HomeMy WebLinkAbout_2022 02 14 City Commission Regular Meeting Agenda.pdfCITY COMMISSION REGULAR MEETING AGENDA MONDAY, FEBRUARY 14, 2022 - 6:30 PM CITY HALL - COMMISSION CHAMBERS 1126 EAST STATE ROAD 434, WINTER SPRINGS, FLORIDA 1 CALL TO ORDER Roll Call Invocation Pledge of Allegiance Agenda Changes AWARDS AND PRESENTATIONS 100. Traffic Safety Study Update 101. Wastewater Treatment Process Selection WRF Treatment Process.pdf INFORMATIONAL AGENDA 200. Current Development Projects Summary 20220214 Agenda Item #200 Projects Summary.pdf 201. Draft Minutes of January Board/Committee Meetings January Board/Committee Minutes PUBLIC INPUT Anyone who wishes to speak during Public Input on any Agenda Item or subject matter will need to fill out a “Public Input” form. Individuals will limit their comments to three (3) minutes, and representatives of groups or homeowners' associations shall limit their comments to five (5) minutes, unless otherwise determined by the City Commission. CONSENT AGENDA 300. Well Pump repair and Maintenance Services Contract Rider, Contract Award Completed RFP-3864-21 Award Agreement (CCI).pdf Piggyback Rider Connect Consulting Inc..pdf 301. The Savoy (WS Town Center) Site Acceptance 20210214 The Savoy Exhibit A Site Acceptance Punchlist.pdf 302. Winter Springs Marketplace Partial (WS Town Center) Site Acceptance (Phase I) 20210214 Winter Springs Marketplace Exhibit A Partial Site Acceptance Punchlist.pdf 303. GIS Interlocal Agreement between Seminole County and the cities of Altamonte Springs, Casselberry, Lake Mary, Longwood, Oviedo, Sanford, Winter Springs, and the Property Appraiser GIS Interlocal - SC and All Cities 2 304. Approval of Minutes from the Monday, January 10, 2022 City Commission Regular Meeting Minutes 305. Approval of Minutes from the Monday, January 24, 2022 City Commission Regular Meeting Minutes PUBLIC HEARINGS AGENDA REGULAR AGENDA 500. Lake Jesup Reclaimed Water Augmentation Plant – Feasibility Analysis 2011 07 25 Public Hearing 502 Lake Jesup Reclaimed Plant FE.pdf 2011 08 22 Public Hearings 503 Lake Jesup.pdf Carollo Engineers, Inc. Agreement for Continuing Civil Engineeri (1).pdf Consent 206 7-11-11 Lake Jesup RWA.pdf Exhibit A City of Winter Springs Lake Jessup Reclaimed Water Augmentation Station – Feasibility Analysis January 2022.pdf 501. Discussion on Meeting Minutes Policy Resolution 2001-04 Minutes Policy 502. New Business REPORTS 600. City Manager Shawn Boyle 601. City Attorney Anthony A. Garganese 602. City Clerk Christian Gowan 603. Seat Three Commissioner Ted Johnson 604. Seat Four Commissioner TiAnna Hale 605. Seat Five Commissioner Rob Elliott 606. Mayor Kevin McCann 607. Seat One Commissioner Matt Benton 608. Seat Two Commissioner Kevin Cannon PUBLIC INPUT Anyone who wishes to speak during Public Input on any Agenda Item or subject matter will need to fill out a “Public Input” form. Individuals will limit their comments to three (3) minutes, and representatives of groups or homeowners' associations shall limit their comments to five (5) minutes, unless otherwise determined by the City Commission. ADJOURNMENT 3 PUBLIC NOTICE This is a Public Meeting, and the public is invited to attend and this Agenda is subject to change. Please be advised that one (1) or more Members of any of the City's Advisory Boards and Committees may be in attendance at this Meeting, and may participate in discussions. Persons with disabilities needing assistance to participate in any of these proceedings should contact the City of Winter Springs at (407) 327-1800 "at least 48 hours prior to meeting, a written request by a physically handicapped person to attend the meeting, directed to the chairperson or director of such board, commission, agency, or authority" - per Section 286.26 Florida Statutes. "If a person decides to appeal any decision made by the board, agency, or commission with respect to any matter considered at such meeting or hearing, he or she will need a record of the proceedings, and that, for such purpose, he or she may need to ensure that a verbatim record of the proceedings is made, which record includes the testimony and evidence upon which the appeal is to be based" - per Section 286.0105 Florida Statutes. 4 AWARDS AND PRESENTATIONS ITEM 101 CITY COMMISSION AGENDA | FEBRUARY 14, 2022 REGULAR MEETING TITLE Wastewater Treatment Process Selection SUMMARY This presentation is related to the December 13th, 2021 overview of the selection methodology the city is using to choose wastewater treatment processes and update on progress towards final selection. RECOMMENDATION 5 CITY OF WINTER SPRINGS Engineering Services for Wastewater Treatment Plant Conceptual Design February 14, 2021 6 00_SFWRF Kickoff Mtg Presentation_090519.pptxCarollo’s national expertise delivered locally 7 Filename.ppt/3Brian Graham, PE –Lead Process Engineer Orlando, FL •Over 30 years of experience with design and operation of advanced wastewater treatment systems •Specific expertise in biological nutrient removal, biosolids management, wastewater process modeling and facility operations •Past experience as licensed operator and as plant process engineer for 42 MGD wastewater treatment plant •Personal experience leads to focus on design and construction of operator-friendly facilities 8 Filename.ppt/4Scott Richards, PE –Project Manager / CSM Orlando, FL •19 years of experience with water/wastewater design •Florida native –entire career in Central Florida •Experience includes filtration systems, pumps, pipelines and treatment facilities •Hands-on engineer, committed to City 9 00_SFWRF Kickoff Mtg Presentation_090519.pptxProject Goals Provide New Wastewater Facilities that… •Are reliable •Operate efficiently •Meet current regulations (and able to achieve future regulations) •Align with the City’s growth and associated treatment needs •Emphasize and encompass City values How Do We Get There? •Planning •Design (Conceptual Final) −Currently in the Conceptual Design Phase •Permitting −Can commence after Preliminary Design (~10% design phase) •Procurement (contractor / equipment) •Construction 10 00_SFWRF Kickoff Mtg Presentation_090519.pptxTreatment Alternatives Screening Process For Each Plant, Review “Universe of Options” Technologies grouped by “Family” Initial Screening of Technologies Best Suited to Achieve Treatment Apply Structured Decision Analysis to Select Alternatives to Best Meet City’s Needs Prepare Conceptual Designs for the Shortlisted Technologies BENEFITS OF SCREENING PROCESS •Builds reliability and redundancy into system design •Provides an equal and comprehensive analysis of all available advanced treatment-capable technologies •Builds road map for two new wastewater facilities expedites preliminary design schedule •All-encompassing selection from many backgrounds (City selection team, not Consultant Engineer selected) ensures process integrity Applies City’s values with Carollo’s technical expertise to select best-suited treatment process 11 00_SFWRF Kickoff Mtg Presentation_090519.pptxSingle Sludge: •Multi-Stage −5-Stage Bardenpho −NDN Separation Cascade −BCFS −Step -Feed BNR −Membrane Bioreactor •Multi-Phase −BiodeniphoTM −Sequox© −SBR −MSBR AWT -Capable Technologies Ballasted Activated Sludge: •Aerobic Granular Sludge −NeredaTM •Ballasted Activated Sludge −BioMagTM −NuvodaTM Attached Growth: •Moving Bed −MBBR −IFAS ---“Representative Family Members” Note:Each alternative scored based on City-approved evaluation criteria 12 00_SFWRF Kickoff Mtg Presentation_090519.pptxCarollo’sTechnical Expertise Structured Decision Analysis: Overview City’s Values(well-balanced Selection Committee)Best-Suited Technology Alternatives Shortlisted Technologies Will be Produced *City’s Selection Committee participated in weighting exercise in January 2022 13 00_SFWRF Kickoff Mtg Presentation_090519.pptxStructured Decision Analysis: Evaluation Criteria Primary Evaluation Criteria 1 Sub-Criteria Established Technology •No. of installations in US and FL of similar capacity •Maturity of process technology Treatment Effectiveness •Ability to consistently meet FL AWT limits •Robustness of treatment •Redundancy and reliability Operability •Safe work environment, operational flexibility/complexity, staffing requirements •Community Acceptability •Process monitoring & control effectiveness •Chemical requirements •Maintenance requirements Constructability & Sequencing(Implementability) •Safe construction •Maintain plant operations and minimize shutdowns (phasing/sequencing) •Potential schedule impacts •Space requirements for construction •Permitting and OSHA/NFPA requirements Footprint & Flexibility for FutureUpgrades •Footprint required •Expandability •Adaptability for future regulations or effluent uses •Aesthetics (e.g., odor control, noise, and visual aesthetics) •Sustainability (e.g., energy use and solids handling) 1.Weighting determined via Paired Comparison exercise 14 00_SFWRF Kickoff Mtg Presentation_090519.pptxPaired Comparison Exercise –Emphasis on City’s Values Which criterion is more important to me in choosing an AWT process? vs. vs. vs. vs. Established Technology Established Technology Established Technology Treatment Effectiveness Treatment Effectiveness Operability Constructability Operability 15 00_SFWRF Kickoff Mtg Presentation_090519.pptxWeighting Results –Average of All City Participants SUMMARY STATISTICS Average Weight Average Median Min Score Max Score Established Technology 18%2.8 2.5 2 4 Treatment Effectiveness 23%3.5 3.5 3 4 Operability 30%4.5 4.5 4 5 Constructability & Sequencing (Implementability)17%2.5 2.5 2 3 Footprint and Flexibility for Future Upgrades 12%1.8 2.0 1 2 16 00_SFWRF Kickoff Mtg Presentation_090519.pptxProcess Selection Scoring Results 17 00_SFWRF Kickoff Mtg Presentation_090519.pptxProcess Selection Scoring Results Next Steps: For the top 2 scoring technologies, Carollowill provide… 1.Conceptual Site Layout2.Conceptual Cost Estimate (including Present Worth) City will select best-suited technology based on… Cost, Operability, Life Expectancy, Site Layout, Constructability, etc. 18 00_SFWRF Kickoff Mtg Presentation_090519.pptxBiological Nutrient Removal (BNR) 19 00_SFWRF Kickoff Mtg Presentation_090519.pptxBiological Nutrient Removal (BNR) Parameters Description Proprietary Process/Equipment None known. No sole-sourced or proprietary equipment required. National Experience/Success Many plants in Florida and elsewhere have been successfully using the CAS process for BNR. Process Reliability Reliable and well-proven in United States. Advantages •Consistently meets TN goal of 3 mg/L and TP goal of 1 mg/L. •Operations familiarity, does not require additional training. •Large local/national peer community available for Operations to reach out for troubleshooting. Drawbacks Requires larger footprint compared to other alternatives. Pre-Treatment Requirements Single-stage screening and grit removal. Operational Considerations Similar to current operations. Chemical Requirements •Possible use of alum or ferric chloride for phosphorus removal during process upsets. •Possible use of supplemental carbon depending on carbon to nitrogen ratio in the influent wastewater. Footprint Larger footprint required compared to alternative configurations. Residuals Management Increased WAS production due to nitrogen and phosphorus removal. However, increase is comparable to other treatment configurations. Energy Use Moderate energy use compared to other technologies. Ease of Expansion/Upgrade Expansion would require additional parallel trains. Impact on Neighbors Noise and odor comparable to other configurations. 20 00_SFWRF Kickoff Mtg Presentation_090519.pptxMembrane Bioreactor (MBR) 21 00_SFWRF Kickoff Mtg Presentation_090519.pptxMembrane Bioreactor (MBR) Parameters Description Proprietary Process/Equipment •Each membrane system is unique and proprietary. Competition has increased over recent years •The two available variations of the membranes are hollow fiber and flat plate configurations; Early selection and procurement is recommended. National Experience/Success Well established and largely successful technology with approximately 500 installations nationally and thousands of installations worldwide. Process Reliability Very reliable. Advantages •Consistently produces effluent of very high quality •Smaller footprint compared to CAS process, and the smallest footprint compared to all AWT process alternatives. •Process basin volume is reduced compared to CAS process as basins can operate at higher MLSS concentrations. •Eliminates secondary clarifiers and filtration processes; Highly automated process. •Helps with pre-positioning for future potable reuse options; Membrane systems have positive public perception since they are state of the art technologies. •Improves disinfection efficiency, thereby reducing required chlorine contact time compared to CAS process. Drawbacks •More mechanical equipment needed compared to CAS process thereby requiring more maintenance. •Higher energy required compared to CAS process; Chemical and scouring equipment to maintain membranes also results in increased energy cost. •Higher pumping required compared to CAS process. •Physical-hydraulic barrier at the membranes can cause a hydraulic bottleneck during wet weather flows. •Requires shift in operational strategies (e.g. towards automation, analyzers)possible challenge to operations staff. •Fine screenings will result in BOD loss at Primary Treatment stage while also requiring additional screenings material handling. Pre-Treatment Requirements Requires two staged screenings with perforated fine screens (< 2 mm) to remove fine solids such as hair and fibers. Operational Considerations •More mechanical equipment to maintain; Membrane process is typically automated;Periodic membrane cleaning required; Reliable access to membrane is key. Chemical Requirements •Higher chemical use compared to CAS process since sodium hypochlorite and citric acid are needed for chemical cleaning of membranes. •As-needed use of alum or ferric chloride to trim phosphorus. Footprint Smallest footprint required compared to other configurations and smallest footprint when compared to any other proven full-scale biological treatment technology. Residuals Management •WAS produced will be comparable to CAS process. •Total quantity of solids produced will be moderately higher compared to CAS since additional screenings material will be produced from fine screenings. Energy Use High energy consumption compared to CAS. Ease of Expansion/Upgrade •Expansion requires construction of additional process trains and membrane units. •Depending on initial design of process trains, upgrade and expansion of the MBRs can be modular and may only consist of adding additional membrane units or cassettes. Impact on Neighbors •Noise and odor comparable to CAS;Smaller footprint can allow for the MBRs to be enclosed;Positive influence on public perception since it is an advanced technology.22 00_SFWRF Kickoff Mtg Presentation_090519.pptxNext Steps Process Selection: •Detailed comparison of top 2 treatment options develop conceptual site layouts & cost estimates (Carollo) •Selection of best-suited technology (City) •Presentation (update) to City Commission of final recommendation –early March On-going activities: •Development of Conceptual Design Reports (CDR) •Support for continued operation of existing facilities, including reliability improvements, permitting, etc. 23 00_SFWRF Kickoff Mtg Presentation_090519.pptxThank You Questions? 24 INFORMATIONAL AGENDA ITEM 200 CITY COMMISSION AGENDA | FEBRUARY 14, 2022 REGULAR MEETING TITLE Current Development Projects Summary SUMMARY Staff is advising the City Commission of the status of current development projects within the City. RECOMMENDATION No action required. 25 Page 1 of 2 CURRENT DEVLEOPMENT PROJECTS SUMMARY PROJECT NAME LOCATION LAST ACTION ITEM CURRENT STATUS AITC Office Building 863 N US 17-92 N/A DA, Final Engineering & Aesthetic Plans are under Staff review. Chase Bank Town Center Community Workshop was held on 02/20/20 CUP and DA approved by the CC on 11/16/20. DA, Final Engineering, Waiver, & Aesthetic Plans approved by the CC 10/25/2021. Building Permits under review. Dream Finders Townhomes (Seminole Crossing): 114 Single-Family Homes (Attached) Town Center - East side of Michael Blake Blvd. DA, Final Engineering, Waivers, & Aesthetic Review approved by the CC on 12/09/2019. Final Plat approved by the CC on 09/28/20. Site acceptance complete on 07/12/2021. Single-Family Homes are under construction. Hickory Grove Townhomes 132 Single-Family Homes (Attached) Northeast of Bear Springs Drive and Blumberg Blvd A Non-Binding review was held at the CC on 02/25/2021. Community Workshop was held on 08/26/2021. DA, Final Engineering, Waivers, Variance, & Aesthetic Review scheduled for PZB on 02/10/22 and CC on 02/28/2022. Iriye Suites Live Work Community Town Center SE & DA approved by CC on 01/28/19. *Final Engineering and Aesthetic Plans The Studios at Tuscawilla Vistawilla Drive Community Workshop was held on 07/19/19. DA approved by the CC on 01/13/20. *Final Engineering, Aesthetic, & Waivers Tuskawilla Crossings: 379 Single-Family Homes (detached) Town Center DA, Final Engineering, Waivers, & Aesthetics approved by CC on 04/24/17. Plat approved 08/13/18. Site acceptance complete. Currently 371 Single-Family Homes are complete with 8 remaining lots. Winter Springs Medical Office E SR 434 Community Workshop was held on 08/13/19. DA, Final Engineering & Aesthetic Plans approved by the CC on 11/16/20. Site work started. Medical Office Building under construction. Site Acceptance Tentatively Scheduled for City Commission 02/28/22. 26 Page 2 of 2 Winter Springs Marketplace Five (5) Building Commercial Shopping Center SW Corner of SR 434 and Tuskawilla Road Community Workshop was held on 05/28/20. DA, Final Engineering, Waivers, & Aesthetic Review approved by the CC on 02/22/2021. Aesthetic Plans for Chipotle approved by the CC on 08/09/2021. Site work started. Aldi, Crunch Fitness, Dollar Tree, and Dental Buildings under construction. Partial Site Acceptance Scheduled for City Commission 02/14/22. Winter Springs Retirement Residence (The Savoy): 144 independent suites Town Center DA, Final Engineering, Waivers, & Aesthetic Review approved by CC on 01/22/18. Site work complete. Suites under construction. Site Acceptance Scheduled for City Commission 02/14/22. Winter Springs Town Center Retail Building (Ocean Bleu) Town Center Final Engineering & Aesthetic Plans approved by CC on 06/10/19. *Preconstruction Meeting For more information please click the link below: City of Winter Springs Community Development Projects List/Locations Notes: ADU = Accessory Dwelling Unit CC = City Commission CUP = Conditional Use Permit DA = Development Agreement PZB = Planning and Zoning Board SE = Special Exception *Currently Inactive 27 INFORMATIONAL AGENDA ITEM 201 CITY COMMISSION AGENDA | FEBRUARY 14, 2022 REGULAR MEETING TITLE Draft Minutes of January Board/Committee Meetings SUMMARY In January 2022, the following Boards and Committees held meetings: Tuscawilla Lighting and Beautification District Advisory Committee - January 19, 2022 Code Enforcement Board - January 25, 2022 RECOMMENDATION Staff recommends you review the Draft Unapproved Minutes. No action is required. 28 CITY OF WINTER SPRINGS, FLORIDA MINUTES TUSCAWILLA LIGHTING AND BEAUTIFICATION DISTRICT ADVISORY COMMITTEE REGULAR MEETING JANUARY 19, 2022 CALL TO ORDER Vice-Chairperson Ellen Paul called to order the Wednesday, January 19, 2022 Regular Meeting of the Tuscawilla Lighting and Beautification District Advisory Committee at 5:17 p.m. in the Commission Chambers of the Municipal Building (City Hall, 1126 East State Road 434, Winter Springs, Florida 32708). Roll Call: Chairperson Tom Vagnini, present via phone Vice-Chairperson Ellen Paul, present Committee Member Terri Bivona, present Committee Member Skip Arok, present Committee Member Sandy Scholl, present Assistant to the City Clerk Tristin Motter, present A moment of silence was followed by the Pledge of Allegiance. No changes were made to the Agenda. REGULAR AGENDA - PART I 500) Election for Chairperson of the Tuscawilla Lighting and Beautification District Advisory Committee for Calendar Year 2022 Mrs. Ellen Paul was nominated for Chairperson but declined the nomination. "I NOMINATE TOM VAGNINI FOR CHAIRPERSON." MOTION BY COMMITTEE MEMBER BIVONA. SECONDED BY COMMITTEE MEMBER AROK. DISCUSSION. VOTE: PAUL (AYE); BIVONA (AYE); SCHOLL (AYE); AROK (AYE); VAGNINI (AYE) MOTION CARRIED. 5-0 29 CITY OF WINTER SPRINGS, FLORIDA MINUTES TUSCAWILLA LIGHTING AND BEAUTIFICATION DISTRICT ADVISORY COMMITTEE REGULAR MEETING – JANUARY 19, 2022 PAGE 2 OF 4 PLANNING AND ZONING BOARD/LOCAL PLANNING AGENCY REGULAR MEETING | WEDNESDAY, JUNE 5, 2019 | PAGE 2 OF 4 501) Election for Vice-Chairperson of the Tuscawilla Lighting and Beautification District Advisory Committee for Calendar Year 2022 "I NOMINATE ELLEN [PAUL]." MOTION BY COMMITTEE MEMBER SCHOLL. SECONDED BY COMMITTEE MEMBER AROK. DISCUSSION. VOTE: AROK (AYE); SCHOLL (AYE); BIVONA (AYE); VAGNINI (AYE); PAUL (AYE) MOTION CARRIED. 5-0 AWARDS AND PRESENTATIONS 100) Not Used INFORMATIONAL AGENDA 200) First Quarter Fiscal Year 2022 Year-To-Date Expenditure Details Discussion ensued regarding taxes and specific line codes within the first quarter Tucawilla Lighting and Beautification District Expenditure Detail. Chairperson Vagnini suggested that the Committee should start discussing and looking into a possible rate increase for the assessment. The City Manager spoke in regards to inflation and gave a brief overview of the process that would take place if the Committee agrees to increase the taxes within the Tuscawilla neighborhood. Discussion followed on the timeframe and a Workshop regarding lighting changes (LED; street and Flag pole), infrastructure for irrigation system, and formulating a ten year plan. "MOTION THAT WE NEED A WORKSHOP ON FEBRUARY 24TH AT 5:15 PM." MOTION BY VICE-CHAIRPERSON PAUL. SECONDED BY COMMITTEE MEMBER AROK. DISCUSSION. VOTE: VAGNINI (AYE); PAUL (AYE); AROK (AYE); BIVONA (AYE); SCHOLL (AYE) MOTION CARRIED. 5-0 "I MOVE WE SET A SPECIAL MEETING FOR MARCH 23RD AT 5:15 PM." MOTION BY VICE-CHAIRPERSON PAUL. SECONDED BY COMMITTEE MEMBER SCHOLL. DISCUSSION. VOTE: SCHOLL (AYE); PAUL (AYE); VAGNINI (AYE); AROK (AYE); BIVONA (AYE) MOTION CARRIED. 5-0 30 CITY OF WINTER SPRINGS, FLORIDA MINUTES TUSCAWILLA LIGHTING AND BEAUTIFICATION DISTRICT ADVISORY COMMITTEE REGULAR MEETING – JANUARY 19, 2022 PAGE 3 OF 4 PLANNING AND ZONING BOARD/LOCAL PLANNING AGENCY REGULAR MEETING | WEDNESDAY, JUNE 5, 2019 | PAGE 3 OF 4 PUBLIC INPUT Mr. Shawn Boyle, City Manager relayed news about the East wastewater plant smell and the progress of current City efforts. Chairperson Vagnini questioned the lifespan of plants within the medians and if the PH within the water affected them. Staff addressed and answered the questions with how staff is combating the PH imbalance. Mr. Kevin Cannon, PO Box 195447, Winter Springs, thanked the committee for their work and time. Mr. Cannon relayed some issues observed with specific streetlights and their coverings as well as an issue with the pump on the north fountain. Mr. Ted Johnson, 1107 Pheasant Circle, Winter Springs, brought forth a concern with the signage at some of the entrance monuments, suggested it could be considered under the ten year plan, and spoke about switching lighting to LED on the large telephone poles. CONSENT AGENDA 300) Approval of the Wednesday, October 20, 2021 Tuscawilla Lighting and Beautification District Advisory Committee Regular Meeting Minutes. "I MOVE ACCEPT THE MINUTES OF THE OCTOBER 20TH MEETING." MOTION BY VICE-CHAIRPERSON PAUL. SECONDED BY COMMITTEE MEMBER SCHOLL. DISCUSSION. VOTE: PAUL (AYE); AROK (AYE); BIVONA (AYE); VAGNINI (AYE); SCHOLL (AYE) MOTION CARRIED. 5-0 PUBLIC HEARINGS AGENDA 400) Not Used REGULAR AGENDA - PART II 502) Update on Fountain Project and Landscape Lighting Mr. Kevin Maddox, Landscape Manager, Operations Department gave an update on street lighting and repairs on a faulty transformer. Additionally he relayed that the flag pole was now fully lit by solar power lighting and informed the Committee about tree installation in the medians that would be taking place in the near future. 31 CITY OF WINTER SPRINGS, FLORIDA MINUTES TUSCAWILLA LIGHTING AND BEAUTIFICATION DISTRICT ADVISORY COMMITTEE REGULAR MEETING – JANUARY 19, 2022 PAGE 4 OF 4 PLANNING AND ZONING BOARD/LOCAL PLANNING AGENCY REGULAR MEETING | WEDNESDAY, JUNE 5, 2019 | PAGE 4 OF 4 Mr. Maddox then provided an update on the fountain resurfacing project and noted that the start date had been impacted by supply issues. The Committee gave thanks to Staff for their hard work. REPORTS PUBLIC INPUT Vice-Chairperson Paul opened “Public Input”. No one addressed the Committee Vice-Chairperson Paul closed “Public Input”. ADJOURNMENT Vice-Chairperson Paul adjourned the Regular Meeting at 6:34 p.m. RESPECTFULLY SUBMITTED: _____________________________________ TRISTIN MOTTER ASSISTANT TO THE CITY CLERK NOTE: These Minutes were approved at the _______, 2022 Tuscawilla Lighting and Beautification District Advisory Committee. 32 Code Enforcement Board | Regular Meeting | January 25, 2022 | Motion Summaries | Page 1 of 5 500. Case# 2019CE002583 530 Julie Lane Lisa J. Rambert WS City Ord. 20-142 Operating an guest and tourist home in a RC-1 zoning Zoning Uses Permitted within zoning for RC-1 Parcel ID: 11-21-30-3AG-1180-0000 Note: The Respondent was present. “I MOVE TO FIND THE RESPONDENT IN VIOLATION OF THE CITY CODE AND ORDER THAT REPSPONDENT BE GIVEN UNTIL 5:00 PM, JANUARY 27, 2022 TO CORRECT THE VIOLATION MEANING TO CANCEL REMAINING RESERVATIONS AND CEASE BOOKINGS OR HOLDINGS ON THE PROPERTY WITHIN FORTY- EIGHT (48) HOURS OF THE BOARD’S ORDER. IN THE EVENT THE RESPONDENT FAILS TO COMPLY BY THIS DATE A FINE IN THE AMOUNT OF TWO HUNDRED AND FIFTY DOLLARS ($250.00) SHALL BE IMPOSED EACH DAY THE VIOLATION CONTINUES THEREAFTER.” MOTION BY VICE CHAIRPERSON KAPROW. SECONDED BY BOARD MEMBER ROBINSON. DISCUSSION. VOTE: ROBINSON (AYE); KAPROW (AYE); CRISWELL (AYE); GILDEA (AYE) PARSONS (AYE); THOMSON (AYE) MOTION CARRIED 6-0. 33 Code Enforcement Board | Regular Meeting | January 25, 2022 | Motion Summaries | Page 2 of 5 502. Case# 2021CE 000429 618 David Street Charles R. Mcinturff Connie L. Mcinturff IPMC 304.7 Roofs and Drainage Parcel ID: 34-20-30-509-0300-0020 Note: The Respondent was not present. “I MOVE TO FIND THE RESPONDENT IN VIOLATION OF THE CITY CODE AND ORDER THAT REPSPONDENT BE GIVEN UNTIL FEBRUARY 28, 2022 TO CORRECT THE VIOLATION. IN THE EVENT THE RESPONDENT FAILS TO COMPLY BY THIS DATE A FINE IN THE AMOUNT OF TWO HUNDERED AND FIFTY DOLLARS ($250.00) A DAY SHALL BE IMPOSED FOR EACH DAY THE VIOLATION CONTINUES THEREAFTER.” MOTION BY BOARD MEMBER ROBINSON. SECONDED BY BOARD MEMBER GILDEA. DISCUSSION. VOTE: ROBINSON (AYE); KAPROW (AYE); CRISWELL (AYE); GILDEA (AYE) PARSONS (AYE); THOMSON (AYE) MOTION CARRIED 6-0. 34 Code Enforcement Board | Regular Meeting | January 25, 2022 | Motion Summaries | Page 3 of 5 504. Case# 2021CE000442 674 Venture Court Michael T. Boulet WS City Ord. 6-195 Maintenance of Fences Parcel ID: 01-21-30-5JJ-0000-6000 Note: The Respondent was not present. “I MOVE TO FIND THE RESPONDENT IN VIOLATION OF THE CITY CODE AND ORDER THAT REPSPONDENT BE GIVEN UNTIL FEBRUARY 28, 2022 TO CORRECT THE VIOLATION. IN THE EVENT THE RESPONDENT FAILS TO COMPLY BY THIS DATE A FINE IN THE AMOUNT OF TWO HUNDERED AND FIFTY DOLLARS ($250.00) A DAY SHALL BE IMPOSED FOR EACH DAY THE VIOLATION CONTINUES THEREAFTER.” MOTION BY BOARD MEMBER GILDEA. SECONDED BY BOARD MEMBER PARSONS. DISCUSSION. VOTE: ROBINSON (AYE); KAPROW (AYE); CRISWELL (AYE); GILDEA (AYE) PARSONS (AYE); THOMSON (AYE) MOTION CARRIED 6-0. 35 Code Enforcement Board | Regular Meeting | January 25, 2022 | Motion Summaries | Page 4 of 5 505. Case# 2021CE000519 209 North Alderwood Street Randy A. Marvin IPMC 304.7 Roofs and Drainage IPMC 304.2 Protective Treatment WS City Ord. 13-2(D) Dead Tree Parcel ID: 03-21-30-505-0D00-0130 Note: The Respondent was not present. “I MOVE TO FIND THE RESPONDENT IN VIOLATION OF THE CITY CODE AND ORDER THAT REPSPONDENT BE GIVEN UNTIL FEBRUARY 28, 2022 TO CORRECT THE VIOLATION. IN THE EVENT THE RESPONDENT FAILS TO COMPLY BY THIS DATE A FINE IN THE AMOUNT OF TWO HUNDERED AND FIFTY DOLLARS ($250.00) A DAY SHALL BE IMPOSED FOR EACH DAY THE VIOLATION CONTINUES THEREAFTER.” MOTION BY BOARD MEMBER PARSONS. SECONDED BY BOARD MEMBER THOMSON. DISCUSSION. VOTE: ROBINSON (AYE); KAPROW (AYE); CRISWELL (AYE); GILDEA (AYE) PARSONS (AYE); THOMSON (AYE) MOTION CARRIED 6-0. 36 Code Enforcement Board | Regular Meeting | January 25, 2022 | Motion Summaries | Page 5 of 5 600. Case# 2021CE000660 207 Bennett Street Kathleen M. Thomas WS City Ord. 20-434 Commercial Vehicles WS City Ord. 20-438 Vehicles Parked on Yard Original Hearing Date: April 27, 2021 Parcel ID: 34-20-30-509-0400-0170 Note: The Respondent was present. “I MOVE TO FIND THE RESPONDENT IN COMPLIANCE WITH THE CITY CODE AND THAT NO FINES SHALL BE IMPOSED.” MOTION BY VICE-CHAIRPERSON KAPROW. SECONDED BY BOARD MEMBER GILDEA. DISCUSSION VOTE: ROBINSON (AYE); KAPROW (AYE); CRISWELL (AYE); GILDEA (AYE) PARSONS (AYE); THOMSON (AYE) MOTION CARRIED 6-0. 37 CONSENT AGENDA ITEM 300 CITY COMMISSION AGENDA | FEBRUARY 14, 2022 REGULAR MEETING TITLE Well Pump repair and Maintenance Services Contract Rider, Contract Award SUMMARY The City utility operates three (3) well fields and eight (8) well pumps to supply ground water for treatment and conveyance. Maintaining these well fields requires periodic equipment evaluation, removal, maintenance, repair and replacement as well as static and dynamic well surveys, aquifer/pumping tests and water quality evaluations. In addition, field service is needed periodically for larger or difficult to handle equipment. The scope of work is dependent on the type of motor and pump. Seminole County, FL has a contract, awarded under RFP-3864-21/TAD to Connect Consulting Inc. outlines categories for different types of equipment and services representative of the well field. This contract will be utilized on an as needed basis, with each task order issued not to exceed $150,000. The City of Winter Springs staff evaluated the Seminole County, FL contract and determined that the contracts were advertised properly and the services are substantially similar in nature to the services required by the City of Winter Springs utility system. The vendor has signed contract riders allowing the City of Winter Springs to utilize the Seminole County, FL contracts and accepted the City of Winter Springs requirements. RECOMMENDATION Staff recommends the City Commission approve the contract rider to Connect Consulting Inc. Additionally, authorization for the City Manager and City Attorney is requested to prepare and execute any and all applicable contract documents consistent with this Agenda item. 38     39     40     41     42     43     44     45     46     47     48     49     50     51     52     53     54     55     56     57     58     59     60     61     62     63     64     65     66     67     68     69     70     71     72     73     74     75     76     77     78     79     80     81     82     83 Piggyback Rider City of Winter Springs and Connect Consulting, Inc. Page 1 of 5 PIGGYBACK RIDER – Connect Consulting, Inc. THIS “PIGGYBACK” RIDER AGREEMENT (“Agreement”) is made and entered into this _______ day of January, 2022, between the CITY OF WINTER SPRINGS, a Florida municipal corporation (“City”) and Connect Consulting, Inc., a Florida corporation authorized to transact business in the State of Florida, with principal offices located at 1210 Emmel Road, Lake Helen, Florida 32744, (“Contractor”). The City and the Contractor agree as follows: 1. The Purchasing Policies of the City of Winter Springs allow for “piggybacking” contracts. Pursuant to this procedure, the City is allowed to piggyback an existing government contract, and there is no need to obtain formal or informal quotations, proposals or bids. The parties agree that the Contractor has entered into a contract with Seminole County, Florida, and said contract being identified as: HYDROGEOLOGICAL AND WELL SERVICES AGREEMENT (RFP-3864-21/TAD), dated November 19, 2021 (said original contract being referred to as the “Original Government Contract”). 2. The Original Government Contract, including all associated Contract Documents and Exhibits and Attachments as defined in the Original Government Contract, is incorporated herein by reference and is attached as Exhibit “1” to this Agreement. All of the terms and conditions set forth in the Original Government Contract (Exhibit “1”) are fully binding on the parties and said terms and conditions are incorporated herein except to the extent expressly modified herein. 3. Notwithstanding the requirements that the Original Government Contract is fully binding on the parties, the parties have agreed to modify certain provisions of the Original Government Contract as applied to this Agreement between the Contractor and the City of Winter Springs, as follows: a) Notwithstanding anything in Exhibit “1” to the contrary, the following terms shall be substituted throughout the Original Government Contract: Seminole County = City of Winter Springs. All references to the “County Manager” shall = City of Winter Springs’s City Manager. b) Notwithstanding anything in Exhibit “1” to the contrary, specifically Section 2 of the Original Government Contract, the term of this Agreement with the City of Winter Springs shall take effect on the date of its execution by the City and Contractor and continue for the duration of the Original Government Contract, including any of the additional executed one (1) year terms by Seminole County and Contractor, or until all outstanding Purchase Order(s) issued prior to the expiration of the Agreement have been completed or terminated. . c) Section 1 – Services – Section 1 of the Original Government Contract shall be amended to provide that the City’s representative during the performance of this Agreement shall be the City Manager or his or her designee. d) Section 7 – Payments– Section 7(h) of the Original Government Contract shall be amended to provide that Invoices shall be submitted, referencing this contract and any Task Order to: City of Winter Springs Finance Department 1126 East State Road 434 84 Piggyback Rider City of Winter Springs and Connect Consulting, Inc. Page 2 of 5 Winter Springs, FL 32708 In addition, a new Section 7(j) is inserted into the Original Government Contract as follows: (j) The total amount billed to the City by the CONSULTANT for any single Task Order shall not exceed one-hundred and fifty-thousand dollars ($150,000.00) during the initial three-year term. Further, CONSULTANT acknowledges and agrees that the City is not required to and does not anticipate an estimated annual usage (or total task order billings per year) to equal $2,000,000.00 as advertised in the Original Government Contract. Rather, nothing in this Agreement requires the City to authorize any specific amount of tasks or any tasks at all. e) Section 19 – Insurance – Section 19 of the Original Government Contract shall be amended to require that Certificate Holder address shall read: City of Winter Springs Attn: Finance Department 1126 East State Road 434 Winter Springs, FL 32708 f) Section 18 - Indemnification – shall be amended to additionally require that, for purposes of Contractor’s indemnification obligation only, Contractor shall indemnify the City for claims made by the employees of Contractor against the City, and Contractor hereby waives its entitlement, if any, to immunity under Section 440.11, Florida Statutes. This waiver has been specifically and mutually negotiated by the parties. g) Section 20 – Dispute Resolution – shall be amended to provide that the County dispute resolution procedures for proper invoice and payment disputes set forth in Section 22.15, “Prompt Payment Procedures,” Seminole County Administrative Code, shall be utilized by the City, except that, if an improper payment request or invoice is submitted by CONSULTANT, the City shall have 10 days after the improper payment request or invoice is received to notify the CONSULTANT, in writing that the payment request or invoice was improper and indicate the corrective action on the part of the CONSULTANT that is needed to make the payment request or invoice proper, in accordance with the Local Government Prompt Payment Act, s. 218.76, Florida Statutes. Contract claims shall not be subject to the procedures of Section 3.5541, Seminole County Administrative Code. h) Section 22 – All Prior Agreements Superseded – is amended to include the following: The order of precedence will be this Piggyback Rider, the Original Government Contract, Original RFP, and Contractor’s Proposal. i) Section 27 – Public Records - is amended to additionally require that if Contractor fails to comply with this Section, and the City must enforce this Article, or the City suffers a third party award of attorney’s fees and/or damages for violating Chapter 119, Florida Statutes, due to Contractor’s failure to comply with this Section, the City shall collect from Contractor prevailing party attorney’s fees and costs, and any damages incurred by the City, for enforcing this Section against Contractor. And, if applicable, 85 Piggyback Rider City of Winter Springs and Connect Consulting, Inc. Page 3 of 5 the City shall also be entitled to reimbursement of all attorneys’ fees and damages which the City had to pay a third party because of the Contractor’s failure to comply with this Article. IF THE CONTRACTOR HAS QUESTIONS REGARDING THE APPLICATION OF CHAPTER 119, FLORIDA STATUTES, TO ITS DUTY TO PROVIDE PUBLIC RECORDS RELATING TO THIS AGREEMENT, CONTACT THE CUSTODIAN OF PUBLIC RECORDS AT: City Clerk, City of Winter Springs, 1126 East State Road 434, Winter Springs, FL 32708 or City-Clerk-Department@winterspringsfl.org or (407) 327-6560. j)Section 28 – Governing Law/Jurisdiction/Venue - Section 28 of the Original Government Contract shall be amended to provide that venue for any action arising out of or relating to this contract shall lie in Seminole County for state court actions and Orlando, Florida for federal court actions. k)Section 31 – Notices - Section 31 of the Original Government Contract shall be amended to provide that Notices to the City/Contractor shall be delivered to: City Manager City of Winter Springs, Florida 1126 East State Road 434 Winter Springs, FL 32708 Connect Consulting, Inc. Attn: David S. Robertson 1210 Emmel Road Lake Helen, FL 32744 Any Notice given as provided herein shall be deemed received as follows: if delivered by personal service, on the date so delivered; if delivered to an overnight courier service, on the business day immediately following delivery to such service; and if mailed, on the third business day after mailing. l)Section 34 – E-Verify System Registration and Use – is amended as follows: A.Pursuant to section 448.095, Florida Statutes, beginning January 1, 2021, CONSULTANT shall register with and use the U.S. Department of Homeland Security’s E-Verify system, https://e- verify.uscis.gov/emp, to verify the work authorization status of all employees hired on and after January 1, 2021. B.Subcontractors (i)CONSULTANT shall also require all subcontractors performing work under this Agreement to use the E-Verify system for any employees they may hire during the term of this Agreement. (ii)CONSULTANT shall obtain from all such subcontractors an affidavit stating the subcontractor does not employ, contract with, or subcontract with an unauthorized alien, as defined in section 448.095, Florida Statutes. (iii)CONSULTANT shall provide a copy of all subcontractor affidavits to the City upon receipt and shall maintain a copy for the duration of the Agreement. 86 87 Piggyback Rider City of Winter Springs and Connect Consulting, Inc. Page 5 of 5 Date: __________________________________ ATTEST: _______________________________________ Christian Gowan, City Clerk 88 CONSENT AGENDA ITEM 301 CITY COMMISSION AGENDA | FEBRUARY 14, 2022 REGULAR MEETING TITLE The Savoy (WS Town Center) Site Acceptance SUMMARY The approved (January 18, 2018) project, the Savoy (Winter Springs Retirement Residence by Hawthorn Development, LLC) is a 145 suite senior living facility located at the southeast corner of Michael Blake Boulevard and SR434 in the Town Center. The 4-story building has a footprint of approximately 40,000 square feet, with an overall size of approximately 130,000 square feet. The 144 private suites are independent living units that are similar to conventional dwelling units except they do not include kitchens. Suite sizes vary from 360 square feet to over 1,000 square feet for two- bedroom units. Onsite services include meal preparation (three per day), housekeeping, laundering, private bus transportation, and a variety of activities. All residents pay a monthly rent that covers the room, all services, and utilities. The completed project includes a connection to Michael Blake Blvd on the south side of SR434. The project includes onsite retention ponds, utilities, infrastructure w/water & sewer facilities, perimeter landscaping, irrigation, etc. This agenda item is for the conditional acceptance of the site improvements. The site work has been constructed in substantial compliance with the Final Engineering Plans approved by the City Commission, except as noted on the attached punch-list, Exhibit A. RECOMMENDATION Staff recommends the City Commission affirm Staff recommendation finding the site work to be built in substantial accordance with the Final Engineering plans, subject to satisfactory completion of the remaining open punch-list item(s). 89 CITY OF WINTER SPRINGS COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT DEPARTMENT 1126 East State Road 434 Winter Springs, Florida 32708 customerservice@winterspringsfl.org Project Closeout List for City Commission Final Site Acceptance 2022/02/14 Page 1 of 1 PROJECT: The Savoy - 80 Michael Blake Boulevard 1. Complete all site work and pass the final engineering inspection. Contact the Community Development Department at customerservice@winterspringsfl.org subject line “Site Acceptance”, your project name, to schedule a preliminary and/or final engineering inspection. The final inspection will occur after receipt of the record drawings from the engineer-of-record. • Construction Site Walk-through completed on November 8, 2021. 2. Submit a Bill of Sale for all infrastructure being turned over to the City for ownership and maintenance (streets, utilities, sidewalks, etc.). Use the City’s standard Bill of Sale form. Submit final document to the Finance Department. This includes the cost sheet. 3. Submit 2-Year Maintenance Bond, Letter of Credit, or Cash Escrow Deposit (10% of the value of the improvements to be owned and maintained by the City, as listed on the Bill of Sale) to the Finance Department. 4. Obtain Approvals from all City Departments and Seminole County Fire Department. 5. Submit FDOT Permit Certification and provide City copy of FDOT approval. 6. Submit a copy of the FDEP Water Permit Approvals to the City. Notes: • City Commission site acceptance (in the form of a consent agenda item at a regularly scheduled City Commission meeting) is required before a certificate of occupancy can be issued for any buildings • Agenda items for City Commission meetings must be prepared approximately three weeks prior to the meeting date. • If there are any questions, please email customerservice@winterspringsfl.org subject line “Site Acceptance”, and you project name. • Additional items to be completed prior to closeout (this is not a complete punch list): 1. Complete Valve Boxes and Collars 2. Hydrant Painting 3. Internal Minor Sidewalk Repairs 90 CONSENT AGENDA ITEM 302 CITY COMMISSION AGENDA | FEBRUARY 14, 2022 REGULAR MEETING TITLE Winter Springs Marketplace Partial (WS Town Center) Site Acceptance (Phase I) SUMMARY The approved (February 22, 2021) project, the Winter Springs Marketplace is a master planned commercial center, and will include five (5) buildings all of which will consist of faux second stories. The commercial project includes a a grocery store, a fitness center, a dentist office, one (1) fast food restaurant and a proposed bank. The site is at partial site acceptance and will include multiple phases. The current phase will include the following buildings; Crunch Fitness | Retail Dollar Tree | Retail Dental Office| Medical Office The remaining site acceptance phases will include the following buildings; Chipotle w/ drive-through| Fast Food Aldi | Retail Grocery Fast Food Replacement Site (formerly approved but now under new application for a bank) The development provides full ingress and egress directly into the site from SR434, from Roberts Family Lane and from Tuskawilla Road. Access to the site will be provided via three (3) driveways; one (1) full access driveway to the west of the development on Roberts Family Lane (not to be used by commercial delivery trucks), one (1) existing right-in/right-out driveway (RIRO) to the north of the development on S.R. 434, and one (1) existing right- in/right-out (RIRO) driveway to the east of the development on Tuskawilla Road. The project includes onsite retention ponds, utilities, infrastructure w/water & sewer facilities, perimeter landscaping, irrigation, etc. This the first phase of site acceptance and only include the Dollar Tree, Crunch Fitness, and the Dental Office. The remaining phases will include Aldi, Chipotle, and a 91 proposed bank, and a future commercial piece on the corner of SR434. This agenda item is for the conditional acceptance of the site improvements. The site work has been constructed in substantial compliance with the Final Engineering Plans approved by the City Commission, except as noted on the attached punch-list, Exhibit A. RECOMMENDATION Staff recommends the City Commission affirm Staff's recommendation finding the site work to be built in substantial accordance with the Final Engineering plans, subject to satisfactory completion of the remaining open punch-list item(s). 92 CITY OF WINTER SPRINGS COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT DEPARTMENT 1126 East State Road 434 Winter Springs, Florida 32708 customerservice@winterspringsfl.org Project Closeout List for City Commission Partial Final Site Acceptance 2022/02/14 Page 1 of 1 PROJECT: Winter Springs Marketplace – SW of the intersection between SR434 and Tuskawilla Road 1. Complete all site work and pass the final engineering inspection. Contact the Community Development Department at customerservice@winterspringsfl.org subject line “Site Acceptance”, your project name, to schedule a preliminary and/or final engineering inspection. The final inspection will occur after receipt of the record drawings from the engineer-of-record. • Construction Site Walk-through completed on January 19, 2022. 2. Submit a Bill of Sale for all infrastructure being turned over to the City for ownership and maintenance (streets, utilities, sidewalks, etc.). Use the City’s standard Bill of Sale form. Submit final document to the Finance Department. This includes the cost sheet. 3. Submit 2-Year Maintenance Bond, Letter of Credit, or Cash Escrow Deposit (10% of the value of the improvements to be owned and maintained by the City, as listed on the Bill of Sale) to the Finance Department. 4. Obtain Approvals from all City Departments and Seminole County Fire Department. 5. Submit FDOT Permit Certification and provide City copy of FDOT approval. 6. Submit a copy of the FDEP Water Permit Approvals to the City. Notes: • City Commission site acceptance (in the form of a consent agenda item at a regularly scheduled City Commission meeting) is required before a certificate of occupancy can be issued for any buildings • Agenda items for City Commission meetings must be prepared approximately three weeks prior to the meeting date. • If there are any questions, please email customerservice@winterspringsfl.org subject line “Site Acceptance”, and you project name. • Additional items to be completed prior to closeout (this is not a complete punch list): 1. Final Landscape Walkthrough and approval shall occur prior to Final Full Site Acceptance. 2. Complete internal decorative signage. 93 CONSENT AGENDA ITEM 303 CITY COMMISSION AGENDA | FEBRUARY 14, 2022 REGULAR MEETING TITLE GIS Interlocal Agreement between Seminole County and the cities of Altamonte Springs, Casselberry, Lake Mary, Longwood, Oviedo, Sanford, Winter Springs, and the Property Appraiser SUMMARY The attached interlocal agreement between Seminole County and the cities of Altamonte Springs, Casselberry, Lake Mary, Longwood, Oviedo, Sanford, Winter Springs, and the Property Appraiser is a Geographical Information System (GIS) Interlocal Agreement to share geospatial data to help ensure county wide consistency and data accuracy. Florida Statutes (163.01) authorizes local governmental units to make the most efficient use of their powers by enabling them to cooperate with other localities on a basis of mutual advantage and thereby to provide services and facilities in a manner and pursuant to forms of governmental organization) that will accord best with geographic, economic, population, and other factors influencing the needs and development of local communities. RECOMMENDATION City staff recommends the City Commission enter into and execute the attached interlocal agreement; authorize the City Manager and City Attorney to execute any and all documents to enter into this agreement. 94 ________________________________________________________________________ GIS Interlocal Agreement between Seminole County and Cities of Altamonte Springs, Casselberry, Lake Mary, Longwood, Oviedo, Sanford, Winter Springs and the Seminole County Property Appraiser Page 1 of 22 GIS INTERLOCAL AGREEMENT BETWEEN SEMINOLE COUNTY AND THE CITIES OF ALTAMONTE SPRINGS, CASSELBERRY, LAKE MARY, LONGWOOD, OVIEDO, SANFORD, WINTER SPRINGS AND THE PROPERTY APPRAISER THIS INTERLOCAL AGREEMENT is made and entered into by and between SEMINOLE COUNTY, a charter county and political subdivision of the State of Florida, whose address is Seminole County Services Building, 1101 East 1st Street, Sanford, Florida 32771, in this Agreement referred to as “COUNTY,” and the following Florida municipal corporations: the CITY OF ALTAMONTE SPRINGS, whose address is 225 Newburyport Avenue, Altamonte Springs, Florida 32701; the CITY OF CASSELBERRY, whose address is 95 Triplet Lake Drive, Casselberry, Florida 32707; the CITY OF LAKE MARY, whose address is 100 N. Country Club Road, Lake Mary, Florida 32746; the CITY OF LONGWOOD, whose address is 175 W. Warren Avenue, Longwood, Florida 32750, the CITY OF OVIEDO, whose address is 400 Alexandria Boulevard, Oviedo, Florida 32765, the CITY OF SANFORD, whose address is 300 N. Park Avenue, Sanford, Florida 32771, CITY OF WINTER SPRINGS, whose address is 1126 East State Road 434, Winter Springs 32708, in this Agreement referred to as “CITY” or “CITIES”; and the SEMINOLE COUNTY PROPERTY APPRAISER, a constitutional officer of the State of Florida, whose address is 1101 East 1st Street, Sanford, Florida 32771, in this Agreement referred to as “PROPERTY APPRAISER”, collectively referred to as the “PARTIES.” W I T N E S S E T H: WHEREAS, Section 163.01, Florida Statutes (2020), authorizes local governmental units to make the most efficient use of their powers by enabling them to cooperate with other localities on a basis of mutual advantage and thereby to provide services and facilities in a manner (and 95 ________________________________________________________________________ GIS Interlocal Agreement between Seminole County and Cities of Altamonte Springs, Casselberry, Lake Mary, Longwood, Oviedo, Sanford, Winter Springs and the Seminole County Property Appraiser Page 2 of 22 pursuant to forms of governmental organization) that will accord best with geographic, economic, population, and other factors influencing the needs and development of local communities; and WHEREAS, COUNTY, CITIES and PROPERTY APPRAISER have jurisdictional responsibility or mandated policy associated with land use planning, infrastructure development, transportation management, and resource management within the boundaries of the COUNTY; and WHEREAS, COUNTY and PROPERTY APPRAISER entered into an Agreement on January 28, 1993, known as the Geographic Information System (GIS) Interlocal Agreement to share geospatial data contemplated and made provisions for additional participants; and WHEREAS, COUNTY and CITY OF CASSELBERRY entered into a GIS Interlocal Agreement on February 19, 1996, which automatically renewed for subsequent one (1) year periods unless superseded by a new Agreement among the parties or terminated; and WHEREAS, COUNTY and CITY OF SANFORD entered into a GIS Interlocal Agreement on April 15, 1996, which automatically renewed for subsequent one (1) year periods unless superseded by a new Agreement among the parties or terminated; and WHEREAS, COUNTY and CITY OF LAKE MARY entered into a GIS Interlocal Agreement on November 25, 1997, which automatically renewed for subsequent one (1) year periods unless superseded by a new Agreement among the parties or terminated; and WHEREAS, COUNTY and CITY OF LONGWOOD entered into a GIS Interlocal Agreement on January 27, 1998, which automatically renewed for subsequent one (1) year periods unless superseded by a new Agreement among the parties or terminated; and WHEREAS, the purpose of this agreement is to facilitate continued sharing and cooperative use of geospatial data; and 96 ________________________________________________________________________ GIS Interlocal Agreement between Seminole County and Cities of Altamonte Springs, Casselberry, Lake Mary, Longwood, Oviedo, Sanford, Winter Springs and the Seminole County Property Appraiser Page 3 of 22 WHEREAS, CITY OF ALTAMONTE SPRINGS, CITY OF WINTER SPRINGS and CITY OF OVIEDO want to join the parties and facilitate the continued sharing and cooperative use of geospatial data, and WHEREAS, COUNTY, PROPERTY APPRAISER, and CITIES wish to establish minimum data standards, to improve data quality and institute timeliness of data for shared use between the parties; and WHEREAS, each organization uses Geographic Information Systems (GIS) or other spatial information technology to perform work and comply with policy or legal mandates; and WHEREAS, there is mutual public benefit to each of the parties in sharing GIS data which allow all of the parties to accomplish their goals at a lower cost; and WHEREAS, the COUNTY, CITIES, and PROPERTY APPRAISER, agree that a Geographic Information System is an effective tool that facilitates fact-based decision making, prompt emergency response, assists in the generation of land use analysis, and streamlines field data collection, among a host of other benefits; NOW, THEREFORE, for and in consideration of the promises, mutual covenants and agreements contained in this Agreement by and between the parties and for the mutual benefit of COUNTY and CITIES and PROPERTY APPRAISER, and their respective citizens, the parties agree as follows: Section 1. Recitals. The foregoing recitals are true and correct and form a material part of this Agreement upon which the parties have relied. Section 2. Definitions. The following definitions apply to this Agreement: (a) Geospatial means information that is tied to a location on the Earth, including by identifying the geographic location and characteristics of natural or constructed features and 97 ________________________________________________________________________ GIS Interlocal Agreement between Seminole County and Cities of Altamonte Springs, Casselberry, Lake Mary, Longwood, Oviedo, Sanford, Winter Springs and the Seminole County Property Appraiser Page 4 of 22 boundaries on the Earth. This information is generally represented in vector datasets, lines, polygons, or other complex geographic features or phenomena and may be derived from, among other things, remote sensing, mapping, and surveying technologies. This includes images and raster datasets, aerial photographs, and other forms of geospatial data or datasets in digitized or non-digitized form. Section 3. Sharing and Ownership. (a) Each Party shall be responsible for modifications or alterations required at its location for sharing and utilization of geographic and land information. (b) Each Party agrees that the adherence to data standards ensures confidence in the reliability of the data. Each Party shall provide and maintain in its geographic and land information system the information specified in this Agreement in accordance with the general standards outlined in Exhibit A, attached to this Agreement and incorporated by reference. Each Party will bear the cost of compliance with the general standards as outlined in Exhibit A. (c) Each Party, if in the possession of, agree to share and not limit sharing to, the following layers: (i) Utility Layers 1. Sewer Lines 2. Sewer Service Areas 3. Sewer Treatment Plants 4. Water Lines 5. Water Service Areas 6. Water Treatment Plants 7. Reuse Lines 8. Reuse Service Areas 9. Reuse Treatment Plants 98 ________________________________________________________________________ GIS Interlocal Agreement between Seminole County and Cities of Altamonte Springs, Casselberry, Lake Mary, Longwood, Oviedo, Sanford, Winter Springs and the Seminole County Property Appraiser Page 5 of 22 10. Lift/Pump Stations 11. Retention Ponds/Areas 12. Gas Lines 13. Gas Facilities 14. Power Plants 15. Sub Stations 16. Lift Stations 17. Hydrants (ii) Transportation Layers 1. Addresses 2. Streets 3. Bridges and Overpasses (iii) Land Use 1. Zoning 2. Future Land Use (iv) Cadastral Layers 1. Parcel Lines 2. Section And Quarter Section Lines 3. Hydrography 4. Streets 5. Railroads 6. Subdivision (Plat) Boundary Lines 7. Municipal Boundaries (v) Public Safety Layers 1. Fire Stations 2. Police Stations 3. Public Works Compounds 4. Government Facilities 5. Meeting Facilities 99 ________________________________________________________________________ GIS Interlocal Agreement between Seminole County and Cities of Altamonte Springs, Casselberry, Lake Mary, Longwood, Oviedo, Sanford, Winter Springs and the Seminole County Property Appraiser Page 6 of 22 6. City Halls 7. Neighborhood/Recreation Centers 8. Boat Launches/Ramps 9. Cell Towers 10. Access Gates 11. Pre Incident Features, 12. Pre Incident Databases/Plans (d) Each Party agrees to make all datasets specified in this agreement available via current industry sharing methodologies. (e) Each Party agrees to make all datasets available in a FGDC-compliant GIS file format that includes, but is not limited to, ESRI file Geodatabases and Shapefiles. (f) Each Party agrees to ensure all data made available for sharing, will specify the spatial reference of the data or provide a projection file that identify the spatial reference. (g) Each Party agrees to abide by federally defined Sensitive Security Information (SSI) rules governed by Title 49 of the Code of Regulations as well as each agency’s data sensitive or privacy policies as long as the policies do not violate Florida Public Record laws. If data shared between agencies is later deemed public, the agency who discovered or was notified of the data’s accessibility to the public, shall notify the other parties to this agreement in writing. Should a Party to this Agreement receive a request for public disclosure that will require dissemination of material originating with another Party, the Party receiving the request will make an effort to notify the originating Party. This notification is to allow the originating Party an opportunity to seek relief from disclosure. However, each Party to this Agreement recognizes that the agency receiving a public records request is responsible for determining the manner in which it deems appropriate to respond to the request. This agreement provides no assurance that information will be held 100 ________________________________________________________________________ GIS Interlocal Agreement between Seminole County and Cities of Altamonte Springs, Casselberry, Lake Mary, Longwood, Oviedo, Sanford, Winter Springs and the Seminole County Property Appraiser Page 7 of 22 confidential. For sensitive utility data consumed for emergency response use, CJIS compliant employees may be the point of contact if desired by individual entities. Section 4. COUNTY and CITY Responsibilities. (a) The COUNTY and CITIES agree that a fast and timely response to emergency 911 calls is paramount to protecting citizens. To ensure consistent expedient responses, the COUNTY and CITIES agree to update the following layers, at minimum, on a quarterly basis: (i) Hydrants (ii) Streets (iii) Access Gates (iv) Situs (Addresses) (b) The COUNTY and CITIES agree to continue to follow the 1986 E911 Ordinance or any future updated issuance thereof, between the COUNTY and those CITIES maintaining their own Address data. Furthermore, the COUNTY and CITIES agree to work to resolve addressing issues that preclude rapid and unique identification of locations, with a goal to prevent significant delays in emergency response. Section 5. Insurance Requirements. (a) Each Party shall maintain adequate insurance coverage to protect its own interests and obligations under this Agreement. Section 6. Indemnification. (a) Each Party to this Agreement, its officers, employees, and agents do not assume and specifically disclaim any liability for the acts, omissions, or negligence of the other Party, its officers, employees, or agents, arising from or related to this Agreement except as otherwise provided by this Agreement or any other agreement between the parties. If a public records request 101 ________________________________________________________________________ GIS Interlocal Agreement between Seminole County and Cities of Altamonte Springs, Casselberry, Lake Mary, Longwood, Oviedo, Sanford, Winter Springs and the Seminole County Property Appraiser Page 8 of 22 is made to a Party, which cannot be fulfilled due to another Party’s violation of the retention schedule, then the violating Party will indemnify the non-violating Party for the resulting damages or costs. (b) Nothing contained in this Agreement may be construed as a waiver of the PARTIES sovereign immunity and limitation on damage claims beyond that conferred by Section 768.28, Florida Statutes (2020), as this statute may be amended from time to time. Section 7. Employee Status. Persons employed by CITY or PROPERTY APPRAISER in the performance of services and functions pursuant to this Agreement are deemed not to be the employees or agents of COUNTY, nor do these employees have any claims to pensions, worker’s compensation, unemployment compensation, civil service, or other employee rights or privileges granted to COUNTY’s officers and employees either by operation of law or by COUNTY. Persons employed by COUNTY in the performance of services and functions pursuant to this Agreement are deemed not to be the employees or agents of CITY or PROPERTY APPRAISER, nor do these employees have any claims to pensions, worker’s compensation, unemployment compensation, civil service, or other employee rights or privileges granted to PROPERTY APPRAISER’s or CITY’s officers and employees either by operation of law or by CITY or PROPERTY APPRAISER. Section 8. Notice. Any notice delivered with respect to this Agreement must be in writing and will be deemed to be delivered (whether or not actually received) when (i) hand- delivered to the persons designated below, or (ii) when deposited in the United States Mail, postage prepaid, certified mail, return-receipt requested, addressed to the person at the address for the Party as set forth below, or such other address or to such other person as the Party may have specified by written notice to the other Party delivered according to this section: 102 ________________________________________________________________________ GIS Interlocal Agreement between Seminole County and Cities of Altamonte Springs, Casselberry, Lake Mary, Longwood, Oviedo, Sanford, Winter Springs and the Seminole County Property Appraiser Page 9 of 22 As to COUNTY: County Manager Seminole County Government 1101 E. 1st Street Sanford, Florida 32771 As to CITY OF ALTAMONTE: City Manager City of Altamonte Springs 225 Newburyport Avenue Altamonte Springs, Florida 32701 AS TO CITY OF CASSELBERRY: City Manager City of Casselberry 95 Triplet Lake Drive Casselberry, Florida 32707 AS TO CITY OF LAKE MARY: City Manager City of Lake Mary 100 N. Country Club Road Lake Mary, Florida 32746 AS TO CITY OF LONGWOOD: City Manager City of Longwood 175 W. Warren Avenue Longwood, Florida 32750 AS TO CITY OF OVIEDO: City Manager City of Oviedo 400 Alexandria Boulevard Oviedo, Florida 32765 103 ________________________________________________________________________ GIS Interlocal Agreement between Seminole County and Cities of Altamonte Springs, Casselberry, Lake Mary, Longwood, Oviedo, Sanford, Winter Springs and the Seminole County Property Appraiser Page 10 of 22 AS TO CITY OF SANFORD: City Manager City of Sanford 300 N. Park Avenue Sanford, Florida 32771 AS TO CITY OF WINTER SPRINGS: City Manager City of Winter Springs 1126 East State Road 434 Winter Springs, Florida 32708 AS TO PROPERTY APPRAISER: David Johnson, CFA Seminole County Property Appraiser 1101 E. 1st Street Sanford, Florida 32771 Section 9. Governing Law, Jurisdiction, and Venue. The laws of the State of Florida govern the validity, enforcement, and interpretation of this Agreement. The sole jurisdiction and venue for any legal action in connection with this Agreement will be in the courts of Seminole County, Florida. Section 10. Parties Bound. This Agreement is binding upon and inures to the benefit of CITY and COUNTY and PROPERTY APPRAISER, and their successors and assigns. Section 11. Conflict of Interest. (a) The parties shall not engage in any action that would create a conflict of interest in the performance of its obligations pursuant to this Agreement with the other Party or that would violate or cause third parties to violate the provisions of Part III, Chapter 112, Florida Statutes (2020), as this statute may be amended from time to time, relating to ethics in government. 