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2023 08 14 Public Hearing 401 - Fisher Optometry / Vision Source
PUBLIC HEARINGS AGENDA ITEM 401 CITY COMMISSION AGENDA | AUGUST 14, 2023 REGULAR MEETING TITLE Fisher Optometry / Vision Source SUMMARY Staff recommends that the City Commission hold a Public Hearing to consider the Conditional Use, Aesthetic Review, Waiver, Variances, Final Engineering Plans, and Development Agreement in order for the applicant to construct a ±10,000 sq. ft., 2- story optometry office on the subject property. FUNDING SOURCE RECOMMENDATION Staff recommends that the City Commission hold a Public Hearing to consider the Conditional Use, Aesthetic Review, Waiver, Variances, Final Engineering Plans, and Development Agreement in order for the applicant to construct a ±10,000 sq. ft., 2- story optometry office on the subject property. 616 PUBLIC HEARINGS AGENDA ITEM PLANNING & ZONING BOARD/LOCAL PLANNING AGENCY MONDAY, AUGUST 14, 2023 | REGULAR MEETING TITLE Vision Source Optometry – Conditional Use, Aesthetic Plan Review, Waivers, Final Engineering Review, and Development Agreement. SUMMARY The Community Development Department requests that the City Commission hold a Public Hearing to consider the Conditional Use, Aesthetic Plan Review, Waivers, Variance, Final Engineering Plans, and Development Agreement in order for the applicant to construct a ±10,000 square foot (SF), two-story optometry offlce within the Town Center District. General Information Applicant Frank A. Porter, P.E. Property Owner(s) Fisher Eye Properties LLC Location Southeast corner of Tuskawilla Road and Tree Swallow Drive Tract Size ±0.79 Acres Parcel ID Number 06-21-31-506-0000-0060 Zoning Designation Town Center District (T-C) | T5 Transect | Urban Center Zone FLUM Designation Town Center District Adjacent Land Use North: Tree Swallow Drive East: The Blake Apartments South: McDonald’s West: Tuskawilla Road Principle building setbacks (from property line) Front/principle plane: 25 ft. minimum - 50 ft. maximum Rear: 15 ft. Side: 5 ft. minimum, 100 ft. maximum Frontage buildout: 20% min. (at front setback) Development Standards Lot Width: 18 ft. min., 180 ft. max. Lot Depth: 30 ft. min., 160 ft. max. Lot Coverage: 100% max. 2 stories minimum 5 stories maximum Development Permits Not Applicable 617 P U B L I C H E A R I N G S A G E N D A I T E M | M O N D A Y , A U G U S T 1 4 , 2 0 2 3 | P A G E 2 OF 17 Development Agreement Pending Code Enforcement Not applicable City Liens Not applicable Background: The subject property is a 0.79-acre lot of record located on the southeast corner of Tuskawilla Road and Tree Swallow Drive, just north of the McDonald’s. The applicant is proposing a two-story optometry offlce within the Town Center District. The proposed use of a medical offlce requires a conditional use permit. Upon receipt of the Planning and Zoning Board's recommendation, the City Commission shall make a flnal decision on the application, to approve, approve with conditions, or deny the project within the Town Center District. Public Notices: Public Hearing Notices were mailed to all owners of real property adjacent to and within approximately flve-hundred feet (500) of the subject property and all Homeowner’s Associations on flle with the City Winter Springs (116 notices) on March 27, 2023. A Community Workshop was held on April 11, 2023. There were no objections raised at the Community Workshop regarding the proposed development. Analysis of Conditional Use (Sec. 20-33) & Final Engineering (Sec. 20-33.1) Criteria: The criteria for Conditional Uses and Final Engineering Plans are identical with one exception (Conditional Uses have one additional criteria). This section provides analysis of both the Conditional Use and Final Engineering criteria. Condition 13 listed below applies to the Conditional Use but not Final Engineering criteria. (a) Site and flnal engineering plans and the subdivision of land shall also be subject to the technical requirements set forth in Chapter 9 of the City Code. It is the intent of this section to apply to applications for site and flnal engineering plans and to any subdivision of land requiring a plat, if applicable, and does not include review and approval of a lot split application. Please see discussion below regarding technical requirements of Chapter 9. The Final Engineering Plans have been reviewed by the City’s engineer, concluding that the Plans satisfy the technical requirements provided the conditions of approval set forth below are met. (b) Except in situations involving one (1) single-family home, the planning and zoning board shall be required to review all site and flnal engineering plan and subdivision of land applications and make a written recommendation to the city commission. Such recommendation shall include the reasons for the board's recommendation and show the board has considered the applicable criteria set forth in this section. 618 P U B L I C H E A R I N G S A G E N D A I T E M | M O N D A Y , A U G U S T 1 4 , 2 0 2 3 | P A G E 3 O F 17 (c) Upon receipt of the planning and zoning board's recommendation, the city commission shall make a flnal decision on the application. If the city commission determines that the planning and zoning board has not made a recommendation on an application within a reasonable period of time, the city commission may, at its discretion, consider an application without the planning and zoning board's recommendation. (d) Except in situations involving one (1) single-family home, all site and flnal engineering plan and subdivision recommendations and flnal decisions shall be based on whether the site and flnal engineering plan and subdivision of land complies with all the technical requirements set forth in chapter 9 of the City Code and the following criteria to the extent applicable: (1) Whether the applicant has demonstrated the site and flnal engineering plan and subdivision of land, including its proposed density, height, scale and intensity, hours of operation, building and lighting design, setbacks, buffers, noise, refuse, odor, particulates, smoke, fumes and other emissions, parking and trafflc-generating characteristics, number of persons anticipated using, residing or working under the plan, and other off-site impacts, is compatible and harmonious with adjacent land uses, and will not adversely impact land use activities in the immediate vicinity. Analysis: The project proposes a 10,000 SF optometry offlce building. The applicant has demonstrated the proposed use does not affect density, as the proposed use is a commercial building. The proposed building will include a second story which will be used for more advanced equipment. The applicant has requested a waiver and variance related to setback requirements as described below. Development of the project as proposed with the waivers and variance requested is consistent with adjacent uses on Tuskawilla Road. The proposed daily hours of operation are consistent with surrounding uses. The proposed hours of operation are as follows: Monday – Friday 8:00 a.m. to 7:00 p.m. and Saturday 8:00 a.m. to 2:00 p.m. The proposed use will not cause added noise, refuse, odor, particulates, smoke, fumes and other emissions, as the proposed use is an optometry offlce. The applicant has demonstrated that the parking and trafflc-generating characteristics of the proposed use will not adversely impact the site and surrounding area. The proposed development will be designed to implement the goals and policies of the Comprehensive Plan as they relate to the Town Center District, and to continue a harmonious land use pattern with existing development. The development is consistent with existing development and recently approved developments within the Town Center District. The proposed height, scale, and intensity of the proposed development is consistent with surrounding uses previously approved within the Winter Springs Town Center. (2) Whether the applicant has demonstrated the size and shape of the site, the proposed access and internal circulation, and the design enhancements to be adequate to accommodate the proposed density, scale and intensity of the site and 619 P U B L I C H E A R I N G S A G E N D A I T E M | M O N D A Y , A U G U S T 1 4 , 2 0 2 3 | P A G E 4 OF 17 flnal engineering plan requested. The site shall be of sufflcient size to accommodate design amenities such as screening, buffers, landscaping, open space, off-street parking, safe and convenient automobile, bicycle, and pedestrian mobility at the site, and other similar site plan improvements needed to mitigate against potential adverse impacts of the proposed use. Analysis: The size and shape of the site, the proposed access and internal circulation, and the design enhancements are adequate to accommodate the proposed development. The lot is 0.79 acres. The development provides one full access ingress/egress curb cut onto the property from Tree Swallow Drive; internal access on the parcel will allow for complete turnaround of a vehicle. On-site improvements include landscape screening for dumpster areas, bicycle parking, thirty-nine (39) parking spaces, lighting, and internal pedestrian walkways utilizing alternative pavement. Screening for the dumpster area will be provided by a decorative wall as well as three (3) live oaks. As discussed further below, there is adequate off-street parking for the proposed optometry offlce. The project also includes four (4) bicycle parking spaces. The applicant is requesting a waiver from the State Road 434 Streetscape requirements because the existing streetscape for this site was installed prior to 2020 when the City Commission adopted the 27-foot streetscape requirement. Further discussion of the waiver request can be found later in this report. (3) Whether the proposed site and flnal engineering plan and subdivision of land will have an adverse impact on the local economy, including governmental flscal impact, employment, and property values. Analysis: The proposed commercial development is an optometry offlce within the Town Center. The development is not expected to have an adverse impact on the local economy, but rather to add to the local economy by means of generating additional tax revenue. Development of the subject property as an optometry offlce is anticipated to provide an increase to the City’s taxable value, as well as provide a boost in business to surrounding businesses. (4) Whether the proposed site and flnal engineering plan and subdivision of land will have an adverse impact on the natural environment, including air, water, and noise pollution, vegetation and wildlife, open space, noxious and desirable vegetation, and fiood hazards. Analysis: The subject site is currently vacant and is currently graded and ready to be developed. As a result, the proposed development will not have an adverse impact on the natural environment, including air, water, and noise pollution, vegetation and wildlife, open space, noxious and desirable vegetation, and fiood hazards. The total gross area for the site is 0.79 acres and the proposed impervious area is 0.53 acres (67%), meaning that the proposed impervious area is less than the maximum allowed. 620 P U B L I C H E A R I N G S A G E N D A I T E M | M O N D A Y , A U G U S T 1 4 , 2 0 2 3 | P A G E 5 O F 17 A noise study is not required. The City currently has a noise ordinance that restricts decibels ratings from 60-70 in commercial zones from 10:00 p.m. – 7:00 a.m. per Sec. 13-35. Noise levels are not anticipated to exceed the allowable noise decibels for this offlce use. Based on Flood Insurance Rate Map (FIRM) No. 12117CO160F Community No. 120295, City of Winter Springs, Seminole County, Florida, the proposed development site is not within a fiood hazard area. There is no evidence of any endangered species on the site. (5) Whether the proposed site and flnal engineering plan and subdivision of land will have an adverse impact on historic, scenic, and cultural resources, including views and vistas, and loss or degradation of cultural and historic resources. Analysis: It is not anticipated that the proposed development will have an adverse impact on any historic, scenic, or cultural resources, including views and vistas, and loss or degradation of cultural and historic resources. (6) Whether the proposed site and flnal engineering plan and subdivision of land will have an adverse impact on public services, including water, sewer, stormwater and surface water management, police, flre, parks and recreation, streets, public transportation, marina and waterways, and bicycle and pedestrian facilities. Analysis: The proposed development will be designed in accordance with the Town Center District Code, which will include the following public services; water, sewer, police, and flre (Seminole County Fire Department). Water and sewer are available along the western property edge along Tuskawilla Rd. This site is served by the Town Center master stormwater system. The proposed development is consistent with other developments in the Town Center and will not have an adverse impact on existing public services. A bicycle rack, including four (4) bicycle spaces will be placed on site, as well as sidewalks for adequate pedestrian circulation. (7) Whether the site and flnal engineering plan and subdivision of land, and related trafflc report and plan provided by the applicant, details safe and efflcient means of ingress and egress into and out of the neighborhood and adequately addresses the impact of projected trafflc on the immediate neighborhood, trafflc circulation pattern for the neighborhood, and trafflc fiow through immediate intersections and arterials. Analysis: Through a review of the Institute of Transportation Engineers (ITE) Trip Generation Manual (10th Edition), it can be expected that there will be a total of 348 average daily trips, with an AM Peak Hour of 28 trips and a PM peak hour of 35 trips. (8) Whether the proposed site and flnal engineering plan and subdivision of land will have an adverse impact on housing and social conditions, including variety of housing unit types and prices, and neighborhood quality. 621 P U B L I C H E A R I N G S A G E N D A I T E M | M O N D A Y , A U G U S T 1 4 , 2 0 2 3 | P A G E 6 OF 17 Analysis: The proposed development is not anticipated to have an adverse impact on housing and social conditions, as the proposed use is an optometry offlce. (9) Whether the proposed site and flnal engineering plan and subdivision of land avoids signiflcant adverse odor, emission, noise, glare, and vibration impacts on adjacent and surrounding lands regarding refuse collection, service delivery, parking and loading, signs, lighting, and other sire elements. Analysis: It anticipated that the proposed development will not emit odors, noise, glares, or vibrations that will adversely impact adjacent properties. There is adequate parking, limited hours of operation, lighting, and refuse collection, and minimal deliveries within the proposed development that are in place that will assist in limiting any perceived adverse effects. (10) Whether the applicant has provided an acceptable security plan for the proposed establishment to be located on the site and flnal engineering plan and subdivision of land that addresses the safety and security needs of the establishment and its users and employees and minimizes impacts on the neighborhood, if applicable. Analysis: The applicant has stated that a security system will be installed for the building, along with security cameras and card readers at all points of entry. The lighting plan provided illustrates that the parking lot and building area will be adequate lighting to ensure safety in the evening hours. The photometric plan speciflcally states that all lighting will be installed to prevent off-site glare. (11) Whether the applicant has provided on the site and flnal engineering plan and subdivision of land an acceptable plan for the mass delivery of merchandise for new large footprint buildings (greater than twenty thousand (20,000) square feet) including the hours of operation for delivery trucks to come into and exit the property and surrounding neighborhood, if applicable. Analysis: Not applicable for the proposed use. Proposed building is less than 20,000 SF. (12) Whether the applicant has demonstrated that the site and flnal engineering plan and subdivision of land have been designed to incorporate mitigative techniques and plans needed to prevent adverse impacts addressed in the criteria stated herein or to adjacent and surrounding uses and properties. Analysis: The only curb cut on the site will be onto Tree Swallow Drive, a low trafflc road that runs east-west along the northern boundary of the site. This will allow drivers to head east away from the project site while avoiding the heart of the Town Center. The Final Engineering Plans, in conjunction with the Development Agreement, prevent adverse impacts to adjacent and surrounding uses and properties. Sufflcient parking has been proposed for this use based on typical jurisdictional requirements. 622 P U B L I C H E A R I N G S A G E N D A I T E M | M O N D A Y , A U G U S T 1 4 , 2 0 2 3 | P A G E 7 OF 17 (13) If the proposed conditional use is a residential use, whether the elementary, middle, and high schools (K-12) that will be initially assigned to the residential project by the school district at the time the city commission considers flnal approval of the conditional use have both sufflcient capacity, are in close proximity to the project so as to make each of the assigned schools accessible and convenient (e.g. walking distance, travel time, private and public transportation, and quality of route environment) to the majority of the school population that will be drawn from the project, and promote and support the integration of future residents of the project into the existing City of Winter Springs community in a sustainable manner. Analysis: This is not applicable as the project is commercial in nature. (14) Whether the applicant has agreed to execute a binding development agreement required by city to incorporate the terms and conditions of approval deemed necessary by the city commission including, but not limited to, any mitigative techniques and plans required by City Code. Analysis: The applicant has agreed to execute a binding Development Agreement and it is attached hereto as an Exhibit. Water and Sewer: Water service is available from the City’s 12-inch water main located along Tuskawilla Road. Sewer service is available from an 8” main along Tuskawilla Road. Reclaimed water service is being installed along Tuskawilla Road, and the property will tap into that service to utilize for landscape irrigation. Water Concurrency: The applicant’s utility plan sheet estimates a daily water usage of 3,033 gallons per day. Staff does not anticipate any adverse impacts on the City’s water service as a result of this development. Stormwater: The project site is part of the Winter Springs Town Center Master Stormwater System. Stormwater from the site will fiow to a detention pond on the east side of the site before fiowing to a catch basin just off the site and heading into the master stormwater system. Transportation: The proposed development has a single curb cut onto Tree Swallow Drive. Staff feels that trafflc impacts from the proposed project will be minimal and therefore have not required the applicant to submit a trafflc impact analysis. The site was engineered to allow complete turnaround on site and therefore only need a single curb cut. According to the ITE Trip Generation Manual (10th Edition), it is expected that there will be a total of 348 average daily trips, with an AM Peak Hour of 28 trips and a PM peak hour of 35 trips. 623 P U B L I C H E A R I N G S A G E N D A I T E M | M O N D A Y , A U G U S T 1 4 , 2 0 2 3 | P A G E 8 OF 17 Parking Analysis: Per Section 20-324 of the City’s Land Development Code (LDC), there are no minimum parking requirements in the Town Center. The applicant, working in conjunction with the intended tenant of the property, provided a letter of justiflcation for the proposed 39 parking spaces, stating that it is anticipated that at most there will be 2 doctors, 18 employees, and 15 patients on-site at any time; if each of these people required their own vehicle, a total of 35 parking spaces would be needed. For comparison purposes, Section 9-277 of the City’s LDC deflnes off-street parking requirements for speciflc land uses. The following minimum parking ratios for the proposed land use is deflned in the Code: • Medical or dental clinics: three (3) spaces for doctors, plus one (1) additional parking space for every 2 employees For a medical offlce, this would amount to twelve (12) parking spaces. Adequate parking is proposed for this use based on typical jurisdictional requirements, the development provides a total of 39 parking spaces. Aesthetic Review: Pursuant to Section 9-603, which sets forth guidelines and minimum standards for Aesthetic Review packages, staff has utilized the below criteria in Section 9-603 to determine the following. The attached Aesthetic Review package includes all of the submittal requirements for aesthetic review as set forth in Section 9-600 through 9- 607 and include the following: (a) a site plan; (b) elevations illustration all sides of structures facing public streets or spaces; (c) illustrations of all walls, fences, and other accessory structures and the indication of height and their associated materials; (d) elevation of proposed exterior permanent signs or other constructed elements other than habitable space, if any; (e) illustrations of materials, texture, and colors to be used on all buildings, accessory structures, exterior signs; and (f) other architectural and engineering data as may be required. The procedures for review and approval are set forth in Section 9-603. Aesthetic Review 1. The plans and speciflcations of the proposed project indicate that the setting, landscaping, proportions, materials, colors, texture, scale, unity, balance, rhythm, contrast, and simplicity are coordinated in a harmonious manner relevant to the particular proposal, surrounding area and cultural character of the community. Analysis: The exterior color palette is similar and in harmony with the Town Center and other nearby commercial properties along SR 434, which will safeguard the surrounding area and the cultural character of the community. The building’s primary colors are similar to other buildings in the vicinity and the accent features are also of a similar color. The proposed balconies on the east 624 P U B L I C H E A R I N G S A G E N D A I T E M | M O N D A Y , A U G U S T 1 4 , 2 0 2 3 | P A G E 9 OF 17 and west facades meet the requirements of Sec. 20-326 as it relates to depth, height, and length. Windows provide a sense of openness of the façade. Overall, the architectural intent of the Vision Source Optometry includes architecture that is complementary to the styles of architecture in the Town Center. The site was developed to encourage pedestrian use and the proposed development will complement the existing streetscape along Tuskawilla Road. 2. The plans for the proposed project are in harmony with any future development which has been formally approved by the city within the surrounding area. Analysis: The proposed design is harmonious with the color scheme, materials, and character of the Town Center District. The site layout is consistent with the original intent of the Town Center and its focus on walkability and New Urbanism. 3. The plans for the proposed project are not excessively similar or dissimilar to any other building, structure or sign which is either fully constructed, permitted but not fully constructed, or included on the same permit application, and facing upon the same or intersecting street within flve hundred (500) feet of the proposed site, with respect to one or more of the following features of exterior design and appearance: a. Front or side elevations; b. Size and arrangement of elevation facing the street, including reverse arrangement; or c. Other signiflcant features of design such as, but not limited to: materials, roof line, hardscape improvements, and height or design elements. Analysis: The overall aesthetic of the project provides similar elements to other buildings within the immediate vicinity without being overly similar. The building’s colors are similar but not identical. The proposed stone façade along the middle third of the building provides a unique element, which complements the surrounding architecture. The proposed design shares the appropriate scale and design intent of the Winter Springs Marketplace and Town Center. 4. The plans for the proposed project are in harmony with, or signiflcantly enhance, the established character of other buildings, structures or signs in the surrounding area with respect to architectural speciflcations and design features deemed signiflcant based upon commonly accepted architectural principles of the local community. Analysis: 625 P U B L I C H E A R I N G S A G E N D A I T E M | M O N D A Y , A U G U S T 1 4 , 2 0 2 3 | P A G E 10 OF 17 The proposed project enhances the character and overall aesthetics of the surrounding area. Design features incorporated into the Vision Source Optometry project, such as the large windows and stone accent facade, make it similar but not identical to other buildings in the area. 5. The proposed project has incorporated signiflcant architectural enhancements such as concrete masonry units with stucco, wrought iron, columns and piers, porches, arches, planting areas, display windows, and other distinctive design detailing and promoting the character of the community. Analysis: The proposed development is designed to contribute to the quality architectural styles that are typical with recently approved developments within the Town Center. Vision Source Optometry includes a functional second story, keeping in line with buildings in the adjacent Town Center District. The exterior provides a series of straight lines that continues the existing rhythm across the façade of the building. Signiflcant design features include a stone detail façade, decorative balcony on the east and west facades, and warm-neutral paint colors similar to nearby uses. Waiver Requirement Section 20-34. – Waivers. • Any real property owner may flle a waiver application requesting a waiver for their real property from any term and condition of this chapter (except from the list of permitted, conditional and prohibited uses set forth in any zoning district category). • The Planning and Zoning Board shall be required to review all waiver applications and make a written recommendation to the City Commission. Such recommendation shall include the reasons for the Board’s recommendation and show the board has considered the applicable waiver criteria set forth in this section. • Upon receipt of the Planning and Zoning Board’s recommendation, the City Commission shall make a flnal decision on the application. If the City Commission determines that the Planning and Zoning Board ha s not made a recommendation on an application within a reasonable period of time, the City Commission may, at its discretion, consider an application without the Planning and Zoning Board's recommendation. • All waiver recommendations and flnal decisions shall comply with the following criteria: Waiver criteria set forth in Subsection 20-34(d) are as follows: 1. The applicant clearly demonstrates that the applicable term or condition clearly creates an illogical, impossible, impractical, or patently unreasonable result related to the proposed property and development. 626 P U B L I C H E A R I N G S A G E N D A I T E M | M O N D A Y , A U G U S T 1 4 , 2 0 2 3 | P A G E 11 O F 17 2. The proposed development plan is in substantial compliance with this chapter and in compliance with the comprehensive plan. 3. The proposed development plan will signiflcantly enhance the real property. 4. The proposed development plan serves the public health, safety, and welfare. 5. The waiver will not diminish property values in or alter the essential character of the surrounding neighborhood. 6. The waiver granted is the minimum waiver that will eliminate or reduce the illogical, impossible, impractical, or patently unreasonable result caused by the applicable term or condition under this chapter. 7. The proposed development plan is compatible and harmonious with the surrounding neighborhood. 8. Whether the applicant has agreed to execute a binding development agreement required by city to incorporate the terms and conditions of approval deemed necessary by the city commission including, but not limited to, any mitigative techniques and plans required by City Code. The applicant requests that the City Commission consider the following two (2) additional waiver requests listed below: New Waiver Requests/Justifications 1. The applicant requests a Waiver from Winter Springs City Code Sec. 20-601 to allow the already established streetscape located along the west and north property lines of the project in lieu of the 27-foot streetscape required under Sec. 20-601. Applicant Justiflcation: The streetscape has already been established along Tuskawilla Rd north of SR 434 as well as along Tree Swallow Drive. Following the streetscape requirements of Sec. 20-601 would result in demolishing all established streetscapes. City Code: City Code Sec. 20-601 | Streetscape requirements. Staff Response: Staff recommends approval of the requested waiver. Requiring the applicant to adhere to the requirements of Sec. 20-601 would require the demolition and removal of existing streetscaping along Tuskawilla Rd. and Tree Swallow Dr. installed by the City and constructed with public funds. It should be emphasized that the existing streetscape conforms to the Town Center Code, Section 20-325(c)(1), which speciflcally provided for a Main Street (Tuskawilla) thoroughfare standard prior to the adoption of the SR 434 and Tuskawilla Road streetscape requirements in 2020 via Ordinance 2020-02. The thoroughfare standard for Tuskawilla Road includes angled parking adjacent to the traveled 627 P U B L I C H E A R I N G S A G E N D A I T E M | M O N D A Y , A U G U S T 1 4 , 2 0 2 3 | P A G E 12 O F 17 roadway, six-foot tree planters, and six-foot sidewalk adjacent to a building as depicted below, which provides an aesthetically pleasing streetscape and wide paths for pedestrians in the Town Center. Given that the building across Tuskawilla Rd. have a 0-foot setback and have a similar or identical streetscape design, allowing this waiver would meet the original intent of the Town Center, particularly in this part of the Town Center. Additionally, not approving the waiver request, at least in part, may render the lot unbuildable due to requirements for parking, setbacks, etc. (1) Main Street (alternate parallel parking with a wider sidewalk may be provided depending upon right-of-way width). 628 P U B L I C H E A R I N G S A G E N D A I T E M | M O N D A Y , A U G U S T 1 4 , 2 0 2 3 | P A G E 13 O F 17 2. The applicant requests a Waiver from Winter Springs City Code Sec. 20-325 to allow a 0-foot front building setback in lieu of the required 25-foot minimum front building setback. Applicant Justiflcation All buildings located across Tuskawilla Rd. from the proposed project have 0- foot setbacks. A 25-foot front building setback would not meet the original intent of the Town Center. City Code: 629 P U B L I C H E A R I N G S A G E N D A I T E M | M O N D A Y , A U G U S T 1 4 , 2 0 2 3 | P A G E 14 OF 17 City Code Sec. 20-325 | Transect standards. Staff Response: Staff supports the requested waiver and supplied justiflcation on the basis of continuity with the built environment along Tuskawilla Rd. north of SR 434. The original intent of the Town Center was for the buildings to follow a New Urbanist development pattern, which involves buildings being pushed up to the sidewalk to promote a more walkable environment. 3. The applicant requests a Waiver from Winter Springs City Code Sec. 20-324 (8) (c) to allow for an eleven (11) foot setback for off-street surface parking in lieu of the minimum setback of 35 feet for off-street parking. Applicant Justiflcation: A 35-foot off-street parking setback would create an impractical result to the proposed development by creating a scenario where the intended peak parking requirement of 35 spaces would be unobtainable. City Code: City Code Sec. 20-324(8)(c) | Off-street surface parking lot placement. Staff Response: Staff supports the applicant’s request for this waiver. The applicant’s intent to place the building pushed up to the sidewalk fronting Tuskawilla Road, along with existing site constraints, would make it impossible for the applicant to adhere to the minimum setback for off-street parking of 35 feet. Variance Requirement Sec. 20-32 (a) Any property owner may flle a variance application requesting variance from this chapter for their real property. Variances may be approved only for height, width, length or area of structures; size of lots; size of yard setbacks; driveway widths; building design standards (dimensional standards only); landscaping area requirements for vehicular use areas; landscape buffer requirements for buffer strip areas; landscape zones; street setbacks; glazing and window percentages; and minimum flrst fioor height. Under no circumstances may a variance be granted to allow a use not permitted generally or by conditional use permit in the district involved, or any use expressly or by necessary implication prohibited in the district by the terms of this chapter or other applicable provision of the City Code. (b) The planning and zoning board shall be required to review all variance applications and make a written recommendation to the city commission. Such recommendation shall include the reasons for the board’s recommendation and show the board has considered the applicable variance criteria set forth in this section. (c) Upon receipt of the planning and zoning board’s recommendation, the city commission shall make a flnal decision on the application. If the city commission determines that the planning and zoning board has not made a recommendation on an application within a reasonable period of time, the city commission may, at its discretion, consider an application without the planning and zoning board’s recommendation. 630 P U B L I C H E A R I N G S A G E N D A I T E M | M O N D A Y , A U G U S T 1 4 , 2 0 2 3 | P A G E 15 O F 17 (d) All variance recommendations and flnal decisions shall be based on an afflrmative flnding as to each of the following criterion: 1) That special conditions and circumstances exist which are peculiar to the land, structure or building involved and which are not applicable to other lands, buildings or structures in the same zoning district. 2) That special conditions and circumstances do not result from the actions of the applicant or applicant’s predecessor in title. 3) That literal interpretation of this chapter would work an unnecessary and undue hardship on the applicant deprive the applicant of rights commonly enjoyed by other properties in the same zoning district under the terms of this chapter and other applicable building and land development codes of the city. 4) That the special conditions and circumstances referred to in section (d)(1) of this section do not result from the actions of the applicant. 5) That approval of the variance requested will not confer upon the applicant any special privilege that is denied by this chapter to other lands, buildings, or structures in the same zoning district. 6) That the requested variance is the minimum variance from this chapter necessary to make possible the reasonable use of the land, building or structure. 7) That approval of the variance will be in harmony with the general intent and purpose of this chapter, and will not be injurious to the neighborhood or otherwise detrimental to the public welfare. 8) Whether the applicant has agreed to execute a binding development agreement required by the city to incorporate the terms and conditions of approval deemed necessary by the city commission including, but not limited to, any mitigative techniques and plans required by City Code. (e) The following factors shall not be considered in any variance request: 1) The presence of nonconformities in the zoning district or adjacent districts 2) Financial loss or business competition 3) Whether the property was purchased with the intent to develop or improve the property, whether or not it was known at the time of purchase that such development would be a violation. Variance Description/Special Conditions 1. Applicant’s Request: The applicant requests a variance from Winter Springs City Code Sec. 20-325(b)(2) to allow a setback of 10 feet for an accessory structure rear setback in lieu of the minimum 15 foot minimum rear setback noted in Sec. 20-325. Applicant’s Justification: The applicant states that special conditions that are particular to this lot, including the shape of the lot, necessitate the request for the variance. The applicant states that the lot is too narrow to allow a dumpster enclosure as well as 50 feet of access for service trucks without the requested variance. 631 P U B L I C H E A R I N G S A G E N D A I T E M | M O N D A Y , A U G U S T 1 4 , 2 0 2 3 | P A G E 16 OF 17 City Code/Staff Analysis: Staff supports this variance based on the applicant’s justiflcation. Additionally, the design of the parking areas and drive aisles necessitates the placement of the dumpster where it is proposed on the site plan. Staff also notes that the proposed placement of the dumpster enclosure o n this site would place it in a similar location to where the dumpster enclosure is for the existing McDonald’s fast food restaurant to the south. Reports: The Final Engineering submittal is required to include the following reports or updates of previously prepared reports for the same property. Reports March 8, 2022 Phase 1 Environmental Site Assessment | NV5 August 8, 2022 Geotechnical Report | NV5 January 16, 2023 Parking Letter | NV5 May 26, 2023 Storm Design Calculations | NV5 Procedural History: November 7, 2022 Site Plan Review Application | SP2023-0050 February 14, 2023 Conditional Use Application | CU2023-0026 March 7, 2023 Aesthetic Review Application | AR2023-0027 DATE Waiver Application | WA2023-0028 April 11, 2023 Community Workshop July 6, 2023 Planning & Zoning Board/Local Planning Agency | Recommendation on Conditional Use, Aesthetics, Waivers, Variance, Final Engineering, and Development Agreement Applicable Law, Public Policy, and Events: Florida Statutes 163.2511-163.3246: Growth Policy; County and Municipal Planning; Land Development Regulation (Provides that land development regulations for municipal planning be consistent with the Comprehensive Plan). Home Rule Powers City of Winter Springs Comprehensive Plan City of Winter Springs Code of Ordinances Ch20, Sec. 20-1. Deflnitions. 632 P U B L I C H E A R I N G S A G E N D A I T E M | M O N D A Y , A U G U S T 1 4 , 2 0 2 3 | P A G E 17 OF 17 Ch20, Sec. 20-33. Conditional Uses. Section 20-34 Waivers Ch20, Sec. 20-601. – Streetscape Requirements. Division 12. - Town Center District Code Fiscal Impact: Development of the subject property as an optometry offlce is anticipated to provide an increase to the City’s taxable value, as well as serve to beneflt nearby businesses through increased business at those establishments. Development Agreement: Pursuant to Section 20-29 of the City Code, all development projects requiring a community workshop pursuant to Section 20-29.1 shall be required to be memorialized in a binding Development Agreement executed by the City and the property owner. Community workshops are required for all new commercial development, under Section 20-29.1. The draft Development Agreement is enclosed as an Exhibit hereto. Planning & Zoning Board: The Planning & Zoning Board recommended approval by a vote of 4-0. Staff Recommendation: Staff recommends that the City Commission approve the Conditional Use, Final Engineering Plans, Aesthetic Review, Waivers, and Development Agreement to allow an optometry offlce in the Town Center District, subject to the following conditions: 1. Conditional use approval is conditioned upon the execution of the Development Agreement and the terms and conditions contained therein. 2. There shall be no retail sales of alcohol and no retail sales, manufacturing, or compounding of any products derived from the hemp plant or cannabis plant, including CBD (cannabidiol). 3. All grass areas on the Property shall use Bahia grass. No St. Augustine grass or grass types with low drought tolerance shall be permitted. 4. The subject property shall be used for an optometry office. Any other proposed use would require an amendment to this agreement. Attachments: Final Engineering Plans Development Agreement Vicinity and Aerial Map Site Plan Review Application Conditional Use Application Aesthetic Review Application Waiver Application 633 DEVELOPMENT AGREEMENT City of Winter Springs and Fisher Eye Properties, LLC. Page 1 of 10 THIS INSTRUMENT WAS PREPARED BY AND SHOULD BE RETURNED TO: Anthony A. Garganese City Attorney of Winter Springs Garganese, Weiss, D'Agresta & Salzman, P.A. 111 N. Orange Avenue, Suite 2000 Orlando, FL 32802 (407) 425-9566 DEVELOPMENT AGREEMENT FISHER EYE PROPERTIES, LLC (Vision Source Optometry) THIS DEVELOPMENT AGREEMENT ("Agreement") is made and executed this ______ day of _________________, 2023, by and between the CITY OF WINTER SPRINGS, a Florida Municipal Corporation (“City"), whose address is 1126 East S.R. 434, Winter Springs, Florida 32708, and FISHER EYE PROPERTIES, LLC, a Florida Limited Liability Company, (“Developer”) whose address is 690 Long Lake Drive, Oviedo, Florida 32765. WITNESSETH: WHEREAS, Developer is the owner of approximately 0.79 acres, more or less, of real property located in the T-C Town Center District, T5 Transect, Urban Center Zone, generally located on the Southeast corner of Tuskawilla Road and Tree Swallow Drive, just North of the McDonald’s, in Winter Springs, Seminole County, Florida, more particularly described herein (“Property”); and WHEREAS, Developer has applied for a Conditional Use, Final Engineering/Site Plan Approval, Aesthetic Plan Approval, Waivers, and a Variance from the City Code in order to construct a two-story optometry office on the Property; and WHEREAS, pursuant to Chapter 20 Zoning, Article II, Division 1, Section 20-29.1 of the Winter Springs City Code (“City Code”), public Hearing Notices were mailed to all owners of real property adjacent to and within approximately five-hundred (500) feet of the subject property and all Homeowner’s Associations on file within the City of Winter Springs on March 27, 2023, and a Community Workshop for the Project was held on April 11, 2023; and FOR RECORDING DEPARTMENT USE ONLY 634 DEVELOPMENT AGREEMENT City of Winter Springs and Fisher Eye Properties, LLC. Page 2 of 10 WHEREAS, Section 20-29(c) of the City Code requires that all conditional uses, site plans and waivers shall be binding on the use of the subject property and, further, that as a condition of approval by the City Commission, all development projects requiring a community workshop pursuant to Section 20-29.1 of the City Code shall be required to be memorialized in a binding Development Agreement; and WHEREAS, this Development Agreement shall be recorded against the property so that the terms and conditions of approval related to the Project shall run with the land; and NOW THEREFORE, in consideration of the mutual promises and covenants contained herein, the parties mutually agree as follows: 1.0 Recitals. The foregoing recitals are true and correct and are hereby incorporated herein by this reference. 2.0 Authority. This Agreement is entered into pursuant to the Florida Municipal Home Rule Powers Act. 3.0 The Property. The real property subject to this Agreement has a tax parcel identification number of 06-21-31-506-0000-0060 and is legally described in EXHIBIT “A”, attached hereto and fully incorporated herein by this reference (the “Property”). 4.0 Project Description and Requirements. Developer shall, at its expense, design, permit and construct a 10,000 square-foot, two-story, optometry office building on the Property, located in the City of Winter Springs Town Center. The optometry office building and supporting infrastructure and parking shall be constructed in a single phase. (Hereinafter the project description and requirements are referred to as the “Project”). The Developer shall construct the Project in a manner consistent with the approved Conditional Use, Final Engineering/Site Plans, Aesthetic Plans, Waivers and Variance that are on file with the City with the following file numbers and consistent with the requirements contained in this Agreement: File No: [Conditional use] File No. [Final engineering plans/site plan] File No. [Waiver] File No. [Aesthetic review] File No. [Variance] 635 DEVELOPMENT AGREEMENT City of Winter Springs and Fisher Eye Properties, LLC. Page 3 of 10 Specific conditions of approval for the above-referenced Plans and Waivers include the following, which are also addressed in the staff report for the Conditional Use, Final Engineering/Site Plans, Aesthetic Plans, Waivers and Variance: A. There shall be no retail sales of alcohol and no retail sales, manufacturing, or compounding of any products derived from the hemp plant or cannabis plant, including CBD (cannabidiol). B. All grass areas on the Property shall use Bahia grass. No St. Augustine grass or grass types with low drought tolerance shall be permitted. C. The subject property shall be used for an optometry office. Any other proposed use would require an amendment to this agreement. 5.0 Future Permitting. Developer shall be required to receive building permits and substantially commence vertical construction of buildings, which shall at minimum include building foundations, for the Project within two (2) years of the Effective Date of this Agreement. 6.0 Representations of the Parties. The City and Developer hereby each represent and warrant to the other that it has the power and authority to execute, deliver and perform the terms and provisions of this Agreement and has taken all necessary action to authorize the execution, delivery and performance of this Agreement. This Agreement will, when duly executed and delivered by the City and Developer, constitute a legal, valid and binding obligation enforceable against the parties hereto. Upon recording of this Agreement in the Public Records of Seminole County, Florida, the Agreement shall be a binding obligation upon the Property in accordance with the terms and conditions of this Agreement. Developer represents that it has voluntarily and willfully executed this Agreement for purposes of binding himself and the Property to the terms and conditions set forth in this Agreement. 7.0 Successors and Assigns. This Agreement shall automatically be binding upon and shall inure to the benefit of the City and Developer and their respective successors and assigns. The terms and conditions of this Agreement similarly shall be binding upon the Property, and shall run with title to the same upon being duly recorded against the Property by the City. 8.0 Applicable Law; Venue. This Agreement shall be governed by and construed in accordance with the laws of the State of Florida. The venue of any litigation arising out of this Agreement shall be in Seminole County, Florida or, for federal court actions, in Orlando, Florida. 9.0 Amendments. This Agreement shall not be modified or amended except by written agreement duly executed by both parties hereto (or their successors or assigns) and approved by the City Commission. 636 DEVELOPMENT AGREEMENT City of Winter Springs and Fisher Eye Properties, LLC. Page 4 of 10 10.0 Entire Agreement; Exhibits. This Agreement and all attached exhibits hereto supersede any other agreement, oral or written, regarding the Property and contain the entire agreement between the City and Developer as to the subject matter hereof. The Exhibits attached hereto and referenced herein are hereby fully incorporated herein by this reference. 