid. Any benefits due upon your death are paid only to the designated beneficiaries or to your estate if you have not named a beneficiary or your designated beneficiary has died. When You Retire When you retire you will be asked to rename a beneficiary and to choose a retirement option on your application for retirement. Retirement options are explained later in this document under the section titled “RETIRING FROM THE CITY” (Code Ch. 2-16.10(2)). 22 8 | Page If you choose option 1 or 2, you may name a beneficiary as described above. If you choose option 3, you must name as your beneficiary a person who qualifies as a joint annuitant. After You Retire If you retire under option 1 or 2, you may change your designated beneficiary at any time. If you choose option 3 you may change your joint annuitant only two times after your retirement benefit has started, and only if the joint pensioner is still living at the time of the change. When you change your joint annuitant, the monthly benefit you receive will be adjusted based on your current age and the age of your new joint annuitant (Code Ch. 2-16.09(2) & (3)). VESTING Being vested means you are eligible to receive a current or future retirement benefit. You vest in the Plan upon the completion of six years of creditable service. Once you vest, you are eligible for a future benefit when you leave employment with the City and apply for your retirement benefit. Being vested does not entitle you to a disability benefit based on a disability that occurs after you terminate employment (Code Ch. 2-16.01(26)). You will lose your vested rights if: You forfeit your benefits as described under the section titled “FORFEITURE OF BENEFITS” (Code Ch. 2-16.20). You receive a refund of your member contributions (Code Ch. 2-16.09 (1)). TERMINATING EMPLOYMENT BEFORE RETIREMENT When you terminate your employment as a general employee before retiring, you have some decisions to make. Your available options will vary depending upon your vesting status at the time of your termination (Code Ch. 2-16.09). Before You Are Vested If you terminate your employment with the City prior to being vested, retirement is not an option. However, you can: Request and receive a refund of your member contributions, without interest, forfeiting all 23 9 | Page future benefits, or Leave your member contributions on deposit with the Plan. The service credit is not lost and will be combined with any additional service credit you may earn for covered employment in the future. If you are not re-employed by the City as a General Employee within five (5) years of termination, your member contributions will automatically be returned to you and you will lose any accrued pension benefits forever. After You Are Vested If you are vested when you terminate your employment with the City, you can: Request and receive a refund of your member contributions, or Leave your member contributions on deposit with the Plan. The service credit is not lost and will be combined with any additional service credit you may earn for covered employment in the future, or Retire. Depending on your age, you could take a normal retirement or early retirement immediately or you could defer your retirement until a future date of your choice: If you qualify for normal retirement, you are entitled to an unreduced monthly retirement benefit determined in the same manner as for normal retirement and based on your Credited Service, Average Final Compensation and the benefit accrual rate as of your date of termination. If you choose to retire early (before reaching your normal retirement date) your benefit will be reduced based upon your age at retirement. To avoid or minimize benefit reduction for early retirement, you could choose to postpone your retirement. If you defer retirement, the amount of your benefit will be calculated using your age at the time you begin receiving retirement benefits. If you do not make a retirement decision, your retirement benefits must begin by April 1 of the calendar year immediately after you reach age seventy and one-half (70 ½), or, upon reaching your normal retirement date, whichever occurs first, the Plan will begin paying retirement benefits to you under benefit option 1. Once payments begin, you cannot change this option. 24 10 | Page YOUR RETIREMENT BENEFIT Retirement Benefit Formula The monthly pension benefit payment you receive when you retire depends on your Average Final Compensation, Age, Percentage Value, Years of Creditable Service, and the benefit payment option you select. The formula for calculating the normal monthly retirement benefit is as follows (Code Ch. 2-16.06(2)(b)): First, calculate the normal annual retirement benefit like this: Average Final Compensation times Percentage Value times Years of Creditable Service equals Normal Annual Retirement Benefit Then calculate the normal monthly retirement benefit by dividing the normal annual retirement benefit by 12 like this: Normal Annual Retirement Benefit divided by 12 equals Normal Monthly Retirement Benefit Average Final Compensation is the average annual compensation of the five best years of the last ten years of Creditable Service prior to retirement. Compensation includes regular earnings, overtime pay of up to 300 hours annually, vacation pay, and sick pay. Compensation does not include payments for bonuses, clothing, meal, telephone (cell phone) allowance, mileage, or vehicle allowances, or lump sum payments of any vacation or sick leave that was accrued on or after July 1, 2011. For General Employees hired prior to July 1, 2011, compensation includes payments for unused annual leave at termination not to exceed the lesser of the amount of leave accrued as of June 30, 2011, or 500 hours (Code Ch. 2-16.01(3)). Percentage Value is the value you receive for each year of your Creditable Service. Regular Employees For regular employees this value is 1.6%. However, if at the time of retirement, you have more than 30 years of Creditable Service or you are older than 62 then the applicable benefit rate is as follows (Code Ch. 2-16.06(2)): • Age 63 or at least 31 years of creditable service the rate for all years is 1.63% 25 11 | Page • Age 64 or at least 32 years of creditable service the rate for all years is 1.65% • With at least 33 or more years of creditable service the rate for all years is 1.685% Senior Management Employees For senior management employees this value is 2% for all years of creditable service as a senior management employee. Creditable Service is your total number of years and fractional parts of years of service you worked in a covered position with the City (Code Ch. 2-16.01(10)). Coordination of Benefits. If you transfer from the Altamonte Springs Police Officers’ Pension Plan to this plan, or from this plan to the Altamonte Springs Police Officers’ Pension Plan, due to a change in employment status your pension status is subject to the following rules: Date of Transfer. The date of transfer shall be the date when the change in employment occurs. Calculation of Benefits. Your total retirement benefits will consist of a combination of the following: • Benefits payable by the previous plan Your accumulated contributions remain funds of the previous plan. If you were vested in the previous plan at the date of transfer your retirement benefit from the previous plan will be calculated by using the benefit multiplier and your salary as of the date of transfer. This benefit will commence on your normal retirement date pursuant to this plan. You are not eligible for any other benefits from the previous plan. If you were not vested in the previous plan prior to transfer, you are not eligible for a benefit from the previous plan. • Transfer from this plan If you become eligible for membership in the Altamonte Springs Police Officer’s Pension Plan because of a change in status, the rules regarding your pension status following the transfer are as described above. Other Types of Creditable Service. In addition to the service credit you earn for current work, you may be able to claim credit for certain other types of service to increase your benefits. To receive extra service credit, you may be required to pay additional retirement contributions. Other types of qualified creditable service include the following: 26 12 | Page Qualified Military Service Credit. A military leave-of-absence occurs when you leave your City General Employee position for the purpose of voluntary or involuntary service in the armed forces of United States. If you return to City employment as General Employee within one year of release from active military service, you may receive credit for up to five years of such active military service. You must pay to the plan the employee contributions missed during your absence. Workers’ Compensation Credit. You may claim up to two years of creditable service for periods you receive temporary Workers’ Compensation payments if you return to City employment as a General Employee for at least 30 days or you retire on a disability. Leave-of-Absence Without Pay Credit. A leave-of-absence without pay is a period when you are on an approved leave from work without pay, and plan to return to work after your leave. You may claim up to two years of such time as creditable service if you have at least 10 years of creditable service, the leave was approved, in writing, in advance, by both the City and the Board of Trustees, you return to work as a City General Employee immediately upon termination of the leave-of-absence and remain employed for at least 30 days, and you pay into the Pension Trust Fund the full amount of both the City and employee contributions, based on your total monthly compensation in effect for the pay period immediately preceding the period of authorized leave of absence, with interest, for the period of creditable service claimed. OTHER BENEFITS NOT PROVIDED BY THIS PENSION PLAN Social Security Coverage As a City employee you are automatically covered for Social Security and Medicare. Your pension plan benefits provided through the General Employees’ Pension Plan are not offset (reduced) by Social Security benefits you receive. Social Security contributions are automatically deducted from your salary and matched by the City. Although Social Security coverage is a part of your overall benefit package, the City has no control over your Social Security or Medicare benefit payments. Information on Social Security or Medicare benefits can be obtained from the local Social Security office or call the toll-free number, 1-800-772-1213, or visit their website at www.ssa.gov. 27 13 | Page Deferred Compensation Program In addition to the pension benefits provided by the Pension Plan, as a City employee you have the opportunity to participate in the City’s deferred compensation program operated under Section 457 of the Internal Revenue Code. This program provides you the opportunity to build tax-deferred retirement savings separate and distinct from the Pension Plan. You can elect to defer a portion of your regular compensation on a pre-tax basis through payroll deduction. This pre-tax advantage allows you to defer federal income taxes on the amount you invest, as well as earnings on your investments, until you withdraw your money from the program, usually during retirement when you may be in a lower tax bracket. The amounts you withdraw from your deferred compensation account are in addition to pension plan benefits or any other benefits you may receive. This program is completely voluntary with deposits into your deferred compensation account made solely by you. Your pension plan benefits provided through the Pension Plan are not affected in any way by your participation in the deferred compensation program. Further information can be obtained from the City’s Human Resources Department. RETIRING FROM THE CITY Normal Retirement Your normal retirement date is the time you are first eligible to receive a retirement benefit without a reduction of the benefits because of your age. You qualify for normal retirement at the earlier of (Code Ch. 2-16.06(1)): The attainment of age 62 and the completion of 6 years of Creditable Service, or, The completion of 30 years of Creditable Service, regardless of age. Early Retirement If you are vested but have not reached your normal retirement date or age, you can take early retirement. The amount of the retirement benefit will be reduced by five percent (5%) for each year (five-twelfths (5/12) of one (1) percent for each month) the commencement of retirement benefits precedes your normal retirement date (age 62 with at least 6 years of creditable service, or, 30 years of creditable service regardless of age). For example, if you were to retire after 25 years of creditable service, 5 years before the full 30 years of service necessary for normal retirement, your monthly pension benefit would be reduced by 25% (5 years X 5% = 25%) (Code Ch. 2-16.06(4) & (5)). 28 14 | Page RETIREMENT BENEFIT OPTIONS Upon retirement, before you can begin receiving your pension benefits, you must choose one of the three benefit options, or methods of payment, described below. Once you cash or deposit a benefit payment your option selection cannot be changed. Option 1 is the normal retirement option. Options 2 and 3 are adjusted to be actuarially equal to Option 1. Option 1 Life Only (normal retirement option) This option provides a monthly pension benefit for so long as you live. Upon your death no further benefits will be paid. This is considered the normal retirement option (Code Ch. 2-16.06(3)). Option 2 10 Years Certain and Life Thereafter Like Option 1, this option provides a monthly pension benefit to you for so long as you live. However, if you die within 10 years after your effective retirement date, your beneficiary will receive a monthly benefit payment in the same amount as you were receiving for the balance of the 10-year period. No further benefits are then payable. If you die 10 or more years after payment of your benefits commenced, no benefits will be payable to your beneficiary. Because of the 10 year guarantee the Option 2 monthly benefit is less than the Option 1 benefit (Code Ch. 2-16.10(1)(a)). Option 3 Joint Annuitant This option provides a reduced monthly pension benefit to you while both you and your joint annuitant are living. Upon the death of you or your joint annuitant, the monthly pension benefit payment to the survivor will be adjusted to 100%, 75%, 66 2/3% or 50% of the amount you were receiving while you both were living. At the time you retire, you must choose the adjustment percentage. No further benefits are payable after both you and your joint annuitant are deceased (Code Ch. 2-16.10(1)(b)). Option 4 Social Security Option If you retire from the City before Social Security benefits are payable you may choose to receive an increased retirement benefit from this Plan until such time as Social Security benefits shall be assumed to commence and a reduced benefit thereafter in order to provide, to the extent possible, a more level retirement allowance. (Code Ch. 2-16.10(1)(c)). 29 15 | Page DISABILITY BENEFITS Regular Disability Benefits You are eligible for regular (not-in-line-of-duty) disability benefits if you have completed at least 8 years of creditable service. Your disability must be total and permanent and the injury or illness causing the disability must have occurred before you terminate employment with the City. The minimum regular disability retirement benefit paid under Option 1 is 25% of your average final compensation. Your actual earned benefit, based on your years of service, will be used if it is higher than the minimum of 25% (Code Ch. 2-16.08). In-Line-of-Duty Disability Benefits You are eligible for in-line-of-duty disability benefits beginning on your first day of covered employment, regardless of length of service. An in-line-of-duty disability must be total and permanent and, in the opinion of the Board, directly caused by an injury or illness that happens in the performance of duties required by your job. The minimum in-line-of-duty disability retirement benefit paid under Option 1 is 42% of your final average compensation. Your actual earned benefit, based on your years of service, will be used if it is higher than the minimum of 42% (Code Ch. 2-16.08(3)). Conditions Disqualifying Disability Benefits You may not claim, nor will you receive, disability pension benefits if the disability is the result of any of the following (Code Ch. 2-16.08(2)). Excessive or habitual use of any drugs, intoxicants or narcotics. Injury or disease sustained while willfully and illegally participating in fights, riots or civil insurrections. Injury or disease sustained while committing a crime. Intentional, self-inflicted injury. Injury or disease sustained while serving in any branch of the armed forces. Injury or disease sustained after your employment as a General Employee of the City has been terminated. Willful, wanton or intentional misconduct or gross negligence. 30 16 | Page False, misleading or fraudulent statements made to obtain retirement benefits. Injury or disease sustained while you were working for anyone other than the City and arising out of such employment. A condition pre-existing your membership in the Plan. Optional Disability Benefits In addition to the disability benefits provided by this Plan, the City provides all City employees the opportunity to purchase additional disability insurance through payroll deduction at group rates. The City offers both short-term and long-term disability options. Short-term covers temporary disabilities lasting less than 6 months. Long-term covers long-term or permanent disabilities lasting 6 months or more. These policies pay income directly to you in the event you become disabled as defined by the insurance policies. However, disability benefits provided by these optional disability insurance programs may be affected by the disability benefits provided by the Plan. Disability benefits provided by the Pension Plan are not offset or reduced by benefits you may receive from these optional disability insurance programs. Further information on these optional disability insurance programs can be obtained from the City’s Human Resources Department. Other Disability Benefits If you become disabled you may be eligible for benefits through Florida’s Workers Compensation Program and/or the Federal Social Security Administration. However, these programs are administered separately from the Pension Plan. For questions relating to workers compensation please refer to the Florida Department of Financial Services, Division of Workers Compensation. For questions relating to Social Security please refer to the Social Security Administration. DIVORCE OR LEGAL SEPARATION: QUALIFIED DOMESTIC RELATIONS ORDER The Board will comply with a qualified domestic relations order (QDRO), a legal order resulting from a divorce or legal separation that gives the divorced spouse or other dependent their share of an asset, such as a pension or retirement plan benefit. The Plan does not write the QDRO. This must be done by you or your attorney. You must submit the domestic relations order to the Board of Trustees. The Board shall determine the qualified status of the order and notify the member and each alternate payee, in writing, of its determination. 31 17 | Page SURVIVOR BENEFITS Regular Survivor Benefits If you die other than in the line of duty with less than 6 years of creditable service the Plan will refund 100% of your accumulated Member contributions to your named beneficiary. Other than that there are no pension benefits available to your survivors. If death occurs after you have completed 6 years of creditable service, your beneficiary, who is your spouse, dependent child or any person receiving at least 50% of his or her support from you, may choose one of the following benefits: A refund of your Member contributions, without interest; or An immediate or deferred lifetime monthly benefit calculated as if you had retired on the date of death and chosen the 100% joint and survivor benefit option (Option 3). The benefit will be adjusted for early retirement if you were not of normal retirement age at the time of your death (Code Ch. 2-16.07(2)). If your beneficiary does not qualify as a joint annuitant, he or she is entitled only to a refund of your Member contributions. No monthly benefit would be payable. If you die while performing Qualified Military Service your beneficiaries are entitled to any benefits you would have been entitled to had you resumed employment and then died while employed. In Line of Duty Survivor Benefits If you die in the line of duty your spouse is entitled to a lifetime monthly benefit equal to one- half of your last monthly salary or your spouse may elect to receive an immediate or deferred lifetime monthly benefit calculated as if you had retired on the date of death and chosen the 100% joint and survivor benefit option (Option 3). The benefit will be adjusted for early retirement if you were not of normal retirement age at the time of your death. Your spouse can receive these benefits regardless of your length of service and even if you named someone else as your beneficiary. If you leave no surviving spouse or if your spouse should die, the benefit will be paid on behalf of your dependent children until the youngest child reaches 18 years of age or marries, whichever comes first. These survivor benefits supersede any other distribution that might have been provided by your designation of beneficiary (Code Ch. 2-16.07(1)). 32 18 | Page OTHER SURVIVOR BENEFITS NOT PROVIDED BY THIS PENSION PLAN Life Insurance In addition to the pension benefits provided by the Plan, if you die while actively employed by the City as a General Employee, your survivors may be entitled to other death benefits. The City, at its expense, provides life insurance for every full-time employee. If you die while employed by the City this policy will provide a single death benefit to survivors equal to your annual salary. If you die from an accident this amount is doubled. If you die from an accident while on the job there is an additional survivor benefit payable to your survivors. In addition to the preceding, you may purchase, at your expense, additional life insurance coverage at group rates through payroll deduction. Further information on this City program can be obtained from the City’s Human Resources Department. AFTER RETIREMENT Cost-of-Living Increase Retirees receive an annual 3% cost-of-living increase effective with the benefit payment for October of each year. The first cost-of-living increase will be a prorated amount if you have not been retired for one full year (Code Ch. 2-16.11). Retiree Health Insurance Coverage The City offers retirees, at the retirees’ expense, the option of continuing to participate in the City’s employee group health insurance plan. The premium cost of health insurance offered to retirees is the same as that paid by the City for each active employee. Retirees are required to purchase Medicare parts A and B upon reaching eligibility year (Ch. 112.0801, Florida Statutes). Employment or Re-employment with the City You can be employed by any employer other than the City without affecting your pension benefits (Code Ch. 2-16.09(7)). The Plan allows you to be re-employed by the City in any capacity at the sole discretion and option of the City. However, you: must meet the Plan’s definition of termination, 33 19 | Page must have been terminated for at least a year, and cannot participate in any City funded pension plan while you are re-employed by the City. Pension benefit payments to you will be suspended so long as you are re-employed by the City. Re-employed retirees are not eligible for Plan disability benefits. FORFEITURE OF BENEFITS Specific Offenses If you are convicted of any one or more of the following offenses committed prior to retirement, or your employment with the City is terminated because you admitted to commission, aid or abetment of the following offenses, the Board is required by law to forfeit your rights to any benefits under this Plan, except for the return of your accumulated Member contributions as of the date of termination. Specific offenses are as follows (Code Ch. 2-16.20(1) and sec. 112.3173, Florida Statutes): Committing, aiding or abetting of an embezzlement of public funds; Committing, aiding or abetting of any theft by a public officer or employee from employer; Bribery in connection with the employment of a public officer or employee; Any felony specified in Chapter 838, Florida Statutes except ss. 838.15 and 838.16; The committing of an impeachable offense; The committing of any felony by a public officer or employee who willfully, and with intent to defraud the public or public agency for which he or she acts or in which he or she is employed, of the right to receive the faithful performance of his or her duty as a public officer or employee, realizes or obtains or attempts to obtain a profit, gain, or advantage for himself or herself or for some other person through use or attempted use of the power, rights, privileges, duties or position of his or her public office of employment position. The committing on or after October 1, 2008, of any felony defined in section 800.04, Florida Statutes, against a victim younger than 16 years of age, or any felony defined in chapter 794 against a victim younger than 18 years of age, by a public officer or employee through the use or attempted use of power, rights, privileges, duties, or position of his or her public office or employment position. 34 20 | Page “Conviction” and “convicted” mean an adjudication of guilt by a court of competent jurisdiction; a plea of guilty or of nolo contendere; or a jury verdict of guilty when adjudication of guilt is withheld and the accused is placed on probation. Fraud Any Member or Beneficiary convicted of willfully and knowingly making, or causing to be made, or assisting, conspiring with, or urging another to make, or cause to be made, any false, fraudulent, or misleading oral or written statement or withholding or concealing material information to obtain a benefit available under the Plan may, in the discretion of the Board, be required to forfeit the right to receive any or all benefits to which the person would otherwise be entitled under the Plan. Note: if the conviction for fraud qualifies as a conviction for a “specified offense” under sec. 112.3173, Florida Statutes, which was committed prior to retirement, the Board has no discretion, and forfeiture is required by law. For purposes of this paragraph, “conviction” means a determination of guilt that is the result of a plea or trial, regardless of whether adjudication is withheld (Code Ch. 2-16.20(2)). Strikes Any Member who, prior to retirement, is adjudged by a court of competent jurisdiction to have violated any state law against strikes by public employees, or who has been found guilty by such court of violating any state law prohibiting strikes by public employee, shall forfeit all rights and benefits under this chapter, except the return of his or her accumulated contributions, without interest, as of the date of the conviction (Code Ch. 2-16.20(3)). Beneficiary Forfeiture of Benefits Any beneficiary who by a verdict of a jury or by the court trying the case without a jury is found guilty, or who has entered a plea of guilty or nolo contendere, of unlawfully and intentionally killing or procuring the death of the Member forfeits all rights to the deceased Member’s benefits under this Plan, and the benefits will be paid as if such beneficiary had predeceased the decedent (Code Ch. 2-16.20(4)). Right to Hearing Prior to forfeiture, the Board shall give notice and hold a hearing in accordance with Chapter 120, Florida Statutes for the purpose of determining whether the individual’s rights and privileges under the Plan are required to be forfeited. If the Board determines such rights and privileges are required to be forfeited, the Board shall order such rights and privileges forfeited. The Member has the right to have an attorney present. 35 21 | Page Withholding of Benefits Benefits will not be paid pending final resolution of such charges against a Member or Beneficiary if the resolution of such charges could require the forfeiture of benefits as provided in this section (Code Ch. 2-16.20(7)). Return of Benefits Any Member whose rights to a pension are forfeited who has received any benefits from the Plan shall be required to pay back to the Trust Fund the amount of benefits received in excess of the member’s accumulated contributions. The Board may implement all legal action necessary to recover such funds (Code Ch. 2-16.20(8)). CLAIMS PROCEDURES Pension benefits are not automatic, you must file a claim to receive any benefits. Contact the City’s Human Resources Department to begin the process. The Human Resources Department will provide you with an Application for Service Retirement package. In this package you will find the forms that must be completed along with information designed to help you make your retirement benefit decisions. You can submit your claim up to six months prior to your desired retirement date. Contact Human Resources at least 90 days before you plan to retire. You can change the information on the application before it is processed. However, once you have cashed or deposited your first retirement payment you cannot make any changes. If your claim for benefits is denied, you have the right to appeal this decision directly to the Board of Trustees. Again, contact the Human Resources Department and let them know you want to appeal. They will pass this on to the Board of Trustees. The Board will schedule a date for your appeal hearing. The Board’s decision is final. GENERAL INFORMATION Applicable Law The Plan is governed by federal, state and local laws including, but not limited to, the following: United States Internal Revenue Code and amendments thereto. Miscellaneous other Federal laws and regulations. Part 1, Chapter 112, Florida Statutes, “Conditions of Employment; retirement; travel expenses.” 36 22 | Page Part VII, Chapter 112, Florida Statutes, "Actuarial Soundness of Retirement Systems". Miscellaneous other State statutes, laws, and regulations, Chapter 2, Article II, Division 1 of the Code of Ordinances of the City of Altamonte Springs. Other ordinances, resolutions and policies of the City of Altamonte Springs. Administrative rules and regulations adopted by Board of Trustees Plan Year and Plan Records The Plan year begins on October 1st of each year and ends on September 30th of the following year. All records of the Plan are maintained on the basis of the Plan year. Assignment, Execution or Attachment Except for qualified domestic relations orders issued by a court of competent jurisdiction pursuant to section 222.21, Florida Statutes, income deduction orders as provided in section 61.1301, Florida Statutes or as otherwise provided by law, your retirement benefits and accumulated contributions accrued under this Plan are not subject to execution, attachment, garnishment or any other legal process and are not assignable. 37 23 | Page FINANCIAL AND ACTUARIAL INFORMATION The Plan is audited annually. An annual financial report is included in the City’s Annual Comprehensive Financial Report. A separate actuarial report on the solvency and actuarial soundness of the Plan is prepared annually. Copies of either or both of these reports are available from the City’s Finance Department. The following is selected financial and actuarial information. FINANCIAL INFORMATION Fiscal Year * 2020 2021 2022 Additions Contributions Investment income $ 1.57 4.22 $ 1.59 6.21 $ 1.59 (6.05) $ 5.79 $ 7.80 $ (4.46) Deletions Benefit payments Expenses $ 0.59 0.04 $ 0.84 0.03 $ 0.91 0.04 $ 0.63 $ 0.87 $ 0.95 Increase in net position Net position Beginning of year $ 5.16 30.80 $ 6.93 35.96 $ (5.41) 42.89 End of year $ 35.96 $ 42.89 $ 37.48 Plan investments Market value at September 30th U.S. treasuries Corporate bonds Common stocks $ 0.10 10.72 25.03 $ 1.06 12.21 29.62 $ 1.10 11.34 25.00 $ 35.85 $ 42.89 $ 37.44 *NOTE: Dollar figures are in millions. 38 24 | Page ACTUARIAL INFORMATION At September 30th Fiscal Year * 2020 2021 2022 Funding progress Plan fiduciary net position Total plan pension liability $ 35.96 (29.20) $ 42.89 (31.92) $ 37.49 (36.26) Unfunded actuarial accrued asset (liability) Percentage funded $ 6.76 123% $ 10.97 134% $ 1.23 103% Employer contributions Actuarially determined contribution Contribution in relation to the actuarially determined contribution $ 1.37 (1.52) $ 1.42 (1.53) $ 1.56 (1.54) Contribution deficiency (excess) Covered payroll Contributions as a percentage of covered payroll $ (0.15) $ 12.39 12.2% $ (0.11) $ 12.91 11.9% $ (0.02) $ 13.53 11.4% Plan membership Active Retirees and beneficiaries Vested terminated and limited members 272 70 99 268 76 88 268 74 66 *NOTE: Dollar figures are in millions. GLOSSARY OF TERMS The following is a list of terms and definitions which may be helpful in understanding your General Pension Plan benefits. Average Final Compensation is the average annual compensation of the five best years of the last ten years of creditable service (Code Ch. 2-16.01(3)). Beneficiary is the person or persons you designate to receive any benefits which may be payable upon your death (Code Ch. 2-16.01(4)). Creditable Service is the aggregate number of years you work as a General Employee and may include other types of qualified service periods (Code Ch. 2-16.01(10)). Early Retirement Age or Date is the age or date when, after you have been vested, you choose to receive a retirement benefit which is reduced because you have not reached normal retirement age (Code Ch. 2-16.06(4)). 39 25 | Page Joint Annuitant or Pensioner means a person designated by the Member to receive with the Member a retirement income of a modified monthly amount, payable to the Member during the joint lifetime of the member and the joint annuitant, and following the death of either of them, 100 percent, 75 percent, 66 2/3 percent, or, 50 percent of such monthly amount payable to the survivor for the lifetime of the survivor. Not further benefits shall be paid following the death of the survivor. To qualify as a joint annuitant, the beneficiary must be (Code Ch. 2-16.01(16)): Spouse of the Member, or Members natural or adopted child who is either under age 25, or physically or mentally disabled and incapable of self-support, regardless of age, or any person under the age of 25 for whom the Member is the legal guardian and who is financially dependent on the Member for no less than one-half of his or her support, or any person, age 25 or older, who is financially dependent on you for no less than one-half of his or her support, and is your parent, grandparent, or a person for whom you are the legal guardian. Normal Retirement Age or Date is the age or date when you first become eligible to retire, without a reduction of benefits, by being vested and reaching age 62 or completing 30 years of creditable service regardless of age (Code Ch. 2-16.06(1)). Termination occurs when you end all employment with the City. Vested or Vesting is the guarantee that you will receive a future benefit after you work a certain number of years. You are vested after completing 6 years of creditable service (Code Ch. 2-16.01(26)). 40 26 | Page This page is intentionally left blank. S:\FI\pensions\EMPLOYEE RETIREMENT GUIDES - ALL ASRS PLANS\MOST CURRENT VERSION\General Employee DB Plan (Dec 2022).docx 41 The Altamonte Springs Retirement System General Employees’ Defined Contribution Investment Plan Member Handbook for Employees December 2022 Edition 42 2 | Page TABLE OF CONTENTS Introduction ........................................................................................................................................ 3 Basic Plan Information ........................................................................................................................ 5 Membership........................................................................................................................................ 6 Contributions ...................................................................................................................................... 6 Beneficiary Designation ...................................................................................................................... 7 Vesting ................................................................................................................................................ 7 Investment Funds ............................................................................................................................... 7 Distributions from the Investment Plan ............................................................................................. 8 Determining Present Value ............................................................................................................... 10 Other Benefits Not Provided by this Pension Plan ........................................................................... 10 Survivor Benefits ............................................................................................................................... 11 Disability ........................................................................................................................................... 12 After Retirement ............................................................................................................................... 12 Situations Affecting Your Benefits .................................................................................................... 12 Forfeiture of Benefits ........................................................................................................................ 13 General Information ......................................................................................................................... 15 Glossary of Terms ............................................................................................................................. 15 Exhibit A – Investment Options ........................................................................................................ 18 43 3 | Page INTRODUCTION Upon hiring, all full time City employees are automatically enrolled or are eligible to enroll in one of the employee pension plans offered by the City. The various primary retirement plans include: Primary Retirement Plans The Florida Retirement System (FRS) Includes all full-time employees hired prior to January 1, 1996. The Altamonte Springs Police Officers’ Defined Benefit Pension Plan Includes all full-time Police Officers hired on or after January 1, 1996. The Altamonte Springs General Employees’ Defined Benefit Pension Plan Includes full-time employees other than Police Officers hired on or after January 1, 1996 The Altamonte Springs General Employees’ Defined Contribution Investment Plan Includes General Employees who have elected to move from the General Employees’ Pension Plan to the General Employees Investment Plan. This is an investment plan. Participants make their own investment decisions. This plan is not available to Police Officers. For pension purposes full-time employees carry one of several classifications. These include: Police Officer Sworn Police Officers employed by the City as Police Officers General Employee All full-time employees other than Police Officers further classified as either – Regular Employee. General Employees other than Senior Management Senior Management. Department Directors, City Manager, and Elected Officials. 44 4 | Page In addition to the primary retirement plans the City offers supplementary retirement plans to full- time employees. These include: Supplemental Retirement Plans Executive Employees Investment Pension Plan Includes department directors, deputy directors, and certain other designated positions. This is an investment plan funded with contributions from the City. Employee contributions are neither required to allowed. Participants make their own investment decisions. The Police Officers’ Share Plan Includes all full-time Police Officers who are members of the Police Officers’ Defined Benefit Pension Plan. This is an investment plan funded with contributions from the City. Employee contributions are neither required nor allowed. Participants make their own investment decisions. The Altamonte Springs Deferred Compensation Pension Plan (Sec 457 Plan) This plan is voluntary and open to all full-time employees. It is funded with pre-tax employee contributions. The City does not may any contributions to this plan. Participants make their own investment decisions. See page 11 for additional information on this plan. This Summary Plan Description is for employees enrolled in the Altamonte Springs General Employees’ Defined Contribution Investment Plan. There are separate summary plan descriptions for the Florida Retirement System, Altamonte Springs General Employees’ Pension Plan and the Altamonte Springs Police Officers’ Pension Plan. This guide explains your retirement plan - its benefits and policies, and your rights as a member of the City of Altamonte Springs General Employees’ Defined Contribution Investment Plan. Membership in the Plan is an important fringe benefit provided to you by the City. The Investment Plan is a defined contribution retirement plan qualified under Section 401(a) of the Internal Revenue Code. This means that employee and employer contributions are made to each member’s account under the Plan. The term “defined contribution” for the Investment Plan means that contributions are defined (in the General Employees’ Pension Plan the benefit is defined). Contributions from you and the City are deposited in an account established for you under the 45 5 | Page Investment Plan. Your benefits are based on the total value of your account at distribution. This amount is based on contributions, plus earnings on those contributions, less fees and charges. This guide is a basic employee handbook and is intended to be a reference for you. Inside you will find explanations of certain provisions of your pension plan. You are encouraged to study these provisions in order to become familiar with the benefits provided by the Plan. This document is only a brief explanation of the Plan. If there are any conflicts between this document and the ordinances of the City of Altamonte Springs, the ordinances will govern. A copy of the ordinances governing the Plan can be obtained from the City Clerk. A copy of the Plan and Trust Documents can be obtained from the Human Resources Department. If you have questions about a particular item or issue, please contact the City’s Human Resources Department. BASIC PLAN INFORMATION Name of Plan The Altamonte Springs General Employees’ Investment Plan (the Plan). Type of Plan The Plan is a defined contribution plan, qualified under section 401(a) of the Internal Revenue Code. Administration The Plan is administered by the City of Altamonte Springs, through its agent, MissionSquare Retirement (formerly ICMA Retirement Corporation). The MissionSquare plan number is 10-6450. Service of Legal Process The City Manager is the person designated for service of legal process. The contact information is: City Manager City of Altamonte Springs 225 Newburyport Avenue Altamonte Springs, FL 32701 Provisions of Law The Plan was established in 2011 and is operated pursuant to City ordinances and resolutions, Florida Law, and the U.S Federal Income Tax Code. Funding The Plan is contributory; contributions to the Plan are made by members and the City. Plan Year The plan year is October 1st through September 30th. 46 6 | Page Employment Rights Not Implied Membership in the Plan does not give you the right to be retained in the employ of the City, nor does it give you a right or claim to any benefit you have not accrued under the terms of the Plan. MEMBERSHIP Membership in the Plan Membership in the Investment Plan is optional. All full-time employees hired on or after January 1, 1996, and not classified as a sworn City Police Officer are automatically enrolled in the Altamonte Springs General Employees’ Pension Plan, a defined benefit plan, upon hiring. Members of the defined benefit plan can then choose to move to the Investment Plan. The Altamonte Springs General Employees’ Investment Plan is the defined contribution plan alternative to the Altamonte Springs General Employees’ Defined Benefit Pension Plan available to all General Employees not in the Florida Retirement System. Any member of the General Employees’ Defined Benefit Pension Plan can choose, at any time prior to retirement or leaving employment with the City, to opt out of the Defined Benefit Plan and join the Investment Plan. If you choose this option the City will transfer from the Defined Benefit Plan to the Investment Plan an amount of money equal to the present value of your accumulated benefit obligation under the Defined Benefit Plan. IMPORTANT NOTE! The decision to transfer from the Defined Benefit program to the Investment Plan is irrevocable. You cannot go back again! CONTRIBUTIONS Your account is funded by contributions from both the City and you along with investment earnings (if any) less expenses. All employees in the Investment Plan are required to contribute, via payroll deduction, one percent (1%) of compensation to the Plan. All contributions are deposited directly into your individual investment account within the Plan. Contribution Rates The contribution rates for employees, the City, and in total are as follows: Paid by Employee Paid by City Total Deposit to your Account Regular employees 1% 10% 11% Senior management 1% 12% 13% 47 7 | Page Contributions are Pre-tax Pre-tax contributions are not subject to current federal income taxation until withdrawn. For tax purposes, the full amount of your pre-tax contribution is deducted from your gross income. This results in a decrease in your current taxable income. Required employee contributions are treated for tax purposes as employer-paid employee contributions (commonly called an employer pick-up) under Internal Revenue Code section 414(h)(2). BENEFICIARY DESIGNATION As a member of the Investment Plan you are required to designate a beneficiary upon enrollment in the Plan. If you do not name a beneficiary or if your beneficiary has died, any benefits will be paid according to Florida law. You may change your beneficiary at any time. If your designated beneficiary dies it is important for you to submit a new beneficiary designation to be sure your account is distributed as you wish in the event of your death. VESTING Vesting refers to the years of creditable service to the City you must complete before you are entitled to pension benefits. For the Investment Plan you are fully vested from the first day you join the Plan. INVESTMENT FUNDS MissionSquare Retirement (formerly ICMA-RC), the Plan administrator, offers a wide variety of investment options, including equity and fixed-income funds that span the risk-return spectrum. The City’s investment advisors have reviewed the various funds offered by MissionSquare Retirement and, working with MissionSquare Retirement and City staff, have developed a comprehensive list of funds for our members, offering the lowest costs and best returns. All of the current investment options are shown on Exhibit A attached at the end of this handbook. The list is revised from time to time for various reasons. The most recent and complete list can be found on- line at the MissionSquare Retirement website, (www.missionsquareretirement.org). The plan number is 10-6450. Investment Tools and Assistance In addition to online calculators and educational articles, MissionSquare Retirement offers Guided Pathways®, a comprehensive suite of investment advisory and account management services. This 48 8 | Page program offers three levels of service designed to direct you to the appropriate level of assistance, based on how involved you want to be in your retirement investing decisions. Asset Class Guidance offers you a recommendation on how to divide your retirement account among asset classes. Fund Advice offers you a recommendation of specific funds in which to invest (an additional fee applies for this service). Managed Accounts offers ongoing professional management of your retirement plan assets, based on your personal and financial situation. Additional fees apply. Managed Accounts may not be suitable for all investors. Please contact the MissionSquare Retirement Guided Pathways® team or our MissionSquare representative and fully read the MissionSquare Retirement Guided Pathways® Fund Advice and Managed Accounts Investment Advisory Agreement prior to enrolling in Managed Accounts to determine if this service is right for you. DISTRIBUTIONS FROM THE INVESTMENT PLAN In general, you are eligible to withdraw vested assets from the Plan upon separation from service (either voluntary or otherwise), disability or retirement. While employed you may request in- service withdrawals after you reach age 62. Your beneficiary becomes eligible to receive benefits from the Plan in the event of your death. MissionSquare Retirement’s 401 Money Purchase Plan Benefit Withdrawal Packet fully details the information you will need to withdraw vested assets. All necessary forms are provided in the packet. You may obtain a copy from the City’s Human Resources Department or by contacting MissionSquare Retirement’s Investor Services at 800-669-7400. Distribution Options The Plan, through MissionSquare Retirement (plan administrator), offers a variety of options to meet your retirement needs. You may receive payment as: Partial or full lump-sum distribution. Installment payments (monthly, quarterly, semi-annually, or annually) until your assets are fully distributed. In addition, an annual automatic cost-of-living adjustment (COLA) may be elected with this option. Guaranteed lifetime income solutions to help make your money last. There are two options which may be available to you and are subject to an insurer’s claims-paying ability. These are: 49 9 | Page A Guaranteed Income Fund – this is an annuity that can also protect lifetime income from market downtowns and allows access to the market value at any time (withdrawals in excess of the guaranteed amounts do reduce guaranteed benefits). Guarantees are provided in exchange for additional fees1. The fund is generally more appropriate for investors who are within 10 to 15 years of retirement or already retired. An Immediate Annuity – MissionSquare Retirement on your behalf transfers a lump-sum payment from your account to an insurance company, not affiliated with MissionSquare Retirement or the City, in exchange for a fixed lifetime payout2. Rollover to another plan or an IRA. 1 Variable annuities are long-term vehicles designed for retirement purposes and contain underlying investments subject to investment risk, included possible loss of principal. 2 MissionSquare Retirement partners with select insurance companies that make annuities available through the Income for Life Annuity program. Participating insurance companies compensate ICMA- RC for providing administrative services in support of the Income for Life Annuity program. The fee is at an annual rate of 80 basis points (0.80%) of the purchase amount of the annuity for a period of five years. Please consult Income for Life Annuity Program: Immediate Annuities for Retirement Income, prior to purchasing an annuity. You may also obtain a copy by calling ICMA-RC Investor Services at 800-669-7400. Emergency Withdrawals Not Permitted The Investment Plan is a retirement plan and does not permit distributions by members due to hardships, unforeseeable emergencies, loans, medical expenses, educational expenses, the purchase of a principal residence, payments necessary to prevent eviction or foreclosure on a member’s principal residence, or for any other reason prior to termination of employment with the City. Required Minimum Distributions You may leave your assets in the Plan if your vested balance exceeds the minimum amount. You may also transfer all or part of and “eligible rollover distribution” to another employer’s retirement plan (401 qualified plan, 457 deferred compensation plan, or 403(b) tax sheltered annuity plan) as long as that plan accepts rollovers, or an IRA (if eligible to consolidate in a Roth IRA, any amounts transferred would be subject to tax up-front, but future earnings could be tax free). Eligible rollover distributions are generally all distributions unless they are: (1) regular, periodic payments over long periods, such as life expectancy or 10 years or more or (2) required minimum payments made to participants age 70½ or older. Your employee after-tax contributions can also 50 10 | Page be rolled to another 401 qualified plan, 403(b) plan, or an IRA (these after-tax amounts may not be rolled over to a 457 deferred compensation plan). De Minimis Distributions If your total vested account balance at termination is less than $1,000 it will be paid to you as soon as possible. You do not have the option of keeping your assets in your account but you may choose to roll over the balance as described above. Income Taxes on Distributions Pre-tax contributions and all earnings are subject to federal income taxes when withdrawn. Generally, taxable funds withdrawn before age 59½ are subject to an IRS tax penalty of 10 percent, in addition to ordinary income taxes. There are exceptions, including withdrawals taken from plans attributable to employers from which you separated from service in the year you turned age 55 or later. ICMA-RC does not withhold any portion of your payment to cover the IRS 10 percent penalty. You are responsible for calculating and paying it when you file your annual tax return. MissionSquare Retirement does not assess a penalty for any distribution for which you are eligible, regardless of age or length of plan participation. DETERMINING PRESENT VALUE If you have years of creditable service in the City’s General Employees’ Defined Benefit Pension Plan and elect to join the Investment Plan, a present value calculation will be performed by the City’s actuary to determine your Accumulated Benefit Obligation (ABO). The actuary will calculate the present value of your accumulated benefit obligation. The actuary then projects the total yearly benefits to be collected during retirement over your expected lifetime. This stream of increasing annual payments is converted to a single lump sum – a “present value” (value in today’s dollars) - using an actuarial conversion factor. Please note that the conversion factor will increase monthly until you reach your normal retirement date and will decrease for each month after the normal retirement date. OTHER BENEFITS NOT PROVIDED BY THIS PENSION PLAN Social Security Coverage As a City employee you are automatically covered for Social Security and Medicare. Your pension plan benefits provided through the General Employees’ Pension Plan are not offset (reduced) by Social Security benefits you receive. Social Security contributions are automatically deducted from your salary and matched by the City. Although Social Security coverage is a part of your overall benefit package, the City has no control over your Social Security or Medicare benefit payments. Information on Social Security or Medicare 51 11 | Page benefits can be obtained from the local Social Security office or call the toll-free number, 1-800- 772-1213, or visit their website at www.ssa.gov Deferred Compensation Program In addition to the pension benefits provided by the Pension Plan, as a City employee you have the opportunity to participate in the City’s deferred compensation program operated under Section 457 of the Internal Revenue Code. This program provides you the opportunity to build a retirement savings separate and distinct from the Pension Plan and reduce your current taxable income. You can elect to defer a portion of your compensation on a pre-tax basis through payroll deduction. This pre-tax advantage allows you to defer federal income taxes on the amount you invest, as well as earnings on your investments, until you withdraw your money from the program, usually during retirement when you may be in a lower tax bracket. The amounts you withdraw from your deferred compensation account are in addition to pension plan benefits or any other benefits you may receive. This program is completely voluntary with deposits into your deferred compensation account made solely by you. Your pension plan benefits provided through the City’s Pension Plans are not affected in any way by your participation in the deferred compensation program. Further information can be obtained from the City’s Human Resources Department. SURVIVOR BENEFITS From the Pension Plan In the event of your death your eligible beneficiary receives your funds. You are considered 100% vested at the date of death regardless of years of service. Under the Investment Plan there are no separate death benefits if you die in the line of duty as provided in the Defined Benefit Pension Plan. Other Survivor Benefits In addition to the pension benefits provided by the Plan, if you die while actively employed by the City as a General Employee, your survivors may be entitled to other death benefits. The City, at its expense, provides life insurance for every full-time employee. If you die while employed by the City this policy will provide a single death benefit to survivors equal to your annual salary. If you die from an accident this amount is doubled. If you die from an accident while on the job there is an additional survivor benefit payable to your survivors. 52 12 | Page In addition to the preceding, you may purchase, at your expense, additional life insurance coverage at group rates through payroll deduction. Further information on this City program can be obtained from the City’s Human Resources Department. DISABILITY In the event of permanent and total disability prior to retirement age, you become 100 percent vested in your account balance and may withdraw your funds without penalty at any time. Unlike the Defined Benefit Plan, this is the Investment Plan’s only special consideration to members who become disabled. If you become disabled you may be entitled to benefits through other programs. Be advised that other than 100 percent vesting, the Investment Plan does not provide any other disability benefits regardless of whether you become disabled on or off the job. You are urged to seriously consider purchasing disability insurance. The City offers this coverage to you at group rates, available through payroll deduction. Contact the City Human Resources Department for more information. AFTER RETIREMENT Health Insurance Coverage The City offers retirees, at the retirees’ expense, the option of continuing to participate in the City’s group health insurance plan for active employees. The premium cost of health insurance offered to retirees is the same as that paid by the City for each active employee. SITUATIONS AFFECTING YOUR BENEFITS The Investment Plan is designed to provide you with income for your retirement. However, some situations could affect your benefits: If it is determined by the City or the Investment Plan Administrator that you are not eligible to participate in the Investment Plan. If you terminated employment before becoming vested in the Investment Plan, you will not receive any benefits from the plan other than the receipt of your employee contributions contributed while you were a member of the Investment Plan. If you do not apply for payments from the Investment Plan before stated deadlines, or if you do not provide the information requested by the Investment Plan Administrator (the City or one of its contracted partners), your payments may be delayed; or 53 13 | Page If your mailing address on file with the Investment Plan Administrator is incorrect, payments from the Investment Plan may be delayed. Additionally, you may not receive statements of your Investment Plan account balance or other important notices. If you receive an invalid distribution from your Investment Plan account or violate the reemployment after retirement provisions of the Investment Plan, you will be required to repay the amount received to the Investment Plan within 90 days. Failure to do so could lead to your being declared retired from the Investment Plan, or at the option of the City, to administrative or legal action. In lieu of repaying the invalid distribution, you may terminate all employment with the City. FORFEITURE OF RETIREMENT BENEFITS Specific Offenses If you are convicted of any of the following offenses committed prior to retirement, or your employment with the City is terminated because you admitted to commission, aid or abetment of the following offenses, you forfeit all rights to any pension benefits under this Plan, except for the return of your accumulated personal contributions as of the date of termination. Specific offenses are as follows: Committing, aiding or abetting of an embezzlement of public funds; Committing, aiding or abetting of any theft by a public officer or employee from employer; Bribery in connection with the employment of a public officer or employee; Any felony specified in Chapter 838, Florida Statutes except ss. 838.15 and 838.16; The committing of an impeachable offense; The committing of any felony by a public officer or employee who willfully, and with intent to defraud the public or public agency for which he or she acts or in which he or she is employed, of the right to receive the faithful performance of his or her duty as a public officer or employee, realizes or obtains or attempts to obtain a profit, gain, or advantage for himself or herself or for some other person through use or attempted use of the power, rights, privileges, duties or position of his or her public office of employment position. The committing on or after October 1, 2008, of any felony defined in section 800.04, Florida Statutes, against a victim younger than 16 years of age, or any felony defined in chapter 794 against a victim younger than 18 years of age, by a public officer or employee through the use or attempted use of power, rights, privileges, duties, or position of his or her public office or employment position; 54 14 | Page Fraud Any Member or Beneficiary who is convicted of willfully and knowingly making, or causing to be made, or to assisting, conspiring with, or urging another to make, or cause to be made, any false, fraudulent, or misleading oral or written statement or withholding or concealing material information to obtain a benefit available under the Plan may, in the discretion of the Board, be required to forfeit the right to receive any or all benefits to which the person would otherwise be entitled under the Plan. For purposes of this paragraph, “conviction” means a determination of guilt that is the result of a plea or trial, regardless of whether adjudication is withheld. Strikes Any Member who, prior to retirement, is adjudged by a court of competent jurisdiction to have violated any state law against strikes by public employees, or who has been found guilty by such court of violating any state law prohibiting strikes by public employee, shall forfeit all rights and benefits under this chapter, except the return of his or her accumulated contributions, without interest, as of the date of the conviction. Beneficiary Forfeiture of Benefits Any beneficiary who by a verdict of a jury or by the court trying the case without a jury is found guilty, or who has entered a plea of guilty or nolo contendere, of unlawfully and intentionally killing or procuring the death of the Member forfeits all rights to the deceased Member’s benefits under this Plan, and the benefits will be paid as if such beneficiary had predeceased the decedent. Conviction Defined Conviction shall be defined as an adjudication of guilt by a court of competent jurisdiction; a plea of guilty or a nolo contendere; a jury verdict of guilty when adjudication of guilt is withheld and the accused is placed on probation; or a conviction by the Senate of an impeachable offense. Court Defined Court shall be defined as any state or federal court of competent jurisdiction which is exercising is jurisdiction to consider a proceeding involving the alleged commission of a specified offense. Prior to forfeiture, the Board shall hold a hearing on which notice shall be given to the Member whose benefits are being considered for forfeiture. Said Member shall be afforded the right to have an attorney present. No formal rules of evidence shall apply, but the Member shall be afforded a full opportunity to present his or her case against forfeiture. Withholding of Benefits Benefits will not be paid pending final resolution of such charges against a Member or Beneficiary if the resolution of such charges could require the forfeiture of benefits as provided in this section. 55 15 | Page GENERAL INFORMATION Assignment, Execution, or Attachment The benefits payable to you under the Investment Plan, and any contributions accumulated under the Plan, are not subject to assignment, execution, attachment, or any legal process, except for a Qualified Domestic Relations Order (QDRO) issued by a court of competent jurisdiction, income deduction orders as provided in s. 61.1301, Florida Statutes, and federal income tax levies. Note that federal income tax levies will only be honored if you are eligible for a distribution. If you divorce or legally separate, the Investment Plan may be required to follow the provisions of a QDRO that assigns part or all of your Investment Plan account to a former spouse or for the support of your dependents. The Investment Plan Administrator determines whether a court order is a QDRO. You can obtain QDRO information from the Investment Plan Administrator. Model language is available to assist in the drafting of a QDRO that meets the requirements of federal law and the Plan’s provisions. The Investment Plan Administrator will send you a notice if the Plan receives a court order that could affect your Investment Plan account. Errors and Incorrect or Incomplete Data Errors may sometimes occur in determining benefits provided by the Investment Plan. This could be due to incorrect or incomplete data or for other reasons. If such an error is discovered, the Investment Plan Administrator and your employer reserve the right to correct it at any time, including after you terminate employment or take a distribution of your account balance. If you receive an overpayment as a result of an error, you will be notified of the amount and will be required to repay it. If you have an underpayment you will receive an additional payment from the Investment Plan Administrator. Employment Rights in the Investment Plan Participation in the Investment Plan or any contributions to the Investment Plan on your behalf, or any other part of Investment Plan operation or administration does not give you the right to continued employment. GLOSSARY The following terms are defined as used in connection with the General Employees’ Investment Plan and in this brochure. In an effort to make these provisions easy to understand, nontechnical language has been used as much as possible. Questions of interpretation will be governed by City ordinances, State Law, and Federal Law. 56 16 | Page Beneficiary: The joint annuitant or any other person, organization, estate, or trust fund you designate to receive a retirement benefit that may be payable when you die. Benefit: Any payment (lump sum or periodic) to you, a retiree, or a beneficiary, based partially or entirely on employer contributions. Contributions: The percentage of your gross monthly salary that you and the City contribute to your account in the General Employees’ Investment Plan. Creditable service: A member receives one month of service credit for each month in which any salary is paid for work performed. Date of participation: The date you become a plan member. Defined contribution plan: A type of retirement plan as defined under Section 401(a) of the Internal Revenue Code, which defines the amount of contributions which are made for an employee and that amount is generally related to an employee’s salary. Eligible employee: An employee or elected official who is a member of or is eligible for membership in the Investment Plan. Eligible rollovers: A direct plan transfer from an eligible retirement plan to the Investment Plan. Fiscal Year: A 12-month period beginning October 1 and ending on September 30. Employee: Any person receiving salary payments for work performed in a regularly established position and employed in a covered position. Plan year: The period of time beginning October 1 and ending on the following September 30, both dates inclusive. Reemployment: This term means employment after retirement by the City. Salary: Regular payment of compensation by the City to an employee for work performed, including certain overtime payments. Retiree: Under the Investment Plan, this means a former member of the Plan who has terminated employment and has taken a distribution of benefits from the plan, except for a mandatory distribution of a de minimus account balance or a federally mandated Required Minimum Distribution. 57 17 | Page Retirement: Under the Investment Plan, this term means the point at which you are vested, have terminated all covered employment, and have taken a distribution from the Plan. Termination: This refers to the termination of employment, which occurs when you end all employment with the City. Vest, Vested or Vesting: These terms refer to the guarantee of a benefit under the General Employees’ Investment Plan. You are vested in the plan from the first day of employment with the City. 58 18 | Page EXHIBIT A – INVESTMENT OPTIONS for Plan: The following funds are offered by the Plan to Participants. Please note this list is updated from time to time. This list is accurate as of November 2020. Fund Option Ticker Style Objective Peer Group Benchmark DOMESTIC EQUITY FUNDS Vanguard 500 Index Admiral VFIAX 500 Index IM US Large Cap Core Equity (MF) Median S&P 500 Index MFS Growth MFEKX Large Cap Growth IM US Large Cap Growth Equity (MF) Median Russell 1000 Growth Index JP Morgan Equity Income Fund OIEJX Large Cap Value IM US Large Cap Value Equity (MF) Median Russell 1000 Value Index Touchstone Mid Cap Growth Fund R6 TFGRX Mid Cap Growth IM US Mid Cap Growth Equity (MF) Median Russell Midcap Growth Index Virtus Ceredex Mid Cap Value FBVZX Mid Cap Value IM US Mid Cap Value Equity (MF) Median Russell Midcap Value Index Conestoga Small Growth CCALX Small Cap Growth IM US Small Cap Growth Equity (MF) Median Russell 2000 Growth Index Wells Fargo Special Small Cap Value R6 ESPRX Small Cap Value IM US Small Cap Value Equity (MF) Median Russell 2000 Value Index Vanguard Extended Market Index VEXAX Small / Mid Cap IM US SMID Cap Core Equity (MF) Median Russell 2500 Index INTERNATIONAL / GLOBAL EQUITY FUNDS American Funds Europacific Growth RGRGX International Equity IM International Equity (MF) Median MSCI ACWI ex USA Index Fixed Income / Stable Value Funds VT PLUS Fund PLUS Fixed Interest IM US GIC/Stable Value (SA+CF) Median B of A Merrill Lynch 3-month US T Bill Metropolitan West Total Bond Fund MWTSX Fixed Income IM US Board Market Core Fixed Income (MF) Barclays U.S. Aggregate Bond Index Balanced / Target Date* Funds Vanguard Retirement Income Fund VTINX Target Date IM Mixed-Asset Target 2010 (MF) Median Dow Jones Global Target 2010 Index Vanguard Target Retirement 2025 * VTTVX Target Date IM Mixed-Asset Target 2025 (MF) Median Dow Jones Global Target 2025 Index Vanguard Target Retirement 2030 * VTHRX Target Date IM Mixed-Asset Target 2030 (MF) Median Dow Jones Global Target 2030 Index Vanguard Target Retirement 2035 * VTTHX Target Date IM Mixed-Asset Target 2035 (MF) Median Dow Jones Global Target 2035 Index Vanguard Target Retirement 2040 * VFORX Target Date IM Mixed-Asset Target 2040 (MF) Median Dow Jones Global Target 2040 Index Vanguard Target Retirement 2045 * VTRIVX Target Date IM Mixed-Asset Target 2045 (MF) Median Dow Jones Global Target 2045 Index Vanguard Target Retirement 2050 * VFIFX Target Date IM Mixed-Asset Target 2050 (MF) Median Dow Jones Global Target 2050 Index Vanguard Target Retirement 2055 * VFFVX Target Date IM Mixed-Asset Target 2055 (MF) Median Dow Jones Global Target 2055 Index Vanguard Target Retirement 2060 * VTTSX Target Date IM Mixed-Asset Target 2060 (MF) Median Dow Jones Global Target 2060 Index Continued next page. 59 19 | Page Fund Option Ticker Style Objective Peer Group Benchmark Vanguard LifeStrategy Cons. Growth VSCGX Risk Based / Balanced IM Mixed Asset Target Alloc Cons. (MF) Dow Jones US Moderately Conservative Index Vanguard LifeStrategy Mod. Growth VSMGX Risk Based / Balanced IM Mixed Asset Target Alloc Growth (MF) Dow Jones US Aggressive Index Vanguard LifeStrategy Growth VASGX Risk Based / Balanced IM Mixed Asset Target Alloc Growth (MF) Dow Jones US Aggressive Index *Plan QDIA Specialty DFA Real Estate Securities DFREX Real Estate IM Real Estate Sector (MF) Dow Jones U.S. REIT Index Note: This is list is effective as of November 2020, but is subject to change periodically. Please see the MissionSquare Retirement website to view the latest list of investment options. 60 20 | Page This page is intentionally left blank. S:\FI\pensions\EMPLOYEE RETIREMENT GUIDES - ALL ASRS PLANS\MOST CURRENT VERSION\Investment Plan Handbook (Aug 2022).docx 61 The Altamonte Springs Retirement System GENERAL EMPLOYEES’ PENSION PLAN A Retirement Guide for Regular Employees October 2016 Edition 62 2 | Page TABLE OF CONTENTS Introduction ................................................................................................. 3 Basic Plan Information ................................................................................... 4 Board of Trustees .......................................................................................... 5 Membership ................................................................................................. 5 Contributions ................................................................................................ 6 Beneficiary Designation .................................................................................. 6 Vesting ........................................................................................................ 7 Terminating Employment Before Retirement ..................................................... 7 Your Retirement Benefit ................................................................................. 8 Retiring from the City .................................................................................. 10 Disability Benefits ....................................................................................... 11 Survivor Benefits ........................................................................................ 13 After Retirement ......................................................................................... 14 Forfeiture of Benefits ................................................................................... 15 Claims Procedures ....................................................................................... 17 General Information .................................................................................... 17 Financial and Actuarial Information ................................................................ 19 Glossary of Terms ....................................................................................... 20 63 3 | P a g e INTRODUCTION Upon hiring, all full time City employees (and elected officials upon election) are automatically enrolled in one of the employee pension plans offered by the City. These include: The Florida Retirement System (FRS) – Includes all full-time employees hired prior to January 1, 1996. The Altamonte Springs Police Officers Pension Plan – Includes all full-time Police Officers hired on or after January 1, 1996. The Altamonte Springs General Employees’ Pension Plan – Includes full-time employees other than Police Officers hired on or after January 1, 1996 The Altamonte Springs Employees Investment Plan – Includes General Employees who have elected to move from the General Employees’ Pension Plan to the Employees Investment Plan. For pension purposes full-time employees carry one of several classifications. These include: Police Officer - Sworn Police Officers General Employee - all full time employees other than Police Officers further classified as either – Regular Employee - General Employees other than Senior Management Senior Management – Department Directors, City Manager, and Elected Officials. This Summary Plan Description is for Regular Employees enrolled in the Altamonte Springs General Employees’ Defined Benefit Pension Plan. There are separate summary plan descriptions for the Florida Retirement System, Altamonte Springs Police Officers’ Pension Plan and the Altamonte Springs Employee Investment Plan. This guide explains your retirement plan - its benefits and policies, and your rights as a member of the City of Altamonte Springs General Employees’ Pension Plan. Membership in the Pension Plan is an important benefit provided to you by the City. This guide is a basic employee handbook and is intended to be a reference for you. Inside you will find explanations of certain provisions of your Pension Plan. You are encouraged to study these provisions in order to become familiar with the benefits 64 4 | Page provided by the Plan. This document is only a brief explanation of the Plan. If there are any conflicts between this document and the ordinances of the City of Altamonte Springs, the ordinances will govern. A copy of the ordinances governing the Plan can be obtained from the City Clerk. If you have questions about a particular item or issue, please contact the City’s Human Resources Department. BASIC PLAN INFORMATION Name of Plan The Altamonte Springs General Employees’ Pension Plan (the Plan). Type of Plan The Plan is a defined benefit plan, qualified under section 401(a) of the Internal Revenue Code. Administration The Plan is administered by the Altamonte Springs General Employees’ Pension Plan Board of Trustees (Code Ch. 2-16.03). Service of Legal Process The City Manager is the person designated for service of legal process. The contact information is: City Manager City of Altamonte Springs 225 Newburyport Avenue Altamonte Springs, FL 32701 Provisions of Law The Plan was established in 1995 and is operated pursuant to Chapter 112, Florida Statues, City Code of Ordinances (“Code”), Chapter 2, Article II, Division 1, and certain other City ordinances and resolutions. Funding The Plan is contributory meaning contributions come from both the City and employees. However, only those employees hired on or after January 1, 2012, are required to make contributions to the Plan (Code Ch. 2-16.05). Plan Year The plan year is October 1st through September 30th. Employment Rights Not Implied Membership in the Plan does not give you the right to be retained in the employ of the City, nor does it give you a right or claim to any benefit you have not accrued under the terms of the Plan. 65 5 | P a g e BOARD OF TRUSTEES The City of Altamonte Springs General Employees' Pension Plan is a defined benefit pension plan administered by the City Commission acting as the Board of Trustees (Code Ch. 2-16.03). MEMBERSHIP Membership in the Plan Each full-time employee hired on or after January 1, 1996, and not classified as a sworn City Police Officer becomes a Plan Member as a condition of employment (Code Ch. 2-16.02(1)). Optional Retirement Program The Altamonte Springs Employees Investment Plan is the defined contribution plan alternative to the Altamonte Springs General Employee’s Defined Benefit Pension Plan available to all General Employees not in the Florida Retirement System. Any member of the Defined Benefit plan can, at any time prior to retirement or otherwise leaving employment with the City, chose to opt out of the Defined Benefit Plan and join the Investment Plan. If you chose this option the City will transfer from the Defined Benefit Plan to the Investment Plan an amount of money equal to the present value of your accumulated benefit obligation under the Plan. The Investment Plan is contributory for ALL participants regardless of when hired. ALL members are required to contribute one-percent (1%) of compensation to the Plan. The decision to transfer from the Defined Benefit program to the Investment Plan is irrevocable. You cannot go back again. (Code Ch. 2-16.02(5)). For more information on the Investment Plan contact the Human Resources Department. Social Security Coverage As a City employee you are automatically covered for Social Security and Medicare. Your pension plan benefits provided through the General Employees’ Pension Plan are not offset (reduced) by Social Security benefits you receive. Social Security contributions are automatically deducted from your salary and matched by the City. Although Social Security coverage is a part of your overall benefit package, the City has no control over your Social Security or Medicare benefit payments. Information on Social Security or Medicare benefits can be obtained from the local Social Security office or call the toll-free number, 1-800-772-1213, or visit their website at www.ssa.gov. 66 6 | Page Deferred Compensation Program In addition to the pension benefits provided by the Pension Plan, as a City employee you have the opportunity to participate in the City’s deferred compensation program operated under Section 457 of the Internal Revenue Code This program provides you the opportunity to build a retirement savings separate and distinct from the Pension Plan and reduce your current taxes. You can elect to defer a portion of your compensation on a pre-tax basis through payroll deduction. This pre-tax advantage allows you to defer federal income taxes on the amount you invest, as well as earnings on your investments, until you withdraw your money from the program, usually during retirement when you may be in a lower tax bracket. The amounts you withdraw from your deferred compensation account are in addition to pension plan benefits or any other benefits you may receive. This program is completely voluntary with deposits into your deferred compensation account made solely by you. Your pension plan benefits provided through the General Employees’ Pension Plan are not affected in any way by your participation in the deferred compensation program. Further information can be obtained from the City’s Human Resources Department. CONTRIBUTIONS The Plan is an employee contributory plan. This means some employees are required to contribute to the Plan except for purchased creditable service. General Employees hired prior to January 1, 2012 are not required to contribute to the Plan. General Employees hired on or after January 1, 2012 are required to contribute one percent (1%) of compensation to the Plan. Use of these funds is restricted for the sole purpose of funding the Plan (Code Ch. 2-16.05). Refund of Contributions You may request a refund of contributions you made to the Plan if you terminate all employment with the City. Your refund will not include contributions made by or from any source other than yourself and will not include any interest. If your employee contributions are refunded you lose any accrued pension benefits forever (Code Ch. 2-16.09(1)). BENEFICIARY DESIGNATION Before You Retire When you started work you should have filled out a form naming one or more beneficiaries to receive any pension benefits due if you die before retirement. You may name any person or persons you choose as beneficiary (Code Ch. 2-16.12). You 67 7 | P a g e may change the beneficiary at any time by completing a new designation of beneficiary form. This is important to remember if your designated beneficiary dies or your martial or family status changes. A Member’s divorce decree or will has no bearing on how Member survivor’s benefits are paid. Any benefits due upon your death are paid only to the designated beneficiaries or to your estate if you have not named a beneficiary or your designated beneficiary has died. When You Retire When you retire you will be asked to rename a beneficiary and to choose a retirement option on your application for retirement. Retirement options are explained later in this document under the section titled “RETIRING FROM THE CITY” (Code Ch. 2-16.10(2)). If you choose option 1 or 2 you may name a beneficiary as described above. If you choose option 3 or 4 you must name as your beneficiary a person who qualifies as a joint annuitant. After You Retire If you retire under option 1 or 2 you may change your designated beneficiary at any time. If you choose option 3 or 4 you may change your joint annuitant only two times after your retirement benefit has started. When you change your joint annuitant, the monthly benefit you receive will be adjusted based on your current age and the age of your new joint annuitant (Code Ch. 2-16.09(2) & (3)). VESTING Being vested means you are eligible to receive a current or future retirement benefit. You vest in the Plan upon the completion of six years of creditable service. Once you vest, you are eligible for a future benefit when you leave employment with the City and apply for your retirement benefit. Being vested does not entitle you to a disability benefit based on a disability that occurs after you terminate employment (Code Ch. 2- 16.01(26)). You will lose your vested rights if: You forfeit your benefits as described under the section titled “FORFEITURE OF BENEFITS” (Code Ch. 2-16.20). You receive a refund of your personal retirement contribution (Code Ch. 2-16.09 (1)). TERMINATING EMPLOYMENT BEFORE RETIREMENT Whenever you terminate your covered employment before retiring, you have some 68 8 | Page decisions to make. Your available options will vary depending upon your vesting status at the time of your termination (Code Ch. 2-16.09). Before You Are Vested If you terminate your employment with the City prior to being vested, retirement is not an option. However, you can: Receive a refund of your personal contributions, or Leave your personal contributions on deposit with the Plan. The service credit is not lost and will be combined with any additional service credit you may earn for covered employment in the future. After You Are Vested If you are vested when you terminate your employment with the City, you can: Receive a refund of your personal contributions, or Leave your personal contributions on deposit with the Plan. The service credit is not lost and will be combined with any additional service credit you may earn for covered employment in the future, or Retire. Depending on your age, you could take a normal retirement or early retirement or you could defer your retirement until a future date of your choice: If you qualify for normal retirement, your unreduced benefit will be based on all years of creditable service which you either earned or purchased. If you chose to retire early (before reaching your normal retirement date) your benefit will be reduced based upon your age at retirement. To avoid or minimize benefit reduction for early retirement, you could choose to postpone your retirement. If you defer retirement, the amount of your benefit will be calculated using your age at the time you begin receiving retirement benefits. YOUR RETIREMENT BENEFIT Retirement Benefit Formula The monthly pension benefit payment you receive when you retire depends on your Average Final Compensation, age, Percentage Value, years of Creditable Service, and the benefit payment option you select. The formula for calculating the normal annual retirement benefit is as follows (Code Ch. 2-16.06(2)(b)): 69 9 | P a g e First, calculate the normal annual retirement benefit like this – Average Final Compensation times Percentage Value times Years of Creditable Service equals Normal Annual Retirement Benefit Then calculate the normal monthly retirement benefit by dividing the normal annual retirement benefit by 12 like this – Normal Annual Retirement Benefit divided by 12 equals Normal Monthly Retirement Benefit Average Final Compensation is the average annual compensation of the five best years of Creditable Service prior to retirement. Compensation includes regular earnings, overtime pay of up to 300 hours annually, vacation pay, and sick pay. Compensation does not include payments for bonuses, clothing, meal, mileage, telephone (cell phone) allowance, mileage, or vehicle allowances. For General Employees hired prior to July 1, 2011, compensation includes payments for unused annual leave at termination not to exceed the lesser of the amount of leave accrued as of June 30, 2011, or 500 hours(Code Ch. 2-16.01(3)). Percentage Value is the value you receive for each year of your Creditable Service. This value is 1.6%. However, if at the time of retirement you have more than 30 years of Creditable Service or are older than 62 years of age, then the applicable rate is as follows (Code Ch. 2-16.06(2)): Age 63 or 31 years of creditable service 1.63% Age 64 or 32 years of creditable service 1.65% Age 65 or older or 33 or more years 1.685% Creditable Service is your total number of years and fractional parts of years of service you worked in a covered position with the City (Code Ch. 2-16.01(10)): Other Types of Creditable Service. In addition to the service credit you earn for current work, you may be able to claim credit for certain other types of service to increase your benefits. To receive extra service credit, you may be required to pay additional retirement contributions. Other types of qualified creditable service include the following: Military Leave-of-Absence Credit - A military leave-of-absence occurs when you 70 10 | Page leave your City General Employee position to serve in the United States military. If you return to City employment as General Employee within one year of release from active military service, you may receive credit for up to five years of such active military service. Workers’ Compensation Credit - You may claim up to two years of creditable service for periods you receive temporary Workers’ Compensation payments if you return to City employment as a General Employee for at least 30 days or you retire on a disability. Leave-of-Absence Without Pay Credit - A leave-of-absence without pay is a period when you are on an approved leave from work without pay, and plan to return to work after your leave. You may claim up to two years of such time as creditable service if you have at least 10 years of creditable service, the leave was approved, in writing, in advance, by both the City and the Board of Trustees, you return to work as a City General Employee immediately upon termination of the leave-of-absence and remain employed for at least 30 days, and you pay into the Pension Trust Fund the full amount of both the City and employee contributions, with interest, for the period of creditable service claimed. RETIRING FROM THE CITY Normal Retirement Your normal retirement date is the time you are first eligible to receive a retirement benefit without a reduction of the benefits because of your age. You qualify for normal retirement at the earlier of (Code Ch. 2-16.06(1)): The attainment of age 62 and the completion of 6 years of Credited Service, or, The completion of 30 years of Credited Service, regardless of age. Early Retirement If you are vested but have not reached your normal retirement date or age you can take early retirement. The amount of the retirement benefit will be reduced by five percent (5%) for each year the commencement of retirement benefits precedes your normal retirement date (age 62 with at least 6 years of creditable service, or, 30 years of creditable service regardless of age). For example, if you were to retire after 25 years of creditable service, 5 years before the full 30 years of service necessary for normal retirement, your monthly pension benefit would be reduced by 25% (5 years X 5% = 25%) (Code Ch. 2-16.06(4) & (5)). 71 11 | P a g e Retirement Benefit Options Upon retirement, before you can begin receiving your pension benefits, you must choose one of the four benefit options, or methods of payment, described below. Once you cash or deposit a benefit payment your option selection cannot be changed. Option 1 is considered the normal retirement option. Options 2, 3, and 4 are adjusted to be actuarially equal to Option 1. Option 1 Life Only. This option provides a monthly pension benefit for so long as you live. Upon your death no further benefits will be paid. This is considered the normal retirement option (Code Ch. 2-16.06(3)). Option 2 10 Years Certain and Life Thereafter. Like Option 1, this option provides a monthly pension benefit to you for so long as you live. However, if you die within 10 years after your effective retirement date, your beneficiary will receive a monthly benefit payment in the same amount as you were receiving for the balance of the 10 year period. No further benefits are then payable. Because of the 10 year guarantee the Option 2 monthly benefit is less than the Option 1 benefit (Code Ch. 2-16.10(1)(a)). Option 3 Joint Annuitant. This option provides a reduced monthly pension benefit to you while both you and your joint annuitant are living. Upon the death of either you or your joint annuitant, the monthly pension benefit payment to the survivor will be adjusted to 100%, 75%, 66 2/3% or 50% of the amount you were receiving while you both were living. At the time you retire, you must choose the adjustment percentage. No further benefits are payable after both you and your joint annuitant are deceased (Code Ch. 2-16.10(1)(b)). Option 4 Social Security Option. This option is designed to provide a more level retirement allowance throughout your retirement period. If you retire prior to the time at which Social Security benefits are payable, you may elect to receive an increased retirement benefit until such time as Social Security benefits shall be assumed to commence and a reduced benefit thereafter. Upon your death no further pension benefits are payable (Code Ch. 2-16.10(1)(c)). DISABILITY BENEFITS Regular Disability Benefits You are eligible for regular disability benefits if you have completed at least 8 years of creditable service. Your disability must be total and permanent and the injury or illness causing the disability must have occurred before you terminate employment 72 12 | Page with the City. The minimum regular disability retirement benefit paid under Option 1 is 25% of your average final compensation. Your actual earned benefit, based on your years of service, will be used if it is higher than the minimum of 25% (Code Ch. 2-16.08). In-Line-of-Duty Disability Benefits You are eligible for in-line-of-duty disability benefits beginning on your first day of covered employment, regardless of length of service. An in-line-of-duty disability must be total and permanent and caused by injury or illness that happens in the performance of duties required by your job. The minimum in-line-of-duty disability retirement benefit paid under Option 1 is 42% of your final average compensation. Your actual earned benefit, based on your years of service, will be used if it is higher than the minimum of 42% (Code Ch. 2-16.08(3)). Conditions Disqualifying Disability Benefits You may not claim, nor will you receive, disability pension benefits if the disability is the result of (Code Ch. 2-16.08(2)): Excessive or habitual use of any drugs, intoxicants or narcotics. Injury of disease sustained while willfully and illegally participating in fights, riots or civil insurrections. Injury or disease sustained while committing a crime. Injury or disease sustained while serving in any branch of the Armed Forces. Injury or disease sustained after your employment as a General Employee of the City has been terminated. Willful, wanton or intentional misconduct or gross negligence. False, misleading or fraudulent statements made to obtain retirement benefits. Injury or disease sustained while you were working for anyone other than the City and arising out of such employment. A condition pre-existing your membership in the Plan. Intentional, self-inflicted injury. Optional Disability Benefits In addition to the disability benefits provided by this Plan, the City provides all City employees the opportunity to purchase additional disability insurance through payroll 73 13 | P a g e deduction at group rates. The City offers both short-term and long-term disability options. Short-term covers temporary disabilities lasting less than 6 months. Long- term covers long-term or permanent disabilities lasting 6 months or more. These policies pay income directly to you in the event you become disabled as defined by the insurance policies. Disability benefits provided by the Pension Plan are not offset or reduced by benefits you may receive from these optional disability insurance programs. Further information on these optional disability insurance programs can be obtained from the City’s Human Resources Department. SURVIVOR BENEFITS Regular Survivor Benefits If you die other than in the line of duty with less than 6 years of creditable service the Plan will refund 100% of your accumulated Member contributions. Other than that there are no pension benefits available to your survivors. If death occurs after you have completed 6 years of creditable service, your beneficiary, who is your spouse, dependent child or any person receiving at least 50% of his or her support from you, is entitled to an immediate or deferred lifetime monthly benefit calculated as if you had retired on the date of death and chosen the 100% joint and survivor benefit option (Option 3). The benefit will be adjusted for early retirement if you were not of normal retirement age at the time of your death (Code Ch. 2-16.07(2)). If your beneficiary does not qualify as a joint annuitant no monthly benefit would be payable. In Line of Duty Survivor Benefits If you die in the line of duty your spouse is entitled to a lifetime monthly benefit equal to one-half of your last monthly salary or your spouse may elect to receive an immediate or deferred lifetime monthly benefit calculated as if you had retired on the date of death and chosen the 100% joint and survivor benefit option (Option 3). The benefit will be adjusted for early retirement if you were not of normal retirement age at the time of your death. Your spouse can receive these benefits regardless of your length of service and even if you named someone else as your beneficiary. If you leave no surviving spouse or if your spouse should die, the benefit will be paid on behalf of your dependent children until the youngest child reaches 18 years of age or marries, whichever comes first. These survivor benefits supersede any other distribution that might have been provided by your designation of beneficiary (Code Ch. 2-16.07(1)). Other Survivor Benefits In addition to the pension benefits provided by the Plan, if you die while actively 74 14 | Page employed by the City as a General Employee, your survivors may be entitled to other death benefits. The City, at its expense, provides life insurance for every full-time employee. If you die while employed by the City this policy will provide a single death benefit to survivors equal to your annual salary. If you die from an accident this amount is doubled. If you die from an accident while on the job there is an additional survivor benefit of $70,100 payable to your survivors. This amount is subject to periodic adjustment. In addition to the preceding, you may purchase, at your expense, additional life insurance coverage at group rates through payroll deduction. Further information on this City program can be obtained from the City’s Human Resources Department. AFTER RETIREMENT Cost-of-Living Increase Retirees receive an annual 3% cost-of-living increase on October first of each year. The first cost-of-living increase will be a prorated amount if you have not been retired for one full year (Code Ch. 2-16.11). Health Insurance Coverage The City offers retirees, at the retirees’ expense, the option of continuing to participate in the City’s group health insurance plan for active employees. The premium cost of health insurance offered to retirees is the same as that paid by the City for each active employee. Employment or Re-employment with the City You can be employed by any employer other than the City without affecting your pension benefits (Code Ch. 2-16.09(7)). The Plan allows you to be re-employed by the City in any capacity at the sole discretion and option of the City. However, you: must meet the Plan’s definition of termination, must have been terminated for at least a year, and cannot participate in any City funded pension plan while you are re-employed by the City. Pension benefit payments to you will be suspended so long as you are re-employed 75 15 | P a g e by the City. Re-employed retirees are not eligible for Plan disability benefits. FORFEITURE OF BENEFITS Specific Offenses If you are convicted of any of the following offenses committed prior to retirement, or your employment with the City is terminated because you admitted to commission, aid or abetment of the following offenses, you forfeit all rights to any pension benefits under this Plan, except for the return of your accumulated personal contributions as of the date of termination. Specific offenses are as follows (Code Ch. 2-16.20(1)): Committing, aiding or abetting of an embezzlement of public funds; Committing, aiding or abetting of any theft by a public officer or employee from employer; Bribery in connection with the employment of a public officer or employee; Any felony specified in Chapter 838, Florida Statutes except ss. 838.15 and 838.16; The committing of an impeachable offense; The committing of any felony by a public officer or employee who willfully, and with intent to defraud the public or public agency for which he or she acts or in which he or she is employed, of the right to receive the faithful performance of his or her duty as a public officer or employee, realizes or obtains or attempts to obtain a profit, gain, or advantage for himself or herself or for some other person through use or attempted use of the power, rights, privileges, duties or position of his or her public office of employment position. The committing on or after October 1, 2008, of any felony defined in section 800.04, Florida Statutes, against a victim younger than 16 years of age, or any felony defined in chapter 794 against a victim younger than 18 years of age, by a public officer or employee through the use or attempted use of power, rights, privileges, duties, or position of his or her public office or employment position; Fraud Any Member or Beneficiary convicted of willfully and knowingly making, or causing to be made, or to assisting, conspiring with, or urging another to make, or cause to be made, any false, fraudulent, or misleading oral or written statement or withholding or concealing material information to obtain a benefit available under the Plan may, in the discretion of the Board, be required to forfeit the right to receive any or all benefits to which the person would otherwise be entitled under the Plan. For purposes of this 76 16 | Page paragraph, “conviction” means a determination of guilt that is the result of a plea or trial, regardless of whether adjudication is withheld (Code Ch. 2-16.20(2)). Strikes Any Member who, prior to retirement, is adjudged by a court of competent jurisdiction to have violated any state law against strikes by public employees, or who has been found guilty by such court of violating any state law prohibiting strikes by public employee, shall forfeit all rights and benefits under this chapter, except the return of his or her accumulated contributions, without interest, as of the date of the conviction (Code Ch. 2-16.20(3)). Beneficiary Forfeiture of Benefits Any beneficiary who by a verdict of a jury or by the court trying the case without a jury is found guilty, or who has entered a plea of guilty or nolo contendere, of unlawfully and intentionally killing or procuring the death of the Member forfeits all rights to the deceased Member’s benefits under this Plan, and the benefits will be paid as if such beneficiary had predeceased the decedent (Code Ch. 2-16.20(4)). Conviction Defined Conviction shall be defined as an adjudication of guilt by a court of competent jurisdiction; a plea of guilty or a nolo contendere; a jury verdict of guilty when adjudication of guilt is withheld and the accused is placed on probation; or a conviction by the Senate of an impeachable offense (Code Ch. 2-16.20(5)). Court Defined Court shall be defined as any state or federal court of competent jurisdiction which is exercising is jurisdiction to consider a proceeding involving the alleged commission of a specified offense. Prior to forfeiture, the Board shall hold a hearing on which notice shall be given to the Member whose benefits are being considered for forfeiture. Said Member shall be afforded the right to have an attorney present. No formal rules of evidence shall apply, but the Member shall be afforded a full opportunity to present his or her case against forfeiture (Code Ch. 2-16.20(6)). Withholding of Benefits Benefits will not be paid pending final resolution of such charges against a Member or Beneficiary if the resolution of such charges could require the forfeiture of benefits as provided in this section (Code Ch. 2-16.20(7)). Return of Benefits Any Member who has received benefits from the Plan after Member’s rights were forfeited shall be required to pay back to the Trust Fund the amount of benefits received. The Board may implement all legal action necessary to recover such funds (Code Ch. 2-16.20(8)). 77 17 | P a g e CLAIMS PROCEDURES Pension benefits are not automatic, you have to file a claim to receive any benefits. This begins with you. Contact the City’s Human Resources Department (HR) to begin the process. The Human Resources Department will provide you with an Application for Service Retirement package. In this package you will find the forms that must be completed along with information designed to help you make your retirement benefit decisions. You can submit your claim up to six months prior to your desired retirement date. We suggest you contact Human Resources at least 90 days before you plan to retire. You can change the information on the application before it is processed. However, once you have cashed or deposited your first retirement payment you cannot make any changes. If your claim for benefits is denied, you have the right to appeal this decision directly to the Board of Trustees. Again, contact the Human Resources Department and let them know you want to appeal. They will pass this on to the Board of Trustees. The Board will decide to schedule a date for your appeal hearing. The Board’s decision is final. GENERAL INFORMATION Applicable Law The Plan is governed by federal, state and local laws including, but not limited to, the following: United States Internal Revenue Code and amendments thereto. The federal Employee Retirement Income Security Act (ERISA) of 1974 and amendments thereto. Part VIII, Chapter 112, Florida Statutes, "Actuarial Soundness of Retirement Systems". Chapter 2, Article II, Division 1 of the Code of Ordinances of the City of Altamonte Springs. Other ordinances, resolutions and policies of the City of Altamonte Springs. Administrative rules and regulations adopted by Board of Trustees Plan Year and Plan Records The Plan year begins on October 1st of each year and ends on September 30th of the 78 18 | Page following year. All records of the Plan are maintained on the basis of the Plan year. Assignment, Execution or Attachment Except as otherwise provided by law, your retirement benefits and accumulated contributions accrued under this Plan are not subject to execution, attachment, garnishment or any other legal process and are not assignable. 79 19 | P a g e FINANCIAL AND ACTUARIAL INFORMATION The Plan is audited annually. An annual financial report is included in the City’s Comprehensive Annual Financial Report. A separate actuarial report on the solvency and actuarial soundness of the Plan is prepared annually. Copies of either or both of these reports are available from the City’s Finance Department. The following is selected financial and actuarial information. Fiscal Year * 2014 2015 FINANCIAL INFORMATION Plant net position Restricted for pensions as of September 30th 17.04$ 16.98$ Plan investments Market value as of September 30th U.S. treasuries 0.09$ 0.09$ Corporate bonds 0.73 - Mutual funds 4.51 5.63 Common stocks 11.65 11.20 Total investments 16.98$ 16.92$ Increase in net position For the year ended September 30th 2.84$ (0.06)$ ACTUARIAL INFORMATION at September 30th Funding progress Plan fiduciary net position 17.04$ 16.98$ Total plan pension liabliity 15.43 17.79 Unfunded actuarial accrued liability 1.61$ (0.81)$ Precentage funded 110% 95% Employer contributions Actuarially determined contribution 1.06$ 1.15$ Contribution in relation to the actuarially determined contribution 1.11 1.20 Contribution defiency (excess) (0.05)$ (0.05)$ Covered payroll 9.02$ 9.81$ Contributions as a percentage of covered payroll 12.3% 12.2% Plan membership Active 219 242 Retirees and beneficiaries 30 35 Vested terminated and limited members 62 65 * Note: Dollar figures are in millions. 80 20 | Page GLOSSARY OF TERMS The following is a list of terms and definitions which may be helpful in understanding your pension benefits. Average Final Compensation is the average annual compensation of the five best years of creditable service (Code Ch. 2-16.01(3)). Beneficiary is the person or persons you designate to receive any benefits which may be payable upon your death (Code Ch. 2-16.01(4)). Creditable Service is the aggregate number of years you work as a General Employee and may include other types of qualified service periods (Code Ch. 2-16.01(10)). Early Retirement Age or Date is the age or date when, after you have been vested, you choose to receive a retirement benefit which is reduced because you have not reached normal retirement age (Code Ch. 2-16.06(4)). Joint Annuitant or Pensioner means a beneficiary who is eligible to receive continuing benefits upon your death either benefit options 3 or 4. To qualify as a joint annuitant, your beneficiary must be (Code Ch. 2-16.01(16)): your spouse, or your natural or adopted child who is either under age 25, or physically or mentally disabled and incapable of self-support, regardless of age, or any person under the age of 25 for whom you are the legal guardian and who is financially dependent on you for no less than one-half of his or her support, or any person, age 25 or older, who is financially dependent on you for no less than one-half of his or her support, and is your parent, grandparent, or a person for whom you are the legal guardian. Normal Retirement Age or Date is the age or date when you first become eligible to retire, without a reduction of benefits, by being vested and reaching age 62 or completing 30 years of creditable service regardless of age (Code Ch. 2-16.06(1)). Termination occurs when you end all employment with the City. Vested or Vesting is the guarantee that you will receive future benefit after you work a certain number of years. You are vested after completing 6 years of creditable service (Code Ch. 2-16.01(26)). 81 21 | P a g e NOTES S:\FI\pensions\DEFINED BENEFIT\GENERAL EMPLOYEES\Forms and Publications\Handbooks\General Employees\Gen. Emp. Handbook - 2016 (final).docx 82 The Altamonte Springs Retirement System POLICE OFFICERS’ PENSION PLAN A Retirement Guide for Police Officers October 2016 Edition 83 2 | Page TABLE OF CONTENTS Introduction .......................................................................................... 3 Basic Plan Information ............................................................................ 4 Board of Trustees ................................................................................... 5 Membership .......................................................................................... 5 Contributions ......................................................................................... 6 Beneficiary Designation ........................................................................... 7 Vesting ................................................................................................. 7 Terminating Employment ........................................................................ 8 Your Retirement Benefit .......................................................................... 8 Retiring from the City ............................................................................. 10 Disability Benefits .................................................................................. 11 Survivor Benefits ................................................................................... 13 Share Plan ............................................................................................ 15 After Retirement .................................................................................... 16 Forfeiture of Benefits .............................................................................. 16 General Information ............................................................................... 18 Financial and Actuarial Information ........................................................... 19 Glossary of Terms .................................................................................. 