HomeMy WebLinkAbout2023 01 09 Regular 502 - Discussion on Tuskawilla Storage Project • REGULAR AGENDA ITEM 502
Discussion on Tuskawilla Storage Project
Staff recommends the Commission discuss and provide direction as they see
PROJECT #: 22-20500015
OCTOBER 19,2022
This is a project narrative for the application to rezone tax parcel # 01-21-30-501-0000-0330 M-1 and A-1 to PD
in order to facilitate future development of a self-storage facility. The property consists of 4.81 gross acres with
3.80 net buildable acres with industrial future land use (the "Property").
The Property is bounded on the west by Tuskawilla Road, 4-lane divided arterial, and is surrounded on the other
3 boundaries by Phase 1 of Tuskawilla Crossing which has City of Winter Springs Town Center Land Use and
Town Center Transect T4 zoning to the north and south and Town Center Transect T3 to the east.
Across Tuskawilla Road to the west is the Avery Park Subdivision which is zoned Winter Springs Town Center
T4 and has single family residences with typical lot widths of 45 as well as some single family residences located
in unincorporated Seminole County with MDR land use and A-1 zoning. To the north of the Property is
Tuskawilla Crossing Tract FD-4 a 3.2 acre commercial parcel projected to have up to 35,000 of retail commercial
space. To the south are a future development tract, buffer and wetland tracts and to the east from west-east is a
10 foot wide open space tract, Strong Tree Way, which is a 20 foot wide alley, and single family residences on
34 foot wide lots,whose rear entry garages all face Strong Tree Way.
The proposed rezone to PD and associated Master Development Plan ("MDP") provides for better compatibility
with the surrounding land uses that exist and are allowed by the City of Winter Springs Town Center Transect-3
and Transect-4 zoning subcategories than could be reasonably implemented under conventional zoning districts
allowed within industrial land use, including the existing M-1 zoning on the western part of the Property. Such
compatibility is achieved in general by providing for appropriate width and opacity of buffers, general placement
of the stormwater pond, limiting the project uses and building height near residential uses as well as providing
for context appropriate architectural design and limiting bay door visibility from the exterior of the Property.
Proposed Use and limitation:
The Master Development Plan specifies the use of the Property to be self-storage in buildings limited to 3 stories
not to exceed 35 feet in height (with the exception of architectural features) along Tuskawilla Road and 1 story
not to exceed 20 feet in height within 200 feet of the east boundary. Furthermore, there are notes on the Master
Development Plan (MDP)that further restrict the use as follows:
o The accessory use of a business office and limited retail for items related to moving a storage is limited to
1,000 square feet.
o No other business operations are permitted.
o No units will contain plumbing
o Parking is limited 5 spaces for the office use a 1 space per 75 storage bays
o Hours of operation are limited be 7 AM until 9 PM
o Storage Bay Doors are prohibited from facing the residential area to the east or being visible from outside
the Property.
o Dumpster doors and mechanical equipment will not be visible from outside the Property.
o Signage will be limited to the west boundary facing Tuskawilla Road and the facing south boundary at
the access point.
o The property will be access controlled including vehicular access gates beyond the business office parking.
o An 0.3 opacity landscape buffer is to be provided along the east boundary.
o Limits spillover lighting along the east boundary to 0.25 foot candles and color temperature to a maximum
of 3000 Kelvin.
o Outdoor storage is prohibited.
Architectural Renderings:
The provided architectural rendering (ATCH 91) in context appropriate to other development within the Winter
Springs Town Center adjacent to residential as follows:
o The earth tone materials used include a brick veneer on the first floor of all elevations of the 3 story
building and the rear and side 3 elevations of the 1 story buildings. The 3 story building also features a
glass storefront for the office area and additional articulation along the balance of the west elevation,
which fronts Tuskawilla Road.
o The building elevations are similar in nature to those in the recently developed Winter Springs
Marketplace retail center which includes Crunch Fitness, Dollar Tree and Aldi reaching height of 39'at
the top of the parapets, as well as the Sayoy senior apartment building, which is a 4 story 145 unit senior
apartment building adjacent to the north side of Tuscawilla Crossing Phase 2 (ATCH 92).