104 ________________________________________________________________________ GIS Interlocal Agreement between Seminole County and Cities of Altamonte Springs, Casselberry, Lake Mary, Longwood, Oviedo, Sanford, Winter Springs and the Seminole County Property Appraiser Page 11 of 22 (b) Each Party hereby certifies that none of its officers, agents, or employees have any material interest (as defined in Section 112.312(15), Florida Statutes (2020), as this statute may be amended from time to time, as over 5%) either directly or indirectly, in the business of the other Party to be conducted here, and that no such person will have any such interest at any time during the term of this Agreement. (c) Each Party has the continuing duty to report to the other Party any information that indicates a possible violation of this Section. Section 12. Dispute Resolution. PARTIES agree to follow and comply with any dispute resolution agreement between the parties and the provisions of Chapter 164, Florida Statutes (2020), as this statute may be amended from time to time, for any dispute arising from or relating to this Agreement. Section 13. Entire Agreement. (a) It is understood and agreed that the entire agreement of the parties is contained in this Agreement, which supersedes all oral agreements, negotiations, and previous agreements between the parties relating to the subject matter of this Agreement. (b) Any alterations, amendments, deletions, or waivers of the provisions of this Agreement will be valid only when expressed in writing and duly signed by all parties, except as otherwise specifically provided in this Agreement. Section 14. Assignment. This Agreement may not be assigned by any Party without the prior written approval of the other PARTIES. Section 15. Severability. If any provision or application of this Agreement to any person or circumstance is held invalid, then it is the intent of the parties that the invalidity will not affect other provisions or applications of this Agreement that can be given effect without the 105 ________________________________________________________________________ GIS Interlocal Agreement between Seminole County and Cities of Altamonte Springs, Casselberry, Lake Mary, Longwood, Oviedo, Sanford, Winter Springs and the Seminole County Property Appraiser Page 12 of 22 invalid provision or application, and to this end the provisions of this Agreement are declared severable. Section 16. Public Records Law. (a) PARTIES acknowledge each other’s obligations under Article 1, Section 24, Florida Constitution and Chapter 119, Florida Statutes (2020), as this statute may be amended from time to time, to release public records to members of the public upon request. PARTIES acknowledge each other is required to comply with Article 1, Section 24, Florida Constitution and Chapter 119, Florida Statutes (2020), as this statute may be amended from time to time, in the handling of the materials created under this Agreement and that this statute controls over the terms of this Agreement. (b) Failure to comply with this Section will be deemed a material breach of this Agreement, for which the non-breaching Party may terminate this Agreement immediately upon written notice to the breaching Party. Section 17. Equal Opportunity Employment. PARTIES shall not discriminate against any employee or applicant for employment for work under this Agreement because of race, color, religion, sex, age, disability, or national origin. PARTIES shall take steps to ensure that applicants are employed, and employees are treated equally during employment, without regard to race, color, religion, sex, age, disability, or national origin. Equal treatment includes, but is not limited to, the following: employment; upgrading, demotion or transfer; recruitment advertising; layoff or termination; rates of pay or other forms of compensation; and selection for training, including apprenticeship. 106 ________________________________________________________________________ GIS Interlocal Agreement between Seminole County and Cities of Altamonte Springs, Casselberry, Lake Mary, Longwood, Oviedo, Sanford, Winter Springs and the Seminole County Property Appraiser Page 13 of 22 Section 18. Counterparts. This Agreement may be executed in any number of counterparts each of which, when executed and delivered, constitutes an original, but all counterparts together constitute one and the same instrument. Section 19. Headings and Captions. All headings and captions contained in this Agreement are provided for convenience only, do not constitute a part of this Agreement, and may not be used to define, describe, interpret, or construe any provision of this Agreement. Section 20. Effective Date. The Effective Date of this Agreement will be the date when the last Party has properly executed this Agreement as determined by the date set forth immediately below the respective signatures of the Parties. Section 21. Term. The term of this Agreement is one year from the Effective Date and will automatically renew for another term on each subsequent anniversary of the Effective Date, unless either Party elects to terminate this Agreement, which either Party may do at any time by providing 60 days’ notice to the Party pursuant to Section 8 above. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the parties have made and executed this Agreement for the purposes stated above. [The balance of this page is left intentionally blank; signatory pages follow.] 107 ________________________________________________________________________ GIS Interlocal Agreement between Seminole County and Cities of Altamonte Springs, Casselberry, Lake Mary, Longwood, Oviedo, Sanford, Winter Springs and the Seminole County Property Appraiser Page 14 of 22 BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS ATTEST: SEMINOLE COUNTY, FLORIDA By: GRANT MALOY LEE CONSTANTINE, Chairman Clerk to the Board of County Commissioners of Seminole County, Florida. Date: For the use and reliance of As authorized for execution by the Board of Seminole County only. County Commissioners at its _____________, 20______, regular meeting. Approved as to form and legal sufficiency. _________________________ County Attorney Exhibit A – General Standards for all GIS Layers MMH:org T:\Users\Legal Secretary CSB\BITS & Information Services\GIS Interlocal - SC and All Cities Sep17(21).docx 108 ________________________________________________________________________ GIS Interlocal Agreement between Seminole County and Cities of Altamonte Springs, Casselberry, Lake Mary, Longwood, Oviedo, Sanford, Winter Springs and the Seminole County Property Appraiser Page 15 of 22 ATTEST: CITY OF ALTAMONTE SPRINGS By: ANGIE APPERSON, City Clerk PAT BATES, Mayor Date: Approved as to form and Legal sufficiency. _______________________________ JAMES ‘SKIP’ FOWLER City Attorney [The balance of this page is left intentionally blank; signatory pages follow.] 109 ________________________________________________________________________ GIS Interlocal Agreement between Seminole County and Cities of Altamonte Springs, Casselberry, Lake Mary, Longwood, Oviedo, Sanford, Winter Springs and the Seminole County Property Appraiser Page 16 of 22 ATTEST: CITY OF CASSELBERRY By: DONNA G. GARDNER, City Clerk DAVID HENSON, Mayor Date: Approved as to form and Legal sufficiency. _______________________________ CATHERINE D. REISCHMANN City Attorney [The balance of this page is left intentionally blank; signatory pages follow.] 110 ________________________________________________________________________ GIS Interlocal Agreement between Seminole County and Cities of Altamonte Springs, Casselberry, Lake Mary, Longwood, Oviedo, Sanford, Winter Springs and the Seminole County Property Appraiser Page 17 of 22 ATTEST: CITY OF LAKE MARY By: MICHELLE McCURDY, City Clerk DAVID J. MEALOR, Mayor Date: Approved as to form and Legal sufficiency. _______________________________ CATHERINE D. REISCHMANN City Attorney [The balance of this page is left intentionally blank; signatory pages follow.] 111 ________________________________________________________________________ GIS Interlocal Agreement between Seminole County and Cities of Altamonte Springs, Casselberry, Lake Mary, Longwood, Oviedo, Sanford, Winter Springs and the Seminole County Property Appraiser Page 18 of 22 ATTEST: CITY OF LONGWOOD By: MICHELLE LONGO, City Clerk BRIAN D. SACKETT, Mayor Date: Approved as to form and Legal sufficiency. _______________________________ DANIEL LANGLEY City Attorney [The balance of this page is left intentionally blank; signatory pages follow.] 112 ________________________________________________________________________ GIS Interlocal Agreement between Seminole County and Cities of Altamonte Springs, Casselberry, Lake Mary, Longwood, Oviedo, Sanford, Winter Springs and the Seminole County Property Appraiser Page 19 of 22 ATTEST: CITY OF OVIEDO By: ELIANNE RIVERA, City Clerk MEGAN SLADEK, Mayor Date: Approved as to form and Legal sufficiency. _______________________________ DAVID W. HALL Assistant City Attorney [The balance of this page is left intentionally blank; signatory pages follow.] 113 ________________________________________________________________________ GIS Interlocal Agreement between Seminole County and Cities of Altamonte Springs, Casselberry, Lake Mary, Longwood, Oviedo, Sanford, Winter Springs and the Seminole County Property Appraiser Page 20 of 22 ATTEST: CITY OF SANFORD By: TRACI HOUCHIN, City Clerk ART WOODRUFF, Mayor Date: Approved as to form and Legal sufficiency. _______________________________ WILLIAM L. COLBERT City Attorney [The balance of this page is left intentionally blank; signatory pages follow.] 114 ________________________________________________________________________ GIS Interlocal Agreement between Seminole County and Cities of Altamonte Springs, Casselberry, Lake Mary, Longwood, Oviedo, Sanford, Winter Springs and the Seminole County Property Appraiser Page 21 of 22 ATTEST: CITY OF WINTER SPRINGS By: KEVIN MCCANN, Mayor Date: CHRISTIAN GOWAN, City Clerk Approved as to form and Legal sufficiency. ______________________________ ANTHONY GARGANESE City Attorney [The balance of this page is left intentionally blank; signatory pages follow.] 115 ________________________________________________________________________ GIS Interlocal Agreement between Seminole County and Cities of Altamonte Springs, Casselberry, Lake Mary, Longwood, Oviedo, Sanford, Winter Springs and the Seminole County Property Appraiser Page 22 of 22 ATTEST: SEMINOLE COUNTY PROPERTY APPRAISER By: TRACI HOUCHIN, City Clerk DAVID JOHNSON, CFA Date: Approved as to form and Legal sufficiency. _______________________________ WILLIAM L. COLBERT City Attorney 116 Exhibit A - General Standards for All GIS Layers Geometry and Topology The spatial standards set for GIS layers focus on layer geometry and topology, when applicable. In general, GIS layer geometry is reviewed to ensure features are represented correctly in relation to one another within a layer or are represented correctly in relation to other layers like parcel data or aerials. Topology is the spatial relationship between close or adjacent GIS features as defined with set rules. Rules can be defined in GIS for how features within the same feature class or between related feature classes align with one another spatially. The importance of data topology is rarely mentioned and often underestimated. If data contains topological errors, then routing, searching, analysis, and other functions may be affected. The following spatial and topological rules should be applied to ensure the best experience with GIS data. •Data must meet the following spatial rules: o Have a spatial reference extent defined o Polygons must not contain slivers o No open polygons (e.g., legally-described boundaries will close properly) o No label errors (i.e., feature geometry will be represented correctly by tabular data to ensure proper labeling). •Data must follow topological rules. As with all rules there are exceptions. For example, parcels may be stacked to represent a condominium complex. In such instances metadata should be updated to state this intention, in general data: o Must not contain gaps or overlaps between contiguous polygon segments. o Must not contain dangles or overlaps between contiguous line segments (Note: Line segments may intersect features from the same layer, or they may intersect features from other point, line, or polygon layers.) o Must have any error exceptions marked as such and saved to the shared topology layer. Attribute Tables and Domains GIS is an excellent way to visualize spatial data. However, the tabular data associated with GIS layers is equally important and useful. With that in mind, the following set of rules have been outlined to ensure all tabular data is complete, formatted properly, and in good working order. All points, lines, and polygons will have a unique User ID. •Field types will be defined in accordance with intended use. For example, numeric field types will be used for statistical data or for data that will be used for calculations. Characters field types will be used when mathematical functions are not anticipated. •The name of a new feature dataset will not be identical to the name of an existing dataset unless it replaces the existing dataset. •All feature dataset names, GIS layer names, table field names, and attribute domains will begin with a letter. •Feature dataset names, GIS layer names, table field names, and attribute domains will not use special characters such as hyphens, pound signs, underscores, or periods. 117 Page | 1 •Attribute data for GIS layers will be consistent, easy to interpret, and concise. •When applicable, widely-accepted standards or conventions will be used to populate attribute data (e.g., previously-defined acronyms, common abbreviations). •Attribute domains and data descriptions will be well-documented in the metadata or data dictionary. •All street addresses used for geocoding will be broken into their component fields as follows: o street address number, o street prefix direction, o street name (spelling checked for correctness), o street type [United States Postal Service (USPS) abbreviations (USPS, 2015)], o street suffix direction, o city, o state, and o USPS zip code. Metadata Standards Federal Geographic Data Committee (FGDC)-compliant documentation is required for all GIS data that will be exchanged between agencies. The FGDC Content Standard for Digital Geospatial Metadata (CSDGM) has been adopted by the COUNTY’S GIS team as the approved "metadata" format. Data considered sensitive or unavailable to the public should be tagged as such in the metadata. National Emergency Number Association (NENA) Compliance NENA is a Public Safety-focused organization that seeks to improve 911 response times with the creation of standards, education, and data sharing. As 911 systems become more spatially capable, the ability to consume data from GIS becomes paramount. This means that data from both 911 systems and GIS must adhere to standards. The NENA standards encompasses standards for several datasets; however, for the purpose of the data sharing agreement, the following standards should apply to the Streets and Address layers: •Addresses o A point is created to represent each address within the municipality or County o 98% capture rate of all addresses o Points should be on the structure and if applicable on the unit within the structure o Contain a Unique ID field that is immune to change o Contain a Routing Key Field that increases routing accuracy •Streets o Each dataset to have a unique ID that is immune to change o Parse the street name into the following fields: PrefixDirection, Prefix, StreetName, and StreetType o Contain a field that concatenates the parsed fields into one street name o Capture all Access Ways used to access a structure o Capture crossovers and turn lanes for major roads o Capture the speed limit of each road o Identify the Zip Code for the left and right side of the street o Identify the City for the left and right side of the street 118 Page | 2 o Identify the From/To street for each line segment o Address range should reflect what is on the ground o Capture the address range for the Left and Right side of the street o Contain a One Way field that will establish direction of travel o Contain To and From Elevation fields to assist with routing accuracy o Contain Is Closed field to mark streets that are closed or unusable o Contain a Is Paved field o Contain a field that identifies the maximum weight capacity allowed on a street o Contain a field that identifies the maximum vehicle size allowed on a street o Contain a field that classify the road type (e.g. Major Arterial vs Local) 119 CITY COMMISSION REGULAR MEETING MINUTES MONDAY, JANUARY 10, 2022 AT 6:30 PM CITY HALL - COMMISSION CHAMBERS 1126 EAST STATE ROAD 434, WINTER SPRINGS, FLORIDA 120 CITY COMMISSION MINUTES | REGULAR MEETING | MONDAY, JANUARY 10, 2022 | PAGE 2 OF 9 CALL TO ORDER Mayor Kevin McCann called the Regular Meeting of Monday, January 10, 2022 of the City Commission to order at 6:30 p.m. in the Commission Chambers of the Municipal Building (City Hall, 1126 East State Road 434, Winter Springs, Florida 32708). Roll Call: Mayor Kevin McCann, present Deputy Mayor Ted Johnson, present by telephone Commissioner Matt Benton, present Commissioner Kevin Cannon, present Commissioner TiAnna Hale, present by telephone Commissioner Rob Elliott, present City Manager Shawn Boyle, present City Attorney Anthony A. Garganese, present City Clerk Christian Gowan, present Commissioner Elliott provided the Invocation followed by the Pledge of Allegiance Mayor McCann asked if there were any changes to the agenda. Commissioner Cannon asked that Item 304 be pulled from the Consent Agenda for separate discussion and vote. Manager Boyle asked that a discussion be added on golf carts on the regular agenda as well. There were no objections to the changes. AWARDS AND PRESENTATIONS 100. Not Used INFORMATIONAL AGENDA 200) Current Development Projects Summary No discussion. PUBLIC INPUT Mr. Pat Secord noted previous attempts to establish a car wash at the corner of SR 434 and Tuskawilla Road and expressed opposition to the proposed project. Ms. Erin Mandell, Principal, Choices in Learning, 1100 E State Rd 434, Winter Springs introduced herself and invited the Mayor and Commissioners to come visit or speak at any time. Ms. Pia Valenciano, 317 McLeod’s Way, Winter Springs - representing the HOA of Jesups Reserve - shared concerns about development impacts on Roberts Family Lane, aesthetics, traffic, and safety. 121 CITY COMMISSION MINUTES | REGULAR MEETING | MONDAY, JANUARY 10, 2022 | PAGE 3 OF 9 Discussion followed on the possibility of setting up a meeting with the HOA. Manager Boyle noted previous meetings had been held with representatives of the HOA. Deputy Chief Tracht addressed traffic violation concerns and noted that more resources could be devoted to that area. Further discussion followed on the potential of gating the road, potentially getting a traffic count, and setting up a Workshop meeting to discuss concerns with residents and the developer. The Commission noted they were in favor of setting up a Workshop and asked Staff to work with the developer to set a date. Mr. Brian Henry, 1205 E State Road 434, Winter Springs noted he was the owner of the Mobil gas station, expressed concerns about proposed car wash, and noted he was opposed to the project. CONSENT AGENDA 300) Surplus Assets No discussion 301) Establishment of the 2022 Districting Commission No discussion 302) Crescent Capital Group Authorization No discussion 303) Resolution 2022-02 recognizing the retirement of Ofc. Michelle Angeloff from the Police Department. No discussion "MOTION TO APPROVE CONSENT AGENDA." MOTION BY COMMISSIONER ELLIOTT. SECONDED BY DEPUTY MAYOR CANNON. DISCUSSION. VOTE: BENTON (AYE); CANNON (AYE); JOHNSON (AYE); HALE (AYE); ELLIOTT (AYE) MOTION CARRIED 5-0. PUBLIC HEARINGS AGENDA 122 CITY COMMISSION MINUTES | REGULAR MEETING | MONDAY, JANUARY 10, 2022 | PAGE 4 OF 9 400. Not Used REGULAR AGENDA 500) Non-Binding Preliminary Review for Tuscawilla Property Investors, LLC Mr. Schmidt introduced the item and Mr. Ryan Stahl to provide a presentation. Mr. Stahl presented on the proposed project, a car wash on the corner of State Road 434 and Tuskawilla Road, and briefly addressed concerns brought up by the Jesup’s Reserve HOA representative. Mr. Stahl noted previous discussions on a proposed convenience store and difficulty finding other interested businesses. Discussion followed on ownership of the parcel, current permitted uses, timeline for demolition of the existing Pinch-A-Penny building, and what types of businesses could potentially occupy the space should a car wash fail. Mr. Stahl noted his group did now own the property and that demolition could begin soon, potentially tied to construction of a proposed bank. Regarding permitted uses, Mr. Schmidt noted that a car wash was not currently a permitted use in the T-5 zoning district. Further discussion followed on associated water consumption and the possibility of getting a restaurant to come to the corner. 501) Non-Binding Preliminary Review for Anthem Care Management Mr. Schmidt introduced the agenda item, noted the property was not currently in the City limits but that the applicant would seek annexation and zoning designation should they proceed with the project. Mr. David Kirkland, representative of AnthemCare, presented on a proposed 86-unit assisted living facility (ALF), customer characteristics, and his belief that there was a need for the facility. Mr. Kirkland also briefly commented on associated water usage. Discussion followed on current permitted uses, aesthetics of the building compared to other parts of the Town Center, and parking. Mr. Schmidt noted that while an ALF was not an outright permitted use, it is a conditional use in the T-4 zoning district. 123 CITY COMMISSION MINUTES | REGULAR MEETING | MONDAY, JANUARY 10, 2022 | PAGE 5 OF 9 502) Discussion regarding the 2017 Fertilizer Ordinance Mr. Schmidt introduced the item, provided a brief background, and invited discussion. Discussion followed on the previously passed ordinance which modified the Seminole County model ordinance, the desire to revisit the issue and adopt the model ordinance, the potential need for a lakeshore protection ordinance, and the fact that Winter Springs was the only municipality that had not adopted the more comprehensive model ordinance. The Commission agreed that this issue should be revisited, noted some concerns about ability to enforce residential fertilizer restrictions, and spoke about the importance of education and sharing information with residents. Commissioner Elliott asked about the installation of baskets in stormwater drains and if Staff had done a cost-benefit analysis. Manager Boyle noted this had not been done currently but that Staff could look into it. Brief discussion followed on the potential of removing the enforcement section of the ordinance. Attorney Garganese noted that it could be done if the Commission desired. Several Commissioners voiced some concern about "MOTION TO INSTRUCT THE CITY ATTORNEY TO PREPARE AND ADVERTISE THE MORE COMPREHENSIVE FERTILIZER ORDINANCE - AND THAT WE SET THIS ON A FUTURE AGENDA FOR ADOPTION." MOTION BY DEPUTY MAYOR CANNON. SECONDED BY COMMISSIONER HALE. DISCUSSION. VOTE: BENTON (AYE); CANNON (AYE); JOHNSON (AYE); HALE (AYE); ELLIOTT (AYE) MOTION CARRIED 5-0. In response to a question about budget impacts related to an education campaign, Manager Boyle noted that a social media campaign would not impact the budget but anything additional would need to be discussed further. "MOTION TO APPROVE EXTENDING THE MEETING THROUGH SECOND PUBLIC INPUT." MOTION BY COMMISSIONER HALE. SECONDED BY DEPUTY MAYOR CANNON. DISCUSSION. MOTION PASSED WITH UNANIMOUS CONSENT. 304) Approval of Minutes from the Monday, December 13, 2021 City Commission Regular Meeting *THIS ITEM WAS PULLED FROM THE CONSENT AGENDA FOR A SEPARATE VOTE* 124 CITY COMMISSION MINUTES | REGULAR MEETING | MONDAY, JANUARY 10, 2022 | PAGE 6 OF 9 Commissioner Cannon asked that more information be included in the minutes, noting that some important discussions were not included. Brief discussion followed on the possibility of transcripts being generated and changes that could be made. Manager Boyle explained that the City’s agenda management software Granicus potentially had an option to produce a transcript, and that Staff could look into this and present at a future meeting. Brief discussion followed on the current meeting minutes policy. Attorney Garganese reviewed the options available for minutes and thought the Commission was suggesting a move towards discussion minutes rather than the current action minutes. The Commission expressed the desire for more information and Staff agreed to bring this to a future meeting. "MOTION TO APPROVE MINUTES FROM THE MONDAY, DECEMBER 13, 2021 CITY COMMISSION REGULAR MEETING ." MOTION BY COMMISSIONER ELLIOTT. SECONDED BY COMMISSIONER JOHNSON. DISCUSSION. VOTE: BENTON (AYE); CANNON (NAY); JOHNSON (AYE); HALE (AYE); ELLIOTT (AYE) MOTION CARRIED 4-1. ADD-ON ITEM) Golf Cart Discussion Manager Boyle noted Staff was looking for direction on a potential future agenda item, reviewed previous discussions on the allowance of golf cart operation within the city, and the current ordinance in place. Manager Boyle noted the requirement that streets be designated safe for golf cart operation and that signage be installed advising operators. It was suggested that the City begin looking at Tuscawilla and the Highlands first and then expand designated use areas. Discussion followed with Commissioners noting confusion in the City about this topic, the likelihood that the City would need to look beyond golf carts and include electric bikes, scooters, and other low-speed vehicles, the possibility of involving the County to ensure proper enforcement and designations on the Cross-Seminole Trail, and expressing that safety was the number one concern. Deputy Chief Matt Tracht, Winter Springs Police Department commented on the complications associated with the issue, among them determining the difference 125 CITY COMMISSION MINUTES | REGULAR MEETING | MONDAY, JANUARY 10, 2022 | PAGE 7 OF 9 between legally defined golf carts, low-speed vehicles, etc. and determining the applicable laws. Further discussion followed on the Ranchlands as a potential site for consideration given the prevalence of current golf cart use. The Commission agreed that the legal definitions of golf carts needed to be updated and/or expanded. There was also discussion about potentially limiting permitted hours of operation and the potential of including gated subdivisions, where possible, and potentially seeking new agreements. Attorney Garganese asked for some clarification, noted limitations of the state manual and definitions, and spoke about the unfinished business of the current ordinance including designation of safe roads, developing a process for this designation, and posting of signage. Attorney Garganese further opined about potentially designating specific communities for trial runs, the potential of engaging with other jurisdictions if crossings are desired over county or state roads. Manager Boyle noted that this issue was necessary to address due to actions of external law enforcement agencies. After further discussion, the Commission agreed that the process should start with golf carts and low-speed vehicle definitions and designations. 503) New Business Mayor McCann noted the Oviedo-Winter Springs Regional Chamber of Commerce was looking for a name to attend the Tallahassee trip, noted he was willing to go, and asked if anyone else was interested. After brief discussion, the Commission agreed Mayor McCann should attend. REPORTS 503) City Manager Shawn Boyle • Noted the Father-Daughter Dance would be held at the Senior Center on Sunday, February 13, 2022 from 7-9 PM. • Congratulated and thanked Jason Norberg, Public Works Director, Veolia, and contractors for the work being done at the water treatment plants. 503) City Attorney Anthony A. Garganese • No report 503) City Clerk Christian Gowan • No report 126 CITY COMMISSION MINUTES | REGULAR MEETING | MONDAY, JANUARY 10, 2022 | PAGE 8 OF 9 503) Seat One Commissioner Matt Benton • Noted the upcoming Highland Games and encouraged attendance. 503) Seat Two Commissioner/Deputy Mayor Kevin Cannon • Noted a shortage of substitute teachers in Seminole County schools and asked people to consider offering their support. • Complimented the Parks team and City Staff for their tireless work • Complimented Jason Norberg and his team on work at the plants and noted that he goes out and checks odor complaints when he hears about them. 503) Seat Three Commissioner Ted Johnson • Noted the recent National Law Enforcement Appreciation Day and expressed his appreciation for all at the Winter Springs Police Department. • Recognized Jason Norberg and Christopher Schmidt for their work with Hacienda Village and resolving issues that had arisen there. • Noted receiving a letter praising Clifton Mullis for his work and shared his appreciation for Clifton’s hard work. 503) Seat Four Commissioner TiAnna Hale • Wished everyone a Happy New Year • Noted the Florida League of Cities Legislative Action Days would take place on February 8-9, 2022 • Noted the upcoming Highland Games • Announced that the VFW would be having a chili cook-off and encouraged residents to attend. 503) Seat Five Commissioner Rob Elliott • Thanked Jason Norberg for his work on the sewer plant and noted he was pleased with the progress. 503) Mayor Kevin McCann • Complimented the great Christmas/holiday season events in the City • Noted Tri-County League of Mayors meeting attendance and their discussion on home-based business ordinance 127 CITY COMMISSION MINUTES | REGULAR MEETING | MONDAY, JANUARY 10, 2022 | PAGE 9 OF 9 PUBLIC INPUT Mr. Ken Spalthoff, 331 Wooded Vine Drive, Winter Springs noted his difficulties with outside law enforcement regarding golf carts and shared suggestions for potential ordinance language. Mr. Maurice Kaprow, P.O. Box 195233, Winter Springs wished everyone a Happy New Year, noted his observations of improper use of golf carts, and commended the city's work to improve. ADJOURNMENT Mayor McCann adjourned the meeting at 9:31 PM. RESPECTFULLY SUBMITTED: ____________________________________ CHRISTIAN GOWAN CITY CLERK APPROVED: ____________________________________ MAYOR KEVIN McCANN NOTE: These Minutes were approved at the_________________, 2022 City Commission Regular Meeting. 128 CITY COMMISSION REGULAR MEETING MINUTES MONDAY, JANUARY 24 , 2022 AT 6:30 PM CITY HALL - COMMISSION CHAMBERS 1126 EAST STATE ROAD 434, WINTER SPRINGS, FLORIDA 129 CITY COMMISSION MINUTES | REGULAR MEETING | MONDAY, JANUARY 24, 2022 | PAGE 2 OF 8 CALL TO ORDER Mayor Kevin McCann called the Regular Meeting of Monday, January 24, 2022 of the City Commission to order at 6:32 p.m. in the Commission Chambers of the Municipal Building (City Hall, 1126 East State Road 434, Winter Springs, Florida 32708). Roll Call: Mayor Kevin McCann, present Deputy Mayor Ted Johnson, present Commissioner Matt Benton, present Commissioner Kevin Cannon, present Commissioner TiAnna Hale, present Commissioner Rob Elliott, present City Manager Shawn Boyle, present City Attorney Anthony A. Garganese, present City Clerk Christian Gowan, present Commissioner Matt Benton offered the invocation followed by the Pledge of Allegiance Commissioner Johnson asked that Item 301 be set aside for discussion. Mayor McCann noted that it could be placed on the Regular Agenda after Item 500. No objections were made. Commissioner Cannon noted that he would like to discuss Item 302 prior to voting on the Consent Agenda. AWARDS AND PRESENTATIONS 100) Proclamation for Donna Walsh and the Florida Department of Health Mayor McCann read a proclamation in recognition of Ms. Donna Walsh and her team at the Florida Department of Health. Ms. Walsh thanked the Mayor and Commission, introduced and thanked her team members, and commented on important partnerships and support. Ms. Walsh also noted testing sites in the County. 101) Employee Service Awards Mayor McCann introduced the item, spoke highly of City employees, and called the following employees forward to be recognized for their years of service. Mr. Adrian Barrantes, Facilities Team Leader, 5 years Mr. Jesus Hilerio, Police Officer, 5 years Ms. Kelly Unseld, Technical Services Specialist, 5 years Mr. Kendrick Miller, Maintenance Worker II, 5 years Ms. Yvette Gomez, Associate Business Analyst, 10 years 130 CITY COMMISSION MINUTES | REGULAR MEETING | MONDAY, JANUARY 24, 2022 | PAGE 3 OF 8 Mr. David Robinson, Maintenance Worker, 15 years Mr. Bill Mayhugh, Sergeant, 20 years Mr. David Raney, Police Officer, 20 years Mr. Douglass Seely, Lieutenant, 30 years Mr. James Morris, Fleet Supervisor, 35 years 102) Pickleball Update Mr. Leonard Hartman, Assistant Parks and Recreation Director, Operations Department introduced the item, described the planned phases, and reviewed work that had been done to this point. Mr. Matthew Linder, Associate City Planner, Community Development Department presented on Phase 1 with a proposed 14 pickleball courts with shade structures, seating, and lighting, restrooms, and a parking lot. Mr. Linder reviewed the timeline, noted the geotechnical report and survey had been completed, and estimated completion of Phase 1 in quarter 4 of this year. Discussion followed on the anticipated start of Phase 2 and the event center, the cost savings and experience of the contractors, maintenance costs, planned programming, and consideration of surrounding communities with regards to lighting. Manager Boyle noted that the timeline for Phase 2 was uncertain at this point due to the cost of building materials. In regards to lighting, Manager Boyle noted that the light poles would not be very tall and that nearby residents would be taken into account. Mr. Brian Dunigan, Parks Manager, Parks and Recreation Department noted that staff would be looking at a hybrid system for programming to allow for both open courts and reservations. With this, Mr. Dunigan noted looking into an online reservation system. Further discussion followed on proposed hours of operation and parking considerations. Mr. Linder noted that the current calculations called for 140 parking spaces to accommodate pickleball court and dog park users. Staff noted they were still looking into proposed hours of operation and would consider nearby residents in the determination. INFORMATIONAL AGENDA 200. Not Used 131 CITY COMMISSION MINUTES | REGULAR MEETING | MONDAY, JANUARY 24, 2022 | PAGE 4 OF 8 PUBLIC INPUT Mr. Art Gallo, 199 Nandina Terrace, Winter Springs spoke about gifts for employees, the proposed car wash project, and the possibility of partnering with the UCF Incubator to help attract businesses to the City. Mr. Mark Caruso spoke encouraging the Commission to support SB510 currently making its way through the Florida Legislature. Ms. Gina Shafer, Winter Springs Village, Winter Springs encouraged televising the meetings and noted her opposition to the proposed car wash project and grnating exemptions to development projects. CONSENT AGENDA 300) Bank Authorizations No discussion. 301) Wastewater Facilities Plan Amendment Commissioner Johnson noted he just had a question about the item and was fine with leaving it as part of the Consent Agenda. No objections were made. Commissioner Johnson then asked about language in Amendment 1 noting a current model was unavailable. Mr. Jason Norberg, Director, Public Works and Utilities Department noted there were gaps in the available data requiring additional work to develop a new dynamic model. 302) Utility Revenue Sufficiency Analysis Authorization Deputy Mayor Cannon asked about the rate study, when this was last completed for the utility, commented on the long-range capital improvement plan requirement, and noted discussions in 2009 where the Development Director commented on the need for wastewater plan replacement within 5 years. Manager Boyle noted that the last rate study was performed over 12 years ago. "MOTION TO APPROVE CONSENT AGENDA." MOTION BY DEPUTY MAYOR CANNON. SECONDED BY COMMISSIONER JOHNSON. DISCUSSION. VOTE: MOTION PASSED WITH UNANIMOUS CONSENT. PUBLIC HEARINGS AGENDA 400. Not Used 132 CITY COMMISSION MINUTES | REGULAR MEETING | MONDAY, JANUARY 24, 2022 | PAGE 5 OF 8 REGULAR AGENDA 500) Interlocal Agreement - Seminole County Opioid Settlement Manager Boyle reviewed the item and noted Seminole County would be the primary recipient and distributor of any funds that may come in as result of settlements. Captain Sammy Gibson, Drug Enforcement/Behavioral Services, Seminole County Sheriff’s Office spoke about SCORE, current residential and intensive outpatient services and a planned drop-in mental health behavioral assessment center to give law enforcement options other than arresting or Baker Acting individuals. In response to questions from the Commission, Captain Gibson noted that nobody had been turned away or billed for their stay at the Hope and Healing Center and commented on the wide range of support from local and state government, companies such as Wal-Mart, and Advent Health. The Commission commended the Sheriff’s Office on their work and discussion followed on types of treatments available, various statistics surrounding demographics and success rates, confidentiality related to medical information, and the source of drugs fueling the opioid crisis. Commissioner Hale asked about the possibility of touring facilities and Captain Gibson said they would be happy to accommodate. Chief Chris Deisler, Winter Springs Police Department, commented that his agency used the facilities often to divert people from arrest and that he was fully supportive of the Sheriff’s Office and their efforts. Attorney Garganese reiterated that no funds were guaranteed and, in response to some Commissioner’s concerns, noted that no funds would be dedicated to the project from the City if no settlement funds were awarded to the City. "MOTION TO APPROVE ITEM 500." MOTION BY DEPUTY MAYOR CANNON. SECONDED BY COMMISSIONER HALE. DISCUSSION. VOTE: MOTION PASSED WITH UNANIMOUS CONSENT MOTION CARRIED 5-0. Mayor McCann asked that some of the information presented be shared with the City Clerk so that it could be distributed to the Commission. 501) Appointment Opportunities for City Boards and Committees 133 CITY COMMISSION MINUTES | REGULAR MEETING | MONDAY, JANUARY 24, 2022 | PAGE 6 OF 8 “I NOMINATE MEREDITH VAILLANCOURT FOR THE DISTRICTING COMMISSION.” MOTION BY COMMISSIONER HALE. SECONDED BY DEPUTY MAYOR CANNON. DISCUSSION. Attorney Garganese noted he would prepare a resolution noting the appointment of Ms. Vaillancourt as the replacement appointee and that, with the Commission’s consent, the Mayor could execute the agreement. No objections were noted. MOTION PASSED WITH UNANIMOUS CONSENT. “I NOMINATE MARCO SANTORO FOR REAPPOINTMENT TO THE BOARD OF TRUSTEES.” MOTION BY COMMISSIONER ELLIOTT. SECONDED BY DEPUTY MAYOR CANNON. DISCUSSION. MOTION PASSED WITH UNANIMOUS CONSENT. 502) New Business Deputy Mayor Cannon asked Staff to contact the Turnpike Authority and obtain the last 3 years of traffic counts exiting and entering at State Road 434, Red Bug, and Aloma. Continuing, Deputy Mayor Cannon asked about engaging Kittelson and Associates to help determine the need for a sound wall on West 417, and finally asked about the possibility of discussing reallocation of moneys dedicated to additional lanes north of Red Bug Lake Road for the four-laning of State Road 434. Mayor McCann noted discussions with MetroPlan and commented that it was too late to reallocate the funds dedicated to Red Bug Lake Road and that the area mentioned for the sound wall did not meet the density and proximity requirements. Further discussion followed regarding the City looking for funding options, possibly federal dollars, which could be used to install a sound wall. Commissioner Johnson noted previous requests to invite the Turnpike Authority in and thought it would be worthwhile to discuss these concerns with them. The Commission agreed they would like to hear from the Turnpike Authority and Manager Boyle noted he would get it scheduled. Commissioner Benton then brought up the social media policy of the City and asked that a copy be shared with the dais. Deputy Mayor Cannon noted he would like to reevaluate the Code of Conduct and asked Attorney Garganese for an opinion about adding language noting First Amendment rights. The Commission agreed they would like to discuss this at a future meeting. 134 CITY COMMISSION MINUTES | REGULAR MEETING | MONDAY, JANUARY 24, 2022 | PAGE 7 OF 8 Discussion then turned to the City’s efforts to keep residents informed about the many Public Works projects. In response to questions from the Commission, Manager Boyle noted the efforts taken to notify the public about the consent orders, information shared through a number of mediums including a highlighted website section, and the responsibilities of Veolia as stated in their contract. REPORTS 600) City Manager Shawn Boyle • No report 601) City Attorney Anthony A. Garganese • No report 602) City Clerk Christian Gowan • Made brief comments about the passing of Ms. Dolly Ames 603) Seat Two Commissioner/Deputy Mayor Kevin Cannon • Noted the success of the Highland Games and commended Manager Boyle and the City Staff on their work. 604) Seat Three Commissioner Ted Johnson • Shared a story about Ms. Dolly Ames, noted she would be missed, and announced the details of her service/ 605) Seat Four Commissioner TiAnna Hale • Noted the loss of Ms. Ames and 2020 Hometown Hero Bob Gilbert • Offered praise for the Highland Games and City Staff 606) Seat Five Commissioner Rob Elliott • Shared a story about Ms. Ames • Noted attendance at the Highland Games and praised Staff’s work. 607) Mayor Kevin McCann 135 CITY COMMISSION MINUTES | REGULAR MEETING | MONDAY, JANUARY 24, 2022 | PAGE 8 OF 8 • Thanked Deputy Chief Tracht for his work during the Highland Games as well as Brian Dunigan • Noted continuing conversations with the UCF Incubator and Chamber of Commerce to work collaboratively with the City. 608) Seat One Commissioner Matt Benton • Offered praise for the Highland Games • Shared brief comments about the passing of Ms. Ames. PUBLIC INPUT Ms. Gina Shafer, Winter Springs Village spoke about social media, noted she shares City’s information on her community’s page, asked about the status of the Comprehensive Plan, and thanked the Commission for their support of the Sheriff;s Office. Mr. Art Gallo, 199 Nandina Terrace, Winter Springs spoke in support of the sound wall, encouraged communicating with Representative David Smith and Senator Jason Brodeur, and made brief comments about social media. ADJOURNMENT Mayor McCann adjourned the meeting at 9:31 PM. RESPECTFULLY SUBMITTED: ____________________________________ CHRISTIAN GOWAN CITY CLERK APPROVED: ____________________________________ MAYOR KEVIN McCANN NOTE: These Minutes were approved at the_________________, 2022 City Commission Regular Meeting. 136 REGULAR AGENDA ITEM 500 CITY COMMISSION AGENDA | FEBRUARY 14, 2022 REGULAR MEETING TITLE Lake Jesup Reclaimed Water Augmentation Plant – Feasibility Analysis SUMMARY The Lake Jesup Reclaimed Augmentation plant is located on the Southwestern shore of Lake Jesup within the boundaries of Central Winds Park. On July 11 th, 2011, the City Commission authorized Killebrew, Inc. to construct the Lake Jesup Reclaimed water Augmentation Project at a cost of $2,325,293.30 plus a 5% contingency. On July 25th, 2011 the City Commission reviewed the Final Engineering Site Plan and Aesthetic Review for the Lake Jesup Reclaimed Water Augmentation Facility. The Commission requested additional information regarding the appearance of the facilities the ability for the site to accommodate public access and the ability to integrate the site with future activities at Central Winds Park On August 22nd, 2011, the City Commission approved the Final Engineering Site Plan and Aesthetic Review for the Lake Jesup Reclaimed Water Augmentation Facility with changes to meet public access standards. Designed to augment existing reclaimed infrastructure, the Lake Jesup Reclaimed Augmentation Plant was constructed to meet peak irrigation demand periods by supplying filtered water from Lake Jesup. Adjacent to the Lake Jesup Reclaimed Augmentation plant is a suspected artesian well located in the Parkstone neighborhood of Winter Springs (known as the Parkstone Artesian Well). While there is no current physical connection between the Lake Jesup Augmentation Plant and the Parkstone Artesian well, the Parkstone Artesian well and the Lake Jesup Reclaimed Augmentation Plant are both permitted through the St Johns River Water Management District (SJRMD) under the City’s Consumptive Use Permit (CUP) #15763-1 to supplement the City of Winter Springs reclaimed water system. The City’s CUP, #15763-1 allows for a combined maximum withdrawal from Lake Jesup plus groundwater from the existing free-flowing artesian well (Parkstone Artesian Well) not to exceed 2.23 million gallons per day average. The Lake Jesup Augmentation Plant was constructed and commissioned in 2013. Since that time, the plant has only produced 11 million gallons of reclaimed water for irrigation, and due to operational issues has not produced any measureable reclaimed water since 2017. 137 A feasibility analysis of the Lake Jesup Reclaimed Augmentation Plant is necessary to evaluate the cost and effort required to restore operational capability and to evaluate rehabilitation vs. plant replacement. The study will include a condition assessment of mechanical and process equipment to determine what components require rehabilitation, and replacement as well as overall rehabilitation/construction costs. Additionally, the feasibility study will provide recommendations focused on operability and reliability, and investigate seasonal water quality of the St. Johns River and surficial aquifer in the vicinity of the Lake Jesup Reclaimed Augmentation Plant. The scope of work, Exhibit A titled “City of Winter Springs Lake Jessup Reclaimed Water Augmentation Station – Feasibility Analysis January 2022” also includes an investigation of the Parkstone Artesian Well. The Parkstone Artesian Well currently flows into an underground structure, which is then captured into a gravity pipe and flows into Lake Jessup. It is believed to be a historical agricultural well, which was abandoned during development of the Parkstone Community. However, it is also possible that this is a natural, surficial fracture. For unknown reasons, the development construction resulted in the inability to positively cap and contain the artesian well, leaving the community with a free-flowing artesian feature. Contingent upon the Parkstone Home Owners Association (HOA) granting access to the well property, the CONSULTANT (Carollo Engineers) and SUBCONSULTANT (Connect Consulting Inc.) will provide data collection, investigation, and recommendations for long term solutions and potential “capture” improvements for the Parkstone Artesian Well. Exhibit A outlines the overall project scope, along with individual tasks and descriptions. Exhibit B identifies associated costs related to each task and sub-task. Execution of Task 5– PARKSTONE ARTESIAN WELL INVESTIGATION, as described in Exhibit A, and associated costs identified in Exhibit B is contingent upon the ability to access the Parkstone Artesian well for the purpose of investigating, and conducting subsurface geophysical surveys, and mapping. If adequate access to the Parkstone Artesian Well is not granted to the City of Winter Springs, it’s CONSULTANT and SUBCONSULTANT by the Parkstone Community to carry out investigation(s), Subsurface Geophysical Surveys, and mapping, the preponderance of Task 5 will not be accomplished. Task 5.1, Task 5.2, and portions of Task 5.4 will not be executed, and NO costs associated with Tasks 5.1, 5.2 and those portions of Task 5.4 related to the Parkstone Artesian Well Investigation will be incurred by the city. RECOMMENDATION Staff recommends the City Commission authorize the City Manager to execute a Purchase Order in the amount of $126,930.66 with Carollo Engineers to prepare a comprehensive Feasibility Analysis for the purpose of determining the viability and cost to fully recommission the Lake Jesup Reclaimed Augmentation Plant. 