HomeMy WebLinkAbout2019 11 18 City Commission Regular Meeting Agenda.pdfCITY COMMISSION REGULAR MEETING AGENDA1959 MONDAY, NOVEMBER 18, 2019 AT 6:30 PM CITY HALL- COMMISSION CHAMBERS 1126 EAST STATE ROAD 434, WINTER SPRINGS, FLORIDA CALL TO ORDER Roll Call Invocation Pledge of Allegiance Agenda Changes AWARDS AND PRESENTATIONS 100. Update on the Cross Seminole Trail 101.UCF Incubator Update 102.Flag Presentation, Boy Scouts 103. 2019 Girls High School State Champions INFORMATIONAL AGENDA 200,,, Current Community Development Projects Summary Attachments: None PUBLIC INPUT Anyone who wishes to speak during Public Input on any Agenda Item or subject matter will need to fill out a Public Input"form. Individuals will limit their comments to three (3)minutes, and representatives of groups or homeowners'associations shall limit their comments to five (5) minutes, unless otherwise determined by the City Commission. CONSENT AGENDA 300,,, Surplus Assets Attachments: 2 iraf pis Assc, l5;0`l 30II„FY2019 Final Budget Amendment Attachments: l,bcrso ulion 2019?? G knckrol l ,i,ncll:&u uckl 302` Award ofAFPO7-19KM Landscape Maintenance Services Attachments: Addckndurn I Addckndurn 2 Bid 1(sbukilion. 303,, Engineering Services for Priority Aepeirs at City Wastewater Treatment Plants Attachments: 304. Minutes from the Mondey. October 14. 2019 City Commission Aegu|er Meeting Attachments: Md]u1cks PUBLIC HEARINGS AGENDA 4100, The Community Development Department requests that the City Commission hold e Public Hearing to consider e Waiver for Northern (]eks, an approved 35 |otsing|e-ferni|y residential subdivision. Attachments: ViCinlil,y Mop REGULAR AGENDA 500` AevievvStatus of Winter Springs Aetirernent Aesidence, LL[ Development Agreement -The [ity[ornrnissionshould review the obligation contained in the Developer's Agreement, dated January 22. 2018. recorded in Seminole County Official Aecords Book 9105. Pages 264-276, to substantially commence construction of the development project within eighteen (18) months after the Agreement's recording and provide direction regarding e possible extension of the deadline ortermination of the Agreement. Attachments: 50]Waste Pro Contract Extension Attachments: 502,, Reappointment/Appointment Opportunities to the Bicycle and Pedestrian Advisory Committee, Board of Trustees, Code Enforcement Board, and the Parks and Recreation Advisory Committee Attachments: None REPORTS 600. City Attorney Anthony A. Garganese, Esquire 601. City Manager Shawn Boyle 602. City Clerk Andrea Lorenzo-Luaces, MMC 603. Seat Three Commissioner Ted Johnson 604. Seat Fou r Com m issioner TiAn na H a le 605. Seat Five Commissioner Geoff Kendrick 606. Mayor Charles Lacey 607. Seat One Commissioner Jean Hovey 608. Seat Two Commissioner/Deputy Mayor Kevin Cannon PUBLIC INPUT Anyone who wishes to speak during Public Input on any Agenda Item or subject matter will need to fill out a Public Input"form. Individuals will limit their comments to three (3)minutes, and representatives of groups or homeowners'associations shall limit their comments to five (5) minutes, unless otherwise determined by the City Commission. ADJOURNMENT PUBLIC NOTICE This is a Public Meeting, and the public is invited to attend and this Agenda is subject to change. Please be advised that one (1) or more Members of any of the City'sAdvisory Boards and Committees may be in attendance at this Meeting, and may participate in discussions. Persons with disabilities needing assistance to participate in any of these proceedings should contact the City of Winter Springs at (407) 327-1800 "at least 48 hours prior to meeting, a written request by a physically handicapped person to attend the meeting, directed to the chairperson or director of such board,commission,agency, or authority" - per Section 286.26 Florida Statutes. If a person decides to appeal any decision made bythe board,agency,or commission with respect to any matter considered at such meeting or hearing, he or she will need a record of the proceedings, and that, for such purpose, he or she may need to ensure that a verbatim record of the proceedings is made,which record includes the testimonyand evidence upon which the appeal is to be based" - per Section 286.0105 Florida Statutes.