HomeMy WebLinkAboutWaste Pro of Florida, Inc. Satisfaction Report 2023 05 16WINTER SPRINGS CUSTOMER SATISFACTION WITH WASTE MANAGEMENT SERVICES Jacquelyn Fernandez-Reiss, Amy M. Donley, Ph.D., and Julio Montanez May 16, 2023 1 TABLE OF CONTENTS OVERVIEW .............................................................................................. 2 DATA COLLECTION ................................................................................ 3 TABLE 1. DATA COLLECTION ............................................................................ 4 RESULTS ................................................................................................. 5 Overall Customer Satisfaction ............................................................... 5 TABLE 2. SATISFACTION WITH TRASH COLLECTION SERVICES ................. 6 Specific Comments & Complaints ......................................................... 7 Customers to Contact ........................................................................... 9 TABLE 3. COMMENTS, COMPLAINTS, AND CONTACT INFORMATION ......... 9 Damaged Trash Bins .......................................................................... 10 TABLE 4. DAMAGED TRASH COLLECTION CONTAINERS ............................ 10 2 OVERVIEW The Institute for Social and Behavioral Science (ISBS) at the University of Central Florida (UCF) contracted with the City of Winter Springs, FL to conduct a survey to determine the level of customer satisfaction with the City’s solid waste disposal subcontractor, Waste Pro. The sample was obtained in 2023 from the City of Winter Springs’ resident database. A link to the survey was sent through email to each customer who had an email registered with the City of Winter Springs. The survey was then taken by the customer online. The survey was available to be taken from April 11 to April 21, 2023. The survey consisted of a structured, electronic questionnaire that is used annually to determine consumers’ satisfaction with Waste Pro. The survey design included an initial screening question to ensure only residents who currently live in the City of Winter Springs and are charged for trash collection services are able to complete the survey. To do this, at the beginning of each survey participants are asked the following screening question: “Does the monthly water bill that you get from the City of Winter Springs include a charge for trash collection services?” If an individual responds “no” or “don’t know” to the question above, they are taken to the end of the survey and, thus, excluded from the final sample. 3 DATA COLLECTION Due to the Covid-19 pandemic, the method of data collection for the annual survey was modified in 2020 from a telephone survey to an online survey distributed via Qualtrics. To distribute the survey online, customer email addresses were provided by the City of Winter Springs and utilized to collect data via a modified survey that was suitable for customers to take themselves. The survey was distributed to all the e-mail addresses provided by the City of Winter Springs on April 11, 2023. The following week a reminder e-mail was sent to all participants who had not yet completed the survey. At the end of that week, on April 21st, the survey was closed with a total of 774 responses, which equates to a response rate of 8.49%. Table 1 shows the breakdown of the survey collection throughout its duration. The sample frame was comprised of 9,119 customer email addresses. Out of the 9,119 e-mail addresses, 834, or 9.1%, of customers could not be reached over email because their provided email address either bounced back or failed. Approximately 7,511 customers, or 82.4%, did not open the survey link. Of those that did receive the email and opened the survey link, 774 customers completed the survey. Although 97.7% of people who did open the link submitted a survey, some cases were excluded because they were not 18 years of age or older (n=10), they did not live in Winter Springs (n=4), and they did not answer “Yes” to the screening question (n=224). After eliminating those survey respondents, the final sample of Waste Pro customers was 536, which was 5.88% of all total emails. 4 TABLE 1. DATA COLLECTION Total TOTAL COLLECTED SURVEYS 774 WASTEPRO CUSTOMERS 536 DID NOT COMPLETE PAST SCREENING QUESTIONS 10 DID NOT LIVE IN WINTER SPRINGS 4 DID NOT ANSWER “YES” WASTEPRO CHARGES ON MONTHLY BILL 224 BOUNCED EMAILS 817 FAILED EMAILS 17 NO RESPONSE 7,511 TOTAL EMAILS SENT 9,119 5 RESULTS Overall Customer Satisfaction After the initial screening questions, the survey asked participants about their overall satisfaction with the trash collection services. The question is as follows: “As you probably know, solid waste in Winter Springs is picked up by a private contractor, Waste Pro. All in all, are you satisfied or unsatisfied with the trash collection services you receive at your place of residence?” Out of the 536 Waste Pro customers who submitted a survey, only 534 customers responded to this question. The results, which are highlighted in Table 2, show that customer satisfaction with Waste Pro (91.2%) exceeds the 90% satisfaction rating required. Compared to the findings from 2021 and 2022, customer satisfaction with Waste Pro has slightly increased from 90.3% in 2021 and 90.9% in 2022 to 