11.0 Severability. If any provision of this Agreement shall be held to be invalid or unenforceable to any extent by a court of competent jurisdiction, the same shall not affect in any respect the validity or enforceability of the remainder of this Agreement. 12.0 Effective Date. This Agreement shall become effective upon approval by the City Commission and execution of this Agreement by both parties hereto. 13.0 Recordation. Upon full execution by the Parties, this Agreement shall be recorded in the Public Records of Seminole County, Florida by the City. The Developer shall be responsible for all recording fees associated with this Agreement. 14.0 Relationship of the Parties. The relationship of the parties to this Agreement is contractual and Developer is an independent contractor and not an agent of the City. Nothing herein shall be deemed to create a joint venture or principal-agent relationship between the parties, and neither party is authorized to, nor shall either party act toward third persons or the public in any manner, which would indicate any such relationship with the other. 15.0 Sovereign Immunity. The City intends to avail itself of sovereign immunity and other applicable limitations on City liability whenever deemed applicable by the City. Therefore, notwithstanding any other provision set forth in this Agreement, nothing contained in this Agreement shall be construed as a waiver of the City’s right to sovereign immunity under section 768.28, Florida Statutes, or other limitations imposed on the City’s potential liability under state or federal law. As such, the City shall not be liable under this Agreement for punitive damages or interest for the period before judgment. Further, the City shall not be liable for any claim or judgment, or portion thereof, to any one person for more than two hundred thousand dollars ($200,000.00), or any claim or judgment, or portion thereof, which, when totaled with all other claims or judgments paid by the State or its agencies and subdivisions arising out of the same incident or occurrence, exceeds the sum of three hundred thousand dollars ($300,000.00). 16.0 City's Police Power. Developer agrees and acknowledges that the City hereby reserves all police powers granted to the City by law. In no way shall this Agreement be construed as the City bargaining away or surrendering its police powers. 17.0 Interpretation. The parties hereby agree and acknowledge that they have both participated equally in the drafting of this Agreement and no party shall be favored or disfavored regarding the interpretation to this Agreement in the event of a dispute between the parties. 637 DEVELOPMENT AGREEMENT City of Winter Springs and Fisher Eye Properties, LLC. Page 5 of 10 18.0 Third-Party Rights. This Agreement is not a third-party beneficiary contract and shall not in any way whatsoever create any rights on behalf of any third party. 19.0 Specific Performance and Enforcement. Strict compliance shall be required with each and every provision of this Agreement. The parties agree that failure to perform the obligations provided by this Agreement shall result in irreparable damage and that specific performance of these obligations may be obtained by a suit in equity. The failure to timely comply with any mandatory condition of this Agreement shall further constitute a violation of the City’s Code of Ordinances and shall be subject to enforcement action as described therein including, but not limited to, enforcement before the City’s Code Enforcement Board under Chapter 2, Article III, Division 2. – Code Enforcement. 20.0 Attorney's Fees. In connection with any arbitration or litigation arising out of this Agreement, each party shall be responsible for their own attorney’s fees and costs. 21.0 Development Permits. Nothing herein shall limit the City's authority to grant or deny any development permit applications or requests subsequent to the effective date of this Agreement in accordance with the criteria of the City Code and the requirements of this Agreement. The failure of this Agreement to address any particular City, County, State and/or Federal permit, condition, term or restriction shall not relieve Developer or the City of the necessity of complying with the law governing said permitting requirement, condition, term or restriction. Without imposing any limitation on the City’s police powers, the City reserves the right to withhold, suspend or terminate any and all certificates of occupancy for any building, trailer, structure or unit if Developer is in breach of any term and condition of this Agreement. 22.0 Default. Failure by either party to perform each and every one of its obligations hereunder shall constitute a default, entitling the non-defaulting party to pursue whatever remedies are available to it under Florida law or equity including, without limitation, termination of this Agreement, an action for specific performance, and/or injunctive relief. Prior to any party filing any action as a result of a default under this Agreement, the non -defaulting party shall first provide the defaulting party with written notice of said default. Upon receipt of said notice, the defaulting party shall be provided a thirty (30) day opportunity in which to cure the default to the reasonable satisfaction of the non-defaulting party prior to filing said action. 23.0 Termination. The City shall have the unconditional right, but not obligation, to terminate this Agreement, without notice or penalty, if Developer fails to receive building permits and substantially commence vertical construction of buildings, which shall at minimum include building foundations, for the Project within two (2) years of the effective date of this Agreement. The Developer may apply to the City Commission for an extension of this Agreement, which may be granted upon good cause shown. In addition, the City shall have the right, but not obligation, to terminate the Agreement if Developer permanently abandons construction of the Project, provided, however, the City shall first deliver written notice and an opportunity to cure to the defaulting party as set forth in Section 22 above. If the City terminates 638 DEVELOPMENT AGREEMENT City of Winter Springs and Fisher Eye Properties, LLC. Page 6 of 10 this Agreement, the City shall record a notice of termination against the Property in the public records of Seminole County, Florida. 24.0 Indemnification and Hold Harmless. Developer shall be solely responsible for designing, permitting, constructing, operating and maintaining this Project. As such, Devel oper hereby agrees to indemnify, release, and hold harmless the City and its commissioners, employees and attorneys from and against all claims, losses, damages, personal injuries (including, but not limited to, death), or liability (including reasonable attorney’s fees and costs through all appellate proceedings), directly or indirectly arising from, out of, or caused by Developer and Developer’s contractor’s and subcontractor’s performance of design, permit and construction, and maintenance activities in furtherance of constructing the Project and maintaining the improvements of this Project. This indemnification shall survive the termination of this Agreement. 25.0 Force Majeure. The parties agree that in the event that the failure by either party to accomplish any action required hereunder within a specified time period (“Time Period”) constitutes a default under the terms of this Agreement and, if any such failure is due to acts of God, acts of government authority (other than the City’s own acts), acts of public enemy or war, riots, civil disturbances, power failure, shortages of labor or materials, injunction or other court proceedings beyond the control of such party, or severe adverse weather conditions (“Force Majeure Event”), then, notwithstanding any provision of this Agreement to the contrary, that failure shall not constitute a default under this Agreement and any Time Period proscribed hereunder shall be extended by the amount of time that such party was unable to perform solely due to the Force Majeure Event. The extended Time Period shall be agreed to in writing by the parties and said agreement shall not be unreasonably withheld by either party. The City Manager shall have the authority to grant an extended Time Period. An extension of any Time Period for reasons of a Force Majeure Event shall be requested solely as provided in this Section. Developer hereby waives and relinquishes the right to notify the City of the intent to exercise the tolling and extension of any permit related to the Project, including Time Periods under this Agreement, development orders, and building permits, available under Section 252.363, Florida Statutes, as the result of a declaration of a state of emergency issued by the Governor for a natural emergency. 26. Notice. Whenever either party desires to give notice to the other, notice shall be sent by hand delivery or certified mail, return receipt requested, and shall be sent to: For the City: City Manager City of Winter Springs 1126 East S.R. 434 Winter Springs, Florida 32708 With additional notice to: 639 DEVELOPMENT AGREEMENT City of Winter Springs and Fisher Eye Properties, LLC. Page 7 of 10 Anthony A. Garganese, City Attorney Garganese, Weiss, D’Agresta & Salzman, P.A. 111 N. Orange Avenue, Suite 2000 Orlando, FL 32802 For Developer: Fisher Eye Properties, LLC Attn: ___________________ 690 Long Lake Drive Oviedo, Florida 32765 Phone: __________________ Email: __________________ Either party may freely modify their respective contact person and address contained in this Paragraph by providing written notice of the modification to the other party. Any Notice given as provided herein shall be deemed received as follows: if delivered by personal service, on the date so delivered; and if mailed, on the third business day after mailing. 27.0 Assignment. Prior to completing the construction of the Project and reaching final build-out of the Project, Developer shall not assign this Agreement without the prior written consent of the City. Such assignment shall require the written approval of the City by amendment to this Agreement, which shall not require a public hearing and shall not be unreasonably withheld. However, Developer shall be entitled to assign its rights and obligations under this Agreement to a parent, subsidiary, or affiliated entity in which Developer or its members are members or interest holders without City consent, provided that the City is given notice of such assignment in accordance with Section 26.0 herein. Any assignment authorized by this subparagraph shall require the assignee to be a formal signatory to this Agreement and fully assume all of Developer’s obligations, commitments, representations, and warranties under this Agreement. In any assignment, the rights and obligations contained herein shall be binding on successors in interest to the Property, and the terms and conditions of this Agreement shall bind and inure to the benefit of the parties hereto and any respective successors and assigns. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the parties have hereunto set their hands and seal on the date first above written. CITY OF WINTER SPRINGS 640 DEVELOPMENT AGREEMENT City of Winter Springs and Fisher Eye Properties, LLC. Page 8 of 10 By: Kevin McCann, Mayor ATTEST: By: Christian Gowan, City Clerk CITY SEAL APPROVED AS TO FORM AND LEGALITY For the use and reliance of the City of Winter Springs, Florida only. Date: By: Anthony A. Garganese, City Attorney for the City of Winter Springs, Florida 641 DEVELOPMENT AGREEMENT City of Winter Springs and Fisher Eye Properties, LLC. Page 9 of 10 Signed, sealed and delivered in the presence of the following witnesses: Signature of Witness Printed Name of Witness Signature of Witness Printed Name of Witness FISHER EYE PROPERTIES, LLC Print name and title: ________________________ Date: _______________ STATE OF COUNTY OF The foregoing instrument was acknowledged before me by means of (___) physical presence or (___) online notarization, this ______ day of ___________, 2023, by____________________, the __________________of FISHER EYE PROPERTIES, LLC, a limited liability company, on behalf of the company, who is personally known to me or produced ___________________ _______________ as identification. (NOTARY SEAL) (Notary Public Signature) (Print Name) Notary Public, State of Commission No.: My Commission Expires: DEVELOPER IS HEREBY ADVISED THAT SHOULD DEVELOPER FAIL TO FULLY EXECUTE, AND DELIVER TO THE CITY, THIS AGREEMENT WITHIN THIRTY (30) DAYS FROM THE DATE THAT THE CITY COMMISSION APPROVES THIS AGREEMENT, THIS AGREEMENT, AND THE DEVELOPMENT PERMIT APPROVALS REFERENCED HEREUNDER, SHALL AUTOMATICALLY BE DEEMED NULL AND VOID. 642 DEVELOPMENT AGREEMENT City of Winter Springs and Fisher Eye Properties, LLC. Page 10 of 10 EXHIBIT A PROPERTY LEGAL DESCRIPTION Lot 6, WINTER SPRINGS APARTMENTS – A REPLAT, recorded in Plat Book 82, Pages 63 through 66, inclusive, Public Records of Seminole County, Florida. 643 CITY OF WINTER SPRINGS COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT DEPARTMENT 1126 East State Road 434 Winter Springs, Florida 32708 customerservice@winterspringsfl.org Project Site Parcel ID #06-21-31-506-0000-0060 644 FORREVISIONSDATENO.SHEET DESIGNER:PRJ. MGR:JOB #:CHECKED:ENGINEER ENGINEER:RECORD DRAWINGTHIS RECORD DRAWING IS BASED ON THE RESULTS OF LIMITEDPERIODIC FIELD OBSERVATIONS DURING CONSTRUCTION, AREVIEW OF CONTRACTOR FURNISHED REDLINED PLANSINDICATING CHANGES INCORPORATED DURING CONSTRUCTION,AND WITNESSED UTILITY TESTING OF DRINKING WATER ANDWASTEWATER SYSTEMS. ALTHOUGH THE ACCURACY CAN NOTBE GUARANTEED, THE ENGINEER BELIEVES THIS RECORDDRAWING IS CORRECT TO THE BEST OF HIS/HER KNOWLEDGE.FL LIC. # ATDATE: May. 26, 2023FRANK A. PORTER, P.E.FL. LIC. #690926200 Lee Vista Blvd., Suite 400Orlando, FL (407) 896-3317WWW.NV5.COMCERTIFICATE OF AUTHORIZATION # 29065COVER SHEETC01.0 JPMJWHFAP22011VISION SOURCE WINTER SPRINGSTUSKAWILLA RD.WINTER SPRINGS, FLFISHER EYE PROPOERTIES, LLC.NO. TUSKAWILLA RD. WINTER SPRINGS, FLORIDA AT VISION SOURCE WINTER SPRINGS PARCEL ID #: 06-21-31-506-0000-0060 ENGINEER APPLICANTDEVELOPER FISHER EYE PROPERTIES, LLC. 690 LONG LAKE DRIVE OVIEDO, FL 32765 DAVID FISHER (407) 462 - 3738 NV5, INC. 6200 LEE VISTA BLVD. ORLANDO, FL 32822 FRANKLIN A. PORTER, P.E. 407-896-3317 AERIAL PHOTOVICINITY MAP NTS COVER SHEET C06.0 C01.0 SITE PLAN C10.0 C03.0 SWPPP PHASE 1 PLAN C04.0 SWPPP PHASE 2 PLAN S1.0 C05.0 WATER DETAILS DESCRIPTION PLANS BOUNDARY AND TOPOGRAPHIC SURVEY SANITARY SEWER DETAILS PROJECT LOCATION C09.0 CONSULTANTS LANDSCAPE: SITE PLAN NOTES: 1. ALL WORK AND MATERIALS SHALL COMPLY WITH ALL CITY OF WINTER SPRINGS REGULATIONS AND CODES AND O.S.H.A. STANDARDS. 2. CONTRACTOR SHALL REFER TO THE ARCHITECTURAL PLANS FOR EXACT LOCATIONS AND DIMENSIONS OF VESTIBULES, SLOPE PAVING, SIDEWALKS, EXIT PORCHES, ETC., PRECISE BUILDING DIMENSIONS AND EXACT BUILDING UTILITY ENTRANCE LOCATIONS. 3. ALL DISTURBED AREAS ARE TO RECEIVE FOUR INCHES OF TOPSOIL, SEED, MULCH AND WATER UNTIL A HEALTHY STAND OF GRASS IS ESTABLISHED. SEE 02900 SPECIFICATION. 4. ALL ISLANDS WITH CURB & GUTTER SHALL BE LANDSCAPED, UNLESS OTHERWISE NOTED. THOSE ISLANDS ARE TO HAVE CONC. CURB. 5. ALL DIMENSIONS AND RADII ARE TO THE FACE OF CURB UNLESS OTHERWISE NOTED. 6. EXISTING STRUCTURES WITHIN CONSTRUCTION LIMITS ARE TO BE MODIFIED AS NECESSARY. ALL COST SHALL BE INCLUDED IN BASE BID. 7. CONTRACTOR SHALL BE RESPONSIBLE FOR ALL RELOCATIONS, (UNLESS OTHERWISE NOTED ON PLANS) INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO, ALL UTILITIES, STORM DRAINAGE, SIGNS, TRAFFIC SIGNALS & POLES, ETC. AS REQUIRED. ALL WORK SHALL BE IN ACCORDANCE WITH GOVERNING AUTHORITIES REQUIREMENTS AND PROJECT SITE WORK SPECIFICATIONS AND SHALL BE APPROVED BY SUCH. ALL COST SHALL BE INCLUDED IN BASE BID. 8. THE SITE WORK FOR THE PROJECT SHALL MEET OR EXCEED THE "SITE SPECIFIC SPECIFICATIONS". 9. LIGHTING ELECTRICAL PLANS TO BE PROVIDED BY DUKE ENERGY. 10. ALL SIGNAGE AND STRIPING TO BE INSTALLED IN ACCORDANCE WITH MUTCD (LATEST EDITION) STANDARDS AND SPECIFICATIONS. 11. ALL CONSTRUCTION DUMPSTERS TO BE WASTE PRO, NO EXCEPTIONS. 12. NO ONSITE BURNING IS ALLOWED AT ANY TIME. 13. ALL ORGANIC OR OTHER UNSUITABLE MATERIALS MUST BE HAULED OFF THE SITE AND PROPERLY DISPOSED. 14. PAYMENT OF THE 1% SITE INSPECTION FEE IS DUE PRIOR TO BREAKING GROUND. FEE IS 1% OF THE TOTAL SITEWORK CONSTRUCTION COST, NOT INCLUDING ITEMS COVERED BY A BUILDING PERMIT. 15. PROVIDE A VIDEO INSPECTION OF ALL SANITARY SEWER MAINS, SANITARY SEWER LATERALS, AND ALL STORMWATER PIPES. PROVIDE THE CITY WITH A DVD COPY OF ALL VIDEO INSPECTIONS. 16. ALL WORK PERFORMED WITHIN THE FDOT RIGHT-OF-WAY SHALL BE IN ACCORDANCE WITH 2017 DESIGN STANDARDS, 2017 STANDARD SPECIFICATIONS FOR ROAD AND BRIDGE CONSTRUCTION, AND 2010 UTILITY ACCOMODATION MANUAL. 1. CONTRACTOR IS RESPONSIBLE FOR DEMOLITION OF EXISTING STRUCTURES INCLUDING REMOVAL OF ANY EXISTING UTILITIES SERVING THE STRUCTURE. 2. THE CONTRACTOR IS SPECIFICALLY CAUTIONED THAT THE LOCATION AND/OR ELEVATION OF EXISTING UTILITIES AS SHOWN ON THESE PLANS IS BASED ON RECORDS OF THE VARIOUS UTILITY COMPANIES, AND WHERE POSSIBLE, MEASUREMENTS TAKEN IN THE FIELD. THE INFORMATION IS NOT TO BE RELIED ON AS BEING EXACT OR COMPLETE. THE CONTRACTOR MUST CALL THE APPROPRIATE UTILITY COMPANIES AT LEAST 72 HOURS BEFORE ANY EXCAVATION TO REQUEST EXACT FIELD LOCATION OF UTILITIES. IT SHALL BE THE RESPONSIBILITY OF THE CONTRACTOR TO RELOCATE ALL EXISTING UTILITIES WHICH CONFLICT WITH THE PROPOSED IMPROVEMENTS SHOWN ON THE PLANS. 3. ALL CUT OR FILL SLOPES SHALL BE 4:1 OR FLATTER UNLESS OTHERWISE NOTED. 4. PRECAST STRUCTURES MAY BE USED AT CONTRACTORS OPTION. 5. EXISTING PIPES TO BE CLEANED OUT TO REMOVE ALL SILT AND DEBRIS. 6. STORM PIPE SHALL BE PER MASTER SITE SPECIFICATIONS SECTION 02630. 7. IF ANY EXISTING STRUCTURES TO REMAIN ARE DAMAGED DURING CONSTRUCTION IT SHALL BE THE CONTRACTORS RESPONSIBILITY TO REPAIR AND/OR REPLACE THE EXISTING STRUCTURE AS NECESSARY TO RETURN IT TO EXISTING CONDITIONS OR BETTER. 8. ALL STORM PIPE ENTERING STRUCTURES SHALL BE GROUTED TO ASSURE CONNECTION AT STRUCTURE IS WATERTIGHT 9. ALL STORM SEWER MANHOLES IN PAVED AREAS SHALL BE FLUSH WITH PAVEMENT, AND SHALL HAVE TRAFFIC BEARING RING & COVERS. MANHOLES IN UNPAVED AREAS SHALL BE 6" ABOVE FINISH GRADE. LIDS SHALL BE LABELED "STORM SEWER". 10. THE CONTRACTOR SHALL ADHERE TO ALL TERMS & CONDITIONS AS OUTLINED IN THE GENERAL N.P.D.E.S. PERMIT FOR STORM WATER DISCHARGE ASSOCIATED WITH CONSTRUCTION ACTIVITIES. 11. CONTRACTOR SHALL ADJUST AND/OR CUT EXISTING PAVEMENT AS NECESSARY TO ASSURE A SMOOTH FIT AND CONTINUOUS GRADE. 12. CONTRACTOR SHALL ASSURE POSITIVE DRAINAGE AWAY FROM BUILDINGS FOR ALL NATURAL AND PAVED 13. ALL UNSURFACED AREAS DISTURBED BY GRADING OPERATION SHALL RECEIVE 4 INCHES OF TOPSOIL. CONTRACTOR SHALL APPLY STABILIZATION FABRIC TO ALL SLOPES 3H:1V OR STEEPER. CONTRACTOR SHALL STABILIZE DISTURBED AREAS IN ACCORDANCE WITH GOVERNING SPECIFICATIONS UNTIL A HEALTHY STAND OF VEGETATION IS OBTAINED. 14. CONSTRUCTION SHALL COMPLY WITH ALL APPLICABLE GOVERNING CODES AND BE CONSTRUCTED TO SAME. 15. ALL STORM STRUCTURES SHALL HAVE A SMOOTH UNIFORM POURED MORTAR INVERT FROM INVERT IN TO INVERT OUT. 16. TOPOGRAPHIC INFORMATION IS TAKEN FROM A TOPOGRAPHIC SURVEY BY LAND SURVEYOR CONSULTANT. IF THE CONTRACTOR DOES NOT ACCEPT EXISTING TOPOGRAPHY AS SHOWN ON THE PLANS, WITHOUT EXCEPTION, THEN THE CONTRACTOR SHALL SUPPLY, AT THEIR EXPENSE, A TOPOGRAPHIC SURVEY BY A REGISTERED LAND SURVEYOR TO THE OWNER FOR REVIEW. 17. ALL EXISTING MANHOLE RIMS TO BE FLUSH WITH FINISHED GRADE. CONTRACTOR TO INSTALL MANHOLE RISERS OR ADJUST EXISTING FRAMES AS NECESSARY. 18. EXISTING GRATE ELEVATIONS TO REMAIN. WHERE PAVEMENT OVERLAY IS TO BE PLACED, FEATHER OVERLAY TO MATCH EXISTING GRATE ELEVATION TO FORM A SMOOTH TRANSITION. 19. SPOT ELEVATIONS ADJACENT TO CURBS REPRESENT EDGE OF PAVEMENT ELEVATIONS, TOP OF CURB SHOULD BE CONSIDERED 6" HIGHER. 20. CONTRACTOR TO MATCH EXISTING GRADE AT LIMITS OF DISTURBANCE, AS DEPICTED ON SWPPP SITE MAPS 21. STRIP THE SURFICIAL ORGANIC SANDS AND IMPORT A MINIMUM OF 2 FEET OF PRE-APPROVED ENGINEERED FILL WITHIN THE LIMITS OF PROPOSED BUILDING FOUNDATIONS AND PAVEMENT. 22. AFTER STRIPPING IS COMPLETE, THE EXPOSED SUBGRADE SHALL BE OBSERVED, TESTED AND PROOF-ROLLED WITH A MINIMUM OF 10 PASSES WITH A HEAVY VIBRATORY ROLLER IN PERPENDICULAR DIRECTIONS. 23. FILL SHALL BE COMPACTED IN LIFTS NO THICKER THAN 9 TO 12 INCHES IN LOOSE THICKNESS, WITH EACH LIFT COMPACTED TO AT LEAST 95 PERCENT OF THE SOILS MODIFIED PROCTOR DRY DENSITY, (ASTM D-1557), AT A DEPTH OF 1 FOOT BELOW THE COMPACTED SURFACE, AS DETERMINED BY IN-PLACE DENSITY TESTS. 24. FILL SHALL BE COMPACTED TO 95 PERCENT OF THE MATERIAL'S MAXIMUM MODIFIED PROCTOR DRY DENSITY 25. IMPORTED FILL OR BACKFILL SHOULD CONSIST OF FINE SAND WITH LESS THAN 15 PERCENT PASSING THE NO. 200 SIEVE, FREE 26. MOISTURE CONTENT OF THE FILL SHALL BE WITH IN +/-2 PERCENT OF OPTIMUM MOISTURE CONTENT AS ESTABLISHED IN ASTM D-1557. 27. ONE FIELD DENSITY TEST SHALL BE CONDUCTED PER 2,500 SQUARE FEET (OR FRACTION THEREOF) PER LIFT, IN THE BUILDING AREA, 28. ALTHOUGH THE EXPOSED SUBGRADE IS ANTICIPATED TO BE RELATIVELY STABLE UPON INITIAL EXPOSURE, UNSTABLE SUBGRADE CONDITIONS COULD DEVELOP DURING GENERAL CONSTRUCTION OPERATIONS IF THE SOILS ARE WETTED AND/OR SUBJECTED TO REPETITIVE CONSTRUCTION TRAFFIC. SITE GRADING NOTES: AREAS. GEOTECH: NV5, INC 407-695-4800 MAITLAND, FLORIDA 32751 601 S. LAKE DESTINY RD, SUITE 200 WATER MANAGEMENT: SITEWORK CONSTRUCTION JURISDICTION / UTILITIES WATER WINTER SPRINGS, FLORIDA 32708 1126 EAST STATE ROAD 434 CITY OF WINTER SPRINGS, FLORIDA ST. JOHNS RIVER WATER MAN. DISTRICT WASTEWATER ELECTRIC: OVIEDO, FLORIDA 32765 2801 WEST STATE ROAD 426 DUKE ENERGY 800-700-8744 TELEPHONE: ORLANDO, FLORIDA 32801 AT&T 407-351-8190 CABLE: ORLANDO, FLORIDA 32810 3767 ALL AMERICAN BLVD. SPECTRUM CABLE 1-800-222-0102 SURVEYOR: 407-896-3317 FRANK A. PORTER, P.E. ORLANDO, FLORIDA 32822 6200 LEE VISTA BLVD. NV5, INC. CIVIL ENGINEER: ARCHITECT: 1011 E. COLONIAL #307 ELEVEN18, INC. ORLANDO, FL 32803 LEGAL DESCRIPTION GRADING PLAN GENERAL DETAIL SHEET 1 J. SCOTT LIBERTY WINTER PARK, FLORIDA 32792 5621 REVELWOOD LOOP LANDSCAPE ARCHITECT, LLC 407-719-2124 SITE UTILITY NOTES: 1. ALL FILL MATERIAL IS TO BE IN PLACE, AND COMPACTED BEFORE INSTALLATION OF PROPOSED UTILITIES. 2. CONTRACTOR SHALL NOTIFY THE PROPER UTILITIES AUTHORITIES 48 HOURS PRIOR TO ANY UTILITIES CONSTRUCTION. 3. SANITARY SEWER PIPE SHALL BE AS FOLLOWS: 8" PVC SDR35 PER ASTM D 3034, FOR PIPES LESS THAN 10' DEEP 8" PVC SDR26 PER ASTM D 3034, FOR PIPES MORE THAN 10' DEEP 6" PVC SDR 35 PER ASTM D3034 DUCTILE IRON PIPE PER AWWA C150 4. WATER LINES SHALL BE AS FOLLOWS, UNLESS OTHERWISE DEPICTED ON PLANS: 6" AND LARGER, PVC C-900 PER ASTM D 2241 CLASS 200 UNDER PUBLIC ROADS, OTHERWISE CLASS 150 6" AND LARGER DUCTILE IRON PIPE PER AWWA C150 SMALLER THAN 6" EITHER COPPER TUBE TYPE "L" (SOFT) PER ANSI 816.22 OR PVC, 200 P.S.I., PER ASTM D1784 and D2241. 5. MINIMUM TRENCH WIDTH SHALL BE 2 FEET. 6. CONTRACTOR SHALL MAINTAIN A MINIMUM OF 3'-0" COVER ON ALL WATERLINES AND SANITARY SEWER. 7. LINES UNDERGROUND SHALL BE INSTALLED, INSPECTED AND APPROVED BY CITY OF WINTER SPRINGS PUBLIC WORKS BEFORE BACKFILLING. 8. TOPS OF EXISTING MANHOLES SHALL BE RAISED AS NECESSARY TO BE FLUSH WITH PROPOSED PAVEMENT ELEVATIONS, AND TO BE SIX INCHES ABOVE UNPAVED GROUND ELEVATIONS WITH WATER TIGHT LIDS. 9. EXISTING UTILITIES HAVE BEEN FIELD VERIFIED, HOWEVER, EXISTING UTILITIES SHALL BE RE-VERIFIED IN FIELD PRIOR TO INSTALLATION OF ANY NEW LINES. THE EXISTING SANITARY SEWER SIZE, LOCATION, AND ELEVATION SHALL BE VERIFIED PRIOR TO CONSTRUCTION AND DEPICTED ON THESE PLANS. 10. REFER TO INTERIOR PLUMBING DRAWINGS FOR TIE-IN OF ALL UTILITIES. 11. ALL NECESSARY INSPECTIONS AND/OR CERTIFICATIONS REQUIRED BY CODES AND/OR UTILITY SERVICE COMPANIES SHALL BE PERFORMED PRIOR TO ANNOUNCED BUILDING POSSESSION AND THE FINAL CONNECTION OF SERVICES. 12. CONTRACTOR SHALL COORDINATE WITH ALL UTILITY COMPANIES FOR INSTALLATION REQUIREMENTS AND SPECIFICATIONS. 13. ALL WATER JOINTS ARE TO BE MECHANICAL RESTRAINED JOINTS. 14. IN THE EVENT OF A VERTICAL CONFLICT BETWEEN WATER LINES, SANITARY LINES, STORM LINES AND GAS LINES (EXISTING AND PROPOSED), THE SANITARY LINE SHALL BE DUCTILE IRON PIPE WITH MECHANICAL JOINTS AT LEAST 10 FEET ON BOTH SIDES OF CROSSING, THE WATER LINE SHALL HAVE MECHANICAL RESTRAINED JOINTS AS REQUIRED TO PROVIDE A MINIMUM OF 18" CLEARANCE. MEETING REQUIREMENTS OF ANSI A21.10 OR ANSI 21.11 (AWWA C-151) (CLASS 50). 15. ALL SANITARY LATERALS (LESS THAN 6" DIAMETER) SHALL BE SLOPED AT A MINIMUM OF 1.00%. 16. CONTRACTOR SHALL TURN OFF THE CORPORATION STOPS AT THE METERS FOR ALL WATER SERVICES THAT ARE TO BE REMOVED. 17. WHEN ANY ROOTS OF EXISTING TREES ARE ENCOUNTERED DURING LAND CLEARING AND/OR GRADING OF THE SITE THE ROOTS MUST BE CUT OFF EVENLY WITH CLEAN SHARP PRUNING TOOLS. CONTRACTOR SHALL MINIMIZE DAMAGE TO TREE ROOT SYSTEM. 18. A MINIMUM OF 5 FT SEPARATION SHALL BE PROVIDED BETWEEN THE UNDERGROUND UTILITIES AND ANY PROPOSED LARGE CANOPY TREES. 19. PRIVATE DEDICATED UNDERGROUND FIRE MAINS AND FIRE HYDRANTS MUST BE INSTALLED BY A LICENSED FIRE CONTRACTOR CLASS I, II, III, IV. COMBINATION FIRE MAINS (SHARED DOMESTIC AND FIRE PROTECTION SERVICE) AND FIRE HYDRANTS UP TO THE DEDICATED FIRE PROTECTION SYSTEM "POINT OF SERVICE" CAN BE INSTALLED BY A LICENSED UNDERGROUND UTILITY/EXCAVATION CONTRACTOR, GENERAL CONTRACTOR, OR PLUMBING CONTRACTOR. 20. UNDERGROUND FIRE MAINS WILL BE DESIGNED AND INSTALLED IN ACCORDANCE WITH NFPA 24-2007 EDITION. STANDARDS FOR THE INSTALLATION OF PRIVATE FIRE SERVICE MAINS AND THEIR APPURTENANCES. 21. IN PAVED AREAS, ALL CLEANOUT COVERS SHALL BE TRAFFIC RATED. PROJECT LOCATION 407-862-4200 MICHAEL SOLITRO, LS LONGWOOD, FLORIDA 32779 480 NEEDLES TRAIL REPUBLIC NATIONAL, INC. WINTER SPRINGS, FLORIDA 32708 1126 EAST STATE ROAD 434 CITY OF WINTER SPRINGS, FLORIDA 407-327-8979 WINTER SPRINGS, FLORIDA 32708 1126 EAST STATE ROAD 434 CITY OF WINTER SPRINGS, FLORIDA GENERAL DETAIL SHEET 2 C02.0 C07.0 OWNER WINTER SPRINGS APARTMENTS LP 880 GLENWOOD AVE SE, STE H ATLANTA, GA 30316-1825 1 TEST PER 5,000 SQUARE FEET IN PAVEMENT AREAS. OF RUBBLE, ORGANICS, CLAY, DEBRIS, AND OTHER UNSUITABLE MATERIAL. C08.0 29. LANDSCAPED AREAS BETWEEN RESIDENTIAL BUILDINGS AND SIDEWALKS ALONG PUBLIC ROADS SHALL BE SLOPED SUCH THAT THE EXPOSED FOOTER OF THE BUILDING IS A MINIMUM OF 1 FOOT AND MAXIMUM OF 2.5 FEET. GEOTECHNICAL DATA: EARTHWORK RELATED TO THE BUILDING FLOOR SLAB SHALL BE PERFORMED IN ACCORDANCE WITH THE RECOMMENDATIONS PROVIDED IN THE GEOTECHNICAL REPORT BY ECS FLORIDA, LLC, REPORT JOB NO. 24-6014, SIGNED BY ARAVIND RANGASWAMY, PE ON MARCH 8, 2017. CONTRACTOR IS RESPONSIBLE FOR OBTAINING A COPY OF THIS REPORT. UTILITY PLAN L-1 LANDSCAPE PLAN E0-2 PHOTOMETRIC SITE PLAN 407-327-8979 407-327-8979 BRYANT SMITH, P.E. BRYANT SMITH, P.E. BRYANT SMITH, P.E. C11.0 TREE REMOVAL PLAN MARK SELLERS, M. ARCH. 407-745-5300 407-896-1373 AMR SALLAM, P.E. ORLANDO, FLORIDA 32822 6200 LEE VISTA BLVD. C12.0 FIRE TRUCK ACCESS PLAN 645 50'MIN12'MIN.DEMO EXIST.CURBEASEMENTSFSFSFSFSFSFSF SF SF SF SF SF SF SF SF SF SFSFSF SFSFSFSF SF SF SF SF SF SF SF SF SFSFSFCE IP1IP1IP2NOR T H 40200SCALE: 1" = 20'FOR REVISIONSDATENO.SHEETDESIGNER: PRJ. MGR: JOB #: CHECKED: ENGINEER AT DATE: May. 25, 2023 FRANK A. PORTER, P.E. FL. LIC. #69092 6200 Lee Vista Blvd., Suite 400 ORLANDO, FL (407) 896-3317 WWW.NV5.COM CERTIFICATE OF AUTHORIZATION # 29065 SWPPP PHASE 1 PLANC02.0JPH JWH FAP 22011VISION SOURCE WINTER SPRINGS TUSKAWILLA RD. WINTER SPRINGS, FLORIDA FISHER EYE PROPERTIES, LLC SITE LEGENDSFSFCE3. MAINTENANCE:1.SILT FENCE SHALL BE INSPECTED AT LEAST WEEKLY. ANY REQUIRED REPAIRS SHALLBE MADE IMMEDIATELY. SEDIMENT DEPOSITS SHALL BE REMOVED WHEN THEYREACH APPROXIMATELY ONE-HALF THE HEIGHT OF THE BARRIER.2.INLETS SHALL BE INSPECTED IMMEDIATELY AFTER EACH RAIN EVENT AND ANYREPAIRS SHALL BE PERFORMED IMMEDIATELY.3.BARE AREAS OF THE SITE THAT WERE PREVIOUSLY SEEDED SHALL BE RE-SEEDEDPER MANUFACTURES' INSTRUCTIONS.4.MULCH AND SOD THAT HAS BEEN WASHED OUT SHALL BE REPLACED IMMEDIATELY.ALL MEASURES ON THIS SITE MAP, AND IN THE STORM WATER POLLUTION PREVENTIONPLAN, SHALL BE MAINTAINED IN FULLY FUNCTIONAL CONDITION UNTIL NO LONGERREQUIRED FOR A COMPLETED PHASE OF WORK OR FINAL STABILIZATION OF THE SITE.CONTROLS ARE TO BE REPLACED OR REPAIRED IF IN A SUBSTANDARD CONDITION. ALLMAINTENANCE MODIFICATIONS ARE TO BE NOTED, ON PLANS, AS THEY OCCUR.4. INSPECTIONS:A QUALIFIED INSPECTOR SHALL INSPECT ALL POINTS OF DISCHARGE INTO SURFACEWATERS OF THE STATE AND MS4 (CITY OF WINTER SPRINGS & FDOT); DISTURBED AREASOF THE CONSTRUCTION SITE THAT HAVE NOT BEEN FINALLY STABILIZED; AREAS USEDFOR STORAGE OF MATERIALS THAT ARE EXPOSED TO PRECIPITATION; STRUCTURALCONTROLS; AND, LOCATIONS WHERE VEHICLES ENTER OR EXIT THE SITE, AT LEAST ONCEEVERY SEVEN CALENDAR DAYS AND WITHIN 24 HOURS OF THE END OF A STORM THAT IS0.50 INCHES OR GREATER. A REPORT SUMMARIZING THE SCOPE OF THE INSPECTIONSHALL BE MADE AND RETAINED IN THE CONSTRUCTION TRAILER AS PART OF THESTORMWATER POLLUTION PREVENTION5. NON-STORMWATER DISCHARGES:IT IS ANTICIPATED THAT THE FOLLOWING NON-STORMWATER DISCHARGES MAY OCCURFROM THE SITE DURING THE CONSTRUCTION PERIOD:1.WATER FROM LINE FLUSHINGS2.PAVEMENT WASH WATER (WHERE NO SPILLS OR LEAKS OF TOXIC OR HAZARDOUSMATERIALS HAVE OCCURRED)3.SITE WATERING, TO ALLEVIATE FUGATIVE DUST4.ROUTINE EXTERNAL BUILDING WASHDOWN WHICH DOES NOT USE DETERGENTS5.IRRIGATION DRAINAGEIF SAID DISCHARGES DO OCCUR, THEY WILL BE DIRECTED TO THE TEMPORARY EROSIONCONTROL MEASURES PRIOR TO DISCHARGE6. CONTRACTOR/SUBCONTRACTOR CERTIFICATION:ALL CONTRACTOR(S) AND SUBCONTRACTOR(S) IDENTIFIED ABOVE MUST SIGN THEFOLLOWING CERTIFICATION: "I CERTIFY UNDER PENALTY OF LAW THAT I UNDERSTAND,AND SHALL COMPLY WITH, THE TERMS AND CONDITIONS OF THE STATE OF FLORIDAGENERIC PERMIT FOR STORMWATER DISCHARGE FROM LARGE AND SMALLCONSTRUCTION ACTIVITIES AND THIS STORMWATER POLLUTION PREVENTION PLANPREPARED THEREUNDER."B. PERMANENT STORMWATER MANAGEMENT CONTROLS:1.CATCH BASINS AND STORM SEWER SYSTEM ON-SITE TO PROVIDE POSITIVE DRAINAGE OF THEENTIRE SITE TO THE DISCHARGE POINT.C. CONTROLS FOR OTHER POLLUTANTS:1.WASTE DISPOSAL: ALL WASTE WILL BE DISPOSED OF IN AN APPROPRIATE LEGAL MANOR, ANDCOMPLY WITH CITY OF WINTER SPRINGS ORDINANCES FOR WASTE DISPOSAL ANDCOMMERCIAL SITE DEVELOPMENT.2.VEHICLE TRACKING: OFF SITE VEHICLE TRACKING OF SEDIMENTS AND DUST GENERATION WILLBE MINIMIZED VIA BEST POSSIBLE PRACTICES, DAILY SWEEPING AND THE USE OF WATER TOKEEP DUST DOWN.3.FERTILIZERS, HERBICIDES, AND PESTICIDES: FERTILIZERS AND PESTICIDES WILL BE USED AT AMINIMUM AND IN ACCORDANCE WITH THE MANUFACTURERS' SUGGESTED APPLICATIONAPPLICATION RATES. THE FERTILIZERS AND PESTICIDES SHALL BE STORED IN A COVEREDSHED.4.TOXIC SUBSTANCES: ALL PAINTS AND OTHER CHEMICALS WILL BE STORED IN A LOCKEDCOVERED SHED.5.OTHER: PORT-O-LETS WILL BE PLACED AWAY FROM THE STORM SEWER SYSTEMS AND STORMINLETS. NO VEHICLE MAINTENANCE SHALL BE CONDUCTED ON-SITE. A WASHDOWN AREASHALL BE DESIGNATED AT ALL TIMES AND WILL NOT BE LOCATED IN ANY AREA THAT WILLALLOW FOR THE DISCHARGE OF POLLUTED RUNOFF. A SMALL VEGETATED BERM SHALL BEPLACED AROUND THE WASHDOWN AREA.BEST MANAGEMENT PRACTICES SEQUENCE1. SITE DESCRIPTIONA. CONSTRUCTION OF COMMERCIAL RETAIL BUILDINGS, PUBLIC ROADS, AND SURFACE PARKINGAREAS.B. SEQUENCE OF SOIL DISTURBANCE:(1) INSTALL PERIMETER SEDIMENT AND EROSION CONTROLS.(2) PREPARE SITE.(3) CLEAR AND GRUB PROPOSED AREA.(4) INSTALL PROPOSED UNDERGROUND STORMWATER AND UTILITIES.(5) INSTALL CONCRETE CURB, CONCRETE SIDEWALK. AND PAVEMENT(6) STABILIZE SITE.C.TOTAL SITE AREA:0.79± ACRESDISTURBED SITE AREA:0.79± ACRESD. SOILS: THE SOILS (PER NRCS) POMELLO, ST JOHNS/EAUGALLIEE. DRAINAGE AREA FOR EXISTING DISCHARGE POINT:0.79± ACRESDRAINAGE AREA FOR PROPOSED DISCHARGE POINT:0.79± ACRESF.LATITUDE AND LONGITUDE OF EXISTING DISCHARGE POINT:DISCHARGE POINT LAT:28° 41' 46.75" NDISCHARGE POINT LONG:81°15' 38.85" WDISCHARGES TO EXISTING STORM WATER SYSTEMLATITUDE AND LONGITUDE OF PROPOSED DISCHARGE POINT:DISCHARGE POINT LAT:28° 41' 46.75" NDISCHARGE POINT LONG:81°15' 38.85" WDISCHARGES TO EXISTING STORM WATER SYSTEM2. CONTROLSA. EROSION AND SEDIMENT CONTROLS:(1) STABILIZATION PRACTICES:1.TEMPORARY SEEDING SHALL BE RYE GRASS APPLIED AT MANUFACTURER'SRECOMMENDATIONS TO ANY DISTURBED AREAS THAT ARE INACTIVE FOR SEVEN DAYS.2.MULCHING PRACTICES AND SOD SHALL BE APPLIED TO PARKING LOT ISLANDS.(2) STRUCTURAL PRACTICES:1.PRIOR TO CLEARING, A SILT FENCE SHALL BE INSTALLED AROUND THE PERIMETER OF THESITE, AS SHOWN HEREIN.2.DURING THE CLEARING, GRUBBING, AND SITE GRADING STAGES, AREAS TO BE LEFTDISTURBED MORE THAN 7 DAYS SHALL BE STABILIZED WITH RYE GRASS APPLIED PER THEMANUFACTURER'S SPECIFICATIONS. AFTER SEEDING, EACH AREA SHALL BE MULCHED WITH4,000 POUNDS OF STRAW PER ACRE.3.AFTER ALL INITIAL SITE GRADING WORK, ALL PROPOSED INLETS/OUTFALLS, ONCE INSTALLED,SHALL BE PROTECTED FROM EROSION AND SEDIMENT RUNOFF BY THE USE OF THE INLETPROTECTION DESIGNATED ON THE SITE MAP. DISTURBED PORTIONS OF THE SITE WHERECONSTRUCTION ACTIVITIES HAVE PERMANENTLY CEASED SHALL BE STABILIZED WITH SEED ORSOD AS INDICATED ON THE SITE MAP NO LATER THAN 14 DAYS AFTER THE LASTCONSTRUCTION ACTIVITY. SEEDING SHALL BE THE SAME AS IN TEMPORARY SEEDING.4.ALL INSTALLATION SHALL BE COMMENCED AS DEPICTED ON THE SITE MAPS AND EROSIONCONTROL DETAIL SHEET.5.IF SEDIMENT AND EROSION CONTROL MEASURES DEVIATE FROM THE PLANS THE CITY OFWINTER SPRINGS SHALL BE NOTIFIED.IP1IP2646 UPGARAGE600T3839STS-2STS-5STS-7STS-16STS-6DN.TREE SWALLOW ROADTUSKAWILLA ROADDUMPSTERENCLOSURESPROP. BLDG.2 STORYEASEMENTSFSFSFSFSFSFSF SF SF SF SF SF SF SF SF SF SFSFSF SFSFSFSF SF SF SF SF SF SF SF SF SFSFSF IP1IP1IP2IP1NOR T H 40200SCALE: 1" = 20'FOR REVISIONSDATENO.SHEETDESIGNER: PRJ. MGR: JOB #: CHECKED: ENGINEER AT DATE: May. 25, 2023 FRANK A. PORTER, P.E. FL. LIC. #69092 6200 LEE VISTA BLVD. SUITE 400 ORLANDO, FL (407) 896-3317 WWW.NV5.COM CERTIFICATE OF AUTHORIZATION # 29065 SWPPP PHASE 2 PLANC03.0JPH JWH FAP 22011VISION SOURCE WINTER SPRINGS TUSKAWILLA RD. WINTER SPRINGS, FLORIDA FISHER EYE PROPERTIES, LLC3. MAINTENANCE:1.SILT FENCE SHALL BE INSPECTED AT LEAST WEEKLY. ANY REQUIRED REPAIRS SHALLBE MADE IMMEDIATELY. SEDIMENT DEPOSITS SHALL BE REMOVED WHEN THEYREACH APPROXIMATELY ONE-HALF THE HEIGHT OF THE BARRIER.2.INLETS SHALL BE INSPECTED IMMEDIATELY AFTER EACH RAIN EVENT AND ANYREPAIRS SHALL BE PERFORMED IMMEDIATELY.3.BARE AREAS OF THE SITE THAT WERE PREVIOUSLY SEEDED SHALL BE RE-SEEDEDPER MANUFACTURES' INSTRUCTIONS.4.MULCH AND SOD THAT HAS BEEN WASHED OUT SHALL BE REPLACED IMMEDIATELY.ALL MEASURES ON THIS SITE MAP, AND IN THE STORM WATER POLLUTION PREVENTIONPLAN, SHALL BE MAINTAINED IN FULLY FUNCTIONAL CONDITION UNTIL NO LONGERREQUIRED FOR A COMPLETED PHASE OF WORK OR FINAL STABILIZATION OF THE SITE.CONTROLS ARE TO BE REPLACED OR REPAIRED IF IN A SUBSTANDARD CONDITION. ALLMAINTENANCE MODIFICATIONS ARE TO BE NOTED, ON PLANS, AS THEY OCCUR.4. INSPECTIONS:A QUALIFIED INSPECTOR SHALL INSPECT ALL POINTS OF DISCHARGE INTO SURFACEWATERS OF THE STATE AND MS4 (CITY OF WINTER SPRINGS & FDOT); DISTURBED AREASOF THE CONSTRUCTION SITE THAT HAVE NOT BEEN FINALLY STABILIZED; AREAS USEDFOR STORAGE OF MATERIALS THAT ARE EXPOSED TO PRECIPITATION; STRUCTURALCONTROLS; AND, LOCATIONS WHERE VEHICLES ENTER OR EXIT THE SITE, AT LEAST ONCEEVERY SEVEN CALENDAR DAYS AND WITHIN 24 HOURS OF THE END OF A STORM THAT IS0.50 INCHES OR GREATER. A REPORT SUMMARIZING THE SCOPE OF THE INSPECTIONSHALL BE MADE AND RETAINED IN THE CONSTRUCTION TRAILER AS PART OF THESTORMWATER POLLUTION PREVENTION5. NON-STORMWATER DISCHARGES:IT IS ANTICIPATED THAT THE FOLLOWING NON-STORMWATER DISCHARGES MAY OCCURFROM THE SITE DURING THE CONSTRUCTION PERIOD:1.WATER FROM LINE FLUSHINGS2.PAVEMENT WASH WATER (WHERE NO SPILLS OR LEAKS OF TOXIC OR HAZARDOUSMATERIALS HAVE OCCURRED)3.SITE WATERING, TO ALLEVIATE FUGATIVE DUST4.ROUTINE EXTERNAL BUILDING WASHDOWN WHICH DOES NOT USE DETERGENTS5.IRRIGATION DRAINAGEIF SAID DISCHARGES DO OCCUR, THEY WILL BE DIRECTED TO THE TEMPORARY EROSIONCONTROL MEASURES PRIOR TO DISCHARGE6. CONTRACTOR/SUBCONTRACTOR CERTIFICATION:ALL CONTRACTOR(S) AND SUBCONTRACTOR(S) IDENTIFIED ABOVE MUST SIGN THEFOLLOWING CERTIFICATION: "I CERTIFY UNDER PENALTY OF LAW THAT I UNDERSTAND,AND SHALL COMPLY WITH, THE TERMS AND CONDITIONS OF THE STATE OF FLORIDAGENERIC PERMIT FOR STORMWATER DISCHARGE FROM LARGE AND SMALLCONSTRUCTION ACTIVITIES AND THIS STORMWATER POLLUTION PREVENTION PLANPREPARED THEREUNDER."BEST MANAGEMENT PRACTICES SEQUENCE1. SITE DESCRIPTIONA. CONSTRUCTION OF COMMERCIAL RETAIL BUILDINGS, PUBLIC ROADS, AND SURFACE PARKINGAREAS.B. SEQUENCE OF SOIL DISTURBANCE:(1) INSTALL PERIMETER SEDIMENT AND EROSION CONTROLS.(2) PREPARE SITE.(3) CLEAR AND GRUB PROPOSED AREA.(4) INSTALL PROPOSED UNDERGROUND STORMWATER AND UTILITIES.(5) INSTALL CONCRETE CURB, CONCRETE SIDEWALK. AND PAVEMENT(6) STABILIZE SITE.C.TOTAL SITE AREA:0.79± ACRESDISTURBED SITE AREA:0.79± ACRESD. SOILS: THE SOILS (PER NRCS) POMELLO, ST JOHNS/EAUGALLIEE. DRAINAGE AREA FOR EXISTING DISCHARGE POINT:0.79± ACRESDRAINAGE AREA FOR PROPOSED DISCHARGE POINT:0.79± ACRESF.LATITUDE AND LONGITUDE OF EXISTING DISCHARGE POINT:DISCHARGE POINT LAT:28° 41' 46.75" NDISCHARGE POINT LONG:81°15' 38.85" WDISCHARGES TO EXISTING STORM WATER SYSTEMLATITUDE AND LONGITUDE OF PROPOSED DISCHARGE POINT:DISCHARGE POINT LAT:28° 41' 46.75" NDISCHARGE POINT LONG:81°15' 38.85" WDISCHARGES TO EXISTING STORM WATER SYSTEM2. CONTROLSA. EROSION AND SEDIMENT CONTROLS:(1) STABILIZATION PRACTICES:1.TEMPORARY SEEDING SHALL BE RYE GRASS APPLIED AT MANUFACTURER'SRECOMMENDATIONS TO ANY DISTURBED AREAS THAT ARE INACTIVE FOR SEVEN DAYS.2.MULCHING PRACTICES AND SOD SHALL BE APPLIED TO PARKING LOT ISLANDS.(2) STRUCTURAL PRACTICES:1.PRIOR TO CLEARING, A SILT FENCE SHALL BE INSTALLED AROUND THE PERIMETER OF THESITE, AS SHOWN HEREIN.2.DURING THE CLEARING, GRUBBING, AND SITE GRADING STAGES, AREAS TO BE LEFTDISTURBED MORE THAN 7 DAYS SHALL BE STABILIZED WITH RYE GRASS APPLIED PER THEMANUFACTURER'S SPECIFICATIONS. AFTER SEEDING, EACH AREA SHALL BE MULCHED WITH4,000 POUNDS OF STRAW PER ACRE.3.AFTER ALL INITIAL SITE GRADING WORK, ALL PROPOSED INLETS/OUTFALLS, ONCE INSTALLED,SHALL BE PROTECTED FROM EROSION AND SEDIMENT RUNOFF BY THE USE OF THE INLETPROTECTION DESIGNATED ON THE SITE MAP. DISTURBED PORTIONS OF THE SITE WHERECONSTRUCTION ACTIVITIES HAVE PERMANENTLY CEASED SHALL BE STABILIZED WITH SEED ORSOD AS INDICATED ON THE SITE MAP NO LATER THAN 14 DAYS AFTER THE LASTCONSTRUCTION ACTIVITY. SEEDING SHALL BE THE SAME AS IN TEMPORARY SEEDING.4.ALL INSTALLATION SHALL BE COMMENCED AS DEPICTED ON THE SITE MAPS AND EROSIONCONTROL DETAIL SHEET.5.IF SEDIMENT AND EROSION CONTROL MEASURES DEVIATE FROM THE PLANS THE CITY OFWINTER SPRINGS SHALL BE NOTIFIED.B. PERMANENT STORMWATER MANAGEMENT CONTROLS:1.CATCH BASINS AND STORM SEWER SYSTEM ON-SITE TO PROVIDE POSITIVE DRAINAGE OF THEENTIRE SITE TO THE DISCHARGE POINT.C. CONTROLS FOR OTHER POLLUTANTS:1.WASTE DISPOSAL: ALL WASTE WILL BE DISPOSED OF IN AN APPROPRIATE LEGAL MANOR, ANDCOMPLY WITH CITY OF WINTER SPRINGS ORDINANCES FOR WASTE DISPOSAL ANDCOMMERCIAL SITE DEVELOPMENT.2.VEHICLE TRACKING: OFF SITE VEHICLE TRACKING OF SEDIMENTS AND DUST GENERATION WILLBE MINIMIZED VIA BEST POSSIBLE PRACTICES, DAILY SWEEPING AND THE USE OF WATER TOKEEP DUST DOWN.3.FERTILIZERS, HERBICIDES, AND PESTICIDES: FERTILIZERS AND PESTICIDES WILL BE USED AT AMINIMUM AND IN ACCORDANCE WITH THE MANUFACTURERS' SUGGESTED APPLICATIONAPPLICATION RATES. THE FERTILIZERS AND PESTICIDES SHALL BE STORED IN A COVEREDSHED.4.TOXIC SUBSTANCES: ALL PAINTS AND OTHER CHEMICALS WILL BE STORED IN A LOCKEDCOVERED SHED.5.OTHER: PORT-O-LETS WILL BE PLACED AWAY FROM THE STORM SEWER SYSTEMS AND STORMINLETS. NO VEHICLE MAINTENANCE SHALL BE CONDUCTED ON-SITE. A WASHDOWN AREASHALL BE DESIGNATED AT ALL TIMES AND WILL NOT BE LOCATED IN ANY AREA THAT WILLALLOW FOR THE DISCHARGE OF POLLUTED RUNOFF. A SMALL VEGETATED BERM SHALL BEPLACED AROUND THE WASHDOWN AREA.SITE LEGENDSFSFCEIP1IP2647 UPGARAGE600T3839DN.TREE SWALLOW ROADTUSKAWILLA ROAD40'X60' EASEMENTJOINT USE DRIVEWAY60'85'10,000± SF2 FLOORS39 SPACES3.9/1000 SF11'24'22'3 SPACES @ 10' EA.24'20'4 SPACES @ 10' EA.6 SPACES @ 9' EA.10'50'DUMPSTERENCLOSUREEXIST. MAILKIOSK10'X18' MIN.10'X18' MIN.10'X18' MIN.35'ROW SETBACKADAADA6 SPACES @ 10' EA.11' UTILITYEASEMENT11' UTILITYEASEMENT35'REQ. OFF-STREETSURFACE PARKINGSETBACK 9'X20 ' M IN .6 SPACES @ 9' EA.1 SP7 SPACES @ 9' EA.10' 9'X20' MIN. 9'X 2 0 ' M I N .3 SP @ 9' EA.10' 10'10'18'18'10'18'20'R5'R10'R3'R10'R3'R3'R30'R3'R3'R10'R3'R3'R5'7'REVERSE CLEAR.15' REAR S/B0.5' FRONT S/B5' SIDE S/B5' SIDE S/B9'X20 ' M IN .1 SP82'PUBLIC ROW(BRICK PAVEMENT)30'STREET SCAPEAREA MIN. 27'30' PROVIDED30'STREET SCAPEAREA MIN. 27'30' PROVIDED 7'6'2'6'3'NOR T H 40200SCALE: 1" = 20'FOR REVISIONSDATENO.SHEETDESIGNER: PRJ. MGR: JOB #: CHECKED: ENGINEER AT DATE: May. 26, 2023 FRANK A. PORTER, P.E. FL. LIC. #69092 6200 LEE VISTA BLVD. SUITE 400 ORLANDO, FL (407) 896-3317 WWW.NV5.COM CERTIFICATE OF AUTHORIZATION # 29065 SITE PLANC04.0JPH JWH FAP 22011VISION SOURCE WINTER SPRINGS TUSKAWILLA RD. WINTER SPRINGS, FLORIDA FISHER EYE PROPERTIES, LLCA GFMJJBDGISITE LEGENDACCESSIBLE PARKING SPACE (TYP). SEE DETAIL FOR ACCESSIBLE PARKING SPACE, SIGN AND SYMBOL (SEE SHEETC10.0, DETAIL 1)PAVEMENT MARKINGS (TYP). PER FDOT INDEX 17346FDOT ADA RAMP WITH DETECTABLE WARNING SURFACE (TYP). (SEE SHEET C10.0, DETAIL 2)TYPE D CURBEXISTING CONCRETE SIDEWALKDUMPSTER ENCLOSUREBICYCLE RACKS (SEE SHEET C10.0, DETAIL 7)VARIANCE REQUEST TO BE SUBMITTEDFIRE HYDRANT PAVEMENT MARKER (SEE SHEET C09.0, DETAIL 8)DECORATIVE STOP SIGN (R1-1) - HIGH REFLECTIVE INTENSITY (SEE SHEET C9.0, DETAILS 9 & 10)EXISTING PEDESTRIAN CROSSWALKCONCRETE PAVEMENT (SEE SHEET C09.0, DETIAL 4)PROPOSED 7' WIDE CONCRETE SIDEWALK (SEE SHEET C09.0, DETAIL 1)VARIANCE REQUEST TO BE SUBMITTEDTYPE F CURB AND GUTTER (SEE SHEET C09.0, DETAIL 3)THICKENED CURB (SEE SHEET C09.0, DETAIL 1)6' X 6' TRANSFORMER CONCRETE PADCONCRETE FLUME & CONCRETE RIP RAP (SEE SHEET C09.0, DETAIL 12)EFHJCASITE INFORMATION:SITE DATA:LOT SIZE: 0.79 ACEXISTING LAND USE: VACANT LANDPROPOSED USE: MEDICAL OFFICEEXIST. ZONING: TOWN CENTER (T5 - URBAN CENTER)PROP. ZONING: TOWN CENTER (T5 - URBAN CENTER)FLU: TOWN CENTER (T5 - URBAN CENTER)FAR:0.29PARKING PROVIDED:STANDARD PARKING: (9' x 18') 22 SPACESSTANDARD PARKING:(10' X 18') 15 SPACESHC VAN ACCESSIBLE:(12' x 18') 2 SPACESTOTAL: 39 SPACESBUILDING MIN HEIGHT: 2 STORIESBUILDING MAX HEIGHT: 5 STORIESPROP. BUILDING HEIGHT: 2 STORIESGREEN SPACE PROVIDED: 0.26 AC (32.9%)LANDSCAPE BUFFERADJACENT TO R-O-W:30'ADJACENT PROPERTY:10'SINGLE WHITE SOLID LINE / 4" WIDESINGLE WHITE SOLID LINE / 6" WIDESWSL/6"SITE LEGENDSWSL/4"KLMNOPAVEMENT LEGENDREGULAR DUTY CONCRETEHARD SCPAE PER ARCH. PLANS.SINGLE WHITE SOLID LINE / 24" WIDESWSL/24"CA(1) VARIANCE REQUEST FORM TO BE SUBMITTED.(2) SECTION 20-325, T5 LOT DESIGN GUIDELINESSTATES THAT THE MINIMUM REQUIRED FRONTSETBACK SHALL BE THE AVERAGE OF THE FRONTSETBACK OF THE TWO DEVELOPED LOTS ABUTTINGEACH SIDE OF THE PROPERTY.THE FRONT SETBACK OF THE ABUTTING PROPERTYTO THE EAST SIDE OF THE PROPOSED PROJECT(THE BLAKE APARTMENT COMPLEX) IS 0.8'.THEFRONT SETBACK OF THE ABUTTING PROPERTY TOTHE WEST SIDE OF THE PROPOSED PROJECT (THEWINTER SPRINGS TOWN CENTER) IS 0.3'.THE AVERAGE SETBACK FOR THE PROPOSEDPROPERTY IS THEREFORE 0.5".(3) VARIANCE REQUEST FORM TO BE SUBMITTED.231HNPPPMQQKEEEILOOOSTANDARD DUTY ASPHALT(SEE SHEET C09.0, DETAIL 5)TO THE EXTENT POSSIBLE, THE CONTRACTORSHALL PROTECT THE CURRENT CONDITION THEEXSTING ROW IMPROVEMENTS. ANYALTERATIONS OR MODIFICATIONS TO THIS AREAWILL BE REQUIRED TO BE RESTORED TOPRE-CONSTRUCTION STATERRRRDDDD648 UPGARAGE600T3839STS-2STS-5STS-7STS-16STS-6DN.TREE SWALLOW ROADTUSKAWILLA ROADS9,421 SF2 FLOORSF.F.= 40.7910'X18'10'X18'9'X20 ' 9'X20' 9'X 2 0 'TC 40.71BC 40.2138.8840.7438.3237.9640.7738.1837.8240.74TC 40.71BC 40.2138.8938.32MEPMEPMEPMEP40.77TC 40.71BC 40.2139.8939.95TC 40.71BC 40.2140.74TC 40.71BC 40.21HP39.9539.9239.95TC 40.71BC 40.21TC 40.87BC 40.3740.3741.1240.7140.2840.0340.3038.7639.0638.4938.7338.3338.0937.9938.8438.4638.3938.5439.3138.9139.15HP39.5739.4739.0738.0338.0340.7140.2839.0039.8839.8740.5340.1341.12SCSCPROPOSEDSWALEA.1C5.038.2536." OAK42.9241.00BOC4243STS-01TYPE-C INLETRIM: 36.00INV. OUT: 31.202' SUMP27' OF 18" HDPE STORM @ 0.52%EXIST. DRAINAGE INLETTOP GRATE:35.66E (18" HDPE):30.97S (18" HDPE):31.06W (18" HDPE):31.06A.1C5.040.7540.25FF: 40.7917'EXIST. PARKINGSTALL12'NORTH BOUNDTUSKAWILLA RD11'EXIST.SIDEWALK5'PROP.COVEREDPATIO40.772' EXIST.CURB1.5' EXIST.CURBPROP.FISHEROPTOMETRY39.8240.02PLNOTE: EXIST. SW ENCROACHES0.75' INTO PROPNOR T H 40200SCALE: 1" = 20'FOR REVISIONSDATENO.SHEETDESIGNER: PRJ. MGR: JOB #: CHECKED: ENGINEER AT DATE: May. 25, 2023 FRANK A. PORTER, P.E. FL. LIC. #69092 6200 Lee Vista Blvd., Suite 400 Orlando, FL (407) 896-3317 WWW.NV5.COM CERTIFICATE OF AUTHORIZATION # 29065 GRADING PLANC05.0JPH JWH FAP 22011VISION SOURCE WINTER SPRINGS TUSKAWILLA RD. WINTER SPRINGS, FLORIDA FISHER EYE PROPERTIES, LLC LEGEND= SPOT ELEVATION= GRADE BREAK= SURFACE FLOW40.89SC= SAWCUT EXISTINGEOP AND MATCH TO LINE AND GRADE AT EDGE OF PAVEMENTSTANDARD DUTY ASPHALTPAVEMENT LEGENDREGULAR DUTY CONCRETEHARD SCPAE PER ARCH. PLANS.NOTES:1. LOT GRADING SHALL NOT IMPOSE ANY ADDITIONAL RUNOFF ONTO NORIMPEDE RUNOFF FROM ADJACENT PROPERTIES.2. ALL SITE WORK SHOWN SHALL BE CONSTRUCTED BY THE GENERALCONTRACTOR.3. ELEVATIONS SHOWN ARE BASED ON NAVD88, SEE BOUNDARY & TOPOGRAPHICSURVEY UNDER GENERAL NOTES.4. SLOPE ALL ROOF DRAIN DOWN SPOUT PIPING AT 1.00% MIN.5. STORMWATER MANAGEMENT IS PROVIDED THROUGH A MASTER STORMWATER SYSTEM. ALL ONSITERUNOFF HAS BEEN ADDRESSED AND ACCOUNTED FOR IN THE SYSTEM. RUNOFF WILL BE CONVEYEDTHROUGH CONCRETE FLUMES TO A PROPOSED SWALE ON THE EAST SIDE OF THE PROPERTY WHICHOUTFALLS TO THE EXISTING MASTER STORMWATER SYSTEM. SJRWMD MASTER PERMIT NO. 95027SERIES.ROOF PIPE MATERIAL:ALTERNATE PIPE MATERIALS FOR THE ROOFDRAIN PIPES ARE ALLOWED PENDING APPROVALBY THE E.O.R.MEP= MATCH EXISTINGPAVEMENT649 UPGARAGE600T3839STS-2STS-5STS-7STS-16STS-6DN.TREE SWALLOW ROADTUSKAWILLA ROADDUMPSTERENCLOSURE11' PUBLICUTILITYEASEMENTSPROP. BLDG.2 STORYMMEXIST. 12" WMEXIST. 12" WMEXIST. 10" WMCITY OF WINTER SPRINGSOWNED OVERFLOWPARKING LOT9 ON-STREET PARKING SPCSEXIST. SAN. MHRIM: 41.15'N (6" PVC): 35.61'E (6" PVC): 35.61'EXIST. SAN. MHRIM: 39.34'N (6" PVC): 31.69'E (6" PVC): 31.80'W (6" PVC): 32.01'S (6" PVC): 32.43'PROP. FIREHYDRANT(PUBLIC)UTILITY LEGEND6" FIRE HYDRANT ASSEMBLY AND VALVE2" PVC OR POLY90 ELBOWIRRIGATION POINT OF CONNECTION6" PVC SEWER LATERAL @ 1% MINIMUM SLOPE2" TEE2" SERVICE SADDLE ON 10" MAINNOT USED2" BACKFLOW PREVENTOR1.5" METER AND 1.5" RPZ FOR DOMESTIC WATER1.5" DOMESTIC SERVICE LINE2" FIRE SERVICE LINENOT USED34" HOSE BIBWYE INTO EXISTING SANITARY MAIN. ESTIMATED DEPTH IS 34.61. CONTRACTOR TO VERIFY.NOT USED1.5" METER AND 1.5" RPZ FOR IRRIGATION2" X 1.5" REDUCER6" WET TAP WITH 6" GATE VALVE TO EXISTING 10" WM (FIRE P.O.S.)6" TEENOT USEDCLEAN OUT, INV. 35.29CLEAN OUT, TOP ELEVATION: 40.862" GATE VALVENOTE: SEE SHEET C07.0 FOR UTILITY DETAILSABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXMMTREE SWALLOW ROADEXIST. 10" WM"FIRE POINTOF SERVICE"NOR T H 40200SCALE: 1" = 20'FOR REVISIONSDATENO.SHEETDESIGNER: PRJ. MGR: JOB #: CHECKED: ENGINEER AT DATE: May. 26, 2023 FRANK A. PORTER, P.E. FL. LIC. #69092 6200 Lee Vista Blvd., Suite 400 ORLANDO, FL (407) 896-3317 WWW.NV5.COM CERTIFICATE OF AUTHORIZATION # 29065 UTILITY PLANC06.0JPH JWH FAP 22011VISION SOURCE WINTER SPRINGS TUSKAWILLA RD. WINTER SPRINGS, FLORIDA FISHER EYE PROPERTIES, LLCJBQDKRSATVEOWRCFXGXWATER & FIRE HYDRANT DETAIL1" = 10'SEE WATER &FIRE DETAILTHIS SHEETNOTES:1. LOT GRADING SHALL NOT IMPOSE ANY ADDITIONAL RUNOFF ONTO NOR IMPEDE RUNOFF FROM ADJACENT PROPERTIES.2. ALL SITE WORK SHOWN SHALL BE CONSTRUCTED BY THE GENERAL CONTRACTOR.3. ELEVATIONS SHOWN ARE BASED ON NAVD88, SEE BOUNDARY & TOPOGRAPHIC SURVEY UNDER GENERAL NOTES.4. SLOPE ALL ROOF DRAIN DOWN SPOUT PIPING AT 1.00% MIN.POTABLE WATER USAGE:650 W.S. DETAIL 6-9-00 BY DT 16" AB0VE PIPE PIPE BEDDING UTILIZING SELECT COMMON FILL OR BEDDING ROCK IN ACCORDANCE 15" MAXIMUM/12" MINIMUM FOR PIPE DIAMETERS LESS THAN 24". 