Compatibility with Winter Springs Town Center Zoning:
The Avery Park subdivision across Tuskawilla Road was annexed into Winter Springs on August 14, 2000 and
rezoned on May 19, 2001 to Winter Springs Town Center District (ATCH 93). The rezoning agenda item staff
report noted that the adjacent property to the east included Industrial Land Use and County M-1 Zoning and
included the finding that"The proposed rezoning of property from County A-1 "Agriculture"to City T-C "Town
Center Zoning District" is compatible with the existing land use of adjacent properties".
The adjacent property in Tuskawilla Crossings Phase was part of a 60 acre tract located in unincorporated
Seminole County with industrial land use until it was annexed by Winter Springs on May 12, 2014 at a City
Commission meeting that also included agenda item 502 approving a land scale comprehensive plan map
amendment to Town Center Land Use and a rezone to Town Center zoning (ATCH 94). The Staff report for item
502 including findings that the proposed land use map amendment was "compatible with the surrounding area".
The rezoning analysis in said report noted included an analysis of compliance with Winter springs Code of
Ordinances, Section 20-31, item 11 as follows: "Not Detrimental to Future Development of Adjacent Vacant
Property—The intent of the zoning of the property is to apply a zoning classification for the subject property that
is consistent and compatible with the surround land uses". Item 4 in the same analysis noted that "Surrounding
properties within Seminole County have a future land use of"Industrial and "Medium Density Residential""
Based upon the preceding finding of the City of Winter Springs regarding Avery Park and Tuskawilla Crossings,
it is clear the City of Winter Springs determined the subject Property, which allows industrial land uses and part
of which is zoned M-1 was compatible with Winter Springs Town Center Land Use and Winter Springs Town
Center Zoning, Transects T3 and T4.
The current zoning of part of the property is M-1, which zoning allows virtually all industrial and commercial
uses. If M-1 was deemed by the City of Winter Springs to be compatible with Winter Springs Town Center
Zoning, it is clear that the more limited self-storage use as proposed is also a compatible use.
Buffers and setbacks:
The self-storage use, as limited by the MDP conditions and with the proposed context specific architecture is
most similar character of use, i.e., storage to light industrial, although those impacts are minimized by the MDP
conditions that limit hours of operation and building scale and provide context appropriate architecture. Although
the proposed use has a relatively high maximum FAR of 0.65, that FAR results in much lower intensity than
typical general commercial as it generates 176 average daily trips with 11 peak hour trips.
The building height being limited to 35' (except for architectural features), along with the proposed 35' front
setback provides a 1:1 height/setback ratio which would indicate a land use intensity of VII, as would the limited
hours of operation, while the height would indicate VIII.
According to Part 67 of the Land Development Code, "required buffers shall be determined according to the land
use intensity of the proposed use(s) as compared to the land use intensity of the adjacent use(s)" and "For new
development adjacent to roads and right-of-way, required buffers shall be determined according to the land use
intensity of the proposed use(s) as compared to the functional classification of the road or right-of-way". The
subject use, as proposed most closely resembles intensity VII, but for the purposes of illustration, intensity VIII
will be considered.
The land use intensities and required opacities and proposed opacities and buffer widths for the surrounding uses
are as follows:
o North — undeveloped Town Center Land Use, similar to Seminole County MXD: no requirement:
Proposed opacity 0.1; proposed width 10'
o East—Local Road: 0.2; Proposed opacity 0.3, proposed width 10'
o South - undeveloped Town Center Land Use: no requirement: Proposed opacity 0.1, proposed width 10'
o West—Arterial Road: required opacity 0.4, Proposed Opacity 0.5, proposed width 35'
A review of Part 67 indicates that the proposed buffer widths are within LDC guidelines.
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Document date:11/9/2022
Comment Document — First Resubmittal
County staff members have reviewed the subject development project and offer the following
comments. The comments below are a compilation of comments and markups from the ePlan review
system. These items need responses with further information, data, explanation or revision of plans
and documents before project approval.
Please itemize any and all revisions made to the development plan in addition to those made
in response to staff comments; include a statement in your response to comments that no
additional revisions have been made to the site plan beyond those stated.
For questions regarding the ePlan process, please consult the Electronic Plan Review Applicant User
Guide http://www.seminolecountvfl.qov/core/fileparse.php/3321/urlt/ePlanApplicantUserGuide.pdf
See comments within the comment document for any fees due, as fees may be due for different
aspects of your development project. Fees showing in ePlan reflect Planning & Development review
or revision fees only.
