HomeMy WebLinkAbout2024 02 07 Parks and Recreation Advisory Committee Regular Meeting AgendaPARKS AND RECREATION ADVISORY COMMITTEE REGULAR MEETING AGENDA WEDNESDAY, FEBRUARY 7, 2024 - 5:30 PM CITY HALL - COMMISSION CHAMBERS 1126 EAST STATE ROAD 434, WINTER SPRINGS, FLORIDA 1 CALL TO ORDER Roll Call Invocation Pledge of Allegiance Agenda Changes REGULAR AGENDA - PART I 500. Election for Chairperson of the Parks and Recreation Advisory Committee for Calendar Year 2024 501. Election for Vice-Chairperson of the Parks and Recreation Advisory Committee for Calendar Year 2024 AWARDS AND PRESENTATIONS 100. Not Used INFORMATIONAL AGENDA 200. Not Used PUBLIC INPUT Anyone who wishes to speak during Public Input on any Agenda Item or subject matter will need to fill out a “Public Input” form. Individuals will limit their comments to three (3) minutes, and representatives of groups or homeowners' associations shall limit their comments to five (5) minutes, unless otherwise determined by the City Commission. CONSENT AGENDA 300. Approval of the Wednesday, Febuary 1, 2023 Parks and Recreation Advisosry Committee Regular Meeting Minutes 2023 02 01 PARAC Regular Meeting Minutes.pdf PUBLIC HEARINGS AGENDA 400. Not Used REGULAR AGENDA - PART II 502. Project and Events Update City of Winter Springs Parks Rec Update.pdf 503. Calendar Year 2024 City Events and Programs 2024-EventsAndPrograms.pdf REPORTS 2 PUBLIC INPUT Anyone who wishes to speak during Public Input on any Agenda Item or subject matter will need to fill out a “Public Input” form. Individuals will limit their comments to three (3) minutes, and representatives of groups or homeowners' associations shall limit their comments to five (5) minutes, unless otherwise determined by the City Commission. ADJOURNMENT PUBLIC NOTICE This is a Public Meeting, and the public is invited to attend and this Agenda is subject to change. Please be advised that one (1) or more Members of any of the City's Advisory Boards and Committees may be in attendance at this Meeting, and may participate in discussions. Persons with disabilities needing assistance to participate in any of these proceedings should contact the City of Winter Springs at (407) 327-1800 "at least 48 hours prior to meeting, a written request by a physically handicapped person to attend the meeting, directed to the chairperson or director of such board, commission, agency, or authority" - per Section 286.26 Florida Statutes. "If a person decides to appeal any decision made by the board, agency, or commission with respect to any matter considered at such meeting or hearing, he or she will need a record of the proceedings, and that, for such purpose, he or she may need to ensure that a verbatim record of the proceedings is made, which record includes the testimony and evidence upon which the appeal is to be based" - per Section 286.0105 Florida Statutes. 3 CONSENT AGENDA ITEM 300 PARKS AND RECREATION ADVISORY COMMITTEE AGENDA | FEBRUARY 7, 2024 REGULAR MEETING TITLE Approval of the Wednesday, Febuary 1, 2023 Parks and Recreation Advisosry Committee Regular Meeting Minutes SUMMARY FUNDING SOURCE RECOMMENDATION Staff recommends the committee approve the meeting minutes from the Febuary 1, 2023 Parks and Recreation Advisosry Committee Regular Meeting as presented. 4 CITY OF WINTER SPRINGS, FLORIDA MINUTES PARKS AND RECREATION ADVISORY COMMITTEE REGULAR MEETING FEBRUARY 01, 2023 CALL TO ORDER Vice-Chairperson Jim Van Kleunen called the Regular Meeting of Wednesday, February 01, 2023 of the Parks and Recreation Advisory Committee to order at 5:30 p.m. in the Commission Chambers of the Municipal Building (City Hall, 1126 East State Road 434, Winter Springs, Florida 32708). Roll Call: Vice-Chairperson Jim Van Kleunen, present Committee Member Andrew Zacharias, present Committee Member Art Gallo, present Committee Member Sabrina Parsons, present Committee Member Karen Owens, present Committee Member Jeff Crandall, present Committee Member Jason Maitland, present Assistant City Clerk