HomeMy WebLinkAbout2023 10 09 Regular 500 - Discussion on Implementing a Rate Increase for Solid Waste Collection Services.REGULAR AGENDA ITEM 500 CITY COMMISSION AGENDA | OCTOBER 9, 2023 REGULAR MEETING TITLE Discussion on Implementing a Rate Increase for Solid Waste Collection Services. SUMMARY At the August 14, 2023 City of Winter Springs Commission Meeting, Mr. John Culbertson and Mr. Francesco Canepa from MSW Consultants presented a preliminary review of the City's Solid Waste revenues and expenditures. Currently the City charges its residential customers $18.10 per month for curbside collections services which includes trash collection 2 days/week, 1 recycling and 1 yard waste collection per week. This fee has been in place since at least March of 2006 when the City first contracted with Waste Pro. The Seminole County Solid Waste increased it's "tipping" fees (disposal) effective January 1, 2024 by 5.25% from $37.58/ton to $39.55 per ton, (Section 20.40 Seminole Co Administrative Code). There analysis included reviewing the terms and conditions of the Waste Pro contract and the inevitable cost escalation in 2027 when the City will need to re-bid the contract. It also included a review of the interlocal agreement with the County and the rates that neighboring cities are both paying for collections services and charging their residential residents. Staff requested a change the evaluation prepared by MSW. After a meeting with Seminole County, we believe it is likely the County will begin charging for recycling curbside pick up. Currently the City does receive an environmental rebate of approximately $4,500-$4,700 per month. Should the County begin to charge for this service, the extra charge will offset this rebate. Attached you will find the updated report with small variations in the 3 proposed increases that were presented in August. FUNDING SOURCE N/A RECOMMENDATION Staff requests direction on which of the rate increase options presented here to implement. Staff will then come back with a resolution representing the decision at a future meeting. 22 23 Solid Waste Rate Study FINAL REPORT Prepared by October 4, 2023 24 This Report was delivered electronically. If it is necessary to print a hard copy, please use recycled-content/FSC-certified paper and recycle when no longer needed. 25 Winter Springs, FL i TABLE OF CONTENTS 1. INTRODUCTION ................................................................................................... 1 2. METHODOLOGY ................................................................................................... 1 3. CONTRACTUAL ESCALATION ........................................................................... 2 4. BENCHMARKING ................................................................................................. 4 5. FINANCIAL MODEL ............................................................................................. 5 5.1 Current System ............................................................................................................................. 5 5.2 Operating Reserve Policy and Status Quo Projections .......................................................... 6 6. RATE RECOMMENDATION ................................................................................ 7 6.1 Rate Path Options ........................................................................................................................ 7 6.2 Rate Recommendation ................................................................................................................ 7 26 TABLE OF CONTENTS ii Winter Springs, FL List of Figures Figure 3-1 Comparison of Contractual Escalation vs. CPI-All Items (Life of Contract) ...................... 3 Figure 5-1 Projected Reserve Fund Deficit with No Rate Increases ........................................................ 6 Figure 6-1 Projected Operating Results ........................................................................................................ 8 Figure 6-2 Projected Reserve Fund Surplus With Recommended Rate Increases ................................. 8 List of Tables Table 3-1 Comparison of Contractual Escalation vs. CPI – All Items ..................................................... 3 Table 4-1 Benchmarking Summary (Monthly Rates and Charges) ........................................................... 