HomeMy WebLinkAbout2023 02 13 Consent 301 - Repair of Mt. Laurel Drive Stormwater Pond • CONSENT AGENDA ITEM 301
Repair of Mt. Laurel Drive Stormwater Pond
The stormwater pond located 1450 Mt. Laurel Drive was critically damaged
due to excessively high amount of rainfall from Hurricane Ian. The rainfall
amount from Hurricane Ian exceeded the capacity volume of the stormwater
pond which resulted in overtopping and eventual failure of the pond wall. The
proposed improvements will restore the pond to its original configuration.
The contractor (1-7 Construction) will restore the pond by importing
approximately 500 cubic yards of fill material for the pond wall repair, and
375 yards of sod on the berm. Sufficient soil compaction will be tested to
verify suitability and placement of soils. Competitive proposals were obtained
by the City. The contractors bid documents for this repair are attached. Staff
recommends award to L7 Construction, the lowest responsive bidder, subject
to City Manager finalizing a written agreement. The cost to restore the
stormwater pond is $131,490.00.
Staff requests Commission approve an amount not to exceed $131,490.00 for
L7 Construction, Inc. to perform stormwater pond restoration located at 1450
Mt. Laurel Drive and authorization for the City Manager and City Attorney to
prepare and execute any and all applicable contract documents consistent
with this Agenda item.
Date: 1/23/2023
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Winter Springs-Mt. Laurel Dr Berm Repair
Location: Tract A Mt Laurel Dr, Winter Springs
Kevin Monser, Stormwater Manager
City of Winter Springs
1126 E SR 434
Winter Springs FL 32708
Scope of Work:
Repair wash out to berm on back side of the pond (Located between 1450& 1454 Mt Laurel Dr.
Work Includes: Quantity Unit
Mobilization 1 LS
Clearing& Grubbing 1 LS
Riprap restoration 1 LS
Embankment 1842 CY
Sod 2377 SY
Seeding 555 SY
Work Excludes:
Proposal Total $ 135,765.00
Central Florida Environmental Corp
910 Belle Ave, Ste#1040
Winter Springs, FI 32708
407-834-6115 17
Specializing in the Water and Wastewater Industry
LICENSE CBC045628;CUC048362;EC13002404;CFC1428940
Engineering % Construction Operations
Date 1/10/2023
City of Winter Springs Proposal
Job: MT. Laurel Dr. DRA Pond Restoration
• Mobilization & Demobilization: $4,710.00
• Equipment: Mini Excavator and Skid-steer $23,892.26
• MOT: $500.00
• Fuel for Equipment $2,50.00
• Compaction Test $2,355.00
• Sand Fill,300 Cy. Pond $5,298.75
• Compatible Fill Dirt,1,400Cy. Berm $24,727.50
• Dewatering $22,435.30
• Sod for Pond and Berm 15,000 Sf. $11,775.00
• Unsuitable Material 60 Cy. $2,590.50
• Concrete Sidewalk 50' If we Damage Sidewalk $6,908.00
• Construction Entry Road $3,925.00
• Sink Fence 500' $2,355.00
• Labor Cost $90,000.00
• Total Cost $204,897.31
Scope of Work: Rebuilding Pond due to hurricane damage
Set up MOT sign and sink fence, Build temp construction entry road to pond for dump trucks off
load site. Then dewatering will start, Work will begin in the pond remove unsuitable material
allowed quantity 60 Cy.After unsuitable removed Add 300 Cy. Of sandy topsoil bring Pond above
water table. Sod inside Pond allowed quantity 10,000 Cy. Bahia Sod. Reuses and Rebuild rip rap
retaining wall.
Rebuilding berm wall, add compatible fill dirt in 3' lifts. Having compaction test each 3' lift
to we reach high of top of existing berm, Will match existing slope. Then install Bahia sod to berm
allowed quantity 1,500 Cy Sod.
Dewatering will be removed, Construction Road removed and restored to new, and damage
sidewalk will be replaced.
Note: Price Valid for 30 Days , if allowed amounts are exceeded a change order will be e required.
Job Address: MT. Laurel Dr. Pond Restoration
Thank you.
3780 40' Place • Ocala,FL 34479 • (352)390-6555
Ocala • Longwood • Mulberry
www.esi-usa.net 18
Construction, Inc.
December 7, 2022
City of Winter Springs - 1454 Mt Laurel Dr.,Winter Springs, FL 32708
RE: Proposal#2- City of Winter Springs Berm Repair- Emergency
Attention: Eric Gassen- Carollo Engineers
You have requested a quote for the following scope of work:
- Excavate and dispose of loose material and vegetation approximately 50 cubic
yards of dirt
- Place approximately 500 cubic yards of clean fill to backfill and compact to match
grade of existing berm
- Lay approximately 375 square yards of sod on berm
- Compaction Testing at one-foot lifts
- Replace rip rap at influent pipe of pond
- Installation of wellpoint system to allow for compaction testing
- Based on using the same material approved for the repair of the waste water plant
Items specifically excluded from this scope include (Can price any of the below if requested):
- Work outside immediate berm area
- Liner
- Piping
- Irrigation
- Re-asphalt
- Permits
- Bonds
- Trench Box(Depth not assumed to exceed 5')
- Pavement removal or replacement(Assumed to run in grass along road,not in road)
- Shoring, sheeting,and dewatering completed prior to mobilization.
- Provide or install of any mechanical equipment, including all gates, flow splitters, and
- Any paint, protective coatings, epoxies,sealing, or waterproofing of any kind
- Xypex coatings
- Termite treatments
- Stone materials
- Layout of the structure
- Cost for use of power
- Provisions for any night work including manpower or equipment.
- Provisions for any special access including additional manpower.
- Permitting fees
Certified Payroll
Davis Bacon or any scale wages by L7 or any of its subcontractors
MBE or MWBE requirements or filings
Approx.schedule of the scope of work:
- There is no completion deadline. Work can be scheduled as mutually agreeable.
- Approx. 4 weeks of work at the project site is anticipated to complete the scope.
L7 Construction, Inc.proposes to provide the labor, equipment,and materials for all of the
above scope of work for the lump sum of:
$131.490.00 One hundred thirty-one thousand four hundred ninety dollars and no
Thank you for the opportunity to quote you on this scope of work if you have any questions or
concerns please feel free to give me a call to discuss.
Brett Lefever 275 Hunt Park Cove
L7 Construction, Inc. Longwood, FL 32750
321-972-9325 office blefever@L7constructs.com
407-760-7694 cell