138 139 COMMISSION AGENDA ITEM 502 July 25 2011 Meeting Authorization REQUEST The Public Works Department requests the City Commission review the Final Engineering Site Plan and Aesthetic Review for the Lake Jesup Reclaimed Water Augmentation Facility located at the northwest corner of Central Winds Park near the shore of Lake Jesup SYNOPSIS The Lake Jesup Reclaimed Water Augmentation Facility is a major component of the Citys long term plan to expand its reclaimed water system for residential irrigation and to decrease the use of groundwater for that purpose This agenda item is for the Commissions review of the Final Engineering Site Plan and Aesthetic Review for the site and related improvements CONSIDERATIONS APPLICABLE ZONING FUTURE LAND USE DESIGNATION Zoning Town Center Future Land Use Designation Town Center District APPLICABLE CODE Chapter 6 BUILDINGS AND BUILDING REGULATIONS Chapter 9 LAND DEVELOPMENT Chapter 20 ZONING This agenda item is for Final Engineering Site Plan and Aesthetic Review approval for the Lake Jesup Reclaimed Water Augmentation Facility located at the northwest corner of Central Winds Park at the shore of Lake Jesup see Figure 1 Vicinity Map on the following page At the July 6 2011 Planning and Zoning Board Meeting the Board voted unanimously to recommend approval of the Final Engineering Site Plan and Aesthetic Review to the City Commission CONSENT INFORMATIONAL PUBLIC HEARING X REGULAR MGR DEPT This project is a major component of the Citys long term plan to expand its reclaimed water system for residential irrigation to decrease the use of groundwater for that 140 City Commission Regular Meeting July 25 2011 Public Hearing Agenda Item 502 Page 2 of 4 purpose The City has received a Consumptive Use Permit from the St Johns River Water Management District to withdraw up to an annual average of 223 million gallons per day of water from Lake Jesup and a nearby artesian well as reclaimed water augmentation during peak demand periods FIGURE 1 The City currently owns and operates two water reclamation facilities WRF the East WRF and the West WRF These facilities currently supply reclaimed water meeting public access criteria for residential irrigation public irrigation areas such as parks and roadway medians and to the Tuscawilla Country Club The city has expanded its reclaimed water system over the years to maximize the operation of the system due to seasonal variation in usage With the Lake Jesup Reclaimed Water Augmentation Project the City will augment the reclaimed water system to be able to supply irrigation quality water to many more residents as an alternate to potable water even during the dry season This will benefit the City and the environment by reducing the potable water demands and thereby reducing groundwater withdrawals The Citys current Consumptive Use Permit for the water system includes reference to the Lake Jesup Reclaimed Water Augmentation Facility CUP permit and allocates groundwater withdrawals based on use of the reclaimed water system for irrigation Project 141 City Commission Regular Meeting July 25 2011 Public Hearing Agenda Item 502 Page 3 of 4 The Project will withdraw and treat the water from Lake Jesup to the public access level of treatment consistent with reclaimed water The treatment will consist of a two stage filtration process using automatic backwashing 80 micron mesh stainless steel pre filter followed by a 7 micron microfiber filter capable of producing water with less than 5 milligrams per liter parts per million of Total Suspended Solids TSS The water will be disinfected with sodium hypochlorite solution prior to entry into a 240000 gallon cast in place storage tank onsite which will be partially buried to reduce its visibility High service variable speed pumps will draw from the tank as required based on reduced pressures caused by demands on the distribution system A turbidimeter and chlorine residual analyzer will ensure that the water leaving the facility meets reclaimed water TSS and chlorine residual standards respectively The primary environmental benefit of the project will be the offsetting of the need to withdraw up to 223 million gallons per day of high quality groundwater for irrigation reserving it for drinking water In addition the Lake Jesup Reclaimed Water Augmentation Facility will benefit the water quality of Lake Jesup which has a designation as impaired by FDEP by removing up to 20 MGD of the relatively polluted water The projects stormwater management system also is designed to remove pollutants from runoff that would normally discharge directly into the lake An intake structure will be constructed from the shore into Lake Jesup on existing City property The structure will be constructed as an observation platform which in the future could be setup to allow the public to walk out and view the lakefront The intake piping will be under the walkway and the observation platform is at the end of the dock The dockwalkway will be constructed to protect the intake piping of the augmentation system from debris and boating activity A low head pumping station will lift the water from Lake Jesup into the treatment units This pumping system will initially include two pumps but will be setup as a triplex station to allow for the future expansion of the augmentation treatment system and also provide for the back up capabilities required for environmental treatment facilities Onsite Storage of the treated lake water will be provided by a castin place 240000 gallon concrete tank The tank will be constructed below the ground surface and serve as an observation deck The building style storage tank will also shield some of the other treatment units An electrical and chemical storage building will be constructed adjacent to the storage tank Sodium hypochlorite storage and feed pumps will be provided for disinfection of the treated lake water High service pumps will supply the augmentation water directly into the Citys reclaimed water distribution system The expansion of the Citys reclaimed distribution system to residential areas that do not currently have reclaimed water available is a long term multi phase program that is expected to be implemented over at least a 12 year period Site improvements include a stabilized access road a stormwater system with a wet detention pond fencing security features and signage work pads seeding and mulching and final site restoration 142 City Commission Regular Meeting July 25 2011 Public Hearing Agenda Item 502 Page 4 of 4 FISCAL IMPACT This agenda item is requesting approval of the Final Engineering Site Plan and Aesthetic Review which has no fiscal impact At the July 11 2011 City Commission meeting the Commission authorized entering into a contract for construction at a cost of 232529330 COMMUNICATION EFFORTS This Agenda Item Has Been Electronically Forwarded To The Mayor And City Commission City Manager City AttorneyStaff And All eAlerteCitizen Recipients And Is Available On The Citys Website LaserFiche And The Citys Server Additionally Portions Of This Agenda Item Are Typed Verbatim On The Respective Meeting Agenda Which Has Also Been Electronically Forwarded To The Individuals Noted Above And Which Is Also Available On The Citys Website LaserFiche And The Citys Server Has Been Sent To City Staff MediaPress Representatives On File With The City And All Individuals Who Have Requested Such Information And Has Been Posted Outside City Hall Posted Inside City Hall With Additional Copies Available For The General Public And Posted At Five 5 Different Locations Around The City This Agenda Item Is Also Available To Any New Individual Requestors City Staff Is Always Willing To Discuss This Or Any Agenda Item With Any Interested Individuals RECOMMENDATION Staff recommends the City Commission approve the Final Engineering Site Plan and Aesthetic Review for the Lake Jesup Reclaimed Water Augmentation Facility ATTACHMENTS 1 Final Engineering and Aesthetic Review Plans by CPH Engineers Inc 143 CITY CF WINTER SPRINGS LAKE JEESUP RECLAIMED WATER AUGMENTATION FACILITY APRIL 2011 CITY OFFICIALS MAYOR CHARLES LACEY CITY COMMISSIONER JEAN HOVEY CITY COMMISSIONER RICK BROWN CITY COMMISSIONER GARY BONNER CITY COMMISSIONER JOANNE KREBS CITY COMMISSIONER CADE RESNICK CITY MANAGER KEVIN L SMITH PUBLIC WORKS KIPTON LOCKCUFF PE UTILITY DIRECTOR P17 oy 9N Gr fA9 d OL V h FLORI Structural Engiieeis 3222 Corrine Mve Suite F Orlando Florlido 32803 Ph one 407 286 1787 Fox 407 286 2281 1 SHEET INDEX C 1 COVER SHEET C 2 GENERAL NOTES C 3 SURVEY C 4 SITE PLAN C 5 DEMOLITION GRADING AND DRAINAGE PLAN C 6 TREATMENT PLAN AND SECTION C 7 HIGH SERVICE PUMP STATION AND SECTIONS C 8 CROSS SECTIONS AND DETAIL C 9 CHEMICAL FEED SYSTEM DETAILS C 10 INTAKE STRUCTURE C 11 BACKWASH PUMP STATION C 12 OFF SITE PIPING PLAN C 13 STORAGE TANK ELEVATIONS C 14 STANDARD DETAILS C 15 STANDARD DETAILS S 1 ELECTRICAL CHEMICAL BUILDING FLOOR PLAN ELEVATIONS AND DOOR SCHEDULE S 2 ELECTRICAL CHEMICAL BUILDING SECTION AND DETAILS S 3 GROUND STORAGE TANK GENERAL NOTES S 4 INTAKE STRUCTURE DOCK STRUCTURAL PLAN S 5 INTAKE STRUCTURE DOCK STRUCTURAL SECTIONS S 6 GROUND STORAGE TANK FOUNDATION PLAN S 7 OBSERVATION DECK FRAMING PLAN S 8 GROUND STORAGE TANK OBSERVATION DECK STRUCTURAL SECTIONS E 1 ABBREVIATIONS E 2 SYMBOLS E 3 SITE PLAN E 4 POWER RISER E 5 SCHEDULES E 6 TREATMENT PLAN E 7 HIGH SERVICE PUMP STATION E 8 ELECTRICAL CONTROL BUILDING LIGHTING PLAN E 9 ELECTRICAL CONTROL BUILDING POWER PLAN E 10 DETAILS V1 ELECTRICAL CONTROL BUILDING VENTILATION PLAN V2 ELECTRICAL CONTROL BUILDING DETAILS Sheet No C 1 CONFORMED DOCUMENTS VICINITY MAP 144 SITE PREPARATION DEWATERING 1 IN THE EVENT THAT GROUNDWATER IS ENCOUNTERED DURING CONSTRUCTION DEWATERING SHALL BE CONDUCTED THE CONTRACTOR IS SOLELY RESPONSIBLE FOR THE DESIGN INSTALLATION OPERATION AND SUBSEQUENT REMOVAL OF DEWATERING SYSTEMS AND THEIR SAFETY AND CONFORMITY WITH LOCAL CODES AND REGULATIONS IF DEWATERING EQUIPMENT NEEDED EXCEEDS ANY OF THE FOLLOWING 1 6 PUMP VOLUTE 2 100000 GPD TOTAL 24 HOUR 1 DAY DEWATERING AND 3 1000000 GPD PUMP CAPACITY THE CONTRACTOR SHALL BE REQUIRED TO PERMIT THE DEWATERING SYSTEM WITH THE SJRWMD THE ENGINEER AND OR OWNER SHALL BE NOTIFIED IMMEDIATELY IF ANY OF THE ABOVE THRESHOLDS ARE EXCEEDED 2 DEWATERING SYSTEMS SHALL BE UTILIZED IN ACCORDANCE WITH GOOD STANDARD PRACTICE AND MUST BE EFFICIENT ENOUGH TO LOWER THE WATER LEVEL IN ADVANCE OF THE EXCAVATION AND MAINTAIN IT CONTINUOUSLY TO KEEP THE TRENCH BOTTOM AND SIDES FIRM AND DRY WATER DISCHARGED FROM THE SITE SHALL BE CLEAN WITH NO SILTS OR OTHER SOLIDS THE CITY HAS THE RIGHT TO VISUALLY INSPECT THE DISCHARGED WATER FROM THE SITE TO VERIFY THAT THE WATER APPEARS CLEAN AND IS NOT IMPACTING THE DOWNSTREAM PORTION OF THE STORMWATER SYSTEM THE CONTRACTOR IS TO ABIDE BY THE REQUIREMENTS OF THE CITY FDEP AND WATER MANAGEMENT DISTRICT PERMIT REQUIREMENTS FOR CLEAN WATER DISCHARGE 3 AT ALL TIMES DURING CONSTRUCTION KEEP EXCAVATIONS FREE FROM STANDING WATER SUMPS IF REQUIRED SHALL BE LOCATED OUTSIDE OF LOAD BEARING AREAS SO THAT BEARING SURFACES WILL NOT BE DISTURBED WATER PUMPED FROM THE EXCAVATION SHALL BE DISCHARGED TO PREVENT REENTRY INTO THE SOIL STRATA BEING DEWATERED WATER CONTAINING SILT IN SUSPENSION SHALL NOT BE PUMPED INTO SEWER LINES OR ADJACENT STREAMS PONDS OR OTHER WATER BODIES THE METHOD OF DISPOSING OF WATER PUMPED FROM THE EXCAVATION SHALL BE APPROVED BY THE ENGINEER PRIOR TO ACTUAL DISPOSAL ffl ESTORATIOSHALLBELLDISTURBEDSO DDED WITH ARGENTINE BAHIA SOD SEE SPECIFICATIONS SECTION 02920 GENERAL PROJECT DATA ACCESS TO SITE ACCESS TO THE SITE IS FROM STATE ROAD 434 AS SHOWN ON THE SURVEY GENERAL CONSTRUCTION REQUIREMENTS ALL CONSTRUCTION PROJECTS 1 OR MORE ACRES IN SIZE THAT DISCHARGE TO OFF SITE AREAS ARE REQUIRED TO ABIDE BY THE PROVISIONS OF THE NATIONAL POLLUTION DISCHARGE ELIMINATION SYSTEM NPDES GENERAL 1 PERMIT THE CONTRACTOR IS RESPONSIBLE FOR PREPARING THE STORMWATER POLLUTION PREVENTION PLAN SWPPP AND SUBMITTING NPDES NOTICE OF INTENT NOI AND NOTICE OF TERMINATION NOT NOTICES TO THE EPA OR LOCAL STATE AGENCY HAVING JURISDICTION OVER THE NPDES PROGRAM THE CONTRACTOR SHALL KEEP ONSITE A COPY OF THE SWPPP NOI AND WATER MANAGEMENT DISTRICT PERMITS ISSUED TOGETHER WITH THE INSPECTION REPORTS AND CURRENT PLANS INCLUDING ANY MODIFICATIONS REQUIRED THE CONTRACTOR SHALL SUBMIT 6 COPIES OF SHOP DRAWINGS TO THE ENGINEER FOR APPROVAL PRIOR TO ORDERING THE MATERIALS REQUIRED FOR CONSTRUCTION PRIOR TO SUBMISSION THE CONTRACTOR SHALL 2 THOROUGHLY CHECK SHOP DRAWINGS PRODUCT DATA AND SAMPLES FOR COMPLETENESS AND FOR COMPLIANCE WITH THE CONSTRUCTION PLANS AND SHALL VERIFY ALL DIMENSIONS AND FIELD CONDITIONS AND SHALL COORDINATE THE SHOP DRAWINGS WITH THE REQUIREMENTS FOR OTHER RELATED WORK THE CONTRACTORS RESPONSIBILITY FOR ERRORS AND OMISSIONS IN SUBMITTALS IS NOT RELIEVED BY THE ENGINEERS REVIEW OF SUBMITTALS THE CONTRACTOR SHALL NOTIFY THE ENGINEER IN WRITING AT THE TIME OF SUBMISSION OF DEVIATIONS IN SUBMITTALS FROM THE REQUIREMENTS OF THE CONTRACT DOCUMENTS PROTECT BENCHMARKS PROPERTY CORNERS AND OTHER SURVEY MONUMENTS FROM DAMAGE OR DISPLACEMENT IF MARKER NEEDS TO BE REMOVED IT SHALL BE REFERENCED BY LICENSED LAND SURVEYOR AND 3 REPLACED AS NECESSARY BY SAME ASBUILTS ASBUILTS SHALL BE PROVIDED BY THE CONTRACTOR TO THE ENGINEER AT LEAST TWO WEEKS PRIOR PRIOR TO SUBMITTING A REQUEST FOR SUBSTANTIAL COMPLETION ALL ASBUILT DATA SHALL BE PROVIDED BY A FLORIDA 4 LICENSED SURVEYOR SIGNED SEALED AND DATED BY THE RESPONSIBLE PARTY SEE INDIVIDUAL SECTIONS PAVEMENT WATER SYSTEM ETC FOR ADDITIONAL AS BUILT REQUIREMENTS THE CONTRACTOR SHALL PROVIDE THE OWNER AND ENGINEER STORM DRAINAGE ASBUILTS AS BUILTS SHALL CONTAIN AT THE MINIMUM BUT NOT LIMITED TO SWALE TOP OF BANK TOE OF SLOPE ROAD GRADE ELEVATIONS 5 CONCRETE PAD ELEVATIONS FINISHED FLOOR ELEVATION AND DITCH BOTTOM INLET INFORMATION THE CONTRACTOR SHALL PROVIDE THE OWNER AND ENGINEER UTILITY ASBUILTS ASBUILTS SHALL INCLUDE THE LOCATION OF ALL VALVES BENDS AND PIPE SIZES CONTRACTOR SHALL ALSO PROVIDE HORIZONTAL LOCATION 6 MEASURED FROM PROPERTY LINE AND OR ADJACENT BUILDING OR SLABS ALL BENDS ARE TO BE LOCATED FROM PERMANENT FEATURE SUCH AS BUILDING OR CONCRETE PAD DRAINAGE IT SHALL BE THE CONTRACTORS RESPONSIBILITY TO ENSURE ADEQUATE DRAINAGE IS PROVIDED TO THE EXISTING SITE DURING CONSTRUCTION AT NO TIME SHALL THERE BE FLOODING ON THE SITE AS A RESULT OF THE 1 CONSTRUCTION GRADING SHOWN ON THESE PLANS ARE PROVIDED TO THE CONTRACTOR TO EXPRESS THE GENERAL GRADING INTENT OF THE PROJECT THE CONTRACTOR SHALL BE EXPECTED TO GRADE THE ENTIRE SITE TO PROVIDE 2 POSITIVE DRAINAGE IN ALL AREAS THROUGHOUT THE SITE SMOOTH TRANSITIONS SHALL BE PROVIDED BETWEEN CONTOURS OR SPOT ELEVATIONS AS SHOWN ON THE PLANS TO ACCOMPLISH THE GRADING INTENT ALL SLOPES SHALL BE STABILIZED IMMEDIATELY AFTER FINAL GRADING HAS BEEN COMPLETED CONTRACTOR SHALL NOTIFY OWNER AND ENGINEER PRIOR TO DEMOBILIZATION OF GRADING EQUIPMENT TO DETERMINE THAT THE GRADING INTENT HAS BEEN ACHIEVED ALL SURFACES IN AND ADJACENT SECTIONS SHALL BE GRADED TO DRAIN POSITIVELY AND WITH NO SHARP BREAKS IN GRADE AND NO UNUSUALLY STEEP OR REVERSE CROSS SLOPES IT IS THE CONTRACTORS RESPONSIBILITY TO 3 ACCOMPLISH THE ABOVE AND THE ENGINEER SHALL BE CONSULTED SO THAT HE MAY MAKE ANY AND ALL REQUIRED INTERPRETATIONS OF THE PLANS OR GIVE SUPPLEMENTARY INSTRUCTIONS TO ACCOMPLISH THE INTENT OF THE PLANS UNIFORMLY SMOOTH GRADE THE SITE DEPRESSIONS FROM SETTLEMENT SHALL BE FILLED AND COMPACTED TOPS OF EMBANKMENTS AND BREAKS IN GRADE SHALL BE ROUNDED FINISHED SURFACES SHALL BE REASONABLY 4 SMOOTH COMPACTED FREE FROM IRREGULAR SURFACE CHANGES AND COMPARABLE TO THE SMOOTHNESS OBTAINED BY BLADE GRADER OPERATIONS NEWLY GRADED AREAS SHALL BE PROTECTED FROM TRAFFIC AND EROSION ALL SETTLEMENT OR WASHING AWAY THAT MAY OCCUR FROM ANY CAUSE PRIOR TO SODDING OR ACCEPTANCE SHALL BE REPAIRED AND GRADES 5 REESTABLISHED TO THE REQUIRED ELEVATIONS AND SLOPES AT NO ADDITIONAL COST TO THE OWNER LIMITS OF DISTURBANCE AT NO TIME SHALL THE CONTRACTOR DISTURB SURROUNDING PROPERTIES OR TRAVEL ON SURROUNDING PROPERTIES WITHOUT WRITTEN CONSENT FROM THE PROPERTY OWNER REPAIR OR RECONSTRUCTION OF DAMAGED AREAS ON SURROUNDING PROPERTIES SHALL BE PERFORMED BY THE CONTRACTOR ON AN IMMEDIATE BASIS ALL COSTS FOR REPAIRS SHALL BE THE RESPONSIBILITY OF THE CONTRACTOR WITH NO COMPENSATION FROM THE UTILITY LAYOUT AND CONTROL BENCHMARK INFORMATION IS SHOWN ON THE SURVEY SHEET C3 CONTRACTORS SURVEYOR SHALL SET PERMANENT BENCHMARK ON SITE ANY DISCREPANCIES BETWEEN FIELD MEASUREMENTS AND CONSTRUCTION PLAN INFORMATION SHALL BE BROUGHT TO THE ATTENTION OF THE ENGINEER IMMEDIATELY AREAS OPENED BY CONSTRUCTION OPERATIONS THAT ARE NOT ANTICIPATED TO BE DRESSED OR RECEIVE FINAL GRASSING TREATMENT WITHIN THIRTY 30 DAYS SHALL BE SEEDED WITH A QUICK GROWING GRASS SPECIES WHICH WILL PROVIDE AN EARLY COVER DURING THE SEASON IN WHICH IT IS PLANTED TEMPORARY SEEDING SHALL BE CONTROLLED SO AS TO NOT ALTER OR COMPETE WITH PERMANENT GRASSING THE RATE OF SEEDING SHALL BE 30 POUNDS PER ACRE 5 TEMPORARY SEEDING AND MULCHING SLOPES STEEPER THAN 61 THAT FALL WITHIN THE CATEGORY ESTABLISHED IN 4 ABOVE SHALL ADDITIONALLY RECEIVE MULCHING OF APPROXIMATELY TWO 2 INCHES LOOSE MEASURE OF MULCH MATERIAL CUT INTO THE SOIL OF THE SEEDED AREA TO A DEPTH OF FOUR 4 INCHES THAT SEEDED OR SEEDED AND MULCHED AREAS SHALL BE ROLLED AND WATERED AS REQUIRED TO ASSURE OPTIMUM GROWING CONDITIONS FOR THE ESTABLISHMENT OF A GOOD GRASS COVER Color Coding Coat all exposed pipir conduit and appurtenances to conform to a color code as shown in the followin table Chlorine Solution Safety Yellow NonPotable Ban No1 Date I Revision B Designed b TMZ Date MARCH 19 2009 Engineers coA 3215NoDateRevisionBDesigy LAKE J E S U P WATER Architects Li No AA2600926 eet N o 52711 ADDENDUM NO 1 WCG Drawn b DGH GCM Job No W04141 Surveyors LB No143 177 East Robinsonth2 p p Checked by DEM File General Notesdwg AUGMENTATION FACILITY C Street Landscape Arch L No LC0000298 Orlando Fl 32802 GENERAL NOTESPlannersPhone4074250452WILLIAMCGOUCHERPE CITY O F WINTER SPRINGS Environmental ScientistseApprovedbyTMZCertificateofAuthorizationNo3215constructionA4anagernent Fax 4076481036 REG 20700 C2 Q Scale AS SHOWN 2009 SEMINOLE FLORIDA Design Build CONFORMED DOCUMENTS 145 LOT 4 BLOCK D TAX PARCEL ID 26 20 30 5AR OD000040 GERTRUD WILLIAM S BROWNING TRUSTEES D R MITCHELLS SURVEY OF T E LEVY GRAN T O N L A K E J E S S U P P L A T B 0 0 K 1 P A G E 5 E02 k TRACT C PARKSTONE UNIT 3 PLAT BOOK 59 PAGE 19 21 REPLAT STORMWATER MANAGEMENT AREA DRAINAGE EASEMENT APPROXIMATE LIMITS OF FLOOD ZONE X LOT 3 BLOCK C D R M ITCH ELLS SUR VEY OF THE LEVY GRANT O N L A K E J E S S U P P L A T B 0 0 K 1 P A G E 5 Z0 0n rZ m 00 z 00 BTL IN zCZz g DIRT TRAILwomn82969occnnrLB2108 LOT 3 BLOCK D TAX PARCEL ID 26 20 30 5AR OD00003C CLEANTHI Z PETERS D R MITCHELLS SURVEY OF T E LEVY GRANT O N L A K E J E S S U P P L A T B 0 0 K 1 P A G E 5 kh k L6 k D DRIVE DO ti6 7 g8932 6 i N0735 58 RRIGATION 36z 17 0 tiP BLOCK D 3LOTAS I 4E N0 15 EAST STATE ROAD 431020TAXPARCEL ID8 0030 26 20 30 5AR ODO TRUSTEES 0RLAURAWINOEYC0 CRES MORE LESS A N 1CHARLESW5 HE L E V Y715A 24 O F T89454SOUAREFEETCONTAININGSSLAKRVEYJESSU P H E L DR MIT PLAT ON 1 3304 E 9877 7 507 ZRETENTIONAREA INV 2074 LOT 2 BLOCK D TAX PARCEL ID 26 20 30 5AR OD000010 CITY OF WINTER SPRINGS D R M ITCH ELLS SUR VEY OF THE LEVY GRANT O N L A K E J E S S U P P L A T B 0 0 K 1 P A G E 5 LEGEND AND ABBREVIATIONS FOUND 4 X4 LB1 FOUND 4X4 LB1 w c w mCA Ln J N N N FOUND FOUND 12 12 LB1 LB1 SET 5 LB2108SSMC SET 58 SSMC L321011 do F CE FENCE O y I E 13 ti 1 L 0 OPENING N 300 FENCENOGAT T cN7 k h Dh FENCE 26 TL E 06T ASPHALT DRIVEWAY 2 III y255 TRAIL255 7 g DIRT 253 a 254 v O w M 9 25 s 0 SR S3 1 IRON PIPE o WITH STEEL CAP MCL o S 58 E 08 FOUND oo lb Cn 508 IRON ROD Ito N SA E08 h hYi N N YJ 30 U W L 0 O ZO LOCN CP b bo 4 8 k U Q00 3044 N cZ Cn o m o 25 oa 0 0 w k g DIRT TRAIL J 0 CEO n W CO 2 GATE krn ti rye 258 4 4 6 Fs2 7222 59 h CO3 d k LO N 2735 2688INLETI TOP 2715 p 2 18 2 N SITE BENCHMARK N Cn N FND 16 PENNY NAIL N INV 2037 2764 S INV2003 p 27 24 R m RCP I O N s9 IN THE SOUTHI1FACEOFAWOODFOUND1UTILITYPOLE N 22 LB3778 8257524o z INLET EL 24702 I N V 2027 2233 FLORIDA POWER AERIAL EASEMENT3152OTOP2442 S INV2086 Ld U N FFICIALRECORD BOOK 0 i PAGE 453 X D A 0 O c 0 0 v 0 rn co 0 F z 0 0 w o O 12 m r o 00 L l 9 O z oo U m m Of m N NAD m OOOITT A o LU W 7o oZ 199 SET 1 u n LLI P 0 Tn m Z r m i np y n A a 0C10 0 p oc LOT 20 03 m O o BLOCK D 0 0 z U 0 CORRUGATED METAL PIPE O 00 w C O N rn c WATER VALVE Lp D cri POLYVINYL CHLORIDE PIPE N o LOT 3 BLOCK D TAX PARCEL ID 26 20 30 5AR OD00003C CLEANTHI Z PETERS D R MITCHELLS SURVEY OF T E LEVY GRANT O N L A K E J E S S U P P L A T B 0 0 K 1 P A G E 5 kh k L6 k D DRIVE DO ti6 7 g8932 6 i N0735 58 RRIGATION 36z 17 0 tiP BLOCK D 3LOTAS I 4E N0 15 EAST STATE ROAD 431020TAXPARCEL ID8 0030 26 20 30 5AR ODO TRUSTEES 0RLAURAWINOEYC0 CRES MORE LESS A N 1CHARLESW5 HE L E V Y715A 24 O F T89454SOUAREFEETCONTAININGSSLAKRVEYJESSU P H E L DR MIT PLAT ON 1 3304 E 9877 7 507 ZRETENTIONAREA INV 2074 LOT 2 BLOCK D TAX PARCEL ID 26 20 30 5AR OD000010 CITY OF WINTER SPRINGS D R M ITCH ELLS SUR VEY OF THE LEVY GRANT O N L A K E J E S S U P P L A T B 0 0 K 1 P A G E 5 LEGEND AND ABBREVIATIONS FOUND 4 X4 LB1 FOUND 4X4 LB1 w c w mCA Ln J N N N FOUND FOUND 12 12 LB1 LB1 SET 5 LB2108SSMC SET 58 SSMC L321011 do F CE FENCE O y I E 13 ti 1 L 0 OPENING N 300 FENCENOGAT T FOUND 1 RETENTION AREA LB3778 Z I L7 U0 z POST To EDGE OW X x 0 w Fn v LP yo CTI z 20 4 C Z SERVICE POLE v CTI Cv CJtrollC r OPENING IN FENCE SOUTH RW LINE N GAIL FENCE 42 FOUND 1 RETENTION AREA LB3778 4 2 NO 3558 ING IN E GATE Q o I 1 60 GRAPHIC SCALE 0 30 60 120 FOUND 1 14 IRON PIPEJWGSURVEY W 043 CONCRETE MONUMENT 1 O tY 2 D GAZEBO WITH p N Q fL EXHAUS CONC FLOOR POST Ci GUY WIRE To EDGE OW X x x r S4 0 56 X 3 SERVICE POLE j X N Xrxo0p o O s3 R 2 IRON ROD S 9 0 O Js x X r LIGHT POLE X 0 9 00 mss OSE v PLA 0 HOSE BIB W NAIL DISC x CHAIN LINK FENCE T TANK UNKNOWN AC AIR CONDITIONING POL POINT ON LINE CONC CONCRETE SO 330 E 1 35 1 POWER POLE NAD NORTH AMERICAN DATUM h BENCH EL ELEVATION 199 SET 1 N 17 FF FINISHED FLOOR ELEVATION NON TRAFFIC SIGN DIP DUCTILE IRON PIPE 0 WELL CMP CORRUGATED METAL PIPE ex WATER VALVE PVC POLYVINYL CHLORIDE PIPE INV INVERT ELEVATION CfI TREE RCP REINFORCED sz SIZE SHOWN IS TRUNK DIAMETER IN INCHES CONCRETE PIPE features and construction plans furnished to the surveyor Additional sub surface utilities may exist that have not MA MAPLE 1 MAILBOX CY CYPRESS G GUM 0 WOVEN WIRE FENCE C CEDAR E FLAT GRATE INLET search of the Public Records BTL BURIED TELEPHONE LINE 4 2 NO 3558 ING IN E GATE Q o I 1 60 GRAPHIC SCALE 0 30 60 120 FOUND 1 14 IRON PIPEJWGSURVEY W 043 Idpry 1 O tY 2 D GAZEBO WITH p N Q fL EXHAUS CONC FLOOR p OL SET 5B2108SSMC Ci h 0C To EDGE OW X x x r S4 0 56 X 3 x xS x 9 0 67 WOOD 1 PLATFORM j X N Xrxo0p o O s3 R 2 o ASXx o X 3 S 9 0 O Js x X x So m2X sv JAX09 00 mss OSE v PLA 0 9 3 yl r1 W k 9 k INLODL 1 p CONC BOAT RAMP 0 4 WOOD FRAME NORTH RW LINE LU r Idpry 1 O tY 2 D GAZEBO WITH p N Q fL EXHAUS CONC FLOOR Ci 0ODhF675 l1NCSLABO6rnV O 0 N W Y Y OOC3 a 3 BLACK N r4 C of lJQ 0 LC T T 2 J o 6 00 0 O00oEASSEENOTE1qOUCSEEORLESSIROAD434ZCp 7 Vertical information shown hereon refers to recovered benchmark at the Southwest corner of Lot 2 Block D being a 020 EAST STATE 3 D9 ACRESgQUAREFEET1413438131p N O LEVY G R A n SHE N TSEENOTEF V ECONTAININJESS c 5 18 4 09P t G R M I T C PL O LAKE 1 P AGEBOOK RsTBARN A k yG 0 oT k v E1 E DIRT FLOOR 12 FENCEtiHEADWAL04E 6 k v S 3N C NORTH RW LINE O O S M P0L 1b k k TESITE 14 o4448FRo 9s S tSET58p1SSMCTRAV1950SO330E135 1 METAL 4 TO EDGE 1 POL SHED OF ATER EL 11 Unless shown only those visible features in the immediate vicinity of the above described parcel boundary have SET 58 18 o 0 FENCE o SSMC LB2108 SHED 137 RETENTION AREA E 12 LOT 2 BLOCK C 199 SET 1 N 17 W D R M ITCH ELLS S RVEY OF THE LEVY GRANT ON LAKE JESSU PSSMC8210B Plat Book 1 Page 5 Determination of Lot and right of way locations were based on a combination of the best available field PLAT BOOK 1 PAGE 5 IRON PIPE evidence and previous surveys by Jones Wood Gentry Inc resurvey no job number available dated 120298 and DESCRIPTION B21o8 Tinklepaugh Surveying Services Inc job number SX 7044A dated 010202 The East half E 12 of Lot 3 Block C and the East half E 112 of Lot 3 Block D of Mitchells Survey of 13 The 28 contour line is acceptable to the Division of State Lands Bureau of Survey and Mapping for the purpose of acreage Levy Grant on Lake Jessup according to plat thereof as recorded in Plat Book 1 page 5 of the public records of calculations and permitting Those lands waterside of the 28 contour line may be subject to a claim by the State of Florida Seminole County Florida as sovereign lands SURVEYORS REPORT 14 The calculated area contained withing the boundary line of the East 12 of Lot 3 Block C above the 28 contour line 1 Utility locations if shown hereon are based on field location of markings by Utility Company representatives surface edge of water is 134384 square feet 309 acres more or less The 28 contour line is ambulatory therefore the features and construction plans furnished to the surveyor Additional sub surface utilities may exist that have not acreage square footage shown is subject to change been field located 15 The street adress information shown according to the Seminole County Property Appraisers office 2 Easements or rights of way that appear on recorded plans or that have been furnished to the surveyor by others hove been incorporated into this drawing with appropriate notation Other easements may be discovered by a search of the Public Records 3 Measurement methods used for this survey meet MINIMUM TECHNICAL STANDARDS FOR LAND SURVEYING CH 61G17 6 requirements C3 O 4 Not valid without the signature and raised seal of a Florida licensed surveyor and mapper 5 Features shown by symbol as indicated in the legend are not to scale 6 Bearings shown hereon are based on the northerly right of way of CSX Railroad Lake Charm Branch Rail 0 z Corridor being South 82 5256 West n 7 Vertical information shown hereon refers to recovered benchmark at the Southwest corner of Lot 2 Block D being a o 16 penny Nail in the South face of utility pole B257578 NAD 83 EL 24702 Q7 0 m 8 Based on the National Flood Insurance Program FIRM Map No 12117CO135E dated 04171995 the above X D described property lies within unshaded Zone determined to be outside 500 year floodplain and shaded Zone X areas of 500 year flood and Zone AE base flood elevation determined Elevation 10 n C 9 D The electronic image of this map contains horizontal positions for all features shown relative to an assumed datum 10 This Survey was performed without benefit of a Title search A Title search may reveal additional information FTl Z affecting the Parcel as shown C 7 m C 11 Unless shown only those visible features in the immediate vicinity of the above described parcel boundary have Y FT1 been located 12 There are no lot or right of way dimensions on the recorded plat of DR Mitchells Survey of The Levy Grant on Lake Jessup Plat Book 1 Page 5 Determination of Lot and right of way locations were based on a combination of the best available field evidence and previous surveys by Jones Wood Gentry Inc resurvey no job number available dated 120298 and Tinklepaugh Surveying Services Inc job number SX 7044A dated 010202 13 The 28 contour line is acceptable to the Division of State Lands Bureau of Survey and Mapping for the purpose of acreage calculations and permitting Those lands waterside of the 28 contour line may be subject to a claim by the State of Florida as sovereign lands 14 The calculated area contained withing the boundary line of the East 12 of Lot 3 Block C above the 28 contour line edge of water is 134384 square feet 309 acres more or less The 28 contour line is ambulatory therefore the acreage square footage shown is subject to change 15 The street adress information shown according to the Seminole County Property Appraisers office C3 146 CONFORMED DOCUMENTS 2 CHLORINE FILL LINE WITH CAM LOCK QUICK EXISTING HEDGE ROW AND TREES TO REMAIN N CONNECT FASTENED TO BOLLARD WITH STAINLESS STEELSTRAPS e FIRE HYDRANT i t0 10 4 20 ARI SCALE6FORCMAIN r t 0 f x t x x x x x x x x x x 2 SCH 80 CPVC CHLORINE FILL LINE D C y 4 EE SHEETSS C y 2 18 RECLAIMED MAIN FOR NTN ATIOCO NUO 6 FROM WELL ARTESIAN 16 LAKE SUCTION TRANSFORMER SEE SHEET E3 f1 Ii LJ 0 ELECTRICAL CHEMICALCALC L BUILDING CD SEE SHEE C 1 OPNTREATMEN 11tlITS SEE FOR CONTI AT1ON r SH ET C 6E j 1 WI DED LE6OU SWING GATE 11 6 WIDE SWINGW ATEG 111 0 0 T ALUMINUM RAILING 0 FLUSHING zo PUMPS 60 7x7 ALUMINUM BOX GUTTER RETAINING WALL TOP EL 14 SEE SHEET S8 A WITH LEAF GUARD 3 x4 DOWNSPO OPENINGS WITH ADAPTER TO 4 DIAMETER PVC DOWNSPOUT SLOPE TO DRAIN A 51 FENCE AND GATES SHALL BE 6 FT HIGH BLACK VINYLCOATED CHAIN LINK FENCE TYP PER SPEC SECTION 02820 x 1 4 TAPCON OR EQUAL16 ALUMINUM HANGERS @ 30 OC o HWL WALL PENETRATION SEE DETAIL ON SHEET C11 A STORAGE TANKTOPEL1400 0 DECK GUTTER NOTES V PROVIDE TNT ALUMINUM BOX GUTTER 0032 THICK ANODIZED w GUTTER AND DOWNSPOUTS 12 TYP PROVIDE 1J16 THICK RUBBER ISOLATION SHEET BETWEEN GUTTER AND CONCRETE PROVIDE 3x4 DOWNSPOUT OPENINGS WITH TRANSITION 14 DOWNSPOUT SPACING TYPICAL BOTH SIDES 4 ADAPTER FOR CONNECTION TO 4 DIA PIPE INTO TANK PROVIDE DOWNSPOUTS SPACED AS SHOWN IN PLAN THIS SHEET PROVIDE LOCKON LEAF GUARDS FOR LENGTH OF GUTTERS PROVIDE POLYURATHANE FOAM GUTTER FILTERS 4 FT LONG CENTERED ON DOWNSPOUT OPENINGS 80 U Q U o v SECTION AA NOT TO SCALE 3 STRANDS OF BARB WIR SLEEVE COUPLING 210 OC MAX 100 MAX 100 MAX 6 DIA STL BOLLARD x xxxxxxx xxxxxxx c f FILLED WCONCRETE X xxxxxx xxxxxxxx TOP RAIL CORNER POST C IMF XX CHAIN LINK FENCE FABRIC LEGEND FINISH6 SURFACE 2 BARE io LINE POST CONDUCTOR ATTACHED TO O CONCRETE SLAB ON GRADE CORNER POST TRUSS ROD rt a 4 THICK MIN FDOT NO 57 STONE OVER GEOTEXTILE FILTER FABRIC o CONCRETE FOOTING GROUND SURFACE BOTT REINF 6 HIGH BLACK VINYLCOATED CHAINXLINKFENCE ih GROUND ROD 38 X 10 COPPER CONCRETE PIER r CLAD CHANGE NOTE BRACE CORNER POSTS IN TYP ALL CORNERS OR DIRECTIONS ALONG FENCE LINE IN FENCE DIRECTION BOTH BOLLARD DETAIL OTYP I CAL FENCE DETAIL NOT TO SCALE No Date NOT TO SCALE Revision By No Date Revision By Designed by TMZ Date March 19 2009 LAKE E S U P WATER AUGMENTATION FACILITY C Engineers COA Architects Li No AA2600926 surveyors LBNo 7143 Landscape Arch LNoLC0000298 Planners 1117 East Robinson street Orlando Fl 32801 SITE PLAN Sheet No VAq 52711 ADDENDUM NO 1 WCG Drawn by DGH GCM Job No W04141 A 61011 DRC REVIEW WCG A Checked by DEM File Site Plandwg A Approved bPPy TMZ CeYtiiCrdteo thorizati0nno3215f CITY O F WINTER SPRINGS Environmental scientists Phone 4074250452 Fax 4076481036 WILLIAM C GOUCHER PE REG 20700 C 2009 ConstrsietianManagement Q sA Scale 1 10 SEMINOLE FLORIDA Traffic Transportation CONFORMED DOCUMENTS 147 FUTURE 6 PVC FROM ARTESIAN WELL sod INSTALL 6 CAP FOR FUTURE WELL CONNECTION 151 1011 51 6 FORCE MAIN 6 TEE ROTATED UP 6 PLUG VALVE 6 BLIND FLANGE 6 FROM ARTESIAN WELL INSTALL B a0 HYDRANT MARKER 8 RECLAIMED MAIN oQN 0 30 60 GRAPHIC SCALE 6 6 0 6 34 x 4 SLEEVE 8 LAG BOLT 2 AT EACH LOC LAG BOLT TO BE HELD IN PLACE BY EPDXY OR 10 MAINTENANCE METHOD AS APPROVED BY ENGINEER LITTORAL PLANTINGS BY CITY Q BERM A 4 CONCRETE 100 100 A SLAB EXISTING GROUND 90 TOP 6FPO 90 90 LL o SOD ALSOD 6 5 a 80 PEAK STAGE 78G1 80 i 20 o TO OUTFALL PIPE ORIFICE o w OUTFALL Zh OUTFALL PIPE 7 WSW 70 O 14 FIBERGLASS N SKIMMER 60 60 r 48 PLAN TOOLED JOINTS @ 5 50 50 PLAN STEEL RETICULINE 40 1 1 40 44 REBAR 12 OC GRATE ELEV 850 S IMMER EL 900 30 4 4 30 4 CONCRETE 2 SAND 4 x 4 TYP EL 850Q SECTION AA BOTTOM O SKIMMER EL 800 20 20 MINIMUM 2000 PSIF CONCRETE REQUIRED INV ELEV AS 10 10 NOTES FINISHED GROUND SHOWN ON PLANSQFL 1 34 x4 PREMOLDED EXPANSION MATERIALS AROUND PP OR OTHER STRUCTURES IN WALK 2 DIA ORIFICE INV 700 RETENTION POND 00 00 2 EXPANSION JOINTS MAXIMUM DISTANCE 90 USED 12 x3 PREMOLDED EXPANSION MATERIAL A A A A A A OUTFOALL OUTFACE PIPE WITH TEE AND RISER Qa AND FILL TOP 1 ELASTOMETRIC CHALK COMPACTED TO 95 ASHTO T180 12 DEEP PIPE INV 645 3 CONTRACTION JOINTS MAXIMUM DISTANCE 30 AT D4 WITHIN 12 HOURS OF POUR SECTION POND BOTTOM EL 100 4 SAW CUT REMAINING JOINTS AT 5 MAX WITHIN 96 HOURS TYPICAL POND CROSS SECTION A DISCHARGE STRUCTURE S DETAIL S 1 3 CONCRETE SIDEWALK DETAILAlENERGYDISSIPATOR13VVNOTTOSCALENOTTOSCALENOTTOSCALETYPEEINLETDOTINDEXNo232 No Date Revision By No Date Revision By Designed by TMZ Date MARCH 19 2009 Engineers COA 3215 Sheet NoAKEJESUPRECLAIMEDWATEArchitectsLiNoAA26u0261117EastRobinsonDEMOLITIONQ2211ADDEDDETAILSREVISEDOUTFACEPIPELENGTHACLDrawnbyDGHJobNoW04141SurveyorsLBNo7143street AUGMENTATIONMENTATION FACILITY Landscape Arch Li No rcoou0298 Orlando Fl 32801317211ADDBMPTOPLANACLCheckedbyDEMFileGradingPlandwgmanners GRADING ANDPhone4074250452ALLENCLANEJRPE 52711 ADDENDUM NO 1 WCG 8 Approved by TMZ Certificate ofAuthorization No 3215 CITY OF WINTER SPRINGS Environmental Scientists Fax 4076481036 REG 60144 DRAINAGE P LAN enuConstrsietionManagement a 61011 1 DRC REVIEW WCG sQ Scale 1 30 2009 SEMINOLE FLORIDA TrafficTransportation CONFORMED DOCUMENTS 148 FLUSHING PUMP SKID BOTTOM OF TOP 6 4 4 SLAB EL 1300 d WALL PENETRATION SEAL TYP SEE DETAIL V HWL EL 1200 SHEET C 11 EL 1 EL 950 6 GROUND STO RAGE TAN K I EL 575 EL 500 4 d 4 4 it Li II II Lj j VL N 5 0 Lx3 4Wx6H HOUSEKEEPING PAD 8 @ 12 OCEW TYP PROVIDE ADJUSTABLE PIPE TOP BOTT SUPPORT UNDER ALL TEES TO RECEIVE FILTERS SECTION A SCALE 38 1 0 C C 170 HIGH SERVICE PUMPING SEE SHEET C 7 250 W O Q UU F 1 CONCRETE SLAB W in L o 36 II I B 29 Cc o c N 0 30il 46 35 III38I BACKWASH I I 36 4 DIP BW I PUMP STATION VALVE VAULT I 2s I 42 SEE SHEET C 11 I I I I 2s 39 33 34 46 46 T 22 E r 20 21 18 12 FUTURE 1 PUMP C EL 975 FROM LAKE I SEESHEETC10 6 THICK CONCRETE SLAB WITH 6 x6 x10x10 WWF j I I I I i i ca 6 o I II C I 39 I I 14 I I C 27 C6 46 6 F 1 10 o 10 C TYP e ooe GROUND 1 13 26 49 25 5 C8 o I L434 30 3 0 r J STORAGE TANK 2 A 1 4 1 4 1 4 2s s 33 a o o a j D 2 25 10 6 15 o A B B 1 PUMP 7 p FUTURE 10 39 0 36 8 15 15 WALL PENETRATION I 39 25 9 9 SEAL TYP I M FURNISH AND FURNISH AND 8 6 25 4 1 1 11 1 2 2 5011 1 16 1 16 19 22 INSTALL BLIND INSTALL BLIND o FLANGE IF ADDITIVE FLANGE IF ADDITIVE ALTERNATE NO 1 ALTERNATE NO 1 6 IS NOT ACCEPTED IS NOT ACCEPTED ICI 39 O O 7 r 3 ST STL FLUSHI 6 6 32 16 1 16 23 24 19 21 SUPPLY CENTERLI E CELEV1153BY FILTER SUPPLIER e o o e 10 37 33 37 33 0 0 o 33 o 8 15 SEE SHEET C 4 AND C 12 FOR CONTINUATION 1 PVC 47 DIP 3 PIPE AND FITTING 47 LEGEND I 1O 10 DIP SPOOL PIECE FLG O2 12 TSS SAMPLE TAP O3 6 DIP MJ 10 x 8 TEE FLG 5O 10 BLIND FLANGE 15 TO WEST 8 DIP SPOOL PIECE FLGPROPERTYLINE O7 10 TEE FLG 8 90 BEND FLG O9 8 CHECK VALVE FLG 10 8 BUTTERFLY VALVE FLG 11 10 45 BEND FLG 12 10 x 6 TEE FLG 13 TURBIDIMETER SAMPLE TAP 14 8 BLIND FLANGE 15 6 90 BEND FLG 16 6 GATE VALVE FLG 0 17 10 x 6 REDUCER FLG 18 FUTURE 6 90 BEND FLG 19 FUTURE 6 GATE VALVE FLG 0 16 x 10 REDUCER FLG 1 16 90 BEND FLG @2 FUTURE 10 x 6 TEE FLG 3 FUTURE 10 DIP SPOOL PIECE FLG o 6 BLIND FLANGE FLG 17 1 12 1 12 20 o 0 38 36 39 36 39 5 10 x 8 REDUCER FLG I6 THICK CONCRETE SLAB ITH a o o a 2 8 26 N 6x6 x10x10 WIRE MESHY 10 PRESSURE SUSTAINING VALVE FLG 7 FUTURE 10 x 8 REDUCER FLGTOPELEV975 8 6 0 33 I FUTURE 8 SPOOL PIECE FLG 4 FLUSHING I J EXPANSION O SUPPLY JOINT TYP Yw A 9 FUTURE 8 BUTTERFLY VALVE FLG CONFORMED DOCUMENTS Q o o 39 1 10 4 2 1i U 30 FUTURE 8 90 BEND FLGC6C6 o 2 W x 2 D PIPE RUN IN TOP OF SLAB 4 THICK FDOT No 57 ADDITIVE ALTERNATE NO 1 Ow co 31 8 GATE VALVE FLG Q o e O STONE W MIRAFI 140ND 4 THICK 250OPSI 32 6 DIP SPOOL PIECE FLG 1 RW FEED TO UTILITY SINK FILTER FABRIC OR EQUAL Q CONCRETE W 6 x 6 WWM AND SHOWEREYEWASH 33 4 90 BEND FLG o 0FLUSHING 00 o MINIMUM 12 DEEP 1 POST CHLORINATION CLS 34 4 90 BEND MJ MINIMUM 12 DEEP PUMP SKID 12 THICK MIRAFI57GSPCOMPRESSEDAIRSTONEWIRAFI140ND SHOWER 35 FUTURE 4 90 BEND FLG I 67 FILTER FABRIC OR EQUAL a EYEWASH 36 4 TEE FLG 140 EQUIPMENT TAB 37 4 x 3 REDUCER FLG 4 w x 2D PIPE RUN IN SLAB NUMBERS 38 4 BLIND FLANGE 39 4 DIP SPOOL PIECE FLG O EBS 10000 FILTER ON MANIFOLD 40 NOT USED 1 PRE CHLORINATION CLS B SELF PRIMING PUMP0 41 FUTURE 8 x 4 TEE FLG MINIMUM 12 DEEP ELECTRICAL ROOM CHEMICAL ROOM c 8 AMF 370K FILTER 42 FUTURE 4 DIP SPOOL PIECE FLG O WESTFALL 2800 STAINLESS STEEL 43 NOT USED STATIC INJECTION MIXER 44 4 45 BEND MJ 45 6 x 4 WYE MJ TREATMENT PLAN PROCESS 46 4 DIP SPOOL PIECE FLG x MJ SCALE 38 10 47 6 45 BEND MJ WILLIAM C GOUCHER PE 48 6 x 4 REDUCER MJREG20700 49 10 CROSS No Date Revision BBy No Date Revision B y Designedgned y WCG Date MARCH 19 2009 LAKE J ES U P WATER AUGMENTATION FACILITY CITY O F WINTER SPRINGS SEMINOLE FLORIDA Engineers COA No 3215 Architects Li No AB2600926 Surveyors LB N 7143 Planne eAreh LcNoLC00002ys Co nnentat anagtiltsCorstructiouR4anagernent Design Build 7177 East Robinson Street Orlando Phone 3282 Phone 4074250452 Fax 4076487036 STRUCTURAL TERRY M ZAUDTKE PE REG 32928 TREATMENT PLAN AND E T N Sheet No 6 p p Drawn by GCM DGH Job No W04141 p sQ Checked by WCG File Treatment Plandwg p 8 Approved by TMZ cerEificate of Anthorizcltion vo 527s 2009ppScale381 CONFORMED DOCUMENTS 149 SECTION A SCALE 38 V 0 C C 7 PIPE FITTING AND EQUIPMENT LEGEND 10 24 x 12 TEE MJ 20 6 90 BEND MJ O3 12 DIP PE 12 GATE VALVE MJ O5 12 DIP FLG x MJ VERTICAL CAN TURBINE PUMP O7 10 x 8 REDUCER FLG 12 90 BEND FLG O9 10 x 4 TEE FLG TAPPED BLIND FLG 1 VALVE 2 INCH THREADED AIR VACUUM RELEASE VALVE 10 10 COUPLING ADAPTER FLG 11 10 CHECK VALVE FLG 12 12 GATE VALVE FLG 13 12 DIP FLG 14 6 x 2 TEE FLG TAPPED BLIND FLG 1 VALVE 2 INCH THREADED AIR VACUUM RELEASE VALVE 15 12 x 6 REDUCING 90 BEND FLG 16 18 x 12 REDUCER FLG 17 18 DIP SPOOL PIECE AS REQUIRED FLG 18 18 x 10 TEE FLG 19 CHLORINE SAMPLE TAP LOCATION 0 10 DIP FLG 1 10 BLIND FLANGE 2 6 GATE VALVE FLG 3 FLOW METER 12 UNIFLANGE 5 6 CHECK VALVE FLG 18 90 BEND LONG RADIUS ROTATED DOWN 45 FLG 7 24 90 BEND MJ 24 DIP MJ 9 12 FECAL COLIFORM SAMPLE TAP 30 10 GATE VALVE FLG 31 NOT USED 32 NOT USED 33 NOT USED 34 6 DIP FLG 35 FUTURE 10 DIP FLG 36 CAN FOR FUTURE VERTICAL CAN TURBINE PUMP 37 FUTURE 10 x 8 REDUCER FLG 38 FUTURE 10 x 4 TEE FLG TAPPED BLIND FLG 1 VALVE 2 INCH THREADED AIR VACUUM RELEASE VALVE 39 FUTURE 10 COUPLING ADAPTER FLG 40 FUTURE 10 CHECK VALVE FLG 41 FUTURE 10 GATE VALVE FLG 42 6 COUPLING ADAPTER FLG 43 12 90 BEND MJ 44 24 x 12 REDUCER MJ 45 NOT USED 46 6 DIP PE 47 18 DIP FLG x PE 48 6 DIP FLG x PE m TYPE 38 ADJUSTABLE w PIPE SUPPORT USE SAME COATING TYPE 37 PIPE SUPPORT D SYSTEM AS PIPING STD PIPE FLANGE ATTACHED TO CONC SHANK TO FIT INTO D SIZE i Z MASONRY W4 STAINLESS STEEL STUD SCHED 40 STEEL PIPE TYPE WEDGE ANCHORS o A 1 MIN 3 MAX LuIle NONSHRINK GROUT a a C NOTES 1 PROVIDE HALF ROUND RIGID INSULATION AND INSULATION PROTECTION SHIELD TYPE 40 SIMILAR TO GRINNELL 2 PROVIDE NEOPRENE WAFFLE ISOLATION PAD BETWEEN PIPE AND BRACKET 3 FOR BASEHEIGHTAND FLANGE DIMENSIONS SEE TABLE 4 SST TYPE 316 5 PROVIDE 18 THICK NEOPRENE PAD FULL SUPPORT WIDTH BETWEEN PIPE AND SUPPORT E PIPE SIZE A B C D nnini nnnv r CONFORMED DOCUMENTS WILLIAM C GUUCHtK HE REG 20700 ADJUSTABLE PIPE SUPPORT DETAIL NOT TO SCALE No Date Revision BBy No Date Revision B y Designed bgy TMZ Date MARCH 19 2009 LAKE JESUP WATER Engineers CoAN3215 Architects Li No AA2600926 1177 East Robinson STRUCTURAL Sheet No p p Drawn by DGH Job No wo4141 AUGMENTATION FACILITY Landscape L n X93 eArci rL cc00002ys Planne Street Orlando 3282 HIGH SERVICE PUMP STATIONQsQCheckedbyDEMFilePumpStationdwg p 8 Approved by TMZ Certificate of Authorization No 3215 CITY O F WINTER SPRINGS Environmental Scientists Construction R4anagement Phonene 440744250452 Fax 4076481036 TERRY M ZAUDTKE PE REG 32928 AND SECTIONS Q Scale 38 1 2009 SEMINOLE FLORIDA Design Build CONFORMED DOCUMENTS 150 PIPE AND FITTING LEGEND 1O FLOWMETER O2 12 UNIFLANGE O3 12 DIP SPOOL FLG 12 GATE VALVE FLG O5 16 x 12 DIP REDUCER FLG 16 45 BEND FLG O7 16 DIP SPOOL FLG x PE 16 45 BEND MJ SCALE 38 1 0 G C8 I 24x 12 T MJ TYP PUMP STATION REBAR PLAN PIPE AND FITTING LEGEND 10 x 8 TEE FLG 8 DIP SPOOL PIECE FLG x PE 8 90 BEND FLG O9 8 CHECK VALVE FLG 12 10 x 6 TEE FLG 15 6 90 BEND FLG 16 6 GATE VALVE FLG 31 8 GATE VALVE FLG 32 6 DIP SPOOL PIECE FLG 33 4 90 BEND FLG 3 4 x 3 REDUCER FLG 39 4 DIP SPOOL PIECE FLG EQUIPMENT TAB NUMBERS OA EBS 10000 FILTER SELF PRIMING PUMP No Date Revision BBy No Date Revision B y Designed bgy WCG Date MARCH 19 2009 LAKE JESUP WATER Engineers cOANN 3215 Architects Lic No AA2600926 1177 East Robinson STRUCTURAL Sheet No p p Drawn by Checked by GCM DGH WCG Job No W04141 File Cross Sectionsdwg AUGMENTATION FACILITY IL surveyors L B n143 PlannerseArc7 rL cc00002ys street Orlando Ft 32801 CROSS SECTIONSpsQ p p Approved by TMZ Certificate of Authorization No 3275 CITY O F WINTER SPRINGS Environmenta Scientists Construction A4anagement Phone 4074250452 Fax 4076481036 TERRY M ZAUDTKE PE REG 32928 AND DETAIL ng Q Scale 38 1 2009 SEMINOLE FLORIDA Design Build CONFORMED DOCUMENTS AB W 6 6x 1 Ox 10 WWF SECTION B SCALE 38 1 0 C6 C8 45 @ 12 OCEW TYP y TOP BOTT SECTION SCALE 38 1 0 4 F 1 N 18 MIN PER MFR SECTION E SCALE NTS 151 r n hMFNi Zai POSTCHLORINATION U SEE SHEET C 6 FEED SKID FOR CONTINUATION 12 GSP COMPRESSED AIR AIR DCOMPRE PRE CHLORINATION O FEED SKID M 12 SCH 80 CPVC I I a Z oSUCTIONLINETOPUMPSM 22 GALLON CAPACITY FREE STANDING PLASTIC UTILITY SINK W SINGLE FAUCET 12 CPVC BALL TYP 2 SHOWER EYEWASH U STATION g d 6 2 CPVC BALL TYP 2 FUTURE O 1550 GALLON 1550 GALLON 2 SCH 80 CPVC VENT O I I SODIUM HYPOCHLORITE SODIUM HYPOCHLORITE I WITH INSECT SCREEN DOUBLE WALL STORAGE TANK DOUBLE WALL STORAGE TANK TO ATMOSPHERE TYP I I 12 1 ADJUSTABLE PIPE SUPPORT TYP o tooN 2 SCH 80 CPVC FILL LINE ROLLUP DOOR SEE SHEET C4 FOR CONTINUATION CHLORINE ROOM FLOOR PLAN HIGH DENSITY LINEAR POLYETHYLENE 1550 GALLON SODIUM HYPOCHLORITE STORAGE TANK 8 0 DIA x 611 HIGH UV RESISTANT DOUBLE WALL 2 SCH 80 CPVC VENT WITH INSECT SCREEN TO ATMOSPHERE TYP NOTE AIR COMPRESSOR AND 12 GSP COMPRESSED AIR LINE NOT SHOW N FOR CLARITY 6 N 2 SCH 80 CPVC FILL LINE WITH CAM LOCK QUICK CONNECT 2 SCH 80 CPVC FILL LINE ADJUSTABLE PIPE SUPPORT TYP CHLORINE ROOM SECTION A SCALE 14 1 C uc NOTE 12 SCH 80 CPVC HYPOCHLORITE LINE TO INJECTORS NOT SHOWN FOR CLARITY 3 SOCKET CPVC TEE FOR 3 FLUSHING DRAIN VALVE NECTION 4 PLACES 0 UNION TYP OF 4 SECTION B NOT TO SCALE C9 C No1 Date I Revision B No Date Revision B Designed b TMZ Date MARCH 19 2009 Engineers C09N3215Byygy LAKE JESUP WATER Architects aiN y26 Sheet No 5271 9177 East Robinson ADDENDUM NO 1 WCG Drawn by GCM Job No W04141 surveyors a N taJ Street CHEMICAL FEEDppCheckedbyDEMFileChemicalRoomdw9AUGMENTATIONFACILITYCPlanneapeArchL2y8OrlandoFt32802PlannersPhone4074250452WILLIAMCGOUCHERPE Environmental Scientists REG 20700 SYSTEM DETAILSeApprovedbyTMZCertificateofAuthorizationNo3215CITYOFWINTERSPRINGSConstructionA4anagernent Fax 4076481036 Q Scale I AS SHOWN I 2009 SEMINOLE FLORIDA Design Build 48 y 6 Y 14 8 14 6 Y Ld LL ZC9 D I D ZIC PI x I x 0IO CL az az IL Z10 Z a I I D a D10 INJECTION TUBING COMPRESSION NUT CHECK VALVE COMPRESSION NUT FOR 1 HYPOCHLORITE SUPPLY TUBING 34 CORPORATION COCK WATER SUPPLY PIPING I I INJECTION TUBING SAFETY RING HYPOCHLORITE SUPPLY TUBING MINIMUM 2 MAXIMUM 3 INTERNAL PROJECTION CHLORINE INJECTION DETAIL 1 SCALE 38 V0 CONFORMED DOCUMENTS 24 y v 24 48 Y POST CH LORI NATION CHLORINE FEED SKID PLAN VIEW 11 137a 48 FRONT ELEVATION 152 TO PUMPS 16 DIP 16 HDPE FUSED BEND PIPE AT NO MORE THAN 75 OF MECHANICAL JOINT MANUFACTURERS RECOMMEND MAX SECOND SCREENING 24 COUPLING ADAPTER POINT 1 MESH ON 24 3 REMOVABLE FRAMECOVEREXISTINGGRADE ALUMINUM HANDRAIL FOR CLEANING 16 16 ter EL 50 NHWL EL 277 0 EL 20 0 8 1 a nip nn i 8 INTAKE STRUCTURE SECTION A SCALE 1 20 H C 10 C10 1 10V s 1V B C10 C 10 XX x x CATCH BASIN SEE DETAILS THIS SHEET 14 PLAN 3 4 38 THICK FIBERGLASS SLOTTED TO Cl FIT OVER PIPE 0 0 0 0 EL FIN FL 50 18 DIP 2 12 x 2 12 x 14 SS ANGLE x 4 LONG 4 REQ AT 90 SECTION BOLT TO FLOOR WITH 12 x 2 34 SS EXPANSION ANCHORS 8 REQ FIBERGLASS ANTIVORTEX PLATE r NOT TO SCALE C10 C10 2 8 4 2 0 4 D C10 C10 16 O HDPE o o N N v 4041Ny I PLAN EL 045 KORN SEAL S106 16WS TYP C7z z 16 O HDPE a O O 6 TYP EL 200 LAKE BOTTOM z SECTION D C10 10 APPROXIMATE WATER EDGE 4x 4 OPENING FOR NHW ELEV 277 ACCESS TO INTAKE I TO PUMPS I INSTALL 16 INTAKE PIPE o io 8 PIER o I Lo A ALUMINUM HANDRAIL INSTALL CHAIN LINK SEE DETAILS ON SHEET C14 FENCE AROUND C10 C 10 PERIMETER 609 t INTAKE STRUCTURE PLAN FABRICATE 2 x 2 TYPE 304 STAINLESS STEEL FRAME TO SIT A TOP INTAKE BASIN TO SUPPORT 1 MESH OVER TOP AND STOP LOG OPENING 1 TYPE 304 STAINLESS STEEL MESH WELDED TO 2 x 2 STAINLESS STEEL ANGLES EL 233 SECTION C10 C10 INTAKE CATCH BASIN DETAILS 1 SCALE 34 1 C10 C 10 INTAKE STRUCTURE SECTION B SCALE 34 V0 C10 10 No1 Date I Revision By No1 Date Revision By Designed by TMZ Date March 19 2010 Engineers coa 3215 LAKE J E S U P WATER Architects L N 442600926 1217 East Robinson Sheet No p Drawn by DGH GCM Job No W04141 surveyors 1e o 7143 street p p Checked by DEM File Intake Structuredwg AUGMENTATION FACILITY C PlanneapeArch L 0L U298 INTAKE STRUCTUREOrlandoFl32801PlannersPhone4074250452WILLIAMCGOUCHERPE p Approved b TMZ Certificate ofAuthorization No 3215 CITY OF WINTER SPRINGS Environmental Scientists Fax 4076481036 REG 20700 C o ap ap Scale As Shown 2009 SEMINOLE FLORIDA TrafcjTrvortt ot 2 THICK CONCRETE TOPPING ELEV 50 THICK HOLLOW CORE GRATING NOTE PULTRUDED FIBERGLASS GRATING FIBERGLASS SPF POLYESTER RESIN MS 1 4010 SPACING GRAY 1 BEARING BARS FINE GRIT SURFACE GRAY CROSS BARS 6 ON CENTER 40 OPEN AREA PANEL BEARING BARS RUN PARALLEL TO LENGTH 1 THICK FIBERGLASS GRATING PROVIDE 1 x 2 STAINLESS STEEL ANGLE FOR SUPPORT EACH END WITH HOLD DOWN CLIPS PER GRATING MANUFACTURERS RECOMMENDATION 6 PANEL SEE STRUCTURAL CONFORMED DOCUMENTS 153 DIM SEE wJCOQ wLu Q g 0 y B 44 TABLE d a PASSING PIPE c PIPE SIZE DIM A DIM B 4 8 21875 6 10 21875 8 12 2 34 DIM B PIPE SLEEVE SEE TABLE MECHANICALLY ADJUSTABLE SEGMENTED ELASTOMERIC SEAL ASSEMBLY NOTE 1 PIPE SLEEVE REQUIRED FOR WALL PENETRATION SEAL ASSEMBLY IN NEW CONC WALL PENETRATION SEAL DETAIL PRECAST MANHOLE WALL STAINLESS STEEL PIPE CLAMP STAINLESS STEEL BOUND FILL WITH GROUT PVC OR MANHOLE INVERT DIP RESILIENT CONNECTOR KOR N SEAL DETAIL CONTROL PANEL WITH SCADA SYSTEM DISCONNECT O LIQUID LEVEL CONTROL CABLES TO BE IN ONE CONDUIT PUMP POWER CABLES TO BE IN SEPARATE CONDUIT I I ELEV J C d I KORN SEAL I z OR EQUAL I Z O d I w A 04 J e I p d APPLY COAL TAR EPDXY TO INTERIOR OF WET WELL I I 12 d LEVEL TRANSDUCER d 10 e ELEV K 60 GROUT Z O 4 a d co d P 4612 OCEW 34 x 11 ANCHOR BOLTS TO EXTEND 7 INTO BASE STAINLESS STEEL I CHAIN 6 x4 WYE MJ PUMP GUIDE RAILS d 244 BARS 6 x4 REDUCER MJ POWER CABLE GALVANIZED IRON 3 FLOOR 4 DUCTILE IRON ALL MJ JOINTS DRAIN JOSAM 38353 92 MUST BE RESTRAINED2PUMPSIBaSLOPEOUTLETPIPE 4 INFLUENT PIPE 12 PER FOOT I I AUDIBLE ALARM ELEV L PRECAST CONCRETE FLOORIALARMLIGHTWITH6x6WWM PLAN VIEW 2 3 4 5 ARE PLUG VALVES 3 VALVE BOX SHALL BE INSTALLED AND ADJUSTED AT GRADE AND SHALL HAVE CONCRETE COLLAR 18 x 18 x 4 REBAR 4 MJ JOINTS ARE TO BE RESTRAINED WITH IP I G G E R T p5 PUMPS SHALL BE FLYGT MODEL NP 3153 181 HT IMPELLER461 DIAMETER 285MM SPEED 1755 DISCHARGE SIZE 4 INCH VOLTAGE 460 FREQUENCY 60 HZ PHASE 3 HP 20 CURVE 63 461 00 6050 ALUMINUM ACCESS HATCH WLOCKSET SEALED PULL BOX AND RECESSED HANDLE 4 DI VENT WITH ZURN VENT CAP STAINLESS STEEL ALUMINUM ACCESS HATCH WLOCKSET PIPE SLEEVE WITH SSBALLRACKS LINK SEAL E WITH RECESSED HANDLE SEE DETAIL LEFT 3 12 ELEV M 4 CHECK N VALVE 4 PLUG VALVE WITH I 46 12 HANDWHEEL TYP2 I OCEW MIN I I I I HEAVY ILLaaIDUTY 4 12 12 STAINLES I MIN STEEL I A LIFTING 2 DIA SCH 40 I PUMP STATION DETAILS PER PUMP MANUFACTURERS REQUIRE No1 Date I Revision By No1 Date Revision By Designed by WCG Date MARCH 19 2009 con 721s engineers Sheet NoLAKEESUPWATERArchitectsLN4A2600261117EastRobiSonp52711ADDENDUMNO1WCGDrawnbyGCMJobNoW04141surveyorsLBN7147street p p Checked by WCG File Lift Stationdwg AUGMENTATION FACILITY C Landscape Arch L N LC000298 Orlando Fl 32801 BACKWAH Planners Phone 4074250452 WILLIAM C GOUCHER PE PUMP STATIONpApprovedbTMZCertificateofAuthorizationNo3215CITYOFWINTERSPRINGSEnvironmentalScientistsFax4076481036REG20700 Construction Management ap ap Scale AS SHOWN 2009 SEMINOLE FLORIDA DesignBuild CONFORMED DOCUMENTS 154 50 50 SEMINOLE TSIL 40 RM I 1 EX EXISTING PAYEMENT 46 T 46 42 0 100 200 GRAPHIC SCALE 38 m 38 CONFORMED DOCUMENTS 155 ALUMINUM HANDRAIL TOP OF TANKDECK PROPOSED ELEVATION 140 GRADE ELEVATI 140 HWL ELEVATION 120 p GRADE ELEVATION 95 TANK FINISH FLOOR ELEVATION 50 800 SCALE 16 HIP ROOF 4 ELECTRICAL AND CHEMICAL ROOMS MwuAnIRLWAHERFIME FINISH FLOOR ELEVATION 100 11l1LL11i1 IffiRamI TOP OF SLAB ELEV 925 TANK FINISH FLOOR ELEVATION 975 ELEVATION 50 200 800 SCALE 16 I ALUMINUM HANDRAIL TOP OF TANKDECK ELEVATION 140 7 11 PROPOSED ELECTRICAL ROOM CHEMICAL ROOM GRADE ELEVATION 95 PROPOSED FINISH FLOOR GRADE ELEVATION 95 PROPOSED GRADE ELEVATION 100 TANK FINISH FLOOR ELEVATION 50 1 400 I I III 600 CONFORMED DOCUMENTS No Date Revision By No Date Revision By Designed by TMZ Date March 19 2009 LAKE E S U P WATER AUGMENTATION FACILITY CITY O F WINTER SPRINGS SEMINOLE FLORIDA Engineers Coav3275 Architects Lic Nn AA2600926 Surveyors LB 11o 7743 Landscape Arch Li No LC0000298 Planners Environmental Scientists Construction Management Traffic Transportation 1117 East Robinson Street Orlando Fl 32802 Phone 4074250452 Fax 407648103E TERRY M ZAUDTKE PE REG32928 STORAGE TANK ELEVATIONS Sheet No C 14Y Q Drawn by DGH Job No W04141 p Checked b DEM File Tank Elevationsdwg p Approved by TMZ Certificate of Authorization No 3215 2009s0ScaleASSHOWN CONFORMED DOCUMENTS 156 NOTE Standard Non Detectable Warning Tape Reclaimed Water Line Tape is 3 Wide and Purple With Black Lettering Force Main Tape is 3 Wide and Green with Black Lettering PIPE IDENTIFICATION AND WARNING TAPE 1 12 O PIPE HANDRAIL POST TOE BOARD Fl PIPE FLANGE WITH 4 14 0 SS EXP ANCHORS TYP SHOWN POST INSERT SIMILAR HANDRAIL D ETAI L NOTES 1 SANDSILT SOIL COHESIONLESS SOIL WITH 30 INTERNAL FRICTION ANGLE PIPE FRICTION SOIL FRICTION RATIO 075 SOIL DENSITY 90 PCF 2 PIPE LAYING CONDITION 3 NO SELECT BEDDING OR BACKFILL 3 150 PSI DESIGN PRESSURE FOR 200 PSI DESIGN PRESSURE FIRE LINES INCREASE RESTRAINED LENGTH BY 35 4 3 FOOT MINIMUM COVER ON THE PIPE 5 ALL RESTRAINED JOINT LENGTHS IN FEET RESTRAINED JOINT PIPE LENGTHS DUCTILE IRON PIPE FINISHED GRADE TRENCH WIDTH VARIES W SIZE OF PIPE CROWN TRENCH IN UNIMPROVED AREAS 3 MIN SEE NOTE 8 VARIES PIPE FINISHED GRADE LL O W COMMON FILL SEE NOTE 4 Z Z LULU F 2 PIPE OD Cn LL a o Z Z W COMMON FILL j LU v J 12 TYP OD SELECT O FILL z o Lm W wZO Z UNDISTURBED SEE NOTE 3 2 0 W FILL BEDDING ROCK NOTES 1 PIPE BEDDING SELECT COMMON FILL COMPACTED TO 95 OF THE MAXIMUM DENSITY AS PER AASHTO T180 2 TRENCH BACKFILL COMMON FILL COMPACTED TO 95 OF THE MAXIMUM DENSITY AS PER AASHTO T180 3 PIPE BEDDING UTILIZING SELECT COMMON FILL OR BEDDING ROCK IN ACCORDANCE WITH TYPE A BEDDING AND TRENCHING DETAIL MAY BE REQUIRED AS DIRECTED BY THE CITY 4 15 MAX FOR PIPE DIAMETER LESS THAN 24 AND 24 MAX FOR PIPE DIAMETER 24 AND LARGER 5 WATER SHALL NOT BE PERMITTED IN THE TRENCH DURING CONSTRUCTION 6 ALL PIPE TO BE INSTALLED WITH BELL FACING UPSTREAM TO THE DIRECTION OF THE FLOW 7 REFER TO SECTION 02320 FOR SHEETING AND BRACING IN EXCAVATIONS 8 FINAL RESTORATION IN IMPROVED AREAS SHALL BE IN COMPLIANCE WITH ALL APPLICABLE REGULATIONS OF GOVERNING AGENCIES SURFACE RESTORATION WITHIN THE CITY RIGHTOFWAY SHALL COMPLY WITH REQUIREMENTS OF RIGHTOFWAY UTILIZATION REGULATIONS AND ROAD CONSTRUCTION SPECIFICATIONS TYPE B BEDDING AND TRENCHING DETAIL FILTER FABRIC IN PRINCIPAL POST POSITION CONFORMANCE WITH CANTED 20 TOWARD FLOW SEC 985 FDOT SPEC OPTIONAL POST POSITIONS POST OPTIONS 2 x4 6 MAX 20 OR 212 MIN DIA WOOD STEEL 133 Q LBS FT MIN U I 1 w FILTER 0 FABRIC O US25 O SILT FLOW w ELEVATION SECTION FDOT TYPE 111 SILT FENCE CROWN TRENCH IN UNIMPROVED AREAS 3 MIN SEE TYPE B BEDDING AND TRENCHING DETAIL FOR OTHER RESTORATION TRENCH WIDTH W SIZE OF VARIES PIPE FINISHED GRADE LL SEE NOTE 4 a o Z Z W COMMON FILL j LU v PIPE OD 12 TYP SELECT COMMON 2 SELECT FILMMONL CD Z w FILL BEDDING ROCK 00oOoOc OOO O OOoOo O w 0 m Z PIPE BEDDING O0oOo0 0 00 OOODO a 0U0 U0 U0 0 OOODO UNDISTURBED EARTH SEE NOTE 8 9 NOTES 1 PIPE BEDDING SELECT COMMON FILL COMPACTED TO 95 OF THE MAXIMUM DENSITY AS PER AASHTO T180 2 TRENCH BACKFILL COMMON FILL COMPACTED TO 95 OF THE MAXIMUM DENSITY AS PER AASHTO T180 3 USE TYPE A BEDDING TO BE DETERMINED IN THE FIELD AS DIRECTED BY THE CITY 4 15 MAX FOR PIPE DIAMETER LESS THAN 24 AND 24 MAX FOR PIPE DIAMETER 24 AND LARGER 5 WATER SHALL NOT BE PERMITTED IN THE TRENCH DURING CONSTRUCTION 6 ALL PIPE TO BE INSTALLED WITH BELL FACING UPSTREAM TO THE DIRECTION OF THE FLOW 7 REFER TO SECTION 02320 FOR SHEETING AND BRACING IN EXCAVATIONS 8 GRAVITY SEWERS SHALL UTILIZE TYPE A BEDDING IF REQUIRED BY THE CITY BEDDING DEPTH SHALL BE 4 MINIMUM FOR PIPE DIAMETER LESS THAN 15 AND 6 MINIMUM FOR PIPE DIAMETER 16 AND LARGER 9 DEPTH FOR REMOVAL OF UNSUITABLE MATERIAL SHALL GOVERN DEPTH OF BEDDING ROCK BELOW THE PIPE CITY SHALL DETERMINE IN THE FIELD REQUIRED REMOVAL OF UNSUITABLE MATERIAL TO REACH SUITABLE FOUNDATION TYPE A BEDDING AND TRENCHING DETAIL POST REINFORCING INSERT ALUMINUM HANDRAIL ALUMINUM TOE BOARD I I SS PIPE CLAMP I I Uj I I I I I o I I I o I I 38 SS CARRIAGE I I BOLT NUT WASHER TOP OF WALKING SURFACE I I I I I I 38 TOE BOARD DETAIL K K LS MM RECLAIMED M MW MJ W4TER MMWM RECLAIMED WATER TO BE DETERMINED TYPICAL VALVE BOX COVER DETAILS EXTENSION STEM WITH SET TOP OF VALVE BOX 2 SQ WRENCH NUT TO FINISHED GRADE AND UPPER GUIDE REQUIRED FOR MORE THAN 4 DEPTH N BOX SHALL NOT REST ON VALVE OR PIPE I 18 xl Wx4 CONCRETE COLLAR WITH 4 REBAR ADJUSTABLE VALVE BOX 36 MINVALVETYPEASSPECIFIEDCASTIRON MECHANICAL JOINT GATE VALVE 14 THEN SOLID COPPER sTRACERWIRE GATE VALVE AND VALVE BOX DETAIL NTS PIPE RESTRAINT FOR PVC PIPE C900C 905 DR 18 MINIMUM RESTRAINED LENGTH FT EACH SIDE OF FITTING PIPE SIZE INCHES FITTING TYPE 4 1 6 1 8 1 10 1 12 1 14 1 16 18 1 20 1 24 VERT UP OR HORIZ 11 14 BEND 2 3 4 5 6 6 7 8 9 10 2212 BEND 5 6 8 10 12 13 15 16 17 20 45 BEND 10 13 17 21 24 27 30 33 36 41 90 BEND 23 32 42 50 58 66 73 80 87 100 VERTICAL DOWN 11 14 BEND 6 8 10 12 14 16 18 20 22 25 2212 BEND 11 16 20 24 28 32 36 40 43 50 45 BEND 23 33 42 51 59 67 75 83 91 105 90 BEND 56 79 102 122 143 163 182 201 219 253 NOTES 1 SAND SILT SOIL COHESIONLESS SOIL WITH 30 INTERNAL FRICTION ANGLE PIPE FRICTION SOIL FRICTION RATIO 06 SOIL DENSITY 90 PCF 2 PIPE LAYING CONDITION 3 NO SELECT BEDDING OR BACKFILL 3 150 PSI DESIGN PRESSURE FOR 200 PSI DESIGN PRESSURE FIRE LINES INCREASE RESTRAINED LENGTH BY 35 4 3 FOOT MINIMUM COVER ON THE PIPE 5 ALL RESTRAINED JOINT LENGTHS IN FEET RESTRAINED JOINT PIPE LENGTHS C900 PVC PIPE TAPE 12 THHN SOLID COPPER TRACING WIRE GENERAL NOTES 1 PIPE LINE TRACING WIRE IS TO BE INSTALLED ON ALL POTABLE WATER RECLAIMED WATER AND SEWER FORCE MAINS 2 SYSTEMS TRACING WIRE SHALL ALLOW TRACABILITY OF ALL PIPE BRANCHES INCLUDING THOSE FOR HYDRANTS TRACING WIRE SHALL BE INSTALLED OVER THE ENTIRE LENGTH OF THE MAIN AND SECURED TO THE MAIN EVERY 5 FEET WITH ADHESIVE TAPE WIRE SHALL EXTEND A MINIMUM OF 12 ABOVE GRADE AT EACH INTERVAL AND SHALL BE COILED AND PLACED IN A VALVE BOX FOR EASY ACCESSIBILITY 3 ON DEAD END MAINS THE TRACING WIRE SHALL BE PLACED IN A PROPERLY IDENTIFIED PVC VALVE BOX AT THE END OF THE RUN TRACING WIRE CONNECTION No1 Date I Revision B No Date Revision B Designed b WCG Date MARCH 19 2009 engineers coa 3215Byygy LAKE J ESU P WATER Architects Lic No 44260026 1217 East Robinson Sheet No Drawn by GCM DGH Job No W04141 surveyors 1e o 7143 street p p Checked by WCG File Standard Details dwg AUGMENTATION FACILITY C PlanneapeArch L a L 2ss Planners Orland Fl 328 ers Phone 4074250452 WILLIAM C GOUCHER PE STANDARD DETAILS 8 Approved b TMZ Certificate ofAuthorization N 3215 CITY OF WINTER SPRINGS Environmental Scientists Fax 4076481036 REG 20700 Construction Management 4Q aQ Scale AS SHOWN 2009 SEMINOLE FLORIDA DesignBuihl CONFORMED DOCUMENTS 157 2 12 HOSE NOZZLES BREAKABLE BARREL COUPLING OR FLANGE FINISHED GRADE 6 STANDARD HYDRANT WITH 5 14 OPENING CAP CHAINS 0 x ONE PUMPER OUTLET NOZZLE LD w ON STREET SIDE Z Q PROVIDE CONCRETE COLLAR E co IN PAVED AND UNPAVED AREAS 18x18 x 4 CONCRETE COLLAR WITH 4 REBAR i CAST IRON BOX COVER 6 MECHANICAL JOINT GATE VALVE O LOCKING 6 HYDRANT ADAPTER AND HYDRANT TEE OR 34 TIE RODS MIN 2 PER CONNECTION PIECE 6 CONNECTING PIECE NOTES 1 THE HYDRANTS ACCEPTABLE TO THE CITY OF WINTER SPRINGS SHALL BE EITHER THE CLOW 42 MEDALION AMERICAN DARLING B84B OR THE MUELLER A423 2 THE BARREL SHALL BE PAINTED YELLOW AND TOP WHITE 3 GRIP RING OR MEGA LUG RESTRAINTS MAY USED IN PLACE OF ALL THREAD RODS FIRE HYDRANT ASSEMBLY DETAIL MINIMUM HORIZONTAL AND VERTICAL SEPARATION REQUIREMENTS Post Options 2 x4Or 2Y Min MINIMUM HORIZONTAL AND VERTICAL SEPARATION REQUIREMENTS PROPOSED UTILITY POTABLE WATER RECLAIMED WATER SANITARY SEWER FORCE MAIN SANITARY SEWER GRAVITY MAIN SEWERST VACUUM TYPE R SANITARY SEWER 18 Oa Nylon reinforced HORIZONTAL VERTICAL HORIZONTAL VERTICAL HORIZONTAL VERTICAL HORIZONTAL VERTICAL HORIZONTAL VERTICAL POTABLE WATER 3 12 6 12 6 ABOVE 12 BELOW 3 6 ABOVE 12 BELOW RECLAIMED WATER 3 12 3 12 3 12 SANITARY SEWER FORCE MAIN 6 12 3 12 SANITARY SEWER GRAVITY MAIN 6 6 ABOVE 12 BELOW 3 12 Q sQ FIRE HYDRANTS WI UNDERGROUND DRAINS 3 6 6 3 MINIMUM HORIZONTAL AND VERTICAL SEPARATION REQUIREMENTS Post Options 2 x4Or 2Y Min Dis Wood Steell 33 LbsFt Mini 6 Max nn f y 18 Oa Nylon reinforced By PVC Fabric 300 psi Test Date Revision By H LL u STAKED TURBIDI T Y BARRIER NOTICE COMPONENTS OF TYPES I AND II MAY BE SIMILAR OR IDENTICAL 70 PROPRIE TAR YDESIGNS ANY INFRINGEMENT ON FHE PROPRIE TAR RIGHTS OF THE DESIGNER SHALL BE THE SOLE RESPONSIBILITY OF THE USER SUBSTITUTIONS FOR TYPES I AND II SHALL BE AS APPROVED i BY THE ENGINEER FL OA TING TURBIDI T Y BARRIERS t Proposed Toe Of Slope p LEGEND hl Shore Line imits Of Con d Limits Of Gonstruction Pile Locations CauseNGI f Dredge Or FilAre a L Ltructiuns E Mooring Buoy Anchor Shore Line Anchor Shore Line Barrier Movement Due To Current fiction FflFi o1 Turbitity Barriers Notes 1Q01Turbiditybarriersaretobeusedinallpermanentbodiesofwater a Note regardless of water depth Typ l Turbidity barriers for flowing streams and tidal creeks may be either Number and spacing of anchors dependent on current velocities floating or staked types or any combinations of types that will suit site conditions and meet erosion contro land water quality requirements The barrier types willbe at the Contractors option unless otherwise3Deploymentofbarrieraroundpilelocationsmayvarytoaccommodatespecifiedintheplanshoweverpaymentwillbeunderthepayitemsconstructionoperations Current established in the plans for Floating Turbidity Barrier andor Staked Turbidity Barrier Posts in staked trubidity barriers to be installed in4NavigationmayrequiresegmentingbarrierduringconstructionoperationsuerticalpositionunlessotherwisedirectedbytheEngineerY 5 For odditionolinformotion see Section 104 of the Standard Specification Structure Alignment GENERAL NOTES 7 Inn inm tnrhin4ty hrrr nrn fn hx nnirl fur unilnr ithp TURBIDITY BARRIER APPLICATIONS SHOWER EYEWASH STATION DETAIL PLAN NOTES 1 THE ENTRANCE SHALL BE MAINTAINED IN A CONDITION THAT WILL PREVENT TRACKING OR FLOWING OF SEDIMENT ONTO PUBLIC RIGHTSOF WAY THIS MAY REQUIRE TOP DRESSING REPAIR AND OR CLEANOUT OF ANY MEASURES USED TO TRAP SEDIMENT 2 WHEN NECESSARY WHEELS SHALL BE CLEANED PRIOR TO ENTRANCE ONTO PUBLIC RIGHTOF WAY 3 WHEN WASHING IS REQUIRED IT SHALL BE DONE ON AN AREA STABILIZED WITH CRUSHED STONE FDOT SIZE No 1 1 2 TO 3 MINIMUM THICKNESS 6 WITH GEOTEXTILE UNDERLINER CONFORMED DOCUMENTS 0 TURBIDITY BARRIERS DETAIL NTS FDOT INDEX NO 103 A TEMPORARY CONSTUCTION ENTRANCE DETAIL NOT TO SCALE No Date Revision By No Date Revision By Designed by WCG Date MARCH 19 2009 LAKE E S U P WATER AUGMENTATION FACILITY CITY OF WINTER SPRINGS SEMINOLE FLORIDA C engineers coa IN sass Architects L N 4426926 surveyors L B N 7143 PlanneapeArch L v L ass Plannersers Environmental Scientists Construction Management DesignBuihl 1217 East Robinson street Orland Fl 3281 Phone 4074250452 Fax 47648136 WILLIAM C GOUCHER PE REG 20700 STANDARD DETAILS Sheet No 11iff Q 31711 ADD BMP TO DETAILS WCG Drawn by GCM DGH Job No W04141 p p Checked by WCG File Standard Details dwg 8 Approved b TMZ Certificate ofAuthorization N 3215 2009QsQScaleASSHOWN CONFORMED DOCUMENTS 158 AC SLAB 1610 30 46 3 0 128 8 ENTRY ENTRY i SHOWER EYE STATION 8 IT0 N D 101 OB ROOM 1018 ELECTRICAL ROOM CHEMICAL ROOM FF EL 100 01 w D101C UTILITY SINK Y 0 PORTABLE FIRE EXTINGUISHER D101B OATYPEAC20LB MINIMUM O TYP U Qaa 2 O ROOM 101A w0ZYofU 00 J W U LL 1550 GALLON SODIUM HYPOCHLORITE STORAGE TANK w2ZYKU 00 wULL D101A OA ro w ao 20 8 T 8 88 FLOOR PLAN l r ICI I I I I ICI I I I I ICI I I I I ICI I I I I ICI I I I I ICI I I I I ICI 16 HDPE LAKE SUCTION PIPE I I f I r I I I I ICI I I I I ICI I I I I ICI I I I I ICI l ALDRIDGE BENGE FIREFIGHTER SAFETY ACT OF 2008 1 THE APPROVED SYMBOL SHALL BE PLACED WITHIN 24 INCHES TO THE LEFT OF THE MAIN ENTRY DOOR 2 THE DISTANCE ABOVE THE GRADE WALKING SURFACE OR THE FINISHED FLOOR TO THE BOTTOM OF THE SYMBOL SHALL NOT BE LESS THAN 4 FEET 48 INCHES 3 THE DISTANCE ABOVE GRADE WALKING SURFACE OR THE FINISHED FLOOR TO THE TOP OF THE SYMBOL SHALL NOT BE MORE THAN 6 FEET 72 INCHES 4 THE MALTESE CROSS SIGN SHALL BE OF A REFLECTIVE MATERIAL 5 INSTALL KNOX BOX PER FIRE DEPARTMENT REQUIREMENTS Q 6 INSTALL DANGER CHLORINE SIGNS ADJACENT ALL DOORS TO CHEMICAL ROOM AND WITHIN CHEMICAL ROOM z a DOOR SCHEDULE DOOR SIZE DOORS FRAMES FIRE HARD NOTE NOTES ROOM DOOR RATING WARE NO DESIGNATION NUMBER WIDTH HEIGHT TYPE MATL FIN TYPE MATL FIN MIN SET CHEMICAL 101A D 101A B 88 T6 A AL ROLLUP DOOR CHEMICAL 101A D101C T0 68 B AL A AL SINGLE DOOR ELECTRICAL 101B D101D T0 68 B AL A AL 1 SINGLE DOOR SEE DETAIL A FOR HEAD THRESHOLD AND JAMB DETAILS HARDWARE SET 1 CONSISTS OF HINGES KICKPLATE LOCKSET AND CLOSER HOLD OPEN ARM ALL HARDWARE TO BE STAINLESS STEEL 1 VERIFY ALL DOOR SIZES AND FRAMES PRIOR TO INSTALLATION TO ASSURE PROPER OPERATION OF THE DOOR UNIT 2 ALL EXTERIOOR DOORS AND FRAMES SHALL BE ABLE TO WITH STAND 110 MPH WIND LOAD 3 EXTERIOR SWINGING DOORS SHALL BE OPERABLE BY A FORCE OF NOT MORE THAN EIGHT AND ONEHALF POUNDS APPLIED TO THE LATCH STILE ROOM FINISH SCHEDULE ROOM NO WALL CEILING FLOOR MTL RATING FINISH COLOR MTL RATING FINISH COLOR MTL RATING FINISH COLOR 101 CMU SYS 16 DW SYS 17 SCONC SYS 9 NONE SYS 16 ALL MASONRY SHALL BE SEALED PER SECTION 09900 SYSTEM No 16 S CONC SMOOTH FINISHED CONCRETE DW DRYWALL SYS 17 ALL CONCRETE SHALL BE SEALED PER SECTION 09900 SYSTEM No 17 8 CMU V 8N16 CMU LINTEL COMPFILLER ROD SEALANT EACH SIDE O FRAMEFRP OR ALUM DOOR FRP OR ALUM EQ 5a EQ DOOR HEAD MASONRY T ANCHOR SHIM AS REQD ROD SEALANT EACH SIDE A a a 2 MO DOORJAMB DOOR DETAILS THRESHOLD SET IN GROUT E777 a DOOR THRESHOLD SEE SCHEDULE ROUGH OPENING 00417 00417 v 0 0 wJ WW w 2U O FRAME TYPES SEE SCHEDULE w PANIC HARDWAREJ W 7W0UW2U KEYED LOCK SET O DOOR TYPES No1 Date I Revision By No1 Date Revision By Designed by TMZ Date MARCH 192009 Engineers CoAN3215 ELECTRICAL CONTROL Sheet NoLAKEESUPWATERArchitectsiiNAA2600s2v1177EastRobinson 61011 DRC REVIEW WCG Drawn by GCM Job No W04141 surveyors LB Nt43 s BUILDING FLOOR P LANAUGMENTATIONFACILITYPlanneapeArn218O Street 04 3282CheckedbyDEMFileBuildingElevationsdwg0QPlanners TERRY M ZAUDTKE PEPhone477425036 ELEVATIONS A N D f Can truuentat anagtests REG 32928eApprovedbyTMZCertificateoAuthorizationNo321bCITYOFWINTERSPRINGSCorstruetiouR4anagernent Fax 4076482036 Q Scale I AS SHOWN I 2009 ISEMINOLE FLORIDA I Design suits DOOR SCHEDULE CONFORMED DOCUMENTS WEST ELEVATION 159 FLORIDA UIL INS CODE 2007 DESIGN PRESSURES FOR COMPONENTS CLADDING CALCULATIONSTIONS CONFORMWITIT 4SCE 705 WALLS OFALL BALDING NEIGHTS LL fileCProgrurg milesStructures Intcrnaticnal t4Windload oak forest revisimi 1 19 1242011 c EX NX ASPHALT SHINGLES 30 FELT MIN PROVIDE 4 THICK R19 BLANKET INSULATION GEORGIA PACIFIC 58 DENSARMOR PLUS ABUSE GUARD PAPERLESS DRYWALL SPECKLED AND PAINTED FASTEN PERPENDICULAR TO TRUSSES WITH 5D COOLER NAILS OR 114 DRYWALL SCREWS @ 7 OC 12 EXTERIOR PLYWOOD DECKING PROVIDE 2x4 BLOCKING STAGGERED BETWEEN TRUSSES PREFABRICATED TRUSS 12 34 HARDIEBOARD TRIM BOARD COVERED 4 WITH ALUMINUM FASCIA ROOF TRUSS SYSTEM HURRICANE ANCHORS 5 ALUMINUM RAIN GUTTER AT EACH TRUSS IMBEDDED IN CONCRETE PROVIDE END ALUMINUM SOFFIT STRAPPING IN ADDITION TO THE TRUSS STRAPPING 2 ROWS CONCRETE FILLED U BLOCK W 1 5 BAR CONTINUOUS EACH ROW BOTH ROWS TO BE POURED SEE DETAIL THIS SHEET 12 SIMULTANEOUSLY WITH 3000 PSI PEA ROCK MIX 8x16 CONC TYP AT OPENINGS THE PRECAST LINTEL TAKES THE PLACE OF BLOCK ONE ROW OF U BLOCKS SEE DETAIL THIS SHEET EXTERIOR TO HAVE STUCCO FINISH w PAINT INTERIOR O U ALUMINUM DOWNSPOUT 2 LOCATIONS 1 5 BAR AT FILLED CELLS WHERE SHOWN ON PLANS OVERLAP BARS 25 FINISHED FLOOR 6 ABOVE FINISHED GRADE 5 DOWEL 4 BARS 18 OCEW CONCRETE SPLASH PAD FF EL 1000 NOTES 1 PROVIDE SOIL STABILIZATION BENEATH THE SLAB A 2 CONCRETE FLOOR SURFACE TO BE SEALED VAPOR BARRIER 6 3 REINFORCING BARS TO BE ASTMA615 GRADE 60 20 4 SLAB AND TERMITE TREATMENT AND VAPOR COMPACTED FILL 2 5 CONTINUOUS BARRIER ARE REQUIRED PER FBC2007 TYPICAL WALL SECTION SCALE 12 1 0 HURRICANE STRAP USP MODEL NO HTA20 r FORMS 16 BOND n 8 LINTEL BLOCK BEAM CONTINUOUS AROUND BUILDING 5 LSHAPE @ 20 OC 8 LINTEL BLOCK DETAIL SCALE 1 1 0 BUILDING AND ROOFING MATERIALS THE TRUSS SYSTEM FOR THE BUILDING SHALL BE AN ENGINEERED SYSTEM DESIGNED AND CONSTRUCTED UNDER THE SUPERVISION OF A PROFESSIONAL ENGINEER LICENSED IN THE STATE OF FLORIDA SUBMIT DRAWINGS FOR APPROVAL OF THE TRUSS SYSTEM WITH THE ENGINEERS SIGNATURE AND RAISED SEAL THE TRUSSES SHALL BE CONSTRUCTED OF SOUTHERN YELLOW PINE WITH NOMINAL DIMENSIONS NOT LESS THAN 2 x 4 THE TRUSSES SHALL NOT BE SPACED ANY GREATER THAN 24 APART THE DESIGN OF THE TRUSSES SHALL COMPLY WITH THE FLORIDA BUILDING CODE AND LOCAL CODES TO INCLUDE WIND LOADS RESULTING FROM HURRICANES THE TRUSS MANUFACTURER SHALL ALSO ADVISE THE CONTRACTOR OF ANY SPECIAL ANCHORING REQUIREMENTS FOR THE TRUSS SYSTEM THE CONTRACTOR SHALL INCLUDE IN HIS BID ALL COSTS ASSOCIATED WITH THE INSTALLATION OF THE TRUSSES CONTRACTOR TO FURNISH HURRICANE ANCHORAGE SYSTEM WITH A MINIMUM UPLIFT STRENGTH REQUIRED BY THE TRUSS SUPPLIER SHINGLES SHALL BE ELK TIMBERLINE COOL SERIES COLOR SHALL BE BARKWOOD ROOF SHEATHING TO BE 12 MINIMUM EXTERIOR GRADE CDX PLYWOOD WITH CLIPS AND FASTENED TO THE TRUSSES WITH 8d GALVANIZED BOX NAILS AT 6 OC AT EDGES AND AT INTERMEDIATE FRAMING SHEATHING SHALL BE COVERED WITH 30 FELT SHEATHING SHALL BE SEPARATED BY ALUMINUM CLIPS THE DRIP EDGE SOFFIT AND FASCIA SHALL BE ALUMINUM WITH A FACTORY APPLIED ENAMEL COATING THE DRIP EDGE FASCIA AND SOFFIT SHALL BE ATTACHED USING ALUMINUM NAILS No Date Revision B Date Revision B Desi b TM MZDate ARCH 19 