24" MAXIMUM/12" MINIMUM FOR PIPE DIAMETERS 24" AND LARGER WATER SHALL NOT BE PERMITTED IN THE TRENCH DURING CONSTRUCTION. ALL PIPES ARE TO BE INSTALLED WITH THE BELL FACING UPSTREAM TO THE DIRECTION(SEE NOTE 2)TRENCH BACKFILLW/ SIZE OF PIPE VARIES SEE NOTE 4 PIPE O.D.COMMON FILL 12" (TYP.) FINISHED GRADE TRENCH WIDTH SELECT COMMON FILL INITIAL BACKFILL (SEE NOTE 1)HAUNCHING 12" LIFTS MAXIMUMUNDISTURBED EARTH (SEE NOTE 3) WITH TYPE "A" BEDDING AND TRENCHING DETAIL MAY BE REQUIRED AS DIRECTED BY UTILITIES. OF THE FLOW. FINAL RESTORATION IN IMPROVED AREAS SHALL BE IN COMPLIANCE WITH ALL APPLICABLE REGULATIONS OF THE GOVERNING AGENCIES. NOTES: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. TRENCH BACKFILL: COMMON FILL COMPACTED TO 95% OF THE MAXIMUM DENSITY, PER AASHTO T-180. DENSITY TEST SHALL BE PROVIDED TO THE CITY BY AN APPROVED LAB. BEDDING & TRENCHING - TYPE B NTS TRENCH BACKFILL: COMMON FILL COMPACTED TO 95% OF THE MAXIMUM DENSITY, PER TYPE "A" BEDDING MATERIAL SHALL CONFORM TO FDOT NO. 57 AGGREGATE. 15" MAXIMUM/12" MINIMUM FOR PIPE DIAMETER LESS THAN 24". WATER SHALL NOT BE PERMITTED IN THE TRENCH DURING CONSTRUCTION. ALL PIPE TO BE INSTALLED WITH BELL FACING UPSTREAM TO THE DIRECTION OF THE FLOW. BEDDING DEPTH SHALL BE A 4" MINIMUM FOR PIPE DIAMETERS UP TO 12" AND 6" MINIMUM(SEE NOTE 2)TRENCH BACKFILL12" LIFTS MAXIMUMW/ SIZE OF PIPE VARIES SEE NOTE 4 PIPE O.D.COMMON FILL BEDDING MATERIAL 12" (TYP.) UNDISTURBED EARTH FINISHED GRADE TRENCH WIDTH SELECT COMMON FILL INITIAL BACKFILL (SEENOTE 1)(SEENOTE 3)HAUNCHING BEDDING (SEE NOTES 7 & 8) AASHTO T-180. DENSITY TEST SHALL BE PROVIDED TO THE CITY BY AN APPROVED LAB. 24" MAXIMUM/12" MINIMUM FOR PIPE DIAMETER 24" AND LARGER. FOR PIPE DIAMETER 16" AND LARGER. DEPTH FOR REMOVAL OF UNSUITABLE MATERIAL SHALL GOVERN DEPTH OF BEDDING ROCK BELOW THE PIPE. UTILITIES SHALL DETERMINE (IN THE FIELD) THE REQUIRED REMOVAL OF UNSUITABLE MATERIAL TO REACH SUITABLE FOUNDATION. FINAL RESTORATION IN IMPROVED AREAS SHALL BE IN COMPLIANCE WITH ALL APPLICABLE REGULATIONS OF THE GOVERNING AGENCIES. NOTES: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. BEDDING & TRENCHING - TYPE A NTS PIPE JOINT RESTRAINT DETAIL NTS 11 2 3 11 4 5 6 7 812 13 9 10 FORREVISIONSDATENO.SHEET DESIGNER:PRJ. MGR:JOB #:CHECKED:ENGINEER ENGINEER:RECORD DRAWINGTHIS RECORD DRAWING IS BASED ON THE RESULTS OF LIMITEDPERIODIC FIELD OBSERVATIONS DURING CONSTRUCTION, AREVIEW OF CONTRACTOR FURNISHED REDLINED PLANSINDICATING CHANGES INCORPORATED DURING CONSTRUCTION,AND WITNESSED UTILITY TESTING OF DRINKING WATER ANDWASTEWATER SYSTEMS. ALTHOUGH THE ACCURACY CAN NOTBE GUARANTEED, THE ENGINEER BELIEVES THIS RECORDDRAWING IS CORRECT TO THE BEST OF HIS/HER KNOWLEDGE.FL LIC. # ATDATE: May. 25, 2023FRANK A. PORTER, P.E.FL. LIC. #690926200 Lee Vista Blvd., Suite 400Orlando, FL (407) 896-3317WWW.NV5.COMCERTIFICATE OF AUTHORIZATION # 29065WATER DETAILSHEETC07.0 JPMJWHFAP22011VISION SOURCE WINTER SPRINGSTUSKAWILLA RD.WINTER SPRINGS, FLFISHER EYE PROPERTIES, LLC651 PRECAST CONCRETE MANHOLE PLAN AND SECTION APPROVED CONCENTRIC CONE DESIGN MAY BE USED AS AN ALTERNATIVE. CONNECTION DETAILS. 24" OR MORE ABOVE THE INVERT OF THE MANHOLE. SEE MANHOLE DROP CONNECTIONS ARE REQUIRED WHENEVER INVERT OF INFLUENT SEWER IS MANHOLE SHOWN IS FOR SEWER SIZE 8" THRU 24" NOTES: D 4' 0" 2' 0" DETAILS SEE MANHOLE CONNECTION CONCRETE BENCHING TROWEL-FINISHED BENCHING PER SPECIFICATIONS 1"12" APPROVED BY THE CITY. THE ENGINEER AND DETAIL TO BE DESIGNED BY REINFORCEMENT AND JOINT BEDDING ROCK CAST-IN-PLACE CONCRETE BASE 9" 9" EPOXY COAL TAR COATINGS PER SPECIFICATIONS UNPAVED AREAS. ELEVATIONS SHOWN IN PAVED AREAS & AT SET COVERS FLUSH IN 3'-0" MAX. 1'-6" MIN. 5" 3. CONCRETE BASE SLOPES L O P E S L O P ESLOPE 2. 1. SQUEEZE-OUT BE REMOVED) (WRAPPER TO WRAPPER PROTECTIVE SEALER WITH PLASTIC JOINT PRE-MOLDED JOINT SURFACES PRE-PRIMED OUTSIDE WALL 0.8 DVARIES AS REQ'DPRECAST MONOLITHIC BASE 9" 9" MIN. 6" 2" MIN. 8" MIN. SQUEEZE-OUT JOINT WITH COMPLETED 4 COURSES (MAX.) 2 COURSES OF BRICK (MIN.) FRAMES BEDDED IN MORTAR (SEE STANDARD DETAIL) MANHOLE FRAME & COVER 5" MIN.REQ'DVARIES ASVARIES ASJOINT SURFACES PRE-PRIMED INSIDE WALLREQ'DN.T.S. 6" MINIMUM SEWER MAIN SIZE VARIES "DOWNSTREAM" LOT LINE AS REQUIRED NOTE: "Y" BRANCH WITH SPUR 30° CURVE SEWER MAIN SIZE VARIES GROUND LEVEL SERVICE CONNECTION DETAILS SHOWN IS FOR A DOUBLE PVC SERVICE A SINGLE WYE WOULD BE USED FOR A SINGLE SERVICE 5' MAX6"X 4' DOUBLE WYE WITH 6" CLEAN OUT INSTALLED TO 3' ABOVE GROUND SURFACE 3' MIN.3' MINClean Out is to be placed at ground level after TV inspection & acceptance by the utility department. NON-PAVED AREAS EASEMENT, PROPERTY OR RIGHT-OF-WAY LINE SEWER BRANCH WYE FLOW MINIMUM SLOPE 6" SANITARY LATERAL 45° BEND PROVIDE CLEAN-OUT ON SEWER LATERALS AT UTILITY EASEMENT LIMITS. SEE PLANS 18" x 18" x 6" CONCRETE COLLAR; (2) #4 BARS CONTINUOUS AND (4) #4 BARS DIAGONAL 12" MAXIMUM WITHIN RIGHT-OF-WAY LINE 3 4" EXPANSION JOINT AROUND CAP FLUSH WITH SLAB CLEANOUT COVERS IN PAVED AREAS SHALL BE TRAFFIC RATED. 1 2 3 10 5 6 7 8 9 11 12 4 FORREVISIONSDATENO.SHEET DESIGNER:PRJ. MGR:JOB #:CHECKED:ENGINEER ENGINEER:RECORD DRAWINGTHIS RECORD DRAWING IS BASED ON THE RESULTS OF LIMITEDPERIODIC FIELD OBSERVATIONS DURING CONSTRUCTION, AREVIEW OF CONTRACTOR FURNISHED REDLINED PLANSINDICATING CHANGES INCORPORATED DURING CONSTRUCTION,AND WITNESSED UTILITY TESTING OF DRINKING WATER ANDWASTEWATER SYSTEMS. ALTHOUGH THE ACCURACY CAN NOTBE GUARANTEED, THE ENGINEER BELIEVES THIS RECORDDRAWING IS CORRECT TO THE BEST OF HIS/HER KNOWLEDGE.FL LIC. # ATDATE: May. 25, 2023FRANK A. PORTER, P.E.FL. LIC. #690926200 Lee Vista Blvd., Suite 400Orlando, FL (407) 896-3317WWW.NV5.COMCERTIFICATE OF AUTHORIZATION # 29065SANITARYDETAILSHEETC08.0 JPMJWHFAP22011VISION SOURCE WINTER SPRINGSTUSKAWILLA RD.WINTER SPRINGS, FLFISHER EYE PROPERTIES, LLC652 TYPICAL CONCRETE SIDEWALK DETAIL N.T.S. A SECTION A-A PLAN VIEW EXTEND JOINT FILLER FULL DEPTH OF SIDEWALK 5.0'5.0'5.0'5.0' B 5.0' 4" (TYP.) 5.0' 4" (TYP.)SECTION B-B VARIES B NOTE: PROVIDE 1/2" EXPANSION JOINT BETWEEN SIDEWALK AND ALL FIXED OBJECTS. 4" AGGREGATE BASE COURSE COMPACTED TO 90% STD. PROCTOR (TYP.) 1/2" RADIUS TOOLED JOINT OR 1" DEEP SAWED JOINT (TYP.) 1/4" THICKNESS PREMOLDED EXPANSION JOINT FILLER SPACED @ 35' O.C. MAX. SLOPE 14"/FT MAX. SEE TYPICAL PAVEMENT SECTION SECTION B-B (THICKENED EDGE) 4"8"10"6"6'-0" 4" (TYP.) A 1/2" R (TYP.)SLOPE 1/4"/ FT. MAX. 4,000 PSI CONCRETE MIN. (TYP) 1/2" R (TYP.) ALL SIDEWALKS TO COMPLY WITH FDOT INDEX 310 END OF CURB PROFILE PLAN 3' FLARED END 6'20' RGUTTER TOP OF CURB 3' TRANS. EDGE OF PAVT. 1' 3' TRANS. STRAIGHT END PROFILE PLAN 3' TRANS. CURB AND GUTTER ENDINGS DETAIL N.T.S. GUTTER TOP OF CURB EDGE OF PAVT. 18" FACE OF CURBBACK OF CURB12"6"6"6"12" 1" P.C. CONCRETE 18" CURB AND GUTTER DETAIL N.T.S. 1/2" MIN. RADIUS 1" MAX. RADIUS ASPHALTIC CONCRETE PAVING SEE PAVING DETAILS FOR PAVEMENT SECTIONS, SUBBASE, SUBGRADE AND COMPACTION REQUIREMENTS. CONTRACTOR TO PROVIDE PRIME COAT AND TACK COAT TO FACE OF CURB WHERE CURB CONTACTS ASPHALT. NOTE: GUTTER SLOPE TO MATCH ADJACENT PAVEMENT, TRAVERSE AND LONGITUDINAL. 1/2" MIN. RADIUS 1" MAX. RADIUS P.C.CONC. 12" STABILIZED SUBGRADE 2.0" FDOT SP-9.5 OR SP-12.5 8" BASE COURSE SEE NOTES #3 THRU #4 SEE NOTES #1 & #2 1. THE SUBGRADE SHOULD MEET A MINIMUM LBR OF 40 (STABILIZED SUBGRADE) OR FBV OF 75 POUNDS PER SQUARE INCH (PSI). THE EXISTING SANDY SOILD AND RECOMMENDED IMPORTED FILL WILL LIKELY POSSESS A LBR OF 20 TO 30. THEREFORE, IN ORDER TO INCREASE THE BEARING VALUE, SHELL, LIMEROCK, CRUSHED CONCRETE, LOW PLASTICITY CLAYEY SANDS OR ANOTHER ACCEPTABLE PRODUCT WOULD NEED TO BE BLENDED WITH THESE SANDS. THE STABILIZED SUBGRADE SHOULD BE A MINIMUM DEPTH OF 12 INCHES AND COMPACTED TO A MINIMUM DENSITY OF 98% OF THE MODIFIED PROCTOR MAXIMUM DRY DENSITY (MPMDD) AND MEET THE REQUIREMENTS FOR TYPE B OR C STABILIZED SUBGRADE FOR THE FLORIDA DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPORTATION (FDOT). 2. COMPACTION TESTING OF THE SUBGRADE SHOULD BE PERFORMED TO FULL DEPTH AT A FREQUENCY OF AT LEAST ONE (1) TEST PER 5,000 SQUARE FEET, OR EVERY 250 LINEAL FEET OF ROADWAY, WHICHEVER IS GREATER. COMPACTION TESTING OF THE STABILIZED SUBGRADE SHOULD BE PERFORMED AT FULL DEPTH AT A FREQUENCY OF AT LEAST ONE (1) TEST PER 10,000 SQUARE FEET, OR A MINIMUM OF 3 TESTS, WHICHEVER IS GREATER. 3. LIMEROCK BASES SHOULD BE A MINIMUM LBR OF 100 AND COMPLY WITH THE LATEST EDITION OF THE FDOT ROAD AND BRIDGE CONSTRUCTION SPECIFICATIONS. PLACE LIMEROCK IN MAXIMUM SIX-INCH LIFTS AND COMPACT EACH LIFT TO A MINIMUM DENSITY OF 95 PERCENT OF THE MPMDD. CRUSHED CONCRETE BASE SHALL COMPLY WITH THE LATEST EDITION OF THE FDOT ROAD AND BRIDGE CONSTRUCTION SPECIFICATIONS. PLACE CRUSHED CONCRETE IN MAXIMUM SIX INCH LIFTS AND COMPACT EACH LIFT TO A MINIMUM DENSITY OF 98 PERCENT OF THE MPMDD. 4. TRAFFIC SHOULD NOT BE ALLOWED ON THE SUBGRADE AS THE BASE IS PLACED TO AVOID RUTTING. BEFORE PAVING, THE BASE SHOULD BE CHECKED FOR SOUNDNESS. 12" ASPHALT PAVING NTS HEAVY DUTY P.C.CONC. 12" STABILIZED SUBGRADE 1.5" FDOT SP-9.5 6" BASE COURSE SEE NOTES #3 THRU #4 SEE NOTES #1 & #2 12" STANDARD DUTY NOTE: FOR PAVEMENT IN THE CITY R.OW., THE ASPHALT MUST BE FDOT SP-12.5, TRAFFIC LEVEL C, WITH CRUSHED CONCRETE BASE MATERIAL RESERVED PARKING VAN ACCESSIBLE 1'-6" GROUND/PAVING 3" SURFACE 2'-0"3'-0"7'-0" (MIN)$250 FINE SLOPE TOP OF CONCRETE NOTE: THE MIN. HEIGHT OF THE BOTTOM OF THE LOWEST SIGN SHALL BE 7'-0". BICYCLE PARKING SIGN TO BE 8'-0". F.S. 316.008 (4) SEE DETAIL X ON SHEET XX FOR SIGNAGE DETAILS "U"-CHANNEL POST (2 LBS./FT.) SIGN MOUNTING DETAIL N.T.S. SEE BREAK AWAY CHANNEL POST WHEN PIPE BOLLARD IS NOT REQUIRED USE 6" PIPE BOLLARD FILLED W/ CONCRETE AND PAINTED TRAFFIC YELLOW ONLY WHEN SIGN IS IN PAVED AREA OR SIDEWALK 3500 P.S.I. P.C. CONCRETE BLUE PAVEMENT REFLECTOR (LOCATE IN MIDDLE OF LANE) PAVEMENT CURB FIRE HYDRANT / FIRE DEPT. CONNECTION 3'-5' PAVEMENT MARKING AT FIRE HYDRANT / FDC DETAIL N.T.S. SIGN TO BE PLACED AT ABOUT THE LEADING/ TRANSVERSE LINES OF THE CROSSWALK PER THE SITE PLAN 4' MIN. (TYP.) 12" WHITE STRIPE SEE SITE PLAN VARIES (6' MIN.)(SEE SITE PLAN)SIGN TO BE PLACED AT ABOUT THE LEADING/ TRANSVERSE LINES OF THE CROSSWALK PER THE SITE PLAN PRIVATE CROSSWALK STRIPING DETAIL N.T.S. TYPICAL CURB AND GUTTER NOTE: 1.MARKINGS FOR STREET SHALL BE ACCORDING TO LOCAL CODE REQUIREMENTS AND AS OUTLINED IN SECTION 3B.18 OF THE MANUAL ON UNIFORM TRAFFIC CONTROL DEVICES FOR STREETS AND HIGHWAYS. 2.ALL STRIPING IS TO BE THERMOPLASTIC PER FDOT SPECIFICATIONS. 12" WHITE STRIPE CONCRETE BOLLARD PAINTED TRAFFIC YELLOW ALL PIPES SHALL BELSYM. ABOUT CPAVEMENT OR FINISHED GRADE FILL POST w/ CONCRETE 6" SCH. 40 STEEL PIPE FILLED W/ CONC. WITH TOP ROUNDED. NOTE: (TYP.) CONCRETE MINIMUM 3500 PSI P.C.WHEN IN GROUPS1'-6"4'-0"8-0"2'-0"3"MIN.OVER FOOTING 3" COVER BLACK BOLLARD SLEEVE TO MATCH SURROUNDING TOWN CENTER NOTE: 1. PAVEMENT STOP BARS ARE TO BE THERMOPLASTIC WHITE PAINT. ALL SIGNS SHALL COMPLY WITH U.S. DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPORTATION, FEDERAL HIGHWAY ADMINISTRATION'S "MANUAL OF UNIFORM TRAFFIC CONTROL DEVICES", LOCAL CODES AND AS SPECIFIED. MOUNT SIGNS TO POST IN ACCORDANCE WITH MANUFACTURER'S INSTRUCTIONS. STOP BAR DETAIL N.T.S. CROSS WALK 4'-0"STOP BAR2'-0"EDGE OF PAVEMENT OF FACE OF CURBCONCRETE PAVING NTS RIGID (PORTLAND CEMENT CONCRETE) PAVEMENT DESIGN SHOULD FOLLOW SEMINOLE COUNTY SPECIFICATIONS FOR MINIMUM COMPRESSIVE STRENGTH. BASED ON OUR EXPERIENCE, A MINIMUM THICKNESS OF 6 INCHES CAN BE USED FOR STANDARD DUTY APPLICATIONS AND A MINIMUM THICKNESS OF 7 INCHES SHOULD BE UTILIZED FOR HEAVY DUTY APPLICATIONS. ANY STEEL REINFORCEMENT WITHIN THE CONCRETE PAVEMENT SHOULD BE DESIGNED BY THE PROJECT CIVIL OR PAVEMENT ENGINEER. THE SUBGRADE SHOULD BE PREPARED TO ACHIEVE A MINIMUM LBR OF 30 TO A DEPTH OF 12 INCHES BELOW THE CONCRETE BASE ELEVATION. THE SUBGRADE SOILS SHOULD BE COMPACTED TO A MINIMUM DENSITY OF 98% OF THE MODIFIED PROCTOR MAXIMUM DRY DENSITY. TO AID IN THE DESIGN OF THE ANTICIPATED CONCRETE PAVEMENT SECTIONS, A MODULUS OF SUBGRADE REACTION OF 100 PCI (LBR 20 SANDS) SHOULD BE UTILIZED FOR THE LOW BEARING SANDS UNLESS STABILIZATION IS ADDED TO INCREASE THE BEARING VALUE. IF THE SANDS ARE STABILIZED, A MODULUS VALUE OF 150 PCI CAN BE UTILIZED. 18" CURB TRANSITION 1' RADIUS TYPE D CURB 5" THICK, 3000 PSI CONCRETE FLUME 1.5' TYPE F CURB GEOTEXTILE FABRIC & CONCRETE RIP RAP 6"-12", CLASS A, WASHED4' 4' 2' BEGIN 4:1 SLOPE CONCRETE FLUME 10' TYPE D CURBTYPE F CURB 4:1 SLOPE 18" CURB TRANSITION BEGIN 4:1 SLOPE CONCRETE FLUME3' CONCRETE FLUME PLAN VIEW CONCRETE FLUME ISOMETRIC VIEW NTSNTS R1-136"36" "STOP" SIGN DETAIL N.T.S. WHITE LEGEND RED BACKGROUND HIGH REFLECTIVE INTENSITY 1 2 3 10 4 5 6 7 8 9 11 12 FORREVISIONSDATENO.SHEET DESIGNER:PRJ. MGR:JOB #:CHECKED:ENGINEER ENGINEER:RECORD DRAWINGTHIS RECORD DRAWING IS BASED ON THE RESULTS OF LIMITEDPERIODIC FIELD OBSERVATIONS DURING CONSTRUCTION, AREVIEW OF CONTRACTOR FURNISHED REDLINED PLANSINDICATING CHANGES INCORPORATED DURING CONSTRUCTION,AND WITNESSED UTILITY TESTING OF DRINKING WATER ANDWASTEWATER SYSTEMS. ALTHOUGH THE ACCURACY CAN NOTBE GUARANTEED, THE ENGINEER BELIEVES THIS RECORDDRAWING IS CORRECT TO THE BEST OF HIS/HER KNOWLEDGE.FL LIC. # ATDATE: May. 25, 2023FRANK A. PORTER, P.E.FL. LIC. #690926200 Lee Vista Blvd., Suite 400Orlando, FL (407) 896-3317WWW.NV5.COMCERTIFICATE OF AUTHORIZATION # 29065GENERALDETAILSHEET 1C09.0 JPMJWHFAP22011VISION SOURCE WINTER SPRINGSTUSKAWILLA RD.WINTER SPRINGS, FLFISHER EYE PROPERTIES, LLC653 NOTES: *5'4"18'PARKING LOT STRIPING DETAILS NTS ACCESS ISLE 5' (STD. ACCESSIBLE) HANDICAP PARKING SIGNAGE18"12"6"SYMBOL AS DETAILED BELOW 6" BLUE TYP. 6" WHITE STRIPING 2'-0" O.C. (TYP) 1. ALL LETTERS ARE 1" SERIES "C". PER MUTCD. 2. TOP PORTION OF SIGN SHALL HAVE REFLECTORIZED (ENGINEERING GRADE) BLUE BACKGROUND WITH WHITE REFLECTORZED LEGEND AND BORDER. 3. BOTTOM PORTION OF SIGN SHALL HAVE A REFLECTORIZED (ENGINEERING GRADE) WHITE BACKGROUND WITH BLACK OPAQUE LEGEND AND BORDER. 4. ONE (1) SIGN REQUIRED FOR EACH PARKING SPACE. 5. INSTALLATION HEIGHT OF SIGN SHALL BE IN ACCORDANCE WITH SECTION 24-23 OF THE MANUAL ON UNIFORM TRAFFIC CONTROL DEVICES (MUTCD).USE OF PAVEMENT SYMBOL IN HANDICAPPED PARKING SPACES IS OPTIONAL. WHEN USED, THIS SYMBOL SHALL BE 3 TO 5 FEET HIGH AND WHITE IN COLOR. 9' / 12' (TYP.) SIGN 9' / 12' SEE PLANSSEE PLANS 9' TYP. NOTES: 1. DETECTABLE WARNING SURFACE SHALL BE UTILIZED AT HAZARDOUS VEHICULAR AREAS AND SHALL BE A CONTINUOUS SURFACE 36" WIDE AS MEASURED IN THE DIRECTION OF THE RAMP. 2. DETECTABLE WARNING SURFACES SHALL CONSIST OF: EXPOSED AGGREGATE, SUCH AS 5 8" ADA TRUNCATED DOME PAVERS. 3. DETECTABLE WARNING SURFACE MATERIAL SHALL CONTRAST IN COLOR AND TEXTURE WITH THE ADJACENT WALKING SURFACES BY AT LEAST 70%. CONTRAST SHALL BE DETERMINED BY THE DIFFERENCE IN LIGHT REFLECTANCE VALUE (LRV) OF EACH MATERIAL. ON-SITE ADA RAMPS NTS IN-LINE RAMP 5' MIN. 1:12 MAX. 1:12 MAX. DETECTABLE WARNING SURFACE, SEE NOTES 6" CURB 2% MAX. SIDEWALK 5' MIN.3' SILT BARRIER DETAIL N.T.S. FROM PUBLIC STREET. MIN. 0.5% GRADE DOWN MI N 0 . 5 % G R A D E 75 ' M I N I M U M 15' MINI M U M HAR D S U R F A C E PUBLI C R O A D 10" MINIMUM GEOTEXTILE UNDERLINER 4"-6" CLEAN STONE N.T.S. CONSTRUCTION ENTRANCE N.T.S. INLET SEDIMENT FILTER SECTION VIEW -INSTALLED- WITH OPTIONAL CURB INLET DAM RIGID BYPASS LOUVERS BASIN BAG CATCH BASIN EXPANSION RESTRAINT CURB CINCHING CORDS OPTIONAL CURB INLET DAM GRATE RIGID BYPASS OUTLET HOLES LIFTING STRAP SPECIFIER CHART MODEL NO. CATCH BASIN ID Inside Dimension (inch x inch) CURB DAM OPTION (YES / NO) FG-TB24 NO YESFG-TB24D FG-TB2436 FG-TB2436D FG-TB36 FG-TB36D 24 x 24 24 x 24 24 x 36 24 x 36 36 x 36 36 x 36 NO YES NO YES NOTES: 1. FloGard T-Bag is manufactured from woven monofilament polypropylene fabric. Other materials available upon request. 2. May be ordered with Fossil Rock oil absorbent pouches installed. 3. Optional curb inlet dam available upon request. 4. Periodic maintenance is required. FloGard T-Bag should never be allowed to fill beyond the top of the bypass outlet louvers. 5. Appropriate lifting equipment should be used when performing periodic maintenance. SHEET 1 OF 1 DRAWING NO. FG-TB-0001 DATE JPR 09/01/06 P.O. Box 6419, Santa Rosa, CA 95406 Ph: 800.579.8819, Fax: 707.524.8186, www.kristar.com KriStar Enterprises, Inc. REV ECO 0002N/R T-BAGf TEMPORARY INLET PROTECTION DEVICE d 1 2 35 FORREVISIONSDATENO.SHEET DESIGNER:PRJ. MGR:JOB #:CHECKED:ENGINEER ENGINEER:RECORD DRAWINGTHIS RECORD DRAWING IS BASED ON THE RESULTS OF LIMITEDPERIODIC FIELD OBSERVATIONS DURING CONSTRUCTION, AREVIEW OF CONTRACTOR FURNISHED REDLINED PLANSINDICATING CHANGES INCORPORATED DURING CONSTRUCTION,AND WITNESSED UTILITY TESTING OF DRINKING WATER ANDWASTEWATER SYSTEMS. ALTHOUGH THE ACCURACY CAN NOTBE GUARANTEED, THE ENGINEER BELIEVES THIS RECORDDRAWING IS CORRECT TO THE BEST OF HIS/HER KNOWLEDGE.FL LIC. # ATDATE: May. 25, 2023FRANK A. PORTER, P.E.FL. LIC. #690926200 Lee Vista Blvd., Suite 400Orlando, FL (407) 896-3317WWW.NV5.COMCERTIFICATE OF AUTHORIZATION # 29065GENERAL DETAILSHEET 2C10.0 JPMJWHFAP22011VISION SOURCE WINTER SPRINGSTUSKAWILLA RD.WINTER SPRINGS, FLFISHER EYE PROPERTIES, LLC4 SIDEWALK INLET NOTE: FILL SAND BAGS ABOUT 2 3 FULL BEFORE PLACING IN THE GUTTER. STREET GRADE % 0.5 1.0 2.0 3.0 4.0 5.0 SPACING (FT) 100 50 25 16 13 10 PLACE TWO OR MORE SETS OF SAND BAGS IN A MANNER THAT RESULTS IN MAXIMUM SUPPORT. THE FLOW LINE BAG MUST BE LOWER THAN THE TOP OF CURB DEPOSITION ZONE FLOOD FLOWS IP2, CURB INLET PROTECTION SYSTEM NTS 6 BICYCLE RACK DETAIL NTS 7 654 12"EXIST. MAILKIOSKUPGARAGE600T3839STS-2STS-5STS-7STS-16STS-6DN.6"6"6"6"6"10"10"6"10"8"6"6"4"5"8"22"20"8"6"8"3839404140'X60' EASEMENTJOINT USE DRIVEWAYTREE LEGENDPALM TREEPINE TREECAMPHOR TREEUNKNOWN TREEOAK TREETREE REMOVEDNOR T H 40200SCALE: 1" = 20'FOR REVISIONSDATENO.SHEETDESIGNER: PRJ. MGR: JOB #: CHECKED: ENGINEER AT DATE: May. 25, 2023 FRANK A. PORTER, P.E. FL. LIC. #69092 6200 LEE VISTA BLVD. SUITE 400 ORLANDO, FL (407) 896-3317 WWW.NV5.COM CERTIFICATE OF AUTHORIZATION # 29065 TREE REMOVAL PLANC11.0JPH JWH FAP 22011VISION SOURCE WINTER SPRINGS TUSKAWILLA RD. WINTER SPRINGS, FLORIDA FISHER EYE PROPERTIES, LLC TREE REMOVALSIZETREESREMOVEDCREDIT / TREETOTALCREDITS4" TO 8"121129" TO 11"32612" TO 15"13316" TO 24"144TOTALTREES17TOTALCREDITS25NOTE:REFER TO LANDSCAPE PLAN, SHEET L-1, FOR PROPOSED TREE LOCATIONS.ANY DEFICIT IN TREE CREDITS WILL BE MITIGATED PER CITY OF WINTERSPRINGS LAND DEVELOPMENT CODE.PROPOSED TREES (SEE SHEET L-1)SPECIESMIN. REQ.PROPOSEDTREESCREDITS /TREETOTALCREDITSCHINESEELM3" CAL, 12'HT515LIVE OAK5" CAL, 16'HT428QUEENPALM14' HT212BALDCYPRESS3" CAL, 12'HT414DAHOONHOLLY45 GAL, 8'HT5210TOTALTREESTOTALCREDITS29TOTAL REMAININGMITIGATION CREDITSTOTALREMOVEDTOTALPROPOSEDREQUIREDMITIGATION25290655 UPGARAGE600T3839DN.TREE SWALLOW ROADTUSKAWILLA ROADSeminole Co. Aerial TruckSeminole Co. Aerial TruckPROP. FIREHYDRANT(PUBLIC)85'PROP. BLDG.2 STORY48.486.322.55.7425.37Seminole Co. Aerial TruckOverall Length48.480ftOverall Width6.910ftOverall Body Height10.241ftMin Body Ground Clearance0.671ftTrack Width6.910ftLock-to-lock time4.00sWall to Wall Turning Radius48.417ftS57°01'44"E104.80 ' (F)S57°01'44"E95.46 ' (F) N30°04' 5 6 " E 220.00' ( F )N30°04'56"E 1279.13' U PUPUPGARAGEGARAGEGARAGEGARAGEGARAGEGARAGEGARAGEGARAGEGARAGEGARAGEGARAGEGARAGEGARAGEGARAGET600NO PARKINGNO PAR K I N G T394038394140SAN-3SAN-4SAN-5SAN-1FD FD DN DN DN 6" DIA. ALUMINUM PIPEBOLLARD FILLED W/ CONCRETE.PAINT TNEMIC SAFETY YELLOW. 36"X36" TRASH ACCESS DOOR 30'-0" ..TREE SWALLOW ROADTUSKAWILLA ROADPROP. BLDG .2 STORY253'362'336'OFFSITEFIRE HYD. #1OFFSITEFIRE HYD. #2OFFSITEFIRE HYD. #3NOR T H 40200SCALE: 1" = 20'FOR REVISIONSDATENO.SHEETDESIGNER: PRJ. MGR: JOB #: CHECKED: ENGINEER AT DATE: May. 25, 2023 FRANK A. PORTER, P.E. FL. LIC. #69092 6200 LEE VISTA BLVD. SUITE 400 ORLANDO, FL (407) 896-3317 WWW.NV5.COM CERTIFICATE OF AUTHORIZATION # 29065 FIRE TRUCK ACCESS PLANC12.0JPH JWH FAP 22011VISION SOURCE WINTER SPRINGS TUSKAWILLA RD. WINTER SPRINGS, FLORIDA FISHER EYE PROPERTIES, LLC NOTES1.FIRE DEPARTMENT ACCESS ROADS PROVIDED AT THE START OF A PROJECT AND SHALL BE MAINTAINEDTHROUGHOUT CONSTRUCTION. (NFPA 1, 16.1.4).2.A SECOND ENTRANCE/EXIT MIGHT BE REQUIRED PER AHJ IF THE RESPONSE TIME FOR EMERGENCY ISEXCEEDED PER NFPA 1, SECTION MULTIPLE ACCESS ROADS.3.A WATER SUPPLY FOR FIRE PROTECTION, EITHER TEMPORARY OR PERMANENT, SHALL BE MADEAVAILABLE AS SOON AS COMBUSTIBLE MATERIAL ACCUMULATES. THIS APPLIES TO BOTH COMMERCIALAND RESIDENTIAL DEVELOPMENTS. (NFPA 1, UNDERGROUND WATER MAINS AND HYDRANTS ARE TO BE PROVIDED, THEY SHALL BE INSTALLED,COMPLETED, AND IN SERVICE PRIOR TO CONSTRUCTION WORK. (NFPA 1, FLOW TESTING SHALL BE PERFORMED IN ACCORDANCE WITH NFPA 291, RECOMMENDED PRACTICEFOR FIRE FLOW TESTING.6.A 36 IN. CLEAR SPACE SHALL BE MAINTAINED AROUND THE CIRCUMFERENCE OF FIRE HYDRANTS AND ACLEAR SPACE OF NOT LESS THAN 60 IN. (1524 MM) SHALL BE PROVIDED IN FRONT OF EACH HYDRANTCONNECTION HAVING A DIAMETER GREATER THAN 21/2 IN. NFPA 1, SHALL BE MARKED WITH A BLUE REFLECTOR THAT IS PLACED 6'' IN THE ROADWAY INACCORDANCE WITH NFPA 1, CHAPTER TO GATED SUBDIVISIONS OR DEVELOPMENTS SHALL PROVIDE FIRE DEPARTMENT ACCESSTHROUGH AN APPROVED SOS AND SEMINOLE COUNTY KNOX KEY SWITCH. NFPA 1, FLOW CALCULATIONBUILDING LABEL:BUILDING TYPE:BUILDING FLOOR AREA:MINIMUM REQUIRED FIRE FLOW (NFPA1 TABLE18. OF FIRE HYDRANT PROVIDED:MAXIMUM FIRE HYDRANT FIRE FLOW CAPACITY(NFPA13 TABLE PROPOSED BUILDING NOT TO BE SPRINKLEDCOMMERCIAL OFFICEIBC II-B, NFPA II(000)9,421 SF2,000 GPM2 HYDRANTS (1 PROPOSED, 1 EXISTING)1 PROPOSED HYDRANT AT < 250' = 1,500 GPM1 EXISTING HYDRANT AT >250' = 1,000 GPMOFFSITE FIRE HYDRANT LOCATIONS1" = 80'656 SWALLOW ROADG1 @ 15'G1 @ 15'G1 @ 15'G1 @ 15'G1 @ 15'G1 @ 15'G1 @ 15'G1 @ 15'G1 @ 10'S1 @ 15'S1 @ 30'S1 @ 30'S1 @ 15'S1 @ 38'S1 @ 30'S1 @ 15'S1 @ 30'S1 @ 15'S1 @ 15'S1 @ 15'S1 @ 38'S1 @ 30'S1 @ 30'W2 @ 4'W2 @ 4'W2 @ 4'W2 @ 4'W2 @ 25'W2 @ 25'W2 @ 25'W2 @ 25'TUSKAWILLA ROAD E0-2PHOTOMETRICSITE PLANCOPYRIGHT STATEMENTThese documents, their contents, and the ideas,designs, and concepts presented here-in are theproperty of ELEVEN18 Architecture and are issuedonly for the specific project noted on these documents.Holders of these documents that have established amutually agreed contractual relationship withELEVEN18 Architecture have been granted a limitedlicense to reproduce these documents in relationshipto the specific project referenced. All others aresubject to US Copyright Law as defined by Title 17 ofthe United States Code and other regional laws asmay apply. Any revisions, reproductions,modifications, or re-use of these documents withoutthe express written consent of ELEVEN18 Architectureis prohibited by Law.REVISIONSFL License: AA26001884Mailing Address:424 E. Central Blvd. #542Orlando, FL 32801www.eleven18architecture.comPhysical Address:1011 E. Colonial Dr. #307Orlando, FL 32803407-745-5300© Copyright 2019 ELEVEN18 ARCHITECTURE, PLAll Rights Reserved WorldwideTUSKAWILLAOPTOMETRY1135 E SR 434Winter Springs, FL 32708PROJECT TITLECLIENTXXXXXxxxxxELEVEN18 PROJECT TEAMLEAD:Mark Sellers407-745-5306MSellers@eleven18architecture.comTEAM:Salim Popoola#DATEDESC.--11.11.22PERMITSUBMITTAL#DATEDESC.#DATEDESC.PRELIMINARYNOT FOR CONSTRUCTIONThis document is partially complete. Theinformation contained is not necessarilycoordinated orcorrect. This drawing is forreview purposes only.ENGINEERING FOR YOUR SUCCESS1-513-836-3810NORTH1" = 15'E0-21PHOTOMETRIC SITE PLANLUMINAIRE SCHEDULETAGMANUFACTURERMODEL NUMBERVOLTSLAMPSINPUTWATTSMOUNTINGDESCRIPTIONEXIT / EMERGENCY EGRESS FIXTURESCOMMON SPACE FIXTURESG1AMERICAN ELECTRICAL LIGHTINGHTFL-P30-AS-30K-R3-AA-9R-BK-N /CHA-15-F4C-12D-C03-BK120LED50POLE15' POST TOP POLE MOUNT AREA LIGHTINGS1LED LINEARX00LINE HYD-HD25-W8-30-DH-C002IP67-1880120LED7.6 W/FTSURFACELINEAR LED CHANNEL UNDER TRIM WALL WASH LIGHTINGW2ARTEMIDET41952NW10120LED15WALLCLAUMET 13 DEGREE WALL 2X6 CYLINDER UP/DOWN ACCENT LIGHTALL FIXTURES MAY NOT APPLYEC SHALL CONFIRM MOUNTING HEIGHTS OF ALL FIXTURES WITH ARCHITECT PRIOR TO ROUGH-IN.EC SHALL COORDINATE DIMENSIONED LOCATIONS OF ALL FIXTURES WITH ARCHITECTS DRAWINGS PRIOR TO ROUGH-IN.EC SHALL PROVIDE ALL NECESSARY HARDWARE / INSTALLATION TO MAINTAIN THE INTEGRITY OF FIRE RATED ASSEMBLIES IN WHICH FIXTURES ARE INSTALLED.EC SHALL PROVIDE ALL NECESSARY TRANSFORMERS / CABLING FOR ALL LOW-VOLTAGE FIXTURES.B.O.F. = BOTTOM OF FIXTURE657 TUSKAWILLA ROADDUMPSTERENCLOSURE11' PUBLICUTILITYEASEMENTSPROP. BLDG .2 STORYMMEXIST. 12" WMEXIST. 12" WMEXIST. 10" WM9 ON-STREET PARKING SPCSTUSKAWILLA ROADO:\22011.20\INCOMING\FDOT AERIAL\SEM2 0 2 1 _ 2 5 4 7 8 1 . s i dN38°43'16"W200.00' (F)UPGARAGE600TDN TUSKAWILLA ROADEXISTING OAK (TYP)PROPOSED OAK (TYP)PROPOSED ELM (TYP)PROPOSED QUEEN PALM (TYP)PROPOSED HOLLY TREE (TYP)EXISTING HOLLY TREE (TYP)PROPOSED HOLLY TREE (TYP)PROPOSED CYPRESS (TYP)EXISTING QUEEN PALM (TYP)SODSODSODSODSODSODSODSODBAHIA SODBAHIA SODBAHIA SODBAHIA SODREMOVE OAK (TYP)FOR REVISIONSDATENO.SHEETDESIGNER: PRJ. MGR: JOB #: CHECKED: ENGINEER AT DATE: Feb. 01, 2023 FRANK A. PORTER, P.E. FL. LIC. #69092 201 S. BUMBY AVE. ORLANDO, FL (407) 896-3317 WWW.NV5.COM CERTIFICATE OF AUTHORIZATION # 29065 LANDSCAPE PLANL-1JSL JSL FAP 22011FISHER OPHTHALMOLOGY TUSCAWILLA ROAD WINTER SPRINGS, FLORIDA AXEL REAL ESTATE, INC.40200SCALE: 1" = 20'NORTH2xx6581843 UPGARAGE600T3839DN.TREE SWALLOW ROADTUSKAWILLA ROAD40'X60' EASEMENTJOINT USE DRIVEWAY60'85'10,000± SF2 FLOORS39 SPACES3.9/1000 SF11'24'22'3 SPACES @ 10' EA.24'20'4 SPACES @ 10' EA.6 SPACES @ 9' EA.10'50'DUMPSTERENCLOSUREEXIST. MAILKIOSK10'X18' MIN.10'X18' MIN.10'X18' MIN.35'ROW SETBACKADAADA6 SPACES @ 10' EA.11' UTILITYEASEMENT11' UTILITYEASEMENT35'REQ. OFF-STREETSURFACE PARKINGSETBACK 9'X20 ' M IN .6 SPACES @ 9' EA.1 SP7 SPACES @ 9' EA.10' 9'X20' MIN. 9'X 2 0 ' M I N .3 SP @ 9' EA.10' 10'10'18'18'10'18'20'R5'R10'R3'R10'R3'R3'R30'R3'R3'R10'R3'R3'R5'7'REVERSE CLEAR.15' REAR S/B0.5' FRONT S/B5' SIDE S/B5' SIDE S/B9'X20 ' M IN .1 SP82'PUBLIC ROW(BRICK PAVEMENT)30'STREET SCAPEAREA MIN. 27'30' PROVIDED30'STREET SCAPEAREA MIN. 27'30' PROVIDED 7'6'2'6'3'NOR T H 40200SCALE: 1" = 20'FOR REVISIONSDATENO.SHEETDESIGNER: PRJ. MGR: JOB #: CHECKED: ENGINEER AT DATE: Feb. 03, 2023 FRANK A. PORTER, P.E. FL. LIC. #69092 6200 LEE VISTA BLVD. SUITE 400 ORLANDO, FL (407) 896-3317 WWW.NV5.COM CERTIFICATE OF AUTHORIZATION # 29065 SITE PLANC04.0JPH JWH FAP 22011VISION SOURCE WINTER SPRINGS TUSKAWILLA RD. WINTER SPRINGS, FLORIDA FISHER EYE PROPERTIES, LLCA GFMJJBDGISITE LEGENDACCESSIBLE PARKING SPACE (TYP). SEE DETAIL FOR ACCESSIBLE PARKING SPACE, SIGN AND SYMBOL (SEE SHEETC10.0, DETAIL 1)PAVEMENT MARKINGS (TYP). PER FDOT INDEX 17346FDOT ADA RAMP WITH DETECTABLE WARNING SURFACE (TYP). (SEE SHEET C10.0, DETAIL 2)TYPE D CURBEXISTING CONCRETE SIDEWALKDUMPSTER ENCLOSUREBICYCLE RACKS (SEE SHEET C10.0, DETAIL 6)VARIANCE REQUEST TO BE SUBMITTEDFIRE HYDRANT PAVEMENT MARKER (SEE SHEET C09.0, DETAIL 8)DECORATIVE STOP SIGN (R1-1) - HIGH REFLECTIVE INTENSITYEXISTING PEDESTRIAN CROSSWALKCONCRETE PAVEMENT (SEE SHEET C09.0, DETIAL 4)PROPOSED 7' WIDE CONCRETE SIDEWALK (SEE SHEET C09.0, DETAIL 1)VARIANCE REQUEST TO BE SUBMITTEDTYPE F CURB AND GUTTER (SEE SHEET C09.0, DETAIL 3)THICKENED CURB (SEE SHEET C09.0, DETAIL 1)6' X 6' TRANSFORMER CONCRETE PADEFHJCASITE INFORMATION:SITE DATA:LOT SIZE: 0.79 ACEXISTING LAND USE: VACANT LANDPROPOSED USE: MEDICAL OFFICEEXIST. ZONING: TOWN CENTER (T5 - URBAN CENTER)PROP. ZONING: TOWN CENTER (T5 - URBAN CENTER)FLU: TOWN CENTER (T5 - URBAN CENTER)FAR:0.29PARKING PROVIDED:STANDARD PARKING: (9' x 18') 22 SPACESSTANDARD PARKING:(10' X 18') 15 SPACESHC VAN ACCESSIBLE:(12' x 18') 2 SPACESTOTAL: 39 SPACESBUILDING MIN HEIGHT: 2 STORIESBUILDING MAX HEIGHT: 5 STORIESPROP. BUILDING HEIGHT: 2 STORIESGREEN SPACE PROVIDED: 0.26 AC (32.9%)LANDSCAPE BUFFERADJACENT TO R-O-W:30'ADJACENT PROPERTY:10'SINGLE WHITE SOLID LINE / 4" WIDESINGLE WHITE SOLID LINE / 6" WIDESWSL/6"SITE LEGENDSWSL/4"KLMNOBLACK INTEGRAL CONCRETEPAVEMENT LEGEND( FROM 20' IN FRONT OF ORDER WINDOWTO 10' BEYOND PICKUP WINDOW)REGULAR DUTY CONCRETEHARD SCPAE PER ARCH. PLANS.SINGLE WHITE SOLID LINE / 24" WIDESWSL/24"CA(1) VARIANCE REQUEST FORM TO BE SUBMITTED.(2) SECTION 20-325, T5 LOT DESIGN GUIDELINESSTATES THAT THE MINIMUM REQUIRED FRONTSETBACK SHALL BE THE AVERAGE OF THE FRONTSETBACK OF THE TWO DEVELOPED LOTS ABUTTINGEACH SIDE OF THE PROPERTY.THE FRONT SETBACK OF THE ABUTTING PROPERTYTO THE EAST SIDE OF THE PROPOSED PROJECT(THE BLAKE APARTMENT COMPLEX) IS 0.8'.THEFRONT SETBACK OF THE ABUTTING PROPERTY TOTHE WEST SIDE OF THE PROPOSED PROJECT (THEWINTER SPRINGS TOWN CENTER) IS 0.3'.THE AVERAGE SETBACK FOR THE PROPOSEDPROPERTY IS THEREFORE 0.5".(3) VARIANCE REQUEST FORM TO BE SUBMITTED.231HNPPPMQQKEEEILDDOSTANDARD DUTY ASPHALT(SEE SHEET C09.0, DETAIL 5)TO THE EXTENT POSSIBLE, THE CONTRACTORSHALL PROTECT THE CURRENT CONDITION THEEXSTING ROW IMPROVEMENTS. ANYALTERATIONS OR MODIFICATIONS TO THIS AREAWILL BE REQUIRED TO BE RESTORED TOPRE-CONSTRUCTION STATE659 660 661 662 6200 Lee Vista Blvd., suite 400 | Orlando, FL 32822 | www.NV5.com | Office 407.896.3317 | Fax 407.896.9167 CONSTRUCTION QUALITY ASSURANCE - INFRASTRUCTURE - ENERGY - PROGRAM MANAGEMENT - ENVIRONMENTAL January 16, 2023 Philip Hursh, P.E City Engineer City of Winter Springs 1126 East State Road 434 RE: Winter Springs Town Center – Fisher Optometry Parking Justification Mr. Hursh, Developments within the Town Center do not have a specific parking ratio requirement and require a statement of justification for the amount of parking spaces proposed. For the above referenced project at full capacity, the developer anticipates 2 doctors, a maximum of 18 employees, and a maximum of 15 patients. If each individual required a single parking space, a total of 35 parking spaces would be required. The proposed parking count is 39 spaces in the internal parking lot, not including the surrounding on-street parking adjacent to the site. On the north side of Tree Swallow Road, there is a City-owned public overflow parking lot as well as 9 existing on-street parking spaces located on Tuskawilla Road. Both of these parking areas are available as overflow parking, but it is not anticipated that they will be needed. Please do not hesitate to contact our office with any questions concerning this matter. Sincerely, James Herbert, EI Project Engineer | Civil 663 6200 Lee Vista Boulevard, Suite 400 Orlando, Florida 32822 GEOTECHNICAL ENGINEERING REPORT Econ Medical Plaza 1200 SR 434 Winter Springs FL 32708 August 8, 2022 Prepared for: Mr. David Fisher Manager Member Fisher Eye Properties, LLC 690 Long Lake Drive Oviedo, FL 32765 664 Geotechnical Engineering Report Econ Medical Plaza August 12, 2022 Econ Medical Plaza / 712922-0022011.20 NV5.COM | i EXECUTIVE SUMMARY A Geotechnical exploration was performed for the proposed 10,000 sf medical office building located at 1200 SR 434, Winter Springs Florida 32708. A site vicinity map is presented on Drawing No. 1 of Appendix A. Based on the field explorations performed on site, which included a total of two (2) Standard Penetration Test (SPT) borings advanced to depths of 20 feet below existing grade, six (6) Hand Auger borings advanced to depths of 6 feet below existing grade, the proposed site development, and our experience with the site general subsoil conditions and similar developments, the followings summarize our main geotechnical findings and recommendations: The encountered subsoil conditions generally consisted of very loose to medium dense fine sands to fine sand with silts to fine silty sand to the termination depth of 6 to 20 feet below existing grade. The subsoil conditions are considered suitable to adequately support the anticipated building on conventional shallow foundations in the form of spread/strip footings supported on site soil or structural fill. Bearing pressures in the order of 2,500 to 3000 psf are recommended with minimum footing width of 3 feet and minimum embedment depth of 3 feet assuming the 2 feet below the foundation level are compacted to 95% of modified Proctor Density. Total settlement is expected to be less than 1 inch. Foundation design and construction recommendations are presented later in the report. The near surface soil in the largest part of the project site consisted of fine sands to fine sand with silts, which are suitable as a subgrade material for conventional pavement sections. The encountered groundwater table was from 4 to 5 feet below the existing ground surface. We estimate that during the seasonal high, groundwater level will be about 1 to 2 feet higher than encountered water table. Typical pavement sections are provided later in the report. This report does not include field exploration, laboratory testing, and geotechnical recommendations for stormwater management systems. This report should be read in its entirety so that the recommendations presented herein are fully understood and properly implemented in the project geotechnical design. 665 Geotechnical Engineering Report Econ Medical Plaza August 12, 2022 Econ Medical Plaza / 712922-0022011.20 NV5.COM | ii TABLE OF CONTENTS 1.0 PROJECT INFORMATION ........................................................................................................ 1 2.0 PURPOSE .................................................................................................................................. 1 3.0 FIELD EXPLORATION .............................................................................................................. 1 4.0 LOCAL GEOLOGY ..................................................................................................................... 2 5.0 GENERAL POTENTIAL FOR SINKHOLE DEVELOPMENT ..................................................... 3 6.0 SOIL AND GROUNDWATER CONDITONS ............................................................................. 3 6.1 SOIL SURVEY ..................................................................................................................................... 3 6.2 SUBSURFACE CONDITIONS ............................................................................................................. 3 6.3 GROUNDWATER ............................................................................................................................... 4 7.0 CONCLUSIONS AND RECOMMENDATIONS ......................................................................... 4 7.1 FOUNDATIONS .................................................................................................................................. 4 7.2 GROUND FLOOR SLABS .................................................................................................................. 5 7.3 EARTHWORK ..................................................................................................................................... 5 7.3.1 Site Preparation ....................................................................................................................... 5 7.3.2 Fill Material and compaction requirements ........................................................................ 6 7.3.3 Grading and Drainage ............................................................................................................. 6 7.3.4 Earthwork Construction Consideration ................................................................................. 6 7.4 LATERAL EARTH PRESSURES ........................................................................................................ 7 7.5 EXCAVATION AND DEWATERING ................................................................................................... 7 7.6 PAVEMENT ......................................................................................................................................... 8 7.6.1 Light Duty- Passenger Cars Only ............................................................................................ 8 7.6.2 Heavy Duty Driveways and Areas Accessed by Truck Traffic ............................................ 8 7.7 SEISMIC CONSIDERATIONS ............................................................................................................ 8 8.0 LIMITATIONS ............................................................................................................................ 9 9.0 CLOSURE .................................................................................................................................. 9 ATTACHMENTS Drawing No. 1 Topographic Vicinity Map Drawing No. 2 USDA Soils Map Drawing No. 3 Boring Location Plan Attachment No. 1 Borings Logs Attachment No. 2 General Notes Attachment No. 3 ASFE Guidelines for Geotechnical Report 666 Geotechnical Engineering Report Econ Medical Plaza August 12, 2022 d Econ Medical Plaza / 712922-0022011.20 NV5.COM | 1 1.0 PROJECT INFORMATION The project site is located on 1200 SR 434, Winter Springs Florida 32708. It is currently a vacant lot with bare land with few trees and some grass cover. A site vicinity map is presented on Drawing No. 1 of Attachments. We understand current site grades in the vicinity of this project are approximately at an average elevation of +44 feet NGVD. We were provided with preliminary/conceptual site plan. The plan indicates the site will be developed as two-story medical building of about 10,000.00 sf including corresponding surface parking and driveways. 2.0 PURPOSE The purpose of our services on this project is to explore the shallow subsurface in order to provide geotechnical engineering recommendations for: Subsurface soil conditions Groundwater conditions Earthwork and excavation Foundation design and construction Floor slab design and construction Pavement design and construction 3.0 FIELD EXPLORATION The subsurface conditions at the site were explored with 8 test borings; 2 SPT borings advanced to depths of 20 feet below grade and 6 hand auger borings to 6 feet below grade at the approximate locations shown on Drawing No. 3 of Attachments. The boring locations were marked and identified in the field using a GPS unit. Two (2) SPT were drilled to depths of 20 feet below the existing ground surface with a truck-mounted drill rig utilizing the rotary wash method. Samples of the subsurface materials were recovered at two foot intervals within the upper 10 feet of the boring and at roughly five-foot intervals thereafter using a SPT split-spoon sampler in substantial accordance with ASTM D-1586, "Standard Test Method for Standard Penetration Test and Split-Barrel Sampling of Soils." This test procedure drives a 1.4-inch I.D. split-tube sampler into the subsurface profile using a 140-pound hammer falling 30 inches. The number of blows required to drive the sampler the second and third six-inch increments is the SPT N- value, in blows per foot, and is an indication of material strength. Upon completion of the borings, the boreholes were backfilled to the ground surface with soil cuttings. Six (6) hand auger borings were performed to depths of 6 feet below the existing ground surface. The hand auger boring procedure consisted of manually turning a 3-inch diameter, 6-inch long sampler into the soil until it was full. The sampler was then retrieved and the soils in the sampler were visually examined and classified. The procedure was repeated until the desired termination depth was achieved. Samples of representative strata were obtained for further visually examination and classification in our laboratory. 667 Geotechnical Engineering Report Econ Medical Plaza August 12, 2022 d Econ Medical Plaza / 712922-0022011.20 NV5.COM | 2 The soil samples recovered from the borings were classified by a geotechnical engineer. The collected samples were later re-examined to confirm field classifications. Visual soil classifications were made in accordance with ASTM D2487 and ASTM D2488. Condition encountered at each boring location are indicated on the individual boring logs shown in Attachment No. 1 of Appendix A. Strata contacts shown on these boring logs are approximate. The boring data reflects conditions at the specific test location only, and at the time the borings were drilled. 4.0 LOCAL GEOLOGY Seminole County is underlain by a thick sequence of limestone and dolostones upon which a relatively thin section of clastics (sand, silt, shell material, and clay) was deposited. The deepest formation normally encountered is the Avon Park Limestone Formation of Middle Eocene age. It consists mostly of hard, brown dolostone and some tan, granular limestone. Generally, the lower half of the formation is hard dolostone, which contains many caverns and fractures. The upper half consists of cream to tan, granular limestone interbedded with very fine-grained, hard to soft dolostone. The limestone is composed of a mixture of very small, cone-shaped microfossils that are usually loose to poorly cemented or friable. In Seminole County, the Avon Park Limestone Formation is approximately 300 to 350 feet thick. The Avon Park Limestone Formation is the first limestone formation encountered in some wells in the vicinity of Geneva in northeast Seminole County. Here, the overlying Ocala Limestone Formation is missing. The Ocala Limestone Formation of late Eocene age is underlain by the Avon Park Limestone Formation. It consists of a loose to moderately well cemented mass of very small to large microfossils with much less dolostone when compared to the Avon Park Limestone. Typically, the Ocala Limestone contains almost pure limestone with no dolostone, although the lower few feet can be partly dolomitized in some areas. The Ocala Limestone is missing in some areas around Geneva. The thickness of the formation is between 0 and 130 feet. Overlying the Ocala Limestone is the Hawthorn Group of Miocene age, which consists of sand, silt, and clay and some limestone or dolostone beds. Black to amber grains of phosphate are very common and are intermixed throughout the lithologies mentioned above. In addition, these lithologies are typically intermixed with each other. Very few pure, one-lithology beds are in the Hawthorn Group. The thickness of the Hawthorn Group is between 0 and 130 feet. It is absent north of a line passing east- southeast to west-northwest across the county from a point just south of where Florida State Highway 46 intersects the Volusia County-Seminole County line through Lake Jessup to the intersection of Florida State Highway 46 and the Wekiva River. North of this line, the limestone and dolostone section is overlain by the generally nonphosphatic clastic material, which is younger than the Hawthorn Group. The clastic material overlying the Hawthorn Group consists of sand, clay, and shell material. Generally, sandy or clayey shell material directly overlies the Hawthorn Group with clayey sand overlying that material and relatively pure sand extending from there to the surface. In the north part of the county, the sandy or clayey shell material directly overlies the Ocala and Avon Park Limestones. In some areas, mainly to the west and south in the county, the shelly material is absent. In the past, these deposits have been given different formational names. Not enough information is available, and the deposits have not been studied adequately to formally name them. In the past and in other areas of the State, the shell material has been referred to as the Callosahatchee Formation or the Nashua Formation, and the sand above has been referred to as the Citronelle Formation. The sand at the surface has been termed Pleistocene terrace deposits. The thickness of these undifferentiated surficial clastics ranges from 30 to 150 feet. Generally, they are thinner toward the southwest in the county. 668 Geotechnical Engineering Report Econ Medical Plaza August 12, 2022 d Econ Medical Plaza / 712922-0022011.20 NV5.COM | 3 5.0 GENERAL POTENTIAL FOR SINKHOLE DEVELOPMENT Sinkhole development occurs in Florida and varies geographically from areas with almost no potential or a very low potential to areas with a high potential where sinkholes occur frequently. The subject property is approximately in Area II on the United States Geological Survey map entitled “Sinkhole Type, Development, and Distribution in Florida”. Area II typically has soil cover between 30 and 200 feet thick that consists of mainly of incohesive permeable sand. Sinkholes are few, shallow, of small diameter and develop gradually. Cover- subsidence sinkholes dominate in Area II. During our limited shallow explorations, we did not encounter traditional signs associated with potential sinkhole development including abnormal downward pore water pressure gradients, obvious raveled zones, surface depressions, etc. However, this evaluation was not planned to specifically address sinkhole potential. If the sinkhole potential of the site is to be evaluated, additional site-specific data must be obtained. This might include using geophysical methods such as Electrical Resistivity tests and additional geotechnical tests such as Cone Penetrometer Test (CPT) soundings, and/or more/deeper Standard Penetration Test borings. Interpretation of the test data should be done by a professional geologist/engineer familiar with the use of these tests under local conditions. However, it should be noted that even if indicators of sinkhole activity are found, it is impossible to pr edict if, when or precisely where a sinkhole may occur. If requested, NV5 can assist in assessing the sinkhole potential of the location of the proposed construction. 6.0 SOIL AND GROUNDWATER CONDITONS 6.1 SOIL SURVEY The USDA Soil Survey of Orange County, Florida, as shown on Drawing No. 2 of Appendix A, was reviewed for a general description of the near-surface soil types that may be anticipated at the site. It should be noted that the Soil Survey is not intended as a substitute for site-specific geotechnical exploration; rather it is a useful tool in planning a project scope in that it provides information on soil types likely to be encountered. The major shallow subsurface profile at the project site is represented in the following: 13- EauGallie and Immokalee fine sands: This component flatwoods on marine terraces. The parent material is Sandy and loamy marine deposits. Depth to a restrictive layer is greater than 80 inches. The natural drainage class is poorly drained. Water movement in the most restrictive layer is moderately low to high. Available water supply is moderate. This soil is not flooded and not ponded. Depth to water table is about 6 to 18 inches. 6.2 SUBSURFACE CONDITIONS Based on the results of the SPT borings, the encountered subsoil conditions generally consisted of very loose to medium dense fine sands to fine sand with silts to silty sand to termination depth of 6 to 20 feet below existing grade. Conditions encountered at each boring location are indicated on the individual boring logs shown in Attachment No. 1. Stratification boundaries on the boring logs represent the approximate location of changes in native soil types; in situ, the transition between materials may be gradual. 669 Geotechnical Engineering Report Econ Medical Plaza August 12, 2022 d Econ Medical Plaza / 712922-0022011.20 NV5.COM | 4 6.3 GROUNDWATER The borings were observed during drilling for the presence and level of groundwater. The encountered groundwater table was from 4 to 5 feet below the existing ground surface. We estimate that the seasonal high ground water level to be about one to two foot above the current water table level. It should be recognized that fluctuations of the groundwater table will occur due to seasonal variations in the amount of rainfall, runoff and other factors not evident at the time the boring was performed. Therefore, groundwater levels during construction or at other times in the future may be higher or lower than the levels indicated on the boring logs. Our estimates of the seasonal groundwater conditions are based on the USDA Soil Survey, the encountered soil types and groundwater and do not represent the temporary rise in water table occurs immediately following a storm events. 7.0 CONCLUSIONS AND RECOMMENDATIONS The following conclusions and recommendations are based on the project characteristics previously described, the data obtained from our field explorations, and our experience with similar subsurface conditions and construction types. If subsurface conditions different from those disclosed by the borings are encountered during construction, we should be notified immediately so that we might review the following recommendations in light of such changes. 