Tristin Motter, present Also present: Mr. Brian Dunigan, Parks Manager, Parks and Recreation Department A moment of silence was held and was followed by the Pledge of Allegiance. REGULAR AGENDA - PART I 500) Election for Chairperson of the Parks and Recreation Advisory Committee for Calendar Year 2023 “JIM [VAN KLEUNEN] I WOULD LIKE TO NOMINATE YOU.” MOTION MADE BY COMMITTEE MEMBER ZACHARIAS. SECONDED BY COMMITTEE MEMBER OWENS. VOTE: VAN KLEUNEN (AYE); ZACHARIAS (AYE); OWENS (AYE); PARSONS (AYE); CRANDALL (AYE); MAITLAND (AYE) MOTION CARRIED. JIM VAN KLEUNEN WAS ELECTED THE CHAIRPERSON 501) Election for Vice-Chairperson of the Parks and Recreation Advisory Committee for Calendar Year 2023 “I MOTION THAT ANDREW ZACHARIAS BE THE VICE-CHAIRPERSON FOR THE PARKS AND RECREATION ADVISORY COMMITTEE.” MOTION BY CHAIRPERSON VAN KLEUNEN. SECONDED BY COMMITTEE MEMBER PARSONS. VOTE: VAN KLEUNEN (AYE); ZACHARIAS (AYE); OWENS (AYE); PARSONS (AYE); CRANDALL (AYE); MAITLAND (AYE) 5 CITY OF WINTER SPRINGS, FLORIDA MINUTES PARKS AND RECREATION ADVISORY COMMITTEE REGULAR MEETING – FEBRUARY 01, 2023 PAGE 2 OF 4 MOTION CARRIED ANDREW ZACHARIAS WAS ELECTED THE VICE-CHAIRPERSON AWARDS AND PRESENTATIONS 100) Not Used INFORMATIONAL AGENDA 200) Not Used PUBLIC INPUT Chairperson Van Kleunen opened “Public Input”. Mr. Art Gallo, 199 Nandia Terrace, Winter Springs gave thanks to Staff and proposed having some “in honor” of Former Chairperson Arnie Nussbaum. Suggestion for naming the new pavilion “in honor” of was given. Commissioner Ted Johnson relayed the City Commissions has already discussed naming the pavilion in Arnie’s honor. Mrs. Gina Shafer, Winter Springs Village, Winter Springs agreed with the recognition and gave additional suggestion of having a banner put for Arnie along with the City's Hometown heroes. Mrs. Shafer also gave the suggestion of moving the 9/11 recognition to the High school so the students can be involved in the recognition. Discussion ensued between Staff and the Board regarding the banner suggestion, the costs associated and the suggested move of the 9/11 tribute recognition to the High school. It was relayed to the Committee that the School Board would need to be involved in the decision. An additional suggestion was given to hold the recognition at the Blumberg Park. Staff expressed some concern including road closure, time of the event and traffic. "I WOULD LIKE TO MOVE A PLAQUE IN ARNIE’S MEMORY BE MADE FOR THE [NEW] PAVILION." MOTION BY VICE-CHAIRPERSON ZACHARIAS. SECONDED BY COMMITTEE MEMBER OWENS. DISCUSSION. MOTION PASSED WITH UNANIMOUS CONSENT MOTION CARRIED. "I WILL MAKE A MOTION THAT MR. HOLLSINBECK NAME BE PUT ON THE NEW BASKETBALL COURTS AT TROTWOOD PARK." MOTION BY CHAIRPERSON VAN KLEUNEN. SECONDED BY COMMITTEE MEMBER MAITLAND. DISCUSSION. MOTION PASSED WITH UNANIMOUS CONSENT MOTION CARRIED. Chairperson Van Kleunen closed “Public Input”. CONSENT AGENDA 300) Approval of the Wednesday, August 3, 2022 Parks and Recreation Regular Meeting Minutes 6 CITY OF WINTER SPRINGS, FLORIDA MINUTES PARKS AND RECREATION ADVISORY COMMITTEE REGULAR MEETING – FEBRUARY 01, 2023 PAGE 3 OF 4 "I WOULD LIKE TO MAKE A MOTION TO APPROVE THE MINUTES FROM THE AUGUST 3, 2022 PARKS AND RECREATION COMMITTEE MEETING." MOTION BY COMMITTEE MEMBER PARSONS. SECONDED BY COMMITTEE MEMBER MAITLAND. DISCUSSION. VOTE: VAN KLEUNEN (AYE); ZACHARIAS (AYE); OWENS (AYE); PARSONS (AYE); CRANDALL (AYE); MAITLAND (AYE) MOTION CARRIED. PUBLIC HEARINGS AGENDA 400) Not Used REGULAR AGENDA - PART II 502) Discussion on Lightning Alarms in City Parks Mr. Brian Dunigan, Parks Manager, Parks and Recreation Department introduced the item and gave an overview of the City's current Thor Guard severe weather system. Staff relayed the City’s risk management will be partnering with the County on trying to obtain grants. Discussion ensued regarding additional weather alerts like Tornado to be included in our system notification, suggestion was made to on updating the Thor Guard system to have access to the newer system which can offer amenities like a QR codes for updates or verbal announcements along with the sirens and the timeline. 