2009 Engineers co9 N 3275yyLAKEJESUPWATERArchitectsLibyZ6 ELECTRICAL CONTROL sheet No 7177 East RobinsonQDrawnbyGCMJobNOW04141SurveyorsLsnoStreet Q sQ 10 Planners LoLC000OZysAUGMENTATIONFACILITY OrlarrdoFl 328 7CheckedbyDEMFileBuildingDetailsdwgPhone4074250452 TERRY M ZAUDTKE PE BUILDING SECTION AND Environmental Scientists REG 32928eApprovedbyTMZCertiofAuthorizationNo3215CITYOFWINTERSPRINGSConstructionR4anagernent Fax 4076482036 DETAILS Q Scale AS SHOWN 2009 SEMINOLE FLORIDA Des snit CONFORMED DOCUMENTS 2 CONCRETE FLOOR SURFACE TO BE SEALED VAPOR BARRIER 6 3 REINFORCING BARS TO BE ASTMA615 GRADE 60 20 4 SLAB AND TERMITE TREATMENT AND VAPOR COMPACTED FILL 2 5 CONTINUOUS BARRIER ARE REQUIRED PER FBC2007 TYPICAL WALL SECTION SCALE 12 1 0 HURRICANE STRAP USP MODEL NO HTA20 r FORMS 16 BOND n 8 LINTEL BLOCK BEAM CONTINUOUS AROUND BUILDING 5 LSHAPE @ 20 OC 8 LINTEL BLOCK DETAIL SCALE 1 1 0 BUILDING AND ROOFING MATERIALS THE TRUSS SYSTEM FOR THE BUILDING SHALL BE AN ENGINEERED SYSTEM DESIGNED AND CONSTRUCTED UNDER THE SUPERVISION OF A PROFESSIONAL ENGINEER LICENSED IN THE STATE OF FLORIDA SUBMIT DRAWINGS FOR APPROVAL OF THE TRUSS SYSTEM WITH THE ENGINEERS SIGNATURE AND RAISED SEAL THE TRUSSES SHALL BE CONSTRUCTED OF SOUTHERN YELLOW PINE WITH NOMINAL DIMENSIONS NOT LESS THAN 2 x 4 THE TRUSSES SHALL NOT BE SPACED ANY GREATER THAN 24 APART THE DESIGN OF THE TRUSSES SHALL COMPLY WITH THE FLORIDA BUILDING CODE AND LOCAL CODES TO INCLUDE WIND LOADS RESULTING FROM HURRICANES THE TRUSS MANUFACTURER SHALL ALSO ADVISE THE CONTRACTOR OF ANY SPECIAL ANCHORING REQUIREMENTS FOR THE TRUSS SYSTEM THE CONTRACTOR SHALL INCLUDE IN HIS BID ALL COSTS ASSOCIATED WITH THE INSTALLATION OF THE TRUSSES CONTRACTOR TO FURNISH HURRICANE ANCHORAGE SYSTEM WITH A MINIMUM UPLIFT STRENGTH REQUIRED BY THE TRUSS SUPPLIER SHINGLES SHALL BE ELK TIMBERLINE COOL SERIES COLOR SHALL BE BARKWOOD ROOF SHEATHING TO BE 12 MINIMUM EXTERIOR GRADE CDX PLYWOOD WITH CLIPS AND FASTENED TO THE TRUSSES WITH 8d GALVANIZED BOX NAILS AT 6 OC AT EDGES AND AT INTERMEDIATE FRAMING SHEATHING SHALL BE COVERED WITH 30 FELT SHEATHING SHALL BE SEPARATED BY ALUMINUM CLIPS THE DRIP EDGE SOFFIT AND FASCIA SHALL BE ALUMINUM WITH A FACTORY APPLIED ENAMEL COATING THE DRIP EDGE FASCIA AND SOFFIT SHALL BE ATTACHED USING ALUMINUM NAILS No Date Revision B Date Revision B Desi b TM MZDate ARCH 19 2009 Engineers co9 N 3275yyLAKEJESUPWATERArchitectsLibyZ6 ELECTRICAL CONTROL sheet No 7177 East RobinsonQDrawnbyGCMJobNOW04141SurveyorsLsnoStreet Q sQ 10 Planners LoLC000OZysAUGMENTATIONFACILITY OrlarrdoFl 328 7CheckedbyDEMFileBuildingDetailsdwgPhone4074250452 TERRY M ZAUDTKE PE BUILDING SECTION AND Environmental Scientists REG 32928eApprovedbyTMZCertiofAuthorizationNo3215CITYOFWINTERSPRINGSConstructionR4anagernent Fax 4076482036 DETAILS Q Scale AS SHOWN 2009 SEMINOLE FLORIDA Des snit CONFORMED DOCUMENTS 160 WALL VERT HORIZ REINF PER SECTIONS GENERAL CONDITIONS 1 THE FOLLOWING NOTES SHALL APPLY TO ALL STRUCTURAL DRAWINGS 2 ALL DESIGN AND CONSTRUCTION SHALL BE BASED ON AND IN ACCORDANCE WITH THE FLORIDA BUILDING CODE 2007 EDITION W 2009 SUPPLEMENTS AND ASCE 7 05 3 THE GENERAL CONTRACTOR SHALL VERIFY ALL DIMENSIONS AND SITE CONDITIONS AND NOTIFY THE ARCHITECT PRIOR TO FABRICATION AND CONSTRUCTION FOR DIMENSIONS NOT SHOWN ON THE STRUCTURAL DRAWINGS SEE THE ARCHITECTURAL DRAWINGS 4 IF MATERIAL QUANTIITIES STRENGTHS OR SIZES INDICATED BY THE DRAWINGS OR SPECIFICATIONS ARE NOT IN AGREEMENT WITH THESE NOTES THE BETTER QUALITY AND OR QUANTITY STRENGTH OR NOTED SHALL BE PROVIDED 5 IT IS THE SOLE RESPONSIBILITY OF THE CONTRACTOR TO DETERMINE ERECTION PROCEDURE AND SEQUENCE TO ENSURE THE SAFETY OF THE STRUCTURE AND ITS COMPONENT PARTS DURING ERECTION THIS INCLUDES BUT IS NOT LIMITED TO THE ADDITION OF TEMPORARY WHATEVER BRACING GUYS TIE DOWNS OR SHORING MAY BE NECESSARY SUCH MATERIAL SHALL BE REMOVED AND SHALL REMAIN THE PROPERTY OF THE CONTRACTOR AFTER THE COMPLETION OF THE PROJECT 6 IT SHALL BE THE SOLE RESPONSIBILY OF THE CONTRACTOR FOR INITIATING MAINTAINING ANDSUPERVISING ALL SAFETY PROCEDURES THE STRUCTURAL ENGINEER OF RECORD IS NOT RESPONSIBLE FOR MEANS AND METHODS OF CONSTRUCTION OR FOR RELATED SAFETY PROCEDURES 7 THE STRUCTURAL DRAWINGS ARE ONE DISCIPLINE OF THE CONTRACT DOCUMENTS AND DO NOT BY THEMSELVES CONTAIN ALL THE INFORMATION REQUIRED TO PROPERLY COMPLETE THE PROJECT STRUCTURE THE GENERAL CONTRACTOR SHALL REFER TO THE ARCHITECTURAL PRE ENGINEERED METAL BUILDING MECHANICAL ELECTRICAL AND PLUMBING DRAWINGS AND COORDINATE THE INFORMATION INDICATED IN THESE CONSTRUCTION DOCUMENTS WITH THE STRUCTURAL DRAWINGS TO PROPERLY CONSTRUCT THE PROJECT 8 ALL DETAILS SECTIONS AND NOTES INDICATED ON THE CONSTRUCTION DOCUMENTS ARE INTENDED TO BE TYPICAL AND SHALL APPLY TO SIMILAR SITUATIONS ELSEWHERE UNLESS OTHERWISE SHOWN 9 SPECIALTY ENGINEERED PRODUCTS A THE GENERAL CONTRACTOR IS RESPONSIBLE TO COORDINATE THE PROPER SUBMISSION OF SHOP DRAWINGS FOR SPECIALTY ENGINEERED PRODUCTS WHICH SHALL BE SIGNED AND SEALED BY A LICENSED PROFESSIONAL ENGINEER IN THE STATE WHERE THE PROJECT IS LOCATED CONTRACTORS RESPONSIBILITY TO ASSURE THAT THE SPECIALTY ENGINEERED SHOP DRAWINGS ARE SUBMITTED IN A TIMELY MANNER SO AS TO ALLOW REVIEWS AND RESUBMISSIONS AS REQUIRED ALL SPECIALTY ENGINEERED PRODUCTS SHALL BE DESIGNED FOR THE APPROPRIATE GRAVITY LOADS AND WIND LOADS INCLUDING UPLIFT AND LATERAL LOADS INTERIOR SPECIALTY PRODUCTS SHALL BE DESIGNED FOR LATERAL LOADS TO ASSURE STABILITY SPECIALTY ENGINEERED PRODUCTS SHALL BE BUT ARE NOT LIMITED TO THE FOLLOWING 1 HANDRAILS 2 MISCELLANEOUS STEEL 10 DESIGN LOADS A DESIGN WALL LOADS 1 250 PSF SURCHARGE 2 70 PCF EQUIVILENT FLUID PRESSURE B DESIGN ROOF DOCK LIVE LOAD 1 100 PSF C DESIGN WIND LOAD IN ACCORDANCE WITH FBC 2007 AND ASCE 7 05 1 BASIC WIND SPEED 3 SECOND GUST 110 MPH 2 WIND IMPORTANCE FACTOR I 115 3 BUILDING CATEGORY III 4 WIND EXPOSURE CATEGORY B 5 COMPONENTS AND CLADDING WIND PRESSURE SEE WIND LOAD SCHEDULE THIS SHT 6 INTERNAL PRESSURE COEFFICIENTS 018 D BUOYANCY LOADS 1 100 YR FLOOD ELEV 975 VERIFY W CIVIL PRIOR TO FABRICATION CONSTRUCTION 2 TMAT ELEV 50 3 BUOYANCY HEAD 975 50 20 MAT THICKNESS 675 FT 11 SHOP DRAWINGS A THE CONTRACTOR SHALL SUBMIT AS REQUIRED PRINTS OF SHOP DRAWINGS FOR ALL FABRICATED MATERIALS TO ARCHITECT FOR REVIEW REPRODUCTION OF CONTRACT DRAWINGS FOR SHOP DRAWINGS WILL NOT BE PERMITTED B REVIEW OF SHOP DRAWINGS BY THE ARCHITECTENGINEER DOES NOT RELIEVE THE CONTRACTOR OF THE SOLE RESPONSIBILITY FOR ERRORS AND OMISSIONS ASSOCIATED WITH THE PREPARATION OF THOSE SHOP DRAWINGS C SHOP DRAWINGS REQUIRING A SPECIAL ENGINEERING DESIGN BY THE FABRICATOR INCLUDING THE CURTAIN WALL GLAZING SYSTEM SHALL BE STAMPED BY A PROFESSIONAL ENGINEER OF RECORD IN THE STATE OF THE PROJECT LOCATION BEFORE SUBMITTING FOR REVIEW BY THE ARCHITECT ENGINEER THESE DRAWINGS SHALL BE AVAILABLE AT THE JOB SITE DURING TIMES OF OBSERVATIONS 12 THE FOLLOWING SHOP DRAWINGS SHALL BE SUBMITTED A CONCRETE MIX DESIGNS B CONCRETE REINFORCING STEEL AND WELDED WIRE FABRIC C PRECAST HOLLOW CORE PLANKS COMPONENT AND CLADDING WIND PRESSURES EFFECTIVE WIND AREA WALL ZONES V110 MPH EXP B I 10 BUILDING CATEGORY II Cpi 018 10 20 50 100 4 218236 208226 195213 185204 5 218 291 208 272 195246 185226 EACH WAY AT CONCRETE BEAM Q 1 EDGE DISTANCE A 6 FEET FOUNDATION 1 FOUNDATION DESIGN BASED ON AN ALLOWABLE BEARING PRESSURE OF 2500 PSF AS RECOMMENDED IN A REPORT PREPARED BY NODARSE AND ASSOCIATES PROJECT NO 01 09 0088 102A DATED 100809 2 THE SITE SHALL BE PREPARED UNIFORM IN ACCORDANCE WITH CIVIL DRAWINGS SPECIFICATIONS SOILS REPORT AND THE ALLOWABLE BEARING PRESSURE 3 ALL EXCAVATIONS AND BUILDING PADS SHALL BE INSPECTED BY A QUALIFIED GEOTECHNICAL ENGINEER TO VERIFY THE DESIGN ASSUMPTIONS AND REPORT ADVERSE CONDITIONS 4 WHERE FILL IS REQUIRED IT SHALL BE PLACED IN ACCORDANCE WITH INSTRUCTIONS OF A QUALIFIED GEOTECHNICAL ENGINEER TO MAINTAIN DESIGN BEARING PRESSURE 5 FOOTING ELEVATIONS GIVEN ARE FOR THE PURPOSE OF DESIGN SOIL BELOW FOOTING NOT MEETING DESIGN BEARING PRESSURE SHALL BE EXCAVATED TO A DEPTH OF VERIFIABLE DESIGN PRESSURE AND BACKFILLED PER SOIL REPORT RECOMMENDATIONS TO LEVEL OF FOUNDATION BEARING THIS SHALL BE APPROVED BY A QUALIFIED GEOTECHNICAL ENGINEER 6 ALL EXCAVATION SHALL BE KEPT DRY EXCAVATE TO DEPTHS AND DIMENSIONS INDICATED TAKE EVERY PRECAUTION TO GUARD AGAINST ANY MOVEMENT OR SETTLEMENT OF ADJACENT STRUCTURES UTILITIES PIPING ETC 7 PROVIDE ANY BRACING OR SHORING NECESSARY TO AVOID SETTLEMENT OR DISPLACEMENT OF EXISTING FOUNDATION OR STRUCTURES 8 BACKFILL AGAINST WALLS SHALL BE PLACED EVENLY EACH SIDE UNLESS SHORING IS PROVIDED BY THE CONTRACTOR SHORING SHALL BE THE SOLE RESPONSIBILTY OF THE CONTRACTOR AND SHALL REMAIN IN PLACE UNTIL STRUCTURAL ELEMENT BRACING THE WALL ARE IN PLACE AND HAVE REACHED FULL DESIGN STRENGTH CONCRETE 1 CONCRETE MEMBERS SHALL HAVE A MINIMUM COMPRESSIVE STRENGTH AT 28 DAYS OF 5000 PSI 2 ALL CONCRETE SHALL BE READY MIX AND MEET THE FOLLOWING REQUIREMENTS A CONCRETE SLUMP SHALL BE 4 INCHES PLUS OR MINUS 1 B CONCRETE SHALL HAVE 2 TO 4 PERCENT AIR ENTRAINMENT C 5000 PSI CONCRETE SHALL HAVE A MAXIMUM WATER CEMENT RATIO OF 040 3 CONCRETE MIX SHALL BE IN ACCORDANCE WITH THE LATEST EDITION OF ACI 301 CHAPTER 3 METHOD 1 OR METHOD 3 CONTRACTOR SHALL SUBMIT BACKUP DATA PER CHAPTER 5 SECTION 53 OF ACI 318 LATEST EDITION 4 ALL REINFORCING STEEL SHALL BE NEW DOMESTIC DEFORMED BILLET SYEEL CONFORMING TO ASTM A 615 GRADE 60 SUBMIT ALL REINFORCING STEEL SUBMIT ALL SHOP DRAWINGS FOR APPROVAL PRIOR TO ANY FABRICATION 5 CONCRETE COVER FOR REINFORCING STEEL SHALL BE AS REQUIRED BY ACI SPECIFICATIONS 6 WELDED WIRE FABRIC SHALL CONFORM WITH ASTM A 185 WELDED WIRE FABRIC SHALL BE LAPPED AT LEAST 12 INCHES UNLESS NOTED OTHERWISE 7 LAP ALL BARS MINIMUM 48 DIAMETERS UNLESS OTHERWISE NOTED ON DRAWINGS 8 PROVIDE ACI STANDARD HOOKS UNLESS NOTED OTHERWISE ON DRAWINGS 9 ALL CONCRETE WORK SHALL CONFORM TO ACI 318 LATEST EDITION THE BUILDING CODE REQUIREMENTS FOR REINFORCED CONCRETE STRUCTURES AND ACI 301 SPECIFICATIONS FOR STRUCTURAL CONCRETE FOR BUILDINGS 10 ALL CONCRETE DETAILS SHALL CONFORM TO ACI 315 LATEST EDITION MANUAL OF STANDARD PRACTICE FOR DETAILING REINFORCED CONCRETE STRUCTURES UNLESS NOTED OTHERWISE ON THE DRAWINGS 11 CONTRACTOR SHALL REFER TO ARCHITECTURAL AND MECHANICAL DRAWINGS FOR LOCATIONS AND SIZES OF SLEEVES OPENINGS EMBEDDED ITEMS SLAB RECESSES SLOPES ECT THESE ITEMS SHALL BE COORDINATED WITH OTHER TRADES AND INSTALLED PRIOR TO CONCRETE PLACEMENT 12 CONTRACTOR SHALL VERIFY ANCHOR BOLT SIZES AND LOCATIONS PRIOR TO CONCRETE PLACEMENT 13 BAR LENGTHS PROVIDED ON DRAWINGS DO NOT INCLUDE HOOK LENGTH HOOKS SHALL BE PROVIDED AT TOP BARS AT BEAM ENDS AND SLAB EDGES 14 CONTRACTOR SHALL PROVIDE CHAIRS BOLSTERS SPACERS ECT AS REQUIRED TO SECURELY SUPPORT REINFORCEMENT SUPPORT ITEMS ON EXPOSED CONCRETE SHALL BE PLASTIC SUPPORT REINFORCEMENT TIPPED OR STAINLESS STEEL IN HIGHLY CORROSIVE ENVIRONMENTS SUPPORT ITEM SHALL BE PLASTIC 15 CONSTRUCTION JOINTS IN STRUCTURAL SLABS AND BEAMS SHALL BE AT MID SPAN AND KEY JOINTED WITH REINFORCING CONTINUOUS ACROSS JOINT AND ADDITIONAL SHEAR FRICTION REINFORCING CONSTRUCTION JOINT LOCATIONS SHALL BE SUBMITTED FOR REVIEW AND APPROVAL PRIOR TO CONSTRUCTION 16 A COPY OF THE FIELD REFERENCE MANUAL ACI SP 15 LATEST EDITION SHALL BE KEPT BY THE CONTRACTOR ON SITE 17 ONE COPY OF ALL THE CONCRETE TEST RESULTS SHALL BE SUBMITTED BY THE TESTING AGENCY DIRECTLY TO THE ENGINEER OF RECORD O O ELEVATION PRECAST HOLLOW CORE PLANK 1 PRECAST PLANKS SHALL BE PRESTRESSED HOLLOW CONCRETE PLANK WITH THE SIZE INDICATED ON THE DRAWINGS THE PLANKS SHALL BE MACHINE EXTRUDED WITH A ZERO SLUMP 2 PRECAST MANUFACTURER SHALL BE A CERTIFIED PLANT UNDER THE PCI PLANT CERTIFICATION PROGRAM THE PLANT SHALL CONFORM TO THE PCI 116 MANUAL FOR QUALITY CONTROL 3 PRECAST UNITS SHALL HAVE A MINIMUM COMPRESSIVE STRENGTH OF 5000 PSI UNLESS NOTED OTHERWISE ON THE DRAWINGS 4 PRESTRESSING STRANDS SHALL BE UNCOATED 7 WIRE CABLE CONFORMING TO ASTM A416421 5 PRECAST MANUFACTURER SHALL SUBMIT SHOP DRAWINGS AND CALCULATIONS WHICH BOTH SHALL BE SIGNED AND SEALED BY A LICENCED PROFESSIONAL ENGINEER 6 PRECAST SHALL BE DESIGNED IN ACCORDANCE WITH ACI 318 AND 311 AND THE LIVE LOAD DEFLECTION SHALL BE SHALL NOT EXCEED THE SPAN 360 7 PRECAST SHALL MEET THE FIRE RESISTANCE RATING FOR BOTH RESTRAINED AND UNRESTRAINED FOR THE RATINGS REQUIRED BY THE ARCHITECTURAL DRAWINGS 8 PRECAST HOLLOW CORE UNITS SHALL HAVE 3 INCH MINIMUM BEARING PLANKS SHALL BE INSTALLED IN STRICT ACCORDANCE WITH THE MANUFACTURERS RECOMMENDATIONS 9 POINT SHIMMING SHALL NOT BE PERMITTED IF SHIMS ARE REQUIRED THEY SHALL BE CONTINUOUS 10 ALL OPENINGS SHALL BE COORDINATED WITH ALL TRADES OPENINGS LARGER THAN 6 INCH SHALL BE INDICATED ON THE SHOP DRAWINGS CONTRACTOR SHALL NOT CUT OPENINGS IN THE PLANKS WITHOUT THE PLANK MANUFACTURERS WRITTEN APPROVAL 11 CONTRACTOR SHALL VERIFY ANCHOR BOLT SIZES AND LOCATIONS PRIOR TO CONCRETE 12 PLANKS SHALL BE DESIGNED FO THE SUPERIMPOSED LOADS INDICATED IN THE STRUCTURAL NOTES 13 A 13 CEMENT SAND GROUT MIX SHALL BE USED FOR GROUTING THE KEYWAYS KEYWAYS SHALL BE GROUTED PRIOR TO PLACING TOPPING OR ANY OTHER SUPERIMPOSED LOAD 14 CONCRETE TOPPING SHALL BE NORMAL WEIGHT CONCRETE WITH Fc 3000 PSI PREPARE PLANK SURFACE TO RECEIVE TOPPING PER MANUFACTURERS RECOMMENDATIONS 15 EXTREME CAUTION SHALL BE USED WHEN DRILLING OR SHOOTING INTO PLANKS CONTRACTOR CONSULT WITH PLANK MANUFACTURER PRIOR TO DRILLING OR SHOOTING INTO PLANK ROOF WIND UPLIFT PRESSURES PSF EFFECTIVE WIND AREA ROOF ZONES V110 MPH EXP B I 10 BUILDING CATEGORY II Cpi 018 10 20 50 100 1 100218 100212 100205 100199 2 100365 100326 100275 100236 EACH WAY AT CONCRETE BEAM Q 3 100550 100455 100 331 100236 wa 2 CLR z J 1 EDGE DISTANCE A 6 FEET I I A O O O O O O O ICJ I PLAN 2 5 X 4 U LV RANT TOP AND BOT 1 CORNER SPACE AT HALF THE AMOUNT S INTERRUPTED BY ENING ON EACH SIDE SING SPACE BARS AT 2 D X 4 U LV RANT TOP AND BOT i CORNER SPACE AT HALF THE AMOUNT S INTERRUPTED BY ENING ON EACH SIDE DING SPACE BARS AT JU N CONCRETE BEAM a SEE PLAN SCHEDULE V 2 CLR wd z 0 U Liw I Ljw CONCCOLUMN SEE PLAN STANDARD ACI Q HOOK STANDARD ACI 90 HOOK ADDTL 4 HAIRPIN EACH WAY AT CENTER OF BEAM CONCCOLUMN SEE PLAN SCHEDULE DOWELS MATCH COLUMN VERT REINF PROVIDE 48 BAR DIA LAP SPLICE OIL T MAT I SEE PLAN MAT SEE PLAN TYPICAL INTERIOR CONCRETE COLUMN NOTE HC PLANKS NOT SHOWN FOR CLARITY JU N ADDTL 4 HAIRPIN EACH WAY AT CONCRETE BEAM Q CENTER OF BEAM SEE PLAN SCHEDULE wa 2 CLR z J CONCCOLUMN SEE PLAN ww SCHEDULE I w DOWELS MATCH COLUMN VERT REINF PROVIDE CONCCOLUMN 48 BAR DIA LAP SEE PLAN SPLICE xr7 STANDARD ACI Q HOOK N T MAT SEE PLAN MAT SEE PLAN TYPICAL EXTERIIORCONCRETE COLUMN AN N SHOWN FOR HI GGENBOTHAM Structural Engineers 3222 Corrine Drive Suite F Orlando Florida 32803 Phone 407 286 1787 Fox 407 286 2281 FLORIDA CA NO 26850 No1 Date I Revision B No Date Revision B Des b HIGH Date DECEMBER 22 2010 Engineers Coa No 3215 Drawn b y y g y LAKE JESUP WATER Architects Li No 9A260a9 1127 East Sheet No 1 RED Job No W04141 serve ors tBNo7143 astRobirisor y Landscape Arch Li Street Orlando Fl 32801 GROUND STORAGE TANKzQQsCheckedbyHIGHFilePUMPSTATIONAUGMENTATIONFACILITYCPlannersPhone4074250452 o e Approved by HIGH EnvironmeniatScientists Fax 4076481036 GENERAL NOTES 2009 CITY OF WINTER SPRINGS Construction Management HAROLD G HIGGENBOTHAM PE 4Q Q Scale AS SHOWN SEMINOLE FLORIDA I Desi Build REG 56467 STANDARD ACI HOOK TYP ADDITIONAL HORIZ CORNER BARS MATCH WALL HORIZ REINF Q J a 0 m N L SHAPED CORNER DETAIL 4 6 VERT BARS 3 TIES AT 12 OC 0 I 2 CLR CC 1 I I 8 8 VERT BARS TIES AT 12 OC 0 2 CLR CC 2 rnfNl I IKAKI T nrc CONFORMED DOCUMENTS TYPICAL SLAB AND WALL OPENING DETAILS NTS 161 PRESTRESSED CONCRETE PILE SCHEDULE PILE NO SIZE UNFACTORED AXIAL LOAD K UNFACTORED LATERAL LOAD K PILE TIP ELEV FT APPROXIMATE PILE CUT OF ELEV FT ESTIMATED PILE LENGTH FT P 1 14 SQ 98 40 26 5 31 P 2 14 SQ 98 40 10 5 15 P 3 14 SQ 98 40 2 5 7 1 DATA LISTED ON PILE SCHEDULE IS PER GEOTECHNICAL REPORT BY NODARSE ASSOCIATES INC VERIFY ELEVATIONS PRIOR TO FABRICATION CONSTRUCTION INTAKE STRUCTURE DOCK FRAMING PLAN SCALE 316 V 0 CONCRETE PILE CAP SCHEDULE PILE CAP WIDTH DEPTH TOP REINF BOTT REINF INT REINF STIRRUPS PC 1 30 24 4 6 4 6 2 6 3 AT 12 OC PC 2 48 24 6 6 6 6 2 6 3 AT 12 OC CONFORMED DOCUMENTS 90 0 9 EQUAL SPACES AT 10 0 P 1 14 0 P 1 104 0 INTAKE STRUCTURE DOCK PILE PROFILE SCALE 316 V0 NOTE VERIFY ALL DIMENSIONS AND HIGGENBOTHAM Structural Engineers 3222 Corrine Drive Suite F Orlando Florida 32803 Phone 407 286 1787 Fox 407 286 2281 FLORIDA CA NO 26850 No Date Revision BBy ELEVATIONS WITH MECH AND CIVIL AND Date Revision B y Designed bg y HIGH REPORT DISCREPANCIES TO THE LAKE JESUP WATER AUGMENTATION FACILITY CITY OF WINTER SPRINGS SEMINOLE FLORIDA 11 C Engineers Coa Na 3215 Architects Li A260926 surveyors LB 7143 Landscape Arch LcNLC a29s Planners EnvironmeniatScientists Construction Management Design snihi 1127ESt Robinsonrzbi Orlando 32801 Phone 4074074250452 Fax 4076481036 ENGINEER PRIOR TO CONSTRUCTION eet No Q 052711 ADDENDUM AND FABRICATION 16 RED Job No W04141 p DOCK FRAMING PLAN NOTES 1 SEE PLAN FOR TOP OF MAT ELEVATIONS VERIFY W CIVIL AND MECH DRAWINGS TOP OF MAT ELEVATIONS PRIOR TO FABRICATION AND CONSTRUCTION 104 0 HGH File PUMP STATION Io 2 SEE CIVIL FOR DIMENSIONS NOT SHOWN e 90 0 9 EQUAL PILES AT 10 0 14 0 3 SEE CIVIL AND MECH FOR ALL SLEEVES PIPES INSERTS AND EMBEDDED Approved by DOCK AT INTAKE 2009 ITEMS 4Q STRUCTURE Q EL 50 4 SEE CIVIL AND MECH FOR SLOPES AND RECESSES T DOCK 5 VERIFY W CIVIL AND MECH DRAWINGS ALL ELEVATIONS AND DIMENSIONS PRIOR TO FABRICATION AND CONSTRUCTIONIIIIIIIIIIIILIIIIIIIEL277 I I I I I I I I I I N H WL 6 SEE SHEET S 3 FOR STRUCTURAL NOTES AND TYPICAL DETAILS I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I O 7 SEE CIVIL FOR WATERPROOFING I I I I I I I 8 P DENOTES PRESTRESSED CONCRETE PILE SEE SCHEDULE THIS SHEET EL 20 OL L J I I I I PILE TIP I L I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I 9 PC DENOTES CONCRETE PILE CAP SEE SCHEDULE THIS SHEET I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I 10 ALL HOLLOW CORE PLANKS SHALL BE 6 THICK Fc 5000 PSI I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I 11 TOPPING SHALL BE 2 MIN NORMAL WEIGHT CONCRETE Fc 4000 PSI I I I I I I I I I I W 6x6 W14 X W14 WWF 8 12 SUPERIMPOSED LOADING I I I I I I I I I I DEAD 10 PSF IN ADDITION TO CONCRETE TOPPING EL 100 L J L J L J L J I I I I I L I I I I I I LIVE 100 PSF PILE TIP I I I I I I I I I I I I I I 13 CB DENOTES CONCRETE BEAM SEE SCHEDULE THIS SHEET PRESSTRESSED CONCRETE PILE SEE PLAN SCHEDULE I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I 16 I I I I I I I I I L I I I I I BEAM SCHEDULE I I I I I L I I L I I I I I I I I I SIZE BxH REINFORCING STIRRUPS I I I I I I I I I I I I MARKIIIIIIIIIIII inches BOTT TOP INT TIES SPACING 24 I I CB 1 8 X 16 AT 6 OC EL 260 oL LJ L LJ L L L PILE TIP PRESSTRESSED CONCRETE PILE SEE PLAN SCHEDULE 32 CONFORMED DOCUMENTS 90 0 9 EQUAL SPACES AT 10 0 P 1 14 0 P 1 104 0 INTAKE STRUCTURE DOCK PILE PROFILE SCALE 316 V0 HIGGENBOTHAM Structural Engineers 3222 Corrine Drive Suite F Orlando Florida 32803 Phone 407 286 1787 Fox 407 286 2281 FLORIDA CA NO 26850 No Date Revision BBy No Date Revision B y Designed bg y HIGH Date DECEMBER 22 2010 LAKE JESUP WATER AUGMENTATION FACILITY CITY OF WINTER SPRINGS SEMINOLE FLORIDA 11 C Engineers Coa Na 3215 Architects Li A260926 surveyors LB 7143 Landscape Arch LcNLC a29s Planners EnvironmeniatScientists Construction Management Design snihi 1127ESt Robinsonrzbi Orlando 32801 Phone 4074074250452 Fax 4076481036 INTAKE STRUCTURE DOCK STRUCTURAL PLAN eet No Q 052711 ADDENDUM Drawn by RED Job No W04141 p Checked by HGH File PUMP STATION IoeApprovedbyHGH 2009 HAROLD G HIGGENBOTHAM PE REG 564674QQScaleASSHOWN CONFORMED DOCUMENTS 90 0 9 EQUAL SPACES AT 10 0 P 1 14 0 P 1 104 0 162 OF PILE DRILL 14 DIAMETER HOLE IN EACH CORE OF EACH PLANK 1 0 FROM FACE OF PILE CAP TYP FOR DRAINAGE VERIFY WITH PLANK SUPPLIER 6 18 0 OC CONT 1 24 0 OC X 26 LONG DOWELS EPDXY 6 INTO PILE PILE I I SEE PLAN SCHEDULE I I PRESTRESSED CONCRETE PILE SEE PLAN SCHEDULE SECTION 1 34 1 0 S 5 F1 ALUMINUM GUARDRAIL SEE SHEET C 10 OF PILE OF PILE PILE CAP 1 4 CONT 6 4 X 1 24 6 AT 4 0 OC 4 X 1 24 6 HOLLOW CORE PLANKS WAT40OC2MINSTRUCTOPPINGSEE PLAN 3 MIN 3 MIN BRG BRG 2 2 CLR 41 1 CLR r7 UU ej F w CONCRETE PILE CAP SEE PLAN SCHEDULE I 4 4 X 26 LONG DOWELS DRILL EPDXY 6 INTO PILE EACH PILE PRESTRESSED CONCRETE PILE SEE PLAN SCHEDULE I I SECTION 2 34 1 0 S 5 6 1 4 1 ALUMINUM GUARDRAIL POST 4 STAINLESS STEEL AND BASE PLATE @ 5 0 OC MAX 38 0 X 312 EMBED SEE C 10 HILTI HAS RODS IN HILTI 4 HY150 EPDXY TYP S 5 ALUMINUM GUARDRAIL POST SEE SHEET C 10 N 14 NEOPRENE PAD BETWEEN BASE PLATE AND CONCRETE 3 CONCRETE EDGE DETAIL 3 SECTION 4 1 12 1 0 S 5 1 12 1 0 S 5 CONFORMED DOCUMENTS HI GGENBOTHAM Structural Engineers 3222 Corrine Drive Suite F Orlando Florida 32803 Phone 407 286 1787 Fox 407 286 2281 FLORIDA CA NO 26850 No Date Revision BBy No Date Revision B y Des bg y HIGH Date DECEMBER 22 2010 LAKE JESUP WATER AUGMENTATION FACILITY CITY OF WINTER SPRINGS SEMINOLE FLORIDA C Engineers Coa Nsu5 Architects Li No 9A26a926 surveyors tB No 7143 Landscape Arch L No LC az9s Planners EnvironmeniatScientists Construction ManagementIDesimill 1117 East Robinrzbi Orland 074 32801 Phone 4074250452 Fax 4076481036 HAROLD G HIGGENBOTHAM PE REG 56467 INTAKE STRUCTURE DOCK STRUCTURAL SECTIONS eet No Q Drawn by RED Job No W04141 p Checked by HGH File PUMP STATION o e Approved by HIGH 2009 Q Q Scale AS SHOWN CONFORMED DOCUMENTS 163 o a 0 o c Lu w Cn 0ZJ0n 0 00 r I I FIN GRADE EL 1400 I I I I FIN GRADE EL 1400 VERIFY W CIVIL i I i VERIFY W CIVIL I I I 8 THICK CONCRETE RET WALL I I W 5 VERT AT 10 OC AND 4 HORIZ AT 12 OC TWALL ELEV 1400 I I I I I I 5 I s 8 I I I I I I I I I I FIN GRADE EL 1400 I I I VERIFY W CIVIL 60 0 I 2 0 I 2 30 0 2 30 0 S8 s 8 CC 2 I FIN GRADE EL 1000 o VERIFY W CIVIL 24 THICK CONCRETE MAT W 7 AT 12 OC EW TOP BOTTOM iin CC 1 OL I EL 500 TO MAT I I I I I I I I I I IT I Im I I I I 1 I I s 8 CC 1 I I I I I I I I I I Ir I I I I I I I I CC 1 I 24 THICK CONCRETE MAT W 7 AT 12 OC EW TOP BOTTOM lime z 101 101 101 0 SLAB ON GRADE BY OTHERS NOTE VERIFY ALL DIMENSIONS AND ELEVATIONS WITH MECH AND CIVIL AND REPORT DISCREPANCIES TO THE ENGINEER PRIOR TO CONSTRUCTION AND FABRICATION u SLAB ON GRADE BY OTHERS 00 FOUNDATION NOTES 1 SEE PLAN FOR TOP OF MAT ELEVATIONS VERIFY W CIVIL AND MECH DRAWINGS TOP OF MAT ELEVATIONS PRIOR TO FABRIATION AND CONSTRUCTION 2 SEE CIVIL FOR DIMENSIONS NOT SHOWN 3 SEE CIVIL AND MECH FOR ALL SLEEVES PIPES INSERTS AND EMBEDDED ITEMS 4 SEE CIVIL AND MECH FOR SLOPES AND RECESSES 5 VERIFY W CIVIL AND MECH DRAWINGS ALL ELEVATIONS AND DIMENSIONS PRIOR TO FABRICATION AND CONSTRUCTION 6 SEE SHEET S3 FOR STRUCTURAL NOTES AND TYPICAL DETAILS 7 SEE CIVIL FOR WATERPROOFING 8 C DENOTES REINF CONCRETE COLUMN SEE DETAILS ON SHT S3 9 MB 1 DENOTES 5 0 WIDE MAT BEAM W10 7 TOP BOTTOM r I I I I I I ELECTRICAL CHEMICAL BUILDING BY OTHERS I I I I I I I I I I L J 0 Ground Storage Tank Foundation Plan SCALE 18 10 Revision Revision By Designed by HGH Date DECEMBER 22 2010 Engineers coA No 3215 LAKE JESUP WATER Architects Li No AA2600926 1117 East Robinson Drawn by RED Job No W04141 surveyors Ts No 7143 street Landscape Arch Lic No LC000O29s Orland 0742 Checked by HGH File PUMP STATION AUGMENTATION FACILITY Planners 4 50452rsPhone0745045 Approved by HGH 2009 CITY OF WINTER SPRINGS Co Sc Management Fax 4076481 036 Costruction a me HAROLD G HIGGENBOTHAM PE Scale AS SHOWN I I SEMINOLE FLORIDA 1 1 Desi 13nitd REG 56467 CONFORMED DOCUMENTS 164 FIN GRADE EL 1400 VERIFY W CIVIL FIN GRADE EL VERIFY W CIVI FIN GRADE EL 1000 VERIFY W CIVIL 1400 2 30 0 2 30 0 SIZE BxH inches 4 1 12 4 N U S 8 S 8 TOP INT F TOP REINF IN 2 II I 6 8 LAYERS SEE SCHED 4 @ 4 0 C II II II Date Revision BBy INTERMEDIATE REINF o II II EL 1400 DIVIDED EQUALLY HIGH 4kBOTTOM III EA FACE SEE SCHED T TO DECK II 1 s 8 II I LAYER SEE SCHED ON THIS SHT Fc 5000 PSI 1 II Drawn by Checked by Ir 4 I 11 II I C Surve ors tBNo7143 Landscape Arch LiNoLC0000298 Planners Street Orlando Fl 32801 Phone 4074250452 s a II 11 II II I AIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIF o II II e Q O o CD coLd V a N II II 1 I HGH ZCD gZ IZ U I a I I Z I gz a O S 8 a Fax 06482x36 w0 OU a I IIII wo J 0 o JN rl III o JN C o I I I 0 II o 0 II II 2009 SEMINOLE FLORIDA Desi mild i II m II II 4 III II I EL 1400 s a 11 II I TO DECK r I II 1 s 8 o II II 1 II N II s 8 m II I II I I II II II I rani nn n nr ri n nn i 3 s 8 3 VERIFY W CIVIL Y S 8 Observation Deck Framing Plan SCALE 18 V 0 z f A BU E f 20 MARK SIZE BxH inches 4 1 12 4 N U STIRRUPS N TOP INT TIES TOP REINF IN 2 CB 2 SEE DETAIL 6 8 6 8 LAYERS SEE SCHED 4 @ 4 0 C FLORIDA CA NO 26850 ON THIS SHT Date Revision BBy INTERMEDIATE REINF o Revision B y DIVIDED EQUALLY HIGH 4kBOTTOM LAKE JESUP WATER EA FACE SEE SCHED East Robinson2127E ON THIS SHT REINF IN 1 CB 2 LAYER SEE SCHED ON THIS SHT Fc 5000 PSI BEAM SCHEDULE MARK SIZE BxH inches REINFORCING STIRRUPS BOTT TOP INT TIES SPACING CB 2 SEE DETAIL 6 8 6 8 2 5 4 @ 4 0 C FLORIDA CA NO 26850 No Date Revision BBy No Date Revision B y Des bg y HIGH Date DECEMBER 22 2010 LAKE JESUP WATER Engineers Coa No 3215 Architects Li No 9A260a926 East Robinson2127E NOTES 1 TOP STEEL SHALL BE IN 2 LAYERS 2 INTERMEDIATE REINFORCING SHALL BE DIVIDED EQUALLY EA FACE 3 Fc 5000 PSI 4 SEE DETAIL ON THIS SHT NOTE VERIFY ALL DIMENSIONS AND ELEVATIONS WITH MECH AND CIVIL AND REPORT DISCREPANCIES TO THE ENGINEER PRIOR TO CONSTRUCTION AND FABRICATION OBSERVAION DECK FRAMING NOTES 1 SEE PLAN FOR TOP OF DECK ELEVATIONS VERIFY W CIVIL AND MECH DRAWINGS TOP OF DECK ELEVATIONS PRIOR TO FABRIATION AND CONSTRUCTION 2 SEE CIVIL FOR DIMENSIONS NOT SHOWN 3 SEE CIVIL AND MECH FOR ALL SLEEVES PIPES INSERTS AND EMBEDDED ITEMS 4 SEE CIVIL AND MECH FOR SLOPES AND RECESSES 5 VERIFY W CIVIL AND MECH DRAWINGS ALL ELEVATIONS AND DIMENSIONS PRIOR TO FABRICATION AND CONSTRUCTION 6 SEE SHEET S 3 FOR STRUCTURAL NOTES SLAB OPENING DETAILS AND TYPICAL DETAILS 7 SEE CIVIL FOR WATERPROOFING 8 CB DENOTES REINF CONCRETE BEAM SEE SCHEDULE ON THIS SHT OBSERVATION DECK HOLLOW CORE PLANK NOTES 1 ALL HOLLOW CORE PLANKS SHALL BE 10 THICK Fc 5000 PSI 2 TOPPING SHALL BE 2 MIN NORMAL WEIGHT CONCRETE Fc 4000 PSI W 6x6 W14 X W14 WWF 3 SUPERIMPOSED LOADING DEAD 10 PSF IN ADDITION TO CONCRETE TOPPING LIVE 100 PSF CONFORMED DOCUMENTS HI GGENBOTHAM Structural Engineers 3222 Corrine Drive Suite F Orlando Florida 32803 Phone 407 286 1787 Fox 407 286 2281 FLORIDA CA NO 26850 No Date Revision BBy No Date Revision B y Des bg y HIGH Date DECEMBER 22 2010 LAKE JESUP WATER Engineers Coa No 3215 Architects Li No 9A260a926 East Robinson2127E Sheet No zQ Qs Drawn by Checked by RED HIGH Job No W04141 File PUMP STATION AUGMENTATION FACILITY C Surve ors tBNo7143 Landscape Arch LiNoLC0000298 Planners Street Orlando Fl 32801 Phone 4074250452 OBSERVATION DECK FRAMING PLAN AIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIF o e Approved by HGH CITY OF WINTER SPRINGS EnvironmeniatScientists Construction Management Fax 06482x36 HAROLD G HIGGENBOTHAM PE 4Q Q Scale AS SHOWN 2009 SEMINOLE FLORIDA Desi mild REG 56467 CONFORMED DOCUMENTS 165 1 4 CONT 4 x 6 24 @ 4 0 OC IN GROUTED KEYWAY OR CORES EE PLA 1 4 CONT HOLLOWCORE PLANK SEE PLAN 4 x 6 24 @ 4 0 OC 3 MIN BEARING 4 x 6L @ 4 0 OC IN GROUTED KEYWAY SPACING OF WALL VERT OR CORES 2 CLR PROVIDE 62 BAR DIA WATERPROOFING SEE CIVIL TYP LAP SPLICE TYP SEE CIVIL 6 VERT AT 10 OC CONT RIBBED FLAT 6 0 PERFORATED PVC EACH FACE FIN GRADE WATERSTOP BY PIPE DRAIN TO DAYLIGH 2 CLR TYP VERIFY W CIVIL o STANDARD ACI Structural Engineers 3222 Corrine Drive Suite F Orlando Florida 32803 Phone 407 286 1787 Fox 407 286 2281 FLORIDA CA NO 26850 APPROVED STANDARD ACI 5 HORIZ AT 8 OC EACH FACE SEE DETAILo SEE PLAN FREE DRAINING GRANULAR ON S3 FOR HORIZ BACKFILL WRAPPED W SEE PLAN TMATTMAT Date REINF AT CORNERS FILTRATION GEOTEXTILE PER FOUNDATION z Q d Liw BBy GEOTECHNICAL REPORTS RECOMMENDATIONS CD SIANDARD ACI HOOK TYP DOWELS TO MATCH SIZE SPACING OF WALL VERT 0 o WATERPROOFING PROVIDE 62 BAR DIA WATERPROOFING SEE CIVIL LAP SPLICE TYP SEE CIVIL 6 0 PERFORATED PVC CONT RIBBED FLAT 6 0 PERFORATED PVC PIPE DRAIN TO DAYLIGHT WATERSTOP BY PIPE DRAIN TO DAYLIGH SEE CIVIL 0 o o GREENSTREAK OR SEE CIVIL STANDARD ACI Structural Engineers 3222 Corrine Drive Suite F Orlando Florida 32803 Phone 407 286 1787 Fox 407 286 2281 FLORIDA CA NO 26850 APPROVED STANDARD ACI HOOK TYP O EQUAL TYP HOOK TYP N J SEE PLAN 5 HORIZ AT 8 OC SEE PLAN TMATTMAT Date FOUNDATION z Q d Liw BBy Date FOUNDATION zQ Jd w U U SEE PLAN CONC MAT FOOTING SEE PLAN FOR THICKNESS REINF SECTION 1 34 1 0 S 8 OIL FIN GRADE VARIES VERIFY W CIVIL C C IV VI F1LL EE PLAN ERIFY WCIVIL RETAINING WALL FOR STEM THICKNESS ORCEMENT RATED PVC N TO DAYLIGHT 5 AT 24 OC TRANSV TOP 3 5 CONT BOTTOM 4 x 8 8 @ 4 0 OC CONC TOPPING SEE PLAN NOTES HOLLOWCORE PLANK SEE PLAN 1 LAP 6 VERT AT 10 OC EACH FACE 2 CLR TYP HORIZ AT 8 OC EACH FACE SEE DETAIL ON S 3 FOR HORIZ REINF AT CORNERS DOWELS TO MATCH SIZE SPACING OF WALL VERT PROVIDE 62 BAR DIA LAP SPLICE TYP CONT RIBBED FLAT WATERSTOP BY GREENSTREAK OR APPROVED EQUAL TYP I M U SEE PLAN CONC MAT FOOTING SEE PLAN FOR THICKNESS REINF SECTION 2 34 1 0 S 8 2 CLR SIANDARD ACI HOOK TYP 6 VERT AT 10 OCTYPEACHFACE SECTION 5 FIN GRADE 2 CLR 34 1 0 S 8 F VARIES VERIFY W CIVIL o TYP Structural Engineers 3222 Corrine Drive Suite F Orlando Florida 32803 Phone 407 286 1787 Fox 407 286 2281 FLORIDA CA NO 26850 C C 5 HORIZ AT 8 OC No Date oo BBy EACH FACE SEE DETAIL Date Revision B y o HIGHGH RED HIGH ON S3 FOR HORIZ REINF AT CORNERS LAKE JESUP WATER AUGMENTATION FACILITY C Engineers Archilecls surveyors Landscape Arch Planners Coa N 3215 Li UsNo7143 Li No LC000a298 Co GROUND STORAGE TANK OBSERVATION DECK Sheet No Sg Q FREE DRAINING GRANULAR BACKFILL WRAPPED W c zQ FILTRATION GEOTEXTILE PER Qs GEOTECHNICAL REPORTS e RECOMMENDATIONS Approved by HGH 2009 CITY OF WINTER SPRINGS oo Fax 4076482036 DOWELS TO MATCH SIZE STRUCTURAL SECTIONS 4Q SPACING OF WALL VERT Q oo WATERPROOFING PROVIDE 62 BAR DIA LAP SPLICE CONC BEAM SEE PLAN AS SHOWN SEE CIVIL oo TYP SCHEDULE REG 56467 6 b PERFORATED PVC CONT RIBBED FLAT CONC TOPPING SEE PLAN S @ 4 0 OCPIPEDRAINTODAYLIGHT SEE CIVIL WATERSTOP BY NOTES AY FIELD o o STANDARD ACI GREENSTREAK OR APPROVED HOLLOWCORE LINLEASIDEF BEAM EE PLAN NOTES HOOK TYP EQUAL TYP PLANK SEE PLAN O T DECK SEE PLAN N SEE PLAN T MAT FOUNDATION zQ JCL w HOLLOW CORE PLANK SEE PLAN CONT L 4x4x1 4 W 580 X 5 HS @ 4 0 OC i X i HWL i I HWL EA SIDE OF BEAM U SEE PLAN CONC MAT FOOTING SEE PLAN CONC COLUMN BEYOND FOR THICKNESS REINF SECTION 3 SECTION 4 34 1 0 S 8 34 1 0 S 8 CONFORMED DOCUMENTS SIANDARD ACI HOOK TYP HIGGENBOTHAM SECTION 5 34 1 0 S 8 Structural Engineers 3222 Corrine Drive Suite F Orlando Florida 32803 Phone 407 286 1787 Fox 407 286 2281 FLORIDA CA NO 26850 No Date Revision BBy No Date Revision B y Des bg y Drawn by Checked by HIGHGH RED HIGH Date DECEMBER 22 2010 Job No W04141 File PUMP STATION I LAKE JESUP WATER AUGMENTATION FACILITY C Engineers Archilecls surveyors Landscape Arch Planners Coa N 3215 Li UsNo7143 Li No LC000a298 1117 East Robinson street Orlando F1 32802 Phone 4074250452 GROUND STORAGE TANK OBSERVATION DECK Sheet No Sg Q zQ Qs 3Q e Approved by HGH 2009 CITY OF WINTER SPRINGS Connstruction Management Scientists Costruction anugernent Fax 4076482036 HAROLD G HIGGENBOTHAM PE STRUCTURAL SECTIONS 4Q Q Scale AS SHOWN SEMINOLE FLORIDA Desi mild REG 56467 CONFORMED DOCUMENTS 166 CONFORMED DOCUMENTS ABBREVIATIONS GENERAL NOTES A AMBER AMPERE ALARM GALV GALVANIZED R RED RAISE RELAY OR REVERSE 1 ALL ELECTRICAL WORK SHALL COMPLY WITH NE0 AND AC ACB ALTERNATING CURRENT AIR CIRCUIT CURRENT GB GD GENERATOR BREAKER GROUND DETECTOR RECP RES RECEPTACLE RESISTOR LOCAL CODES ACCU AIR COOLED CONDENSING UNIT GEN GENERATOR RGS RIGID GALVANIZED STEEL AF AMPERE FRAME GFI GROUND FAULT INTERRUPTER RMS ROOT MEAN SQUARE 2 DO NOT SCALE THE ELECTRICAL DRAWINGS REFER TO THE AFF ABOVE FINISHED FLOOR GND GROUND RS RAPID START MECHANICAL STRUCTURAL CIVIL AND ARCHITECTURAL DWGS AFG ABOVE FINISHED GRADE GFR GROUND FAULT RELAY RT REPEATING TIMER AND APPROVED SHOP DRAWINGS FOR THE EXACT LOCATION AHU AIR HANDLING UNIT RTD RESISTANCE TYPE TEMP DETECTOR OF ALL EQUIPMENT AIC AMPS INTERRUPTING CAPACITY RTU REMOTE TERMINAL UNIT ALUM ALUMINUM 3 THE CONTRACTOR SHALL VERIFY EXACT LOCATION OF TERMINAL AFCP AUGMENTATION FACILITY CONTROL PANEL H HIGH OR HUMIDISTAT BOXES PANELBOARDS CONDUITS CONTROL PANELS ETC ANN ANNUNCIATOR HC HOT CIRCUIT SCH SCHEDULE AGAINST SHOP DRAWINGS BEFORE STUBBING UP CONDUITS ANSI AMERICAN NATIONAL STANDARDS INSTITUTE HH HANDHOLE SEC SECONDARY AR ALARM RELAY HMT HIGH MOTOR TEMPERATURE SH SPACE HEATER OR SHIELD 4 EXPOSED FLEXIBLE CONDUITS SHALL NOT EXCEED 30 INCHES ASA AMERICAN STANDARDS ASSOCIATION HOA HAND OFFAUTO SN SOLID NEUTRAL IN LENGTH FOR SIZES 2 INCHES AND LARGER MAXIMUM OF 18 AS AMMETER SWITCH HOR HAND OFF REMOTE SP SINGLE POLE INCHES FOR SIZES 1 12 INCHES AND SMALLER AT AMPERE TRIP HP HORSE POWER SPDT SINGLE POLE DOUBLE THROW ATS AUTOMATIC TRANSFER SWITCH HPS HIGH PRESSURE SODIUM SPST SINGLE POLE SINGLE THROW 5 CONTRACTOR SHALL PROVIDE ADDITIONAL PULLBOXES WHERE REQUIRED AUX AUXILIARY HR HOUR SS SELECTOR SWITCH OR STAINLESS STEEL BY THE NEC ANDOR TO MAKE A WORKABLE INSTALLATION AWG AMERICAN WIRE GAGE HWCO HIGH WATER CUTOFF ST STATION TIE BREAKER HZ HERTZ CYCLE SUPV SUPERVISORY CONTROL 6 CONDUIT ENTRY INTO ELECTRICAL EQUIPMENT SHALL BE DIRECTLY SV SOLENOID VALVE BELOW OR ABOVE AND BE LOCATED EQUALLY SPACED FROM EQUIPMENT B BLUE SW SWITCH CENTERLINE BC BARE COPPER OR BATTERY CHARGER 10 INPUT OUTPUT SWBD SWITCHBOARD BIL BASIC IMPULSE LEVEL IEEE INSTITUTE OF ELECTRICAL AND SWGR SWITCHGEAR BKR BREAKER ELECTRONIC ENGINEERS BLDG BUILDING IES ILLUMINATING ENGINEERING SOCIETY BR BRAKE INST INSTRUMENTATION T THERMOSTAT TIMER OR TOTALIZER BT BEARING TEMPERATURE ISO ISOLATION TACH TACHOMETER TB TERMINAL BLOCK TC TIMER CLUTCH OR TIME CLOCK C CLOSE COUNTER CONTACTOR OR CONDUIT J JUNCTION BOX TD TIME DELAY RELAY C DEGREES CENTIGRADE TEL TEMP TELEPHONE TEMPERATURE CAB CAP CABINET CAPACITOR K KEY INTERLOCK TM TIMER MOTOR CB CIRCUIT BREAKER KV KILOVOLT TQ TORQUE CB A CIRCUIT BREAKER AUXILIARY CONTACT KVA KILOVOLT AMPERE TTB TELEPHONE TERMINAL BOX OR BOARD OPEN WHEN BREAKER IS OPEN AND KVAR KILOVAR TTC TELEPHONE TERMINAL CABINET CLOSED WHEN BREAKER IS CLOSED OR TRIPPED KW KILOWATT TYP TYPICAL CB B CIRCUIT BREAKER AUXILIARY CONTACT KWH KILOWATT HOUR CLOSED WHEN BREAKER IS OPEN AND OPEN UL UNDERWRITERS LABORATORIES WHEN BREAKER IS CLOSED OR TRIPPED UG UNDERGROUND CBM CERTIFIED BALLAST MANUFACTURERS L LOW LEVEL UON UNLESS OTHERWISE NOTED Cl CKT CELL INTERLOCK CIRCUIT LA LC LIGHTNING ARRESTED LIGHTING CONTRACTOR UV UNDER VOLTAGE CL2 CHLORINE LOR LOCAL OFF REMOTE UPS UNINTERRUPTIBLE POWER SUPPLY CLG CEILING LS LIMIT OR LEVEL SWITCH CONC CONCRETE LT LIGHT V VOLTS COND CONN CONDUCTOR CONNECTION LTG LWCO LIGHTING LOW WATER CUTOFF VA VOLT AMPERE COS CABLE OPERATED SWITCH VAR VFD VARMETER VARIABLE FREQUENCY DRIVE CID CPT CONTROL PANEL CONTROL POWER TRANSFORMER M MAGNETIC MOTOR STARTER VLS VALVE LIMIT SWITCH CR CURRENT OR CONTROL RELAY MA MILLIAMPERE VM VOLTMETER CS CONTROL STATION MAX MAXIMUM VPI VALVE POSITION INDICATOR CT CYCLE TIMER OR CURRENT TRANSFORMER MFCP MAIN FILTER CONTROL PANEL VS VOLTMETER SWITCH CTC CYCLE TIMER CLUTCH MCC MOTOR CONTROL CENTER VSC VARIABLE SPEED CONTROLLER CTM CYCLE TIMER MOTOR MCM THOUSAND CIRCULAR MIL VSD VARIABLE SPEED DRIVE CU COPPER MCP MOTOR CIRCUIT PROTECTOR CWP COLD WATER PIPE MD MOISTURE DETECTOR MFM MAGNETIC FLOW METER W WHITE WATTS OR WIRE MFR MANUFACTURER WH WATTHOUR METER DC DIRECT CURRENT MH MANHOLE MOUNTING HEIGHT OR METAL HALIDE WM WATT METER DIA DIAMETER MIN MINIMUM WP WEATHER PROOF DI DOOR INTERLOCK MLO MAIN LUGS ONLY WT WATER TIGHT DM DAMPER MOTOR OR DEMAND METER MOV MOTOR OPERATED VALVE DIN DOWN MPR MOTOR PROTECTION RELAY DO DRAW OUT MS MANUAL MOTOR STARTER X AUXILIARY RELAY DPDT DOUBLE POLE DOUBLE THROW MSH MOTOR SPACE HEATER XFMR TRANSFORMER DPST DOUBLE POLE SINGLE THROW MTD MOUNTED XTMR TRANSFORMER DPR DIFFERENTIAL PRESSURE REGULATOR MTS MANUAL TRANSFER SWITCH DPS DIFFERENTIAL PRESSURE SWITCH MV MILLIVOLT OR MERCURY VAPOR Y YELLOW DS DISCONNECT SWITCH MVA MEGA VOLT AMPERE DVLS DISCHARGE VALVE LIMIT SWITCH ZS POSITION SWITCH N NEUTRAL EC EMPTY CONDUIT NC NORMALLY CLOSED O PHASEEFEXHAUSTFANNECANATIONALELECTRICALCONTRACTORSASSOCIATION ELEC ELECTRICAL NEC NATIONAL ELECTRICAL CODE EL ELEVATION NEMA NATIONAL ELECTRICAL MANUFACTURERS ASSOCIATION ELR EMERGENCY LOCKOUT RELAY NF NON FUSED EM EMERGENCY NFPA NATIONAL FIRE PROTECTION ASSOCIATION EMH ELECTRICAL MANHOLE NIC NOT IN CONTRACT EMT ELECTRICAL METALLIC TUBING NO NORMALLY OPEN NUMBER ENCL ENCLOSURE NTS NOT TO SCALE EO ELECTRICALLY OPERATED EP EXPLOSION PROOF ER ELECTRODE RELAY Q OPEN ES END SWITCH OC ON CENTER ESB ENERGY SAVING BALLAST OFCI OWNER FURNISHED CONTRACTOR INSTALLED ETM ELAPSED TIME METER OH OVERHEAD EUH ELECTRIC UNIT HEATER OL OVERLOAD EVA ELECTRIC VALVE ACTUATOR OLS OVERLOADS EWC ELECTRIC WATER COOLER OSHA OCCUPATIONAL SAFETY AND HEALTH ACT EWH ELECTRIC WATER HEATER EXH EXHAUST EXIST EXISTING P POLE PB PUSH BUTTON OR PULL BOX PC PHOTO CONTROL F FORWARD PLC PROGRAMMABLE LOGIC CONTROLLER F DEGREES FAHRENHEIT PF POWER FACTOR FAAP FIRE ALARM ANNUNCIATION PANEL PH PHASE CHEMICAL TERM FACP FIRE ALARM CONTROL PANEL PNL PANEL FIT FLOW INDICATING TRANSMITTER PR PAIR FLA FULL LOAD AMPERES PRGS PVC COATED RIGID GALVANIZED STEEL FM FACTORY MANUAL PRI PRIMARY FS FLOW SWITCH PRS PROXIMITY SWITCH FT FEET PS PRESSURE SWITCH PT POTENTIAL TRANSFORMER PROGRAM TIMER PVC POLYVINYL CHLORIDE PWR POWER No Date Revision BBy No Date Revision By Designed bgy WCH Date OCTOBER 15 2010 LAKE J ESU P WATER AUGMENTATION FACILITY CITY OF WINTER SPRINGS SEMINOLE FLORIDA C Engineers coa 3215 Architects LiNo surveyors Le o 7143 LandscapeArch L0LC 2ss PlannersPlanners Environmental scientists1constructionManagementTrafficTransportation 1217 East Robinson street Orlando Fl 32801 Phone 4074250452 Fax 4076481036 WILLIAM C GOUCHER PE REG 20700 ABBREVIATIONS Sheet No E p Drawn by DJK Job No W04141 p p Checked by WCH File Site Plandwg p Approved by WCH c 2009 A sp Scale 1 10 CONFORMED DOCUMENTS 167 ELEMENTARY SYMBOLS ELEMENTARY SYMBOLS CONT SWITCH SYMBOLS SERVICE AND DISTRIBUTION LIGHTING OUTLETS CEILING WALL LIMIT SWITCH S SINGLE POLE SWITCH MAGNETIC MOTOR STARTER OR CONTACTOR O SURFACE OR PENDANT MOUNTED FIXTURE WIRE INTERSECTION POINT NORMALLY CLOSED 00 SIZE AS NOTED 1 1 S2 DOUBLE POLE SWITCH 1 RECESSED FIXTURE EXTERNAL CONNECTION POINT LIMIT SWITCH MOTOR CONNECTION AS NOTED 1 NORMALLY OPEN CONTACT NORMALLY CLOSED HELD OPEN S3 THREEWAY SWITCH SURFACE OR PENDANT MOUNTED DIFFERENTIAL PRESSURE SWITCH S4 FOURWAY SWITCH MOTOR i EXISTING CONNECTION FUTURE OR AS NOTED 1 1 FLUORESCENT FIXTURE NORMALLY CLOSED CONTACT NORMALLY OPEN CLOSING ON INCREASING DIFF O R O R RECESSED FLUORESCENT FIXTURESWpWEATHERPROOFSWITCHjDISCONNECTSWITCHSIZEASNOTED11 O STARTER CONTACTOR OR RELAY COIL DIFFERENTIAL PRESSURE SWITCH4 Sp SWITCH WITH PILOT LAMP O R TANDEM FLUORESCENT FIXTURE 1 NORMALLY CLOSED OPENING ON INCREASING DIFF ZI COMBINATION MAGNETIC MOTOR STARTER 1NORMALLYOPENPUSHBUTTON SK KEY OPERATED SWITCH SIZE AS NOTED O RECESSED TANDEM FLUORESCENT NORMALLY CLOSED PUSH BUTTON BRANCH CIRCUIT PANELBOARD UNDER 1 FIXTURE SH HAZARDOUS AREA SWITCH 250 VOLTS SURFACE MOUNTED BARE LAMP FLUORESCENT STRIP MAINTAINED PUSH BUTTON WITH GUARDDDIMMERSWITCHBRANCHCIRCUITPANELBOARDUNDER1 MOMENTARY MUSHROOM HEAD 250 VOLTS FLUSH MOUNTED FLUORESCENT TROFFER NORMALLY CLOSED GEARED LIMIT SWITCH SL SWITCH FOR LOW VOLTAGE SWITCHING SYSTEM BRANCH CIRCUIT PANELBOARD OVER SURFACE OR PENDANT MOUNTED NORMALLY OPEN GEARED LIMIT SWITCH SLM MASTER SWITCH FOR LOW 250 VOLTS SURFACE MOUNTED EXIT LIGHT INDICATING LIGHT FIRE ALARM SYSTEM VOLTAGE SWITCHING SYSTEM 15 TRANSFORMER SIZE AS NOTED 6 R RECESSED EXIT LIGHT es SWITCH AND SINGLE RECEPTACLE Q SYSTEMS CABINET BLANKED OUTLETFF7FUSE POTENTIOMETER F PULL STATION S SWITCH AND DOUBLE RECEPTACLE TELEPHONE TERMINAL BOARD JO J JUNCTION BOX CAPACITOR F HORN LIGHT COMBINATION SD DOOR SWITCH o4111111110 1 POLE MOUNTED FIXTURE m SMOKE DETECTOR ST TIME SWITCH DIODE EMERGENCY LIGHT FIXTURE LIGHTNING PROTECTION SYSTEMmDDUCTSMOKEDETECTORSCgCIRCUITBREAKERSWITCH RES RESISTOR SMC MOMENTARY CONTACT SWITCH OR CONTROL POWER PUSHBUTTON FOR OTHER THAN NOTE 1 LETTER SUBSCRIPT INDICATES FIXTURE TYPE AS DESCRIBED TRANSFORMER SIGNALING SYSTEM AIR TERMINAL WITH CAST ADHESIVE IN THE LIGHTING FIXTURE SCHEDULE SWITCH START STOP SWITCH OO BASE MOUNT MS BONDING PLATE MANUAL STARTER SINGLE LINE POWER DIAGRAM SYMBOLS SPEED CONTROL TEE SPLICE I O ELECTRODE LOCAL CONTROL SWITCH FLOAT SWITCH CIRCUIT BREAKER i CONDUCTOR TURNED DOWN PLAN SYMBOLS CLOSING ON RISING LEVEL G ROOFTOP MAIN CONDUCTOR FLOAT SWITCH07 l COMBINATION MOTOR STARTER WITH MOTOR CIRCUIT PROTECTOR FULL VOLTAGE ROOFTOP BONDING CONDUCTOR TT TEMPERATURE TRANSMITTEROPENINGONRISINGLEVELNONREVERSINGSINGLESPEED PRESSURE SWITCH p CLOSING ON RISING PRESSURE 1 G MAIN ROOFTOP CONDUCTOR CONCEALED BELOW PT PRESSURE TRANSMITTER RECEPTACLE OUTLET SYMBOLSPRESSURESWITCH1SR REDUCE VOLTAGE NON REVERSING AUTOTRANSFORMER CLOSED TRANSITION G BURIED COUNTERPOISE CONDUCTOR FIT FLOW INDICATING TRANSMITTERPOPENINGONRISINGPRESSURE SINGLE SPEED OR SOLID STATE SOFT START AIR TERMINAL WITH CAST ADHESIVE BASE MOUNT FOR USE ON TOP OF VACUUM SWITCH V CLOSING ON INCREASING VACUUM 2S EXHAUST FAN HOUSING FE FLOW ELEMENT SINGLE RECEPTACLE OUTLET VACUUM SWITCH ON INCREASING VACUUM I FULL VOLTAGE REVERSING IROPENING SINGLE SPEED DUPLEX RECEPTACLE OUTLETSPLIT WIRED DIT DENSITY INDICATING TRANSMITTER TEMPERATURE SWITCH I RACEWAY SYSTEM CLOSING ON RISING TEMPERATURE FULL VOLTAGE TWO SPEED TRIPLEX RECEPTACLE OUTLET SPLIT WIRED LITO LEVEL INDICATING TRANSMITTER 7 TEMPERATURE SWITCH ON RISING TEMPERATURE I F TWO WINDING 0 JUNCTION BOXOPENING1SINGLESPECIALPURPOSERECEPTACLEOUTLET LE LEVEL ELEMENT FLOW ACTUATED SWITCH CLOSING ON INCREASE IN FLOW THERMAL OVERLOADS 1 SEE NOTE 1 HOME RUN TO PANELBOARD NO OF ARROWS INDICATE NO OF CIRCUITS FLOW ACTUATED SWITCH A 5 J AC MOTOR NUMBER INDICATES HORSEPOWER DUPLEX RECEPTACLE SPECIAL PURPOSE OUTLET SEE NOTE 1 HASH MARKS INDICATE NO OF 412 AWG CONDUCTORS NO HASH MARKS VM VOLT METER OPENING ON INCREASE IN FLOW 1 RANGE OUTLET INDICATE 212 CONDUCTORS ON TIME DELAY SWITCH 5 DC MOTOR NUMBER INDICATES HORSEPOWER SEE NOTE 1 CEILING OT CONCEALED IN WALL OR ABOVE VS VOLT SWITCHNORMALLYOPENWITHTIMEDELAY CLOSING AFTER COIL IS ENERGIZED 1 SPECIAL PURPOSE CONNECTION OR PROVISION TIME DELAY O GENERATOR SIZE AS NOTED S NOTENE 1 CONDUIT OR CONCEALED IN OR BELOW FLOOR UNDERGROUND AM AMPMETER OFF SWITCH NORMALLY OPEN WITH TIME DELAY A OPENING AFTER COIL IS DE ENERGIZED T LOW VOLTAGE CIRCUIT BREAKER MULTIOUTLET ASSEMBLY CONDUIT RUN EXPOSED RUN PARALLEL OR AMP SWITCHDRAWOUTTYPE V SEE NOTE 1 PERPENDICULAR TO STRUCTURE OR WALL qS ON TIME DELAY SWITCH CLOCK HANGER RECEPTACLENORMALLYCLOSEDWITHTIMEDELAY7A1 MSO MOTION SWITCH OPENING AFTER COIL IS ENERGIZED MEDIUM VOLTAGE CIRCUIT BREAKER SEE NOTE 1 OFF TIME DELAY SWITCH DRAWOUT TYPE V 1 FAN HANGER RECEPTACLE PB FT FLOAT SWITCH NORMALLY CLOSED WITH TIME DELAY 1 SEE NOTE 1 JACK AND BORE UNDER CLOSING AFTER COIL IS DE ENERGIZED LIGHTNING ARRESTOR FLOOR SINGLE RECEPTACLE OUTLET EXISTING PB PAVEMENT FS FLOW SWITCH TORQUE SWITCH NORMALLY OPEN SURGE SUPPRESSOR FLOOR DUPLEX RECEPTACLE LS LIMIT SWITCH TORQUE SWITCH CLOSED COMMUNICATIONS TS TORQUE SWITCHNORMALLY 1 SURGE CAPACITOR 14 1 FLOOR SPECIAL PURPOSE OUTLET LIMIT SWITCH SEE NOTE 1 pS PRESSURE SWITCH NORMALLY OPEN FUSE OS INTERIOR CEILING SPEAKER LIMIT SWITCH TRANSFORMERPOTENTIAL E EXTERIOR HORN SPEAKER OT THERMOSTAT NORMALLY OPEN HELD CLOSED QUANTITY NOTED NOTE 1 NUMERICAL SUBSCRIPT INDICATES THE SHEET NOTE I J WALL MOUNTED SPEAKER VS VIBRATION SWITCH MCP MOTOR CIRCUIT PROTECTOR WHERE THE TYPE OF RECEPTACLE AND USAGE IS NOTED 2 EXTERIOR HANDSET 7 NO INDICATES FRAME SIZE wP SV SOLENOID VALVE DESKTOP HANDSET LCURRENT TRANSFORMER QUANTITY AS NOTED FLOOR TELEPHONE OUTLET PUBLIC ZS ZERO SPEED SWITCH O KEY INTERLOCK FLOOR TELEPHONE OUTLET PRIVATE TR TIMING RELAY POWER PANEL FLUSH OUTLET BOX AND COVER PLATE N FLUSH FLOOR MOUNTED OUTLET BOX LIGHTING PANEL AND COVER PLATE No Date Revision BBy No Date Revision By Designed bgy WCH Date OCTOBER 15 2010 LAKE J ESU P WATER AUGMENTATION FACILITY CITY O F WINTER SPRINGS SEMINOLE FLORIDA I C Engineers coa 13215 Architects Li surveyors Le o 7143 Planners L a L 2ss Environmental scientists construction ManagementITrafficTransportation 7217 East Robinson street Orlando Fl 32801 Phone 4074250452 Fax 4076481036 WILLIAM C GOUCHER PE REG 20700 SYMBOLS Sheet No Q Drawn by DJK Job No W04141 p p Checked by WCH File Site Plandwg e Approved by WCH c 2009 Q sQ Scale 1 10 CONFORMED DOCUMENTS 168 1 2C 16SH 34 INFLUENT FLOW TO AFC P METER L1 24 V PB FT o 10 20 POLE MTD GRAPHIC SCALE MB STORAGE TANK CONFORMED DOCUMENTS No Date Revision By No Date Revision By Designed by WCH Date October 15 2010 LAKE J E S U P WATER Engineers coa 3215 Architects L N AA2600926 1217 East Robinson Sheet No p Drawn by DJK Job No W04141 AUGMENTATION FACILITY C surveyors L B Nr 7143 PlanneapeArch L a L 2ss Planners Environmental scientists street Orlando Fl 32801 Phone 4074250452 WILLIAM C GOUCHER PE SITE PLANppCheckedbyWCHFileSitePlandwg p Approved by WCH 1 10 c 2009 CITY OF WINTER SPRINGS SEMINOLE FLORIDA Cons true tionManagemen t Traffic Transportation Fax 4076481036 REG 20700 p sp Scale CONFORMED DOCUMENTS 169 3 4 W3 400KCMIL 140 EA 1 4 SPARE IPAD MTD TRA A I OCn ML A CO 9 M I DO 3W00G 3 21 2 100A 600V RECPT FOR GENERATOR RUSSELL STOLL JRS1044FR MANUAL TRANSFER SWITCH 100A 3P 60OV FUSED OUTDOORS NEMA 4 65kAIC RATED MIN MTS o RISER NOTES 0 O CB AS DIRECTED BY VFD MFR VFD O STATUS ALARM TO 65A LOCAL PLC 0 LINE REACTOR AS ODIRECTEDBYMCC MFR 40 MOTOR LONG LEAD FILTER AS DIRECTED x BY MCC MFR j O5 ACTIVE FILTER AS oDIRECTEDBYMCC MANF 04 O6 TVSS FURNISHED BY 1 MCC MFR N 0cfl2 r OFOR FUTURE PUMPS PROVIDE EMPTY RACEWAYS ONLY O8 CB SIZED BY MCC M MANUFACTURER 9 METERING PROVIDED BY MCC MANF DISPLAY AMP VOLTS HZ AND HARMONICS WP 40 RWP PUMP 1 D 100A D 225A r r I I N N I I N N O O 1000A 480V30 3W 65KAIC RATED MCC 1 225A 225A U W N I N 2 2 N N 1 F 1 F cj cfl W o o ILO 04 V7 to 0 VFD VFD FUTURE 156A 156A VFD 156A L 1 L 1 4 0 L N N r r U W W NO n WP WP WP O O O 125 125 125 RWP PUMP 2 RWP PUMP 3 RWP PUMP 4 FUTURE 0 POWER RISER D 30A D 30A D 100A D 60A N I r N I r I 0 c M 30A D100A 50A I J 30KVA 480 120208V 30 4W T1 1 r I 00 n O SSt3 PNL L1 WP WP WP 40 40 40 CP CP CP CP CP INF PUMP 1 INF PUMP 2 INF PUMP 3 FCP1 FCP2 ACKWASH BOOSTER AIR COMPRESSOR P MP STATION PUMP STATION 5HP MCC 1 FRONT VIEW VARIES W MFR No1 Date I Revision By No1 Date Revision By Designed by WCH Date OCTOBER 15 2010 Engineers coa 3215 ELECTRICAL Sheet NoLAKEESUPWATERArchitectsLiuNu4426001117EastRobinsonA52711ADDENDUMNO1WCHDrawnbyDJKJobNoW04141surveyorsLeo7143street p p Checked by WCH File Site Plandwg AUGMENTATION FACILITY PlannersCPlanneapeArch L a L U298 POWER RISEROrlandoFl32801 Phone 40742 50452 wILLARD C HOANSHELT PE p Approved by WCH Environmental scientists Fax 4076481036 REG 42593 c 2009 CITY O F WINTER SPRINGS Construction Management p sp Scale 1 10 SEMINOLE FLORIDA I 1 11 Traffic Transportation CONFORMED DOCUMENTS kJt VV J FUUrU HAIL I ffr U EA 1 4 SPARE RWP 1 INFLUENT PUMP 1 INFLUEN PUMP 3 FCP1 AC IVE FIL ER FCP2 RWP 2 FUTUREFCP3 RWP 3 BOOSTER PS RWP 4 INFLUENT PUMP 2 SIZE 3 SPARE AIR COMP MLO PANEL L1 SPACE CONFORMED DOCUMENTS kJt VV J FUUrU HAIL I ffr U EA 1 4 SPARE 170 et No CONFORMED DOCUMENTS 171 FCP 3 L I 710o o o oa III III 0 I m m IIoof45III III 0 of i w w 11L All 1i oC I E E Ow iR I I s s mss IT o III I I C w C CIII I II I II I 11 I I I II I I I I I FCP 2 I II O I I O O 1m m I MCC 1I CP BACKWASH j PUMP STATI N FT LT If1 s I s I I m 1n lwwwwwwwwwwww Y m PREFILTERFY v 1 mmmmmmmm q t r P F 1AE 1 I1 to 1 mmJ n t l C O oATOEfTu TURB L1 25 FCP 1 O O O I y 12 C C i 0 C Ec 4 a 71 iBCP I R r z iY2 1 T 22 v I m0a3 x FS ts FLUSHI G pq PUMP S ID y BCP 0 BCP MCC 1 TREATMENT PLAN SCALE 1 2 10 PREFILTER PF 2 001 HE LOCAL H A MCC 1 O MCC 1 0 INFLULNI PUM S e e F I I I 40 40 I I L JIP1IP2IP 3 F 1 I I I I I X m O m Lu III III III III WF w X TYPE C 150W POLE MTD TYP 5 10 34 TYP SHEET NOTES O1 5 14 34 TO AFCP O7 3 12 34 TO MFCP O2 EC TO MCC 10 14 1 TO MFCP O3 EC TO AFCP O9 EC TO MFCP 30 14 1 14 TO MFCP 10 4 12 34 TO MFCP O5 18 14 34 TO AFCP 11 20 14 1 14 TO MFCP 1 2C 16SH 34 TO AFCP 12 1ALUM 12TW PR DATA TO AFCP No1 Date I Revision B No Date Revision B Designed CH Date OCTOBER 15 2010 Engineers COA No 3225 ELECTRICALByygnedbyLAKEJESUPWATERArchtecLicNo600s26 heet No Q 52711 ADDENDUM NO 1 WCH Drawn by DJK Job No W04141 surveyors aeNoaJ X177 East RobinsonTQet TREATMENT PLAN PlannersQsQCheckedbyWCHFileTreatmentPlandwgAUGMENTATIONFACILITYaseAreh LicNoLC00002ys Orlando Phonene 40 Fl 32801 74250452 WILLARD C HOANSHELT PE p p Approved by WCH Certificate of Authorization Nu 321 CITY OF WINTER SPRINGS Enanagent Fax 4076481036 REG 42593 Construction Management AE Q Q I Scale 1 38 1 1 2009 SEMINOLE FLORIDA Design Build CONFORMED DOCUMENTS 172 L1 19 SHEET NOTES O1 1 2C 16SH 34 TO AFCP 20 5 14 34 TO AFCP O3 TO VFD 5 14 34 TO AFCP SO EC TO VFD EC TO AFCP O7 5 14 34 TO AFCP No1 Date I Revision B No Date Revision B Designed b WCH Date OCTOBER 15 2010 Engineers coA ti3215 ELECTRICALByygyLAKEJESUPWATER eet NoArchitectsLiNoAA26009262177EastRobinsonRobiixsanppDrawnbyDJKJobNowoola1LandscapeL O X93 Street HIGH SERVICE PUMP STATION 17AUGMENTATIONFACILITYQsQCheckedbyWCHFilePumpStationdwgPlannerrseAreirLcc00002ysOrlandoFt32802 Phone 4074250452 NILLARD C HOANSHELT PE 7p8ApprovedbyWCHcertificateofAuthorizationNu321sCITYOFWINTERSPRINGSConsama Fax 407648203E REG 42593 Construction Management Q Scale 1 38 1 2009 SEMINOLE FLORIDA Design Build CONFORMED DOCUMENTS 173 n TYPE A 64W CEILING MTD TYP L1 6 LIGHTING PLAN No1 Date I Revision By No1 Date Revision By Designed by WCH Date OCTOBER 152010 Engineers coAN3215 ELECTRICAL CONTROL Sheet NoLAKEESUPWATERArchitectsLiNosooy26111EastRobinsonppDrawnbyDJKJobNoW04141surveyorsLBN7street F BUILDING LIGHTIAUGMENTATIONGMENTATIONFACILITYLandscapeArchLAgoLCo000298OrlandoFlPlannersApCheckedbyWCHFileBuildingElevationsdwgPhone4074250452WILLARDCHOANSHELTPLANppApprovedbyWCHCertificateofAuthorizationNo3215CITYOFWINTERSPRINGSColscientistsFax4076481036REG42597 Construction R4anager Q Scale AS SHOWN 2009 SEMINOLE FLORIDA Des mild nent CONFORMED DOCUMENTS 174 n L1 8 VFD 2 w Q PNL L1 MCC1O ROOM 101A L1 14 16 W1 ROOM 101B I L1 12 VFD 3 w oELECTRICALROOM 6CHEMICALROOM ACCU 1 208V 10 O oFFEL100w O AHU 1 w L1 24 WP O 1550 GALLON T PAD STY ICAL FLOOR PLAN I w o L1 9 Z 00 Yit0 EF 1 WALL MTD 115VUJ U u WPP T L1 7 WP t SHEET NOTES O1 16 14 1 TO AFCP 3 2 C 16SH 1 TO AFCP O3 EC TO MCC 1 EC TO AFCP O5 20 14 1 TO AFCP 6 2C 16SH 1 14 TO AFCP No1 Date I Revision By No1 Date Revision By Designed by WCH Date OCTOBER 152010 Engineers COAN3215 ELECTRICAL CONTROL Sheet Nots Qi Drawn by DJK Job No W04141 LAKE J E S U P WATER Architec Surveyo Li N2600126 1117 East Robinson Street BUILDING POWERAUGMENTATIONFACILITYPlaneapeArehNLC2y8Orlando043282CheckedbyWCHFileBuildingElevationsdwgppPlannersWILLARDCHOANSHELTPLANPhone4074250452 p 8 Approved by WCH Certificate of Authorization Nu 321 CITY OF WINTER SPRINGS Environmental Scientists Fax 4076481036 REG 42593 Co R4anagernent Q Scale I AS SHOWN I 2009 1 SEMINOLE FLORIDA Design Build CONFORMED DOCUMENTS 175 GRADE z i co CADWELD BRAIDED COPPER END BELL YPICAL RACEWAY 18 MIN DEPTH GROUT ALUM PIPE SLEEVE 58X10 COPPERWELD GND ROD 6 HOT DIPPED GALV STEEL TRAFFIC COVER H 20 LOADING WITH LIFTING EYE HOLD DOWN BOLTS MARK AS POWER OR COMMUNICATIONS AS REQUIRED BEAD WELD SET TOP OF PULL BOX 6 AFG OR PAVEMENT SLOPE AWAY FROM PULL BOX KNOCKOUT AS REQUIRED PROVIDE WATERPROOF GROUT AROUND ALL PENETRATIONS IN PULL BOX 3000 PSI CONCRETE PULLING EYE 4 REQUIRED PROVIDE 3 COATS OF BITUMASTIC SEAL ON ALL SIDES OF PULL BOX COMPRESSION CONNECTOR TYPICAL 8 DIA SUMP 12 300A GND BAR NOTES 1 CONDUCTORS SHALL BE SECURED WITH NYLON SELF CLINCHING CABLE TIES 2 PROVIDE RACK SUPPORTS FOR CABLES AND CONDUCTORS FOR SIDEWALL MTG i 36 SQUARE 14 PULLBOX PEI 16 X16 CONC BOX WITH CAST IRON TRAFFIC COVER AND OPEN BOTTOM 18 24 GRADE EXOTHERMIC WELD BY CALDWELD OR EQUAL 80 CLAY SOIL PIPE FILL WITH CRUSHED ROCK CRUSHED ROCK BARE COPPER GND SEE PLANS FOR EXACT NO 58 DIA X 20FT COPPERWELD GND ROD SERVICE GROUND ROD AND WELL OUIV ALUM 8 SC POSI TRAM TYPI UNIS SUR EDC CON G RAC SIGN 34 SOU STAINLESS STEEL ANCNnDciTVO 6 SC POST STAIN UNISI G RAE 4X6Xi 4000 PSI CONC W 4X4 WIRE MESH PROVIDE CONDUIT FOR EACH SEE RISER FOR DETAILS MOTOR DO NOT COMBINE MOTOR LEADS INTO ONE CONDUIT SEE ELECTRICAL PLANS FOR FOR MAIN BKR METER LOCATION TYPICAL CONTROL PANEL STAINLESS STEEL OR ALUM STRUT ANCHOR 30 W STAINLESS BOLTS VERIFYWASHERSNUTS 4 SQ X 8FT LOCAL CONC POST DS m TYPICAL SEL SW SEE PLANS DIAGRAMS fn SS J BOX FOR CONTROL WIRE 316 SS GRADE qf0n I 4x4X4 L u LCONCPAD I 2000 PSI W 4X4 WIRE MESH SEE RISER FOR DETAILS NO POWER SHOTS INF PUMPS LOCAL DISCONNECT MTG MOUNTING DETAIL No1 Date I Revision B No Date Revision B Designed b WCH Date OCTOBER 15 2010 Engineers coa 3215Byygy LAKE J ESU P WATER Architects LiuNu44260026 1217 East Robinson Sheet No p Drawn by DJK Job No W04141 surveyors L B No 7143 street p p Checked by WCH File Site Plandwg AUGMENTATION FACILITY C PlanneapeArch L a L 2ss DETAILSPlannersOrlandoFl32801 Phone 40742 50452 WILLARD C HOANSJELT PE p Approved by WCH Environmental scientists Fax 4076481036 REG 42593 Ill e 2009 CITY O F WINTER SPRINGS Cons true tionManagemen t A sp Scale 1 10 SEMINOLE FLORIDA TrafficTransyortativn CONFORMED DOCUMENTS V 40 V TYPICAL TRANSMITTER 176 n r s ACCU 1 L j YLI VIII l W11 L SCREEN ANODIZED ALUM 6 DEEP FLOOR PLAN AIR COOLED CONDENSING UNITS LOUVERS N REQD SYMBOL SERVING SIZE CFM MAX MAX MATERIAL FREE BLADE BLADE FRAME MANUFACTURER MODEL NUMBER REMARKS 1 ELECT ROOM 50 130 PER MFR PER MFR 95 2000 R 22 ALUM 1 SCROLL 30 208V 10 LACT2W 2TTB306OA1 DRIVEVELOCITYPD VOLTAREAANGLESPACINGDEPTH EXHAUST PROPELLER 1500 03 1 897 141 1 BELT FPM IN WG 115 SOFT DEG SYMBOL PHYSICAL CHARACTERISTICS CONTROLLED BY MANUFACTURER MODEL NUMBER L1 ROOM 101A 36x36 1500 400 005 EXTRUDED ALUM 484 37 4 6 GREENHECK ESD635D ALL ROOM 101A 36x36 1500 450 005 EXTRUDED ALUM 484 37 j 4 j 6 j GREENHECK ESD635D ALL REMARKS 1 FINISH SHALL BE ANODIZED COATING COLOR SELECTED BY OWNER 2 PROVIDE SILL EXTENSION 3 PROVIDE BIRD SCREEN 4 LOUVERS SHALL COMPLY WITH MINIMUM 130 MPH LOCAL CODE REQUIREMENTS 5 PROVIDE ALUMINUM 2 THICK INSULATED BLANKOFF PANEL AIR COOLED CONDENSING UNITS ITEM N N REQD AREA SERVED YSTEM CAPACITY FIELD REF PIPING CONDENSER COMPRESSOR ELECTRICAL ACCESSORIES TRANE MODEL NTONSSEERSUCLIQSAFCFMREFATLNTYPEMCPVLTHASE ACCU 1 1 ELECT ROOM 50 130 PER MFR PER MFR 95 2000 R 22 ALUM 1 SCROLL 30 208V 10 LACT2W 2TTB306OA1 AIR HANDING UNIT SCHEDULE ITEM N C LING C IL DATA FAN DATA FILTERS ELECTRIC HEAT TRANE AREA SERVED ENTERING AIR EAVING AIR TAL SENSIBLE HEAT SA VOLT SIZE V OLT ACCESS RIES N REQD DB WB DB WB MBH MBH MBH CFM CFM ESP HP DRIVE PHASE TYPE NO TALE KW PHASE MODEL N AHU 1 1 ELECT ROOM 560 555 469 462 1800 12 13 DIRECT 20 TAWAY 21 x20 2TEC3F60A LAC LOW AMBIENT COOLING T1 FACTORY T STAT W 10 YEAR FULL COMPRESSOR WARRANTY No1 Date I Revision By No1 Date Revision By Designed by WCH Date OCTOBER 152010 Engineers CoAN3215 ELECTRICAL CONTROL Sheet NoLAKEESUPWATERArchitectsLkNAA26009261117EastRobinsonQDrawnbyDJKJobNoW04141surveyorsLBNt43streetBUILDINGAUGMENTATIONFACILITYPlanneapeArn2y8Orlando 04 328 01CheckedbyWCHFileBuildingElevationsdwg0QPlanners WILLARD C HOANSHELT PEPhone47425452 VENTILATION PLANp8ApprovedbyWCHCertificateofAuthorizationNu3215CITYOFWINTERSPRINGSEnvironmentalanatests ge Fax 4076481036 REG 42593 Co Management Q Scale AS SHOWN I 2009 SEMINOLE FLORIDA Design Build CONFORMED DOCUMENTS EXHAUST FAN SCHEDULE SYMBOL LOCATION SERVICE TYPE FAN DATA MOTOR DATA CFM ESP IN WG FAN RPM MAX SONES DRIVE HP WATTS RPM HIGHLOW VOLT PH HZ EF1 WALL MTD EXHAUST PROPELLER 1500 03 1 897 141 1 BELT 114 1725 115 1 1 60 SYMBOL PHYSICAL CHARACTERISTICS CONTROLLED BY MANUFACTURER MODEL NUMBER REMARKS DIMENSIONS LxWxH In WEIGHT LBS DAMPER EF1 26 x26 x20 60 22x22 LINE TSTAT GREENHECK SBS 1H2O4 1 3 REMARKS 1 PROVIDE INTEGRAL DISCONNECT SWITCH MOUNTED TO UNIT 2 PROVIDE BACKDRAFT DAMPER 3 PROVIDE ALUM PROPELLAR AIR HANDING UNIT SCHEDULE ITEM N C LING C IL DATA FAN DATA FILTERS ELECTRIC HEAT TRANE AREA SERVED ENTERING AIR EAVING AIR TAL SENSIBLE HEAT SA VOLT SIZE V OLT ACCESS RIES N REQD DB WB DB WB MBH MBH MBH CFM CFM ESP HP DRIVE PHASE TYPE NO TALE KW PHASE MODEL N AHU 1 1 ELECT ROOM 560 555 469 462 1800 12 13 DIRECT 20 TAWAY 21 x20 2TEC3F60A LAC LOW AMBIENT COOLING T1 FACTORY T STAT W 10 YEAR FULL COMPRESSOR WARRANTY No1 Date I Revision By No1 Date Revision By Designed by WCH Date OCTOBER 152010 Engineers CoAN3215 ELECTRICAL CONTROL Sheet NoLAKEESUPWATERArchitectsLkNAA26009261117EastRobinsonQDrawnbyDJKJobNoW04141surveyorsLBNt43streetBUILDINGAUGMENTATIONFACILITYPlanneapeArn2y8Orlando 04 328 01CheckedbyWCHFileBuildingElevationsdwg0QPlanners WILLARD C HOANSHELT PEPhone47425452 VENTILATION PLANp8ApprovedbyWCHCertificateofAuthorizationNu3215CITYOFWINTERSPRINGSEnvironmentalanatests ge Fax 4076481036 REG 42593 Co Management Q Scale AS SHOWN I 2009 SEMINOLE FLORIDA Design Build CONFORMED DOCUMENTS 177 PROVIDE OPPOSED BLADE BALANCING DAMPER IN DISCHARGE GRILLE TYPICAL AIR COOLED CONDENSING UNIT GALVANIZED SHEETMETAL SUPPLY AIR PLENUM W 1 THICK 1 PCF BUILDING EXTERIOR WALL FIBROUS GLASS LINING SIZED TO FIT UNIT AND HEIGHT REQUIRED FOR L3X3X1 4 SUPPORTS 22x22 TITUS MODEL 272 FL WITH 120 DOLTS SUPPLY REGISTER U SUPPORTS AT EACH END MOUNT UNIT ON 4 REINFORCED BOLTS @ 24 CC MIN 4 BOLTS CONCRETE PAD SECURE WITH ATTACH SUPPLY RETURN PLENUMS I I lij 4 25 MINIMUM STAINLESS TO AIR HANDLING UNIT WITH STEEL BOLTS IN EPDXY ANCHORS El L5x3x1 4 STITCH WELDED T PLENUM FULL LENGTH OF NEOPRENE GASKET SHEET METAL PLENUM TOP SCREWS INSULATION SUCTION TO AHU COOLING COIL 12MIN 340 BOLTS 4 LINE ONLY 18 C C SUCTION AND LIQUID REFRIGERANT SEAL WATER TIGHT FIXED LOUVER LINES SEE PLANS FOR ROUTING TYP BOTH ENDS SM SIGHT GLASS PLENUM FILTER DRIER LIQUID AND SUCTION LINESCONDENSATEDRAINANDCLEANOUT5 6 ABOVE PROPELLER FAN W OSHA M T R GUARD BELT OR W 1 CONNECTION TO UNIT ROUTE UP FROM BELOW GRADE SLAB TYP DIRECT DRIVE AS INDICATED THROUGH EXTERIOR WALL TO I I IN THE SCHEDULE FRENCH DRAIN MAXIMUM 2 PIPES ILK CD 1 6 SCH 40 PVC PER CONDUIT TYP CLEANOUT ROUTE BELOW SLAB ILK 18 GAUGE MIN GALVANIZED SHEET FILTER ACCESS LIQUID AND SUCTION LINES UNDER GRADE ENCASED L3x3x1 4 STITCH WELDED IN SCHEDULE 40 PVC PIPE CONDUIT REFRIGERANT TO PLENUM AND BOLTED TO FANMETALRETURNAIRPLENUMW1TRAP LINES IN PVC PIPE SHALL BE TYPE K COPPER TYP ALL AROUND THICK 1 PCF FIBROUS GLASS USE 45 ELLS SEAMLESS WITHOUT JOINTS LINING SIZED TO FIT BOTTOM OF NO 90 ALLOWED TYPICAL L3X3X1 4 STITCH COIL ENCLOSURE AND HEIGHT RETUR WELDED TO PLENUM REQUIRED FOR 22x22 TITUS CORE TYP ALL AROUND 33 HINGED RETURN AIR FT GRAVITY BACKDRAFT DAMPER GRILLE 6 OVERLAP ON PAD MOUNTED CONDENSING UNIT FLOOR F 4 CONC PAD ALL SIDES W UNDER SLAB PIPING COORDINATE SIZE L W WITH UNIT MFGR TYPICAL AHU MOUNTING WALL MOUNTED EXHAUST FAN No1 Date I Revision By No1 Date Revision By Designed by WCH Date OCTOBER 152010 Engineers CoAN3215 ELECTRICAL CONTROL Sheet NoLAKEESUPWATERArchitectsLkNAA26009261117EastRobinsonQDrawnbyDJKJobNoW04141surveyorsLBN7143streetBUILDINGAUGMENTATIONFACILITYeapeArnLC2y8 Orlando 32802 Plann0QCheckedbyWCHFileBuildingElevationsdwgPlanners WILLARD C HOANSHELT PEPhone4074250452 DETAILSp8ApprovedbyWCHCertificateofAuthorizationNu321CITYOFWINTERSPRINGSConstructionalManagement Fax 4076481036 REG 42593 912CoManagement Q Scale I AS SHOWN I 2009 SEMINOLE FLORIDA Design Build CONFORMED DOCUMENTS 178 COMMISSION AGENDA ITEM 503 August 22 2011 Meeting CONSENT INFORMATIONAL PUBLIC HEARING REGULAR X MGR DEPT Authorization REQUEST The Public Works Department requests the City Commission review the Final Engineering Site Plan and Aesthetic Review for the Lake Jesup Reclaimed Water Augmentation Facility located at the northwest corner of Central Winds Park near the shore of Lake Jesup SYNOPSIS The Lake Jesup Reclaimed Water Augmentation Facility is a major component of the Citys long term plan to expand its reclaimed water system for residential irrigation and to decrease the use of groundwater for that purpose This agenda item is for the Commissions review of the Final Engineering Site Plan and Aesthetic Review for the site and related improvements and has been updated based on the Commissions input at the July 25 City Commission meeting CONSIDERATIONS APPLICABLE ZONING FUTURE LAND USE DESIGNATION Zoning Town Center Future Land Use Designation Town Center District APPLICABLE CODE Chapter 