91.2% in 2023. Moreover, 23 participants, or about 4.3% of the sample, chose “Other” when asked about their satisfaction. Of the 23 participants who chose “Other,” 16 left comments describing why they may have chosen “Other” as a response. Of those 16 comments, about one-fourth indicated praise and being very satisfied with their trash collection services. About one-third indicated moderate satisfaction or satisfaction with a caveat. For example, one participant left the following comment when asked about satisfaction: “Typically yes, but during the last couple of weeks, they didn't pick up on Fridays.” About two other participants stated that they were “somewhat satisfied.” Other comments provided specific feedback, such as wanting animal tamper-proof trash bins and items falling onto the street during trash collection. One comment expressed unsureness (i.e., “I don’t know”). All comments are listed on the “Comments on Satisfaction Level” sheet in the attached Excel document. 6 TABLE 2. SATISFACTION WITH TRASH COLLECTION SERVICES Frequency Percentage (%) SATISFIED 487 91.2% UNSATISFIED 24 4.5% OTHER 23 4.3% TOTAL 534 100% 7 Specific Comments & Complaints The satisfaction questions were followed by an open-ended question asking participants about specific comments complaints they have about their trash collection services. The question is as follows: “Do you have any specific complaints about the trash collection service that you would like express?” While the satisfaction with Waste Pro's services was high, like past years, many satisfied customers still took the opportunity to express their comments or complaints with Waste Pro's services. Out of the 536 Waste Pro customers who submitted a survey, 462 responded to this question and 206 customers answered that they had a comment or complaint to express. Out of the 206 customers who had a comment or complaint, 201 completed a comment. Approximately 94 customers left some type of positive comment. Out of those positive comments many stated that Waste Pro and the trash collectors do an “excellent” and “great” job, they are “friendly,” “polite,” “helpful,” and that they are “efficient and courteous”. Some customers mentioned “attention to detail” and expressed satisfaction that Waste Pro is “easy to contact.” Some customers emphasized that Waste Pro goes “the extra mile” and positively noted service accommodations for people with disabilities. About 70 customers chose to leave a complaint about their service. Of these customers, a portion discussed rough treatment of trash bins, improper placement of trash bins after pickup, and leaving trash in the street after pickup. Separately, about 21 customers detailed timing/logistical complaints. Of these approximately 21 customers, some discussed missed and inconsistent pickup times. Additionally, about 11 customers exclusively critiqued recycling services, such as needing larger recycling bins and wanting recycling bins with wheels. 8 About three customers provided mixed comments, noting a positive aspect of Waste Pro services while also leaving a comment. These customers noted progress in services, as well as inconsistent quality of services in different locales. About two customers provided remarks that could not be deciphered. 9 Customers to Contact Customers who expressed any sort of comment or complaint, regardless of whether they reported overall satisfaction with their trash collection services, were asked if they would like to be contacted by the City of Winter Springs to discuss their specific comments or complaints. Table 3 shows that out of the 206 customers that indicated they had a specific comment or complaint, 201 customers actually left a comment in their survey response. Out of those 206 customers who had a comment or complaint, 202 answered the question asking whether they wanted to be contacted. Out of those 202 responses, 21 customers answered that they would like to be contacted about their comment or complaint. While only 18 of those 21 customers left comments, all 21 customers left their contact information. The customers’ contact information, as well as their complaint, is listed in the “Complaint Contact” sheet in the attached Excel document. TABLE 3. COMMENTS, COMPLAINTS, AND CONTACT INFORMATION Has a Comment or Complaint Left a Comment or Complaint Wants to be Contacted Freq. % Freq. % Freq. % YES 206 44.6% 201 100% 21 10.4% NO 256 55.4% 181 89.6% TOTAL 462 100% 201 100% 202 100% 10 Damaged Trash Bins Lastly, all respondents were asked if their trash collection containers are damaged to the point that they need replacing. The question is as follows: “Is your trash collection container (bin) damaged to the point where you would like it to be replaced?” Out of the 536 Waste Pro customers who submitted a survey, a total of 532 responded to this question. Most customers who responded indicated that they are satisfied with the condition of their containers (91.9%). Table 4 shows that 43 customers’ containers are damaged to the point where they would like them replaced. Of those 43 customers, 39 left their name, address, and contact information, which can be found in the “Damaged Bins Contact” sheet in the attached Excel document. TABLE 4. DAMAGED TRASH COLLECTION CONTAINERS Frequency Percentage (%) YES 43 8% NO 489 92% TOTAL 532 100%