HomeMy WebLinkAbout2023 03 13 Consent 304 - West WRF (Water Reclamation Facility), Unit 1 Additional Structural Repairs • CONSENT AGENDA ITEM 304 ,n m=ared CITY COMMISSION AGENDA I MARCH 13, 2023 REGULAR MEETING 1959 TITLE West WRF (Water Reclamation Facility), Unit 1 Additional Structural Repairs SUMMARY The WRF Priority Repairs project completed rehabilitation of West WRF Unit #2 and East WRF Unit #1 . The last unit scheduled for rehabilitation is the West WRF Unit #1 . Treatment Unit 1 was cleaned and is currently being rehabilitated. After the unit was cleaned, additional metal and concrete repairs were identified that were not included in the original scope of work. The identified repairs could only be determined once the tank had been emptied and cleaned. The additional required repairs address multiple areas with degradation within the tanks. A structural bulkhead wall must be reattached to the outside wall, secured with additional angle support, and reattachment to (- beam supports. Reattachment of a tank separator wall to the floor. Additional catwalk supports. Additional influent trough repairs. Reattachment of the clarifier skimmer arms. Installation of concrete to address areas of concrete spalling. The repairs will help stabilize the tank and correct identified issues. RECOMMENDATION Staff recommends the City Commission approve the scope of services with M&A Welding and Fabrications, in the amount of$263,722.42 plus a 10% contingency of$26,372.24 for a total of$290,094.66. Additionally, authorization for the Interim City Manager and City Attorney is requested to prepare and execute any and all applicable documents consistent with this Agenda item. 115 Q U ❑ V o p lo cD lo IM o No H s pap - w- Wmo 33 w Fp o9 o op =a 5 o w� o o F o o 0000 -2oo o >; - oo oop �o a z a - ap - ~ p o w a - g� Q - w w o pp z m W o o°op o w_ rc 9 azo N� °= p'oo - _ w�5 �� _ c=iy� = O 51 � wg owo o00 ? ag aop- - Q - w _ w W v a rc ° -� W D p ° o _ V -� 3°aa 90 aim aQ -p W Z 0 W' Z oam miaow �mm a�3 In g m 3 m. zw 03 m mamma 3°o m o m omo y3 S aia F �U) t7 m e O m r n N m e N Z m W a O ¢ 0 0 > LL Z LU 95 00 -�- op LU o p U W o o H pyo aaa a�oppppo�a�mpmom���� oNN- - op O aaa aaa a a����m�mmmmmmm�" l" 7�� o � "I'll" w LU w -o : 00 0 U) z o N Q =po o - W1. oo a _ �pgLU o��000-� o_�a° ��.......�.o 000a �a a J H y11 lo a 9p N o o o ol- a w11 0 0 o O a�a�oao9p m'8w o aaoaa°wwwow a aamm � � ar��.aa a aammm����� �����aa0000�wwwwwww a - _ pp - ap- a o a o oo �z a aptt QPo p F o0o 3a m w G - wF oo Sz 6 --waao¢aa� x p \pZ aQopapz'o l' bppr po �5 ��� t�3 o a00000.o o wa r PEI oz W �z kr; - ✓` . o N z ap � 0 O U aso � ', 5 Xam z O o x5 o0 ww� ❑ o1. a ';/tea. o ZO 0o OZ N 00 o U O� m OO O �W Z �1 W W - Q U ❑ V 2o / - \} { \ { ! \\o o b) 3: \ - \\ «! \} \S JJ ( \ q � » y J ` <` � • � .. : } } 2 \ Z}6� F-- g :e $ g �/ _ | .� � w / ■ ; \ ^ © \o ° \_ ` o \ ow-, `�~~ z \ « .w � . . ? 3 ■ § /. � . . ■ . .¢: . . . 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We are excited to have the opportunity to work with you and your team on the repairs to the City of Winter Springs Wastewater Treatment Facility. Based on the provided construction drawings and as shown in the plans and specifications provided by Carollo dated February 2023, please find the details of our pricing below: The total cost for this job proposal is: Three Hundred Fifty Thousand Eight Hundred Ninety-Nine dollars and Eighty-Two cents.... $350,899.82 Proposal is good for 30 days We appreciate the opportunity to work with you and your company and look forward to hearing back from you. If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to contact me at your convenience. Sincerely, DJ Crecelius Owner, CEO 239-222-3755 25316 Dan Brown Hill Rd. Brooksville,FL 34602 239-222-3755 DJsWeldingLLC.com Ak& 122 MFrA WELDING Fr FABRICATIONS February 21, 2023 E O U CITY OF WINTER SPRINGS WRF PLANT NO.1 REHABILITATION E U N N 0 Mr. Todd Petrie, ca U �L 2 M&A Welding and Fabrications is pleased to present this proposal for structural Steel Fabrications & Erection, Epoxy Coatings and Concrete work; as shown in the plans and specifications C:) dated, February 2023 by Carollo. Below Is a summary list of the proposed scope items with associated LO CD costs. We have also attached a more detailed scope of work, based on the construction drawings provided. Please review this proposal and let me know if you have any questions or concerns. We look 00 "' forward to the successful completion of our ro ectl CN p Y p J LO M 1V O CO ,-:I- Concrete Repairs & Foundations...............................................................................