503) Project and Events Update Mr. Dunigan gave a “Park Projects and Events Presentation” relaying recently completed projects, upcoming projects and giving a programs and events update to the Committee. Discussion ensued on Hurricane preparation and allowing residents to buy more sandbags if they wanted more than the ten allotted bags given out by the City and the Basketball court moving project. Staff relayed the decision was regarding a foundational issue. ***Committee Member Maitland left the meeting at 6:38pm 600. REPORTS No Reports were given. PUBLIC INPUT Chairperson Van Kleunen opened “Public Input”. Mrs. Gina Shafer, Winter Springs Village, Winter Springs relayed her experience at Winter Wonderland of Lights and that is was ever enjoyable. Mrs. Shafer also agreed with the opinion of buying sandbags when it comes to hurricane efforts if a resident wants more than provided. Lastly, Mrs. Shafer gave the suggestion of having a Mother and Son event for next year alongside the Father-Daughter event the City holds. Chairperson Van Kleunen closed “Public Input”. 7 CITY OF WINTER SPRINGS, FLORIDA MINUTES PARKS AND RECREATION ADVISORY COMMITTEE REGULAR MEETING – FEBRUARY 01, 2023 PAGE 4 OF 4 ADJOURNMENT Chairperson Van Kleunen adjourned the Regular Meeting at 6:43 pm RESPECTFULLY SUBMITTED: _____________________________ TRISTIN MOTTER ASSISTANT CITY CLERK NOTE: These Minutes were approved at the _________________________, 2024 Parks and Recreation Advisory Committee Regular Meeting. 8 City of Winter Springs Parks & Rec Update 9 Trotwood Basketball, Trotwood Dock 10 Central Winds Pickleball 11 Upcoming Events & Programs Father Daughter Dance, Saturday, February 10th 6 PM to 8 PM Arbor Day Tree Giveaway, Registration Opens February 12th Movie In The Park At Torcaso Park, Friday, March 1st 7:30PM-9:30 PM Egg-Citing Egg Hunt, Friday, March 22nd 4:30 PM-8:30 PM 12 Fish Winter Springs & Summer Camp 13 Tree Giveaway 14 CITY OF WINTER SPRINGS 2024 CITY EVENTS & PROGRAMS 46th Central Florida Scottish Highland Games Saturday, January 13 and 14, 8 am-5 pm Central Winds Park Join us for the 46th annual Central Florida Scottish Highland Games. Enjoy Scottish food, heritage, dancing, and athletics at Central Winds Park. For more information visit www.flascot.com 25th Annual Father Daughter Dance Saturday, February 10, 6 pm - 8 pm Winter Springs Senior Center Join us for our annual Father Daughter Dance! Set out for a fun-filled night of dancing & music your little girl will never forget. Enjoy a live DJ, a free photo by a professional photographer, free refreshments, & great prizes! Movie In The Park Friday, March 1, 7:30 pm - 9:30 pm Torcaso Park Bring a lawn chair or picnic blanket and enjoy a family movie in the park. Arbor Day Tree Giveaway Online registration begins February 12, 2024 at 8am and closes March 25, 2024 at 5 pm Embrace Arbor Day by planting a tree! Winter Springs Residents can register online to receive a complimentary tree delivered to their home just in time for the Arbor Day celebration. Limit one tree per household. PAGE 1 OF 2 Egg-citing Egg Hunt Friday, March 22, 4:30 pm - 8:30 pm Central Winds Park Join us for a parkwide spring egg hunt! Children aged 2 to 12 are invited to bring their own baskets, search for eggs, indulge in local food trucks, and have a chance to win exciting prizes, including a special surprise for finding the golden egg! Fish Winter Springs (Week 1) Saturday, May 4, 8 am - 10 am Central Winds Park Enjoy a morning of fishing fun with the family! Bring your child to experience the leisure of fishing and learn how to cast, bait the hook, and the safety of the outdoors. Fish Winter Springs (Week 2) Saturday, May 11, 8 am - 10 am Central Winds Park Enjoy a morning of fishing fun with the family! Bring your child to experience the leisure of fishing and learn how to cast, bait the hook, and the safety