20 84 3 | P a g e INTRODUCTION Upon hiring, all full time City employees are automatically enrolled in one of the employee pension plans offered by the City. These include: The Florida Retirement System (FRS) – Includes all full-time employees hired prior to January 1, 1996. The Altamonte Springs Police Officers’ Pension Plan – Includes all full-time Police Officers hired on or after January 1, 1996. The Altamonte Springs General Employees’ Pension Plan – Includes full-time employees other than Police Officers hired on or after January 1, 1996 The Altamonte Springs Employees’ Investment Plan – Includes General Employees who have elected to move from the General Employees’ Pension Plan to the Employees Investment Plan. This plan is not available to Police Officers. For pension purposes full-time employees carry one of several classifications. These include: Police Officer - Sworn Police Officers General Employee - all full time employees other than Police Officers further classified as either – Regular Employee - General Employees other than Senior Management Senior Management – Department Directors, City Manager, and Elected Officials. This Summary Plan Description is for employees enrolled in the Altamonte Springs Police Officers’ Pension Plan. There are separate summary plan descriptions for the Florida Retirement System, Altamonte Springs General Employee’s Defined Benefit Pension Plan and the Altamonte Springs Employee Investment Plan. This guide explains your retirement plan - its benefits and policies, and your rights as a member of the City of Altamonte Springs Police Officers' Pension Plan. Membership in the Pension Plan is an important benefit provided to you by the City. This guide is a basic employee handbook intended to be a reference for you. Inside you will find explanations of certain provisions of your Pension Plan. You are encouraged to study these provisions to familiarize yourself with the benefits provided by the Plan. This handbook is only a brief explanation of the Plan. If there are any conflicts 85 4 | Page between this handbook and the ordinances of the City of Altamonte Springs, the ordinances will govern. A copy of the ordinances governing the Plan can be obtained from the City Clerk. If you have questions about a particular item or issue, please contact the City’s Human Resources Department. BASIC PLAN INFORMATION Name of Plan The Altamonte Springs Police Officers’ Pension Plan (the Plan). Type of Plan The Plan is a defined benefit plan, qualified under section 401(a) of the Internal Revenue Code. Administration The Plan is administered by the Altamonte Springs Police Officers’ Pension Plan Board of Trustees (Code Ch. 2-42.03). Service of Legal Process The Board Chairman is designated for service of legal process. The contact information is: Board Chairman, Altamonte Springs Police Officers Pension Plan 225 Newburyport Avenue Altamonte Springs, FL 32701 Provisions of Law The Plan was established in 1995 and is operated pursuant to applicable law including but not limited to the United States Internal Revenue Code, Chapters 112 and 185, Florida Statutes, City Code of Ordinances (“Code”), Chapter 2, Article II, Division 4, and other City ordinances and resolutions. Funding The Plan is contributory; contributions are made by members and the City (Code 2-42.05). Plan Year The plan year is October 1st through September 30th. Plan records are maintained on a Plan Year basis (Code 2-42.01(20)). Employment Rights Not Implied Membership in the Plan does not give you the right to be retained in the employ of the City, nor does it give you a right or claim to any benefit you have not accrued under the terms of the Plan. 86 5 | P a g e BOARD OF TRUSTEES The City of Altamonte Springs Police Officers' Pension Plan is administered by a Board of Trustees. The Board consists of five Trustees, two of whom are legal residents of the City appointed by the City Commission, two of whom are Members of the Plan (Police Officers elected by other Police Officers who are Members of the Plan), and a fifth Trustee who is chosen by a majority of the first four Trustees and appointed by the City Commission. Each Trustee serves a four year term. The Board meets once every three months usually in City Hall. The dates, times and locations of these meetings are publicly posted. The meetings are open to the public. The names and contact address of the Trustees are listed below. The Chairman of the Board of Trustees is designated as agent for the service of legal process. Board of Trustees Elected Board Members Daniel L. Smutz, Chairman 225 Newburyport Avenue Altamonte Springs, FL 32701 Steven F. Deloach, Jr. 225 Newburyport Avenue Altamonte Springs, FL 32701 Board Members Appointed by the City Commission James Perry, Secretary 225 Newburyport Avenue Altamonte Springs, FL 32701 Vacant 5th Member Charles Stansel 225 Newburyport Avenue Altamonte Springs, FL 32701 MEMBERSHIP Membership in the Plan Each full-time sworn City Police Officer hired on or after January 1, 1996, becomes a Plan Member as a condition of employment (Code 2-42.02). Social Security Coverage As a City employee you are automatically covered for Social Security and Medicare. Your pension plan benefits provided through the Police Officers’ Pension Plan are not offset (reduced) by Social Security benefits you receive. Social Security contributions are automatically deducted from your salary and matched by the City. Although Social Security coverage is a part of your overall benefit package, the City has no control 87 6 | Page over your Social Security or Medicare benefits. Information on Social Security or Medicare benefits can be obtained from the local Social Security office or call the toll- free number, 1-800-772-1213, or visit their website at www.ssa.gov. Deferred Compensation Program In addition to the pension benefits provided by the Pension Plan, as a City employee you have the opportunity to participate in the City’s deferred compensation program operated under Section 457 of the Internal Revenue Code. This program provides you the opportunity to build tax-deferred retirement savings separate and distinct from the Pension Plan. You can elect to defer a portion of your compensation on a pre-tax basis through payroll deduction. This pre-tax advantage allows you to defer federal income taxes on the amount you invest, as well as on earnings on your investments, until you withdraw your money from the program, usually during retirement when you may be in a lower tax bracket. The amounts you withdraw from your deferred compensation account are in addition to pension plan benefits or any other benefits you may receive. This program is completely voluntary with deposits into your deferred compensation account made solely by you. Your pension plan benefits provided through the Pension Plan are not affected in any way by your participation in the deferred compensation program. Further information can be obtained from the City’s Human Resources Department. CONTRIBUTIONS The Plan is an employee contributory plan. This means you are required to contribute to the Plan. One percent (1%) of your compensation is deducted from payroll and paid into the Plan. Use of these contributions is restricted for the sole purpose of funding the Plan. Other contributions come from the State and the City. The City is ultimately responsible for contributing sufficient funds to ensure the Plan remains adequately funded (Code 2-42.05). Refund of Contributions You may request a refund of contributions you made to the Plan if you terminate all employment with the City. Your refund will not include contributions made by or from any source other than yourself nor will your refund include any interest. Further information can be obtained from the City’s Human Resources Department (Code 2- 42.10(1)). 88 7 | P a g e BENEFICIARY DESIGNATION Before You Retire A beneficiary is a person or persons named by you to receive any pension benefits due if die before retirement. When you started work you should have filled out a form naming one or more beneficiaries. You may name any person or persons you choose as beneficiary (Code 2-42.13(1)). You may change the beneficiary at any time by completing a new designation of beneficiary form. This is important to remember if your designated beneficiary dies or your marital or family status changes. A Member’s will or divorce decree has no bearing on how Member survivor’s benefits are paid. Any benefits due upon your death are paid only to the designated beneficiaries or to your estate if you have not named a beneficiary or if your designated beneficiary has died (Code 2-42.21). When You Retire When you retire you will be asked to rename a beneficiary and to choose a retirement option on your application for retirement. Retirement options are explained later under the section titled “RETIRING FROM THE CITY”. If you choose option 1, 2, or 4 you may name a beneficiary as described above. If you choose option 3 you must name a person as your joint pensioner Please refer to the Plan for more details and restrictions on this subject (Code 2-42.11). After You Retire If you retire under option 1, 2, or 4 you may change your designated beneficiary at any time. If you choose option 3 you may change your joint pensioner only two times after your retirement benefit has started. When you change your joint pensioner, the monthly benefit you receive will be adjusted based on your current age and the age of your new joint pensioner annuitant (Code 2-42.11(2)). VESTING Being vested means you are eligible to receive a current or future retirement benefit. You vest in the Plan upon the completion of six years of creditable service. Once you vest, you are eligible for a future benefit when you leave employment with the City and apply for your retirement benefit. Being vested does not entitle you to a disability benefit based on a disability that occurs after you terminate employment (Code 2- 42.10(2)). 89 8 | Page You will lose your vested rights if: You forfeit your benefits as described in the section “Forfeiture of Benefits”, (Code 2-42.22) or You receive a refund of your personal employee retirement contributions (Code 2- 42.10(4)). TERMINATING EMPLOYMENT Before You Are Vested If you terminate your employment with the City prior to being vested, you can: Receive a refund of your personal contributions, or Leave your personal contributions on deposit with the Plan for a period of up to 5 years and retain all service credit you earned in the event you return to employment with the City as a Police Officer (Code 2-42.10(1)). After You Are Vested If you terminate your employment with the City after you are vested, you can: Receive a refund of your personal contributions (Code 2-42.10(4)), or Leave your personal contributions on deposit with the Plan for a period of up to 5 years and retain all service credit you earned in the event you return to employment with the City as a Police Officer (Code 2-42.10(2)), or Retire. Depending on your age, you can take a normal or early retirement or defer your retirement until a future date of your choice. If you defer your retirement, the amount of your benefit will be calculated using your age at the time you begin receiving benefits (Code 2-42.10(2)). If you return to employment with the City as a Police Officer within 5 years of termination and you have not received a refund of your personal contributions you will retain all of your earlier creditable service. YOUR RETIREMENT BENEFIT Retirement Benefit Formula Your pension benefit will be paid to you monthly. The amount of the monthly pension benefit payment you receive when you retire depends on your Average Final Compensation, age, Percentage Value, years of Creditable Service, and the benefit 90 9 | P a g e payment option you select. The formula for calculating the normal monthly retirement benefit is a two-step process illustrated as follows: First, calculate the normal annual retirement benefit like this – Average Final Compensation times Percentage Value times Years of Creditable Service equals Normal Annual Retirement Benefit Then calculate the normal monthly retirement benefit by dividing the normal annual retirement benefit by 12 like this – Normal Annual Retirement Benefit divided by 12 equals Normal Monthly Retirement Benefit Average Final Compensation is the average annual compensation of the five best of the last ten years of Creditable Service prior to retirement. Certain payments are not included in compensation. These are lump sum payments for accrued leave, clothing, meal, mileage, telephone, or vehicle allowances, and overtime in excess of 300 hours per year (Code 2-42.01(4)). Percentage Value is the value you receive for each year of your Creditable Service. This amount is 3% (Code 2-42.01(18)). Creditable Service is your total number of years and fractional parts of years of service as a City Police Officer with Member contributions (Code 2-42.01(11)). Other Types of Creditable Service In addition to the service credit you earn for current work, you may claim credit for certain other types of service to increase your benefits. To receive extra service credit, you may be required to pay additional retirement contributions. Other types of qualified creditable service include the following: Qualified Military Service. Qualified Military Service occurs when you leave your Police Officer position to serve in the United States military. If you return to employment with the City as a Police Officer within one year of release from active military service, you may receive credit for up to five years of such active military service (Code 2-42.01(11)(c)). Workers’ Compensation Credit. You may claim up to two years of creditable service for periods you receive temporary Workers’ Compensation payments if you return to employment as a Police Officer for at least 30 days or you retire on a disability (Code 2-42.01(11)(f)). 91 10 | Page Leave-of-Absence Without Pay Credit. A leave-of-absence without pay is a period when you are on approved leave from work without pay and plan to return to work after your leave. You may claim up to 2 years of such time as creditable service if you have at least 10 years of creditable service, the leave was approved in writing, in advance, by the City and the Board of Trustees, you return to work as a Police Officer immediately upon termination of the leave-of-absence and remain employed for at least 30 days, and you pay into the Pension Trust Fund the full amount of both the City and employee contributions, with interest, for the period of creditable service claimed (Code 2-42.01(11)(d)). Suspension Without Pay Credit. If you are suspended without pay and later reinstated, you may purchase creditable service for up to two years. You must return to active employment as a Police Officer for at least 30 days and pay the Pension Trust Fund the full amount of both City and employee contributions, with interest, for the period of creditable service claimed (Code 2-42.01(11)(e)). RETIRING FROM THE CITY Normal Retirement Your normal retirement date is the time you are first eligible to receive a retirement benefit without a reduction of the benefits because of your age. You qualify for normal retirement at the earlier of (Code 2-42.06(1)): The attainment of age 55 and the completion of 6 years of Credited Service, or The completion of 25 years of Credited Service, regardless of age. Early Retirement If you have at least 6 years of Credited Service but have not reached your normal retirement date you can take early retirement. The amount of the retirement benefit will be reduced by one-quarter of one percent (0.25%) for each month the commencement of retirement benefits precedes your normal retirement date (age 55 with at least 6 years of creditable service, or, 25 years of creditable service, regardless of age). For example, if you decide to retire early, after say 20 years of creditable service, 5 years before your full 25 years of creditable service necessary for normal retirement, your monthly pension benefit would be reduced by 15% (60 months X 0.25% = 15%) (Code 2-42.06(4)). Retirement Benefit Options When you retire and before you can begin receiving your pension benefits, you must choose one of the four benefit options, or methods of payment, described below. Once 92 11 | P a g e you cash or deposit your first benefit payment your option selection cannot be changed. Option 1 is considered the Normal Benefit Option. Options 2, 3, and 4 are adjusted to be actuarially equal to Option 1. Generally, Option 2 will provide the highest monthly benefit since no benefits are payable after you die. For options 1 and 3 the monthly benefit is usually lower because the total benefits are expected to be paid for a longer period of time to you and your beneficiary. Under each option the total of dollar value of benefits is actuarially equal to what you alone are expected to receive under Option 1. Option 1 10 Years Certain and Life Thereafter - This option provides a monthly pension benefit to you for so long as you live. If you die within 10 years after your effective retirement date, your beneficiary will receive a monthly benefit payment in the same amount as you were receiving for the balance of the 10 year period. No further benefits are then payable. This is considered the normal retirement option (Code 2-42.06(2)). Option 2 Life Only - This option provides a monthly pension benefit which is larger than the Option 1 benefit but is only payable for so long as you live. Upon your death no further benefits will be paid (Code 2-42.11(1)(a)). Option 3 Joint Annuitant - This option provides a reduced monthly pension benefit to you while both you and your joint annuitant are living. Upon the death of either you or your joint annuitant, the monthly pension benefit payment to the survivor will be adjusted to 100%, 75%, 66 2/3% or 50% of the amount you were receiving while you both were living. At the time you retire, you must choose the adjustment percentage. No further benefits are payable after both you and your joint annuitant are deceased (Code 2-42.11(1)(b)). Option 4 Partial Lump Sum – This option allows you to take a portion of your pension benefits in a lump sum at retirement with the balance paid as a reduced lifetime monthly pension benefit paid as described in Options 1, 2, or 3. (Code 2-42.11(1)(d)). DISABILITY BENEFITS Regular Disability Benefits You are eligible for regular disability benefits if you have completed at least 8 years of creditable service. Your disability must be total and permanent and the injury or illness causing the disability must have occurred before you terminate employment with the City. The minimum regular disability retirement benefit paid under Option 1 93 12 | Page is 25% of your average final compensation. Your actual earned benefit, based on your years of service, will be used if it is higher than the minimum of 25% (Code 2-42.09(5)). In-Line-of-Duty Disability Benefits You are eligible for in-line-of-duty disability benefits beginning on your first day of covered employment, regardless of length of service. An in-line-of-duty disability must be total and permanent and caused by injury or illness that happens in the performance of duties required by your job. The minimum in-line-of-duty disability retirement benefit paid under Option 1 is 65% of your final average compensation. Your actual earned benefit, based on your years of service, will be used if it is higher than the minimum of 65% (Code 2-42.09(4)). Presumptions You may be entitled to a presumption that the disability was incurred in the line of duty if the disability was due to tuberculosis, heart disease, hypertension, hepatitis, or, meningococcal meningitis pursuant to the provisions of sections 112.18 and 112.181, Florida Statutes (Code 2-42.09(3)). Optional Disability Benefits Coverage In addition to the disability benefits provided by the Pension Plan, the City provides all City employees the opportunity to purchase additional disability insurance through payroll deduction at group rates. The City offers both short-term and long-term disability options. Short-term covers temporary disabilities lasting less than six months. Long-term covers long-term or permanent disabilities lasting longer than six months. These policies pay income directly to you in the event you become disabled as defined by the insurance policies. Disability benefits provided by the Pension Plan are not offset or reduced by benefits you may receive from these optional disability insurance programs. However, disability benefits provided by these optional disability insurance programs may be affected by the disability benefits provided by the Plan. Further information on these optional disability insurance programs can be obtained from the City’s Human Resources Department. Other Disability Benefits If you become disabled you may be eligible for benefits through Florida’s Workers Compensation Program and/or the Federal Social Security Administration. However, these programs are administered separately from the Pension Plan. For questions relating to workers compensation please refer to the Florida Department of Financial Services, Division of Workers Compensation. For questions relating to Social Security please refer to the Social Security Administration. 94 13 | P a g e SURVIVOR BENEFITS Regular Survivor Benefits If you die with less than 6 years of creditable service your beneficiary will receive a refund of your personal contributions (Code 2-42.08(2)(a)). If death occurs after you have completed 6 years of creditable service, a beneficiary, who is your spouse, dependent child or any person receiving at least 50% of his or her support from you, may choose one of the following benefits: A refund of your personal contributions; or An immediate or deferred lifetime monthly benefit calculated as if you had retired on the date of death and chosen the 100% joint and survivor benefit option (Option 3). The benefit will be adjusted for early retirement if you were not of normal retirement age at the time of your death (Code 2-42.08(2)(b)). If your beneficiary does not qualify as a joint annuitant, he or she is entitled only to a refund of your personal contributions. No monthly benefit would be payable (Code 2- 42.08(2)(b)). In-Line-of-Duty Survivor Benefits If you die in the line of duty your spouse may elect one of the following two benefit options. A lifetime monthly benefit equal to seventy five percent (75%) your average monthly salary. This benefit continues so long as your spouse is alive, regardless of his or her future marital status, or, If you were vested the surviving spouse can elect to receive a monthly benefit computed as if you retired on the date of death and elected the 100% joint and survivor optional form of benefit (Option 3). If your surviving spouse dies the monthly payments paid to your spouse will be paid for the use and benefit of your natural or adopted child or children under 24 years of age and unmarried. These payments will continue until the 24th birthday of the youngest child. If there is no surviving spouse the monthly benefit described above will be paid for the use and benefit of your natural or adopted child or children under the age of 24. If there is neither a surviving spouse or children but there is a surviving parent or 95 14 | Page grandparent or any person age 24 or older for whom you are the legal guardian and for whom you provide at least one-half of the financial support then the survivor benefits describe above shall be paid for the use and benefit of such survivor(s). (Code 2-42.08(1)). Presumptions Your survivors may be entitled to a presumption that your death was incurred in the line of duty if the death was due to tuberculosis, heart disease, hypertension, hepatitis, or, meningococcal meningitis pursuant to the provisions of sections 112.18 and 112.181, Florida Statutes (Code 2-42.09(3)). Other Survivor Benefits In addition to the pension benefits provided by the Plan, if you die while actively employed by the City as a Police Officer, your survivors may be entitled to other death benefits. These include: Basic Life Insurance Coverage. The City, at its expense, provides basic life and accidental death and dismemberment insurance for every full-time employee. If you die while employed by the City this policy will provide a single death benefit to survivors equal to your annual salary. If your death was the result of an accident, the benefit is two times your annual salary. In addition you may purchase, at your own expense, additional life insurance coverage at group rates through payroll deduction. Additional AD&D Insurance Coverage – Death in Line of Duty. In addition to the basic life and accidental death and dismemberment insurance the City, at its expense, provides additional accidental death and dismemberment insurance coverage for every full-time employee. If you die in an accident while you are on duty the single benefit to your survivor(s) is $70,700. If your death occurs while you are in fresh pursuit, responding to an emergency, responding to a traffic accident, or enforcing a traffic law the death benefit is increased to $141,400. If, while in the line of duty, you are unlawfully and intentionally killed or die from the result of such unlawful and intentional act, the death benefit is increased to $270,680. This policy also provides benefits for dismemberment occurring in the line of duty, such as the loss of hand(s), feet, speech and hearing, sight and finger(s). Please note the stated dollar values were the amount in effect as of October 1, 2015. They are subject to change (Ch. 112.19, Florida Statutes). Further information on these City programs can be obtained from the City’s Human Resources Department. Survivor’s Health Insurance Premium Benefit If a police officer is killed in the line of duty as the result of an act of violence inflicted 96 15 | P a g e by another person while engaged in the performance of law enforcement duties or as a result of an assault against the officer under riot conditions the City will pay the entire premium for the officer’s surviving spouse until remarried, and for each dependent child of the of the officer until the child reaches the age of majority or until the calendar year in which the child reaches the age 25 if: At the time of the officer’s death the child is dependent on the officer for support; and The surviving child continues to be dependent for support, or the surviving child is a full-time or part-time student and is dependent for support. There are limitations to this benefit. Please refer to Chapter 112.19, Florida Statutes for more information. Survivor’s Education Waiver If a police officer is accidentally killed as specified in Chapter 112.19(2)(b), Florida Statutes, or is unlawfully and intentionally killed as specified in Chapter 112.19(2)(c), Florida Statute, the State of Florida will waive certain educational expenses that the child or spouse of the deceased officer incurs while obtaining a career certificate, an undergraduate education, or a postgraduate education. There are limitations to this benefit. Please refer to Chapter 112.19(3), Florida Statutes for more information. Public Safety Officers’ Benefits Act In addition to the survivor benefits described above, the Federal government, through the Public Safety Officers’ Benefits Act, provides a death benefit to eligible survivors of police officers who die as the direct and proximate result of a traumatic injury sustained in the line of duty. The current benefit amount is $339,881 for deaths occurring on or after October 1, 2015. The amount of the benefit is adjusted on October 1st of each year to reflect the percentage change in the consumer price index. Further information on this federal program can be obtained from the U.S. Department of Justice at their website www.psob.gov . SHARE PLAN In addition to regular pension benefits, the Plan provides special benefits to vested members through the Share Plan, a defined contribution component of the Plan. An individual investment account will be established for you when you become vested. Each year a portion of additional premium tax revenues are deposited into your individual investment account. These accounts are self-directed. This means you decide how to invest these funds. 97 16 | Page An account will be established for you when you become vested. At that time you receive individual account information. When you terminate you will be given the option of receiving the balance in your individual investment account in cash, less applicable income taxes, or you may elect to roll it over into another tax deferred account like an IRA. Further information on the Share Plan can be obtained from the City’s Human Resources Department (Code 2- 42.07). AFTER RETIREMENT Cost-of-Living Increase Retirees receive an annual 3% cost-of-living increase in October of each year. The first cost-of-living increase will be a prorated amount if you have been retired for less than one full year (Code 2-42.12). Retiree Health Insurance Coverage The City offers retirees, at the retirees’ expense, the option of continuing to participate in the City’s employee group health insurance plan. The premium cost of health insurance offered to retirees is the same as that paid by the City for each active employee. Retirees are required to purchase Medicare parts A and B upon reaching eligibility year (Ch. 112.0801, Florida Statutes). FORFEITURE OF BENEFITS Specific Offenses If you are convicted of any of the following offenses committed prior to retirement, or your employment with the City is terminated because you admitted to commission, aid or abetment of any of the following offenses, you forfeit all rights to any pension benefits under this Plan, except for the return of your accumulated personal contributions as of the date of termination. Specific offenses are as follows (Code 2- 42.22(1)): Committing, aiding or abetting of an embezzlement of public funds; Committing, aiding or abetting of any theft by a public officer or employee from employer; Bribery in connection with the employment of a public officer or employee; Any felony specified in Chapter 838 (Bribery; Misuse of Public Funds), Florida Statutes except ss. 838.15 and 838.16. The committing of an impeachable offense; 98 17 | P a g e The committing of any felony by a public officer or employee who willfully, and with intent to defraud the public or public agency for which he or she acts or in which he or she is employed, of the right to receive the faithful performance of his or her duty as a public officer or employee, realizes or obtains or attempts to obtain a profit, gain, or advantage for himself or herself or for some other person through use or attempted use of the power, rights, privileges, duties or position of his or her public office of employment position; The committing on or after October 1, 2008, of any felony defined in Section 800.04, Florida Statutes, against a victim younger than 16 years of age, or any felony defined in Chapter 794, Florida Statutes, against a victim younger than 18 years of age, by a public officer or employee through the use or attempted use of power, rights, privileges, duties, or position of his or her public office or employment position. Fraud Any Member or Beneficiary who is convicted of willfully and knowingly making, or causing to be made, or to assisting, conspiring with, or urging another to make, or cause to be made, any false, fraudulent, or misleading oral or written statement or withholding or concealing material information to obtain a benefit available under the Plan may, in the discretion of the Board, be required to forfeit the right to receive any or all benefits to which the person would otherwise be entitled under the Plan. For purposes of this paragraph, “conviction” means a determination of guilt that is the result of a plea or trial, regardless of whether adjudication is withheld (Code 2-42.22(2)). Strikes Any Member who, prior to retirement, is adjudged by a court of competent jurisdiction to have violated any state law against strikes by public employees, or who has been found guilty by such court of violating any state law prohibiting strikes by public employee, shall forfeit all rights and benefits under this chapter, except the return of his or her accumulated contributions, without interest, as of the date of the conviction (Code 2-42.22(3)). Beneficiary Forfeiture of Benefits Any beneficiary who by a verdict of a jury or by the court trying the case without a jury is found guilty, or who has entered a plea of guilty or nolo contendere, of unlawfully and intentionally killing or procuring the death of the Member forfeits all rights to the deceased Member’s benefits under this Plan, and the benefits will be paid as if such beneficiary had predeceased the decedent (Code 2-42.22(4)). 99 18 | Page GENERAL INFORMATION Applicable Law The Plan is governed by federal, state and local laws including, but not limited to, the following: United States Internal Revenue Code and amendments thereto. The federal Employee Retirement Income Security Act (ERISA) of 1974 and amendments thereto. Miscellaneous other Federal laws and regulations. Chapter 185, Florida Statutes, "Municipal Police Pensions". Part VIII, Chapter 112, Florida Statutes, "Public Officers and Employees; General Provisions". Miscellaneous other State statutes and regulations. Chapter 2, Article II, Division 4 of the Code of Ordinances of the City of Altamonte Springs. Other ordinances, resolutions and policies of the City of Altamonte Springs. Administrative rules and regulations adopted by the Board of Trustees. Plan Year and Plan Records The Plan year begins on October 1st of each year and ends on September 30th of the following year. All records of the Plan are maintained on the basis of the Plan year (Code 2-42.01(20)). Assignment, Execution or Attachment Except as otherwise provided by law, your retirement benefits and accumulated contributions accrued under this Plan are not subject to execution, attachment, garnishment or any other legal process and are not assignable. 100 19 | P a g e FINANCIAL AND ACTUARIAL INFORMATION The Plan is audited annually. The annual financial report is included in the City’s Comprehensive Annual Financial Report. A separate actuarial report on the solvency and actuarial soundness of the Plan is prepared annually. Copies of either or both of these reports are available from the City’s Finance Department. The following is selected financial and actuarial information. Fiscal Year * 2014 2015 FINANCIAL INFORMATION Plan net position Restricted for pensions as of September 30th 13.57$ 13.87$ Plan investments Market value as of September 30th U.S. treasuries 0.06$ 0.06$ Corporate bonds 0.72 0.20 Mutual funds 3.85 5.04 Common stocks 8.31 8.53 Total investments 12.94$ 13.83$ Increase in net position For the year ended September 30th 2.51$ 0.30$ ACTUARIAL INFORMATION at September 30th Funding progress Plan fiduciary net position 12.60$ 12.90$ Total plan pension liabliity 13.36 15.90 Unfunded actuarial accrued liability (0.76)$ (3.00)$ Precentage funded 94% 81% Employer contributions Actuarially determined contribution 1.00$ 1.04$ Contribution in relation to the actuarially determined contribution 1.01 0.98 Contribution defiency (excess) (0.01)$ 0.06$ Covered payroll 4.37$ 4.74$ Contributions as a percentage of covered payroll 23.1% 20.7% Plan membership Active 72 79 Retirees and beneficiaries 1 1 Vested terminated and limited members 9 13 * Note: Dollar figures are in millions. 101 20 | Page GLOSSARY OF TERMs The following is a list of terms and definitions which may be helpful in understanding your pension benefits (Code 2-42.01). Average Final Monthly Compensation is one-twelfth (1/12) of the average annual compensation of the five best years of the last ten years of creditable service. Beneficiary is the person or persons you designate to receive any benefits which may be payable upon your death. Compensation is the total amount paid by the City to a Police Officer for services and includes regular earnings and overtime for up to 300 hours per year. Compensation excludes payments for accrued vacation or sick leave, clothing, meal, telephone, or vehicle allowances. Compensation also excludes payments for extra duty or special detail work performed on behalf of a second party employer. Creditable Service is the aggregate number of years you work as a City Police Officer and may include other types of qualified service periods. Early Retirement Age or Date is the age or date when, after you have vested, you choose to receive a retirement benefit which is reduced because you have not reached normal retirement age or date. Joint Annuitant or Pensioner means a person you choose to receive continuing benefits under either benefit options 3 or 4 upon your death. Normal Retirement Age or Date is the age or date when you first become eligible to retire, without a reduction of benefits, by being vested and reaching age 55 or completing 25 years of creditable service regardless of age. Termination occurs when you end all employment with the City. Vested or Vesting is the guarantee that you will receive future benefit after you work a certain number of years. You are vested after completing 6 years of creditable service. 102 21 | P a g e NOTES S:\FI\pensions\DEFINED BENEFIT\POLICE\Forms and Publications\Handbook\Police Handbook - 2016 edition (final).docx 103 The Altamonte Springs Retirement System POLICE OFFICERS’ SHARE PLAN A Retirement Guide for Police Officers October 2016 Edition 104 2 | Page TABLE OF CONTENTS Introduction .................................................................................................. 3 Plan Information ............................................................................................ 4 Membership .................................................................................................. 5 Contributions ................................................................................................. 5 Beneficiary Designation ................................................................................... 5 Vesting ......................................................................................................... 5 Investment Funds .......................................................................................... 6 Distributions from the Share Plan ..................................................................... 6 Survivor Benefits ........................................................................................... 8 Disability ...................................................................................................... 8 Situations Affecting Your Benefits ..................................................................... 8 Forfeiture of Benefits ...................................................................................... 9 General Information ....................................................................................... 11 Glossary of Terms .......................................................................................... 11 105 3 | P a g e INTRODUCTION When hired, all full time City employees (and elected officials upon election) are automatically enrolled in one of the employee pension plans offered by the City. These include: The Florida Retirement System (FRS) – Includes all full-time employees hired prior to January 1, 1996. The Altamonte Springs Police Officers’ Pension Plan – Includes all full-time Police Officers hired on or after January 1, 1996. The Altamonte Springs General Employees’ Pension Plan – Includes full-time employees other than Police Officers hired on or after January 1, 1996 The Altamonte Springs Employees’ Investment Plan – Includes General Employees who have elected to move from the General Employees’ Pension Plan to the Employees Investment Plan. For pension purposes full-time employees carry one of several classifications. These include: Police Officer - Sworn Police Officers General Employee - all full time employees other than Police Officers further classified as either – Regular Employee - General Employees other than Senior Management Senior Management – Department Directors, City Manager, and Elected Officials. Police Officers who are members of the Altamonte Springs Police Officers’ Pension Plan are eligible to participate in the Altamonte Springs Police Officers’ Share Plan. This Summary Plan Description is for employees enrolled in the Altamonte Springs Police Officers’ Share Plan. The benefits offered through the Share Plan are in addition to the benefits provided by the Altamonte Springs Police Officers’ Pension Plan. There are separate summary plan descriptions for the other plans within the Altamonte Springs Retirement System. This guide explains the Share Plan - its benefits and policies, and your rights as a member of the City of Altamonte Springs Police Officers’ Share Plan. Membership in the Plan is an important fringe benefit provided to you by the City. The Share Plan is a defined contribution retirement plan qualified under Section 401(a) of the Internal Revenue Code. This means that employer contributions are made to each member’s account under the Plan. The term “defined contribution” for the Share Plan 106 4 | Page means that contributions are defined (in the Police Officers’ Pension Plan the benefit is defined). Contributions from the City are deposited in an account established for you under the Share Plan. Your benefits are based on the total value of your account at distribution. This amount is based on contributions, plus earnings (if any) on those contributions, less fees and charges. This guide is a basic employee handbook and is intended to be a reference for you. Inside you will find explanations of certain provisions of the share plan. You are encouraged to study these provisions in order to become familiar with the benefits provided by the Share Plan. This document is only a brief explanation of the Share Plan. If there are any conflicts between this document and the ordinances of the City of Altamonte Springs, the ordinances will govern. A copy of the ordinances governing the Plan can be obtained from the City Clerk. A copy of the Plan and Trust Documents can be obtained from the Human Resources Department. If you have questions about a particular item or issue, please contact the City’s Human Resources Department. BASIC PLAN INFORMATION Name of Plan The Altamonte Springs Police Officers’ Share Plan (the Plan). Type of Plan The Plan is a defined contribution plan, qualified under section 401(a) of the Internal Revenue Code. Administration The Plan is administered by the City of Altamonte Springs thorough it’s agent, the ICMA Retirement Corporation (“ICMA- RC”). Service of Legal Process The City Manager is the person designated for service of legal process. The contact information is: City Manager City of Altamonte Springs 225 Newburyport Avenue Altamonte Springs, FL 32701 Provisions of Law The Plan was established in 2015 and is operated pursuant to City ordinances and resolutions, Florida Law, and the U.S Federal Income Tax Code. Funding The Plan is non-contributory; contributions to the Plan are made by the City. Plan Year The plan year is October 1st through September 30th. 107 5 | P a g e Employment Rights Not Implied Membership in the Plan does not give you the right to be retained in the employ of the City, nor does it give you a right or claim to any benefit you have not accrued under the terms of the Plan. MEMBERSHIP All full-time sworn City Police Officers who are members of the Police Officers’ Pension Plan are eligible to participate in the Share Plan. However, enrollment is not automatic, you must complete enrollment forms with your investment elections and beneficiary designation. You make these choices as part of the enrollment process. CONTRIBUTIONS Your Share Plan account is funded by annual contributions from the City and with investment earnings (if any). The contributions the City makes to your Share Plan account are considered deferred compensation and as such are not subject to current federal income taxation. Neither the City's contributions nor the investment earnings on your account are taxable until you make withdrawals from your Share Plan account. Withdrawals from your Share Plan account are taxable at the time of the withdrawal at your then current tax rate. BENEFICIARY DESIGNATION As a member of the Share Plan you are required to designate a beneficiary upon enrollment in the Plan. If you do not name a beneficiary or if your beneficiary has died, any benefits will be paid according to Florida law. You may change your beneficiary at any time. If your designated beneficiary dies it is important for you to submit a new beneficiary designation to be sure your account is distributed as you wish in case of your death. VESTING Vesting refers to the years of creditable service as an Altamonte Springs Police Officer you must complete before you are entitled to pension benefits. For the Share Plan you must complete at least one year of creditable service before you have any vested rights. You are fully vested in the Share Plan after six years of creditable service as an Altamonte Springs Police Officer. You are partially vested for shorter periods of service as shown in the vesting schedule. Period of service completed Percent vested Less than 1 year Zero One year 15% Two years 30% Three years 45% Four years 60% Five years 75% Six or more years 100% 108 6 | Page INVESTMENT FUNDS ICMA-RC, the Plan administrator, offers a wide variety of investment options, including equity and fixed-income funds that span the risk-return spectrum. The City’s investment advisors have reviewed the various funds offered by ICMA-RC and, working with ICMA-RC and City staff, have developed a comprehensive list of funds for our members, offering the lowest costs and best returns. The complete list can be found on-line at the ICMA-RC website, www.icmarc.org. The plan number is 10-8495. Investment Tools and Assistance In addition to online calculators and educational articles, ICMA-RC offers Guided Pathways®, a comprehensive suite of investment advisory and account management services. This program offers three levels of service designed to direct you to the appropriate level of assistance, based on how involved you want to be in your retirement investing decisions. Asset Class Guidance offers you a recommendation on how to divide your retirement account among asset classes. Fund Advice offers you a recommendation of specific funds in which to invest (an additional fee applies for this service). Managed Accounts offers you ongoing professional management of your retirement plan assets, based on your personal and financial situation. Additional fees apply. Managed Accounts may not be suitable for all investors. Please contact the ICMA- RC Guided Pathways® team or our ICMA-RC representative and fully read the IMCA-RC Guided Pathways® Fund Advice and Managed Accounts Investment Advisory Agreement prior to enrolling in Managed Accounts to determine if this service is right for you. DISTRIBUTIONS FROM THE SHARE PLAN In general, you are eligible to withdraw vested assets from the Share Plan upon separation from service with the City (either voluntary or otherwise), disability or retirement. While employed you may request in-service withdrawals after you reach age 59½. Your beneficiary is eligible to receive benefits from the Plan in the event of your death. Distributions (benefits) from your share account are not automatic. You, or your beneficiary, must apply for them. ICMA-RC’s 401 Governmental Profit Sharing Plan Benefit Withdrawal Packet fully details the information you will need to withdraw vested assets. All necessary forms are provided in the packet. You may obtain a copy form the City’s Human Resources Department or by contacting ICMA-RC’s Investor Services at 800-669-7400. Distribution Options The Plan, through ICMA-RC (plan administrator), offers a variety of options to meet your needs. You may receive payment as: 109 7 | P a g e Partial or full lump-sum distribution. Installment payments (monthly, quarterly, semi-annually, or annually) until your assets are fully distributed. In addition, an annual automatic cost-of-living adjustment (COLA) may be elected with this option. Guaranteed lifetime income solutions to help make your money last. There are two options which may be available to you and are subject to an insurer’s claims-paying ability. These are: A Guaranteed Income Fund – this is an annuity that can also protect lifetime income from market downtowns and allows access to the market value at any time (withdrawals in excess of the guaranteed amounts do reduce guaranteed benefits). Guarantees are provided in exchange for additional fees1. The fund is generally more appropriate for investors who are within 10 to 15 years of retirement or already retired. An Immediate Annuity – ICMA-RC on your behalf transfers a lump-sum payment from your account to an insurance company, not affiliated with ICMA- RC or the City, in exchange for a fixed lifetime payout2. Rollover to another plan or an IRA. 1 Variable annuities are long-term vehicles designed for retirement purposes and contain underlying investments subject to investment risk, included possible loss of principal. 2 TINCMA-RC partners with select insurance companies that make annuities available through the Income for Life Annuity program. Participating insurance companies compensate ICMA-RC for providing administrative services in support of the Income for Life Annuity program. The fee is at an annual rate of 80 basis points (0.80%) of the purchase amount of the annuity for a period of five years. Please consult Income for Life Annuity Program: Immediate Annuities for Retirement Income, prior to purchasing an annuity. You may also obtain a copy by calling ICMA-RC Investor Services at 800-669-7400. Emergency Withdrawals Not Permitted The Share Plan is a retirement plan and does not permit distributions by members due to hardships, unforeseeable emergencies, loans, medical expenses, educational expenses, the purchase of a principal residence, payments necessary to prevent eviction or foreclosure on an member’s principal residence, or for any other reason prior to termination of employment with the City. Required Minimum Distributions You may leave your assets in the Plan if your vested balance exceeds the minimum amount. You may also transfer all or part of and “eligible rollover distribution” to another employer’s retirement plan (401 qualified plan, 457 deferred compensation plan, or 403(b) tax sheltered annuity plan) as long as that plan accepts rollovers, or an IRA (if eligible to consolidate in a Roth IRA, any amounts transferred would be subject to tax up- front, but future earnings could be tax free). 110 8 | Page Eligible rollover distributions are generally all distributions unless they are: (1) regular, periodic payments over long periods, such as life expectancy or 10 years or more or (2) required minimum payments made to participants age 70½ or older. Your employee after-tax contributions can also be rolled to another 401 qualified plan, 403(b) plan, or an IRA (these after-tax amounts may not be rolled over to a 457 deferred compensation plan). De Minimis Distributions If your total vested account balance at termination is less than $1,000 it will be paid to you as soon as possible. You do not have the option of keeping your assets in your account but you may choose to roll over the balance as described above. Income Taxes on Distributions Pre-tax contributions and all earnings are subject to federal income taxes when withdrawn. Generally, taxable funds withdrawn before age 59½ are subject to an IRS tax penalty of 10 percent, in addition to ordinary income taxes. There are exceptions, including withdrawals taken from plans attributable to employers from which you separated from service in the year you turned age 55 or later. ICMA-RC does not withhold any portion of your payment to cover the IRS 10 percent penalty. You are responsible for calculating and paying it when you file your annual tax return. ICMA-RC does not assess a penalty for any distribution for which you are eligible, regardless of age or length of plan participation. SURVIVOR BENEFITS In the event of your death your eligible beneficiary receives your funds. Under the Share Plan there are no separate death benefits if you die in the line of duty as provided in the Defined Benefit Pension Plan. DISABILITY The Share Plan does not provide any disability benefits regardless of whether you become disabled on or off the job. You are urged to seriously consider purchasing disability insurance. The City offers this coverage to you at group rates. Contact the City Human Resources Department for more information. SITUATIONS AFFECTING YOUR BENEFITS The Share Plan is designed to provide you with income for your retirement. However, some situations could affect your benefits: If it is determined by the City or the Share Plan Administrator that you are not eligible to participate in the Share Plan. 111 9 | P a g e If you do not apply for payments from the Share Plan before stated deadlines, or if you do not provide the information requested by the Share Plan Administrator (the City or one of its contracted partners), your payments may be delayed; or If your mailing address on file with the Share Plan Administrator is incorrect, payments from the Share Plan may be delayed. Additionally, you may not receive statements of your Share Plan account balance or other important notices. If you receive an invalid distribution from your Share Plan account you will be required to repay the amount received to the Share Plan within 90 days. Failure to do so could lead to your being declared retired from the Share Plan, or at the option of the City, to administrative or legal action. In lieu of repaying the invalid distribution, you may terminate all employment with the City. FORFEITURE OF RETIREMENT BENEFITS Specific Offenses If you are convicted of any of the following offenses committed prior to retirement, or your employment with the City is terminated because you admitted to commission, aid or abetment of the following offenses, you forfeit all rights to any pension benefits under this Plan, except for the return of your accumulated personal contributions as of the date of termination. Specific offenses from Ch. 112.3137(2)(e), Florida Statutes, are as follows: Committing, aiding or abetting of an embezzlement of public funds; Committing, aiding or abetting of any theft by a public officer or employee from employer; Bribery in connection with the employment of a public officer or employee; Any felony specified in Chapter 838, Florida Statutes except ss. 838.15 and 838.16; The committing of an impeachable offense; The committing of any felony by a public officer or employee who willfully, and with intent to defraud the public or public agency for which he or she acts or in which he or she is employed, of the right to receive the faithful performance of his or her duty as a public officer or employee, realizes or obtains or attempts to obtain a profit, gain, or advantage for himself or herself or for some other person through use or attempted use of the power, rights, privileges, duties or position of his or her public office of employment position. The committing on or after October 1, 2008, of any felony defined in section 800.04, Florida Statutes, against a victim younger than 16 years of age, or any felony defined in chapter 794 against a victim younger than 18 years of age, by a public officer or employee through the use or attempted use of power, rights, privileges, 112 10 | Page duties, or position of his or her public office or employment position; Fraud Any Member or Beneficiary who is convicted of willfully and knowingly making, or causing to be made, or to assisting, conspiring with, or urging another to make, or cause to be made, any false, fraudulent, or misleading oral or written statement or withholding or concealing material information to obtain a benefit available under the Plan may, in the discretion of the Board, be required to forfeit the right to receive any or all benefits to which the person would otherwise be entitled under the Plan. For purposes of this paragraph, “conviction” means a determination of guilt that is the result of a plea or trial, regardless of whether adjudication is withheld (see Ch. 185.185, Florida Statutes). Strikes Any Member who, prior to retirement, is adjudged by a court of competent jurisdiction to have violated any state law against strikes by public employees, or who has been found guilty by such court of violating any state law prohibiting strikes by public employee, shall forfeit all rights and benefits under this chapter, except the return of his or her accumulated contributions, without interest, as of the date of the conviction. Beneficiary Forfeiture of Benefits Any beneficiary who by a verdict of a jury or by the court trying the case without a jury is found guilty, or who has entered a plea of guilty or nolo contendere, of unlawfully and intentionally killing or procuring the death of the Member forfeits all rights to the deceased Member’s benefits under this Plan, and the benefits will be paid as if such beneficiary had predeceased the decedent. Conviction Defined Conviction shall be defined as an adjudication of guilt by a court of competent jurisdiction; a plea of guilty or a nolo contendere; a jury verdict of guilty when adjudication of guilt is withheld and the accused is placed on probation; or a conviction by the Senate of an impeachable offense. Court Defined Court shall be defined as any state or federal court of competent jurisdiction which is exercising is jurisdiction to consider a proceeding involving the alleged commission of a specified offense. Prior to forfeiture, the Board shall hold a hearing on which notice shall be given to the Member whose benefits are being considered for forfeiture. Said Member shall be afforded the right to have an attorney present. No formal rules of evidence shall apply, but the Member shall be afforded a full opportunity to present his or her case against forfeiture. Withholding of Benefits Benefits will not be paid pending final resolution of such charges against a Member or Beneficiary if the resolution of such charges could require the forfeiture of benefits as provided in this section. 