6 BUILDINGS AND BUILDING REGULATIONS Chapter 9 LAND DEVELOPMENT Chapter 20 ZONING This agenda item is for Final Engineering Site Plan and Aesthetic Review approval for the Lake Jesup Reclaimed Water Augmentation Facility located at the northwest corner of Central Winds Park at the shore of Lake Jesup see Figure 1 Vicinity Map on the following page This item was reviewed by the City Commission at the July 25 2011 City Commission meeting The Commission requested additional information regarding the appearance of the facilities the ability for the site to accommodate public access and the ability to integrate the site with future activities at Central Winds Park 179 Item Estimated Cost 1 Provide a stabilized parking area with at least one handicapped parking space located closest to the accessible route to the accessible facilities 10000 2 Provide a 5 foot wide accessible route from the parking area to the accessible facilities observation deck and pier The accessible route must be firm stable and slip resistant 7000 3 Upgrade the handrails at the observation deck and the pier meeting the Florida Building Code requirement for passing a maximum 4 inch sphere for the first 34 inches of the railing and then a maximum 8 inch sphere between 34 and 42 inches 20000 4 At the end of the pier the grating on the deck over the intake structure can have spaces no greater than 2 inch in one direction per the Florida Building Code 1000 5 Site landscaping around the pond and for screening the augmentation plant facilities 20000 Total 58000 City Commission Regular Meeting August 22 2011 Public Hearing Agenda Item 503 Page 2 of 6 Mr Terry Zaudtke from CPH Engineers will present information on the appearance of the site including demonstrating that the treatment facilities at the site will remain relatively hidden from view The project includes two items that could be made publicly accessible The first is the partially buried concrete storage tank where the top of the tank could function as an observation deck The south side park side of the deck is at grade and the north side of the deck which faces Lake Jesup is approximately 45 feet above grade The second item that could be publicly accessible is the pier over the intake structure which extends approximately 60 feet into Lake Jesup from the shoreline The following changes would have to be made to the current plans to make the observation deck and pier accessible to the public in accordance with the applicable codes Table 1 Changes Required to Meet Public Access Standards The Commission also asked about the possibility of utilizing the pier as part of a dock in the future for boating activity The pier as currently designed could be converted to a dock through the following procedure 180 City Commission Regular Meeting August 22 2011 Public Hearing Agenda Item 503 Page 3 of 6 1 Determine the capacity of the docking system ie number of slipsboats to accommodate 2 Keep the dock size as small as possible because dockage for more than two boats has additional requirements 3 Determine the size of the added facilities 4 Submit a permit modification for the existing pier The package and requirements depend on the size of the facility 5 The hand rail on one side of the pier would be removed to allow access to a floating walkway 6 Attach a floating walkway platform and docking stations to the existing fixed pier Staff recommends that the conversion from a pier to a dock be performed when a potential dock user has made a financial commitment to the City for a docking system The cost to convert the pier to a dock that accommodates two small boats is in the range of 30000 to 50000 At the January 26 2009 City Commission meeting the Commission was presented with several alternatives for constructing the reclaimed water facility at Central Winds Park The Commission selected Option 2 at that meeting which consisted of providing an onsite partially buried 250000 gallon concrete storage tank that partially screens the treatment facilities and has the top of the tank available as an observation deck The current site plan is substantially similar to the Option 2 site plan selected in January 2009 including the storage tank with observation deck The intake pier was also presented at the January 2009 meeting and the current plan for the intake pier matches the 2009 plan with the exception of a covered platform at the end of the pier which was determined by CPH to not be feasible for structural reasons The pier was shown with handrails in 2009 which are recommended for public safety until the pier is ready to be utilized as a boating dock as discussed above A copy of the Option 2 site plan is enclosed for reference At the July 6 2011 Planning and Zoning Board Meeting the Board voted unanimously to recommend approval of the Final Engineering Site Plan and Aesthetic Review to the City Commission This project is a major component of the Citys long term plan to expand its reclaimed water system for residential irrigation to decrease the use of groundwater for that purpose The City has received a Consumptive Use Permit from the St Johns River Water Management District to withdraw up to an annual average of 223 million gallons per day of water from Lake Jesup and a nearby artesian well as reclaimed water augmentation during peak demand periods 181 FIGURE 1 Project Vicinity Map City Commission Regular Meeting August 22 2011 Public Hearing Agenda Item 503 Page 4 of 6 The City currently owns and operates two water reclamation facilities WRF the East WRF and the West WRF These facilities currently supply reclaimed water meeting public access criteria for residential irrigation public irrigation areas such as parks and roadway medians and to the Tuscawilla Country Club The city has expanded its reclaimed water system over the years to maximize the operation of the system due to seasonal variation in usage With the Lake Jesup Reclaimed Water Augmentation Project the City will augment the reclaimed water system to be able to supply irrigation quality water to many more residents as an alternate to potable water even during the dry season This will benefit the City and the environment by reducing the potable water demands and thereby reducing groundwater withdrawals The Citys current Consumptive Use Permit for the water system includes reference to the Lake Jesup Reclaimed Water Augmentation Facility CUP permit and allocates groundwater withdrawals based on use of the reclaimed water system for irrigation 182 City Commission Regular Meeting August 22 2011 Public Hearing Agenda Item 503 Page 5 of 6 The Project will withdraw and treat the water from Lake Jesup to the public access level of treatment consistent with reclaimed water The treatment will consist of a two stage filtration process using automatic backwashing 80 micron mesh stainless steel pre filter followed by a 7 micron microfiber filter capable of producing water with less than 5 milligrams per liter parts per million of Total Suspended Solids TSS The water will be disinfected with sodium hypochlorite solution prior to entry into a 240000 gallon cast in place storage tank onsite which will be partially buried to reduce its visibility High service variable speed pumps will draw from the tank as required based on reduced pressures caused by demands on the distribution system A turbidimeter and chlorine residual analyzer will ensure that the water leaving the facility meets reclaimed water TSS and chlorine residual standards respectively The primary environmental benefit of the project will be the offsetting of the need to withdraw up to 223 million gallons per day of high quality groundwater for irrigation reserving it for drinking water In addition the Lake Jesup Reclaimed Water Augmentation Facility will benefit the water quality of Lake Jesup which has a designation as impaired by FDEP by removing up to 20 MGD of the relatively polluted water The projects stormwater management system also is designed to remove pollutants from runoff that would normally discharge directly into the lake An intake pierstructure will be constructed from the shore into Lake Jesup on existing City property The pierstructure will be constructed as an observation platform which can be made accessible to the public with the handrail and access upgrades shown in Table 1 The intake piping will be under the walkway and the observation platform is at the end of the pier The pier will be constructed to protect the intake piping of the augmentation system from debris and boating activity A low head pumping station will lift the water from Lake Jesup into the treatment units This pumping system will initially include two pumps but will be setup as a triplex station to allow for the future expansion of the augmentation treatment system and also provide for the back up capabilities required for environmental treatment facilities Onsite Storage of the treated lake water will be provided by a castin place 240000 gallon concrete tank The tank will be constructed below the ground surface and serve as an observation deck The building style storage tank will also shield some of the other treatment units An electrical and chemical storage building will be constructed adjacent to the storage tank Sodium hypochlorite storage and feed pumps will be provided for disinfection of the treated lake water High service pumps will supply the augmentation water directly into the Citys reclaimed water distribution system The expansion of the Citys reclaimed distribution system to residential areas that do not currently have reclaimed water available is a long term multi phase program that is expected to be implemented over at least a 12 year period Site improvements include a stabilized access road a stormwater system with a wet detention pond fencing security features and signage work pads seeding and mulching and final site restoration 183 CityCommission RegularMeeting August22 2011 PublicHearing Agenda Item 503 Page6of6 FISCAL IMPACT This agendaitemis requesting approval oftheFinal Engineering Site PlanandAesthetic Review whichhas no fiscal impact The changes needed forthepublic access improvements are projected at 58 000which would increase the construction costs bythatamount Sufficient funds willbe availablefromtheState Revolving Loan fundforthese added costs At theJuly 11 2011City Commission meeting theCommission authorized entering into a contract for construction ata cost of 2 325293 30 plus 5 contingency Staffwouldrequest the contingency beincreased by 58 000to incorporate the publicaccess improvements COMMUNICATION EFFORTS This Agenda ItemHas Been Electronically Forwarded To TheMayor And City Commission City Manager City Attorney Staff And All eAlert eCitizen Recipients And Is Available OnThe City sWebsite LaserFiche AndThe City s Server Additionally Portions Of This Agenda Item Are Typed Verbatim OnTheRespective Meeting Agenda Which HasAlso Been Electronically Forwarded To The Individuals NotedAbove And WhichIsAlso Available OnThe City s Website LaserFiche And The City sServer Has BeenSent To CityStaff Media PressRepresentatives On File With The City And All IndividualsWho HaveRequested Such Information AndHas Been Posted Outside CityHall Posted Inside CityHall With AdditionalCopies AvailableFor TheGeneral Public AndPosted At Five 5 Different Locations Around The City This Agenda Item Is Also Available ToAnyNew Individual Requestors City Staff Is AlwaysWilling To Discuss ThisOr Any Agenda Item WithAny Interested Individuals RECOMMENDATION Staff recommends the City Commission approve theFinalEngineering Site Plan and Aesthetic Review for theLakeJesup Reclaimed WaterAugmentation Facility and provide direction regarding the upgrades required tomeet public access standards Staff requests the previous construction contingency authorization beincreased by 58 000 ifthe publicaccess improvements areincludedin thesiteplan approval ATTACHMENTS 1 Final Engineering and AestheticReview Plans by CPH Engineers Inc 35 sheets 2 Alternate 2site planfrom January 26 2009 AgendaItem 601 1sheet 184 oA Engineers Architects Surveyors Planners Landscape Architects Environmental Scientists Construction Management Design Build 1117 East Robinson Street Orlando Fl 32801 Phone 4074250452 Fax 4076481036 COA No 3215 Lic No AA2600926 LB No 7743 Lic No LC0000298 CITY OF WINTER SPRINGS LAKE JESUP RECLAIMED WATER AUGMENTATION FACILITY CITY OFFICIALS MAYOR CITY COMMISSIONER CITY COMMISSIONER CITY COMMISSIONER CITY COMMISSIONER CITY COMMISSIONER CITY MANAGER PUBLIC WORKS UTILITY DIRECTOR PROCESS WILLIAM C GOUCHER PE REG 20700 STRUCTURAL TERRY M ZAUDTKE PE REG 32928 CHARLES LACEY JEAN HOVEY RICK BROWN GARY BONNER JOANNE KREBS CADE RESNICK KEVIN L SMITH KIPTON LOCKCUFF PE DRAINAGE ALLENRCE LANE JR PE G 60144 FLORIDA CA N0 26850 Structural Engineers 3222 Corrine Drive Suite Odando Florida 32803 Phone 407 286 1787 Fax 407 286 2281 STRUCTURAL HAROLD G HIGGENBOTHAM REG 56467 EMI EB 6160 WILLARD C HOANSHELTPE REG 42593 APRIL 2011 VICINITY MAP SHEET INDEX C 1 C 2 C 3 C 4 C 5 C 6 C 7 C 8 C 9 C10 C11 C 12 C 13 C 14 C 15 S 1 S 2 S 3 S 4 S 5 S 6 S 7 S 8 E 1 E 2 E 3 E 4 E 5 E 6 E 7 E 8 E 9 E10 V1 V2 COVER SHEET GENERAL NOTES SURVEY SITE PLAN DEMOLITION GRADING AND DRAINAGE PLAN TREATMENT PLAN AND SECTION HIGH SERVICE PUMP STATION AND SECTIONS CROSS SECTIONS AND DETAIL CHEMICAL FEED SYSTEM DETAILS INTAKE STRUCTURE BACKWASH PUMP STATION OFF SITE PIPING PLAN STORAGE TANK ELEVATIONS STANDARD DETAILS STANDARD DETAILS ELECTRICAL CHEMICAL BUILDING FLOOR PLAN ELEVATIONS AND DOOR SCHEDULE ELECTRICAL CHEMICAL BUILDING SECTION AND DETAILS GROUND STORAGE TANK GENERAL NOTES INTAKE STRUCTURE DOCK STRUCTURAL PLAN INTAKE STRUCTURE DOCK STRUCTURAL SECTIONS GROUND STORAGE TANK FOUNDATION PLAN OBSERVATION DECK FRAMING PLAN GROUND STORAGE TANK OBSERVATION DECK STRUCTURAL SECTIONS ABBREVIATIONS SYMBOLS SITE PLAN POWER RISER SCHEDULES TREATMENT PLAN HIGH SERVICE PUMP STATION ELECTRICAL CONTROL BUILDING LIGHTING PLAN ELECTRICAL CONTROL BUILDING POWER PLAN DETAILS ELECTRICAL CONTROL BUILDING VENTILATION PLAN ELECTRICAL CONTROL BUILDING DETAILS Sheet No c CONFORMED DOCUMENTS 185 SITE PREPARATION 1 UNLESS OTHERWISE DIRECTED BY THE OWNER OR ENGINEER THE CONTRACTOR IS EXPECTED TO CONTAIN ALL CONSTRUCTION ACTIVITIES WITHIN THE PROPERTY RIGHTOF WAY AND EASEMENTS AS INDICATED ON THE DRAWINGS AT NO TIME SHALL THE CONTRACTOR DISTURB SURROUNDING PROPERTIES OR TRAVEL ON SURROUNDING PROPERTIES WITHOUT WRITTEN CONSENT FROM THE PROPERTY OWNER ANY REPAIR OR RECONSTRUCTION OF DAMAGED AREAS IN SURROUNDING PROPERTIES SHALL BE REPAIRED BY THE CONTRACTOR ON AN IMMEDIATE BASIS ALL COSTS FOR REPAIRS SHALL BE THE RESPONSIBILITY OF THE CONTRACTOR AND NO EXTRA COMPENSATION SHALL BE PROVIDED 2 STAKE OUT THE CONSTRUCTION ESTABLISH LINES AND LEVELS TEMPORARY BENCH MARKS BATTER BOARDS CENTERLINES BASELINES AND REFERENCE POINTS FOR THE WORK AND VERIFY ALL DIMENSIONS RELATING TO INTERCONNECTION WITH EXISTING FEATURES REPORT ANY INCONSISTENCIES IN THE PROPOSED GRADES LINES AND LEVELS DIMENSIONS AND LOCATIONS TO THE ENGINEER BEFORE COMMENCING WORK 3 PROTECT ALL TREES AND SHRUBS LOCATED OUTSIDE THE RIGHTOFWAY EASEMENTS AND OWNER SECURED PROPERTY PARTICULARLY THOSE TREES AND SHRUBS LOCATED ADJACENT TO WORK AREAS 4 TREES TO REMAIN IN THE CONSTRUCTION AREA SHALL BE BOXED FENCED OR OTHERWISE PROTECTED IN ACCORDANCE WITH DETAILS ON THE DRAWINGS DO NOT PERMIT HEAVY EQUIPMENT OR STOCKPILES WITHIN BRANCH SPREAD THE CONTRACTOR SHALL MARK ALL TREES THAT ARE TO BE REMOVED PRIOR TO CONSTRUCTION HE IS TO VERIFY WITH OWNER AND ENGINEER ANY TREES THAT ARE TO BE REMOVED PRIOR TO REMOVAL 5 EXERCISE EXTREME CARE DURING THE CLEARING AND GRUBBING OPERATIONS DO NOT DAMAGE EXISTING STRUCTURES PIPES OR UTILITIES THAT ARE TO REMAIN 6 GRUBBING SHALL CONSIST OF REMOVING AND DISPOSING OF STUMPS ROOTS LARGER THAN 2 IN DIAMETER AND MATTED ROOTS REMOVE TO A DEPTH OF NOT LESS THAN 18 BELOW THE ORIGINAL SURFACE LEVEL OF THE GROUND THE CONTRACTOR SHALL BE RESPONSIBLE FOR ALL CLEARING AND GRUBBING FOR SITE CONSTRUCTION LIMITS OF CLEARING ARE INDICATED BE LOCATION OF SILT FENCE OR OTHER NOTES ON PLANS 7 ALL COMBUSTIBLE DEBRIS AND REFUSE FROM SITE PREPARATION OPERATIONS SHALL BE REMOVED TO LEGAL OFF SITE DISPOSAL AREAS EXCAVATION AND FILL 1 THE CONTRACTOR SHALL RECOGNIZE AND ABIDE BY ALL OSHA EXCAVATION SAFETY STANDARDS INCLUDING THE FLORIDA TRENCH SAFETY ACT FS 5536055364 ANY MATERIAL CONSTRUCTION METHODS OR MATERIAL COST TO COMPLY WITH THESE LAWS SHALL BE INCIDENTAL TO THE CONTRACT 2 FILL MATERIAL SHALL BE PLACED IN 6 LAYERS AND THOROUGHLY COMPACTED 3 FURNISH INSTALL AND MAINTAIN WITHOUT ADDITIONAL COMPENSATION SHEETING BRACING AND SHORING SUPPORT REQUIRED TO KEEP EXCAVATIONS WITHIN THE WORK AREA TO SUPPORT THE SIDES OF THE EXCAVATION AND TO PREVENT ANY MOVEMENT WHICH MAY DAMAGE ADJACENT PAVEMENT SLOPES OR STRUCTURES DAMAGE OR DELAY THE WORK OR ENDANGER LIFE AND HEALTH VOIDS OUTSIDE THE SUPPORTS SHALL BE IMMEDIATELY FILLED AND COMPACTED 4 FILL MATERIALS SHALL NOT CONTAIN ANY MUCK STUMPS ROOTS BRUSH VEGETATIVE MATTER RUBBISH OR OTHER MATERIAL THAT WILL NOT COMPACT INTO A SUITABLE AND ENDURING BACKFILL FILL SHALL BE CLEAN NON ORGANIC GRANULAR MATERIAL WITH NOT MORE THAN 10 PASSING THE NO 200 SIEVE 5 FILL AREAS ARE TO BE COMPACTED AS SHOWN IN THE PROJECT SPECIFICATIONS FILL MATERIALS SHALL BE PLACED AND COMPACTED IN A MAXIMUM OF 12 LIFTS THE CONTRACTOR SHALL PROVIDE THE ENGINEER AND OWNER WITH ALL PASSING AND FAILING TESTING RESULTS RESULTS SHALL BE PROVIDED ON A TIMELY AND REGULAR BASIS PRIOR TO CONTRACTORS PAY REQUEST SUBMITTAL 6 ALL MATERIALS EXCAVATED SHALL BE UTILIZED TO BRING THE SITE TO FINAL GRADES MATERIALS SHALL BE STOCKPILED SEPARATELY AS TO USABLE NONORGANIC FILL STOCKPILES AND ORGANIC MUCK STOCKPILES IF MUCK IS ENCOUNTERED CONTRACTOR SHALL BE RESPONSIBLE FOR THE REMOVAL OF ALL UNSUITABLE FILL MATERIALS FROM THE SITE ALL CLAY ENCOUNTERED SHALL BE EXCAVATED OUT AND REPLACED WITH CLEAN GRANULAR FILL MATERIALS DEWATERING 1 IN THE EVENT THAT GROUNDWATER IS ENCOUNTERED DURING CONSTRUCTION DEWATERING SHALL BE CONDUCTED THE CONTRACTOR IS SOLELY RESPONSIBLE FOR THE DESIGN INSTALLATION OPERATION AND SUBSEQUENT REMOVAL OF DEWATERING SYSTEMS AND THEIR SAFETY AND CONFORMITY WITH LOCAL CODES AND REGULATIONS IF DEWATERING EQUIPMENT NEEDED EXCEEDS ANY OF THE FOLLOWING 1 6 PUMP VOLUTE 2 100000 GPD TOTAL 24 HOUR 1 DAY DEWATERING AND 3 1000000 GPD PUMP CAPACITY THE CONTRACTOR SHALL BE REQUIRED TO PERMIT THE DEWATERING SYSTEM WITH THE SJRWMD THE ENGINEER AND OR OWNER SHALL BE NOTIFIED IMMEDIATELY IF ANY OF THE ABOVE THRESHOLDS ARE EXCEEDED 2 DEWATERING SYSTEMS SHALL BE UTILIZED IN ACCORDANCE WITH GOOD STANDARD PRACTICE AND MUST BE EFFICIENT ENOUGH TO LOWER THE WATER LEVEL IN ADVANCE OF THE EXCAVATION AND MAINTAIN IT CONTINUOUSLY TO KEEP THE TRENCH BOTTOM AND SIDES FIRM AND DRY WATER DISCHARGED FROM THE SITE SHALL BE CLEAN WITH NO SILTS OR OTHER SOLIDS THE CITY HAS THE RIGHT TO VISUALLY INSPECT THE DISCHARGED WATER FROM THE SITE TO VERIFY THAT THE WATER APPEARS CLEAN AND IS NOT IMPACTING THE DOWNSTREAM PORTION OF THE STORMWATER SYSTEM THE CONTRACTOR IS TO ABIDE BY THE REQUIREMENTS OF THE CITY FDEP AND WATER MANAGEMENT DISTRICT PERMIT REQUIREMENTS FOR CLEAN WATER DISCHARGE 3 AT ALL TIMES DURING CONSTRUCTION KEEP EXCAVATIONS FREE FROM STANDING WATER SUMPS IF REQUIRED SHALL BE LOCATED OUTSIDE OF LOAD BEARING AREAS SO THAT BEARING SURFACES WILL NOT BE DISTURBED WATER PUMPED FROM THE EXCAVATION SHALL BE DISCHARGED TO PREVENT REENTRY INTO THE SOIL STRATA BEING DEWATERED WATER CONTAINING SILT IN SUSPENSION SHALL NOT BE PUMPED INTO SEWER LINES OR ADJACENT STREAMS PONDS OR OTHER WATER BODIES THE METHOD OF DISPOSING OF WATER PUMPED FROM THE EXCAVATION SHALL BE APPROVED BY THE ENGINEER PRIOR TO ACTUAL DISPOSAL A RESTORATION 1 ALL DISTURBED AREAS SHALL BE SODDED WITH ARGENTINE BAHIA SOD SEE SPECIFICATIONS SECTION 02920 GENERAL PROJECT DATA 1 FOR IDENTIFICATION OF CONTRACTUAL AGREEMENTS THE ENGINEERING PLANS SHALL BE DATED AS APRIL 2011 ANY REVISIONS THEREAFTER WILL BE NOTED AND DATED ON THE AFFECTED DRAWINGS 2 SURVEY INFORMATION PREPAIRED BY SOUTHEASTERN SURVEY MAPPING CORP OWNEROPERATOR THE CITY OF WINTER SPRINGS WILL OWN OPERATE AND MAINTAIN THE RECLAIMED WATER AUGMENTATION FACILITY BEING CONSTRUCTED THE CONTRACTOR SHALL BE EXPECTED TO MEET ALL THE REQUIREMENTS OF THE UTILITY AND JURISDICTIONAL AGENCIES EXISTING UTILITY LOCATIONS 1 THE LOCATIONS OF ALL EXISTING UTILITIES SHOWN ON THE PLANS HAVE BEEN DETERMINED FROM THE BEST INFORMATION AVAILABLE PRIOR TO THE START OF ANY CONSTRUCTION ACTIVITY IT SHALL BE THE CONTRACTORS RESPONSIBILITY TO NOTIFY THE VARIOUS UTILITIES AND TO MAKE THE NECESSARY ARRANGEMENTS FOR ANY RELOCATION OF THESE UTILITIES WITH THE OWNER OF THE UTILITY THE CONTRACTOR SHALL EXERCISE CAUTION WHEN CROSSING AN UNDERGROUND UTILITY WHETHER SHOWN ON THE PLANS OR LOCATED BY THE UTILITY COMPANY ANY DELAY OR INCONVENIENCE CAUSED TO THE CONTRACTOR BY THE RELOCATION OF VARIOUS UTILITIES SHALL BE INCIDENTAL WITH NO COMPENSATION FROM THE UTILITY THE CONTRACTOR SHALL BE RESPONSIBLE FOR LOCATING AND PROTECTING AND OR RELOCATING ALL UTILITIES 2 LINES INCLUDING IRRIGATION LINES IN THE AREA OF CONSTRUCTION ACTIVITIES IF ANY EXISTING LINES ARE BROKEN OR DAMAGED AS A RESULT OF CONSTRUCTION ACTIVITIES THE CONSTRUCTOR SHALL BE RESPONSIBLE FOR REPAIRING THE LINES AT NO ADDITIONAL COST TO THE OWNER TO EXISTING OR BETTER CONDITION AND FULLY FUNCTIONAL A SINGLE POINT UTILITY LOCATION SERVICE HAS BEEN SET UP FOR PARTICIPATING UTILITIES CONTRACTOR IS TO 3 CONTACT THE SUNSHINE STATE ONE CALL CENTER AT LEAST 2 AND NO MORE THAN 5 WORKING DAYS PRIOR TO THE SPECIFIC CONSTRUCTION ACTIVITY FOR FIELD LOCATION NOTE THAT NOT ALL UTILITIES PARTICIPATE IN THIS PROGRAM CONTRACTOR SHOULD CONTACT NON PARTICIPATING UTILITIES SEPARATELY FOR THEIR FIELD LOCATING OF FACILITIES PER FLORIDA STATUTE 553851 THE CONTRACTOR OR EXCAVATOR IS REQUIRED TO NOTIFY THE GAS COMPANY 2 WORKING DAYS PRIOR TO STARTING EXCAVATION QUALITY CONTROL TESTING REQUIREMENTS ALL TESTING RESULTS FOR NEW CONSTRUCTION SHALL BE PROVIDED TO THE UTILITY TESTING REQUIREMENTS ARE TO BE IN ACCORDANCE WITH THE UTILITIES SPECIFICATIONS AND REQUIREMENTS ALL TEST RESULTS SHALL BE PROVIDED PASSING AND FAILING ON A REGULAR AND IMMEDIATE BASIS NO TESTING TO BE SCHEDULED ON MONDAY OR FRIDAY NOTICE OF APPLICABILITY WHEREVER STATE COUNTY CITY OR LOCAL STANDARD SPECIFICATIONS DIFFER FROM THOSE CONTAINED HEREIN THE CONTRACTOR SHALL NOTIFY THE ENGINEER AND UTILITY FOR CLARIFICATION TYPICALLY THE MORE STRINGENT SHALL GOVERN CONSTRUCTION TRAILER CONTRACTOR SHALL PROVIDE CONSTRUCTION TRAILER PER SECTION 01520 TRAILER SHALL BE LOCATED WITHIN DESIGNATED FENCED AREA AT AN AGREED UPON LOCATION ACCESS TO SITE ACCESS TO THE SITE IS FROM STATE ROAD 434 AS SHOWN ON THE SURVEY GENERAL CONSTRUCTION REQUIREMENTS ALL CONSTRUCTION PROJECTS 1 OR MORE ACRES IN SIZE THAT DISCHARGE TO OFF SITE AREAS ARE REQUIRED TO ABIDE BY THE PROVISIONS OF THE NATIONAL POLLUTION DISCHARGE ELIMINATION SYSTEM NPDES GENERAL 1 PERMIT THE CONTRACTOR IS RESPONSIBLE FOR PREPARING THE STORMWATER POLLUTION PREVENTION PLAN SWPPP AND SUBMITTING NPDES NOTICE OF INTENT NOI AND NOTICE OF TERMINATION NOT NOTICES TO THE EPA OR LOCAL STATE AGENCY HAVING JURISDICTION OVER THE NPDES PROGRAM THE CONTRACTOR SHALL KEEP ONSITE A COPY OF THE SWPPP NOI AND WATER MANAGEMENT DISTRICT PERMITS ISSUED TOGETHER WITH THE INSPECTION REPORTS AND CURRENT PLANS INCLUDING ANY MODIFICATIONS REQUIRED THE CONTRACTOR SHALL SUBMIT 6 COPIES OF SHOP DRAWINGS TO THE ENGINEER FOR APPROVAL PRIOR TO ORDERING THE MATERIALS REQUIRED FOR CONSTRUCTION PRIOR TO SUBMISSION THE CONTRACTOR SHALL 2 THOROUGHLY CHECK SHOP DRAWINGS PRODUCT DATA AND SAMPLES FOR COMPLETENESS AND FOR COMPLIANCE WITH THE CONSTRUCTION PLANS AND SHALL VERIFY ALL DIMENSIONS AND FIELD CONDITIONS AND SHALL COORDINATE THE SHOP DRAWINGS WITH THE REQUIREMENTS FOR OTHER RELATED WORK THE CONTRACTORS RESPONSIBILITY FOR ERRORS AND OMISSIONS IN SUBMITTALS IS NOT RELIEVED BY THE ENGINEERS REVIEW OF SUBMITTALS THE CONTRACTOR SHALL NOTIFY THE ENGINEER IN WRITING AT THE TIME OF SUBMISSION OF DEVIATIONS IN SUBMITTALS FROM THE REQUIREMENTS OF THE CONTRACT DOCUMENTS PROTECT BENCHMARKS PROPERTY CORNERS AND OTHER SURVEY MONUMENTS FROM DAMAGE OR DISPLACEMENT IF MARKER NEEDS TO BE REMOVED IT SHALL BE REFERENCED BY LICENSED LAND SURVEYOR AND 3 REPLACED AS NECESSARY BY SAME ASBUILTS ASBUILTS SHALL BE PROVIDED BY THE CONTRACTOR TO THE ENGINEER AT LEAST TWO WEEKS PRIOR PRIOR TO SUBMITTING A REQUEST FOR SUBSTANTIAL COMPLETION ALL ASBUILT DATA SHALL BE PROVIDED BY A FLORIDA 4 LICENSED SURVEYOR SIGNED SEALED AND DATED BY THE RESPONSIBLE PARTY SEE INDIVIDUAL SECTIONS PAVEMENT WATER SYSTEM ETC FOR ADDITIONAL AS BUILT REQUIREMENTS THE CONTRACTOR SHALL PROVIDE THE OWNER AND ENGINEER STORM DRAINAGE ASBUILTS AS BUILTS SHALL CONTAIN AT THE MINIMUM BUT NOT LIMITED TO SWALE TOP OF BANK TOE OF SLOPE ROAD GRADE ELEVATIONS 5 CONCRETE PAD ELEVATIONS FINISHED FLOOR ELEVATION AND DITCH BOTTOM INLET INFORMATION THE CONTRACTOR SHALL PROVIDE THE OWNER AND ENGINEER UTILITY ASBUILTS ASBUILTS SHALL INCLUDE THE LOCATION OF ALL VALVES BENDS AND PIPE SIZES CONTRACTOR SHALL ALSO PROVIDE HORIZONTAL LOCATION 6 MEASURED FROM PROPERTY LINE AND OR ADJACENT BUILDING OR SLABS ALL BENDS ARE TO BE LOCATED FROM PERMANENT FEATURE SUCH AS BUILDING OR CONCRETE PAD DRAINAGE IT SHALL BE THE CONTRACTORS RESPONSIBILITY TO ENSURE ADEQUATE DRAINAGE IS PROVIDED TO THE EXISTING SITE DURING CONSTRUCTION AT NO TIME SHALL THERE BE FLOODING ON THE SITE AS A RESULT OF THE 1 CONSTRUCTION GRADING SHOWN ON THESE PLANS ARE PROVIDED TO THE CONTRACTOR TO EXPRESS THE GENERAL GRADING INTENT OF THE PROJECT THE CONTRACTOR SHALL BE EXPECTED TO GRADE THE ENTIRE SITE TO PROVIDE 2 POSITIVE DRAINAGE IN ALL AREAS THROUGHOUT THE SITE SMOOTH TRANSITIONS SHALL BE PROVIDED BETWEEN CONTOURS OR SPOT ELEVATIONS AS SHOWN ON THE PLANS TO ACCOMPLISH THE GRADING INTENT ALL SLOPES SHALL BE STABILIZED IMMEDIATELY AFTER FINAL GRADING HAS BEEN COMPLETED CONTRACTOR SHALL NOTIFY OWNER AND ENGINEER PRIOR TO DEMOBILIZATION OF GRADING EQUIPMENT TO DETERMINE THAT THE GRADING INTENT HAS BEEN ACHIEVED ALL SURFACES IN AND ADJACENT SECTIONS SHALL BE GRADED TO DRAIN POSITIVELY AND WITH NO SHARP BREAKS IN GRADE AND NO UNUSUALLY STEEP OR REVERSE CROSS SLOPES IT IS THE CONTRACTORS RESPONSIBILITY TO 3 ACCOMPLISH THE ABOVE AND THE ENGINEER SHALL BE CONSULTED SO THAT HE MAY MAKE ANY AND ALL REQUIRED INTERPRETATIONS OF THE PLANS OR GIVE SUPPLEMENTARY INSTRUCTIONS TO ACCOMPLISH THE INTENT OF THE PLANS UNIFORMLY SMOOTH GRADE THE SITE DEPRESSIONS FROM SETTLEMENT SHALL BE FILLED AND COMPACTED TOPS OF EMBANKMENTS AND BREAKS IN GRADE SHALL BE ROUNDED FINISHED SURFACES SHALL BE REASONABLY 4 SMOOTH COMPACTED FREE FROM IRREGULAR SURFACE CHANGES AND COMPARABLE TO THE SMOOTHNESS OBTAINED BY BLADE GRADER OPERATIONS NEWLY GRADED AREAS SHALL BE PROTECTED FROM TRAFFIC AND EROSION ALL SETTLEMENT OR WASHING AWAY THAT MAY OCCUR FROM ANY CAUSE PRIOR TO SODDING OR ACCEPTANCE SHALL BE REPAIRED AND GRADES 5 REESTABLISHED TO THE REQUIRED ELEVATIONS AND SLOPES AT NO ADDITIONAL COST TO THE OWNER LIMITS OF DISTURBANCE AT NO TIME SHALL THE CONTRACTOR DISTURB SURROUNDING PROPERTIES OR TRAVEL ON SURROUNDING PROPERTIES WITHOUT WRITTEN CONSENT FROM THE PROPERTY OWNER REPAIR OR RECONSTRUCTION OF DAMAGED AREAS ON SURROUNDING PROPERTIES SHALL BE PERFORMED BY THE CONTRACTOR ON AN IMMEDIATE BASIS ALL COSTS FOR REPAIRS SHALL BE THE RESPONSIBILITY OF THE CONTRACTOR WITH NO COMPENSATION FROM THE UTILITY LAYOUT AND CONTROL BENCHMARK INFORMATION IS SHOWN ON THE SURVEY SHEET C3 CONTRACTORS SURVEYOR SHALL SET PERMANENT BENCHMARK ON SITE ANY DISCREPANCIES BETWEEN FIELD MEASUREMENTS AND CONSTRUCTION PLAN INFORMATION SHALL BE BROUGHT TO THE ATTENTION OF THE ENGINEER IMMEDIATELY TREE REMOVAL THE CONTRACTOR SHALL NOTIFY THE OWNER AND ENGINEER WHEN ALL WORK IS LAID OUT SURVEY STAKED SO THAT A DETERMINATION MAY BE MADE OF SPECIFIC TREES TO BE REMOVED NO TREES SHOWN ON THE CONTRUCTION PLANS AS BEING SAVED SHALL BE REMOVED WITHOUT PERMISSION FROM THE OWNER AND ENGINEER CLEARING AND GRUBBING THE CONTRACTOR SHALL BE RESPONSIBLE FOR CLEARING AND GRUBBING FOR SITE CONSTRUCTION INCLUDING CLEARING FOR PAVING UTILITIES DRAINAGE FACILITIES AND BUILDING CONSTRUCTION SEE PLANS FOR LIMITS OF CLEARING AND GRUBBING ALL AREAS TO BE CLEARED SHALL BE FIELD STAKED AND REVIEWED BY THE OWNER AND ENGINEER PRIOR TO ANY CONSTRUCTION MATERIAL STORAGE DEBRIS REMOVAL ALL MATERIALS EXCAVATED SHALL BE UTILIZED TO BRING THE SITE TO FINAL GRADES MATERIALS STOCKPILES IF MUCK IS ENCOUNTERED CONTRACTOR SHALL BE RESPONSIBLE FOR THE REMOVAL OF ALL UNSUITABLE FILL MATERIALS FROM THE SITE ALL CLAY ENCOUNTERED SHALL BE EXCAVATED OUT AND REPLACED WITH CLEAN GRANULAR FILL MATERIALS EROSION AND SEDIMENT CONTROL EROSION AND SILTATION CONTROL MEASURES ARE TO BE PROVIDED AND INSTALLED PRIOR TO COMMENCEMENT OF CONSTRUCTION THESE MEASURES ARE TO BE INSPECTED BY THE CONTRACTOR ON A REGULAR BASIS AND ARE TO BE MAINTAINED OR REPAIRED ON AN IMMEDIATE BASIS AS REQUIRED LOCAL AND STATE JURISDICTIONAL AGENCIES SHALL BE REFERRED TO AND IMPLEMENTED DURING ALL CONSTRUCTION AN EROSION CONTROL PLAN SHALL BE PREPARED BY THE CONTRACTOR AND SUBMITTED TO THE CITY ENGINEER FOR APPROVAL PRIOR TO THE PRE CONSTRUCTION MEETING THE CONTRACTOR SHALL EXECUTE ALL MEASURES NECESSARY TO LIMIT THE TRANSPORT OF SEDIMENTS OUTSIDE THE LIMITS OF THE PROJECT TO THE VOLUME AND AMOUNT AS THAT ARE EXISTING PRIOR TO THE COMMENCEMENT OF CONSTRUCTION PERIOD PROVISION MUST BE MADE TO PRESERVE THE INTEGRITY AND CAPACITY OF CHECK WEIRS SEDIMENT BASINS SLOPE DRAINS GRADING PATTERNS ETC REQUIRED TO MEET THIS PROVISION THROUGHOUT THE LIFE OF THE CONSTRUCTION THE CONTRACTOR SHALL PROVIDE HAY BALES SILT BARRIERS TEMPORARY GRASSING ETC AS REQUIRED TO FULLY COMPLY WITH THE INTENT OF THIS SPECIFICATION 1 STOCKPILING MATERIAL NO EXCAVATED MATERIAL SHALL BE STOCKPILED IN SUCH A MANNER AS TO DIRECT RUNOFF DIRECTLY OFF THE PROJECT SITE OR INTO ANY ADJACENT WATER BODY OR STORMWATER COLLECTION FACILITY 2 EXPOSED AREA LIMITATION THE SURFACE OF OPEN RAW ERODABLE SOIL EXPOSED BY CLEARING AND GRUBBING OPERATIONS OR EXCAVATION AND FILLING OPERATIONS SHALL BE CONTROLLED SO THAT THIS OPERATION WILL NOT SIGNIFICANTLY AFFECT OFFSITE DEPOSIT SEDIMENTS 3 INLET PROTECTION INLETS AND CATCH BASINS SHALL BE PROTECTED FROM SEDIMENT LADEN STORMWATER RUNOFF UNTIL THE COMPLETION OF ALL CONSTRUCTION OPERATIONS THAT MAY CONTRIBUTE SEDIMENT TO THE INLET 4 TEMPORARY SEEDING AREAS OPENED BY CONSTRUCTION OPERATIONS THAT ARE NOT ANTICIPATED TO BE DRESSED OR RECEIVE FINAL GRASSING TREATMENT WITHIN THIRTY 30 DAYS SHALL BE SEEDED WITH A QUICK GROWING GRASS SPECIES WHICH WILL PROVIDE AN EARLY COVER DURING THE SEASON IN WHICH IT IS PLANTED TEMPORARY SEEDING SHALL BE CONTROLLED SO AS TO NOT ALTER OR COMPETE WITH PERMANENT GRASSING THE RATE OF SEEDING SHALL BE 30 POUNDS PER ACRE 5 TEMPORARY SEEDING AND MULCHING SLOPES STEEPER THAN 61 THAT FALL WITHIN THE CATEGORY ESTABLISHED IN 4 ABOVE SHALL ADDITIONALLY RECEIVE MULCHING OF APPROXIMATELY TWO 2 INCHES LOOSE MEASURE OF MULCH MATERIAL CUT INTO THE SOIL OF THE SEEDED AREA TO A DEPTH OF FOUR 4 INCHES 6 TEMPORARY GRASSING THAT SEEDED OR SEEDED AND MULCHED AREAS SHALL BE ROLLED AND WATERED AS REQUIRED TO ASSURE OPTIMUM GROWING CONDITIONS FOR THE ESTABLISHMENT OF A GOOD GRASS COVER 7 TEMPORARY REGRASSING IF AFTER 14 DAYS THE TEMPORARY GRASSED AREAS HAVE NOT ATTAINED A MINIMUM OF 75 GOOD GRASS COVER THE AREA WILL BE REWORKED AND ADDITIONAL SEEDS APPLIED TO ESTABLISH THE DESIRED VEGETATION COVER 8 MAINTENANCE ALL FEATURES OF THE PROJECT SHALL BE CONSTRUCTED TO PREVENT EROSION AND SEDIMENT AND SHALL BE MAINTAINED DURING THE LIFE OF THE CONSTRUCTION SO AS TO FUNCTION PROPERLY WITHOUT THE TRANSPORT OF SEDIMENTS OUTSIDE THE LIMITS OF THE PROJECT TEMPORARY SILT FENCES AND STAKED SILT BARRIERS SHALL BE IN ACCORDANCE WITH FDOT STANDARD SPECIFICATION SEC 1046 1047 AND SEC 985 THE CONTRACTOR SHALL PREPARE A STORM WATER POLLUTION PREVENTION PLAN SWPPP IN ACCORDANCE WITH THE EPA NPDES NATIONAL POLLUTANT DISCHARGE ELIMINATION SYSTEM REGULATIONS PRIOR TO CONSTRUCTION THE CONTRACTOR MUST ALSO PREPARE AND SUBMIT A NOTICE OF INTENT NOI FORM TO FDEP 48 HOURS PRIOR TO COMMENCING CONSTRUCTION UNDER PROVISIONS OF THE CLEAN WATER ACT OPERATORS OF CONSTRUCTION SITES PURSUANT TO CONDITIONS OF THE NPDES PERMIT MUST SUBMIT A NOI TO OBTAIN COVERAGE UNDER THE NPDES STORM WATER CONSTRUCTION GENERAL PERMIT NOIS MUST BE SENT TO THE FOLLOWING ADDRESS NPDES STORMWATER PROGRAM 2600 BLAIR STONE ROAD MAIL STATION 2500 TALLAHASSEE FL 32399 PHONE 850 2457522 Pipe Color Coding Coat all exposed piping conduit and appurtenances to conform to a color code as shown in the following table Equipment Piping Stream Backwash Chlorine Solution Compressed Air Drain Equipment Final Filter Effluent Pre Filter Effluent Water Raw Water Non Potable Water Reclaimed Color Tan Safety Yellow Safety Green Light Gray Match Piping Aqua Tan Olive Green Blue w Black Bands Pantone Purple Label Code BW CLS CA FE Fl RAW NPW RW Lettering Color No A 0 A Date 52711 Revision ADDENDUM NO 1 By WCG No A Date Revision By Designed by Drawn by Checked by Approved by Scale TMZ DGH GCM DEM TMZ AS SHOWN Date MARCH 19 2009 Job No W04141 File General Notesdwg Certificate of Authorization No 3215 2009 LAKE JESUP WATER AUGMENTATION FACILITY CITY OF WINTER SPRINGS SEMINOLE FLORIDA Engineers Architects Surveyors Landscape Arch Planners Environmental Scientists Construction Management Design Build COA N 3215 Lic No AA2600926 LB Na 7143 Lk N LC00002 1117 East Robinson Street Orlando FL 32802 Phone 4074250452 Fax 4076481036 WILLIAM C GOUCHER PE REG 20700 GENERAL NOTES Sheet No C2 CONFORMED DOCUMENTS 186 W 0 O z W 0 Q W 0 0 O 0 LOT 3 BLOCK D TAX PARCEL ID 26 20 30 5AR OD00003C CLEANTHI Z PETERS D R MITCHELLS SURVEY OF THE LEVY GRANT ON L A K E J E S S U P PLAT BOOK 1 PAGE 5 SSMC FENCE S3 12IRON PIPE WITH STEEL CAP S 58 E 08 BUCK D 3LC EAST 1 2E NOTE 15 EAST STATE ROAD 431020XPARCEL ID 0030 2620TA30 5AR ODO USTEESLAURAWINCEYCOTRUSTEESMORE OR A A NCHARLESW5715ALEVY2489454SQUAREFEETTHEE CONTAINING S S L A K E Y J EOgFg U P 5 DR M PLATLO 00K 1 P AGE APPROXIMATE LIMITS OF FLOOD ZONE X DR MITCHELLS SURVEY OF THE LEVY GRANT ON L A K E J E S S U P PLAT BOOK 1 PAGE 5 HEADWAL BT 2969 303 00 3044 O Q au h o CO Qo 2r J 2735 o IN LET I 2688 1014TOP215p N INV237 g 2764 S INV 2003 2724 IJ R 24RCP I o o O INLET 0 TOP 2442 S INV2086 LOT 20 BLOCK D o 0 0 0 D f m o LB3778 FOUND 1 UTILITY POLE 6257 EL 24702 8 INV 2027 FF FLORIDA AL AERIAL EASEMENT BOOK PAGE 453 0 Lr DR MITCHELLS SURVEY OF THE LEVY GRANT ON L A K E J E S S U P PLAT BOOK 1 PAGE 5 RETENTION AREA LOT 4 BLOCK D TAX PARCEL ID 26 20 30 5AR OD000040 GERTRUD WILLIAM S BROWNING TRUSTEES LOT 2 BLOCK D TAX PARCEL ID 26 20 30 5AR OD000010 CITY OF WINTER SPRINGS INV 2074 DR MITCHELLS SURVEY OF THE LEVY GRANT ON LAKE J E S S U P PLAT BOOK 1 PAGE 5 YY POL h ex INV RCP 0 BTL INV 1956 NV 1844 LEGEND AND ABBREVIATIONS CONCRETE MONUMENT GUY WIRE IRON ROD LIGHT POLE NAIL DISC TANK UNKNOWN POINT ON LINE POWER POLE BENCH NON TRAFFIC SIGN WELL WATER VALVE INVERT ELEVATION REINFORCED CONCRETE PIPE MAILBOX WOVEN WIRE FENCE FLAT GRATE INLET BURIED TELEPHONE LINE x AC CONC NAD EL FF DIP CMP PVC RETENTION AREA POST FOUND 4X4 LB1 SERVICE POLE cn HOSE BIB CHAIN LINK FENCE TREE SIZE SHOWN IS TRUNK DIAMETER IN INCHES MA MAPLE CY CYPRESS G GUM C CEDAR FOUND 4 LB1 FOUND 1 LB3778 AIR CONDITIONING CONCRETE NORTH AMERICAN DATUM ELEVATION FINISHED FLOOR ELEVATION DUCTILE IRON PIPE CORRUGATED METAL PIPE POLYVINYL CHLORIDE PIPE REV 08272003 REV 11072002 TRACT C PARKSTONE UNIT 3 PLAT BOOK 59 PAGE 19 21 REPEAT STORM WATER MANAGEMENT AREA DRAINAGE EASEMENT REVISED CERTIFICATION EO 196 ADDED ACREAGE NOTES 13 14 EO 37 9 10 For 1 FOUND 1 14 IRON PIPEJWGSURVEY W 043 p pL SET SSMC 8f Tp EDGE OF WATER 1 60 GRAPHIC SCALE 0 30 60 120 APPROXIMATE LIMITS OF FLOOD ZONE AE EL10 MET HED AL E 11 85 POL SET 58 POLESSMCLB2108SHED RETENTION AREA E 12 LOT 2 BLOCK C DR MITCHELLS SURVEY OF THE LEVY GRANT ON L A K E J E S S U P PLAT BOOK 1 PAGE 5 CONC BOAT RAMP Boundary Topographic Survey Survey Date Drawing Number Scale 160 10 30 2002 47921001 Drawn By EO City of Winter Springs Brown Salzman Weiss Garganese PA Old Republic National Title Insurance Co DESCRIPTION The East half 0 12 of Lot 3 Block C and the East half 0 12 of Lot 3 Block D of Mitchells Survey of Levy Grant on Lake Jessup according to plat thereof as recorded in Plat Book 1 page 5 of the public records of Seminole County Florida SURVEYORS REPORT 1 Utility locations if shown hereon are based on field location of markings by Utility Company representatives surface features and construction plans furnished to the surveyor Additional sub surface utilities may exist that have not been field located 2 Easements or rights of way that appear on recorded plans or that have been furnished to the surveyor by others have been incorporated into this drawing with appropriate notation Other easements may be discovered by a search of the Public Records 3 Measurement methods used for this survey meet MINIMUM TECHNICAL STANDARDS FOR LAND SURVEYING CH 61G17 6 requirements 4 Not valid without the signature and raised seal of a Florida licensed surveyor and mapper 5 Features shown by symbol as indicated in the legend are not to scale 6 Bearings shown hereon are based on the northerly right of way of CSX Railroad Lake Charm Branch Rail Corridor being South 82 5256 West 7 Vertical information shown hereon refers to recovered benchmark at the Southwest corner of Lot 2 Block D being a 16 penny Nail in the South face of utility pole 8257578 NAD 83 EL 24702 8 Based on the National Flood Insurance Program FIRM Map No 12117C0135E dated 04171995 the above described property lies within unshaded Zone X determined to be outside 500 year floodplain and shaded Zone X areas of 500 year flood and Zone AE base flood elevation determined Elevation 10 The electronic image of this map contains horizontal positions for all features shown relative to an assumed datum This Survey was performed without benefit of a Title search A Title search may reveal additional information affecting the Parcel as shown 11 Unless shown only those visible features in the immediate vicinity of the above described parcel boundary have been located 12 There are no lot or right of way dimensions on the recorded plat of DR Mitchells Survey of The Levy Grant on Lake Jessup Plat Book 1 Page 5 Determination of Lot and right of way locations were based on a combination of the best available field evidence and previous surveys by Jones Wood Gentry Inc resurvey no job number available dated 120298 and Tinklepaugh Surveying Services Inc job number SX 7044A dated 010202 13 The 28 contour line is acceptable to the Division of State Lands Bureau of Survey and Mapping for the purpose of acreage calculations and permitting Those lands waterside of the 28 contour line may be subject to a claim by the State of Florida as sovereign lands 14 The calculated area contained withing the boundary line of the East 12 of Lot 3 Block C above the 28 contour fine edge of water is 134384 square feet 309 acres more or less The 28 contour line is ambulatory therefore the acreage square footage shown is subject to change 15 The street dress information shown according to the Seminole County Property Appraisers office SOUTHEASTERN SURVEYING MAPPING CORP 6500 All American Boulevard Orlando Florida 328104350 4071 2928580 Cert No LB2108 email info@southeasternsurveyingcom GARY B KRICK 47921001 Registered Land Surveyor No 4245 C3 187 2 CHLORINE FILL LINE WITH CAM LOCK QUICK CONNECT FASTENED TO BOLLARD WITH STAINLESS STEEL STRAPS 6 FORCE MAIN FIRE HYDRANT EXISTING HEDGE ROW AND TREES TO REMAIN 2 CH 80 CPVC CHLORINE FILL LINE TREAT MEN UNITS SEE SHEET C6 FENCE AND GATES SHALL BE 6 FT HIGH BLACK VINYLCOATED CHAIN LINK FENCE L TYPO PER SPEC SECTION 02820 SEE SHEET C 1 2 FOR CONTINUATION ALUMINUM HANGERS @30OC 52711 61011 DRC REVIEW NOT TO SCALE 7x7 ALUMINUM BOX GUTTER WITH LEAF GUARD 3 x4 DOWNSPO OPENINGS WITH ADAPTER TO 4 DIAMETER PVC DOWNSPOUT SLOPE TO DRAIN WALL PENETRATION SEE DETAIL ON SHEET C11 DECK GUTTER NOTES PROVIDE 7x7 ALUMINUM BOX GUTTER 0032 THICK ANODIZED PROVIDE 116 THICK RUBBER ISOLATION SHEET BETWEEN GUTTER AND CONCRETE PROVIDE 3 x4 DOWNSPOUT OPENINGS WITH TRANSITION ADAPTER FOR CONNECTION TO 4 DIA PIPE INTO TANK PROVIDE LOCKON LEAF GUARDS FOR LENGTH OF GUTTERS PROVIDE POLYURATHANE FOAM GUTTER FILTERS 4 FT LONG CENTERED ON DOWNSPOUT OPENINGS SECTION AA 6 FROM ARTESIAN WELL 18 RECLAIMED MAIN TRANSFORMER SEE SHEET E3 16 WIDE DOUBLE SWING GATE Drawn by Checked by Approved by GUTTER AND DOWNSPOUTS ALUMINUM FLUSHING RAILING PUMPS DOWNSPOUT SPACING TYPICAL BOTH SIDES 12 TYP ELECTRICA CHEMICAL BUILDING No A SLEEVE COUPLING 210 OC MAX 2 BARE CONDUCTOR ATTACHED TO CORNER POST Date CORNER POST GROUND ROD 38 X it COPPER CLAD TYP ALL CORNERS OR CHANGE IN FENCE DIRECTION GROUND SURFACE I BOTTOM REINF WIRE NOT TO SCALE 100 MAX Revision ADDENDUM NO 1 3 STRANDS OF BARB WIR 100 MAX NOTE BRACE CORNER POSTS IN BOTH DIRECTIONS ALONG FENCE LINE TYPICAL FENCE DETAIL By CHAIN LINK FENCE FABRIC LINE POST CONCRETE PIER No A Date Revision Designed by Scale TMZ DGH GCM 1 10 Date March 19 2009 Job No W04141 File Site Plandwg Certificate of t 200tligzation9 No 3215 LAKE JESUP WATER AUGMENTATION FACILITY CITY OF WINTER SPRINGS SEMINOLE FLORIDA @pa Engineers CO A No 3225 Architects Lic No AA2600926 Surveyors LB No 7143 Landscape Arch Li No Lc0000298 Planners Environmental Scientists Construction Management TrafficTransportation 1117 East Robinson Street Orlando Fl 32801 Phone 4074250452 Fax 4076481036 X LEGEND CONCRETE SLAB ON GRADE 4 THICK MIN FDOT NO 57 STONE OVER GEOTEXTILE FILTER FABRIC 6 HIGH BLACK VINYLCOATED CHAIN LINK FENCE WILLIAM C GOUCHER PE REG 20700 NOT TO SCALE SITE PLAN SEE SHEE FOR CONTI BOLLARD DETAIL Sheet No c CONFORMED DOCUMENTS 188 So Beveled or Round Corners H71117 Rein So arced With jjjjlO TOP VIEWSINGLE PIPE SECTION Slope To C Pipe for Pipes 16 And Smaller 24 for Pipes 2 And Larger A MITERED END SECTION NOT TO SCALE FDOT INDEX NO 273 FINISHED GROUND 6 FROM ARTESIAN WELL EXTEND STABILIZED ACCESS ROAD MINIMUM 12 THICK PER SECTION02 EXISTING TREE TO BE REMOVED RETAINING WALL TOP EL 14 1 INSTALL ROOF DRAINS ON 3 SIDES TO COLLECT RUNOFF AND DRAIN TO TANK SEE SHEET C 4 ALUMINUM RAILING mow APPROXIMATE 100 YEAR FLOOD ELEVATION 975 1929 DATUM MITER ENdSECTION AND ENERGY DISSIPATOR co NOT TO SCALE 20 4 7777x COMPACTED TO 95 ASHTO T 12 DE EP ENERGY DISSIPATOR 4 DIA TYP 4 TYP OUTFACE PIPE INV ELEV AS SHOWN ON PLANS TO OUTFACE OUTFACE PIPE 34 x 4 SLEEVE 8 LAG BOLT 2 AT EACH LOC LAG BOLT TO BE HELD IN PLACE BY EPDXY OR METHOD AS APPROVED BY ENGINEER PLAN SECTION 14 FIBERGLASS SKIMMER A DISCHARGE STRUCTURE S 1 DETAIL NOT TO SCALE TYPE E INLET DOT INDEX No 232 POND BOTTOM EL 100 00 TYPICAL POND CROSS SECTION SCALE 1 30H 00 NOT TO SCALE SECTION AA MINIMUM 2000 PSI CONCRETE REQUIRED 4 SAW CUT REMAINING JOINTS AT 5 MAX WITHIN 96 HOURS Ziara 0 30 60 GRAPHIC SCALE LEGEND EXISTING STRUCTURE TO BE REMOVED EXISTING TREE TO BE REMOVED NOTES 1 34 x4 PREMOLDED EXPANSION MATERIALS AROUND PP OR OTHER STRUCTURES IN WALK 2 EXPANSION JOINTS MAXIMUM DISTANCE 90 USED 12 x3 PREMOLDED EXPANSION MATERIAL AND FILL TOP 1 ELASTOMETRIC CHALK 3 CONTRACTION JOINTS MAXIMUM DISTANCE 30 AT D4 WITHIN 12 HOURS OF POUR CONCRETE SIDEWALK DETAIL No A A A A Date 2211 317211 52711 61011 Revision ADDED DETAILS REVISED OUTFACE PIPE LENGTH ADD BMP TO PLAN ADDENDUM NO 1 DRC REVIEW By ACL ACL WCG WCG No A A A Date Revision By Designed by Drawn by Checked by Approved by Scale TMZ DGH DEM TMZ 1 30 Date MARCH 19 2009 Job No W04141 File Grading Plandwg Certificate of Authorization No 3215 2009 LAKE JESUP RECLAIMED WATER AUGMENTATION FACILITY CITY OF WINTER SPRINGS SEMINOLE FLORIDA @pa Engineers CO A No 3225 Architects Lic No AA2600926 Surveyors L B No 7143 Landscape Arch Li No Le0000298 Planners Environmental Scientists Construction Management TrafficTransportation 1117 East Robinson Street Orlando Fl 32801 Phone 4074250452 Fax 4076481036 ALLEN C LANE JR PE REG 60144 DEMOLITION GRADING AND DRAINAGE PLAN Sheet No C5 CONFORMED DOCUMENTS 189 BOTTOM OF TOP SLAB EL 1300 WALL PENETRATION SEAL TYP SEE DETAIL SHEET C 11 3 ST STL FLUSHING SUPPLY CENTERLINE ELEV 1153 BY FILTER SUPPLIER EL 1153 8 OUTLET FURNISH AND INSTALL BLIND FLANGE IF ADDITIVE ALTERNATE NO 1 IS NOT ACCEPTED III5iFiuo11 11IIIrlllllirnr1411IlQllLII 4 THICK FDOT No 57 STONE W MIRAFI 140ND FILTER FABRIC OR EQUAL a FURNISH AND INSTALL BLIND FLANGE IF ADDITIVE ALTERNATE NO1 IS NOT ACCEPTED 2 W x 2 D PIPE RUN IN TOP OF SLAB Drawn by Checked by Approved by 4 THICK FDOT No 57 STONE W MIRAFI 140ND FILTER FABRIC OR EQUAL GCM DGH EL 1078 1 10 CONCRETE SLAB 14 ADDITIVE ALTERNATE NO 1 8 INLET 4 DIP BW EXPANSION JOINT TYP BACKWASH PUMP STATION SEE SHEET C 11 4 THICK 2500PSI CONCRETE W 6 x 6 WWM SHOWER EYEWASH 4 W x 2D PIPE RUN IN SLAB VALVE VAULT 100 1 RW FEED TO UTILITY SINK AND SHOWEREYEWASH MINIMUM 12 DEEP No Date v HWL EL 1200 GROUND STORAGE TANK EL 500 GROUND STORAGE TANK Revision SEAL TYP 0 0 4 FLUSHING SUPPLY EL 1078 EL 575 EL 950 I 170 6 TYP WALL PENETRATION J 6 THICK CONCRETE SLABMTH 6x6 x10x10 WIRE MESH TOP ELEV 975 FLUSHING PUMP SKID 4 THICK FDOT No 57 STONE W MIRAFI 140ND FILTER FABRIC OR EQUAL 4 FLUSHING SUPPLY No Date 140 1 PRE CHLORINATION CLS MINIMUM 12 DEEP Revision 12 GSP COMPRESSED AIR Designed by Scale 250 WCG 38 1 5 0 Lx3 4Wx6H HOUSEKEEPING PAD SCALE 38 10 SECTION SCALE 38 1 0 ELECTRICAL ROOM TREATMENT PLAN Date MARCH 19 2009 Job No W04141 File Treatment Plandwg Certificate of Authorization No 3215 2009 8 @ 12 OCEW TYP TOP 8 BOTT O @ O40 HIGH SERVICE PUMPING SEE SHEET C 7 LAKE JESUP WATER AUGMENTATION FACILITY CITY OF WINTER SPRINGS SEMINOLE FLORIDA CHEMICAL ROOM PROVIDE ADJUSTABLE PIPE SUPPORT UNDER ALL TEES TO RECEIVE FILTERS Engineers COA No 3215 Architects Lic No AA2600926 Surveyors LB No 7143 Landscape Arch Lk No LC00002 Planners Environmental Scientists Construction Management Design Build 1117 East Robinson Street Orlando FL 32802 Phone 4074250452 Fax 4076481036 23 22 III EL1361 FUTURE P EL 975 FROM LAKE SEE SHEET C10 6 THICK CONCRETE SLAB WITH 6 x6 x10x10 WWF PROCESS STRUCTURAL 15 TO WEST PROPERTY LINE 1 POST CHLORINATION CLS MINIMUM 12 DEEP EQUIPMENT TAB NUMBERS 0 EBS 10000 FILTER ON MANIFOLD SELF PRIMING PUMP 8 AMF 370K FILTER 0 WESTFALL 2800 STAINLESS STEEL STATIC INJECTION MIXER WILLIAM C GOUCHER PE REG 20700 TERRY M ZAUDTKE PE REG 32928 SEE SHEET C 4 AND C 12 FOR CONTINUATION 0 PIPE AND FITTING LEGEND TREATMENT PLAN AND SECTION PVC DIP 0 10 DIP SPOOL PIECE FLG O2 12 TSS SAMPLE TAP O3 6 DIP MJ 10 x 8 TEE FLG 0 10 BLIND FLANGE 0 8 DIP SPOOL PIECE FLG O7 10 TEE FLG 8 90 BEND FLG O9 8 CHECK VALVE FLG 0 8 BUTTERFLY VALVE FLG 0 10 45 BEND FLG 0 10 x 6 TEE FLG 13 TURBIDIMETER SAMPLE TAP 0 8 BLIND FLANGE 0 6 90 BEND FLG 0 6 GATE VALVE FLG 17 10 x 6 REDUCER FLG 0 FUTURE 6 90 BEND FLG 0 FUTURE 6 GATE VALVE FLG 00 16 x 10 REDUCER FLG 1 16 90 BEND FLG 02 FUTURE 10 x 6 TEE FLG 3 FUTURE 10 DIP SPOOL PIECE FLG 0 6 BLIND FLANGE FLG 5 10 x 8 REDUCER FLG 10 PRESSURE SUSTAINING VALVE FLG 7 FUTURE 10 x 8 REDUCER FLG FUTURE 8 SPOOL PIECE FLG 9 FUTURE 8 BUTTERFLY VALVE FLG 0 FUTURE 8 90 BEND FLG 0 8 GATE VALVE FLG 0 6 DIP SPOOL PIECE FLG 0 4 90 BEND FLG 0 4 90 BEND MJ 0 FUTURE 4 90 BEND FLG 0 4 TEE FLG 0 4 x 3 REDUCER FLG 0 4 BLIND FLANGE 0 4 DIP SPOOL PIECE FLG 0 NOT USED 0 FUTURE 8 x 4 TEE FLG 0 FUTURE 4 DIP SPOOL PIECE FLG 0 NOT USED 0 4 45 BEND MJ 0 6 x 4 WYE MJ 0 4 DIP SPOOL PIECE FLG x MJ 47 6 45 BEND MJ 0 6 x 4 REDUCER MJ 0 10 CROSS Sheet No e6 CONFORMED DOCUMENTS 190 v HWL EL 1200 GROUND STORAGE TANK 24 DIP SUCTION WITH ANITVORTEX BAFFLE EL1225 mra EL 500 WALL PENETRATION SEAL MT 24 DIP SUCTION WITH ANTI VORTEX BAFFLE e 12 BOTTOM OF TOP SLAB EL 1300 r WALL PENETRATION SEAL TYP 48 450 46 O EL 100 PVC 0 SEE SHEET C4 FOR CONTINUATION PROVIDE 27W x 17H STAINLESS STEEL WATERTIGHT ACCESS PORT WITH BOLTED COVER BOTTOM OF AT ELEV 1050 26 0 FIN GR 950 26 SQUARE PUMP BASE TYP EL 1175 1 1 0 0 14 42 25 22 34 500 GPM PUMP NO1 JOCKEY 0 SECTION SCALE 38 1 0 0 15 16 0 1500 GPM PUMP NO2 0 O 0 0 0 TREATMENT UNITS SEE SHEET C 6 0 n n PUMP STATION SEE SHEET C 8 FOR REBAR PLAN 1500 GPM PUMP NO2 0 0 0 1500 GPM PUMP NO1 1500 GPM PUMP NO3 O 10 0 0 34 6 r IP 510 0 0 1500 GPM FUTURE 0 f gi MMMEMM to 4 1500 GPM FUTURE 49 CHLORINE INJECTOR EL 975 6 THICK CONCRETE SLAB W 6x 6x 10x 10 WWF CONCRETE SLAB EL 975 SEE SHEET C4 FOR CONTINUATION PROCESS WILLIAM C GOUCHER PE REG 20700 TYPE 37 PIPE SUPPORT SHANK TO FIT INTO D SIZE SCHED 40 STEEL PIPE PIPE FITTING AND EQUIPMENT LEGEND 0 24 x 12 TEE MJ 0 6 90 BEND MJ 0 12 DIP PE 12 GATE VALVE MJ O5 12 DIP FLG x MJ VERTICAL CAN TURBINE PUMP 0 10 x 8 REDUCER FLG 12 90 BEND FLG O9 10 x 4 TEE FLG TAPPED BLIND FLG 1 VALVE 2 INCH THREADED AIR VACUUM RELEASE VALVE 0 10 COUPLING ADAPTER FLG 0 10 CHECK VALVE FLG 0 12 GATE VALVE FLG 0 12 DIP FLG 0 6 x 2 TEE FLG TAPPED BLIND FLG 1 VALVE 2 INCH THREADED AIR VACUUM RELEASE VALVE 0 12 x 6 REDUCING 90 BEND FLG 0 18 x 12 REDUCER FLG 17 18 DIP SPOOL PIECE AS REQUIRED FLG 0 18 x 10 TEE FLG 0 CHLORINE SAMPLE TAP LOCATION 00 10 DIP FLG 01 10 BLIND FLANGE 02 6 GATE VALVE FLG 03 FLOW METER 0 12 UNIFLANGE 05 6 CHECK VALVE FLG 18 90 BEND LONG RADIUS ROTATED DOWN 45 FLG 7 24 90 BEND MJ 24 DIP MJ 9 12 FECAL COLIFORM SAMPLE TAP 30 10 GATE VALVE FLG 0 NOT USED 0 NOT USED 0 NOT USED 0 6 DIP FLG 0 FUTURE 10 DIP FLG 0 CAN FOR FUTURE VERTICAL CAN TURBINE PUMP 0 FUTURE 10 x 8 REDUCER FLG 0 FUTURE 10 x 4 TEE FLG TAPPED BLIND FLG 1 VALVE 2 INCH THREADED AIR VACUUM RELEASE VALVE 0 FUTURE 10 COUPLING ADAPTER FLG Cr FUTURE 10 CHECK VALVE FLG 0 FUTURE 10 GATE VALVE FLG 0 6 COUPLING ADAPTER FLG 0 12 90 BEND MJ 0 24 x 12 REDUCER MJ 0 NOT USED 0 6 DIP PE 0 18 DIP FLG x PE 0 6 DIP FLG x PE TYPE 38 ADJUSTABLE PIPE SUPPORT USE SAME COATING SYSTEM AS PIPING 1 MIN 3MAX NON SHRINK GROUT NOTES 1 PROVIDE HALF ROUND RIGID INSULATION AND INSULATION PROTECTION SHIELD TYPE 40 SIMILAR TO GRINNELL 2 PROVIDE NEOPRENE WAFFLE ISOLATION PAD BETWEEN PIPE AND BRACKET 3 FOR BASEHEIGHTAND FLANGE DIMENSIONS SEE TABLE 4 SST TYPE 316 5 PROVIDE 18 THICK NEOPRENE PAD FULL SUPPORT WIDTH BETWEEN PIPE AND SUPPORT PIPE SIZE 12 20 24 30 A 5 12 8 12 9 1516 12 38 13 78 15 38 17 1518 21 516 13 12 13 12 13 12 13 12 2 12 2 12 2 12 3 12 3 12 MIN 10 12 1312 15 17 34 19 12 21 23 34 27 MAX 15 14 18 14 19 34 22 14 24 25 12 28 12 31 12 STD PIPE FLANGE ATTACHED TO CONC OR MASONRY W4 STAINLESS STEEL STUD TYPE WEDGE ANCHORS ADJUSTABLE PIPE SUPPORT DETAIL NOT TO SCALE No A 0 A Date Revision By No A Date Revision By Designed by Drawn by Checked by Approved by Scale TMZ DGH DEM TMZ 38 1 Date MARCH 19 2009 Job No W04141 File Pump Station dwg Certificate of Authorization No 3215 2009 LAKE JESUP WATER AUGMENTATION FACILITY CITY OF WINTER SPRINGS SEMINOLE FLORIDA Engineers C OA N 3215 Architects Lic No AA2600926 Surveyors LB N 7143 Landscape Arch Li No LC00002 Planners Environmental Scientists Construction Management Design Build 1117 East Robinson Street Orlando FL 32802 Phone 4074250452 Fax 4076481036 STRUCTURAL TERRY M ZAUDTKE PE REG 32928 HIGH SERVICE PUMP STATION AND SECTIONS Sheet No e7 CONFORMED DOCUMENTS 191 TO TREATMENT PLANT SEE SHEET C6 FOR CONTINUATION 50 MIN 10 0 MIN 16 HDPE FORM LAKE SEE SHEET C10 FOR CONTINUATION PIPE AND FITTING LEGEND 1O FLOWMETER 12 UNIFLANGE 12 DIP SPOOL FLG 12 GATE VALVE FLG 16 x 12 DIP REDUCER FLG 16 45 BEND FLG 16 DIP SPOOL FLG x PE 16 45 BEND MJ 24 x 12 TEE MJ TYP 2 12 CLEAR EL 100 FIN GRADE EL 950 PER MANUFACTURERS REQUIREMENTS 1 0 TYP 12 GATE VALVE MJ W OPERATING NUT AND VALVE BOX TYP 12 FLG xMJ 12 FLG SUCTION 11 11 11 11 SECTION SCALE NTS SCALE 38 1 0 18 MIN PER MFR 1 TAP AND 1 BALLVALVE EXPANSION JOINTS W FILLER BOTH SIDES SEE PUMP STATION REBAR PLAN 2 4 TOP BOTTOM PUMP STATION REBAR PLAN 6 THICK CONCRETE SLAB W 6x 6x 10x 10 WWF EL 975 1500 GPM FUTURE 2 12 CLEAR 2 12 CLEAR SECTION SCALE 38 1 0 SECTION SCALE 38 1 0 EL 1408 0 0 EL 1078 PIPE SUPPORT TYP PROCESS WILLIAM C GOUCHER PE REG 20700 PIPE AND FITTING LEGEND 10 x 8 TEE FLG 8 DIP SPOOL PIECE FLG x PE 8 90 BEND FLG O9 8 CHECK VALVE FLG 12 10 x 6 TEE FLG 15 6 90 BEND FLG 16 6 GATE VALVE FLG 31 8 GATE VALVE FLG 32 6 DIP SPOOL PIECE FLG 33 4 90 BEND FLG 3 4 x 3 REDUCER FLG 39 4 DIP SPOOL PIECE FLG EQUIPMENT TAB NUMBERS EBS 10000 FILTER SELF PRIMING PUMP No A 0 A Date Revision By No A Date Revision By Designed by Drawn by Checked by Approved by Scale WCG GCM DGH WCG TMZ 38 1 Date MARCH 19 2009 Job No W04141 File Cross Sectionsdwg Certificate of Authorization No 3215 2009 LAKE JESUP WATER AUGMENTATION FACILITY CITY OF WINTER SPRINGS SEMINOLE FLORIDA Engineers C OA N 3215 Architects Lic No AA2600926 Surveyors LB Na 7143 Landscape Arch Lic N LC00002 Planners Environmental Scientists Construction Management Design Build 1117 East Robinson Street Orlando FL 32802 Phone 4074250452 Fax 4076481036 STRUCTURAL TERRY M ZAUDTKE PE REG 32928 CROSS SECTIONS AND DETAIL Sheet No c8 CONFORMED DOCUMENTS 192 2 SCH 80 CPVC VENT WITH INSECT SCREEN TO ATMOSPHERE TYP 2 SCH 80 CPVC FILL LINE WITH CAM LOCK QUICK CONNECT 2 SCH 80 CPVC FILL LINE ADJUSTABLE PIPE SUPPORT TYP N121Elli SCALE 1 4 1 2 SCH 80 CPVC FILL LINE SEE SHEET C4 FOR CONTINUATION 11 ROLLUP DOOR CHLORINE ROOM FLOOR PLAN HIGH DENSITY LINEAR POLYETHYLENE 1550 GALLON SODIUM HYPOCHLORITE STORAGE TANK 80 DIA x 611 HIGH UV RESISTANT DOUBLE WALL CHLORINE ROOM SECTION SCALE 1 41 NOTE AIR COMPRESSOR AND 12 GSP COMPRESSED AIR LINE NOT SHOWN FOR CLARITY 1 2 0 TO 14 SOCKET CPVC REDUCERS TYP OF 4 FROM STORAGE TANK Y Y T II II II 111111 111111 1111111 7111uua r Iii i r 11rrr n1 r 0 I I uiGri I 1r Y iI rY ir rirr C11LIilrrlI illj 1 1illi ii l i i iu illj 1 1iIIT iii 48 y 6y 14 14 6 w z c3 o63 a Z d zz 24 y r 48X 24X POSTCHLORINATION CHLORINE FEED SKID PLAN VIEW NOT TO SCALE PRE CHLORINATION SKID IS MIRROR IMAGE NOT TO SCALE FRONT ELEVATION 1 2 0 SOCKET CPVC BALL VALVES 6 PLACES GRIFFCO TSERIES MODEL PRT050T 12 0 PTFE PRESSURE RELIEF VALVES NOTE 12 SCH 80 CPVC HYPOCHLORITE LINE TO INJECTORS NOT SHOWN FOR CLARITY 12 SOCKET CPVC TEE FOR 14 0 FLUSHING DRAIN VALVE CONNECTION 4 PLACES 14 0 UNION TYP OF 4 48 y SCALE 38 10 CHLORINE INJECTION DETAIL SECTION NOT TO SCALE No A 0 A Date 52711 Revision ADDENDUM NO 1 By WCG No Date Revision By Designed by Drawn by Checked by Approved by Scale TMZ GCM DEM TMZ AS SHOWN Date MARCH 19 2009 Job No W04141 File Chemical Room dwg Certificate of Authorization No 3215 2009 LAKE JESUP WATER AUGMENTATION FACILITY CITY OF WINTER SPRINGS SEMINOLE FLORIDA Engineers C OA N 3215 Architects 1ic No AA2600926 Surveyors LB N 7143 Landscape Arch Li No LC00002 Planners Environmental Scientists Construction Management Design Build 1117 East Robinson Street Orlando FL 32802 Phone 4074250452 Fax 4076481036 WILLIAM C GOUCHER PE REG 20700 CHEMICAL FEED SYSTEM DETAILS Sheet No CONFORMED DOCUMENTS 193 24 16 8 0 8 16 DIP 16 HDPE FUSED BEND PIPE AT NO MORE THAN 75 OF POINT 1 MESH ON MECHANICAL JOINT MANUFACTURERS RECOMMEND MAX SECOND SCREENING COUPLING ADAPTER 3 COVER EXISTING GRADE REMOVABLE FRAME ALUMINUM HANDRAIL FOR CLEANING 16 DIP MJ 16 DIP MJ 45 BEND 16 DIP MJ FIRST SCREENING POINT45BEND45BEND14CONCiCHAINLINKFENCE 16 HDPE SUCTION ALONG PILINGS AROUND PERIMETER LAKE BOTTOM TO ELEV 30 6 MIN CONCRETE ENCASEMENT NOT TO SCALE EL 10 aQ 4 24 DIP SUCTION NOT TO SCALE SLOPE TO DRAIN 4 d a WATERSTOP RING 30 PLAN 3 4 INTAKE STRUCTURE SECTION SCALE 1 20 H 10V 38 THICK 18 DIP SECTION FIBERGLASS ANTIVORTEX PLATE FIBERGLASS SLOTTED TO FIT OVER PIPE EL FIN FL 50 2 12 x 2 12 x 14 SS ANGLE x4 LONG 4 REQ AT 90 BOLT TO FLOOR WITH 12 x 2 34 SS EXPANSION ANCHORS 8 REQ FIBERGLASS ANTI VORTEX BAFFLE TOP EL 550 SLOPE TO DRAIN NOTE PIPE NEEDS TO BE TESTED PRIOR TO FLOOR BEING POURED EL FIN FL 50 KORN SEAL S106 16WS TYP 16 OHDPE 222 Wx114Hx4 THICK ALUMINUM STOP LOGS HALLIDAY SERIES NIB WITH R HANDLE EL 045 16OHDPE NHWL EL 277 SCALE 34 1 2 8 2 PLAN 57 SECTION INLET EL 20 EL 233 LWL EL 105 6 TYP EL 50 EL 20 INSTALL 2 x 2 x 4H CONCRETE BASIN WITH WEIR EL 200 LAKE BOTTOM INTAKE CATCH BASIN DETAILS 24 16 8 0 8 SECTION FABRICATE 2 x 2 TYPE 304 STAINLESS STEEL FRAME TO SIT A TOP INTAKE BASIN TO SUPPORT 1 MESH OVER TOP AND STOP LOG OPENING ELEV 6 THICK HOLLOW CORE PANEL SEE STRUCTURAL 2 THICK CONCRETE TOPPING SCALE 1 10 4 0 INTAKE STRUCTURE PLAN GRATING GRATING NOTE PULTRUDED FIBERGLASS GRATING FIBERGLASS SPF POLYESTER RESIN MS 1 4010 SPACING GRAY 1 BEARING BARS FINE GRIT SURFACE GRAY CROSS BARS 6 ON CENTER 40 OPEN AREA PANEL BEARING BARS RUN PARALLEL TO LENGTH 1 THICK FIBERGLASS GRATING INTAKE STRUCTURE SECTION SCALE 34 10 PROVIDE 1 x 2 STAINLESS STEEL ANGLE FOR SUPPORT EACH END WITH HOLD DOWN CLIPS PER GRATING MANUFACTURERS RECOMMENDATION INTAKE CATCH BASIN SEE DETAIL LEFT BOTTOM ELEV 25 i No A A A A Date Revision By No A A A Date Revision By Designed by Drawn by Checked by Approved by Scale TMZ DGH GCM DEM TMZ As Shown Date March 19 2010 Job No W04141 File Intake Structuredwg Certificate of Authorization No 3215 2009 LAKE JESUP WATER AUGMENTATION FACILITY CITY OF WINTER SPRINGS SEMINOLE FLORIDA @pa Engineers CO A No 3225 Architects Lic No AA2600926 Surveyors LB No 7143 Landscape Arch Li No Lc0000298 Planners Environmental Scientists Construction Management TrafficTransportation 1117 East Robinson Street Orlando Fl 32801 Phone 4074250452 Fax 4076481036 WILLIAM C GOUCHER PE REG 20700 INTAKE STRUCTURE Sheet No c CONFORMED DOCUMENTS 194 NOTE DIM B SEE TABLE DIM B SEE TABLE 1 PIPE SLEEVE REQUIRED FOR WALL PENETRATION SEAL ASSEMBLY IN NEW CONC WALL PENETRATION SEAL DETAIL NOT TO SCALE PRECAST MANHOLE WALL STAINLESS STEEL BOUND FILL WITH GROUT MANHOLE INVERT PIPE SLEEVE MECHANICALLY ADJUSTABLE SEGMENTED ELASTOMERIC SEAL ASSEMBLY STAINLESS STEEL PIPE CLAMP RESILIENT CONNECTOR KOR N SEAL DETAIL NOT TO SCALE PIPE SIZE DIM A 8 10 12 DIM B 21875 21875 2 34 PVC OR DIP DISCONNECT OUTLINE OF ACCESS OPENING 4 INFLUENT PIPE ELEV J ELEV K CABLE HOLDER 2 DIASCH40 STAINLESS STEEL PUMP GUIDE RAILS KORN SEAL OR EQUAL LEVEL TRANSDUCER CONTROL PANEL WITH SCADA SYSTEM fir Y j8 j NTS WS DETAIL 6 900 DT LIQUID LEVEL CONTROL CABLES TO BE IN ONE CONDUIT PUMP POWER CABLES TO BE IN SEPARATE CONDUIT SEALED PULL BOX STAINLESS STEEL BALL RACKS HEAVY DUTY STAINLESS STEEL LIFTING CHAIN 612 OCEW SECTION VIEW PUMP STATION DETAILS FLEXIBLE COUPLINGS TYP 46 OCEW 2 MIN 6 ALUMINUM ACCESS HATCH WLOCKSET AND RECESSED HANDLE 4 DI VENT WITH ZURN VENT CAP PIPE SLEEVE WITH SS LINK SEAL TYP SEE DETAIL LEFT 444 es IsiTe 34 x 11 ANCHOR BOLTS TO EXTEND 7 INTO BASE 2 AUDIBLE ALARM di ELEV ALARM LIGHT cV PLAN VIEW 6 4 CHECK VALVE CHECK VALVE TYP 12 MIN 2 4 BARS GALVANIZED IRON 3 FLOOR DRAIN JOSAM 38353 92 SLOPE OUTLET PIPE 12 PER FOOT a APPLY COAL TAR EPDXY TO INTERIOR OF WET WELL ALUMINUM ACCESS HATCH WLOCKSET AND RECESSED HANDLE 4 PLUG VALVE TYP 6 x4 REDUCER MJ NOTES 2 3 4 5 ARE PLUG VALVES 3 VALVE BOX SHALL BE INSTALLED AND ADJUSTED AT GRADE AND SHALL HAVE CONCRETE COLLAR 18 x 18 x 4 REBAR 4 MJ JOINTS ARE TO BE RESTRAINED WITH 22i5 PUMPS SHALL BE FLYGT MODEL NP 3153 181 HT IMPELLER 461 DIAMETER 285MM SPEED 1755 DISCHARGE SIZE 4 INCH VOLTAGE 460 FREQUENCY 60 HZ PHASE 3 HP 20 CURVE 63 461 00 6050 r 3 ELEV M 4 PLUG VALVE WITH HANDWHEEL TYP2 4 45 BEND MJxMJ 1 1 2 ARE CHECK VALVES IP I G G E R T 6 x4 REDUCER MJ 4 DUCTILE IRON ALL MJ JOINTS MUST BE RESTRAINED PRECAST CONCRETE FLOOR WITH 6 x6 WWM 6 x4 WYE MJ EXISTING GRADE 6x4 WYE MJ 4 CAM LOCK CAP FOR EMERGENCY PUMP OUT 6x4 TEE MJ BY PASS PUMP CONNECTION e727227727 6x4 TEE MJ PUMPING STATIONS DIM A DIM B DIM C DIM D DIM E DIM F DIM G DIM H ELEV J ELEV K ELEV L ELEV M DIMENSIONS 8 4 DI 1212 24 36 60 MIN 767 039 800 1000 ELEV AT CONST PER PUMP MANUFACTURERS REQUIREMENT No A A A A Date 52711 Revision ADDENDUM NO 1 By WCG No A A A Date Revision By Designed by Drawn by Checked by Approved by Scale WCG GCM WCG TMZ AS SHOWN Date MARCH 19 2009 Job No W04141 File Lift Stationdwg Certificate of Authorization No 3215 2009 LAKE JESUP WATER AUGMENTATION FACILITY CITY OF WINTER SPRINGS SEMINOLE FLORIDA @pa Engineers Architects Lk No AA2600926 Surveyors LB No 7143 Landscape Arch Li No Lc0000298 Planners Environmental Scientists Construction Management Design Build 1117 East Robinson Street Orlando Fl 32801 Phone 4074250452 Fax 4076481036 WILLIAM C GOUCHER PE REG 20700 BACKWASH PUMP STATION Sheet No c CONFORMED DOCUMENTS 195 CONSTRUCT 70LF OF 18 RWM BY HORIZONTAL DIRECTIONAL DRILLING CONSTRUCT 70LF OF 6 FM BY HORIZONTAL A DIRECTIONAL DRILLING NOT TO SCALE 2 IRRIGATION FEED LINE DETAIL LAKE JESUP 6 FROM ARTESIAN WELL CONSTRUCT 6 PVC FORCE MAIN MINIMUM 3 COVER CROSS SEMINOLE TRAIL CONSTRUCT INTAKE STRUCTURE 380 CONST 6 90 BEND ORANGE AVENUE CONSTRUCT 18 PVC RECLAIMED WATER MAIN MINIMUM 3 COVER 35 CONST 18 90 BEND 40 TRAIL CENTRAL WINDS PARKWAY STATE RD 434 CONSTRUCT 18 PVC RECLAIMED WATER MAIN MINIMUM 