5 Table 5-1 Full Cost Monthly Rates per Household ..................................................................................... 6 Table 6-1 Rate Path Options .......................................................................................................................... 7 List of Exhibits Exhibit A – Benchmarking Data 27 Winter Springs, FL 1 CITY OF WINTER SPRINGS RATE STUDY 1. INTRODUCTION The City of Winter Springs (City) provides curbside collection service to its residential customers. The City contracts with Waste Pro for these services, including garbage, yard trash, recycling, and bulky waste collections. The City incurs administrative expense to manage the contract, establish service level policies, provide public outreach and education, and plan future changes to the solid waste program. The City relies on Seminole County to accept its wastes and recyclables for disposal or processing and pays the County’s established disposal tip fees and recyclables processing charges on top of the cost of its collection contract. Currently, the City charges a rate of $18.10 per household per month for these services, and pays Waste Pro $16.13 per household per month for the performance of the curbside collection services. For disposal and processing, the City pays Seminole County $37.58 per ton of refuse or yard waste and $0.00 per ton recyclables. At this time, the City is expecting to incur significant increases in the cost of collection when their current contract expires and it is necessary to procure a new contractor at current market rates, which have risen appreciably due to recent macroeconomic forces. Compounding matters, Seminole County (County) has published a 10-year projection of its disposal and processing rates, which are expected to escalate at a much higher rate going forward. The County has also signaled to the City that they are updating the financial terms for recyclables processing to improve transparency and better share commodity market risk. This change will impose a significant processing fee (per ton) on City recyclables, although is also expected to provide somewhat offsetting rebates based on the value of secondary material sales (i.e., revenue share). These impending increases to system expenses will require the City to raise its solid waste rates if the City wishes to maintain break-even financial performance within its solid waste management program. MSW Consultants (MSW) was retained by the City to conduct a solid waste rate study including a test year revenue sufficiency projection and a five-year revenue sufficiency forecast that captures the impacts of higher contract collection costs as well as more rapidly escalating disposal and recycling fees. The financial model prepared for the City compares current rates to projected full cost rates. Based on these calculations, MSW Consultants collaborated with City Finance and Public Works staff to develop and recommend rate paths to assure the financial stability of the program. 2. METHODOLOGY Development of the financial model followed conventional steps to utility rate analysis. An abbreviated list of the study approach is shown in the bullets below.  Attend an in-person kick-off meeting,  Submit an initial data request,  Review the Solid Waste ordinance,  Review the Waste Pro contract as well as all amendments,  Review the interlocal agreement with Seminole County for material disposal and processing,  Compile internal administrative and management costs,  Forecast the growth of the customer base and select assumptions about inflation for the life of the financial model,  Compare full cost rates to current rates to baseline revenue recovery,  Collaborate with City staff to design a rate recommendation including up to three rate paths,  Attend virtual meetings as needed to complete the work, 28 CITY OF WINTER SPRINGS RATE STUDY 2 Winter Springs, FL  Submit a concise draft report with supporting financial and rate exhibits, and  Submit the final report addressing City feedback on the draft. 