113 11 | P a g e GENERAL INFORMATION Assignment, Execution, or Attachment The benefits payable to you under the Share Plan, and any contributions accumulated under the Plan, are not subject to assignment, execution, attachment, or any legal process, except for a Qualified Domestic Relations Order (QDRO) issued by a court of competent jurisdiction, income deduction orders as provided in s. 61.1301, Florida Statutes, and federal income tax levies. Note that federal income tax levies will only be honored if you are eligible for a distribution. If you divorce or legally separate, the Share Plan may be required to follow the provisions of a QDRO that assigns part or all of your Share Plan account to a former spouse or for the support of your dependents. The Share Plan Administrator determines whether a court order is a QDRO. You can obtain QDRO information from the Share Plan Administrator. Model language is available to assist in the drafting of a QDRO that meets the requirements of federal law and the Plan’s provisions. The Share Plan Administrator will send you a notice if the Plan receives a court order that could affect your Share Plan account. Errors and Incorrect or Incomplete Data Errors may sometimes occur in determining benefits provided by the Share Plan. This could be due to incorrect or incomplete data or for other reasons. If such an error is discovered, the Share Plan Administrator and your employer reserve the right to correct it at any time, including after you terminate employment or take a distribution of your account balance. If you receive an overpayment as a result of an error, you will be notified of the amount and will be required to repay it. If you have an underpayment you will receive an additional payment from the Share Plan Administrator. Employment Rights in the Share Plan Participation in the Share Plan or any contributions to the Share Plan on your behalf, or any other part of Share Plan operation or administration does not give you the right to continued employment. GLOSSARY The following terms are defined as used in connection with the Share Plan and in this brochure. In an effort to make these provisions easy to understand, nontechnical language has been used as much as possible. Questions of interpretation will be governed by City ordinances, State Law, and Federal Law. Beneficiary: The joint annuitant or any other person, organization, estate, or trust fund you designate to receive a retirement benefit that may be payable when you die. 114 12 | Page Benefit: Any payment (lump sum or periodic) to you, a retiree, or a beneficiary, based partially or entirely on employer contributions. Contributions: The percentage of your gross monthly salary that you and the City contribute to your account in the Share Plan. Creditable service: A member receives one month of service credit for each month in which any salary is paid for work performed. Date of participation: The date you become a plan member. Defined contribution plan: A type of retirement plan as defined under Section 401(a) of the Internal Revenue Code, which defines the amount of contributions which are made for an employee and that amount is generally related to an employee’s salary. Eligible employee: An employee or elected official who is a member of or is eligible for membership in the Share Plan. Eligible rollovers: A direct plan transfer from an eligible retirement plan to the Share Plan. Fiscal Year: A 12-month period beginning October 1 and ending on September 30. Employee: Any person receiving salary payments for work performed in a regularly established position and employed in a covered position. Plan year: The period of time beginning October 1 and ending on the following September 30, both dates inclusive. Reemployment: This term means employment after separation from the City. Salary: Regular payment of compensation by the City to an employee for work performed, including certain overtime payments. Retiree: Under the Share Plan, this means a former member of the Plan who has terminated employment and has taken a distribution of benefits from the plan, except for a mandatory distribution of a de minimus account balance or a federally mandated Required Minimum Distribution. Retirement: Under the Share Plan, this term means the point at which you are vested, have terminated all covered employment, and have taken a distribution from the Plan. Termination: This refers to the termination of employment, which occurs when you end all employment with the City. Vest, Vested or Vesting: These terms refer to the guarantee of a benefit under the Share Plan after you work one year for the City and earn creditable service in a regularly 115 13 | P a g e established position with the City. You will be vested in the Share Plan after you complete one year of service. Year of service or work year: The period of time you are required to work to receive a full year of creditable service. S:\FI\pensions\DEFINED CONTRIBUTION\Police Share Plan\Share Plan Handbook 2016 (final).docx 116 117 118 119 120 121 122 123 124 125 126 127 128 129 130 131 132 133 134 135 FLORIDA RETIREMENT SYSTEM PENSION PLAN SUMMARY PLAN DESCRIPTION as of July 1, 2022 136 SUMMARY PLAN DESCRIPTION FLORIDA RETIREMENT SYSTEM PENSION PLAN REVISED JULY 2022 PAGE 1 SUMMARY PLAN DESCRIPTION The following summary is a brief description of the Florida Retirement System Pension Plan as of July 1, 2022. Questions of interpretation shall be determined from Chapter 121, Florida Statutes, and Chapter 60S of the Florida Administrative Code. Florida Retirement System membership and benefits are established and changed by the Florida Legislature. Creation The Florida Retirement System (FRS) was created Dec. 1, 1970, with the consolidation of the Teachers’ Retirement System, the State and County Officers and Employees’ Retirement System, and the Highway Patrol Pension Fund. In 1972, the Judicial Retirement System was consolidated with the FRS. In 2007, the Institute of Food and Agricultural Sciences Supplemental Retirement Program was consolidated under the Regular Class of the FRS as a closed group. The system was created to provide a program offering retirement, disability, and survivor benefits for participating public employees. Social Security coverage is also required for all members. Membership Membership in the FRS is specified by law for full-time and part-time employees working in regularly established positions for state agencies, county governments, district school boards, state universities, and state community colleges or for cities, independent special districts, metropolitan planning districts, and public charter schools that make an irrevocable election to participate. Certain members, including elected officials and local government senior managers, may elect not to participate in the FRS. Members of the Senior Management Service Class (SMSC) may elect to withdraw from the FRS altogether. Members of the Elected Officers’ Class (EOC) may elect to participate in the SMSC in lieu of the EOC or to withdraw from the FRS altogether. FRS retirees initially reemployed on or after July 1, 2010, through June 30, 2017, may not participate in the FRS or any other state-administered retirement system. Effective July 1, 2017, retirees of specified defined contribution plans1 employed in a regularly established position are eligible to be enrolled as renewed members of the defined contribution2 plan covering the position held except the Senior Management Service Optional Annuity Program (SMSOAP) that is closed to new members while FRS Pension Plan retirees remain ineligible for renewed membership. The following members may elect to participate in various optional retirement programs instead of the FRS Pension Plan:  Most Pension Plan members (including renewed members initially enrolled prior to July 1, 2010) and State Community College System Optional Retirement Program participants3 may elect to participate in the FRS Investment Plan.  Senior Management Service Class members who are state employees (including state-level EOC members who choose to participate in the SMSC) may elect to participate in the SMSOAP if SMSOAP membership was established prior to July 1, 2017, and the member has not retired from the SMSOAP. Non-state SMSC members may elect to opt out of the system altogether. Assistant state attorneys, assistant public defenders, assistant attorneys general, and assistant statewide prosecutors are state SMSC members who cannot participate in the SMSOAP.  State University System faculty, executive service employees, and administrative and professional employees who are not eligible for career service participate in the State University System Optional Retirement Program (SUSORP) unless they fail to sign a contract with a provider company within 90 days of being hired into the SUSORP eligible position. Faculty at colleges of a state university that has a faculty practice plan are mandatory SUSORP members.  State Community College System faculty and certain administrators whose positions are covered by the Regular Class may elect to participate in a State Community College System Optional Retirement Program if the college offers an optional retirement program. Classes of Membership Regular Class — This class consists of FRS members who do not qualify for membership in the Special Risk, Special Risk Administrative Support, Elected Officers’, or Senior Management Service classes. Special Risk Class — This class consists of FRS members who meet the criteria to qualify for this class according to Florida law and rules and who are employed as one of the following:  Law enforcement officers; 1 Retirees of the following defined contribution plans are eligible to be enrolled as a renewed member if employed in a regularly established position on or after July 1, 2017: Senior Management Service Optional Annuity Program (SMSOAP), State University System Optional Retirement Program (SUSORP), the State Community College System Optional Retirement Program (SCCSORP), and the FRS Investment Plan. 2 Defined contribution plan retirees initially enrolled on or after July 1, 2017, may be enrolled in the SUSORP, SCCSORP, or the FRS Investment Plan depending upon the retirement plan covering the position held. The SMSOAP was closed to new members effective July 1, 2017. 3 Excludes renewed members of the SCCSORP who become initially enrolled on or after July 1, 2017. 137 FLORIDA RETIREMENT SYSTEM PENSION PLAN FY 2022/23 PAGE 2 REVISED JULY 2022  Firefighters, fire prevention and firefighter training positions, and aerial firefighting surveillance pilots for the Department of Agriculture and Consumer Services;  Correctional officers and community-based correctional probation officers;  Paramedics or emergency medical technicians whose primary duty and responsibility includes on-the-scene emergency medical care and who are employed with a licensed Advance Life Support or Basic Life Support employer;  Professional health care workers in specified positions within the Department of Corrections or the Department of Children and Family Services who spend at least 75 percent of their time performing duties that involve contact with patients or inmates in a correctional or forensic facility or institution; or  Forensic employees employed by a law enforcement agency or medical examiner’s office. Special Risk Administrative Support Class — This class consists of certain former Special Risk Class members who are transferred or reassigned to a non-special risk law enforcement, firefighting, correctional, or emergency services administrative support position within an FRS special risk-employing agency and meet the criteria set forth in Florida law. Elected Officers’ Class — This class consists of members who hold specified elective offices in either state or local government:  State officers include the following: Governor, Lieutenant Governor, Cabinet Officer, Legislator, Supreme Court Justice, district court of appeal judge, circuit judge, county court judge, state attorney, and public defender.  County officers include the following: sheriff, tax collector, property appraiser, supervisor of elections, school board member, school board superintendent4, clerk of circuit court, county commissioner, and other elected officials with countywide authority.  City or special district officers include the following: elected officials in cities and special districts that have chosen to place their elected officials in the EOC instead of the Regular Class during the six-month window periods offered in 1997, 2001, 2009, or at the time of joining the FRS on or after Jan. 1, 2010. Senior Management Service Class — This class consists of members in the following positions:  The Senior Management Service of the State Personnel System;  Community college presidents;  Appointed school board superintendents;  County and city managers;  Selected managerial staff of the Legislature;  The Auditor General and managerial staff;  The Executive Director of the Ethics Commission;  The State University System Executive Service and university presidents;  Selected managerial staff of the State Board of Administration;  Judges of compensation claims;  Selected managerial staff with the judicial branch;  Capital collateral regional counsels and assistant capital collateral regional counsels;  Assistant state attorneys;  Assistant public defenders;  Assistant statewide prosecutors and assistant attorneys general;  Elected officials who chose to join the SMSC in lieu of the EOC;  Nonelective managerial positions designated for SMSC membership by local government agencies;  Chief Deputy Court Administrator;  Adjutant General, Assistant Adjutant General-Army, Assistant Adjutant General-Air, State Quartermaster, Director of Human Resources, Director of Legislative Affairs, Inspector General, Executive Officer, and selected managerial staff of the Department of Military Affairs;  County health department directors and administrators of the Department of Health; and  Criminal conflict and civil regional counsels and each district’s assistant regional counsel chief, administrative director, and chief investigator. 4 The school superintendent is an appointed position by the school board in 26 of the 67 counties in Florida. 138 SUMMARY PLAN DESCRIPTION FLORIDA RETIREMENT SYSTEM PENSION PLAN REVISED JULY 2022 PAGE 3 Contributions Effective July 1, 2002, the Florida Legislature established a uniform contribution rate system for the FRS, covering both the Pension Plan and the Investment Plan. Effective July 1, 2011, FRS members are required to make employee contributions in addition to employer contributions to establish service credit for work performed in a regularly established position. The total uniform contribution rates by membership class for Fiscal Year 2022-23- are as follows: Class Employee Contribution Rate Employer Contribution Rate* Total Contribution Rate Regular 3.00% 11.91% 14.91% Special Risk 3.00% 27.83% 30.83% Special Risk Administrative Support 3.00% 38.65% 41.65% Elected Officers’ Judges 3.00% 43.77% 46.77% Governor, Lieutenant Governor, Cabinet, Legislators, State Attorneys, and Public Defenders 3.00% 67.79% 70.79% Elected County, City, and Special District Officials 3.00% 57.00% 60.00% Senior Management Service 3.00% 31.57% 34.57% Deferred Retirement Option Program N/A 18.60% 18.60% *These rates include the 1.66 percent contribution for the Retiree Health Insurance Subsidy, the assessment of 0.06 percent for administration of the FRS Investment Plan and the administration of the MyFRS Financial Guidance Program for both plans, and an unfunded actuarial liability contribution determined by membership class. Any member who terminates employment with an FRS employer may receive a refund without interest of any retirement employee contributions personally made to the system (and lose the associated retirement credit for both their FRS and Health Insurance Subsidy benefits) or may leave these personal contributions in the system and keep all creditable service earned through the date of termination. Creditable Service Members receive one month of service credit for each month in which any salary is reported for work performed up to their work period during the plan year. Members may also purchase additional credit to increase their retirement benefits under the FRS Pension Plan. Credit may be purchased for past service, prior service (including refunded service credit), specified wartime military service (up to four years) for members enrolled prior to Jan. 1, 1987, approved military leaves of absence, approved leaves of absence (up to two years), out-of-state public service (including federal service), non-FRS public service, and non-public service in certain schools or colleges in Florida (up to five years total, including both in-state and out-of-state service) and for periods of disability retirement after recovery from the disability and return to covered employment. To purchase this service credit, members must meet certain requirements. Only the purchase of past service, approved military leaves of absence, and prior service may be included in the creditable years of service needed to vest (see Vesting). All other types of service credit purchases become creditable service only after a member is vested based on the member’s other service. Vesting Since July 1, 2001, and through June 30, 2011, the FRS Pension Plan has provided for vesting of service retirement benefits after six years of creditable service. Members not actively working in a position covered by the FRS on July 1, 2001, must return to covered employment for up to one work year to be eligible to vest with less service than was required under the law in effect before July 1, 2001. Members initially enrolled on or after July 1, 2011, vest after eight years of creditable service. 139 FLORIDA RETIREMENT SYSTEM PENSION PLAN FY 2022/23 PAGE 4 REVISED JULY 2022 Service Retirement Members become eligible for normal retirement or unreduced retirement based on their age and/or service when they first meet one of the minimum requirements listed in the following section. Early retirement or reduced retirement may be taken after a member is vested and within 20 years of normal retirement age; however, there is a 5 percent benefit reduction for each year remaining from a member’s retirement age to normal retirement age. Normal retirement requirements for members initially enrolled before July 1, 2011 Regular Class, Elected Officers’ Class, and Senior Management Service Class  Vested with six years of service and age 62;  The age after 62 that the member becomes vested; or  30 years of service, regardless of age before age 62. Special Risk Class  Vested with six years of special risk service and age 55;  The age after 55 that the member becomes vested;  25 years of service consisting of both special risk service and up to four years of wartime military service and age 52;  25 years of special risk service, regardless of age before age 55; or  30 years of any creditable service, regardless of age before age 62. Special Risk Administrative Support Class  Special Risk Class normal retirement requirements apply to service in this class if a member has at least six years of Special Risk Class service; otherwise, Regular Class requirements apply. Normal retirement requirements for members initially enrolled on or after July 1, 2011 Regular Class, Elected Officers’ Class, and Senior Management Service Class  Vested with eight years of service and age 65;  The age after 65 that the member becomes vested; or  33 years of service, regardless of age before age 65. Special Risk Class  Vested with eight years of special risk service and age 60;  The age after 60 that the member becomes vested;  30 years of special risk service, regardless of age before age 60; or  33 years of any creditable service, regardless of age before age 65. Special Risk Administrative Support Class  Special Risk Class normal retirement requirements apply to service in this class if a member has at least eight years of Special Risk Class service; otherwise, Regular Class requirements apply. 140 SUMMARY PLAN DESCRIPTION FLORIDA RETIREMENT SYSTEM PENSION PLAN REVISED JULY 2022 PAGE 5 Benefit Calculation Service retirement benefits are computed based on age and/or years of service, average final compensation, and service credit. Credit for each year of service is expressed as a percentage of the average final compensation.  For members initially enrolled before July 1, 2011, the average final compensation is the average of the five highest fiscal years’ earnings.  For members initially enrolled on or after July 1, 2011, the average final compensation is the average of the eight highest fiscal years’ earnings. The total percentage value of the benefit received is determined by calculating the total value of all service, which is based on the retirement plan and/or class to which the member belonged when the service credit was earned. The chart below shows the percentage value for each year of service credit earned. RETIREMENT PLAN % VALUE (per year of service) Florida Retirement System Regular Class members initially enrolled before July 1, 2011 Retirement up to age 62 or up to 30 years of service ................................................................1.60% Retirement at age 63 or with 31 years of service .......................................................................1.63% Retirement at age 64 or with 32 years of service .......................................................................1.65% Retirement at age 65 or with 33 years of service .......................................................................1.68% Regular Class members initially enrolled on or after July 1, 2011 Retirement up to age 65 or up to 33 years of service ................................................................1.60% Retirement at age 66 or with 34 years of service .......................................................................1.63% Retirement at age 67 or with 35 years of service .......................................................................1.65% Retirement at age 68 or with 36 years of service .......................................................................1.68% Special Risk Class Service from Dec. 1, 1970, through Sept. 30, 1974 ...................................................................2.00% Service on and after Oct. 1, 1974 ..............................................................................................3.00% Special Risk Administrative Support Class members initially enrolled before July 1, 2011 (With six or more years of special risk service, the service in this class counts toward special risk normal retirement; otherwise, Regular Class requirements apply.) Retirement up to age 55; or up to 25 total years of special risk service; or at age 52 with 25 years (if total service includes wartime military service) .....................1.60% Retirement at age 56; or with 26 total years of special risk service; or at age 53 with 26 years (if total service includes wartime military service) .....................1.63% Retirement at age 57; or with 27 total years of special risk service; or at age 54 with 27 years (if total service includes wartime military service) .....................1.65% Retirement at age 58; or with 28 total years of special risk service; or at age 55 with 28 years (if total service includes wartime military service) .....................1.68% Special Risk Administrative Support Class members initially enrolled on or after July 1, 2011 (With eight or more years of special risk service, the service in this class counts toward special risk normal retirement; otherwise, Regular Class requirements apply.) Retirement up to age 60; or up to 30 total years of special risk service .....................................1.60% Retirement at age 61; or with 31 total years of special risk service ...........................................1.63% Retirement at age 62; or with 32 total years of special risk service ...........................................1.65% Retirement at age 63; or with 33 total years of special risk service ...........................................1.68% Elected Officers’ Class Service as Supreme Court Justice, district court of appeal judge, circuit court judge, or county court judge ............................................................................3.33% Service as Governor, Lieutenant Governor, Cabinet Officer, Legislator, state attorney, public defender, elected county officer, or elected official of a city or special district that chose EOC membership for its elected officials ...............................................3.00% Senior Management Service Class ...................................................................................................2.00% Teachers’ Retirement System Plan E ...............................................................................................................................................2.00% 141 FLORIDA RETIREMENT SYSTEM PENSION PLAN FY 2022/23 PAGE 6 REVISED JULY 2022 There are three steps in computing an annual retirement benefit: Step 1 — Determine the member’s retirement plan(s) and class(es) of membership, years of creditable service in each, and the total percentage value earned. Step 2 — Calculate the member’s average final compensation. Step 3 — Multiply the figures obtained in Steps 1 and 2 to determine the member’s annual normal retirement benefit. (If the member elects to retire early, the annual benefit will be reduced by 5 percent for each year remaining before the member would have reached normal retirement age. The annual benefit may also be reduced if the member chooses a benefit option that provides a continuing benefit to a beneficiary.) Benefit Options Members must select one of the four benefit options at retirement: Option 1 — Provides a lifetime monthly benefit payment to the member. Option 1 does not provide a continuing benefit to a beneficiary. Upon the member’s death, the monthly benefit will stop and the beneficiary will be entitled to receive only a refund of contributions paid by the member, if any, which exceed the amount the member received in benefits. To provide a beneficiary with a continuing benefit after the member’s death, one of the other three options should be selected. Option 2 — Provides a reduced lifetime monthly benefit payment to the member. If the member dies 10 years or more after retirement, no benefits are payable to the beneficiary. However, if the member dies within 10 years (120 months) of the effective retirement date, the beneficiary will receive a monthly benefit payment in the same amount the member was receiving for the balance of the 120-month period (including any period of DROP participation). No further benefits are then payable. Option 3 — Provides a reduced lifetime monthly benefit payment to the member and a continuing lifetime benefit to the surviving joint annuitant. No further benefits are payable after both the member and the joint annuitant die. Upon the member’s death,  The benefit payment to the surviving joint annuitant will be the same amount the member was receiving if the joint annuitant is the spouse, parent, grandparent, or someone age 25 or older for whom the member is the legal guardian;  If the member’s joint annuitant is the natural or legally adopted child (or someone for whom the member is the legal guardian) who is under age 25 at the time of the member’s death, the joint annuitant will receive a benefit payment in the amount of the member’s Option 1 benefit until he or she reaches age 25; or  If the member’s joint annuitant is the natural or legally adopted child (or person for whom the member is the legal guardian) who is physically or mentally disabled and incapable of self-support at the time of the member’s death, regardless of age, the member’s joint annuitant will receive a benefit payment in the amount of the member’s Option 1 benefit until he or she is no longer disabled. Option 4 — Provides an adjusted monthly benefit payment to the member while both the member and the joint annuitant are living and a reduced continuing lifetime monthly benefit to the survivor upon the death of either the member or the joint annuitant. No further Option 4 benefits are payable after both the member and the joint annuitant die. If the member’s joint annuitant dies first, the member’s benefit will be reduced to two-thirds of the monthly benefit paid when both were living. If the member dies first:  The benefit payment to the member’s surviving joint annuitant will be equal to two-thirds of the monthly benefit paid when both were living if the joint annuitant is the member’s spouse, parent, grandparent, or someone age 25 or older for whom the member is the legal guardian;  If the member’s joint annuitant is the natural or legally adopted child (or person for whom the member is the legal guardian) who is under age 25 at the time of the member’s death, the joint annuitant will receive a benefit payment in the amount of the member’s Option 1 benefit until he or she reaches age 25; or  If the member’s joint annuitant is the natural or legally adopted child (or person for whom the member is the legal guardian) who is physically or mentally disabled and incapable of self-support at the time of the member’s death, regardless of age, the joint annuitant will receive a benefit payment in the amount of the member’s Option 1 benefit until he or she is no longer disabled. 142 SUMMARY PLAN DESCRIPTION FLORIDA RETIREMENT SYSTEM PENSION PLAN REVISED JULY 2022 PAGE 7 Deferred Retirement Option Program (DROP) DROP is available under the FRS Pension Plan when the member first reaches eligibility for normal retirement. DROP allows a member to effectively retire by ceasing earning additional service credit while deferring termination and continuing employment for up to 60 months. While a member is in DROP, the retirement benefits accumulate in the FRS Trust Fund (benefit calculated as of the DROP effective date and increased by a cost-of-living adjustment each July; see Cost-of-Living Adjustments for additional information) and earn monthly interest equivalent to an annual rate of 1.30 percent5. The election to participate in DROP must be made within 12 months of the member’s normal retirement date, unless the member is eligible to defer the election. To participate for the maximum DROP period, the member must enter DROP upon first reaching eligibility for normal retirement or upon reaching an eligible deferral date as described below:  A Special Risk Class member initially enrolled in the FRS before July 1, 2011, who reaches the normal retirement date based upon years of service before reaching age 52 may defer DROP entry up to age 52 and still participate for 60 months. Also, a member of the Special Risk Administrative Support Class who has at least the number of years of Special Risk Class service required to be vested and reaches the normal retirement date based upon years of service before reaching age 52 may defer DROP entry up to age 52 and still participate for 60 months.  A Special Risk Class member initially enrolled in the FRS on or after July 1, 2011, who reaches the normal retirement date based upon years of service before reaching age 55 may defer DROP entry up to age 55 and still participate for 60 months. Also, a member of the Special Risk Administrative Support Class who has at least the number of years of Special Risk Class service required to be vested and reaches the normal retirement date based upon years of service before reaching age 55 may defer DROP entry up to age 55 and still participate for 60 months.  A member of the Regular Class, EOC, or the SMSC initially enrolled in the FRS before July 1, 2011, who reaches the normal retirement date before reaching age 57 may defer DROP entry until age 57 and still participate for 60 months. A member of the Special Risk Administrative Support Class who does not have the number of years of Special Risk Class service required to be vested would be subject to these deferral requirements.  A member of the Regular Class, EOC, or the SMSC initially enrolled in the FRS on or after July 1, 2011, who reaches the normal retirement date before reaching age 60 may defer DROP entry until age 60 and still participate for 60 months. A member of the Special Risk Administrative Support Class who does not have the number of years of Special Risk Class service required to be vested would be subject to these deferral requirements.  A member who reaches the normal retirement date during a term of office may defer DROP election until the next succeeding term in that office and still participate for up to 60 months or until the end of that succeeding term, whichever is less.  A member who is employed as K-12 instructional personnel as defined in section 1012.01(2), Florida Statutes, may elect to participate in DROP at any time after reaching the normal retirement date and still participate for 60 months. Upon a member’s termination, the DROP account is paid out as a lump-sum payment, a rollover to a plan allowed under the Internal Revenue Code, or a combination of a partial lump-sum payment and rollover. Monthly benefits are paid to the member in the amount as calculated upon entry into DROP, plus cost-of-living adjustments for intervening years. In most cases, the DROP participant must cease employment after a maximum of 60 months in DROP, must satisfy the termination requirement for retirement, and must comply with applicable reemployment limitation thereafter. However, certain exceptions apply:  Effective July 1, 2002, a DROP participant who holds an elective office may end DROP participation and postpone compliance with the termination requirement and reemployment limitation until no longer holding the elective office (including consecutive terms in the same office). For the period between the end of DROP participation and termination, no retirement credit is earned and the member’s DROP accumulation accrues no additional monthly benefits. If DROP participation began before July 1, 2010, the member’s DROP accumulation continues to earn interest after participation ends and before termination. If DROP participation begins on or after July 1, 2010, the DROP accumulation does not earn interest during the period after DROP participation ends and termination. DROP participants must terminate all employment with and cease providing paid or unpaid services to all FRS participating employers to be eligible to receive the DROP accumulation.  Effective July 1, 2022, a DROP participant who meets the criteria in section 121.0515(3)(a) as a law enforcement officer may extend DROP participation for up to 36-calendar months beyond the initial 60-calendar month period, if the DROP participant in an eligible law enforcement position is participating in DROP as of July 1, 2022, or begins DROP participation by June 30, 2028. The DROP participant must remain in an eligible law enforcement officer position for the entire period of extended DROP participation.  K-12 instructional personnel employed with a district school board, the Florida School for the Deaf and the Blind, or a developmental research school of a state university may be allowed to extend their DROP participation for up to an 5 DROP participants with an effective DROP begin date before July 1, 2011, earn monthly interest equivalent to an annual rate of 6.50 percent. 143 FLORIDA RETIREMENT SYSTEM PENSION PLAN FY 2022/23 PAGE 8 REVISED JULY 2022 additional 36 months beyond their initial 60-month DROP participation period. To qualify for the extension, the DROP participant must receive authorization from the employer and be approved by the division. If authorized to extend DROP participation, a participant must remain employed in an eligible position during the period of DROP extension.  Effective July 1, 2018, K-12 instructional personnel who are authorized to extend DROP participation beyond the 60-month period must have a termination date that is the last month of the school year. If on July 1, 2018, the member’s DROP participation has already been extended for the maximum 36 months and the extension period concludes before the end of the school year, the member’s DROP participation may be extended through the last month of the same school year. The employer is required to notify the Division of Retirement when these eligible personnel have their termination date changed to comply with this provision.  Effective July 1, 2018, K-12 administrative personnel as defined in section 1012.01(3), Florida Statutes, who have a DROP termination date on or after July 1, 2018, may be authorized to extend their DROP participation beyond the initial 60 calendar month period if their termination date is before the end of the school year. Such administrative personnel may have their DROP participation extended until the last month of the same school year. The employer is required to notify the Division of Retirement when these eligible personnel have their termination date changed to comply with this provision. Disability Benefits There are two types of disability retirements available under the FRS: in-line-of-duty disability retirement and regular disability retirement. To qualify for either type of disability retirement, members must be totally and permanently disabled to the extent that they are unable to work in any job or provide a service to any employer. Disability retirees may be subject to a periodic reexamination requirement. In-line-of-duty disability benefits are available to members from their first day of employment. The minimum Option 1 benefit for in-line-of-duty disability retirement is 42 percent of their average final compensation for all members except those in the Special Risk Class, who receive a minimum Option 1 in-line-of-duty disability benefit of 65 percent of their average final compensation. To be eligible for regular disability retirement, members must complete eight years of creditable service. The minimum Option 1 benefit under regular disability retirement is 25 percent of their average final compensation for all classes. If a disabled member’s service benefit would be higher than the minimum disability benefit, the member may elect to receive the higher benefit. Survivor Benefits If an active member who is not a Special Risk Class member dies in the line of duty, the spouse will receive a lifetime monthly benefit equal to one-half of the member’s base monthly salary at death. If the spouse dies or there is no spouse, the benefit will continue to be paid on behalf of the member’s dependent children until the youngest child reaches age 18 or is married, if earlier. If an active member who is a Special Risk Class member dies in the line of duty6, the spouse will receive a lifetime monthly benefit equal to 100 percent of the member’s base monthly salary at death. If the spouse dies or there is no spouse, the benefit will be paid on behalf of the member’s dependent children until the youngest child reaches age 18 or is married, if earlier. Survivor benefits being paid on behalf of the member’s dependent children may be extended up to age 25 if the child is unmarried and a full-time student. If an active member dies before becoming vested and the death was not suffered in the line of duty, the designated beneficiary will receive a refund of any member-paid retirement contributions 7. However, if the active member dies within one year of vesting, the member’s joint annuitant may purchase enough service credit to vest the deceased member and receive monthly benefits by using the deceased member’s accumulated leave on an hour-by-hour basis or paying for the member’s eligible in-state or out-of-state service. If the member was vested at death, the beneficiary may receive a refund of any contributions that may have been paid by the member7 or, if the beneficiary qualifies as a joint annuitant, a lifetime monthly benefit calculated as though the member had retired the month following the date of death and had chosen Option 3. If the joint annuitant is the member’s child or other dependent for whom the member has guardianship who is under age 25, the joint annuitant will receive the member’s maximum benefit until age 25 or, if disabled, until he or she is no longer disabled. A deceased member’s joint annuitant may 6 Effective July 1, 2016, the in-line-of-duty death benefits payable to survivors of Special Risk Class members increased from 50 percent of base salary to 100 percent of base salary with retroactive eligibility to July 1, 2013, for benefit payments beginning on or after July 1, 2016. Effective July 1, 2017, the in-line-of-duty death benefits payable to survivors of Special Risk Class members had retroactive eligibility extended from July 1, 2013, to July 1, 2002, for benefit payments beginning on or after July 1, 2017. 7 The employee contributions included in the Investment Plan account balance and other employee funds, if required, that are transferred as part of the second election to establish Pension Plan membership are not refundable to the employee or the employer. 144 SUMMARY PLAN DESCRIPTION FLORIDA RETIREMENT SYSTEM PENSION PLAN REVISED JULY 2022 PAGE 9 buy any service credit that could have been claimed by the member at the time of death if the member’s termination of employment was due to death. Termination Requirement (1st – 6th calendar months of retirement) Retirees must meet the definition of termination by terminating all employment relationships with any FRS participating employer for the first six calendar months of retirement or the first six calendar months after DROP termination date. This includes providing any service, whether paid or unpaid, to any FRS participating employer, even if that service is provided through a third-party arrangement. If the retiree does not meet the definition of termination, the retirement will be voided. The employer and the retiree are jointly and severally liable to repay all benefits received, including a DROP payout, if the retiree returns to work during this six-calendar month period. Voiding retirement applies even if the position held is not covered by the FRS but is with an FRS employer. This restriction also applies to employment with the same employer if the agency withdrew from the FRS effective Jan. 1, 1996, for newly hired employees. Reemployment Limitation (7th – 12th calendar months of retirement) After the definition of termination is met by not being employed by or providing a service (paid or unpaid) to an FRS participating employer during the first six calendar months of retirement or the first six calendar months after DROP termination date, there is a limitation to providing services (paid or unpaid) to FRS employers. During the seventh through twelfth calendar months of retirement the retiree may not receive a retirement benefit while also receiving salary or providing a service to an FRS employer in the same month. This limitation applies even if the position held is not covered by the FRS but is with an FRS employer. If the retiree chooses to provide any services, whether paid or unpaid, to FRS participating employers during this reemployment limitation period, the retiree must inform the division so that retirement benefits can be suspended during the remainder of the first 12 calendar months of retirement. The retiree and the employing agency are jointly and severally liable for repaying any retirement benefits received while working during this period. Suspended retirement benefits for the months employed by an FRS employer during the reemployment limitation period will never be received by the retiree. Beginning the 13th calendar month of retirement, there are no limitations on receiving a retirement benefit while providing services to an FRS employer after being retired for 12 calendar months. Other Reemployment Considerations (7th – 12th calendar months of retirement) There is one exception to the reemployment limitation after retirement. If the retiree is a retired law enforcement officer, the retiree may be reemployed as a school resource officer by an employer that participates in the FRS during the seventh through twelfth calendar months after the effective retirement date or after the DROP termination date and receive both a salary and retirement benefits in the same month. If a retiree is reemployed with a participating employer, the retiree will be required to sign a statement that the reemployment does not violate these provisions. Beginning the 13th calendar month of the service retirement or after the DROP termination date, retirees may be employed by or provide services to FRS participating employers without affecting their FRS benefits. Any time after a service retirement or after the DROP termination date, retirees may be employed by a private employer or any public employer not participating in the FRS without affecting their FRS benefits as long as they are not providing paid or unpaid services to FRS participating employers. Contact the Division of Retirement toll-free at 844-377-1888 or 850-907-6500 with any questions about the termination requirement or reemployment limitation. Renewed Membership FRS Pension Plan retirees who are initially reemployed on or after July 1, 2010, are not eligible for renewed membership. FRS Pension Plan retirees who are initially reemployed in regularly established positions before July 1, 2010, will have renewed membership in the Regular Class, the SMSC, or the EOC and will earn credit toward a second-career benefit based on requirements for their class of membership until they retire again. Having a break in service or not being employed on July 1, 2010, does not change a renewed member’s status. Once retirees have established renewed membership in the system, they will have the same opportunities as similarly situated newly hired members of that membership class to elect to participate in alternative defined contribution retirement programs instead of the FRS. Renewed members are subject to the same vesting requirements and other limitations as those that apply to other active members. However, renewed members are not eligible to participate in the Special Risk Class, participate in DROP, or to retire under disability retirement provisions. 145 FLORIDA RETIREMENT SYSTEM PENSION PLAN FY 2022/23 PAGE 10 REVISED JULY 2022 Cost-of-Living Adjustment The benefits received by retirees and beneficiaries are increased by a cost-of-living adjustment (COLA) each July based on their June benefit amount (excluding the Retiree Health Insurance Subsidy benefit). For retirees who have been retired for less than 12 months on July 1, the first COLA increase is prorated. The COLA applies to all continuing monthly retirement benefits paid under the FRS Pension Plan (i.e., normal and early service retirement benefits, disability retirement benefits, survivor benefits, and DROP benefits accruing in the FRS Trust Fund for DROP participants. The COLA for retirements or DROP participation effective before Aug. 1, 2011, is 3 percent per year. The COLA formula for retirees with an effective retirement date or DROP begin date on or after Aug. 1, 2011, is calculated by dividing the pre-July 2011 service credit by the total service credit at retirement and multiplying by 3 percent. Each Pension Plan member with an effective retirement date of Aug. 1, 2011, or after will have an individual COLA factor for retirement. FRS Pension Plan members initially enrolled on or after July 1, 2011, will not have a COLA after retirement. Appeals Procedure Whenever the division makes a decision that will reduce, suspend, or terminate a member’s retirement benefits, the member may petition the division for a hearing. Section 28-106.201, Florida Administrative Code, outlines the requirements for filing a petition. After the division reviews the petition, the Department of Management Services (department) may ask a hearing officer from the Division of Administrative Hearings to conduct the hearing, or, in some cases, the department may conduct the hearing. If the outcome of the hearing is not in the member’s favor, the member will be informed of the time period during which the member can appeal the decision to the District Court of Appeal. Forfeiture of Benefits If, before retirement, a member commits a felony specified by law and is found guilty of or enters a plea of no contest to such crime, or if employment was terminated as a result of an admission of committing, aiding, or abetting a specified crime, the member’s retirement rights and benefits will be forfeited (except for a refund of personal retirement contributions, if any). The forfeiture of benefits provision applies in the case of any job-related felony offense as outlined below:  Committing, aiding, or abetting an embezzlement of public funds or any grand theft from the employer;  Committing bribery in connection with employment;  Committing any other felony specified in Chapter 838, Florida Statutes, (bribery and misuse of public office), except sections 838.15 and 838.16, Florida Statutes (commercial bribes);  Committing any felony with intent to defraud the public or the employer of the right to receive the faithful performance of duty or receiving or attempting to receive profit or advantage for the member or another person using the member’s position; or  Committing an impeachable offense (applies to elected officials only); or  Committing certain felony offenses against a minor through the use or attempted use of rights, privileges, duties, or position of public employment or office. In addition to the crimes stated above, if a court of competent jurisdiction finds the member guilty of violating any state law against strikes by public employees, the member's benefits will be forfeited. If the member's designated beneficiary is found guilty of intentionally killing or procuring the death of the member, the beneficiary forfeits all rights to retirement benefits. Any benefits payable would then be paid as if the beneficiary died before the member. The Clerk of the Court, the Secretary of the Senate, or the employer, as appropriate, must notify the Commission on Ethics if the member is found guilty or if the member is impeached or terminated prior to retirement as a result of any of the above offenses. The Commission on Ethics will notify the division. The member's benefits will be suspended subject to a hearing held by a hearing officer of the Division of Administrative Hearings. The hearing officer’s decision may be appealed to the District Court of Appeal. (See section 112.3173, Florida Statutes, and Article II, section 8, of the Florida Constitution for more information.) Assignment, Execution, or Attachment Retirement benefits and accumulated contributions accrued under the FRS Pension Plan are not subject to assignment, execution, attachment, or any other legal process, except for Qualified Domestic Relations Orders, certain income deduction orders, (see section 61.1301, Florida Statutes), and federal income tax levies. 146 147 148 149 150 151 152 153 154 155 156 157 158 159 160 161 162 163 164 165 166 167 168 169 170 171 172 173 174 CITY OF LAKE MARY POLICE OFFICERS' RETIREMENT SYSTEM SUMMARY PLAN DESCRIPTION November [enter date], 2023 IS YOUR BENEFICIARY FORM CURRENT? IN THE EVENT YOU DIE, YOUR BENEFIT OR CONTRIBUTIONS WILL BE DISTRIBUTED TO THE PERSON OR PERSONS DESIGNATED BY NAME ON THE BENEFICIARY FORM ON FILE WITH THE PENSION PLAN. NO PROVISION IN YOUR LAST WILL AND TESTAMENT WILL CHANGE THIS SELECTION. PLEASE BE SURE THAT YOUR BENEFICIARY FORM DESIGNATES THE PERSON OR PERSONS YOU INTEND TO RECEIVE YOUR BENEFITS AND THAT YOU REVIEW THIS CHOICE IN THE EVENT OF A MAJOR LIFE CHANGE SUCH AS A DIVORCE OR THE DEATH OF YOUR BENEFICIARY. 175 CITY OF LAKE MARY POLICE OFFICERS' RETIREMENT SYSTEM SUMMARY PLAN DESCRIPTION INTRODUCTION The Board of Trustees of the City of Lake Mary Police Officers' Retirement System is pleased to present this booklet which briefly explains the provisions of your Police Officers' Pension Plan. As a participant in the Fund, you are included in a program of benefits to help you meet your financial needs at retirement, or in the event of disability or death. This booklet can assist you in preparing for your retirement and financial future. If you need further information on any of the topics presented in this booklet, please contact any member of the Board of Trustees. They will either answer questions you might have to help you understand your benefits or otherwise get you an answer to your questions. We urge you to read and understand this booklet in order to become familiar with the benefits of the plan and how they contribute to your financial security and how they will enrich your retirement years. The information presented is only a summary of the pension plan ("Plan") as provided in the ordinances of the City of Lake Mary. If there are any conflicts between the information in this booklet and the ordinances of the City of Lake Mary, the ordinances shall govern. The provisions of this Summary Plan Description shall not constitute a contract between the Member and the Board of Trustees. The plan shall be administered in accordance with state and federal law, notwithstanding any provisions in this booklet or ordinances to the contrary. A copy of the ordinance establishing the Plan can be obtained from the City Clerk's office, which is located at 100 N. Country Club Road, Lake Mary, Florida 32795-0700. For questions regarding the plan, or to obtain copies, please contact your plan administrator: Mr. Scott Baur, Pension Resource Center, 4360 Northlake Blvd., Suite 206, Palm Beach Gardens, FL 33410. His phone number is (561) 624-3277. Chairman, Board of Trustees City of Lake Mary Police Officers' Retirement System Date 176 Page | 1 1. BOARD OF TRUSTEES AND PLAN ADMINISTRATION A. Administration. (1) The City of Lake Mary Police Officers' Retirement System is a defined benefit pension plan administered by a Board of Trustees which acts as the administrator of the Plan. The Board consists of 5 Trustees, 2 of whom shall be legal residents of the City who are appointed by the City Commission, 2 of whom are Members of the System who are elected by a majority of the Police Officers who are Members of the System and a fifth Trustee who is chosen by a majority of the first 4 Trustees. Each Trustee serves a 2-year term. (2) DROP participants can be elected as but not vote for elected trustees. B. The names and addresses of the current Trustees and the Plan Administrator are attached to this Summary Plan Description as Exhibit "A". The Chairman of the Board is designated as agent for the service of legal process. 2. ELIGIBILITY FOR PLAN MEMBERSHIP Each person employed by the City Police Department as a full-time Police Officer becomes a member of the System as a condition of his employment. All Police Officers are therefore eligible for plan benefits as provided for in the plan document and by applicable law. 3. PLAN BENEFITS All claims for benefits under the System shall be made in writing to the Board. It is your responsibility to contact the plan and make a written application for benefits when you are eligible to start receiving your benefit at your normal or early retirement date. You should file your application for benefits with the plan administrator at least 45 days prior to the date that benefits are to commence. Benefit payments shall begin only after a written application is filed and payments shall not be made retroactive to your original eligibility date should you delay in applying for benefits. A. Normal Retirement Eligibility. You are eligible for retirement upon the attainment of age 55 and the completion of 5 years of credited service or the completion of 20 years of credited service, regardless of age. Retirees are required to begin to receive benefits once they have retired or reached a certain age for required minimum distributions. For individuals who attain age 72 after December 31, 2022, and age 73 before January 1, 2033, the applicable age is 177 Page | 2 73. For individuals who attain age 74 after December 31, 2032, the applicable age is 75. B. Amount of Normal Retirement Benefits. The amount of the normal retirement benefit is based on your credited service and average final compensation: "Credited Service" is generally your period of employment as a Police Officer in the Police Department measured in years and parts of years. Credited service will include credit for up to five years for a break in employment for military service, pursuant to conditions provided for under state or federal law, provided that you are reemployed within 1 year of discharge under honorable conditions. Additional credited service time may also be available (See subsection K. below). "Average Final Compensation" is 1/12 of your average salary of the 5 best years of the last 10 years of credited service prior to your termination, retirement or death. A year is defined as 12 consecutive months. "Salary" is the total compensation for services rendered to the City as a Police Officer reportable on your W-2 forms plus all tax deferred, tax sheltered or tax- exempt items of income derived from elective employee payroll deductions or salary reductions. For service earned after July 1, 2011, Salary shall not include more than 300 hours of overtime per calendar year and shall also not include payments for accrued unused sick or annual leave. Provided however, in any event, payments for overtime in excess of300 hours per year or accrued unused sick or annual leave accrued as of July 1, 2011 and attributable to service earned prior to July 1, 2011, may still be included in Salary for pension purposes even if the payment is not actually made until on or after July 1, 2011. In any event, with respect to unused sick leave and unused annual leave accrued prior to July 1, 2011, the balance of the unused sick leave and unused annual leave accrued and unused upon July 1, 2011 will be deemed the frozen amounts. These frozen amounts cannot be increased and any annual leave or sick time taken after July 1, 2011 will reduce the applicable frozen amount. Any remaining balance of these initial frozen amounts that are paid out upon termination of employment with the City of Lake Mary shall be made at the then current rate of pay and will be used in the pension credit calculation. Any annual leave or sick time accrued after July 1, 2011 and unused at the time of termination of employment with the City of Lake Mary will be paid out at the then current rate of pay, but will not be used in the pension credit calculation. The normal retirement benefit is calculated by multiplying 3.2% times years of credited service times your average final compensation: (3.2% x CS x AFC= normal retirement benefit). Normal and early retirement payments will commence on the first day of the month coincident with or next following your last day of employment. Early retirees may defer the commencement of benefits. The benefit is paid to you for your life, but you or your beneficiary shall receive at least 120 monthly benefit payments in any event. In order to ensure that you receive timely commencement of benefits, an application for normal or 178 Page | 3 early retirement benefits must be submitted to the Plan Administrator at least 45 days prior to your expected retirement date. Each vested Plan Member shall be entitled, at the Fund's expense, to receive two actuarial studies (one preliminary and one final) to estimate his or her retirement benefits. Any additional studies shall be provided only at the Member's expense. C. Early Retirement. You are eligible for early retirement upon the attainment of age 50 and the completion of 5 years of credited service. D. Amount of Early Retirement Benefits. The amount of the early retirement benefit is calculated in the same manner as for normal retirement and is available as follows: (1) Beginning on the date on which you would have qualified for normal retirement; or (2) Beginning immediately upon retirement, but if beginning immediately, the amount of the monthly benefit is reduced by 3% for each year by which the commencement of benefits precedes your normal retirement date. E. Pension Enhancement Benefit. Effective October 1, 2021, vested members shall be eligible for a pension enhancement benefit that shall consist of one (1) annual payment in the amount of $2,520.00 payable to eligible members on December 15th of each calendar year. The pension enhancement benefit is available no sooner than the attainment of age 50, or anytime thereafter, and shall continue to be payable until the member reaches age 68. F. Supplemental Benefit - Share Plan. Pursuant to Florida law, there has been a separate member "share account" created for each member of the plan. This supplemental benefit may or may not be funded and thus, you may or may not receive a retirement benefit from the share plan. If the share plan is funded, at retirement, termination (vested), disability or death, there shall be an additional benefit paid to you. The share plan is funded solely with state premium tax money and the funding that is received for this Share Plan is allocated to your share account based on a formula which gives you an allocation based on your years of credited service. Your share account receives its proportionate share of the income or loss on the assets in the plan. G. Optional Forms of Retirement. In lieu of the amount and form of retirement income payable under normal and early retirement, you may elect to receive a retirement benefit in a different form so long as the form you elect is of equal actuarial value as the normal benefit. The optional forms of benefits which are available are: 179 Page | 4 (1) A retirement income of a monthly amount payable to you for your lifetime only. (2) A retirement income of a modified monthly amount, payable to you during your lifetime and following your death, 100%, 75%, 66 2/3% or 50% of such monthly amount payable to a joint pensioner for his lifetime. (3) If you retire prior to the time at which social security benefits are payable, you may elect to receive an increased retirement benefit until such time as social security benefits shall be assumed to commence and a reduced benefit thereafter in order to provide, to as great an extent as possible, a more level retirement allowance during the entire period of retirement. (4) If you do not participate in the DROP, you may also elect to receive an initial lump sum payment equal to 10%, 15%, 20% or 25% of your accrued benefit with the remaining 90% 85%, 80% or 75%, respectively, payable in a form selected by you and provided for in (1), (2) or (3) above or in the normal form (10 years certain and life). (5) Deferred Retirement Option Plan (DROP). (a) If you become eligible for normal retirement, and are still employed by the City as a Police Officer, you have the option of "retiring" from the pension plan but continuing your employment as a Police Officer for an additional 5 years. An election to participate in the DROP constitutes an irrevocable election to resign from the service of the City not later than 5 years from the commencement of DROP participation. You must request, in writing, to enter the DROP. (b) Upon entering the DROP, your retirement benefit is immediately calculated and each monthly benefit payment is deposited into your DROP account. Your account earns an investment return equal to the net investment return realized by the System for that quarter. You could experience losses as well as gains. (c) At the time of termination of employment at the end of the DROP period, you will receive your account balance in a lump sum and you will also begin receiving 180 Page | 5 your monthly retirement benefit. You may rollover your balance to another qualified pension vehicle. (d) Once you enter the DROP, you are no longer eligible for disability or pre-retirement death benefits, nor do you accrue any additional credited service. Your retirement benefit is fixed as of your entry date. You pay no member contributions to the plan once you enter the DROP. (e) Participation in the DROP is not a guarantee of employment and DROP participants shall be subject to the same employment standards and policies that are applicable to employees who are not DROP participants. (f) Additional information about the DROP can be obtained from the Board. H. Disability Retirement. You are considered disabled when you become totally and permanently unable to perform useful and efficient service as a Police Officer. A written application is made to the Board for a disability pension and the Board receives evidence of the disability and decides whether or not the pension is to be granted. If the pension is granted, the benefit amount shall be: (1) If the injury or disease is service connected, a monthly pension equal to the greater of: (a) 50% of your yearly salary with no regard to years of credited service; or (b) An amount equal to 3.2% of your average final compensation multiplied by your total number of years of credited service. (2) If the injury or disease is not service connected, a monthly pension equal to 3.2% of your average final compensation times your years of credited service. This non-service connected benefit is only available if you have at least 5 years of credited service. If you have less than 5 years of credited service, you will receive a return of your accumulated contributions. Eligibility for disability benefits. Subject to (4) below, you must be an active member of the plan on the date the Board determines your entitlement to a disability benefit. 