7.1 FOUNDATIONS In our opinion, the proposed medical building can be supported by shallow foundation system in the form of spread/strip footings, bearing on native soil or newly placed fill extending to native soil. Assuming the site is prepared as recommended in Earthwork section of this report. We anticipated the proposed building would be steel frame and concrete block walls. Design recommendations for shallow foundations for the proposed medical building are presented below: For shallow spread footings: we recommend to use a net allowable bearing pressure of 3,000 psf to size the column footings. Footings should be embedded to a minimum of 30 inches below lowest adjacent grades and should be at least 30 inches wide. For shallow strip/wall footings: we recommend to use a net allowable bearing pressure of 2,500 psf to size the strip/wall footings. Footings should be embedded to a minimum of 30 inches below lowest adjacent grades and should be at least 24 inches wide. Total settlement of recommended shallow foundations is expected to be less than 1 inch. Differential settlement is expected to be less than ½ inch between column footing, less than ½ inch over 40 feet for strip footing, and less than ½ inch over 40 feet for monolithic slab foundation. Footing subgrade soils should be approved by the geotechnical engineer or his representative prior to placement of concrete and steel. As a minimum acceptance criterion, the footing subgrade soils should be compacted to a minimum density of 95% of the soils modified Proctor maximum dry density to a depth of 24 inches under foundation level. A minimum of one field density to a minimum depth of 1 foot below the footing subgrade per column footing and per 50 linear feet for wall and monolithic slab foundation should be performed. 670 Geotechnical Engineering Report Econ Medical Plaza August 12, 2022 d Econ Medical Plaza / 712922-0022011.20 NV5.COM | 5 The base of all foundation excavations should be free of water and loose soil prior to placing concrete. Concrete should be placed soon after excavating to reduce bearing soil disturbance. Should the soils at bearing level become excessively dry, disturbed or saturated, the affected soil should be moisture conditioned and re-compacted or removed prior to placing concrete. Place a lean concrete mud-mat over the bearing soils if the excavations must remain open over night or for an extended period of time. It is recommended that the geotechnical engineer be retained to observe and test the s oil foundation bearing materials. NV5 anticipates hand-operated compaction equipment will be utilized, as necessary, in footing cuts, following any mass grading. If unsuitable bearing soils are encountered in footing excavations, the excavation should be extended deeper to suitable soils and the footing could bear directly on these soils at the lower level or on suitable backfill placed in the excavations. Over-excavation for compacted backfill placement below footings should extend laterally beyond all edges of the footings. The over-excavation should then be backfilled up to the footing base elevation per the preceding general earthwork specifications, using hand operated compaction equipment in footing cuts. 7.2 GROUND FLOOR SLABS Ground floor slabs may be supported on grade or engineered fill. Slab subgrades should be properly prepared as recommended above under Site Preparation and Grading and Drainage. Slabs on grade may be designed using a modulus of subgrade reaction of 100 pounds per cubic inch (pci). Slabs should be reinforced for the loads that they will sustain and construction joints should be provided at frequent intervals. Slabs in contact with soil are subject to movement of moisture from the soil upward through the slab. To prevent such moisture vapor transmission, a moisture barrier should be placed on the slab subgrade, and should be protected from damage during construction. Construction joints should be provided with water stops in any permanently submerged areas. 7.3 EARTHWORK 7.3.1 Site Preparation Geotechnical site preparation for construction should consist of removal of all existing structures, foundations, pavements, underground utilities, landscape, and other deleterious materials within proposed building and pavement footprints. Any voids created by the removal of these deleterious materials should be properly backfilled as described in the paragraphs below. After preparation as described above, areas for structures that will have slabs on grade or pavements should be proof rolled with a heavy roller (with vibrator turned off) or loaded truck. The proof rolling should be observed by the geotechnical engineer to identify and mitigate any weak subgrade conditions evidenced by yielding or rutting at the wheels of the roller or truck. The site preparation recommended above should include the planned structure and pavement footprints plus a five-foot perimeter. 671 Geotechnical Engineering Report Econ Medical Plaza August 12, 2022 d Econ Medical Plaza / 712922-0022011.20 NV5.COM | 6 7.3.2 Fill Material and compaction requirements In general, fill soils should consist of either inorganic, non-plastic sand having less than 12% material passing the No. 200 sieve. In particular, fill soils placed within the upper 12 inches of the subgrade of building grade slabs on grade should consist of either sand with less than 10% passing the number 200 sieve. Based on our boring data the near-surface sand should satisfy the fill criteria, but might require localized sorting and moisture-conditioning prior to re-use. In any event, representative samples of the fill soils should be collected for classification and compaction tes ting. The maximum dry density, optimum moisture content, gradation, and plasticity should be determined. These tests are needed for quality control of the compacted fill. Fill soils should be placed with loose lift thicknesses of not more than 12 inches, moisture-conditioned to within two (2) percent of the optimum moisture content based on ASTM D-1557, and compacted to a minimum of 95 percent relative compaction. One test should be performed for each 2,500 square feet of fill area per lift of fill soils. If during the compaction process fill shows evidence of yielding under the weight of the roller, it should be scarified and re-compacted, or removed and replaced with fill described above. The vibrations produced by the operation of the compactor should be monitored for potential adverse effect on adjacent existing structures, pavements, and utilities. If nearby structures will be affected by the vibration of the compactor, the compaction procedure may require modification as approved by the geotechnical engineer. 7.3.3 Grading and Drainage Final surrounding grades should be sloped away from the structure on all sides to prevent ponding of water. Roof drainage should discharge to the stormwater system or a minimum of 10 feet beyond the footprint of the proposed structures where there are pervious surfaces. Site grades should be set considering the estimated seasonal high groundwater. 7.3.4 Earthwork Construction Consideration Construction traffic over the completed subgrade should be avoided to the extent practical. The site should also be graded to prevent ponding of surface water on the prepared subgrades or in excavations. If the subgrade should become desiccated, saturated, or disturbed, the affected material should be removed or these materials should be scarified, moisture conditioned, and re-compacted prior to floor slab and pavement construction. Installation of landscape drains should be considered around the back sides of curbs to collect and control landscape irrigation and other water entering through landscaping from entering the sides of the pavement sections, reducing the potential for water-related damage. Landscape drains should be routed to the stormwater collection or other positive outfall, away from the pavement. The geotechnical engineer should be retained during the construction phase of the project to observe earthwork and to perform necessary tests and observations during subgrade preparation; proof-rolling; placement and compaction of controlled compacted fills; backfilling of excavations into the completed subgrade, and just prior to construction of building floor slabs. 672 Geotechnical Engineering Report Econ Medical Plaza August 12, 2022 d Econ Medical Plaza / 712922-0022011.20 NV5.COM | 7 7.4 LATERAL EARTH PRESSURES Backfill materials against walls should be sands with less than 1 2 percent fines passing the U.S. Standard No. 200 Sieve. For this backfill material, we recommend the following design parameters: Material: Sand Friction Angle (): 30 Active Earth Pressure Coefficient: 0.33 Passive Earth Pressure Coefficient: 3.0 At-rest Earth Pressure Coefficient: 0.5 Moist Unit Weight (γm): 115 pcf Saturated Unit Weight (γsat): 120 pcf Footing Base Coefficient of Friction: 0.4 If walls are provided with adequate drainage, the moist unit weight (γm) may be used in calculations. For portions of the walls below the groundwater table or where hydrostatic pressures can build up should be analyzed using effective unit weights (γsat - γwater); however, hydrostatic pressures must then be added to the load on the wall. For uniform surcharge loads, the additional pressure on the wall may be calculated using 0.5 times the surcharge pressure for braced walls and 0.33 times the surcharge pressure for unbraced walls. Lateral earth pressures from point loads and line loads bearing closer than a distance equal to the wall height from the wall should be analyzed on a case by case basis once loads are identified. 7.5 EXCAVATION AND DEWATERING Groundwater was encountered from 4 to 5 feet below the existing ground surface. While groundwater is not expected to have a significant impact on shallow foundation excavations, some utility excavations may require dewatering to facilitate installation depending on the utility invert elevations and the time of year of construction. Localized dewatering, if required, may be achieved with pumps and sumps. Dewatering for deeper excavations including installation of utility systems and appurtenances for storm drains and sewer lines might require well points around those excavations. All dewatering and subsequent effluent discharge should meet the requirements of the local jurisdictional agencies During dewatering the adjacent properties must be monitored for adverse impacts from dewatering drawdown. The dewatering subcontractor should submit a proposed design for dewatering operations to the owner for review and approval prior to commencing work. Shallow excavations into the near-surface materials will likely stand vertical for short periods of time only. The excavation sides will unravel over time as they are exposed to weather and construction traffic. Deeper excavations, especially those that extend below the groundwater table, as well as excavations that will remain open for longer periods of time will require support in the form of temporary shoring or sliding trench boxes to prevent instability of excavation walls and to protect workers from injury. All excavations should comply with Occupational Safety and Health Administration (OSHA) design and safety requirements. Shoring designs should be signed and sealed by a Florida - licensed professional engineer, and should be provided for the Owner’s review. 673 Geotechnical Engineering Report Econ Medical Plaza August 12, 2022 d Econ Medical Plaza / 712922-0022011.20 NV5.COM | 8 7.6 PAVEMENT The near surface soil in most of the project site consisted of clean fine sands to fine sand with silt, which are suitable as a subgrade material for conventional pavement sections. Generally, the encountered groundwater table was from 4 to 5 feet below the existing ground surface. We estimate that the seasonal high ground water level to be about 1 to 2 feet above the encountered groundwater and the pavement areas will satisfy the requirement of having a minimum separation of 2 feet from the bottom of the pavement section to the estimated seasonal high water level. Traffic loads are not given yet, but are anticipated to consist mostly of passenger cars , light pick-up trucks, and occasional large trash collection trucks. Based on the above information and assumptions, the minimum recommend pavement sections are as follows: 7.6.1 Light Duty- Passenger Cars Only 1.5 inches of asphaltic concrete structural course according to FDOT Specifications Section 330, 331 (Marshall). 6 inches of limerock base compacted to at least 98 percent of the Modified Proctor maximum dry density (AASHTO T-180 or ASTM D-1557). Limerock base courses should be mined from a Florida Department of Transportation (FDOT) approved source, should have a minimum LBR value of 100. 12 inches of compacted natural subgrade stabilized to a minimum Limerock Bearing Ratio (LBR; Florida Method of Test Designation FM 5-515) value of 40. Stabilization of the sub- base should be accomplished using coarse aggregate as well-graded crushed concrete or FDOT-approved limerock stabilization material. The subgrade should be compacted to at least 95 percent of the Modified Proctor maximum dry density (AASHTO T-180 or ASTM D- 1557). 7.6.2 Heavy Duty Driveways and Areas Accessed by Truck Traffic 2 inches of asphaltic concrete structural course according to FDOT Specifications Section 330, 331 (Marshall). 8 inches of limerock base compacted to at least 98 percent of the Modified Proctor maximum dry density (AASHTO T-180 or ASTM D-1557). Limerock base courses should be mined from a Florida Department of Transportation (FDOT) approved source, should have a minimum LBR value of 100. 12 inches of compacted natural subgrade stabilized to a minimum Limerock Bearing Ratio (LBR; Florida Method of Test Designation FM 5-515) value of 40. Stabilization of the sub- base should be accomplished using coarse aggregate as well-graded crushed concrete or FDOT-approved limerock stabilization material. The subgrade should be compacted to at least 95 percent of the Modified Proctor maximum dry density (AASHTO T-180 or ASTM D- 1557). 7.7 SEISMIC CONSIDERATIONS The 2014 Florida Building Code (effective June 30, 2015) now requires the geotechnical engineer to provide a Seismic Site Classification. Based on the explored profiles at the building boring locations, we do not believe it is a reasonably conservative assumption that the unexplored depths beyond boring termination and extending to a depth of 100 feet would support consideration of site classification D. 674 Geotechnical Engineering Report Econ Medical Plaza August 12, 2022 d Econ Medical Plaza / 712922-0022011.20 NV5.COM | 9 Therefore, in lieu of additional, deeper exploration (i.e. deeper SPT borings, seismic CPT soundings) at these locations we recommend consideration of site classification E at these locations. Seismic considerations will seldom control the structural design of buildings in Central Florida (as compared to wind loading conditions). If seismic considerations control the structural design, we can provide a proposal to perform additional services to measure shear wave velocity such as MASW (multichannel analysis of surface waves), ReMi testing (refraction microtremor), seismic cone penetrometer (SCPT) testing to see if the site classification improves. 8.0 LIMITATIONS This report has been prepared for the exclusive use of the Owner and oth er members of the design/construction team for the specific projects discussed in this report. This report has been prepared in accordance with generally accepted local geotechnical engineering practices; no other warranty is expressed or implied. The evaluation and recommendations submitted in this report are based in part upon the data collected from the field exploration. The nature or extent of variations throughout the subsurface profile may not become evident until the time of construction. If variations then appear evident, it may be necessary to evaluate our recommendations as provided in this report. In the event changes are made in the nature, design or locations of the proposed project construction, the conclusions and recommendations contained in this report shall not be considered valid unless the changes are reviewed and conclusions modified or verified in writing by NV5. The scope of services did not include any environmental assessment or investigation for the presence or absence of wetlands, chemically hazardous or toxic materials in the soil, surface water, groundwater or air, on or below or around the site. 9.0 CLOSURE We appreciate the opportunity to provide geotechnical engineering services on this project. In the event that you have any questions concerning the contents of this report, or if we may be of further assistance, please do not hesitate to contact us. Sincerely, NV5, Inc. Ahmad Mohamed, Ph.D. Amr M. Sallam, Ph.D., P.E. Project Manager Director CQA Services, Vice President Florida License No. 67578 675 ATTACHMENTS 676 Project No.: Designed By: Approved By: Date: 201 S. Bumby Avenue, Orlando, FL 32803 Scale: P: 407.896.3317 F: 407.896.9167 Drawing No. 1 712922-0022011.20 C.L. M.A. 06/24/2022 NTS TOPOGRAPHIC VICINITY MAP Econ Medical Plaza North of 1200 SR 434, Winter Springs, Florida 32708 Topographic map image courtesy of the U.S. Geological Survey Quadrangles include: Orlando, FL (1955) Sit e 6200 Lee Vista Boulevard, Suite 400 | Orlando, FL 328226200 Lee Vista Boulevard, Suite 400 | Orlando, FL 32822 P: 407-275-5120 F: 407-275-5268 677 Project No.: Designed By: Approved By: Date: 201 S. Bumby Avenue, Orlando, FL 32803 Scale: P: 407.896.3317 F: 407.896.9167 6200 Lee Vista Boulevard, Suite 400 | Orlando, FL 32822 P: 407-275-5120 F: 407-275-5268 Drawing No. 2 C.L. A.M.S. 06/24/2022 NTS USDA SOILS MAP Econ Medical Plaza North of 1200 SR 434, Winter Springs, Florida 32708 Soils Map Index - U.S.D.A. Soil Survey for Seminole County, Florida 13- EauGallie and Immokalee fine sands 712922-0022011.20 678 Project No.: Designed By: Approved By: Date: 201 S. Bumby Avenue, Orlando, FL 32803 Scale: P: 407.896.3317 F: 407.896.9167 UPT DNTUSKAWILLA ROAD 60'85'10,000 ± S F 2 FLO O R S 39 SPA C E S 3.9/100 0 S F 11'24' 22'4 SPACES@ 10 ' EA . 9 SPACES @ 9' EA. 24'20'2 SPA C E S @ 9' EA.8 SPACES @ 9 ' EA .10'50' BIKE RACK DUMPSTER ENCLOSURE EXIST. MAIL KIOSK 10'X1 8'9'X20'9'X20 '10'X18 ' 35' ROW S E T B A C KHCPHCP6 SPA C E S @ 1 0' E A. 11' UTILITY EASEMENT 11' UTILITY EASEMENT 40'X60' EASEMENT JOINT USE DRIVEWAY 35' ROW S E T B A C K 9'X20' 10'7 SPACES @ 9 ' EA . 11'1 SP BORING LOCATION PLAN Econ Medical Plaza North of 1200 SR 434, Winter Springs, Florida 32708 Drawing No. 3 712922-0022011.20 C.L. M.A. 06/24/2022 NTS Legend Approximate SPT borings locations for Building footprint Approximate hand auger boring locations for parking and driveways Tree Swallow Dr. B-1 B-2 HA-1 HA-2 HA-3 HA-4 HA-5 HA-6 679 Attachment No. 1 Borings Logs 680 20 28 1-3-2-3 N=5 2-2-3-1 N=5 4-5-8-9 N=13 5-6-8-9 N=14 2-1-2-8 N=3 5-7-9 N=16 4-6-7 N=13 Notes: Boring terminated at depth of (20.0'). Lattitude and longigute are approximate. Borehole backfill with soil cutting. SPT- 1 SPT- 2 SPT- 3 SPT- 4 SPT- 5 SPT- 6 SPT- 7 28 15 2.0' 4.0' 13.5' 18.5' 20.0' SAND WITH SILT (SP-SM), dark gray, fine grained, loose, with trace of roots SAND (SP), gray brown, fine grained, loose SILTY SAND (SM), gray brown to light gray, fine grained, very loose to medium dense With trace of clayey sand from 4'-6' SAND WITH SILT (SP-SM), light brown, fine grained, medium dense SILTY SAND (SM), light brown, fine grained, medium dense SP-SM SP SM SP-SM SM Project Number Surface Elevation: Project WSTC Lot 6 Office- Econ Medical Plaza Logged By: PURA VIDA Reviewed By: AM Boring No. Drilling Method: MUD ROTARY Depth (ft.)0 5 10 15 20 Completed: 07/06/2022 USCS Class.B-1 Latitude: 28.697812 Sheet 1 of 1 DateSPT N-ValueSample TakenDuring drilling Hour Visual ClassificationSample IDGraphical LogGroundwater Depth (ft)Date Sample Type G - Bulk / Grab Sample SPT - 2" O.D. 1.4" I.D. Tube Sample MC - 3 " O.D. 2.4" I.D. Ring Sample NR - No Recovery * - Uncorrected Blow Counts Moisture Content (%)% Passing No. 200712922-0022011.20 5 Longitude: -81.261662 Started: 07/06/2022 Location: See Drawing No. 3 GroundwaterDepth (ft.)Other Tests and Remarks Hammer Type: AUTO 681 18 22 2-2-4-3 N=6 5-4-5-6 N=9 2-3-2-2 N=5 7-5-5-7 N=10 4-6-6-8 N=12 4-6-8 N=14 5-6-8 N=14 Notes: Boring terminated at depth of (20.0'). Lattitude and longigute are approximate. Borehole backfill with soil cutting. SPT- 1 SPT- 2 SPT- 3 SPT- 4 SPT- 5 SPT- 6 SPT- 7 13 11 2.0' 6.0' 13.5' 18.5' 20.0' SAND WITH SILT (SP-SM), dark gray, fine grained, loose SAND (SP), gray to dark brown, fine grained, loose to medium dense SILTY SAND (SM), light gray to light brown, fine grained, medium dense, mixed with dark brown fine sand with silt SAND WITH SILT (SP-SM), light brown, fine grained, medium dense SILTY SAND (SM), light brown, fine grained, medium dense SP-SM SP SM SP-SM SM Project Number Surface Elevation: Project WSTC Lot 6 Office- Econ Medical Plaza Logged By: PURA VIDA Reviewed By: AM Boring No. Drilling Method: MUD ROTARY Depth (ft.)0 5 10 15 20 Completed: 07/06/2022 USCS Class.B-2 Latitude: 28.697582 Sheet 1 of 1 DateSPT N-ValueSample TakenDuring drilling Hour Visual ClassificationSample IDGraphical LogGroundwater Depth (ft)Date Sample Type G - Bulk / Grab Sample SPT - 2" O.D. 1.4" I.D. Tube Sample MC - 3 " O.D. 2.4" I.D. Ring Sample NR - No Recovery * - Uncorrected Blow Counts Moisture Content (%)% Passing No. 200712922-0022011.20 4.3 Longitude: -81.261637 Started: 07/06/2022 Location: See Drawing No. 3 GroundwaterDepth (ft.)Other Tests and Remarks Hammer Type: AUTO 682 18 Notes: Boring terminated at depth of (6.0'). Lattitude and longigute are approximate. Borehole backfill with soil cutting. Aug- 1 Aug- 2 Aug- 3 - 12 2.0' 6.0' SILTY SAND (SM), dark gray, fine grained, with trace of roots SAND WITH SILT (SP-SM), dark brown, fine grained, with trace of mulch SM SP-SM Project Number Surface Elevation: Project WSTC Lot 6 Office- Econ Medical Plaza Logged By: PURA VIDA Reviewed By: AM Boring No. Drilling Method: AUGER Depth (ft.)0 5 Completed: 06/24/2022 USCS Class.HA-1 Latitude: 28.697657 Sheet 1 of 1 DateSPT N-ValueSample TakenDuring drilling Hour Visual ClassificationSample IDGraphical LogGroundwater Depth (ft)Date Sample Type G - Bulk / Grab Sample SPT - 2" O.D. 1.4" I.D. Tube Sample MC - 3 " O.D. 2.4" I.D. Ring Sample NR - No Recovery * - Uncorrected Blow Counts Moisture Content (%)% Passing No. 200712922-0022011.20 5 Longitude: -81.261441 Started: 06/24/2022 Location: See Drawing No. 3 GroundwaterDepth (ft.)Other Tests and Remarks Hammer Type: NA 683 24 Notes: Boring terminated at depth of (6.0'). Lattitude and longigute are approximate. Borehole backfill with soil cutting. Aug- 1 Aug- 2 Aug- 3 - 9 4.0' 6.0' SAND (SP), gray to light brown, fine grained SAND WITH SILT (SP-SM), dark brown, fine grained SP SP-SM Project Number Surface Elevation: Project WSTC Lot 6 Office- Econ Medical Plaza Logged By: PURA VIDA Reviewed By: AM Boring No. Drilling Method: AUGER Depth (ft.)0 5 Completed: 06/24/2022 USCS Class.HA-2 Latitude: 28.697518 Sheet 1 of 1 DateSPT N-ValueSample TakenDuring drilling Hour Visual ClassificationSample IDGraphical LogGroundwater Depth (ft)Date Sample Type G - Bulk / Grab Sample SPT - 2" O.D. 1.4" I.D. Tube Sample MC - 3 " O.D. 2.4" I.D. Ring Sample NR - No Recovery * - Uncorrected Blow Counts Moisture Content (%)% Passing No. 200712922-0022011.20 5 Longitude: -81.261520 Started: 06/24/2022 Location: See Drawing No. 3 GroundwaterDepth (ft.)Other Tests and Remarks Hammer Type: HAND AUGER 684 Notes: Boring terminated at depth of (6.0'). Lattitude and longigute are approximate. Borehole backfill with soil cutting. Aug- 1 Aug- 2 Aug- 3 -6.0' SAND WITH SILT (SP-SM), gray to dark brown, fine grained With trace of organics from 4'-6' SP-SM Project Number Surface Elevation: Project WSTC Lot 6 Office- Econ Medical Plaza Logged By: PURA VIDA Reviewed By: AM Boring No. Drilling Method: AUGER Depth (ft.)0 5 Completed: 06/24/2022 USCS Class.HA-3 Latitude: 28.697402 Sheet 1 of 1 DateSPT N-ValueSample TakenDuring drilling Hour Visual ClassificationSample IDGraphical LogGroundwater Depth (ft)Date Sample Type G - Bulk / Grab Sample SPT - 2" O.D. 1.4" I.D. Tube Sample MC - 3 " O.D. 2.4" I.D. Ring Sample NR - No Recovery * - Uncorrected Blow Counts Moisture Content (%)% Passing No. 200712922-0022011.20 4 Longitude: -81.261578 Started: 06/24/2022 Location: See Drawing No. 3 GroundwaterDepth (ft.)Other Tests and Remarks Hammer Type: NA 685 Notes: Boring terminated at depth of (6.0'). Lattitude and longigute are approximate. Borehole backfill with soil cutting. Aug- 1 Aug- 2 Aug- 3 - 2.0' 6.0' SAND (SP), dark gray, fine grained SAND WITH SILT (SP-SM), red brown to dark brown, fine grained With trace of roots from 2'-4' SP SP-SM Project Number Surface Elevation: Project WSTC Lot 6 Office- Econ Medical Plaza Logged By: PURA VIDA Reviewed By: AM Boring No. Drilling Method: AUGER Depth (ft.)0 5 Completed: 06/24/2022 USCS Class.HA-4 Latitude: 28.697541 Sheet 1 of 1 DateSPT N-ValueSample TakenDuring drilling Hour Visual ClassificationSample IDGraphical LogGroundwater Depth (ft)Date Sample Type G - Bulk / Grab Sample SPT - 2" O.D. 1.4" I.D. Tube Sample MC - 3 " O.D. 2.4" I.D. Ring Sample NR - No Recovery * - Uncorrected Blow Counts Moisture Content (%)% Passing No. 200712922-0022011.20 5 Longitude: -81.261760 Started: 06/24/2022 Location: See Drawing No. 3 GroundwaterDepth (ft.)Other Tests and Remarks Hammer Type: NA 686 Notes: Boring terminated at depth of (6.0'). Lattitude and longigute are approximate. Borehole backfill with soil cutting. Aug- 1 Aug- 2 Aug- 3 -6.0' SAND WITH SILT (SP-SM), gray to light brown to dark brown, fine grained, loose SP-SM Project Number Surface Elevation: Project WSTC Lot 6 Office- Econ Medical Plaza Logged By: PURA VIDA Reviewed By: AM Boring No. Drilling Method: AUGER Depth (ft.)0 5 Completed: 06/24/2022 USCS Class.HA-5 Latitude: 28.697211 Sheet 1 of 1 DateSPT N-ValueSample TakenDuring drilling Hour Visual ClassificationSample IDGraphical LogGroundwater Depth (ft)Date Sample Type G - Bulk / Grab Sample SPT - 2" O.D. 1.4" I.D. Tube Sample MC - 3 " O.D. 2.4" I.D. Ring Sample NR - No Recovery * - Uncorrected Blow Counts Moisture Content (%)% Passing No. 200712922-0022011.20 5 Longitude: -81.261642 Started: 06/24/2022 Location: See Drawing No. 3 GroundwaterDepth (ft.)Other Tests and Remarks Hammer Type: NA 687 Notes: Boring terminated at depth of (6.0'). Lattitude and longigute are approximate. Borehole backfill with soil cutting. Aug- 1 Aug- 2 Aug- 3 - 4.0' 6.0' SAND (SP), dark gray to light brown, fine grained SILTY SAND (SM), red brown, fine grained SP SM Project Number Surface Elevation: Project WSTC Lot 6 Office- Econ Medical Plaza Logged By: PURA VIDA Reviewed By: AM Boring No. Drilling Method: AUGER Depth (ft.)0 5 Completed: 06/24/2022 USCS Class.HA-6 Latitude: 28.697352 Sheet 1 of 1 DateSPT N-ValueSample TakenDuring drilling Hour Visual ClassificationSample IDGraphical LogGroundwater Depth (ft)Date Sample Type G - Bulk / Grab Sample SPT - 2" O.D. 1.4" I.D. Tube Sample MC - 3 " O.D. 2.4" I.D. Ring Sample NR - No Recovery * - Uncorrected Blow Counts Moisture Content (%)% Passing No. 200712922-0022011.20 5 Longitude: -81.261768 Started: 06/24/2022 Location: See Drawing No. 3 GroundwaterDepth (ft.)Other Tests and Remarks Hammer Type: NA 688 Attachment No. 2 General Notes 689 GENERAL NOTES Standard Penetration Test (SPT) Evaluation of the apparent density of coarse-grained soil (more than 50% retained on No. 200 sieve) Evaluation of the consistency of fine-grained soils (50% or more passed the No. 200 sieve) N60 Apparent Density N60 Consistency 0 - 4 Very loose <2 Very soft >4 - 10 Loose 2 - 4 Soft >10 - 30 Medium dense 4 - 8 Medium stiff >30 - 50 Dense 8 - 15 Stiff >50 Very dense 15 - 30 Very stiff >30 Hard References Samtani, N.C., Nowatzki, E.A., (2006). “NHI Couse No. 132012, Soils and Foundations, Reference Manual – Volume I, Report No. FHWA-NHI-06-088,” Federal Highway Administration, U.S. Department of Transportation. Grain size terminology Major components of sample Particle size Boulders Over 12 inch (300mm) Cobbles 12 inch to 3 inch (300mm to75 mm) Gravel 3inch to #4 sieve (75mm to 4.75mm) Sand #4 to #200 sieve3 (4.75mm to 0.075mm) Silt or clay Passing #200 sieve (0.075mm) Plasticity description Plasticity Range Adjective 0 Nonplastic 1-10 Low plasticity >10-20 Medium plasticity >20-40 High plasticity >40 Very plastic 690 Attachment No. 3 GBA Guidelines for Geotechnical Report 691 Geotechnical-Engineering Report Important Information about This Subsurface problems are a principal cause of construction delays, cost overruns, claims, and disputes. While you cannot eliminate all such risks, you can manage them. The following information is provided to help. The Geoprofessional Business Association (GBA) has prepared this advisory to help you – assumedly a client representative – interpret and apply this geotechnical-engineering report as effectively as possible. In that way, you can benefit from a lowered exposure to problems associated with subsurface conditions at project sites and development of them that, for decades, have been a principal cause of construction delays, cost overruns, claims, and disputes. If you have questions or want more information about any of the issues discussed herein, contact your GBA-member geotechnical engineer. Active engagement in GBA exposes geotechnical engineers to a wide array of risk-confrontation techniques that can be of genuine benefit for everyone involved with a construction project. Understand the Geotechnical-Engineering Services Provided for this Report Geotechnical-engineering services typically include the planning, collection, interpretation, and analysis of exploratory data from widely spaced borings and/or test pits. Field data are combined with results from laboratory tests of soil and rock samples obtained from field exploration (if applicable), observations made during site reconnaissance, and historical information to form one or more models of the expected subsurface conditions beneath the site. Local geology and alterations of the site surface and subsurface by previous and proposed construction are also important considerations. Geotechnical engineers apply their engineering training, experience, and judgment to adapt the requirements of the prospective project to the subsurface model(s). Estimates are made of the subsurface conditions that will likely be exposed during construction as well as the expected performance of foundations and other structures being planned and/or affected by construction activities. The culmination of these geotechnical-engineering services is typically a geotechnical-engineering report providing the data obtained, a discussion of the subsurface model(s), the engineering and geologic engineering assessments and analyses made, and the recommendations developed to satisfy the given requirements of the project. These reports may be titled investigations, explorations, studies, assessments, or evaluations. Regardless of the title used, the geotechnical-engineering report is an engineering interpretation of the subsurface conditions within the context of the project and does not represent a close examination, systematic inquiry, or thorough investigation of all site and subsurface conditions. Geotechnical-Engineering Services are Performed for Specific Purposes, Persons, and Projects, and At Specific Times Geotechnical engineers structure their services to meet the specific needs, goals, and risk management preferences of their clients. A geotechnical-engineering study conducted for a given civil engineer will not likely meet the needs of a civil-works constructor or even a different civil engineer. Because each geotechnical-engineering study is unique, each geotechnical-engineering report is unique, prepared solely for the client. Likewise, geotechnical-engineering services are performed for a specific project and purpose. For example, it is unlikely that a geotechnical- engineering study for a refrigerated warehouse will be the same as one prepared for a parking garage; and a few borings drilled during a preliminary study to evaluate site feasibility will not be adequate to develop geotechnical design recommendations for the project. Do not rely on this report if your geotechnical engineer prepared it: • for a different client; • for a different project or purpose; • for a different site (that may or may not include all or a portion of the original site); or • before important events occurred at the site or adjacent to it; e.g., man-made events like construction or environmental remediation, or natural events like floods, droughts, earthquakes, or groundwater fluctuations. Note, too, the reliability of a geotechnical-engineering report can be affected by the passage of time, because of factors like changed subsurface conditions; new or modified codes, standards, or regulations; or new techniques or tools. If you are the least bit uncertain about the continued reliability of this report, contact your geotechnical engineer before applying the recommendations in it. A minor amount of additional testing or analysis after the passage of time – if any is required at all – could prevent major problems. Read this Report in Full Costly problems have occurred because those relying on a geotechnical- engineering report did not read the report in its entirety. Do not rely on an executive summary. Do not read selective elements only. Read and refer to the report in full. You Need to Inform Your Geotechnical Engineer About Change Your geotechnical engineer considered unique, project-specific factors when developing the scope of study behind this report and developing the confirmation-dependent recommendations the report conveys. Typical changes that could erode the reliability of this report include those that affect: • the site’s size or shape; • the elevation, configuration, location, orientation, function or weight of the proposed structure and the desired performance criteria; • the composition of the design team; or • project ownership. As a general rule, always inform your geotechnical engineer of project or site changes – even minor ones – and request an assessment of their impact. The geotechnical engineer who prepared this report cannot accept 692 responsibility or liability for problems that arise because the geotechnical engineer was not informed about developments the engineer otherwise would have considered. Most of the “Findings” Related in This Report Are Professional Opinions Before construction begins, geotechnical engineers explore a site’s subsurface using various sampling and testing procedures. Geotechnical engineers can observe actual subsurface conditions only at those specific locations where sampling and testing is performed. The data derived from that sampling and testing were reviewed by your geotechnical engineer, who then applied professional judgement to form opinions about subsurface conditions throughout the site. Actual sitewide-subsurface conditions may differ – maybe significantly – from those indicated in this report. Confront that risk by retaining your geotechnical engineer to serve on the design team through project completion to obtain informed guidance quickly, whenever needed. This Report’s Recommendations Are Confirmation-Dependent The recommendations included in this report – including any options or alternatives – are confirmation-dependent. In other words, they are not final, because the geotechnical engineer who developed them relied heavily on judgement and opinion to do so. Your geotechnical engineer can finalize the recommendations only after observing actual subsurface conditions exposed during construction. If through observation your geotechnical engineer confirms that the conditions assumed to exist actually do exist, the recommendations can be relied upon, assuming no other changes have occurred. The geotechnical engineer who prepared this report cannot assume responsibility or liability for confirmation-dependent recommendations if you fail to retain that engineer to perform construction observation. This Report Could Be Misinterpreted Other design professionals’ misinterpretation of geotechnical- engineering reports has resulted in costly problems. Confront that risk by having your geotechnical engineer serve as a continuing member of the design team, to: • confer with other design-team members; • help develop specifications; • review pertinent elements of other design professionals’ plans and specifications; and • be available whenever geotechnical-engineering guidance is needed. You should also confront the risk of constructors misinterpreting this report. Do so by retaining your geotechnical engineer to participate in prebid and preconstruction conferences and to perform construction- phase observations. Give Constructors a Complete Report and Guidance Some owners and design professionals mistakenly believe they can shift unanticipated-subsurface-conditions liability to constructors by limiting the information they provide for bid preparation. To help prevent the costly, contentious problems this practice has caused, include the complete geotechnical-engineering report, along with any attachments or appendices, with your contract documents, but be certain to note conspicuously that you’ve included the material for information purposes only. To avoid misunderstanding, you may also want to note that “informational purposes” means constructors have no right to rely on the interpretations, opinions, conclusions, or recommendations in the report. Be certain that constructors know they may learn about specific project requirements, including options selected from the report, only from the design drawings and specifications. Remind constructors that they may perform their own studies if they want to, and be sure to allow enough time to permit them to do so. Only then might you be in a position to give constructors the information available to you, while requiring them to at least share some of the financial responsibilities stemming from unanticipated conditions. Conducting prebid and preconstruction conferences can also be valuable in this respect. Read Responsibility Provisions Closely Some client representatives, design professionals, and constructors do not realize that geotechnical engineering is far less exact than other engineering disciplines. This happens in part because soil and rock on project sites are typically heterogeneous and not manufactured materials with well-defined engineering properties like steel and concrete. That lack of understanding has nurtured unrealistic expectations that have resulted in disappointments, delays, cost overruns, claims, and disputes. To confront that risk, geotechnical engineers commonly include explanatory provisions in their reports. Sometimes labeled “limitations,” many of these provisions indicate where geotechnical engineers’ responsibilities begin and end, to help others recognize their own responsibilities and risks. Read these provisions closely. Ask questions. Your geotechnical engineer should respond fully and frankly. Geoenvironmental Concerns Are Not Covered The personnel, equipment, and techniques used to perform an environmental study – e.g., a “phase-one” or “phase-two” environmental site assessment – differ significantly from those used to perform a geotechnical-engineering study. For that reason, a geotechnical-engineering report does not usually provide environmental findings, conclusions, or recommendations; e.g., about the likelihood of encountering underground storage tanks or regulated contaminants. Unanticipated subsurface environmental problems have led to project failures. If you have not obtained your own environmental information about the project site, ask your geotechnical consultant for a recommendation on how to find environmental risk-management guidance. Obtain Professional Assistance to Deal with Moisture Infiltration and Mold While your geotechnical engineer may have addressed groundwater, water infiltration, or similar issues in this report, the engineer’s services were not designed, conducted, or intended to prevent migration of moisture – including water vapor – from the soil through building slabs and walls and into the building interior, where it can cause mold growth and material-performance deficiencies. Accordingly, proper implementation of the geotechnical engineer’s recommendations will not of itself be sufficient to prevent moisture infiltration. Confront the risk of moisture infiltration by including building-envelope or mold specialists on the design team. Geotechnical engineers are not building-envelope or mold specialists. Copyright 2019 by Geoprofessional Business Association (GBA). Duplication, reproduction, or copying of this document, in whole or in part, by any means whatsoever, is strictly prohibited, except with GBA’s specific written permission. Excerpting, quoting, or otherwise extracting wording from this document is permitted only with the express written permission of GBA, and only for purposes of scholarly research or book review. Only members of GBA may use this document or its wording as a complement to or as an element of a report of any kind. Any other firm, individual, or other entity that so uses this document without being a GBA member could be committing negligent Telephone: 301/565-2733 e-mail: info@geoprofessional.org www.geoprofessional.org 693 202200201 March 8, 2022 Phase I Environmental Site Assessment (ASTM E 1527-13) Tree Swallow Parcel Tree Swallow Drive & Tuskawilla Road Winter Springs, FL 32708 Prepared For: Econ Medical Plaza, LLC 1020 Lockwood Blvd. Oviedo, Florida 32765 Prepared By: Bock & Clark Corporation, an NV5 Company 3550 W. Market Street, Suite 200 Akron, Ohio 44333 800-787-8397 bockandclark.com 694 Project Summary Section Acceptable O&M Program Routine Solution Additional Study 2.1 Site Description 3.0 User Provided Information 5.0 Records Review 5.3 Historic Use Information of the Property 6.2.1 Hazardous Materials/ Petroleum Products 6.2.2 Drums or Containers 6.2.3 Underground Storage Tanks (UST’s)/Aboveground Storage Tanks (AST’s) 6.2.4 Source of Heating and Cooling 6.2.5 Indications of Polychlorinated Biphenyls (PCBs) 6.2.6 Pits, Ponds & Lagoons 6.2.7 Odors 6.2.8 Stained Soil or Pavement 6.2.9 Pools of Liquid 6.2.10 Stressed Vegetation 6.2.11 Solid Waste Disposal 6.2.12 Medical/biological wastes/ X-ray or other radioactive activities 6.2.13 Drains and Sumps 6.2.14 Septic Systems 6.2.15 Storm/Waste Water 6.2.16 Wells ii 695 TABLE OF CONTENTS 1.0 EXECUTIVE SUMMARY . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1 1.1 DATA GAPS . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1 1.2 FINDINGS AND OPINIONS . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1 1.3 CONCLUSIONS . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2 2.0 PROPERTY INFORMATION . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3 2.1 SITE DESCRIPTION . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3 2.2 CURRENT USES OF ADJOINING PROPERTIES . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4 2.3 PHYSICAL SETTINGS . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4 3.0 USER PROVIDED INFORMATION . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6 3.1 TITLE RECORDS . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6 3.2 ENVIRONMENTAL LIENS OR ACTIVITY AND USE LIMITATIONS (AULS). . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6 4.0 INTERVIEWS . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8 5.0 RECORDS REVIEW . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 9 5.1 FEDERAL AND STATE DATABASE RECORDS SEARCH . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 9 5.2 ADDITIONAL ENVIRONMENTAL RECORD SOURCES . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 21 5.3 HISTORIC USE INFORMATION OF THE PROPERTY . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 22 6.0 SITE RECONNAISSANCE . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 27 6.1 METHODOLOGY AND LIMITING CONDITIONS . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 27 6.2 EXTERIOR AND INTERIOR OBSERVATIONS . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 27 7.0 SUPPLEMENTAL INFORMATION . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 31 7.1 PURPOSE . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 31 7.2 SCOPE OF SERVICES . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 31 7.3 SIGNIFICANT ASSUMPTIONS . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 32 7.4 SPECIAL TERMS AND CONDITIONS . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 32 7.5 USER RELIANCE . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 34 7.6 DEFINITIONS . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 34 7.7 LIMITATIONS AND EXCEPTIONS . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 36 8.0 DEVIATIONS . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 37 9.0 SIGNATURES AND CERTIFICATION STATEMENT . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 38 9.1 CERTIFICATION STATEMENT . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 38 10.0 ADDITIONAL SERVICES . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 39 iii 696 Appendices Appendix 1 -Property Photographs Appendix 2 -Property Maps and Drawings Appendix 3 -Historical Aerial Photographs and Maps Appendix 4 -Historical Sanborn Insurance Maps/City Directory Search Appendix 5 -Environmental Regulatory Databases Appendix 6 -Questionnaires/Provided Information Appendix 7 -Municipal/Regulatory Information Appendix 8 -Personnel Qualifications iv 697 1.0 Executive Summary Bock & Clark Corporation, an NV5 Company (previously branded as Bock & Clark (NV5) has been retained by Axel Real Estate, Inc. (Client)to conduct a Phase I Environmental Site Assessment (ESA) in conformance with ASTM Practice E 1527-13, Standard Practice for Environmental Site Assessments. The subject property is located at Tree Swallow Drive & Tuskawilla Road, Seminole County,WinterSprings,FL32708.Theobjectiveofthisassessmentistodeterminethepresenceor absence of Recognized Environmental Conditions (RECs), as defined in ASTM 1527-13. There are no exceptions or deletions from the ASTM Practice E 1527-13. 1.1 Data Gaps NV5 did not identify any significant data gaps, as defined by ASTM, which affected the ability to identify RECs in connection with the property. 1.2 Findings and Opinions NV5 did not identify activities at the subject property or at neighboring properties (potential offsite sources) that would indicate a significant potential for RECs, based on the information contained in the databases reviewed, the research conducted, and/or the site reconnaissance completed. No Historical Recognized Environmental Conditions (HRECs) or Controlled Recognized Environmental Conditions (CRECs), as defined by ASTM 1527-13, were found to be associated with the subject property. The following is an item of note associated with the subject property: The subject property is reportedly located within an area designated by the Brownfield Area database as Town Center S.E.E.D. / Brownfield. The database identifies the Brownfield Area as Area ID BF590803000 and indicates that the area consists of approximately 2,220,603-acres of land, which reportedly includes the subject property and adjacent properties. The Brownfield designation was applied in September 2008 with no further pertinent reported information. NV5 obtained a copy of the Resolution report for Resolution Number 2008-36 prepared by the City of Winter Springs, Florida. The resolution dated, September 04, 2008, indicates that the subject property and adjacent properties are located in the Seminole Economic Enhancement District (S.E.E.D.) Brownfield area and is pursuant to the following terms and conditions: A.TheCityofWinterSpringsshall,assoonaspractical,designatetheentityorentitiesresponsible fortheremediationandrehabilitationoftheArea,orspecificportionsthereof,pursuanttoSection 376.80(3), Florida Statutes. 1 Tree Swallow Parcel NV5/B&C Project No. 202200201 698 B. The designation of the Area by this Resolution does not render the City of Winter Springs responsible for the costs and liabilities associated with site remediation, rehabilitation, economic development, or source removal, as those terms are defined in the Act, unless the City of Winter SpringsspecificallydesignatesitselfasaresponsiblepersonpursuanttoSection376.80(3),Florida Statutes. C. Nothing in this Resolution shall be deemed to prohibit, limit, or amend the authority and power of the City of Winter Springs to designate any other property or properties as a Brownfield / S.E.E.D.Area,ortomodify,amend,orwithdrawthedesignationasestablishedherein.Acopyofthis resolution is provided in the Appendix. Given the lack of use of groundwater at the subject property for irrigation/potable water sources, thislistingisnotexpectedtoposeanenvironmentalconcerntothesubjectpropertycurrently.Any potential future developments should be made in accordance with this resolution as well as the local, state and federal regulations. 