3. CONTRACTUAL ESCALATION The City is currently contracted with Waste Pro for the provision of solid waste, recycling, and yard waste collection services for the City’s residential households. This contract is slated to expire in 2027. In what has been a significant contractual benefit to the City, Waste Pro agreed to cap annual rate escalation to 2.5 percent for the life of the contract. While this escalation cap did not materially impair either party in the early years of the contract, the recent period of high inflation has prevented Waste Pro from aligning its rates with underlying cost increases. It is likely that a new contract, where bidders set their pricing based on current market conditions, will result in significantly higher prices for Winter Springs. To gain some perspective on the potential impact of resetting collection contract rates to market, MSW compared the contractually capped rate escalation in the Waste Pro contract with the actual consumer price index (CPI) changes over the life of the contract. The comparison was made using the All Items in U.S. City Average, All Urban Consumers, Not-Seasonally Adjusted (CUUR0000SA0) CPI dataset. Table 3-1 compares the contractually allowed increases to the actual CPI based on the above-mentioned index. This table also projects the CPI inflation rate for 2023 through 2027, the end year of the current contract. Figure 3-1 shows this same comparison visually using 2006 as the base year. 29 CITY OF WINTER SPRINGS RATE STUDY Winter Springs, FL 3 Table 3-1 Comparison of Contractual Escalation vs. CPI – All Items Year CPI - All Items Waste Pro Contractual Escalation 2007 3.5% 2.5% 2008 3.7% 2.5% 2009 -0.2% -0.2% 2010 1.2% 1.2% 2011 3.5% 2.5% 2012 2.2% 2.2% 2013 1.0% 1.0% 2014 1.7% 1.7% 2015 0.2% 0.2% 2016 1.6% 1.6% 2017 2.0% 2.0% 2018 2.5% 2.5% 2019 1.8% 1.8% 2020 1.2% 1.2% 2021 6.2% 2.5% 2022 7.7% 2.5% 2023 5.0% 2.5% 2024 5.0% 2.5% 2025 5.0% 2.5% 2026 5.0% 2.5% 2027 5.0% 2.5% Overall Change Since 2006 88.5% 48.6% Figure 3-1 Comparison of Contractual Escalation vs. CPI-All Items (Life of Contract) 0% 10% 20% 30% 40% 50% 60% 70% 80% 90% 100% 2006 2008 2010 2012 2014 2016 2018 2020 2022 2024 2026 All Items Contractual Escalation 30 CITY OF WINTER SPRINGS RATE STUDY 4 Winter Springs, FL As shown, had Waste Pro been able to increase their rates in line with inflation, the City’s rates would be substantially higher than they are at the present time. When compared to All Items CPI, the contractual rate escalation lags almost 40 percent. In the professional opinion of MSW Consultants, the contract rebid in 2027 is likely to result in substantially higher rates than the City currently enjoys as the market seeks to incorporate economic price increases into their services. As shown above, it has been assumed that contract collection will jump at minimum of 40 percent when the new collection contract is procured in 2027. Note that this is only an estimate; actual collection pricing could increase more or less than the estimate used in this rate study based on market conditions at the time of procurement. In the professional opinion of MSW Consultants, the increase is likely to be higher than 40 percent, as we are aware of other communities in Florida that have experienced price increases above 60 percent upon rebidding a long term, expiring collection contract. 4. BENCHMARKING It is informative to compare the service levels and costs of solid waste collection and disposal in Winter Springs with other Central Florida municipalities and counties. The City provided benchmarking data collected by the City of Lake Mary, which is summarized here and includes various data points such as:  Households counts,  Monthly charge to residents,  Service provider for curbside collection,  Monthly cost per household paid to service provider,  Collection technology,  Collection frequency, and  Contract expiration dates. Exhibit A contains a detailed tabular comparison, while Table 4-1 below summarizes shows the most relevant comparisons from the perspective of setting solid waste rates for residential services. (Note that MSW Consultants has not verified the validity of all the data points provided, but believes the data are reasonable based on our knowledge of the industry and the regional market.) 