A enc / Department Comments
No. Group Name Reviewer Comment Status
i For staff to conduct a buffer review, please provide the
1 Buffers and following: Hours of operation, floor area ratio (FAR), and the net Not Met
CPTED buildable area. The buffer review must be completed prior to
approval of the Master Development Plan.
Buffers and IThe standard buffer for the east, adjacent to existing
2. CPTED townhomes and local road should be 0.4 opacity and 15' in Not Met
width. Please revise plan to show compliance.
Repeat: Please demonstrate through detailed site plan,
renderings, narrative, and any other supplemental
documentation that the proposed project is compatible with the
City of Winter Springs' Town Center zoning district T4 transect.
*** Based on the information provided, namely the images of
surrounding existing buildings provided by the applicant, staff
has determined that the level of articulation, modulation,
Comprehensive fenestration, and other architectural details is not compatible
3' Not Met
Planning with the surrounding existing buildings. Please see FLU-131
'Planned Development'- Such plans shall address compatibility
with adjacent uses through, at a minimum, buffering, setbacks,
lighting, building heights, and creative site design features
where needed (such as lot sizes on perimeters that are
comparable to lot sizes in adjacent residential developments) to
ensure such compatibility. Additionally, architectural details may
be considered by the Board of County Commissioners (Board)
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on a site-specific basis when determining if a planned
development is compatible with the character of the area. Such
standards may include, but not be limited to, building style,
design and scale; exterior building materials; roof design and
construction; building size and placement; site furnishings;
fences and entrance features; the size and location of service
areas and other features specified by performance standards in
the Land Development Code. If the proposed plan does not or
cannot achieve the desired level of compatibility, as determined
by the Board, the Board may deny the rezoning request.
Repeat: Refer to SAN 1.3 in the Seminole County
Comprehensive Plan for required connection to central sewer
Comprehensive service policy. The County shall require within the
4. Planning unincorporated urban area, as described in Exhibit FLU: Not Met
Urban/Rural Boundary, connection to central sewer service
where available. ***Please revise or update narrative to address
Seminole County requires community meetings for all Future
Land Use Amendments, Rezones, Special Exceptions, and non-
residential Variances. Please see the Community Meetings link
Planning and in the Resources tab located at the top of your ePlan task
5. Development window or below for the requirements that the applicant must Not Met
New Public Notification Procedures are required for all Future
land Use Amendments, Rezones, Special Exceptions, and non-
Planning and residential Variances. Please see the Public Notification
6. Development Procedures link in the Resources tab located at the top of your Not Met
ePlan task window or below for the requirements:
Planning and Repeat Comment: SETBACKS: In project narrative, please
7. Development provide a detailed explanation of the need for decreased Not Met
$ Planning and update the project narrative to demonstrate how the Not Met
Development development will be consistent and compatible with Winter
Springs' Town Center zoning district and T4 transect.
demonstrate through Development Order conditions,
Planning and architectural design standards, use limitations, etc., how the
9. Not Met
Development proposed development is compatible with the surrounding uses.
V It is also recommended that the applicant submit renderings of
the proposed self-storage facility.
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Please see City of Winter Springs streetscape requirements for
be: Rd., per Winter Springs Land Development Code Ch. 20,
Sec. 20-661 . If private property is required to meet
10 Planning and requirements, this area may count toward landscape buffer I Not Met
Development requirements. may be:
RE—S20-601 STRE
MDP: Please provide detail on how landscape buffer on the
eastern side of the retention pond will be enhanced to screen
Planning and the pond from the adjacent single-family residential
11 Not Met
Development development to the east. Also, staff recommends
maintaining/preserving the existing natural vegetative buffer on
northeast corner of the site.
Planning and Please provide a copy of Water/Sewer availability response
12. Development letter from the City of Winter Springs. Not Met
The subject site exists as an enclave surrounded by the City of
Winter Springs. This enclave is adjacent to the City of Winter
Planning and Springs Town Center. To be consistent with the City of Winter
13. Development Springs Town Center, any new development should enhance Not Met
the mixed use neo-traditional urban environment and be
designed on a pedestrian scale and have pedestrian orientation.