1.3 Conclusions We have performed a Phase I Environmental Site Assessment in conformance with the scope and limitations of ASTM Practice E1527 of Tree Swallow Drive & Tuskawilla Road, Seminole County, Winter Springs, FL 32708, the subject property. Any exceptions to, or deletions from, this practice aredescribedinthe sectionofthisreport.Thisassessmenthasrevealednoevidenceofrecognized environmental conditions in connection with the property. No further investigation is recommended at this time. Under the All Appropriate Inquiry Rule, future and continuing obligations are required to maintain landownerliabilityprotectionsunderCERCLA.Specifically,(1)complyingwithlanduserestrictions and institutional controls; (2) taking reasonable steps with respect to hazardous substance releases; (3) providing full cooperation, assistance and access to persons that are authorized to conductresponseactionsornaturalresourcerestoration;(4)complyingwithinformationrequests and administrative subpoenas; and (5) providing legally required notices. 2 Tree Swallow Parcel NV5/B&C Project No. 202200201 699 2.0 Property Information 2.1 Site Description Site Location and Use Location Tree Swallow Drive & Tuskawilla Road,Winter Springs,Seminole County, FL 32708 Legal Description Please see the Appendix Current Use Vacant, naturally vegetated land Parcel Number(s)06-21-31-506-0000-0060 Total Land Area (acres)0.79 Ownership Information WINTER SPRINGS APARTMENTS LP Parcel Shape irregular Latitude/Longitude 28.69748037/-81.26161747 USGS Quad Name Oviedo, Florida Building Information Date of Construction Not applicable Ownership Information WINTER SPRINGS APARTMENTS LP Net Rentable Square Feet Not applicable square feet Number of Stories Not applicable Construction Type Not applicable Foundation Not applicable Heating and Cooling Source Not applicable Interior Finishes Not applicable Tenants Vacant, naturally vegetated land 3 Tree Swallow Parcel NV5/B&C Project No. 202200201 700 2.2 Current Uses of Adjoining Properties Direction Current Use Northeast Tree Swallow Drive followed by open parking and vacant, naturally vegetated land Southeast Multi-family housing (1451 Tree Swallow Lane) Southwest McDonald's (1200 SR 434) Northwest Tuskawilla Road followed by a multi-tenant retail/office center (1101 Blumberg Boulevard) 2.3 Physical Settings Sources Topographic Source(s)United States Geological Survey (USGS), Oviedo, Florida Quadrangle 7.5-Minute series topographic map dated 2015. Geologic Source(s)http://mrdata.usgs.gov/geology/state/ Soils Source(s)USDA Natural Resources Conservation Service Web Soil Survey online database Other Source(s)ERIS Site Characteristics Topographic Elevation 41.55 feet above mean sea level Topography The United States Geological Survey (USGS), Oviedo, Florida Quadrangle 7.5-Minute series topographic map was reviewed for this Phase I ESA.This map was published by the USGS in 2015.According to the contour lines on the topographic map, the elevation of the subject property is approximately 500 feet above mean sea level.The contour lines in the area of the subject property indicate that the area slopes to the east-northeast. There are no surface water bodies located on the property. The anticipated direction of groundwater flow is to the east-northeast.The direction of flow is based on the USEPA Ground Water Handbook, Vol.1 Ground Water and Contamination, September 1990, the water table typically conforms to surface topography.This means the direction of flow for shallow groundwater is generally from higher elevations to lower elevations.Localized flow direction may vary as a result of tide, rainfall, development, geologic characteristics, nearby surface water bodies, underground utilities such as storm drains, septic systems and sewers, or other influences such as the presence of high-volume wells. 4 Tree Swallow Parcel NV5/B&C Project No. 202200201 701 Site Description Vacant Land On-Site Water Bodies None Depth to Groundwater According to a review of the USGS National Water Information System Web Interface,the depth to groundwater is estimated to be between 34.16 and 111.37 feet below ground level. Groundwater Flow Direction East-northeast Geology The subject property is situated within the Floridian section of the Coastal Plains physiographic province of the State of Florida.The uppermost geologic formation underlying the soils at the subject property is the Pleistocene/Holocene Age Undifferentiated sediments formation.The Undifferentiated sediments formation comprises the underlying stratigraphy and consists mostly of clay, silt, marl, peat, gravel and sand deposited in stream channel, point bar, and fluvial environments.The thickness of the Undifferentiated sediments formation is estimated to be over 100 feet. Soils Based on information obtained from the USDA Natural Resources Conservation Service Web Soil Survey online database, the subject property is mapped as EauGallie and Immokalee fine sands.The EauGallie and Immokalee fine sands series consists of very deep, poorly drained,slowly permeable soils that formed in thick clayey sediments on marine terraces of Pleistocene age.These soils are on broad Coastal Prairies.Slopes range from 0 to 2 percent. 5 Tree Swallow Parcel NV5/B&C Project No. 202200201 702 3.0 User Provided Information User Provided Information Type of Information User Provided Issues Identified Comments Title Records No No Environmental Liens or Activity and Use Limitations (AULs) Yes No Specialized Knowledge or Experience No No Commonly Known or Reasonably Ascertainable Information No No Valuation Reduction for Environmental Issues No No Owner, Property Manager, and Occupant Information No No Reason for Performing Phase I ESA No No This Phase I ESA is being conducted as part of the commercial real estate due diligence process. 3.1 Title Records No title records were provided by the Client and detailed title records were not reasonably ascertainable at the Seminole County website. 3.2 Environmental Liens or Activity and Use Limitations (AULs) During this investigation, the user (Client) did not provide NV5 with any information pertaining to Activity and/or Use Limitations associated with the subject property. David E. Axel, Buyer's Real Estate Broker, User representative, completed an ASTM E1527-13 User Questionnaire as follows: Question Response 1.“Did a search of recorded land title records (or judicial records where appropriate) identify any environmental liens filed or recorded against the property under federal, tribal, state or local law?” No 6 Tree Swallow Parcel NV5/B&C Project No. 202200201 703 Question Response 2.“Did a search of recorded land title records (or judicial records where appropriate,) identify any AULs, such as engineering controls, land use restrictions or institutional controls that are in place at the property and/or have been filed or recorded against the property under federal, tribal, state or local law?” No 3.“Do you have any specialized knowledge or experience related to the property or nearby properties? For example, are you involved in the same line of business as the current or former occupants of the property or an adjoining property so that you would have specialized knowledge of the chemicals and processes used by this type of business?” No 4.“Does the purchase price being paid for this property reasonably reflect the fair market value of the property? If there is a difference, have you considered or determined whether the lower price is because contamination is known or believed to be present at the property?” Yes 5.“Are you aware of commonly known or reasonably ascertainable information about the property that would help the environmental professional to identify conditions indicative of releases or threatened releases? For example, • Do you know the past uses of the property? • Do you know of specific chemicals that are present or once were present at the property? • Do you know of spills or other chemical releases that have taken place at the property? • Do you know of any environmental cleanups that have taken place at the property?” A)Cattle grazing, temp. septic for McDonald's, temp. parking for Winter Springs; B) No; C) No and D) No. 6.“Based on your knowledge and experience related to the property are there any obvious indicators that point to the presence or likely presence of releases at the property?” No 7 Tree Swallow Parcel NV5/B&C Project No. 202200201 704 4.0 Interviews Interviews Title Contact Comments Site Owner WINTER SPRINGS APARTMENTS LP No reported issues Site Manager David E. Axel, Buyer's Real Estate Broker No reported issues Major Occupant(s) Vacant, naturally vegetated land No reported issues Others Not applicable 8 Tree Swallow Parcel NV5/B&C Project No. 202200201 705 5.0 Records Review 5.1 Federal and State Database Records Search NV5 engaged ERIS to search both federal and state environmental record databases and provide a summary of facilities that are identified on any of the database searched. Some of the federal databases searched and specified search radii, are included in the following table. Definitions for these database can be found here.Additional database information and details can be found in Appendix 5 of this report. Regulatory Report Summary Database Search Radius Target Property Within 0.12mi 0.12mi to 0.25mi 0.25mi to 0.50mi 0.50mi to 1.00mi Total ENG 0.5 0 0 0 0 -0 ERNS 0.02 0 ----0 ERNS 1982 TO 1986 0.02 0 ----0 ERNS 1987 TO 1989 0.02 0 ----0 FED BROWNF IELDS 0.5 0 0 0 0 -0 FED DRYCLEA NERS 0.25 0 0 0 --0 FED ENG 0.5 0 0 0 0 -0 FED INST 0.5 0 0 0 0 -0 FEMA UST 0.25 0 0 0 --0 FF TANKS 0.25 0 0 0 --0 FINDS/ FRS 0.02 0 2 ---2 FORMER NIKE 1.0 0 0 0 0 0 0 FRP 0.25 0 0 0 --0 FTTS ADMIN 0.02 0 ----0 FTTS INSP 0.02 0 ----0 9 Tree Swallow Parcel NV5/B&C Project No. 202200201 706 Database Search Radius Target Property Within 0.12mi 0.12mi to 0.25mi 0.25mi to 0.50mi 0.50mi to 1.00mi Total FUDS 1.0 0 0 0 0 0 0 GW CONTAM 0.125 0 0 ---0 HIST GAS STATIONS 0.25 0 0 0 --0 HIST MLTS 0.02 0 ----0 HIST TSCA 0.125 0 0 ---0 HISTORIC AL DRYC 0.25 0 0 0 --0 HMIRS 0.125 0 2 ---2 ICIS 0.02 0 ----0 INDIAN LUST 0.5 0 0 0 0 -0 INDIAN UST 0.25 0 0 0 --0 INST 0.5 0 0 0 0 -0 IODI 0.5 0 0 0 0 -0 LST 0.5 0 2 0 1 -3 LUCIS 0.5 0 0 0 0 -0 MINES 0.25 0 0 0 --0 MLTS 0.02 0 ----0 MRDS 1.0 0 0 0 0 0 0 NCDL 0.125 0 0 ---0 NPL 1.0 0 0 0 0 0 0 ODI 0.5 0 0 0 0 -0 PCB 0.5 0 0 0 0 -0 PFAS 0.5 0 0 0 0 -0 PFAS AFFF 0.5 0 0 0 0 -0 PFAS NPL 0.5 0 0 0 0 -0 PFAS SSEHRI 0.5 0 0 0 0 -0 PFAS TRI 0.5 0 0 0 0 -0 PFAS WATER 0.5 0 0 0 0 -0 10 Tree Swallow Parcel NV5/B&C Project No. 202200201 707 Database Search Radius Target Property Within 0.12mi 0.12mi to 0.25mi 0.25mi to 0.50mi 0.50mi to 1.00mi Total PIPELINE INCIDEN T 0.02 0 ----0 PRIORITY CLEAN 0.5 0 0 0 0 -0 PROPOSE D NPL 1.0 0 0 0 0 0 0 PRP 0.02 0 ----0 RCRA CONTRO LS 0.5 0 0 0 0 -0 RCRA CORRAC TS 1.0 0 0 0 0 0 0 RCRA LQG 0.25 0 0 0 --0 RCRA NON GEN 0.25 0 2 0 --2 RCRA SQG 0.25 0 0 0 --0 RCRA TSD 0.5 0 0 0 0 -0 RCRA VSQG 0.25 0 0 0 --0 REFN 0.25 0 0 0 --0 SCRD DRYCLEA NER 0.5 0 0 0 0 -0 SEMS 0.5 0 0 0 0 -0 SEMS ARCHIVE 0.5 0 0 0 0 -0 SEMS LIEN 0.02 0 ----0 SHWS 1.0 0 0 0 0 0 0 SMCRA 1.0 0 0 0 0 0 0 SPILLS 0.125 0 1 ---1 SSTS 0.25 0 0 0 --0 STCS 0.5 0 0 0 0 -0 11 Tree Swallow Parcel NV5/B&C Project No. 202200201 708 Database Search Radius Target Property Within 0.12mi 0.12mi to 0.25mi 0.25mi to 0.50mi 0.50mi to 1.00mi Total SUPERFU ND ROD 1.0 0 0 0 0 0 0 SWF/LF 0.5 0 1 0 0 -1 TANK 0.25 0 0 0 --0 TIER 2 0.125 0 0 ---0 TRIS 0.02 0 ----0 TSCA 0.125 0 0 ---0 UIC 0.02 0 ----0 URANIU M 1.0 0 0 0 0 0 0 UST 0.25 0 2 0 --2 VCP 0.5 0 0 0 0 -0 WCRPS 1.0 0 0 1 0 0 1 WELL SURVEILL ANCE 0.25 0 1 0 --1 ALT FUELS 0.25 0 0 2 --2 AST 0.25 0 0 2 --2 BROWNF IELD AREA 0.5 1 0 0 1 -2 BROWNF IELDS 0.5 0 0 0 1 -1 BULK TERMINA L 0.25 0 0 0 --0 CDV SOUTHEA ST 0.5 0 0 0 0 -0 CERCLIS 0.5 0 0 0 0 -0 CERCLIS LIENS 0.02 0 ----0 CERCLIS NFRAP 0.5 0 0 0 0 -0 CLEANUP DEP 1.0 0 0 0 0 0 0 12 Tree Swallow Parcel NV5/B&C Project No. 202200201 709 Database Search Radius Target Property Within 0.12mi 0.12mi to 0.25mi 0.25mi to 0.50mi 0.50mi to 1.00mi Total DEL CONTAM SITE 0.5 0 1 0 0 -1 DEL STORAGE TANK 0.25 0 0 0 --0 DEL UST AST TANK 0.25 0 0 0 --0 DELETED NPL 0.5 0 0 0 0 -0 DELISTED COUNTY 0.25 0 0 0 --0 DELISTED DRYCLEA NERS 0.25 0 0 0 --0 DELISTED FED DRY 0.25 0 0 0 --0 DELISTED ILST 0.5 0 0 0 0 -0 DELISTED IUST 0.25 0 0 0 --0 DELISTED LST 0.5 0 0 0 0 -0 DELISTED SHWS 1.0 0 0 0 0 0 0 DELISTED WCP 1.0 0 0 0 0 0 0 DOE FUSRAP 1.0 0 0 0 0 0 0 DRYCLEA NERS 0.25 0 0 0 --0 DWM CONTAM 0.5 0 4 0 0 -4 13 Tree Swallow Parcel NV5/B&C Project No. 202200201 710 5.1.1 Subject Property Database Records Target Property Summary Database Site Name Address Dist.(mi)/Dir.Elev.diff.(ft)Comments BROWNFIEL D AREA TOWN CENTER S.E.E.D. / BROWNFIEL D , CITY OF WINTER SPRINGS, FL, 0.00/NNW 0.0 Please see below The subject property is reportedly located within an area designated by the Brownfield AreadatabaseasTownCenterS.E.E.D./Brownfield.ThedatabaseidentifiestheBrownfield Area as Area ID BF590803000 and indicates that the area consists of approximately 2,220,603-acres of land, which reportedly includes the subject property and adjacent properties. The Brownfield designation was applied in September 2008 with no further pertinent reported information. NV5 obtained a copy of the Resolution report for Resolution Number 2008-36 prepared by the City of Winter Springs, Florida. The resolution dated, September 04, 2008, indicates that the subject property and adjacent properties are located in the Seminole Economic Enhancement District (S.E.E.D.) Brownfield area and is pursuant to the following terms and conditions: A. The City of Winter Springs shall, as soon as practical, designate the entity or entities responsible for the remediation and rehabilitation of the Area, or specific portions thereof, pursuant to Section 376.80(3), Florida Statutes. B.ThedesignationoftheAreabythisResolutiondoesnotrendertheCityofWinterSprings responsible for the costs and liabilities associated with site remediation, rehabilitation, economic development, or source removal, as those terms are defined in the Act, unless the City of Winter Springs specifically designates itself as a responsible person pursuant to Section 376.80(3), Florida Statutes. C. Nothing in this Resolution shall be deemed to prohibit, limit, or amend the authority and power of the City of Winter Springs to designate any other property or properties as a Brownfield / S.E.E.D. Area, or to modify, amend, or withdraw the designation as established herein. A copy of this resolution is provided in the Appendix. Given the lack of use of groundwater at the subject property for irrigation/potable water sources, this listing is not expected to pose an environmental concern to the subject property currently. Any potential future developments should be made in accordance with this resolution as well as the local, state and federal regulations. 14 Tree Swallow Parcel NV5/B&C Project No. 202200201 711 5.1.2 Surrounding Property Database Records Surrounding Properties Summary Database Site Name Address Dist.(mi)/Dir.Elev.diff.(ft)Comments FINDS/FRS INTEGRA 360 1200 E STATE ROAD 434, WINTER SPRINGS, FL, 32708-2817 0.01/SW 2.0 Please see below FINDS/FRS WINTER SPRINGS TOWN CENTER PHASE I EXPANSION SR 434/ TUSKAWILLA RD, WINTER SPGS, FL, 32708 0.02/NNE -2.0 Please see below SPILLS behind 154 Tuskawilla, WINTER SPRINGS, FL, 0.05/N -4.0 Please see below SWF/LF 1212 E. SR 434 DEBRIS STAGING AREA 1212 E. SR 434, CITY OF WINTER SPRINGS, FL, 32708 0.07/S 0.0 Please see below RCRA NON GEN FOREIGN CAR PARTS SERVICE 1207 E STATE ROAD 434, WINTER SPRINGS, FL, 32708-2811 0.07/SSW 1.0 Please see below LST HANDY WAY FOOD STORE #3333 170 TUSCAWILLA RD, WINTER SPRINGS, FL, 32708-3715 0.09/WSW 3.0 Please see below DEL CONTAM SITE HANDY WAY FOOD STORE #3333 170 TUSCAWILLA RD, WINTER SPRINGS, FL, 32708 0.09/WSW 3.0 Please see Site 06 15 Tree Swallow Parcel NV5/B&C Project No. 202200201 712 Database Site Name Address Dist.(mi)/Dir.Elev.diff.(ft)Comments WELL SURVEILLAN CE HANDYWAY 170 TUSKAWILLA RD, WINTER SPRINGS, FL, 32708 0.09/WSW 3.0 Please see Site 06 DWM CONTAM HANDY WAY FOOD STORE #3333 170 TUSCAWILLA RD, WINTER SPRINGS, FL, 32708 0.09/WSW 3.0 Please see Site 06 UST HANDY WAY FOOD STORE #3333 170 TUSCAWILLA RD, WINTER SPRINGS, FL, 32708 0.09/WSW 3.0 Please see Site 06 RCRA NON GEN MOBIL OIL CORP SS #Q8M 1205 E SR 434, WINTER SPRINGS, FL, 32708 0.09/SSW 2.0 Please see below UST MOBIL-WINT ER SPRINGS #731 1205 E STATE ROAD 434, WINTER SPRINGS, FL, 32708 0.09/SSW 2.0 Please see Site 11 LST MOBIL-WINT ER SPRINGS #731 1205 E STATE ROAD 434, WINTER SPRINGS, FL, 32708-2811 0.09/SSW 2.0 Please see Site 11 HMIRS 1205 STATE ROAD 434 EAST, WINTER SPRINGS, FL, 0.09/SSW 2.0 Please see Site 11 DWM CONTAM MOBIL-WINT ER SPRINGS #731 1205 E STATE ROAD 434, WINTER SPRINGS, FL, 0.09/SSW 2.0 Please see Site 11 DWM CONTAM MOBIL R/S #10918 1205 E STATE ROAD 434, WINTER SPRINGS, FL, 32708 0.09/SSW 2.0 Please see Site 11 16 Tree Swallow Parcel NV5/B&C Project No. 202200201 713 Database Site Name Address Dist.(mi)/Dir.Elev.diff.(ft)Comments DWM CONTAM 7-ELEVEN STORE #34786 1205 E STATE ROAD 434, WINTER SPRINGS, FL, 32708 0.09/SSW 2.0 Please see Site 11 HMIRS 1205 STATE ROAD 434 EAST, WINTER SPRINGS, FL, 0.09/SSW 2.0 Please see Site 11 ALT FUELS Magnolia Fountain - 1 153 Tuskawilla Rd, Winter Springs, FL, 32708 0.16/NNE -6 Given the distance, this facility is not expected to pose an environmental concern to the subject property ALT FUELS Magnolia Fountain - 2 153 Tuskawilla Rd, Winter Springs, FL, 32708 0.16/NNE -6.0 Please see Site 19 AST PUBLIX SUPER MARKET #62 1160 E SR 434, WINTER SPRINGS, FL, 32708 0.18/NW 4 Given the distance, this facility is not expected to pose an environmental concern to the subject property WCRPS SCRIMSHER PARCEL E SR 434, WINTER SPRINGS,, FL, 0.23/SSE -8 Given the distance, this facility is not expected to pose an environmental concern to the subject property 17 Tree Swallow Parcel NV5/B&C Project No. 202200201 714 Database Site Name Address Dist.(mi)/Dir.Elev.diff.(ft)Comments AST WINTER SPRINGS CITY - LIFT STATION 80 MICHAEL BLAKE BLVD, WINTER SPRINGS, FL, 32708 0.23/SSE -8 Given the distance, this facility is not expected to pose an environmental concern to the subject property LST WINTER SPRINGS CITY-CITY HALL 1126 E HWY 434, WINTER SPRINGS, FL, 32708-2715 0.35/NW 1 Given the distance, this facility is not expected to pose an environmental concern to the subject property BROWNFIEL DS Former Central Florida Drum Facility 2950 (M-1 Zoning Area Only) and 2960 Railroad Avenue, WINTER SPRINGS, FL, 32708 0.40/S -3 Given the distance, this facility is not expected to pose an environmental concern to the subject property BROWNFIEL D AREA Former Central Florida Drum Facility , WINTER SPRINGS, FL, 0.40/S -3 Given the distance, this facility is not expected to pose an environmental concern to the subject property The closest FINDS/FRS site, identified as Integra 360, at 1200 East State Road 434, is located adjacent to the southwest and up-gradient of the subject property. The database identifies the facility as Registry ID 110069598331 and is listed in he ICIS-NPDES non-major interest type for water, sewer, pipeline and communications/power line construction. Given the current regulatory status, this facility is not expected to pose an environmental concern to the subject property. 18 Tree Swallow Parcel NV5/B&C Project No. 202200201 715 The next closest FINDS/FRS site, identified as Winter Springs Town Center Phase I Expansion, at SR 434 and Tuskawilla Road, is located adjacent to the north-northeast and down-gradient of the subject property. The database identifies the facility as Registry ID 110035605761andislistedinthestatemasterinteresttype.Giventhecurrentregulatory status and estimated direction of groundwater flow, this facility is not expected to pose an environmental concern to the subject property. The closest SPILLS site, identified as Behind 154 Tuskawilla, is located approximately 286 feet to the north and down-gradient of the subject property. The database identifies the facility as Incident Number 38901 and indicates that a spill of approximately 30-gallons of diesel occurred in February 2008 due to an accident.Given the current regulatory status and estimated direction of groundwater flow, this facility is not expected to pose an environmental concern to the subject property. The closest SWF/LF site, identified as 1212 East SR 434 Debris Staging Area, at 1212 East SR 434, is located approximately 381 feet to the south and cross-gradient of the subject property. The database identifies the facility as Facility ID 98367 and indicates thatthefacilityislistedasapre-authorizeddisasterdebrismanagementsite.Thedatabase indicates that the facility was entered into the program in May 2021.Given the current regulatory status and estimated direction of groundwater flow, this facility is not expected to pose an environmental concern to the subject property. The closest RCRA NonGen/NLR site, identified as Foreign Car Parts Service, at 1207 East State Road 434, is located approximately 384 feet to the south-southwest and up-gradient of the subject property. The database indicates that the facility is listed for unreported materialswithnoreportedviolations.Giventhecurrentregulatorystatus,thisfacilityisnot expected to pose an environmental concern to the subject property. The closest UST/LST site, identified as Handy Way Food Store #3333 / Handy Way, at 170 Tuskawilla Road, is located approximately 452 feet to the west-southwest and up-gradient of the subject property. The facility is cross-referenced in the DEL CONTAM SITE, DWM CONTAM and Well Surveillance databases. The UST database identifies the facility as Facility ID 8516641 and is listed as closed. The database indicates that the facility is listed for four, 10,000-gallon unleaded gasoline USTs were installed in May 1982 and were removed from the ground in March 1995. Additionally, one, 12,000-gallon unleaded gasoline UST was installed in May 1982 and was removed from the ground in July 2000. The LST database identifies the facility as Facility ID 8516641 and is listed as closed. The database indicates that the facility is listed for two releases. The first release indicates that a release of an unreported volume of leaded gasoline occurred in September 1987 through the FDEP's Early Detection Incentive Program (EDI). The release reportedly impacted the soils and groundwater and required cleanup. The database indicates that the release was granted a No Further Action (NFA) designation in October 2013. The second of two releases indicates that a release of an unreported volume of unleaded gasoline occurred in August2000.Thedatabaseindicatesthatthegroundwaterwasimpactedonlyandrequired cleanup. The database indicates that the release was granted an NFA designation in October 2013 with no further reported releases. The DWM CONTAM database identifies the facility as Facility ID 8516641 and is listed as active in the petroleum program area. 19 Tree Swallow Parcel NV5/B&C Project No. 202200201 716 The DEL CONTAM SITE database identifies the facility as Program Site ID 8516641 and is listed as active in the petroleum program area. The Well Surveillance database identifies the facility as Facility ID 8516641 and is listed in the petroleum program type.Given the current regulatory status, this facility is not expected to pose an environmental concern to the subject property. The next closest UST/LST/DWM CONTAM (3)/RCRA NonGen/NLR site, identified as 7-Eleven Store #34789 / Mobil R/S #10918 / Mobil Winter Springs #731 / Mobil Oil Corp SS #Q8M, at 1205 East State Road 434, is located approximately 464 feet to the south-southwest and up-gradient of the subject property. The facility is cross-referenced in the HMIRS (2) database. The UST database identifies the facility as Facility ID 9045623 and is listed as open. The database indicates that four, 10,000-gallon unleaded gasoline USTs were installed in November 1989 and were removed from the ground in October 2008.Additionally,one,20,000-gallonunleadedgasolineUSTandone,20,000-gallondiesel UST were installed in October 2008 and are currently active. The LST database identifies the facility as Facility ID 9045623 and is listed as open. The database indicates that a release of an unreported volume of unleaded gasoline occurred in April 1993 and required cleanup. The database indicates that the Remedial Assessment is currently ongoing as of May 2013 through the petroleum liability and restoration program by the FDEP with no further reported releases. The first two of three DWM CONTAM listings identifies the facility as Facility ID 9045623 and is listed as active in the petroleum program area. The thirdofthreeDWMCONTAMlistingsidentifiesthefacilityasSiteID9045623andislisted as open in the storage tanks program area. The first of two HMIRS listings identifies the facility as Report Number I-2002030877 and indicates that a release of approximately 5-gallons of gasoline occurred due a vapor backup while filling the UST in February 2002. The second of two HMIRS listings identifies the facility as Report Number I 2002030877 and confirms the information contained in the first HMIRS listing. The RCRA NonGen/ NLR database indicates that the facility is listed for materials including but not limited to: ignitable waste and benzene with no reported violations.Given the current regulatory status, this facility is not expected to pose an environmental concern to the subject property. 5.1.3 Summary of Database Findings and Recommendations NV5 did not identify activities at the subject property or at neighboring properties that would indicate a significant potential for RECs, based on the information contained in the databases reviewed. Based on a review of listed regulatory database sites and historical research, no operations were identified on the subject property or on properties located within the study radius which have operations, releases or hazardous materials that would result in a vapor migration/ intrusion concern. TheERISreportprovidedalistofsitesforwhichtheexactlocationscouldnotbeidentified. NV5 reviewed the list of “unplottable” and zip code listed sites and determined that some of these sites may be located within the study radii; however, based on their locations, compliance status and/or nature of the listings, none of these sites are considered an environmental concern to the subject property. 20 Tree Swallow Parcel NV5/B&C Project No. 202200201 717 5.2 Additional Environmental Record Sources NV5 contacted the following local agencies for information regarding any hazardous materials response incidents, chemical emergencies, or notices of environmental violations at the subject property. 5.2.1 State Department Name of Agency:Florida Department of Environmental Protection (FDEP) Point of Contact:http://ca.dep.state.fl.us/mapdirect/ Agency Phone Number:(850) 245-2118 Date of Contact:February 28, 2022 Method of Communication: Online Summary of Communication: No records regarding hazardous substance use, storage or releases, or the presence of USTs and AULs on the subject property were on file with the FDEP. It should be noted that the subject property is located within a Brownfield Area. For a further description of the Brownfield Area, please refer to Sections 1.2 and 5.1.1. A copy of pertinent documents has been included in Appendix 7 of this report. 5.2.2 Fire Department Name of Agency:Seminole County Fire Department (SCFD) Point of Contact:Annie Magluta Agency Phone Number:(407) 665-5175 Date of Contact:March 01, 2022 Method of Communication: Email Summary of Communication: No records regarding hazardous substance use, storage or releases, or the presence of USTs and AULs on the subject property were on file with the SCFD. A copy of pertinent documents has been included in Appendix 7 of this report. 5.2.3 Assessor Department Name of Agency:Seminole County Property Appraiser (SCPA) Point of Contact:https://scpafl.org/ Agency Phone Number:(407) 665-7506 21 Tree Swallow Parcel NV5/B&C Project No. 202200201 718 Date of Contact:February 24, 2022 Method of Communication: Online Summary of Communication: According to records reviewed, the subject property is identified by 06-21-31-506-0000-0060 and is currently owned by WINTER SPRINGS APARTMENTS LP. The subject property lies on a 0.79 acre lot. A copy of pertinent documents has been included in Appendix 7 of this report. 5.2.4 Health Department Name of Agency:Seminole County Health Department (SCHD) Point of Contact:https://www.myfloridalicense.com/wl11.asp?mode=0&SID= Agency Phone Number:(407) 665-3000 Date of Contact:March 28, 2022 Method of Communication: Online Summary of Communication: No records regarding hazardous substance use, storage or releases, or the presence of USTs and AULs on the subject property were on file with the SCHD. A copy of pertinent documents has not been included in Appendix 7 of this report. 5.2.5 County Clerk ASTM 1527-13 does not impose a duty upon the environmental professional to undertake a review of recorded land title records and judicial records for environmental liens. ASTM 1527-13 places such responsibilities upon the User. It is NV5’s understanding that the report User will engage a title company or title professional to undertake a review of reasonably ascertainable recorded land title records and lien records for environmental liens or activity and use limitations currently recorded against or relating to the property. Perthelendersscopeofwork,NV5willnotspecificallyberequiredtoconductaliensearch unless requested. If information related to liens or AULs is discovered during the standard Phase I process by NV5, it will be documented in the Phase I report. 5.3 Historic Use Information of the Property NV5 researched several sources of historical information to identify the approximate year of development of the subject property and to determine the past use of the subject property since its initial development. Such sources included, but were not limited to, the research and review of tax assessor records, historical aerial photographs, historical Sanborn Maps, topographic maps, deeds and chain-of-ownership records. 22 Tree Swallow Parcel NV5/B&C Project No. 202200201 719 HistoricalResourcePre-1900s1900s1910s1920s1930s1940s1950s1960s1970s1980s1990s2000s2010s2020sAerial Photographs City Directories Sanborn Fire Insurance Maps Topographic Maps Other Environmental Reports 5.3.1 Aerial Photographs Year Subject Property Adjoining Properties 2019 Vacant, naturally vegetated land Northe ast Roadway followed by open parking and vacant, naturally vegetated land Southe ast Multi-family housing South west Commercial building North west Roadway followed by commercial buildings Year Subject Property Adjoining Properties 2017 Razed land and open storage Northe ast Razed land and vacant, naturally vegetated land Southe ast Razed land South west Commercial building 23 Tree Swallow Parcel NV5/B&C Project No. 202200201 720 Year Subject Property Adjoining Properties North west Roadway followed by commercial buildings Year Subject Property Adjoining Properties 2015 Open parking and open storage Northe ast Open parking and vacant, naturally vegetated land Southe ast Vacant, naturally vegetated land South west Commercial building North west Roadway followed by commercial buildings Year Subject Property Adjoining Properties 2013, 2010, 2007, 2006 and 2005 Vacant, naturally vegetated land Northe ast Open parking and vacant, naturally vegetated land Southe ast Vacant, naturally vegetated land South west Commercial building North west Roadway followed by commercial buildings Year Subject Property Adjoining Properties 1999 Vacant, naturally vegetated land Northe ast Vacant, naturally vegetated land Southe ast Vacant, naturally vegetated land South west Commercial building North west Roadway followed by vacant, naturally vegetated land 24 Tree Swallow Parcel NV5/B&C Project No. 202200201 721 Year Subject Property Adjoining Properties 1994, 1993, 1989, 1977, 1973, 1964, 1957 and 1950 Vacant, naturally vegetated land Northe ast Vacant, naturally vegetated land Southe ast Vacant, naturally vegetated land South west Vacant, naturally vegetated land North west Roadway followed by vacant, naturally vegetated land Year Subject Property Adjoining Properties 1948 and 1941 Vacant, naturally vegetated land Northe ast Vacant, naturally vegetated land Southe ast Vacant, naturally vegetated land South west Vacant, naturally vegetated land North west Roadway followed by orchards 5.3.2 City Directories Year Subject Property Adjoining Properties 2020, 2016, 2012, 2008, 2003, 1998, 1991, 1986, 1981, 1976, 1972 and 1968 No listings Northe ast No listings Southe ast No listings (1451 Tree Swallow Lane) South west No listings (1200 SR 434) North west No listings (1101 Blumberg Boulevard) 5.3.3 Sanborn Fire Insurance Maps There was no Sanborn Fire Insurance Map coverage available for the property. 25 Tree Swallow Parcel NV5/B&C Project No. 202200201 722 5.3.4 Other Environmental Reports No prior environmental assessments for the subject property were provided to NV5. 26 Tree Swallow Parcel NV5/B&C Project No. 202200201 723 6.0 Site Reconnaissance The following table identifies conditions observed on the subject property at the time of site visit. Site Reconnaissance Feature or Condition Observed on Subject Property Hazardous Materials/ Petroleum Products No Drums or Containers No Underground Storage Tanks (UST’s)No Aboveground Storage Tanks (AST’s)No Source of Heating and Cooling No Indications of Polychlorinated Biphenyls (PCBs)No Pits, Ponds & Lagoons No Odors No Stained Soil or Pavement No Stressed Vegetation No Solid Waste Disposal No Medical/biological wastes/ X-ray or other radioactive activities No Pools of Liquid No Drains and Sumps No Septic Systems No Storm/Waste Water No Wells No 6.1 Methodology and Limiting Conditions On March 07, 2022, NV5’s, Andrew A. Starr, performed a walking inspection of the subject property. NV5 inspected the subject property and sites located within the government records search requirements of ASTM Standard Practice for Environmental Site Assessments, E 1527-13. NV5 was not accompanied during the site visit.The weather conditions were clear at the time of the site inspection. Access was provided to all exterior areas of the property and a representative sample of the interior areas. Limiting conditions are discussed in Section 9.0, Limitations and Exceptions, of this report. 6.2 Exterior and Interior Observations 6.2.1 Hazardous Materials/ Petroleum Products No use of hazardous substances is known to occur at the property as the subject property is currently vacant, naturally vegetated land. 27 Tree Swallow Parcel NV5/B&C Project No. 202200201 724 6.2.2 Drums or Containers There were no current indications of drums or containers located on the subject property. 6.2.3 Underground Storage Tanks (UST’s)/Aboveground Storage Tanks (AST’s) NV5 did not observe any apparent evidence of existing or former USTs/ ASTs. 6.2.4 Source of Heating and Cooling Heating and cooling systems as well as domestic hot water equipment are not provided as the subject property is currently vacant, naturally vegetated land. 6.2.5 Indications of Polychlorinated Biphenyls (PCBs) Polychlorinated biphenyls (PCBs) are a chemical component of many dielectric fluids, heat transfer fluids, hydraulic fluids, lubricating oils, paints, or coatings manufactured prior to July 2, 1979. Equipment that may potentially contain PCBs includes electrical equipment such as transformers or capacitors or hydraulically operated equipment, such as elevators, compaction equipment, or manufacturing equipment. The manufacture and distribution in commerce of PCBs was banned for use in 1979 by the United States Congress, which enacted the Toxic Substance and Control Act (TSCA). The on-site reconnaissance addressed indoor and outdoor transformers that may contain PCBs. No pole-mounted or pad-mounted transformers were observed on the subject property. Additionally,nootherpotentialPCB-containingequipment(interiortransformers,oil-filled switches, hoists, lifts, dock levelers, hydraulic elevators, balers, etc.) was observed on the subject property during the site reconnaissance. 6.2.6 Pits, Ponds & Lagoons No evidence of pits, ponds and/or lagoons in connection with waste treatment or waste disposal was noted on the subject property. 6.2.7 Odors No significant odors were noted on the subject property. 28 Tree Swallow Parcel NV5/B&C Project No. 202200201 725 6.2.8 Stained Soil or Pavement No evidence of significantly stained soil or pavement was noted on the subject property. It should be noted that a small patch of pavement was observed in the southwestern portion of the sbject property. The pavement was observed with a white paint marking of unreported purpose. 6.2.9 Pools of Liquid No unidentified pools of liquid were noted on the subject property. 6.2.10 Stressed Vegetation No evidence of stressed vegetation anticipated to be caused by contamination was noted on the subject property. 6.2.11 Solid Waste Disposal Solid waste is not currently generated at the subject property as the subject property is currently vacant, naturally vegetated land.No evidence of illegal dumping of solid waste was observed during the site reconnaissance. 6.2.12 Medical/biological wastes/ X-ray or other radioactive activities No medical or biological wastes were observed. No x-ray or other radioactive activities were observed or reported. 6.2.13 Drains and Sumps Nodrainsorsumpswerenotedonthesubjectproperty.Inaddition,nooil-waterseparators or oil clarifies were observed or reported. 6.2.14 Septic Systems No identified septic systems are present on the subject property. It should be noted that a sewer cleanout is present in the southwestern portion of the subject property. 6.2.15 Storm/Waste Water Storm water is removed from the subject property primarily by sheet flow action and subsequently infiltrates into the subsurface. 29 Tree Swallow Parcel NV5/B&C Project No. 202200201 726 6.2.16 Wells No evidence of wells (dry wells, monitoring wells, water wells, irrigation wells, injection wells or abandoned wells) was noted on the subject property. 30 Tree Swallow Parcel NV5/B&C Project No. 202200201 727 7.0 Supplemental Information 7.1 Purpose The assessment was designed to provide an objective, independent, professional opinion of the potential environmental risks, if any, associated with the subject property. The purpose of this environmental assessment was to identify recognized environmental conditions at the subject property. “Recognized environmental conditions” means the presence or likely presence of any hazardous substances or petroleum products in, on, or at a property: (1) due to any release to the environment; (2) under conditions indicative of a release to the environment; or (3) under conditions that pose a material threat of a future release to the environment. The term is not intendedtoincludedeminimisconditionsthatgenerallydonotpresentathreattohumanhealthor theenvironmentandthatgenerallywouldnotbethesubjectofanenforcementactionifbroughtto the attention of appropriate governmental agencies. Conditions determined to be de minimis are not recognized environmental conditions. The identification of recognized environmental conditions in connection with the subject property may impose an environmental liability on owners or operators of the site, reduce the value of the site, or restrict the use or marketability of the site, and therefore, further investigation may be warranted to evaluate the scope and extent of potential environmental liabilities. 7.2 Scope of Services This assessment was performed in general accordance with the scope of services outlined in the American Society for Testing and Materials (ASTM) E 1527-13, Standard Practice for Environmental Site Assessments. There are no exceptions or deletions from the ASTM Practice E 1527-13. The services performed by NV5 (previously branded as Bock & Clark) for this Phase I Environmental Site Assessment was conducted in a manner consistent with the level of care and skillordinarilyexercisedbyfirmssimilartoNV5whicharecurrentlyprovidingsimilarservices.The scope of this assessment includes the following: Records Review - Review of records (environmental database, local and state records, historical records, etc.) Site Reconnaissance - A visit and inspection of the subject property Interviews - Interviews conducted with present and past owners (if feasible), operators and occupants of the subject property; and with local and/or state government officials Report Preparation - the evaluation of information and the preparation of the report including the findings, conclusions and recommendations, if any, for additional investigation(s) Typically,aPhaseIESAdoesnotincludesamplingortestingofair,soil,groundwater,surfacewater, or building materials. These activities would be carried out in a Phase II ESA, if warranted. 31 Tree Swallow Parcel NV5/B&C Project No. 202200201 728 7.3 Significant Assumptions There is a possibility that even with the proper application of these methodologies that there may beconditionsthatexistonthesubjectpropertythatcouldnotbeidentifiedwithinthescopeofthe assessmentorwhichwerenotreasonablyidentifiablefromtheavailableinformation.NV5believes that the information obtained from the record review and the interviews concerning the subject propertyisreliable.However,NV5cannotanddoesnotwarrantorguaranteethattheinformation provided by these sources is accurate or complete. The methodologies of this assessment are not intended to produce all inclusive or comprehensive results, but rather to provide the Client with information relating to the subject property. 7.4 Special Terms and Conditions Authorization to perform this assessment was given by the Client on February 11, 2022 Instructions as to the location of the subject property, access, and an explanation of the subject property and facilities to be assessed were provided by David E. Axel of Axel Real Estate, Inc.. The following is a list of terminology that is used throughout this report and therefore should be defined: Actual Knowledge: The knowledge actually possessed by an individual who is a real person, rather than an entity. AdjoiningProperties:Anyrealpropertyorpropertiestheborderofwhichiscontiguousorpartially contiguous with that of the subject property, or that would be contiguous or partially contiguous with that of the subject property but for a street, road, or other public thoroughfare separating them. All Appropriate Inquiry: That inquiry constituting "all appropriate inquiry into previous ownership and uses of the subject property consistent with good commercial or customary practice", as defined in CERCLA, 42 U.S.C 9607 (b)(3), 9607 (q); and 9607 (r), assuming compliance with other elements of the defense. Activity and Use Limitation (AUL): Legal or physical restrictions or limitations on the use of, or access to, a site or facility: (1) to reduce or eliminate potential exposure to hazardous substances orpetroleumproductsinthesoil,soilvapor,groundwater,and/orsurfacewaterontheproperty,or (2) to prevent activities that could interfere with the effectiveness of a response action, in order to ensure maintenance of a condition of no significant risk to public health or the environment. Business Environmental Risk: A risk which can have a material environmental or environmentally-driven impact on the business associated with the current or planned use of a parcel of commercial real estate, not necessarily limited to those environmental issues required to be investigated in the E 1527-13 practice. Considerations of business environmental risk may involve addressing one or more non-scope considerations. 32 Tree Swallow Parcel NV5/B&C Project No. 202200201 729 ControlledRecognizedEnvironmentalCondition:ARECresultingfromapastreleaseofhazardous substances or petroleum products that has been addressed to the satisfaction of the applicable regulatory authority (e.g., as evidenced by the issuance of a NFA letter or equivalent, or meeting risk-based criteria established by regulatory authority), with hazardous substances or petroleum products allowed to remain in place subject to the implementation of required controls (e.g., property use restrictions, AULs, institutional controls, or engineering controls). Data Failure: A failure to achieve the historical research objectives of ASTM 1527-13 even after reviewing the standard historical sources that are reasonably ascertainable and likely to be useful. Data failure is one type of data gap. DataGap:AlackoforinabilitytoobtaininformationrequiredbyASTM1527-13despitegoodfaith efforts by the environmental professional to gather such information. Data gaps may result from incompletenessinanyoftheactivitiesrequiredbytheASTM1527-13,including,butnotlimitedto, site reconnaissance (for example, an inability to conduct the subject property visit) and interviews (for example, an inability to interview the key subject property manager, regulatory officials, etc.). Due Diligence: The process of inquiring into the environmental characteristics of a parcel of commercial real estate or other conditions, usually in connection with a property transaction. Environmental Professional: A person meeting the education, training and experience requirements, as set forth in the ASTM E 1527-13 practice. HazardousSubstance:AsubstancedefinedasahazardoussubstancepursuanttoCERCLA42USC 9601(14), as interpreted by USEPA regulations and the courts. Historical Recognized Environmental Condition: A past release of any hazardous substances or petroleum products that has occurred in connection with the property and has been addressed to the satisfaction of the applicable regulatory authority or meeting unrestricted residential use criteria established by a regulatory authority, without subjecting the property to any required controls (e.g., property use restrictions, AULs, institutional controls, or engineering controls). Before calling the past release an HREC, the EP must determine whether the past release is a REC at the time the Phase I ESA is conducted (e.g., if there has been a change in the regulatory criteria). If the EP considers this past release to be a REC at the time the Phase I ESA is conducted, the condition shall be included in the conclusions section of the report as a REC. Migrate/ Migration: Refers to the movement of hazardous substances or petroleum products in any form, including, for example, solid and liquid at the surface or subsurface, and vapor in the subsurface. Obvious:Thatwhichisplainorevident;aconditionorfactthatcouldnotbeignoredoroverlooked by a reasonable observer while visually or physically observing the subject property. Occupants: Those tenants, subtenants, or other persons or entities using the subject property or a portion of the subject property. Owner: Generally, the fee owner of record of the subject property. 33 Tree Swallow Parcel NV5/B&C Project No. 202200201 730 Practically Reviewable: Information that is practically reviewable means that the information is provided by the source in a manner and in a form that, upon examination, yields information relevant to the subject property without the need for extraordinary analysis of irrelevant data. Reasonable Ascertainable: Information that is (1) publicly available, (2) obtainable from its source within reasonable time and cost constraints, and (3) practically reviewable. Recognized Environmental Conditions: The presence or likely presence of any hazardous substances or petroleum products in, on, or at a property: (1) due to any release to the environment; (2) under conditions indicative of a release to the environment; or (3) under conditions that pose a material threat of a future release to the environment. Subject Property: The real property that is the subject of this ESA. User:ThepartyseekingtousePracticeE1527-13toperformanenvironmentalsiteassessmentof the subject property. 