3 COVER 5 OLD SR 434 RI N CONSTRUCT 6 PVC FORCE MAIN MINIMUM 3 COVER R 0 100 200 GRAPHIC SCALE EXISTING 8 RECLAIMED WATER MAIN DIRECTIONAL DRILL 130 LF A OF 18 PVC RECLAIMEDWATERMAIN CONST 18 x 12 REDUCER ACONST 12 45 BEND EXISTING 12 x 8 TEE CONST 110 LF OF 6 PVC BY 1HORIZONTAL DIRECTIONAL DRILLING 50 46 42 38 34 30 EXISTING CDRADF cROSs INOLESEMINOLE TAIL 40 RMI A SECTION AA SCALE HOR 1 40 VERT 1 4 EXISTING 15 RCP W MES REMOVE AND REPLACE AS REQUIRED CONST 18 CONST 43 BEND 42 RAIN 12 IulN 6 FORCE MAIN C MIN 130 18 RW HDD PAVEMENT STING C ONST 12 45BEND to EXISTING MIST 18 x 12 REDUCER 50 46 42 38 34 30 EXISTING 12 RECLAIMED WATER MAIN CONSTRUCT 6 TAPPING SLEEVE AND VALVE CONNECT TO EXISTING 6 FORCE MAIN BEGIN CONSTRUCTION OF OFF SITE PIPING AT POINTS OF CONNECTION TO EXISTING SYSTEM EXISTING 6 FORCEMAIN No A A A A Date 31711 52711 61011 Revision ADD CONSTRUCTION ENTRANCE LOCATION ADDENDUM NO 1 DRC REVIEW By WCG WCG WCG No A A A Date Revision By Designed by Drawn by Checked by Approved by Scale TMZ GCM DEM TMZ 1 100 Date MARCH 19 2009 Job No W04141 File Off Site Piping Plandwg Certificate of Authorization No 3215 2009 LAKE JESUP WATER AUGMENTATION FACILITY CITY OF WINTER SPRINGS SEMINOLE FLORIDA @pa Engineers CO A No 3225 Architects Lic No AA2600926 Surveyors LB No 7143 Landscape Arch Li No Lc0000298 Planners Environmental Scientists Construction Management Design Build 1117 East Robinson Street Orlando Fl 32801 Phone 4074250452 Fax 4076481036 WILLIAM C GOUCHER PE REG 20700 OFF SITE PIPING PLAN Sheet No C12 CONFORMED DOCUMENTS 196 4 PROPOSED GRADE ELEVATION 95 ELEV 975 PROPOSED GRADE ELEVATION 140 PROPOSED GRADE HWL ELEVATION 120 t 86x7 ROLLUP DOOR ALUMINUM HANDRAIL 1 FINISH FLOOR ELEVATION 100 200 TOP OF SLAB ELEVATION 975 t GRADE AT ELEVATION 950 600 rill 400 TANK FINISH FLOOR ELEVATION 50 HIP ROOF ELECTRICAL AND CHEMICAL ROOMS HIP ROOF TOP OF TANKDECK ELEVATION 140 t N I N 1 1 N N ALUMINUM HANDRAIL 800 EAST ELEVATION SCALE 1 5 800 ALUMINUM HANDRAIL TOP OF SLAB ELEVATION 975 WEST ELEVATION SCALE 1 6 vpOUpOv00nOfOpnn0n0C SOUTH ELEVATION SCALE 16 NORTH ELEVATION SCALE 1 RETAINING WALL 400 ELEV 925 ELECTRICAL ROOM zFINISH FLOOR ELEVATION 100 TOP OF TANKDECK ELEVATION 140 GRADE ELEVATION 95 TANK FINISH FLOOR ELEVATION 50 TOP OF TANKDECK ELEVATION 140 TANK FINISH FLOOR ELEVATION 50 TOP OF TANKDECK AND WALL ELEVATION 140 600 CHEMICAL ROOM fl fl fl fl ALUMINUM HANDRAIL HIP ROOF PROPOSED GRADE ELEVATION 95 PROPOSED GRADE ELEVATION 140 TANK FINISH FLOOR ELEVATION 50 No A A A A Date Revision By No A A A A Date Revision By Designed by Drawn by Checked by Approved by Scale TMZ DGH DEM TMZ AS SHOWN Date March 19 2009 Job No W04141 File Tank Elevationsdwg Certificate of Authorization No 3215 2009 LAKE JESUP WATER AUGMENTATION FACILITY CITY OF WINTER SPRINGS SEMINOLE FLORIDA Engineers CO A Nn 3275 Architects Lk Nn 1A2600926 Surveyors LB No 7743 Landscape Arch Li No Lco000298 Planners Environmental Scientists Construction Management Traffic Transportation 1917 East Robinson Street Orlando Fl 32801 Phone 4074250452 Fax 4076481036 TERRY M ZAUDTKE PE REG32928 STORAGE TANK ELEVATIONS Sheet No e CONFORMED DOCUMENTS 197 FINISHED GRADE COMMON FILL i 12 TYP UNDISTURBED SEE NOTE 3 NTS W SIZE OF PIPE SEE NOTE 4 PIPE OD CROWN TRENCH IN UNIMPROVED AREAS 3 MIN SEE NOTE 8 SELECT COMMON FILL TRENCH WIDTH VARIES WdW4 NOTES 1 PIPE BEDDING SELECT COMMON FILL COMPACTED TO 95 OF THE MAXIMUM DENSITY AS PER AASHTO T180 2 TRENCH BACKFILL COMMON FILL COMPACTED TO 95 OF THE MAXIMUM DENSITY AS PER AASHTO T180 3 PIPE BEDDING UTILIZING SELECT COMMON FILL OR BEDDING ROCK IN ACCORDANCE WITH TYPE A BEDDING AND TRENCHING DETAIL MAY BE REQUIRED AS DIRECTED BY THE CITY 4 15 MAX FOR PIPE DIAMETER LESS THAN 24 AND 24 MAX FOR PIPE DIAMETER 24 AND LARGER 5 WATER SHALL NOT BE PERMITTED IN THE TRENCH DURING CONSTRUCTION 6 ALL PIPE TO BE INSTALLED WITH BELL FACING UPSTREAM TO THE DIRECTION OF THE FLOW 7 REFER TO SECTION 02320 FOR SHEETING AND BRACING IN EXCAVATIONS 8 FINAL RESTORATION IN IMPROVED AREAS SHALL BE IN COMPLIANCE WITH ALL APPLICABLE REGULATIONS OF GOVERNING AGENCIES SURFACE RESTORATION WITHIN THE CITY RIGHTOFWAY SHALL COMPLY WITH REQUIREMENTS OF RIGHTOFWAY UTILIZATION REGULATIONS AND ROAD CONSTRUCTION SPECIFICATIONS TYPE B BEDDING AND TRENCHING DETAIL CAUTION BURIED RECLAIMED WATER LINE BELOW CAUTION BURIED WATER LINE BELOW U11 17are 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 11rff1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 111 NOTE Standard Non Detectable Warning Tape Reclaimed Water Line Tape is 3 Wide and Purple With Black Lettering Force Main Tape is 3 Wide and Green with Black Lettering PIPE IDENTIFICATION AND WARNING TAPE NTS WS DETAIL 6900 BY DT POST OPTIONS 2x4 OR 2 12 MIN DIA WOOD STEEL 133 LBS FT MIN O O O TTh FDOT INDEX 102 NTS CROWN TRENCH IN UNIMPROVED AREAS 3 MIN SEE TYPE B BEDDING AND TRENCHING DETAIL FOR OTHER RESTORATION FILTER FABRIC IN CONFORMANCE WITH SEC 985 FDOT SPEC ELEVATION FDOT TYPE 111 SILT FENCE COMMON FILL SELECT COMMON FILL BEDDING ROCK PIPE BEDDING SEE NOTE 8 9 NOTES NTS 6 MAX L TRENCH WIDTH VARIES W SIZE OF PIPE PRINCIPAL POST POSITION CANTED 20 TOWARD FLOW OPTIONAL POST POSITIONS HI 20 SECTION UNDISTURBED EARTH FINISHED GRADE 1 PIPE BEDDING SELECT COMMON FILL COMPACTED TO 95 OF THE MAXIMUM DENSITY AS PER AASHTO T180 2 TRENCH BACKFILL COMMON FILL COMPACTED TO 95 OF THE MAXIMUM DENSITY AS PER AASHTO T180 3 USE TYPE A BEDDING TO BE DETERMINED IN THE FIELD AS DIRECTED BY THE CITY 4 15 MAX FOR PIPE DIAMETER LESS THAN 24 AND 24 MAX FOR PIPE DIAMETER 24 AND LARGER 5 WATER SHALL NOT BE PERMITTED IN THE TRENCH DURING CONSTRUCTION 6 ALL PIPE TO BE INSTALLED WITH BELL FACING UPSTREAM TO THE DIRECTION OF THE FLOW 7 REFER TO SECTION 02320 FOR SHEETING AND BRACING IN EXCAVATIONS 8 GRAVITY SEWERS SHALL UTILIZE TYPE A BEDDING IF REQUIRED BY THE CITY BEDDING DEPTH SHALL BE 4 MINIMUM FOR PIPE DIAMETER LESS THAN 15 AND 6 MINIMUM FOR PIPE DIAMETER 16 AND LARGER 9 DEPTH FOR REMOVAL OF UNSUITABLE MATERIAL SHALL GOVERN DEPTH OF BEDDING ROCK BELOW THE PIPE CITY SHALL DETERMINE IN THE FIELD REQUIRED REMOVAL OF UNSUITABLE MATERIAL TO REACH SUITABLE FOUNDATION TYPE A BEDDING AND TRENCHING DETAIL NTS I SET IN EPDXY NTS EXTENSION STEM WITH 2 SQ WRENCH NUT AND UPPER GUIDE REQUIRED FOR MORE THAN 4 DEPTH BOX SHALL NOT REST ON VALVE OR PIPE 14 THHN SOLID COPPER TRACER WIRE HANDRAIL DETAIL NTS HANDRAIL VALVE TYPE AS SPECIFIED POST REINFORCING INSERT ALUMINUM TOE BOARD ALUM COVER FLANGE WSET SCREW TOP MOUNTED HANDRAIL DETAIL RECLAIMED WATER I I I TO BE DETERMINED PIPE FLANGE WITH 4 140 SS EXP ANCHORS TYP SHOWN POST INSERT SIMILAR SS PIPE CLAMP 38 SS CARRIAGE BOLT NUT WASHER TYPICAL VALVE BOX COVER DETAILS 1 120 PIPE HANDRAIL POST TOE BOARD DETAIL NTS 7 SET TOP OF VALVE BOX TO FINISHED GRADE 4 moll 18 x18 x4 CONCRETE COLLAR WITH 4 REBAR ADJUSTABLE VALVE BOX CAST IRON MECHANICAL JOINT GATE VALVE GATE VALVE AND VALVE BOX DETAIL POST REINFORCING INSERT ALUMINUM HANDRAIL ALUMINUM TOE BOARD 36 MIN TOP OF WALKING SURFACE PIPE RESTRAINT FOR DI PIPE MINIMUM RESTRAINED LENGTH FT EACH SIDE OF FITTING PIPE SIZE INCHES FITTING TYPE 4 6 8 10 12 14 16 18 20 24 VERT UP OR HORIZ 11 14 BEND 2212 BEND 45 BEND 90 BEND VERTICAL DOWN 11 14 BEND 2212 BEND 45 BEND 90 BEND BRANCH OF TEE DEAD END REDUCERS SIZE RESTRLENGTH SIZE RESTRLENGTH 2 8 20 4 8 17 42 15 42 6X4 31 16X6 123 6 12 29 6 12 25 60 31 60 8X4 57 16X8 106 4 7 15 37 8 15 32 77 48 77 8X6 33 16X12 60 4 18 44 9 19 39 94 63 94 10X6 59 18X8 126 5 10 21 52 11 22 45 109 79 109 10X8 32 18X12 86 6 12 24 59 12 25 52 125 94 125 12X6 82 18X16 32 6 13 27 65 14 28 58 140 108 140 12X8 59 20X12 109 7 14 30 72 15 31 64 155 123 155 12X10 32 20X16 60 8 16 32 78 17 34 70 169 136 169 14X6 103 24X12 150 9 18 37 90 19 39 82 197 164 197 14X8 84 24X16 110 TAPE NTS NOTES 1 SANDSILT SOIL COHESIONLESS SOIL WITH 30 INTERNAL FRICTION ANGLE PIPE FRICTION SOIL FRICTION RATIO 075 SOIL DENSITY 90 PCF 2 PIPE LAYING CONDITION 3 NO SELECT BEDDING OR BACKFILL 3 150 PSI DESIGN PRESSURE FOR 200 PSI DESIGN PRESSURE FIRE LINES INCREASE RESTRAINED LENGTH BY 35 4 3 FOOT MINIMUM COVER ON THE PIPE 5 ALL RESTRAINED JOINT LENGTHS IN FEET RESTRAINED JOINT PIPE LENGTHS DUCTILE IRON PIPE PIPE RESTRAINT FOR PVC PIPE C900C 905 DR 18 MINIMUM RESTRAINED LENGTH FT EACH SIDE OF FITTING PIPE SIZE INCHES FITTING TYPE 4 6 8 10 12 14 16 18 20 24 VERT UP OR HORIZ 11 14 BEND 2212 BEND 45 BEND 90 BEND VERTICAL DOWN 11 14 BEND 2212 BEND 45 BEND 90 BEND BRANCH OF TEE DEAD END SIZE RESTRLENGTH SIZE RESTRLENGTH 2 5 10 23 6 11 23 56 20 56 6X4 41 16X6 159 3 6 13 32 8 16 33 79 41 79 8X4 74 16X8 137 4 8 17 42 10 20 42 102 63 102 8X6 43 16X12 79 5 10 21 50 12 24 51 122 83 122 10X6 76 18X8 163 6 12 24 58 14 28 59 143 103 143 10X8 41 18X12 111 6 13 27 66 16 32 67 163 129 163 12X6 106 18X16 41 7 15 30 73 18 36 75 182 141 182 12X8 77 20X12 141 8 16 33 80 20 40 83 201 159 201 9 17 36 87 22 43 91 219 177 219 10 20 41 100 25 50 105 253 210 253 REDUCERS 12X10 42 20X16 78 14X6 133 24X12 194 14X8 108 24X16 142 NOTES 1 SAND SILT SOIL COHESIONLESS SOIL WITH 30 INTERNAL FRICTION ANGLE PIPE FRICTION SOIL FRICTION RATIO 06 SOIL DENSITY 90 PCF 2 PIPE LAYING CONDITION 3 NO SELECT BEDDING OR BACKFILL 3 150 PSI DESIGN PRESSURE FOR 200 PSI DESIGN PRESSURE FIRE LINES INCREASE RESTRAINED LENGTH BY 35 4 3 FOOT MINIMUM COVER ON THE PIPE 5 ALL RESTRAINED JOINT LENGTHS IN FEET RESTRAINED JOINT PIPE LENGTHS C900 PVC PIPE TRACING WIRE GENERAL NOTES TAPE 1 PIPE LINE TRACING WIRE IS TO BE INSTALLED ON ALL POTABLE WATER RECLAIMED WATER AND SEWER FORCE MAINS 2 SYSTEMS TRACING WIRE SHALL ALLOW TRACABILITY OF ALL PIPE BRANCHES INCLUDING THOSE FOR HYDRANTS TRACING WIRE SHALL BE INSTALLED OVER THE ENTIRE LENGTH OF THE MAIN AND SECURED TO THE MAIN EVERY 5 FEET WITH ADHESIVE TAPE WIRE SHALL EXTEND A MINIMUM OF 12 ABOVE GRADE AT EACH INTERVAL AND SHALL BE COILED AND PLACED IN A VALVE BOX FOR EASY ACCESSIBILITY 3 ON DEAD END MAINS THE TRACING WIRE SHALL BE PLACED IN A PROPERLY IDENTIFIED PVC VALVE BOX AT THE END OF THE RUN TRACING WIRE CONNECTION No A A A A Date Revision By No A A A Date Revision By Designed by Drawn by Checked by Approved by Scale WCG GCM DGH WCG TMZ AS SHOWN Date MARCH 19 2009 Job No WO4141 File Standard Details dwg Certificate of Authorization No 3215 2009 LAKE JESUP WATER AUGMENTATION FACILITY CITY OF WINTER SPRINGS SEMINOLE FLORIDA @pa Engineers CO A No 3225 Architects Lic No AA2600926 Surveyors LB 7143 Landscape Arch Li No Lc0000298 Planners Environmental Scientists Construction Management Design Build 1117 East Robinson Street Orlando Fl 32801 Phone 4074250452 Fax 4076481036 WILLIAM C GOUCHER PE REG 20700 STANDARD DETAILS Sheet No C14 CONFORMED DOCUMENTS 198 PROPOSED UTILITY MINIMUM HORIZONTAL AND VERTICAL SEPARATION REQUIREMENTS POTABLE WATER RECLAIMED WATER SANITARY SEWER FORCE MAIN SANITARY SEWER GRAVITY MAIN STORM VACUUM TYPE R SANITARY SEWER HORIZONTAL VERTICAL HORIZONTAL VERTICAL HORIZONTAL VERTICAL HORIZONTAL VERTICAL HORIZONTAL VERTICAL POTABLE WATER 3 12 6 12 6 6 ABOVE 3 6 ABOVE 12 BELOW 12 BELOW RECLAIMED WATER 12 3 12 3 12 SANITARY SEWER FORCE MAIN 6 12 3 12 SANITARY SEWER GRAVITY MAIN 6 6 ABOVE 3 12 12 BELOW FIRE HYDRANTS wl UNDERGROUND DRAINS 3 6 6 3 2 12 HOSE NOZZLES DRAIN VALVE SHALL BE PLUGGED NTS L NOTES 6 STANDARD HYDRANT WITH 5 14 OPENING CAP CHAINS ONE PUMPER OUTLET NOZZLE ON STREET SIDE PROVIDE CONCRETE COLLAR IN PAVED AND UNPAVED AREAS 6 MECHANICAL JOINT GATE VALVE LOCKING 6 HYDRANT ADAPTER AND HYDRANT TEE OR 34 TIE RODS MIN 2 PER CONNECTION PIECE 6 CONNECTING PIECE 1 THE HYDRANTS ACCEPTABLE TO THE CITY OF WINTER SPRINGS SHALL BE EITHER THE CLOW 42 MEDALION AMERICAN DARLING B84B OR THE MUELLER A423 2 THE BARREL SHALL BE PAINTED YELLOW AND TOP WHITE 18x18 x 4 CONCRETE COLLAR WITH 4 REBAR CAST IRON BOX 3 GRIP RING OR MEGA LUG RESTRAINTS MAY USED IN PLACE OF ALL THREAD RODS FIRE HYDRANT ASSEMBLY DETAIL Stress Plate 9800 Lbs Breaking Strength With Galvanized Connectors Tool Free Disconnect Slotted PUC Connector Plpe MefalCollar Reinforced LEGEND Notes 1 7urbdify barriers are to be used in all permanent bodies of regardless of water depth Number and spacing of anchors depe Deployment of barrier d construction operations 30 MIN COVER 18 Dz Nylon Rrced 5 1C Fabric 3 si rest 5 tolvonized ChainISOz Nylon Rein for rC Fabric 300 psi Gromme fi TYPE II Pile Locations Dredge Or Fill Area Mooring Buoy wAnchor Anchor BbrrZ Movement Due Current fiction d1 on current Di 5Std in Pane Far D 5or LessT With Lacin D 5 Std ASdditleio a Panel r or Depths 3 Curtain To Reach bottom Up 7A Depths of 10 Feet Twq 2 Panels To Be Used Ior Depths greater Than 10 reef Unless SpeciaDept3 Curtains Are Specificall Called For In The Plans Or As Determined lay The En 5 or additional information see Section 104 of the Standard Specificalians MINIMUM HORIZONTAL AND VERTICAL SEPARATION REQUIREMENTS NTS Closed Cell Solid Plastic ram Flotation 8 pia p 1 THE TABLE REPRESENTS THE MINIMUM SEPARATION REQUIREMENTS AS DESCRIBED IN FDEP RULES PER THE FLORIDA ADMINISTRATION CODE FAC THESE SEPARATION REQUIREMENTS SHALL APPLY BETWEEN NEWLY PROPOSED UTILITY LINES AND EXISTING OR PROPOSED UTILITY LINES 2 FOR THE PURPOSE OF THIS TABLE RECLAIMED WATER SHALL MEAN UNRESTRICTED PUBLIC ACCESS REUSE WATER AS DEFINED BY FAC 62610 OTHER TYPES OF RECLAIMED WATER ARE CONSIDERED RAW SEWAGE AND SEPARATION LISTED FOR SANITARY SEWER SHALL APPLY 3 ALL SEPARATION DISTANCES ARE FROM OUTSIDE OF PIPE TO OUTSIDE OF PIPE 4 THE MINIMUM HORIZONTAL SEPARATION BETWEEN POTABLE WATER AND GRAVITY SANITARY SEWER MAY BE REDUCED TO 3 FEET IF THE BOTTOM OF THE WATER MAIN IS LOCATED AT LEAST 6 INCHES ABOVE THE TOP OF THE GRAVITY SEWER 5 AT UTILITY CROSSINGS ONE FULL LENGTH OF WATER MAIN SHALL BE CENTERED ABOVE OR BELOW THE OTHER UTILITY PIPELINE MAXIMIZING THE SEPARATION OF PIPELINE JOINTS ALTERNATIVELY WATER MAIN JOINTS MUST BE 100d A AT LEAST 3 FROM ALL JOINTS IN VACUUM TYPE SANITARY SEWERS STORM SEWERS STORMWATER FORCE MAINS OR UNRESTRICTED PUBLIC ACCESS RECLAIMED WATER B AT LEAST 6 FROM ALL JOINTS IN GRAVITY OR PRESSURE SANITARY SEWERS WASTEWATER FORCE MAINS AND ALL OTHER TYPES OF RECLAIMED WATER 6 NO WATER PIPE SHALL PASS THROUGH OR BE CONSTRUCTED TOUCHING ANY PART OF A SANITARY MANHOLE OR STORM SEWER MANHOLE OR INLET STRUCTURE Existing Cause Nay Closed CellSolld Plastic Foam Flotation 6 Dia Equi 12 lbs Per f t h3uoyancy ced esf TYPE I RIGHTS OF THE DESIGNER SHALL BE THE SOLE RESPONSIBILITY OF THE USER SUBSTITUTIONS FOR TYPES IAND II SHALL BE AS APPROVED i BY THE ENGINEER FLOATING TURBIDITY BARRIERS Polypro Rope t Proposed Toe Of Slope TyP Current Structure Alignment TURBIDITY BARRIER APPLICATIONS LN TURBIDITY BARRIERS DETAIL Galvanized Chain NTS FDOT INDEX NO 103 7 NEW OR RELOCATED FIRE HYDRANTS WITH UNDERGROUND DRAINS MUST BE AT LEAST 10 FEET FROM ANY EXISTING OR PROPOSED ON SITE SEWAGE TREATMENT AND DISPOSAL SYSTEM AS DEFINED IN SECTION 3810065 2 FS AND RULE 64E6002 FAC EG SEPTIC TANKS DRAIN FIELDS AND GREASE TRAPS 8 THE FOLLOWING ARE ACCEPTABLE ALTERNATIVE CONSTRUCTION VARIANCES WHERE IT IS NOT POSSIBLE TO MEET THE SEPARATION REQUIREMENTS AND ARE ONLY TO BE IMPLEMENTED UPON RECEIPT OF EXPRESSED WRITTEN CONSENT FROM THE ENGINEER A WHERE A WATER MAIN IS BEING LAID LESS THAN THE REQUIRED MINIMUM HORIZONTAL DISTANCE AND OR WHERE A WATER MAIN CROSSING HAS LESS THAN THE MINIMUM REQUIRED DISTANCE BETWEEN JOINTS 1 USE OF PRESSURE RATED PIPE CONFORMING TO AWWA STANDARDS FORA GRAVITY OR VACUUM TYPE PIE LINE 2 USE OF WELDED FUSED OR OTHERWISE RESTRAINED JOINTS FOR EITHER PIPE 3 USE OF WATERTIGHT CASING PIPE OR CONCRETE ENCASEMENT AT LEAST 4 THICK FOR EITHER PIPE B WHERE A WATER MAIN IS BEING LAID LESS THAN 3 FEET HORIZON TALLY FROM ANOTHER PIPE LINE AND OR WHERE A WATER MAIN IS BEING LAID WITH LESS THAN THE REQUIRED MINIMUM VERTICAL SEPARATION 1 USE OF PIPE OR CASING PIPE HAVING HIGH IMPACT STRENGTH AT LEAST EQUAL TO 025 THICK DIP OR CONCRETE ENCASE MENT AT LEAST 4 THICK FOR THE WATER MAIN AND THE OTHER PIPE LINE IF THE OTHER PIPE LINE CONVEYS WASTEWATER OR RECLAIMED WATER Post Options 2 x4Or 2 Min Da Wood Steel133 LbsFt SinI 650x nn l l I 18 Dz Nylon reinforced l PVC Fabric 3 psi Toot l II fit fL II III LJ LJ GENERAL NOTES STAKED TURBIDITY BARRIER Note Turbidity barriers for flowin streams and tidal creeks ma be either loating or staked t or an aornbinafions of t that will suit sit conditions and meet eros control and water quality requirem The barrier types willbe o the Contractors option unless otherwis specified in the plans h owever a willbe under the pay terns established in thn plans for Float Turbidity Ba and Staked Turbidity arier Pasts in styerticalpositunlessofherw tuub dity barriers td be ins55 5 iii directod by the En eer 1 Floatlnt turbidity barrers ora to be poid for under the contract unit price fore Floating Turbidity Barrier LF 2 Stoked turbidity barriers are ti o be laid for under th e confrad3 unit price for Staked Turbidity Barrier LF EXISTING EDGE OF ASPHALT CONTRALTO R TO COORDINATE INSTALLATION OF AGGREGATE WITH COUNTY NOTE INSTALL SHOWER WITH ALL GALVANIZED PIPING SUPPORTS ETC SUPPORT FROM STRUCTURE AS REQUIRED 1 14 SUPPLY ROTATE TEE TO ACCOMMODATE SUPPLY LINE LOCATION PROVIDE FLOW ALARM SEE ELEC DWGS BRADLEY MODEL 51931ALSR OE COMBINATION SHOWER EYE WASH SAFETY STATION NOT TO SCALE 1 14 INDIRECT WASTE LINE ANCHOR SUPPLIED BY MANUFACTURE TYP 12 EXPANSION JOINT SLOPE SHOWER EYEWASH STATION DETAIL NTS 20R MIN W WHEELS SUPPLY IF ATER NECESSARY TO WASH 20R MIN jjjjjjjj COARSE AGGREGATE MIN 12 THICK 50 MIN PLAN dP Iiqrgo o Quo aCA fitor NOTES 1 THE ENTRANCE SHALL BE MAINTAINED IN A CONDITION THAT WILL PREVENT TRACKING OR FLOWING OF SEDIMENT ONTO PUBLIC RIGHTSOF WAY THIS MAY REQUIRE TOP DRESSING REPAIR AND OR CLEANOUT OF ANY MEASURES USED TO TRAP SEDIMENT 2 WHEN NECESSARY WHEELS SHALL BE CLEANED PRIOR TO ENTRANCE ONTO PUBLIC RIGHTOF WAY 3 WHEN WASHING IS REQUIRED IT SHALL BE DONE ON AN AREA STABILIZED WITH CRUSHED STONE FDOT SIZE No 1 1 2 TO 3 i MINIMUM THICKNESS 6 WITH GEOTEXTILE UNDERLINER LE TEMPORARY CONSTUCTION ENTRANCE DETAIL No A A A A Date 31711 Revision ADD BMP TO DETAILS By WCG No A A A A Date Revision By Designed by Drawn by Checked by Approved by Scale WCG GCM DGH WCG TMZ AS SHOWN Date MARCH 19 2009 Job No W04141 File Standard Details dwg Certificate of Authorization No 3215 2009 LAKE JESUP WATER AUGMENTATION FACILITY CITY OF WINTER SPRINGS SEMINOLE FLORIDA @pa Engineers CO A No 3225 Architects Lic No AA2600926 Surveyors L B No 7143 Landscape Arch Li No Lc0000298 Planners Environmental Scientists Construction Management Design Build 1117 East Robinson Street Orlando Fl 32801 Phone 4074250452 Fax 4076481036 WILLIAM C GOUCHER PE REG 20700 STANDARD DETAILS Sheet No C15 CONFORMED DOCUMENTS 199 1610 30 3 0 128 88 ENTRY V ENTRY V SHOWERSTATION 1 I D 101 C ROOM 1018 ELECTRICAL ROOM CHEMICAL ROOM FF EL 100 w Y 0 X O w a O0 O D101C PORTABLE EXTINGUISHER TYPE MINIMUM TYP O FIRE AC 20 LB ROOM UTILITY SINK D1018 OA 101A A 1550 GALLON SODIUM HYPOCHLORITE ODIS 43333NRi0lH0 STORAGE TANK D101A OA I I 20 8 AC SLAB FLOOR PLAN SCALE 14 100 100 F F EL 100 F F EL 100 NORTH ELEVATION SCALE 14 1 100 100 CONCRETE SLAB SOUTH ELEVATION SCALE 14 10 CONCRETE SLAB 16 HDPE LAKE SUCTION PIPE ALDRIDGE BENGE FIREFIGHTER SAFETY ACT OF 2008 1 THE APPROVED SYMBOL SHALL BE PLACED WITHIN 24 INCHES TO THE LEFT OF THE MAIN ENTRY DOOR 2 THE DISTANCE ABOVE THE GRADE WALKING SURFACE OR THE FINISHED FLOOR TO THE BOTTOM OF THE SYMBOL SHALL NOT BE LESS THAN 4 FEET 48 INCHES 3 THE DISTANCE ABOVE GRADE WALKING SURFACE OR THE FINISHED FLOOR TO THE TOP OF THE SYMBOL SHALL NOT BE MORE THAN 6 FEET 72 INCHES 4 THE MALTESE CROSS SIGN SHALL BE OF A REFLECTIVE MATERIAL 5 INSTALL KNOX BOX PER FIRE DEPARTMENT REQUIREMENTS Q 6 INSTALL DANGER CHLORINE SIGNS ADJACENT ALL DOORS TO CHEMICAL ROOM AND WITHIN CHEMICAL ROOM 8 CMU FRAMEFRP OR ALUM DOOR FRP OR ALUM DOOR SCHEDULE ROOM DESIGNATION CHEMICAL 101A CHEMICAL 101A ELECTRICAL 101B DOOR NUMBER D 101A B D101C D101 D DOOR SIZE WIDTH HEIGHT DOORS TYPE A MATL AL AL AL FIN FRAMES TYPE A A MATL AL AL FIN FIRE RATING MIN HARD WARE SET NOTE NO NOTES ROLLUP DOOR SINGLE DOOR SINGLE DOOR SEE DETAIL A FOR HEAD THRESHOLD AND JAMB DETAILS HARDWARE SET 1 CONSISTS OF HINGES KICKPLATE LOCKSET AND CLOSER HOLD OPEN ARM ALL HARDWARE TO BE STAINLESS STEEL 1 VERIFY ALL DOOR SIZES AND FRAMES PRIOR TO INSTALLATION TO ASSURE PROPER OPERATION OF THE DOOR UNIT 2 ALL EXTERIOOR DOORS AND FRAMES SHALL BE ABLE TO WITH STAND 110 MPH WIND LOAD 3 EXTERIOR SWINGING DOORS SHALL BE OPERABLE BY A FORCE OF NOT MORE THAN EIGHT AND ONEHALF POUNDS APPLIED TO THE LATCH STILE 8 x16 CMU LINTEL COMPFILLER ROD SEALANT EACH SIDE EQ DOOR JAMB ROOM NO 101 WALL MTL CMU RATING FINISH SYS 16 COLOR CEILING MTL DW RATING FINISH SYS 17 COLOR FLOOR MTL SGONG RATING FINISH SYS 9 COLOR NONE SCALE 14 DOOR HEAD MO HIP ROOF DOOR DETAILS NTS EQ 5 ALUMINUM DOWNSPOUT I I I 7 8 CMU F F EL 100 ROLLUP DOOR WEST ELEVATION ROOM FINISH SCHEDULE SYS 16 S GONG DW SYS 17 ALL MASONRY SHALL BE SEALED PER SECTION 09900 SYSTEM No 16 SMOOTH FINISHED CONCRETE DRYWALL ALL CONCRETE SHALL BE SEALED PER SECTION 09900 SYSTEM No 17 THRESHOLD SET IN GROUT ROUGH OPENING 00417 DOOR THRESHOLD SEE SCHEDULE FRAME TYPES 00417 NTS NTS SEE SCHEDULE DOOR TYPES PANIC HARDWARE KEYED LOCK SET No A 0 A Date 61011 Revision DRC REVIEW By WCG No A Date Revision By Designed by Drawn by Checked by Approved by Scale TMZ GCM DEM TMZ AS SHOWN Date MARCH 19 2009 Job No W04141 File Building Elevations dwg Certificate of Authorization No 3215 2009 LAKE JESUP WATER AUGMENTATION FACILITY CITY OF WINTER SPRINGS SEMINOLE FLORIDA Engineers C OA N 3215 Architects Lic No AA2600926 Surveyors LB Na 7143 Landscape Arch Lic N LC00002 Planners Environmental Scientists Construction Management Design Build 1117 East Robinson Street Orlando FL 32802 Phone 4074250452 Fax 4076481036 TERRY M ZAUDTKE PE REG 32928 ELECTRICAL CONTROL BUILDING FLOOR PLAN ELEVATIONS AND DOOR SCHEDULE Sheet No 491 CONFORMED DOCUMENTS J W04141 DWG Lake Jesup Planslake Jesup Conformed1W04141 S1 Lake Jesup Building Elevationsdwg Jun 22 2011 200 PREFABRICATED TRUSS ROOF TRUSS SYSTEM HURRICANE ANCHORS AT EACH TRUSS IMBEDDED IN CONCRETE PROVIDE END STRAPPING IN ADDITION TO THE TRUSS STRAPPING SEE DETAIL THIS SHEET FINISHED FLOOR 6 ABOVE FINISHED GRADE 4 BARS 18 OCEW SCALE 12 1 0 F ALL BAIZE F BUILDING E 2007 DESIGN PRESSURES0E0 iT0 C 0i0ll 0NT C 1 DITIt 1 11 f1 TIONS CONFORM NVI ZASCI 7t31 atilr3in I z3tir3n J1h Ie1uanAati n WpPd relagliy asiP1 20 Lajeulat6nsTgOe WXLLt7PEEYIG9lmpurGxnuePaiwrx001oFrVzsmBerW04T41 EaOoeaie Lc a 1i a111e CoVnPnr Yame l3H Nn ueur5pirriiainulRlYacWrledt13i5ylrvgypLQCPreparedByi17ZaudYkeInewnnPessreCaetC3ieLt1qH Y9ensr Stated lIeSpOck frt 72 Dutcd loatc IfY9f201Y 3GI7 n1 CtcenrNAtne GViplccrpotin6vRmlOmg4Ytrhft7ir017escrlpaSataaqdoEectReclaimed l 5pster 0ldox lifvosrns Wiflt7u f Lrid Sons Sa 3 paopthn k7 ke MI 7 ntpadvi 711 xn3 Ytt fc ir Ik Sa VI E peLLnio Y d61n o v 1 Plranri Q9 at kF a l7 k ply pif11L x 3 rc pivJ A I 36insfldaa 4 214 t6 C1rugrur g FilesStructures 1n1crnational4V ndwind load oak forest revision 1 19 1124x2011 OPENING MARK DESIGNATIONS FOR EXTERIOR DOORS WINDOWS AND LOUVERS ARE SHOWN ON THE BUILDING PLAN AND ELEVATIONS AND CORRESPOND TO THE INFORMATION SHOWN ON THE CHART ABOVE ASPHALT SHINGLES 30 FELT MIN PROVIDE 4 THICK R19 BLANKET INSULATION VAPOR BARRIER 6 COMPACTED FILL 8x16 CONC BLOCK EL 1000 TYPICAL WALL SECTION GEORGIA PACIFIC 58 DENSARMOR PLUS ABUSE GUARD PAPERLESS DRYWALL SPECKLED AND PAINTED FASTEN PERPENDICULAR TO TRUSSES WITH 5D COOLER NAILS OR 1 14 DRYWALL SCREWS @ 7 OC 1 2 EXTERIOR PLYWOOD DECKING PROVIDE 2x4 BLOCKING STAGGERED BETWEEN TRUSSES TYP 5 DOWEL 2 5 CONTINUOUS 34 HARDIEBOARD TRIM BOARD COVERED WITH ALUMINUM FASCIA 5 ALUMINUM RAIN GUTTER UMINUM SOFFIT EXTERIOR TO HAVE STUCCO IS PAINT INTERIOR ALUMINUM DOWNSPOUT 2 LOCATIONS 1 5 BAR AT FILLED CELLS WHERE SHOWN ON PLANS OVERLAP BARS 25 CONCRETE SPLASH PAD 2 ROWS CONCRETE FILLED U BLOCK W 1 5 BAR CONTINUOUS EACH ROW BOTH ROWS TO BE POURED SIMULTANEOUSLY WITH 3000 PSI PEA ROCK MIX AT OPENINGS THE PRECAST LINTEL TAKES THE PLACE OF ONE ROW OF U BLOCKS SEE DETAIL THIS SHEET NOTES 1 PROVIDE SOIL STABILIZATION BENEATH THE SLAB 2 CONCRETE FLOOR SURFACE TO BE SEALED 3 REINFORCING BARS TO BE ASTMA615 GRADE 60 4 SLAB AND TERMITE TREATMENT AND VAPOR BARRIER ARE REQUIRED PER FBC2007 FORMS 16 BOND BEAM CONTINUOUS AROUND BUILDING DETAIL SCALE 1 1 0 BUILDING AND ROOFING MATERIALS THE TRUSS SYSTEM FOR THE BUILDING SHALL BE AN ENGINEERED SYSTEM DESIGNED AND CONSTRUCTED UNDER THE SUPERVISION OF A PROFESSIONAL ENGINEER LICENSED IN THE STATE OF FLORIDA SUBMIT DRAWINGS FOR APPROVAL OF THE TRUSS SYSTEM WITH THE ENGINEERS SIGNATURE AND RAISED SEAL THE TRUSSES SHALL BE CONSTRUCTED OF SOUTHERN YELLOW PINE WITH NOMINAL DIMENSIONS NOT LESS THAN 2 x 4 THE TRUSSES SHALL NOT BE SPACED ANY GREATER THAN 24 APART THE DESIGN OF THE TRUSSES SHALL COMPLY WITH THE FLORIDA BUILDING CODE AND LOCAL CODES TO INCLUDE WIND LOADS RESULTING FROM HURRICANES THE TRUSS MANUFACTURER SHALL ALSO ADVISE THE CONTRACTOR OF ANY SPECIAL ANCHORING REQUIREMENTS FOR THE TRUSS SYSTEM THE CONTRACTOR SHALL INCLUDE IN HIS BID ALL COSTS ASSOCIATED WITH THE INSTALLATION OF THE TRUSSES CONTRACTOR TO FURNISH HURRICANE ANCHORAGE SYSTEM WITH A MINIMUM UPLIFT STRENGTH REQUIRED BY THE TRUSS SUPPLIER SHINGLES SHALL BE ELK TIMBERLINE COOL SERIES COLOR SHALL BE BARKWOOD ROOF SHEATHING TO BE 12 MINIMUM EXTERIOR GRADE CDX PLYWOOD WITH CLIPS AND FASTENED TO THE TRUSSES WITH 8d GALVANIZED BOX NAILS AT 6 OC AT EDGES AND AT INTERMEDIATE FRAMING SHEATHING SHALL BE COVERED WITH 30 FELT SHEATHING SHALL BE SEPARATED BY ALUMINUM CLIPS THE DRIP EDGE SOFFIT AND FASCIA SHALL BE ALUMINUM WITH A FACTORY APPLIED ENAMEL COATING THE DRIP EDGE FASCIA AND SOFFIT SHALL BE ATTACHED USING ALUMINUM NAILS GUTTERS AND DOWNSPOUTS SHALL BE PROVIDED ALONG BOTH SIDES OF THE BUILDING THE MATERIAL OF THE GUTTERS AND DOWNSPOUTS SHALL MATCH THE FASCIA AND SOFFIT A MINIMUM OF TWO DOWNSPOUTS SHALL BE PROVIDED THE CONTRACTOR SHALL ALSO PROVIDE A SPLASH BLOCK AT THE BOTTOM OF EACH DOWNSPOUT THE SPLASH BLOCK SHALL BE CONCRETE MASONRY UNITS TORE 8x8x16 IN ACCORDANCE WITH ASTM C90 MORTAR SHALL BE TYPE M OR S IN ACCORDANCE WITH ASTM C270 SEE SPECIFICATIONS FOR INTERIOR AND EXTERIOR PAINTING REQUIREMENTS No A A A Date Revision By No A Date Revision By Designed by Drawn by Checked by Approved by Scale TMZ GCM DEM TMZ AS SHOWN Date MARCH 19 2009 Job No W04141 File Building Detailsdwg Certificate of Authorization No 3215 2009 LAKE JESUP WATER AUGMENTATION FACILITY CITY OF WINTER SPRINGS SEMINOLE FLORIDA Engineers Architects Surveyors Landscape Arch Planners Environmental Scientists Construction Management Design Build COA N 3215 Lic No AA2600926 LB Na 7143 Li N LC00002 1117 East Robinson Street Orlando FL 32802 Phone 4074250452 Fax 4076481036 TERRY M ZAUDTKE PE REG 32928 ELECTRICAL CONTROL BUILDING SECTION AND DETAILS Sheet No S2 CONFORMED DOCUMENTS 201 ROOF WIND UPLIFT PRESSURES PSF EFFECTIVE WIND AREA ROOF ZONES V110 MPH EXP B I 10 BUILDING CATEGORY II Cpi 018 10 20 50 100 1 100218 100212 100205 100199 2 100365 100326 100275 100236 3 100550 100455 100 331 100236 COMPONENT AND CLADDING WIND PRESSURES EFFECTIVE WIND AREA WALL ZONES v110 MPH EXP B I 10 BUILDING CATEGORY II Cpi 018 10 20 50 100 4 218236 208226 195213 185204 5 218 291 208 272 195246 185226 GENERAL CONDITIONS 1 THE FOLLOWING NOTES SHALL APPLY TO ALL STRUCTURAL DRAWINGS 2 ALL DESIGN AND CONSTRUCTION SHALL BE BASED ON AND IN ACCORDANCE WITH THE FLORIDA BUILDING CODE 2007 EDITION W 2009 SUPPLEMENTS AND ASCE 7 05 3 THE GENERAL CONTRACTOR SHALL VERIFY ALL DIMENSIONS AND SITE CONDITIONS AND NOTIFY THE ARCHITECT PRIOR TO FABRICATION AND CONSTRUCTION FOR DIMENSIONS NOT SHOWN ON THE STRUCTURAL DRAWINGS SEE THE ARCHITECTURAL DRAWINGS 4 IF MATERIAL QUANTIITIES STRENGTHS OR SIZES INDICATED BY THE DRAWINGS OR SPECIFICATIONS ARE NOT IN AGREEMENT WITH THESE NOTES THE BETTER QUALITY AND OR QUANTITY STRENGTH OR NOTED SHALL BE PROVIDED 5 IT IS THE SOLE RESPONSIBILITY OF THE CONTRACTOR TO DETERMINE ERECTION PROCEDURE AND SEQUENCE TO ENSURE THE SAFETY OF THE STRUCTURE AND ITS COMPONENT PARTS DURING ERECTION THIS INCLUDES BUT IS NOT LIMITED TO THE ADDITION OF TEMPORARY WHATEVER BRACING GUYS TIE DOWNS OR SHORING MAY BE NECESSARY SUCH MATERIAL SHALL BE REMOVED AND SHALL REMAIN THE PROPERTY OF THE CONTRACTOR AFTER THE COMPLETION OF THE PROJECT 6 IT SHALL BE THE SOLE RESPONSIBLY OF THE CONTRACTOR FOR INITIATING MAINTAINING ANDSUPERVISING ALL SAFETY PROCEDURES THE STRUCTURAL ENGINEER OF RECORD IS NOT RESPONSIBLE FOR MEANS AND METHODS OF CONSTRUCTION OR FOR RELATED SAFETY PROCEDURES 7 THE STRUCTURAL DRAWINGS ARE ONE DISCIPLINE OF THE CONTRACT DOCUMENTS AND DO NOT BY THEMSELVES CONTAIN ALL THE INFORMATION REQUIRED TO PROPERLY COMPLETE THE PROJECT STRUCTURE THE GENERAL CONTRACTOR SHALL REFER TO THE ARCHITECTURAL PRE ENGINEERED METAL BUILDING MECHANICAL ELECTRICAL AND PLUMBING DRAWINGS AND COORDINATE THE INFORMATION INDICATED IN THESE CONSTRUCTION DOCUMENTS WITH THE STRUCTURAL DRAWINGS TO PROPERLY CONSTRUCT THE PROJECT 8 ALL DETAILS SECTIONS AND NOTES INDICATED ON THE CONSTRUCTION DOCUMENTS ARE INTENDED TO BE TYPICAL AND SHALL APPLY TO SIMILAR SITUATIONS ELSEWHERE UNLESS OTHERWISE SHOWN 9 SPECIALTY ENGINEERED PRODUCTS A THE GENERAL CONTRACTOR IS RESPONSIBLE TO COORDINATE THE PROPER SUBMISSION OF SHOP DRAWINGS FOR SPECIALTY ENGINEERED PRODUCTS WHICH SHALL BE SIGNED AND SEALED BY A LICENSED PROFESSIONAL ENGINEER IN THE STATE WHERE THE PROJECT IS LOCATED CONTRACTORS RESPONSIBILITY TO ASSURE THAT THE SPECIALTY ENGINEERED SHOP DRAWINGS ARE SUBMITTED IN A TIMELY MANNER SO AS TO ALLOW REVIEWS AND RESUBMISSIONS AS REQUIRED ALL SPECIALTY ENGINEERED PRODUCTS SHALL BE DESIGNED FOR THE APPROPRIATE GRAVITY LOADS AND WIND LOADS INCLUDING UPLIFT AND LATERAL LOADS INTERIOR SPECIALTY PRODUCTS SHALL BE DESIGNED FOR LATERAL LOADS TO ASSURE STABILITY SPECIALTY ENGINEERED PRODUCTS SHALL BE BUT ARE NOT LIMITED TO THE FOLLOWING 1 HANDRAILS 2 MISCELLANEOUS STEEL 10 DESIGN LOADS A DESIGN WALL LOADS 1 250 PSF SURCHARGE 2 70 PCF EQUIVILENT FLUID PRESSURE B DESIGN ROOF DOCK LIVE LOAD 1 100 PSF C DESIGN WIND LOAD IN ACCORDANCE WITH FBC 2007 AND ASCE 7 05 1 BASIC WIND SPEED 3 SECOND GUST 110 MPH 2 WIND IMPORTANCE FACTOR I 115 3 BUILDING CATEGORY III 4 WIND EXPOSURE CATEGORY B 5 COMPONENTS AND CLADDING WIND PRESSURE SEE WIND LOAD SCHEDULE THIS SHT 6 INTERNAL PRESSURE COEFFICIENTS 018 D BUOYANCY LOADS 1 100 YR FLOOD ELEV 975 VERIFY W CIVIL PRIOR TO FABRICATION CONSTRUCTION 2 TMAT ELEV 50 3 BUOYANCY HEAD 975 50 20 MAT THICKNESS 675 FT 11 SHOP DRAWINGS A THE CONTRACTOR SHALL SUBMIT AS REQUIRED PRINTS OF SHOP DRAWINGS FOR ALL FABRICATED MATERIALS TO ARCHITECT FOR REVIEW REPRODUCTION OF CONTRACT DRAWINGS FOR SHOP DRAWINGS WILL NOT BE PERMITTED B REVIEW OF SHOP DRAWINGS BY THE ARCHITECTENGINEER DOES NOT RELIEVE THE CONTRACTOR OF THE SOLE RESPONSIBILITY FOR ERRORS AND OMISSIONS ASSOCIATED WITH THE PREPARATION OF THOSE SHOP DRAWINGS C SHOP DRAWINGS REQUIRING A SPECIAL ENGINEERING DESIGN BY THE FABRICATOR INCLUDING THE CURTAIN WALL GLAZING SYSTEM SHALL BE STAMPED BY A PROFESSIONAL ENGINEER OF RECORD IN THE STATE OF THE PROJECT LOCATION BEFORE SUBMITTING FOR REVIEW BY THE ARCHITECT ENGINEER THESE DRAWINGS SHALL BE AVAILABLE AT THE JOB SITE DURING TIMES OF OBSERVATIONS 12 THE FOLLOWING SHOP DRAWINGS SHALL BE SUBMITTED A CONCRETE MIX DESIGNS B CONCRETE REINFORCING STEEL AND WELDED WIRE FABRIC C PRECAST HOLLOW CORE PLANKS 1 EDGE DISTANCE A 6 FEET O O ELEVATION FOUNDATION FOUNDATION DESIGN BASED ON AN ALLOWABLE BEARING PRESSURE OF 2500 PSF AS RECOMMENDED IN A REPORT PREPARED BY NODARSE AND ASSOCIATES PROJECT N0 01 09 0088 102A DATED 100809 2 THE SITE SHALL BE PREPARED UNIFORM IN ACCORDANCE WITH CIVIL DRAWINGS SPECIFICATIONS SOILS REPORT AND THE ALLOWABLE BEARING PRESSURE 3 ALL EXCAVATIONS AND BUILDING PADS SHALL BE INSPECTED BY A QUALIFIED GEOTECHNICAL ENGINEER TO VERIFY THE DESIGN ASSUMPTIONS AND REPORT ADVERSE CONDITIONS 4 WHERE FILL IS REQUIRED IT SHALL BE PLACED IN ACCORDANCE WITH INSTRUCTIONS OF A QUALIFIED GEOTECHNICAL ENGINEER TO MAINTAIN DESIGN BEARING PRESSURE 5 FOOTING ELEVATIONS GIVEN ARE FOR THE PURPOSE OF DESIGN SOIL BELOW FOOTING NOT MEETING DESIGN BEARING PRESSURE SHALL BE EXCAVATED TO A DEPTH OF VERIFIABLE DESIGN PRESSURE AND BACKFILLED PER SOIL REPORT RECOMMENDATIONS TO LEVEL OF FOUNDATION BEARING THIS SHALL BE APPROVED BY A QUALIFIED GEOTECHNICAL ENGINEER 6 ALL EXCAVATION SHALL BE KEPT DRY EXCAVATE TO DEPTHS AND DIMENSIONS INDICATED TAKE EVERY PRECAUTION TO GUARD AGAINST ANY MOVEMENT OR SETTLEMENT OF ADJACENT STRUCTURES UTILITIES PIPING ETC 7 PROVIDE ANY BRACING OR SHORING NECESSARY TO AVOID SETTLEMENT OR DISPLACEMENT OF EXISTING FOUNDATION OR STRUCTURES 8 BACKFILL AGAINST WALLS SHALL BE PLACED EVENLY EACH SIDE UNLESS SHORING IS PROVIDED BY THE CONTRACTOR SHORING SHALL BE THE SOLE RESPONSIBILTY OF THE CONTRACTOR AND SHALL REMAIN IN PLACE UNTIL STRUCTURAL ELEMENT BRACING THE WALL ARE IN PLACE AND HAVE REACHED FULL DESIGN STRENGTH CONCRETE CONCRETE MEMBERS SHALL HAVE A MINIMUM COMPRESSIVE STRENGTH AT 28 DAYS OF 5000 PSI 2 ALL CONCRETE SHALL BE READY MIX AND MEET THE FOLLOWING REQUIREMENTS A CONCRETE SLUMP SHALL BE 4 INCHES PLUS OR MINUS 1 B CONCRETE SHALL HAVE 2 TO 4 PERCENT AIR ENTRAINMENT C 5000 PSI CONCRETE SHALL HAVE A MAXIMUM WATER CEMENT RATIO OF 040 3 CONCRETE MIX SHALL BE IN ACCORDANCE WITH THE LATEST EDITION OF ACI 301 CHAPTER 3 METHOD 1 OR METHOD 3 CONTRACTOR SHALL SUBMIT BACKUP DATA PER CHAPTER 5 SECTION 53 OF ACI 318 LATEST EDITION 4 ALL REINFORCING STEEL SHALL BE NEW DOMESTIC DEFORMED BILLET SYEEL CONFORMING TO ASTM A 615 GRADE 60 SUBMIT ALL REINFORCING STEEL SUBMIT ALL SHOP DRAWINGS FOR APPROVAL PRIOR TO ANY FABRICATION 5 CONCRETE COVER FOR REINFORCING STEEL SHALL BE AS REQUIRED BY ACI SPECIFICATIONS 6 WELDED WIRE FABRIC SHALL CONFORM WITH ASTM A 185 WELDED WIRE FABRIC SHALL BE LAPPED AT LEAST 12 INCHES UNLESS NOTED OTHERWISE 7 LAP ALL BARS MINIMUM 48 DIAMETERS UNLESS OTHERWISE NOTED ON DRAWINGS 8 PROVIDE ACI STANDARD HOOKS UNLESS NOTED OTHERWISE ON DRAWINGS 9 ALL CONCRETE WORK SHALL CONFORM TO ACI 318 LATEST EDITION THE BUILDING CODE REQUIREMENTS FOR REINFORCED CONCRETE STRUCTURES AND ACI 301 SPECIFICATIONS FOR STRUCTURAL CONCRETE FOR BUILDINGS 10 ALL CONCRETE DETAILS SHALL CONFORM TO ACI 315 LATEST EDITION MANUAL OF STANDARD PRACTICE FOR DETAILING REINFORCED CONCRETE STRUCTURES UNLESS NOTED OTHERWISE ON THE DRAWINGS 11 CONTRACTOR SHALL REFER TO ARCHITECTURAL AND MECHANICAL DRAWINGS FOR LOCATIONS AND SIZES OF SLEEVES OPENINGS EMBEDDED ITEMS SLAB RECESSES SLOPES ECT THESE ITEMS SHALL BE COORDINATED WITH OTHER TRADES AND INSTALLED PRIOR TO CONCRETE PLACEMENT 12 CONTRACTOR SHALL VERIFY ANCHOR BOLT SIZES AND LOCATIONS PRIOR TO CONCRETE PLACEMENT 13 BAR LENGTHS PROVIDED ON DRAWINGS DO NOT INCLUDE HOOK LENGTH HOOKS SHALL BE PROVIDED AT TOP BARS AT BEAM ENDS AND SLAB EDGES 14 CONTRACTOR SHALL PROVIDE CHAIRS BOLSTERS SPACERS ECT AS REQUIRED TO SECURELY SUPPORT REINFORCEMENT SUPPORT ITEMS ON EXPOSED CONCRETE SHALL BE PLASTIC SUPPORT REINFORCEMENT TIPPED OR STAINLESS STEEL IN HIGHLY CORROSIVE ENVIRONMENTS SUPPORT ITEM SHALL BE PLASTIC 15 CONSTRUCTION JOINTS IN STRUCTURAL SLABS AND BEAMS SHALL BE AT MID SPAN AND KEY JOINTED WITH REINFORCING CONTINUOUS ACROSS JOINT AND ADDITIONAL SHEAR FRICTION REINFORCING CONSTRUCTION JOINT LOCATIONS SHALL BE SUBMITTED FOR REVIEW AND APPROVAL PRIOR TO CONSTRUCTION 16 A COPY OF THE FIELD REFERENCE MANUAL ACI SP 15 LATEST EDITION SHALL BE KEPT BY THE CONTRACTOR ON SITE 17 ONE COPY OF ALL THE CONCRETE TEST RESULTS SHALL BE SUBMITTED BY THE TESTING AGENCY DIRECTLY TO THE ENGINEER OF RECORD A 1 EDGE DISTANCE A 6 FEET PRECAST HOLLOW CORE PLANK PRECAST PLANKS SHALL BE PRESTRESSED HOLLOW CONCRETE PLANK WITH THE SIZE INDICATED ON THE DRAWINGS THE PLANKS SHALL BE MACHINE EXTRUDED WITH A ZERO SLUMP 2 PRECAST MANUFACTURER SHALL BE A CERTIFIED PLANT UNDER THE PCI PLANT CERTIFICATION PROGRAM THE PLANT SHALL CONFORM TO THE PCI 116 MANUAL FOR QUALITY CONTROL 3 PRECAST UNITS SHALL HAVE A MINIMUM COMPRESSIVE STRENGTH OF 5000 PSI UNLESS NOTED OTHERWISE ON THE DRAWINGS 4 PRESTRESSING STRANDS SHALL BE UNCOATED 7 WIRE CABLE CONFORMING TO ASTM A416421 5 PRECAST MANUFACTURER SHALL SUBMIT SHOP DRAWINGS AND CALCULATIONS WHICH BOTH SHALL BE SIGNED AND SEALED BY A LICENCES PROFESSIONAL ENGINEER 6 PRECAST SHALL BE DESIGNED IN ACCORDANCE WITH ACI 318 AND 311 AND THE LIVE LOAD DEFLECTION SHALL BE SHALL NOT EXCEED THE SPAN 360 7 PRECAST SHALL MEET THE FIRE RESISTANCE RATING FOR BOTH RESTRAINED AND UNRESTRAINED FOR THE RATINGS REQUIRED BY THE ARCHITECTURAL DRAWINGS 8 PRECAST HOLLOW CORE UNITS SHALL HAVE 3 INCH MINIMUM BEARING PLANKS SHALL BE INSTALLED IN STRICT ACCORDANCE WITH THE MANUFACTURERS RECOMMENDATIONS 9 POINT SHIMMING SHALL NOT BE PERMITTED IF SHIMS ARE REQUIRED THEY SHALL BE CONTINUOUS 10 ALL OPENINGS SHALL BE COORDINATED WITH ALL TRADES OPENINGS LARGER THAN 6 INCH SHALL BE INDICATED ON THE SHOP DRAWINGS CONTRACTOR SHALL NOT CUT OPENINGS IN THE PLANKS WITHOUT THE PLANK MANUFACTURERS WRITTEN APPROVAL 11 CONTRACTOR SHALL VERIFY ANCHOR BOLT SIZES AND LOCATIONS PRIOR TO CONCRETE 12 PLANKS SHALL BE DESIGNED FO THE SUPERIMPOSED LOADS INDICATED IN THE STRUCTURAL NOTES 13 A 13 CEMENT SAND GROUT MIX SHALL BE USED FOR GROUTING THE KEYWAYS KEYWAYS SHALL BE GROUTED PRIOR TO PLACING TOPPING OR ANY OTHER SUPERIMPOSED LOAD I 14 CONCRETE TOPPING SHALL BE NORMAL WEIGHT CONCRETE WITH Fc 3000 PSI PREPARE PLANK SURFACE TO RECEIVE TOPPING PER MANUFACTURERS RECOMMENDATIONS 15 EXTREME CAUTION SHALL BE USED WHEN DRILLING OR SHOOTING INTO PLANKS CONTRACTOR CONSULT WITH PLANK MANUFACTURER PRIOR TO DRILLING OR SHOOTING INTO PLANK PLAN STANDARD ACI HOOK TYP ADDITIONAL HORIZ CORNER BARS MATCH WALL HORIZ REINF L SHAPED CORNER DETAIL CC 1 TYPICAL SLAB AND WALL OPENING DETAILS NTS 1 0 2 CLR CC 2 COLUMN TYPES WALL VERT HORIZ REINF PER SECTIONS 62 BAR DIA LA 4 6 VERT BARS 3 TIES AT 12 0C 8 8 VERT BARS 3 TIES AT 12 0C PROVIDE 2 5 X 4 0 LG RE ENTRANT TOP AND BOT AT EACH CORNER SPACE AT 3 00 PROVIDE HALF THE AMOUNT OF BARS INTERRUPTED BY SLAB OPENING ON EACH SIDE OF OPENING SPACE BARS AT 3 00 PROVIDE 2 5 X 4 0 LG RE ENTRANT TOP AND BOT AT EACH CORNER SPACE AT 3 OC PROVIDE HALF THE AMOUNT OF BARS INTERRUPTED BY SLAB OPENING ON EACH SIDE OF OPENING SPACE BARS AT 3 00 HEDULE ADDTL 4 HAIR EACH WAY AT CENTER OF BEA 2 CLR CONCRETE BEAM SEE PLAN SC STANDARD ACI HOOK CONCRETE BEAM SEE PLAN SCHEDULE CONCCOLUMN SEE PLAN DOWELS M COLUMN REINF PR 48 BAR D SPLICE ww TYPICAL INTERIOR CONCRETE COLUMN NOTE HC PLANKS NOT SHOWN FOR CLARITY CONCCOLUMN SEE PLAN STANDARD ACI HOOK STANDARD ACI 90 HOOK CONCCOLUMN SEE PLAN SCHEDULE 2 CLR PIN M ATCH ERT OVIDE IA LAP 4 T MAT SEE PLAN MAT SEE PLAN ADDTL 4 HAIRPIN EACH WAY AT CENTER OF BEAM CONCCOLUMN SEE PLAN SCHEDULE DOWELS MATCH COLUMN VERT REINF PROVIDE 48 BAR DIA LAP SPLICE TMAT SEE PLAN MAT SEE PLAN TYPICAL EXTERIOR CONCRETE COLUMN NOTE HC PLANKS NOT SHOWN FOR CLARITY HIGGENBOTHAM FLORIDA CA N0 26850 Structural Engineers 3222 Corrine Drive Suite F Orlando Florida 32803 Phone 407 286 1787 Fox 407 286 2281 No A A A Date Revision By No A A A Date Revision By Designed by Drawn by Checked by Approved by Scale HGH RED HGH HGH AS SHOWN Date DECEMBER 22 2010 Job No W04141 File PUMP STATION 2589 LAKE JESUP WATER AUGMENTATION FACILITY CITY OF WINTER SPRINGS SEMINOLE FLORIDA Engin Architects Surveyors Landscape Arch Planners Environmental Scientists Construction Management DesignBuild COA No 3215 Lic No AA2600926 LB No 7143 Lic No LC0000298 1117 East Robinson Street Orlando Fl 32801 Phone 4074250452 Fax 4076482036 HAROLD G HIGGENBOTHAM PE REG 56467 GROUND STORAGE TANK GENERAL NOTES Sheet No s3 CONFORMED DOCUMENTS 202 PRESTRESSED CONCRETE PILE SCHEDULE PILE NO SIZE UNFACTORED AXIAL LOAD K UNFACTORED LATERAL LOAD K PILE TIP ELEV FT APPROXIMATE PILE CUT OF ELEV FT ESTIMATED PILE LENGTH FT P 1 14 SQ 98 40 26 5 31 P 2 14 SQ 98 40 10 5 15 P 3 14 SQ 98 40 2 5 7 BEAM SCHEDULE MARK SIZE BxH inches REINFORCING STIRRUPS BOTT TOP INT TIES SPACING CB 1 8 X 16 2 5 2 5 3 AT 6 OC 24 6 6 6 6 2 6 3 AT 12 OC CONCRETE PILE CAP SCHEDULE PILE CAP WIDTH DEPTH TOP REINF BOTT REINF INT REINF STIRRUPS PC 1 30 24 4 6 4 6 2 6 3 AT 12 OC PC 2 48 24 6 6 6 6 2 6 3 AT 12 OC EL 20 L PILE TIP IMF L T 6 HOLLOW CORE PLANKS W 2 MIN STRUCTURAL CONCRETE TOPPING TYP W 6X6 W14 X W14 WWF T L r L T LJ 1 LJ 1 P 1 r LJ r 1 1 I 1 I r 6 HOLLOW CORE PLANKS W 2 MIN STRUCTURAL CONCRETE TOPPING TYP W 6X6 W14 X W14 WWF EL 100 Li PILE TIP PRESSTRESSED CONCRETE PILE SEE PLAN SCHEDULE INTAKE STRUCTURE DOCK FRAMING PLAN SCALE 316 1 0 LJ INTAKE STRUCTURE DOCK PILE PROFILE SCALE 316 10 LJ LJ 90 0 9 EQUAL SPACES AT 10 0 90 0 9 EQUAL PILES AT 10 0 EL 2 PILE TIP 0 LJ 104 0 LJ PRESSTRESSED CONCRETE PILE SEE PLAN SCHEDULE DOCK AT INTAKE STRUCTURE 1 I I I I I I I 1 I P 1 P 1 140 14 0 LJ LJ LJ LJ EL 50 T DOCK V 0EL 277 NHWL 16 24 32 1 DATA LISTED ON PILE SCHEDULE IS PER GEOTECHNICAL REPORT BY NODARSE ASSOCIATES INC VERIFY ELEVATIONS PRIOR TO FABRICATION CONSTRUCTION NOTE VERIFY ALL DIMENSIONS AND ELEVATIONS WITH MECH AND CIVIL AND REPORT DISCREPANCIES TO THE ENGINEER PRIOR TO CONSTRUCTION AND FABRICATION DOCK FRAMING PLAN NOTES 1 SEE PLAN FOR TOP OF MAT ELEVATIONS VERIFY W CIVIL AND MECH DRAWINGS TOP OF MAT ELEVATIONS PRIOR TO FABRICATION AND CONSTRUCTION 2 SEE CIVIL FOR DIMENSIONS NOT SHOWN 3 SEE CIVIL AND MECH FOR ALL SLEEVES PIPES INSERTS AND EMBEDDED ITEMS 4 SEE CIVIL AND MECH FOR SLOPES AND RECESSES 5 VERIFY W CIVIL AND MECH DRAWINGS ALL ELEVATIONS AND DIMENSIONS PRIOR TO FABRICATION AND CONSTRUCTION 6 SEE SHEET S 3 FOR STRUCTURAL NOTES AND TYPICAL DETAILS 7 SEE CIVIL FOR WATERPROOFING 8 P DENOTES PRESTRESSED CONCRETE PILE SEE SCHEDULE THIS SHEET 9 PC DENOTES CONCRETE PILE CAP SEE SCHEDULE THIS SHEET 10 ALL HOLLOW CORE PLANKS SHALL BE 6 THICK Ec 5000 P51 11 TOPPING SHALL BE 2 MIN NORMAL WEIGHT CONCRETE Fc 4000 PSI W 6x6 W14 X W14 WWF 12 SUPERIMPOSED LOADING DEAD 10 PSF IN ADDITION TO CONCRETE TOPPING LIVE 100 PSF 13 CB DENOTES CONCRETE BEAM SEE SCHEDULE THIS SHEET HIGGENBOTHAM FLORIDA CA N0 26850 Structural Engineers 3222 Corrine Drive Suite F Orlando Florida 32803 Phone 407 286 1787 Fox 407 286 2281 No A A A Date 05127111 Revision ADDENDUM By No A A A A Date Revision By Designed by Drawn by Checked by Approved by Scale HGH RED HGH HGH AS SHOWN Date DECEMBER 22 2010 Job No W04141 File PUMP STATION 2559 LAKE JESUP WATER AUGMENTATION FACILITY CITY OF WINTER SPRINGS SEMINOLE FLORIDA Engineers COA No 3215 Architects Lk No 492600926 Surveyors LB No 7143 Landscape Arch Lic No LC0000298 Planners Environmental Scientists Construction Management DesignBuild 1117 East Robinson Street Orlando Fl 32801 Phone 4074250452 Fax 4076482036 HAROLD G HIGGENBOTHAM PE REG 56467 INTAKE STRUCTURE DOCK STRUCTURAL PLAN Sheet No CONFORMED DOCUMENTS 203 DRILL 14 DIAMETER HOLE IN EACH CORE OF EACH PLANK 1 0 FROM FACE OF PILE 2 CAP TYP FOR DRAINAGE CLR VERIFY WITH PLANK SUPPLIER C OF PILE 56 1 SECTION 34 1 0 SEE PLAN 6 HOLLOW CORE PLANKS W 2 MIN CONC TOPPING SEE PLAN CONCRETE PILE CAP SEE PLAN SCHEDULE CONCRETE EDGE ALUMINUM GUARDRAIL SEE SHEET C 10 C OF PILE 1 3 14 NEOPRENE PAD BETWEEN BASE PLATE AND CONCRETE 2 CLR ALUMINUM GUARDRAIL POST AND BASE PLATE @ 5 0 0C MAX SEE C 10 6 458 n B AT 4 0 0C 1 4 CONT 6 4 X 124 AT 4 0 0C 4 4 X 26 LONG DOWELS DRILL EPDXY 6 INTO PILE EACH PILE PRESTRESSED CONCRETE PILE SEE PLAN SCHEDULE 6 4 X I 24 AT 4 0 0 444 X 26 LONG DOWELS DRILL EPDXY 6 INTO PILE EACH PILE SECTION 34 1 0 C OF PILE PILE CAP L 1 4 CONT 6 4 X 124 AT 4 0 0C CONCRETE PILE CAP SEE PLAN SCHEDULE 4 STAINLESS STEEL 38 0 X 3 12 EMBED HILTI HAS RODS IN HILTI HY150 EPDXY TYP ALUMINUM GUARDRAIL POST SEE SHEET C 10 6 HOLLOW CORE PLANKS W 2 MIN STRUC TOPPING SEE PLAN PRESTRESSED CONCRETE PILE SEE PLAN SCHEDULE HIGGENBOTHAM FLORIDA CA N0 26850 Structural Engineers 3222 Corrine Drive Suite F Orlando Florida 32803 Phone 407 286 1787 Fox 407 286 2281 No A A A Date Revision By No A A A Date Revision By Designed by Drawn by Checked by Approved by Scale HGH RED HGH HGH AS SHOWN Date DECEMBER 22 2010 Job No W04141 File PUMP STATION 2009 LAKE JESUP WATER AUGMENTATION FACILITY CITY OF WINTER SPRINGS SEMINOLE FLORIDA Engineers COA No 3215 Architects Li No 492600926 Surveyors LB Nn 7143 Landscape Arch Li No LC0000293 Planners Environmental Scientists Construction Management DesignBuild 1117 East Robinson Street Orlando Fl 32801 Phone 4074250452 Fax 4076482036 HAROLD G HIGGENBOTHAM PE REG 56467 INTAKE STRUCTURE DOCK STRUCTURAL SECTIONS Sheet No s5 CONFORMED DOCUMENTS 204 FIN GRADE EL 1000 VERIFY W CIVIL 24 THICK CONCRETE MAT W 7 AT 12 0C EW TOP BOTTOM EL 500 TO MAT 24 THICK CONCRETE MAT W 7 AT 12 0C EW TOP BOTTOM 8 THICK CONCRETE RET WALL W 5 VERT AT 10 0C AND 4 HORIZ AT 12 0C TWALL ELEV 1400 FIN GRADE EL 1000 VERIFY W CIVIL FIN GRADE EL 1400 0 2 0 VERIFY W CIVIL 60 FIN GRADE EL 1400 VERIFY W CIVIL FIN GRADE EL 1400 0VERIFYWCIVIL 30 FIN GRADE EL 1000 0VERIFYWCIVIL SCALE 18 10 r J 20 0 2 0 0 FIN GRADE EL 1400 VERIFY W CIVIL SLAB ON GRADE BY OTHERS Ground Storage Tank Foundation Plan SLAB ON GRADE BY OTHERS 00 ELECTRICAL CHEMICAL BUILDING BY OTHERS 0 NOTE VERIFY ALL DIMENSIONS AND ELEVATIONS WITH MECH AND CIVIL AND REPORT DISCREPANCIES TO THE ENGINEER PRIOR TO CONSTRUCTION AND FABRICATION FOUNDATION NOTES 1 SEE PLAN FOR TOP OF MAT ELEVATIONS VERIFY W CIVIL AND MECH DRAWINGS TOP OF MAT ELEVATIONS PRIOR TO FABRIATION AND CONSTRUCTION 2 SEE CIVIL FOR DIMENSIONS NOT SHOWN 3 SEE CIVIL AND MECH FOR ALL SLEEVES PIPES INSERTS AND EMBEDDED ITEMS 4 SEE CIVIL AND MECH FOR SLOPES AND RECESSES 5 VERIFY W CIVIL AND MECH DRAWINGS ALL ELEVATIONS AND DIMENSIONS PRIOR TO FABRICATION AND CONSTRUCTION 6 SEE SHEET S3 FOR STRUCTURAL NOTES AND TYPICAL DETAILS 7 SEE CIVIL FOR WATERPROOFING 8 C DENOTES REINF CONCRETE COLUMN SEE DETAILS ON SHT S3 9 MB 1 DENOTES 5 0 WIDE MAT BEAM W10 7 TOP BOTTOM HIGGENBOTHAM FLORIDA CA N0 26850 Structural Engineers 3222 Corrine Drive Suite F Orlando Florida 32803 Phone 407 286 1787 Fox 407 286 2281 No A A A Date Revision By No A A A Date Revision By Designed by Drawn by Checked by Approved by Scale HGH RED HGH HGH AS SHOWN Date DECEMBER 22 2010 Job No W04141 File PUMP STATION 2009 LAKE JESUP WATER AUGMENTATION FACILITY CITY OF WINTER SPRINGS SEMINOLE FLORIDA Engineers COA No 3215 Architects Li No 492600926 Surveyors LB Nn 7143 Landscape Arch Li No LC0000293 Planners Environmental Scientists Construction Management DesignBuild 1117 East Robinson Street Orlando Fl 32801 Phone 4074250452 Fax 4076482036 HAROLD G HIGGENBOTHAM PE REG 56467 GROUND STORAGE TANK FOUNDATION PLAN Sheet No s6 CONFORMED DOCUMENTS 205 BEAM SCHEDULE MARK SIZE BxH inches REINFORCING STIRRUPS BOTT TOP INT TIES SPACING CB 2 SEE DETAIL 6 8 6 8 2 5 4 4 OC 1400 0 3ii SLOPES DOWN DORE F DORE F I TOPF FIN GRADE EL VERIFY W CIVI FIN GRADE VERIFY W CIVI EL 0 0 FIN GRADE EL 1400 VERIFY W CIVIL VERIFY W CIVIL Observation Deck Framing Plan SCALE 18 1 0 z ELECTRICAL CHEMICAL BUILDING BY OTHERS N 20 12 N J CB 2 Fc 5000 PSI 4 TOP REINF IN 2 LAYERS SEE SCHED ON THIS SHT NIINTERMEDIATE REINF DIVIDED EQUALLY EA FACE SEE SCHEDkONTHISSHT BOTTOM REINF IN 1 LAYER SEE SCHED ON THIS SHT NOTES 1 TOP STEEL SHALL BE IN 2 LAYERS 2 INTERMEDIATE REINFORCING SHALL BE DIVIDED EQUALLY EA FACE 3 Fc 5000 PSI 4 SEE DETAIL ON THIS SHT NOTE VERIFY ALL DIMENSIONS AND ELEVATIONS WITH MECH AND CIVIL AND REPORT DISCREPANCIES TO THE ENGINEER PRIOR TO CONSTRUCTION AND FABRICATION OBSERVAION DECK FRAMING NOTES 1 SEE PLAN FOR TOP OF DECK ELEVATIONS VERIFY W CIVIL AND MECH DRAWINGS TOP OF DECK ELEVATIONS PRIOR TO FABRIATION AND CONSTRUCTION 2 SEE CIVIL FOR DIMENSIONS NOT SHOWN 3 SEE CIVIL AND MECH FOR ALL SLEEVES PIPES INSERTS AND EMBEDDED ITEMS 4 SEE CIVIL AND MECH FOR SLOPES AND RECESSES 5 VERIFY W CIVIL AND MECH DRAWINGS ALL ELEVATIONS AND DIMENSIONS PRIOR TO FABRICATION AND CONSTRUCTION 6 SEE SHEET S 3 FOR STRUCTURAL NOTES SLAB OPENING DETAILS AND TYPICAL DETAILS 7 SEE CIVIL FOR WATERPROOFING 8 CB DENOTES REINF CONCRETE BEAM SEE SCHEDULE ON THIS SHT OBSERVATION DECK HOLLOW CORE PLANK NOTES 1 ALL HOLLOW CORE PLANKS SHALL BE 10 THICK Fc 5000 P51 2 TOPPING SHALL BE 2 MIN NORMAL WEIGHT CONCRETE Fc 4000 PSI W 6x6 W14 X W14 WWF 3 SUPERIMPOSED LOADING DEAD 10 PSF IN ADDITION TO CONCRETE TOPPING LIVE 100 PSF HIGGENBOTHAM FLORIDA CA N0 26850 Structural Engineers 3222 Corrine Drive Suite F Orlando Florida 32803 Phone 407 286 1787 Fox 407 286 2281 No A A A Date Revision By No A A A A Date Revision By Designed by Drawn by Checked by Approved by Scale HGH RED HGH HGH AS SHOWN Date DECEMBER 22 2010 Job No W04141 File PUMP STATION 2009 LAKE JESUP WATER AUGMENTATION FACILITY CITY OF WINTER SPRINGS SEMINOLE FLORIDA Engineers COA No 3215 Architects Li No 492600926 Surveyors LB A 7143 Landscape Arch Li No LC0010298 Planners Environmental Scientists Construction Management DesignBuild 1117 East Robinson Street Orlando Fl 32801 Phone 4074250452 Fax 4076482036 HAROLD G HIGGENBOTHAM PE REG 56467 OBSERVATION DECK FRAMING PLAN Sheet No s7 CONFORMED DOCUMENTS 206 kSEE PLAN T MAT FOUNDATION 1 4 CONT 4 x 6 24 @ 4 0 OC IN GROUTED KEYWAY OR CORES FIN GRADE VERIFY W CIVIL WATERPROOFING SEE CIVIL 6 0 PERFORATED PVC PIPE DRAIN TO DAYLIGHT SEE CIVIL STANDARD ACI HOOK TYP SECTION 34 1 0 FIN GRADE VARIES VERIFY W CIVIL j 2 CLR 2 CLR TYP TYP 1000 STANDARD ACI HOOK TYP ALUMINUM GUARDRAIL SEE SHEET 0 10 3 MIN BEARING SECTION 34 1 0 CONC TOPPING SEE PLAN NOTES HOLLOWCORE PLANK SEE PLAN 4 x 6 2 @ 4 0 0C IN GROUTED KEYWAY OR CORES 6 VERT AT 10 OC EACH FACE 5 HORIZ AT 8 0C EACH FACE SEE DETAIL ON S3 FOR HORIZ REINF AT CORNERS DOWELS TO MATCH SIZE SPACING OF WALL VERT PROVIDE 62 BAR DIA LAP SPLICE TYP CONT RIBBED FLAT WATERSTOP BY GREENSTREAK OR APPROVED EQUAL TYP JU CONC MAT FOOTING SEE PLAN FOR THICKNESS REINF FIN GRADE SEE PLAN VERIFY WCIVIL 6 0 PERFORATED PVC PIPE DRAIN TO DAYLIGHT SEE CIVIL T DECK SEE PLAN CONCRETE RETAINING WALL SEE PLAN FOR STEM THICKNESS AND REINFORCEMENT 5 AT 24 OC TRANSV TOP 3 5 CONT BOTTOM kSEE PLAN TMAT FOUNDATION 1 4 CONT 4 x 61 @ 4 0 0C FREE DRAINING GRANULAR BACKFILL WRAPPED W FILTRATION GEOTEXTILE PER GEOTECHNICAL REPORTS RECOMMENDATIONS WATERPROOFING SEE CIVIL 6 0 PERFORATED PVC PIPE DRAIN TO DAYLIGHT SEE CIVIL STANDARD ACI HOOK TYP SECTION 34 1 0 1 LAP 2 CLR TYP 4 x 8 6 8 @ 4 0 OC CONC TOPPING SEE PLAN NOTES HOLLOWCORE PLANK SEE PLAN 6 VERT AT 10 0C EACH FACE 5 HORIZ AT 8 OC EACH FACE SEE DETAIL ON S 3 FOR HORIZ REINF AT CORNERS DOWELS TO MATCH SIZE SPACING OF WALL VERT PROVIDE 62 BAR DIA LAP SPLICE TYP CONT RIBBED FLAT WATERSTOP BY GREENSTREAK OR APPROVED EQUAL TYP J CONC MAT FOOTING SEE PLAN FOR THICKNESS REINF 4 T DECK SEE PLAN kSEE PLAN T MAT FOUNDATION STANDARD ACI HOOK TYP 1 4 CONT 4 x 6 4 @ 4 0 0C FIN GRADE VERIFY W CIVIL j 2 FREE DRAINING GRANULAR BACKFILL WRAPPED W FILTRATION GEOTEXTILE PER GEOTECHNICAL REPORTS RECOMMENDATIONS WATERPROOFING SEE CIVIL 6 0 PERFORATED PVC PIPE DRAIN TO DAYLIGHT SEE CIVIL 2 CLR TYP SECTION 34 1 0 1 LAP 2 CLR TYP 4 x 8118 @ 4 0 0C CONC TOPPING SEE PLAN NOTES HOLLOWCORE PLANK SEE PLAN 6 VERT AT 10 0C EACH FACE 5 HORIZ AT 8 0C EACH FACE SEE DETAIL ON S3 FOR HORIZ REINF AT CORNERS DOWELS TO MATCH SIZE SPACING OF WALL VERT PROVIDE 62 BAR DIA LAP SPLICE TYP CONT RIBBED FLAT WATERSTOP BY GREENSTREAK OR APPROVED EQUAL TYP U CONC MAT FOOTING SEE PLAN FOR THICKNESS REINF CONC BEAM SEE PLAN SCHEDULE CONC TOPPING SEE PLAN 58 x5 LONG HS @ 4 0 0C NOTES IN GROUTED KEYWAY FIELD HOLLOWCORE WELD EA SIDE OF BEAM CONC TOPPING SEE PLAN NOTESPLANKSEEPLAN T DECK SEE PLAN HWL SECTION 34 1 0 N HOLLOW CORE PLANK SEE PLAN CONT L 4x4x1 4 W 58o X 5 HS @ 4 0 0C HWL EA SIDE OF BEAM CONC COLUMN BEYOND HIGGENBOTHAM FLORIDA CA N0 26850 Structural Engineers 3222 Corrine Drive Suite F Orlando Florida 32803 Phone 407 286 1787 Fox 407 286 2281 No A A A Date Revision By No A A A Date Revision By Designed by Drawn by Checked by Approved by Scale HGH RED HGH HGH AS SHOWN Date DECEMBER 22 2010 Job No W04141 File PUMP STATION 2509 LAKE JESUP WATER AUGMENTATION FACILITY CITY OF WINTER SPRINGS SEMINOLE FLORIDA Engineers COA No 3215 Architects Lk No 492600926 Surveyors t B No 7143 Landscape Arch Lic No LC0000298 Planners Environmental Scientists Construction Management DesignBuild 1117 East Robinson Street Orlando Fl 32801 Phone 4074250452 Fax 4076482036 HAROLD G HIGGENBOTHAM PE REG 56467 GROUND STORAGE TANK OBSERVATION DECK STRUCTURAL SECTIONS Sheet No S8 CONFORMED DOCUMENTS 207 ABBREVIATIONS GENERAL NOTES mU UZCn nX0 p ma Q HcuC7ZZZU H U a UU J W 2HU mSU22 U Q Q Q Q Q Q Q Q m m m m m m m O V U U U U U U U U U U O O O O D U U U U U U U 0 W W W W W W W W W WW W W W W W W W W W W LL I I W I AMBER AMPERE ALARM ALTERNATING CURRENT AIR CIRCUIT CURRENT AIR COOLED CONDENSING UNIT AMPERE FRAME ABOVE FINISHED FLOOR ABOVE FINISHED GRADE AIR HANDLING UNIT AMPS INTERRUPTING CAPACITY ALUMINUM AUGMENTATION FACILITY CONTROL PANEL ANNUNCIATOR AMERICAN NATIONAL STANDARDS INSTITUTE ALARM RELAY AMERICAN STANDARDS ASSOCIATION AMMETER SWITCH AMPERE TRIP AUTOMATIC TRANSFER SWITCH AUXILIARY AMERICAN WIRE GAGE BLUE BARE COPPER OR BATTERY CHARGER BASIC IMPULSE LEVEL BREAKER BUILDING BRAKE BEARING TEMPERATURE CLOSE COUNTER CONTACTOR OR CONDUIT DEGREES CENTIGRADE CABINET CAPACITOR CIRCUIT BREAKER CIRCUIT BREAKER AUXILIARY CONTACT OPEN WHEN BREAKER IS OPEN AND CLOSED WHEN BREAKER IS CLOSED C CIRCUIT BREAKER AUXILIARY CONTACT CLOSED WHEN BREAKER IS OPEN AND OPEN WHEN BREAKER IS CLOSED OR TRIPPED CERTIFIED BALLAST MANUFACTURERS CELL INTERLOCK CIRCUIT CHLORINE CEILING CONCRETE CONDUCTOR CONNECTION CABLE OPERATED SWITCH CONTROL PANEL CONTROL POWER TRANSFORMER CURRENT OR CONTROL RELAY CONTROL STATION CYCLE TIMER OR CURRENT TRANSFORMER CYCLE TIMER CLUTCH CYCLE TIMER MOTOR COPPER COLD WATER PIPE DIRECT CURRENT DIAMETER DOOR INTERLOCK DAMPER MOTOR OR DEMAND METER DOWN DRAW OUT DOUBLE POLE DOUBLE THROW DOUBLE POLE SINGLE THROW DIFFERENTIAL PRESSURE REGULATOR DIFFERENTIAL PRESSURE SWITCH DISCONNECT SWITCH DISCHARGE VALVE LIMIT SWITCH EMPTY CONDUIT EXHAUST FANEX ELECTRICAL ELEVATION EMERGENCY LOCKOUT RELAY EMERGENCY ELECTRICAL MANHOLE ELECTRICAL METALLIC TUBING ENCLOSURE ELECTRICALLY OPERATED EXPLOSION PROOF ELECTRODE RELAY END SWITCH ENERGY SAVING BALLAST ELAPSED TIME METER ELECTRIC UNIT HEATER ELECTRIC VALVE ACTUATOR ELECTRIC WATER COOLER ELECTRIC WATER HEATER EXHAUST EXISTING FORWARD DEGREES FAHRENHEIT FIRE ALARM ANNUNCIATION PANEL FIRE ALARM CONTROL PANEL FLOW INDICATING TRANSMITTER FULL LOAD AMPERES FACTORY MANUAL FLOW SWITCH FEET O O a A2g40 cn a cn U w Q UU UUa a z0 a 2 cn U v2 U J C m WLZIL USct N Ow WZ2 wUUUaaJacncn H UIiSJn mUJ ZUH 0 0 C7 C7 0 0 0 Y Y J J J J J J J J 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 Z Z Z Z Z Z Z Z Z 0000000 000 GALVANIZED GENERATOR BREAKER GROUND DETECTOR GENERATOR GROUND FAULT INTERRUPTER GROUND GROUND FAULT RELAY HIGH OR HUMIDISTAT HOT CIRCUIT HANDHOLE HIGH MOTOR TEMPERATURE HAND OFFAUTO HAND OFF REMOTE HORSE POWER HIGH PRESSURE SODIUM HOUR HIGH WATER CUTOFF HERTZ CYCLE INPUT OUTPUT INSTITUTE OF ELECTRICAL AND ELECTRONIC ENGINEERS ILLUMINATING ENGINEERING SOCIETY INSTRUMENTATION ISOLATION JUNCTION BOX KEY INTERLOCK KILOVOLT KILOVOLT AMPERE KILOVAR KILOWATT KILOWATT HOUR LOW LEVEL LIGHTNING ARRESTED LIGHTING CONTRACTOR LOCAL OFF REMOTE LIMIT OR LEVEL SWITCH LIGHT LIGHTING LOW WATER CUTOFF MAGNETIC MOTOR STARTER MILLIAMPERE MAXIMUM MAIN FILTER CONTROL PANEL MOTOR CONTROL CENTER THOUSAND CIRCULAR MIL MOTOR CIRCUIT PROTECTOR MOISTURE DETECTOR MAGNETIC FLOW METER MANUFACTURER MANHOLE MOUNTING HEIGHT OR METAL HALIDE MINIMUM MAIN LUGS ONLY MOTOR OPERATED VALVE MOTOR PROTECTION RELAY MANUAL MOTOR STARTER MOTOR SPACE HEATER MOUNTED MANUAL TRANSFER SWITCH MILLIVOLT OR MERCURY VAPOR MEGA VOLT AMPERE NEUTRAL NORMALLY CLOSED NATIONAL ELECTRICAL CONTRACTORS NATIONAL ELECTRICAL CODE NATIONAL ELECTRICAL MANUFACTURERS NON FUSED NATIONAL FIRE PROTECTION ASSOCIATION NOT IN CONTRACT NORMALLY OPEN NUMBER NOT TO SCALE OPEN ON CENTER OWNER FURNISHED CONTRACTOR INSTALLED OVERHEAD OVERLOAD OVERLOADS OCCUPATIONAL SAFETY AND HEALTH ACT POLE PUSH BUTTON OR PULL BOX PHOTO CONTROL PROGRAMMABLE LOGIC CONTROLLER POWER FACTOR PHASE CHEMICAL TERM PANEL PAIR PVC COATED RIGID GALVANIZED STEEL PRIMARY PROXIMITY SWITCH PRESSURE SWITCH POTENTIAL TRANSFORMER PROGRAM POLYVINYL CHLORIDE POWER 0 N XXX 00000 1 cncncncncncncncncncncncncO U cn ncncnrDD GOGr 1vEi 00ooD c 1cnmmuzmC H1110 nm r C 53 cn CS CO cncnCn D A m S 4 RED RAISE RELAY OR REVERSE RECEPTACLE RESISTOR RIGID GALVANIZED STEEL ROOT MEAN SQUARE RAPID START REPEATING TIMER RESISTANCE TYPE TEMP DETECTOR REMOTE TERMINAL UNIT SCHEDULE SECONDARY SPACE HEATER OR SHIELD SOLID NEUTRAL SINGLE POLE SINGLE POLE DOUBLE THROW SINGLE POLE SINGLE THROW SELECTOR SWITCH OR STAINLESS STEEL STATION TIE BREAKER SUPERVISORY CONTROL SOLENOID VALVE SWITCH SWITCHBOARD SWITCHGEAR THERMOSTAT TIMER OR TOTALIZER TACHOMETER TERMINAL BLOCK TIMER CLUTCH OR TIME CLOCK TIME DELAY RELAY TELEPHONE TEMPERATURE TIMER MOTOR TORQUE TELEPHONE TERMINAL BOX OR BOARD TELEPHONE TERMINAL CABINET TYPICAL UNDERWRITERS LABORATORIES UNDERGROUND UNLESS OTHERWISE NOTED UNDER VOLTAGE UNINTERRUPTIBLE POWER SUPPLY VOLTS VOLT AMPERE VARMETER VARIABLE FREQUENCY DRIVE VALVE LIMIT SWITCH VOLTMETER VALVE POSITION INDICATOR VOLTMETER SWITCH VARIABLE SPEED CONTROLLER VARIABLE SPEED DRIVE WHITE WATTS OR WIRE WATTHOUR METER WATT METER WEATHER PROOF WATER TIGHT AUXILIARY RELAY TRANSFORMER TRANSFORMER YELLOW POSITION SWITCH PHASE 1 ALL ELECTRICAL WORK SHALL COMPLY WITH NE0 AND LOCAL CODES 2 DO NOT SCALE THE ELECTRICAL DRAWINGS REFER TO THE MECHANICAL STRUCTURAL CIVIL AND ARCHITECTURAL DWGS AND APPROVED SHOP DRAWINGS FOR THE EXACT LOCATION OF ALL EQUIPMENT 3 THE CONTRACTOR SHALL VERIFY EXACT LOCATION OF TERMINAL BOXES PANELBOARDS CONDUITS CONTROL PANELS ETC AGAINST SHOP DRAWINGS BEFORE STUBBING UP CONDUITS 4 EXPOSED FLEXIBLE CONDUITS SHALL NOT EXCEED 30 INCHES IN LENGTH FOR SIZES 2 INCHES AND LARGER MAXIMUM OF 18 INCHES FOR SIZES 1 12 INCHES AND SMALLER 5 CONTRACTOR SHALL PROVIDE ADDITIONAL PULLBOXES WHERE REQUIRED BY THE NEC ANDOR TO MAKE A WORKABLE INSTALLATION 6 CONDUIT ENTRY INTO ELECTRICAL EQUIPMENT SHALL BE DIRECTLY BELOW OR ABOVE AND BE LOCATED EQUALLY SPACED FROM EQUIPMENT CENTERLINE No Date Revision Byy No Date Revision Byy Designed bygy WCH Date OCTOBER 15 2010 LAKE J ESU P WATER AUGMENTATION FACILITY CITY OF WINTER SPRINGS SEMINOLE FLORIDA Q Engineers coA No 32 5 Architects Ltc voag26uu2c Surveyors La No 4s Landscape Arch Lc LC0000298 Planners Environmental Scientists Construction Management TrafficTransportation 1217 East Robinson1Zhi sneer Orlando Fl 32801 Phone 4074250452 Fax 4076481036 ABBREVIATIONS eet No E1 A Drawn by DJK Job No W04141 A A Checked by WCH File SitePlandwg WILLIAM C GOUCHER PE REG 20700pApprovedbyWCH 2009 A A Scale 1 10 CONFORMED DOCUMENTS viationsdwg Jun 23 2011 W04141 DWG Lake Jesup Plans Lake Jesup Conformed Electrical Conformed DrawingsE1 208 ELEMENTARY SYMBOLS ELEMENTARY SYMBOLS CONT SWITCH SYMBOLS SERVICE AND DISTRIBUTION LIGHTING OUTLETS WIRE INTERSECTION POINT EXTERNAL CONNECTION POINT NORMALLY OPEN CONTACTHH NORMALLY CLOSED CONTACT 0 STARTER CONTACTOR OR RELAY COIL NORMALLY OPEN PUSH BUTTON I NORMALLY CLOSED PUSH BUTTON MAINTAINED PUSH BUTTON rU MOMENTARY MUSHROOM HEAD N NORMALLY CLOSED GEARED LIMIT SWITCH i H NORMALLY OPEN GEARED LIMIT SWITCH 2 INDICATING LIGHT 11 11 FUSE POTENTIOMETER H CAPACITOR DIODE H RES1 RESISTOR CONTROL POWER TRANSFORMER SWITCH MS N1 MANUAL STARTER O ELECTRODE FLOAT SWITCH CLOSING ON RISING LEVEL FLOAT SWITCH117CIRCUITOPENINGONRISINGLEVEL PRESSURE SWITCH p CLOSING ON RISING PRESSURE PRESSURE SWITCH P OPENING ON RISING PRESSURE VACUUM SWITCH V CLOSING ON INCREASING VACUUM VACUUM SWITCH OPENING ON INCREASING VACUUM TEMPERATURE SWITCH CLOSING ON RISING TEMPERATURE T TEMPERATURE SWITCH OPENING ON RISING TEMPERATURE FLOW ACTUATED SWITCH CLOSING ON INCREASE IN FLOW FLOW ACTUATED SWITCH OPEN ON INCREASE IN FLOW ON TIME DELAY SWITCH z NORMALLY OPEN WITH TIME DELAY CLOSING AFTER COIL IS ENERGIZED OFF TIME DELAY SWITCH NORMALLY OPEN WITH TIME DELAY OPENING AFTER COIL IS DE ENERGIZED 7 ON NORMAL TIME DELAY SWITCH CLOSED WITH TIME DELAY OPENING AFTER COIL IS ENERGIZED OFF TIME DELAY SWITCH ITT NORMALLY CLOSED WITH TIME DELAY CLOSING AFTER COIL IS DE ENERGIZED TORQUE SWITCH NORMALLY OPEN TORQUE SWITCH NORMALLY CLOSED LIMIT SWITCH NORMALLY OPEN LIMIT SWITCH NORMALLY OPEN HELD CLOSED CT NORMALLY CLOSED LIMIT SWITCH sp LIMIT SWITCH NORMALLY CLOSED HELD OPEN DIFFERENTIAL PRESSURE SWITCH NORMALLY OPEN CLOSING ON INCREASING DIFF 4 DIFFERENTIAL PRESSURE SWITCH NORMALLY CLOSED OPENING ON INCREASING DIFF S SINGLE POLE SWITCH S2 DOUBLE POLE SWITCH S3 THREEWAY SWITCH S4 FOURWAY SWITCH SWp WEATHERPROOF SWITCH Sp SWITCH WITH PILOT LAMP SK KEY OPERATED SWITCH SH HAZARDOUS AREA SWITCH D DIMMER SWITCH SL SWITCH FOR LOW VOLTAGE SWITCHING SYSTEM SLM MASTER SWITCH FOR LOW VOLTAGE SWITCHING SYSTEM e S SWITCH AND SINGLE RECEPTACLE 8 SWITCH AND DOUBLE RECEPTACLE SD DOOR SWITCH ST TIME