Repeat / Revised comment. The pond berm and downslope of
the pond is impacting the required undisturbed buffer. Please
Public Works - either show wetland impacts or remove the pond and grading
14 Engineering outside the undisturbed buffer. Previous Comment. Please Not Met
show the approximate pond location on the plan. Show 10'
minimum berm and slopes.
Please add the following to Master Development Plan (Sheet C-
4.0): (1) Site Data - Add minimum open space requirement and
open space calculations; (2) Site Data - add the maximum Floor
Planning and Area Ratio (FAR),; (3) Map - add labels for all adjacent streets,
15. Development including Strong Tree Way (4) Label all proposed Tracts; (5) Met
Map - Add Future Land Use and Zoning to east of subject
property (east of Strong Tree Way). (6) Map - scale map extent
to include surrounding uses (FLU and zoning) within 500 feet of
the subject site.
16. Planning and SURVEY: Please provide a boundary and topographic survey Met
Development that includes floodprone areas and wetland delineations.
PROJECT NARRATIVE: The project narrative should also
address the following: (1) Use of context appropriate materials,
colors, and textures; (2) How impacts of building equipment,
Planning and service areas, and site lighting and related glare will be
17. Development minimized; (3) Control of access and circulation (4) Screening of Met
any potentially non-compatible views (i.e. dumpsters, bay doors,
mechanical equipment, etc.) from surrounding properties; and
(5) How potentially intrusive signage will be minimized.
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Planning and Please revise the Master Development Plan to include language
18. Development about required sidewalks in accordance with the SCLDC. Met
Public Works - Please add a note labeled Stormwater stating that the site will
19' Engineering meet Seminole County and SJRWMD stormwater requirements. Met
Buffer information can be found here:
http://www.sem inolecou ntyfl.gov/core/fileparse.php/3295/u rlt/buf
feringbooklet.pdf Buffer regulations (SCLDC Part 67) can be
20 Buffers and found with the Municode link in the Resources Tab of your eplan Informational
CPTED task or the link provided below:
d_development_code?node Id=SECOLADECO—CH 30ZORE_PT
21 Buffers and Please refer to the SCLDC sections 30.1282 and 30.1284 on Informational II
CPTED opacity and plant units.
22 Buffers and IDue to residential in the East, staff recommends a minimum of Informational
CPTED 0.3 opacity buffer on the East boundary.
Please provide a landscape plan at site plan review. The
Buffers and landscape plan shall include a buffer table, which must include
23.CPTED the buffer opacities, widths, plant units, and plant unit Informational
Buffers and Staff recommends any replacement trees be placed within the
24.CPTED north and east buffers. Informational
25 uffers and Parking lot landscaping will be required in accordance with Informational
CPTED SCLDC Sec. 30. 1292.
26 Comprehensive The maximum intensity permitted in this designation is .65 floor Informational
Planning area ratio.
The Future Land Use of Industrial is compatible with the PD
27 Comprehensive rezone, however the uses permitted in M-1 zoning, are not Informational
Planning compatible with the surrounding land uses in the City of Winter
Planning and Please see comments from City of Winter Springs
28. Informational
Development provided in ePlan under the Resources tab.
Previous Application - Ondick Rezone was withdrawn: Applicant
Planning and Responses document, which was uploaded on 5/20/2022, are in
29 Development response to a previous application requesting a rezone to M-1 Informational
Zoning. Prior comments may be found under Project # PZ-22-
The subject site is contiguous to City of Winter Springs. The City
Planning and of Winter Springs may require annexation of the site to obtain
30. Development utilities. Please contact the Community Development Division at Informational
(407) 327-5963 or customerservice@winterspringsf1.org to
Planning and URBAN CENTERS AND CORRIDORS: The subject property is
31. Development within the Urban Centers and Corridors Overlay (along certain Informational
roadways per FLU Element, Urban Centers and Corridors
Printed: 1119122 12:09 PM Page 4 of 10
Overlay - Exhibit-6). Please note that the intent of this overlay is
to incentivize a mixed development pattern and ensure
compatibility with adjacent uses.