181 Page | 6 (1) Terminated persons, either vested or non-vested, are not eligible for disability benefits. (2) If you voluntarily terminate your employment either before or after filing an application for disability benefits, you are not eligible for disability benefits. (3) If you are terminated by the City for any reason other than for medical reasons, either before or after you file an application for disability benefits, you are not eligible for disability benefits. (4) The only exception to (1) above is: (a) If you are terminated by the City for medical reasons and you have already applied for disability benefits before the medical termination, or; (b) If you are terminated by the City for medical reasons and you apply within 30 days after your medical termination date. If either (4)(a), or (4)(b) above applies, your application will be processed and fully considered by the board. Your disability benefit terminates upon the earlier of death, with 120 payments guaranteed, or recovery. You may, however, select a "life only" or "joint and survivor" optional form of benefit as described above under "Optional Forms of Retirement". Any condition or impairment of health caused by hypertension or heart disease resulting in death or total and permanent disability is presumed to have been suffered in the line of duty unless the contrary is shown by competent evidence; provided that you have successfully passed a physical examination on entering into service and there is no evidence of the condition at that time. For conditions diagnosed on or after January 1, 1996, if you suffer a condition or impairment of health that is caused by hepatitis, meningococcal meningitis, or tuberculosis, which results in total and permanent disability, it shall be presumed that the disability is in the line of duty, unless the contrary is shown by competent evidence as provided for in Section 112.181, Florida Statutes, provided that the statutory conditions have been met. To receive disability benefits, you must establish to the satisfaction of the 182 Page | 7 Board, that such disability was not occasioned primarily by: (1) Excessive or habitual use of any drugs, intoxicants or narcotics. (2) Injury or disease sustained while willfully and illegally participating in fights, riots or civil insurrections or while committing a crime. (3) Injury or disease sustained while serving in any branch of the Armed Forces. (4) Injury or disease sustained after your employment as a Police Officer with the City of Lake Mary shall have terminated. (5) Injury or disease sustained while working for anyone other than the City and arising out of such employment. As a disabled pensioner, you are subject to periodic medical examinations as directed by the Board to determine whether a disability continues. You may also be required to submit statements from your doctor, at your expense, confirming that your disability continues. I. Death Before Retirement. If you die prior to retirement from the Police Department, your beneficiary shall receive the following benefit: (1) Prior to Vesting or Eligibility for Retirement. If you were not receiving monthly benefits or were not yet vested (5 years of service) or eligible for early or normal retirement, your beneficiary shall receive a refund of 100% of your accumulated contributions. (2) Deceased Members Vested or Eligible for Retirement. If you die and, at the date of your death were vested or eligible for early or normal retirement, the payment shall be as follows: (a) In-Line of Duty Death Benefit. If you were vested and die as a direct result of the performance of your duty as a Police Officer, your spouse (or dependent children) shall receive a benefit equal to the greater of 10% of your yearly salary for life, or the actuarial equivalent of the accrued early or normal retirement benefit. Any benefit being paid to your dependent child shall cease when your dependent child reaches age 18. 183 Page | 8 (b) Not-In-Line of Duty Benefit. If you were vested and die not as a direct result of the performance of your duty as a Police Officer, your spouse shall receive the actuarial equivalent of the accrued early or normal retirement benefit. J. Termination of Employment and Vesting. If your employment is terminated, either voluntarily or involuntarily, the following benefits are payable: (1) If you have less than 5 years of credited service upon termination, you shall be entitled to a refund of the money you have contributed or you may leave it deposited with the Fund. (2) If you have 5 or more years of credited service upon termination, you shall be entitled to a monthly retirement benefit. The benefit shall be determined in the same manner as for normal or early retirement and shall be based upon your credited service, average final compensation and the benefit accrual rate as of the date of termination. The benefit shall be payable to you starting at your otherwise normal or early retirement date, determined as if you had remained employed, provided you do not elect to withdraw your contributions and provided you survive to your otherwise normal or early retirement date. If you do not withdraw your accumulated contributions and do not survive to your otherwise normal or early retirement date, your designated beneficiary shall be entitled to a benefit as provided herein for a deceased member, vested or eligible for retirement under Death Before Retirement. The Internal Revenue Code provides that certain eligible lump sum distributions from the pension plan may be directly rolled over into qualified individual retirement accounts, annuities or certain other pension plans. A 20% withholding shall be required on taxable portions of such lump sum distributions not directly transferred to a new custodian. K. Reemployment After Retirement. If you retire under normal or early retirement and wish to be reemployed by the city, you should be aware that your ability to continue to receive your pension benefit upon reemployment may be restricted. L. Additional Credited Service. In addition to credited service actually earned in the employment of the Police Department, you may also receive credited service as follows: (1) "Buy-Back" for Prior Police Service. The years or fractional 184 Page | 9 parts of years that you previously served as a Police Officer with the City of Lake Mary during a period of previous employment and for which period accumulated contributions were withdrawn from the Fund shall be added to your years of credited service provided that within the first 90 days of your reemployment you pay into the Plan the withdrawn contributions with interest. If, after 90 days from your reemployment you have failed to purchase credited service pursuant to the previous paragraph or if you served as a full- time paid Police Officer for any other municipal, county or state law enforcement agency in the State of Florida, you will receive credited service only if: (a) You contribute to the Fund a sum equal to: (i) the amount that you would have contributed to the Plan, based on your salary and the member contribution rate in effect at the time that the credited service is requested, had you been a member of the Plan for the years or fractional parts of years for which you are requesting credit, plus (ii) an additional amount to be determined by the Board's actuary so that there is no cost to the Plan in giving you the additional years of credited service, plus (iii) the amount charged by the actuary for determining the amount you must contribute. (b) Multiple requests to purchase credited service pursuant to this section may be made any time prior to retirement. (c) Payment of the required amount shall be made within 6 months of your request for credit and shall be made in one lump sum payment upon receipt of which credited service shall be given. (d) The maximum combined credit under this subsection for service other than with the City of Lake Mary and for prior military service pursuant to subsection (3) below shall be 5 years of credited service and shall count for all purposes, except vesting and eligibility for 185 Page | 10 not-in-line of duty disability benefits. There shall be no maximum purchase of credit for prior service with the City of Lake Mary and such credit shall count for all purposes, including vesting. (e) In no event, however, may credited service be purchased pursuant to this subsection for prior service with any other municipal, county or state law enforcement department, if such prior service forms or will form the basis of a retirement benefit or pension from a different employer's retirement system or plan. (f) In addition to service as a Police Officer in this State, credit may be purchased in the same manner as provided above for federal, other state, county or municipal service if the prior service is recognized by the Criminal Justice Standards and Training Commission within the Department of Law Enforcement, as provided under Chapter 943, Florida Statutes, or you provide proof to the Board that such service is equivalent to the service required to meet the definition of a Police Officer. (2) "Buy-Back" of Time Lost Due to Absences Authorized by the Family and Medical Leave Act. If you are absent on unpaid leave under the Family & Medical Leave Act, you may purchase lost credited service by making an actuarially determined contribution to the Plan, such that there is no cost to the Plan in allowing such credited service, within strict time periods provided for in the plan document. (3) "Buy-Back" for Military Service Prior to Employment. The years or fractional parts of years that you serve or have served on active duty in the military service of the Armed Forces of the United States, the United States Merchant Marine or the United States Coast Guard, voluntarily or involuntarily and honorably or under honorable conditions, prior to first and initial employment with the City Police Department shall be added to your years of credited service provided that: (a) You contribute to the Fund a sum equal to: (i) the amount that you would have contributed to the Plan, based on your salary and the member 186 Page | 11 contribution rate in effect at the time that the credited service is requested, had you been a member of the Plan for the years or fractional parts of years for which you are requesting credit plus (ii) an additional amount to be determined by the Board's actuary so that there is no cost to the Plan in giving you the additional years of credited service. plus (iii) the amount charged by the actuary for determining the amount you must contribute. (b) Multiple requests to purchase credited service pursuant to this section may be made any time prior to retirement. (c) Payment of the required amount shall be made within 6 months of your request for credit, but not later than your retirement date, and shall be made in one lump sum payment upon receipt of which credited service shall be given. (d) The maximum combined credit under this subsection and subsection (1) above (for service other than with the City) shall be 5 years and shall count for all purposes except vesting and eligibility for not-in -line of duty disability benefits. (4) Rollovers or Transfers of Funds to Purchase Service. In the event you are eligible to purchase additional credited service as provided above, you may be eligible to rollover or transfer funds from another retirement program in which you participate (traditional IRA, deferred compensation plan maintained by a government employer (457 plan), 401k plan, profit sharing plan, defined benefit plan, money purchase plan, annuity plan or tax-sheltered annuity) in order to pay all or part of the cost of purchasing such additional credited service. M. Contributions and Funding. The City is paying the portion of the cost of the pension plan over and above your contributions and all or a portion of the amounts received from the state insurance rebates, pursuant to a mutual consent agreement between the City and the plan membership. Effective October 1, 2021, you contribute 6% 187 Page | 12 of your salary to the Fund. Your contribution will be excluded from your gross income for withholding purposes so you will realize income tax benefits. N. Maximum Benefits. In no event will the annual benefits paid from this System exceed $265,000 annually, subject to certain cost of living adjustments and actuarial reductions, under certain circumstances, prior to age 62 as set forth in Section 415 of the Internal Revenue Code. If you began participation for the first time on and after January 1, 1980, you cannot receive a benefit in excess of 100% of your average final compensation. If you began participation prior to this date, you are not subject to the 100% limitation. O. Forfeiture of Pension. If you are convicted of the certain crimes listed in the plan document committed prior to retirement, or if your employment is terminated by reason of your admitted commission, aid or abetment of these crimes, you shall forfeit all rights and benefits under the System, except for the return of your contributions as of the date of your termination. P. Conviction and Forfeiture; False, Misleading or Fraudulent Statements. It is unlawful for you to willfully and knowingly make, or cause to be made, or to assist, conspire with, or urge another to make, or cause to be made, any false, fraudulent, or misleading oral or written statement or withhold or conceal material information to obtain any benefit from the Plan. If you violate the previous paragraph, you commit a misdemeanor of the first degree, punishable as provided in Section 775.082 or Section 775.083, Florida Statutes. In addition to any applicable criminal penalty, upon conviction for a violation described above, you or your beneficiary may, in the discretion of the Board, be required to forfeit the right to receive any or all benefits to which you would otherwise be entitled under the Plan. For purposes of this subsection, "conviction" means a determination of guilt that is the result of a plea or trial, regardless of whether adjudication is withheld. Q. Claims Procedure Before the Board. You may request, in writing, that the Board review any claim for benefits under the System. The Board will review the case and enter a decision as it deems proper within not more than 270 days from the date of the receipt of such written request, or in the case of a disability claim, from receipt of a medical release and completed interrogatories. The time period may be extended if you agree to the extension. The Board's decision on your claim will be contained in an order which will be in writing and will include: (1) The specific reasons for the Board's action; 188 Page | 13 (2) A description of any additional information that the Board feels is necessary for you to perfect your claim; (3) An explanation of the review procedure next open to you which includes a formal evidentiary hearing. 4. NON-FORFEITURE OF PENSION BENEFITS A. Liquidation of Pension Fund Assets. In the event of repeal, or if contributions to the Fund are discontinued by the City, there will be a full vesting of benefits accrued to date of repeal. B. Interest of Members in Pension Fund. At no time prior to the satisfaction of all liabilities under the System shall any assets of the System be used for any purpose other than for the Police Officers' exclusive benefit. In any event, your contributions to the System are non-forfeitable. 5. VESTING OF BENEFITS Your retirement benefits are vested after 5 years of credited service. 6. APPLICABLE LAW The System is governed by certain federal, state and local laws, including, but not limited to the following: A. Internal Revenue Code and amendments thereto. B. Chapter 185, Florida Statutes, "Municipal Police Officers' Retirement Trust Funds". C. Part VII, Chapter 112, Florida Statutes, "Actuarial Soundness of Retirement Systems". D. Ordinances of the City of Lake Mary. E. Administrative rules and regulations adopted by the Board of Trustees. 7. PLAN YEAR AND PLAN RECORDS The plan year begins on October 1 of each year and ends on September 30 of the following year. All records of the System are maintained on the basis of the plan year. 189 Page | 14 8. APPLICABLE PROVISIONS OF COLLECTIVE BARGAINING AGREEMENTS There is no collective bargaining agreement between the Police Officers and the City. 9. FINANCIAL AND ACTUARIAL INFORMATION A. A report of pertinent financial and actuarial information on the solvency and actuarial soundness of the System is attached as Exhibit "B". B. A copy of the detailed accounting report of the plan's expenses for the previous fiscal year is available for review upon request to the Plan Administrator. C. A copy of the administrative expense budget for the plan, for each fiscal year is available for review upon request to the Plan Administrator. 10. DIVORCE OR DISSOLUTION OF MARRIAGE Federal and state law provides certain restrictions regarding the payment of your pension benefits in the event of your divorce or dissolution of marriage. Immediately upon your involvement in such a legal proceeding, you should provide a member of the Board with the name and address of your attorney or your name and address if you have no attorney. The Board's attorney will then provide you or your attorney with information concerning the legal restrictions regarding your pension benefits. In addition, a copy of any proposed order must be submitted to the Board prior to entry by the court. Failure to do so may require you to pay any expenses incurred by the Board in correcting an improper court order. 11. EX-SPOUSES AS BENEFICIARY OR JOINT PENSIONER The Florida Legislature has adopted Section 732.703, Florida Statutes. This law nullifies the designation of your ex-spouse as a Beneficiary or Joint Annuitant/ Joint Pensioner on your pension plan retirement benefits. This law went into effect on July 1, 2012. After July 1, 2012, if you want your ex-spouse to be a beneficiary or joint annuitant/joint pensioner for your plan benefit, you will have to make that designation AFTER the dissolution of marriage. If you currently have an ex-spouse as a beneficiary or joint annuitant/joint pensioner, and want to keep this designation, you will have to designate the ex-spouse again after July 1, 2012. 190 Page | 15 To reconfirm your current beneficiary, or to designate a new beneficiary, complete a new Designation of Beneficiary Form (PF-3). To reconfirm your current joint annuitant/joint pensioner, or to designate a new joint annuitant/joint pensioner (if authorized by the current plan provisions), indicate such change on a Change or Confirmation of Designated Joint Annuitant or Joint Pensioner Form (PF-25). If necessary, the plan administrator will submit the new form to the actuary of the plan for recalculation of your benefit. There may be a charge to you to make this change. To obtain either of the above forms, or if you have any questions, please contact your plan administrator. 12. EXCLUSION OF HEALTH INSURANCE PREMIUMS FROM INCOME. When you retire because of disability or have worked to the date you are immediately eligible for normal retirement (not early retirement), you can elect to exclude from income, distributions made from your benefit that are used to pay the premiums for accident or health insurance or long-term care insurance. The premium can be for coverage for you, your spouse, or dependents. The distribution can be made directly from the plan to the insurance provider using pension form PF-22 which authorizes the distribution. (This form may be obtained from your plan administrator) You can exclude from income the smaller of the amount of the insurance premiums or $3,000.00. You can only make this election for amounts that would otherwise be included in your income. 191 Page | 16 EXHIBIT "A" BOARD OF TRUSTEES The names and addresses of the members of the Board of Trustees are: Chairman: Joseph Alberts Lake Mary Police Officers' Retirement System 165 E. Crystal Lake Avenue Lake Mary, Florida 32746 Secretary: Louis DiPaolo Lake Mary Police Officers' Retirement System 165 E. Crystal Lake Avenue Lake Mary, Florida 32746 Trustee: George Duryea Lake Mary Police Officers' Retirement System 165 E. Crystal Lake Avenue Lake Mary, Florida 32746 Trustee: Matthew Schaefer Lake Mary Police Officers' Retirement System 165 E. Crystal Lake Avenue Lake Mary, Florida 32746 Trustee: Richard Fess Lake Mary Police Officers' Retirement System 165 E. Crystal Lake Avenue Lake Mary, Florida 32746 PLAN ADMINISTRATOR: Scott Baur 4360 Northlake Blvd. Suite 206 Palm Beach Gardens, FL 33410 Business: 561-624-3277 E-mail: scott@resourcecenters.com 192 Page | 17 EXHIBIT B PLAN ACTUARIAL INFORMATION 193 ORDINANCE NO.11-1980 AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY OF LONGWOOD, AMENDING AND RESTATING ORDINANCE NO. 03-1671, AS SUBSEQUENTLY AMENDED; BY RESTATING THE CITY OF LONGWOOD POLICE OFFICERS' AND FIREFIGHTERS' PENSION TRUST FUND; PROVIDING FOR DEFINITIONS; PROVIDING FOR MEMBERSHIP; PROVIDING FOR A BOARD OF TRUSTEES; PROVIDING FOR FINANCES AND FUND MANAGEMENT; PROVIDING FOR CONTRIBUTIONS; PROVIDING FOR BENEFIT AMOUNTS AND ELIGIBILITY; PROVIDING FOR PRE-RETIREMENT DEATH BENEFITS; PROVIDING FOR DISABILITY BENEFITS; PROVIDING FOR VESTING OF BENEFITS; PROVIDING OPTIONAL FORMS OF BENEFITS; PROVIDING FOR BENEFICIARIES; PROVIDING CLAIM§ PROCEDURES; PROVIDING FOR REPORTS TO THE DIVISION OF RETIREMENT; PROVIDING FOR A ROSTER OF RETIREES; PROVIDING FOR A MAXIMUM PENSION LIMITATION; PROVIDING FOR DISTRIBUTION OF BENEFITS; PROVIDING MISCELLANEOUS PROVISIONS; PROVIDING FOR REPEAL OR TERMINATION OF THE SYSTEM; PROVIDING FOR DOMESTIC RELATIONS ORDERS; RETIREE DIRECTED PAYMENTS; EXEMPTION FROM EXECUTION AND NON-ASSIGNABILITY; PROVIDING FOR PENSION VALIDITY; PROVIDING FOR FORFEITURE OF PENSION UNDER CERTAIN CIRCUMSTANCES; PROVIDING FOR CONVICTION AND FORFEITURE, FALSE, MISLEADING OR FRAUDULENT STATEMENTS; PROVIDING FOR INDEMNIFICATION AND DEFENSE OF CLAIMS; PROVIDING FOR DIRECT TRANSFER§ OF ELIGIBLE ROLLOVER DISTRIBUTIONS; PROVIDING FOR PURCHASE OF CREDIT FOR MILITARY SERVICE PRIOR TO EMPLOYMENT; PROVIDING FOR THE PURCHASE OF CREDITED SERVICE FOR ABSENCES PURSUANT TO THE FAMILY AND MEDICAL LEAVE ACT; PROVIDING FOR THE PURCHASE OF CREDITED SERVICE FOR PRIOR POLICE OR FIRE SERVICE; PROVIDING FOR A DEFINED RETIREMENT ACCUMULATION GROUP OBLIGATION FUND; PROVIDING FOR CODIFICATION; PROVIDING FOR SEVERABILITY OF PROVISIONS; REPEALING ALL ORDINANCES IN CONFLICT HEREWITH AND PROVIDING AN EFFECTIVE DATE. WHEREAS, the City of Longwood Police Officers and Firefighters are presently provided pension and certain other benefits under the Florida Municipal Pension Trust Fund , adopted by Ordinance of the City of Longwood and; WHEREAS, the City Commission desires to clarify and restate the provisions of the Police Officers' and Firefighters' Pension Trust Fund to consolidate all prior Ordinances and -1- 194 Code provisions and to incorporate Federal law and the applicable provisions of Chapters 17 5 and 185, Florida Statutes ; NOW9 THEREFORE, BE IT ORDAINED BY THE CITY COMMISSION OF THE CITY OF LONGWOOD , FLORIDA; SECTION 1: That an Ordinance of the City of Longwood , amending and restating Ordinance No . 03 -1671, as subsequently an1ended, is hereby amended and restated as set forth in the document designated CITY OF LONGWOOD POLICE OFFICERS' AND FIREFIGHTERS ' PENSION TRUST FUND, attached hereto and made a pmi hereof. SECTION 2 : Specific authority is hereby granted to codify and incorporate this Ordinance in the existing Code of Ordinances of the City of Longwood. SECTION 3: Repeal of Prior Inconsistent Ordinances and Reso lutions. All Ordinances or pmis of Ordinances in conflict herewith be and the same are hereby repealed. SECTION 4: Severability. If any section, subsection, sentence, clause , phras e of this ordinance , or the pmiicular application thereof shall be held invalid by any comi, administrative agency , or other body with appropriate jurisdiction, the remaining section, subsection, sentences, clauses , or phrases under application shall not be affected thereby. SECTION 5 : Effective Date . That this Ordinance shall become effective upon its adoption. FIRST READING: Fe-6-ru,a r-21 (p 1 • 7-o I -z_. SECOND READING: Fe...b i'vt & Sj'. ;;:;..,o , -z_.o [;7.__- PASSED AND ADOPTED THIS ~offe-DAY OF FEBRUARY, 2012. ATTEST: CITY OF LONGWOOD, FLORIDA -2- 195 CITY OF LONGWOOD POLICE OFFICER§' AND FIREFIGHTER§' PENSION TRU§T FUND SECTION 1. DEFINITIONS. 1. As used herein , unless otherwise defined or required by the context, the following words and phrases shall have the meaning indicated: Accumulated Contributions means a Member's own contributions without interest. For those Members who purchase Credited Service with interest or at no cost to the System, any payment representing the amount attributable to Member contributions based on the applicable Member contribution rate, and any payment representing interest and any required actuarially calculated payments for the purchase of such Credited Service, shall be included in Accumulated Contributions . Actuarial Equivalent means a benefit or amount of equal value, based upon the RP 2000 Combined Healthy Mortality Table and an interest rate of seven and one-half percent (7 .5%) per annum. This definition may only be amended by the City pursuant to the recommendation of the Board using assumptions adopted by the Board with the advice of the plan's actuary, such that actuarial assumptions are not subject to City discretion. Average Final Compensation means one -twelfth (1/12) of the average Salary of the three (3) best years of the last ten (10) years of Credited Service prior to Retirement, termination, or death, or the career average as a full -time Police Officer or Firefighter, whichever is greater. A year shall be twelve (12) consecutive months. Beneficiary means the person or persons entitled to receive benefits hereunder at the death of a Member who has or have been designated in writing by the Member and filed with the Board. If no such designation is in effect, or if no person so designated is living, at the time of death of the Member, the Beneficiary shall be the estate of the Member. Board means the Board of Trustees, which shall administer and manage the System herein provided and serve as trustees of the Fund. City means City of City of Longwood, Florida . Code means the Internal Revenue Code of 1986, as amended from time to time. Credited Service means the total number of years and fractional parts of years of service as a Police Officer or Firefighter with Member contributions, when required, omitting intervening years or fractional parts of years when such Member was not employed by the City as a Police Officer or Firefighter. A Member may voluntarily leave his Accumulated Contribu- tions in the Fund for a period of five (5) years after leaving the employ of the Police or Fire Department pending the possibility of being reemployed as a Police Officer or Firefighter, with- out losing credit for the time that he was a Member of the System. If a vested Member leaves the employ of the Police or Fire Depaiiment, his Accumulated Contributions will be returned only upon his written request. If a Member who is not vested is not reemployed as a Police Officer or Firefighter with the Police or Fire Department within five (5) years, his Accumulated Contributions, if one thousand dollars ($1,000.00) or less, shall be returned. If a Member who is not vested is not reemployed within five (5) years, his Accumulated Contributions, if more than one -thousand dollars ($1 ,000.00), will be returned only upon the written request of the Member and upon completion of a written election to re ce ive a cash lump sum or to rollover the -3- 196 lump sum amount on forms designated by the Board. Upon return of a Member's Accumulated Contributions, all of his rights and benefits under the System are forfeited and terminated. Upon any reemployment, a Police Officer or Firefighter shall not receive credit for the years and fractional parts of years of service for which he has withdrawn his Accumulated Contributions from the Fund, unless the Police Officer or Firefighter repays into the Fund the contributions he has withdrawn, with interest, as determined by the Board, within ninety (90) days after his reemployment. The years or fractional parts of a year that a Member performs "Qualified Military Service" consisting of voluntary or involuntary "service in the uniformed services" as defined in the Uniformed Services Employment and Reemployment Rights Act (USERRA) (P.L.103-353), after separation from employment as a Police Officer or Firefighter with the City, shall be added to his years of Credited Service for all purposes, including vesting, provided that: A. The Member is entitled to reemployment under the provisions of USERRA. B. The Member returns to his employment as a Police Officer or Firefighter within one (1) year from the earlier of the date of his military discharge or his release from active service, unless otherwise required by USERRA. C. The maximum credit for military service pursuant to this paragraph shall be five (5) years. D. This paragraph is intended to satisfy the mmnnum requirements of USERRA. To the extent that this paragraph does not meet the minimum standards of USERRA, as it may be amended from time to time, the minimum standards shall apply. In the event a Member dies on or after January 1, 2007, while performing USERRA Qualified Military Service, the beneficiaries of the Member are entitled to any benefits ( other than benefit accruals relating to the period of qualified military service) as if the Member had resumed employment and then died while employed. Firefighter means an actively employed full-time person employed by the City, including his initial probationary employment period, who is certified as a Firefighter as a condition of employment in accordance with the provisions of §633.35, Florida Statutes, and whose duty it is to extinguish fires, to protect life and to protect prope1ty. The term includes all ce1tified, supervisory, and command personnel whose duties include, in whole or in part, the supervision, training, guidance, and management responsibilities of full-time Firefighters, pa1t-time firefighters, or auxiliary firefighters but does not include part-tin1e firefighters or auxiliary firefighters Fund means the trust fund established herein as part of the System. Member means an actively employed Police Officer or Firefighter who fulfills the prescribed membership requirements. Benefit improvements which, in the past, have been provided for by amendments to the System adopted by City ordinance, and any benefit improvements which might be made in the future shall apply prospectively and shall not apply to Members who terminate employment or who retire prior to the effective date of any ordinance adopting such benefit improvements, unless such ordinance specifically provides to the contrary. -4- 197 Plan Year means the twelve (12) month period beginning October 1 and ending September 30 of the following year. Police Officer means an actively employed full -time person, employed by the City, including his initial probationary employment period, who is certified as a Police Officer as a condition of employment in accordance with the provisions of §943.1395, Florida Statutes, who is vested with authority to bear arms and make arrests, and whose primary responsibility is the prevention and detection ofcrime or the enforcement of the penal, traffic, or highway laws of the State of Florida. Retiree means a Member who has entered Retirement status. Retirement means a Member's separation from City employment with eligibility for immediate receipt of benefits under the System. Salary means: A. For Police Officer Members -the total compensation for services rendered to the City as a Police Officer reportable on the Member's W-2 form plus all tax deferred, tax sheltered, or tax exempt items of income derived from elective employee payroll deductions or salary reductions, but excluding lump sum payments of accrued unused sick or ammal leave and excluding payments for extra duty or special detail work performed on behalf of a second party employer. B. For Firefighter Members -the total compensation for services rendered to the City as a Firefighter repmtable on the Member's W-2 form plus all tax deferred, tax sheltered, or tax exempt items of income derived from elective employee payroll deductions or salary reductions, but excluding lump sum payments of accrued unused sick or annual leave. Where, as in the case of a volunteer Firefighter, compensation is derived from actual services rendered, salary shall be the total cash compensation received yearly for such services, prorated on a monthly basis, (as defined in Ch. 175 .032, Florida Statutes. With respect to both Police Officer and Firefighter Members, for service earned after the date that a collective bargaining agreement is entered into after July 1, 2011 (the "effective date"), Salary shall not include more than three hundred (300) hours of ove1time per fiscal year and shall also not include payments for accrued unused sick or annual leave. Provided however, in any event, payments for overtime in excess of three hundred (300) hours per year accrued as of the effective date and attributable to service earned prior to the effective date, may still be included in Salary for pension purposes even if the payment is not actually made until on or after the effective date. Additional hours worked pursuant to the Fair Labor Standards Act (FLSA) shall not be deemed to be overtime. Compensation in excess of the limitations set fmth in Section 401(a)(l 7) of the Code as of the first day of the Plan Year shall be disregarded for any purpose, including employee contributions or any benefit calculations. The annual compensation of each member taken into account in determining benefits or employee contributions for any Plan Year beginning on or after January 1, 2002, may not exceed $200 ,000, as adjusted for cost-of-living increases in accordance -5- 198 with Code Section 401(a)(l 7)(B). Compensation means compensation during the fiscal year. The cost-of-living adjustment in effect for a calendar year applies to annual compensation for the determination period that begins with or within such calendar year. If the determination period consists of fewer than 12 months, the annual compensation limit is an amount equal to the otherwise applicable annual compensation limit multiplied by a fraction, the numerator of which is the number of months in the sho1t determination period, and the denominator of which is 12. If the compensation for any prior determination period is taken into account in determining a Member's contributions or benefits for the current Plan Year, the compensation for such prior determination period is subject to the applicable annual compensation limit in effect for that prior period. The limitation on compensation for an "eligible employee" shall not be less than the amount which was allowed to be taken into account hereunder as in effect on July 1, 1993. "Eligible employee " is an individual who was a Member before the first Plan Year beginning after December 31, 1995. Spouse means the lawful wife or husband of a Member or Retiree at the time benefits become payable. System means the City of City of Longwood Police Officers' and Firefighters' Pension Trust Fund as contained herein and all amendments thereto. 2. Masculine Gender. The masculine gender, where used herein, unless the context specifically requires othe1wise, shall include both the feminine and masculine genders. SECTION 2. MEMBERSHIP. 1. Conditions of Eligibility. All Police Officers or Firefighters as of January 1, 1996, and all future new Police Officer or Firefighters, shall become Members of this System as a condition of employment. The current Police Chief and current Fire Chief are not Members of the system. 2. Police or Fire Chief Opt-Out. Notwithstanding the previous subsection, any future new Police Chief or Fire Chief may, within the first sixty (60) days of employment as Police Chief or Fire Chief, notify the board and the City, in writing, of his election to not be a member of the system. In the event of any such election, he shall be barred from future membership in the system and any contributions made after employment and prior to opting out shall be refunded. Thereafter, contributions to the plan in accordance with Section 5., shall not be required, he shall not be eligible to be elected as a member trustee on the board or vote for a member trustee and shall not be eligible for any other benefits from the plan. 3. Designation of Beneficiary. Each Police Officer or Firefighter shall complete a form prescribed by the Board designating a Beneficiary or Beneficiaries. SECT ION 3. BOARD OF TRUSTEE§. 1. The sole and exclusive administration of and responsibility for the proper operation of the System and for making e ffective the provisions of this ordinance is hereby vested in a Board of Trustees. The Board is here by designated as the plan administrator. The Board shall consist of fiv e (5) Trustee s, two (2) of whom, unless otherwis e prohibited by law, -6- 199 shall be legal residents of the City, who shall be appointed by the City of Longwood City Commission, and two (2) of whom shall be Members of the Syste m, one (1) of whom shall be a Police Officer Member and one (1) of whom shall be a Firefighter Member, who shall be elected by a majority of the Police Officers or Firefighters, respectively, who are Members of the System. The fifth Trustee shall be chosen by a majority of the previous four (4) Trustees as provided for herein , and such person's name shall be submitted to the City of Longwood City Commission. Upon receipt of the fifth person's name , the City of Longwood City Commission shall , as a ministerial duty, appoint such person to the Board of Trustees as its fifth Trustee. The fifth Trustee shall have the same rights as each of the other four (4) Trustees appointed or elected as herein provided and shall serve a four ( 4) year term unless he sooner vacates the office. Each resident Trustee shall serve as Trustee for a p eriod of four ( 4) years, unless he sooner vacates the offic e or is sooner replaced by the City of Longwood City Commission at whose pleasure he shall serve. Each Member Trustee shall serve as Trustee for a period of four (4) years, unless he sooner leaves the employment of the City as a Police Officer or Firefighter or otherwise vacates his office as Trustee, whereupon a successor shall be chosen in the same manner as the departing Trustee. Each Trustee may succeed himself in office. The Board shall establish and administer the nominating and election procedure s for each election. The Board shall meet at least quarterly each year. The Board shall be a legal entity with, in addition to other powers and responsibilities contained herein, the power to bring and defe nd lawsuits of every kind , nature, and description. 2. The Trustees shall, by a majority vote, elect a Chairman and a Secretary. The Secretary of the Board shall keep a complete minute book of the actions , proceedings, or hearings of the Board. The Trustees shall not receive any compensation as such, but may receive expenses and per diem as provided by law. 3. Each Trustee shall be entitled to one (1) vote on the Board. Three (3) affirmative votes shall be necessary for any decision by the Trustees at any meeting of the Board. A Trustee shall abstain from voting as the result of a conflict of interest and shall comply with the provisions of Section 112.3143, Florida Statutes. 4. The Board shall engage such actuarial, accounting , legal, and other services as shall be required to transact the business of the System. The compensation of all persons engaged by the Board and all other expenses of the Board necessary for the operation of the System shall be paid from the Fund at such rates and in such amounts as the Board shall agree. In the event the Board chooses to use the City's legal counsel, actuary or other professional, technical or other advisors , it shall do so only under terms and conditions acceptable to the Board. 5. The duties and responsibilities of the Board shall include , but not necessarily be limited to, the following: A. To construe the provisions of the System and determine all questions arising thereunder. B. To determine all questions relating to eligibility and membership. C. To determine and certify the amount of all retirement allowances or other benefits hereunder. D. To establish uniform rules and procedures to be followed for adminis- trative purposes, benefit applications and all matters requir ed to administer the Syste m. E. To distribute to Memb ers, at regular intervals, information conce rning the System. -7- 200 F . To receive and process all applications for benefits. G. To authorize all payments whatsoever from the Fund, and to notify the disbursing agent, in writing, of approved benefit payments and other expenditures arising through operation of the System and Fund. H. To have perfonned actuarial studies and valuations, at least as often as required by law, and make recommendations regarding any and all changes in the provisions of the System. I. To perform such other duties as are required to prudently administer the System. SECTION 4. FINANCES AND FUND MANAGEMENT. Establishment and Operation of Fund. 1. As part of the System, there is hereby established the Fund, into which shall be deposited all of the contributions and assets whatsoever attributable to the System, including the assets of the prior Police Officers' and Firefighters' Pension Trust Fund. 2. The actual custody and supervision of the Fund (and assets thereof) shall be vested in the Board. Payment of benefits and disbursements from the Fund shall be made by the disbursing agent but only upon written authorization from the Board. 3. All funds of the Police Officers' and Firefighters ' Pension Trust Fund may be deposited by the Board with the Finance Director of the City, acting in a ministerial capacity only, who shall be liable in the same manner and to the same extent as he is liable for the safe - keeping of funds for the City. However, any funds so deposited with the Finance Director of the City shall be kept in a separate fund by the Finance Director or clearly identified as such funds of the Police Officers ' and Firefighters' Pension Trust Fund . In lieu thereof, the Board shall deposit the funds of the Police Officers' and Firefighters' Pension Trust Fund in a qualified public depository as defined in §280 .02, Florida Statutes, which depository with regard to such funds shall conform to and be bound by all of the provisions of Chapter 280, Florida Statutes. In order to fulfill its investment responsibilities as set forth herein, the Board may retain the services of a custodian bank, an investment advisor registered under the Investment Advisors Act of 1940 or otherwise exempt from such required registration, an insurance company, or a combination of these, for the purposes of investment decisions and management. Such investment manager shall have discretion, subject to any guidelines as prescribed by the Board, in the investment of all Fund assets. 4 . All funds and securities of the System may be commingled in the Fund, provided that accurate records are maintained at all times reflecting the financial composition of the Fund, including accurate current accounts and entries as regards the following: A. Current amounts of Accumulated Contributions of Members on both an individual and aggregate account basis, and B. Receipts and disbursements, and C. Benefit payments, and D. Current amounts clearly reflecting all monies, funds and assets whatsoever attributable to contributions and deposits from the City, and E . All int er e st, divid ends and gains ( or loss es) whatso ever , and -8- 201 F. Such other entries as may be properly required so as to reflect a clear and complete financial repo1t of the Fund. 5. An audit shall be performed annually by a certified public accountant for the most recent fiscal year of the System showing a detailed listing of assets and a statement of all income and disbursements during the year. Such income and disbursements must be reconciled with the assets at the beginning and end of the year. Such repott shall reflect a complete evaluation of assets on both a cost and market basis, as well as other items normally included in a certified audit. 6. The Board shall have the following investment powers and authority: A. The Board shall be vested with full legal title to said Fund, subject, however, and in any event to the authority and power of the City of Longwood City Commission to amend or terminate this Fund, provided that no amendment or Fund termination shall ever result in the use of any assets of this Fund except for the payment of regular expenses and benefits under this System, except as otherwise provided herein. All contribu- tions from time to time paid into the Fund, and the income thereof, without distinction between principal and income, shall be held and administered by the Board or its agent in the Fund and the Board shall not be required to segregate or invest separately any pottion of the Fund . B. All monies paid into or held in the Fund shall be invested and reinvested by t he Board and the investment of all or any part of such funds shall be subject to the following: (1) Notwithstand ing any li mitation provided for in Chapter 185 or 175, Florida Statutes to the contrary (unless such limitation may not be amended by local ordinance) or any limitation in prior city ordinances to the contrary, all monies paid into or held in the Fund may be invested and reinvested in such securities, investment vehicles or property wherever situated and of whatever kind, as shall be approved by the Board, including but not limited to common or preferred stocks, bonds, and other evidences of indebtedness or ownership. In no event, however, shall more than twenty-five percent (25%) of the assets of the Fund at market value be invested in foreign securities. (2) The Board shall develop and adopt a written investment policy statement setting fo1th permissible types of investments, goals and objectives of investments and setting quality and quantity limitations on investments in accordance with the recommendations of its investment consultants. The investment policy statement shall be reviewed by the Board at least annually. (3) In addition, the Board may, upon recommendation by the Board's investment consultant, make investments in group trusts meeting the requirements of Internal Revenue Service Revenue Ruling 81-100 or successor rulings or guidance of similar import, and while any po1tion of the assets of the Fund are invested in such a group trust, such group trust is itself adopted as a pmt of the System or plan. -9- 202 C. At least once every three (3) years, and more often as determined by the Board, the Board shall retain a professionally qualified independent consultant, as defin ed in Section 175.071 or 18 5 .06 , Florida Statutes, to evaluate the performance of all current investment managers and make recommendations regarding the retention of all such investment manag ers. These recommendations shall be considered by the Board at its next regularly scheduled meeting. D. The Board may retain in cash and keep unproductive of income such amount of the Fund as it may deem advisable, having regard for the cash r equirements of the Sys tem. E. Neithe r the Board nor any Trustee shall be liable for the making, retention or sale of any investment or reinvestment made as herein provided, nor for any loss or diminishment of the Fund, except that due to his or its own negligence, willful misconduct or lack of good faith . F. The Board may cause any investme nt in securities held by it to be registered in or transferred into its name as Trustee or into the name of such nominee as it may direct, or it may retain them umegistered and in form permitting transferability, but the books and records shall at all times show that all investments are part of the Fund. G. The Board is empowered, but is not required , to vote upon any stocks, bonds, or securities of any corporation, association, or trust and to give general or specific proxies or powers of attorney with or without power of substitution; to participate in mergers, reorganizations, recapitalizations, consolidations, and similar transactions with respect to such securities; to deposit such stock or other securities in any voting trust or any protective or like committee with the Trustees or with depositories designated thereby; to amo1tize or fail to amortize any part or all of the premium or discount resulting from the acquisition or disposition of assets; and gener- ally to exercise any of the powers of an owner with respect to stocks , bonds, or other investments comprising the Fund which it may deem to be to the best interest of the Fund to exercise. H. The Board shall not be required to make any inventory or appraisal or rep01t to any court, nor to secure any order of court for the exercise of any power contained herein. I. Where any action which the Board is required to take or any duty or function which it is required to perform either under the terms herein or under the general law applicable to it as Trustee under this ordinance, can reasonably be taken or performed only after receipt by it from a Member, the City, or any other entity, of specific information, ce1tification, direction or instructions, the Board shall be free of liability in failing to take such action or perform such duty or function until such information, ce1tification, direction or instruction has been received by it. J. Any overpayments or underpayments from the Fund to a Member, Retiree or Beneficiary caus ed by errors of computation shall be adjusted with int erest at a rat e per amrnm approved by the Board in such a manner that the Actuarial E quiva lent of the benefit to which the Member, Retiree or Beneficiary was correctly ent itl ed, shall be paid. Overpayments shall be -10 - 203 charged against payments next succeeding the correction or collected in another mam1er if prudent. Underpayments shall be made up from the Fund in a prudent manner. K. The Board shall sustain no liability whatsoever for the sufficiency of the Fund to meet the payments and benefits provided for herein. L. In any application to or proceeding or action in the comts, only the Board shall be a necessary party, and no Member or other person having an interest in the Fund shall be entitled to any notice or service of process. Any judgment entered in such a proceeding or action shall be conclusive upon all persons. M. Any of the foregoing powers and functions reposed in the Board may be performed or carried out by the Board through duly authorized agents, provided that the Board at all times maintains continuous supervision over the acts of any such agent; provided further, that legal title to said Fund shall always remain in the Board. SECTION 5. CONTRIBUTION§. 1. Member Contributions. A. Amount. Each Member of the System shall be required to make regular contributions to the Fund in the amount of one percent (1 %) of his Salary. Member contributions withheld by the City on behalf of the Member shall be deposited with the Board immediately after each pay period. The contributions made by each Member to the Fund shall be designated as employer contributions pursuant to §414(h) of the Code. Such designa- tion is contingent upon the contributions being excluded from the Members' gross income for Federal Income Tax purposes. For all other purposes of the System, such contributions shall be considered to be Member contributions. B. Method. Such contributions shall be made by payroll deduction. 2. State Contributions. Any monies received or receivable by reason of laws of the State of Florida, for the express purpose of funding and paying for retirement benefits for Police Officer or Firefighters of the City shall be deposited in the Fund comprising part of this System immediately and under no circumstances more than five (5) days after receipt by the City. 3. City Contributions. So long as this System is in effect, the City shall make quarterly contributions to the Fund in an amount equal to the required City contribution, as shown by the applicable actuarial valuation of the System. Private donations, gifts and contributions may be deposited to the Fund, but such deposits must be accounted for separately and kept on a segregated bookkeeping basis. Funds arising from these sources may be used only for additional benefits for Members, as determined ~11 - 204 by the Board, and may not be used to reduce what would have otherw ise been required C ity contributions. SECTION 6. BENEFIT AMOUNTS AND ELIGIBILITY. 1. Normal Retirement Date. A Member's normal retirement date shall be the first day of the month coincident with, or next following the earlier of the attainment of age fifty (50) and five (5) years of Credited Service, or attainment of twenty-five (25) years of Credited Service, regardless of age. A Member may retire on his normal retirement date or on the first day of any month thereafter, and each Member shall become one hundred p ercent (100%) vested in his accrued benefit on the Member's normal retirement date. Normal retirement under the System is Retirement from employment with the City on or after the normal retirement date. 2. Normal Retirement Benefit. A Member retiring hereunder on or after his normal retirement date shall receive a monthly benefit which shall commence on the first day of the month coincident with or next fo !lowing his Retirement and be continued thereafter during Member's lifetime, ceasing upon death, but with one hundred twenty (120) monthly payments guaranteed in any event. The monthly retirement benefit shall equal three percent (3%) of Average Final Compensation, for each year of Credited Service. 3. Required Distribution Date. The Member's benefit under this Se ction must begin to be distributed to the Member no later than April 1 of the calendar year following the later of the calendar year in which the Member attains age seventy and one-half (70½) or the calendar year in which the Member terminates employment with the City. SECTION 7 . PRE-RETIREMENT DEATH. 1. Prior to Vesting or Eligibility for Retirement. The Beneficiary of a deceased Member who was not receiving monthly benefits or who was not yet vested or eligible for normal retirement shall receive a refund of one hundred percent (100%) of the Member's Accumulated Contributions plus an immediate $50,000.00 lump sum payment. 2 . Deceased Members Vested or Eligible for Retirement with Spouse as Beneficiary. This subsection 2 applies only when the Member's Spouse is the sole designated Beneficiary. The Spouse Beneficiary of any Member who dies and who, at the date of his death was vested or eligible for normal retirement, shall be entitled to a benefit as follows: A. If the Member was vested, but not eligible for normal retirement, the Spouse Beneficiary shall receive a benefit payable for ten (10) years, beginning on the date that the deceased Member would have been eligible for normal retirement. The benefit shall be calculated as for normal retirement based on the dece ased Member's Credited Service and Average Final Compensation as of the date of his death. The Spouse Beneficiary may also elect to receiv e an actuarially redu ced immediate benefit, payable for ten (10) yea rs. -12 - 205 3. B. If the dece ased Member was e ligible for no1mal retirement , the Sp ouse Beneficiary shall receiv e a benefit payable for ten (10) years, beginning on the first day of the month following the Member's death. The benefit shall be calculated as for normal retirement based on the deceased Member's Credited Service and Average Final Compensation as of the date of his death. C. A Spouse Beneficiary may not elect an optional form of benefit, except as provided above , however, the Board may elect to make a lump sum payment pursuant to Section 10 , subsection 7. D. A Spouse Beneficiary may, in lieu of any benefit provided for in A or B above , elect to receive a refund of the dece ased Member's Accumulated Contributions. E. Notwithstanding anything contained in this Section to the contrary, in any event, distributions to the Spouse Beneficiary will begin by December 31 of the calendar year immediately following the calendar year in which the Member died , or by a date selected pursuant to the above provisions in this Section that must be on or before December 31 of the calendar year in which the Member would have attained 70½. F. If the surviving Spouse Beneficiary commences receiving a benefit under subsection A or B above, but dies before all payments are made, the actuarial value of the remaining benefit will be paid to the Spouse Beneficiary's estate in a lump sum. Deceased Members Vested or Eligible for Retirement with Non-Sp ouse Beneficiary. This subsection applies only when the Member's Spouse is not the Beneficiary or is not the sole designated Beneficiary, but there is a surviving Beneficiary. The Beneficiary of any Member who dies and who, at the date of his death was vested or eligible for normal retirement, shall be entitled to a benefit as follows: A. If the Member was vested, but not eligible for normal retirement, the Beneficiary will receive a benefit payable for ten (10) years. The benefit will begin by December 31 of the calendar year immediately following the calendar year in which the Member died. The benefit will be calculated as for normal retirement based on the deceased Member's Credited Service and Average Final Compensation and actuarially reduced to reflect the commencement of benefits prior to the normal retirement date . B . If the deceased Member was eligible for normal retirement, the Beneficiary will receive a benefit payable for ten (10) years, beginning on the first day of the month following the Member's death. The benefit will be calculated as for normal retirement based on the deceased Member's Credited Service and Average Final Compensation as of the date of his death. C. A Beneficiary may not elect an optional form of benefit, however the Board may elect to make a lump sum payment pursuant to Section 10 , subsection 7. D. A Beneficiary, may, in li eu of any benefit provided for in A or B above, e lect to r ece ive a refu nd of the deceased Member's Accumulated Co ntrib utions . -13- 206 E. If a surviving Beneficiary commences receiving a bene fit unde r subsection A or B above, but dies before all payments are mad e, the actuarial valu e of the remaining benefit will be paid to the surviving Beneficiary's e state by December 31 of the calendar year of the Benefic iary's death in a lump sum. F. If there is no surviving Beneficiary as of the Member's death, and the es tate is to receive the benefits, the actuarial equivalent of the Member's entire interest must be distributed by December 31 of the calendar year containing the fifth annive rsary of the Member's d e ath. G. The Uniform Lifetime Table in Treasury Regulations § l.401(a)(9)-9 shall determine the payment period for the calendar year bene fits commence, if necessary to satisfy the regulations. 4. In addition to the benefits provided for in paragraphs 2 and 3, the b e neficiary of a dec eased M e mber shall receive an immediate $50,000.00 lump sum payment. SECTION 8. DISABILITY. 1. Disability Benefits In-L ine of Duty. Any Member who shall become totally and permanently disable d to the extent that he is unable, by r e ason of a m e dically determinable physical or mental impairment, to r ender useful and efficient service as a Police Officer or Firefighter, which disability was directly caused by the performance of his duty as a Police Offic er or Firefighter, shall, upon establishing the same to the satisfaction of the Board, be entitled to a monthly pension equal to two percent (2%) of his Average Final Compensation multiplied by the total years of Credited Service, but in any event the minimum amount paid to the Member shall be fifty percent (50%) of the Average Final Compensation of the Member. Terminated persons, either vested or non-vested, are not eligible for disability benefits, except that those terminated by the City for medical reasons may apply for a disability within thirty (30) days after termination. 2. In-Line of Duty Presumptions. A. Presumption. Any condition or impairment of health of a Member caused by hypertension or hea1t disease shall be presumed to have been suffered in line of duty unless the contrary is shown by competent evidence, provided that such Member shall have succes sfully passed a physical examination upon entering into such service, including cardio- gram for Police Officer Member, which examination failed to reveal any evidence of such condition; and provided fmther , that such presumption shall not apply to benefits payable or granted in a policy of life insurance or disability insurance. B. Additional Presumption. The presumption provided for in this paragraph B shall apply only to those conditions described in this paragraph B that are diagnosed on or after January 1, 1996. (1) Definitions. As used in this subsection 2 .B., the following definitions apply: (a) "Body fluids" m eans blood and body fluids c ontaining visible blood and other body fluids to which univ e rsal precautions for prevention of o ccupational transmission of blood-borne pathogens, as establish ed by the Centers fo r -14 - 207 Disease C ontrol, apply. For purposes of potential transmi s sion of meningo co cca l menin gitis or tuberculosis, the t erm "body fluids" includes respiratory, salivary, and sinus fluids , including droplets , sputum, and saliva, mucous, and other fluids tlu·ough which infectious airborne organisms can be transmitted between persons. (b) "Emergency rescue or public safety Member" means any Member employed full time by the City as a fir efig hte r, paramedic , e mergency medical technician, law enforce- ment officer, or conectional officer who, in the course of employment, runs a high risk of occ upational exposure to hepatitis, meningococcal me ningitis , or tuberculosis and who is not employed elsewhere in a similar capacity. However, the term "emergency rescue or public safety Member" does not include any person e mploye d by a public hospital lic ensed und er Chapter 395, Florida Statutes, or any person employed by a subsidiary thereof (c) "Hepatitis" means hepatitis A, hepatitis B, hepatitis non-A, hepatitis non-B, hepatitis C, or any other strain of hepatitis generally recognized by the medi ca l conununity. ( d) "High risk of occupational exp osure" means that risk that is incurred because a person subject to the provisions of this subsection, in performing the basic duties associated with his employment: 1. Provides emergency medical treatment in a non-health-care setting where there is a potential for transfer of body fluids between persons; 11. At the site of an accident, fir e, or other rescue or public safety operation, or in an emergency resc ue or public safety vehicle, handles body fluids in or out of containers or works with or otherwise handles nee dles or other sharp instruments exposed to body fluids; m . Engages in the pursuit, apprehension, and arr es t of law violators or suspected law violators and, in performing such duties, may be exposed to body fluids; or 1v. Is responsible for the custody, and physical restraint when necessary, of prisoners or inmates within a prison, jail, or other criminal detention facility , while on work detail outside the facility, or while being transported and, in performing such duties, may be exposed to body fluids. ( e) "Occupational exposure," in the case of hepatitis, menin goco cca l meningiti s, or tuberculosis, m eans an exposure that occurs during the performance of job duties that may place a worker at r isk of infection. -15- 208 (2) Presumption. Any emergency rescue or public safety Member who suffers a condition or impairment of health that is caused by hepatitis, meningococcal meningitis, or tuberculosis , that requires medical treatment, and that results in total or partial disability or death shall be presumed to have a disability suffered in the line of duty, unless the contrary is shown by competent evidence; however, in order to be entitled to the presumption, the Member must, by written affidavit as provided in Section 92.50, Florida Statutes, verify by written declaration that, to the best of his knowledge and belief: (a) In the case of a medical condition caused by or derived from hepatitis, he has not: 1. Been exposed, through transfer of bodily fluids, to any person known to have sickness or medical conditions derived from hepatitis , outside the scope of his employment; 11. Had a transfusion of blood or blood components, other than a transfusion arising out of an accident or injury happening in connection with his present employment, or received any blood products for the treatment of a coagulation disorder since last undergoing medical tests for hepatitis, which tests failed to indicate the presence of hepatitis; 111. Engaged in unsafe sexual practices or other high-risk behavior, as identified by the Centers for Disease Control or the Surgeon General of the United States or had sexual relations with a person known to him to have engaged in such unsafe sexual practices or other high-risk behavior; or 1v. Used intravenous drugs not prescribed by a physician. (b) In the case of meningococcal meningitis, in the ten (10) days immediately preceding diagnosis he was not exposed, outside the scope of his employment, to any person known to have meningococcal meningitis or known to be an asymptomatic carrier of the disease. ( c) In the case of tuberculosis, in the period of time since the Member's last negative tuberculosis skin test, he has not been exposed, outside the scope of his employment, to any person known by him to have tuberculosis. (3) Immunization. Whenever any standard, medically recognized vaccine or other form of immunization or prophylaxis exists for the prevention of a communicable disease for which a presumption is granted under this Section, if medically indicated in the given circumstances pursuant to immunization policies established by the Advisory Committee on Immunization Practices of the U.S. Public Health Service, an emergency rescue or public safety Member may be required by the City to undergo the immunization or prophylaxis unless the Member's physician dete1mines in writing -16 - 209 that the immunization or other prophylaxis would pose a significant risk to the Member's health. Absent such written declaration, failure or refosal by an emergency rescue or public safety Member to undergo such immunization or prophylaxis disqualifies the Member from the benefits of the presumption. (4) Record of Exposures. The City shall maintain a record of any known or reasonably suspected exposure of an emergency rescue or public safety Member in its employ to the disease described in this Section and shall immediately notify the Member of such exposure. An emergency rescue or public safety Member shall file an incident or accident report with the City of each instance of known or suspected occupational exposure to hepatitis infection, meningococcal meningitis, or tuberculosis. (5) Required medical tests; preemployment physical. In order to be entitled to the presumption provided by this Section: (a) An emergency rescue or public safety Member must, prior to diagnosis, have undergone standard, medically accept- able tests for evidence of the communicable disease for which the presumption is sought, or evidence of medical conditions derived therefrom, which tests fail to indicate the presence of infection. This paragraph does not apply in the case of meningococcal meningitis. (b) On or after June 15, 1995, an emergency rescue or public safety Member may be required to undergo a preemployment physical examination that tests for and fails to reveal any evidence of hepatitis or tuberculosis. 3. Disability Benefits Not-in-Line of Duty. Any Member with ten (10) years or more Credited Service who shall become totally and permanently disabled to the extent that he is unable, by reason of a medically deter- minable physical or mental impairment, to render usefol and efficient service as a Police Officer or Firefighter, which disability is not directly caused by the performance of his duties as a Police Officer or Firefighter shall, upon establishing the same to the satisfaction of the Board, be entitled to a monthly pension equal to two percent (2%) of his Average Final Compensation multiplied by the total years of Credited Service, but in any event, the minimum amount paid to the Member shall be twenty-five (25%). Terminated persons, either vested or non-vested, are not eligible for disability benefits, except that those terminated by the City for medical reasons may apply for a disability within thirty (30) days after tennination. 4. Conditions Disqualifying Disability Benefits. Each Member who is claiming disability benefits shall establish, to the satisfaction of the Board, that such disability was not occasioned primarily by: A. Excessive or habitual use of any drugs, intoxicants or narcotics. B. Injury or disease sustained while willfully and illegally participating in fights, riots or civil insurrections or while committing a crime. C. Injury or diseas e sustaine d while serving in any branch of the Armed Force s . -17 - 210 D. Injury or disease sustained by the Member after his employment as a Police Officer or Firefighter with the City of City of Longwood shall have terminated. E. For Police Officer Members, injury or disease sustained by the Member while working for anyone other than the City and arising out of such employment. 5. Physical Examination Requirement. A Member shall not become eligible for disability benefits until and unless he undergoes a physical examination by a qualified physician or physicians and/or surgeon or surgeons, who shall be selected by the Board for that purpose. The Board shall not select the Member's treating physician or surgeon for this purpose except in an unusual case where the Board determines that it would be reasonable and prudent to do so. Any Retiree receiving disability benefits under provisions of this ordinance may be required by the Board to submit sworn statements of his condition accompanied by a physician's statement (provided at the Retiree's expense) to the Board annually and may be required by the Board to undergo additional periodic re-examinations by a qualified physician or physicians and/or surgeon or surgeons who shall be selected by the Board, to determine if such disability has ceased to exist. If the Board finds that the Retiree is no longer permanently and totally disabled to the extent that he is unable to render useful and efficient service as a Police Officer or Firefighter, the Board shall recommend to the City that the Retiree be returned to performance of duty as a Police Officer or Firefighter, and the Retiree so returned shall enjoy the same rights that he had at the time he was placed upon pension. In the event the Retiree so ordered to return shall refuse to comply with the order within thirty (30) days from the issuance thereof, he shall forfeit the right to his pension. The cost of the physical examination and/or re -examination of the Member claiming or the Retiree receiving disability benefits shall be borne by the Fund. All other reasonable costs as determined by the Board incident to the physical examination, such as, but not limited to, transportation, meals and hotel accommodations, shall be borne by the Fund. If the Retiree recovers from disability and reenters the service of the City as a Police Officer or Firefighter, his service will be deemed to have been continuous, but the period beginning with the first month for which he received a disability retirement income payment and ending with the date he reentered the service of the City will not be considered as Credited Service for the purposes of the System. The Board shall have the power and authority to make the final decisions regarding all disability claims. 6. Disability Payments. The monthly benefit to which a Member is entitled in the event of the Member's disability retirement shall be payable on the first day of the first month after the Board deter- mines such entitlement. However, the monthly retirement income shall be payable as of the date the Board determined such entitlement, and any p01tion due for a partial month shall be paid together with the first payment. The last payment will be: A. If the Retir ee recovers from the disability, the payment due next preceding the date of such recovery, or -18 - 211 B. If the Retiree dies without recovering from disability, the payment due next preceding his death or the 120th monthly payment, whichever is later. Provided, however, the disability Retiree may select, at any time prior to the date on which benefit payments begin, an optional form of benefit payment as described in Section 10, subsection l.A. or l.B., which shall be the Actuarial Equivalent of the normal form of benefit. 7. Workers' Compensation. When a Retiree is receiving a disability pension and workers' compensation benefits pursuant to Florida Statute Chapter 440, for the same disability, and the total monthly benefits received from both exceed one hundred percent (100%) of the Member's average monthly wage, as defined in Chapter 440, Florida Statutes, the disability pension benefit shall be reduced so that the total monthly amount received by the Retiree does not exceed one hundred percent (100%) of such average monthly wage. The amount of any lump sum workers' compensation payment shall be converted to an equivalent monthly benefit payable for ten (10) Years Certain by dividing the lump sum amount by 83.9692. Notwithstanding the foregoing, in no event shall the disability pension benefit be reduced below the greater of forty-two percent (42%) of Average Final Compensation or two percent (2%) of Average Final Compensation times years of Credited Service . SECTION 9. VESTING. If a Member terminates his employment as a Police Officer or Firefighter, either voluntarily or by discharge, and is not eligible for any other benefits under this System, the Member shall be entitled to the following: 1. If the Member has less than five (5) years Credited Service upon termination, the Member shall be entitled to a refund of his Accumulated Contributions or the Member may leave it deposited with the Fund. 2. If the Member has five (5) or more years of Credited Service upon termination, the Member shall be entitled to a monthly retirement benefit, determined in the same manner as for normal retirement and based upon the Member's Credited Service, Average Final Compensation and the benefit accrual rate as of the date of termination, payable to him commencing at the Member's otherwise normal retirement date, determined based upon his actual years of Credited Service, provided he does not elect to withdraw his Accumulated Contributions and provided the Member survives to his otherwise normal retirement date. If the Member does not withdraw his Accumulated Contributions and does not survive to his otherwise normal retirement date, his designated Beneficiary shall be entitled to a benefit as provided herein for a deceased Member, vested or eligible for Retirement under Pre-Retirement Death. SECTION 10. OPTIONAL FORMS OF BENEFITS. 1. In lieu of the amount and form of retirement income payable in the event of normal retirement as specified herein, a Member, upon written request to the Board, may elect to receive a retirement income or benefit of equivalent actuarial value payable in accordance with one (1) of the following options: A. A retirement income of a monthly amount payable to the Retiree for his lifetime only. B. A retirement income of a modified monthly amount, payable to the Retiree during the lifetime of the Retiree and following the death of the -19- 212 Retiree, one hundred percent (100%), seventy-five percent (75%), sixty-six and two -thirds percent (66 2/3%) or fifty percent (50%) of such monthly amount payable to a joint pensioner for his lifetime. Except where the Retiree's joint pensioner is his spouse, the payments to the joint pensioner as a percentage of the payments to the Retiree shall not exceed the applicable percentage provided for in the applicable table in the Treasury regulations. (See Q & A -2 of l.401(a)(9)-6) C. If a Member retires prior to the time at which social security benefits are payable, he may elect to receive an increased retirement benefit until such time as social security benefits shall be assumed to commence and a reduced benefit thereafter in order to provide, to as great an extent as possible, a more level retirement allowance during the entire period of Retirement. The amounts payable shall be as recommended by the actuaries for the System, based upon the social security law in effect at the time of the Member's Retirement. 2. The Member, upon electing any option of this Section, will designate the joint pensioner (subsection l.B. above) or Beneficiary ( or Beneficiaries) to receive the benefit, if any, payable under the System in the event of Member's death, and will have the power to change such designation from time to time. Such designation will name a joint pensioner or one (1) or more primary Beneficiaries where applicable. A Member may change his Beneficiary at any time. If a Member has elected an option with a joint pensioner and Member's retirement income benefits have commenced, Member may thereafter change his designated Beneficiary at any time, but may only change his joint pensioner twice. Subject to the restriction in the previous sentence, a Member may substitute a new joint pensioner for a deceased joint pensioner. In the absence of proof of good health of the joint pensioner being replaced, the actuary will assume that the joint pensioner has deceased for purposes of calculating the new payment. 3. The consent of a Member's or Retiree's joint pensioner or Beneficiary to any such change shall not be required. The rights of all previously-designated Beneficiaries to receive benefits under the System shall thereupon cease. 4. Upon change of a Retiree's joint pensioner in accordance with this Section, the amount of the retirement income payable to the Retiree shall be actuarially redetermined to take into account the age of the former joint pensioner, the new joint pensioner and the Retiree and to ensure that the benefit paid is the Actuarial Equivalent of the present value of the Retiree's then-current benefit at the time of the change. Any such Retiree shall pay the actuarial recalculation expenses. Each request for a change will be made in writing on a form prepared by the Board and on completion will be filed with the Board. In the event that no designated Beneficiary survives the Retiree, such benefits as are payable in the event of the death of the Retiree subsequent to his Retirement shall be paid as provided in Section 11. 5. Retirement income payments shall be made under the option elected in accordance with the provisions of this Section and shall be subject to the following limitations: A If a Member dies prior to his normal retirement date retirement date, whichever first occurs, no retirement benefit will be payable under the option to any person, but the benefits, if any, will be determined under Section 7 . B. If the designated Beneficiary ( or Beneficiaries) or joint pensioner dies before the Member's Retirement under the System, the option elected will be canceled automatically and a retirement income of the normal form and amount will be payable to the M ember upon his Retirement as if the -2 0- 213 election had not been made, unless a new election is made in accordance with the provisions of this Section or a new Beneficiary is des ignated by the Member prior to his Retirement. C. If both the Retiree and the Beneficiary (or Beneficiaries) designated by Member or Retiree die before the full payment has been effected under any option providing for payments for a period ce1tain and life thereafter, made pursuant to the provisions of subsection 1, the Board may, in its discretion, direct that the commuted value of the remaining payments be paid in a lump sum and in accordance with Section 11. D. If a Member continues beyond his normal retirement dat e pursuant to the provisions of Section 6, subsection 1, and dies prior to his actual retire - ment and while an option made pursuant to the provisions of this Section is in effect, monthly retirement income payments will be made, or a retire - ment benefit will be paid, under the option to a Beneficiary ( or Beneficiaries) designated by the Member in the amount or amounts computed as if the Member had retired und er the option on the date on which his death occurred. E. The Member's benefit under this Section must begin to be distributed to the Member no later than April 1 of the calendar year following the later of the calendar year in which the Member attains age seventy and one-half (70½) or the calendar year in which the Member terminates employment with the City. 6. A Retiree may not change his retirement option after the date of cashing or depositing his first retirement check. 7. Notwithstanding anything herein to the contrary, the Board in its discretion, may elect to make a lump sum payment to a Member or a Member's Beneficiary in the event that the total commuted value of the monthly income payments to be paid do not exceed one thousand dollars ($1,000). Any such payment made to any person pursuant to the power and discretion conferred upon the Board by the preceding sentence shall operate as a complete discharge of all obligations under the System with regard to such Member and shall not be subject to review by anyone, but shall be final, binding and conclusive on all persons. SECTION 11. BENEFICIARIES. 1. Each Member or Retiree may, on a form provided for that purpose, signed and filed with the Board, designate a Beneficiary ( or Beneficiaries) to receive the benefit, if any, which may be payable in the event of his death . Each designation may be revoked or changed by such Member or Retiree by signing and filing with the Board a new designation-of-beneficiary form. Upon such change, the rights of all previously designated Beneficiaries to receive any benefits under the System shall cease. 2. If a deceased Member or Retiree failed to name a Beneficiary in the manner prescribed in subsection 1, or if the Beneficiary (or Beneficiaries) named by a deceased Member or Retiree predeceases the Member or Retiree, the death benefit, if any, which may be payable under the System with respect to such deceased Member or Retiree, shall be paid to the estate of the Member or Retiree and the Board , in its discretion, may direct that the commuted value of the remaining monthly income benefits be paid in a lump sum. -2 1- 214 3. Any payment made to any person pursuant to this Section shall op erat e as a complet e discharge of all obligations under the System with re gard to the deceas ed M e mber and any other persons with rights und er the Syst em and shall not be subj ect to rev iew by anyone but shall be final , binding and conclusive on all p ersons ever inter ested h ereund er. SECTION 12. CLAIM§ PROCED URE§. 1. The Board shall e stablish administrative claims procedures to b e utilize d in pro cessing written requests ("claims"), on matt ers which affe ct the substantial rights of any person ("Claimant"), including Members , R etiree s, Beneficiari es, or any person affect ed by a dec ision of the Board. 2 . The Board shall have the power to subpo ena and require the attendance of witnesse s and the production of documents for dis covery prior to and at any proceedings provide d for in the Board's claims procedure s . The Claimant may request in writing the issuance of subpo enas by the Board . A reasonable fee may be charged for the issuance of any subpoenas not to exceed the fe e s set forth in Florida Statutes. SE CTION 13 . REPO RT§ T O DIVISION OF RETIREMENT. Each year and no lat er than March 15th, the Board shall file an Annual Report with the Division of Retirement containing the do cuments and information required by Se ction 17 5 .2 61 or 18 5 .2 21 , Florida Statutes. SE CTION 14 . RO STER OF RETIRE E§. The Secretary of the Board shall k eep a record of all p ersons enjoying a pension under the provisions of this ordinance in which it shall be noted the time when the pension is allowed and when the same shall cease to be paid. Additionally, the Secretary shall keep a record of all Members in such a mam1er as to show the name, address , date of employment and date of termination of employment. SE CTION 15. MAXIMUM PEN SIO N. 1. Basic Limitation. Notwithstanding any other provisions of this System to the contrary, the Member contributions paid to , and retirement benefits paid from, the System shall be limited to such extent as may be necessary to conform to the requirements of Code Section 415 for a qualifie d retirement plan. Before January 1, 1995, a plan member may not receive an annual benefit that exceeds the limits specified in Code Section 415(b), subject to the applicable adjustments in that section. On and after January 1, 1995, a plan m ember may not receive an annual benefit that exceeds the dollar amount specified in Code Section 415(b)(l)(A) ($160,000), subject to the applicable adjustments in Code Section 415(b) and subject to any additional limits that may be specified in this System. For purposes of this Section, "limitation y e ar" shall be the calendar year. 2. Adjustments to Basic Limitation for Form of Benefit. If the form of benefit without regard to any benefit in creas e featur e is not a straight life annuity, then the Code Se ction 415(b) limit applicable at the annuity starting date is r edu ce d to an actuarially equivale nt amount ( det ermine d usin g the assumptions sp ecified in Treasur y Regulation Section l.41 5(b)-l(c)(2)(ii)) that takes into a cc ount t he death b enefits und er the form of b e n e fit. 3 . Benefit s N ot Ta ken into Account . -22- 215 For purposes of this Section, the following benefits shall not be taken into ac count in applying thes e limits: A. Any ancillary benefit which is not directly related to retirement income benefits; B. Any other benefit not required under §415(b)(2) of the Code and Regulations thereunder to be taken into account for purposes of the limitation of Code Section 415(b)(l). 4. COLA Effect. Effective on and after January 1, 2 003, for purposes of applying the limits under Code Section 415(b) (the "Limit"), the following will apply: A. A Member's applicable limit will be applied to the Member's annual benefit in the Member's first calendar year of benefit payments without regard to any automatic cost of living adjustments ; B. thereafter, in any subsequent calendar year, a Member's annual benefit, including any automatic cost of living increases, shall be tested under the then applicable benefit limit including any adjustment to the Code Section 415(b )(1 )(A) dollar limit under Code Section 415( d), and the regulations thereunder; but C. in no event shall a Member's benefit payable under the System in any calendar year be greater than the limit applicable at the annuity staiiing date, as increased in subsequent years pursuant to Code Section 415( d) and the regulations thereunder. Unless otherwise specified in the System, for purposes of applying the limits under Code Section 415(b), a Member's applicable limit will be applied taking into consideration cost of living increases as required by Section 415(b) of the Code and applicable Treasury Regulations. 5. Other Adjustments in Limitations. A. In the event the Member's retirement benefits become payable before age sixty-two (62), the limit prescribed by this Section shall be reduced in accordance with regulations issued by the Secretary of the Treasury pursuant to the provisions of Code Section 415(b) of the Code, so that such limit (as so reduced) equals an annual straight life benefit (when such retirement income benefit begins) which is equivalent to a one hundred sixty thousand dollar ($160,000) annual benefit beginning at age sixty-two (62). B. In the event the Member's benefit is based on at least fifteen (15) years of Credited Service as a full -time employee of the police or fire depmiment of the City, the adjustments provided for in A. above shall not apply. C. The reductions provided for in A. above shall not be applicable to disability benefits pursuant to Section 8, or pre-retirement d e ath benefits paid pursuant to Section 7. D. In the event the Memb er's retirement benefit b ecomes payable after age sixty-five (6 5), for purposes of determining whether this benefit meets the -23-216 6. limit set fo1ih in subsection 1 herein, such benefit shall be adjusted so that it is actuarially equivalent to the benefit beginning at age sixty-five (65). This adjustment shall be made in accordance with regulations promulgated by the Secretary of the Treasury or his delegate. Less than Ten (10) Years of Service. The maximum retirement benefits payable under this Section to any Member who has completed less than ten (10) years of Credited Service with the City shall be the amount determined under subsection 1 of this Section multiplied by a fraction, the numerator of which is the number of the Member's years of Credited Service and the denominator of which is ten (10). The reduction provided by this subsection cannot reduce the maximum benefit below 10%. The reduction provided for in this subsection shall not be applicable to disability benefits paid pursuant to Section 8, or pre-retirement death benefits paid pursuant to Section 7. 7. Participation in Other Defined Benefit Plans. The limit of this Section with respect to any Member who at any time has been a member in any other defined benefit plan as defined in Code Section 414(j) maintained by the City shall apply as if the total benefits payable under all City defined benefit plans in which the Member has been a member were payable from one plan. 8. Ten Thousand Dollar ($10,000) Limit. Notwithstanding the foregoing, the retirement benefit payable with respect to a Member shall be deemed not to exceed the limit set fo1th in this Section if the benefits payable, with respect to such Member under this System and under all other qualified defined benefit pension plans to which the City contributes, do not exceed ten thousand dollars ($10,000) for the applicable Plan Year and for any prior Plan Year and the City has not any time maintained a qualified defined contribution plan in which the Member participated. 9. Reduction of Benefits. Reduction of benefits and/or contributions to all plans, where required, shall be accomplished by first reducing the Member's benefit under any defined benefit plans in which Member participated, such reduction to be made first with respect to the plan in which Member most recently accrued benefits and thereafter in such priority as shall be determined by the Board and the plan administrator of such other plans, and next, by reducing or allocating excess forfeitures for defined contribution plans in which the Member participated, such reduction to be made first with respect to the plan in which Member most recently accrued benefits and thereafter in such priority as shall be established by the Board and the plan administrator for such other plans provided, however, that necessary reductions may be made in a different manner and priority pursuant to the agreement of the Board and the plan administrator of all other plans covering such Member 10. Service Credit Purchase Limits. A. Effective for permissive service credit contributions made in limitation years beginning after December 31, 1997, if a Member makes one or more contributions to purchase permissive service credit under the System, as -24 - 217 allowed in Section 26 and 27, then the requirements of this Section will be treated as met only if: (1) the requirements of Code Section 4 l 5(b) are met, determined by treating the accrued benefit derived from all such contribution s as an annual benefit for purposes of Code Section 415(b), or (2) the requirements of Code Section 415(c) are met, determined by treating all such contributions as annual additions for purposes of Code Section 415(c). (3) For purposes of applying subparagraph (1), the System will not fail to meet the reduced limit under Code Section 415(b)(2)(c) solely by reason of this subparagraph (3), and for purposes of applying subparagraph (2) the System will not fail to meet the percentage limitation under Section 415( c )(1 )(B) of the Code solely by reason of this subparagraph (3). B. For purposes of this subsection the term "permissive service credit " means service cred it- ( l) recognized by the System for purposes of ca lculating a Member's benefit under the plan, (2) which such Member has not received under the plan, and (3) which such Member may receive only by making a voluntary additional contribution, in an amount determined und er the System, which does not exceed the amount necessary to fund the benefit attributable to such service credit. Effective for permissive service credit contributions made in limitation years beginning after December 31, 1997, such term may, if otherwise provided by the System, include service credit for periods for which there is no performance of service, and, notwithstanding claus e B.(2), may include service credited in order to provide an increased benefit for service credit which a Member is receiving under the System. C. For purposes of applying the limits in this subsection 10., only and for no other purpose, the definition of compensation where applicable will be compensation actually paid or made available during a calendar year, except as noted below and as permitted by Treasury Regulations Section 1.415( c )-2, or successor regulations. Unless another definition of compensation that is permitted by Treasury Regulations Section 1.415( c )-2, or successor regulation, is specified by the System, compensation will be defined as wages within the meaning of Code Section 3401(a) and all other payments of compensation to an employee by an employer for which the emp lo yer is required to furnish the employee a written statement under Code Sections 604l(d), 6051(a)(3) and 6052 and will be determined without regard to any rules under Code Section 3401(a) that limit the remuneration included in wages based on the nature or location of the employment or the services performed (such as the exception for agricultural labor in Code Section 3401(a)(2). (1) However, for calendar years beginning after December 31, 1997, compensation will also include amounts that would otherwise be -25 - 218 included in compensation but for an election under Code Sections 125(a), 402(e)(3), 402(h)(l)(B), 402(k), or 457(b). For calendar years beginning after December 31, 2000, compensation will also include any elective amounts that are not includible in the gross income of the employee by reason of Code Section 132(f)(4). (2) For limitation years beginning on and after January 1, 2007, compensation for the calendar year will also include compensation paid by the later of 2½ months after an employee's severance from employment or the end of the calendar year that includes the date of the employee's severance from employment if: (a) the payment is regular compensation for services during the employee's regular working hours, or compensation for services outside the employee's regular working hours (such as overtime or shift differential), commissions, bonuses or other similar payments, and, absent a severance from employment, the payments would have been paid to the employee while the employee continued in employment with the employer; or (b) the payment is for unused accrued bona fide sick, vacation or other leave that the employee would have been able to use if employment had continued. (3) Back pay, within the meaning of Treasury Regulations Section 1.415( c )-2(g)(8), shall be treated as compensation for the limitation year to which the back pay relates to the extent the back pay represents wages and compensation that would otherwise be included under this definition. D. Notwithstanding any other provision of law to the contrary, the Board may modify a request by a Member to make a contribution to the System if the amount of the contribution would exceed the limits provided in Code Section 415 by using the following methods: (1) If the law requires a lump sum payment for the purchase of service credit, the Board may establish a periodic payment deduction plan for the Member to avoid a contribution in excess of the limits under Code Sections 415(c) or 415(n). (2) If payment pursuant to subparagraph (1) will not avoid a contribution in excess of the limits imposed by Code Section 415(c), the Board may either reduce the Member's contribution to an amount within the limits of that section or refuse the Member's contribution. 11. Additional Limitation on Pension Benefits. Notwithstanding anything herein to the contrary: A. The normal retirement benefit or pension payable to a Retiree who becomes a Member of the System and who has not previously participated in such System, on or after January 1, 1980, shall not exceed one hundred percent (100%) of his Average Final Compensation. However, nothing -26 - 219 contained in this Sect ion shall apply to supplemental retirement benefits or to pension incr ea ses attributable to cost-of-living incr eas es or adjustments. B. No Member of the System shall be allowed to receive a retirement bene fit or pension which is in part or in whole based upon any service with respect to which the Member is ah-eady receiving, or will rece iv e in the futur e, a retirement benefit or pension from a different employer's retirement system or plan. This r estriction does not apply to social security benefits or federal benefits under Chapter 67 , Title 10, U.S. Code . §ECTION 16. MINIMUM DISTRIBUTION OF BENEFITS. 1. General Rules A. Effec tive Date. Effective as of January 1, 1989, the Plan will pay all benefits in accordance with a good faith interpretation of the requirements of Code Section 401(a)(9) and the regulations in effect und er that section, as applicable to a governmental plan within the meaning of Code Section 414(d). Effective on and after January 1, 2 003, the Plan is also subject to the specific provisions contained in this Section. The provisions of this Section will apply for purposes of determining required minimum distributions for calendar years beginning with the 2 003 calendar year. B. Precedenc e. The requirements of this Section will take prece denc e over any inconsistent provisions of the Plan. C . TEFRA Section 242(b)(2) Elections. Notwithstanding the other provisions of this Section other than this subsection l.C., distributions may be made under a designation made before January 1, 1984, in accordance with Section 242(b)(2) of the Tax Equity and Fiscal Responsibility Act (TEFRA) and the provisions of the plan that related to Section 242(b)(2) ofTEFRA. 2. Time and Manner of Distribution A. Required Beginning Date. The Member's entire int erest will be distributed, or begin to be distributed, to the Member no later than the Member's required beginning date which shall not be lat er than April 1 of the calendar year following the later of the calendar year in which the Member attains age seventy and one-half (70 ½) or the calendar year in which the Member terminates employment with the City. B. Death of Member Before Distributions Begin. If the Member dies before distributions begin, the Member's entire interest will be distributed, or begin to be distributed no later than as follows: (1) If the Member's surviving spouse is the Member's so le designated beneficiary, then distributions to the surviving spouse will begin by December 31 of the calendar y ear immediately following the calendar year in which the Member died , or by a date on or before December 31 of the calendar year in which the Member would have attaine d age 70 ½, if lat er, as the surviving spouse e lects. (2) If the Member's surviving spouse is not the Member's sole designated beneficiary, then, distributions to the designated beneficiary w ill begin by December 3 1 of the calenda r year -27 - 220 3 . C. immediately following the c alendar year in which the Member died . (3) If there is no designated beneficiary as of September 30 of the year following the year of the Member's death, the Member's entire interest will be distributed by December 31 of the calendar year containing the fifth anniversary of the Member's death. ( 4) If the Member's surviving spouse is the Member's sole designated beneficiary and the surviving spouse dies after the Member but before distributions to the surviving spouse begin , this subsection 2.B., other than subsection 2.B.(1), will apply as if the surviving spouse were the Member. For purposes of this subsection 2 .B., distributions are considered to begin on the Member's required beginning date or, if subsection 2.B.( 4) applies, the date of distributions are required to begin to the surviving spouse under subsection 2 .B.(1). If annuity payments irrevocably commence to the Member before the Member's required beginning date ( or to the Member's surviving spouse before the date distributions are required to begin to the surviving spouse under subsection 2.B.(1)), the date distributions are considered to begin is the date distributions actually commence. Death After Distributions Begin. If the Member dies after the required distribution of benefits has begun, the remaining portion of the Member's interest must be distributed at least as rapidly as under the method of distribution before the Member's death. D. Form of Distribution. Unless the Member's interest is distributed in the form of an annuity purchased from an insurance company or in a single sum on or before the required beginning date , as of the first distribution calendar year distributions will be made in accordance with this Section. If the Member's interest is distributed in the form of an annuity purchased from an insurance company, distributions thereunder will be made in accordance with the requirements of Section 401(a)(9) of the Code and Treasury regulations. Any part of the Member's interest which is in the form of an individual account described in Section 414(k) of the Code will be distributed in a manner satisfying the requirements of Section 401(a)(9) of the Code and Treasury regulations that apply to individual accounts. Determination of Amount to be Distributed Each Year A. General Requirements. If the Member's interest is paid in the form of annuity distributions under the Plan, payments under the annuity will satisfy the following requirements: (1) The annuity distributions will be paid in periodic payments made at intervals not longer than one year. (2) The Member's entire interest must be distributed pursuant to Section 6, Section 7, Section 9, or Section 10 (as applicable) and in any event over a period equal to or less than the M e mb er's life or the liv e s of the M ember and a designated benefic iary, or over a period not extending beyond the life expectanc y of the Member or of the Member and a d es ignated beneficiary. The life expectanc y of the Member, the Member's spouse, or the Member's benefic iar y -28- 221 may not be recalculated after the initial determination for purposes of determining benefits. B. Amount Required to be Distributed by Required Beginning Date. The amount that must be distributed on or before the Member's required beginning date ( or, if the Member dies before distributions begin , the date distributions are required to begin under Section 7 ) is the payment that is required for one payment interval. The second payment need not be made until the end of the next payment interval even if that payment interval ends in the next calendar year. Payment intervals are the periods for which payments are received, e.g., monthly. All of the Member's benefit accruals as of the last day of the first distribution calendar year will be included in the calculation of the amount of the annuity payments for payment intervals ending on or after the Member's required beginning date. C. Additional Accruals After First Distribution Calendar Year. Any additional benefits accruing to the Member in a calendar year after the first distribution calendar year will be distributed beginning with the first payment interval ending in the calendar year immediately following the calendar year in which such amount accrues. 4. General Distribution Rules . A. The amount of an annuity paid to a Member's beneficiary may not exceed the maximum determined under the incidental death benefit requirement of Code Section 401(a)(9)(G), and effective for any annuity commencing on or after January 1, 2008, the minimum distribution incidental benefit rule under Treasury Regulation Section 1.40l(a)(9)-6, Q&A-2. B. The death and disability benefits provided by the Plan are limited by the incidental benefit rule set forth in Code Section 401(a)(9)(G) and Treasmy Regulation Section 1.401-1 (b )( 1 )(I) or any successor regulation thereto. As a result, the total death or disability benefits payable may not exceed 25% of the cost for all of the Members' benefits received from the retirement system. 5. Definitions A. Designated Beneficiary. The individual who is designated as the beneficiary under the Plan and is the designated beneficiary under Section 40l(a)(9) of the Code and Section 1.401(a)(9)-1, Q&A-4, of the Treasury regulations . B. Distribution Calendar Year. A calendar year for which a minimum distribution is required. For distributions beginning before the Member's death, the first distribution calendar year is the calendar year immediately preceding the calendar year which contains the Member's required beginning date. For distributions beginning after the Member's death, the first distribution calendar year is the calendar year in which distributions are required to begin pursuant to Section 7. §ECTION 17. Ml§CELLANEOU§ PROVl§][ON§. 1. Interest of Members in System. -29 - 222 All assets of the Fund are he ld in trust, and at no time prior to the satisfaction of all liabilities under the System with respect to Retirees and Members and their Spouses or Beneficiaries, shall any part of the corpus or income of the Fund be us ed for or diverted to any purpose other than for their exc lusive benefit. 2 . No Reduction of Accrued Benefits. No amendment or ordinance shall be adopted by the City Commission of the City of City of Longwood which shall have the e ffect of reducing the then vested accrued benefits of Members or a Member's Beneficiaries . 3. Qualification of System. It is intended that the System will constitute a qualified public pension plan und er the applicable provisions of the Code for a qualified plan under Code Sec tion 401(a) and a governmental plan under Code Section 414(d), as now in effect or hereafter amended. Any modification or amendment of the System may be made retroactively, if neces sary or appropriate, to qualify or maintain the Sys t em as a Plan meeting the require ments of the applicable provisions of the Code as now in effect or hereafter amend ed , or any other applicable provisions of the U.S . federal tax laws, as now in effect or hereafter amended or adopted, and the regulations issued thereund er. 4. Us e of Forfeitures. Forfeitures arising from t erminations of service of Members shall serve only to reduce future City contributions. 5. Prohibited Transactions. Effective as of January 1, 1989, a Board may not engage in a transaction prohibited by Code Section 503(b). 6. USERRA. Effective December 12 , 1994 , notwithstanding any other provision of this System, contributions, benefits and service credit with respect to qualified military service are governed by Code Section 414(u) and the Uniformed Services Employment and Reemployment Rights Act of 1994, as amended. To the extent that the definition of "Credited Service" sets forth contribution requirements that are more favorable to the Member than the minimum compliance requirements, the more favorable provisions shall app ly. 7. Vesting . A. Member will be 100% vested in all benefits upon attainment of the Plan's age and service requirements for the Plan's normal retirem ent benefit; and B. A Member will be 100% vested in all accrued benefits, to the extent funded, if the Plan is t er minated or experiences a complete discontinuance of employer contributions. 8 . Electronic Forms. -3 0- 223 In those circumstances where a written election or consent is not r e quired by the Plan or the Code, an oral, electronic, or telephonic form in lieu of or in addition to a written form may be prescribed by the Board. However, where applicable, the Board shall comply with Treas. Reg. § l.401(a)-21. 9. Compliance with Chapter 175 or 185, Florida Statutes. It is intended that the System will continue to qualify for funding under Section 175.101 or 185.08, Florida Statutes. Accordingly, unless otherwise required by law, any provision of the System which violates the requirements of Chapter 175 or 185, Florida Statutes, as amended from time to time, shall be superseded by and administered in accordance with the requirements of such chapter. §ECTION 18 . REPEAL OR TERMINATION OF SY§TEM. 1. This ordinance establishing the System and Fund, and subsequent ordinances pertaining to said System and Fund, may be modified , terminated, or amended, in whole or in part; provided that if this or any subsequent ordinance shall be amended or repealed in its application to any person benefitting hereunder, the amount of benefits which at the time of any such alteration, amendment, or repeal shall have accrued to the Member or Beneficiary shall not be affected thereby. 2. If this ordinance shall be repealed, or if contributions to the System are discontinued or if there is a transfer, merger or consolidation of government units, services or functions as provided in Chapter 121, Florida Statutes, the Board shall continue to administer the System in accordance with the provisions of this ordinance, for the sole benefit of the then Members, any Beneficiaries then receiving retirement allowances, and any future persons entitled to receive benefits under one of the options provided for in this ordinance who are designated by any of said Members. In the event of repeal, discontinuance of contributions, or transfer, merger or consolidation of government units, services or functions, there shall be foll vesting ( 100%) of benefits accrued to date of repeal and such benefits shall be nonforfeitable. 3. The fund shall be distributed in accordance with the following procedures: A. The Board shall determine the date of distribution and the asset value required to fund all the nonforfeitable benefits after taking into account the expenses of such distribution. The Board shall inform the City if additional assets are required, in which event the City shall continue to financially support the Plan until all nonforfeitable benefits have been funded. B. The Board shall determine the method of distribution of the asset value, whether distribution shall be by payment in cash, by the maintenance of another or substituted trust fund, by the purchase of insured annuities, or otherwise, for each Police Officer or Firefighter entitled to benefits under the plan as specified in subsection C. C. The Board shall distribute the asset value as of the date of termination in the manner set forth in this subsection, on the basis that the amount required to provide any given retirement income is the actuarially computed single-sum value of such retirement income, except that if the method of distribution determined under subsection B. involves the purchase of an insured annuity, the amount required to provide the given retirement income is the single premium payable for such annuity. The actuarial single -sum valu e may not be less than the Police Officer 's or -31 - 224 Firefighter's Accumulated Contributions to the Plan, with interest if provided by the Plan, less the value of any plan benefits previously paid to the Police Officer or Firefighter. D. If there is asset value remaining after the full distribution specified in subsection C., and after the payment of any expenses incurred with such distribution, such excess shall be returned to the City, less return to the State of the State's contributions, provided that, if the excess is less than the total contributions made by the City and the State to date of termination of the Plan, such excess shall be divided propo1iionately to the total contributions made by the City and the State. E. The Board shall distribute, in accordance with subsection B., the amounts determined under subsection C. If, after twenty-four (24) months after the date the Plan terminated or the date the Board received written notice that the contributions thereunder were being permanently discontinued, the City or the Board of the Fund affected has not complied with all the provisions in this Section, the Florida Depa1iment of Management Services will effect the termination of the Fund in accordance with this Section. §ECTION 19. DOMESTIC RELATION§ ORDERS; RETIREE DIRECTED PAYMENT§; EXEMPTION FROM EXECUTION AND NON-A§§IGNABILITY. 1. Domestic Relations Orders. A. Prior to the entry of any domestic relations order which affects or purp01is to affect the System's responsibility in connection with the payment of benefits of a Retiree, the Member or Retiree shall submit the proposed order to the Board for review to determine whether the System may legally honor the order. B. If a domestic relations order is not submitted to the Board for review prior to entry of the order, and the System is ordered to take action that it may not legally take, and the System expends administrative or legal fees in resolving the matter, the Member or Retiree who submits such an order will be required to reimburse the System for its expenses in connection with the order. 