7.5 User Reliance This report is for the use and benefit of, and may be relied upon by Econ Medical Plaza, LLC and any of its affiliates, and third parties authorized by Econ Medical Plaza, LLC and NV5, including the lender(s) in connection with a secured financing of the property, and their respective successors and assigns. 7.6 Definitions NPL, Delisted NPL, SEMs and SEMS Archive The National Priority List (NPL) is the USEPA database of uncontrolled or abandoned hazardous waste sites identified for priority remedial actions under the Superfund program. The Delisted NPL is the database of delisted Superfund sites. The Superfund Enterprise Management System (SEMS)Listtrackshazardouswastesites,potentiallyhazardouswastesites,andremedialactivities performed in support of EPA’s Superfund Program across the United States. The list was formerly known as CERCLIS, renamed to SEMS by the EPA in 2015. The list contains data on potentially hazardous waste sites that have been reported to the USEPA by states, municipalities, private companies and private persons, pursuant to Section 103 of the Comprehensive Environmental Response, Compensation, and Liability Act (CERCLA). This dataset also contains sites which are either proposed to or on the National Priorities List (NPL) and the sites which are in the screening and assessment phase for possible inclusion on the NPL. RCRA Facilities Regulated hazardous waste activity is tracked under the Resource Conservation and Recovery Information System as defined by the Resource Conservation Act (RCRA). Facilities that treat, store or dispose of hazardous waste are listed in the RCRA TSD database. Facilities that generate hazardouswastesarelistedintheRCRAGenerators(RCRAGEN)database.Thisdatabaseincludes facilities that generate at least 1,000 kg/month of non-acutely hazardous waste or 1 kg/month of acutely hazardous waste, referred to as large-quantity generators, and those that generate less than 1,000 kg/month of non-acutely hazardous waste, referred to as small-quantity generators. RCRA facilities which have had a release of hazardous waste or constituents to the environment, 34 Tree Swallow Parcel NV5/B&C Project No. 202200201 731 for which the government is requiring corrective action, are tracked in the Corrective Action Tracking System (RCRA COR) database, while generators that are known to have violated RCRA regulations are tracked in the RCRA violations and enforcement (RCRA Viol). These violations can be the result of paperwork problems and are not necessarily related to releases of hazardous material. ERNS Incidents and Spills 1990 Sites The Emergency Response and Notification System (ERNS) is a national database containing records of releases of oil and hazardous substances reported to the USEPA, U.S. Coast Guard, the National Response Center and the Department of Transportation, since 1986. FINDS & TRIS Database sites The Facility Index System (FINDS) report is a computerized inventory of all facilities that are regulated or tracked by the USEPA. These facilities are assigned an identification number that serves as a cross-reference for other databases in the USEPA’s program system. The Toxic InventoryInformationSystem(TRIS)reportcontainsinformationconcerningtheindustrialrelease and/or transfer of toxic chemicals, as reportable under Title III of the Superfund Amendments and Re-authorization Act of 1986 (Sara Title III). Inclusion on this database is required for facilities which release reportable amounts of chemicals into the environment. State/Tribal Sites State/Tribal Sites are the states’ equivalent to CERCLIS.These sites may or may not already be listed on the federal CERCLIS list.Priority sites planned for cleanup using state funds (state equivalent of Superfund or NPL) are identified along with sites where cleanup will be paid for by potentially responsible parties. State/Tribal SWF/LF Facilities The State/Tribal Solid Waste Landfill Database (SWF/LF) is a collection of known regulated and unregulated solid waste landfills, incinerators, or transfer stations. State/Tribal UST & LUST Sites The Leaking Underground Storage Tank (LUST) database is a listing of confirmed or suspected releases from underground storage tanks that have been reported to the state.The state Underground Storage Tank (UST) database is an inventory of all regulated USTs. Federal IC, EC and Brownfield Sites Federal Institutional Controls (IC) and Engineering Controls (EC) are Superfund sites that have either an engineering or an institutional control.The data includes the control and the media contaminated.The EPA Brownfield Management System (BMS) is a database designed to assist EPA in collecting, tracking, and updating information, as well as reporting on the major activities and accomplishments of the various Brownfield Grant Programs.The database defines a brownfield site as "real property where expansion or redevelopment is complicated by actual or perceived environmental contamination. State/Tribal IC/EC, VCP or Brownfields Sites State/Tribal Brownfields is a listing of all former industrial properties that lie dormant or underutilizedduetoliabilityassociatedwithrealorperceivedcontamination.Somesitesarenoted 35 Tree Swallow Parcel NV5/B&C Project No. 202200201 732 as having institutional controls placed on them.The Brownfields Management System (BMS) is an analytical database designed to assist EPA in collecting, tracking, and updating information, as well as reporting on the major activities and accomplishments of the various Brownfield Grant Programs.The database defines a brownfield site as "real property where expansion or redevelopment is complicated by actual or perceived environmental contamination.” State/Tribal VCP is a listing of all sites in the Voluntary Cleanup Program (VCP) and the Innocent Owner/Operator Program (IOP). Some VCP and IOP sites are noted as having institutional (IC) or engineering (EC) controls placed on them. 7.7 Limitations and Exceptions This report has been prepared for the exclusive use of Client, and should not be reproduced or disseminated without the written approval of NV5 and the Client. NV5 has retained a copy of this report.NoadditionsordeletionsarepermittedwithouttheexpresswrittenconsentofNV5.Useof this report in whole or in part by parties other than the Client is prohibited. Information obtained from public records review, the site inspection, and interviews were used to characterize the subject property. Although the services provided are extensive, findings and conclusions are limited to and by the information obtained. If information becomes available concerning the subject property that was not included in this report, it should be made available to NV5 so that the conclusions and/or recommendations can be re-examined and modified, if applicable. Further non-intrusive and intrusive investigations and assessment methods are available that could further characterize the subject property's soil and ground water conditions. The Site Plan is a sketch of the subject property, which identifies observations of characteristics of the subject property, of significance, at the time of the inspection of the subject property. These plans are not drawn to scale and should not be relied upon as an engineering plan. NV5'sinterviewsarelimitedbythequalityandcompletenessofanswersprovidedtotheproposed questions during the interview(s). The extent of historical research performed by NV5 is limited to availability, cost, and timeliness of utilizing various resources such as aerial photographs, historical Sanborn Maps, Land Evidence Records (deeds pertaining to historical site ownership), and local directories, all of which may indicate the historical utilization of the subject property. It should be noted that while the chain-of-ownership research and information provided should be accurate, it shouldinnowaybeconstruedasanactualTitlesearchandshouldnotbeutilizedorrelieduponfor any legal purposes. Events occurring on the subject property after March 07, 2022, the date of the inspection, are beyondthescopeofthisreport.NV5makesnoexpressedorimpliedrepresentationsorwarranties regarding any changes in condition of the premises after this date. 36 Tree Swallow Parcel NV5/B&C Project No. 202200201 733 8.0 Deviations NodeviationsfromtherecommendedscopeofASTMStandardE1527-13wereperformedaspart of this Phase I ESA. 37 Tree Swallow Parcel NV5/B&C Project No. 202200201 734 9.0 Signatures and Certification Statement 9.1 Certification Statement March 8, 2022 Andrew Starr Date Project Manager March 8, 2022 Scott Lloyd Date Reviewer EP certification: I declare that, to the best of my professional knowledge and belief, I meet the definition of Environmental Professional as defined in 40 CFR Part 312. March 8, 2022 Andrew Starr Date Project Manager AAI Certification: I have the specific qualifications based on education, training, and experience to assess a property of the nature, history, and setting of the subject property. I have developed and performed the all appropriateinquiriesinconformancewiththestandardsandpracticessetforthin40CFRPart312. March 8, 2022 Andrew Starr Date Project Manager 38 Tree Swallow Parcel NV5/B&C Project No. 202200201 735 10.0 Additional Services No additional services were requested by the Client and are therefore not provided as part of this Phase I ESA report. 39 Tree Swallow Parcel NV5/B&C Project No. 202200201 736 APPENDIX 1 -PROPERTY PHOTOGRAPHS 737 Property Photographs Project overview Project overview 2 Appendix 1 738 Property Photographs Northeast project elevation Southeast project elevation Appendix 1 739 Property Photographs Southwest project elevation Northwest project elevation Appendix 1 740 Property Photographs Drainage sewer cleanout in SW Asphalt patch with marking in SW 1 Appendix 1 741 Property Photographs Asphalt patch with marking in SW 2 Interior 6 Appendix 1 742 Property Photographs Interior 1 Interior 2 Appendix 1 743 Property Photographs Interior 3 Interior 4 Appendix 1 744 Property Photographs Interior 5 Northeast adjacent property Appendix 1 745 Property Photographs Southeast adjacent property Southwest adjacent property Appendix 1 746 Property Photographs Northwest adjacent property Appendix 1 747 APPENDIX 2 -PROPERTY MAPS AND DRAWINGS 748 749 750 751 752 753 754 755 756 757 758 759 760 761 762 APPENDIX 3 -HISTORICAL AERIAL PHOTOGRAPHS AND MAPS 763 764 765 766 767 768 769 770 771 772 773 774 775 776 777 778 779 780 781 782 783 784 APPENDIX 4 -HISTORICAL SANBORN INSURANCE MAPS/CITY DIRECTORY SEARCH 785 Project Property: Project No: Requested By: Order No: Date Completed: Vacant Parcel Tree Swallow Drive & Tuskawilla Road Winter Springs FL 32708 202200201 NV5 22022400624 February 25, 2022 Please note that no information was found for your site or adjacent properties. 786 Project Property:Vacant Parcel Tree Swallow Drive & Tuskawilla Road Winter Springs, FL 32708 Project No:202200201 Requested By:NV5 Order No:22022400624 Date Completed:March 1, 2022 787 Search Results Summary Date Source Comment 2020 DIGITAL BUSINESS DIRECTORY 2016 DIGITAL BUSINESS DIRECTORY 2012 DIGITAL BUSINESS DIRECTORY 2008 DIGITAL BUSINESS DIRECTORY 2003 DIGITAL BUSINESS DIRECTORY 1998 DIGITAL BUSINESS DIRECTORY 1991 POLKS 1986 POLKS 1981 POLKS 1976 POLKS 1972 POLKS 1968 POLKS March 1, 2022 RE: CITY DIRECTORY RESEARCH Vacant Parcel Tree Swallow Drive & Tuskawilla Road Winter Springs, FL Thank you for contac ng ERIS for an City Directory Search for the site described above. Our staff has conducted a reverse lis ng City Directory search to determine prior occupants of the subject site and adjacent proper es. We have provided the nearest addresses(s) when adjacent addresses are not listed. If we have searched a range of addresses, all addresses in that range found in the Directory are included. Note: Reverse Lis ng Directories generally are focused on more highly developed areas. Newly developed areas may be covered in the more recent years, but the older directories will tend to cover only the "central" parts of the city. To complete the search, we have either u lized the ACPL, Library of Congress, State Archives, and/or a regional library or history center as well as mul ple digi zed directories. These do not claim to be a complete collec on of all reverse lis ng city directories produced. ERIS has made every effort to provide accurate and complete informa on but shall not be held liable for missing, incomplete or inaccurate informa on. To complete this search we used the general range(s) below to search for relevant findings. If you believe there are addi onal addresses or streets that require searching please contact us at 866-517-5204. Search Criteria: All of Tree Swallow Drive Beg-200 of Tuskawilla Road 788 Page: 2 Report ID: 22022400624 - 3/1/2022 www.erisinfo.com 1164 WINTER SPRINGS LIQUORS...Liquors-retail 1168 PAPA VIA'S TAKE & BAKE PIZZA...Pizza 1170 AMCON DEVELOPMENT GROUP...Bathroom Remodeling 1170 EIT SPORTS LLC...Nonclassified Establishments 1170 FORECELLARS LLC...Real Estate Investments 1170 FUSION ADVISORY SVC...Services Nec 1170 HONOR FLIGHTS CENTRAL FLORIDA...Unclassified Establishments 1170 INDOOR AIR QUALITY SOLUTIONS...Environmental & Ecological Services 1170 LIVE MUSICTUTOR...Music Instruction-instrumental 1170 MICROSHIELD ENVIRONMENTAL SVC...Laboratoriesanalytical 1170 MICROSHIELD ENVIRONMENTAL SVC...Environmental & Ecological Services 1170 MISTER BASS CLEF MUSIC LLC...Pianos 1170 MOSQUITO TKO...Pest Control 1170 MOSQUITO TKO...Tree Service 1170 SABAL FINANCIAL GROUP LP...Investment Advice 1170 SELLNOW-ASIS...Nonclassified Establishments 1170 SKYHOUND SOLUTIONS INC...Nonclassified Establishments 1170 TINKER SURF CO...Nonclassified Establishments 1170 TRUE COLOR ROOF CLEANING...Roof Cleaning Solvents & Services 1170 UPS STORE...Post Offices 1170 UPS STORE...Mailing & Shipping Services 1170 VIVA MOBILITY...Federal Government Contractors 1172 CHINA BAY...Restaurants 1196 BRIGHTWAY INSURANCE...Insurance 1196 KUMON MATH-READING CTR-WINTER...Tutoring 1196 SPILL...Nonclassified Establishments 1196 VS ALL SPORTS PERFORMANCE...Nonclassified Establishments TREE SWALLOW DRIVE2020 SOURCE: DIGITAL BUSINESS DIRECTORY 117 BRITTANY DELUKE...Residential 130 ACTION CHURCH...Religious Organizations 130 WINTER SPRINGS HIGH SCHOOL...Schoolsuniversities & Colleges Academic 130 WINTER SPRINGS HIGH SCHOOL...Schools 137 EDWARD DUDA...Residential 150 LAVERNE KINGSBURY...Residential 154 AMANDA MUDLOCK...Residential 154 AXA INSURANCE CO...Insurance 154 MOTORIST SERVICES DIV...Government Offices-state 156 BENNETT INSURANCE...Insurance Agencies & Brokerages 156 BIJOUX JEWELERS-ORLANDO...Jewelers-retail 156 BIRCHELL, DAVID...Insurance 156 BOX OFFICE HAIR PRODUCTIONS...Beauty Salons 156 FLORIDA DEVELOPMENT FINANCE...Financing 156 GENERAL PUBLIC HOUSE...Restaurants 156 KUMON MATH-READING CTR-WINTER...Tutoring 156 RIPPLE ASSOCIATES...Nonclassified Establishments 156 WINTER SPRINGS TOWN CTR...Unclassified Establishments 156 WRONGFUL DEATH LAWYER GROUP...Attorneys 158 COVENANT AVIATION SECURITY...Security Guard & Patrol Service 158 FEDERAL AVIATION ADMIN...Federal Government-transportation Prgrms 158 HERBA FAMILY CHIROPRACTIC...Massage Therapists 158 HERBA FAMILY CHIROPRACTIC...Chiropractors Dc 158 ORLANDO LABOR LAW...Attorneys 158 PHO...Restaurants 158 PILACEK THOMAS J ATTORNEY...Attorneys 158 SAIGON BLVD...Restaurants 158 THOMAS J PILACEK ASSOC...Attorneys 160 HUEY MAGOO'S CHICKEN TENDERS...Foodscarry Out 160 HUEY MAGOO'S CHICKEN TENDERS...Restaurants 160 LET IT GO HIGH-END DESIGNERS...Nonclassified Establishments 160 TIJUANA FLATS BURRITO CO...Restaurants 160 TIJUANA FLATS BURRITO CO...Foodscarry Out 160 TUTTI FRUTTI FROZEN YOGURT...Yogurt 160 ZOO HEALTH CLUB...Health Clubs Studios & Gymnasiums 170 PINCH A PENNY POOL PATIO SPA...Swimming Pool Equipment & Supls-retail 170 PINCH A PENNY POOL PATIO SPA...Swimming Pool Equipment & Supls (whls) 190 LAKE JESUP ANIMAL HOSPITAL...Veterinarians 190 LAKE JESUP ANIMAL HOSPITAL...Animal Hospitals TUSKAWILLA ROAD2020 SOURCE: DIGITAL BUSINESS DIRECTORY 789 Page: 3 Report ID: 22022400624 - 3/1/2022 www.erisinfo.com 1164 WINTER SPRINGS LIQUORS...Liquors-retail 1168 OSAKA SUSHI...Restaurants 1168 PAPA VIA'S TAKE & BAKE PIZZA...Pizza 1168 PAPA VIA'S TAKE & BAKE PIZZA...Restaurants 1170 FORECELLARS LLC...Real Estate Investments 1170 HIGGINS AUTOMOTIVE ADVERTISING...Advertising Marketing 1170 HONOR FLIGHTS CENTRAL FLORIDA...Unclassified Establishments 1170 INDOOR AIR QUALITY SOLUTIONS...Environmental & Ecological Services 1170 LIVE MUSICTUTOR...Music Instruction-instrumental 1170 MICROSHIELD ENVIRONMENTAL SVC...Environmental & Ecological Services 1170 MOSQUITO TKO...Pest Control 1170 PADGETT BUSINESS SVC...Accountants 1170 SABAL FINANCIAL GROUP LP...Investment Advice 1170 UPS STORE...Post Offices 1170 UPS STORE...Mailing & Shipping Services 1172 CHINA BAY...Restaurants 1172 CHINA BAY...Restaurants-food Delivery 1174 WIRELESS ZONE...Cellular Telephones-equipment & Supls 1186 WENDY'S...Foods-carry Out 1196 BRIGHTWAY INSURANCE...Insurance 1196 INTEGRITY DANCE CTR...Fine Art Schools 1196 PC CELL & PRINT CTR...Computers-wholesale 1196 SBS NUTRITION FITNESS...Personal Trainers-fitness 1196 VS ALL SPORTS PERFORMANCE...Nonclassified Establishments TREE SWALLOW DRIVE2016 SOURCE: DIGITAL BUSINESS DIRECTORY 100 BRUCE SOILEAU...Residential 100 CHERYL SOILEAU...Residential 100 MARION SOILEAU JR...Residential 117 BRITTANY DELUKE...Residential 117 ROBERT DELUKE...Residential 117 SHERI DELUKE...Residential 130 ACTION CHURCH...Religious Organizations 130 WINTER SPRINGS HIGH SCHOOL...Schools 137 EDWARD DUDA...Residential 141 STEVEN AVERY...Residential 150 LAVERNE KINGSBURY...Residential 154 AMANDA MUDLOCK...Residential 154 MONICA YOUNG...Residential 156 BEEF'O'BRADY'S...Restaurants 156 BENNETT INSURANCE...Insurance Agencies & Brokerages 156 BIJOUX JEWELERS-ORLANDO...Jewelers-retail 156 BIRCHELL, DAVID...Insurance 156 BOX OFFICE HAIR PRODUCTIONS...Beauty Salons 156 MANGO SPICE EATERY & PUB...Restaurants 156 MANGO SPICE EATERY & PUB...Bars 156 MIKKI V'S...Full-service Restaurants 156 PRIUM...Pharmaceutical Products-wholesale 156 RIPPLE ASSOCIATES...Nonclassified Establishments 156 WINTER SPRINGS TOWN CTR...Unclassified Establishments 156 WRONGFUL DEATH LAWYER GROUP...Attorneys 158 BANK OF AMERICA MORTGAGE...Banks 158 HERBA FAMILY CHIROPRACTIC...Chiropractors Dc 158 MURPHEY'S PREMIUM PET FOOD MKT...Pet Supplies & Foods-retail 158 SOUTH YORK...Full-service Restaurants 160 HUEY MAGOO'S CHICKEN TENDERS...Restaurants 160 TIJUANA FLATS BURRITO CO...Restaurants 160 TUTTI FRUTTI FROZEN YOGURT...Yogurt 160 TUTTI FRUTTI FROZEN YOGURT...Restaurants 160 ZOO HEALTH CLUB...Health Clubs Studios & Gymnasiums 170 PINCH A PENNY POOL PATIO SPA...Swimming Pool Equipment & Supls (whls) 170 PINCH A PENNY POOL PATIO SPA...Swimming Pool Equipment & Supls-retail 190 LAKE JESUP ANIMAL HOSPITAL...Veterinarians 190 LAKE JESUP ANIMAL HOSPITAL...Animal Hospitals TUSKAWILLA ROAD2016 SOURCE: DIGITAL BUSINESS DIRECTORY 790 Page: 4 Report ID: 22022400624 - 3/1/2022 www.erisinfo.com 1164 WINTER SPRINGS LIQUORS...Liquors-retail 1164 WINTER SPRINGS LIQUORS...Beer, Wine, & Liquor Stores 1164 WINTER SPRINGS LIQUORS...Liquor Stores 1164 WINTER SPRINGS LIQUORS...Ret Alcoholic Beverages 1168 FUJI MOUNTAIN JAPANESE RSTRNT...Eating Places 1168 YUKI SUSHI JAPANESE RESTAURANT...Restaurants 1168 YUKI SUSHI JAPANESE RESTAURANT...Full-service Restaurants 1170 AMERICAN DEMOLITION...Demolition Contractors 1170 BARNIE'S COFFEE & TEA CO...Coffee Shops 1170 CAFE CELEBRE...Frozen Dessert Importer 1170 COLLECTION SYSTEMS INC...Collection Agency 1170 DOLPHIN PLUMBING...Plumbing Contractors 1170 HIGGINS AUTOMOTIVE ADVERTISING...Advertising Marketing 1170 IMPACT FOOD GROUP LLC...Management Services 1170 MICROSHIELD ENVIRONMENTAL SVC...Environmental & Ecological Services 1170 MICROSHIELD ENVIRONMENTAL SVC...Research & Development In Biotechnology 1170 PADGETT BUSINESS SVC...Accountants 1170 PADGETT BUSINESS SVC...Offices Of Certified Public Accountants 1170 PADGETT BUSINESS SVC...Acctg,audit,bkkeep 1170 UPS STORE...Mailing & Shipping Services 1170 UPS STORE...Mailing & Shipping Services 1170 UPS STORE...Direct Mail Advertising 1170 UPS STORE...Direct Mail Advg Sv 1172 CHINA BAY...Restaurants 1172 CHINA BAY...Oriental Menu 1172 CHINA BAY...Full-service Restaurants 1172 CHINA BAY...Restaurants 1174 WIRELESS ZONE...Cellular Telephones (services) 1186 WENDY'S...Restaurants 1186 WENDYS...Full-service Restaurants 1186 WENDYS...Quick Serv Burger 1196 DTAILS PET BOUTIQUE & SPA...Pet Care Except Veterinary Svcs 1196 DTAILS PET BOUTIQUE & SPA...Grooming Svcs Pets 1196 MERLE NORMAN COSMETIC STUDIO...Cosmetic & Beauty Supply Stores 1196 MERLE NORMAN COSMETICS...Toiletries,cosm,perf 1196 PC CELL & PRINT CTR...Computer & Equipment Dealers 1196 PC CELL & PRINT CTR...Wireless Telecomm Carriers (except Satellite) 1196 SADKANE SCHOOL FOR DANCE & AKD...Elementary & Secondary Schools 1196 WINE STYLES...Beer, Wine, & Liquor Stores 1196 YOUR HEALTH FOOD STORE...Health & Diet Fd Strs 1196 YOUR HEALTH FOOD STORE...Food, Health, Supplement Stores TREE SWALLOW DRIVE2012 SOURCE: DIGITAL BUSINESS DIRECTORY 100 AIMEE SOILEAU...Residential 100 BRUCE SOILEAU...Residential 100 MARION SOILEAU...Residential 130 WINTER SPRINGS HIGH SCHOOL...Schools 130 WINTER SPRINGS HIGH SCHOOL...Element, Secon Schl 130 WINTER SPRINGS HIGH SCHOOL...Elementary & Secondary Schools 130 WINTER SPRINGS HIGH SCHOOL...Elementary/secondary School 156 BEEF'O'BRADY'S...Restaurants 156 BIRCHELL INSURANCE...Insurance 156 BOX OFFICE HAIR PRODUCTIONS...Beauty Salons 156 BEEF OBRADYSS...Full-service Restaurants 156 BIJOUX JEWELERS ORLANDO...Jewelry Stores 156 BOX OFFICE HAIR PRODUCTIONS...Beauty Salons 156 BOX OFFICE HAIR PRODUCTIONS...Hairdressers 156 CYPRESS SEMICONDUCTOR...Electric Equip & Wiring Merchant Whols 156 MOSAIC EATS & DRINKS...Food Products (whls) 156 PRIUM...Pharmaceutical Products-wholesale 156 R A RODGERS CONSTRUCTION CO...Gen Remod 1-fam House 158 AMEERAS PARTY SUPPLY...Party Supplies 158 AMEERAS PARTY SUPPLY...Party Supplies 158 CAPITAL GREEN ILLC...Subdividers & Devel 158 COUNTRYWIDE BANK...Commercial Banking 158 COUNTRYWIDE HOME LOANS...Real Estate Credit 158 COUNTRYWIDE HOME LOANS...Mortgage Bankers 158 CYBERTRON VIDEO GAMES...Video Games 158 HERBA FAMILY CHIROPRACTIC...Chiropractors Dc 158 HERBA FAMILY CHIROPRACTIC...Chiropractors Off 158 HERBA FAMILY CHIROPRACTIC...Offices Of Chiropractors 158 HOLLYWOOD BISTRO...Eating Places 158 HOLLYWOOD BISTRO...Full-service Restaurants 158 JDC CONSTRUCTION MGMT FL...Other Heavy Construction 158 JDC CONSTRUCTION MGMT FL...Management Services 158 JAMES DORAN CO...Nonclassified Establishments 158 MURPHEY'S PREMIUM PET FOOD MKT...Pet Supplies & Foods-retail 158 MARBLE SLAB CREAMERY...Quick Serv Ice Cream/yogurt 158 MURPHEYS PREMIUM PET FOOD MKT...Pet & Pet Supplies Stores 158 PILACEK, THOMAS J...Attorneys 158 THOMAS J PILACEK & ASSOC...Attorneys 158 THOMAS J PILACEK & ASSOC...Offices Of Lawyers 158 THOMAS J PILACEK & ASSOC...Legal Services 160 BARNIES COFFEE & TEA CO WINTER...All Other Specialty Food Stores 160 BARNIES COFFEE & TEA CO WINTER...Beverage Stores 160 BARNIES COFFEE & TEA CO WINTER...Coffee & Tea 160 CRISTANOS WINE BAR...Restaurants 160 CRISTANOS WINE BAR...Eating Places 160 GIANCARLOS... 160 J RAYMOND CONSTRUCTION CORP...Single-family House Construction 160 SPECTRUM CAUBLE...Nclassifiable Estab 160 TIJUANA FLATS...Restaurants 160 TIJUANA FLATS BURRITO CO...Eating Places 160 TIJUANA FLATS BURRITO CO...Full-service Restaurants 160 TIJUANA FLATS BURRITO CO...Restaurants 170 PINCH A PENNY POOL PATIO SPA...Swimming Pool Equipment & Supls-retail 170 PINCH A PENNY...Misc Retail Stores 170 PINCH A PENNY...Sporting Goods Merchant Whols 190 EDWARD W GRIFFITH DVM...Veterinary Services 190 LAKE JESUP ANIMAL HOSPITAL...Veterinarians 190 LAKE JESUP ANIMAL HOSPITAL...Veterinary Spc Svs 190 LAKE JESUP ANIMAL HOSPITAL...Veterinary Svcs TUSKAWILLA ROAD2012 SOURCE: DIGITAL BUSINESS DIRECTORY 791 Page: 5 Report ID: 22022400624 - 3/1/2022 www.erisinfo.com NO LISTING FOUND... TREE SWALLOW DRIVE2008 SOURCE: DIGITAL BUSINESS DIRECTORY 190 EDWARD W DVM GRIFFITH...Residential TUSKAWILLA ROAD2008 SOURCE: DIGITAL BUSINESS DIRECTORY 792 Page: 6 Report ID: 22022400624 - 3/1/2022 www.erisinfo.com NO LISTING FOUND... TREE SWALLOW DRIVE2003 SOURCE: DIGITAL BUSINESS DIRECTORY 130 WINTER SPRINGS HIGH SCHOOL...Public Elementary And Secondary Schools 190 EDWARD W DVM GRIFFITH...Residential 190 LAKE JESUP ANIMAL HOSPITAL... TUSKAWILLA ROAD2003 SOURCE: DIGITAL BUSINESS DIRECTORY 793 Page: 7 Report ID: 22022400624 - 3/1/2022 www.erisinfo.com NO LISTING FOUND... TREE SWALLOW DRIVE1998 SOURCE: DIGITAL BUSINESS DIRECTORY 130 SCHOOLS PUBLIC SEMINOLE COUNTY... 190 GRIFFITH EDWARD W DVM VET...Veterinary Services Specialties 190 LAKE JESUP ANIMAL HOSPITAL...Veterinary Services Specialties TUSKAWILLA ROAD1998 SOURCE: DIGITAL BUSINESS DIRECTORY 794 Page: 8 Report ID: 22022400624 - 3/1/2022 www.erisinfo.com STREET NOT LISTED TREE SWALLOW DRIVE1991 SOURCE: POLKS STREET NOT LISTED TUSKAWILLA ROAD1991 SOURCE: POLKS 795 Page: 9 Report ID: 22022400624 - 3/1/2022 www.erisinfo.com STREET NOT LISTED TREE SWALLOW DRIVE1986 SOURCE: POLKS STREET NOT LISTED TUSKAWILLA ROAD1986 SOURCE: POLKS 796 Page: 10 Report ID: 22022400624 - 3/1/2022 www.erisinfo.com STREET NOT LISTED TREE SWALLOW DRIVE1981 SOURCE: POLKS STREET NOT LISTED TUSKAWILLA ROAD1981 SOURCE: POLKS 797 Page: 11 Report ID: 22022400624 - 3/1/2022 www.erisinfo.com STREET NOT LISTED TREE SWALLOW DRIVE1976 SOURCE: POLKS STREET NOT LISTED TUSKAWILLA ROAD1976 SOURCE: POLKS 798 Page: 12 Report ID: 22022400624 - 3/1/2022 www.erisinfo.com STREET NOT LISTED TREE SWALLOW DRIVE1972 SOURCE: POLKS STREET NOT LISTED TUSKAWILLA ROAD1972 SOURCE: POLKS 799 Page: 13 Report ID: 22022400624 - 3/1/2022 www.erisinfo.com STREET NOT LISTED TREE SWALLOW DRIVE1968 SOURCE: POLKS STREET NOT LISTED TUSKAWILLA ROAD1968 SOURCE: POLKS 800 --- END REPORT --- 801 APPENDIX 5 -ENVIRONMENTAL REGULATORY DATABASES 802 Project Property:Vacant Parcel Tree Swallow Drive & Tuskawilla Road Winter Springs FL 32708 Project No:202200201 Report Type:Database Report Order No: 22022400624 Requested by:NV5 Date Completed: February 25, 2022 803 2 erisinfo.com | Environmental Risk Information Services Order No: 22022400624 h-Table of Contents Notice:IMPORTANT LIMITATIONS and YOUR LIABILITY Reliance on information in Report:This report DOES NOT replace a full Phase I Environmental Site Assessment but is solely intended to be used as database review of environmental records. License for use of information in Report:No page of this report can be used without this cover page,this notice and the project property identifier. The information in Report(s)may not be modified or re-sold. Your Liability for misuse:Using this Service and/or its reports in a manner contrary to this Notice or your agreement will be in breach of copyright and contract and ERIS may obtain damages for such mis-use,including damages caused to third parties,and gives ERIS the right to terminate your account, rescind your license to any previous reports and to bar you from future use of the Service. No warranty of Accuracy or Liability for ERIS:The information contained in this report has been produced by ERIS Information Inc.("ERIS")using various sources of information,including information provided by Federal and State government departments.The report applies only to the address and up to the date specified on the cover of this report,and any alterations or deviation from this description will require a new report.This report and the data contained herein does not purport to be and does not constitute a guarantee of the accuracy of the information contained herein and does not constitute a legal opinion nor medical advice.Although ERIS has endeavored to present you with information that is accurate,ERIS disclaims,any and all liability for any errors,omissions,or inaccuracies in such information and data,whether attributable to inadvertence,negligence or otherwise,and for any consequences arising therefrom.Liability on the part of ERIS is limited to the monetary value paid for this report. Trademark and Copyright:You may not use the ERIS trademarks or attribute any work to ERIS other than as outlined above.This Service and Report (s)are protected by copyright owned by ERIS Information Inc.Copyright in data used in the Service or Report(s)(the "Data")is owned by ERIS or its licensors.The Service,Report(s)and Data may not be copied or reproduced in whole or in any substantial part without prior written consent of ERIS. Table of Contents Table of Contents...........................................................................................2 Executive Summary........................................................................................3 Executive Summary: Report Summary.......................................................................................................................4 Executive Summary: Site Report Summary - Project Property...................................................................................8 Executive Summary: Site Report Summary - Surrounding Properties........................................................................9 Executive Summary: Summary by Data Source.......................................................................................................12 Map...............................................................................................................17 Aerial.............................................................................................................20 Topographic Map..........................................................................................21 Detail Report.................................................................................................22 Unplottable Summary...................................................................................50 Unplottable Report........................................................................................51 Appendix: Database Descriptions.................................................................52 Definitions.....................................................................................................64 804 3 erisinfo.com | Environmental Risk Information Services Order No: 22022400624 h-Executive Summary Property Information: Project Property:Vacant Parcel Tree Swallow Drive & Tuskawilla Road Winter Springs FL 32708 Project No:202200201 Coordinates: Latitude:28.69748037 Longitude:-81.26161747 UTM Northing:3,174,497.80 UTM Easting:474,444.59 UTM Zone:UTM Zone 17R Elevation:42 FT Order Information: Order No:22022400624 Date Requested:February 24, 2022 Requested by:NV5 Report Type:Database Report Historicals/Products: Aerial Photographs Historical Aerials (with Project Boundaries) City Directory Search CD - 2 Street Search ERIS Xplorer ERIS Xplorer Excel Add-On Excel Add-On Fire Insurance Maps US Fire Insurance Maps Physical Setting Report (PSR) Physical Setting Report (PSR) Topographic Map Topographic Maps Vapor Screening Tool Vapor Screening Tool Executive Summary 805 4 erisinfo.com | Environmental Risk Information Services Order No: 22022400624 h-Executive Summary: Report Summary Database Searched Search Radius Project Property Within 0.12mi 0.125mi to 0.25mi 0.25mi to 0.50mi 0.50mi to 1.00mi Total Standard Environmental Records Federal rr-DOE FUSRAP-aa Y 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 rr-NPL-aa Y 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 rr-PROPOSED NPL-aa Y 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 rr-DELETED NPL-aa Y 0.5 0 0 0 0 - 0 rr-SEMS-aa Y 0.5 0 0 0 0 - 0 rr-SEMS ARCHIVE-aa Y 0.5 0 0 0 0 - 0 rr-ODI-aa Y 0.5 0 0 0 0 - 0 rr-CERCLIS-aa Y 0.5 0 0 0 0 - 0 rr-IODI-aa Y 0.5 0 0 0 0 - 0 rr-CERCLIS NFRAP-aa Y 0.5 0 0 0 0 - 0 rr-CERCLIS LIENS-aa Y PO 0 ---- 0 rr-RCRA CORRACTS-aa Y 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 rr-RCRA TSD-aa Y 0.5 0 0 0 0 - 0 rr-RCRA LQG-aa Y 0.25 0 0 0 -- 0 rr-RCRA SQG-aa Y 0.25 0 0 0 -- 0 rr-RCRA VSQG-aa Y 0.25 0 0 0 -- 0 rr-RCRA NON GEN-aa Y 0.25 0 2 0 -- 2 rr-RCRA CONTROLS-aa Y 0.5 0 0 0 0 - 0 rr-FED ENG-aa Y 0.5 0 0 0 0 - 0 rr-FED INST-aa Y 0.5 0 0 0 0 - 0 rr-LUCIS-aa Y 0.5 0 0 0 0 - 0 rr-ERNS 1982 TO 1986-aa Y PO 0 ---- 0 rr-ERNS 1987 TO 1989-aa Y PO 0 ---- 0 rr-ERNS-aa Y PO 0 ---- 0 rr-FED BROWNFIELDS-aa Y 0.5 0 0 0 0 - 0 rr-FEMA UST-aa Y 0.25 0 0 0 -- 0 rr-FRP-aa Y 0.25 0 0 0 -- 0 DOE FUSRAP NPL PROPOSED NPL DELETED NPL SEMS SEMS ARCHIVE ODI CERCLIS IODI CERCLIS NFRAP CERCLIS LIENS RCRA CORRACTS RCRA TSD RCRA LQG RCRA SQG RCRA VSQG RCRA NON GEN RCRA CONTROLS FED ENG FED INST LUCIS ERNS 1982 TO 1986 ERNS 1987 TO 1989 ERNS FED BROWNFIELDS FEMA UST FRP Executive Summary: Report Summary 806 5 erisinfo.com | Environmental Risk Information Services Order No: 22022400624 Database Searched Search Radius Project Property Within 0.12mi 0.125mi to 0.25mi 0.25mi to 0.50mi 0.50mi to 1.00mi Total rr-HIST GAS STATIONS-aa Y 0.25 0 0 0 -- 0 rr-REFN-aa Y 0.25 0 0 0 -- 0 rr-BULK TERMINAL-aa Y 0.25 0 0 0 -- 0 rr-SEMS LIEN-aa Y PO 0 ---- 0 rr-SUPERFUND ROD-aa Y 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 State rr-SHWS-aa Y 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 rr-DELISTED SHWS-aa Y 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 rr-CLEANUP DEP-aa Y 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 rr-WCRPS-aa Y 1 0 0 1 0 0 1 rr-DELISTED WCP-aa Y 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 rr-SWF/LF-aa Y 0.5 0 1 0 0 - 1 rr-LST-aa Y 0.5 0 2 0 1 - 3 rr-DELISTED LST-aa Y 0.5 0 0 0 0 - 0 rr-UST-aa Y 0.25 0 2 0 -- 2 rr-AST-aa Y 0.25 0 0 2 -- 2 rr-TANK-aa Y 0.25 0 0 0 -- 0 rr-DEL UST AST TANK-aa Y 0.25 0 0 0 -- 0 rr-DEL STORAGE TANK-aa Y 0.25 0 0 0 -- 0 rr-FF TANKS-aa Y 0.25 0 0 0 -- 0 rr-STCS-aa Y 0.5 0 0 0 0 - 0 rr-INST-aa Y 0.5 0 0 0 0 - 0 rr-ENG-aa Y 0.5 0 0 0 0 - 0 rr-VCP-aa Y 0.5 0 0 0 0 - 0 rr-BROWNFIELDS-aa Y 0.5 0 0 0 1 - 1 rr-BROWNFIELD AREA-aa Y 0.5 1 0 0 1 - 2 Tribal rr-INDIAN LUST-aa Y 0.5 0 0 0 0 - 0 rr-INDIAN UST-aa Y 0.25 0 0 0 -- 0 rr-DELISTED ILST-aa Y 0.5 0 0 0 0 - 0 rr-DELISTED IUST-aa Y 0.25 0 0 0 -- 0 County No County databases were selected to be included in the search. Additional Environmental Records HIST GAS STATIONS REFN BULK TERMINAL SEMS LIEN SUPERFUND ROD SHWS DELISTED SHWS CLEANUP DEP WCRPS DELISTED WCP SWF/LF LST DELISTED LST UST AST TANK DEL UST AST TANK DEL STORAGE TANK FF TANKS STCS INST ENG VCP BROWNFIELDS BROWNFIELD AREA INDIAN LUST INDIAN UST DELISTED ILST DELISTED IUST 807 6 erisinfo.com | Environmental Risk Information Services Order No: 22022400624 Database Searched Search Radius Project Property Within 0.12mi 0.125mi to 0.25mi 0.25mi to 0.50mi 0.50mi to 1.00mi Total Federal rr-FINDS/FRS-aa Y PO 0 2 --- 2 rr-TRIS-aa Y PO 0 ---- 0 rr-PFAS TRI-aa Y 0.5 0 0 0 0 - 0 rr-PFAS NPL-aa Y 0.5 0 0 0 0 - 0 rr-PFAS WATER-aa Y 0.5 0 0 0 0 - 0 rr-PFAS SSEHRI-aa Y 0.5 0 0 0 0 - 0 rr-HMIRS-aa Y 0.125 0 2 --- 2 rr-NCDL-aa Y 0.125 0 0 --- 0 rr-TSCA-aa Y 0.125 0 0 --- 0 rr-HIST TSCA-aa Y 0.125 0 0 --- 0 rr-FTTS ADMIN-aa Y PO 0 ---- 0 rr-FTTS INSP-aa Y PO 0 ---- 0 rr-PRP-aa Y PO 0 ---- 0 rr-SCRD DRYCLEANER-aa Y 0.5 0 0 0 0 - 0 rr-ICIS-aa Y PO 0 ---- 0 rr-FED DRYCLEANERS-aa Y 0.25 0 0 0 -- 0 rr-DELISTED FED DRY-aa Y 0.25 0 0 0 -- 0 rr-FUDS-aa Y 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 rr-FORMER NIKE-aa Y 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 rr-PIPELINE INCIDENT-aa Y PO 0 ---- 0 rr-MLTS-aa Y PO 0 ---- 0 rr-HIST MLTS-aa Y PO 0 ---- 0 rr-MINES-aa Y 0.25 0 0 0 -- 0 rr-SMCRA-aa Y 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 rr-MRDS-aa Y 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 rr-URANIUM-aa Y 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 rr-ALT FUELS-aa Y 0.25 0 0 2 -- 2 rr-SSTS-aa Y 0.25 0 0 0 -- 0 rr-PCB-aa Y 0.5 0 0 0 0 - 0 State rr-PRIORITYCLEAN-aa Y 0.5 0 0 0 0 - 0 rr-DRYCLEANERS-aa Y 0.25 0 0 0 -- 0 rr-DELISTED DRYCLEANERS-aa Y 0.25 0 0 0 -- 0 rr-HISTORICAL DRYC-aa Y 0.25 0 0 0 -- 0 FINDS/FRS TRIS PFAS TRI PFAS NPL PFAS WATER PFAS SSEHRI HMIRS NCDL TSCA HIST TSCA FTTS ADMIN FTTS INSP PRP SCRD DRYCLEANER ICIS FED DRYCLEANERS DELISTED FED DRY FUDS FORMER NIKE PIPELINE INCIDENT MLTS HIST MLTS MINES SMCRA MRDS URANIUM ALT FUELS SSTS PCB PRIORITYCLEAN DRYCLEANERS DELISTED DRYCLEANERS HISTORICAL DRYC 808 7 erisinfo.com | Environmental Risk Information Services Order No: 22022400624 Database Searched Search Radius Project Property Within 0.12mi 0.125mi to 0.25mi 0.25mi to 0.50mi 0.50mi to 1.00mi Total rr-SPILLS-aa Y 0.125 0 1 --- 1 rr-DWM CONTAM-aa Y 0.5 0 4 0 0 - 4 rr-DEL CONTAM SITE-aa Y 0.5 0 1 0 0 - 1 rr-PFAS AFFF-aa Y 0.5 0 0 0 0 - 0 rr-PFAS-aa Y 0.5 0 0 0 0 - 0 rr-GW CONTAM-aa Y 0.125 0 0 --- 0 rr-UIC-aa Y PO 0 ---- 0 rr-WELL SURVEILLANCE-aa Y 0.25 0 1 0 -- 1 rr-CDV SOUTHEAST-aa Y 0.5 0 0 0 0 - 0 rr-TIER 2-aa Y 0.125 0 0 --- 0 rr-DELISTED COUNTY-aa Y 0.25 0 0 0 -- 0 Tribal No Tribal additional environmental record sources available for this State. County No County additional environmental databases were selected to be included in the search. Total:1 18 5 3 0 27 * PO – Property Only * 'Property and adjoining properties' database search radii are set at 0.25 miles. SPILLS DWM CONTAM DEL CONTAM SITE PFAS AFFF PFAS GW CONTAM UIC WELL SURVEILLANCE CDV SOUTHEAST TIER 2 DELISTED COUNTY 809 8 erisinfo.com | Environmental Risk Information Services Order No: 22022400624 h-Executive Summary: Site Report Summary - Project Property Map Key DB Company/Site Name Address Direction Distance (mi/ft) Elev Diff (ft) Page Number m1d dd-BROWNFIELD AREA-821735648-aa TOWN CENTER S.E.E.D. / BROWNFIELD CITY OF WINTER SPRINGS FL NNW 0.00 / 0.00 0 p1p-22-821735648-x1x 221BROWNFIELD AREA Executive Summary: Site Report Summary - Project Property 810 9 erisinfo.com | Environmental Risk Information Services Order No: 22022400624 h-Executive Summary: Site Report Summary - Surrounding Properties Map Key DB Company/Site Name Address Direction Distance (mi/ft) Elev Diff (ft) Page Number m2d dd-FINDS/FRS-857886540-aa INTEGRA 360 1200 E STATE ROAD 434 WINTER SPRINGS FL 32708- 2817 SW 0.01 / 63.34 2 p1p-22-857886540-x1x Registry ID: 110069598331 m3d dd-FINDS/FRS-815943866-aa WINTER SPRINGS TOWN CENTER PHASE I EXPANSION SR 434/TUSKAWILLA RD WINTER SPGS FL 32708 NNE 0.02 / 93.01 -2 p1p-23-815943866-x1x Registry ID: 110035605761 m4d dd-SPILLS-813618295-aa behind 154 Tuskawilla WINTER SPRINGS FL N 0.05 / 286.81 -4 p1p-23-813618295-x1x Incident No | Incident Date: 38901 | 02/08/2008 m5d dd-SWF/LF-813519909-aa 1212 E. SR 434 DEBRIS STAGING AREA 1212 E. SR 434 CITY OF WINTER SPRINGS FL 32708 S 0.07 / 381.77 0 p1p-24-813519909-x1x m6d dd-RCRA NON GEN-810068856-aa FOREIGN CAR PARTS SERVICE 1207 E STATE ROAD 434 WINTER SPRINGS FL 32708- 2811 SSW 0.07 / 384.05 1 p1p-25-810068856-x1x EPA Handler ID: FLD981748007 m7d dd-LST-813540753-aa HANDY WAY FOOD STORE #3333 170 TUSCAWILLA RD WINTER SPRINGS FL 32708- 3715 WSW 0.09 / 452.05 3 p1p-26-813540753-x1x Facility ID | Facility Status: 8516641 | CLOSED Cleanup Required: R - CLEANUP REQUIRED, R - CLEANUP REQUIRED m7d dd-DEL CONTAM SITE-822758487-aa HANDY WAY FOOD STORE #3333 170 TUSCAWILLA RD WINTER SPRINGS FL 32708 WSW 0.09 / 452.05 3 p1p-29-822758487-x1x m7d dd-WELL SURVEILLANCE-866244026-aa HANDYWAY 170 TUSKAWILLA RD WINTER SPRINGS FL 32708 WSW 0.09 / 452.05 3 p1p-29-866244026-x1x m7d dd-DWM CONTAM-874809453-aa HANDY WAY FOOD STORE #3333 170 TUSCAWILLA RD WINTER SPRINGS FL 32708 WSW 0.09 / 452.05 3 p1p-30-874809453-x1x Facility ID: 8516641 Facility Status: ACTIVE m7d dd-UST-894361060-aa HANDY WAY FOOD STORE #3333 170 TUSCAWILLA RD WINTER SPRINGS FL 32708 WSW 0.09 / 452.05 3 p1p-30-894361060-x1x Facility ID | Facility Status: 8516641 | CLOSED Tank Status | Status Date: B - REMOVED FROM SITE | 27-MAR-1995, B - REMOVED FROM SITE | 27-MAR-1995, B - REMOVED FROM SITE | 01-JUL-2000, B - REMOVED FROM SITE | 01- JUL-2000, B - REMOVED FROM SITE | 27-MAR-1995 m8d dd-RCRA NON GEN-810078951-aa MOBIL OIL CORP SS #Q8M 1205 E SR 434 WINTER SPRINGS FL 32708 SSW 0.09 / 464.06 2 p1p-31-810078951-x1x EPA Handler ID: FLD984205518 22 23 23 24 25 26 29 29 30 30 31 2 3 4 5 6 7 7 7 7 7 8 FINDS/FRS FINDS/FRS SPILLS SWF/LF RCRA NON GEN LST DEL CONTAM SITE WELL SURVEILLANCE DWM CONTAM UST RCRA NON GEN Executive Summary: Site Report Summary - Surrounding Properties 811 10 erisinfo.com | Environmental Risk Information Services Order No: 22022400624 Map Key DB Company/Site Name Address Direction Distance (mi/ft) Elev Diff (ft) Page Number m8d dd-UST-813498473-aa MOBIL-WINTER SPRINGS #731 1205 E STATE ROAD 434 WINTER SPRINGS FL 32708 SSW 0.09 / 464.06 2 p1p-33-813498473-x1x Facility ID | Facility Status: 9045623 | OPEN Tank Status | Status Date: B - REMOVED FROM SITE | 01-OCT-2008, U - IN SERVICE | 01-OCT- 2008, B - REMOVED FROM SITE | 01-OCT-2008, B - REMOVED FROM SITE | 01-OCT-2008, B - REMOVED FROM SITE | 01-OCT-2008, U - IN SERVICE | 01-OCT-2008 m8d dd-LST-813546516-aa MOBIL-WINTER SPRINGS #731 1205 E STATE ROAD 434 WINTER SPRINGS FL 32708- 2811 SSW 0.09 / 464.06 2 p1p-36-813546516-x1x Facility ID | Facility Status: 9045623 | OPEN Cleanup Required: R - CLEANUP REQUIRED m8d dd-HMIRS-818502800-aa 1205 STATE ROAD 434 EAST WINTER SPRINGS FL SSW 0.09 / 464.06 2 p1p-38-818502800-x1x m8d dd-DWM CONTAM-874792639-aa MOBIL-WINTER SPRINGS #731 1205 E STATE ROAD 434 WINTER SPRINGS FL SSW 0.09 / 464.06 2 p1p-40-874792639-x1x m8d dd-DWM CONTAM-874811642-aa MOBIL R/S #10918 1205 E STATE ROAD 434 WINTER SPRINGS FL 32708 SSW 0.09 / 464.06 2 p1p-41-874811642-x1x Facility ID: 9045623 Facility Status: ACTIVE m8d dd-DWM CONTAM-874820254-aa 7-ELEVEN STORE #34786 1205 E STATE ROAD 434 WINTER SPRINGS FL 32708 SSW 0.09 / 464.06 2 p1p-41-874820254-x1x Facility ID: 9045623 Facility Status: ACTIVE m8d dd-HMIRS-880634269-aa 1205 STATE ROAD 434 EAST WINTER SPRINGS FL SSW 0.09 / 464.06 2 p1p-42-880634269-x1x m9d dd-ALT FUELS-893862734-aa Magnolia Fountain - 1 153 Tuskawilla Rd Winter Springs FL 32708 NNE 0.16 / 829.49 -6 p1p-43-893862734-x1x ID: 190902 m9d dd-ALT FUELS-893862854-aa Magnolia Fountain - 2 153 Tuskawilla Rd Winter Springs FL 32708 NNE 0.16 / 829.49 -6 p1p-44-893862854-x1x ID: 190903 m10d dd-AST-813496611-aa PUBLIX SUPER MARKET #62 1160 E SR 434 WINTER SPRINGS FL 32708 NW 0.18 / 931.25 4 p1p-44-813496611-x1x Facility ID | Facility Status: 9809815 | OPEN Tank Status | Status Date: U - IN SERVICE | 01-NOV-2007 m11d dd-WCRPS-867335530-aa SCRIMSHER PARCEL E SR 434 WINTER SPRINGS, FL SSE 0.23 / 1,240.33 -8 p1p-45-867335530-x1x m11d dd-AST-894393874-aa WINTER SPRINGS CITY - LIFT STATION 80 MICHAEL BLAKE BLVD WINTER SPRINGS FL 32708 SSE 0.23 / 1,240.33 -8 p1p-46-894393874-x1x Facility ID | Facility Status: 9818667 | OPEN Tank Status | Status Date: U - IN SERVICE | 01-AUG-2021 m12d dd-LST-813547777-aa WINTER SPRINGS CITY- CITY HALL 1126 E HWY 434 WINTER SPRINGS FL 32708- 2715 NW 0.35 / 1,851.76 1 p1p-47-813547777-x1x 33 36 38 40 41 41 42 43 44 44 45 46 47 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 9 9 10 11 11 12 UST LST HMIRS DWM CONTAM DWM CONTAM DWM CONTAM HMIRS ALT FUELS ALT FUELS AST WCRPS AST LST 812 11 erisinfo.com | Environmental Risk Information Services Order No: 22022400624 Map Key DB Company/Site Name Address Direction Distance (mi/ft) Elev Diff (ft) Page Number Facility ID | Facility Status: 8731664 | OPEN Cleanup Required: R - CLEANUP REQUIRED m13d dd-BROWNFIELDS-813588067-aa Former Central Florida Drum Facility 2950 (M-1 Zoning Area Only) and 2960 Railroad Avenue WINTER SPRINGS FL 32708 S 0.40 / 2,131.28 -3 p1p-49-813588067-x1x m14d dd-BROWNFIELD AREA-821735646-aa Former Central Florida Drum Facility WINTER SPRINGS FL S 0.40 / 2,131.28 -3 p1p-49-821735646-x1x 49 49 13 14 BROWNFIELDS BROWNFIELD AREA 813 12 erisinfo.com | Environmental Risk Information Services Order No: 22022400624 h-Executive Summary: Summary by Data Source Standard Federal RCRA NON GEN - RCRA Non-Generators A search of the RCRA NON GEN database, dated Nov 17, 2021 has found that there are 2 RCRA NON GEN site(s) within approximately 0.25 miles of the project property. Equal/Higher Elevation Address Direction Distance (mi/ft)Map Key FOREIGN CAR PARTS SERVICE 1207 E STATE ROAD 434 WINTER SPRINGS FL 32708-2811 SSW 0.07 / 384.05 m-6-810068856-a EPA Handler ID: FLD981748007 MOBIL OIL CORP SS #Q8M 1205 E SR 434 WINTER SPRINGS FL 32708 SSW 0.09 / 464.06 m-8-810078951-a EPA Handler ID: FLD984205518 State WCRPS - Waste Cleanup Responsible Party Sites A search of the WCRPS database, dated Apr 11, 2021 has found that there are 1 WCRPS site(s) within approximately 1.00 miles of the project property. Lower Elevation Address Direction Distance (mi/ft)Map Key SCRIMSHER PARCEL E SR 434 WINTER SPRINGS, FL SSE 0.23 / 1,240.33 m-11-867335530-a SWF/LF - Solid Waste Facilities and Landfills A search of the SWF/LF database, dated Nov 23, 2021 has found that there are 1 SWF/LF site(s) within approximately 0.50 miles of the project property. Lower Elevation Address Direction Distance (mi/ft)Map Key 1212 E. SR 434 DEBRIS STAGING AREA 1212 E. SR 434 CITY OF WINTER SPRINGS FL 32708 S 0.07 / 381.77 m-5-813519909-a LST - Leaking Tanks A search of the LST database, dated Aug 13, 2021 has found that there are 3 LST site(s) within approximately 0.50 miles of the project property. Equal/Higher Elevation Address Direction Distance (mi/ft)Map Key HANDY WAY FOOD STORE #3333 170 TUSCAWILLA RD WINTER SPRINGS FL 32708-3715 WSW 0.09 / 452.05 m-7-813540753-a 6 8 11 5 7 Executive Summary: Summary by Data Source 814 13 erisinfo.com | Environmental Risk Information Services Order No: 22022400624 Equal/Higher Elevation Address Direction Distance (mi/ft)Map Key Facility ID | Facility Status: 8516641 | CLOSED Cleanup Required: R - CLEANUP REQUIRED, R - CLEANUP REQUIRED MOBIL-WINTER SPRINGS #731 1205 E STATE ROAD 434 WINTER SPRINGS FL 32708-2811 SSW 0.09 / 464.06 m-8-813546516-a Facility ID | Facility Status: 9045623 | OPEN Cleanup Required: R - CLEANUP REQUIRED WINTER SPRINGS CITY-CITY HALL 1126 E HWY 434 WINTER SPRINGS FL 32708-2715 NW 0.35 / 1,851.76 m-12-813547777-a Facility ID | Facility Status: 8731664 | OPEN Cleanup Required: R - CLEANUP REQUIRED UST - Underground Storage Tanks A search of the UST database, dated Nov 3, 2021 has found that there are 2 UST site(s) within approximately 0.25 miles of the project property. Equal/Higher Elevation Address Direction Distance (mi/ft)Map Key HANDY WAY FOOD STORE #3333 170 TUSCAWILLA RD WINTER SPRINGS FL 32708 WSW 0.09 / 452.05 m-7-894361060-a Facility ID | Facility Status: 8516641 | CLOSED Tank Status | Status Date: B - REMOVED FROM SITE | 27-MAR-1995, B - REMOVED FROM SITE | 27-MAR- 1995, B - REMOVED FROM SITE | 01-JUL-2000, B - REMOVED FROM SITE | 01-JUL-2000, B - REMOVED FROM SITE | 27-MAR-1995 MOBIL-WINTER SPRINGS #731 1205 E STATE ROAD 434 WINTER SPRINGS FL 32708 SSW 0.09 / 464.06 m-8-813498473-a Facility ID | Facility Status: 9045623 | OPEN Tank Status | Status Date: B - REMOVED FROM SITE | 01-OCT-2008, U - IN SERVICE | 01-OCT-2008, B - REMOVED FROM SITE | 01-OCT-2008, B - REMOVED FROM SITE | 01-OCT-2008, B - REMOVED FROM SITE | 01-OCT-2008, U - IN SERVICE | 01-OCT-2008 AST - Aboveground Storage Tanks A search of the AST database, dated Nov 3, 2021 has found that there are 2 AST site(s) within approximately 0.25 miles of the project property. Equal/Higher Elevation Address Direction Distance (mi/ft)Map Key PUBLIX SUPER MARKET #62 1160 E SR 434 WINTER SPRINGS FL 32708 NW 0.18 / 931.25 m-10-813496611-a Facility ID | Facility Status: 9809815 | OPEN Tank Status | Status Date: U - IN SERVICE | 01-NOV-2007 Lower Elevation Address Direction Distance (mi/ft)Map Key WINTER SPRINGS CITY - LIFT STATION 80 MICHAEL BLAKE BLVD WINTER SPRINGS FL 32708 SSE 0.23 / 1,240.33 m-11-894393874-a Facility ID | Facility Status: 9818667 | OPEN Tank Status | Status Date: U - IN SERVICE | 01-AUG-2021 BROWNFIELDS - Brownfield Sites A search of the BROWNFIELDS database, dated Sep 8, 2021 has found that there are 1 BROWNFIELDS site(s) within approximately 0.50 miles of the project property. 