$ 28,060.00 M J LLEpoxy Coatings..............................................................................................................$ 17,015.00 aS N Steel Fabrications & Repairs.......................................................................................$ 176,686.27 Y O OTota I............................................................................................................................... 221,761.27 co ca N U) Optional replace Influence troth w/two gates one for each side made out of Aluminum.......$41,961.15 0 U LO N M&A Welding will be requiring$80,000 for the mobilization of workforce, equipment, and materials before starting this project. Please let me know if you have any questions or concerns. Respectfu Ily, Michael Mavrakis President 123 MFrA WELDING Fr FABRICATIONS E 0 U SCOPE&CLARIFICATIONS E Concrete Repairs& Foundations: U N -M • We have included costs for the repair of the existing interior slab overlay and the exterior foundation repair CD �i: as shown on sheet S-03 and detailed on sheet S-04.This will include all rebar, epoxy anchors, hydraulic 0 waterstop (bentonite) and 4000psi concrete as needed to complete the scope of work.All placing pumps and equipment is included within this proposal. U • We have included all platform foundations and equipment slabs as shown on the Platform Foundation Plan on sheet S-03.This will include all rebar, epoxy anchors, and 3000psi concrete as needed to complete the cd scope of work.All placing pumps and equipment is included within this proposal. • We have not included any costs for concrete testing. If concrete testing is required, please add $1,868.00 C:) to the above listed price. This additional cost will include core samples for all pours as needed. C • We have not included any concrete pads,walkways or curbing not specifically shown in the plans and °O specifications. L9 N M Epoxy Coatings: C:) • We have included costs to clean, prepare and apply Tnemex Series 20 Pota-Pox epoxy coatings to all Co structural steel repair sections.This scope is limited only to those areas touched by M&A during the LL repairs, as shown on the plans and specifications.All existing areas not required to have structural steel repairs are not to be coated within this proposal. • All colors to match existing color profile. Please note that newly applied epoxy coatings may differ in color N Y than the existing color profile due to weathering. 0 0 L m Structural Steel fabrications& Repairs: • We have included costs to perform all structural steel repairs as shown on sheet S-03 of the plans and ca p p U) specifications.This includes the following items at the locations detailed within the plans: 0 o Repair of existing upper angle (roughly 3') LO o Fabrication and Erection of proposed steel diagonal braces, as detailed on sheet S-04 o Repair of failed weld at wall plate on perimeter wall (roughly 10') N o Fabricate and Erection of proposed''/" plate at the outside of the clarifier wall (roughly 158') o Repair of existing through support at two locations on existing perimeter tank wall o Repair bottom of existing Baffle Wall o Fabricate and Erection of proposed plate to existing flange of support column and wall plate at two locations o Repair of existing Baffle wall o Attach existing skimmer arm to shaft o Erect jacking bolts around center mechanism per the detail on sheet S-05 o Repair of existing Bridge Beam on the walkway o Demolish existing corroded plate at the walkway and fabricate and Erect new''/" plate at two locations o Fabricate and erection of proposed stiffener angle to the bottom flange of the walkway 124 MFrA WELDING Fr FABRICATIONS o Fabricate and erection of proposed C12 supports to the existing walkway beam E O �' • The repair scope of work included the removal of all rust, dirt and debris on the structural steel within our Escope of work. This is limited only to the locations we will be working to perform the repairs. �' • We have included costs to fabricate and erect the proposed platform section per the original drawings and U `M detailed on the Platform Foundation Plan on sheet S-03 °g • All adhesive anchors for the repairs and the proposed platform will be Hilti HIT-RE 500. No • We have included costs for all hoisting, lifting and equipment