Pursuant to Seminole County Land Development Code
(SCLDC) Section 30.451(e), a minimum of twenty (20) percent
Planning and (%) common usable open space must be provided on the
32. Informational
Development subject property" the required open sace shall be provided in
accordance with SCLDC Sec. 30.1344. Please provide a
calculation of required and proposed open space
Planning and The development requirements for each individual tract or
33. Development phase within a planned development shall be included as a part Informational
of the master development plan. --SCLDC Sec. 30.445(a)(2)
The master development plan shall clearly indicate an outer site
boundary as well as internal boundaries between proposed
Planning and tracts, stages, phases, outparcels, etc. The plan shall also
34. Development indicate common properties within the PD and provide for Informational
necessary property owners or management associations to
ensure maintenance of such properties. -- SCLDC Sec.
performance standards to avoid creating potential offensive or
injurious conditions such as noise, vibration, glare and more.
35. Planning and Please see Part 68 of the Seminole County Land Development Informational
Development Code:
elopment_code?node Id=SECOLADECO—CH 30ZORE_PT68PE
Planning and Required landscape buffers may not count toward the twenty
36 Development (20) percent minimum open space requirement. Informational
A self-storage facility may not be compatible with adjacent V
Planning and residential uses, especially mini-warehouse uses with external
37. Development access. Please demonstrate, through the use of buffers, Informational
landscaping, walls, or other means, how the proposed use will
be compatible with existing uses.
Public Safety _ IThis project falls under the Uniform Fire Safety Standards as
38. Fire Marshal defined in FS 633.022 and it will have specific fire and life safety Informational
requirements as defined in FAC 69A. t-
39 Public Safety - Type and use of building may require fire sprinklers and fire Informational
Fire Marshal alarm.
Adequate water supply with fire flow calculations for fire
40. Public Safety - protection (hydrants) shall be provided per chapter 18.3 of Informational
Fire Marshal NFPA 1 (2018).
Public Safety - This project will require 20 ft. fire department access in
41. Fire Marshal accordance with NFPA 1, Chapter (2018 edition). Informational
42 Public Safety - All the following items shall be acknowledged and added to the Informational
Fire Marshal site plan sheets as note-1.Fire department access roads
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provided at the start of a project and shall be maintained
throughout construction. (NFPA 1, 16.1.4).2.A second
entrance/exit might be required per AHJ if the response time for
emergency is exceeded per NFPA 1, Section Multiple
Access Roads.3.A water supply for fire protection, either
temporary or permanent, shall be made available as soon as
combustible material accumulates. This applies to both
commercial and residential developments. (NFPA 1 , underground water mains and hydrants are
to be provided, they shall be installed, completed, and in service
prior to construction work. (NFPA 1 , .3).5.Fire flow
testing shall be performed in accordance with NFPA 291 ,
recommended practice for fire flow testing.6.A 36 in. clear space
shall be maintained around the circumference of fire hydrants
and a clear space of not less than 60 in. (1524 mm) shall be
provided in front of each hydrant connection having a diameter
greater than 212 in. NFPA 1, shall be marked
with a blue reflector that is placed 6 in the roadway in
accordance with NFPA 1 , chapter to gated
Subdivisions or Developments shall provide Fire Department
access through an approved SOS and Seminole County Knox
Key Switch. NFPA 1,
The requirements below shall be on all site plans as notes for
sprinkled buildings: a. At minimum, a Class Five contractor is
required to install fire lines. Fire lines shall begin at the point in
which the piping is used exclusively for fire protection and end
at a point 1-foot above the finished floor. b. The fire line for
Public Safety - sprinkled buildings starts at the double detector check valve. c.
43 Informational
Fire Marshal No other water connection shall be off of the fire line. d. The
Fire Department Connection shall be with-in 100 feet of the fire
hydrant if standpipe system is provided. e. Any fire line charged
by the FDC shall be DR-14 pipe. f. The only valve allowed in
the FDC line is a check valve. g. All fire lines shall be inspected
by the Fire Inspection Dept. before being covered
Turning radius analysis based on aerial truck Specifications.
(Section NFPA 1) Fire Truck Parameters: Pierce
Arrow XT Chassis Aerial Platform 1001nside Cramp Angle: 40
Public Safety - Degrees Axle Track: 82.92 inches Wheel Offset: 5.30 inches
44. Fire Marshal Tread Width: 17.5 inches Chassis Overhang: 68.99 inches Informational
Additional Bumper Depth: 22 inches Front Overhang: 90.99
inches Wheelbase: 270 inches Overall length: 581.75 inches
Calculated Turning Radius: Inside Turn: 25 ft. 7 in. Curb to
lCurb: 41 ft. 8 in.Wall to Wall: 48 ft. 5 in.
45 Public Works - Please note that at final engineering ADA access is required to Informational
Engineering the ROW.
Public Works - IThe drainage in this area is not clear. It appears to go to the
46. wetlands and then under Tuskawilla Road. The outfall will have Informational
Engineering to be modeled at least through Tuskawilla Road and show
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positive outfall. If sufficient outfall is not provided the site may
have to hold additional volume up to the entire 25-year, 24-hour
storm event onsite.
Agency I Department eForm Comments and Project Status
This section shows the reviewers of this project from the various County agencies. It may also
include additional comments for review and response.
Department Reviewer Email Status Reviewer Comments
Comprehensive Tyler Reed treed@seminolecountyfl.gov Corrections (407)665-7398
Planning _l Required
Buffers and Maya Athanas mathanas@seminolecountyfl.gov Corrections (407) 665-7388
CPTED Required
Planning and Doug Robinson drobinson03@seminolecountyfl.gov Corrections (407) 665-7308
Development Required
Public Works- Jim Potter jpotter@seminolecountyfl.gov Corrections Jim Potter
Engineering Required 407.665.5764
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The next submittal, as required below, will be your:
11/9/2022 The next submittal will be your second Maya Athanas, Jim Potter, Tyler Reed,
resubmittal. The application fee allows Doug Robinson
two resubmittals before a resubmittal
fee is applied.
The application fee allows two resubmittals. For the third review, the resubmittal fees are:
Major Revision: 50% of original application fee.
Minor Revision: 25% of original application fee.
Summary of Fees: http://www.seminolecountyfl._og v/departments-services/development-services/plannin_-
NOTE: Other fees may be due: see comments for any additional fees due for your
development project. (example: Addressing fee)
DIGITAL SIGNATURES—The use of PEDDS signing method sunsetted on June 30, 2015. Design
professionals must use digital signatures that have been verified through a 3rd party Certificate
This is a commercial service that the consultant would contract with a provider for. Seminole County does not
endorse any specific certificate authority. Digital signing (with a certificate issued through a 3rd party
Certificate Authority) should contain an image that includes the design professional's seal, name and license
number. This is required by law for all design professional's and will be returned for correction if the signature
does not meet the minimum requirements of the Florida Statutes and Florida Administrative Code.
Customers may, at their discretion, wish to send the County their digital signature certificate in advance of any
reviews of their work. To do so, customers must complete the Digital Signature Affidavit form and follow the
instructions as noted on the ePlan Review web page. hqp://www.seminolecountyfl.gov/departments-
services/development-services/planning-development/electronic-plan-review/di_itg al-signature.stml
Upon completion of your plan review process, Planning and Development staff must authorize and
stamp plans for construction use. Once you receive an approval letter from Seminole County, the site
contractor must contact Seminole County Planning and Development Inspections Supervisor, Keith
Denton, at 407-665-7409, to schedule a pre-construction conference prior to the start of any site
work. Upon issuance of the site permit, your approved drawings and/or documents will be released to
you through the ePlan System. For questions regarding this process, please consult the Electronic
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Plan Review Applicant User Guide
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Altamonte Springs (407) 571-8000 www.altamonte.org
Casselberry (407) 262-7700 www.casselberry.org
Lake Mary (407) 585-1449 www.lal<emaryfl.com
Longwood (407) 260-3440 www.longwoodfl.org
Oviedo (407) 971-5555 www.cityofoviedo.net
Sanford (407) 688-5000 www.sanfordfl.gov
Winter Springs (407) 327-1800 www.winterspringsfl.org
Other Agencies:
Florida Dept of Transportation FDOT www.dot.state.fl.us
Florida Dept of Enviro Protection FDEP (407) 897-4100 www.dep.state.fl.us
St.Johns River Water Mgmt District SJRWMD (407) 659-4800 www.sarwmd.com
Other Resources:
Flood Prone Areas http://www.seminolecountyfl.gov/gm/building/flood/index.aspx
Watershed Atlas www.seminole.wateratlas.usf.edu
Seminole Co. Property Appraiser www.scpafl.org
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