8 12 7 8 10 11 815 14 erisinfo.com | Environmental Risk Information Services Order No: 22022400624 Lower Elevation Address Direction Distance (mi/ft)Map Key Former Central Florida Drum Facility 2950 (M-1 Zoning Area Only) and 2960 Railroad Avenue WINTER SPRINGS FL 32708 S 0.40 / 2,131.28 m-13-813588067-a BROWNFIELD AREA - Brownfield Areas A search of the BROWNFIELD AREA database, dated Oct 5, 2021 has found that there are 2 BROWNFIELD AREA site(s) within approximately 0.50 miles of the project property. Equal/Higher Elevation Address Direction Distance (mi/ft)Map Key TOWN CENTER S.E.E.D. / BROWNFIELD CITY OF WINTER SPRINGS FL NNW 0.00 / 0.00 m-1-821735648-a Lower Elevation Address Direction Distance (mi/ft)Map Key Former Central Florida Drum Facility WINTER SPRINGS FL S 0.40 / 2,131.28 m-14-821735646-a Non Standard Federal FINDS/FRS - Facility Registry Service/Facility Index A search of the FINDS/FRS database, dated Nov 2, 2020 has found that there are 2 FINDS/FRS site(s) within approximately 0.02 miles of the project property. Equal/Higher Elevation Address Direction Distance (mi/ft)Map Key INTEGRA 360 1200 E STATE ROAD 434 WINTER SPRINGS FL 32708-2817 SW 0.01 / 63.34 m-2-857886540-a Registry ID: 110069598331 Lower Elevation Address Direction Distance (mi/ft)Map Key WINTER SPRINGS TOWN CENTER PHASE I EXPANSION SR 434/TUSKAWILLA RD WINTER SPGS FL 32708 NNE 0.02 / 93.01 m-3-815943866-a Registry ID: 110035605761 HMIRS - Hazardous Materials Information Reporting System A search of the HMIRS database, dated Sep 1, 2020 has found that there are 2 HMIRS site(s) within approximately 0.12 miles of the project property. Equal/Higher Elevation Address Direction Distance (mi/ft)Map Key 1205 STATE ROAD 434 EAST WINTER SPRINGS FL SSW 0.09 / 464.06 m-8-818502800-a 13 1 14 2 3 8 816 15 erisinfo.com | Environmental Risk Information Services Order No: 22022400624 Equal/Higher Elevation Address Direction Distance (mi/ft)Map Key 1205 STATE ROAD 434 EAST WINTER SPRINGS FL SSW 0.09 / 464.06 m-8-880634269-a ALT FUELS - Alternative Fueling Stations A search of the ALT FUELS database, dated Dec 21, 2021 has found that there are 2 ALT FUELS site(s) within approximately 0.25 miles of the project property. Lower Elevation Address Direction Distance (mi/ft)Map Key Magnolia Fountain - 1 153 Tuskawilla Rd Winter Springs FL 32708 NNE 0.16 / 829.49 m-9-893862734-a ID: 190902 Magnolia Fountain - 2 153 Tuskawilla Rd Winter Springs FL 32708 NNE 0.16 / 829.49 m-9-893862854-a ID: 190903 State SPILLS - Oil and Hazardous Materials Incidents A search of the SPILLS database, dated Sep 28, 2021 has found that there are 1 SPILLS site(s) within approximately 0.12 miles of the project property. Lower Elevation Address Direction Distance (mi/ft)Map Key behind 154 Tuskawilla WINTER SPRINGS FL N 0.05 / 286.81 m-4-813618295-a Incident No | Incident Date: 38901 | 02/08/2008 DWM CONTAM - Contaminated Sites A search of the DWM CONTAM database, dated Sep 1, 2021 has found that there are 4 DWM CONTAM site(s) within approximately 0.50 miles of the project property. Equal/Higher Elevation Address Direction Distance (mi/ft)Map Key HANDY WAY FOOD STORE #3333 170 TUSCAWILLA RD WINTER SPRINGS FL 32708 WSW 0.09 / 452.05 m-7-874809453-a Facility ID: 8516641 Facility Status: ACTIVE MOBIL R/S #10918 1205 E STATE ROAD 434 WINTER SPRINGS FL 32708 SSW 0.09 / 464.06 m-8-874811642-a Facility ID: 9045623 Facility Status: ACTIVE MOBIL-WINTER SPRINGS #731 1205 E STATE ROAD 434 WINTER SPRINGS FL SSW 0.09 / 464.06 m-8-874792639-a 7-ELEVEN STORE #34786 1205 E STATE ROAD 434 WINTER SPRINGS FL 32708 SSW 0.09 / 464.06 m-8-874820254-a 8 9 9 4 7 8 8 8 817 16 erisinfo.com | Environmental Risk Information Services Order No: 22022400624 Equal/Higher Elevation Address Direction Distance (mi/ft)Map Key Facility ID: 9045623 Facility Status: ACTIVE DEL CONTAM SITE - Delisted Contaminated Sites A search of the DEL CONTAM SITE database, dated Sep 30, 2015 has found that there are 1 DEL CONTAM SITE site(s) within approximately 0.50 miles of the project property. Equal/Higher Elevation Address Direction Distance (mi/ft)Map Key HANDY WAY FOOD STORE #3333 170 TUSCAWILLA RD WINTER SPRINGS FL 32708 WSW 0.09 / 452.05 m-7-822758487-a WELL SURVEILLANCE - Well Surveillance Program Facilities A search of the WELL SURVEILLANCE database, dated Dec 13, 2021 has found that there are 1 WELL SURVEILLANCE site(s) within approximately 0.25 miles of the project property. Equal/Higher Elevation Address Direction Distance (mi/ft)Map Key HANDYWAY 170 TUSKAWILLA RD WINTER SPRINGS FL 32708 WSW 0.09 / 452.05 m-7-866244026-a 7 7 818 #* #* ")#*#*#*#*#*#*#*#*m1c m1c m1 3cm14c m1 4cm13c m3 c m6 c m4 c m2 c m5 c m1 0c m1 2c m7 c(5) m9 c(2) m8 c(8) m11c(2)Winter SpringsWinter SpringsWW ii nntt eerrSSpprriinnggssWWii nn tteerrSSpprriinnggssWWiinn tteerrSSpprriinngg ssW i n t e r S p r i n g sWinter S p r i n g s S R-419 S S R -4 1 9 N TuskawillaRdS R -4 1 9 N TuskawillaRdSR -4 1 9 S Ce n t r a l W i n ds P a r kCentral W i n ds P a r k UV434 UV419 UV419UV419 No r t he rn Wa yTusco raDrOdayDr Pa wn e e Trl Mo h a wk T r l B a ltic L n Tw e lveOaksDrMichaelBlakeBlvdTimberwilde AveEndeavour Dr NBuck h o r nDrSe ft o n L n M tLaur e l D r Sybilwood CirNightO wl L n Railro adAveAr apa ho Tr l FreedomLn Benitawood CtTraditionLn T o rc a s o C t Julie LnChe oy L e e C i r Doran BlvdAy e r s w o o d C t A tri u m C t Trotwoo d Blv d C a s a ParkCir N a ndi n a T e rL a k e J e s u p 81°15'W81°15'30"W81°16'W81°16'30"W 28°42'30"N28°42'30"N28°42'N28°42'N28°41'30"N28°41'30"N28°41'N28°41'N0.3 0 0.30.15 Miles Order Number: 22022400624Map: 1.0 Mile Radius 1:18700 Ad dress: Tree Swallow Drive & Tuskawilla Road, Winter Springs, FL Source: © 2021 E SRI StreetMap Premium © ERIS Information Inc. Project Pro perty Bu ffer O utline #*Eris Sites with H igher Elevation ")Eris Sites with Same Elevation #*Eris Sites with Lower Elevation (Eris Sites with U nknown Elevation Eris Areas with Higher Elevation Eris Areas with Same Elevation Eris Areas with Lower Elevation Eris Areas with Unknown Elevation National Priority List Sites National Wetland Indian Reserve Land 100 Year Flood Zone 500 Year Flood Zone FWS Special Designation Areas Historic Fill Freeways; Highw ays Traffic Circle; Ramp Major & Minor Arterial Traffic Circle; Ramp Local Road Rail Country State Plume 1 1 13 13 14 14 3 6 4 2 5 10 12 7 (5) 9 (2) 8 (8) 11 (2) 819 #* #* ")#*#*#*#*#*#*#*#*m1c m1c m1 3cm14c m1 3cm14c m3 c m6 c m4 c m2 c m5 c m1 0c m1 2c m7 c(5) m9 c(2) m8 c(8) m11c(2) Winter SpringsWinter Springs WWiinnttee rr SS pp rrii nn gg ss W in t e r Sp r i ng sWinter Sp r i ng s S R-419 S SR-434 ETuskawilla RdSR-419NSR-419 STuskawilla RdSR-434E S R-434 E S R-419 N C e n t ra l W in d s P a rkCentral W in d s P a rk Publix Winter Springs High School SUBWAY UV419 UV434 UV419 FanningDr Pa wn e e T r l Mo h a wk T r l A p a c h e T r l Michael Bla k e B l v dB u c k h o r n Dr Sefton LnAr a p a h o T r l Blumberg Blvd Old Far m L n Gulfstar Dr T o r c a s o C t Mc L e o d s Wa y SomerfordLPCheoy Lee Cir S h awnee T rlNa tu r e s Wa y Doran BlvdViewpoin tPl Town PlazaC tPark Lake DrTree Swallow DrRiverParkLn Treehouse St Cherokee Village Trl Tuskawilla RdC h e y e n n e T rlL a k e J e s u p S R-434 E S R-419 S SR-434 W S R-434 W 81°15'30"W81°16'W 28°42'N28°42'N28°41'30"N28°41'30"N0.15 0 0.150.075 Miles Order Number: 22022400624Map: 0.5 Mile Radius 1:9600 Ad dress: Tree Swallow Drive & Tuskawilla Road, Winter Springs, FL Source: © 2021 E SRI StreetMap Premium © ERIS Information Inc. Project Pro perty Bu ffer O utline #*Eris Sites with H igher Elevation ")Eris Sites with Same Elevation #*Eris Sites with Lower Elevation (Eris Sites with U nknown Elevation Eris Areas with Higher Elevation Eris Areas with Same Elevation Eris Areas with Lower Elevation Eris Areas with Unknown Elevation National Priority List Sites National Wetland Indian Reserve Land 100 Year Flood Zone 500 Year Flood Zone FWS Special Designation Areas Historic Fill Freeways; Highw ays Traffic Circle; Ramp Major & Minor Arterial Traffic Circle; Ramp Local Road Rail Country State Plume 1 1 13 13 14 14 3 6 4 2 5 10 12 7 (5) 9 (2) 8 (8) 11 (2) 820 #* #* ")#*#*#*#*#*#*#*#*m1cm3c m6 c m4 c m2 c m5 c m1 0c m1 2c m7 c(5) m9c(2) m8 c(8) m11c(2)Winter SpringsWinter SpringsW in t e r Sp ringsWinter Springs S R-419 N S R-419 S S R-434 E Tuskawilla RdTuskawillaRdPublix Winter Springs High School SUBWAY UV419 UV434 UV419 Tuskawilla RdMichaelBlake Blv d B u c k h o r nDr Mo h a wk T r l Blumberg Blvd Old Far m Ln Mc L e o d s Wa y N a t u r e s W a y CliffRoseDrBearSpringsDrSomerford LPWakulla LnBalfour DrTree S wallow Dr Burgess DrMilky Way Gainer WayRobertsFamilyLnP a w n e e TrlDensmore WayC rim sonLnK aye L n Sumter LnNatures Way Wakulla LnM i lk y W a y MichaelBlakeBlvdS R-434 W S R-434 E S R-419 S 81°15'30"W81°16'W 28°42'N28°42'N0.08 0 0.080.04 Miles Order Number: 22022400624Map: 0.25 Mile Radius 1:5100 Ad dress: Tree Swallow Drive & Tuskawilla Road, Winter Springs, FL Source: © 2021 E SRI StreetMap Premium © ERIS Information Inc. Project Pro perty Bu ffer O utline #*Eris Sites with H igher Elevation ")Eris Sites with Same Elevation #*Eris Sites with Lower Elevation (Eris Sites with U nknown Elevation Eris Areas with Higher Elevation Eris Areas with Same Elevation Eris Areas with Lower Elevation Eris Areas with Unknown Elevation National Priority List Sites National Wetland Indian Reserve Land 100 Year Flood Zone 500 Year Flood Zone FWS Special Designation Areas Historic Fill Freeways; Highw ays Traffic Circle; Ramp Major & Minor Arterial Traffic Circle; Ramp Local Road Rail Country State Plume 13 6 4 2 5 10 12 7 (5) 9 (2) 8 (8) 11 (2) 821 Source: Esri, Maxar, GeoEye, Earthstar Geographics, CN ES/Airbus DS,USDA, USGS, AeroGRID, IGN, and the GIS User Community 81°15'30"W81°16'W 28°42'N28°42'N28°41'30"N28°41'30"N0.1 0 0.10.05 Miles Order Number: 22022400624Aerial 1:10000 Address: Tree Swallow Drive & Tuskawilla Road, Winter Springs, FL © ERIS Info rmation Inc. Source: ESRI World Imager y Year: 2020 822 81°14'30"W81°15'W81°15'30"W81°16'W81°16'30"W81°17'W 28°43'N28°43'N28°42'30"N28°42'30"N28°42'N28°42'N28°41'30"N28°41'30"N28°41'N28°41'N28°40'30"N28°40'30"N0.35 0 0.350.175 Miles Order Number: 22022400624Topographic Map 1:24000 Address: Tree Swallow Drive & Tuskawilla Road, FL © ERIS Info rmation Inc. Source: USGS Topographic Map Quad rangle(s): Casselberry, FL; Oviedo, FL Year: 2015 823 22 erisinfo.com | Environmental Risk Information Services Order No: 22022400624 h-Detail Report Map Key Number of Records Direction Distance (mi/ft) Elev/Diff (ft) Site DB m-1-821735648-b 1 of 1 NNW 0.00 / 0.00 41.55 / 0 TOWN CENTER S.E.E.D. / BROWNFIELD CITY OF WINTER SPRINGS FL dd-BROWNFIELD AREA-821735648-bb p1p-821735648-y1y Area ID: BF590803000 Latitude:28.70136235 User Name: WILLIAMS_CA Longitude:-81.264094 Method: PAPER Latitude Degrees:28 County: SEMINOLE Latitude Minutes:42 District: CENTRAL Latitude Seconds:4.90444992 Acreage: 2220603.5 Longitude Degrees:-81 Resolution No: 2008-36 Longitude Minutes:15 Resolution Date: 04-SEP-08 AM Longitude Seconds:50.73841008 Shape Area: 2220603.49563751 X Coordinate:666787.08142153 Shape Length: 12367.64799169 Y Coordinate:524645.88599683 Date Stamp:13-OCT-08 AM Source:CITY OF WINTER SPRINGS Documents:https://prodenv.dep.state.fl.us/DepNexus/public/electronic-documents/BF590803000/gis-facility!search m-2-857886540-b 1 of 1 SW 0.01 / 63.34 43.83 / 2 INTEGRA 360 1200 E STATE ROAD 434 WINTER SPRINGS FL 32708-2817 dd-FINDS/FRS-857886540-bb p1p-857886540-y1y Registry ID:110069598331 FIPS Code:FL117 HUC Code:03080101 Site Type Name:STATIONARY Location Description: Supplemental Location: Create Date:07-OCT-16 Update Date: Interest Types:ICIS-NPDES NON-MAJOR SIC Codes:1623 SIC Code Descriptions:WATER, SEWER, PIPELINE, AND COMMUNICATIONS AND POWER LINE CONSTRUCTION NAICS Codes:237110 NAICS Code Descriptions:WATER AND SEWER LINE AND RELATED STRUCTURES CONSTRUCTION. Conveyor:FRS-GEOCODE Federal Facility Code: Federal Agency Name: Tribal Land Code: Tribal Land Name: Congressional Dist No:24 Census Block Code:121170213062003 EPA Region Code:04 County Name:SEMINOLE US/Mexico Border Ind: Latitude:28.69681 Longitude:-81.26238 Reference Point:ENTRANCE POINT OF A FACILITY OR STATION Coord Collection Method:ADDRESS MATCHING-HOUSE NUMBER Accuracy Value:50 Datum:NAD83 Source: Facility Detail Rprt URL:https://ofmpub.epa.gov/frs_public2/fii_query_detail.disp_program_facility?p_registry_id=110069598331 Program Acronyms: NPDES:FLG071658 1 2 BROWNFIELD AREA FINDS/FRS Detail Report 824 23 erisinfo.com | Environmental Risk Information Services Order No: 22022400624 Map Key Number of Records Direction Distance (mi/ft) Elev/Diff (ft) Site DB m-3-815943866-b 1 of 1 NNE 0.02 / 93.01 39.66 / -2 WINTER SPRINGS TOWN CENTER PHASE I EXPANSION SR 434/TUSKAWILLA RD WINTER SPGS FL 32708 dd-FINDS/FRS-815943866-bb p1p-815943866-y1y Registry ID:110035605761 FIPS Code:12117 HUC Code:03080101 Site Type Name:STATIONARY Location Description: Supplemental Location: Create Date:23-APR-08 Update Date: Interest Types:STATE MASTER SIC Codes: SIC Code Descriptions: NAICS Codes: NAICS Code Descriptions: Conveyor:FDM Federal Facility Code: Federal Agency Name: Tribal Land Code: Tribal Land Name: Congressional Dist No:24 Census Block Code:121170213062003 EPA Region Code:04 County Name:SEMINOLE US/Mexico Border Ind: Latitude:28.698056 Longitude:-81.261389 Reference Point:FACILITY CENTROID Coord Collection Method:UNKNOWN Accuracy Value:1000 Datum:NAD83 Source: Facility Detail Rprt URL:https://ofmpub.epa.gov/frs_public2/fii_query_detail.disp_program_facility?p_registry_id=110035605761 Program Acronyms: FDM:14112 m-4-813618295-b 1 of 1 N 0.05 / 286.81 37.98 / -4 behind 154 Tuskawilla WINTER SPRINGS FL dd-SPILLS-813618295-bb p1p-813618295-y1y Incident No:38901 Incident Date:02/08/2008 Incident Type:Inland County:Seminole Spill Details Incident Status:Criminal Indicator: Incident Party Type:Hurricane Indicator: Incident Party Name:Description:Accident Pollutant Name:Diesel fuel On Scene Response: Pollutant Category: Pollutant Actual Volume:30 Pollutant Unit Measure:gallon Spill Details Incident Status:Criminal Indicator: Incident Party Type:Hurricane Indicator: 3 4 FINDS/FRS SPILLS 825 24 erisinfo.com | Environmental Risk Information Services Order No: 22022400624 Map Key Number of Records Direction Distance (mi/ft) Elev/Diff (ft) Site DB Incident Party Name:Description:Spill Pollutant Name:Diesel fuel On Scene Response: Pollutant Category: Pollutant Actual Volume:30 Pollutant Unit Measure:gallon m-5-813519909-b 1 of 1 S 0.07 / 381.77 41.28 / 0 1212 E. SR 434 DEBRIS STAGING AREA 1212 E. SR 434 CITY OF WINTER SPRINGS FL 32708 dd-SWF/LF-813519909-bb p1p-813519909-y1y Facility ID:98367 LO Phone No: Resp Authority:Fac Type (Geodata):Solid Waste RA Address:Fac Status (Geodata):Pre-Authorized RA City:Status Dt (Geodata):2021/05/18 00:00:00+00 RA State:Ownership (Geodata):County RA Zip:City (Geodata):City Of Winter Springs RA Phone No.:Zip4 (Geodata): RA Email:Zip5 (Geodata):32708 Site Supervisor:District (Geodata):CD SS Address:Office (Geodata): SS City:County ID (Geodata):59 SS State:County (Geodata):Seminole SS Zip:County:SEMINOLE SS Phone No.:District:CD SS Email:Section: Land Owner:Township: LO Address:Range: LO City:Latitude:28:41:41 LO State:Longitude:81:15:35 LO Zip: Facility Name (Geodata):1212 E. SR 434 DEBRIS STAGING AREA Address (Geodata):1212 E. SR 434 Documents (Geodata):https://prodenv.dep.state.fl.us/DepNexus/public/electronic-documents/98367/gis-facility!search Reports (Geodata):https://fldeploc.dep.state.fl.us/WWW_WACS/Reports/SW_Facility_Inventory_res2.asp?wacsid=98367 Information Portal Facility URL:http://prodenv.dep.state.fl.us/DepNexus/public/facilitysearch?pagination=true&facility.id=98367 Oculus Docs Inventory URL:https://erisservice7.ecologeris.com/ErisExt/flo/ocure.ashx?ID=98367&CAT=8 Data Source:Solid Waste Facility Inventory Report; Florida DEP Geospatial Open Data Class details Class:DISASTER DEBRIS MANAGEMENT SITE Class Status:PRE-AUTHORIZED (B) SWF Inventory Report/ Geo Data class details Object of Interest:Waste Processing Area Lat DD:28 Coordinate Method:Unknown method Lat MM:41 Accuracy Level:6 Lat SS: Accuracy:50 - 999.99 meters Long DD:81 QA Status:Not Reviewed Long MM:15 Datum ID:NAD83 Long SS: Proximity ID:Approximate feature location X:-81.2597253011195 Y:28.6947276054445 Solid Waste Facility Inventory Geospatial Open Data Object of Interest:Facility Lat DD:28 Class:Lat MM:41 Class Status:Lat SS: Coord Method ID:Unknown method Long DD:81 Accuracy Level:6 Long MM:15 Accuracy:50 - 999.99 meters Long SS: 5 SWF/LF 826 25 erisinfo.com | Environmental Risk Information Services Order No: 22022400624 Map Key Number of Records Direction Distance (mi/ft) Elev/Diff (ft) Site DB QA Status:Not Reviewed Datum ID:NAD83 Proximity ID:Approximate feature location X:-81.2597253011195 Y:28.6947276054445 m-6-810068856-b 1 of 1 SSW 0.07 / 384.05 42.89 / 1 FOREIGN CAR PARTS SERVICE 1207 E STATE ROAD 434 WINTER SPRINGS FL 32708-2811 dd-RCRA NON GEN-810068856-bb p1p-810068856-y1y EPA Handler ID:FLD981748007 Gen Status Universe:No Report Contact Name:WAYNE NORMAN Contact Address:1207 , E STATE ROAD 434 , , WINTER SPRINGS , FL, 32708-2811 , US Contact Phone No and Ext:305-699-4505 Contact Email: Contact Country:US County Name:SEMINOLE EPA Region:04 Land Type:Private Receive Date:20121019 Location Latitude: Location Longitude: Violation/Evaluation Summary Note:NO RECORDS: As of Nov 2021, there are no Compliance Monitoring and Enforcement (violation) records associated with this facility (EPA ID). Handler Summary Importer Activity:No Mixed Waste Generator:No Transporter Activity:No Transfer Facility:No Onsite Burner Exemption:No Furnace Exemption:No Underground Injection Activity:No Commercial TSD:No Used Oil Transporter:No Used Oil Transfer Facility:No Used Oil Processor:No Used Oil Refiner:No Used Oil Burner:No Used Oil Market Burner:No Used Oil Spec Marketer:No Hazardous Waste Handler Details Sequence No:198701 Receive Date:19870114 Handler Name:FOREIGN CAR PARTS SERVICE Source Type:Notification Federal Waste Generator Code:2 Generator Code Description:Small Quantity Generator Hazardous Waste Handler Details Sequence No:201210 Receive Date:20121019 Handler Name:FOREIGN CAR PARTS SERVICE Source Type:Implementer Federal Waste Generator Code:N Generator Code Description:Not a Generator, Verified 6 RCRA NON GEN 827 26 erisinfo.com | Environmental Risk Information Services Order No: 22022400624 Map Key Number of Records Direction Distance (mi/ft) Elev/Diff (ft) Site DB Owner/Operator Details Owner/Operator Ind:Current Owner Street No: Type:Private Street 1:1207 E STATE ROAD 434 Name:WAYNE NORMAN Street 2: Date Became Current:20000925 City:WINTER SPRINGS Date Ended Current:State:FL Phone:Country:US Source Type:Implementer Zip Code:32708-2811 Owner/Operator Ind:Current Owner Street No: Type:Private Street 1:1207 E STATE ROAD 434 Name:WAYNE NORMAN Street 2: Date Became Current:20000925 City:WINTER SPRINGS Date Ended Current:State:FL Phone:Country:US Source Type:Notification Zip Code:32708-2811 Owner/Operator Ind:Current Owner Street No: Type:Private Street 1:1207 E STATE ROAD 434 Name:NORMAN WAYNE Street 2: Date Became Current:20000925 City:WINTER SPRINGS Date Ended Current:State:FL Phone:Country:US Source Type:Notification Zip Code:32708-2811 Historical Handler Details Receive Dt:19870114 Generator Code Description:Small Quantity Generator Handler Name:FOREIGN CAR PARTS SERVICE m-7-813540753-b 1 of 5 WSW 0.09 / 452.05 44.70 / 3 HANDY WAY FOOD STORE #3333 170 TUSCAWILLA RD WINTER SPRINGS FL 32708-3715 dd-LST-813540753-bb p1p-813540753-y1y Facility ID:8516641 Contact:BRENT PUZAK | RAMON INCIONG (386) 916- 6267 Facility Status:CLOSED Phone:(904)327-1217 Facility Type:A - Retail Station Name Changed: Score:56 Address Changed:08/29/2000 Score Effctve Date:02/01/2013 Section:036 Score when Ranked:76 Township:020 Rank:556 Range:030 Operator:BRENT PUZAK District:CD Prim Related Party:10563 County:SEMINOLE Primary RP Role:ACCOUNT OWNER County No:59 RP Begin Date:05/03/1999 Lat DD:28 RP Address1:305 GREGSON DR Lat MM:41 Rp Address2:ATTN: STORAGE TANK REGIS Lat SS:47.7907 RP City:CARY Long DD:81 RP State:NC Long MM:15 RP Zip5:27511 Long SS:47.2791 RP Zip4:6496 Feature: RP Phone:(919)774-6700 Method:DPHO RP Phone Ext.:6549 Datum:0 RP Bad Addr Ind:No Facility Name (Map):HANDY WAY FOOD STORE #3333 Address (Map):170 TUSCAWILLA RD City (Map):WINTER SPRINGS Zip5 (Map):32708 Facility T (Map):Retail Station Facility S (Map):CLOSED County (Map):SEMINOLE Lat DD (Map):28 7 LST 828 27 erisinfo.com | Environmental Risk Information Services Order No: 22022400624 Map Key Number of Records Direction Distance (mi/ft) Elev/Diff (ft) Site DB Lat MM (Map):41 Long DD (Map):81 Long MM (Map):15 Datum (Map):HARN Rel Feat (Map):EXACT Collection (Map):DPHO Collector (Map):PERRY_JF59 Collecti 1 (Map):14-Oct-2003 Document L (Map):https://prodenv.dep.state.fl.us/DepNexus/public/electronic-documents/8516641/facility!search Lat SS (Map): Long SS (Map): Geometry (Map): RP Name:THE PANTRY INC Oculus Docs Inventory:https://erisservice7.ecologeris.com/ErisExt/flo/ocure.ashx?ID=8516641&CAT=11 Information Portal Fac URL:http://prodenv.dep.state.fl.us/DepNexus/public/facilitysearch?pagination=true&facility.id=8516641 Information Portal Doc URL:http://prodenv.dep.state.fl.us/DepNexus/public/electronic-documents/8516641/facility!search Discharge Cleanup Summary Discharge Date:08/07/2000 Cleanup Required:R - CLEANUP REQUIRED Discharge Cleanup Status:NFA - NFA COMPLETE Discharge Cleanup Stat Date:10/02/2013 Eligibility Indicator:E - ELIGIBLE Site Manager:PRESS_DM Site Manager End Date:09/10/2013 Tank Office:PCLP48 - ORANGE COUNTY ENVIRONMENTAL PROTECTION DIV Contaminated Media Contaminated Drinking Wells: Contaminated Mntring Wells: Contaminated Soil: Contaminated Surface Water: Contaminated Ground Water:YES Pollutant:B - Unleaded Gas Other Description: Gallons Discharged: Petroleum Cleanup Program Eligibility Cleanup Program:S - SITE REHABILITATION FUNDING AGREEMENT Eligibility Status:NOT ELIGIBLE Task Info SA Task ID:91160 RAP Task ID: SA Cleanup Resp:-RAP Clean Resp ID:- SA Fund Elig Type:-RAP Fund Elig Type:- SA Actual Cost:RAP Actual Cost: SA Complete Date:RAP Complete Date: SA Payment Date:RAP Payment Date: SR Task ID:RAP Last Ord Appr: SR Cleanup Resp:-RA Task ID:90612 SR Fund Elig Type:-RA Cleanup Resp:ST - STATE SR Actual Cost:RA Fund Elig Type:- SR Complete Date:RA Yrs to Complete:0 SR Payment Date:RA Actual Cost: SR Oral Date:SRC Action Type:NFA - NO FURTHER ACTION SR Written Date:SRC Submit Date:06-19-2013 SR Soil Removal:SRC Review Date:07-10-2013 SR Free Prod Rmvl:SRC Complete Status:A - APPROVED SR Soil Ton Remove:SRC Comp Status Dt:07-10-2013 SR Soil Treatment:SRC Issue Date:10-02-2013 829 28 erisinfo.com | Environmental Risk Information Services Order No: 22022400624 Map Key Number of Records Direction Distance (mi/ft) Elev/Diff (ft) Site DB SR Other Treatment:SRC Comments: SR Alt Proc Rec:Tank Office:PCLP48 - Orange County SR Alternate Procedure Status: SR Alt Procedure Status Dt: SR Alt Procedure Comment: Discharge Cleanup Summary Discharge Date:09/28/1987 Cleanup Required:R - CLEANUP REQUIRED Discharge Cleanup Status:NFA - NFA COMPLETE Discharge Cleanup Stat Date:10/02/2013 Eligibility Indicator:E - ELIGIBLE Site Manager:PRESS_DM Site Manager End Date:09/10/2013 Tank Office:PCLP48 - ORANGE COUNTY ENVIRONMENTAL PROTECTION DIV Contaminated Media Contaminated Drinking Wells:0 Contaminated Mntring Wells:NO Contaminated Soil:YES Contaminated Surface Water:NO Contaminated Ground Water:YES Pollutant:A - Leaded Gas Other Description: Gallons Discharged: Petroleum Cleanup Program Eligibility Cleanup Program:E - EARLY DETECTION INCENTIVE Eligibility Status:ELIGIBLE Task Info SA Task ID:23272 RAP Task ID:23273 SA Cleanup Resp:RP - RESPONSIBLE PARTY RAP Clean Resp ID:RP - RESPONSIBLE PARTY SA Fund Elig Type:-RAP Fund Elig Type:- SA Actual Cost:RAP Actual Cost: SA Complete Date:01-17-1997 RAP Complete Date: SA Payment Date:RAP Payment Date: SR Task ID:23271 RAP Last Ord Appr: SR Cleanup Resp:RP - RESPONSIBLE PARTY RA Task ID:23274 SR Fund Elig Type:-RA Cleanup Resp:ST - STATE SR Actual Cost:RA Fund Elig Type:- SR Complete Date:RA Yrs to Complete:0 SR Payment Date:RA Actual Cost: SR Oral Date:SRC Action Type:NFA - NO FURTHER ACTION SR Written Date:SRC Submit Date:06-19-2013 SR Soil Removal:Yes SRC Review Date:07-10-2013 SR Free Prod Rmvl:SRC Complete Status:A - APPROVED SR Soil Ton Remove:SRC Comp Status Dt:07-10-2013 SR Soil Treatment:Yes SRC Issue Date:10-02-2013 SR Other Treatment:SRC Comments: SR Alt Proc Rec:Tank Office:PCLP48 - Orange County SR Alternate Procedure Status: SR Alt Procedure Status Dt: SR Alt Procedure Comment: Petroleum Cleanup Funding Cap Encumbrance to Date FCFS:$94,480.23 LPSPASM:$0.00 830 29 erisinfo.com | Environmental Risk Information Services Order No: 22022400624 Map Key Number of Records Direction Distance (mi/ft) Elev/Diff (ft) Site DB SPASM:$0.00 NPDES:$0.00 Utility 1 Time Payments:$0.00 All Wo Ta Co Pos Encumbered:$121,908.70 Wo Ta Co Pos Exclu from Cap:$0.00 Ttl Amnt Encumbered to Date:$216,388.93 Ttl Amnt Encumbered Towar:$216,388.93 Petroleum Cleanup PCT Facility Score Facility Cleanup Status:CMPL - COMPLETED Related Party ID:10563 RP Contact:BRENT PUZAK | RAMON INCIONG (386) 916-6267 Bad Address Indicator:N Discharge Info (Map) Discharge:9778 Discharg 3:NFA Discharg 1:28-Sep-1987 Disch Clea:02-Oct-2013 Discharg 2:56 Report Pha:COMPLETED Eligibilit:ELIGIBLE Report Sub:COMPLETED Eligibil 1:EDI Report S 1:02-Oct-2013 General Cl:CLOSURE Staff Assi: Tank Offic:ORANGE COUNTY ENVIRONMENTAL PROTECTION DIV Discharge Info (Map) Discharge:53111 Discharg 3:NFA Discharg 1:07-Aug-2000 Disch Clea:02-Oct-2013 Discharg 2:56 Report Pha:COMPLETED Eligibilit:ELIGIBLE Report Sub:COMPLETED Eligibil 1:SRFA Report S 1:02-Oct-2013 General Cl:CLOSURE Staff Assi: Tank Offic:ORANGE COUNTY ENVIRONMENTAL PROTECTION DIV m-7-822758487-b 2 of 5 WSW 0.09 / 452.05 44.70 / 3 HANDY WAY FOOD STORE #3333 170 TUSCAWILLA RD WINTER SPRINGS FL 32708 dd-DEL CONTAM SITE-822758487-bb p1p-822758487-y1y Prgm Site ID:8516641 Record Date: Remedi Status:ACTIVE County:SEMINOLE Priority Score:76 Method:DPHO Program Area:Petroleum Datum:HARN Program Eligible:Y Lat DD:28 Ineligible:Lat MM:41 Offsite Contam:N Lat SS:47.7907 Dt Known Offsite:Long DD:81 Proj Manager:SCHMIDT_JD Long MM:15 Office District:PCLP59 Long SS:47.2791 Original Source:CS Record Date:31-MAR-2015 m-7-866244026-b 3 of 5 WSW 0.09 / 452.05 44.70 / 3 HANDYWAY 170 TUSKAWILLA RD WINTER SPRINGS FL 32708 dd-WELL SURVEILLANCE-866244026-bb p1p-866244026-y1y Facility ID:8516641 County:SEMINOLE Project ID:SUPER Longitude:-81.263043 Req No:RE41525 Latitude:28.69654 Loc ID:181829 GPS Date:2/23/2007 0:00:00 GPS ID:181829 Datum:WS1984 Type:PETROLEUM Software:Risk_Solo_v2 Insp CHD:SEMINOLE Streetside: 7 7 DEL CONTAM SITE WELL SURVEILLANCE 831 30 erisinfo.com | Environmental Risk Information Services Order No: 22022400624 Map Key Number of Records Direction Distance (mi/ft) Elev/Diff (ft) Site DB HAE:-19.88 Agency:DOH Loc Method:GPS - Uncorrected GPS Insp F Name:JOYCE Insp L Name:BITTLE Comment: m-7-874809453-b 4 of 5 WSW 0.09 / 452.05 44.70 / 3 HANDY WAY FOOD STORE #3333 170 TUSCAWILLA RD WINTER SPRINGS FL 32708 dd-DWM CONTAM-874809453-bb p1p-874809453-y1y Program Area:Petroleum Method: Site ID:Datum: District:Related Party ID: Site Status:Primary RP Role: Facility ID:8516641 RP Begin Date: Section:RP Address1: Township:RP Address2: County:SEMINOLE RP City: Range:RP State: Facility Type:RP Zip5: Rank:RP Zip4: Operator:RP Phone: Phone:RP Extension: Name Changed:Rp Bad Addr Ind: Addr Changed:RP Name: Contact: Program Details Facility Status:ACTIVE Score Effective Dt: Offsite Contam:N Score When Ranked: Priority Score:76 Datum:HARN Project Coordinato:SCHMIDT_JD Method:DPHO Program Eligible:Y Lat DD:28 Ineligible:Lat MM:41 District:PCLP59 Lat SS:47.7907 Staff Assigned:Long DD:81 Priority:Long MM:15 Program Area:Long SS:47.2791 Site Manager: m-7-894361060-b 5 of 5 WSW 0.09 / 452.05 44.70 / 3 HANDY WAY FOOD STORE #3333 170 TUSCAWILLA RD WINTER SPRINGS FL 32708 dd-UST-894361060-bb p1p-894361060-y1y Facility ID:8516641 Lat DD:28 Facility Status:CLOSED Lat MM:41 ASTs:Lat SS:47.98 USTs:Long DD:81 Tanks:Long MM:15 Facility Type:A Long SS:47.02 Contact:BRENT PUZAK | RAMON INCIONG (386) 916-6267 Lat/Long Method:DPHO Facility Phone:9043271217 Bad Addr Indicator: Owner ID:10563 County:SEMINOLE Owner Phone:9197746700 Dep Co:P Owner:THE PANTRY INC Owner Address1:305 GREGSON DR Owner Address2:ATTN: STORAGE TANK REGIS Owner City:CARY Owner State:NC Owner Zip 5:27511 Owner Zip 4: Type Desc:Retail Station Source:Tank Facility - All Locations and Tank Information; Tank Facility - All Locations and Owner Information 7 7 DWM CONTAM UST 832 31 erisinfo.com | Environmental Risk Information Services Order No: 22022400624 Map Key Number of Records Direction Distance (mi/ft) Elev/Diff (ft) Site DB Oculus Docs Inventory URL:https://erisservice7.ecologeris.com/ErisExt/flo/ocure.ashx?ID=8516641&CAT=11 Information Portal Facility URL:http://prodenv.dep.state.fl.us/DepNexus/public/facilitysearch?pagination=true&facility.id=8516641 Information Portal Doc URL:http://prodenv.dep.state.fl.us/DepNexus/public/electronic-documents/8516641/facility!search Tank Information Tank ID:1 Tank Desc: Tank Status:B - REMOVED FROM SITE Capacity:10000 Status Date:27-MAR-1995 Placement:UNDERGROUND Installation Date:01-MAY-1982 Tank Vessel Indic:TANK Substance:B - Unleaded Gas Tank Information Tank ID:2 Tank Desc: Tank Status:B - REMOVED FROM SITE Capacity:10000 Status Date:27-MAR-1995 Placement:UNDERGROUND Installation Date:01-MAY-1982 Tank Vessel Indic:TANK Substance:B - Unleaded Gas Tank Information Tank ID:5 Tank Desc: Tank Status:B - REMOVED FROM SITE Capacity:10000 Status Date:01-JUL-2000 Placement:UNDERGROUND Installation Date:01-APR-1995 Tank Vessel Indic:TANK Substance:B - Unleaded Gas Tank Information Tank ID:3 Tank Desc: Tank Status:B - REMOVED FROM SITE Capacity:12000 Status Date:01-JUL-2000 Placement:UNDERGROUND Installation Date:01-APR-1995 Tank Vessel Indic:TANK Substance:B - Unleaded Gas Tank Information Tank ID:4 Tank Desc: Tank Status:B - REMOVED FROM SITE Capacity:10000 Status Date:27-MAR-1995 Placement:UNDERGROUND Installation Date:01-MAY-1982 Tank Vessel Indic:TANK Substance:B - Unleaded Gas m-8-810078951-b 1 of 8 SSW 0.09 / 464.06 43.24 / 2 MOBIL OIL CORP SS #Q8M 1205 E SR 434 WINTER SPRINGS FL 32708 dd-RCRA NON GEN-810078951-bb p1p-810078951-y1y EPA Handler ID:FLD984205518 Gen Status Universe:No Report Contact Name:DAN HORTON Contact Address:3225 , GALLOWS RD , , FAIRFAX , VA, 22037-0002 , US Contact Phone No and Ext:703-849-3330 Contact Email: Contact Country:US County Name:SEMINOLE EPA Region:04 Land Type:Private Receive Date:20111012 Location Latitude: Location Longitude: 8 RCRA NON GEN 833 32 erisinfo.com | Environmental Risk Information Services Order No: 22022400624 Map Key Number of Records Direction Distance (mi/ft) Elev/Diff (ft) Site DB Violation/Evaluation Summary Note:NO RECORDS: As of Nov 2021, there are no Compliance Monitoring and Enforcement (violation) records associated with this facility (EPA ID). Handler Summary Importer Activity:No Mixed Waste Generator:No Transporter Activity:No Transfer Facility:No Onsite Burner Exemption:No Furnace Exemption:No Underground Injection Activity:No Commercial TSD:No Used Oil Transporter:No Used Oil Transfer Facility:No Used Oil Processor:No Used Oil Refiner:No Used Oil Burner:No Used Oil Market Burner:No Used Oil Spec Marketer:No Hazardous Waste Handler Details Sequence No:199108 Receive Date:19910802 Handler Name:MOBIL OIL CORP SS #Q8M Source Type:Notification Federal Waste Generator Code:2 Generator Code Description:Small Quantity Generator Waste Code Details Hazardous Waste Code:D001 Waste Code Description:IGNITABLE WASTE Hazardous Waste Code:D018 Waste Code Description:BENZENE Hazardous Waste Handler Details Sequence No:201110 Receive Date:20111012 Handler Name:MOBIL OIL CORP SS #Q8M Source Type:Notification Federal Waste Generator Code:N Generator Code Description:Not a Generator, Verified Waste Code Details Hazardous Waste Code:D001 Waste Code Description:IGNITABLE WASTE Hazardous Waste Code:D018 Waste Code Description:BENZENE Owner/Operator Details Owner/Operator Ind:Current Owner Street No: Type:Private Street 1:3225 GALLOWS RD 834 33 erisinfo.com | Environmental Risk Information Services Order No: 22022400624 Map Key Number of Records Direction Distance (mi/ft) Elev/Diff (ft) Site DB Name:HORTON DAN Street 2: Date Became Current:20000209 City:FAIRFAX Date Ended Current:State:VA Phone:Country:US Source Type:Notification Zip Code:22037 Owner/Operator Ind:Current Operator Street No: Type:Private Street 1:3225 GALLOWS RD Name:MOBIL OIL CORP SS # Q8M Street 2: Date Became Current:19910615 City:FAIRFAX Date Ended Current:State:VA Phone:Country:US Source Type:Notification Zip Code:22037 Owner/Operator Ind:Current Operator Street No: Type:Private Street 1:3225 GALLOWS RD Name:DONNA HYMES Street 2: Date Became Current:20111027 City:FAIRFAX Date Ended Current:State:VA Phone:Country:US Source Type:Notification Zip Code:22037 Owner/Operator Ind:Current Owner Street No: Type:Private Street 1:3225 GALLOWS RD Name:DAN HORTON Street 2: Date Became Current:20000209 City:FAIRFAX Date Ended Current:State:VA Phone:Country:US Source Type:Notification Zip Code:22037 Historical Handler Details Receive Dt:19910802 Generator Code Description:Small Quantity Generator Handler Name:MOBIL OIL CORP SS #Q8M m-8-813498473-b 2 of 8 SSW 0.09 / 464.06 43.24 / 2 MOBIL-WINTER SPRINGS #731 1205 E STATE ROAD 434 WINTER SPRINGS FL 32708 dd-UST-813498473-bb p1p-813498473-y1y Facility ID:9045623 Lat DD:28 Facility Status:OPEN Lat MM:41 ASTs:Lat SS:45.59 USTs:Long DD:81 Tanks:Long MM:15 Facility Type:A Long SS:43.85 Contact:BILL MCKNIGHT | RICK HERWEH Lat/Long Method:DPHO Facility Phone:8136814279 Bad Addr Indicator: Owner ID:922 County:SEMINOLE Owner Phone:8136814279 Dep Co:P Owner:AUTOMATED PETROLEUM & ENERGY CO INC (APEC) Owner Address1:PO BOX 1110 Owner Address2:ATTN: STORAGE TANK REGIS Owner City:Brandon Owner State:FL Owner Zip 5:33509 Owner Zip 4: Type Desc:Retail Station Source:Tank Facility - All Locations and Tank Information; Tank Facility - All Locations and Owner Information Oculus Docs Inventory URL:https://erisservice7.ecologeris.com/ErisExt/flo/ocure.ashx?ID=9045623&CAT=11 Information Portal Facility URL:http://prodenv.dep.state.fl.us/DepNexus/public/facilitysearch?pagination=true&facility.id=9045623 Information Portal Doc URL:http://prodenv.dep.state.fl.us/DepNexus/public/electronic-documents/9045623/facility!search Tank Information Tank ID:1 Tank Desc: 8 UST 835 34 erisinfo.com | Environmental Risk Information Services Order No: 22022400624 Map Key Number of Records Direction Distance (mi/ft) Elev/Diff (ft) Site DB Tank Status:B - REMOVED FROM SITE Capacity:10000 Status Date:01-OCT-2008 Placement:UNDERGROUND Installation Date:01-NOV-1989 Tank Vessel Indic:TANK Substance:B - Unleaded Gas Tank Information Tank ID:5 Tank Desc:Double Walled Tank Status:U - IN SERVICE Capacity:20000 Status Date:01-OCT-2008 Placement:UNDERGROUND Installation Date:01-OCT-2008 Tank Vessel Indic:TANK Substance:B - Unleaded Gas Piping Tank Stat:U Stat Date:01-OCT-2008 Pipe Description:F-Double wall Tank Stat:U Stat Date:01-OCT-2008 Pipe Description:J-Pressurized piping system Tank Stat:U Stat Date:01-OCT-2008 Pipe Description:K-Dispenser liners Tank Stat:U Stat Date:01-OCT-2008 Pipe Description:C-Fiberglass Monitoring Tank Stat:U Stat Date:01-OCT-2008 Monitoring Desc:2-Visual inspect pipe sumps Tank Stat:U Stat Date:01-OCT-2008 Monitoring Desc:4-Visual inspect dispenser liners Tank Stat:U Stat Date:01-OCT-2008 Monitoring Desc:L-Automatic tank gauging - USTs Tank Stat:U Stat Date:01-OCT-2008 Monitoring Desc:1-Continuous electronic sensing Tank Stat:U Stat Date:01-OCT-2008 Monitoring Desc:G-Electronic line leak detector Tank Stat:U Stat Date:01-OCT-2008 Monitoring Desc:K-Monitor dbl wall pipe space Tank Stat:U Stat Date:01-OCT-2008 Monitoring Desc:F-Monitor dbl wall tank space Tank Construction Cons Code:M Cons Desc:Spill containment bucket Cons Code:O Cons Desc:Tight fill Cons Code:N Cons Desc:Flow shut-Off Cons Code:E Cons Desc:Fiberglass 836 35 erisinfo.com | Environmental Risk Information Services Order No: 22022400624 Map Key Number of Records Direction Distance (mi/ft) Elev/Diff (ft) Site DB Cons Code:I Cons Desc:Double wall Tank Information Tank ID:4 Tank Desc: Tank Status:B - REMOVED FROM SITE Capacity:10000 Status Date:01-OCT-2008 Placement:UNDERGROUND Installation Date:01-NOV-1989 Tank Vessel Indic:TANK Substance:B - Unleaded Gas Tank Information Tank ID:2 Tank Desc: Tank Status:B - REMOVED FROM SITE Capacity:10000 Status Date:01-OCT-2008 Placement:UNDERGROUND Installation Date:01-NOV-1989 Tank Vessel Indic:TANK Substance:B - Unleaded Gas Tank Information Tank ID:3 Tank Desc: Tank Status:B - REMOVED FROM SITE Capacity:10000 Status Date:01-OCT-2008 Placement:UNDERGROUND Installation Date:01-NOV-1989 Tank Vessel Indic:TANK Substance:B - Unleaded Gas Tank Information Tank ID:6 Tank Desc:Double Walled Tank Status:U - IN SERVICE Capacity:20000 Status Date:01-OCT-2008 Placement:UNDERGROUND Installation Date:01-OCT-2008 Tank Vessel Indic:TANK Substance:D - Vehicular Diesel Piping Tank Stat:U Stat Date:01-OCT-2008 Pipe Description:J-Pressurized piping system Tank Stat:U Stat Date:01-OCT-2008 Pipe Description:K-Dispenser liners Tank Stat:U Stat Date:01-OCT-2008 Pipe Description:C-Fiberglass Tank Stat:U Stat Date:01-OCT-2008 Pipe Description:F-Double wall Monitoring Tank Stat:U Stat Date:01-OCT-2008 Monitoring Desc:K-Monitor dbl wall pipe space Tank Stat:U Stat Date:01-OCT-2008 Monitoring Desc:L-Automatic tank gauging - USTs Tank Stat:U Stat Date:01-OCT-2008 Monitoring Desc:4-Visual inspect dispenser liners Tank Stat:U Stat Date:01-OCT-2008 Monitoring Desc:G-Electronic line leak detector 837 36 erisinfo.com | Environmental Risk Information Services Order No: 22022400624 Map Key Number of Records Direction Distance (mi/ft) Elev/Diff (ft) Site DB Tank Stat:U Stat Date:01-OCT-2008 Monitoring Desc:F-Monitor dbl wall tank space Tank Stat:U Stat Date:01-OCT-2008 Monitoring Desc:1-Continuous electronic sensing Tank Stat:U Stat Date:01-OCT-2008 Monitoring Desc:2-Visual inspect pipe sumps Tank Construction Cons Code:M Cons Desc:Spill containment bucket Cons Code:N Cons Desc:Flow shut-Off Cons Code:L Cons Desc:Compartmented Cons Code:I Cons Desc:Double wall Cons Code:E Cons Desc:Fiberglass Cons Code:O Cons Desc:Tight fill m-8-813546516-b 3 of 8 SSW 0.09 / 464.06 43.24 / 2 MOBIL-WINTER SPRINGS #731 1205 E STATE ROAD 434 WINTER SPRINGS FL 32708-2811 dd-LST-813546516-bb p1p-813546516-y1y Facility ID:9045623 Contact:BILL MCKNIGHT | RICK HERWEH Facility Status:OPEN Phone:(813)681-4279 Facility Type:A - Retail Station Name Changed:10/28/2013 Score:46 Address Changed:10/25/2018 Score Effctve Date:02/29/2008 Section:031 Score when Ranked:30 Township:20S Rank:4871 Range:31E Operator:RICK HERWEH District:CD Prim Related Party:922 County:SEMINOLE Primary RP Role:ACCOUNT OWNER County No:59 RP Begin Date:10/28/2013 Lat DD:28 RP Address1:PO BOX 1110 Lat MM:41 Rp Address2:ATTN: STORAGE TANK REGIS Lat SS:44.6788 RP City:Brandon Long DD:81 RP State:FL Long MM:15 RP Zip5:33509 Long SS:43.9905 RP Zip4:1110 Feature: RP Phone:(813)681-4279 Method:DPHO RP Phone Ext.:211 Datum:0 RP Bad Addr Ind:No Facility Name (Map):MOBIL-WINTER SPRINGS #731 Address (Map):1205 E STATE ROAD 434 City (Map):WINTER SPRINGS Zip5 (Map):32708 Facility T (Map):Retail Station Facility S (Map):OPEN County (Map):SEMINOLE Lat DD (Map):28 Lat MM (Map):41 Long DD (Map):81 Long MM (Map):15 Datum (Map):HARN Rel Feat (Map):EXACT 8 LST 838 37 erisinfo.com | Environmental Risk Information Services Order No: 22022400624 Map Key Number of Records Direction Distance (mi/ft) Elev/Diff (ft) Site DB Collection (Map):DPHO Collector (Map):PERRY_JF59 Collecti 1 (Map):23-Jul-2003 Document L (Map):https://prodenv.dep.state.fl.us/DepNexus/public/electronic-documents/9045623/facility!search Lat SS (Map): Long SS (Map): Geometry (Map): RP Name:AUTOMATED PETROLEUM & ENERGY CO INC (APEC) Oculus Docs Inventory:https://erisservice7.ecologeris.com/ErisExt/flo/ocure.ashx?ID=9045623&CAT=11 Information Portal Fac URL:http://prodenv.dep.state.fl.us/DepNexus/public/facilitysearch?pagination=true&facility.id=9045623 Information Portal Doc URL:http://prodenv.dep.state.fl.us/DepNexus/public/electronic-documents/9045623/facility!search Discharge Cleanup Summary Discharge Date:04/26/1993 Cleanup Required:R - CLEANUP REQUIRED Discharge Cleanup Status:RA - RA ONGOING Discharge Cleanup Stat Date:05/10/2013 Eligibility Indicator:E - ELIGIBLE Site Manager:PRESS_DM Site Manager End Date: Tank Office:PCLP48 - ORANGE COUNTY ENVIRONMENTAL PROTECTION DIV Contaminated Media Contaminated Drinking Wells:0 Contaminated Mntring Wells:YES Contaminated Soil:NO Contaminated Surface Water:NO Contaminated Ground Water:NO Pollutant:B - Unleaded Gas Other Description: Gallons Discharged:25 Petroleum Cleanup Program Eligibility Cleanup Program:P - PETROLEUM LIABILITY AND RESTORATION INSURANCE PROGRAM Eligibility Status:ELIGIBLE Task Info SA Task ID:84141 RAP Task ID: SA Cleanup Resp:-RAP Clean Resp ID:- SA Fund Elig Type:-RAP Fund Elig Type:- SA Actual Cost:RAP Actual Cost: SA Complete Date:RAP Complete Date: SA Payment Date:RAP Payment Date: SR Task ID:RAP Last Ord Appr: SR Cleanup Resp:-RA Task ID:89795 SR Fund Elig Type:-RA Cleanup Resp:- SR Actual Cost:RA Fund Elig Type:- SR Complete Date:RA Yrs to Complete: SR Payment Date:RA Actual Cost: SR Oral Date:SRC Action Type:- SR Written Date:SRC Submit Date: SR Soil Removal:SRC Review Date: SR Free Prod Rmvl:SRC Complete Status:- SR Soil Ton Remove:SRC Comp Status Dt: SR Soil Treatment:SRC Issue Date: SR Other Treatment:SRC Comments: SR Alt Proc Rec:Tank Office:PCLP48 - Orange County SR Alternate Procedure Status: SR Alt Procedure Status Dt: SR Alt Procedure Comment: 839 38 erisinfo.com | Environmental Risk Information Services Order No: 22022400624 Map Key Number of Records Direction Distance (mi/ft) Elev/Diff (ft) Site DB Petroleum Cleanup Funding Cap Encumbrance to Date FCFS:$0.00 LPSPASM:$0.00 SPASM:$0.00 NPDES:$0.00 Utility 1 Time Payments:$0.00 All Wo Ta Co Pos Encumbered:$29,147.47 Wo Ta Co Pos Exclu from Cap:$0.00 Ttl Amnt Encumbered to Date:$29,147.47 Ttl Amnt Encumbered Towar:$29,147.47 Petroleum Cleanup PCT Facility Score Facility Cleanup Status:ONGO - ONGOING Related Party ID:922 RP Contact:BILL MCKNIGHT | RICK HERWEH Bad Address Indicator:N Contract Contractor:FRS ENVIRONMENTAL REMEDIATION, INC. DBA MONTROSE ENVIRONMENT Score:46 Facility Name:MOBIL-WINTER SPRINGS #731 Address:1205 E STATE ROAD 434 City:WINTER SPRINGS Zip:32708 District:CD County ID:59 County:SEMINOLE Discharge Info (Map) Discharge:9484 Discharg 3:RA Discharg 1:26-Apr-1993 Disch Clea:10-May-2013 Discharg 2:46 Report Pha:RA Eligibilit:ELIGIBLE Report Sub:SA Eligibil 1:PLIRP Report S 1:31-Mar-2020 General Cl:WORK UNDERWAY Staff Assi:PRESS_DM Tank Offic:ORANGE COUNTY ENVIRONMENTAL PROTECTION DIV m-8-818502800-b 4 of 8 SSW 0.09 / 464.06 43.24 / 2 1205 STATE ROAD 434 EAST WINTER SPRINGS FL dd-HMIRS-818502800-bb p1p-818502800-y1y Incident County:SEMINOLE HMIR Historical Reports Report No:I-2002030877 Fed DOT Agency Nm: Report Type:A hazardous material incident Fed DOT Report No: Date of Incident:03/02/2002 Report Submit Src:Paper Time of Incident:0730 Inc Multiple Rows:No Haz Class Code:3 Inc Non US State: Hazardous Class:FLAMMABLE - COMBUSTIBLE LIQUID Mode Transport:Highway Commodity Short Nm:GASOLINE INCLUDES GASOLI Transport Phase:UNLOADING Commodity Long Nm:GASOLINE INCLUDES GASOLINE MIXED WITH ETHYL ALCOHOL WITH NOT MORE THAN 10% ALCOHOL Incident Occrrnce: Trade Name:GASOLINE Mat Ship Approval?:No ID No:UN1203 Mat Ship Approv No: 8 HMIRS 840 39 erisinfo.com | Environmental Risk Information Services Order No: 22022400624 Map Key Number of Records Direction Distance (mi/ft) Elev/Diff (ft) Site DB Haz Waste Ind:No Undecl Hazmat Ship?:No Haz Waste EPA No:Packaging Type:Cargo Tank Motor Vehicle (CTMV) HMIS Tox Inhalation?:No Packing Group: TIH Hazard Zone:Carrier Reporter:MCKENZIE TANK LINES INC. Qty Released:5 CR Street Name:1966 COMMONWEALTH LN Unit of Measure:Liquid - Gallon CR City:TALLAHASSEE What Failed:CR State:FL What Failed Desc:CR Postal Code:32303-3196 How Failed Code:CR Non US State: How Failed Desc:CR Fed DOT ID:89896 Failure Cause Code:CR Hazmat Reg ID: Failure Cause Desc:CR Country:US Ident. Markings:Shipper Name:KINDER MORGAN ENERGY PARTNERS L.P. Cont1 Pkging Type:Shipper Street Name:9919 S ORANGE AVE Cont1 Const Mat:Shipper City:ORLANDO Cont1 Head Type:Shipper State:FL Cont1 Pkg Capacity:9500 Shipper Postal:32824-8466 C1 Capacity UOM:LGA Shipper Non US St: Cont1 Pkg Amt:Shipper Country:US C1 Pkg Amt UOM:Shipper Waybill:793084 Cont1 Pkg No:1 Ship Hazmat Reg ID: C1 Pkg NO Failed:1 Origin City:ORLANDO Cont1 Pkg Mnfctr:HEIL COMPANY Origin State:FLORIDA Cont1 Pkg Mnfct Dt:Origin Postal:32824 Cont1 Pkg Serial NO:A3A7B417H5 Origin Non US St: C1 Pkg Last Test Dt:5/17/2001 12:00:00 AM Origin Country:US C1 Test Const Mat:Destination City:WINTER SPRINGS C1 Pkg Dsign Pres.:Destination State:FLORIDA C1 Dsign Press UOM:Destination Postal: C1 Pkg Shell Thick:Destination Non US: C1 Shell Thick UOM:Destination Country:US C1 Head Thickness:Cont2 Package Type: C1 Head Thick UOM:Cont2 Const Mat: C1 Pkg Srvc Pres.:Cont2 Pkg Capacity: C1 Srvc Press UOM:Cont2 Capacity UOM: C1 Valve/Device Fail?:No Cont2 Pkg Amount: C1 Device Type:Cont2 Pkg Amt UOM: C1 Device Mnfctr:Cont2 Pkg No: C1 Device Model:Cont2 Pkg No Failed: NRC No: RAM Pkg Category:Haz NonHosp Public:0 RAM Pkg Cert.:FALSE Haz NonHosp Old:0 RAM Pkg Cert. NBR:Tot Haz Non Hosp Inj:0 RAM Nuclide S:Total Hazmat Injuries:0 RAM Transport Index:Evacuation Indicator:No RAM UOM:Public Evacuated:0 RAM Activity Rpted:Employees Evac:0 RAM UOM Rpted:Total Evacuated:0 RAM Activity:Total Evacuation Hrs:0 RAM Activity UOM:Major Artery Closed:No RAM Mat Safety:Mjr Artery Hrs Closed:0 Spillage Result:Yes Material Involved:No Fire Result:No Estimated Speed:0 Explosion Result:No Weather Conditions: Water Sewer Result:No Vehicle Overturn:No Gas Dispersion:No Vehicle Left Roadway:No Environment Damage:No Passenger Aircraft:No No Release Result:No Cargo Baggage: Fire EMS Report:No Ship Non Transport:No Fire EMS EMS Report:Ship Air First Flight:No Police Report:No Ship Air Subflight:No Police Report No:Ship Init Transport:No In House Cleanup:No Ship Phase Transfer:No Other Cleanup:No Contact Name:MIKE MCCOY Damage > 500:No Contact Title:OPERATIONS MANAGER Material Loss:5 Contact Business: Carrier Damage:0 Contact Street: Property Damage:0 Contact City: 841 40 erisinfo.com | Environmental Risk Information Services Order No: 22022400624 Map Key Number of Records Direction Distance (mi/ft) Elev/Diff (ft) Site DB Response Cost:0 Contact State: Remediation Cost:0 Contact Postal: Damage Old Form:0 Contact Non US St: Total Damages Amt:5 Contact Country:US Hazmat Fatality:No Inc. Report Prepared: Haz Fatal Employees:0 HMIS Serious Incidnt:No Haz Fatal Respndrs:0 HMIS Serious Fatality:No Haz Fatal Gen Public:0 HMIS Serious Injury:No Tot Hazmat Fatalities:0 HMIS Flight Plan:No Non Hazmat Fatality:No HMIS Serious Evacs:No Non Hazmat Fatals:0 HMIS Major Artery:No Hazmat Injury:No HMIS Bulk Release:No Haz Hospital Empl:0 HMIS Marine Pollutnt:No Haz Hospital Resp:0 HMIS Radioactive:No Haz Hosp Gen Public:0 HMIS Gen Pkg Type:OHMIR.Ref_Container.descr_txt Haz Hosp Old Form:0 HMIS Container Code:MC307 Total Haz Hosp Inj:0 HMIS Container Desc:Cargo tanks Haz Non Hosp Empl:0 HMIS Bulk Incident:Yes Haz Non Hosp Resp:0 Undeclared Shipment:No Description of Events:DRIVER WAS DROPPING REGULAR GASOLINE CLAIMED THERE WAS A VAPOR BACK UP SPILLING APPROXIMATELY 5 GALLONS ON THE GROUND. DRIVER CLEANED UP AREA WITH ABSORBENT PADS. Recommend Actions Taken: m-8-874792639-b 5 of 8 SSW 0.09 / 464.06 43.24 / 2 MOBIL-WINTER SPRINGS #731 1205 E STATE ROAD 434 WINTER SPRINGS FL dd-DWM CONTAM-874792639-bb p1p-874792639-y1y Program Area:Method: Site ID:9045623 Datum: District:CD Related Party ID: Site Status:OPEN Primary RP Role: Facility ID:RP Begin Date: Section:RP Address1: Township:RP Address2: County:SEMINOLE RP City: Range:RP State: Facility Type:RP Zip5: Rank:RP Zip4: Operator:RP Phone: Phone:RP Extension: Name Changed:Rp Bad Addr Ind: Addr Changed:RP Name: Contact: Program Details Facility Status:Score Effective Dt: Offsite Contam:Score When Ranked: Priority Score:Datum:0 Project Coordinato:Method:DPHO Program Eligible:Lat DD:28 Ineligible:Lat MM:41 District:Lat SS:44.6788 Staff Assigned:Long DD:81 Priority:Long MM:15 Program Area:STORAGE TANKS Long SS:43.9905 Site Manager: Program Details Facility Status:Score Effective Dt: Offsite