as required to complete our scope of work. M This will include the use of multiple man baskets and cranes as needed. C' • All onsite welders will be fully certified with proper documentation, per the contract requirements. L LO Co 0 L9 N LO M O CO M J LL N N Y O O ML W 1..1_ U) N N (a O U LO ti N 125 P_Aao_�� 4V PREMIER STRUCTURAL SYSTEMS March 2, 2023 City of Winter Springs Plant#001 Repairs Proposal for Concrete & Steel Services Premier Structural Systems is an established concrete, masonry and structural steel firm that has worked throughout the State of Florida for over 20 years. We are happy to be afforded the opportunity to work with you and your team on the repairs to the Waste Water Treatment Facility#001 at the City of Winter Springs. Please find a breakdown of our pricing below The lump sum cost for this proposal is: Four hundred eighty-eight thousand two hundred forty two and 10/100...........$488,242.10 Alternate#001 —Add$10,450 to the above listed price if you would like for us to provide engineered testing services for this scope of work. This will include density testing, slump tests and cylinder testing as required. Proposal is good for 30 days This proposal includes all concrete repairs and foundations, structural steel repairs and coating as specified on the plans and specifications. We appreciate the opportunity to be a part of this project and look forward to its successful completion. Please let me know if you have any questions or concerns. Respectfully, Matthew Weaver Estimator 239-438-2423 8402 Highway 301 N Tampa, FL 33637 Phone: (813)914 7448 info@premierstructuralsystems.com 126 3/9/23,8:25 AM Veolia Mail-RE:West WRF,Additional Repairs (DVEOLIA Petrie, Todd <todd.petrie@veolia.com> RE: West WRF, Additional Repairs 1 message Nathan Hillard <nhillard@whartonsmith.com> 28 February 2023 at 13:18 To: "Petrie, Todd" <todd.petrie@veolia.com> Cc: John Kennedy<john.ken nedy@veolia.com>, Michael Alexakis<malexakis@whartonsmith.com>, Erik Anderson <eanderson@whartonsmith.com> Hi Todd, Great talking with you this morning. While we desire to continue to be valued partners with the City and Veolia, we are unable to commit to this work at this time. Just bad timing as we are finishing up some other projects. Please keep us in mind for all of the City's future needs. Best regards, Nate Nathan Hillard I Director of Collaborative Delivery-Water Wharton-Smith, Inc. I Construction Group of Choice I www.whartonsmith.com From: Petrie, Todd <todd.petrie@veolia.com> Sent:Tuesday, February 28, 2023 11:26 AM To: Nathan Hillard <nhillard@whartonsmith.com> Cc: John Kennedy<john.kennedy@veolia.com> Subject: West WRF, Additional Repairs Hi Nate, Good to chat this morning. The work that is being considered is labeled 2-3-23. The core repairs are already being completed by the primary contractor. The core repairs and specification book are included for reference, as there are coatings, other structural work etc. that will be or has been completed. A price is being requested for the additional work labeled 2-3-23. To be considered, a price is needed no later than March 8th and the work would need to be completed within 6 to 8 weeks of a notice to proceed. Please call me with any questions and talk with you soon. Project Manual ITB#02-20 LR East West WRF Pri... https://mail.google.com/mail/u/0/?ik=dOaOac8a88&view=pt&search=all&permthid=thread-a%3Ar-6125201298412378271%7Cmsg-f%3A17590998019... 127 3/9/23,8:25 AM Veolia Mail-RE:West WRF,Additional Repairs Todd Petrie, P.E., Oper. Director, Operations Municipal&Commercial Business VEOLIA NORTH AMERICA Cell (813) 508-0218,Tel (813)983-2800 14055 Riveredge Drive,Suite 240/Tampa, FL 33637 Todd.Petrie@veolia.com www.veolianorthamerica.com vA Resoureingthe ww1d VEOLIA 900 Please consider the environment before printing this e-mail. Confidentiality Note: This e-mail message and any attachments to it are intended only for the named recipients and may contain legally privileged and/or confidential information. If you are not one of the intended recipients, please do not duplicate or forward this e-mail message and immediately delete it from your computer. CAUTION:This email originated from outside of the organization. Do not click links or open attachments unless you recognize the sender and know the content is safe! https://mail.google.com/mail/u/0/?ik=dOaOac8a88&view=pt&search=all&permthid=thread-a%3Ar-6125201298412378271%7Cmsg-f0/o3A17590998019... 128