SWITCH SCB CIRCUIT BREAKER SWITCH SMC MOMENTARY CONTACT SWITCH OR PUSHBUTTON FOR OTHER THAN SIGNALING SYSTEM El START STOP SWITCH n SPEED CONTROL LOCAL CONTROL SWITCH MAGNETIC MOTOR STARTER OR CONTACTOR 00 SIZE AS NOTED MOTOR CONNECTION AS NOTED 5 MOTOR CONNECTION FUTURE OR EXISTING AS NOTED j DISCONNECT SWITCH SIZE AS NOTED al COMBINATION MAGNETIC MOTOR STARTER SIZE AS NOTED BRANCH CIRCUIT PANELBOARD UNDER 250 VOLTS SURFACE MOUNTED CEILING WALL 0 1 1 SURFACE OR PENDANT MOUNTED FIXTURE 1 1 RECESSED FIXTURE SURFACE OR PENDANT MOUNTED 1 1 FLUORESCENT FIXTURE 1 r RECESSED FLUORESCENT FIXTURE I R I 1 TANDEM FLUORESCENT FIXTURE110 RECESSED TANDEM FLUORESCENT O I I FIXTURE1 BARE LAMP FLUORESCENT STRIP BRANCH CIRCUIT PANEL BOARD UNDER 250 VOLTS FLUSH MOUNTED 1 WITH GUARD FLUORESCENT TROFFER I0 SURFACE OR PENDANT MOUNTED EXIT LIGHT R R RECESSED EXIT LIGHT I BLANKED OUTLET JO HO JUNCTION BOX o 1 1 o40 1 POLE MOUNTED FIXTURE EMERGENCY LIGHT FIXTURE NOTE 1 LETTER SUBSCRIPT INDICATES FIXTURE TYPE AS DESCRIBED IN THE LIGHTING FIXTURE SCHEDULE BRANCH CIRCUIT PANELBOARD OVER 250 VOLTS SURFACE MOUNTED I SIZE AS NOTED SYSTEMS CABINET FIRE ALARM SYSTEM F PULL STATION HF HORN LIGHT COMBINATION 1 SMOKE DETECTOR mD DUCT SMOKE DETECTOR TELEPHONE TERMINAL BOARD LIGHTNING PROTECTION SYSTEM AIR TERMINAL WITH CAST ADHESIVE0BASEMOUNT SINGLE LINE POWER DIAGRAM SYMBOLS BONDING PLATE H TEE SPLICE CONDUCTOR TURNED DOWN G ROOFTOP MAIN CONDUCTOR PLAN SYMBOLS 1 1S 2S I 1R S U A 5 5 n T V A V 1 L 1 i T I I 3F MCP CCURRENT CIRCUIT BREAKER i l COMBINATION MOTOR STARTER WITH MOTOR PROTECTOR FULL VOLTAGE NON REVERSING SINGLE SPEED 1 R REDUCE VOLTAGE NON REVERSINGAEDUCEOLTAGN CLOSED TRANSITION SINGLE SPEED OR SOLID STATE SOFT START 77 FULL VOLTAGE REVERSING SINGLE SPEED 1 FULL VOLTAGE TWO SPEED F TWO WINDING THERMAL OVERLOADS J AC MOTOR NUMBER INDICATES HORSEPOWER DC MOTOR NUMBER INDICATES HORSEPOWER O GENERATOR SIZE AS NOTED LOW VOLTAGE CIRCUIT BREAKER DRAWOUT TYPE MEDIUM VOLTAGE CIRCUIT BREAKER DRAWOUT TYPE LIGHTNING ARRESTOR SURGE SUPPRESSOR SURGE CAPACITOR I I FUSE POTENTIAL RMER QUANTITY AS NOTED MOTOR CIRCUIT PROTECTOR 7 NO INDICATES FRAME SIZE TRANSFORMER QUANTITY AS NOTED KEY INTERLOCK POWER PANEL 1 LIGHTING PANEL TT TEMPERATURE TRANSMITTER PT PRESSURE TRANSMITTER FLOW INDICATING TRANSMITTER FE FLOW ELEMENT DENSITY INDICATING TRANSMITTER4 LEVEL INDICATING TRANSMITTER LE LEVEL ELEMENT VM VOLT METER VS VOLT SWITCH AM AMPMETER AS AMP SWITCH MS MOTION SWITCHO FT FLOAT SWITCH FS FLOW SWITCH LS LIMIT SWITCH TS TORQUE SWITCH 0 PRESSURE SWITCH OT THERMOSTAT VS VIBRATION SWITCH 0 SOLENOID VALVE ZS ZERO SPEED SWITCH 0 TIMING RELAY ROOFTOP BONDING CONDUCTOR G MAIN CONDUCTOR CONCEALED BELOW ROOFTOP G BURIED COUNTERPOISE CONDUCTOR w AIR TERMINAL WITH CAST ADHESIVE BASE MOUNT FOR USE ON TOP OFr EXHAUST FAN HOUSING RECEPTACLE OUTLET SYMBOLS SINGLE RECEPTACLE OUTLET DUPLEX RECEPTACLE OUTLETSPLIT WIRED 4D TRIPLEX RECEPTACLE OUTLET SPLIT WIRED 1 SINGLE SPECIAL PURPOSE RECEPTACLE OUTLET SEE NOTE 1 1 DUPLEX RECEPTACLE SPECIAL PURPOSE OUTLET SEE NOTE 1 1 RANGE OUTLET SEE NOTE 1 1 SPECIALPURPO CONNECTION OR PROVISION CONNECTIONSNOTE1 4 1 ASSEMBLY SEE NOTE 1 1 CLOCK HANGER RECEPTACLE SEE NOTE 1 1 FAN SEE HANGNOTEE1R RECEPTACLE e FLOOR SINGLE RECEPTACLE OUTLET FLOOR DUPLEX RECEPTACLE 1 FLOOR SPECIAL PURPOSE OUTLET SEE NOTE 1 NOTE 1 NUMERICAL SUBSCRIPT INDICATES THE SHEET NOTE WHERE THE TYPE OF RECEPTACLE AND USAGE IS NOTED RACEWAY SYSTEM 0 JUNCTION BOX HOME RUN TO PANELBOARD NO OF ARROWS INDICATE NO OF CIRCUITS HASH MARKS INDICATE NO OF 12 AWG CONDUCTORS NO HASH MARKS INDICATE 212 CONDUCTORS CONDUIT CONCEALED IN WALL OR ABOVE CEILING CONDUIT CONCEALED IN OR BELOW FLOOR OR UNDERGROUND CONDUIT RUN EXPOSED RUN PARALLEL OR PERPENDICULAR TO STRUCTURE OR WALL PB Li JACK AND BORE UNDER PB EXISTING PAVEMENT COMMUNICATIONS OS INTERIOR CEILING SPEAKER El EXTERIOR HORN SPEAKER II WALL MOUNTED SPEAKER WP EXTERIOR HANDSET 111 DESKTOP HANDSET N FLOOR TELEPHONE OUTLET PUBLIC I FLOOR TELEPHONE OUTLET PRIVATE FLUSH OUTLET BOX AND COVER PLATE 0 FLUSH FLOOR MOUNTED OUTLET BOX AND COVER PLATE No Date Revision Byy No Date Revision Byy Designed bygy WCH Date OCTOBER 15 2010 LAKE J ESU P WATER AUGMENTATION FACILITY CITY OF WINTER SPRINGS SEMINOLE FLORIDA Q Engineers coA 325 Architects LuN 6U 7143surveyorsLBo43 Landscape Arch cic vo rc0000zss Planners Environmental Scientists Construction Management TrafficTransportation 1117 East Robinson sneer Orlando Fl 328 Phone 4074250452 Fax 4076481036 SYMBOLS Sheet No E2 A A Drawn by DJK Job No W04141 A A Checked by WCH File Site Plandwg WILLIAM C GOUCHER PE REG 20700AeApprovedbyWCH 2009 A A Scale 1 10 0 CONFORMED DOCUMENTS 209 TYPE D 250W POLE MTD BOLLARDS SERVICE TRANSFORMER AS DIRECTED BY PROGRESS ENERGY METER ELECTRICALCHEMICAL BUILDING E 89 HIGH SERVICE PUMPING E 7 TREATMENT UNIT E 6 STORAGE TANK 1 2C 16SH 34 TO AFCP INFLUENT FLOW METER 131111 N 0 20 GRAPHIC SCALE No A A A A Date Revision By No A A A Date Revision By Designed by Drawn by Checked by Approved by Scale WCH DJK WCH WCH 1 10 Date October 15 2010 Job No W04141 File Site Plandwg 2009 LAKE JESUP WATER AUGMENTATION FACILITY CITY OF WINTER SPRINGS SEMINOLE FLORIDA @p Engineers Co A No 3225 Architects Lk No AA2600926 Surveyors L B No 7143 Landscape Arch Li No Lc0000298 Planners Environmental Scientists Construction Management TrafficTransportation 1117 East Robinson Street Orlando Fl 32801 Phone 4074250452 Fax 4076481036 WILLIAM C GOUCHER PE REG 20700 SITE PLAN Sheet No E CONFORMED DOCUMENTS 210 PAD MTD TRANSFORMER 100A 600V RECPT FOR GENERATOR RUSSELL STOLL JRS1044FR MANUAL TRANSFER SWITCH 100A 3P 600V FUSED OUTDOORS NEMA 4 65kAIC RATED MIN MTS RISER NOTES O ACTIVE FILTER AS DIRECTED BY MCC MANF O CB AS DIRECTED BY VFD MFR O STATUS ALARM TO LOCAL PLC O LINE REACTOR AS DIRECTED BY MCC MFR O MOTOR LONG LEAD FILTER AS DIRECTED BY MCC MFR O6 TVSS FURNISHED BY MCC MFR OFOR FUTURE PUMPS PROVIDE EMPTY RACEWAYS ONLY O CB SIZED BY MCC MANUFACTURER METERING PROVIDED BY MCC MANF DISPLAY AMP VOLTS HZ AND HARMONICS METER SHUNT TRIP 3 4 W 3 400KCMIL 440 EA 1 4 SPARE 32162 17 W GFR WP Do 120KA MODE 0 40 TO GND BAR RWP PUMP 1 7 ffi I 3 4 W3 400KCMIL 440 EA 1 4 SPARE VFD VFD 156A 156A RWP PUMP 2 225A WP RWP PUMP 3 225A 1000A 480V 30 3W 65KAIC D ffi FUTURE VFD 156A I L RWP PUMP 4 FUTURE 0 POWER RISER 225A RATED MCC 1 ID 40 INF PUMP 1 WP r WP WP 40 40 INF PUMP 2 INF PUMP 3 ACKWASH MP STATI O N D 60A BOOSTER AIR COMPRESSOR PUMP STATION 5HP N 1 MCC 1 FRONT VIEW VARIES W MFR L J PNL L1 50A 30KVA 480 120208V 30 4W T1 t30 TVSS 10 KAMODE No A A A A Date 52711 Revision ADDENDUM NO 1 By WCH No A A A Date Revision By Designed by Drawn by Checked by Approved by Scale WCH DJK WCH WCH 1 10 Date OCTOBER 15 2010 Job No W04141 File Site Plandwg 2009 LAKE JESUP WATER AUGMENTATION FACILITY CITY OF WINTER SPRINGS SEMINOLE FLORIDA @pa Engineers Co A No 3225 Architects Lic No AA2600926 Surveyors L B No 7143 Landscape Arch Li No Lc0000298 Planners Environmental Scientists Construction Management TrafficTransportation 1117 East Robinson Street Orlando Fl 32801 Phone 4074250452 Fax 4076481036 ELECTRICAL WILLARD C HOANSHELT PE REG 42593 POWER RISER Sheet No E4 CONFORMED DOCUMENTS RWP 1 INFLUENT PUMP 1 INFLUEN PUMP 3 FCP1 AC IVE FILE ER FCP2 RWP 2 FUTURE FCP3 RWP 3 BOOSTER PS RWP 4 INFLUENT SIZE 3 AIR PUMP 2 SPARE COMP MLO PANEL L1 SPACE PAD MTD TRANSFORMER 100A 600V RECPT FOR GENERATOR RUSSELL STOLL JRS1044FR MANUAL TRANSFER SWITCH 100A 3P 600V FUSED OUTDOORS NEMA 4 65kAIC RATED MIN MTS RISER NOTES O ACTIVE FILTER AS DIRECTED BY MCC MANF O CB AS DIRECTED BY VFD MFR O STATUS ALARM TO LOCAL PLC O LINE REACTOR AS DIRECTED BY MCC MFR O MOTOR LONG LEAD FILTER AS DIRECTED BY MCC MFR O6 TVSS FURNISHED BY MCC MFR OFOR FUTURE PUMPS PROVIDE EMPTY RACEWAYS ONLY O CB SIZED BY MCC MANUFACTURER METERING PROVIDED BY MCC MANF DISPLAY AMP VOLTS HZ AND HARMONICS METER SHUNT TRIP 3 4 W 3 400KCMIL 440 EA 1 4 SPARE 32162 17 W GFR WP Do 120KA MODE 0 40 TO GND BAR RWP PUMP 1 7 ffi I 3 4 W3 400KCMIL 440 EA 1 4 SPARE VFD VFD 156A 156A RWP PUMP 2 225A WP RWP PUMP 3 225A 1000A 480V 30 3W 65KAIC D ffi FUTURE VFD 156A I L RWP PUMP 4 FUTURE 0 POWER RISER 225A RATED MCC 1 ID 40 INF PUMP 1 WP r WP WP 40 40 INF PUMP 2 INF PUMP 3 ACKWASH MP STATI O N D 60A BOOSTER AIR COMPRESSOR PUMP STATION 5HP N 1 MCC 1 FRONT VIEW VARIES W MFR L J PNL L1 50A 30KVA 480 120208V 30 4W T1 t30 TVSS 10 KAMODE No A A A A Date 52711 Revision ADDENDUM NO 1 By WCH No A A A Date Revision By Designed by Drawn by Checked by Approved by Scale WCH DJK WCH WCH 1 10 Date OCTOBER 15 2010 Job No W04141 File Site Plandwg 2009 LAKE JESUP WATER AUGMENTATION FACILITY CITY OF WINTER SPRINGS SEMINOLE FLORIDA @pa Engineers Co A No 3225 Architects Lic No AA2600926 Surveyors L B No 7143 Landscape Arch Li No Lc0000298 Planners Environmental Scientists Construction Management TrafficTransportation 1117 East Robinson Street Orlando Fl 32801 Phone 4074250452 Fax 4076481036 ELECTRICAL WILLARD C HOANSHELT PE REG 42593 POWER RISER Sheet No E4 CONFORMED DOCUMENTS 211 LIGHTING FIXTURE SCHEDULE MARK WATT DESCRIPTION MFR OR APPROVED EQUAL A 140 1x4 SURFACE MTD VAPORTIGHT FLUORESCENT BUGTIGHT FIBERGLASS GASKETTED POLYCARBONATE LENS WET LOCATION 120V CLASS P BALLAST 2 40WRS LAMPS ROBERT PVT 240 LEX WL B 50 WALL MTD HPS 50W FIXTURE FULLY GASKETTED DARK BRONZE ALUM REFLECTOR POLY CARBONATE REFRACTOR 120V DIE CAST ALUM HOUSING FULL CUTOFF GE CRITERION CCDX 05 S 1 N 1 B DKBZ C 150 SEE DETAIL A BELOW D 250 SEE DETAIL B BELOW EMERGENCY LIGHTING UNIT 12V SEALED LEAD CALCIUM BATTERY WITH TEST AUTOMATIC CHARGER DOUBLE HEAD PAR 36 LAMP TAMPER ALERT UL STANDARD 924 TEST SWITCH 120V CHLORIDE 12MF CBL III EMERGENCY LIGHTING UNIT 12V NICKEL CADMIUM MAINTENANCE FREE BATTERY UL LISTED POLYCARBONATE HOUSING NEMA 4X 120V EMERGILITE 12KSC 50 2F 18 AIR TERMINAL BASE COVER SS ANCHOR BOLTS CONC BASE TYPICAL POLE MOUNTED FIXTURE DETAIL A NOT TO SCALE TYPE C LUMINAIRE ONE PIECE DIE CAST ALUM HOUSING 150W MH TYPE III BRONZE FINISH AUTO REG BALLAST ANODIZED ALUM REFLECTOR UL WET LOCATION GASKETED GE OR EQUAL 2 BC GND TO GRID FIBERGLASS 4 MAX SQUARE POLE DARK BRONZE SMOOTH FINISH 100MPH W 13 GUST FACTOR CAST ALUM HANDHOLE ALUM ANCHOR BASE AS MANF BY WHATLEY OR EQUIVALENT GFI DUPLEX WP HANDHOLE I Mi rI i N NMI MI 1 1 1 1111 1 111 I 11111 r 1 1111 MI 11 II r I 1 iii MI 1 1 I1 111 1 111 1 11 1 111 1MI i M M NMI 1 1 1 11 11 11 1 111 1 1 I i 11 1 1111 11 I 11 IMI11111 111111 MEN 11 rI imY 1I1 1 1I 1111 1 11 iii 1 1111 MI l MINN i 1111 MI 1111 1111 11M i ME MI MI M1 I 1 11 1 1 111 1111111 OM ME M MI M III 1 1 1 1 1 1 11 1 1 111 OM MA 1 11 1 11111 11 I 11 1 11111 1 1 1 1 11 11111 1 11111 11 I 1111 11 1 111111 E 11 11 1 rbI 1 1 MI i 1111 MI M Ili 1111 1111 HANDHOLE COMPACT TYPICAL POLE MOUNTED FIXTURE DETAIL B NOT TO SCALE LUMINAIRE ONE PIECE DIE CAST ALUM HOUSING 250W MH TYPE III BRONZE FINISH CWAT HPF BALLAST ANODIZED ALUM REFLECTOR UL WET LOCATION GASKETED GE DSMR25MOA1 GMC3DB OR EQUIVALENT FIBERGLASS TAPPERED ROUND POLE DARK BRONZE SMOOTH FINISH 100MPH W 13 GUST FACTOR CAST ALUM HANDHOLE ALUM ANCHOR BASE AS MANF BY WHATLEY OR EQUIVALENT GRADE 11 I 111 1 1 1 M I 1M 1 1 MEMO MI 1 1111 I 11 I ME 11 1 1 1 1 1 11 I I I I 11 11 1 1 11 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 IMO 111 M IN 1 lI lI 1 1 1 111 111 111 11 11 I 111 111 11 11 11 11 11 11 11 M I 1 I 11 11 11 1 1 M1 IOM 1 MOM 111 111 111 111 1 11 1111 1111 111 II 1111 11 11 III MIN IMM t IN 11 EI 111 1 1 M I 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 11 I I I 11 1 1 1 1 1111 1111 I EI 1111111 1111 11111 1 11111111111111111111 1 11111 mm u 11 mim i INN um 11 m I m I sum Em 11 Immi no 1 111 mom N 1m i 11 mom NI mom Imo 1 11111 1111 1111 mom um IN 11m4 o mom u 11 m4 m N II m1 i 1 111 1111 1 1111 1111 moons mom ism moons o 11 m4 I1imomi 11 m4 m o 11 O 11 M M 111111I Ir1 r1 u 1111 IIiil iru ird irI illii irI 0 III ill iII IIIIIIi 1 11 d irI ilI iluI dl m1 idi bum iIr IIIII 1w111 Ir1 II 11 i1 111111111111 1 M 1111 1111 1111 1111 1 11 1111 1111 1111 11 1 11 mImolmoms I no 1111 IR IR 111 1I E l 1 ii 1 1111 1111 Mmodo 11111 In 111 111 rIl i it i 1111 III 1111 11 II 1 111111111 I 1111 11 IMM III i1 i1 d 1111 Mill 111111 11 1 Ill M1111 1111 i rI Mold 11 111 1 1 1 11111111 1 11 111 1 1 1111 irl MINIM indl 1 1 1 1 1 1111 111 1 iri 101 1M1 Emma idw11 1111 1 111 1 1111 1111 No A A A A Date Revision By No A A A Date Revision By Designed by Drawn by Checked by Approved by Scale WCH DJK WCH WCH 1 10 Date OCTOBER 15 2010 Job No W04141 File Site Plandwg 2009 LAKE JESUP WATER AUGMENTATION FACILITY CITY OF WINTER SPRINGS SEMINOLE FLORIDA @pa Engineers Co A No 3225 Architects Lic No AA2600926 Surveyors LB No 7143 Landscape Arch Lic No Lc0000298 Planners Environmental Scientists Construction Management TrafficTransportation 1117 East Robinson Street Orlando Fl 32801 Phone 4074250452 Fax 4076481036 WILLIAM C GOUCHER PE REG 20700 SCHEDULES Sheet No E5 CONFORMED DOCUMENTS 212 011 FCP 1 mmmmmmmm 1110 III 111 111 0 21 PREFILTER PF 1 PREFILTER PF 2 1 INF LULN 1 PUMPS MCC 1 O MCC 1 III 40 IP 40 NIOINI me me 405 If 47 nla o j o I1IIL 11 4lr11WIiimill O A Li II II 11 ii BCP TURB FWSHIGPUMPSID L1 25 BCP BCP c E o MCC 1 III FCP 3 oC FCP 2 IO D D D D Imo it i I i LJ LJ TREATMENT PLAN SCALE 1 2 10 II 5 10 34 TO L1 2223 MCC 1 BACKWASH PUMP STATI N SHEET NOTES IP 2 m m 5 14 34 TO AFCP EC TO MCC EC TO AFCP 30 14 1 14 TO MFCP 18 14 34 TO AFCP 1 2C 16SH 34 TO AFCP LOCAL HOA TYPE C 150W POLE MID TYP 5 10 34 TYP 3 12 34 TO MFCP 10 14 1 TO MFCP EC TO MFCP 10 4 12 34 TO MFCP 11 20 14 1 14 TO MFCP 12 1ALUM 12TW PR DATA TO AFCP No A A A Date 52711 Revision ADDENDUM NO 1 By WCH No A Date Revision By Designed by Drawn by Checked by Approved by Scale WCH DJK WCH WCH 38 1 Date OCTOBER 15 2010 Job No W04141 File Treatment Plandwg Certificate of Authorization No 3215 2009 LAKE JESUP WATER AUGMENTATION FACILITY CITY OF WINTER SPRINGS SEMINOLE FLORIDA op12 Engineers Architects Surveyors Landscape Arch Planners Environmental Scientists Construction Management Design Build COA No 3215 Lic No AA2600926 LB No 43 Lic No LC00002 1117 East Robinson Street Orlando FL 32802 Phone 4074250452 Fax 4076481036 ELECTRICAL WILLARD C HOANSHELT PE REG 42593 TREATMENT PLAN Sheet No CONFORMED DOCUMENTS 213 1500 GPM PUMP NO2 1500 GPM PUMP NO3 5 110 34 TO L1 18 21 500 GPM PUMP NO1 JOCKEY L 1500 GPM FUTURE L1 20 CL2 ANALYZER L1 19 CONCRETE SLAB EL 975 SHEET NOTES 0 1 2C 16SH 34 TO AFCP 2 5 14 34 TO AFCP O3 TO VFD 5 14 34 TO AFCP EC TO VFD EC TO AFCP O7 5 14 34 TO AFCP No A 0 A Date Revision By No A Date Revision By Designed by Drawn by Checked by Approved by Scale WCH DJK WCH WCH 38 1 Date OCTOBER 15 2010 Job No W04141 File Pump Station dwg Certificate of Authorization No 3215 2009 LAKE JESUP WATER AUGMENTATION FACILITY CITY OF WINTER SPRINGS SEMINOLE FLORIDA Engineers C OA N 3215 Architects Lic No AA2600926 Surveyors LB N 7143 Landscape Arch Li No LC00002 Planners Environmental Scientists Construction Management Design Build 1117 East Robinson Street Orlando FL 32802 Phone 4074250452 Fax 4076481036 ELECTRICAL WILLARD C HOANSHELT PE REG 42593 HIGH SERVICE PUMP STATION Sheet No E7 CONFORMED DOCUMENTS 214 TYPE B 30W CENTER OVER DOOR TYP L1 6 PC LIGHTING PLAN SCALE 38 1 TYPE A 64W CEILING MTD TYP N No A 0 A Date Revision By No A Date Revision By Designed by Drawn by Checked by Approved by Scale WCH DJK WCH WCH AS SHOWN Date OCTOBER 15 2010 Job No W04141 File Building Elevations dwg Certificate of Authorization No 3215 2009 LAKE JESUP WATER AUGMENTATION FACILITY CITY OF WINTER SPRINGS SEMINOLE FLORIDA Engineers C OA N 3215 Architects Lic No AA2600926 Surveyors LB N 7143 Landscape Arch Li No LC00002 Planners Environmental Scientists Construction Management Design Build 1117 East Robinson Street Orlando FL 32802 Phone 4074250452 Fax 4076481036 WILLARD C HOANSHELT REG 42597 ELECTRICAL CONTROL BUILDING LIGHTING PLAN Sheet No E4 CONFORMED DOCUMENTS 215 BOND TO BLDG STEEL TYP GND ROD IN C NC BOX ACCU 1 208V 10 40 TINNED CU 36 DEEP TYP WP MB L1 17 1 MCC MCC1Q 1 VFD 2 i O HOUSEKEEPING PAD TYPICAL ROOM 101B ELECTRICAL ROOM CHEMICAL ROOM FF EL 100 L1 1315 GND BARN SHELF MTD L1 8 WP 1550 GALLON SODIUM HYPOCHLORITE STORAGE TANK 40 FLOOR PLAN SCALE 381 WP L1 25 WP MCC 1 L112 O L1 24 EF 1 WALL MTD 115V ROOM 101A L1 9 MTS L1 7 WP N SHEET NOTES 16 14 1 TO AFCP 3 2 C 16SH 1 TO AFCP O3 EC TO MCC 1 EC TO AFCP 0 20141 TO AFCP 6 2C 16SH 1 14 TO AFCP No A 0 A Date Revision By No A Date Revision By Designed by Drawn by Checked by Approved by Scale WCH DJK WCH WCH AS SHOWN Date OCTOBER 15 2010 Job No W04141 File Building Elevations dwg Certificate of Authorization No 3215 2009 LAKE JESUP WATER AUGMENTATION FACILITY CITY OF WINTER SPRINGS SEMINOLE FLORIDA Engineers C OA N 3215 Architects Lic No AA2600926 Surveyors LB N 7143 Landscape Arch Li No LC00002 Planners Environmental Scientists Construction Management Design Build 1117 East Robinson Street Orlando FL 32802 Phone 4074250452 Fax 4076481036 WILLARD C HOANSHELT REG 42593 ELECTRICAL CONTROL BUILDING POWER PLAN Sheet No E9 CONFORMED DOCUMENTS 216 z GRADE CADWELD BRAIDED COPPER END BELL TYPICAL RACEWAY 18 MIN DEPTH GROUT ALUM PIPE SLEEVE 58X10 COPPERWELD GND ROD 4 36 SQUARE PULLBOX PB 4 HOT DIPPED GALV STEEL TRAFFIC COVER H 20 LOADING WITH LIFTING EYE HOLD DOWN BOLTS MARK AS POWER OR COMMUNICATIONS AS REQUIRED BEAD WELD SET TOP OF PULL BOX 6 AFG OR PAVEMENT SLOPE AWAY FROM PULL BOX KNOCKOUT AS REQUIRED PROVIDE WATERPROOF GROUT AROUND ALL PENETRATIONS IN PULL BOX 3000 PSI CONCRETE PULLING EYE 4 REQUIRED PROVIDE 3 COATS OF BITUMASTIC SEAL ON ALL SIDES OF PULL BOX COMPRESSION CONNECTOR TYPICAL 8 DIA SUMP 12 300A GND BAR NOTES 1 CONDUCTORS SHALL BE SECURED WITH NYLON SELF CLINCHING CABLE TIES 2 PROVIDE RACK SUPPORTS FOR CABLES AND CONDUCTORS FOR SIDEWALL MTG 16 X16 CONC BOX WITH CAST IRON TRAFFIC COVER AND OPEN BOTTOM SUNSHEILD 10GA ALUM 8 SQ CONC POST TRANSMITTER TYPICAL ALUM UNISTRUT f 18 SURGE PROTECTION EDCO SLAC CONDUIT STRAP GRADE SIGNAL CONDUIT 34 TO POWER SOURCE 120V 10 5 0 3 0 TYPICAL TRANSMITTER MOUNTING DETAIL GRADE SERVICE GROUND ROD AND WELL EXOTHERMIC WELD BY CALDWELD OR EQUAL 80 CLAY SOIL PIPE FILL WITH CRUSHED ROCK CRUSHED ROCK BARE COPPER GND SEE PLANS FOR EXACT NO 58 DIA X 20FT COPPERWELD GND ROD STAINLESS STEEL y 40 ANCHORS TYP iI VERIFY 6 SQ CONC POST STAINLESS STEEL UNISTRUT GRADE 4X6X6 PAD 4000 PSI CONC W 4X4 WIRE MESH STAINLESS STEEL OR ALUM STRUT ANCHOR W STAINLESS BOLTS WASHERS NUTS 4 SQ X 8FT CONC POST TYPICAL SEL SW SEE PLANS DIAGRAMS SS J BOX FOR CONTROL WIRE 316 SS GRADE 4x4x4 CONC PAD 2000 PSI W 4X4 WIRE MESH NO POWER SHOTS SEE RISER FOR DETAILS TYPICAL CONTROL PANEL X 30 VERIFY I LOCAL DS SEE RISER FOR DETAILS PROVIDE CONDUIT FOR EACH MOTOR DO NOT COMBINE MOTOR LEADS INTO ONE CONDUIT SEE ELECTRICAL PLANS FOR FOR MAIN BKR METER LOCATION INF PUMPS LOCAL DISCONNECT MTG No A A A A Date Revision By No A A A Date Revision By Designed by Drawn by Checked by Approved by Scale WCH DJK WCH WCH 1 10 Date OCTOBER 15 2010 Job No W04141 File Site Plandwg 2009 LAKE JESUP WATER AUGMENTATION FACILITY CITY OF WINTER SPRINGS SEMINOLE FLORIDA @pa Engineers Co A No 3225 Architects Lic No AA2600926 Surveyors L B No 7143 Landscape Arch Li No Lc0000298 Planners Environmental Scientists Construction Management TrafficTransportation 1117 East Robinson Street Orlando Fl 32801 Phone 4074250452 Fax 4076481036 WILLARD C HOANSJELT PE REG 42593 DETAILS Sheet No CONFORMED DOCUMENTS 217 EXHAUST FAN SCHEDULE SYMBOL LOCATION SERVICE TYPE FAN DATA MOTOR DATA CFM ESP IN WG FAN RPM MAX SONES DRIVE HP WATTS RPM HIGHLOW VOLT PH HZ EF1 WALL MTD EXHAUST PROPELLER 1500 03 897 141 BELT 14 1725 115 1 60 SYMBOL PHYSICAL CHARACTERISTICS CONTROLLED BY MANUFACTURER MODEL NUMBER REMARKS 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APPROXIMATE WATER EDGE INSTALL INSTALL 8x8 PT POST 6 x 6 OPENING W TYP 1 INCH MESH SCREEN AROUND PERIMETER INSTALL 24 INTAKE PIPE EXISTING 4 DOCK INTAKE STRUCTURE PLAN SCALE 1 10 INSTALL CHAIN LINK FENCE AROUND PERIMETER 14 X 4 x4 PT POSTS V PARKING ALUMINUM RAILING OBSERVATION DECK STORAGE TANK BELOW PUMPS 5 SIDEWALK FENCING INTAKE PUMP STATION PUMP ACCESS LANDSCAPING AREA O 100YEARAPPR FLOOD ELEVATION XIMATE 1005 1929 DATUM DOCKBOARDWALK PIPING BELOW N 0 30 60 GRAPHIC SCALE No A A Date Revision By No A A Date Revision By Designed by Drawn by Checked by Approved by Scale TMZ DGH DEM TMZ AS SHOWN Date 8272008 Job No W04140 File Site Plandwg 2008 CITY OF WINTER SPRINGS WINTER SPRINGS SEMINOLE FLORIDA @pit Engineers COA No 3215 Architects Lin No AA2600926 Surveyors LB No 7143 Landscape Arch Lir No LC0000293 Planners Environmental Scientists Construction Management TrafficTransportation 1117 East Robinson Street Orlando FL 32801 Phone 4074250452 Fax 4076481036 TERRY M ZAUDTKE PE REG32928 CONCEPTUAL SITE PLAN ALTERNATE 2 Sheet No C2 220 AGREEMENT FOR CONTINUING CIVIL ENGINEERING SERVICES— Water,Wastewater,Reclaimed Water,and Stormwater Utility THIS AGREEMENT is made and entered this 4th day of June 2021, by and between the CITY OF WINTER SPRINGS, FLORIDA, a Florida municipal corporation ("City"), located at 1126 East State Road 434, Winter Springs, FL 32708, and CAROLLO ENGINEERS,INC.,a Delaware corporation authorized to do business in the State of Florida ("Engineer"), whose principal address is 2795 Mitchell Drive, Walnut Creek, CA 94598. WITNESSETH: WHEREAS, the City has a need to obtain engineering, design and permitting services from time to time for projects related to the City's water, wastewater, reclaimed water and stormwater systems on an as-needed,task-oriented basis;and WHEREAS,the City has followed the selection and negotiation process set forth in the Florida's Consultant's Competitive Negotiation Act, Section 287.055,Florida Statutes; and WHEREAS,the Engineer participated in the selection and negotiation process; and WHEREAS,the Engineer is willing to provide such engineering, design and permitting services to the City under the terms and conditions stated herein; and NOW,THEREFORE, for good and valuable consideration,the receipt and sufficiency of which is hereby acknowledged,the parties covenant and agree as follows: 1.0 TERM AND DEFINITIONS 1.1 Unless sooner terminated by either Party pursuant to the terms and conditions herein, this Agreement shall terminate on the third (3rd) anniversary of the Effective Date. The Parties shall have the option to extend the term for two (2) additional one (1) year terms. Any such extension shall only be by written amendment to this Agreement executed by both parties hereto. 1.2 The terms and conditions of any Task Order, as described in Section 2.0 hereof, shall be as set forth in such Task Order. Any Task in effect at the termination of this Agreement shall remain in effect until completion of said Task Order,and all of the terms and conditions of this Agreement shall survive until completion of all Task Orders. 1.3 Definitions. The following words and phrases used in this Agreement shall have the following meaning ascribed to them unless the context clearly indicates otherwise: a.Agreement" or "Contract" shall be used interchangeably and shall refer to this Agreement, as may be amended from time to time, which shall constitute authorization for the Agreement for Continuing Engineering Services City of Winter Springs/Carollo Engineers 1 221 Engineer to provide the engineering, design and permitting services approved by Task Order by the City and is also sometimes referred to herein to include all Task Orders approved hereunder. b.Effective Date" shall be the date on which the last signatory hereto shall execute this Agreement, and it shall be the date on which this Agreement shall go into effect. The Agreement shall not go into effect until said date. C. "Engineer" shall mean Carollo Engineers, Inc. and its principals, employees and resident project representatives (and assistants). d. "Public Record" shall have the meaning given in section 119.011(12), Florida Statutes,as may be amended. e. "Reimbursable Expenses"shall mean the actual expenses incurred by the Engineer or Engineer's independent professional associates and Engineers which are directly related to travel and subsistence at the rates, and under the requirements of, Section 112.061, Florida Statutes,as may be amended or any other actual and direct expenses the City agrees to reimburse by Task Order. f Work" or "Services" shall be used interchangeably and shall include the performance of the work agreed to by the parties in a Task Order. g. "Task Order" shall mean a written document approved by the parties pursuant to the procedure outlined in Section 2.0 of this Agreement, and any amendments thereto approved pursuant to the procedures outlined in Section 3.0 herein, which sets forth the Work to be performed by the Engineer under this Agreement, and shall include, without the necessity of a cross-reference,the terms and conditions of this Agreement. 1.4 Engagement. The City hereby engages the Engineer and the Engineer agrees to perform the Services outlined in this agreement for the stated fee arrangement.No prior or present representations shall be binding upon any of the parties hereto unless incorporated in this Agreement. 2.0 DESCRIPTION OF SERVICES 2.1 The City shall make request of the Engineer to perform engineering, design and permitting services on a "task" basis. The City will communicate with the Engineer, verbally or in writing, a general description of the task to be performed. If a site visit by the Engineer is needed to generate the scope of document,the Engineer shall request approval prior to visiting the site. The Engineer will generate a detailed Scope of Work document, prepare a Schedule, and a Not-to-Exceed Budget or Lump Sum Fee to accomplish the task with a detailed cost breakdown based on the hourly rate schedule attached hereto as Exhibit"A," and send the thus developed "Task Proposal"to the City.The detailed cost breakdown of the lump sum fee or not- to-exceed budget shall consist of a list of major sub-tasks and a man-hour breakdown for all work to be performed.The cost breakdown shall include all sub-consultant work and the Task Proposal shall include the written price proposals from all sub-consultants. The detailed cost breakdown Agreement for Continuing Engineering Services City of Winter Springs/Carollo Engineers 2 222 shall include a line item for Reimbursable Expenses and the list of the expenses proposed to be eligible for reimbursement. The City reserves the right, at its discretion, to consider the Task Proposal as part of a formal or informal competitive bid process before approving or disapproving any Task Proposal. The City will review the Task Proposal, along with any other task proposals submitted to the City by other contractors, and if the description, cost and other details of the Task Proposal are deemed by the City to be in the City's best interests, the parties will enter into a mutually agreeable written "Task Order."The Scope of Services generally to be provided by the Engineer through a Task Order may include any engineering, design and permitting services for any City water system project and may contain written terms and conditions which are deemed supplemental to this Agreement. The City will issue a notice to proceed to the Engineer in the form of a letter and an executed City purchase order. Upon receipt of the signed Task Order and the written notice to proceed from the City,the Engineer shall perform the services set forth in the Task Order. 2.2 The City reserves the right,at its discretion,to perform any services related to this Agreement or to retain the services of other engineering companies to provide professional services. Further,the City does not guarantee that any Work will be assigned to Engineer under this Agreement. The City reserves the right to assign or contract for professional services with any party at its sole discretion. No provision of this Agreement shall be construed to require the City to assign any Work or task to Engineer under this Agreement. 2.3 The Engineer may be asked to perform any engineering services related to the City's Water, Wastewater,Reclaimed Water and Stormwater utility systems. The Services may include,but are not limited to,the following: 1. Water planning services and water treatment plant evaluations; 2. Planning and design services for the City's water treatment plants; 3. Design and construction management for water infrastructure and treatment plant improvements, such as pipelines,pump stations,and water reservoirs; 4. Wastewater planning services and wastewater treatment plant evaluations; 5. Design and construction management for wastewater infrastructure improvements, such as pipelines and pumping stations; 6. Planning, design, and construction management services for water reclamation and reuse projects; 7. Market assessments for water reuse projects; 8. Planning and design of biosolids management facilities; 9. Water,wastewater,reclaimed water,and stormwater rate studies; 10. Stormwater master planning,design and project review; and 11.Assistance with water,wastewater, reclaimed water, and stormwater permitting with local and federal agencies. Agreement for Continuing Engineering Services City of Winter Springs/Carollo Engineers 3 223 More specifically,the Services related to Water, Wastewater, Reclaimed Water and Stormwater utility systems may involve: 1. Engineering Design Services to include design submittals, specification development, permitting, and Engineer of Record services; 2. Bidding Support Services; 3. Construction Phase Services including; shop drawing and submittal review,responses to requests for information, and progress meeting attendance/management, periodic site visits, testing, Certification of Construction, Record Drawings, Resident Engineer (if required), Construction Management and Inspection, startup assistance/training, and the use of alternative project delivery methods; 4. Cost Estimating Services; 5. Design, support, and implementation for Supervisory Control and Data Acquisition SCADA) and other Instrumentation and Controls (I&C) infrastructure per the City's Control Systems Configuration Standards; 6. Design and management support-of repair and maintenance projects for the plants, supply,and distribution system; 7. Engineering assessments, including structural, process, hydraulic, pipeline condition, etc.; 8. Permitting assistance including consumptive use permitting, negotiations, and compliance; 9. Environmental impact assessments, including wetlands monitoring, and other environmental assistance; 10. Hydraulic, hydrogeologic, and water quality modeling, calibration and analysis including groundwater hydrology, Aquifer Storage and Recovery (ASR) system assistance and well drilling assistance; 11. Planning evaluations and studies including long-term master planning and Capital Improvement Plan (CIP) development, validation, prioritization, scheduling, probable cost determinations and coordination with various planning agencies; 12.Water Quality Monitoring Program management assistance(Technical and regulatory support); 13. Studies related to water treatment and quality; 14. Assistance in regulatory negotiations with the St. Johns River Water Management District, the Florida Department of Environmental Protection, and other regulatory agencies associated with the development and operation of the water system; 15. Asset management and condition assessment assistance including operation and maintenance studies; 16.Information management services including Geographical Information System(GIS), Global Positioning System (GPS), instrumentation, custom programming/software, and other technologies; 17. Security system design, support,and implementation; 18. System optimization assistance including lost water mitigation; 19. Grants assistance and state/federal funding assistance; 20. Engineering evaluation and design of alternative and conventional water supplies, wells, treatment facilities, transmission and distribution system modifications, expansions and other improvements including development of specifications and bench/pilot scale testing when necessary; Agreement for Continuing Engineering Services City of Winter Springs/Carollo Engineers 4 224 21.Reporting assistance to regulatory and other agencies including document preparation, public meetings,and presentations; 22. Program management services, including program management/administration, scheduling, cost control, document control, program website updating, design management, construction project support, and public involvement services in support of the Winter Springs Utilities CIP program and repair and maintenance projects for the water system; 23. Services related to the development of the City's project financing and/or budget; 24. Assistance with preparation of information for rate and fee determinations and associated revenue projections; 25.Miscellaneous services including public relations assistance, design review,program management services,financial controls,and easement acquisition services. 2.4 The maximum hourly rates and certain direct charges or unit prices,as applicable, that can be charged under this Agreement by Engineer, unless otherwise agreed by the City in writing,are set forth in Exhibit"A"and fully incorporated herein by this reference. 2.5 No task in which the Engineer is to provide professional services to the City for a project with an estimated construction cost exceeding$4 Million,or an amount as may otherwise be permitted in s. 287.055, Florida Statutes, may be the subject of a Task Order under this Agreement. 2.6 City-Provided Information and Services. The City shall furnish the Engineer available studies, reports and other data pertinent to the Engineer's services; obtain or authorize the Engineer to obtain or provide additional reports and data as required; furnish to the Engineer services of others required for the performance of the Engineer's services hereunder, and the Engineer shall be entitled to use and rely upon all such information and services provided by the City or others in performing the Engineer's services under this Agreement. 3.0 CHANGES IN THE SCOPE OF WORK 3.1 The City may make changes in the Services at any time by giving written notice to the Engineer. If such changes increase (additional services) or decrease or eliminate any amount of Work, the City and the Engineer will negotiate any change in total cost or schedule modifications. If the City and the Engineer approve any change,the Task Order will be modified in writing to reflect the changes; and the Engineer shall be compensated for said services in accordance with the terms of Article 5.0 herein.All change orders shall be authorized in writing by the City's and the Engineer's designated representative. 3.2 All of City's said Task Orders and amendments thereto shall be performed in strict accordance with the terms of this Agreement insofar as they are applicable. 4.0 SCHEDULE 4.1 The Engineer shall perform services in conformance with the mutually agreed schedule set forth in the negotiated Task Order. The Engineer shall complete all of said services in a timely manner and will keep the City apprised of the status of work on at least a monthly Agreement for Continuing Engineering Services City of Winter Springs/Carollo Engineers 5 225 basis or as otherwise reasonably requested by the City.Should the Engineer fall behind the agreed upon schedule,it shall employ such resources so as to comply with the agreed-upon schedule. 4.2 No extension for completion of services shall be granted to the Engineer without the City's prior written consent, except as provided in Sections 3.1 and 19.1 herein. 4.3 Any cost caused by defective or ill-timed services shall be borne by the party responsible therefore. 5.0 METHODS OF PAYMENT FOR SERVICES AND EXPENSES OF ENGINEER 5.1 General Services. For basic and additional Services performed by the Engineer's principals,employees and resident project representatives(and assistants)pursuant to paragraphs 2.0 and 3.0,the City agrees to pay the Engineer an amount equal to that agreed upon by the parties for a particular Task Order. However, payment terms must be consistent with the terms and conditions in this Agreement. To the extent that the payment terms in any Task Order conflict with the payment terms set forth in this Agreement,the conflicting provisions of this Agreement shall prevail. 5.2 Additional Services Performed by Professional Associates and Engineers. For additional Services and Reimbursable Expenses of independent professional associates and Engineers employed by the Engineer to render additional Services pursuant to paragraphs 2.0 and 3.0, the City agrees to pay the Engineer an amount equal to that billed the Engineer by the independent professional associates and Engineers. Prior to payment by the City, the Engineer shall submit to the City a copy of any written invoice received by the Engineer from all independent professional associates and Engineers which clearly evidences the amount billed by the independent professional associates and Engineers for additional Services and any Reimbursable Expenses. 5.3 Witness Services. For witness or expert services rendered by the Engineer's principals, employees, resident project representatives (and assistants) and independent professional associates and Engineers on behalf of the City in any litigation, arbitration or other legal or interested administrative proceeding in which the City is a named an interested party,the City agrees to pay the Engineer or independent professional associate or Engineer,which is used as a witness or expert, an amount equal to that agreed upon by the party for a particular Task Order. 5.4 Florida Prompt Payment Act. Payment shall be due and payable as provided by the Florida Prompt Payment Act Section 218.70 et. seq.,Florida Statutes. 5.5 Miscellaneous. Under no circumstances shall actual or direct costs under this Agreement include costs associated with inefficiency, offsite or home office overhead, loss of productivity, consequential damages, legal or consulting costs or costs associated with delays caused in whole or in part by the Engineer. Agreement for Continuing Engineering Services City of Winter Springs/Carollo Engineers 6 226 5.6 Errors and Deficiencies. The Engineer shall not invoice the City or seek any compensation from the City to correct or revise any errors or deficiencies in the Engineer's services provided under this Agreement. 5.7 Payment Offsets. To the extent that the Engineer owes the City any money under this or any other Agreement with the City,the City shall have the right to withhold payment and otherwise back charge the Engineer for any money owed to the City by the Engineer. 5.8 Payment not Waiver. The City's payment of any invoice under this Agreement shall not be construed or operate as a waiver of any rights under this Agreement or any cause of action arising out of the performance of this Agreement and the Engineer shall remain liable to the City in accordance with applicable law for all damages to the City caused by the Engineer's performance of any Services provided under this Agreement. 5.9 Delay Remedy. The risk of any monetary damages caused by any delays in performing the Services under this Agreement and any Task Order are accepted and assumed entirely by the Engineer, and in no event shall any claim relating thereto for an increase in compensation be made or recognized. The Engineer shall not make any claim nor seek any damages of any kind against the City for any delays, impacts, disruption or interruption caused by any delay.The Engineer's remedy for a delay shall be an equitable extension of time to perform the Services for each day of such delay that impacts the critical path of the schedule established under this Agreement or specific Task Order. 5.10 Acceptance of Payment. Acceptance of final payment by the Engineer for a specific Task Order shall constitute a release of all claims for payment which the Engineer may have against the City for that Task Order unless such claims are specifically reserved in writing and transmitted to the City by the Engineer prior to its acceptance. Said final payment shall not, however,be a bar to any claims that the City may have against the Engineer or to any remedies the City may pursue with respect to such claims. 5.11 Payment Adjustments. It is agreed that payment by the City of any billing will not constitute agreement as to the appropriateness of any item and that at the time of any final audit, all required adjustments will be made and reflected in a final payment. In the event that such final audit reveals an overpayment to the Engineer, the Engineer agrees to refund such overpayment to the City within ninety(90)days of notice of any such overpayment. Such refund shall not constitute a waiver by the Engineer for any claims relating to the validity of a finding by the City of overpayment. 5.12 Partial Payments. Payment made to the Engineer shall not constitute acceptance of the work or any portion thereof which is not in accordance with this Agreement. The City retains the right to pay only that percentage of the total contract amount that equals the same percentage that work completed bears to the total amount of work required to be performed under this Agreement. If the City objects to all or any portion of any invoice, it shall notify the Engineer of the same within five (5) days from the date of receipt and shall pay that portion of the invoice not in dispute. The parties shall immediately make every effort to settle the disputed portion. Agreement for Continuing Engineering Services City of Winter Springs/Carollo Engineers 7 227 6.0 RIGHT TO INSPECTION 6.1 The City or its affiliates shall at all times have the right to review or observe the Services performed by the Engineer. 6.2 No inspection, review or observation shall relieve the Engineer of its responsibility under this Agreement. 7.0 PROGRESS MEETING 7.1 The City's designated Project Manager may hold periodic progress meetings on a monthly basis, or more frequently if required by the City, during the term of any Task Order entered into under this Agreement. The Engineer's Project Manager and all other appropriate personnel shall attend such meetings as designated by the City's Project Manager. 8.0 SAFETY 8.1 The Engineer shall be solely and absolutely responsible and assume all liability for the safety and supervision of its principals, employees and resident project representatives and assistants)while performing Services provided hereunder. 9.0 REASONABLE ACCESS 9.1 During the term of this Agreement, the City shall grant the Engineer reasonable access to the City's premises,records and files for purposes of fulfilling its obligations under this Agreement. The City shall arrange for access to and make all provisions for Engineer to enter upon public and private property as required for Engineer to perform services hereunder. 10.0 INSURANCE 10.1 Liability Amounts. During the term of this Agreement, the Engineer shall be responsible for providing the types of insurance and limits of liability as set forth below. a. Professional Liability. Proof of professional liability insurance shall be provided to the City for the minimum amount of $5,000,000.00 per occurrence or claim and in the aggregate, with a deductible not greater than $50,000.00. For professional liability insurance written on a "claims-made" basis, the Engineer shall maintain and provide evidence to the City of"tail" coverage that extends coverage for an additional five years following completion of all Work rendered under this Agreement and Task Orders. b. General Liability. The Engineer shall maintain comprehensive general liability insurance in the minimum amount of $5,000,000.00 as the combined single limit for each occurrence, with a deductible no greater than $5,000.00, unless a higher deductible is pre- approved by the City Manager, to protect the Engineer from claims of property damages and personal injury which may arise from any Services performed under this Agreement, whether Agreement for Continuing Engineering Services City of Winter Springs/Carollo Engineers 8 228 such Services are performed by the Engineer or by anyone directly employed by or contracting with the Engineer. C. Automobile Liability. The Engineer shall maintain comprehensive automobile liability insurance in the minimum amount of$1,000,000 per occurrence combined single limit for bodily injury, including wrongful death, and property damage, which may arise from the ownership, use or maintenance of owned and non-owned automobiles, including rented automobiles, whether such operations be by the Engineer or by anyone directly or indirectly employed by the Engineer. d. Workers' Compensation. The Engineer shall maintain, during the life of this Agreement,adequate Workers'Compensation Insurance and Employers'Liability Insurance in at least such amounts as are required by law for all of its employees performing Work for the City pursuant to this Agreement. 10.2 Special Requirements. Current,valid insurance policies meeting the requirements herein identified shall be maintained during the term of this Agreement. Renewal certificates shall be sent to the City thirty(30) days prior to any expiration date. There shall also be a thirty 30) day advance written notification to the City in the event of cancellation or modification of any stipulated insurance coverage. The City shall be an additional named insured on stipulated insurance policies included in article 10.Lb and 10.1.c herein, as its interest may appear, from time to time. 10.3 The insurance required by this Agreement shall include the liability and coverage provided herein, or as required by law, whichever requirements afford greater coverage. All of the policies of insurance so required to be purchased and maintained shall contain a provision or endorsement that the coverage afforded will not be canceled,reduced or renewal refused until at least thirty(30)days'prior written notice has been given to the City,and the Engineer by certified mail, return receipt requested. All such insurance shall remain in effect until final payment. In the event that the Engineer shall fail to comply with the foregoing requirement, the City is authorized, but in no event shall be obligated,to purchase such insurance, and the City may bill the Engineer. The Engineer shall immediately forward funds to the City in full payment for said insurance. It is expressly agreed that neither the provision of the insurance referred to in this Agreement nor the City's acceptance of the terins,conditions or amounts of any insurance policy shall be deemed a warranty or representation as to adequacy of such coverage. All insurance coverage shall be with insurer(s) rated as A+ by Best's Rating Guide (or equivalent rating and rating service as reasonably determined by the City Manager)and licensed by the State of Florida to engage in the business of writing of insurance or provided through the London Market for Professional Liability Insurance. The Engineer shall cause its insurance carriers, prior to the effective date of this agreement to furnish insurance certificates specifying the types and amounts of coverage in effect pursuant hereto, the expiration dates of such policies, and a statement that no insurance under such policies will be canceled without thirty(30)days'prior written notice to the City in compliance with other provisions of this Agreement. Further copies of all relevant policies will be provided to the City within thirty(30)days of the effective date of this agreement. If the City has any objection to the coverage afforded by or other provision of the insurance required to be purchased and maintained by the Engineer in accordance with this Article on the Agreement for Continuing Engineering Services City of Winter Springs/Carollo Engineers 9 229 basis of its not complying with the Agreement, the City shall notify the Engineer in writing thereof within thirty(30)days of the date of delivery of such certificates to the City.For all Work performed pursuant to this Agreement,the Engineer shall continuously maintain such insurance in the amounts,type and quality as required by the Agreement. 10.4 Independent Associates and Engineers.All independent associates and Engineers employed by the Engineer to perform any Services hereunder shall fully comply with the insurance provisions contained in this paragraph. 11.0 COMPLIANCE WITH LAWS AND REGULATIONS 11.1 The Engineer shall comply with all requirements of federal, state and local laws, rules, regulations, standards and/or ordinances applicable to the performance of Services under this Agreement. 12.0 REPRESENTATIONS 12.1 The Engineer represents that the Services provided hereunder shall conform to all requirements of this Agreement and any Task Order, shall be consistent with recognized and sound engineering practices and procedures; and shall conform to the customary standards of care, skill, and diligence appropriate to the nature of the Services rendered. The Engineer shall perform as expeditiously as is consistent with professional skill and care and the orderly progress of the Services performed hereunder. The Engineer's services shall be consistent with the time periods established under this Agreement or the applicable Task Order. The Engineer shall provide the City with a written schedule for services performed under each Task Order and such schedule shall provide for ample time for the City to review,for the performance of Engineers(if any),and for the approval of submissions by authorities having jurisdiction over the services.The Engineer's designated representative shall have the authority to act on the Engineer's behalf with respect to the Services.In addition,the Engineer's representative shall render decisions in a timely manner in order to avoid unreasonable delay in the orderly and sequential progress of the Services. Except with the City's knowledge and consent, the Engineer shall not engage in any activity, or accept any employment, interest or contribution that would reasonably appear to compromise the Engineer's professional judgment with respect to the Services. The Engineer shall review laws, codes and regulations applicable to the Engineer's Services. The Engineer's services and design shall comply with all applicable requirements imposed by all public authorities. The Engineer represents and warrants that it is familiar with, and accepts that it will perform the Services hereunder in a manner that complies with all applicable requirements of law, codes, and regulations. The Engineer shall be responsible for the professional quality, technical accuracy and the coordination of all plans,studies,reports and other services furnished to the City under this Agreement.Unless this Agreement is terminated by the City,or terminated by the Engineer for nonpayment of any proper invoices,or the City exercises its rights to perform the Services pursuant to under Section 2.2 herein, the Engineer shall be responsible for the satisfactory and complete execution of the Services described in this Agreement and any Task Order. The Engineer represents that it will carefully examine the scope of services required by the City in the Task Order, that it will investigate the essential requirements of the services required by the Task Order and that it will have sufficient personnel, equipment and material at Agreement for Continuing Engineering Services City of Winter Springs/Carollo Engineers 10 230 its disposal to complete the services set forth in the Task Order in a good professional and workmanlike manner in conformance with the requirements of this Agreement. 12.2 The Engineer represents that all principals, employees and other personnel furnishing such Services shall be qualified and competent to perform the Services assigned to them and that such guidance given by and the recommendations and performance of such personnel shall reflect their best professional knowledge and judgment. 13.0 GUARANTEE AGAINST INFRINGEMENT 13.1 The Engineer guarantees that all Services performed under this Agreement shall be free from claims of patent,copyright,and trademark infringement.Notwithstanding any other provision of this Agreement, the Engineer shall indemnify, hold harmless and defend the City, its officers, directors, employees, agents assigns and servants from and against any and all liability,including expenses, legal or otherwise,for actual or alleged infringement of any patent, copyright or trademark resulting from the use of any goods,services or other item provided under this Agreement. Notwithstanding the foregoing, the Engineer may elect to provide non - infringing services. 14.0 DOCUMENTS 14.1 Public Records. Pursuant to Section 119.0701, Florida Statutes and other applicable public records laws, Engineer agrees that any records, documents, transactions, writings, papers, letters, computerized information and programs, maps, books, audio or video tapes, films, photographs, data processing software, writings or other material(s), regardless of the physical form, characteristics; or means of transmission, of Engineer related, directly or indirectly, to the services provided to the City under this Agreement and made or received pursuant to law or ordinance or in connection with the transaction of official business by the City, may be deemed to be a public record, whether in the possession or control of the City or the Engineer. Said records, documents, transactions, writings, papers, letters, computerized information and programs,maps,books,audio or video tapes,films,photographs,data processing software,writings or other material(s),regardless of the physical form, characteristics, or means of transmission of Engineer are subject to the provisions of Chapter 119, Florida Statutes, and may not be destroyed without the specific written approval of the City's designated custodian of public records. IF THE ENGINEER HAS QUESTIONS REGARDING THE APPLICATION OF CHAPTER 119, FLORIDA STATUTES, TO THE ENGINEER'S DUTY TO PROVIDE PUBLIC RECORDS RELATING TO THIS AGREEMENT, CONTACT THE CUSTODIAN OF PUBLIC RECORDS, THE CITY CLERK, AT (407) 327-5955, cityclerkdepartment@winterspringsfl.org, City Clerk's Office, 1126 East State Road 434, Winter Springs,FL 32708. Engineer is required to and agrees to comply with public records laws. Engineer shall keep and maintain all public records required by the City to perform the services as agreed to herein. Engineer shall provide the City,upon request from the City Clerk,copies of the requested Agreement for Continuing Engineering Services City of Winter Springs/Carollo Engineers ll 231 records or allow the records to be inspected or copied within a reasonable time at a cost that does not exceed the cost provided by law. Engineer shall ensure that public records that are exempt or confidential and exempt from public records disclosure requirements are not disclosed except as authorized by law for the duration of the Agreement term.Upon completion of the Agreement, Engineer shall transfer to the City, at no cost, all public records in possession of the Engineer, provided the transfer is requested in writing by the City Clerk. Upon such transfer, Engineer shall destroy any duplicate public records that are exempt or confidential and exempt from public records disclosure requirements. However, if the City Clerk does not request that the public records be transferred,the Engineer shall continue to keep and maintain the public records upon completion of the Agreement and shall meet all applicable requirements for retaining public records. All records stored electronically must be provided to the City, upon request from the City Clerk, in a format that is compatible with the information technology systems of the City. Should the City not possess public records relating to this Agreement which are requested to be inspected or copied by the City or any other person,the City shall immediately notify Engineer of the request and the Engineer shall then provide such records to the City or allow the records to be inspected or copied within a reasonable time. If the Engineer does not comply with a public records request, the City may enforce this Section to the extent permitted by law. Engineer acknowledges that if the Engineer does not provide the public records to the City within a reasonable time,the Engineer may be subject to penalties under Section 119.10,Florida Statutes. The Engineer acknowledges that if a civil action is filed against the Engineer to compel production of public records relating to this Agreement, the court may assess and award against Engineer the reasonable costs of enforcement, including reasonable attorney fees. All public records in connection with this Agreement shall,at any and all reasonable times during the normal business hours of the Engineer, be open and freely exhibited to the City for the purpose of examination, audit, or otherwise. Failure by Engineer to grant such public access and comply with public records laws and/or requests shall be grounds for immediate unilateral cancellation of this Agreement by the City upon delivery of a written notice of cancellation. If the Engineer fails to comply with this Section, and the City must enforce this Section, or the City suffers a third party award of attorney's fees and/or damages for violating Chapter 119, Florida Statutes, due to Engineer's failure to comply with this Section, the City shall collect from Engineer prevailing party attorney's fees and costs, and any damages incurred by the City, for enforcing this Section against Engineer. If applicable,the City shall also be entitled to reimbursement of all attorneys' fees and damages which the City had to pay a third party because of the Engineer's failure to comply with this Section. The terms and conditions set forth in this Section shall survive the termination of this Agreement. 14.2. Reuse of Documents. All documents, including but not limited to, drawings, specifications and data or programs stored electronically or otherwise,prepared by the Engineer and its independent contractors and associates pursuant to this Agreement or related exclusively to the Services described herein shall be owned by the City and may be reused by the City for any reason or purpose at any time. However,the City agrees that the aforesaid documents are not intended or represented to be suitable for reuse by the City or others on any undertaking other than the Work outlined in this Agreement.Any reuse for an undertaking other than for the Work without verification or adaptation by the Engineer, or its independent contractors and associates if necessary,to specific purposes intended will be at the City's sole risk and without liability or legal exposure to the Engineer. Agreement for Continuing Engineering Services City of Winter Springs/Carollo Engineers 12 232 14.3. Ownership of Documents. The City and the Engineer agree that upon payment of fees due to the Engineer by the City for a particular design, report, inventory list, compilation, drawing, specification, model, recommendation, schedule or otherwise, said design, report, inventory list, compilation, drawing, specification, technical data, recommendation, model, schedule and other instrument produced by the Engineer in the performance of this Agreement, or any Work hereunder,shall be the sole property of the City,and the City is vested with all rights therein. The Engineer waives all rights of copyright in said design, report, inventory list, compilation, drawing, specification,technical data,recommendation, model, schedule and other instrument produced by the Engineer in the performance of this Agreement, and hereby assigns and conveys the same to the City whether in the possession or control of the Engineer or not. 14.4. Preexisting Ownership Rights to Documents. Notwithstanding any provisions to the contrary contained in this Agreement, the Engineer shall retain sole ownership to its preexisting information not produced and paid for by the City under this Agreement including, but not limited to, computer programs, software, standard details, figures, templates and specifications. 15.0 ASSIGNMENT 15.1 The Engineer shall not assign or subcontract this Agreement, any Task Order hereunder,or any rights or any monies due or to become due hereunder without the prior,written consent of the City. Any subcontractors employed by Engineer for any Work required under this Agreement shall require prior written approval from the City, unless previously approved in the Task Order. Any attempt to assign or subcontract the responsibilities and payments under this Agreement without the express prior written consent of the City shall be grounds for termination of the Agreement. 