2. Retiree Directed Payments. The Board may, upon written request by a Retiree or by a dependent, when authorized by a Retiree or the Retiree's Beneficiary, authorize the System to withhold from the monthly retirement payment those funds that are necessary to pay for the benefits being received through the City, to pay the certified bargaining agent of the City, to make payment to insurance companies for insurance premiums as permitted by Chapters 175 and 185, Florida Statutes and to make any payments for child support or alimony. 3. Exemption from Execution, Non-Assignability. Except as otherwise provided by law, the pensions, annuities, or any other benefits accrued or accruing to any person under the provisions of this ordinance/resolution and the Accumulated Contributions and the cash securities in the Fund created under this ordinance/resolution are hereby exempted from any state, county or municipal tax and shall not -32 - 225 be subject to execution , attaclunent, garnislunent or any legal process whatsoever and shall be unassignable. SECTION 20. PENSION VALIDITY. The Board shall have the power to examine into the facts upon which any pension shall heretofore have been granted under any prior or existing law, or shall hereafter be granted or obtained erroneously, fraudulently or illegally for any reason. The Board is empowered to purge the pension rolls or correct the pension amount of any person heretofore granted a pension under prior or existing law or any person hereafter granted a pension under this ordinance if the same is found to be erroneous, fraudulent or illegal for any reason; and to reclassify any person who has heretofore under any prior or existing law been or who shall hereafter under this ordinance be erroneously, improperly or illegally classified. Any overpayments or underpayments shall be corrected and paid or repaid in a reasonable manner determined by the Board. SECTION 21. FORFEITURE OF PENSION. 1. Any Member who is convicted of the following offenses committed prior to Retirement, or whose employment is terminated by reason of his admitted commission, aid or abetment of the following specified offenses, shall forfeit all rights and benefits under this System, except for the return of his accumulated contributions as of the date of termination. Specified offenses are as follows: A. The committing, aiding or abetting of an embezzlement of public funds; B. The committing, aiding or abetting of any theft by a public officer or employee from employer; C. Bribery in connection with the employment of a public officer or employee; D. Any felony specified in Chapter 838, Florida Statutes; E. The committing of an impeachable offense; F. The conunitting of any felony by a public officer or employee who willfully and with intent to defraud the public or the public agency, for which he acts or in which he is employed, of the right to receive the faithful performance of his duty as a public officer or employee, realizes or obtains or attempts to obtain a profit, gain, or advantage for himself or for some other person tlu·ough the use or attempted use of the power, rights, privileges, duties or position of his public office or employment position; or G. The conunitting on or after October 1, 2008, of any felony defined in Section 800.04, Florida Statutes, against a victim younger than sixteen (16) years of age, or any felony defined in Chapter 794, Florida Statutes, against a victim younger than eighteen (18) years of age, by a public officer or employee tlu·ough the use or attempted use of power, rights , privileges, duties, or position of his or her public offic e or employment position. 2. Conviction shall be defined as an adjudication of guilt by a court of competent jurisdiction; a plea of guilty or a nolo contendere ; a jury verdict of guilty when adjudication of -33- 226 guilt is withheld and the accused is placed on probation; or a conviction by the Se nat e of an impeachable offense. 3. Comt shall be defmed as any state or federal comt of competent jurisdiction which is exercising its jurisdiction to consider a proceeding involving the alleged commission of a specified offense. Prior to forfeiture, the Board shall hold a hearing on which notice shall be given to the Member whose benefits are being considered for forfeitur e. Sa id Member shall be afforded the right to have an attorney present. No formal rules of evidence shall apply, but the Member shall be afforded a full opportunity to present his case against forfeiture. 4. Any Member who has received benefits from the System in excess of his Accumulated Contributions after Member's rights were forfeited shall be required to pay back to the Fund the amount of the benefits received in excess of his Accumulated Contributions. The Board may implement all legal action necessary to recover such funds. §ECTION 22. CONVICTION AND FORFEITURE; FALSE, MISLEADING OR FRAUDULENT STATEMENTS. 1. It is unlawful for a person to willfully and knowingly make, or cause to be made, or to assist , conspire with, or urge another to make, or cause to be made , any false, fraudulent , or misleading oral or written statement or withhold or conceal material information to obtain any benefit from the System. 2. A person who violates subsection 1 commits a misdemeanor of the first degree, punishable as provided in Section 775.082 or Section 775.083, Florida Statutes. 3. In addition to any applicable criminal penalty, upon conviction for a violation described in subsection 1, a Member or Beneficiary of the System may, in the discretion of the Board, be required to forfeit the right to receive any or all benefits to which the person would otherwise be entitled under the System. For purposes of this subsection, "conviction" means a determination of guilt that is the result of a plea or trial, regardless of whether adjudication is withheld. §ECTION 23 . INDEMNIFICATION. 1. To the extent not covered by insurance contracts in force from time to time, the City shall indemnify, defend and hold harmless members of the Board from all personal liability for damages and costs, including court costs and attorneys' fees, arising out of claims, suits, litigation, or threat of same, herein referred to as "claims", against these individuals because of acts or circumstances connected with or arising out of their official duty as members of the Board. The City reserves the right, in its sole discretion, to settle or not settle the claim at any time, and to appeal or to not appeal from any adverse judgment or ruling, and in either event will indemnify, defend and hold harmless any members of the Board from the judgment, execution, or levy thereon. 2. This Section shall not be construed so as to relieve any insurance company or other entity liable to defend the claim or liable for payment of the judgment or claim, from any liability, nor does this Section waive any provision of law affording the City immunity from any suit in whole or part, or waive any other substantive or procedural rights the City may have. 3. This Section shall not apply nor shall the City be responsible in any manner to defend or pay for claims arising out of acts or omissions of members of the Board which constitute felonies or gross malfeasance or gross misfeasance in office. -34 - 227 SECTION2~. DIRECT TRANSFERS OF ELIGIBLE ROLLOVER DISTRIBUTIONS; ELIMINATION OF MANDATORY DISTRIBUTIONS. 1. Rollover Distributions. A. General. This Section applies to distributions mad e on or after January 1, 2 00 2. Notwithstanding any provision of the Syst em to the contrary that would otherwise limit a distributee1s e lection under this Section , a distributee may elect, at the time and in the manner prescribed by the Board, to hav e any portion of an eligible rollover distribution paid directly to an eligible r etirement plan specified by the distributee in a direct rollover. B. Definitions. (1) Eligible Rollov er Distribution: An e li g ible rollov er distribution is any distribution of all or any portion of the balanc e to the credit of the distributee, except that an eligible rollov er distribution does not include: any distribution that is one of a series of substant ially equal periodic payments (not less frequ ently than annually) made for the life ( or life expectancy) of the distributee or the joint lives ( or joint life expectancies ) of the distributee and the distributee1s designated Beneficiary, or for a specified p eriod of ten (10) years or more; any distribution to the extent such distribution is r equired under section 401(a)(9) of the Code and the pmtion of any distribution that is not includible in gross income. Effective January 1, 2002, any po1tion of any distribution which would be includible in gross income as after-tax employee contributions will be an eligible rollover distribution if the distribution is made to an individual retirement account described in section 408(a); to an individual r etirement annuity described in section 408(b ); to a qualified defined contribution plan described in section 401(a) or 403(a) that agrees to separately account for amounts so transferre d (and earnings thereon), including separately accounting for the po1tion of such distribution which is includible in gross income and the pmtion of such distribution which is not so includible; or on or aft er January 1, 2007, to a qualifi ed defined benefit plan described in Code Section 401(a) or to an annuity contract described in Code Section 403(b), that agre es to separately account for amounts so transferred (and earnings th ereon), including separately accounting for the po1tion of the distribution that is includible in gross income and the portion of the distribution that is not so includible. (2) Eligible R etirement Plan: An eligible retirement plan is an individual retirement account described in section 408(a) of the Code; an individual retirement annuity described in section 408(b) of the Code; an ammity plan described in section 403(a) of the Code; effective January 1, 2 002 , an eligible deferre d compensation plan described in section 457(b) of the Co de which is maintained by an e ligible emplo ye r describ e d in sectio n 457 (e)(l)(A ) of the Code and whic h agrees to separately acco unt for amounts -35- 228 transferred into such plan from this plan; effective January 1, 2002, an annuity contract described in section 403(b) of the Code; a qualified trust described in section 401(a) of the Code; or effectiv e January 1, 2008, a Roth IRA described in Section 408A of the Code, that accepts the distributee 's eligible rollover distribution. This definition shall apply in the case of an eligible rollover distribution to the surviving Spouse. (3) Distributee: A distributee includes an employee or former employee. It also includes the employee's or former employee's surviving spouse and the employee's or former employee's spouse or former spouse. Effective January 1, 2007, it fmther includes a nonspouse beneficiary who is a designated beneficiary as defined by Code Section 401(a)(9)(E). However, a nonspouse beneficiary may rollover the distribution only to an individual retirement account or individual retirement annuity established for the purpose of receiving the distribution and the account or annuity will be treated as an "inherited" individual retirement account or annuity (4) Direct Rollover: A direct rollover is a payment by the plan to the eligible retirement plan specified by the distributee. 2. Rollovers or Transfers into the Fund. On or after January 1, 2002, the System will accept, solely for the purpose of purchasing Credited Service as provided herein, permissible Member requested transfers of funds from other retirement or pension plans, Member rollover cash contributions and/or direct cash rollovers of distributions made on or after January 1, 2002, as follows: 3. A. Transfers and Direct Rollovers or Member Rollover Contributions from Other Plans. The System will accept either a direct rollover of an eligible rollover distribution or a Member contribution of an eligible rollover distribution from a qualified plan described in section 401(a) or 403(a) of the Code, from an annuity contract described in section 403(b) of the Code or from an eligible plan under section 457(b) of the Code which is maintained by a state, political subdivision of a state, or any agency or instrumentality of a state or political subdivision of a state. The System will also accept legally permissible Member requested transfers of funds from other retirement or pension plans . B. Member Rollover Contributions from IRAs . The system will accept a Member rollover contribution of the portion of a distribution from an individual retirement account or annuity described in section 408(a) or 408(b) of the Code that is eligible to be rolled over. Elimination of Mandatory Distributions . Notwithstanding any other provision herein to the contrary, in the event this Plan provides for a mandatory (involuntary) cash distribution from the Plan not otherwise required by law, for an amount in excess of one-thousand dollars ($1,000.00), such distribution shall be made from the Plan only upon written request of the Member and completion by the Member of a -36 - 229 written election on forms designat ed by the Board, to e ither receive a cash lump sum or to rollover the lump sum amount. SECTION 25. FAMILY AND MEDICAL LEAVE ACT. The fractional parts of the twelve (12) month period ending each March 1 that a M ember is on leave without pay from the City pursuant to the Family and Medical Leave Act (FMLA) shall be added to his Credited Service provided that: 1. The Member contributes to the Fund the sum that he would have contributed, based on his Salary and the Member contribution rate in effect at the time that the Credited Service is requested, had he been a Member of the System for the years or fractional parts of years for which he is requesting credit plus amounts actuarially determin e d such that the crediting of service does not result in any cost to the Fund plus payment of costs for all professional services rendered to the Board in connection with the purchase of years of Credited Service . 2. The request for Credited Service for FMLA leave time for the twelve (12) month period prior to each March 1 and payment of professional fees shall be made on or be fore March 31. 3. Payment by the Member of the required amount shall be made on or before April 30 for the preceding twelve (12) month period ending March 1 and shall be made in one (1) lump sum payment upon receipt of which Credited Service shall be issued. 4. vesting. Credited Service purchased pursuant to this Section shall not count toward SECTION 26 . MILITARY SERVICE PRIOR TO EMPLOYMENT. The time that a Police Officer or Firefighter serves or has served on active duty in the military service of the Armed Forces of the United States, the United States Merchant Marine or the United States Coast Guard, voluntarily or involuntarily and honorably or under honorable conditions, prior to first and initial employment with the City Police Department or Fire Department shall be added to his years of Credited Service provided that : 1. The Member contributes to the Fund the sum that he would have contributed, based on his Salary and the Member contribution rate in effect at the time that the Credited Service is requested, had he been a Member of the System for the time for which he is requesting credit plus amounts actuarially determined such that the crediting of service does not result in any cost to the Fund plus payment of costs for all professional services rendered to the Board in connection with the purchase of years of Credited Service . 2. Multiple requests to purchase Credited Service pursuant to this Section may be made at any time prior to Retirement. 3. Payment by the Member of the required amount shall be made within six (6) months of his request for credit, but not later than the retirement date, and shall be made in one (1) lump sum payment upon receipt of which Credited Service shall be given. 4. The maximum credit under this Section, when combined with Credited Se rvice purchased for prior police or firefighter service with an employer other than the City of Longwood shall be five (5) years. -37 - 230 5. Credited Service purchased pursuant to this Section shall count for all purposes, except vesting and eligibility for not-in-line of duty disability benefits. SECTION 27. PRIOR POLICE OR FIRE SERVICE. Unless otherwise prohibited by law, and except as provided for in Section 1, the time that a Member previously served as a full-time Police Officer or Firefighter with the City during a period of previous employment and for which p eriod Accumulated Contributions were withdrawn from the Fund, or the time that a Member served as a Police Officer for any other municipal, county or state law enforcement department or as a Firefighter for any other municipal, county, state or special district fire department in the State of Florida shall be added to his years of Credited Service provided that: 1. The Member contributes to the Fund the sum that he would have contributed, based on his Salary and the Member contribution rate in effect at the time that the Credited Service is requested, had he been a Member of the System for the time for which he is requesting credit plus amounts actuarially determined such that the crediting of service does not result in any cost to the Fund plus payment of costs for all professional services rendered to the Board in connection with the purchase of years of Credited Service. 2. Multiple requests to purchase Credited Service pursuant to this Section may be made at any time prior to R etirement. 3. Payment by the Member of the required amount shall be made within six (6) months of his request for credit, but not later than the retirement date, and shall be made in one (1) lump sum payment upon receipt of which Credited Service shall be given. 4. The maximum credit under this Section for service other than with the City of Longwood when combined with Credited Service purchased for Military Service Prior to Employment shall be five (5) years of Credited Service and shall count for all purposes, except vesting and eligibility for not-in-line of duty disability benefits. There shall be no maximum purchase of credit for prior service with the City of Longwood and such credit shall count for all purposes, including vesting. 5. In no event, however, may Credited Service be purchased pursuant to this Section for prior service with any other municipal, county or state law enforcement department or special district fire department, if such prior service forms or will form the basis of a retirement benefit or pension from a different employer's retirement system or plan as set fo1th in Section 15, subsection 1 l.B. 6 . For purposes of determining credit for prior service as a Firefighter as provided for in this Section, in addition to service as a Firefighter in this State, credit may be given for federal, other state, county, or municipal service if the prior service is recognized by the Division of State Fire Marshal, as provided under Chapter 633 , Florida Statutes, or the Firefighter provides proof to the Board that his service is equivalent to the service required to meet the definition of a Firefighter under Section 1. -38- 231 7. For purposes of determining credit for prior service as a Police Officer as provided for in this Section, in addition to service as a Police Officer in this State , credit may be given for federal, other state, county, or municipal service if the prior service is recognized by the Criminal Justice Standards and Training Commission within the Department of Law Enforcement, as provided under Chapter 943, Florida Statutes, or the Police Officer provides proof to the Board that such service is equivalent to the service required to meet the definition of a Police Officer under Section 1. SECTION 28. REEMPLOYMENT AFTER RETIREMENT. 1. Any Retiree who is retired under this System, except for disability retirement as previously provided for, may be reemployed by any public or private employer, except the City, and may receive compensation from that employment without limiting or restricting in any way the retirement benefits payable under this System. Reemployment by the City shall be subject to the limitations set forth in this Section. 2. After Normal Retirement. Any Retiree who is retired under normal retirement pursuant to this System and who is reemployed as a Police Officer or Firefighter after that Retirement and, by virtue of that reemployment, is eligible to paiticipate in this System, shall upon being reemployed discontinue receipt of benefits. Upon reemployment, the Retiree shall be deemed to be fully vested and the additional Credited Service accrued during the subsequent employment period shall be used in computing a second benefit amount attributable to the subsequent employment period, which benefit amount shall be added to the benefit determined upon the initial retirement to determine the total benefit payable upon final Retirement. Calculations of benefits upon Retirement shall be based upon the benefit accrual rate, Average Final Compensation, and Credited Service as of that date and the retirement benefit amount for any subsequent employment period shall be based upon the benefit accrual rate, Average Final Compensation (based only on the subsequent employment period), and Credited Service as of the date of subsequent retirement The amount of any death or disability benefit received as a result of a subsequent period of employment shall be reduced by the amount of accrued benefit eligible to be paid for a prior period of employment. The optional form of benefit and any joint pensioner selected upon initial retirement shall not be subject to change upon subsequent retirement except as otherwise provided herein, but the Member may select a different optional form and joint pensioner applicable to the subsequent retirement benefit. 3. Any Retiree who is retired under normal retirement pursuant to this System and who is reemployed by the City after that Retirement and, by virtue of that reemployment is ineligible to participate in this System, shall, during the period of such reemployment, continue receipt of benefits during any subsequent employment period. 4. Reemployment of Terminated Vested Persons. Reemployed terminated vested persons shall not be subject to the provisions of this Section until such time as they begin to actually receive benefits. Upon receipt of benefits, terminated vested persons shall be treated as normal Retirees for purposes of applying the provisions of this Section and their status as a normal Retiree shall be determined by the date they elect to begin to receive their benefit. SECTION 29. DEFINED RETIREMENT ACCUMULATION GROUP OBLIGATION FUND (DRAGO). A Member's normal retirement benefit shall be supplemented at the time of Retirement with the amount attributable to the Member in the Defined Retirement Accumulation Group -39 - 232 Obligation Fund ("Obligation"). To be eligible for this supplementary normal retirement benefit, a Member must have reached normal retirement age (minimum of (i) age 50 and 10 years of Credited Service, or (ii) 25 years of Credited Service) in the active service of the City as a Police Officer or Firefighter. In order to compute a Member's Obligation benefit upon Retirement, at the end of each Plan Year, the number of years of Credited Service (including fractional parts) will be determined for the Members as a whole. In the year a Member who is eligible for an Obligation supplemental retirement benefit terminates service due to normal retirement, a calculation of his Credited Service shall be determined as of the beginning of the Plan Year. The retiring Member's Obligation supplementary retirement benefit shall be determined by dividing the Member's Credited Service as of the beginning of his final Plan Year of employment so calculated, by the total number of years of Credited Service for all plan Members as calculated for the end of the prior Plan Year, and multiplying the resulting fraction by the amount which is in the Obligation Fund at the beginning of the Plan Year of the Member's final year of employment. However, notwithstanding anything to the contrary, the Member's supplemental retirement benefit shall not be more than 2.5 multiplied by the Member's annual normal retirement benefit based on the normal form. The Obligation supplemental retirement benefit shall be funded by the St ate premium tax monies in excess of the base amount as defined in Florida Law 99 -01 and increased by the cost of plan amendments enacted after January 1, 1998 (constituting the "Obligation Fund") annually. The value of the Obligation as of October 1, 2002 shall be $302,812.00, which is equal to the value of the cumulative balance of additional premium tax revenues that are remaining to be used to provide future minimum or "extra benefit" improvements. The Obligation contributions received for each Plan Year shall be allocated interest at the interest rate specified in the most recent actuarial valuation of the Plan. The value of the Obligation Fund will be determined at the end of each Plan Year and the determination of the value for the previous year will be used to calculate supplemental retirement benefits for any Member eligible for such benefits for the following Plan Year. A Member's Obligation benefit shall be paid in a lump sum as soon as practicable following the Member's Retirement, subject to Section 24 ., Direct Transfers of Eligible Rollover Distributions; Elimination of Mandatory Distributions . -40 - 233 CITY OF LONGWOOD POLICE OFFICERS' AND FIREFIGHTERS' PENSION TRUST FUND SUMMARY PLAN DESCRIPTION November 1, 2018 IS YOUR BENEFICIARY FORM CURRENT? IN THE EVENT YOU D~ YOUR BENEFIT OR CONTRIBUTIONS WILL BE DISTRIBUTED TO THE PERSON OR PERSONS D~IGNATED BY NAME ON THE BENEFICIARY FORM ON FILE WITH THE PENSION PLAN. NO PROVISION IN YOUR LAST WILL AND ~TAMENI WILL CHANGE TillS SEI.JOC:TION. PLEASE BE SURE THAT YOUR BENEFICIARY FORM D~IGNA~ THE PERSON OR PEBSONS YOU INTEND TO RECEIVE YOUR BENEFITS AND THAT YOU REVIEW TillS CHOICE IN THE EVENT OF A MAJOR LIFE CHANGESUCHAS ADIVORCEOR THEDFATHOFYOURBENEFICIARY. 234 CITY OF LONGWOOD POLICE OFFICERS' AND FIREFIGHTERS' PENSION TRUST FUND SUMMARY PLAN DESCRIPTION INTRODUCTION The Board of Trustees of the City of Longwood Police Officers' and Firefighters' Pension Trust Flllld is pleased to present this booklet which briefly explains the provisions of your Police Officers' and Firefighters' Pension Plan As a participant in the plan, you are included in a program ofbene:fits to help you meet your financial needs at retirement, or in the event of disability or death. This booklet can assist you in preparing for your retirement and financial future. If you need firrther information on any of the topics presented in this booklet, please contact any member of the Board of Trustees. They will either answer questions you might have to help you tu1derstand your benefits or otherwise get you an answer to your questions. We urge you to read and llllderstand this booklet in order to become fumiliar with the benefits ofthe plan and how they contribute to your financial security and how they will enrich your retirement years. The infOrmation presented is on1y a summary of the pension plan (''Plan'') as provided in the ordinances of the City of Longwood. If there are any conflicts between the information in this booklet and the ordinances of the City of Longwood, the ordinances shall go vern. The provisions of this Summary Plan Description shall not constitute a contract between the Member and the Board of Trustees. The Plan shall be administered in accordance with state and federal law, notwithstanding any provisions in this booklet or ordinances to the contrary. A copy of the ordinance establishing the Plan can be obtained from the City Clerk's office, which is located at 175 W. Warren Avenue, Longwood, Florida 32750. " 11 Date Chairman, Board of Trustees, City of Longwood Police Officers' and Firefighters' Pension Trust Ftu1d 235 1. BOARD OF TRUSTEES AND PLAN ADMINISTRATION A. Administration. The City of Longwood Police Officers' and Firefighters' Pension Trust Fund is a defined benefit pension plan administered by a Board of Trustees which acts as the administrator of the plan. The Board consists of 5 Trustees, 2 of whom shall be legal residents of the City who are appointed by the City Corrnnission, 2 ofwhom are members of the System (one of whom shall be a Police Officer member and one of whom shall be a firefighter member, who are elected by a majority of the Police Officers or Firefighters, respectively, who are members of the system) and a fifth Trustee who is chosen by a majority of the first 4 Trustees. Each Trustee serves a 4 year term B. The names and addresses of the current Trustees and the Plan Administrator are attached to this Smnmary Plan Description as Exhibit "A". The Chairman of the Board is designated as agent for the service oflegal process. 2. ELIGffiiLITYFOR PLAN MEMBERSIDP Each person employed by the City Police or Fire Department as a :full-time Police Officer or Firefighter becomes a member of the plan as a condition of his employment All Police Officers and Firefighters are therefore eligtble for plan benefits as provided for in the plan document and by applicable law. However, a new employee who is hired as the Police Chief or the Fire Chief may, upon employment as Police Chief or Fire Chie~ notify the Board and the City, in writing, of his election to not be a member of the system 3. PLAN BENEFITS All claimS fur benefits under the plan shall be 'made in writing to the Board. It is your responsibility to contact the plan and make a written application for benefits when you are eligible to start receiving your benefit at your normal or early retirement date. You should ffie your application fur benefits with the plan administrator at least 45 days prior to the date that benefits are to commence. Benefit payments shall begin only after a written application is ffied and payments shall not be made retroactive to your original eligil)ility date shollld you delay in applying for benefits. A. Normal Retirement Eligibility. You are eligtble for retirement upon the attainment of age 50 and the completion of5 years of credited service, or the attainment of25 years of credited service, regardless of age. B. Amount ofN ormal Retirement Benefits. The amount of the normal retirement benefit is based on your credited service and average final compensation: "Credited Service" is generally your period of employment as a Police Officer or Firefighter in the Police or Fire Department measured in years and parts of years. Credited service will include credit for up to five years fur a break in employment for military service, pursuant to conditions provided for under state or federal law, provided that you are reemployed within 1 year of discha.rge under honorable conditions. Additional credited service time may also be available (See subsection I. below). "Average Final Compensation" is 1/12 of your average salary of~ 3 best years of the last 10 years of credited service prior to your termination, retirement or death, or your career average as a :full-time Police Officer or Firefighter, whichever is greater. A year is defined as 12 consecutive months. 2· 236 "Salary" is: (1) For Police Officer Members -the total compensation for services rendered to the City as a Police Officer reportable on your W-2 form plus all tax deferred, tax sheltered, or tax exempt items of income derived from elective employee payroll deductions or salary reductions, but excluding hnnp stun payments of accrued mused sick or. annual leave and excluding payments for extra duty or special detail work perfurmed on behalf of a second party employer. (2) For Firefighter Members -the total compensation-for services rendered to the City as a Firefighter reportable on your W-2 form plus all tax deferred, tax sheltered, or tax exempt items of income derwed. from elective employee payroll deductions or salary reductions, but excluding lump stun payments of accrued mused sick or annual leave. Where, as in the case of a vohmteer Firefighter, compensation is derived from actual services rendered, salary shall be the total cash compensation received yearly for such services, prorated on a monthly basis, as defined inCh. 175.032, Florida Statutes. With respect to both Police Officer and Firefighter Members, for service earned after the date that a collective bargaining agreement is entered into after July 1, 2011 (the "effective date''), Salary shall not include more than 300 hours of overtime per fiscal year and shall also not include payments :for accrued mused sick or annual leave. Provided however, in any event, payments for overtime in excess of 300 hours per year accrued as of the effective date and attributable to service earned prior to the effective date, may still be included in Salary for pension purposes even if the payment is not actually made mtil on or after the effective date. Additional hours worked pursuant to the Fair Labor Standards Act (FLSA) shall not be deemed to be overtime. The normal retirement benefit is calculated by multiplying 3% times years of credited service times your average final compensation: (3% x CS x AFC = normal retirement benefit). Normal retirement payments will commence on the first day of the month coincident with or next fOllowing youi last day of employment. The benefit is paid to you for your life, but you or your beneficiary shall receive at least 120 monthly benefit payments in any event. Each vested Plan Member shall be entitled, at the Fmd's expense, to receive two actuarial studies (one preliminary and one finaQ to estimate his or her retirement benefits. Any additional studies shall be provided only at the Member's expense. E. Defined Retirement Accumulation Group Obligation (DRAGO) Fund. In addition to the benefits provided above, the plan provides for a supplemental benefit as fOllows: (1) Your normal retirement· benefit shall be supplemented at the time of retirement with the amomt attnbutable to you in the Defined Retirement Accumulation Group Obligation Fmd ("Obligation''). To be eligible for this supplementary normal retirement benefit, you must have reached normal retirement age (minirrnnn of (I) age 50 and 5 years of credited service, qr (ii) 25 years of credited service) in the active service of the City as a Police Officer or Firefighter. In order to compute your Obligation benefit upon retirement, at the end of each plan year, the number of years of credited service (including 3 237 :fractional parts) will be determined for the Members as a whole. In the year you are eligtble for an Obligation supplemental retirement benefit and terminate yom service due to normal retirement, a calculation of yom credited service shall be determined as of the beginning of the. plan year. Your Obligation supplementary retirement benefit shall be determined by dividing yom credited service as of the beginning of yom final plan year of employment so calculated, by the total number of years of credited service for all plan members as calculated fur the end of the prior plan year, and multiplying the resulting fraction by the amount which is in the Obligation Fund at the beginning of the plan year of yom final year of employment. However, notwithstanding anything to the contrary, yom supplemental retirement benefit shall not be more than 2.5 multiplied by yom annual normal retirement benefit based on the normal form. (2) The Obligation supplemental retirement benefit shall be fimded by the State premium tax monies in excess of the base amount as defined in Florida Law 99-01 and increased by the cost of plan amendments enacted after January 1, 1998 (constituting the ''Obligation Fund') annually. The Obligation contributions received for each plan year shall be allocated interest at the interest rate specified in the most recent actuarial valuation of the ·Plan The value of the Obligation Fund will be determined at the end of each plan year and the determination of the value fur the previous year will be used to calculate supplemental retirement benefits for any Member eligtble for such benefits for the fullowing plan year. Yom Obligation benefit shall be paid in a lump sum as soon as practicable fuDowing yom Retirement, subject to subsection 24., Direct Transfers of Eligible Rollover Distributions; Elimination of Mandatory Distributions, of the pension-plan document. D. Optional Forms of Retirement. In lieu of the amount and form of retirement income payable under normal retirement, you may elect to receive a retirement benefit in a d:iffurent form so long as the form you elect is of equal actuarial value as the normal benefit. The optional forms ofbenefits which are available are: (1) A retirement income of a monthly amount payable to you for yom lifetime only. (2) A retirement income of a modified monthly amount, payable to you dming yom lifetime and following yom death, 100%, 75%, 66 2/3% or 50% of such monthly amount payable to a joint pensioner for his lifetime. (3) If you retire prior to the time at which social secmity benefits are payable, you may elect to receive an increased retirement benefit until such time as social secmity benefits shall be assumed to commence and a reduced benefit thereafter in order to provide, to as great an extent as possible, a more level retirement allowance dming the entire period of retirement. 4 238 E. Disability Retirement. You are considered disabled when you become totally and permanently unable to perform useful and efficient service as a Police Officer or Firefighter. A written application is made to the Board for a disability pension and the Board receives evidence of the disability and decides whether or not the pension is to be granted. If the pension is granted, the benefit amount shall be: · (1) If the injury or disease is service connected, a benefit equal to 2% of your average final compensation multiplied by the total years of credited service, but in any event, the minimum amount paid to you shall be 50% of your Average Final Compensation (2) If the injury or disease is not service connected, a benefit equal to 2% of your average final compensation multiplied by the total years of credited service, but in any event, the minimum amount paid to you shall be 25% ofyour Average Final Compensation This non-service connected benefit is qnly available if you have at least 10 years of credited service. Eligibility for disability benefits. Subject to (4) below, you must be an active member of the plan on the date the Board determines your entitlement to a disability benefit. (1) (2) (3) (4) Terminated persons, either vested or non-vested, are not eligible for disability benefits. If you vohmtarily terminate your employment either before or after filing an application for disability benefits, you are not eligible for disability benefits. If you are terminated by the City for any reason other than for medical reasons, either before or after you file an application for disability benefits, you are not eligible for disability benefits. The only exception to (1) above is: (a) If you are terminated by the City for medical reasons and you have already applied for disability benefits befure the medical termination, or; (b) If you are terminated by the City fur medical reasons and you apply within 30 days after your medical termination date. If either (4)(a), or (4)(b) above applies, your application will be processed and :fully considered by the board. Your disability benefit terminates upon the earlier of death, with 120 payments guaranteed, or recovery. You may, however, select a ''life only" or 'joint and survivor" optional form ofbenefit as descnbed above under "Optional Forms ofRetirement". Your benefit will be reduced if you receive workers' compensation benefits and your combined benefit exceeds 100% ofyour final salary. The pension benefit will be reduced so that the total does not exceed 100%, except that the pension benefit shall not be reduced below the greater of 42% of average final compensation or 2% of average final compensation times years of credited service. Any condition or impairment of health caused by hypertension or heart disease resulting in death or total and pennanent disabilitY. is presumed to have been suffered in the line of duty unless the contrary is shown by competent eVIdence; provided that you have success:fully passed 5 239 a physical examination on entering into service, including cardiogram for Police Officer members, and there is no evidence of the condition at that time. For conditions diagnosed on or after January 1, 1996, if you suffer a condition or impairment of health that is caused by hepatitis, :rreningococcal meningitis, or tuberculosis, which results in total and permanent disability, it shall be presmned that the disability is in the line of duty, unless the contrary is shown by competent evidence as provided for in Section 112.181, Florida Statutes; provided that the statutory conditions have been :rret. To receive disability benefits, you must establish to the satisfuction of the Board, that such disability was not occasioned primarily by: (1) Excessive or habitual use of any drugs, intoxicants or narcotics. (2) Injury or disease sustained while willfully and illegally participating in fights, riots or civil insurrections or while committing a crime. (3) Injury or disease sustained while serving in any branch of the Armed Forces. (4) ~ury or disease sustained after your employment as a Police Officer or Fire fighter with the City ofLongwood shall have terminated. (5) For Police Officer members, rryury or disease sustained while working for anyone other than the City and arising out of such employ:rrent. As a disabled pensioner, you are subject to periodic medical examinations as directed by the Board to determine whether a disability continues. You may also be required to submit state:rrents from your doctor, at your expense, confirming that your disability continues. F. Death Before Retire:rrent. If you die prior to retirement from the Police or Fire Department, your beneficiary shall receive the following benefit: (1) Prior to Vesting or Eligibility for Retirement. If you were not receiving monthly benefits or were not yet vested or eligible for normal retirement, your beneficiary shall receive a refund of 100% of your accumulated contnbutions, plus an irrnnediate $50,000.00 hnnp smn payment. (2) Deceased Members Vested or Eligrble for Retirement with Spouse as Beneficiary. If you die and, at the date of your death were vested or eligible for normal retirement, your spouse beneficiary shall be entitled-to a benefit as follows: _ (a) If you were vested, but not eligible for normal retire:rrerit, your spouse beneficiary shall receive a benefit payable for 10 years, beginning on the date that you would have been eligible for normal retirement. The benefit shall be calculated as for normal retirement based on your credited service and average final compensation as of the date of your death. Your spouse beneficiary may also elect to receive an actuarially reduced irrnnediate benefit, payable for 10 years. 6 240 (b) If you were eligible fur normal retirement, your spouse beneficiary shall receive a benefit payable for 10 years, beginning on the first day of the month following your death. The benefit shall be calculated as for normal retirement based on your credited service and average final compensation as of the date of your death. (c) Your spouse beneficiary may not elect an optional form of benefit, however, the Board may elect to make a lump sum payment if the total value of the benefit does not exceed $1,000.00 (d) Your spouse beneficiary may, in lieu of any benefit provided for in (a) or (b) above, elect to receive a refund of your accumulated contributions.· (e) If your spouse beneficiary commences receiving a benefit under (a) or (b) above, but dies before all payments are made, the actuarial value of the remaining benefit shall be paid to the estate of the spouse beneficiary in a lump sum (3) Deceased Members Vested or Elig~b le for Retirement with Non- Spouse Beneficiary. If your beneficiary is not your spouse, the benefits payable to your non-spouse beneficiary are the same as those to a spouse beneficiary, however, the date of commencement of those benefits may be required to be earlier, with the resulting reduction in the amount. (4) In addition to the benefits provided for in paragraphs (2) and (3) above, your beneficiary shall receive an immediate $50,000.00 lump sum payment. · G. Termination ofEmployment and Vesting. Ifyour employment is terminated, either voluntarily or involuntarily, the following benefits are payable: ( 1) If you have less than 5 years of credited service upon termination, you shall be entitled to a refimd of the money you have contributed or you may leave it deposited with the plan. (2) Ifyouhave 5 or more years ofcredited service upon termination, you shall be entitled to a monthly retirement benefit. The benefit shall be determined in the same manner as for normal retirement and shall be based upon your credited service, average final compensation and the benefit accrual rate as of the date of termination The benefit shall be payable to you starting at your otherwise normal retirement date, determined based upon your actual years of Credited Service, provided you do not elect to withdraw your contributions and provided you survive to your otherwise normal retirement date. If you do not withdraw your accumulated contributions and do not survive to your otherwise normal retirement date, your designated beneficiary shall be entitled to a benefit as provided herein for a deceased member, vested or eligible for retirement under Death Before Retirement. -The Internal Revenue Code provides that certain eligible lump sum distributions from the pension plan may be directly rolled over into qualified individual retirement accounts, annuities or certain other pension plans. A 20% withholding shall be required on taxable portions of such lump sum distributions not directly transferred to a new custodian 7 241 H. Reemployment After Retirement. If you retire under normal retirement and wish to be reemployed by the city, you should be aware that your ability to continue to receive your pension benefit upon reemployment may be restricted. While the plan may be pennitted to make benefit payments to you if you are reemployed, in this event you may be subject to a 10% tax penalty, which penalty may continue lllltil you attain age 59 ~. whether or not you continue to be employed by the City. · I. Additional Credited Service. In addition to credited service actually earned in the employment of the Police or Fire Department, you may also receive credited service as fullows: (1) 'Buy-Back" for Prior Police or Fire Service. The years or fractional parts of years that you previously served as a Police Officer or Firefighter with the City of Longwood during a period of previous employment and fur which period accumu1ated contributions were withdrawn from the plan shall be added to your years of credited service provided that within the first 90 days of your reemployment you pay into the plan the withdrawn contributions with interest. · It: after 90 days from your reemployment you have failed to purchase credited service pursuant to the previous _paragraph or if you served as a full-time paid Police Officer for any other municipa~ collllty or state law enforcement department or as a Firefighter fur any other municipa~ county, state or special district fire department, in the State ofFlorida , you will receive credited service only if (a) You contribute to the plan a sum equal to: (i) the amollllt that you would have contributed to the plan, based on your salary and the member. contribution rate in effect at the time that the credited service is requested, had you been a member of the plan fOr the years or fractional parts of years fur which you are requesting credit, plus (n) an additional amollllt to be detennined by the Board's actuary so that there is no cost to the plan in giving you the additional years of credited service, plus (ill) the amollllt charged by the actuary fur detennining the amollllt you rrrust contnbute. (b) Multiple requests to purchase credited service may be made at any time prior to retirement. (c) Payment of the required amollllt shall be made within 6 months of your request fur credit, but not later than your retirement date, and shall be made in one 1mnp sum payment upon receipt of which credited service shall be given (d) The maximmn credit llllder this subsection for service other than with the City of Longwood, when coinbined with credited service purchased for Military Service Prior to Employment shall be 5 years of credited service and shall count fur all pmposes, except vesting and eliglbility for not- in-line of duty disability bene·fits. There shall be no 8 242 (2) (3) maximum purchase of credit for prior service with the City of Longwood and such credit shall count for all purposes, including vesting. (e) In no event, however, may credited service be purchased pursuant to this sub section for prior service with any other municipa~ county or state Jaw enforcement department or special district fire department, if such prior service forms or will form the basis of a retirement benefit or pension from a different employer's retirement system or plan (f) In addition to service as a Firefighter in this State, credit may be purchased in the same manner as provided above for federal, other state, county or municipal service if the prior service is recognized by the Division of State Fire. Marsha~ as provided under Chapter 633, Florida Statutes, or you provide proof to the Board that such service is equivalent to the service required to meet the definition of a Firefighter .. (g) In addition to service as a Police Officer in this State, credit may be purchased in the same manner as provided above for federa~ other state, county or municipal service if the prior service is recognized by the Criminal Justice Standards and Training Commission within the Department of Law Enforcement, as provided under Chapter 943, Florida Statutes, or you provide proof to the Board that such service is equivalent to the service required to meet the definition of a Police Officer. · "Buy-Back" ofTime Lost Due to Absences Authorized by the Family and Medical Leave Act. If you are absent on unpaid leave under the Family & Medical Leave Act, you may purchase lost credited service by making an actuarially determined contribution to the plan, such that there is no cost to the plan in allowing such credited service, within strict time periods provided for in the plan document. ''Buy-Back" for Military Service Prior to Employment. The years or fractional parts of years that you serve or have served on active duty in the military service ofthe Armed Forces ofthe United States, the United States Merchant Marine or the United States Coast Guard, voluntarily or involuntarily and honorably or under honorable conditions, prior to first and initial employment with the City Police or Fire Department shall be added to your years of credited service provided that: (a) You contribute to the plan a sum equal to: (i) the amount that you would have contributed to the plan, based on your salary and the member contribution rate in effect at the time that the credited service is requested, had you been a member of the plan for the years or fractional parts of years for which you are requesting credit, plus (ii) an additional amount to be determined by the Board's actuary so that there is no cost to the plan in giving you the additional years of credited service, plus 9 243 (4) (b) (c) (d) (fu) the ammmt charged by the actuary fur determining the amount you must contribute. Multiple requests to purchase credited service may be-made at any time prior to retirement. Payment of the required amount shall be made within 6 months of your request for credit, but not later than your retirement date, and shall be made in one lump sum payment upon receipt of which credited service shall be given The maximum credit under this subsection, when combined with credited service purchased fur prior police officer or :firefighter service with an employer other than the City of Longwood shall be 5 years and shall count fur all pmposes except vesting and eligibility for not-in-line of duty disability benefits. Rollovers or Transfers ofFunds to Purchase Service. In the event you are eligible to purchase additional credited service as provided above, you may be eligible to rollover or transfer fimds from another retirement program in which you participate (traditional IRA, deferred compensation plan maintained by a government employer 457 plan, 40lk plan, profit sharing plan, defined benefit plan, money purchase plan, annuity plan or tax sheltered annuity) in order to pay all or part of the cost of purchasing such additional credited service. J. Contributions and Funding. The City is paying the portion of the cost of the pension plan over and above your contributions and all or a portion of the amounts received from the state insurance rebates, pursuant to a mutual consent agreement between the City and the Unions. You contribute 1% of your salary to the plan Your contribution will be excluded from your gross income fur withholding pmposes so you will realize income tax benefits. K. Maximum Benefits. In no event will the annual benefits paid from this plan exceed $220,000 annually, subject to certain cost of living adjustments and actuarial reductions, under certain circumstances, prior to age 62 as set forth in Section 415 of the Internal Revenue Code. I Ifyou began participation for the first time on and after January 1, 1980, you cannot receive a benefit in excess of 100% of your average final compensation If you began participation prior to this date, you are not subject to the 1 00% limitation L. Forfeiture ofPension If you are convicted of the certain crimes listed in the plan docmnent committed prior to retirement, or if your employment is terminated by reason of your admitted commission, aid or abetment of these crimes, you shall forfeit all rights and benefits under the plan, except fur the return of your contributions as of the date of your termination M. Conviction and Forfeiture; False, Misleading or Fraudulent Statements. It is unlawful for you to willfulo/ and knowingly make, or cause to be made, or to assist, conspire with, or urge another to make, or cause to be made, any·fulse, fraudulent, or misleading oral or written statement or withhold or conceal material infOrmation to obtain any benefit from the plan If you violate the previous paragraph, you commit a misdemeanor of the first degree, punishable as provided in Section 775.082 or Section 775.083, Florida Statutes. In addition to any applicable criminal penahy, upon conviction for a violation descnbed above, you or your beneficiary may, in the discretion of the Board, be required to furfeit the right to receive any or all benefits to which you would otherwise be entitled under the plan For 10 244 purposes of this subsection, "conviction" means a detennination of guilt that is .the result of a plea or tria~ regardless of whether adjudication is withheld. N. Claims Procedure Before the Board. You may request, in writing, that the Board review any claim fur benefits tmder the plan The Board will review the case and enter a decision as it deems proper within not more than 180 days from the date of the receipt of such written request, or in the case of a disability claim, from receipt of a medical release and completed interrogatories. The time period may be extended if you agree to the extension The Board's decision on your claim will be contained in an order which will be in writing and will include: (1) (2) (3) The specific reasons for the Board's action; A description of any additional infOrmation that the Board feels is necessary for you to perfect your claim; An explanation of the review procedure next open to you which includes a formal evidentiary heamg. 4. NON-FORFEITURE OF PENSION BENEFITS A. Liquidation ofPension Ftmd Assets. In the event ofrepea~ or if contributions to the plan are discontinued by the City, there will be a :full vesting ofbenefits accrued to date of repeal B. Interest of Members in Pension Fund. At no time prior to the satisfuction of all liabilities tmder the plan shall any assets of the plan be used for any purpose other than for the Police Officers and Firefighters' exclusive benefit. In any event, your contributions to the plan are non-forfeitable. 5. VESTING OF BENEFITS Your retirement benefits are vested after 5 years of credited service. 6. APPLICABLE LAW The plan is governed by certain federal, state and local laws, including, but not limited to the following: A. B. c. D. E. Internal Revenue Code and amendments thereto. Chapters 175 and 185, Florida Statutes, 'Municipal Police Officers' and Firefighters' Retirement Trust Ftmds". Part VII, Chapter 112, Florida Statutes, "Actuarial Sotmdness of Retirement Systems". Ordinances of the City ofLongwood. Administrative rules and regulations adopted by the Board of Trustees. 7. PLAN YEAR AND PLAN RECORDS The plan year begins on October 1 of each year and ends on September 30 of the following year. All records of the plan are maintained on the basis of the plan year. 11 245 8. APPLICABLE PROVISIONS OF COLLECTIVE BARGAINING AGREEMENTS There are cUrrent collectiVe bargaining agreements between the City and the Police Officers and Firefighters. Pension benefits are bargainable. 9. FINANCIAL AND ACTUARIAL INFORMATION A. A report of pertinent financial and actuarial information on the solvency and actuarial smmdness of the plan is attached as Exhibit 'B". B. A copy of the detailed accmmting report of the plan's expenses fur the previous fiscal year is available for review upon request to the Plan Administrator. · C. A copy of the administrative expense budget for the plan, fur each fiscal year is available for review upon request to the Plan Administrator. 