31 CITY OF WINTER SPRINGS RATE STUDY Winter Springs, FL 5 Table 4-1 Benchmarking Summary (Monthly Rates and Charges) Municipality Households Service Provider Solid Waste Rate per HH Collection Cost per HH Garbage Frequency Recycling Frequency Yard Waste Frequency Contract Expiration Oviedo 12,462 Waste Pro $25.00 $17.35 1x/wk 1x/wk 1x/wk 09/30/23 Seminole County 68,994 Advanced Disposal & Waste Pro $25.00 $14.24 2x/wk 1x/wk Varies 12/31/27 Casselberry 7,976 Waste Pro $24.15 $17.10 2x/wk 1x/wk 1x/wk 12/31/27 Longwood 5,251 Waste Pro $24.05 $21.46 2x/wk 1x/wk 1x/wk 09/30/25 Maitland 3,869 Waste Pro $23.75 $14.22 2x/wk 1x/wk 1x/wk 09/30/23 Altamonte Springs 6,792 City $22.75 N/A 2x/wk 1x/wk 1x/wk Ongoing Lake Mary 5,543 Waste Pro $20.90 $16.45 1x/wk 1x/wk 1x/wk 02/28/22 Sanford 14,939 Waste Pro $20.76 $16.91 2x/wk 1x/wk 1x/wk 05/31/26 Winter Park 9,300 Waste Pro $18.71 $14.48 2x/wk 1x/wk 1x/wk 10/01/23 Winter Springs 12,466 Waste Pro $18.10 $16.13 2x/wk 1x/wk 1x/wk 02/28/27 As shown in this table, Winter Springs’ current solid waste rates are the lowest in the region. Further, the spread between collection costs and the full solid waste rate is extremely low for Winter Springs. In the opinion of MSW Consultants, Winter Springs has provided a high level of service to its residents at an extremely low cost. However, this study illustrates that it will not be possible to sustain such low rates. 5. FINANCIAL MODEL 5.1 CURRENT SYSTEM MSW Consultants developed a financial model using data provided by the City to build a normalized estimate of annual system revenues and full cost. The projections incorporated the City’s policies for maintaining a cash operating reserve in addition to covering full system expense. The model combines the following information:  The starting reserve balance for FY23,  Household counts and annual household growth rates,  Waste Pro CPI adjustment projections for contracted collection services,  Seminole County CPI adjustment projections (as stated in Seminole County’s 2022 Solid Waste Revenue Sufficiency Analysis conducted by Stantec) affecting disposal charges,  Seminole County to charge for recyclables processing (the model assumes 2025 will be the first year),  General fund transfer allocations for customer service, franchise fee, and storm reserve obligations,  Tonnage (waste generation) for garbage, recycling, and yard waste streams,  Environmental revenue share from Seminole County, and  Commercial, roll-off, and residential franchise fee revenues. 32 CITY OF WINTER SPRINGS RATE STUDY 6 Winter Springs, FL Based on these inputs, the current monthly rate of $18.10 was found to be insufficient to meet the City’s revenue needs. Table 5-1 shows the actual monthly cost per household for 2023 and the projected monthly cost per household for 2024 through 2032. Note the expected significant increase in 2027, which is based on the expectation that contract collection pricing will increase significantly based on market conditions at the time of the procurement. Table 5-1 Full Cost Monthly Rates per Household Year 2023 2024 2025 2026 2027 2028 2029 2030 2031 2032 Waste Pro CPI Adjustment Rate N/A 2.50% 2.50% 2.50% 39.90% 5.00% 5.00% 5.00% 5.00% 5.00% Seminole County CPI Adjustment Rate N/A 5.25% 5.25% 5.25% 5.25% 4.75% 4.75% 4.75% 4.75% 4.75% Monthly Full Cost Rate per HH $21.13 $21.80 $23.51 $24.27 $31.59 $33.15 $34.78 $36.50 $38.31 $40.20 Annual Percentage Increase N/A 3.1% 7.8% 3.3% 30.1% 4.9% 4.9% 4.9% 4.9% 4.9% 5.2 OPERATING RESERVE POLICY AND STATUS QUO PROJECTIONS Figure 5-1 below shows the projected balance of the solid waste reserve fund versus the projected reserve fund requirement, set as 25 percent of annual operating expenses. As seen, the City is already below its reserve fund requirement and without any changes to household rates, the City will experience an increasingly large deficit in its solid waste program. Figure 5-1 Projected Reserve Fund Deficit with No Rate Increases ($161,375) ($17,840,858) $790,287 $1,572,487 ($20,000,000) ($17,500,000) ($15,000,000) ($12,500,000) ($10,000,000) ($7,500,000) ($5,000,000) ($2,500,000) $0 $2,500,000 $5,000,000 2023 2024 2025 2026 2027 2028 2029 2030 2031 2032 Projected Reserve Fund Balance Projected Reserve Fund Requirement 33 CITY OF WINTER SPRINGS RATE STUDY Winter Springs, FL 7 6. RATE RECOMMENDATION 6.1 RATE PATH OPTIONS Based on the analysis described in this report it will be critical for the City to plan on either (a) increasing its customer charges if it maintain current service levels, or (b) reducing collection frequency when it reprocures services. For the purpose of developing rate options, the City and MSW Consultants agreed to assume that service levels in the new contract will not be reduced. Under these assumptions, and in consultation with City staff, MSW Consultants identified three rate path options for consideration by the City. The options are defined below and summarized in Table 6-1.  