15.2 If upon receiving written approval from the City, any part of this Agreement is subcontracted by the Engineer, the Engineer shall be fully responsible to the City for all acts and/or omissions performed by the subcontractor as if no subcontract had been made. 15.3 If the City determines that any subcontractor is not performing in accordance with this Agreement, the City shall so notify the Engineer who shall take immediate steps to remedy the situation. 15.4 If any part of this Agreement is subcontracted by the Engineer, prior to the commencement of any Work by the subcontractor, the Engineer shall require the subcontractor to provide the City and its affiliates with insurance coverage as set forth by the City. Agreement for Continuing Engineering Services City of Winter Springs/Carollo Engineers 13 233 16.0 INDEPENDENT CONTRACTOR 16.1 At all times during the term of this Agreement, the Engineer and any approved subcontractors shall be considered an independent contractor(s) and not an employee(s) of the City. 17.0 DEFAULT BY ENGINEER AND CITY'S REMEDIES 17.1 In addition to the City's right to terminate this Agreement for convenience under Section 18.0 of this Agreement, the City also reserves the right to revoke and terminate this Agreement for a default and to rescind all rights and privileges associated with this Agreement, without penalty, based on a default including, but not limited to, any of the following circumstances, each of which shall represent a default and breach of this Agreement: a. The Engineer defaults in the performance of any material covenant or condition of this Agreement and does not cure such other default within thirty (30) calendar days after written notice from the City specifying the default complained of,unless,however,the nature of the default is such that it cannot,in the exercise of reasonable diligence,be remedied within thirty 30)calendar days, in which case the Engineer shall have such time as is reasonably necessary to remedy the default,provided the Engineer promptly takes and diligently pursues such actions as are necessary therefore;or b. The Engineer is adjudicated bankrupt or makes any assignment for the benefit of creditors or the Engineer becomes insolvent, or is unable or unwilling to pay its debts; or C. The Engineer has acted grossly negligent, as defined by general and applicable law, in performing the Services hereunder; or d. The Engineer has committed any act of fraud upon the City; or e. The Engineer has made a material misrepresentation of fact to the City while performing its obligations under this Agreement. f. The Engineer has assigned this Agreement or any Task Order without the City's prior written consent. 17.2 Notwithstanding the aforementioned,in the event of a default by the Engineer,the City shall have the right to exercise any other remedy the City may have by operation of law, without limitation, and without any further demand or notice. 17.3 In the event of such termination upon default and breach of this Agreement, any completed services performed by the Engineer under this Agreement shall, at the option of the City, become the City's property and the Engineer shall be entitled to receive equitable compensation for any work completed to the satisfaction of the City. The Engineer, however, shall not be relieved of liability to the City for damages sustained by the City by reason of any breach of the Agreement, and the City may withhold any payments to the Engineer for the Agreement for Continuing Engineering Services City of Winter Springs/Carollo Engineers 14 234 purpose of setoff until such time as the amount of damages due to the City from the Engineer can be determined. 18.0 TERMINATION 18.1 Notwithstanding any other provision of this Agreement, the City may, upon written notice to the Engineer,terminate this Agreement,without penalty, if. (a)the Engineer is in default pursuant to Section 17.0 Default; (b)the Engineer makes a general assignment for the benefit of its creditors; (c)the Engineer fails to comply with any condition or provision of this Agreement; or (d) the Engineer is experiencing a labor dispute which threatens to have a substantial, adverse impact upon performance of this Agreement without prejudice to any other right or remedy the City may have under this Agreement.In addition, either party may terminate for convenience with no penalty at any time upon thirty(30)days advance written notice. In the event of such termination, the City shall be liable only for the payment of all unpaid charges, determined in accordance with the provisions of this Agreement, for Work properly performed prior to the effective date of termination. 18.2 In addition, either party may terminate for convenience without penalty at any time upon thirty (30)days advance written notice. 18.3 In the event of termination, City shall be liable only for the payment of all unpaid charges, determined in accordance with the provisions of this Agreement, for Work properly performed prior to the effective date of termination. 19.0 FORCE MAJEURE 19.1 Any delay or failure of either party in the performance of its required obligations hereunder shall be excused if and to the extent caused by acts of God; fire; flood; windstorm; explosion; riot; war; sabotage; strikes (with the exception of Engineer's labor force); extraordinary breakdown of or damage to the City's affiliates' generating plants,their equipment or facilities; court injunction or order; federal and/or state law or regulation; order by any regulatory agency; or cause or causes beyond the reasonable control of the party affected; provided that prompt notice of such delay is given by such party to the other and each of the parties hereunto shall be diligent in attempting to remove such cause or causes. If any circumstance of Force Majeure remains in effect for sixty days, either party may terminate this Agreement. 20.0 GOVERNING LAW & VENUE 20.1 This Agreement is made and shall be interpreted, construed, governed, and enforced in accordance with the laws of the State of Florida. Venue for any state action or litigation shall be Seminole County, Florida. Venue for any federal action or litigation shall be Orlando,Florida. Agreement for Continuing Engineering Services City of Winter Springs/Carollo Engineers 15 235 21.0 HEADINGS 21.1 Paragraph headings are for the convenience of the parties only and are not to be construed as part of this Agreement. 22.0 SEVERABILITY 22.1 In the event any portion or part of thereof this Agreement is deemed invalid, against public policy, void, or otherwise unenforceable by a court of law, the parties shall negotiate an equitable adjustment in the affected provision of this Agreement. The validity and enforceability of the remaining parts of this Agreement shall otherwise by fully enforceable. 23.0 WAIVER AND ELECTION OF REMEDIES 23.1 Waiver by either party of any terms, or provision of this Agreement shall not be considered a waiver of that term, condition, or provision in the future. 23.2 No waiver, consent, or modification of any of the provisions of this Agreement shall be binding unless in writing and signed by a duly authorized representative of each party hereto. 24.0 THIRD PARTY RIGHTS 24.1 Nothing in this Agreement shall be construed to give any rights or benefits to anyone other than the City and the Engineer. No person or entity not a signatory to this Agreement shall be entitled to rely on the Engineer's performance of its services hereunder, and no right to assert a claim against the Engineer by assignment of indemnity rights or otherwise shall accrue to a third party as a result of this Agreement or the performance of the Engineer's services hereunder. 25.0 PROHIBITION AGAINST CONTINGENT FEES 25.1 The Engineer warrants that it has not employed or retained any company or person,other than a bona fide employee working solely for the Engineer,to solicit or secure this Agreement,and that it has not paid or agreed to pay any person,company,corporation,individual or firm, other than a bona fide employee working solely for the Engineer, any fee, commission, percentage,gift,or other consideration contingent upon or resulting from the award or making of this Agreement. For the breach or violation of this provision, the City shall have the right to terminate the agreement without liability and, at its discretion,to deduct from the contract price, or otherwise recover,the full amount of such fee,commission,percentage,gift,or consideration. 26.0 ENTIRE AGREEMENT 26.1 This Agreement, including any Task Orders and Schedules, Attachments, Appendices and Exhibits attached hereto, constitute the entire agreement between the City and Agreement for Continuing Engineering Services City of Winter Springs/Carollo Engineers 16 236 the Engineer with respect to the Services specified and all previous representations relative thereto,either written or oral,are hereby annulled and superseded. 27.0 NO JOINT VENTURE 27.1 Nothing herein shall be deemed to create a joint venture or principal—agent relationship between the parties, and neither party is authorized to, nor shall either party act toward third persons or the public in any manner which would indicate any such relationship with the other. 28.0 ATTORNEY'S FEES 28.1 Should any litigation arise concerning this Agreement between the parties, the parties agree to bear their own costs and attorney's fees,whether at settlement,trial or on appeal. 29.0 COUNTERPARTS 29.1 This Agreement may be executed in any number of counterparts, each of which when so executed and delivered shall be considered an original agreement;but such counterparts shall together constitute but one and the same instrument. 30.0 DRAFTING 30.1 The City and the Engineer each represent that they have both shared equally in drafting this Agreement and no party shall be favored or disfavored regarding the interpretation of this Agreement in the event of a dispute between the parties. 31.0 NOTICE 31.1 Any notices required to be given by the terms of this Agreement shall be delivered by hand or mailed,postage prepaid to: For Engineer: Carollo Engineers, Inc. Attention: Scott Richards,P.E. 200 E. Robinson Street, Suite 1400 Orlando,FL 32801 407)377-4312 For City: City of Winter Springs Attention: City Manager 1126 East State Road 434 Winter Springs,FL 32708 407) 327-5989 Agreement for Continuing Engineering Services City of Winter Springs/Carollo Engineers 17 237 31.2 Either party may change the notice address by providing the other party written notice of the change. 31.3 Any Notice given as provided herein shall be deemed received as follows: if delivered by personal service, on the date so delivered; if delivered to an overnight courier service, on the business day immediately following delivery to such service; and if mailed, on the third business day after mailing. 32.0 SOVEREIGN IMMUNITY 32.1 The City intends to avail itself of the benefits of Section 768.28, Florida Statutes and any other statutes and common law governing sovereign immunity to the fullest extent possible. Neither this provision nor any other provision of this Agreement shall be construed as a waiver of the City's right to sovereign immunity under Section 768.28, Florida Statutes, or other limitations imposed on the City's potential liability under state or federal law. Engineer agrees that City shall not be liable under this Agreement for punitive damages or interest for the period before judgment. Further, City shall not be liable for any claim or judgment, or portion thereof,to any one person for over two hundred thousand dollars($200,000.00), or any claim or judgment, or portion thereof, which,when totaled with all other claims or judgments paid by the State or its agencies and subdivisions arising out of the same incident or occurrence, exceeds three hundred thousand dollars($300,000.00). Nothing in this Agreement is intended to inure to the benefit of any third party for the purpose of allowing any claim which would otherwise be barred under the doctrine of sovereign immunity or by operation of law. This paragraph shall survive termination of this Agreement. 33.0 CORPORATE REPRESENTATIONS BY ENGINEER 33.1 The Engineer hereby represents and warrants to the City the following: a. The Engineer is duly registered and licensed to do business in the State of Florida and is in good standing under the laws of Florida, and is duly qualified and authorized to carry on the functions and operations set forth in this Agreement. b. The undersigned representative of the Engineer has the power,authority,and legal right to execute and deliver this Agreement on behalf of the Engineer. 34.0 INDEMNIFICATION AND LIMITATION OF LIABILITY 34.1 The Engineer shall defend, indemnify and hold harmless the City, its elected officials, officers, employees, agents, attorneys and volunteers, against any and all liabilities, damages, losses, costs, expenses, injuries(including death), claims or actions,of whatever type, including,but not limited to,reasonable attorneys' fees in any legal proceeding through trial and appeal,which the City may hereafter sustain, incur,or be required to pay,to the extent caused by the negligence,recklessness,or intentionally wrongful conduct of the Engineer and other persons employed or utilized by the Engineer in the performance of this Agreement, including any Task Order. Agreement for Continuing Engineering Services City of Winter Springs/Carollo Engineers 18 238 The Engineer specifically assumes potential liability for actions brought by the Engineer's own employees against the City and, solely for the purpose of this indemnification and defense, the Engineer specifically waives its entitlement,if any,to immunity under Section 440.11,Florida Statutes. This waiver has been specifically and mutually negotiated by the parties. The indemnity provisions set forth in this Section shall survive termination of this Agreement. 34.2 For other good and valuable consideration,the receipt and sufficiency of which is hereby acknowledged, Engineer expresses its willingness to enter into this Agreement with the knowledge that the Engineer's recovery from the City to any action or claim arising from the Agreement is limited to a maximum amount of the sum of any Agreement amount that is owed by the City for services actually performed by the Engineer to the City's complete satisfaction, and in no case shall exceed the amount provided in article 32.1 herein. Nothing contained in this paragraph or elsewhere in this Agreement is in any way intended either to be a waiver of the limitation placed upon the City's liability as set forth in Section 768.28 Florida Statutes, or to extend the City's liability beyond the limits established in said Section 768.28 Florida Statutes; and no claim or award against the City shall include attorney's fees, investigative costs, expert fees, suit costs or pre judgment interest. 34.3 PURSUANT TO SECTION 558.0035, FLORIDA STATUTES, AN INDIVIDUAL EMPLOYEE OR AGENT OF THE ENGINEER MAY NOT BE HELD INDIVIDUALLY LIABLE FOR ECONOMIC DAMAGES RESULTING FROM NEGLIGENCE UNDER THIS AGREEMENT IF THE CONDITIONS OF SECTION 558.0035 ARE SATISFIED. 34.4 The Engineer shall not be responsible for warranties, guarantees, fitness for a particular purpose,breach of fiduciary duty,loss of anticipated profits or for economic,incidental or consequential damages to the City or any third party arising out of breach of contract, termination, or for any other reason whatsoever. Additionally, the Engineer shall not be responsible for acts and decisions of third parties, including governmental agencies, other than the Engineer's subconsultants,that impact project completion and/or success. 35.0 ENGINEER'S PERSONNEL AT CONSTRUCTION SITE 35.1 The presence or duties of the Engineer's personnel at a construction site,whether as onsite representatives or otherwise, do not make the Engineer or the Engineer's personnel in any way responsible for those duties that belong to the City and/or the construction contractors or other entities, and do not relieve the construction contractors or any other entity of their obligations, duties and responsibilities including, but not limited to, all construction methods, means, techniques, sequences and procedures necessary for coordinating and completing all portions of the construction work in accordance with the applicable construction contract documents and any health or safety precautions required by such construction work. The Engineer and the Engineer's personnel have no authority to exercise any control over any construction contractor or other entity or their employees in connection with their work or any health or safety precautions and have no duty for inspecting, noting, observing, correcting or Agreement for Continuing Engineering Services City of Winter Springs/Carollo Engineers 19 239 reporting on health or safety deficiencies of the construction contractor(s) or other entity or any other persons at the site except the Engineer's own personnel. 35.2 The presence of the Engineer's personnel at a construction site is for the purpose of providing to the City a greater degree of confidence that the completed work will conform generally to the applicable contract documents and that the integrity of the design concept as reflected in the contract documents has been implemented and preserved by the construction contractor(s). The Engineer neither guarantees the perfonnance of the construction contractor(s) nor assumes responsibility for construction contractor's failure to perform work in accordance with the contract documents. For this Agreement only, construction sites include places of manufacture for materials incorporated into the construction work, and construction contractors include manufacturers of materials incorporated into the construction work. 36.0 RECORD DRAWINGS 36.1 Record drawings, if required,will be prepared,in part,on the basis of information compiled and furnished by others, and may not always represent the exact location, type of various components,or exact manner in which the project was finally constructed.The Engineer is not responsible for any errors or omissions in the information from others that is incorporated into the record drawings. 37.0 ADDITIONAL ASSURANCES 37.1 The Engineer for itself and its Sub-consultants, if any, certifies that; a. No principal (which includes officers, directors, or executive) or individual holding a professional license and performing work under this Agreement is presently debarred, suspended, proposed for debarment, declared ineligible or voluntarily excluded from participation in any architecture, landscape architecture, engineering, or surveying activity by any Federal, State, or local governmental commission, department, corporation, subdivision or agency; b. No principal (which includes officers, directors or executive) or individual holding a professional license and performing work under this Agreement,employee or agent has employed or otherwise provided compensation to,any employee or officer of the City; and; C. No principal (which includes officers, directors or executive) or individual holding a professional license and performing work under this Agreement,employee or agent has willfully offered an employee or officer of the City any pecuniary or other benefit with the intent to influence the employee or officer's official action or judgment. d. The undersigned is authorized to execute this Agreement on behalf of the Engineer and said signature shall bind the Engineer to this Agreement.No further action is required by the Engineer to enter into this Agreement other than the Engineer's undersigned representative's execution of the Agreement. Agreement for Continuing Engineering Services City of Winter Springs/Carollo Engineers 20 240 38.0 E-VERIFY 38.1 Pursuant to section 448.095, Florida Statutes, beginning January 1, 2021, Contractors, which shall include Engineer, shall register with and use the U.S. Department of Homeland Security's E-Verify system, https://e-verify.uscis.gov/em; , to verify the work authorization status of all employees hired on and after January 1, 2021. 38.2 Subcontractors a. Engineer shall also require all subcontractors performing work under this Agreement to use the E-Verify system for any employees they may hire during the term of this Agreement. b. Engineer shall obtain from all such subcontractors an affidavit stating the subcontractor does not employ, contract with, or subcontract with an unauthorized alien, as defined in section 448.095,Florida Statutes. c. Engineer shall provide a copy of all subcontractor affidavits to the City upon receipt and shall maintain a copy for the duration of the Agreement. 38.3 Engineer must provide evidence of compliance with section 448.095, Florida Statutes. Evidence shall consist of an affidavit from the Engineer stating all employees hired on and after January 1, 2021 have had their work authorization status verified through the E- Verify system and a copy of their proof of registration in the E-Verify system. 38.4 Failure to comply with this provision is a material breach of the Agreement, and shall result in the immediate termination of the Agreement without penalty to the City. Engineer shall be liable for all costs incurred by the City securing a replacement Agreement,including but not limited to, any increased costs for the same services, any costs due to delay, and rebidding costs, if applicable. 39.0 LIMITATION ON CAMPAIGN CONTRIBUTIONS 39.1 The Engineer, including its chief executive officer, chief financial officer, chief operating officer, or persons having an ownership interest exceeding five percent in the Engineer's business entity, agree that they shall not directly or indirectly make any contribution, or promise expressly or impliedly to make any contribution, to any candidate for the Winter Springs City Commission at any time during the term of this Agreement. 40.0 ESTIMATES 40.1 Estimates, opinions of probable construction or implementation costs, financial evaluations, feasibility studies or economic analyses prepared by Engineer as a service deliverable will represent its best judgment based on its experience and available information. The City recognizes that Engineer has no control over costs of labor, materials, equipment or services furnished by others or over market conditions or contractors' methods of determining prices, and that bids and actual costs may vary from the Engineer's opinions, evaluations or studies. Agreement for Continuing Engineering Services City of Winter Springs/Carollo Engineers 21 241 IN WITNESS WHEREOF,the parties hereto caused this Agreement to be executed by their duly authorized representatives as of the date first written above. CITY:ENGINEER: CITY OF WINTER SPRINGS CAROLLO ENGINEERS,INC. Digitally signed by Brian J.Graha Contac;Info:bgraham'i lo. Data:2021.D8.04 09:28'L Shawn ogle,C Manager Vice President Title Date: '7- •doa I Printed Name: Brian Graham Date: June 4,2021 t ATTEST: Assoc Vice President,Title Printed Name: Scott Richards ristian Gowan,City Clerk Date: June 4,2021 crr 414.••' OJP ORit)k Agreement for Continuing Engineering Services City of Winter Springs/Carollo Engineers 22 242 EXHIBIT A HOURLY RATE SCHEDULE EXHIBIT A HOURLY RATE SCHEDULE CAROLLD ENGINEERS INC. AGREEMENT FOR CIVIL ENGINEERING CONTINUING ENGINEERING SERVICES RFQ#01-21 TP) February 2021 As requested,the following is our Information regarding the personnel hourly rates for our project with the City of Winter Springs. Individual classification for personnel hourly rates are as follows: Labor Classification Overall Hourly Rate Engineers/Scientists Assistant Professional ES 1_ 122.10 AssistantProfesslonat ES 11 5133.89 Proessional ES 111 153.63 Professional ES IV 51 Project Professional ES V 185.92 PTject Professional ES VI 208.69 Lead Project Professional ES VII 228.115 Senior Professional ES VIII 280.03 Principal Professional 291.00 Engineering Techniclans Technician ET 1 77,94 Technician ET 11 6.94 Technician ET 111 88.22 Technician ET IV 102.33 Senior Tec nldan ET V 119.72 Senior Technician ET VI 129.93 SsniarTechniclan ET VII 150.56 Senior Technician ET Vlll 166.87 Enalneering Aides Eng pering Aides EA 1 72.04 gnqineeriaq Aides EA 11 77.30 Office Staff Admin/Clerical 81.60 Word Pmeessina 586.63 Marketin )PG 122.87 Agreement for Continuing Engineering Services City of Winter Springs/Carollo Engineers 23 243 244 245 246 247 248 249 250 251 252 253 200 East Robinson Street, Suite 1400, Orlando, Florida 32801 P. 407.478.4642 F. 407.478.4643 Exhibit A City of Winter Springs Lake Jessup Reclaimed Water Augmentation Station – Feasibility Analysis January ͮͬͮͮ SCOPE OF SERVICES GENERAL The City of Winter Springs (CITY) owns the Lake Jessup Reclaimed Water Augmentation Station (Jessup RW Station), which is intended to augment their Public Access Reuse (PAR) supply when needed. However, due to issues related to the system filters, as well as the lack of infrastructure to divert non-PAR quality effluent, the CITY was forced to take the station offline. The CITY desires to recommission the station – contingent upon the associated labor and cost to make it fully operational and reliable. The purpose of this task is to provide the CITY with a Feasibility Analysis on the rehabilitation vs. replacement of the Jessup RW Station. Carollo Engineers, Inc., (CONSULTANT) will provide these engineering services to the CITY under the terms of the Agreement for Continuing Civil Engineering Services – Water, Wastewater, Reclaimed Water, and Stormwater Utility. The Feasibility Analysis will include a condition assessment of the mechanical and process equipment at the Jessup RW Station to determine what assets may require rehabilitation or replacement, along with an associated recommendation and construction cost. The proposed recommendation will have an emphasis on constructability and operability. Additionally, a task to investigate seasonal water quality of the St. Johns Reiver and surficial aquifer in the vicinity of the Jessup RW Station is included. Under this scope, the CONSULTANT and Connect Consulting, Inc. (SUBCONSULTANT) will also provide consulting services related to the investigation of a suspected artesian well located in the Parkstone neighborhood in Winter Springs (known as the Parkstone Artesian Well). The Parkstone Artesian Well is permitted under a Consumptive Use Permit (CUP) with the St Johns River Water Management District (SJRWMD). The well currently flows into an underground structure, which is then captured into a gravity pipe and flows into Lake Jessup. It is believed to be a historical agricultural well, which was abandoned during development of the Parkstone Community. However, it is also possible that this is a natural, surficial fracture. For unknown reasons, the development construction resulted in the inability to plug the artesian well, leaving the community with a free-flowing artesian well. Based on an initial meeting, it is understood that the Parkstone Community has continued to have challenges with the well, including settlement of the ground around it. Repairs have been completed 254 City of Winter Springs Lake Jessup RW Augmentation Station – Feasibility Analysis Scope of Services Page ͮ by the Parkstone Community as this occurs. The CITY desires to provide support to the Parkstone Community, in order to find a better long-term solution for the artesian well. This may include potential plugging or improved “capture” of the water. In this scope, the CONSULTANT and SUBCONSULTANT will provide data collection, investigation, and recommendations for potential improvements. These tasks will be on a limited basis as further described below. This scope of services is an effort to provide an encompassing, but not all-inclusive list of duties and responsibilities, that may be requested from CONSULTANT under this task authorization. TASK ͭ – PROJECT MANAGEMENT AND QUALITY ASSURANCE/CONTROL Task ͭ includes aspects of project and quality management to provide effective delivery of the PROJECT. Specific items included in Task ͭ are detailed in the subtasks described below. Task 1.1 – Project Management, Communications and Meetings The CONSULTANT will provide overall project management and communication between its staff, SUBCONSULTANT and the CITY. The CONSULTANT will track and manage the budget, project tasks, and schedule. The CONSULTANT will attend and manage project meetings. This project anticipates as- needed progress meeting to be held in the allotted budget to facilitate coordination, review design modifications, and make decisions to keep the project moving forward. The CONSULTANT will provide monthly progress reports that identify the work that has been performed during the month and the work that is anticipated in the upcoming month. These reports will be delivered as part of the monthly progress payment request. Task 1.2 – Quality Assurance/ Control The CONSULTANT will coordinate quality control and quality assurance review of the project including review of design modification documents, QC of permit applications, and oversight/facilitation of communication between the CITY and FDEP. Task 1 Deliverables:  As-needed meeting agendas, presentations, and minutes (electronic).  Monthly progress reports (pdf) TASK ͮ – DATA GATHERING AND CONDITION ASSESSMENT Task ͮ involves gathering of data necessary for execution of the project. Specific items included in Task ͮ are detailed in the subtasks described below. 255 City of Winter Springs Lake Jessup RW Augmentation Station – Feasibility Analysis Scope of Services Page ͯ Task ͮ.ͭ – Data Gathering The CONSULTANT will collect and review previous data and reports relating to the CITY’s Jessup RW Station. The following data request list is anticipated, and other additional data may be requested as available and as needed:  Station layout and general information  Record drawings  Shop drawings  Original pipeline specifications  Intake flow and pressure data  Pump curves  SCADA data related to pump operation and performance  Water quality data  Maintenance history/records Note that the CITY has already provided some of this data in previous assignments. It is assumed that using past CITY and SJRWMD water quality data will be sufficient and this Task includes budget to conduct minimal samples needed for confirmation/calibration. If existing water quality data is not reliable and additional water quality testing is required, Task Ͳ (As-Needed Task) will be utilized. Task ͮ.ͮ – Condition Assessment (Mechanical/Process Equipment) The CONSULTANT will conduct a condition assessment for the existing mechanical and process equipment at the Jessup RW Station. The intent will be to gather an overall understanding of the condition of the existing mechanical and process components at the Jessup RW Station (including items such as existing pumps, piping, treatment filtration units, limited SCADA, etc.) to determine what modifications may be required. The Condition Assessment write-up will be included in the overall Feasibility Analysis Report and will document the condition of the mechanical/process components, and their potential for replacement or rehabilitation, if needed. TASK ͯ – FEASIBILITY ANALYSIS REPORT Following the Condition Assessment efforts and using the information developed in the previous tasks, the CONSULTANT will provide a Feasibility Analysis Report which will include… ͭ. Summary of the current operability of the Lake Jessup RW Intake Station, ͮ. Summary of the existing process/mechanical Condition Assessment, ͯ. Summary of water quality data and analysis of Station to meet treatment standards, Ͱ. Overview and comparison of potential alternatives (including Opinion of Probable Construction Cost), ͱ. CONSULTANT’S recommendation. An initial draft Feasibility Analysis Report will be provided for review. This will be followed by a review meeting with the City to discuss the document, and submission of a final report. 256 City of Winter Springs Lake Jessup RW Augmentation Station – Feasibility Analysis Scope of Services Page Ͱ TASK Ͱ – PERMITTING AND OUTREACH Task Ͱ involves any permitting and outreach efforts required as part of the Project. This includes meetings, alternatives workshops, and presentations with staff from the CITY and SJRWMD. Potential permitting efforts required by the SJRWMD, Florida Department of Environmental Protection (FDEP), etc. will also be included within the allotted budget. TASK ͱ – PARKSTONE ARTESIAN WELL INVESTIGATION Task ͱ includes the investigation of the Parkstone Artesian Well by the CONSULTANT and SUBCONSULTANT. The purpose of this investigation is to determine whether the source of groundwater that is currently being discharged through a man-made collection/capture/drainage structure emanates from a groundwater well buried below current land surface. The data collected from this investigation is intended to assist in the evaluation of potential remedies to eliminate the artesian flow and associated surface subsidence, ideally by plugging and abandoning a well if present. A full scope of work provided by the SUBCONSULTANT is attached, with a task summary included below: Task ͱ.ͭ – Historical Documentation Review The SUBCONSULTANT will review available records from various sources to determine well construction details of the groundwater wells that used to be located within the Parkstone community and previously used for agricultural information. This subtask includes review of records from sources such as SJRWMD, FDEP, United States Geologic Survey (USGS), the CITY, and the original developer, Centex Homes. Task ͱ.ͮ – Subsurface Geophysical Surveys Task ͱ.ͮ includes geophysical surveying and mapping services. The purpose of surveying is to obtain details on subsurface structures and features in the area around the suspected wellhead. The subsurface surveys are conducted using non-invasive surveying techniques using such as Electrical Resistivity Imaging (ERI) and Ground Penetrating Radar (GPR). Task ͱ.ͯ – Water Quality Data Collection The SUBCONSULTANT will research available records from various sources to obtain seasonal water quality data from the St. Johns River or Lake Jessup. They will also research available records from the same sources to obtain water quality data from the surficial wells in the vicinity of Lake Jessup and the Jessup RW Station. The intent of this task is to evaluate the potential to use groundwater from the surficial aquifer for the Jessup RW Station instead of surface water pumped directly from Lake Jessup. Task ͱ.Ͱ – Report Preparation The SUBCONSULTANT will prepare a technical memorandum summarizing the methodology and data collected from this investigation. The report will include recommendations based on the findings of the investigation, including a summary of water quality data collected from Task ͱ.ͯ. This Task also 257 City of Winter Springs Lake Jessup RW Augmentation Station – Feasibility Analysis Scope of Services Page ͱ includes attending one meeting with CITY staff to discuss the findings and evaluate potential mitigation options. TASK Ͳ –OPERATIONAL REPAIR/OVERSIGHT (AS-NEEDED) Task Ͳ includes any as-needed operational support required by the CONSULTANT to potentially recommission the Jessup RW Station. This includes limited support and minor testing within the allotted budget. Additionally, this Task may include any potential water quality testing that may be required, beyond that already scoped in Task ͮ.ͭ. CITY RESPONSIBILITIES Because of the nature of this project, certain assumptions apply to this Scope of Services. To the extent possible, these assumptions are stated within this document and are reflected in the budget. If the project task requirements are different from the assumptions presented in this Scope of Services, or if the CITY desires additional services, the resultant change in scope will serve as a basis for amending this project assignment or initiating the development of a new project assignment as agreed to by both the CITY and CONSULTANT. The following assumptions and CITY responsibilities apply to this project:  The CONSULTANT shall be entitled to rely upon the accuracy of the data and information supplied by the CITY without independent review or evaluation.  The CITY shall attend all workshops and review meetings to maintain the progress of the project according to the schedule.  The CITY will provide the CONSULTANT with access to treatment facility and artesian well location for data gathering, data validation and the design process.  The CITY will assist with data collection and site testing as necessary, including accompanying the CONSULTANT and leading operation of the facility.  The CITY will provide all required information within the period established in the schedule contained in this Scope of Services. The schedule is based on timely receipt of data and the bid process from the CITY. The CITY shall review Draft deliverables and provide comments to the CONSULTANT on a prompt basis.  The services to be performed by the CONSULTANT are intended solely for the benefit of the CITY. No person or entity not a signatory to this Scope of Work shall be entitled to rely on the CONSULTANT's performance of its services hereunder, and no right to assert a claim against the CONSULTANT by assignment of indemnity rights or otherwise shall accrue to a third party as a result of this Scope of Work or the performance of the CONSULTANT's services hereunder.  In providing opinions of cost, financial analyses, economic feasibility projections, and schedules for potential projects, CONSULTANT has no control over cost or price of labor and material; unknown or latent conditions of existing equipment or structures that may affect operation and maintenance costs; competitive bidding procedures and market conditions; time or quality of performance of third parties; quality, type, management, or direction of operating personnel; and other economic and operational factors that may materially affect the ultimate project cost or schedule. Therefore, CONSULTANT makes no warranty that the CITY’s actual project costs, financial aspects, economic feasibility, or schedules will not vary from CONSULTANT’s opinions, analyses, projections, or estimates. 258 City of Winter Springs Lake Jessup RW Augmentation Station – Feasibility Analysis Scope of Services Page Ͳ SCHEDULE The scope of services outlined in this task authorization will be performed for up to ͭͮ-months from receipt of a purchase order or notice-to-proceed from the CITY. PROJECT FEE The compensation terms are based on a Fee Not-to-Exceed basis with an upper limit of ͈ͭͮͲ,͵ͯͬ.ͲͲ as shown in Exhibit B. Labor rates are based on the contract fee schedule shown in the base contract. 259 City of Winter Springs EXHIBIT B Lake Jessup RW Augmentation Station - Feasbility Analysis Budget Labor Task No.Task Description Senior Professional ES VIIII Senior Professional ES VIII Lead Professional ESVII Professional ES III Assistant Professional ES II Assistant Professional ES I Senior Technician ET VIII Technician ET IV Word Processing $283.87 $250.63 $228.05 $153.63 $133.89 $122.10 $166.67 $102.33 $86.63 1 Project Management 4 14 0 0 0 36 0 0 0 54 $9,039.90 $1,000.00 $10,039.90 1.1: Project Management, Communications and Meetings 4 12 0 0 0 24 0 0 0 40 $7,073.44 $7,073.44 1.2: Monthly Progress Reports 0 2 0 0 0 12 0 0 0 14 $1,966.46 $1,966.46 2 Data Gathering and Condition Assessment 14 24 16 20 0 40 4 0 0 104 $22,261.38 $2,000.00 $24,261.38 2.1: Data Gathering 2 8 4 4 0 16 0 0 0 34 $6,053.10 $6,053.10 2.2: Condition Assessment (Mechanical/Process Equip.) 12 16 12 16 0 24 4 0 0 84 $16,208.28 $16,208.28 3 Feasibility Analysis Report 6 20 16 16 18 42 24 0 8 150 $25,054.04 $25,054.04 4 Permitting and Outreach 8 16 16 8 8 20 0 0 6 82 $15,191.78 $15,191.78 5 Parkstone Artesian Well Investigation 2 8 0 0 10 16 4 0 0 40 $6,531.96 $2,000.00 $22,680.00 $31,211.96 6 Operational Repair/Oversight (As-Needed) 10 16 8 8 10 24 24 0 0 100 $18,171.60 $3,000.00 $21,171.60 TOTALS 44 98 56 52 46 178 56 0 14 530 $96,250.66 $8,000.00 $22,680.00 $126,930.66 Task Total ExpensesTotal Hours Subconsultant - CCI Other Direct Costs 260 North Florida Office · 19505 N.W. 184th Terrace · High Springs, Florida 32643 Central Florida Office · 1210 Emmel Road · Lake Helen, Florida 32744 South Florida Office· 1907 Commerce Lane, Ste. 104 · Jupiter, Florida 33458 1 _____________________________________________________________________________ Water Resource Consultants January 11, 2022 Scott Richards, P.E. Infrastructure Design Manager | Associate Vice President Carollo 200 E. Robinson Street, Suite 1400 Orlando, FL 32801 Subject: Proposal – Parkstone Artesian Well Investigation CCI Project No: 290.04 Dear Mr. Richards: Connect Consulting, Inc. (CCI) is pleased to submit our proposal to Carollo to provide hydrogeologic consulting services related to the investigation of a suspected artesian well located in the Parkstone neighborhood in Winter Springs, Florida. The purpose of the investigation is to determine if the source of groundwater that is currently being discharged through a man-made collection/capture/drainage structure emanates from a groundwater well buried below current land surface. The data collected from this investigation is intended to assist in the evaluation of potential remedies to eliminate the artesian flow and associated surface subsidence, ideally by plugging and abandoning a well if present. In addition, a task to investigate seasonal water quality of the St. Johns River and surficial aquifer in the vicinity of the City of Winter Springs (City) surface water plant on Lake Jesup is included. Scope of Work CCI prepared the following scope of work based on discussions with Carollo and City staff regarding the purpose and intent of this project: Task 1 – Historical Documentation Review CCI will review available records from various sources in an effort to determine well construction details of the groundwater wells that used to be located within the Parkstone community and previously used for agricultural irrigation prior to the development of the Parkstone community. The sources will include, but are not limited to the St. Johns River Water Management District (SJRWMD), Florida Department of Environmental Protection (FDEP), United States Geologic Survey (USGS), City of Winter Springs (City), and the original developer, Centex Homes. Central Florida Office 1210 Emmel Road Lake Helen, FL 32744 386-473-7766 drobertson@cciwater.com 261 North Florida Office · 19505 N.W. 184th Terrace · High Springs, Florida 32643 Central Florida Office · 1210 Emmel Road · Lake Helen, Florida 32744 South Florida Office· 1907 Commerce Lane, Ste. 104 · Jupiter, Florida 33458 2 In addition, CCI will contact and interview staff from SJRWMD who have knowledge of or may be familiar with the history of the wells previously used for agricultural use and subsequently abandoned by Centex Homes as part of the development of the community. Task 2 –Subsurface Geophysical Surveys CCI will retain Geohazards, an industry leader in subsurface geophysical investigations, to provide geophysical surveying and mapping services. The purpose of the surveying is to obtain details on subsurface structures and features in the area around the suspected wellhead. The subsurface surveys are conducted using non-invasive surveying techniques using state of the art instrumentation and software. Geophysical methods that will be used include Electrical Resistivity Imaging (ERI) and Ground Penetrating Radar (GPR). Task 3 – Water Quality Data Collection CCI will research available records from various sources including the SJRWMD, FDEP, USGS, and others to obtain seasonal water quality data from the St. Johns River and/or Lake Jesup. Data will be tabulated and summarized by sample location and date. CCI will also research available records from the same sources to obtain water quality data from surficial aquifer wells in the vicinity of Lake Jesup and the City’s surface water treatment plant, if any. The intent of this task is to evaluate the potential to use groundwater from the surficial aquifer for the surface water treatment plant instead of surface water pumped directly from Lake Jesup which is the current water supply for the surface water treatment plant. Task 4 – Report Preparation CCI will prepare a technical memorandum summarizing the methodology and data collected from this investigation. The report will include recommendations based on the findings of the investigation. This task includes attending one meeting with City staff to discuss the findings and evaluate various potential options to mitigate the artesian flow and associated subsidence conditions that periodically occur around the current collection structure. The report will also include a summary of water quality data collected from Task 3. Cost CCI will provide these services on a time and materials, not to exceed basis as summarized in Table 1. CCI will retain Geohazards, Inc. to conduct the geophysical surveys in accordance with the attached quotation. 262 North Florida Office · 19505 N.W. 184th Terrace · High Springs, Florida 32643 Central Florida Office · 1210 Emmel Road · Lake Helen, Florida 32744 South Florida Office· 1907 Commerce Lane, Ste. 104 · Jupiter, Florida 33458 3 Table 1 - Cost Proposal Task Description Labor/Expenses Qty. Rate Amount 1 Documentation Review Principal Hydrogeologist 16 $165.00 $2,640.00 Senior Hydrogeologist 24 $130.00 $3,120.00 Expenses $0.00 Task Total $5,760.00 2 Geophysical Surveys Principal Hydrogeologist 8 $165.00 $1,320.00 Senior Hydrogeologist 24 $130.00 $3,120.00 Expenses $300.00 Sub. Services - Geohazards 1 $3,000.00 $3,000.00 Subcontractor Markup 1 $300.00 $300.00 Task Total $8,040.00 3 Water Quality Investigation Principal Hydrogeologist 8 $165.00 $1,320.00 Senior Hydrogeologist 24 $130.00 $3,120.00 Expenses $0.00 Task Total $4,440.00 4 Report Preparation Principal Hydrogeologist 8 $165.00 $1,320.00 Senior Hydrogeologist 24 $130.00 $3,120.00 Expenses $0.00 Task Total $4,440.00 Total Estimate $22,680.00 Schedule CCI can begin Task 1 within two (2) weeks of authorization. Based on our experience, we have prepared the following estimated schedule: Table 2- Estimated Project Schedule Task No. Description Duration (wks) Cumulative (wks) 1 Documentation Review 4 4 2 Geophysical Surveys 4 8 3 Water Quality Investigation 4 12 4 Prepare Final Report 4 16 263 North Florida Office · 19505 N.W. 184th Terrace · High Springs, Florida 32643 Central Florida Office · 1210 Emmel Road · Lake Helen, Florida 32744 South Florida Office· 1907 Commerce Lane, Ste. 104 · Jupiter, Florida 33458 4 We appreciate the opportunity to assist Carollo and the City on this project. Please contact me with any questions. Sincerely, Connect Consulting, Inc. David S. Robertson David S. Robertson, P.G. Principal Hydrogeologist CC: Thomas Freeman Gary Eichler Attachments: Geohazards Proposal 264 GEOHAZARDS PROPOSAL 265 FL Registry 33930 100 SW 75th St., Ste. 201, Gainesville FL 32607 Telephone: 800.770.9990 Admin@Geohazards.com Expert Solutions. Exceptional Service. July 20, 2021 Cost Proposal for a Geophysical Investigation Parkstone Artesian Well Investigation Near Sandringham Court Winter Springs, Florida Summary of Understanding Geohazards was contacted by Mr. David Robertson P.G. of Connect Consulting, Inc., for a proposal to conduct a geophysical investigation near a suspected buried wellhead in the Parkstone community. Geohazards proposes to perform a focused Electrical Resistivity Imaging (ERI) survey and Ground Penetrating Radar (GPR) survey, to aid in determining the location of a possible wellhead. Project Site Information The area near Sandringham Court is experiencing artesian conditions from either a natural spring or possible abandoned well head. The wellhead is expected to be between 10 and 25 in depth. A concrete and steel drainage structure and #57 stone is in the general area of investigation. At this time, the excess water is redirected to Lake Jesup to the north. Proposed Scope of Services Electrical Resistivity Imaging Survey Electrical resistivity measurements involve the passing of an electric current through the subsurface material and measuring its resistance to flow. Different materials (e.g. clay, sand, limestone, concrete, metal, and void-space) resist the flow of electrical current differently. Contrasts in the degree of resistance are used to identify and locate boundaries among different materials. Measurements of electrical resistivity will be made utilizing an Advanced Geosciences, Inc. SuperSting R8 8-channel Resistivity Meter with a switchbox system and a passive electrode cable array. The resulting data will be processed utilizing EarthImager 2D, a computer program that produces two-dimensional vertical cross section models of the subsurface (see Figure 1.). The 266 FL Registry 33930 100 SW 75th St., Ste. 201, Gainesville FL 32607 Telephone: 800.770.9990 Admin@Geohazards.com Private Property July 20, 2021 Summerfield, Florida Page 2 of 4 depth limits of the modeled ER data are primarily dependent on the type of array (Schlumberger, Wenner, Dipole-Dipole, etc.), the materials penetrated and the total length of the electrode array. Figure 2. Representative ERI traverse processed with EarthImager 2D. Colors differences represent contrasts in resistivity values. We propose conducting ERI transects to focus on determining a steel pipe in the subsurface. Maximum estimated depths of penetration of approximately 30-70 feet are expected. Location and orientation of transects will be determined by the on-site specialist to maximize data acquisition and synthesis. A combination of 56 and 28 electrode lines may be utilized to achieve maximum data and depth of penetration for the desired areas or to increase area of coverage. Ground Penetrating Radar Survey Ground penetrating radar (GPR) is a geophysical procedure employed to detect and identify subsurface features and conditions characterized by a contrast in dielectric properties. This technique involves the transmission of microwave radiation into the ground from a receiver- transmitter antenna system that is pulled along the ground surface. Subsurface contrasts in the dielectric properties of varying materials present a surface from which reflections are generated. Accordingly, contacts between rock types, physical features such as cavities or disrupted sedimentary layers, and/or man-made objects such as metallic barrels or pipes cause reflections that are recorded at the surface. Figure 1: GPR traverse with 300/800 MHz dual-frequency antenna used for scanning foundations and near-surface soils. 267 FL Registry 33930 100 SW 75th St., Ste. 201, Gainesville FL 32607 Telephone: 800.770.9990 Admin@Geohazards.com Private Property July 20, 2021 Summerfield, Florida Page 3 of 4 The intensity of the reflected signal is affected by the contrast in dielectric properties of materials, the electromagnetic conductivity of the medium through which the waves traverse, and the frequency of the signal. Digital signals are recorded and stored in a recorder for on-site visual color display or subsequent transferal to a computer for careful analysis and printing. A Geophysical Survey Systems, Inc., (GSSI) SIR System-4000 radar receiver will be used. These are portable, digital radar signal recorders. A dual frequency 300/800-megahertz transceiver antenna will be used with a two-way travel time range of approximately 50-200 nanoseconds. Penetration depths for GPR signals are a function of material types (greater signal attenuation in clayey materials or brackish water) and frequency (greater signal attenuation in higher frequency antenna systems). Actual depth of penetration varies from site to site. Based on the near-surface materials, the depth capability at this site is expected to be approximately up to 15 feet utilizing the 300/800 MHz antenna, but actual penetration is variable. A 200-megahertz transceiver antenna may also be used with a two-way travel time range of approximately 150-300 nanoseconds to provide deeper imaging of the area. Ground Penetrating Radar traverses may be performed as designated by the on-site geologist. The configuration and distribution of the GPR traverses will be designed to provide representative coverage of the site of investigation. GPR traverses will be conducted as designated by the on-site geologist to determine the buried metal pipe. Project Costs: Geophysical Investigation: $3,000.00 ESTIMATED TOTAL: $3,000.00 These price quotes include all expenses incurred, including all necessary field equipment, travel, ERI data post-processing, and report preparation. Our findings and recommendations will be delivered in a signed and sealed final report. The fees stated in this proposal are valid for 90 days from the date of this agreement. PAYMENT AND TERMS Client agrees to pay each invoice within thirty (30) days of its receipt. If any amount of the total due is unpaid for more than 30 days, client further agrees to pay a late fee which is the greater of $10 or two and one-half (2.5) percent of the unpaid balance assessed monthly (or the maximum interest rate permitted under applicable law), until paid. Client agrees to pay Geohazards, Inc.’ cost of collection of all amounts due and unpaid, including court costs and reasonable attorney’s fees (including, but not limited to, pre-litigation, preparation through any appeals or post-trial motions). Geohazards shall not be bound by: any provision or agreement requiring or providing for arbitration of disputes or controversies arising out of this agreement; 268 FL Registry 33930 100 SW 75th St., Ste. 201, Gainesville FL 32607 Telephone: 800.770.9990 Admin@Geohazards.com Private Property July 20, 2021 Summerfield, Florida Page 4 of 4 any provision wherein Geohazards waives any rights to a mechanics lien; or any provisions conditioning Geohazards’ right to receive payment for its work upon payment to Client by any third party. Failure to make payments within 30 days of invoice shall constitute release of Geohazards from any or all claims which Client may have, whether in tort, contract or otherwise, and whether known or unknown at the time. Acceptance Geohazards will schedule to conduct this work upon authorization to proceed. To accept this proposal, please sign and date in the space indicated below. Please return one copy of this executed proposal to Geohazards. Thank you for considering Geohazards for this project. Should you have any questions, please contact our office at (352) 371-7243. We look forward to working with you. Sincerely, GEOHAZARDS James D. Olson, P.G. Director of Geology & Geophysics Proposal Accepted By: Signature: __________________________________________ Date: ___________________ Printed Name: _______________________________________ 269 REGULAR AGENDA ITEM 501 CITY COMMISSION AGENDA | FEBRUARY 14, 2022 REGULAR MEETING TITLE Discussion on Meeting Minutes Policy SUMMARY At the January 10, 2022 City Commission Regular Meeting, a discussion took place on the appropriate length and content of meeting minutes. Staff noted the current policy (Commission Resolution) and offered to bring an item back for discussion at a future meeting. The current Minutes Policy applies to the City Commission and all Advisory Boards and Committees and calls for action minutes, stating the purpose of the minutes as "maintaining a record of what is done, rather than what is said." There are generally three styles of minutes, action, discussion, and verbatim. As previously stated, our current policy calls for action minutes. Verbatim minutes would involve the production of a transcript, and discussion minutes are a hybrid that is not well defined. Staff has looked at options for verbatim/transcript minutes through solutions provided by Granicus and other companies. The solution from Granicus is tied to closed captioning and would require an annual expenditure of $18,000 - $25,000. At this time, Staff is seeking direction from the Commission on the Minutes Policy and any potential changes. RECOMMENDATION Staff recommends the Commission review the current policy and provide direction on any desired changes. 270 RESOLUTION 2001-04 A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COMMISSION OF THE CITY OF WINTER SPRINGS, FLORIDA FORMULATING A POLICY TO ENSURE THAT ALL MEETING MINUTES OF THE CITY COMMISSION INCLUDING ALL ADVISORY BOARDS AND COMMITTEES ARE CONSISTENT IN THE SAME STYLE AND FORMAT, AND FOLLOW THE SAME GENERAL GUIDELINES AS LISTED BELOW; PROVIDING FOR SEVERABILITY; AND PROVIDING FOR AN EFFECTIVE DATE. WHEREAS, the City Commission of the City of Winter Springs, Florida, has found it necessary to periodically review its practices to provide guidelines for the most expedient and efficient business practices in the City; and believes that all meetings held by the City Commission and their Advisory Boards and Committees should be consistent; and WHEREAS, the City Commission of the City of Winter Springs, Florida has and will continue to comply with Florida Statutes 286.011 (2) which states that "The minutes of any such board or commission of any such state agency or authority shall be promptly recorded;" and will be retained in accordance with the State of Florida Records Management designated time limitations. WHEREAS, all public meetings of the City Commission, and all of their Advisory Boards and Committees are recorded using audio tapes, which will serve as the recordation of a meeting, and will be retained in accordance with the State of Florida Records Management designated time limits. From these audio tapes, official minutes will be promptly completed, thus serving as the official record, for all of time. The official and approved minutes will as always, be retained in accordance with the State of Florida Records Management designated time limitations, WHEREAS, the City Commission of the City of Winter Springs, Florida agrees with a statement from the 9th Edition of Roberts Rules of Order (Newly Revised), Edited by Henry M. Robert III and William 1. Evans which states that "In an ordinary society, unless the minutes are to be published, they should contain mainly a record of what was done at the meeting, not what was said by the members," The City Commission at their December 9, 1999 Regular Meeting, adopted Resolution Number 908 which established "certain policies and procedures for the conduct of any Commission Meetings." Item Number 3. of Resolution Number 908 notes that "Robert's Rules of Order shall be the 'underlying foundation' for the conduct of Commission Meeting," FURTHERMORE, the City Commission of the City of Winter Springs, Florida agrees that as the written minutes are intended to be just a summary of the actions that were taken, all minutes of the City Commission, and all of their Advisory Boards and Committees will be of the same style and format, with a foundation of brevity. 271 NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED BY THE CITY COMMISSION OF THE CITY OF WINTER SPRINGS, AS FOLLOWS: Section 1. Section 2. Section 3. Section 4. Section 5. Section 6. Meetings. All public meetings shall be recorded in full. Except as printed herein. All minutes shall be produced and maintained in accordance with the 9th Edition of Roberts Rules of Order, maintaining a record of what is done, rather than what is said, Motions. All motions will be transcribed in full, along with who made the motion, and any corresponding vote(s), Body. No comments, discussion, or statements that are stated or written "for the record," either by a member of the Commission, (any Advisory Board and/or Committee), the City Manager, the City Attorney, City Staff, or any member of the audience will be transcribed verbatim, unless the voting members unanimously agree to this, complete with a Motion and a documented vote confirming this, Severability. If any section, subsection, sentence, clause, phrase, word or provision of this Resolution is for any reason held invalid or unconstitutional by any Court of competent jurisdiction, whether for substantive, procedural, or any other reason, such portion shall be deemed a separate, distinct and independent provision, and such holding shall not affect the validity of the remaining portions of this Resolution, Effective Date, This Resolution shall become effective immediately upon adoption by the City Commission of the City of Winter Springs, Florida, ADOPTED by the City Commission ofth.eCi,ty of Winter Springs, Florida, ill a regi..llar meeting assembled on the 26th day of March, 2001. Paul P. Partyka, Mayor Anthony A. Garganese, City Attorney 272