of the outdoors. Food Truck Thursday (May) Thursday, May 16, 5pm - 8pm Trotwood Park Join us at Trowtwood Park for an evening filled with delicious food from local food trucks and vendors. Bring a blanket or lawnchair for a picnic in the park. Celebration of Freedom Thursday, July 4, 5 pm - 9:30 pm Central Winds Park Get ready to light up the night this 4th of July at Central Winds Park! Join us for the 26th annual Celebration of Freedom, packed with live entertainment, a free kid’s area, fantastic vendors, and a breathtaking fireworks finale! Don’t forget to wear your red, white, and blue. Camp Sunshine (10 Weeks) Tuesday, May 28 - Friday, August 2 Winter Springs Civic Center Camp Sunshine is a day camp for elementary aged children. Campers will engage in activities that encourage teamwork, creativity, and leadership skills. WSPD Community Youth Outreach (4 Weeks) June and July Dates TBD Torcaso Park The Winter Springs Police Department is hosting the Community Youth Outreach program with the aim of building stronger relationships through positive experiences and interaction with local law enforcement! Children can learn, laugh, and play with WSPD’s Community Relations. Lunch and water will be provided. *Please be aware that event dates, times, and locations are tentative and may be subject to change 15 18th Annual Hometown Harvest Saturday, October 26, 4:30 pm - 8:30 pm Central Winds Park Celebrate autumn at our 18th annual fall festival Hometown Harvest! From FREE hayrides to live musical performances, this event hosts many fun activities, including the Winter Springs Got Talent competition! WSPD National Night Out 2024 Saturday, October 26, 4:30 pm - 8:30 pm Central Winds Park Come celebrate National Night Out at Hometown Harvest with WSPD! Celebrate the ability to walk freely through the streets without the fear of being victimized by crime. WSPD will have specialty vehicles on display and officers to meet! Veterans Day Tribute Monday, November 11, 6pm - 7pm Veterans Memorial at Town Center Join the City of Winter Springs as we honor our nation’s heroes. This event offers a time to honor our 2024 Hometown Hero and remember veterans and those who have made the ultimate sacrifice for our freedom. 42nd Annual Winter Wonderland Saturday, December 7, 4 pm - 8 pm Winter Springs Town Center Tis the season for joy and celebration! Stop by and enjoy the festivities this holiday season at Winter Wonderland! Experience an evening with one of the longest-running traditions in our city, the 42nd annual Holiday Parade featuring local talent and businesses, and the annual Christmas tree Lighting! Enjoy local entertainment and a visit from Santa Claus! Light Up Central Winds! Drive-Thru December,13,14,15,20 from 7:00 pm- 9:30pm Walk-Thru Saturday, December 21, from 5 pm - 8:30 pm Central Winds Park Visit Central Winds Park and view holiday light tunnels for free presented by the City and local businesses and organizations. WSPD Santa’s City Run December Dates TBD Santa is coming to town! Each year Santa visits Winter Springs for one week and is escorted each night around the city by the Winter Springs Police Department to spread candy and joy to the children and families who come outside to wave to him. On the big night, be sure to listen for police sirens! PAGE 2 OF 2 WSPD Ghoulishly Good Times October Date TBD Torcaso Park Winter Springs Police Department is providing treats and popcorn for all, and there will be dinner options from local food trucks. Bring a lawn chair or blanket to enjoy a family movie in the park. Food Truck Thursday (September) Thursday, September 19, 5pm - 8pm Trotwood Park Join us at Trowtwood Park for an evening filled with delicious food from local food trucks and vendors. Bring a blanket or lawnchair for a picnic in the park. 9/11 Memorial Ceremony Wednesday, September 11, 8:30 am – 9am Winter Springs Police Department Please join the City of Winter Springs Mayor, Commission, and staff for the 23-year remembrance of September 11 events. 16