Option 1 – One-Year Shock with Subsequent Annual Escalator,  Option 2 – Two-Year Ramp Up with Subsequent Annual Escalator, and  Option 3 – Three-Year Ramp Up with Subsequent Annual Escalator. Table 6-1 Rate Path Options Rate Path Options 2023 2024 2025 2026 2027 2028 2029 2030 2031 2032 Option 1 Rate Increase N/A 56.0% 4.0% 3.0% 3.0% 3.0% 3.0% 3.0% 3.0% 3.0% Monthly Rate per HH $18.10 $28.24 $29.37 $30.25 $31.15 $32.09 $33.05 $34.04 $35.06 $36.12 Option 2 Rate Increase N/A 26.0% 26.0% 5.0% 4.0% 4.0% 4.0% 4.0% 4.0% 3.0% Monthly Rate per HH $18.10 $22.81 $28.74 $30.17 $31.38 $32.63 $33.94 $35.30 $36.71 $37.81 Option 3 Rate Increase N/A 19.0% 19.0% 19.0% 5.0% 4.0% 4.0% 4.0% 3.0% 3.0% Monthly Rate per HH $18.10 $21.54 $25.63 $30.50 $32.03 $33.31 $34.64 $36.03 $37.11 $38.22 6.2 RATE RECOMMENDATION MSW Consultants recommends that the City implement Option 2. This option spreads out the shock of significantly higher rates over two years, while enabling the City to reset its solid waste operation and financial management on a sustainable path. Figure 6-1 and Figure 6-2 illustrate the benefits of implementing Option 2. Figure 6-1 confirms that these rates will generate sufficient system revenue to accommodate projected and known underlying increases in collection contract, disposal, and recycling expense. Figure 6-2 verifies that these recommended rates allow the City to maintain an operating reserve to weather unforeseen disruptions in residential collection, disposal, and processing services. 34 CITY OF WINTER SPRINGS RATE STUDY 8 Winter Springs, FL Figure 6-1 Projected Operating Results Figure 6-2 Projected Reserve Fund Surplus With Recommended Rate Increases It is particularly important to note that the recommended rate path positions the City closer to the midpoint of customer charges in the Seminole County market in 2024. Thereafter, the City rates will be positioned for the expected contractual collection cost increases from the re-bid process. While this recommended rate path will likely be perceived as a shock by some customers, in practice it reflects a correction of the City’s below-market rate structure that has evolved in the past several years and is not sustainable. Additionally, these rate increases serve to reinforce the City’s reserve fund in a more rapid fashion, with insufficient reserves only until 2024. $0 $1,000,000 $2,000,000 $3,000,000 $4,000,000 $5,000,000 $6,000,000 $7,000,000 2023 2024 2025 2026 2027 2028 2029 2030 2031 2032 Waste Pro Collection Charges Seminole County Disposal/Processing Charges Combined Revenues ($161,375) $1,649,226 $790,287 $1,572,487 ($500,000) $0 $500,000 $1,000,000 $1,500,000 $2,000,000 $2,500,000 2023 2024 2025 2026 2027 2028 2029 2030 2031 2032 Projected Reserve Fund Balance Projected Reserve Fund Requirement 35 Winter Springs, FL EXHIBIT A Benchmarking Data 36 Winter Springs, FL This page is intentionally left blank. 37 Exhibit A - Benchmarking Data Municipality Households Solid Waste Rate per HH Service Provider Collection Cost per HH Tipping Fees Collection Technology Garbage Frequency Recycling Frequency Yard Waste Frequency Exclusive Franchise Type Contract Expiration Exclusive or Open Market (Commercial) Oviedo 12,462 $25.00 Waste Pro $17.35 Included Automated 1x/wk 1x/wk 1x/wk Residential 09/30/23 Open Seminole County 68,994 $25.00 Advanced Disposal & Waste Pro $14.24 N/A Manual 2x/wk 1x/wk Varies Residential 12/31/27 Open Casselberry 7,976 $24.15 Waste Pro $17.10 Seminole County Manual 2x/wk 1x/wk 1x/wk Residential 12/31/27 Exclusive (Separate from Residential) Longwood 5,251 $24.05 Waste Pro $21.46 Included Semi-Automated 2x/wk 1x/wk 1x/wk Residential 09/30/25 Waste Pro Maitland 3,869 $23.75 Waste Pro $14.22 Seminole County Mix 2x/wk 1x/wk 1x/wk Residential & Commercial 09/30/23 Exclusive Altamonte Springs 6,792 $22.75 City N/A Unknown Semi-Automated 2x/wk 1x/wk 1x/wk Residential Ongoing Open Lake Mary 5,543 $20.90 Waste Pro $16.45 Included Semi-Automated 1x/wk 1x/wk 1x/wk Residential & Commercial 02/28/22 Waste Pro Sanford 14,939 $20.76 Waste Pro $16.91 Included Manual 2x/wk 1x/wk 1x/wk Residential & Commercial 05/31/26 Waste Pro Winter Park 9,300 $18.71 Waste Pro $14.48 Seminole County Automated 2x/wk 1x/wk 1x/wk Residential & Commercial 10/01/23 Waste Pro Winter Springs 12,466 $18.10 Waste Pro $16.13 Seminole County Mix 2x/wk 1x/wk 1x/wk Residential & Commercial 02/28/27 Exclusive Winter Springs Page 1 of 1 38 Winter Springs, FL This page is intentionally left blank. 39 40 11875 High Tech Ave., Ste. 150 | Orlando, FL 32817 mswconsultants.com | 800.679.9220 41