HomeMy WebLinkAbout2024 02 26 City Commission Regular Meeting Public Input formsRevised 06/14/2021 THIS FORM ISA PUBLIC RECORD. Individuals comments are limited to 3 minutes and persons representing a group or organization are limited to 5 minutes, unless otherwise determined by the City Commission CITY OF WINTER SPRINGS, FLORIDA-PUBLIC INPUT FORM P/ease print c%arlyand neatly Date: 6 T/y Z Name: Address: G �NDrn�� Email• (optional): Do you wish to verbally address the Commission with regard to an issue? ❑Yes ❑ No lfyou mark No' above, the Mayor or presiding Commissioner will indicate your noted support or opposition for the record but will not call you forward to speak. On the Agenda�tem Number: ��� � 'S �'� For the record, regarding this agenda item, are you IN FAVOR \0r OPPOSED ❑ Not on the Agenda 0 Subject: uo/ssicucuoD 114,13 ayJ ACI pauiuualap aSIIMJayIo ssa/un `sainuIlLu S ol pal!W// aae uo/ieziue5ao ao dnoa,6 e 5ui3uasaadaa suosaad pue se3nun.0 £ o. pai/W// aae sivaLuu,103 s/enpn/pu/ m(78O -9d O/780d V S/ kVHO� S/HI LZOZ/*�l/90 pasina� :�aafgng ❑ epua6y aye uo �oN ❑ 43SOdd0 ao ❑ all/XV=l NI no�C aae 'uaa4! e1 u saui 6uipae6aa 'paooaa auk ao� :�agwnN wa�I ❑ epua6y aye up �/eads o� pae�vtao� no�f//eo you �/ins �nq p'aooaa'ay� ao� uoi.�isoddo ao lioddns paiou inoif ejesipui ///M ,1auoissiwwoD 5u/pisaad ao aoAeW ay; 'anoge,oN, -yjew noifj/ oN ❑ sad ❑ :anssi ue o� pae6aa u}inn uoissivauao� auk ssaappe o� usinn no�C o4 (�euoi�do) # auoud �ieua3 :ssaappy � ^ :auaeN OVI 1; :area /jeau PUB /i a/ojuia asea/d WtiO.� 1f1dNl �I�Bfld - b'alti0�� SJNItidS b31NIM �O I`LI� uo/ssiwwo,� Al/D ay.� Aq pauiwialop as1miaggo ssa/un `salnu/w S o1 pal!W// aae uo/.�eziue6ao ao dnoa6 e 5g1juasaadaa suosaad pue sainuiw £ of pal/w// aae sluawwoo s/enpn/pu/ 4OcJO33d J/79nd V S/ W2VOd S/HI pasinaa :aaafgng ❑ epua6y a44 uo 4oN ❑ 43SOddO ao ❑ U%afxv'mzl NI no�C aae `wadi epua�e s14� 6uipae6aa 'paoaaa auk ao� 01/� V I a V , :aagwnN w� epu9uv a44 uO m>/eads of pieMaoj nolf//j lou llli' jnq paooaa aqj aot uo/jisoddo ao poddns pajou anoif aje.:Zipui 1#m aauo/ssn.uwoD 6uip/saad ao aolfe/n/ aq7 anoge,oN >pew noif7/ oN ❑ sad ❑ :anssl ue o� pae6aa 4}ins uoissiwwo� auk ssaappe o� usinn no�C oQ :(�euoi�do) # auo4d :ssaa ppy :aweN W2iOd 1f1dNl JI�BfId - b'altiO�d SJN12idS 2i31NIM �O Jlll� Revised 06/14/2021 THIS FORM IS PUBLIC RECORD. Individuals comments are limited to 3 minutes and persons representing a group or organization are limited to 5 minutes, unless otherwise determined by the City Commission CIN OF WINTER SPRINGS FLORIDA-PUBLIC INPUT FORM Please print c%ar/yand neatly Date: Name: LIN?)sc'I Address:!— Email:lli % �r'r'Phone # (optional): Do you wish to verbally address the Commission with regard to an issue? ❑Yes ❑ No lfyou mark No' above, the Mayor or presiding Commissioner will indicate your noted support or opposition for the record but will not call you forward to speak n the Agenda X3 Item Number: � �� C/ O For the record, regarding this agenda agenda item, are you IN FAVOR ❑ or OPPOSED.LT Not on the Agenda KSubje, ooe e rn -?; c: