HomeMy WebLinkAbout2024 01 04 Public Hearing Item 400 - Chau Medical Plaza - Phase 2                  !!"#$   %&&'()*!%+&'(+,(&'(, *'++! (%'-,%&.&!) /%!'0$(% %'$(, (&!(#+$*!%+&'(')%-123() %&&$$%'++,%*($(+!''*!%+&'(0,&'(-%,('(,$(%' %*&4,153+,%+%$*!%+&'(6$4,%7''(%8+$$3$1 '*%!*&$$0,'0%-('(,$(&$(,$(%,&6(,'(!($ '-,$(, (,+,&(,!'$ +'06!!!% (%'($%($%-(+,%+,() '( '(,!& !%-- 4!'03  $+,%+%$+$-!!$',*!%+&'(,8$'(-'(*!%+&'( 0,&'('6!!'*%!*( %'$(, (%'%-99:$;3-(3<#'('+''( *'0. !()3++! '($,;,(%$7$((  *6-%,($+$3 ++! 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SUMMARY The Community Development Department requests that the City Commission hold a Public Hearing to consider Aesthetic Plan Review, Final Engineering Review, and Second Modification to the Development Agreement in order to construct a 48,810 sq. ft., 47-unit independent living facility on the subject property. General Information Applicant Chau Family Holdings III, LLC (Dr. Son Chau) Property Owner(s) Chau Family Holdings III, LLC Location West of the intersection of Hacienda Drive and S.R. 434 Tract Size ±5.08 Acres Parcel ID Number 34-20-30-5AW-0000-048A Zoning Designation Neighborhood Commercial Districts (C-1) S.R. 434 Corridor Overlay District FLUM Designation Commercial Adjacent Land Use North: East S.R. 434 / ROW East: Commercial (Vacant) South: Hacienda Village (MDR) West: Hacienda Drive / ROW Setbacks Minimum 25 feet Maximum 100-feet Height C-1: Up to 50 feet S.R. 434: Up to *Five stories (*Limited to three-stories per the Development Agreement) Setbacks (C-1) Front: 25 ft. Rear: 15 ft. Side: 15 ft. _______ Development Standards Lot Coverage: 75% Development Permits Waiver | Pending Development Agreement Development Agreement | Pending Code Enforcement Not applicable PUBLIC HEARINGS AGENDA ITEM PLANNING & ZONING BOARD THURSDAY, January 4, 2024 REGULAR MEETING 10 PUBLIC HEARINGS AGENDA ITEM 401 | THURSDAY, JANUARY 4, 2024 | PAGE 2 OF 11 City Liens Not applicable Background Data: The Community Development Department received an application from Chau Family Holdings III, LLC to construct a multi-phased development in May of 2018. The City Commission approved the site plan and development agreement for the entire site on November 16, 2020. The proposed development was broken into 3 phases. Phase 1 involved mass grading of the entire site, master stormwater and utilities infrastructure, perimeter landscaping, a wall located on the south side of the property, and the central medical office building. This proposed phase falls under Development Area 3 as identified in the Development Agreement and will involve the construction of a 44,559 sq. ft., 47- unit Independent Living Facility. The applicant is required to seek Aesthetic Review for this phase. The applicant is also seeking site plan/final engineering review as well as a modification to the existing Development Agreement because the proposed ILF differs from what was originally approved in that it will have fewer units and a different building footprint. The Development Agreement for the Winter Springs Medical Office/Chau Family Holdings, Recorded in the Official Records of Seminole County, Book 9768, Page 982-995 (the “Original Development Agreement”), provided that Development Area 3 would consist of a 114-bed, 49,380 square-foot assisted living facility. The Developer was required to substantially commence vertical construction of all buildings in Development Area 2 and 3 within five (5) years of receiving certificates of occupancy for the medical office, which was issued on March 15, 2022. The proposed Independent Living Facility is well within the five-year time period to begin construction. Notices were mailed to all owners of real property adjacent to and within approximately five-hundred feet (500) of the subject property and all Homeowner’s Associations on file with the City of Winter Springs (215 notices). A Community Workshop was held on August 13, 2019, as a part of the approval for the overall project concept, with approximately 50 persons in attendance and no objections regarding the proposed use. Final Engineering Plans Criteria, Sec. 20-33.1: (a) Site and final engineering plans and the subdivision of land shall also be subject to the technical requirements set forth in Chapter 9 of the City Code. It is the intent of this section to apply to applications for site and final engineering plans and to any subdivision of land requiring a plat, if applicable, and does not include review and approval of a lot split application. Please see discussion below regarding technical requirements of Chapter 9. The Final Engineering Plans have been reviewed by the City’s contract engineer, concluding that the Plans satisfy the technical requirements provided the conditions of approval set forth below are met. 11 PUBLIC HEARINGS AGENDA ITEM 401 | THURSDAY, JANUARY 4, 2024 | PAGE 3 OF 11 (b) Except in situations involving one (1) single-family home, the planning and zoning board shall be required to review all site and final engineering plan and subdivision of land applications and make a written recommendation to the city commission. Such recommendation shall include the reasons for the board's recommendation and show the board has considered the applicable criteria set forth in this section. (c) Upon receipt of the planning and zoning board's recommendation, the city commission shall make a final decision on the application. If the city commission determines that the planning and zoning board has not made a recommendation on an application within a reasonable period of time, the city commission may, at its discretion, consider an application without the planning and zoning board's recommendation. (d) Except in situations involving one (1) single-family home, all site and final engineering plan and subdivision recommendations and final decisions shall be based on whether the site and final engineering plan and subdivision of land complies with all the technical requirements set forth in chapter 9 of the City Code and the following criteria to the extent applicable: (1) Whether the applicant has demonstrated the site and final engineering plan and subdivision of land, including its proposed density, height, scale and intensity, hours of operation, building and lighting design, setbacks, buffers, noise, refuse, odor, particulates, smoke, fumes and other emissions, parking and traffic- generating characteristics, number of persons anticipated using, residing or working under the plan, and other off-site impacts, is compatible and harmonious with adjacent land uses, and will not adversely impact land use activities in the immediate vicinity. Analysis: The proposed scale and intensity of the structure as depicted in the Final Engineering Plans is consistent with previously approved developments along the S.R. 434. The proposed ILF’s hours will require residents to be able to enter and leave the facility twenty-four (24) hours a day seven (7) days a week. Impacts related to noise, refuse, odor, particulates, smoke, fumes, and other emissions are anticipated to be negligible given the nature of the project. Parking and transportation are addressed thoroughly below. The development is compatible and harmonious with adjacent land uses and will not adversely impact land use activities in the immediate vicinity. (2) Whether the applicant has demonstrated the size and shape of the site, the proposed access and internal circulation, and the design enhancements to be adequate to accommodate the proposed density, scale and intensity of the site and final engineering plan requested. The site shall be of sufficient size to accommodate design amenities such as screening, buffers, landscaping, open space, off-street parking, safe and convenient automobile, bicycle, and pedestrian mobility at the site, and other similar site plan improvements needed to mitigate against potential adverse impacts of the proposed use. 12 PUBLIC HEARINGS AGENDA ITEM 401 | THURSDAY, JANUARY 4, 2024 | PAGE 4 OF 11 Analysis: The size and shape of the site, the proposed access and internal circulation, and the design enhancements are adequate to accommodate the proposed development. Access to the site will be provided via the existing full access driveway opposite Sherry Avenue and a right-in/right-out driveway on S.R. 434. The existing street network provides multiple options for residents to reach their desired destinations. The on-site improvements include landscaping buffers, streetscape, landscape screening for the trash receptacle, bicycle parking, and pedestrian paths to mitigate against potential adverse impacts of the proposed uses as previously approved with the site plan/final engineering for the entire site. Transportation and parking elements are discussed below. (3) Whether the proposed site and final engineering plan and subdivision of land will have an adverse impact on the local economy, including governmental fiscal impact, employment, and property values. Analysis: The proposed ILF is a permitted use within the C-1 Neighborhood Commercial District and the S.R. 434 Corridor Overlay District and was articulated as part of the initial overall site concept approved previously. The development is not expected to have an adverse impact on the local economy, but to add to the economy. (4) Whether the proposed site and final engineering plan and subdivision of land will have an adverse impact on the natural environment, including air, water, and noise pollution, vegetation and wildlife, open space, noxious and desirable vegetation, and flood hazards. Analysis: The total gross area for all proposed buildings is 65,970 SF and the maximum impervious cover proposed for the site is 48.67%, the maximum impervious cover allowed is 75%. The Applicant is maintaining an ample amount of open space on-site by not building up to the maximum allowed impervious of 75%. At this time, a noise study to analyze proposed noise levels for an independent living facility (Development Area 3) is not required by the City, as the peak hours of operation are daytime hours and will emit low noise levels. The site is not located within a flood plain, the proposed building/lot lies in Zone “X,” based on Flood Insurance Rate Map No. 121170160F, Community No. 120295, City of Winter Springs, Seminole County, Florida. According to the FIRM panel legend – Zone X is for areas that are determined to be outside the 0.2% annual chance floodplain. The stormwater collection system and retention pond are designed to meet the SJRWMD and City of Winter Springs criteria for storm event attenuation and treatment. The pond overflows into Hacienda Drive and into the open grate of the existing stormwater collection system and ultimately discharges into Gee Creek and Lake Jesup. The site has already been cleared of trees. The Original Development Agreement addressed tree removal and mitigation. The Developer was required in Phase One to plant at least 639 credits of new replacement trees, and the remaining 150 credits to be placed in Phases Two and Three. There are 74 credits of trees proposed for replacement associated with the construction of the independent living facility, leaving 76 to be replaced with the retail building phase. The City currently holds a Landscape Performance and Maintenance Bond 13 PUBLIC HEARINGS AGENDA ITEM 401 | THURSDAY, JANUARY 4, 2024 | PAGE 5 OF 11 ensuring planting and installation of the required trees that automatically extends until all landscaping requirements have been completed. To the extent that Developer adds any additional trees beyond the 150 required in Development Area 2 and 3 and they are planted within three years of receiving a certificate of occupancy for the medical office, reimbursement will be provided. (5) Whether the proposed site and final engineering plan and subdivision of land will have an adverse impact on historic, scenic, and cultural resources, including views and vistas, and loss or degradation of cultural and historic resources. Analysis: It is not anticipated that the proposed development will have an adverse impact on any historic, scenic, or cultural resources, including views and vistas, and loss or degradation of cultural and historic resources. (6) Whether the proposed site and final engineering plan and subdivision of land will have an adverse impact on public services, including water, sewer, stormwater and surface water management, police, fire, parks and recreation, streets, public transportation, marina and waterways, and bicycle and pedestrian facilities. Analysis: See below for discussion regarding impact on public services. (7) Whether the site and final engineering plan and subdivision of land, and related traffic report and plan provided by the applicant, details safe and efficient means of ingress and egress into and out of the neighborhood and adequately addresses the impact of projected traffic on the immediate neighborhood, traffic circulation pattern for the neighborhood, and traffic flow through immediate intersections and arterials. Analysis: See below for discussion regarding impact on regarding traffic circulation. (8) Whether the proposed site and final engineering plan and subdivision of land will have an adverse impact on housing and social conditions, including variety of housing unit types and prices, and neighborhood quality. Analysis: The proposed development is not anticipated to have an adverse impact on housing and social conditions. The proposed independent living facility will provide additional housing options for seniors in the community. (9) Whether the proposed site and final engineering plan and subdivision of land avoids significant adverse odor, emission, noise, glare, and vibration impacts on adjacent and surrounding lands regarding refuse collection, service delivery, parking and loading, signs, lighting, and other sire elements. Analysis: It anticipated that the proposed development will not emit odors, noise, glares, or vibrations that will adversely impact adjacent property. There is adequate shared parking, lighting, and refuse collection, within the development. 14 PUBLIC HEARINGS AGENDA ITEM 401 | THURSDAY, JANUARY 4, 2024 | PAGE 6 OF 11 (10) Whether the applicant has provided an acceptable security plan for the proposed establishment to be located on the site and final engineering plan and subdivision of land that addresses the safety and security needs of the establishment and its users and employees and minimizes impacts on the neighborhood, if applicable. Analysis: The applicant has previously stated that a security guard will employed on-site for the independent living facility. Staff does not anticipate any security issues or concerns. (11) Whether the applicant has provided on the site and final engineering plan and subdivision of land an acceptable plan for the mass delivery of merchandise for new large footprint buildings (greater than twenty thousand (20,000) square feet) including the hours of operation for delivery trucks to come into and exit the property and surrounding neighborhood, if applicable. Analysis: Not applicable. (12) Whether the applicant has demonstrated that the site and final engineering plan and subdivision of land have been designed to incorporate mitigative techniques and plans needed to prevent adverse impacts addressed in the criteria stated herein or to adjacent and surrounding uses and properties. Analysis: The Final Engineering Plans, in conjunction with the conditions included in the Original Development Agreement, prevent adverse impacts. Primarily, the Development Agreement and Plans include enhanced streetscape along S.R. 434 to ensure the maintenance of open space in the development. (13) Whether the applicant has agreed to execute a binding development agreement required by city to incorporate the terms and conditions of approval deemed necessary by the city commission including, but not limited to, any mitigative techniques and plans required by City Code. Analysis: The Applicant has previously agreed to execute a binding Development Agreement and has agreed to execute the Second Modification to the Development Agreement, which is attached hereto as an Exhibit. Water and Sewer: Water and sewer service for the entire site was designed and approved as part of phase 1 of the development. Phase 2 will tie-in to the existing utility infrastructure which was installed during construction of phase 1. The City’s water and wastewater systems and treatment plants have capacity to serve this development. Stormwater: Phase 2 will utilize the existing on-site stormwater collection system and retention pond which was designed to handle all 3 phases of development on the site. Transportation: 15 PUBLIC HEARINGS AGENDA ITEM 401 | THURSDAY, JANUARY 4, 2024 | PAGE 7 OF 11 The traffic analysis was conducted as part of the review and approval process for phase 1 as well as the overall site design. Access to the site is provided via a full access driveway opposite Sherry Avenue and a right-in/right-out driveway on S.R. 434. At the full-access driveway located opposite Sherry Avenue, a westbound left turn lane is provided. Projected traffic conditions for the project buildout were analyzed using daily traffic volumes for the roadway segments and P.M. peak hour traffic volumes for the intersections. The projected traffic volumes used in the analysis consisted of background traffic volumes plus project trips. Background traffic volumes were estimated with the use of an annual growth rate of 2.0% or a growth factor. A trends analysis of historical traffic counts on S.R. 434 revealed annual growth rates ranging from -0.84% to -0.55%. The proposed development was projected to (at full build-out of all 3 phases) generate a total daily traffic volume of 1,212 new net daily trips, of which 55 will occur in the A.M. peak hour and 114 will occur P.M. peak hour. The study roadway segments currently operate at adequate Levels of Service and will continue to operate at satisfactory Levels of Service when project trips are added. The study intersections currently operate at satisfactory overall Levels of Service and will continue to do so in the projected conditions except for northbound approach of the proposed driveway opposite Sherry Avenue for the P.M. peak hour. This approach is expected to experience delays due to the stop control, but the volume-to-capacity ratio of this approach is below 1.0 indicating no capacity deficiency. Seminole County Public Works Department/Engineering Division reviewed the Traffic Impact Analysis and stated that the development does not appear to impact County roadways. The proposed Phase 2 development is smaller in scale than what was originally proposed, and therefore staff expects traffic impacts to be less than what was originally anticipated. Parking: The project previously proposed a 114 unit assisted living facility and would have required 57 parking spaces and 3 handicapped spaces. The applicant is now proposing a 47 unit independent living facility (47), which will only require 24 parking spaces and 1 handicapped space. The applicant is providing 43 parking spaces and 4 handicapped spaces. The proposed parking is in excess of the minimum requirements of the City’s code. Aesthetic Review: Pursuant to Section 9-603, which sets forth guidelines and minimum standards for Aesthetic Review packages, staff has utilized the below criteria in Section 9-603 to determine the following. The attached Aesthetic Review package (Exhibit 2) includes all of the submittal requirements for aesthetic review as set forth in Section 9-600 through 9-607 and include the following: (a) a site plan; (b) elevations illustration all sides of structures facing public streets or spaces; (c) illustrations of all walls, fences, and other accessory structures and the indication of height and their associated materials; (d) elevation of proposed exterior permanent signs or other constructed elements other than habitable space, if any; (e) illustrations of materials, texture, and colors to be used on all buildings, accessory structures, exterior signs; and (f) other architectural and engineering data as may be required. The procedures for review and approval are set forth in Section 9-603. 16 PUBLIC HEARINGS AGENDA ITEM 401 | THURSDAY, JANUARY 4, 2024 | PAGE 8 OF 11 Aesthetic Review 1. The plans and specifications of the proposed project indicate that the setting, landscaping, proportions, materials, colors, texture, scale, unity, balance, rhythm, contrast, and simplicity are coordinated in a harmonious manner relevant to the particular proposal, surrounding area and cultural character of the community. Analysis: The independent living facility (ILF) includes architecture that is complementary to the diverse styles of architecture on the west side of the City while also being compatible with the architecture of the phase 1 medical office building. The neutral complementary color scheme with a variation of straight clean uniform lines is harmonizing to the surrounding area. 2. The plans for the proposed project are in harmony with any future development which has been formally approved by the city within the surrounding area. Analysis: The plans for the ILF are part of a larger, multi-phase development that was previously approved by the City Commission. The proposed ILF is in harmony with the surrounding area. 3. The plans for the proposed project are not excessively similar or dissimilar to any other building, structure or sign which is either fully constructed, permitted but not fully constructed, or included on the same permit application, and facing upon the same or intersecting street within five hundred (500) feet of the proposed site, with respect to one or more of the following features of exterior design and appearance: a. Front or side elevations; b. Size and arrangement of elevation facing the street, including reverse arrangement; or c. Other significant features of design such as, but not limited to: materials, roof line, hardscape improvements, and height or design elements. Analysis: The proposed ILF building features a façade and materials which are similar to that of the existing phase 1 medical building. The architectural style is not overly similar to any other development in the area. 4. The plans for the proposed project are in harmony with, or significantly enhance, the established character of other buildings, structures or signs in the surrounding area with respect to architectural specifications and design features deemed significant based upon commonly accepted architectural principles of the local community. Analysis: The proposed ILF will contribute to and enhance the established character of the surrounding area. This project is near the west end of town, and as such has many older homes and developments. This new development features an aesthetically-pleasing architectural design which will elevate the character of the area. 17 PUBLIC HEARINGS AGENDA ITEM 401 | THURSDAY, JANUARY 4, 2024 | PAGE 9 OF 11 5. The proposed project has incorporated significant architectural enhancements such as concrete masonry units with stucco, wrought iron, columns and piers, porches, arches, planting areas, display windows, and other distinctive design detailing and promoting the character of the community. Analysis: The proposed units are designed to contribute to the quality architectural styles that are in line with those used in the phase 1 medical building on the site. This project represents a progressive addition to the City of Winter Springs. Significant design features include architectural design elements columns, straight lines, and neutral colors and facades of brick and stone finishes on the structure. Reports: The Final Engineering submittal is required to include the following reports or updates of previously prepared reports for the same property. Reports March 16, 2018 Geo Technical Report | Terracon June 12, 2018 Fire Flow Calculations | FEG June 20, 2018 Surface Water Management System Report | FEG June 22, 2018 Bio-Tech Consulting, Inc. July 11, 2018 Water Flow | FEG July 11, 2018 Water Demand | FEG July 2018 Traffic Impact Analysis | Traffic Planning and Design, Inc. October 16, 2018 Jurisdictional Verification | Army Corp of Engineers December 21, 2018 Permit 154309-1 | St. Johns River Water Management District February 19, 2019 Addendum Surface Water Management System Report | FEG June 2019 Addendum Traffic Impact Analysis | Traffic Planning and Design, Inc. August 15, 2019 Driveway Permit Package October 28, 2019 Sewer Application Office Phase 1 | FDEP October 28, 2019 Sewer Application Phase 1 | FDEP December 2019 Wastewater Collection | FDEP 18 PUBLIC HEARINGS AGENDA ITEM 401 | THURSDAY, JANUARY 4, 2024 | PAGE 10 OF 11 February 20, 2020 Wastewater Flow Estimate | FEG February 20, 2020 Water Demand Estimate | FEG February 20, 2020 Fiscal Impact Statement Procedural History: July 21, 2023 Final Engineering/Site Plan Review Application | SP2023-0039 October 10, 2023 Development Agreement Application | DA2023-0069 November 21, 2023 Aesthetic Review Application | AR2023-0074 January 4, 2024 Planning & Zoning Board/Local Planning Agency | Recommendation on Final Engineering, Aesthetic Review, and Second Modification to the Development Agreement January 22, 2024 City Commission | Consideration of Final Engineering, Aesthetic Review, and Second Modification to the Development Agreement Applicable Law, Public Policy, and Events: Florida Statutes 163.2511-163.3246: Growth Policy; County and Municipal Planning; Land Development Regulation (Provides that land development regulations for municipal planning be consistent with the Comprehensive Plan). Home Rule Powers Code of Ordinances City of Winter Springs. Section 20-1. Definitions. Section 20-34 Waivers Ch20, Section 20-605. – Streetscape Requirements. C-1 Neighborhood Commercial Districts S.R. 434 Corridor Vision Plan S.R. 434 Corridor Overlay District Ch5, Section 5-8. - Specimen or historic trees. City of Winter Springs Comprehensive Plan. Future Land Use Element, Policy 1.1.6 Fiscal Impact: Fiscal impact for the entire development was evaluated as part of the review and approval process for the master site plan and development agreement. Although this modified proposal for phase 2 is smaller in scope than was originally anticipated, there will still be positive tax revenue generation for the city. Development Agreement: 19 PUBLIC HEARINGS AGENDA ITEM 401 | THURSDAY, JANUARY 4, 2024 | PAGE 11 OF 11 The Applicant has previously agreed to specific conditions of approval as outlined in the Development Agreement. The draft Second Modification to the Development Agreement is enclosed as an Exhibit hereto. STAFF RECOMMENDATION Staff recommends that the Planning & Zoning Board recommend approval of the Final Engineering/Site Plan, Aesthetic Review, and Second Modification to the Development Agreement in order to construct an independent living facility on the subject property. Attachments: Exhibit 1 – Vicinity Map Exhibit 2 – Final Engineering Plans Exhibit 3 – Aesthetic Plans Exhibit 4 – Second Modification to the Development Agreement 20 SECOND MODIFICATION TO DEVELOPMENT AGREEMENT City of Winter Springs and Chau Family Holdings III, LLC Page 1 of 11 THIS INSTRUMENT WAS PREPARED BY AND SHOULD BE RETURNED TO: Anthony A. Garganese City Attorney of Winter Springs Garganese, Weiss, D'Agresta & Salzman, P.A. 111 N. Orange Avenue, Suite 2000 Orlando, FL 32802 (407) 425-9566 SECOND MODIFICATION TO DEVELOPMENT AGREEMENT Winter Springs Medical Office THIS SECOND MODIFICATION TO DEVELOPMENT AGREEMENT ("Second Modification") is made and executed this ______ day of _________________, 2024, by and between the CITY OF WINTER SPRINGS, a Florida Municipal Corporation (“City"), whose address is 1126 East S.R. 434, Winter Springs, Florida 32708, and CHAU FAMILY HOLDINGS III, LLC, a Florida Limited Liability Company, whose address is 1287 Semoran Boulevard, Suite 200, Orlando, FL 32807. WITNESSETH: WHEREAS, Developer is the owner of approximately 5.15 acres, more or less, of real property located west of the intersection of Hacienda Drive and SR 434, in Winter Springs, Seminole County, Florida, zoned C-1 (Neighborhood Commercial) more particularly described herein (“Property”); and WHEREAS, Developer previously entered into that certain Development Agreement dated November 9, 2020, recorded in the Official Records of Seminole County, Book 9768, Page 982 (the “Development Agreement”), and that certain First Modification to Development Agreement, recorded in the Official Records of Seminole County, Book ___, Page ___; and WHEREAS, on November 16, 2020, the City approved the Final Engineering/Site Plan, Aesthetic Plans for the Medical Office, Specimen Tree Removal, and certain Waivers from the City Code for the First Phase of the Development in order to construct a Medical Office as well as all associated common infrastructure for the entire development, which at the time included an anticipated Assisted Living Facility, and Retail building in Phases Two and Three; and WHEREAS, the Developer has applied for final engineering/site plan approval for the second phase of the Development, which is now intended to be an independent living facility on FOR RECORDING DEPARTMENT USE ONLY 21 SECOND MODIFICATION TO DEVELOPMENT AGREEMENT City of Winter Springs and Chau Family Holdings III, LLC Page 2 of 11 the portion of the Property previously identified as Development Area 3 in the Development Agreement; and WHEREAS, pursuant to Chapter 20 Zoning, Article II, Division 1, Section 20-29.1 of the Winter Springs City Code (“City Code”), a community workshop for the Project was held on August 13, 2019; and WHEREAS, Section 20-29(c) of the City Code requires that all site plans and waivers shall be binding on the use of the subject property and, further, that as a condition of approval by the City Commission, all development projects requiring a community workshop pursuant to Section 20-29.1 of the City Code shall be required to be memorialized in a binding development agreement; and WHEREAS, this Second Modification shall be recorded against the property so that the terms and conditions of approval related to the Project shall run with the land; and NOW THEREFORE, in consideration of the mutual promises and covenants contained herein, the parties mutually agree as follows: 1.0 Recitals. The foregoing recitals are true and correct and are hereby incorporated herein by this reference. 2.0 Authority. This Agreement is entered into pursuant to the Florida Municipal Home Rule Powers Act. 3.0 The Property. The real property subject to this Agreement has a tax parcel identification number of 34-20-30-5AW-0000-048A and is legally described in EXHIBIT “A”, attached hereto and fully incorporated herein by this reference (“Property”). 4.0 Updated Project Description and Requirements. Developer shall, at its expense, design, permit and construct an Independent Living Facility, which shall be approximately 44,559 square feet in size, with 47-units and supporting parking and landscaping. (Hereinafter the project description and requirements are referred to as the “Phase Two Project”). The provisions of the Development Agreement shall remain intact and binding except to the extent that they are modified in this Agreement. The “Overall Master Site Plan attached to the Development Agreement shall be modified as provided herein, and shall be superseded and replaced with the “Overall Master Site Plan” attached hereto as EXHIBIT “C” for convenience and incorporated herein by this reference, which depicts the three “Development Areas”: (1) Development Area 1 (Medical Office, previously constructed), (2) Development Area 2 (Future Building), and (3) Development Area 3 (Independent Living Facility). 22 SECOND MODIFICATION TO DEVELOPMENT AGREEMENT City of Winter Springs and Chau Family Holdings III, LLC Page 3 of 11 The Developer shall construct the Phase Two Project in a manner consistent with the approved Final Engineering/Site Plans and Aesthetic Plans are on file with the City with the following file numbers and consistent with the requirements contained in this Agreement: File No: 2023-0039 Final Engineering/Site Plans, File No: 2023-0074 Aesthetic Review Waivers that were previously approved by the City Commission in File No. WA2020-0020 for the Overall Master Site Plan shall continue to apply. 5.0 Future Permitting. The Developer shall be required to obtain Final Engineering/Site Plan approval and Aesthetic Review approval for Phase Three, as well as building permits, as required by the Winter Springs City Code. Future permitting were established in Section 4.1 of the Development Agreement and remain unchanged. 6.0 Representations of the Parties. The City and Developer hereby each represent and warrant to the other that it has the power and authority to execute, deliver and perform the terms and provisions of this Agreement and has taken all necessary action to authorize the execution, delivery and performance of this Agreement. The Developer further agrees and makes the following representations and warranties to the City: A. The Developer is lawfully seized of the Property in fee simple and has full and lawful authority to execute this Agreement and bind the Property as set forth herein. B. The Property is free and clear of all mortgages and liens. This Agreement will, when duly executed and delivered by the City and Developer, constitute a legal, valid and binding obligation enforceable against the parties hereto. Upon recording of this Agreement in the Public Records of Seminole County, Florida, the Agreement shall be a binding obligation upon the Property in accordance with the terms and conditions of this Agreement. Developer represents that it has voluntarily and willfully executed this Agreement for purposes of binding himself and the Property to the terms and conditions set forth in this Agreement. 7.0 Successors and Assigns. This Agreement shall automatically be binding upon and shall inure to the benefit of the City and Developer and their respective successors and assigns. The terms and conditions of this Agreement similarly shall be binding upon the Property, and shall run with title to the same upon being duly recorded against the Property by the City. 8.0 Applicable Law; Venue. This Agreement shall be governed by and construed in accordance with the laws of the State of Florida. The venue of any litigation arising out of this Agreement shall be in Seminole County, Florida or, for federal court actions, in Orlando, Florida. 23 SECOND MODIFICATION TO DEVELOPMENT AGREEMENT City of Winter Springs and Chau Family Holdings III, LLC Page 4 of 11 9.0 Amendments. This Agreement shall not be modified or amended except by written agreement duly executed by both parties hereto (or their successors or assigns) and approved by the City Commission. 10.0 Entire Agreement; Exhibits. This Agreement and all attached exhibits hereto supersede any other agreement, oral or written, regarding the Property and contain the entire agreement between the City and Developer as to the subject matter hereof. The Exhibits attached hereto and referenced herein are hereby fully incorporated herein by this reference. 11.0 Severability. If any provision of this Agreement shall be held to be invalid or unenforceable to any extent by a court of competent jurisdiction, the same shall not affect in any respect the validity or enforceability of the remainder of this Agreement. 12.0 Effective Date. This Agreement shall become effective upon approval by the City Commission and execution of this Agreement by both parties hereto. 13.0 Recordation. Upon full execution by the Parties, this Agreement shall be recorded in the Public Records of Seminole County, Florida by the City. The Developer shall be responsible for all recording fees associated with this Agreement. 14.0 Relationship of the Parties. The relationship of the parties to this Agreement is contractual and Developer is an independent contractor and not an agent of the City. Nothing herein shall be deemed to create a joint venture or principal-agent relationship between the parties, and neither party is authorized to, nor shall either party act toward third persons or the public in any manner, which would indicate any such relationship with the other. 15.0 Sovereign Immunity. The City intends to avail itself of sovereign immunity and other applicable limitations on City liability whenever deemed applicable by the City. Therefore, notwithstanding any other provision set forth in this Agreement, nothing contained in this Agreement shall be construed as a waiver of the City’s right to sovereign immunity under section 768.28, Florida Statutes, or other limitations imposed on the City’s potential liability under state or federal law. As such, the City shall not be liable under this Agreement for punitive damages or interest for the period before judgment. Further, the City shall not be liable for any claim or judgment, or portion thereof, to any one person for more than two hundred thousand dollars ($200,000.00), or any claim or judgment, or portion thereof, which, when totaled with all other claims or judgments paid by the State or its agencies and subdivisions arising out of the same incident or occurrence, exceeds the sum of three hundred thousand dollars ($300,000.00). 16.0 City's Police Power. Developer agrees and acknowledges that the City hereby reserves all police powers granted to the City by law. In no way shall this Agreement be construed as the City bargaining away or surrendering its police powers. 24 SECOND MODIFICATION TO DEVELOPMENT AGREEMENT City of Winter Springs and Chau Family Holdings III, LLC Page 5 of 11 17.0 Interpretation. The parties hereby agree and acknowledge that they have both participated equally in the drafting of this Agreement and no party shall be favored or disfavored regarding the interpretation to this Agreement in the event of a dispute between the parties. 18.0 Third-Party Rights. This Agreement is not a third-party beneficiary contract and shall not in any way whatsoever create any rights on behalf of any third party. 19.0 Specific Performance. Strict compliance shall be required with each and every provision of this Agreement. The parties agree that failure to perform the obligations provided by this Agreement shall result in irreparable damage and that specific performance of these obligations may be obtained by a suit in equity. 20.0 Attorney's Fees. In connection with any arbitration or litigation arising out of this Agreement, each party shall be responsible for their own attorney’s fees and costs. 21.0 Development Permits. Nothing herein shall limit the City's authority to grant or deny any development permit applications or requests subsequent to the effective date of this Agreement in accordance with the criteria of the City Code and the requirements of this Agreement. The failure of this Agreement to address any particular City, County, State and/or Federal permit, condition, term or restriction shall not relieve Developer or the City of the necessity of complying with the law governing said permitting requirement, condition, term or restriction. Without imposing any limitation on the City’s police powers, the City reserves the right to withhold, suspend or terminate any and all certificates of occupancy for any building, trailer, structure or unit if Developer is in breach of any term and condition of this Agreement. 22.0 Default. Failure by either party to perform each and every one of its obligations hereunder shall constitute a default, entitling the non-defaulting party to pursue whatever remedies are available to it under Florida law or equity including, without limitation, termination of this Agreement, an action for specific performance, and/or injunctive relief. Prior to any party filing any action as a result of a default under this Agreement, the non-defaulting party shall first provide the defaulting party with written notice of said default. Upon receipt of said notice, the defaulting party shall be provided a thirty (30) day opportunity in which to cure the default to the reasonable satisfaction of the non-defaulting party prior to filing said action. 23.0 Termination. The City shall have the unconditional right, but not obligation, to terminate this Agreement, without notice or penalty, if Developer fails to receive building permits and substantially commence vertical construction of buildings in accordance with the timelines established in Section 4.1 of the Development Agreement. The Developer may apply to the City Commission for an extension of this Agreement, which may be granted upon good cause shown. In addition, the City shall have the right, but not obligation, to terminate the Agreement if Developer permanently abandons construction of the Project, provided, however, the City shall first deliver written notice and an opportunity to cure to the defaulting party as set forth in Section 22.0 above. If the City terminates this Agreement, the City shall record a notice of termination against the Property in the public records of Seminole County, Florida. 25 SECOND MODIFICATION TO DEVELOPMENT AGREEMENT City of Winter Springs and Chau Family Holdings III, LLC Page 6 of 11 24.0 Indemnification and Hold Harmless. Developer shall be solely responsible for designing, permitting, constructing, operating and maintaining this Project. As such, Developer hereby agrees to indemnify, release, and hold harmless the City and its commissioners, employees and attorneys from and against all claims, losses, damages, personal injuries (including, but not limited to, death), or liability (including reasonable attorney’s fees and costs through all appellate proceedings), directly or indirectly arising from, out of, or caused by Developer and Developer’s contractor’s and subcontractor’s performance of design, permit and construction, and maintenance activities in furtherance of constructing the Project and maintaining the improvements of this Project. This indemnification shall survive the termination of this Agreement. 25.0 Force Majeure. The “Force Majeure” provisions of the Development Agreement are stricken and replaced as follows: The parties agree that in the event that the failure by either party to accomplish any action required hereunder within a specified time period (“Time Period”) constitutes a default under the terms of this Agreement and, if any such failure is due to acts of God, acts of government authority (other than the City’s own acts), acts of public enemy or war, riots, civil disturbances, power failure, shortages of labor or materials, injunction or other court proceedings beyond the control of such party, or severe adverse weather conditions (“Force Majeure Event”), then, notwithstanding any provision of this Agreement to the contrary, that failure shall not constitute a default under this Agreement and any Time Period proscribed hereunder shall be extended by the amount of time that such party was unable to perform solely due to the Force Majeure Event. The extended Time Period shall be agreed to in writing by the parties and said agreement shall not be unreasonably withheld by either party. The City Manager shall have the authority to grant an extended Time Period. An extension of any Time Period for reasons of a Force Majeure Event shall be requested solely as provided in this Section. Developer hereby waives and relinquishes the right to notify the City of the intent to exercise the tolling and extension of any permit related to the Project, including Time Periods under this Agreement, development orders, and building permits, available under Section 252.363, Florida Statutes, as the result of a declaration of a state of emergency issued by the Governor for a natural emergency. 26. Notice. Whenever either party desires to give notice to the other, notice shall be sent by hand delivery or certified mail, return receipt requested, and shall be sent to: For the City: City Manager City of Winter Springs 1126 East S.R. 434 Winter Springs, Florida 32708 With additional notice to: Anthony A. Garganese, City Attorney Garganese, Weiss, D’Agresta & Salzman, P.A. 26 SECOND MODIFICATION TO DEVELOPMENT AGREEMENT City of Winter Springs and Chau Family Holdings III, LLC Page 7 of 11 111 N. Orange Avenue, Suite 2000 Orlando, FL 32802 For Developer: CHAU FAMILY HOLDINGS III, LLC Attn: Truc T. Nguyen 1287 Semoran Boulevard, Suite 200 Orlando, FL 32807 Either party may freely modify their respective contact person and address contained in this Paragraph by providing written notice of the modification to the other party. Any Notice given as provided herein shall be deemed received as follows: if delivered by personal service, on the date so delivered; and if mailed, on the third business day after mailing. 27.0 Assignment. Prior to completing the construction of the Project and reaching final build-out of the Project, Developer shall not assign this Agreement without the prior written consent of the City. Such assignment shall also require the written approval of the City by amendment to this Agreement, which shall not require a public hearing and shall not be unreasonably withheld. However, Developer shall be entitled to assign its rights and obligations under this Agreement to a parent, subsidiary, or affiliated entity in which Developer or its members are members or interest holders without City consent, provided that the City is given notice of such assignment in accordance with Section 26.0 herein. Any assignment authorized by this subparagraph shall require the assignee to be a formal signatory to this Agreement and fully assume all of Developer’s obligations, commitments, representations, and warranties under this Agreement. In any assignment, the rights and obligations contained herein shall be binding on successors in interest to the Property, and the terms and conditions of this Agreement shall bind and inure to the benefit of the parties hereto and any respective successors and assigns. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the parties have hereunto set their hands and seal on the date first above written. CITY OF WINTER SPRINGS By: Kevin McCann, Mayor ATTEST: By: Christian Gowan, City Clerk Date: _______________________________ 27 SECOND MODIFICATION TO DEVELOPMENT AGREEMENT City of Winter Springs and Chau Family Holdings III, LLC Page 8 of 11 CITY SEAL APPROVED AS TO FORM AND LEGALITY For the use and reliance of the City of Winter Springs, Florida only. Date: By: Anthony A. Garganese, City Attorney for the City of Winter Springs, Florida STATE OF FLORIDA COUNTY OF SEMINOLE The foregoing instrument was acknowledged before me by means of (___) physical presence or (___) online notarization, this ______ day of ___________, 2023, by Kevin McCann, Mayor of the City of Winter Springs, Florida, a Florida municipal corporation, on behalf of the corporation, who is personally known to me or produced ___________________ _______________ as identification. (NOTARY SEAL) (Notary Public Signature) (Print Name) Notary Public, State of Commission No.: My Commission Expires: ________________ Signed, sealed and delivered in the presence of the following witnesses: Signature of Witness Printed Name of Witness Signature of Witness Printed Name of Witness CHAU FAMILY HOLDINGS III, LLC Print name and title: ________________________ Date: _______________ STATE OF COUNTY OF 28 SECOND MODIFICATION TO DEVELOPMENT AGREEMENT City of Winter Springs and Chau Family Holdings III, LLC Page 9 of 11 The foregoing instrument was acknowledged before me by means of (___) physical presence or (___) online notarization, this ______ day of ___________, 2023, by____________________, the __________________of Chau Family Holdings III, LLC, a limited liability company, on behalf of the company, who is personally known to me or produced ___________________ _______________ as identification. (NOTARY SEAL) (Notary Public Signature) (Print Name) Notary Public, State of Commission No.: My Commission Expires: DEVELOPER IS HEREBY ADVISED THAT SHOULD DEVELOPER FAIL TO FULLY EXECUTE, AND DELIVER TO THE CITY, THIS AGREEMENT WITHIN THIRTY (30) DAYS FROM THE DATE THAT THE CITY COMMISSION APPROVES THIS AGREEMENT, THIS AGREEMENT, AND THE DEVELOPMENT PERMIT APPROVALS REFERENCED HEREUNDER, SHALL AUTOMATICALLY BE DEEMED NULL AND VOID. 29 SECOND MODIFICATION TO DEVELOPMENT AGREEMENT City of Winter Springs and Chau Family Holdings III, LLC Page 10 of 11 EXHIBIT A PROPERTY LEGAL DESCRIPTION 30 SECOND MODIFICATION TO DEVELOPMENT AGREEMENT City of Winter Springs and Chau Family Holdings III, LLC Page 11 of 11 EXHIBIT C OVERALL MASTER SITE PLAN 31 CITY OF WINTER SPRINGS COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT DEPARTMENT 1126 East State Road 434 Winter Springs, Florida 32708 customerservice@winterspringsfl.org Project Site Parcel ID #34-20-30-5AW-0000-048A 32 NOT TO SCALE PLAN INDEX CONSTRUCTION PLANSINDEPENDENT LIVING FACILITYEAST STATE ROAD 434WINTER SPRING, FLORIDA 23-015_COVER.DWG C-8 SITE UTILITY PLAN SITE PAVING, GRADING, AND DRAINAGE PLAN SITE GEOMETRY PLAN LEGEND, NOTES, AND SPECIFICATIONS BOUNDARY & TOPOGRAPHIC SURVEY (1 OF 2) C-5C C-4B C-3 C-2A C-6 C-7 SITE CONSTRUCTION DETAILS C-9 L-1 SITE LANDSCAPE PLAN SITE CROSS SECTIONS C-1 COVER SHEET L-2 SITE IRRIGATION PLAN SAM J. SEBAALI, P.E. LICENSE NO. 42075 FLORIDA ENGINEERING GROUP, INC. CERTIFICATE No. EB-0006595 FLORIDAENGINEERINGGROUP Engineering the Future FEG Orlando, FL 32809 Phone: 407-895-0324 Fax: 407-895-0325 www.feg-inc.us PRINTED COPIES OF THIS DOCUMENT ARENOT CONSIDERED SIGNED AND SEALED AND THE SIGNATURE MUST BE VERIFIEDON ANY ELECTRONIC COPIES. SAM J. SEBAALI, P.E. LICENSE NO. 42075 C-11 SITE FIRE TRUCK AUTO TURN PLAN C-4A SITE GEOMETRY NOTESC-5D SITE (407) 327-7588 UTILITY COMPANIES SEWER: WATER: GEOTECHNICAL: ENVIRONMENTAL (407) 327-7588 (407) 629-1010 (561) 997-0240 ELECTRIC: SURVEYOR: ORLANDO, FL 32807-3530 E-MAIL: 1287 N SEMORAN BLVD., SUITE 200 OWNER/APPLICANT: CHAU FAMILY HOLDINGS III, LLC CITY OF WINTER SPRINGS CITY OF WINTER SPRINGS DUKE ENERGY AT&T FAX: PHONE: WINTER PARK, FL 32789 TERRACON CONSULTANTS, INC. FAX: PHONE: ORLANDO, FL 32803 3025 E. SOUTH STREET BIO-TECH CONSULTING, INC. PHONE: ORLANDO, FL 32803 2012 E. ROBINSON STREET 1675 LEE ROAD ACCURIGHT SURVEYS OF ORLANDO, INC. DRCHAU54@YAHOO.COM (407) 740-6110 (407) 740-6112 (407) 894-5969 (407) 894-5970 (407) 894-6314 (407) 532-8092CABLE: CHARTER COMMUNICATIONS (386) 624-8833GAS: FLORIDA PUBLIC UTILITIES (407) 665-5642 SITE VICINITY MAP PARCEL I.D. No. 34-20-30-5AW-0000-048A BOUNDARY & TOPOGRAPHIC SURVEY (2 OF 2) C-2B C-10 CITY DETAILS PHONE: (407) 948-8328 OVERALL MASTER SITE PLANC-5A OVERALL MASTER SITE NOTESC-5B 33 ϭ͘Z/E'^dZhdhZ/^^KEEϴϯ&>KZ/^dKEZ>d/sdK ^Khd,^dZ/',dͲK&Ͳtz>/EK&^ddZKϰϯϰ/E'͗EϲϱΣϮϴΖϮϳΗ͕Z/sz Zd<^hZszDd,Khd/>//E'>ͲEdZ&ZE^dd/KE^͘ Ϯ͘d,/^^hZszZ&>d^KE>zDddZ^K&ZKZ^WZKs/zd,>/EdKZ >/Ed^ZWZ^Edd/s͘ ϯ͘d,/^^hZszt^DKEd,'ZKhE͘d,hEZ'ZKhEhd/>/d/^^,KtE ,sE>Kd&ZKD&/>^hZsz/E&KZDd/KE^>Kdz^hE^,/E hd/>/d/^>Kd/E'^Zs/d/<dEK͘ϮϵϵϳϬϰϮϲϳ͕ϮϵϯϳϬϮϳϵϳEy/^d/E' Zt/E'^͘d,^hZszKZD<^EK'hZEdd,dd,hEZ'ZKhEhd/>/d/^ ^,KtEKDWZ/^>>^h,hd/>/d/^/Ed,Z͕/d,Z/E^Zs/KZEKE͘ d,^hZszKZ&hZd,ZK^EKdtZZEdd,dd,hEZ'ZKhEhd/>/d/^ ^,KtEZ/Ed,yd>Kd/KE/E/d>d,Kh',,K^Zd/&zd,d d,zZ>Kd^hZd>z^WK^^/>&ZKD/E&KZDd/KEs/>>͘d, ^hZszKZ,^EKdW,z^/>>z>Kdd,hEZ'ZKhEhd/>/d/^͘ ϰ͘^h:dWZKWZdz>/^/EKEΗyΗ͕^KE&>KK/E^hZEZdDWEK͘ ϭϮϭϭϳϬϭϲϬ&͕KDDhE/dzEK͘ϭϮϬϮϵϱ͕/dzK&t/EdZ^WZ/E'^͕KZE'KhEdz͕ &>KZ/͕&&d/s^WdDZϮϴ͕ϮϬϬϳ͘ ϱ͘d,/^^hZszt^Dt/d,KhdE&/dK&d/d>͘ ϲ͘d,/^^hZsz/^s>/KE>z&KZd,WZd/^dKt,KD/d/^Zd/&/͘ 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F.E.G. PROJECT NO.23-015 18 C-2B 3 35 NOTED 18 23-015_GeneralNotes.dwg LEGEND, NOTES, AND SPECIFICATIONS C-3 4 Orlando, FL 32809 Phone: 407-895-0324 Fax: 407-895-0325 www.feg-inc.us DESIGNED BY DRAWN BY CHECKED BY APPROVED BY PROJECT NO. SCALE DATE SHEET NO. SHEET OFDATE REVISIONS BY 23-015 JUNE 20, 2023 FLORIDAENGINEERINGGROUP Engineering the Future FEG SAM J. SEBAALI, P.E. LICENSE NO. 42075 FLORIDA ENGINEERING GROUP, INC. CERTIFICATE No. EB-0006595 INDEPENDENT LIVING FACILITY EAST STATE ROAD 434 PRINTED COPIES OF THIS DOCUMENT ARENOT CONSIDERED SIGNED AND SEALED AND THE SIGNATURE MUST BE VERIFIEDON ANY ELECTRONIC COPIES. SJS ET SJS SJS CONSTRUCTION PLAN WINTER SPRINGS, FLORIDA 36 ϭϮϵ͘ϳϯ ^ϳϮΣϯϴ ϯϱ͘ϳϱΖ   ^ ^ϭϳΣϮϭ ΖϮϯ Η  ϭϳϯ ͘ϰϳ Ζ ^ hZsd ȴсϬϰΣϬϵΖϬϯΗ ^ϭϳΣϮϭΖϮϯΗ Ϯϭ͘ϰϬΖ^ ^ϮϰΣϯϭΖϯϯΗ Ϯϭ͘ϰϬΖD^EϳϮΣϯϴΖϯϳΗ ϯϰ͘ϬϬΖ^ EϲϱΣϬϱΖϰϳΗ ϯϰ͘ϬϲΖD^ WZ >͗ ϯ ϰͲ Ϯ ϬͲ ϯ ϬͲ ϱ D  Ͳ K  Ϭ ϬͲ Ϭ Ϭ Ϭ Ϭ KtE Z͗ ,  /  E   s/ > >  '   KͲ K W/ E  KZϮϳ ϵ ϵ͕ W ' ϱ ϴ ϵ ϯϬΖ ϯϬΖ ^dd  Z K   ϰ ϯ ϰ ;Zͬt t/  d , s  Z/  ^ Ϳ ZͬtD  W ^   d/ K E ϳ ϳ ϱ ϴ ϬͲ Ϯ ϲ ϭ Ϭ hW  hW hW EϲϱΣϮϴΖ Ϯ ϳ Η  ϳ ϱ ϵ͘ ϳ ϱΖ D   ^ EϳϮΣϯϴΖ ϯ ϳ Η  ϳ ϱ ϵ͘ ϴ ϴΖ   ^  ^ϳϮΣϯϴΖ ϯ ϳ Η t ϴ Ϭ ϴ͘ ϴ ϴΖ   ^  ^ϲϱΣϮϳΖ ϰ ϲ Η t ϴ Ϭ ϴ͘ ϴ ϳΖ D   ^^ϭϳΣϮϭ ΖϮϯΗ  ϭϳϯ ͘ϲϬ Ζ ^^ϮϰΣϮϵ Ζϯϳ Η  ϭϳϯ ͘ϱϳ Ζ D^EϭϯΣϭϮΖϮϬΗt  ϮϱϬ ͘ϬϬ Ζ ^ϮϬΣϮϮΖϯϰΗt  ϮϱϬ ͘Ϭϰ Ζ D^ ^ϯϮΣϯϲΖϰϰΗ ϱϳ͘ϬϭΖ^ ^ϯϵΣϰϰΖϱϮΗϱϳ͘ϮϵΖD^                                      Kt Kt Kt Kt Kt Kt Kt Kt Kt Kt Kt Kt Kt Kt Kt Kt Kt Kt Kt Kt Kt Kt Kt Kt Kt Kt Kt Kt Kt Kt Kt Kt Kt Kt Kt Kt Kt Kt Kt ,/E Z /s  ;Zͬt t /d, sZ /^ ͿWZ>͗ ϯϰ ͲϮϬ ͲϯϬ ͲϱD ͲKϬϬ ͲϬϬϬϬKtEZ͗ , /E s />>' K ͲKW  /EKZϮϳϵϵ ͕ W' ϱϴϵ ^W, > d ^W, > d ^W, > d ^W, > d ^W,>d^W,>dϮΖKE   h Z  ϮΖKE   h Z  ϮΖKE   h Z  ϮΖKE   h Z  ϮΖKE   h Z  ϮΖKE   h Z ϮΖKE hZϴΗKE hZϴΗKE hZ t t t t t ^ &EϭͲϭͬϰΗ/W EKη &Eϭ Ͳϭͬϰ Η  /WEKη &Eϱͬ ϴ Η/ Z EKη ^dϭͬϮΗ/Z >ηϰϰϳϱ &EϯͬϰΗ/W EKη ϯͬϰΗ/W &EϰΗyϰΗD EKη &EE Θ  >ηϯϱ ϱ ϲ &EϭͲϭͬϰΗ/W >^ηϮϬϬϱ &EϭͲϭͬϰΗ/W >^ηϮϬϬϱ ^W,>dtdZ D / E t t t t t t t t t t t t t t t t t t t t t t t t t t t t t t t t t tdZ D  / E ^ϬϮΣϬϲΖϬϮΗ ϱϳ͘ϬϭΖ^ ^ϬϵΣϮϲΖϭϲΗ ϱϳ͘ϭϬΖD^ & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & &   hW hW h W &, D ^ ^ ^/s D ϭ Ϯ ϯ ϰ ϱ ϲ ϳ ϴ ϵ ϭϭ ϭϯ ϭϰ ϭϱ ϭϳ ϭϴ hW &, ϭϵ ϮϬϮϭ K D/s ϮϮ Ϯϯ Ϯϰ ϯϲ͘ϳ ϯϲ͘Ϭ ϯϲ͘ϲ ϯϲ͘ϴ ϯϳ͘ϭ ϯϳ͘Ϭ ϯϳ͘ϰ ϯϲ͘ϵ ϯϵ͘ϱϭ ϯϴ͘ϮϮ ϯϴ͘ϰϴ ϯϵ͘ϰϯϯϴ͘ϴϱϯϴ͘Ϭϯ ϯϴ͘ϯϲ ϯϴ͘ϳϵ ϯϴ͘ϭϴ ϯϴ͘ϭϴϯϵ͘ϰϰ ϯϴ͘Ϯϴ ϯϴ͘ ϳϵ ϯϴ͘ϱϯ ϯϴ͘ϭϰ ϯϵ͘ϯϴ ϯϴ͘ϰϳ ϯϵ͘ϯϰ ϯϴ͘Ϯϴ ϯϴ͘ϴϮ ϯϴ͘ϭϰ ϯϴ͘Ϯϳ ϯϵ͘ϰϭϯϴ͘ϴϳϯϵ͘Ϭϵ ϯϵ͘ϱϰ ϯϴ͘ϵϴϯϴ͘Ϭϭϯϵ͘ϲϭ ϯϴ͘ϯϱ ϯϴ͘ϭϴ ϯϵ͘ϰϲ ϯϴ͘ϰϭ ϯϵ͘ϲϳ ϯϴ͘ϯϱ ϰϬ͘ϯϬ ϯϴ͘ϴϯ ϰϬ͘ϰϭ ϰϬ͘ϯϲ ϯϵ͘ϲϲϰϬ͘ϰϱ ϯϵ͘ϰϲ ϰϬ͘Ϭϭ ϯϵ͘ϴϱ ϯϵ͘ϰϯ ϯ ϵ ͘ ϰ Ϯ ϯϵ͘ϬϮ ϯϵ͘Ϯϱ ϯϵ͘ϯϰ ϯϵ͘ϰϵ ϯϵ͘ϳϱ ϰϬ͘Ϭϰ ϯϴ͘ϳϰ ϰϬ͘ϬϱϰϬ͘Ϭϱ ϯϴ͘ϳϯ ϯϵ͘ϰϰ ϯϴ͘ϴϴϯϵ͘ϴϭ ϰϬ͘ϰϴ ϰϬ͘Ϯϲ ϯϵ͘ϳϬ ϯϵ͘ϭϮϯϵ͘ϴϳ ϯϴ͘ϲϱ ϰϬ͘ϰϭϯϵ͘ϰϬ ϯϵ͘ϯϭ ϯϵ͘ϭϲ ϰϬ͘ϯϭ ϯϵ͘ϯϭ ϯ ϵ ͘ Ϯ ϵϯϴ͘ϱϳ ϯϵ͘Ϭϵ ϯ ϴ ͘ ϵϳ ϰϬ͘ϯϴ ϯϵ͘ϯϱ ϯϵ͘ϭϵ ϰϬ͘ϯϯ ϰϬ͘Ϯϳ ϰϬ͘ϰϬ ϯϵ͘ϱϲ ϯϵ͘ϴϮ ϰϬ͘ϭϬ ϯϵ͘ϰϲ ϯϴ͘ϴϳ ϯϵ͘ϯϰ ϰϬ͘ϯϱ ϯϵ͘ϰϬϰϬ͘ϯϴ ϰϬ͘Ϭϯ ϯϴ͘ϲϬ ϰϬ͘ϰϮ ϯϵ͘ϵϮ ϰϬ͘Ϯϱ ϯϵ͘ϯϮ ϯϵ͘ϴϭϰϬ͘ϭϱϯϴ͘ϵϭϯϵ͘ϬϬϰϬ͘ϬϮ ϯϴ͘ϵϵ ϯϴ͘ϴϴ ϰϬ͘ϮϮ ϯϵ͘ϵϰ ϯϵ͘Ϯϴϯϴ͘ϴϰ ϯϴ͘ϲϱ ϯϵ͘ϳϳ ϰϬ͘ϯϲ ϰϬ͘ϯϭ ϯϵ͘ϯϲ ϯϵ͘Ϭϯ ϰϬ͘ϯϯ ϯϵ ͘ ϯ ϯ ϯϵ͘ϵϬ ϯϵ͘ϰϵ ϯϵ͘ϱϴ ϯϵ͘Ϯϵ ϯϵ͘ϲϱϰϬ͘ϭϵ ϯϳ͘ϰ ϯϳ͘ϱ ϯϲ͘ϴ ϯϳ͘Ϭ ϯϳ͘ϰ ϯϳ͘Ϯ ϯϳ͘ϰ ϯϳ͘ϯ ϯϳ͘ϯ ϯϳ͘ϳ ϯϴ͘ϰ ϯϴ͘ϭ ϯϴ͘ϯ ϯϳ͘Ϭϯϴ͘ϯ ϯϳ͘ϰ ϯϴ͘Ϯ ϯϴ͘Ϯ ϯϳ͘ϰ ϯϴ͘ϰ ϯϴ͘ϯ ϯϲ͘ϰ ϯϵ͘ϭ ϯϴ͘ϰ ϯϳ͘ϯ ϯϵ͘Ϯ ϯϴ͘Ϯ ϯϵ͘Ϯ ϯϴ͘ϯ ϯϵ͘ϳ ϯϴ͘ϳ ϯϲ͘ϵ ϯϴ͘ϰ ϯϴ͘ϲ ϯϴ͘ϳ ϯϲ͘ϱ ϯϴ͘ϱ ϯϳ͘ϵϯϵ͘ϯ ϯϴ͘ϳ ϯϰ͘ϯ ϯϴ͘ϲ ϯϴ͘ϳ ϯϵ͘Ϭ ϯϴ͘ϲ ϯϳ͘ϲ ϯϳ͘ϴ ϯϲ͘ϰ ϯϴ͘ϵ ϯϴ͘ϴϯϴ͘Ϯ ϯϯ͘ϳ ϯϴ͘ϭ ϯϳ͘ϭ ϯϰ͘ϲ ϯϴ͘ϰ ϯϱ͘ϰ ϯϵ͘ϯ ϯϲ͘ϰ ϯϴ͘ϰ ϯϲ͘ϲ ϯϴ͘Ϭ ϯϲ͘ϴ ϯϴ͘ϳ ϯϳ͘ϵ ϯϳ͘ϲ ϯϴ͘Ϭ ϯϳ͘ϵ ϯϲ͘Ϯ ϯϲ͘Ϭ ϯϱ͘ϵ ϯϱ͘ϵ ϯϰ͘ϳ ϯϲ͘Ϯ ϯϱ͘ϭ ϯϱ͘ϯ ϯϵ͘ϰ ϯϵ͘ϴ ϰϬ͘ϭ ϰϬ͘Ϯ ϰϬ͘Ϭ ϯϵ͘ϲ ϯϵ͘ϳ ϰϬ͘Ϯ ϰϬ͘ϯ ϰϬ͘Ϭ ϯϵ͘ϵ ϰϬ͘ ϳ ϰϬ͘ϰϰϬ͘ϰ ϯϳ͘ϲϳ ϯϳ͘ϴϬ ϯϴ͘ϴϵϯϵ͘ϯϮϯϴ͘ ϵϴ ϯϵ͘ϲϯ ϯϴ͘Ϭϵ ϯϵ͘Ϯϲ ϯϳ͘ϱϴ ϯϴ͘ϲϱϯϵ͘ϭϯ ϯϵ͘ϱϯ ϯϵ͘ϱϵϯϵ͘ϵϳ ϯϵ͘ϵϵ ϯϵ͘ϲϬ ϯϵ͘ϲϭ ϯϵ͘ϰϳ ϯϵ͘Ϭϳϯϵ͘ϵϬ ϯϴ͘ϵϱ ϯϵ͘ϯϴϯϵ͘ϱϴϯϵ͘ ϭ ϵ ϯϴ͘ϲϰ ϯϵ͘ϮϬ ϯϵ͘ϲϳ ϯϵ͘Ϯϴϯϵ͘ϵϬ ϯϴ͘ϵϳ ϯϵ͘ϴϮ ϯϵ͘ϭϴϯϵ͘ϭϰϯϵ͘ϱϯϯϵ͘ϯϴ ϯϵ͘ϴϬ ϯϵ͘ϬϮ ϯϵ͘ϴϯ ϯϴ͘ϰϰ ϯϴ͘ϵϴ ϯϴ͘ϳϵ ϯϴ͘ϵϵ ϯϵ͘ϱϱ ϯϴ͘ϵϱ ϯϵ͘Ϯϴϯϵ͘ϵϲ ϯϴ͘ϴϵ ϯϵ͘ϭϯ ϯϴ͘ϴϬ ϰϬ͘Ϭϰ ϯϴ͘ϵϱ ϯϵ͘ϯϭϯϵ ͘ ϳϱ ϯϵ͘ϱϱ ϯϵ͘ϯϱϯϵ͘ϲϳϯϵ͘ϯϰϯϵ͘ϯϬ ϯϵ͘ϰϮϯϴ͘ϵϵϯϵ͘ϳϭϯϵ͘ϯϯ ϯϵ͘ϱϵϯϵ͘ϱϬ ϯϵ͘ϰϵϯϵ͘ϰϳϯϴ͘ϵϴϯϴ͘ϱϴ ϯϵ͘ϲϬϯϵ͘Ϯϳϯϵ͘ϰϰϯϴ͘ϳϮϯϵ͘ϰϰϯϵ͘ϰϰ ϯϵ͘ϱϳ ϯϵ͘ϯϯϯϵ͘ϱϭ ϯϴ͘ϲϰ ϯϵ͘ϱϰ       ^ ϯϴ͘ϵϴϯϴ͘ϵϳ ϯϵ͘Ϭϲ ϯϵ͘Ϭϱ ϯϵ͘ϵϳ ϯϵ͘ϲϴϯϳ͘ϵ ϯϴ͘Ϭ ϯϴ͘Ϯ ϭϬ ϭϮ ϭϲ ^^^^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ϯϴ͘ϲϲϯϴ͘ϳϳ ϱϱϳϱϱϳϱϱϳϱϱϱϳϱϳϱϳϱϳϱϳϱϳϱϳϱϳϱϳϱϱϱϱϱϱϱϱϱϱϱϳϱϱϱϱϳϱϳϱϳϱϱϱ ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ϯϴ͘ϳϰ ϯϴ͘ϴϯ ϯϵ͘ϰϰ ϯϵϯϯϯϯϯϯϯϯϯϵϵϵϯϯϵϵϯϯϯϵϵ ϯϴϴϴϴϴϴϴϴ͘ ϳϴϴϴ͘ ϳϴϴϴϳϳϴϴϯϴϯϴϯϴϴϳϴϴϴϴϴϴ͘ ϳϴϳϯϴϴϴϳϴϴϯϴϯϴϳϳϯϴϯϴϴϳ͘ϴϱϯϴ͘ ϵϱ ͘ϴϱϯϴ͘ϵ ϵϱ ϯϴϯϴ t ZK^^ t  > < tdZ^' >sсϯϯ͘ϯΖц ϱͬϮͬϮϯ ϯϳ͘ϯ ϯϲ͘ϭ ϯϲ͘Ϯ ϯϱ͘ϳ ϯϴ͘ϭϯϴ͘ϯ ϯϴ͘Ϯ ϯϲ͘Ϭ ϯϲ͘Ϯ ϯϳ͘ϲ ϯϳ͘ϲϯϲ͘ϯ ϯϲ͘ϯ ϯϴ͘ϰ ϯϴ͘ϯ ϯϲ͘ϰϯϲ͘ϱ ϯϳ͘ϳ ϯϳ͘ϰ ϯϲ͘ϱ ϯϲ͘ϳ ϯϴ͘ϱ ^K t t t tt t t^W, > d ^W,>d^W, > d ϭ^dKZ z  > K  < &&сϰϬ ͘ ϱ Ϭ ^K ^K ^K ZdE d/ K E WKE ^K  &/  > ;sE d Ͳ E K  h/ > / E ' Ϳ ^Zͬt >/ E  ;Z / E '   ^/ ^ Ϳ EϲϱΣϮϴΖ Ϯ ϳ Η  dKWсϰϮ͘ϯϬ E/EsсϯϮ͘ϳϬ Et/Esсϯϯ͘ϬϬ ^t/EsсϯϮ͘ϵϱ dKWсϯϵ͘ϯϬ KddKDсϯϮ͘ϰϬ ;/Es^EKd Kd/EͲ Z^^W/W^Ϳ dKWсϯ ϳ͘ ϵ ϵ KddK D с ϯ ϭ͘ Ϯ ϵ ;/Es^ E K d K  d / E   Ͳ Z^^   W/ W  ^ Ϳ dKWсϯϳ͘ϵϴ KddKDсϯϮ͘ϯϴ ;/Es^EKdKd/E ͲZ^^W/W^Ϳ dKWсϯϵ͘Ϯϯ KddKDсϯϮ͘ϵϯ ;/Es^EKd Kd/EͲ Z^^W/W^Ϳ dKWсϰ Ϭ͘ ϳ ϰ ;/Es^EK d Kd/E   Ͳ Z^^   W/ W  ^ Ϳ dKWсϯϴ͘ϮϬ^/Esсϯϱ ͘ϰϬ ;ϭϴ Η,W Ϳ^t/Esсϯϱ ͘ϯϵ ;ϭϱΗ,W Ϳ dKWсϯ ϴ͘ ϳ Ϯ Et/Es с ϯ ϱ͘ Ϭ ϴ; ϭ ϴ Η ,  W  Ϳ ^/Es с ϯ ϱ ͘ ϭ ϭ ; ϭ ϴ Η ,  W  Ϳ dKWсϯ ϵ͘ Ϭ Ϭ Et/E s с ϯ ϱ ͘ ϭ ϱ ; ϭ ϱ Η ,  W  Ϳ ^/Es с ϯ ϱ͘ ϭ ϴ ; ϭ ϴ Η ,  W Ϳ dKWсϯ ϳ ͘ ϰ ϯ Et/Es с ϯ ϰ͘ ϴ ϵ ; ϭ ϴ Η ,  W Ϳ dKWсϯ ϳ͘ ϰ Ϭ Et/E s с ϯ ϰ͘ ϵ Ϭ ; ϭ ϴ Η ,  W Ϳ dKWсϯ ϳ͘ Ϭ ϵ E/Es с ϯ ϭ͘ Ϭ ϵ ; Ϯ ϰ Η ,  W Ϳ dKWсϯ ϲ ͘ ϵ ϳ ^t/E s с Ϯ ϯ͘ ϴ ϭ ;/Es^Θ K h d &  > > EKdK  d  / E  Ͳ Z^^   W/ W  ^ Ϳ dKWсϯ ϵ͘ Ϭ ϯ ^/Es с ϯ Ϭ͘ ϲ ϱ; ϴ Η W s  Ϳ ^t/Es с ϯ Ϭ͘ ϱ ϴ ; ϴ Η W s  Ϳ dKWсϯ ϳ͘ ϱ ϳ E/Es с ϯ Ϭ͘ Ϯ ϴ ; ϴ Η W s  Ϳ Et/E s с ϯ Ϭ͘ ϰ ϱ ; ϴ Η W s Ϳ dKWсϯ ϲ͘ ϲ ϱ E/Es с Ϯ ϴ͘ ϳ ϱ ; ϴ Η W s  Ϳ ^t/E s с Ϯ ϴ͘ ϴ ϱ; ϴ Η W s Ϳ ^/dE,DZ<η >sd/KEс dhDс E,DZ<EΘ Esϴϴ ϯϵ͘ϵϵ ϰ 1"=30' 18 23-015_Demo.dwg SITE DEMOLITION & STORMWATER POLLUTION PREVENTION PLAN C-4A 5 Orlando, FL 32809 Phone: 407-895-0324 Fax: 407-895-0325 www.feg-inc.us DESIGNED BY DRAWN BY CHECKED BY APPROVED BY PROJECT NO. SCALE DATE SHEET NO. SHEET OFDATE REVISIONS BY 23-015 JUNE 20, 2023 FLORIDAENGINEERINGGROUP Engineering the Future FEG SAM J. SEBAALI, P.E. LICENSE NO. 42075 FLORIDA ENGINEERING GROUP, INC. CERTIFICATE No. EB-0006595 INDEPENDENT LIVING FACILITY EAST STATE ROAD 434 PRINTED COPIES OF THIS DOCUMENT ARENOT CONSIDERED SIGNED AND SEALED AND THE SIGNATURE MUST BE VERIFIEDON ANY ELECTRONIC COPIES. SJS ET SJS SJS CONSTRUCTION PLAN WINTER SPRINGS, FLORIDA 37 NOTED 18 23-015_Demo.dwg SITE DEMOLITION & STORMWATER POLLUTION PREVENTION NOTES C-4B 6 Orlando, FL 32809 Phone: 407-895-0324 Fax: 407-895-0325 www.feg-inc.us DESIGNED BY DRAWN BY CHECKED BY APPROVED BY PROJECT NO. SCALE DATE SHEET NO. SHEET OFDATE REVISIONS BY 23-015 JUNE 20, 2023 FLORIDAENGINEERINGGROUP Engineering the Future FEG SAM J. SEBAALI, P.E. LICENSE NO. 42075 FLORIDA ENGINEERING GROUP, INC. CERTIFICATE No. EB-0006595 INDEPENDENT LIVING FACILITY EAST STATE ROAD 434 PRINTED COPIES OF THIS DOCUMENT ARENOT CONSIDERED SIGNED AND SEALED AND THE SIGNATURE MUST BE VERIFIEDON ANY ELECTRONIC COPIES. SJS ET SJS SJS CONSTRUCTION PLAN WINTER SPRINGS, FLORIDA 38 EϳϮΣϯϴΖ ϯ ϳ Η  ϭϮϵ͘ϳϱΖ    ^  EϲϱΣϮϳΖ Ϯ ϴ Η  ϭϮϵ͘ϳϯΖ D   ^ ^ϳϮΣϯϴΖ ϯ ϳ Η t ϯϱ͘ϳϱΖ   ^ ^ϭϳΣϮϭ ΖϮϯΗ  ϭϳϯ ͘ϰϳ Ζ ^^ϬϮΣϬϲΖϬϮΗϱϳ͘ϬϭΖ^^ϬϵΣϮϲΖϭϲΗhZsd ȴсϬϰΣϬϵΖϬϯΗ ZсϭϯϯϬ͘ϬϬΖ >сϵϲ͘ϯϱΖ ,KZ EϳϰΣϰϯΖϬϲΗ ϵϲ͘ϯϯΖ^ EϲϳΣϯϯΖϭϰΗ ϵϲ͘ϯϲΖD^ hZs   d  ȴсϬϰΣ Ϭ ϵ Ζ Ϭ ϯ Η Zсϭϱϴ Ϭ͘ Ϭ ϬΖ >сϭϭϰ͘ ϰ ϲΖ ,KZ ^ϳϰΣϰϯΖ Ϭ ϴ Η t ϭϭϰ͘ϰϰΖ   ^  ^ϲϳΣϯϳΖ ϱ ϴ Η t ϭϭϰ͘ϯϳΖ D   ^ EϳϮΣϯϴΖ ϯ ϳ Η  ϯϰ͘ϬϬΖ   ^  EϲϱΣϬϱ Ζ ϰ ϳ Η  ϯϰ͘ϬϲΖ D   ^ ^ϭϳΣϮϭΖ Ϯ ϯ Η  Ϯϭ͘ϰϬΖ    ^  ^ϮϰΣϯϭΖ ϯ ϯ Η  Ϯϭ͘ϰϬΖ D   ^ WZ> ͗  ϯ ϰ Ͳ Ϯ Ϭ Ͳ ϯ Ϭ Ͳ ϱ D  Ͳ K  Ϭ ϬͲ Ϭ Ϭ Ϭ Ϭ KtEZ ͗ ,   /  E   s/ > >  '   K Ͳ K W/ E  KZϮϳ ϵ ϵ͕  W ' ϱ ϴ ϵ ϱϳ͘ϭϬΖD^^dd  Z K   ϰ ϯ ϰ ;Zͬtt/  d , s  Z /  ^Ϳ ZͬtD  W  ^   d/ K E ϳ ϳ ϱ ϴ Ϭ Ͳ Ϯ ϲ ϭ Ϭ WZ>͗ϯϰ ͲϮϬ ͲϯϬ Ͳϱt ͲϬϬϬϬ ͲϬϰϴKtEZ͗KsZZh / Θ W /EdK>h/^ ϮϮ >> ^E  /'E /KKZϴϳϭϯ ͕ W' ϭϭϮϲ &, ^  ^ EϲϱΣϮϴΖ Ϯ ϳ Η  ϳ ϱ ϵ ͘ ϳ ϱΖ D   ^ EϳϮΣϯϴΖ ϯ ϳ Η  ϳ ϱ ϵ ͘ ϴ ϴΖ   ^  ^ϳϮΣϯϴΖ ϯ ϳ Η t  ϴ Ϭ ϴ ͘ ϴ ϴΖ   ^  ^ϲϱΣϮϳΖ ϰ ϲ Η t ϴ Ϭ ϴ͘ ϴ ϳΖ D   ^^ϭϳΣϮϭ ΖϮϯΗ  ϭϳϯ ͘ϲϬ Ζ ^^ϮϰΣϮϵ Ζϯϳ Η  ϭϳϯ ͘ϱϳ Ζ D^EϭϯΣϭϮ ΖϮϬΗt  ϮϱϬ ͘ϬϬ Ζ ^EϮϬΣϮϮ ΖϯϰΗt  ϮϱϬ ͘Ϭϰ Ζ D^^ϯϮΣϯϲ Ζϰϰ Ηϱϳ͘Ϭϭ Ζ ^^ϯϵΣϰϰ ΖϱϮ Ηϱϳ͘Ϯϵ Ζ D^                                  ^^,/E Z /s ;Z ͬt t /d, sZ /^ ͿWZ>͗ ϯϰ ͲϮϬ ͲϯϬ ͲϱD ͲKϬϬ ͲϬϬϬϬKtEZ͗, /E s />>' K ͲKW  /EKZϮϳϵϵ ͕ W' ϱϴϵ ^^^ Kt Kt Kt Kt Kt Kt Kt Kt Kt Kt Kt Kt Kt Kt Kt Kt Kt Kt Kt Kt Kt Kt Kt Kt Kt Kt Kt Kt Kt Kt Kt Kt Kt Kt Kt ^ &EϰΗyϰΗD EKη &EEΘ >ηϯϱϱϲ ^ϳϮΣϯϴΖϯϳΗt ϯϬ͘ϬϬΖ^ ^ϲϱΣϮϭΖϯϬΗt ϯϬ͘ϬϵΖD^ ϭϯϯ ͘ ϰ Ζ dKWсϰϮ͘ϯ Ϭ E/Esсϯ Ϯ͘ ϳ Ϭ Et/Esс ϯ ϯ ͘ Ϭ Ϭ ^t/Esс ϯ Ϯ ͘ ϵ ϱ dKWсϯϵ͘ϯϬ KddKDсϯϮ͘ϰϬ ;/Es^EKddd/E ͲZ^^W/W^Ϳ dKWсϯϳ ͘ ϵ ϵ KddK D с ϯ ϭ ͘ Ϯ ϵ ;/Es^E K d  d d / E   ͲZ^ ^   W/ W  ^ Ϳ dKWсϯϳ͘ϮϬKddKDсϯϬ͘ϵϬ ;/Es^EKddd/E ͲZ^^W/W^Ϳ dKWсϯϲ͘ϳϬ KddKDсϯϬ͘ϳϬ ;/Es^EKddd/E ͲZ^^W/W^Ϳ dKWсϯϳ͘Ϯϯ KddKDсϯϯ͘ϳϯ ;/Es^EKddd/E ͲZ^^W/W^Ϳ dKWсϯϳ͘ϵϴ KddKDсϯϮ͘ϯϴ ;/Es^EKddd/E ͲZ^^W/W^Ϳ dKWсϯϵ͘Ϯϯ KddKDсϯϮ͘ϵϯ ;/Es^EKddd/E ͲZ^^W/W^Ϳ dKWсϰϬ ͘ ϳ ϰ ;/Es^ E K d  d d  / E   ͲZ^ ^   W/ W  ^ Ϳ ^W,>d ^W, > d ^W,> d ^W, > d ^W, > d ^W,> d ^W,> d ^W,>d^W,> d ^W,>d ϮΖKE   h Z  ϮΖKE  h Z  ϮΖKE   h Z  ϮΖKE h Z  ϮΖKE  h Z ϮΖKE hZϴΗKE hZϴΗKE hZ t t t t dKWсϯϯ͘ϰϵ E/EsсϮϲ͘ϴϰ;ϲΗ>zͿ ^/EsсϮϲ͘ϵϱ;ϲΗ>zͿ ^t/EsсϮϲ͘ϵϬ;ϲΗ>zͿ dKWсϯϮ͘ϬϬ E/EsсϮϱ͘ϯϯ;ϲΗ>zͿ Et/EsсϮϲ͘ϬϬ;ϲΗ>zͿ ^/EsсϮϱ͘ϮϬ;ϲΗ>zͿ sEdͲEKh/>/E'^ &EϱͬϴΗ/Z EKη &EϭͲϭͬϰΗ/W EKη &EϭͲϭͬϰΗ/W EKη &Eϱͬ ϴ Η / Z EKη ^dϭͬϮ Η / Z >ηϰϰ ϳ ϱ &Eϯͬϰ Η / W EKη &EϯͬϰΗ  /WEKη EtKZEZK&WZ> ϯϰͲϮϬͲϯϬͲϱtͲϬϬϬϬͲϬϰϴ &EϯͬϰΗ/W͕EKη &EϱͬϴΗ/Z EKη &E EΘ >   ηϯ ϱϱϲ&Eϭ ͲϭͬϰΗ  /W>^ηϮϬϬϱ &EϭͲϭͬϰΗ/W >^ηϮϬϬϱ ^tKZEZK&WZ> ϯϰͲϮϬͲϯϬͲϱtͲϬϬϬϬͲϬϰϴ &EϭͬϮΗ/Z͕EKη EϳϰΣϭϴΖϱϴ Η    Ϯ ϭ ϵ ͘ ϲ ϲ Ζ  D   ^EϮϬΣϮϮΖϯϰΗt  ϮϱϬ ͘Ϭϰ Ζ D^ ^ϳϮΣϭϮΖϮ ϴ Η t   ϭ ϰ Ϯ ͘ ϱ Ϭ Ζ  D   ^ td>E   ^ h D D  Z z td>E  Η ϭ Η Ͳ  K E d  / E ^  ϰ ϵ͕ ϳ ϵ ϱ  ^ Y h  Z   &   d K Z  ϭ ͘ ϭ ϰ ϯ ϭ   Z  ^ D K Z  KZ>^^͘ td>E   Η Ϯ ΗͲ   K E d / E ^ ϭ ϵ͕ ϳ ϱ Ϯ ^ Y h  Z  &   d  K Z Ϭ͘ ϰ ϱ ϯ ϰ   Z  ^ D K Z   KZ>^ ^͘ hW>E   Z   Ͳ  K E d / E ^ ϭ ϱ ϰ ͕ ϵ ϲ ϭ  ^ Y h  Z   &   d K Z  ϯ ͘ ϱ ϱ ϳ ϰ    Z  ^ D K Z KZ>^^ ͘ dKd>   Z   Ͳ  K E d / E ^ Ϯ Ϯ ϰ͕ ϱ Ϭ ϴ  ^ Y h  Z   &   d K Z ϱ͘ ϭ ϱ ϯ ϵ   Z  ^ D K Z  KZ>^ ^͘^W, >d ^ϭϳΣϮϭΖϮϯΗ Ϯϭ͘ϱϯΖ^ ^ϮϱΣϬϰΖϯϴΗ Ϯϭ͘ϱϬΖD^ dhDсEsϴϴ ^/d E,DZ< ηϭ >sd/KEсϯϳ͘Ϭϳ ^/dE,DZ<ηϯ E,DZ<EΘ E,DZ<EΘ dhDсEsϴϴ ^/dE,DZ<ηϮ >sd/KEсϯϴ͘ϱϱ >sd/KE с ϰϮ ͘ϳϭE,DZ<EΘ &,dhDс Es ϴϴ tdZ D / E t t t t t t t t t t t t t t t t t t t ϴΗ/ ϭϭϲ ϱϵϲ ϱϵϰ ϱϵϵ ϱϵϳ ϱϵϱ ϱϵϯ ϰϵϭ ϰϵϬ ϰϴϵ ϰϴϴ ϰϰϲ ϰϰϯ ϰϰϱϰϰϰ ϰϯϳ ϭϳϯ ϭϯϰ ϭϯϭ Ϯϲϴ Ϯϲϳ ϮϲϬ Ϯϱϴ Ϯϱϳ Ϯϱϲ Ϯϱϯ Ϯϯϱ ϮϮϲ ϭϳϮ ϭϰϳ ϭϰϲ ϭϰϮ ϭϰϱ ϭϰϬ ϭϰϯ ϭϯϴ ϭϰϭ ϭϯϵ ϭϯϳ ϭϯϲ ϭϯϱ ϭϯϮ ϭϯϯ ϭϯϬ ϭϮϵ ϭϮϳ ϭϮϴϭϮϲ ϭϮϱ ϭϮϯ ϭϮϰ ϭϮϮ ϭϮϭ ϭϭϵ ϭϭϳ ϭϭϲ ϭϭϱ ϭ ϭ ϰϭϭϭ ϭϭϯ ϭϭϬϭϭϮ ϭϬϵ ϭϬϳ ϭϬϴϭϬϲϭϬϱ ϴϱ ϴϯ ϴϬ ϲϳ ϲϴ ϲϱ ϲϲ ϲϰ ϵ ϭ ϱϵϬ ϱϴϯ tdZ D / E ϴΗ/NO PARKINGFIRE LANE1"=40' 18 23-015_MasterPlan.dwg OVERALL MASTER SITE PLAN C-5A 7 Orlando, FL 32809 Phone: 407-895-0324 Fax: 407-895-0325 www.feg-inc.us DESIGNED BY DRAWN BY CHECKED BY APPROVED BY PROJECT NO. SCALE DATE SHEET NO. SHEET OFDATE REVISIONS BY 23-015 JUNE 20, 2023 FLORIDAENGINEERINGGROUP Engineering the Future FEG SAM J. SEBAALI, P.E. LICENSE NO. 42075 FLORIDA ENGINEERING GROUP, INC. CERTIFICATE No. EB-0006595 INDEPENDENT LIVING FACILITY EAST STATE ROAD 434 PRINTED COPIES OF THIS DOCUMENT ARENOT CONSIDERED SIGNED AND SEALED AND THE SIGNATURE MUST BE VERIFIEDON ANY ELECTRONIC COPIES. SJS ET SJS SJS CONSTRUCTION PLAN WINTER SPRINGS, FLORIDA 39 1"=30' 18 23-015_MasterPlan.dwg OVERALL MASTER SITE NOTES C-5B 8 Orlando, FL 32809 Phone: 407-895-0324 Fax: 407-895-0325 www.feg-inc.us DESIGNED BY DRAWN BY CHECKED BY APPROVED BY PROJECT NO. SCALE DATE SHEET NO. SHEET OFDATE REVISIONS BY 23-015 JUNE 20, 2023 FLORIDAENGINEERINGGROUP Engineering the Future FEG SAM J. SEBAALI, P.E. LICENSE NO. 42075 FLORIDA ENGINEERING GROUP, INC. CERTIFICATE No. EB-0006595 INDEPENDENT LIVING FACILITY EAST STATE ROAD 434 PRINTED COPIES OF THIS DOCUMENT ARENOT CONSIDERED SIGNED AND SEALED AND THE SIGNATURE MUST BE VERIFIEDON ANY ELECTRONIC COPIES. SJS ET SJS SJS CONSTRUCTION PLAN WINTER SPRINGS, FLORIDA 40 Eϲϱ ϭϮϵ͘ϳϯΖ D ^ϳϮΣϯ ϴΖ ϯ ϳ t ϯϱ͘ϳϱΖ   ^ ^ϭϳΣϮϭ ΖϮϯΗ  ϭϳϯ ͘ϰϳ Ζ ^ d ϬϵΖϬϯΗ Ϭ͘ϬϬΖ ϯϱΖ ΖϬϲΗ ^ ΖϭϰΗ D^ hZsd ȴ ϬϰΣϬϵΖϬϯΗ ^ϭϳΣϮϭΖϮϯΗ Ϯϭ͘ϰϬΖ^ ^ϮϰΣϯϭΖϯϯΗ Ϯϭ͘ϰϬΖD^EϳϮΣϯϴΖϯϳΗ ϯϰ͘ϬϬΖ^ EϲϱΣϬϱΖϰϳΗ ϯϰ͘ϬϲΖD^ WZ >͗ ϯ ϰ Ͳ Ϯ Ϭ Ͳ ϯ Ϭ Ͳ ϱ D  Ͳ K  Ϭ Ϭ Ͳ Ϭ Ϭ Ϭ Ϭ KtE Z͗ ,  /  E   s/ > >  '   K Ͳ K W/ E  KZϮϳ ϵ ϵ͕ W ' ϱ ϴ ϵ ϯϬΖ ϯϬΖ ^dd  Z K   ϰ ϯ ϰ ;Zͬtt/  d , s  Z/  ^Ϳ ZͬtD  W ^   d/ K E ϳ ϳ ϱ ϴ Ϭ Ͳ Ϯ ϲ ϭ Ϭ ͲϱtͲϬϬϬϬͲϬϰϴ E^dd^>> ͕W'ϭϭϮϲ hW  hW hW EϲϱΣϮ ϴΖ Ϯ ϳ Η  ϳ ϱ ϵ͘ ϳ ϱΖ D   ^ EϳϮΣϯ ϴΖ ϯ ϳ Η  ϳ ϱ ϵ͘ ϴ ϴΖ   ^  ^ϳϮΣϯ ϴΖ ϯ ϳ Η t ϴ Ϭ ϴ͘ ϴ ϴΖ   ^  ^ϲϱΣϮ ϳΖ ϰ ϲ Η t ϴ Ϭ ϴ͘ ϴ ϳΖ D   ^^ϭϳΣϮϭ ΖϮϯΗ  ϭϳϯ ͘ϲϬ Ζ ^^ϮϰΣϮϵ ΖϯϳΗ  ϭϳϯ ͘ϱϳ Ζ D^EϭϯΣϭϮΖϮϬΗt  ϮϱϬ ͘ϬϬ Ζ ^EϮϬΣϮϮ ΖϯϰΗt  ϮϱϬ ͘Ϭϰ Ζ D^ ^ϯϮΣϯϲΖϰϰΗϱϳ͘ϬϭΖ^^ϯϵΣϰϰΖϱϮΗ ϱϳ͘ϮϵΖD^                                       Kt Kt Kt Kt Kt Kt Kt Kt Kt Kt Kt Kt Kt Kt Kt Kt Kt Kt Kt Kt Kt Kt Kt Kt Kt Kt Kt Kt Kt Kt Kt Kt Kt Kt Kt Kt Kt Kt Kt Kt Kt Kt Kt Kt ,/E Z /s  ;Zͬt t /d, sZ /^ ͿWZ>͗ ϯϰ ͲϮϬ ͲϯϬ ͲϱD ͲKϬϬ ͲϬϬϬϬKtEZ͗ , /E s />>' K ͲKW  /EKZϮϳϵϵ ͕ W' ϱϴϵ ^W,> d ^W, > d ^W, > d ^W, > d ^W ^W, > d ^W,>d^W,>dϮΖKE   h Z  ϮΖKE   h Z  ϮΖKE   h Z  ϮΖKE   h Z  ϮΖKE   h Z  KEhZ  ϮΖKE   h Z ϮΖKE hZϴΗKE hZϴΗKE hZ t t t t t t D^ &EϭͲϭͬϰΗ/W EKη &Eϭ Ͳϭ ͬϰΗ  /WEKη &Eϱͬ ϴ Η / Z EKη ^dϭͬϮΗ/Z >ηϰϰϳϱ &EϯͬϰΗ/W EKη &EϯͬϰΗ/W EKη &EϰΗyϰΗD EKη &EE Θ  >ηϯϱ ϱ ϲ &EϭͲϭͬϰΗ/W >^ηϮϬϬϱ &EϭͲϭͬϰΗ/W >^ηϮϬϬϱ ^W,>d tdZ D / E t t t t t t t t t t t t t t t t t t t t t t t t t t t t t t t t t tdZ D / E ^ϬϮΣϬϲΖϬϮΗ ϱϳ͘ϬϭΖ^ ^ϬϵΣϮϲΖϭϲΗ ϱϳ͘ϭϬΖD^ & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & &   hW hW h W &,D ^ ^ ^ /s D ϲ ϳ ϴ ϵ ϭϭ ϭϯ ϭϰ ϭϱ ϭϳ ϭϴ hW &, ϭϵ ϮϬϮϭ K D /s ϮϮ Ϯϯ Ϯϰ       ^ ϭϬ ϭϮ ϭϲ ^^^^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' t ZK^^ t  > < tdZ^' >sсϯϯ͘ϯΖц ϱͬϮͬϮϯ ^K t t t tt t t^W, > d ^W,>d^W, > d ϭ^dKZ z  > K  < &&сϰϬ͘ ϱ Ϭ ^K^K ^K ZdE d / K E WKE ^K  &/  >  ;s E dͲ E K  h/ > / E ' Ϳ ^Zͬt > / E  ;Z/ E '   ^ / ^Ϳ EϲϱΣϮϴΖ Ϯ ϳ Η  dKWсϰϮ͘ϯϬ E/EsсϯϮ͘ϳϬ Et/Esсϯϯ͘ϬϬ ^t/EsсϯϮ͘ϵϱ dKWсϯϵ͘ϯϬ KddKDсϯϮ͘ϰϬ ;/Es^EKd Kd/EͲ Z^^W/W^Ϳ dKWсϯ ϳ͘ ϵ ϵ KddK D с ϯ ϭ͘ Ϯ ϵ ;/Es^EK d K  d / E   Ͳ Z^^   W/ W  ^ Ϳ dKWсϯϳ͘ϵϴ KddKDсϯϮ͘ϯϴ ;/Es^EKdKd/E ͲZ^^W/W^Ϳ dKWсϯϵ͘Ϯϯ KddKDсϯϮ͘ϵϯ ;/Es^EKd Kd/EͲ Z^^W/W^Ϳ dKWсϰ Ϭ͘ ϳ ϰ ;/Es^ E K d Kd/E   Ͳ Z^ ^   W/ W  ^ Ϳ dKWсϯϴ͘ϮϬ^/Esсϯϱ ͘ϰϬ ;ϭϴΗ,W Ϳ^t/Esсϯϱ ͘ϯϵ ;ϭϱ Η,W Ϳ dKWсϯ ϴ͘ ϳ Ϯ Et/E s с ϯ ϱ͘ Ϭ ϴ ; ϭ ϴ Η ,  W Ϳ ^/Es с ϯ ϱ͘ ϭ ϭ ; ϭ ϴ Η ,  W  Ϳ dKWсϯ ϵ͘ Ϭ Ϭ Et/Es с ϯ ϱ͘ ϭ ϱ ; ϭ ϱ Η ,  W  Ϳ ^/Es с ϯ ϱ͘ ϭ ϴ; ϭ ϴ Η ,  W  Ϳ dKWсϯ ϳ͘ ϰ ϯ Et/E s с ϯ ϰ͘ ϴ ϵ; ϭ ϴ Η ,  W  Ϳ dKWсϯ ϳ͘ ϰ Ϭ Et/Es с ϯ ϰ͘ ϵ Ϭ; ϭ ϴ Η ,  W  Ϳ dKWсϯ ϳ ͘ Ϭ ϵ E/Es с ϯ ϭ͘ Ϭ ϵ; Ϯ ϰ Η ,  W  Ϳ dKWсϯ ϲ͘ ϵ ϳ ^t/Es с Ϯ ϯ͘ ϴ ϭ ;/Es^ Θ K h d &  > > EKdK  d / E   Ͳ Z^^   W/ W  ^ Ϳ dKWсϯ ϵ ͘ Ϭ ϯ ^/Es с ϯ Ϭ͘ ϲ ϱ ; ϴ Η W s Ϳ ^t/E s с ϯ Ϭ͘ ϱ ϴ; ϴ Η W s Ϳ dKWсϯ ϳ͘ ϱ ϳ E/Es с ϯ Ϭ͘ Ϯ ϴ ; ϴ Η W s Ϳ Et/E s с ϯ Ϭ͘ ϰ ϱ; ϴ Η W s  Ϳ dKWсϯ ϲ͘ ϲ ϱ E/Es с Ϯ ϴ͘ ϳ ϱ ; ϴ Η W s Ϳ ^t/Es с Ϯ ϴ͘ ϴ ϱ ; ϴ Η W s  Ϳ ^/dE,DZ<η >sd/KEс dhDс E,DZ<EΘ Esϴϴ ϯϵ͘ϵϵ ϰ NO PARKINGFIRE LANENO PARKINGFIRE LANE1"=30' 18 23-015_Geometry.dwg SITE GEOMETRY PLAN C-5C 9 Orlando, FL 32809 Phone: 407-895-0324 Fax: 407-895-0325 www.feg-inc.us DESIGNED BY DRAWN BY CHECKED BY APPROVED BY PROJECT NO. SCALE DATE SHEET NO. SHEET OFDATE REVISIONS BY 23-015 JUNE 20, 2023 FLORIDAENGINEERINGGROUP Engineering the Future FEG SAM J. SEBAALI, P.E. LICENSE NO. 42075 FLORIDA ENGINEERING GROUP, INC. CERTIFICATE No. EB-0006595 INDEPENDENT LIVING FACILITY EAST STATE ROAD 434 PRINTED COPIES OF THIS DOCUMENT ARENOT CONSIDERED SIGNED AND SEALED AND THE SIGNATURE MUST BE VERIFIEDON ANY ELECTRONIC COPIES. SJS ET SJS SJS CONSTRUCTION PLAN WINTER SPRINGS, FLORIDA 41 NOTED 18 23-015_Geometry.dwg SITE GEOMETRY NOTES C-5D 10 Orlando, FL 32809 Phone: 407-895-0324 Fax: 407-895-0325 www.feg-inc.us DESIGNED BY DRAWN BY CHECKED BY APPROVED BY PROJECT NO. SCALE DATE SHEET NO. SHEET OFDATE REVISIONS BY 23-015 JUNE 20, 2023 FLORIDAENGINEERINGGROUP Engineering the Future FEG SAM J. SEBAALI, P.E. LICENSE NO. 42075 FLORIDA ENGINEERING GROUP, INC. CERTIFICATE No. EB-0006595 INDEPENDENT LIVING FACILITY EAST STATE ROAD 434 PRINTED COPIES OF THIS DOCUMENT ARENOT CONSIDERED SIGNED AND SEALED AND THE SIGNATURE MUST BE VERIFIEDON ANY ELECTRONIC COPIES. 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SCALE DATE SHEET NO. SHEET OFDATE REVISIONS BY 23-015 JUNE 20, 2023 FLORIDAENGINEERINGGROUP Engineering the Future FEG SAM J. SEBAALI, P.E. LICENSE NO. 42075 FLORIDA ENGINEERING GROUP, INC. CERTIFICATE No. EB-0006595 INDEPENDENT LIVING FACILITY EAST STATE ROAD 434 PRINTED COPIES OF THIS DOCUMENT ARENOT CONSIDERED SIGNED AND SEALED AND THE SIGNATURE MUST BE VERIFIEDON ANY ELECTRONIC COPIES. SJS ET SJS SJS CONSTRUCTION PLAN WINTER SPRINGS, FLORIDA ͟͟͟ ͟ ͟ ͟ ͟͟ ͟ ͟͞ 43 EϳϮΣϯ ϴΖ ϯ ϳ Η  ϭϮϵ͘ϳϱΖ   ^  EϲϱΣϮ ϳΖ Ϯ ϴ Η  ϭϮϵ͘ϳϯΖ D   ^ ^ϳϮΣϯϴΖ ϯ ϳ Η t ϯϱ͘ϳϱΖ   ^ ^ϭϳΣϮϭ ΖϮϯ Η  ϭϳϯ ͘ϰϳ Ζ ^ ^ϭϳΣϮϭΖϮϯΗ Ϯϭ͘ϰϬΖ^ ^ϮϰΣϯϭΖϯϯΗ Ϯϭ͘ϰϬΖD^EϳϮΣϯϴΖϯϳΗ ϯϰ͘ϬϬΖ^ EϲϱΣϬϱΖϰϳΗ ϯϰ͘ϬϲΖD^ WZ >͗ ϯ ϰ Ͳ Ϯ Ϭ Ͳ ϯ Ϭ Ͳ ϱ D  Ͳ K  Ϭ Ϭ Ͳ Ϭ Ϭ Ϭ Ϭ KtE Z͗ ,  /  E   s/ > >  '   K Ͳ K W/ E  KZϮϳ ϵ ϵ͕ W ' ϱ ϴ ϵ ϯϬΖ ϯϬΖ ^ϭϳΣϮϭΖϮϯΗ Ϯϭ͘ϱϯΖ^ ^ϮϱΣϬϰΖϯϴΗ Ϯϭ͘ϱϬΖD^ ^dd  Z K   ϰ ϯ ϰ ;Zͬtt/  d , s  Z/  ^Ϳ ZͬtD  W ^   d/ K E ϳ ϳ ϱ ϴ Ϭ Ͳ Ϯ ϲ ϭ Ϭ hW hW EϲϱΣϮ ϴΖ Ϯ ϳ Η  ϳ ϱ ϵ͘ ϳ ϱΖ D   ^ EϳϮΣϯϴΖ ϯ ϳ Η  ϳ ϱ ϵ͘ ϴ ϴΖ   ^  ^ϳϮΣϯϴΖ ϯ ϳ Η t ϴ Ϭ ϴ͘ ϴ ϴΖ   ^  ^ϲϱΣϮϳΖ ϰ ϲ Η t ϴ Ϭ ϴ͘ ϴ ϳΖ D   ^^ϭϳΣϮϭ ΖϮϯΗ  ϭϳϯ ͘ϲϬ Ζ ^^ϮϰΣϮϵ ΖϯϳΗ  ϭϳϯ ͘ϱϳ Ζ D^ ^ϯϮΣϯϲΖϰϰΗ ϱϳ͘ϬϭΖ^^ϯϵΣϰϰΖϱϮΗϱϳ͘ϮϵΖD^                                       Kt Kt Kt Kt Kt Kt Kt Kt Kt Kt Kt Kt Kt Kt Kt Kt Kt Kt Kt Kt Kt Kt Kt Kt Kt Kt Kt Kt Kt Kt Kt Kt Kt tttt ,/E Z /s  ;Z ͬtWZ>͗ ϯϰ ͲϮϬ ͲϯϬ ͲϱD ͲKϬϬ ͲϬϬϬϬKtEZ͗ , /E s />>' K ͲKW  /EKZϮϳϵϵ ͕ W' ϱϴϵ ,>d ^W, > d ^W, > d ^W, > d ^W, > d ^W, > d ^W,>d^W,>dϮΖKE   h Z  ϮΖKE   h Z  ϮΖKE   h Z  ϮΖKE   h Z  ϮΖKE   h Z ϮΖKE hZϴΗKE hZϴΗKE hZ t t t t &EϱͬϴΗ/Z EKη &EϭͲϭͬϰΗ/W EKη &Eϭ Ͳϭͬϰ Η  /WEKη &Eϱͬ ϴ Η / Z EKη ^dϭͬϮΗ/Z >ηϰϰϳϱ &EE Θ  >ηϯϱ ϱ ϲ &EϭͲϭͬϰΗ/W >^ηϮϬϬϱ tdZ D / E t t t t t t t t t t t t t t t t t t t t t t t t t t t t t & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & &   hW hW h W &, D ^ ^ ^ /s D ϲ ϳ ϴ ϵ ϭϭ ϭϯ ϭϰ ϭϱ ϭϳ ϭϴ hW &, ϭϵ ϮϬϮϭ K D/s ϮϮ Ϯϯ Ϯϰ       ^ ϭϬ ϭϮ ϭϲ ^^^^ ^ ^ ^^^ ^ ^ ^ ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' t ZK^^ t  > < tdZ^' >sсϯϯ͘ϯΖц ϱͬϮͬϮϯ ^K t t t tt t t^W, > d ^W,>d ^W, > d ϭ^dKZ z  > K  < &&сϰϬ͘ ϱ Ϭ ^K ^K ^K ZdE d / K E WKE ^K  &/  >  ;s E d Ͳ E K  h/ >  / E ' Ϳ ^Zͬt > / E  ;Z/ E '   ^/ ^Ϳ EϲϱΣϮϴΖ Ϯ ϳ Η  >sd/KE  dhDс dKWсϯϵ͘ϯϬ KddKDсϯϮ͘ϰϬ ;/Es^EKd Kd/EͲ Z^^W/W^Ϳ dKWсϯ ϳ͘ ϵ ϵ KddK D с ϯ ϭ͘ Ϯ ϵ ;/Es^EK d K  d / E   Ͳ Z^^   W/ W  ^ Ϳ Z^^W/W^Ϳ;/Es^EKd Kd/EͲ Z^^W/W^Ϳ dKWсϯϳ͘ϵϴ KddKDсϯϮ͘ϯϴ ;/Es^EKdKd/E ͲZ^^W/W^Ϳ dKWсϯϵ͘Ϯϯ KddKDсϯϮ͘ϵϯ ;/Es^EKd Kd/EͲ Z^^W/W^Ϳ Ͳ ^ͿdKWсϯϴ͘ϮϬ^ /Esсϯϱ ͘ϰϬ ;ϭϴΗ,W Ϳ^t/Esсϯϱ ͘ϯϵ ;ϭϱΗ,W Ϳ dKWсϯ ϴ͘ ϳ Ϯ Et/Es с ϯ ϱ͘ Ϭ ϴ ; ϭ ϴ Η ,  W Ϳ ^/Es с ϯ ϱ͘ ϭ ϭ; ϭ ϴ Η ,  W  Ϳ dKWсϯ ϵ͘ Ϭ Ϭ Et/E s с ϯ ϱ͘ ϭ ϱ; ϭ ϱ Η ,  W  Ϳ ^/Es с ϯ ϱ͘ ϭ ϴ; ϭ ϴ Η ,  W  Ϳ dKWсϯ ϳ͘ ϰ ϯ Et/E s с ϯ ϰ ͘ ϴ ϵ ; ϭ ϴ Η ,  W  Ϳ dKWсϯ ϳ͘ ϰ Ϭ Et/E s с ϯ ϰ͘ ϵ Ϭ; ϭ ϴ Η ,  W  Ϳ dKWсϯ ϳ ͘ Ϭ ϵ E/Es с ϯ ϭ͘ Ϭ ϵ; Ϯ ϰ Η ,  W  Ϳ dKWсϯ ϲ͘ ϵ ϳ ^t/E s с Ϯ ϯ͘ ϴ ϭ ;/Es^ Θ K h d &  > > EKdK  d / E  Ͳ Z^^   W/ W  ^ Ϳ dKWсϯ ϵ͘ Ϭ ϯ ^/Es с ϯ Ϭ͘ ϲ ϱ ; ϴ Η W s  Ϳ ^t/Es с ϯ Ϭ͘ ϱ ϴ; ϴ Η W s  Ϳ dKWсϯ ϳ͘ ϱ ϳ E/Es с ϯ Ϭ͘ Ϯ ϴ ; ϴ Η W s Ϳ Et/E s с ϯ Ϭ͘ ϰ ϱ; ϴ Η W s  Ϳ dKWсϯ ϲ͘ ϲ ϱ E/Es с Ϯ ϴ͘ ϳ ϱ; ϴ Η W s Ϳ ^t/E s с Ϯ ϴ͘ ϴ ϱ ; ϴ Η W s  Ϳ Esϴϴ ^/dE,DZ<η >sd/KEс dhDс E,DZ<EΘ Esϴϴ ϯϵ͘ϵϵ ϰ NO PARKINGFIRE LANENO PARKINGFIRE LANE͘ϴϴ       Kt Kt Kt Kt Kt Kt Kt t t t t & & & & & & & & & & & &hW /s ' ' ' ' ' 1"=30' 18 23-015_Utility.dwg SITE UTILITY PLAN C-7 12 Orlando, FL 32809 Phone: 407-895-0324 Fax: 407-895-0325 www.feg-inc.us DESIGNED BY DRAWN BY CHECKED BY APPROVED BY PROJECT NO. SCALE DATE SHEET NO. SHEET OFDATE REVISIONS BY 23-015 JUNE 20, 2023 FLORIDAENGINEERINGGROUP Engineering the Future FEG SAM J. SEBAALI, P.E. LICENSE NO. 42075 FLORIDA ENGINEERING GROUP, INC. CERTIFICATE No. EB-0006595 INDEPENDENT LIVING FACILITY EAST STATE ROAD 434 PRINTED COPIES OF THIS DOCUMENT ARENOT CONSIDERED SIGNED AND SEALED AND THE SIGNATURE MUST BE VERIFIEDON ANY ELECTRONIC COPIES. SJS ET SJS SJS CONSTRUCTION PLAN WINTER SPRINGS, FLORIDA &/ZZKE^/Z͗ KDDZ/>h/>/E' dzWK&KE^dZhd/KE͗dzW//;ϬϬϬͿ͕^WZ/E<>Z hdKDd/^WZ/E<>Z^h/>/E'͗zĞƐ dKd>>Z'^dhE/s/&>KKZZ͗ϰϰ͕ϱϱϵ^&;'ƌŽƐƐƌĞĂƉĞƌƌĐŚŝƚĞĐƚƵƌĂůWůĂŶͿ EhDZK&^dKZ/^͗ ϯ &/Z&>Kt͗ϰ͕ϱϬϬ'WD&ŝƌĞ&ůŽǁŝƐďĂƐĞĚŽŶ&ůŽƌŝĚĂ&ŝƌĞWƌĞǀĞŶƚŝŽŶŽĚĞ;ŚĂƉƚĞƌϭϴE&WϭͲϮϬϭϴ ĚŝƚŝŽŶͿͲdĂďůĞϭϴ͘ϰ͘ϱ͘Ϯ͘ϭ;DŝŶŝŵƵŵZĞƋƵŝƌĞĚ&ŝƌĞ&ůŽǁƵƌĂƚŝŽŶĨŽƌƵŝůĚŝŶŐͿ͘ Z/d&KZ^WZ/E<>Z^͗ϳϱйKZϯ͕ϯϳϱ'WD E&/Z&>Kt͗ ϰ͕ϱϬϬ'WDͲϯ͕ϯϳϱ'WDсϭ͕ϭϮϱ'WD;D/E͘Ϳ ϭ͕ϮϱϬ'WD;&ŝƌĞ&ůŽǁͿƉĞƌŝƚLJŽĨtŝŶƚĞƌ^ƉƌŝŶŐǁĂƚĞƌĚŝƐƚƌŝďƵƚŝŽŶƐLJƐƚĞŵƵŶĚĞƌƐĞĐƚŝŽŶϯͲϮ;Ϳ͘ &/Z,zZEdZ/d͗ &ŝƌĞ,LJĚƌĂŶƚ;ƐͿZĞƋƵŝƌĞĚ͗KŶĞ;ϭͿWĞƌŚĂƉƚĞƌϭϴE&WϭͲϮϬϭϴĚŝƚŝŽŶͲdĂďůĞϭϴ͘ϱ͘ϰ͘ϯ;ůĞƐƐƚŚĂŶϮϱϬĨƚ͘ &ŝƌĞ,LJĚƌĂŶƚ;ƐͿWƌŽǀŝĚĞĚ͗dǁŽ;ϮͿƉƌŽƉŽƐĞĚĨŝƌĞŚLJĚƌĂŶƚĂƌĞǁŝƚŚŝŶϮϱϬͲĨŽŽƚƚƌĂǀĞůĚŝƐƚĂŶĐĞĨƌŽŵďƵŝůĚŝŶŐ͘ &/Z,zZEdZ/dDd^&/Z&>KtZYh/ZͲK͘<͘ 44 Orlando, FL 32809 Phone: 407-895-0324 Fax: 407-895-0325 www.feg-inc.us DESIGNED BY DRAWN BY CHECKED BY APPROVED BY PROJECT NO. SCALE DATE SHEET NO. SHEET OFDATE REVISIONS BY 23-015 JUNE 20, 2023 FLORIDAENGINEERINGGROUP Engineering the Future FEG SAM J. SEBAALI, P.E. LICENSE NO. 42075 FLORIDA ENGINEERING GROUP, INC. CERTIFICATE No. EB-0006595 INDEPENDENT LIVING FACILITY EAST STATE ROAD 434 PRINTED COPIES OF THIS DOCUMENT ARENOT CONSIDERED SIGNED AND SEALED AND THE SIGNATURE MUST BE VERIFIEDON ANY ELECTRONIC COPIES. SJS ET SJS SJS CONSTRUCTION PLAN WINTER SPRINGS, FLORIDA NOTED 18 23-015_Details.dwg SITE CONSTRUCTION DETAILS C-8 13 45 NOTED 18 23-015_CrossSections.dwg SITE CROSS SECTIONS C-9 14 Orlando, FL 32809 Phone: 407-895-0324 Fax: 407-895-0325 www.feg-inc.us DESIGNED BY DRAWN BY CHECKED BY APPROVED BY PROJECT NO. SCALE DATE SHEET NO. SHEET OFDATE REVISIONS BY 23-015 JUNE 20, 2023 FLORIDAENGINEERINGGROUP Engineering the Future FEG SAM J. SEBAALI, P.E. LICENSE NO. 42075 FLORIDA ENGINEERING GROUP, INC. CERTIFICATE No. EB-0006595 INDEPENDENT LIVING FACILITY EAST STATE ROAD 434 PRINTED COPIES OF THIS DOCUMENT ARENOT CONSIDERED SIGNED AND SEALED AND THE SIGNATURE MUST BE VERIFIEDON ANY ELECTRONIC COPIES. SJS ET SJS SJS CONSTRUCTION PLAN WINTER SPRINGS, FLORIDA 46 NOTED 18 23-015_CityDetails.dwg CITY DETAILS C-10 15(SEE NOTE 2)TRENCH BACKFILL12" LIFTS MAXIMUMW/ SIZE OF PIPE VARIES SEE NOTE 4 PIPE O.D.COMMON FILL BEDDING MATERIAL 12" (TYP) UNDISTURBED EARTH FINISHED GRADETRENCH WIDTH SELECT COMMON FILL INITIAL BACKFILL (SEENOTE 1)(SEENOTE 3)HAUNCHING BEDDING(SEE NOTES 7 & 8) Orlando, FL 32809 Phone: 407-895-0324 Fax: 407-895-0325 www.feg-inc.us DESIGNED BY DRAWN BY CHECKED BY APPROVED BY PROJECT NO. SCALE DATE SHEET NO. SHEET OFDATE REVISIONS BY 23-015 JUNE 20, 2023 FLORIDAENGINEERINGGROUP Engineering the Future FEG SAM J. SEBAALI, P.E. LICENSE NO. 42075 FLORIDA ENGINEERING GROUP, INC. CERTIFICATE No. EB-0006595 INDEPENDENT LIVING FACILITY EAST STATE ROAD 434 PRINTED COPIES OF THIS DOCUMENT ARENOT CONSIDERED SIGNED AND SEALED AND THE SIGNATURE MUST BE VERIFIEDON ANY ELECTRONIC COPIES. SJS ET SJS SJS CONSTRUCTION PLAN WINTER SPRINGS, FLORIDA 47 EϳϮΣϯ ϴΖ ϯ ϳ Η  ϭϮϵ͘ϳϱΖ   ^  EϲϱΣϮϳΖ Ϯ ϴ Η  ϭϮϵ͘ϳϯΖ D   ^ ^ϳϮΣϯϴΖ ϯ ϳ Η t ϯϱ͘ϳϱΖ   ^ ^ϭϳΣϮϭ ΖϮϯΗ  ϭϳϯ ͘ϰϳ Ζ ^ d ϯΗ ϬΖ    ^ ^ϭϳΣϮϭΖϮϯΗ Ϯϭ͘ϰϬΖ^ ^ϮϰΣϯϭΖϯϯΗ Ϯϭ͘ϰϬΖD^EϳϮΣϯϴΖϯϳΗ ϯϰ͘ϬϬΖ^ EϲϱΣϬϱΖϰϳΗ ϯϰ͘ϬϲΖD^ WZ >͗ ϯ ϰͲ Ϯ ϬͲ ϯ ϬͲ ϱ D Ͳ K  Ϭ ϬͲ Ϭ Ϭ Ϭ Ϭ KtE Z͗ ,  /  E   s/ > >  '   KͲ K W/ E  KZϮϳ ϵ ϵ͕ W ' ϱ ϴ ϵ ϯϬΖ ϯϬΖ ^ϭϳΣϮϭΖϮϯΗ Ϯϭ͘ϱϯΖ^ ^ϮϱΣϬϰΖϯϴΗ Ϯϭ͘ϱϬΖD^ ^d d  Z K   ϰ ϯ ϰ ;Zͬt t/  d , s  Z/  ^ Ϳ ZͬtD  W ^   d/ K E ϳ ϳ ϱ ϴ Ϭ Ͳ Ϯ ϲ ϭ Ϭ tͲϬϬϬϬͲϬϰϴ ^dd^>> ϭϭϮϲ hW  hW hW EϲϱΣϮ ϴΖ Ϯ ϳ Η  ϳ ϱ ϵ͘ ϳ ϱΖ D   ^ EϳϮΣϯ ϴΖ ϯ ϳ Η  ϳ ϱ ϵ͘ ϴ ϴΖ   ^  ^ϳϮΣϯϴΖ ϯ ϳ Η t ϴ Ϭ ϴ͘ ϴ ϴΖ   ^  ^ϲϱΣϮϳΖ ϰ ϲ Η t ϴ Ϭ ϴ͘ ϴ ϳΖ D   ^^ϭϳΣϮϭ ΖϮϯΗ  ϭϳϯ ͘ϲϬ Ζ ^^ϮϰΣϮϵ ΖϯϳΗ  ϭϳϯ ͘ϱϳ Ζ D^EϭϯΣϭϮ ΖϮϬΗt  ϮϱϬ ͘ϬϬ Ζ ^EϮϬΣϮϮΖϯϰΗt  ϮϱϬ ͘Ϭϰ Ζ D^ ^ϯϮΣϯϲΖϰϰΗ ϱϳ͘ϬϭΖ^^ϯϵΣϰϰΖϱϮΗϱϳ͘ϮϵΖD^                                              Kt Kt Kt Kt Kt Kt Kt Kt Kt Kt Kt Kt Kt Kt Kt Kt Kt Kt Kt Kt Kt Kt Kt Kt Kt Kt Kt Kt Kt Kt Kt Kt Kt Kt Kt Kt Kt Kt Kt Kt Kt Kt Kt  t ,/E Z /s  ;Z ͬt t /d, sZ /^ ͿWZ>͗ ϯϰ ͲϮϬ ͲϯϬ ͲϱD ͲKϬϬ ͲϬϬϬϬKtEZ͗ , /E s />>' K ͲKW  /EKZϮϳϵϵ ͕ W' ϱϴϵ ^W,> d ^W, > d ^W, > d ^W, > d ^W, > d ^W, > d ^W, > d ^W,>d^W,>dϮΖKE   h Z  ϮΖKE   h Z  ϮΖKE   h Z  ϮΖKE   h Z  ϮΖKE   h Z  hZ ϮΖKE   h Z ϮΖKE hZϴΗKE hZϴΗ KE hZ t t t t t t ^ &EϱͬϴΗ/Z EKη &EϭͲϭͬϰΗ/W EKη &Eϭ Ͳϭ ͬϰΗ  /WEKη &Eϱͬ ϴ Η/ Z EKη ^dϭͬϮΗ/Z >ηϰϰϳϱ &EϯͬϰΗ/W EKη &EϯͬϰΗ/W EKη &EE Θ  >ηϯϱ ϱ ϲ &EϭͲϭͬϰΗ/W >^ηϮϬϬϱ &EϭͲϭͬϰΗ/W >^ηϮϬϬϱ ^W, >d tdZ D / E t t t t t t t t t t t t t t t t t t t t t t t t t t t t t t t t t tdZ D / E ^ϬϮΣϬϲΖϬϮΗ ϱϳ͘ϬϭΖ^ ^ϬϵΣϮϲΖϭϲΗ ϱϳ͘ϭϬΖD^ & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & &   hW hW h W &,D ^ ^ ^/s D ϲ ϳ ϴ ϵ ϭϭ ϭϯ ϭϰ ϭϱ ϭϳ ϭϴ hW &, ϭϵ ϮϬϮϭ K D/s ϮϮ Ϯϯ Ϯϰ       ^ ϭϬ ϭϮ ϭϲ ^^^^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' t ZK^^ t  > < tdZ^' >sсϯϯ͘ϯΖц ϱͬϮͬϮϯ ^K t t t tt t t^W, > d ^W,>d ^W, > d ϭ^dKZ z  > K  < &&сϰϬ ͘ ϱ Ϭ ^K^K ^K ZdE d/ K E WKE ^K  &/  >  ;s E d Ͳ E K  h/ > / E 'Ϳ ^Zͬt >/ E  ;Z/ E '   ^/ ^ Ϳ EϲϱΣϮϴΖ Ϯ ϳ Η  dKWсϰϮ͘ϯϬ E/EsсϯϮ͘ϳϬ Et/Esсϯϯ͘ϬϬ ^t/EsсϯϮ͘ϵϱ dKWсϯϵ͘ϯϬ KddKDсϯϮ͘ϰϬ ;/Es^EKd Kd/EͲ Z^^W/W^Ϳ dKWсϯ ϳ͘ ϵ ϵ KddK D с ϯ ϭ͘ Ϯ ϵ ;/Es^ E K d K  d / E   Ͳ Z^^   W / W  ^Ϳ dKWсϯϲ͘ϳϬ KddKDсϯϬ͘ϳϬ ;/Es^EKd Kd/EͲ Z^^W/W^Ϳ dKWсϯϳ͘ϵϴ KddKDсϯϮ͘ϯϴ ;/Es^EKdKd/E ͲZ^^W/W^Ϳ dKWсϯϵ͘Ϯϯ KddKDсϯϮ͘ϵϯ ;/Es^EKd Kd/EͲ Z^^W/W^Ϳ dKWсϰ Ϭ ͘ ϳ ϰ ;/Es^EK d Kd/E   Ͳ Z^^   W/ W  ^ Ϳ dKWсϯϴ͘ϮϬ^ /Esсϯϱ ͘ϰϬ ;ϭϴΗ,W Ϳ^t/Esсϯϱ ͘ϯϵ ;ϭϱ Η,W Ϳ dKWсϯ ϴ͘ ϳ Ϯ Et/Es с ϯ ϱ͘ Ϭ ϴ; ϭ ϴ Η ,  W  Ϳ ^/Es с ϯ ϱ͘ ϭ ϭ ; ϭ ϴ Η ,  W  Ϳ dKWсϯ ϵ͘ Ϭ Ϭ Et/E s с ϯ ϱ ͘ ϭ ϱ ; ϭ ϱ Η ,  W  Ϳ ^/Es с ϯ ϱ͘ ϭ ϴ ; ϭ ϴ Η ,  W Ϳ dKWсϯ ϳ͘ ϰ ϯ Et/E s с ϯ ϰ͘ ϴ ϵ ; ϭ ϴ Η ,  W  Ϳ dKWсϯ ϳ͘ ϰ Ϭ Et/E s с ϯ ϰ͘ ϵ Ϭ ; ϭ ϴ Η ,  W Ϳ dKWсϯ ϳ͘ Ϭ ϵ E/Es с ϯ ϭ͘ Ϭ ϵ ; Ϯ ϰ Η ,  W Ϳ dKWсϯ ϲ ͘ ϵ ϳ ^t/Es с Ϯ ϯ͘ ϴ ϭ ;/Es^Θ K h d &  > > EKdK  d / E   Ͳ Z^ ^   W/ W  ^Ϳ dKWсϯ ϵ͘ Ϭ ϯ ^/Es с ϯ Ϭ͘ ϲ ϱ; ϴ Η W s  Ϳ ^t/E s с ϯ Ϭ͘ ϱ ϴ ; ϴ Η W s  Ϳ dKWсϯ ϳ ͘ ϱ ϳ E/Es с ϯ Ϭ͘ Ϯ ϴ; ϴ Η W s  Ϳ Et/E s с ϯ Ϭ͘ ϰ ϱ ; ϴ Η W s Ϳ dKWсϯ ϲ͘ ϲ ϱ E/Es с Ϯ ϴ͘ ϳ ϱ ; ϴ Η W s  Ϳ ^t/E s с Ϯ ϴ͘ ϴ ϱ; ϴ Η W s  Ϳ ^/dE,DZ<η >sd/KEс dhDс E,DZ<EΘ Esϴϴ ϯϵ͘ϵϵ ϰ NO PARKINGFIRE LANENO PARKINGFIRE LANE1"=30' 18 23-015_Autoturn.dwg SITE FIRE TRUCK AUTOTURN PLAN C-11 16 Orlando, FL 32809 Phone: 407-895-0324 Fax: 407-895-0325 www.feg-inc.us DESIGNED BY DRAWN BY CHECKED BY APPROVED BY PROJECT NO. SCALE DATE SHEET NO. SHEET OFDATE REVISIONS BY 23-015 JUNE 20, 2023 FLORIDAENGINEERINGGROUP Engineering the Future FEG SAM J. SEBAALI, P.E. LICENSE NO. 42075 FLORIDA ENGINEERING GROUP, INC. CERTIFICATE No. EB-0006595 INDEPENDENT LIVING FACILITY EAST STATE ROAD 434 PRINTED COPIES OF THIS DOCUMENT ARENOT CONSIDERED SIGNED AND SEALED AND THE SIGNATURE MUST BE VERIFIEDON ANY ELECTRONIC COPIES. SJS ET SJS SJS CONSTRUCTION PLAN WINTER SPRINGS, FLORIDA 48 49 50 INDEPENDENT LIVING FOR:THE CHAU CORPORATION5127 SOUTH ORANGE AVE.SUITE 110 ORLANDO , FL. 32809TEL - 407-490-0350FAX - 407-232-6000info@rabits-architect.comwww.rabits-architect.comARCHITECTUREPLANNINGANDDESIGNAA26002490INDEPENDENT LIVING FOR:THE CHAU CORPORATION5127 SOUTH ORANGE AVE.SUITE 110 ORLANDO , FL. 32809TEL - 407-490-0350FAX - 407-232-6000info@rabits-architect.comwww.rabits-architect.comARCHITECTUREPLANNINGANDDESIGNAA26002490INDEPENDENT LIVING FOR:THE CHAU CORPORATION5127 SOUTH ORANGE AVE.SUITE 110 ORLANDO , FL. 32809TEL - 407-490-0350FAX - 407-232-6000info@rabits-architect.comwww.rabits-architect.comARCHITECTUREPLANNINGANDDESIGNAA26002490INDEPENDENT LIVING FOR:THE CHAU CORPORATION5127 SOUTH ORANGE AVE.SUITE 110 ORLANDO , FL. 32809TEL - 407-490-0350FAX - 407-232-6000info@rabits-architect.comwww.rabits-architect.comARCHITECTUREPLANNINGANDDESIGNAA2600249051 INDEPENDENT LIVING FOR:THE CHAU CORPORATION5127 SOUTH ORANGE AVE.SUITE 110 ORLANDO , FL. 32809TEL - 407-490-0350FAX - 407-232-6000info@rabits-architect.comwww.rabits-architect.comARCHITECTUREPLANNINGANDDESIGNAA2600249052                   !"#$$!"$ %&'& ( )# # '*+* ,-.'/! *0 ) $   1 (&23 ')*) '/('/!*0 '  '*2 ) ( 4 +*+&'& &( ( )'*+ '$5(671 '/8& '1 )*) '/*&$/9-0110(  : '*'1 '/2/  !;7  !)*)*( ('*1< '1 %&'& (  (<'*+*#*&'/="&2&2('' (='*'/=*0  ' =7  !9)*)*( ('* >* '1 )*) '/+*#*&'/=!- <&$'&$='*'/=!,*0 ' !4$ &2$.=7        "'++ *## ('1''1 $<? *< * *## ))*4$*+  !'*'1 '/*##((*7  53 TITLE 310 Wagner Point | Small-Scale Future Land Use Map Amendment SUMMARY/UPDATE The Community Development Department requests that the City Commission hold a Public Hearing to consider Ordinance 2024-02 for the Small-Scale Future Land Use Map Amendment for the ±1.04-acre lot located on the west side of Central Winds Park and north of State Road 434. General Information Applicant City of Winter Springs Property Owner(s) City of Winter Springs Location West of Central Winds Park, east of Wagner Point, and north of State Road 434 Tract Size ±1.04 acres Parcel ID Number 26-20-30-5AR-0D00-003C Zoning Designation None (Seminole County A-1) FLUM Designation None (Seminole County Suburban Estates) Adjacent Land Use North: Residential East: City Park & Recreation South: State Road 434 West: Vacant Development Permits None Development Agreement None Code Enforcement None City Liens None Request: The Community Development Department initiated a Small-Scale Future Land Use Map Amendment for the subject property, located on the north side of State Road 434, west of Central Winds Park, and east of Wagner Point. Ordinance 2024-02 proposes to change the PUBLIC HEARINGS AGENDA PLANNING & ZONING BOARD THURSDAY, January 4, 2024 | REGULAR MEETING 54 PUBLIC HEARINGS AGENDA | THURSDAY, JANUARY 4, 2024 | PAGE 2 OF 5 Future Land Use Map designation from Seminole County “Suburban Estates” to the City of Winter Springs “Town Center District”. Background Data: The subject property was used as agricultural land in the 1900’s adjacent to the SAL railroad until the early 1970’s when the agricultural business discontinued operation and a small home was constructed on the property. The property was acquired by the City of Winter Springs on July 23, 2021 and, in 2022, by Ordinance 2022-06 the property was annexed into the City of Winter Springs. The dilapidated home located on the property was subsequently condemned and demolished. The subject property has remained vacant since. Public Notices: Public Hearing Notices were mailed to all owners of real property adjacent to and within approximately five-hundred (500) feet of the subject property and to all Homeowner’s Associations registered with the City Winter Springs and located within one-half (1/2) mile of the subject property (35 notices) on December 13, 2023. Comprehensive Plan Amendment Analysis: The following summarizes the data and issues which staff analyzed in reviewing this application: Through Ordinance 2024-02, staff is requesting the City of Winter Springs “TC (Town Center)” land use designation be applied to the 1.04 acre parcel. The requested Future Land Use Map designation is intended to remove the existing Suburban Estates/A-1 (agricultural) designations from the property, thereby protecting the property so it may be used for purposes beneficial to the public such as parks and recreation, and/or government uses. The requested Future Land Use Map designation was determined by evaluating the prevailing character of the immediate surrounding properties as well as by evaluating the land use and future goals and objectives of the City. Future Land Use Map (FLUM) Amendment Analysis: The following criteria is set forth by City of Winter Springs Code of Ordinances Section 15- 36 which has been analyzed by staff to form a recommendation: Future Land Use Amendment Criteria & Analysis 1. Whether the proposed amendment will have a favorable or unfavorable effect on the city's budget, or the economy of the city or the region; Analysis: The proposed amendment is not expected to have an adverse effect on the City’s budget. Moreover, additional property set aside for parks has the potential to have a positive impact on nearby property values. The proposed Future Land Use designation is consistent with the City’s goals of providing first class park amenities which is a factor in attracting future growth (See Recreation and Open Space Element policy 1.1.10 and Future Land Use Element policies 2.1.6 and 2.2.3). 55 PUBLIC HEARINGS AGENDA | THURSDAY, JANUARY 4, 2024 | PAGE 3 OF 5 2. Whether the proposed amendment will diminish or negatively impact the Level of Service (LOS) of public facilities; Analysis: The proposed amendment will allow for the preservation of a FLU designation which will have a low impact on the LOS of public facilities, as use of the property will be reserved for civic and public uses. The property may be used to complement or enhance existing Central Winds Park amenities, which may include parking, open space, or other public uses. Given that the property is only one acre in size, the amendment will not negatively impact the level of service of public facilities such as sanitary sewer, solid waste, and potable water. 3. Whether there will be a favorable or unfavorable impact on the environment or the natural or historical resources of the city or the region as a result of the proposed amendment; Analysis: There are no foreseen negative impacts on environmental, natural resources, or historical resources of the City or the region. Preserving the property for civic or public uses may have a favorable impact on the environment or natural resources of the City. 4. Whether the proposed amendment is consistent with the goals, objectives, and policies of the state comprehensive plan set forth in Chapter 187, Florida Statutes, and the East Central Florida Regional Planning Council, as amended from time to time; Analysis: The proposed amendment is consistent with the goals, objectives, and policies of the State Comprehensive Plan, most notably Recreation and Open Space Element policy 1.1.10 which encourages acquisition of park land. 5. Whether the City is able to provide adequate service from public facilities to the affected property, if the proposed amendment is granted, and whether the proposed amendment will promote the cost/effective use of or unduly burden public facilities; Analysis: The proposed amendment will not pose any significant increase in public facilities (water, sewer, etc.) and will promote the effective use of public facilities. The property is intended, for now, to be held as open space and therefore will not lead to a significant increase in the use of public facilities. 6. Whether the proposed amendment is compatible with surrounding neighborhoods and land use; Analysis: 56 PUBLIC HEARINGS AGENDA | THURSDAY, JANUARY 4, 2024 | PAGE 4 OF 5 The surrounding neighborhoods and land uses are similar to and compatible with that of the subject property. Vacant properties are located to the west. The single-family homes on agriculturally zoned land to the north are buffered by vegetation and will be protected from commercial development by the proposed amendment, which would allow only for civic and public uses on the property. Central Winds Park is to the east and is compatible with the proposed amendment and the character of the surrounding neighborhoods. 7. Whether approval of the proposed amendment will cause the Comprehensive Plan to be internally inconsistent; Analysis: The proposed amendment is consistent with the goals, objectives, and policies of the City of Winter Springs Comprehensive Plan. The proposed amendment would promote consistency with the Comprehensive Plan by ensuring that the subject property receives an appropriate City Future Land Use Designation which is compatible with the Future Land Use designations of surrounding properties. 8. Whether the proposed amendment will promote or adversely affect the public health, safety, welfare, economic order, or aesthetics of the city or region; Analysis: There are no foreseen adverse impacts of this project on the public health, safety, welfare, economic order, or aesthetics of the city or region. Moreover, preserving the subject property for civic and public use may result in promoting the public health, welfare, and aesthetics of the City. 9. The contents of any Evaluation and Appraisal Report (EAR) prepared pursuant to 163.3191, Florida Statutes; Analysis: Not applicable. 10. Whether the proposed amendment is consistent and in compliance with law; Analysis: The proposed amendment is consistent and in compliance with law. 11. Whether the proposed amendment is consistent, and not in conflict, with the legislative policy directives established by the City Commission including, but not limited to, those set forth in the City's Comprehensive Plan and City Code, adopted master plans, economic development goals and objectives, community redevelopment plans, and brownfield areas. Analysis: 57 PUBLIC HEARINGS AGENDA | THURSDAY, JANUARY 4, 2024 | PAGE 5 OF 5 The proposed amendment is consistent and in compliance with legislative policies established by the city commission, including the comprehensive plan and city code, adopted master plans, economic development goals and objectives, and community redevelopment plans, as the subject property, as amended, will provide the potential for uses which serve the public benefit such as parks and recreation, conservation areas, and government uses which serve the adjacent communities and the City of Winter Springs as a whole (see Future Land Use Element policies 2.1.6 and 2.2.3). Applicable Law, Public Policy, and Events: - State of Florida Statues o Sections 163.2511-163.3246: Growth Policy; County and Municipal Planning; Land Development Regulation (Provides that any development regulations for municipal planning be consistent with the Comprehensive Plan). o Section 166.041: Procedures for adoption of ordinances and resolutions. - Code of Ordinances City of Winter Springs o Chapter 15, Article 3 – Comprehensive Plan Amendments o Section 20-31. - Rezoning o Section 20-325. - Transect Standards - Comprehensive Plan City of Winter Springs o Future Land Use Element Item 6(d) o Recreation and Open Space Policy 1.1.10. Procedural History: Procedural History: December 12, 2022 Annexation approved by City Commission Recommendation: Staff recommends that the City Commission adopt ordinance 2024-02 to change the Future Land Use designation from Seminole County “Suburban Estates” to City “Town Center”. Attachments: 1. Current Future Land Use Map 2. Proposed Future Land Use Map 58 59 60