10. DIVORCE OR DISSOLUTION OF MARRIAGE Federal and state law provides certain restrictions regarding the payment of your pension benefits in the event of your divorce or dissolution of marriage. Immediately upon your involvement in such a legal proceeding, you should provide a member of the Board with the name and address of your attorney or your name and address if you have no attorney. The Board's attorney will then provide you or your attorney with infurrnation concerning the legal restrictions regarding your pension benefits. . In addition, a copy of any proposed order must be submitted to the Board prior to entry by the court. Faihrre to do so may require you to pay any expenses incurred by the Board in correcting an improper court order. · 11. EX-SPOUSES AS BENEFICIARY OR JOINT PENSIONER The Florida Legislature has adopted Section 732.703, Florida Statutes. This law nullifies the designation ofyour ex-spouse as a Beneficiary or Joint Annuitant I Joint Pensioner on yourpensionplanretirementbenefits. This law went into effectonJuly 1, 2012. After July 1, 2012, if you want your ex-spouse to be a beneficiary or joint annuitant/joint pensioner fur your plan benefit, you will have to make that designation AFTER the dissolution of marriage. If you currently have an ex-spouse as a beneficiary or joint annuitant/joint pensioner, and want to keep this designation, you will have to designate the ex-spouse again after July 1, 2012. To reconfirm your current beneficiary, or to designate a new beneficiary, complete a new Designation ofBeneficiary Form (PF-3). To reconfirm your current joint annuitant/joint pensioner, or to designate a new joint annuitant/joint pensioner (if authorized by the current plan provisions), indicate such change on a Change or Confirmation of Designated Joint Anmritant or Joint Pensioner Form (PF-25). If necessary, the plan administrator will submit the new furm to the actuary of the plan for recalculation of your benefit. There may be a charge to you to make this change. . To obtain either of the above furms, or if you have any questions, please contact your plan administrator. 12 246 12. EXCLUSION OF HEALTH INSURANCE PREMIUMS FROM INCOME. When you retire because of disability or have worked to the date you are immediately eligible for normal retirement (not early retirement), you can elect to exclude from income, distributions made from your benefit that are used to pay the premiums for accident or health insurance or long-term care insurance. The premitnn can be for coverage for you, your spouse, or dependents. The distribution must Q.e made directly from the plan to the insurance provider using pension form PF-22 wlrich authorizes the distribution (This form may be obtained from your plan administrator) You can exclude from income th~ smaller of the ammmt of the insurance premitnns or $3,000.00. You can only make this election for ammmts that would otherwise be included in your income. dmllongwoodlpfl08-21-18.spd 13 247 EXIITBIT II A II BOARD OF TRUSTEES. The names and addresses ofthe members ofthe Board.ofTrustees are: Chairman: Gregory J. Vanatta Vice- 175 W. WarrenAvenue Longwood,FL 32750 Chairman: Robert Redditt 175 W. WarrenAvenue Longwood,FL 32750 Secretary: Robert Gibson 175 W. WarrenAvenue Longwood,FL 32750 • Member: Kevin Little 175 W. WarrenAvenue Longwood,FL 32750 Member: Johnnie Richardson 175 W.-WarrenAvenue • Longwood, FL 32750 PLAN ADMINISTRATOR Ms. Michelle Longo, CMC City Clerk, City ofLongwood Longwood Police Officers' and Firefighters' Penion Trust Fund 175 W. WarrenAve. Longwood, FL 327 50-4106 Business: 407-260-3446 mlongo@longwoodfl.org 14 248 EXHIBIT B City/Di~trict Name: Longwood Current actuarial valuation date: 10/1/2015 Employee group(s) covered: ·· Pollee And Fire Date prepared: 2/13/20.18 Number of plan participants: 91 GASB 67 Reporting Actuarial Value of Plan Assets (AVA): $9,649,781 Discount Rate 9.08% Actuarial Accrued Liability (AAL): $9,740,434 Total Pension Liability 6,795,670 Unfunded Accrued Liability (UAL): Market Value of Plan Assets · 9,968,473. $90,653 Net Pension Liability -3,172,803 Market Value of Plan Assets (MVA): $11,919,195 GASB 67 Funded Ratio 146.69% MVA Funded Ratio (5-year history): Averages for all phms with 2015 currentactuarial valuation da_te Current valuation 122.37% 1 yearprior 110.27% 2 years prior 108.12% 3 years prior 101.49% 4 years prior . 82.33% Rate of Actuarial Value, Actual (2015 Plan Year) ··0,10% Return: Market Value, Actual -0.08% Assumed 7.00% Funding requirement as percentage of payroll:· 21.85%• Percentage ofpayroll contributed by employee: 1.00% Benefit Formula Description: · AFC Averaging Period (years): 3.00% X AFC X SC 3 Employees covered by Social Security? ·. Yes Additional aCtuarial disclosures required by sectiori ·112.664, Florida Statutes: Years Market assets Florida Value of Net sustain .. Statute Discount Pension ·Plan Perision benefit Chapter. Rate Liability Assets Liability payments 112.664(1 )(a) 9.08% 7,374,284: 9,649,781 -2,275,497 34.65 112.664(1.)(b) 7.08% 9,985,045 9,649,781' 335,264 24.30·. . Valuation Basis 9.08% N/A N/A N/A 24.28 . . . 87.00%· * 88.76% * 83.76% * 81.15% * 69.97% * 5.62% -0.01% 7.33% .46.83% ..•. 5.8.9% ** Total . Total Dollar· %of Pay Contribution Contribution . . . 129,005 4.36 715,711 24.17 669,852 22.62 . Link to annual financial statements: https:I/Www.rol.frs.state.fl.us/forms/LOC5340436PDF1 0012015N1.pdf · · · *Adjusted by excluding plans from average whose Funded Ratios were not within two standard deviations from the mean **Excludes plans with zero payroll (For expianation ofterms, see glossary on page Z) · 249 ·.Actuarial Summai'Y Fact Sheet-Glossai'Y of Terms Actuarial Value. of Plan Assets (AVA): Assets calculated under an asset valuation method smoothing the effects of volatility in market value of assets. Used to determine employer contribution. Actuarial Accrued Liability (AAL): Unfunded Accrued Liability (UAL): Portion ofPresent Value of Fully Projected Benefrts attributable to service credit earned as of the current actuarial valuation date. The difference between the actuarial accrued liability and the actuarial value of assets accumulated to finance the obligation. · Market Val~e of Plan Assets (MVA): The fair market value of assets, including DROP accounts. MVA Funded Ratio: Market Value of Plan Assets divided byActuarial Accrued Liability (GASB) ·Rate of Return (Assumed): Funding requirement as percentage of payroll: ·AFC: SC: Florida Statute Chapter: Discount Rate:. Total Pension Liability: Net Pension Liability: Years assets sustain benefit payments: Total Dollar Contribution: Total% of Pay Contribution: Annual financial statements: . Assumed long-term rate of return on the pension fund assets. Total R-equired Contribution (employer and employee) diyided by total payroll of active participants Average Final Compensation or some variant of compensation (e.g., AME [Average Monthly Earnings], FAC .[Final Average Compensation], FMC [Final Monthly Compensation] etc.)· Service Credit Section .112.664 ... Glossai'Y of Terms · 112.664(1)(a)-uses mortality tables used in either otthe two most recently published FRS valuation reports; with projection scale for mortality improvement 112.664(1)(b)-uses same mortality assumption as 112.664(1)(a) but using an assumed discount rate equal to 200 basis points (2.00%) less than plan's .assumed rate of return. Valuation Basis ... uses all the assumptions in the plan's valuation as of the current actuarial valuation date; · · · Rate used to discount the liabilities: Typically the same as assumed rate of · return on assets. · Actuarial Accrued Liability measured using the appropriate assumptions as . specified above and the Traditional Individual Entry Age Normal Cost Total Pension Liability.minus Market Value of Plan Assets. ·Assuming no· future contributions from any source, the number of years the market value of assets will sustain payment of expected retirement benefits. The nL,Jmber of years will vary based ori the Florida Statute Chapter assumption. Required contribution from all sources (i.e., employee and sponsor). Contribution_ will vary based on the Florida Statute Chapter assumption. Total DollarContribution divided by total payroll of active participants A report issued which covers a local government retirement system or plan . to satisfy the financial reporting requirements of section 112.664(1), F.S. 250 Page 1 of 3 RETIREMENT PLAN AND TRUST FOR THE FIREFIGHTERS AND POLICE OFFICERS OF THE CITY OF LONGWOOD SUMMARY PLAN DESCRIPTION Plan Trustee Florida Municipal Pension Trust Fund Plan Administrator Florida Municipal Pension Trust Fund P.O. Box 1757 Tallahassee, FL 32302-1757 Plan Plan representing the Chapter 175 Municipal Firefighters and Chapter 185 Municipal Police Officers Pension Trust Fund Effective Date January 1, 1996 Plan Year Twelve (12) month commencing on October 1st and ending September 30th. Eligibility All full-time firefighters and police officers when hired shall become a participant after the effective date. Salary Total cash remuneration, excluding overtime in excess of 300 hours per year after the effective date of the first collective bargaining agreement that comes into effect after June 30, 2011, excluding payments for extra duty or special detail work performed on behalf of a second party employer, and excluding lump sum payments for accrued annual leave and sick leave; annual compensation in excess of $200,000 (as indexed) is excluded in accordance with IRC s401(a)(17). Credited Service Total number of years and fractional parts of years of service as a Participant during which the Participant made required contributions to the Plan omitting intervening years of fractional parts of years when such Participant is not employed by the Employer. Final Monthly Compensation One-twelfth of the average salary of the three (3) best years of the last ten (10) years of credited service prior to retirement, termination, or death, or the career average as fulltime Police Officer or Firefighter, whichever is greater. Purchase of Prior Service Any time prior to retirement a participant can buy back past service for full-time services served as a Police Officer or Firefighter with the City or any other Municipal, county or state law enforcement department or special fire district in the State of Florida. Military service can also be purchased. Normal Retirement Date The first day of the month coincident with, or next following attainment of age 50 and 5 years of service or earlier attainment of 25 years of service. 251 Page 2 of 3 Normal Retirement Benefit The Monthly retirement benefit shall be equal to the number of years of credited service multiplied by 3% and multiplied by final monthly compensation. Normal Form of Benefit The normal form of benefit is a ten (10) year certain and life annuity. Termination of Service Benefit If a member terminates before completing 5 years of credited service all contributions are returned. After the completion of 5 years of credited service, any member who elects to leave their contributions in the fund will receive their accrued benefit at their normal retirement date. Disability - (On-Duty) Firefighter - A member deemed to be totally and permanently disabled from service connected injury or disease will receive the greater of monthly pension equal to 50% of average monthly salary at the time of disability or an amount equal to the accrued retirement benefit, but calculated with a 2% accrual rate. Police Officer - A member deemed to be totally and permanently disabled from service connected injury or disease will receive the greater of monthly pension equal to 50% of average monthly compensation as of his disability retirement date or an amount equal to the accrued retirement benefit, but calculated with a 2% accrual rate. Disability - (Off-Duty) Firefighter - After ten years of service, a member deemed to be totally and permanently disabled from non-service connected injury or disease will receive the greater of monthly pension equal to 25% of average monthly salary at the time of disability or an amount equal to the accrued retirement benefit, but calculated with a 2% accrual rate. Police Officer - After ten years of service, a member deemed to be totally and permanently disabled from non-service connected injury or disease will receive the greater of monthly pension equal to 25% of average monthly salary at the time of disability or an amount equal to the accrued retirement benefit, but calculated with a 2% accrual rate. Death Benefit prior to Vesting If a member dies prior to retirement and he is not vested, his beneficiary shall receive a refund of one hundred percent (100%) of the members accumulated contributions. Additionally, a Lump Sum benefit of $50,000.00 will be paid to the member’s beneficiary. Death Benefit after Vesting If a member dies prior to retirement and he is vested, his beneficiary shall receive a benefit payable for 10 years otherwise payable to the member. Additionally, a Lump Sum benefit of $50,000.00 will be paid to the member’s beneficiary. Employee Contributions All participants contribute 1% of his salary. Financial and Actuarial Information Financial and Actuarial Information can be found at http://www.dms.myflorida.com/human_resource_support/retirement/local_retirement_plans/local_retireme nt_section/actuarial_summary_fact_sheets 252 Page 3 of 3 Forfeiture of Pension 1. Any Member who is convicted of the following offenses committed prior to Retirement, or whose employment is terminated by reason of his admitted commission, aid or abetment of the following specified offenses, shall forfeit all rights and benefits under this System except for the return of his accumulate contributions as of the date of termination. Specified offenses are as follow: A. The committing, aiding or abetting of an embezzlement of public funds; B. The committing, aiding or abetting of any theft by a public officer or employee from employer; C. Bribery in connection with the employment of a public officer or employee; D. Any felony specified in Chapter 838, Florida Statutes; E. The committing of an impeachable offense; F. The committing of any felony by a public officer or employee who willfully and with intent to defraud the public or the public agency, for which he acts or in which he is employed, of the right to receive the faithful performance of his duty as a public officer or employee, realizes or obtains or attempts to obtain a profit, gain, or advantage for himself or for some other person though the use or attempted use of the power, rights, privileges, duties or position of his public office or employment position; or G. The committing on or after October 1, 2008, of any felony defined in Section 800.04, Florida Statutes, against a victim younger than sixteen (16) years of age, or any felony defined in Chapter 794, Florida Statues, against a victim younger than eighteen (18) years of age, by a public officer or employee through the use or attempted use of power, rights, privileges, duties, or position of his or her public office or employment position. 2. Conviction shall be defined as an adjudication of guilt by a court of competent jurisdiction; a plea of guilty or a nolo contendere; a jury verdict of guilty when adjudication of guilt is withheld and the accused is places on probation; or a conviction by the Senate of an impeachable offense. 3. Court shall be defined as any state or federal court of competent jurisdiction which is exercising its jurisdiction to consider a proceeding involving the alleged commission of a specified offense. Prior to forfeiture, the Board shall hold a hearing on which notice shall be given to the Member whose benefits are being considered for forfeiture. Said Member shall be afforded the right to have an attorney present. No formal rules of evidence shall apply, but the Member shall be afforded a full opportunity to present his case against forfeiture. 4. Any Member who has received benefits from the System in excess of his Accumulated Contributions after member’s rights were forfeited shall be required to pay back the Fund the amount of the benefits received in excess of his Accumulated Contributions. The Board may implement all legal action necessary to recover such funds. Conviction and Forfeiture: False, Misleading or Fraudulent Statements 1. It is unlawful for a person to willfully and knowingly make, or cause to be made, or to assist, conspire with, or urge another to make, or cause to be made, any false, fraudulent, or misleading oral or written statement to withhold or conceal material information to obtain any benefit from the System. 2. A person who violates subsection1 commits a misdemeanor of the first degree, punishable as provided in Section 775.082 or Section 775.083, Florida Statutes. 3. In addition to any applicable criminal penalty, upon conviction for a violation described in subsection1, a Member or Beneficiary of the System may, in the discretion of the Board, be required to forfeit the right to receive any or all benefits to which the person would otherwise be entitled under the System. For purposes of the subsection, “conviction” means a determination of guilt that is the result of a plea or trail, regardless of whether adjudication is withheld. This summary was designed only to give you a brief description of the benefits provided and does not include all the provisions or exclusions in the Plan Document. Employees should not rely on this information in making retirement decisions. If this outline disagrees with the Plan Document in any way, the Plan Document will govern. 253 254 255 256 257 258 259 260 261 262 263 264 265 266 267 268 269 270 271 272 273 274 275 276 277 278 279 280 281 282 283 284 00996298-1 SUMMARY PLAN DESCRIPTION City of Winter Springs Retirement Plan Winter Springs, Florida Revised May 1, 2018 Prepared by: James Linn, Esq. Glenn Thomas, Esq. Lewis, Longman, & Walker, P.A. 315 S. Calhoun St, Suite 830 Tallahassee, Florida 32301 (850) 222-5702 285 00996298-1 ii TABLE OF CONTENTS (1) General ...........................................................................................................................1  (2) Identification of Plan ......................................................................................................1  (3) Type of Plan ...................................................................................................................1  (4) Plan Administrator .........................................................................................................1  (5) Trustee/Trust Fund .........................................................................................................1  (6) Hours of Service ............................................................................................................2  (7) Eligibility to Participate .................................................................................................3  (8) Employer’s Contribution ...............................................................................................3  (10) Normal Retirement Pension ...........................................................................................3  (11) Accrued Benefit .............................................................................................................5  (12) Vesting ...........................................................................................................................5  (13) When you Receive Your Accrued Benefit Under the Plan ............................................6  (14) Optional Forms of Payment. ..........................................................................................8  (15) Forfeiture of Certain Benefits ......................................................................................10  (16) Required Distributions .................................................................................................10  (17) Special Options After You Reach Normal Retirement Age ........................................11  (18) Death and Disability Benefits ......................................................................................11  (20) Claims Procedure .........................................................................................................12  (21) Retired Participant, Separated Participant with Vested Benefit, Beneficiary Receiving .....................................................................................................................12  (22) Federal Income Taxation of Benefits Paid ...................................................................13  (23) Obtaining Additional Plan Information .......................................................................13  286 00996298-1 SUMMARY PLAN DESCRIPTION (1) General. The legal name, address and Federal employer identification number (“EIN”) of the Employer are: City of Winter Springs 1126 East State Road 434 Winter Springs, FL 32708 EIN 59-1026364 The Employer has established this retirement plan (“Plan”) to supplement your income upon retirement. In addition to the retirement benefits, the Plan may provide benefits in the event of your death or your termination of employment prior to Normal Retirement Age. If after reading the summary you have any questions, please ask the Plan Administrator. We emphasize this summary is a highlight of the more important provisions of the Plan. If there is a conflict between a statement in the summary plan description and the Plan, the terms of the Plan control. (2) Identification of Plan. The Plan is known as: The City of Winter Springs Retirement Plan The Plan year is the period on which the Plan maintains its records: October 1 through September 30. (3) Type of Plan. The Plan is a defined benefit pension plan. Under this type of plan, a participant who retires after reaching the Normal Retirement Date will receive a monthly pension based on a formula that reflects years of service, average compensation and a benefit multiplier. Section (10) explains the benefit formula. (4) Plan Administrator. The Employer is the Plan Administrator. The Employer’s telep hone number is (407) 327-1800. You may contact the City Manager or the Human Resource Coordinator at the Employer’s address. The Plan Administrator is responsible for providing you and other participants information regarding your rights and benefits under the Plan. The name of the person designated as agent for the service of legal process upon the Plan is: Kevin Smith City Manager City of Winter Springs 1126 East State Road 434 Winter Springs, FL 32708 (5) Trustee/Trust Fund. The Employer has appointed a Retirement Committee to act as Trustee and assist in the administration of the Plan. The Retirement Committee has the responsibility for making certain discretionary determinations under the Plan, and approving all distribution and benefit payments from the trust fund to participants and beneficiaries. The 287 00996298-1 2 Retirement Committee consists of the members of the Board of Trustees. The members of the Retirement Committee may change from time to time. The names of the current members of the Retirement Committee are listed on an Appendix at the end of this summary plan description. The Board of Trustees’ address is: The Board of Trustees of the City of Winter Springs Retirement Plan 1126 East State Road 434 Winter Springs, FL 32708 (6) Hours of Service. The Plan and this summary plan description include references to hours of service. For example, to advance on the vesting schedule, the Plan requires you to complete a minimum number of hours of service during the plan year. The section covering vesting explains this aspect of the Plan. However, hours of service has the same meaning for all purposes of the Plan. The Plan utilizes the “actual” method for crediting hours of service. Under the actual method, you will receive credit for each hour for which the Employer pays you, directly or indirectly, or for which you are entitled to payment, for the performance of your employment duties. You also will receive credit for certain hours during which you do not work if the Employer pays you for those hours, such as paid vacation. You will further receive credit for certain unpaid leaves of absence authorized by the Employer under a uniform, nondiscriminatory policy under which the Employer specifically credits hours of service for such unpaid leaves of absence. If an employee’s absence from employment is due to maternity or paternity leave, the employee will receive credit for unpaid hours of service related to his leave, not to exceed 501 hours. The Plan administrator will credit these hours of service to the first period during which the employee otherwise would incur a 1-year break in service as a result of the unpaid absence. You can also purchase up to five years of service credit in increments of 12 months, to be used only for the purpose of determining the amount of the Member’s benefit. The purchased service will not count towards any vesting requirements. See Plan Administrator for details. A Member who performs “Qualified Military Service” will receive credited service for all purposes, including vesting, for the years or parts of a year the member performed such service. “Qualified Military Service” includes voluntary or involuntary service in the armed forces of the United States after separation from employment with the City, to perform training or service. To receive credit, the following legal requirements apply, according to the Uniformed Services Employment and Reemployment Rights Act (USERRA):  The Employee must return to his employment with the City within one (1) year after military discharge or release from active service.  The Employee is entitled to reemployment under the provisions of USERRA.  The Employee must contribute the amount he or she would have contributed if employment would have continued during the period he was absent due to Qualified Military Service. 288 00996298-1 3 Contributions must be made by the earlier of a period equal to three (3) times the period of absence or five (5) years.  The maximum amount of credited service for military service is five (5) years.  If an Employee dies on or after January 1, 2007 while performing Qualified Military Service, the Employee’s beneficiaries are entitled to any benefits the Employee would have been entitled to had he or she resumed employment and then died while employed. (7) Eligibility to Participate. You do not have to complete any form for entry into the Plan. Unless you are excluded, you will become a Participant on the first day of the month immediately following 30 days from your first day of employment. Employees hired after October 1, 2011 who are not employed as a police officer or forensic professional are excluded from participation in the Plan. Those employees will participate in the City’s defined contribution plan. Other excluded employees include those whose customary weekly employment is less than 32 hours. A participant who becomes an excluded employee does not accrue benefits attributable to the period he is excluded, but will receive credit for vesting. An excluded employee who is not a plan participant but becomes eligible will become a participant immediately upon satisfaction of eligibility conditions, and years of service during the period the employee was excluded will be credited for vesting. If you are employed as a police officer or forensic professional and you terminate employment after becoming a Participant in the Plan and later return to employment, you will re-enter the Plan on your re-employment date. If you are a participant of this Plan who is not employed as a police officer or forensic professional and you terminate employment, upon reemployment you will not participate in this Plan. You will participate in the City’s defined contribution plan. Also, if you are a police officer or forensic professional and you terminate employment after satisfying the Plan’s eligibility conditions but before actually becoming a participant in the Plan, you will become a participant in the Plan on the later of your scheduled entry date or your reemployment date. A police officer or forensic professional who was hired on or after December 1, 2017 can elect to opt out of participation in this Plan and enroll in the City’s defined contribution plan instead. An election to participate in the defined contribution plan is final. Once the choice is made it cannot be reversed. The election must be made in writing on a form that will be provided by the City. If no election is made, police officers and forensic professionals will participate in this Plan. (8) Employer’s Contribution. For each plan year, the Employer must contribute to the Trust an amount the Plan’s actuary determines is necessary to fund retirement benefits under the Plan. (9) Employee’s Contribution. Employees contribute 5% of compensation to the retirement plan. Employee contributions are “picked up” by the City (i.e., they are deducted from the employee’s pay and paid to the retirement plan in pre-tax dollars). (10) Normal Retirement Pension. The Plan defines the Normal Retirement Pension as an amount payable every year in the normal form of annuity starting at your Normal Retirement Date 289 00996298-1 4 (age 65). Also, a member with 30 years of credited service who is determined to be disabled will also be eligible for a Normal Retirement Pension. The “normal form of annuity” is a life annuity, meaning an annuity that makes payments during your lifetime. The amount payable under the Normal Retirement Pension for participants who are not employed as police officers, firefighters or forensic professionals, is 3% of Average Compensation (as defined below) multiplied by Years of Accrual Service for service earned before October 1, 2011 and 2.5% of your Average Compensation multiplied by Years of Accrual Service earned on and after October 1, 2011. The amount payable under the Normal Retirement Pension for police officers, firefighters and forensic professionals is 3% of Average Compensation multiplied by all Years of Accrual Service. Your pension will be adjusted for any distribution in accordance with Article 5 of the Plan. The maximum number of Years of Accrual Service taken into account in the normal retirement pension is 30. See the illustration below for an example of the calculation of your Normal Retirement Pension. Your average compensation is the average of the highest 5 consecutive plan years of Compensation out of the 10 plan years immediately preceding termination of employment. However, your final Average Compensation will not be less than your Average Compensation computed as of September 30, 2011. A compensation period is the 12-month period ending on the last day of the plan year. If you have less than 5 years of employment with the Employer, your average compensation is the average over your entire employment period. The Plan defines compensation, as it applies to compensation earned prior to October 10, 2011, to mean all the compensation the Employer pays you for your services. Your regular salary or wages, any overtime, any commissions or any bonuses are part of your compensation under the Plan. Compensation earned on and after October 10, 2011 includes base salary, up to 150 hours of overtime earned in a plan year.In addition, the maximum annual salary incentive is included in compensation for police officers. All other forms of compensation are excluded. Your Normal Retirement Pension may be subject to a maximum limitation provided by the Internal Revenue Code. The Internal Revenue Service annually announces any adjustment to the maximum limitation. Example of calculation of Normal Retirement Pension. Example 1: For Members who are not employed as a police officer or forensic professional: Assume you reach the Normal Retirement Date and retire on October 1, 2018, your average Final Compensation at retirement is $30,000 and you have 30 Years of Accrual Service at your Normal Retirement Date credited as follows: 23 years of service prior to October 1, 2011 and 7 years of service on or after October 1, 2011. Under these circumstances, your annual Normal Retirement Pension, payable in the form of a life annuity, would be $25,950, computed as follows: Credited Serviced Prior to October 1, 2011: 290 00996298-1 5 $ 30,000 (your average compensation) x 3.0% (the Plan’s annual accrual percentage) x 23 (your Years of Accrual Service) $ 20,700 (your annual Normal Retirement Pension for service before 10/01/11) Credited Serviced on or after October 1, 2011: $ 30,000 (your average compensation) x 2.5% (the Plan’s annual accrual percentage) x 7 (your Years of Accrual Service) $ 5,250 (your annual Normal Retirement Pension for service after 10/01/2011) Total annual Normal Retirement Pension under this Example: $25,950 Example 2: For Members who are employed as a police officer or forensic professional. Assume you reach the Normal Retirement Date and retire on October 1, 2018, your average compensation at retirement is $30,000 and you have 30 Years of Accrual Service at your Normal Retirement Date. Under these circumstances, your annual Normal Retirement Pension, payable in the form of a life annuity, would be $27,000, computed as follows: $30,000 (your average compensation) x 3.0% (the Plan’s annual accrual percentage) x 30 (your Years of Accrual Service) $27,000 (your annual Normal Retirement Pension) As indicated above, the above examples assume you begin receiving benefit payments on your Normal Retirement Date in the normal form of annuity (i.e., a life annuity). However, as explained in Section (13), you may begin commencement of benefit payments after your Normal Retirement Date and as explained in Section (14), you may elect to have your benefits paid in a form other than a life annuity. Under either of these circumstances, the amount of benefits calculated in the above Examples will change. (11) Accrued Benefit. If you qualify for a Pension from the Plan, the Plan Administrator will calculate that Pension from your Accrued Benefit. Your Accrued Benefit is the portion of the Normal Retirement Pension you have earned under the Plan. The portion of the Normal Retirement Pension you have earned depends upon your period of service credited by the Plan. The Plan refers to this period of service as your Years of Accrual Service. You will receive credit for a Year of Accrual Service for each plan year (including plan years prior to the adoption of the Plan) in which you receive credit for at least 1,000 hours of service. (12) Vesting. When the Plan pays you your benefits, you will receive only your Vested Accrued Benefit. Your Vested Accrued Benefit is the portion of your Accrued Benefit in which you have 291 00996298-1 6 earned a vested right (ownership) under the Plan’s vesting schedule. The Plan will determine your Vested Accrued Benefit according to the following schedules: Vesting schedule prior to October 1, 2011 Years of Service Nonforfeitable Percentage Less than 3 None 3 20% 4 40% 5 60% 6 80% 7 or more 100% Vesting schedule effective October 1, 2011 Years of Service Nonforfeitable Percentage Less than 7 None 7 or more 100% A year of vesting service means each plan year (including plan years prior to the adoption of the Plan) in which you complete 1000 hours of service, except years of service prior to age 18. However, if you incur a vesting break in service (as defined below), you will lose credit for your prior years of vesting service, unless you complete a subsequent year of vesting service. Further, if you are 0% vested and you incur 5 consecutive vesting breaks in service, you lose credit for your prior years of vesting service. Members are always 100% vested in their contributions. Following termination of employment Members are entitled to receive a return of Member contributions to the money purchase plan that were made before October 1, 2000. The contributions of vested members that are made on or after October 1, 2000 will not be refunded upon termination—those contributions will be included in the Member’s deferred vested benefit, which is payable at normal retirement. The contributions made by members who are not eligible for a deferred vested benefit will be refunded to the member upon request following termination of employment. (13) When you Receive Your Accrued Benefit Under the Plan. When you receive your Accrued Benefit depends on when you terminate your employment with the Employer and the circumstances of your termination. The following paragraphs explain the different types of Pensions under the Plan. A reference to the “lump sum value” of your Pension means the single sum determined by the Plan to equal the actuarial value of your Accrued Benefit payable at your Normal Retirement Date (or at your current age, if later). The Plan specifies actuarial assumptions for this purpose. The actuarial assumptions consider your life expectancy, the number of years remaining to your Normal Retirement Date and a reasonable rate of return expected on Plan investments. 292 00996298-1 7 (a) Normal Retirement Pension. The Plan refers to your Pension as a Normal Retirement Pension if you terminate employment with the Employer after reaching your Normal Retirement Date. Payment of your Normal Retirement Pension begins as soon as possible after you terminate employment with the Employer. If you begin payments after your Normal Retirement Date, the Plan increases the amount of your Pension because at an older age a person is expected to live for a shorter period. The increased payment will equal the actuarial value of the Pension the Plan would have paid you at your Normal Retirement Date. The Plan’s actuary will calculate these adjustments to the Pension based on the actuarial assumptions stated in the Plan. (b) Deferred Vested Pension. The Plan refers to your Pension as a Deferred Vested Pension if you terminate employment with the Employer before reaching your Normal Retirement Date or before your eligibility for an Early Retirement Pension. See Section (16) for further information on distributions. If you begin payments after your Normal Retirement Date, the Plan increases the amount of your Pension because at an older age a person is expected to live for a shorter period. The increased payment will equal the actuarial value of the Pension the Plan would have paid you at your Normal Retirement Date. The Plan’s actuary will calculate these adjustments to the Pension based on the actuarial assumptions stated in the Plan. (c) Early Retirement Pension. If you were a Plan member on September 30, 2011 and you are at least age 55 and you had completed at least 10 Years of Accrual Service, or if you have completed at least 25 Years of Accrual Service (regardless of your age), you are eligible for an Early Retirement Pension. If you were hired after September 30, 2011 and you are at least 55 years of age and you have completed at least 15 Years of Accrual Service or if you have completed 25 Years of Accrual Service (regardless of your age), you are eligible for an Early Retirement Pension. The Plan commences payment of your Early Retirement Pension as soon as possible after you become eligible for the Early Retirement Pension (and subsequent to your termination of employment). You may elect to postpone payment of your Early Retirement pension to the first day of any month subsequent to your termination of employment. Any postponement of distributions is subject to the distribution requirements of Section (16). Your Early Retirement Pension is a subsidized benefit. If you begin payments after age 55, your Early Retirement Benefit is not reduced because of commencement of benefit payments prior to your Normal Retirement Date. Thus, your benefit payment amounts after age 55 would be the same as if you commenced benefit payments at your Normal Retirement Date. However, if you commence your Early Retirement Pension payments prior to age 55, the Plan reduces the amount of your Pension to the actuarial equivalent of your Early Retirement Pension commencing at age 55. If you delay the commencement of your Early Retirement Pension to after your Normal Retirement Date, the Plan will increase the amount of your Pension. The Plan’s actuary will calculate these adjustments to the Pension based on the actuarial assumptions stated in the Plan. If you were a member of the Plan on September 30, 2011 and have credit for at least 10 Years of Accrual Service, but less than 15 Years of Accrual Service, the actuary will determine the amount of your 293 00996298-1 8 Early Retirement Pension benefit by adding the amount of your Accrued Benefit earned as of September 30, 2011 without reduction for early commencement, to the amount of your Accrued Benefit earned after September 30, 2011 with actuarial reduction for early commencement. If the present value of your early retirement benefit is $1,000 or less, you will receive your entire benefit in one lump sum payment once you are eligible for an early retirement benefit. If the present value of your early retirement benefit is greater than $1,000 but does not exceed $3,500, you can request that your benefit be paid in a lump sum, to be paid when you are eligible for an early retirement benefit. If you don’t request a lump sum payment, your early retirement benefit will be paid in accordance with the Plan’s Early Retirement Pension provisions. The one-time lump sum payment represents the entire benefit to which you are entitled under the Plan. Once you receive a lump sum payment of your early retirement benefit, you will not receive any future payments from the Plan. When you elect to begin receiving a pension, the Plan Administrator will provide you a form explaining your election rights. You will have at least 30 days to make your election. Your Pension may not actually commence on the date you elect. The Plan has an administratively reasonable period of time to make payment following your election. If you fail to make an election, the Plan will commence payment under the “Required Distribution” rules described in Section (16). (14) Optional Forms of Payment. Unless you elect another form of benefit before your benefit payments begin, you will receive a Qualified Joint and Survivor Annuity. This is an actuarially adjusted benefit that provides a reduced monthly Pension for your lifetime plus a survivor Pension for your spouse (if your spouse is living at your death) equal to 50% of your lifetime monthly Pension. If you are not married when your Pension commences, the Qualified Joint and Survivor Annuity is a life annuity, meaning a monthly Pension for your lifetime with no survivor Pension continuing after your death. Since the Qualified Joint and Survivor Annuity pays a benefit for two lifetimes if a participant is married, the Plan reduces the amount of the monthly Pension payable to a married participant. This reduction makes the actuarial value of the Qualified Joint and Survivor Annuity for a married participant equal to the actuarial value of a life annuity for an unmarried participant. Instead of the Qualified Joint and Survivor Annuity, you may elect any of the following payment options. (a) Life annuity. A life annuity is a monthly payment for your lifetime. If you are unmarried, the Qualified Joint and Survivor Annuity already is a life annuity. If you are married, the life annuity option would increase your monthly lifetime Pension since this option makes payments only for your life and not also for your spouse’s life. (b) Joint and Survivor annuity. If you are married, you may use this option to elect a survivor Pension equal to 100% instead of 50% of your lifetime Pension under the 294 00996298-1 9 Qualified Joint and Survivor Annuity. Since the 100% survivor Pension is more costly, the Plan would reduce the amount of your monthly lifetime Pension to make the value of this option equal to the value of your normal Qualified Joint and Survivor Annuity. If you are unmarried, you may use this option to provide a survivor Pension to your beneficiary equal to 50%, 75% or 100% of your lifetime Pension. The Plan would adjust the amount of an unmarried participant’s monthly lifetime Pension to make the actuarial value of this option equal to the actuarial value of a life annuity. (c) Life annuity with guaranteed payment. This option pays a monthly lifetime Pension, but guarantees a minimum number of payments. The minimum number of payments may not exceed your life expectancy or the joint life expectancy of you and your beneficiary. If you die before the minimum payment period, your beneficiary receives the remaining payments. The Plan would adjust the amount of the monthly lifetime Pension to make the actuarial value of this option equal to the actuarial value of a life annuity. (d) Installments. This option makes payments over a fixed period of time equal to your life expectancy or the joint life expectancy of you and your beneficiary. The Plan would limit the annual amount of the fixed period payments so the actuarial value is the same as the actuarial value of a life annuity. Any Member may from time to time designate, in writing, any person or persons, as beneficiary. The Retirement Committee will prescribe the form for the written designation of Beneficiary and, upon the Member's filing the form with the Retirement Committee, the form effectively revokes all designations filed prior to that date by the same Member. In the absence of spousal consent to the Member's Beneficiary designation, any waiver of the qualified joint and survivor annuity or of the preretirement survivor annuity is not valid. If a Member fails to name a Beneficiary in accordance with Section 11.01, or if the Beneficiary named by a Member predeceases him, then the Trustee will pay the death benefit in accordance with Article 5 in the following order of priority to: (a) The Member's surviving spouse; (b) The Member's surviving children, including adopted children, in equal shares; (c) The Member's surviving parents, in equal shares; or (d) The legal representative of the Member's estate. If the Beneficiary does not predecease the Member, but dies prior to distribution of his share of the Member's entire death benefit, the remaining death benefit will be paid to the Beneficiary's estate unless the Member's Beneficiary designation provides otherwise. If you are married, you may not elect an optional form of payment instead of the Qualified Joint and Survivor Annuity unless your spouse consents in writing. The Plan Administrator will provide you a form-explaining the Qualified Joint and Survivor Annuity, your election rights for optional forms of payment and your spouse’s consent rights. You will have at least 30 days to make your election. 295 00996298-1 10 (15) Forfeiture of Certain Benefits. If you are not 100% vested in your Accrued Benefit, and you receive payment of your entire Vested Accrued Benefit, the Plan forfeits your Non-vested Accrued Benefit. If you return to employment with the Employer, you may restore your forfeited benefit by repaying the full amount of your distribution plus interest. You must make the repayment no later than 5 years after your reemployment date or you lose your right to restore the forfeited benefit. You also lose your right to restore the forfeited benefit if you incur 5 consecutive vesting breaks in service as a result of your termination of employment with the Employer. The interest rate on your payment depends on an interest rate index published by the Internal Revenue Service. Upon your reemployment with the Employer, you may request the Plan Administrator to explain your repayment option. Pension benefits may also be forfeited because of a violation of law in connection with your employment with the City. Section 112.3173 Florida Statute governs the forfeiture of pension benefits of public officers and employees who are convicted of certain specified offenses. Any public employee who is “convicted” of a specified offense committed prior to retirement, or whose office or employment is terminated by reason of his or her admitted commission, aid, or abetment of a specified offense, must forfeit all rights and benefits under a public retirement system of which he or she is a member, except for the return of his or her accumulated contributions as of the date of termination. “Convicted” includes an adjudication of guilt; a plea of guilty or of nolo contendere (no contest); a jury verdict of guilty when adjudication of guilt is withheld and the accused is placed on probation; or a conviction by the Senate of an impeachable offense. Your pension benefits may still be forfeited even without an actual conviction if you are terminated from employment as the result of your admission of a specified offense. Benefits to members who have retired from employment are still subject to forfeiture if the specified offense is committed prior to retirement. If you are retired and receiving pension benefits which are later forfeited, you will be required to repay any benefits you have already received. A "specified offense" for purposes of the Florida law includes: (i) embezzlement of public funds; (ii) theft by a public officer or employee from his or her employer; (iii) bribery in connection with employment; (iv) certain felonies involving bribery or misuse of public office; (v) committing an impeachable offense; (vi) commission of a felony to obtain profit or advantage through the use of a public office or employment; and (vii) commission of lewd or lascivious offenses against certain victims by a public officer or employee through the use of his or her public office or employment. (16) Required Distributions. If you are not still employed with the Employer when you reach your Normal Retirement Age, the Plan must commence payment of your Pension no later than 60 days after the close of the plan year in which you attain Normal Retirement Age, unless you elect a later commencement date. If you have attained Normal Retirement Age when you terminate employment with the Employer, the 60-day period runs from the close of the plan year in which you terminate employment. The law, with limited exceptions, also requires you to commence payment of your Normal Retirement Pension, if you have not already done so, after you reach age 70 ½, unless you are still 296 00996298-1 11 employed with the Employer at that time. You must start payment by April 1 of the calendar year following the calendar year you reach age 70 ½ or in which you retire (whichever occurs later). (17) Special Options After You Reach Normal Retirement Age. The Plan does not include any special options merely because you continue working for the Employer after your Normal Retirement Age. (18) Death and Disability Benefits. Whether the Plan pays a benefit after your death depends on whether your death occurs before or after your Pension commences. If your death occurs after your Pension commences, your beneficiary will receive a death benefit only if payments continue after your death under the form of distribution you are receiving. See the explanation in Section (14) of the different forms of payment. If your death occurs before your Pension commences, the Plan provides a death benefit to your beneficiary equal to the value of your Accrued Benefit. If you are married, the Plan will pay your death benefit to your surviving spouse in the form of a Preretirement Survivor Annuity, which is a life annuity payable to your surviving spouse. However, unless you elected otherwise (and your spouse consented to such election), your spouse may elect to receive payment in any optional form of payment described in Section (14) (other than any type of joint and survivor annuity). However, if the lump sum value of the Preretirement Survivor Annuity is $1,000 or less, the Plan will pay your surviving spouse a single sum equal to that lump sum value. If the lump sum value of the Preretirement Survivor Annuity is greater than $1,000 but less than $3,500, the Plan will pay your surviving spouse a single sum equal to that lump sum value only if you elected such option in writing. The Preretirement Survivor Annuity benefit does not apply if you and your surviving spouse have not been married during the one-year period ending on your date of death. With the spouse’s consent, you may elect not to have this death benefit payable under the Plan. The Plan Administrator will provide you information explaining the Preretirement Survivor Annuity and your election rights. If the Preretirement Survivor Annuity does not apply, the Plan permits your designated beneficiary to receive the death benefit under any optional form of payment described in Section (14) (other than any type of joint and survivor annuity), unless the participant elected otherwise. In general, death benefits under the Plan will commence as soon as administratively practicable after the participant’s death. Generally, the Plan must distribute the death benefit by the end of the 5th calendar year following your death. However, as indicated above, a designated beneficiary may receive distributions over a period not exceeding his life expectancy, but only if benefit payments commence within one year of the participant’s death. A designated beneficiary is an individual designated by you as your beneficiary. The Plan Administrator will provide you with the appropriate form for naming a beneficiary. 297 00996298-1 12 The Plan does not provide disability benefits. If you suffer from a physical or mental condition which prevents you from performing your job duties you may be eligible for disability benefits under the City's long term disability program. (19) Amendment and Termination of the Plan. The Employer has the right to amend the Plan in any manner, or terminate the Plan entirely. If the Employer terminates the Plan, you would receive benefits under the Plan based on your Accrued Benefit as of the date of Plan termination. Termination of the Plan could occur before you reach Normal Retirement Age. If the Employer terminates the Plan, your Accrued Benefit becomes 100% vested. The fact the Employer has established this Plan does not confer any right to future employment with the Employer. You also may not assign your interest in the Plan to another person or use your Plan interest as collateral for a loan from a commercial lender. (20) Claims Procedure. You generally need not file a formal claim with the Plan Admi nistrator in order to receive your benefits under the Plan. When an event occurs which entitles you to a payment of your benefits under the Plan, or if an election of a benefit is required, the Plan Administrator will notify you. However, if you disagree with the Plan Administrator’s determination of the amount of your benefits under the Plan or with any other decision the Plan Administrator may make regarding your interest in the Plan, the Plan contains the appeal procedure you should follow. In brief, if you or your beneficiary believe a benefit calculation is incorrect, you or your beneficiary may file with the Retirement Committee a written claim for benefits. The Plan Administrator will notify you in writing within 60 days if your claim for benefits has been denied, setting forth specific reasons for the denial and referring you or your beneficiary to the pertinent provisions of the Plan supporting the Plan Administrator’s decision. If you or your beneficiary disagrees with the Plan Administrator, you or your beneficiary, or a duly authorized representative, must appeal the adverse determination in writing to the Retirement Committee within 75 days after the receipt of the notice of denial of benefits. If you or your beneficiary fails to appeal a denial within the 75- day period, the Plan Administrator’s determination will be final and binding. If you or you beneficiary appeals to the Retirement Committee, you or your beneficiary, or a duly authorized representative, must submit the issues and comments you or your beneficiary feels are pertinent to permit the Retirement Committee to re-examine all facts and make a final determination with respect to the denial. The Retirement Committee, in most cases, will make a decision within 60 days of a request on appeal unless special circumstances would make rendering a decision within the 60-day period unfeasible. In any event the Retirement Committee must renter a decision within 120 days after its receipt of a request for review. (21) Retired Participant, Separated Participant with Vested Benefit, Beneficiary Receiving Benefits. If you are a retired participant or beneficiary receiving benefits, you are entitled to the benefits that were in effect on the date your City employment terminated. The benefits you presently are receiving will continue in the same amount and for the same period provided in the form of payment selected at the time you retired. If you are a separated participant with a Vested Accrued Benefit, you may obtain a statement of the dollar amount of your Vested 298 00996298-1 13 Accrued Benefit upon request of the Plan Administrator. There is no Plan provision which reduces, changes, terminates, forfeits, or suspends the benefits of a retired participant or of a beneficiary receiving benefits, or a separated participant’s Vested Accrued Benefit, except as explained in Section (19). (22) Federal Income Taxation of Benefits Paid. Retirement benefits that you receive upon reaching your Early or Normal Retirement Date are generally reported as taxable income. The Federal tax laws permit you to defer Federal income taxation of certain distributions by making a “rollover” contribution to your own individual retirement account. In general, the only type of distribution available under the plan that qualifies for “rollover” treatment is a lump sum distribution, which is only available under very limited circumstances. Income tax withholding rules apply to some distributions you do not rollover directly to an individual retirement account or to another plan. At the time you receive a distribution, you also will receive a notice discussing withholding requirements and the options available to you. We emphasize you should consult your own tax adviser with respect to the proper method of reporting any distribution you receive from the Plan. (23) Obtaining Additional Plan Information. Any member of the Plan or a beneficiary can examine copies of the plan description, this Plan and Trust, financial documents of the Plan or any other document related to the Plan and its administration during reasonable business hours. A reasonable fee may be charged to the requesting person for copies. 299 00996298-1 APPENDIX Retirement Committee / Board of Trustees Chairperson David Withee Vice-Chairperson Robin Paris Board Member Stephen Krohn Board Member Barbara Watkins Vacancy This page revised May 17, 2018. 300 00996298-1 Required Financial Information 301 00996298-1 ACKNOWLEDGMENT OF RECEIPT OF SUMMARY PLAN DESCRIPTION OF THE City of Winter Springs Retirement Plan For Employees of the City of Winter Springs, Florida I hereby acknowledge receipt of a copy of the Summary Plan Description (“SPD”) on the above plan. I received a copy of the SPD on the date indicated below. Dated: Social Security Number Participant’s Name – Printed Signature of Participant 302