Contam:Score When Ranked: Priority Score:Datum:0 Project Coordinato:Method:DPHO Program Eligible:Lat DD:1/28/1900 Ineligible:Lat MM:41 8 DWM CONTAM 842 41 erisinfo.com | Environmental Risk Information Services Order No: 22022400624 Map Key Number of Records Direction Distance (mi/ft) Elev/Diff (ft) Site DB District:Lat SS:44.6788 Staff Assigned:Long DD:81 Priority:Long MM:15 Program Area:STORAGE TANKS Long SS:43.9905 Site Manager: m-8-874811642-b 6 of 8 SSW 0.09 / 464.06 43.24 / 2 MOBIL R/S #10918 1205 E STATE ROAD 434 WINTER SPRINGS FL 32708 dd-DWM CONTAM-874811642-bb p1p-874811642-y1y Program Area:Petroleum Method: Site ID:Datum: District:Related Party ID: Site Status:Primary RP Role: Facility ID:9045623 RP Begin Date: Section:RP Address1: Township:RP Address2: County:SEMINOLE RP City: Range:RP State: Facility Type:RP Zip5: Rank:RP Zip4: Operator:RP Phone: Phone:RP Extension: Name Changed:Rp Bad Addr Ind: Addr Changed:RP Name: Contact: Program Details Facility Status:ACTIVE Score Effective Dt: Offsite Contam:U Score When Ranked: Priority Score:46 Datum:HARN Project Coordinato:DURANT_RJ Method:DPHO Program Eligible:Y Lat DD:28 Ineligible:Lat MM:41 District:PCLP59 Lat SS:44.6788 Staff Assigned:Long DD:81 Priority:Long MM:15 Program Area:Long SS:43.9905 Site Manager: m-8-874820254-b 7 of 8 SSW 0.09 / 464.06 43.24 / 2 7-ELEVEN STORE #34786 1205 E STATE ROAD 434 WINTER SPRINGS FL 32708 dd-DWM CONTAM-874820254-bb p1p-874820254-y1y Program Area:Petroleum Method: Site ID:Datum: District:Related Party ID: Site Status:Primary RP Role: Facility ID:9045623 RP Begin Date: Section:RP Address1: Township:RP Address2: County:SEMINOLE RP City: Range:RP State: Facility Type:RP Zip5: Rank:RP Zip4: Operator:RP Phone: Phone:RP Extension: Name Changed:Rp Bad Addr Ind: Addr Changed:RP Name: Contact: Program Details Facility Status:ACTIVE Score Effective Dt: 8 8 DWM CONTAM DWM CONTAM 843 42 erisinfo.com | Environmental Risk Information Services Order No: 22022400624 Map Key Number of Records Direction Distance (mi/ft) Elev/Diff (ft) Site DB Offsite Contam:U Score When Ranked: Priority Score:46 Datum:HARN Project Coordinato:PRESS_DM Method:DPHO Program Eligible:Y Lat DD:28 Ineligible:Lat MM:41 District:PCLP48 Lat SS:44.6788 Staff Assigned:Long DD:81 Priority:Long MM:15 Program Area:Long SS:43.9905 Site Manager: m-8-880634269-b 8 of 8 SSW 0.09 / 464.06 43.24 / 2 1205 STATE ROAD 434 EAST WINTER SPRINGS FL dd-HMIRS-880634269-bb p1p-880634269-y1y Incident County:SEMINOLE HMIR Incident Reports Report No:I-2002030877 Fed DOT Agency Nm: Report Type:A hazardous material incident Fed DOT Report No: Date of Incident:2002-03-02 Report Submit Src:Paper Time of Incident:0730 Inc Multiple Rows:No Haz Class Code:Inc Non US State: Hazardous Class:3 Mode Transport:Highway Commodity Short Nm:GASOLINE INCLUDES GASOLI Transport Phase:Unloading Commodity Long Nm:GASOLINE INCLUDES GASOLINE MIXED WITH ETHYL ALCOHOL, WITH NOT MORE THAN 10% ALCOHOL Incident Occrrnce: Trade Name:GASOLINE Mat Ship Approval?:No ID No:UN1203 Mat Ship Approv No: Haz Waste Ind:No Undecl Hazmat Ship?:No Haz Waste EPA No:Packaging Type:Cargo Tank Motor Vehicle (CTMV) HMIS Tox Inhalation?:No Packing Group: TIH Hazard Zone:Carrier Reporter:MC KENZIE TANK LINES INC Qty Released:5 CR Street Name:122 APPLEYARD DRIVE Unit of Measure:Liquid - Gallon CR City:TALLAHASSEE What Failed:CR State:FL What Failed Desc:CR Postal Code:32304 How Failed Code:CR Non US State: How Failed Desc:CR Fed DOT ID:89896 Failure Cause Code:CR Hazmat Reg ID: Failure Cause Desc:CR Country:US Ident. Markings:Shipper Name:KINDER MORGAN Cont1 Pkging Type:Shipper Street Name:9919 SOUTH ORANGE AVENUE Cont1 Const Mat:Shipper City:TAFT Cont1 Head Type:Shipper State:FL Cont1 Pkg Capacity:9500 Shipper Postal:32824 C1 Capacity UOM:LGA Shipper Non US St: Cont1 Pkg Amt:0 Shipper Country:US C1 Pkg Amt UOM:Shipper Waybill:793084 Cont1 Pkg No:1 Ship Hazmat Reg ID: C1 Pkg NO Failed:1 Origin City: Cont1 Pkg Mnfctr:HEIL COMPANY Origin State: Cont1 Pkg Mnfct Dt:0-00-00 00:00:00 Origin Postal: Cont1 Pkg Serial NO:A3A7B417H5 Origin Non US St: C1 Pkg Last Test Dt:2001-05-17 00:00:00 Origin Country:US C1 Test Const Mat:Destination City:WINTER SPRINGS C1 Pkg Dsign Pres.:0 Destination State:FLORIDA C1 Dsign Press UOM:Destination Postal: C1 Pkg Shell Thick:0 Destination Non US: C1 Shell Thick UOM:Destination Country:US C1 Head Thickness:0 Cont2 Package Type: C1 Head Thick UOM:Cont2 Const Mat: C1 Pkg Srvc Pres.:0 Cont2 Pkg Capacity:0 C1 Srvc Press UOM:Cont2 Capacity UOM: C1 Valve/Device Fail?:No Cont2 Pkg Amount:0 8 HMIRS 844 43 erisinfo.com | Environmental Risk Information Services Order No: 22022400624 Map Key Number of Records Direction Distance (mi/ft) Elev/Diff (ft) Site DB C1 Device Type:Cont2 Pkg Amt UOM: C1 Device Mnfctr:Cont2 Pkg No:0 C1 Device Model:Cont2 Pkg No Failed:0 NRC No: RAM Pkg Category:Haz NonHosp Public:0 RAM Pkg Cert.:FALSE Haz NonHosp Old: RAM Pkg Cert. NBR:Tot Haz Non Hosp Inj: RAM Nuclide S:Total Hazmat Injuries:0 RAM Transport Index:Evacuation Indicator:No RAM UOM:Public Evacuated:0 RAM Activity Rpted:0 Employees Evac:0 RAM UOM Rpted:Total Evacuated:0 RAM Activity:0 Total Evacuation Hrs:0 RAM Activity UOM:Major Artery Closed:No RAM Mat Safety:Mjr Artery Hrs Closed:0 Spillage Result:Yes Material Involved:No Fire Result:No Estimated Speed:0 Explosion Result:No Weather Conditions: Water Sewer Result:No Vehicle Overturn:No Gas Dispersion:No Vehicle Left Roadway:No Environment Damage:No Passenger Aircraft:No No Release Result:No Cargo Baggage: Fire EMS Report:No Ship Non Transport:No Fire EMS EMS Report:Ship Air First Flight:No Police Report:No Ship Air Subflight:No Police Report No:Ship Init Transport:No In House Cleanup:No Ship Phase Transfer:No Other Cleanup:No Contact Name:MIKE MCCOY Damage > 500:No Contact Title:OPERATIONS MANAGER Material Loss:5 Contact Business: Carrier Damage:0 Contact Street: Property Damage:0 Contact City: Response Cost:0 Contact State: Remediation Cost:0 Contact Postal: Damage Old Form:0 Contact Non US St: Total Damages Amt:5 Contact Country:US Hazmat Fatality:No Inc. Report Prepared: Haz Fatal Employees:0 HMIS Serious Incidnt:No Haz Fatal Respndrs:0 HMIS Serious Fatality:No Haz Fatal Gen Public:0 HMIS Serious Injury:No Tot Hazmat Fatalities:0 HMIS Flight Plan:No Non Hazmat Fatality:No HMIS Serious Evacs:No Non Hazmat Fatals:0 HMIS Major Artery:No Hazmat Injury:No HMIS Bulk Release:No Haz Hospital Empl:0 HMIS Marine Pollutnt:No Haz Hospital Resp:0 HMIS Radioactive:No Haz Hosp Gen Public:0 HMIS Gen Pkg Type:TANK Haz Hosp Old Form:0 HMIS Container Code:MC307 Total Haz Hosp Inj:0 HMIS Container Desc:Cargo tanks Haz Non Hosp Empl:0 HMIS Bulk Incident:Yes Haz Non Hosp Resp:0 Undeclared Shipment:No Description of Events:DRIVER WAS DROPPING REGULAR GASOLINE, CLAIMED THERE WAS A VAPOR BACK UP, SPILLING APPROXIMATELY 5 GALLONS ON THE GROUND. DRIVER CLEANED UP AREA WITH ABSORBENT PADS. Recommend Actions Taken: m-9-893862734-b 1 of 2 NNE 0.16 / 829.49 35.51 / -6 Magnolia Fountain - 1 153 Tuskawilla Rd Winter Springs FL 32708 dd-ALT FUELS-893862734-bb p1p-893862734-y1y Fuel Type Code:ELEC: Electric ID:190902 Station Phone:855-900-7584 Updated at:2021-12-21 01:19:01 UTC Expected Date:CNG Dispenser No: BD Blends:CNG Site Renew Src: NG Fill Type Code:CNG Tot Compr Cap: NG PSI:CNG Storage Cap: Federal Agency ID:CNG Fill Type Code: Open Date:2021-06-11 CNG PSI: 9 ALT FUELS 845 44 erisinfo.com | Environmental Risk Information Services Order No: 22022400624 Map Key Number of Records Direction Distance (mi/ft) Elev/Diff (ft) Site DB NG Vehicle Class:CNG Vehicle Class: LPG Primary:LNG Site Renew Src: E85 Blender Pump:LNG Vehicle Class: NG Fill Type Desc:LPG Nozzle Types: Hydrogen is Retail:Hydrogen Pressures: Federal Agency:Hydrogen Standards: Facility Type:Latitude:28.699762 Dt Last Confirmed:2021-12-21 Longitude:-81.260515 Restricted Access: Fed Agency Name: Hydrogen Status Link: Status:Open: The station is open. Owner Type Desc: E85 Blender Pump Desc: NG Vehicle Class Desc: Geocode Status Desc:The location is from a real GPS readout at the station. LPG Primary Desc: E85 Other Ethanol Blends: EV Pricing: EV Pricing French: EV on Site Renewable Source: Intersection Directions: m-9-893862854-b 2 of 2 NNE 0.16 / 829.49 35.51 / -6 Magnolia Fountain - 2 153 Tuskawilla Rd Winter Springs FL 32708 dd-ALT FUELS-893862854-bb p1p-893862854-y1y Fuel Type Code:ELEC: Electric ID:190903 Station Phone:855-900-7584 Updated at:2021-12-21 01:19:01 UTC Expected Date:CNG Dispenser No: BD Blends:CNG Site Renew Src: NG Fill Type Code:CNG Tot Compr Cap: NG PSI:CNG Storage Cap: Federal Agency ID:CNG Fill Type Code: Open Date:2021-06-11 CNG PSI: NG Vehicle Class:CNG Vehicle Class: LPG Primary:LNG Site Renew Src: E85 Blender Pump:LNG Vehicle Class: NG Fill Type Desc:LPG Nozzle Types: Hydrogen is Retail:Hydrogen Pressures: Federal Agency:Hydrogen Standards: Facility Type:Latitude:28.699808 Dt Last Confirmed:2021-12-21 Longitude:-81.260482 Restricted Access: Fed Agency Name: Hydrogen Status Link: Status:Open: The station is open. Owner Type Desc: E85 Blender Pump Desc: NG Vehicle Class Desc: Geocode Status Desc:The location is from a real GPS readout at the station. LPG Primary Desc: E85 Other Ethanol Blends: EV Pricing: EV Pricing French: EV on Site Renewable Source: Intersection Directions: m-10-813496611-b 1 of 1 NW 0.18 / 931.25 45.87 / 4 PUBLIX SUPER MARKET #62 1160 E SR 434 WINTER SPRINGS FL 32708 dd-AST-813496611-bb p1p-813496611-y1y Facility ID:9809815 Lat DD: Facility Status:OPEN Lat MM: ASTs:Lat SS: 9 10 ALT FUELS AST 846 45 erisinfo.com | Environmental Risk Information Services Order No: 22022400624 Map Key Number of Records Direction Distance (mi/ft) Elev/Diff (ft) Site DB USTs:Long DD: Tanks:Long MM: Facility Type:C Long SS: Contact:BRENDA WILLIAMS EXT-55017 Lat/Long Method: Facility Phone:4073279725 Bad Addr Indicator: Owner ID:25164 County:SEMINOLE Owner Phone:8636881188 Dep Co:P Owner:PUBLIX SUPER MARKETS INC - ENVIRONMENTAL Owner Address1:PO BOX 407 Owner Address2:ATTN: ESP STORAGE TANK REGIS Owner City:LAKELAND Owner State:FL Owner Zip 5:33802 Owner Zip 4: Type Desc:Fuel user/Non-retail Source:Tank Facility - All Locations and Tank Information; Tank Facility - All Locations and Owner Information Oculus Docs Inventory URL:https://erisservice7.ecologeris.com/ErisExt/flo/ocure.ashx?ID=9809815&CAT=11 Information Portal Facility URL:http://prodenv.dep.state.fl.us/DepNexus/public/facilitysearch?pagination=true&facility.id=9809815 Information Portal Doc URL:http://prodenv.dep.state.fl.us/DepNexus/public/electronic-documents/9809815/facility!search Tank Information Tank ID:1 Tank Desc:Double Walled Tank Status:U - IN SERVICE Capacity:1000 Status Date:01-NOV-2007 Placement:ABOVEGROUND Installation Date:01-NOV-2007 Tank Vessel Indic:TANK Content Desc:G - Emerg Generator Diesel Piping Tank Stat:U Stat Date:01-NOV-2007 Piping Description:I-Suction piping system Tank Stat:U Stat Date:01-NOV-2007 Piping Description:A-Abv, no soil contact Monitoring Tank Stat:U Stat Date:01-NOV-2007 Monitoring Desc:1-Continuous electronic sensing Tank Stat:U Stat Date:01-NOV-2007 Monitoring Desc:F-Monitor dbl wall tank space Tank Stat:U Stat Date:01-NOV-2007 Monitoring Desc:Q-Visual inspection of ASTs Tank Construction Constr Code:C Constr Desc:Steel Constr Code:I Constr Desc:Double wall Constr Code:P Constr Desc:Level gauges/alarms Constr Code:M Constr Desc:Spill containment bucket m-11-867335530-b 1 of 2 SSE 0.23 / 1,240.33 33.49 / -8 SCRIMSHER PARCEL E SR 434 WINTER SPRINGS, FL dd-WCRPS-867335530-bb p1p-867335530-y1y Site ID:346911 Coord Accuracy ID:3 Datum ID:NAD83 Zip5:32708 11 WCRPS 847 46 erisinfo.com | Environmental Risk Information Services Order No: 22022400624 Map Key Number of Records Direction Distance (mi/ft) Elev/Diff (ft) Site DB Method ID:DPHO Zip4: Feature:County ID:59 Object of Interest:CAP_RAP SITE County:SEMINOLE Proximity to Object:EXACT Lat DD:28 Interpolation Scale:12000 Lat MM:41 Map Source:IMAGERY_11_13 Long DD:81 Map Source Scale:12000 Long MM:15 Collect Program ID:CR Collect Username:HOUSTON_G Collect Affiliation:Florida Department of Environmental Protection Verifying Program ID:CR Verify Method ID:DPHO Verifier Username:HOUSTON_G Verifier Affiliation:Florida Department of Environmental Protection Project Name:SCRIMSHER PARCEL Documents:https://prodenv.dep.state.fl.us/DepNexus/public/electronic-documents/COM_346911/gis-facility!search Project Details Project ID:352812 District:CD OGC No:GIS ALBX:667143.17 Status:CLOSED GIS ALBY:523807.99 Priority Score:Source:Closed Responsible Party Sites Offsite COC:N Contaminants: m-11-894393874-b 2 of 2 SSE 0.23 / 1,240.33 33.49 / -8 WINTER SPRINGS CITY - LIFT STATION 80 MICHAEL BLAKE BLVD WINTER SPRINGS FL 32708 dd-AST-894393874-bb p1p-894393874-y1y Facility ID:9818667 Lat DD: Facility Status:OPEN Lat MM: ASTs:Lat SS: USTs:Long DD: Tanks:Long MM: Facility Type:C Long SS: Contact:IAN FLETCHER Lat/Long Method: Facility Phone:4073271800 Bad Addr Indicator: Owner ID:24225 County:SEMINOLE Owner Phone:4073271800 Dep Co:P Owner:WINTER SPRINGS CITY Owner Address1:1126 E SR 434 Owner Address2:ATTN: STORAGE TANK REGIS Owner City:WINTER SPRINGS Owner State:FL Owner Zip 5:32708 Owner Zip 4: Type Desc:Fuel user/Non-retail Source:Tank Facility - All Locations and Tank Information; Tank Facility - All Locations and Owner Information Oculus Docs Inventory URL:https://erisservice7.ecologeris.com/ErisExt/flo/ocure.ashx?ID=9818667&CAT=11 Information Portal Facility URL:http://prodenv.dep.state.fl.us/DepNexus/public/facilitysearch?pagination=true&facility.id=9818667 Information Portal Doc URL:http://prodenv.dep.state.fl.us/DepNexus/public/electronic-documents/9818667/facility!search Tank Information Tank ID:1 Tank Desc:Double Walled Tank Status:U - IN SERVICE Capacity:631 Status Date:01-AUG-2021 Placement:ABOVEGROUND Installation Date:01-AUG-2021 Tank Vessel Indic:TANK Content Desc:G - Emerg Generator Diesel Piping Tank Stat:U Stat Date:01-AUG-2021 11 AST 848 47 erisinfo.com | Environmental Risk Information Services Order No: 22022400624 Map Key Number of Records Direction Distance (mi/ft) Elev/Diff (ft) Site DB Piping Description:N-Approved synthetic material Tank Stat:U Stat Date:01-AUG-2021 Piping Description:A-Abv, no soil contact Monitoring Tank Stat:U Stat Date:01-AUG-2021 Monitoring Desc:1-Continuous electronic sensing Tank Stat:U Stat Date:01-AUG-2021 Monitoring Desc:Q-Visual inspection of ASTs Tank Stat:U Stat Date:01-AUG-2021 Monitoring Desc:F-Monitor dbl wall tank space Tank Construction Constr Code:P Constr Desc:Level gauges/alarms Constr Code:M Constr Desc:Spill containment bucket Constr Code:C Constr Desc:Steel Constr Code:I Constr Desc:Double wall m-12-813547777-b 1 of 1 NW 0.35 / 1,851.76 42.45 / 1 WINTER SPRINGS CITY-CITY HALL 1126 E HWY 434 WINTER SPRINGS FL 32708-2715 dd-LST-813547777-bb p1p-813547777-y1y Facility ID:8731664 Contact:IAN FLETCHER Facility Status:OPEN Phone:(407)327-1800 Facility Type:H - Local Government Name Changed:09/15/2009 Score:26 Address Changed:07/22/2011 Score Effctve Date:02/07/2005 Section:036 Score when Ranked:26 Township:20S Rank:6627 Range:30E Operator:KIP LOCKCUFF District:CD Prim Related Party:24225 County:SEMINOLE Primary RP Role:ACCOUNT OWNER County No:59 RP Begin Date:01/02/1987 Lat DD:28 RP Address1:1126 E SR 434 Lat MM:42 Rp Address2:ATTN: STORAGE TANK REGIS Lat SS:6.6917 RP City:WINTER SPRINGS Long DD:81 RP State:FL Long MM:15 RP Zip5:32708 Long SS:56.1041 RP Zip4:2799 Feature: RP Phone:(407)327-1800 Method:DPHO RP Phone Ext.:320 Datum:0 RP Bad Addr Ind:No Facility Name (Map):WINTER SPRINGS CITY-CITY HALL Address (Map):1126 E HWY 434 City (Map):WINTER SPRINGS Zip5 (Map):32708 Facility T (Map):Local Government Facility S (Map):OPEN County (Map):SEMINOLE Lat DD (Map):28 Lat MM (Map):42 Long DD (Map):81 Long MM (Map):15 Datum (Map):HARN Rel Feat (Map):EXACT Collection (Map):DPHO Collector (Map):PERRY_JF59 12 LST 849 48 erisinfo.com | Environmental Risk Information Services Order No: 22022400624 Map Key Number of Records Direction Distance (mi/ft) Elev/Diff (ft) Site DB Collecti 1 (Map):20-Oct-2003 Document L (Map):https://prodenv.dep.state.fl.us/DepNexus/public/electronic-documents/8731664/facility!search Lat SS (Map): Long SS (Map): Geometry (Map): RP Name:WINTER SPRINGS CITY Oculus Docs Inventory:https://erisservice7.ecologeris.com/ErisExt/flo/ocure.ashx?ID=8731664&CAT=11 Information Portal Fac URL:http://prodenv.dep.state.fl.us/DepNexus/public/facilitysearch?pagination=true&facility.id=8731664 Information Portal Doc URL:http://prodenv.dep.state.fl.us/DepNexus/public/electronic-documents/8731664/facility!search Discharge Cleanup Summary Discharge Date:05/15/2003 Cleanup Required:R - CLEANUP REQUIRED Discharge Cleanup Status:NFA - NFA COMPLETE Discharge Cleanup Stat Date:10/03/2008 Eligibility Indicator:I - INELIGIBLE Site Manager:SCHMIDT_JD Site Manager End Date:12/10/2008 Tank Office:PCLP59 - ORANGE COUNTY ENVIRONMENTAL PROTECTION DIV Contaminated Media Contaminated Drinking Wells: Contaminated Mntring Wells:YES Contaminated Soil: Contaminated Surface Water: Contaminated Ground Water: Pollutant:B - Unleaded Gas Other Description:DAMAGE TO THE FILL PORT AREA, RECENT CONSTRUCTION Gallons Discharged: Task Info SA Task ID:82754 RAP Task ID:83785 SA Cleanup Resp:-RAP Clean Resp ID:- SA Fund Elig Type:-RAP Fund Elig Type:- SA Actual Cost:RAP Actual Cost: SA Complete Date:RAP Complete Date: SA Payment Date:RAP Payment Date: SR Task ID:82753 RAP Last Ord Appr: SR Cleanup Resp:-RA Task ID:83531 SR Fund Elig Type:-RA Cleanup Resp:- SR Actual Cost:RA Fund Elig Type:- SR Complete Date:10-22-2003 RA Yrs to Complete:0 SR Payment Date:RA Actual Cost: SR Oral Date:SRC Action Type:NFA - NO FURTHER ACTION SR Written Date:SRC Submit Date:09-16-2008 SR Soil Removal:Yes SRC Review Date:09-19-2008 SR Free Prod Rmvl:SRC Complete Status:A - APPROVED SR Soil Ton Remove:24 SRC Comp Status Dt:09-19-2008 SR Soil Treatment:SRC Issue Date:10-03-2008 SR Other Treatment:SRC Comments: SR Alt Proc Rec:Tank Office:PCLP59 - Seminole County SR Alternate Procedure Status: SR Alt Procedure Status Dt: SR Alt Procedure Comment: Petroleum Cleanup PCT Facility Score Facility Cleanup Status:CMPL - COMPLETED Related Party ID:24225 RP Contact:IAN FLETCHER Bad Address Indicator:N 850 49 erisinfo.com | Environmental Risk Information Services Order No: 22022400624 Map Key Number of Records Direction Distance (mi/ft) Elev/Diff (ft) Site DB Discharge Info (Map) Discharge:54323 Discharg 3:NFA Discharg 1:15-May-2003 Disch Clea:03-Oct-2008 Discharg 2:26 Report Pha:COMPLETED Eligibilit:INELIGIBLE Report Sub:COMPLETED Eligibil 1:Report S 1:03-Oct-2008 General Cl:CLOSURE Staff Assi: Tank Offic:ORANGE COUNTY ENVIRONMENTAL PROTECTION DIV m-13-813588067-b 1 of 1 S 0.40 / 2,131.28 38.13 / -3 Former Central Florida Drum Facility 2950 (M-1 Zoning Area Only) and 2960 Railroad Avenue WINTER SPRINGS FL 32708 dd-BROWNFIELDS-813588067-bb p1p-813588067-y1y Site ID:BF590702001 CCD1 City ID:4905 Area ID:BF590702000 CC2 County ID:59 Remediation:AWAITING CLEANUP County:SEMINOLE Acreage:6.158711 DDC Dep District ID:CD SRCO Date:03-MAY-19 AM District:Central BSRA Date:27-DEC-07 AM Latitude:28.68969728 X Coordinate NBR:667217.0221 Longitude:-81.25983692 Y Coordinate NBR:523396.5232 Lat DD:28 Shape Area:24923.37804306 Lat MM:41 Shape Length:1139.95164134 Lat SS:24.1246 Method:PAPER Long DD:-81 CMC2 Verif Method:DPHO Long MM:15 Verification Date:17-JAN-08 AM Long SS:35.8967 Date Stamp:20-DEC-07 AM Username:CLARKE_C Source:Seminole County Area Name:Former Central Florida Drum Facility Documents:https://prodenv.dep.state.fl.us/DepNexus/public/electronic-documents/BF590702001/gis-facility!search Comment:aka L.D. Plante, Inc. Oculus Docs Inventory Url:https://erisservice7.ecologeris.com/ErisExt/flo/ocure.ashx?ID=BF590702001&CAT=5 Information Portal Facility Url:http://prodenv.dep.state.fl.us/DepNexus/public/facilitysearch?pagination=true&facility.id=BF590702001 m-14-821735646-b 1 of 1 S 0.40 / 2,131.28 38.13 / -3 Former Central Florida Drum Facility WINTER SPRINGS FL dd-BROWNFIELD AREA-821735646-bb p1p-821735646-y1y Area ID:BF590702000 Latitude:28.68969727 User Name:CLARKE_C Longitude:-81.25983692 Method:PAPER Latitude Degrees:28 County:SEMINOLE Latitude Minutes:41 District:Central Latitude Seconds:22.91018964 Acreage:6.15871 Longitude Degrees:-81 Resolution No:2007-R-233 Longitude Minutes:15 Resolution Date:11-DEC-07 AM Longitude Seconds:35.41292064 Shape Area:24923.40453611 X Coordinate:667230.8907127 Shape Length:1139.95248553 Y Coordinate:523359.9865243 Date Stamp:20-DEC-07 AM Source:Seminole County Documents:https://prodenv.dep.state.fl.us/DepNexus/public/electronic-documents/BF590702000/gis-facility!search 13 14 BROWNFIELDS BROWNFIELD AREA 851 50 erisinfo.com | Environmental Risk Information Services Order No: 22022400624 h-Unplottable Summary Total: 1 Unplottable sites DB Company Name/Site Name Address City Zip ERIS ID uu-DWM CONTAM-895371120-aa SCRIMSHER PARCEL E SR 434 WINTER SPRINGS, FL 895371120 DWM CONTAM Unplottable Summary 852 51 erisinfo.com | Environmental Risk Information Services Order No: 22022400624 h-Unplottable Report Site:SCRIMSHER PARCEL E SR 434 WINTER SPRINGS, FL uu-DWM CONTAM-895371120-bb Program Area: Method: Site ID: ERIC_11188 Datum: District: CD Related Party ID: Site Status: Closed Primary RP Role: Facility ID: RP Begin Date: Section: RP Address1: Township: RP Address2: County: Seminole RP City: Range: RP State: Facility Type: RP Zip5: Rank: RP Zip4: Operator: RP Phone: Phone: RP Extension: Name Changed: Rp Bad Addr Ind: Addr Changed: RP Name: Contact: Program Details Facility Status: Score Effective Dt: Offsite Contam: Score When Ranked: Priority Score: Datum:NAD83 Project Coordinato: Method:DPHO Program Eligible: Lat DD:28 Ineligible: Lat MM:41 District: Lat SS:37.4926 Staff Assigned: Long DD:81 Priority: Long MM:15 Program Area: RESPONSPARTY Long SS:38.2828 Site Manager: George Houston Program Details Facility Status: Score Effective Dt: Offsite Contam: Score When Ranked: Priority Score: Datum:NAD83 Project Coordinato: Method:DPHO Program Eligible: Lat DD:28 Ineligible: Lat MM:41 District: Lat SS:37.4926 Staff Assigned: Long DD:81 Priority: Long MM:15 Program Area: RESPONSPARTY Long SS:38.2828 Site Manager: DWM CONTAM Unplottable Report 853 52 erisinfo.com | Environmental Risk Information Services Order No: 22022400624 h-Appendix: Database Descriptions Environmental Risk Information Services (ERIS) can search the following databases. The extent of historical information varies with each database and current information is determined by what is publicly available to ERIS at the time of update. ERIS updates databases as set out in ASTM Standard E1527-13 and E1527-21, Section 8.1.8 Sources of Standard Source Information: "Government information from nongovernmental sources may be considered current if the source updates the information at least every 90 days, or, for information that is updated less frequently than quarterly by the government agency, within 90 days of the date the government agency makes the information available to the public." Standard Environmental Record Sources Federal Formerly Utilized Sites Remedial Action Program:rr-DOE FUSRAP-bb The U.S. Department of Energy (DOE) established the Formerly Utilized Sites Remedial Action Program (FUSRAP) in 1974 to remediate sites where radioactive contamination remained from the Manhattan Project and early U.S. Atomic Energy Commission (AEC) operations. The DOE Office of Legacy Management (LM) established long-term surveillance and maintenance (LTS&M) requirements for remediated FUSRAP sites. DOE evaluates the final site conditions of a remediated site on the basis of risk for different future uses. DOE then confirms that LTS&M requirements will maintain protectiveness. Government Publication Date: Mar 4, 2017 National Priority List:rr-NPL-bb National Priorities List (Superfund)-NPL: EPA's (United States Environmental Protection Agency) list of the most serious uncontrolled or abandoned hazardous waste sites identified for possible long-term remedial action under the Superfund program. The NPL, which EPA is required to update at least once a year, is based primarily on the score a site receives from EPA's Hazard Ranking System. A site must be on the NPL to receive money from the Superfund Trust Fund for remedial action. Government Publication Date: Dec 30, 2021 National Priority List - Proposed:rr-PROPOSED NPL-bb Includes sites proposed (by the EPA, the state, or concerned citizens) for addition to the NPL due to contamination by hazardous waste and identified by the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) as a candidate for cleanup because it poses a risk to human health and/or the environment. Government Publication Date: Dec 30, 2021 Deleted NPL:rr-DELETED NPL-bb The National Oil and Hazardous Substances Pollution Contingency Plan (NCP) establishes the criteria that the EPA uses to delete sites from the NPL. In accordance with 40 CFR 300.425.(e), sites may be deleted from the NPL where no further response is appropriate. Government Publication Date: Dec 30, 2021 SEMS List 8R Active Site Inventory:rr-SEMS-bb The Superfund Program has deployed the Superfund Enterprise Management System (SEMS), which integrates multiple legacy systems into a comprehensive tracking and reporting tool. This inventory contains active sites evaluated by the Superfund program that are either proposed to be or are on the National Priorities List (NPL) as well as sites that are in the screening and assessment phase for possible inclusion on the NPL. The Active Site Inventory Report displays site and location information at active SEMS sites. An active site is one at which site assessment, removal, remedial, enforcement, cost recovery, or oversight activities are being planned or conducted. Government Publication Date: Dec 30, 2021 SEMS List 8R Archive Sites:rr-SEMS ARCHIVE-bb The Superfund Enterprise Management System (SEMS) Archived Site Inventory displays site and location information at sites archived from SEMS. An archived site is one at which EPA has determined that assessment has been completed and no further remedial action is planned under the Superfund program at this time. Government Publication Date: Dec 30, 2021 DOE FUSRAP NPL PROPOSED NPL DELETED NPL SEMS SEMS ARCHIVE Appendix: Database Descriptions 854 53 erisinfo.com | Environmental Risk Information Services Order No: 22022400624 Inventory of Open Dumps, June 1985:rr-ODI-bb The Resource Conservation and Recovery Act (RCRA) provides for publication of an inventory of open dumps. The Act defines "open dumps" as facilities which do not comply with EPA's "Criteria for Classification of Solid Waste Disposal Facilities and Practices" (40 CFR 257). Government Publication Date: Jun 1985 Comprehensive Environmental Response, Compensation and Liability Information System - CERCLIS: rr-CERCLIS-bb Superfund is a program administered by the United States Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) to locate, investigate, and clean up the worst hazardous waste sites throughout the United States. CERCLIS is a database of potential and confirmed hazardous waste sites at which the EPA Superfund program has some involvement. It contains sites that are either proposed to be or are on the National Priorities List (NPL) as well as sites that are in the screening and assessment phase for possible inclusion on the NPL. The EPA administers the Superfund program in cooperation with individual states and tribal governments; this database is made available by the EPA. Government Publication Date: Oct 25, 2013 EPA Report on the Status of Open Dumps on Indian Lands:rr-IODI-bb Public Law 103-399, The Indian Lands Open Dump Cleanup Act of 1994, enacted October 22, 1994, identified congressional concerns that solid waste open dump sites located on American Indian or Alaska Native (AI/AN) lands threaten the health and safety of residents of those lands and contiguous areas. The purpose of the Act is to identify the location of open dumps on Indian lands, assess the relative health and environment hazards posed by those sites, and provide financial and technical assistance to Indian tribal governments to close such dumps in compliance with Federal standards and regulations or standards promulgated by Indian Tribal governments or Alaska Native entities. Government Publication Date: Dec 31, 1998 CERCLIS - No Further Remedial Action Planned:rr-CERCLIS NFRAP-bb An archived site is one at which EPA has determined that assessment has been completed and no further remedial action is planned under the Superfund program at this time. The Archive designation means that, to the best of EPA's knowledge, assessment at a site has been completed and that EPA has determined no further steps will be taken to list this site on the National Priorities List (NPL). This decision does not necessarily mean that there is no hazard associated with a given site; it only means that, based upon available information, the location is not judged to be a potential NPL site. Government Publication Date: Oct 25, 2013 CERCLIS Liens:rr-CERCLIS LIENS-bb A Federal Superfund lien exists at any property where EPA has incurred Superfund costs to address contamination ("Superfund site") and has provided notice of liability to the property owner. A Federal CERCLA ("Superfund") lien can exist by operation of law at any site or property at which EPA has spent Superfund monies. This database is made available by the United States Environmental Protection Agency (EPA). Government Publication Date: Jan 30, 2014 RCRA CORRACTS-Corrective Action:rr-RCRA CORRACTS-bb RCRA Info is EPA's comprehensive information system, providing access to data supporting the Resource Conservation and Recovery Act (RCRA) of 1976 and the Hazardous and Solid Waste Amendments (HSWA) of 1984. At these sites, the Corrective Action Program ensures that cleanups occur. EPA and state regulators work with facilities and communities to design remedies based on the contamination, geology, and anticipated use unique to each site. Government Publication Date: Nov 17, 2021 RCRA non-CORRACTS TSD Facilities:rr-RCRA TSD-bb RCRA Info is EPA's comprehensive information system, providing access to data supporting the Resource Conservation and Recovery Act (RCRA) of 1976 and the Hazardous and Solid Waste Amendments (HSWA) of 1984. This database includes Non-Corrective Action sites listed as treatment, storage and/or disposal facilities of hazardous waste as defined by the Resource Conservation and Recovery Act (RCRA). Government Publication Date: Nov 17, 2021 RCRA Generator List:rr-RCRA LQG-bb RCRA Info is EPA's comprehensive information system, providing access to data supporting the Resource Conservation and Recovery Act (RCRA) of 1976 and the Hazardous and Solid Waste Amendments (HSWA) of 1984. RCRA Info replaces the data recording and reporting abilities of the Resource Conservation and Recovery Information System (RCRIS) and the Biennial Reporting System (BRS). A hazardous waste generator is any person or site whose processes and actions create hazardous waste (see 40 CFR 260.10). Large Quantity Generators (LQGs) generate 1,000 kilograms per month or more of hazardous waste or more than one kilogram per month of acutely hazardous waste. Government Publication Date: Nov 17, 2021 ODI CERCLIS IODI CERCLIS NFRAP CERCLIS LIENS RCRA CORRACTS RCRA TSD RCRA LQG 855 54 erisinfo.com | Environmental Risk Information Services Order No: 22022400624 RCRA Small Quantity Generators List:rr-RCRA SQG-bb RCRA Info is the EPA's comprehensive information system, providing access to data supporting the Resource Conservation and Recovery Act (RCRA) of 1976 and the Hazardous and Solid Waste Amendments (HSWA) of 1984. RCRA Info replaces the data recording and reporting abilities of the Resource Conservation and Recovery Information System (RCRIS) and the Biennial Reporting System (BRS). A hazardous waste generator is any person or site whose processes and actions create hazardous waste (see 40 CFR 260.10). Small Quantity Generators (SQGs) generate more than 100 kilograms, but less than 1,000 kilograms, of hazardous waste per month. Government Publication Date: Nov 17, 2021 RCRA Very Small Quantity Generators List:rr-RCRA VSQG-bb RCRA Info is the EPA's comprehensive information system, providing access to data supporting the Resource Conservation and Recovery Act (RCRA) of 1976 and the Hazardous and Solid Waste Amendments (HSWA) of 1984. A hazardous waste generator is any person or site whose processes and actions create hazardous waste (see 40 CFR 260.10). Very Small Quantity Generators (VSQG) generate 100 kilograms or less per month of hazardous waste, or one kilogram or less per month of acutely hazardous waste. Additionally, VSQG may not accumulate more than 1,000 kilograms of hazardous waste at any time. Government Publication Date: Nov 17, 2021 RCRA Non-Generators:rr-RCRA NON GEN-bb RCRA Info is EPA's comprehensive information system, providing access to data supporting the Resource Conservation and Recovery Act (RCRA) of 1976 and the Hazardous and Solid Waste Amendments (HSWA) of 1984. RCRA Info replaces the data recording and reporting abilities of the Resource Conservation and Recovery Information System (RCRIS) and the Biennial Reporting System (BRS). A hazardous waste generator is any person or site whose processes and actions create hazardous waste (see 40 CFR 260.10). Non-Generators do not presently generate hazardous waste. Government Publication Date: Nov 17, 2021 RCRA Sites with Controls:rr-RCRA CONTROLS-bb List of Resource Conservation and Recovery Act (RCRA) facilities with institutional controls in place. RCRA gives the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) the authority to control hazardous waste from the "cradle-to-grave." This includes the generation, transportation, treatment, storage, and disposal of hazardous waste. RCRA also set forth a framework for the management of non-hazardous solid wastes. The 1986 amendments to RCRA enabled EPA to address environmental problems that could result from underground tanks storing petroleum and other hazardous substances. Government Publication Date: Nov 17, 2021 Federal Engineering Controls-ECs:rr-FED ENG-bb Engineering controls (ECs) encompass a variety of engineered and constructed physical barriers (e.g., soil capping, sub-surface venting systems, mitigation barriers, fences) to contain and/or prevent exposure to contamination on a property. This database is made available by the United States Environmental Protection Agency (EPA). Government Publication Date: Dec 30, 2021 Federal Institutional Controls- ICs:rr-FED INST-bb Institutional controls are non-engineered instruments, such as administrative and legal controls, that help minimize the potential for human exposure to contamination and/or protect the integrity of the remedy. Although it is EPA's (United States Environmental Protection Agency ) expectation that treatment or engineering controls will be used to address principal threat wastes and that groundwater will be returned to its beneficial use whenever practicable, ICs play an important role in site remedies because they reduce exposure to contamination by limiting land or resource use and guide human behavior at a site. Government Publication Date: Dec 30, 2021 Land Use Control Information System:rr-LUCIS-bb The LUCIS database is maintained by the U.S. Department of the Navy and contains information for former Base Realignment and Closure (BRAC) properties across the United States. Government Publication Date: Sep 1, 2006 Emergency Response Notification System:rr-ERNS 1982 TO 1986-bb Database of oil and hazardous substances spill reports controlled by the National Response Center. The primary function of the National Response Center is to serve as the sole national point of contact for reporting oil, chemical, radiological, biological, and etiological discharges into the environment anywhere in the United States and its territories. Government Publication Date: 1982-1986 RCRA SQG RCRA VSQG RCRA NON GEN RCRA CONTROLS FED ENG FED INST LUCIS ERNS 1982 TO 1986 856 55 erisinfo.com | Environmental Risk Information Services Order No: 22022400624 Emergency Response Notification System:rr-ERNS 1987 TO 1989-bb Database of oil and hazardous substances spill reports controlled by the National Response Center. The primary function of the National Response Center is to serve as the sole national point of contact for reporting oil, chemical, radiological, biological, and etiological discharges into the environment anywhere in the United States and its territories. Government Publication Date: 1987-1989 Emergency Response Notification System:rr-ERNS-bb Database of oil and hazardous substances spill reports made available by the United States Coast Guard National Response Center (NRC). The NRC fields initial reports for pollution and railroad incidents and forwards that information to appropriate federal/state agencies for response. These data contain initial incident data that has not been validated or investigated by a federal/state response agency. Government Publication Date: Jul 26, 2021 The Assessment, Cleanup and Redevelopment Exchange System (ACRES) Brownfield Database:rr-FED BROWNFIELDS-bb Brownfields are real property, the expansion, redevelopment, or reuse of which may be complicated by the presence or potential presence of a hazardous substance, pollutant, or contaminant. Cleaning up and reinvesting in these properties protects the environment, reduces blight, and takes development pressures off greenspaces and working lands. This database is made available by the United States Environmental Protection Agency (EPA). Government Publication Date: Aug 20, 2021 FEMA Underground Storage Tank Listing:rr-FEMA UST-bb The Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA) of the Department of Homeland Security maintains a list of FEMA owned underground storage tanks. Government Publication Date: Dec 31, 2017 Facility Response Plan:rr-FRP-bb List of facilities that have submitted Facility Response Plans (FRP) to EPA. Facilities that could reasonably be expected to cause "substantial harm" to the environment by discharging oil into or on navigable waters are required to prepare and submit Facility Response Plans (FRPs). Harm is determined based on total oil storage capacity, secondary containment and age of tanks, oil transfer activities, history of discharges, proximity to a public drinking water intake or sensitive environments. Government Publication Date: Dec 2, 2020 Historical Gas Stations:rr-HIST GAS STATIONS-bb This historic directory of service stations is provided by the Cities Service Company. The directory includes Cities Service filling stations that were located throughout the United States in 1930. Government Publication Date: Jul 1, 1930 Petroleum Refineries:rr-REFN-bb List of petroleum refineries from the U.S. Energy Information Administration (EIA) Refinery Capacity Report. Includes operating and idle petroleum refineries (including new refineries under construction) and refineries shut down during the previous year located in the 50 States, the District of Columbia, Puerto Rico, the Virgin Islands, Guam, and other U.S. possessions. Survey locations adjusted using public data. Government Publication Date: Jul 10, 2020 Petroleum Product and Crude Oil Rail Terminals:rr-BULK TERMINAL-bb List of petroleum product and crude oil rail terminals made available by the U.S. Energy Information Administration (EIA). Includes operable bulk petroleum product terminals located in the 50 States and the District of Columbia with a total bulk shell storage capacity of 50,000 barrels or more, and/or the ability to receive volumes from tanker, barge, or pipeline; also rail terminals handling the loading and unloading of crude oil that were active between 2017 and 2018. Petroleum product terminals comes from the EIA-815 Bulk Terminal and Blender Report, which includes working, shell in operation, and shell idle for several major product groupings. Survey locations adjusted using public data. Government Publication Date: Apr 28, 2020 LIEN on Property:rr-SEMS LIEN-bb The EPA Superfund Enterprise Management System (SEMS) provides LIEN information on properties under the EPA Superfund Program. Government Publication Date: Dec 30, 2021 ERNS 1987 TO 1989 ERNS FED BROWNFIELDS FEMA UST FRP HIST GAS STATIONS REFN BULK TERMINAL SEMS LIEN 857 56 erisinfo.com | Environmental Risk Information Services Order No: 22022400624 Superfund Decision Documents:rr-SUPERFUND ROD-bb This database contains a listing of decision documents for Superfund sites. Decision documents serve to provide the reasoning for the choice of (or) changes to a Superfund Site cleanup plan. The decision documents include Records of Decision (ROD), ROD Amendments, Explanations of Significant Differences (ESD), along with other associated memos and files. This information is maintained and made available by the US EPA (Environmental Protection Agency). Government Publication Date: Nov 16, 2021 State Superfund Waste Cleanup & State-Funded Action Sites:rr-SHWS-bb List of hazardous waste cleanup sites participating in various federal and state funded cleanup programs. Florida's State-Funded Action Sites and Superfund Waste Cleanup Sites lists are maintained and made available by the Florida Department of Environmental Protection (FDEP). This database is state equivalent CERCLIS. Government Publication Date: Aug 6, 2021 Delisted State-Funded Action Sites:rr-DELISTED SHWS-bb This database contains a list of closed hazardous waste sites of various federal and state funded cleanup programs that were removed from the Florida Department of Environmental Protection (FDEP). Government Publication Date: Aug 6, 2021 Florida Department of Environmental Protection Cleanup Sites:rr-CLEANUP DEP-bb The Cleanup Sites layer feeds the FDEP's Contamination Locator Map (CLM). It provides locations and document links for sites currently in the cleanup process and sites awaiting cleanup funding. Cleanup programs include: Brownfields, Petroleum, EPA Superfund (CERCLA), Drycleaning, Responsible Party Cleanup, State Funded Cleanup, State Owned Lands Cleanup and Hazardous Waste Cleanup. Government Publication Date: Oct 20, 2021 Waste Cleanup Responsible Party Sites:rr-WCRPS-bb List of Open, Closed, and Inactive Waste Cleanup Responsible Party sites made available by the Florida Department of Environmental Protection. Government Publication Date: Apr 11, 2021 Delisted Waste Cleanup Sites:rr-DELISTED WCP-bb List of sites which once appeared on - and have since been removed from - the list of Waste Cleanup Sites made available by the Florida Department of Environmental Protection. Government Publication Date: Oct 20, 2021 Solid Waste Facilities and Landfills:rr-SWF/LF-bb The Solid Waste Facility Inventory Report made available by the Florida Department of Environmental Protection (FDEP) includes all types of authorized and unauthorized facilities: municipal solid waste, landfills, dumps, construction and demolition disposal, recycling facilities, and more. Government Publication Date: Nov 23, 2021 Leaking Tanks:rr-LST-bb The Storage Tank Regulation Section is part of the Petroleum Restoration Program in the Florida Department of Environmental Protection (FDEP)s Division of Waste Management. In 1983, Florida was one of the first states in the union to pass legislation and adopt rules for underground and aboveground storage tank systems. Since then, over 28,000 facilities have reported discharges of petroleum products from storage tank systems. Florida relies on groundwater for about 92 percent of its drinking water needs, and has some of the most stringent rules in the country. Government Publication Date: Aug 13, 2021 Delisted Leaking Tanks:rr-DELISTED LST-bb Whereas Leaking Tanks (LST) includes only facilities which currently have contamination as recorded by the Florida Department of Environmental Protection, this list contains facilities which were once included in LST data but no longer appear on the list made available by FDEP. Facilities may be removed from the current LST list because the discharge has been cleaned up, or the discharge is not required for 62-770. Government Publication Date: May 19, 2021 Underground Storage Tanks:rr-UST-bb SUPERFUND ROD SHWS DELISTED SHWS CLEANUP DEP WCRPS DELISTED WCP SWF/LF LST DELISTED LST UST 858 57 erisinfo.com | Environmental Risk Information Services Order No: 22022400624 List of Underground Storage Tank facilities made available by the Florida Department of Environmental Protection (FL DEP). Includes facilities tracked for active storage tanks, storage tank history, or petroleum cleanup activity. In an effort to minimize the occurrence and environmental risks of releases and discharges, FDEP administers standards pertaining to the construction, installation, operation, maintenance, repair, closure, and disposal of underground storage tank systems that store regulated substances. Government Publication Date: Nov 3, 2021 Aboveground Storage Tanks:rr-AST-bb List of Aboveground Storage Tank facilities made available by the Florida Department of Environmental Protection (FL DEP). Includes facilities tracked for active storage tanks, storage tank history, or petroleum cleanup activity.The Florida Department of Environmental Protection (FDEP) provides standards for aboveground storage tanks (ASTs) that have individual storage tank capacities greater than 550 gallons. The state also regulates the registration, construction, installation, operation, maintenance, repair, closure, and disposal of storage tank systems that store regulated substances. Government Publication Date: Nov 3, 2021 Storage Tank Facilities:rr-TANK-bb List of storage tank facilities made available by the Florida Department of Environmental Protection (FL DEP) for which tank information is not available. In the case of closed facilities - where all tanks have been removed or closed, and there is also no petroleum discharge or on-going cleanup activity - the owner data may not be current, but rather would represent the most recent information made available to FL DEP. Government Publication Date: Nov 4, 2021 Delisted AST UST Storage Tanks:rr-DEL UST AST TANK-bb This database contains a list of closed UST and AST storage tank sites that were removed from the Florida Department of Environmental Protection (FDEP) storage tank database. Government Publication Date: Jul 2, 2015 Delisted Storage Tanks:rr-DEL STORAGE TANK-bb List of sites that once appeared on - and have since been removed from - the list of UST and AST storage tank facilities made available by the Florida Department of Environmental Protection. Government Publication Date: Feb 14, 2022 Federal Facilities Listing:rr-FF TANKS-bb The Florida Department of Environmental Protection (FDEP) Storage Tank Program registers facilities and storage tanks where aboveground or underground storage tanks store pollutants, hazardous substances, and/or mineral acid substances regulated by Chapter 62-761, Florida Administrative Code, or when aboveground storage tanks or compression vessels store a hazardous substance which requires registration according to Chapter 376, Florida Statutes. Government Publication Date: Feb 14, 2022 Storage Tank/Contaminated Facility Search:rr-STCS-bb List of facilities and tanks in the Florida Department of Environmental Protection (FDEP) Bureau of Petroleum Storage Systems Storage Tank/Contaminated Facility Search which do not currently have active, regulated underground or aboveground storage tanks (USTs or ASTs) containing petroleum. Note that tank details do not appear for facilities for which all tanks have been removed. Government Publication Date: Nov 12, 2021 Institutional Controls Registry:rr-INST-bb The Institutional Controls registry is maintained by the Florida Department of Environmental Protection (FDEP). The registry aims to help preserve adequate protection of contaminated soil regions and help to minimize any chances of exposure. Government Publication Date: May 24, 2021 Engineering Controls:rr-ENG-bb A listing of all engineering controls that are in place to eliminate or reduce the potential for contaminant migration and exposure to contaminants. These controls may include caps, barriers, guards or fences. The list is maintained by the Florida Department of Environmental Protection (FDEP). Government Publication Date: May 24, 2021 Voluntary Cleanup Sites:rr-VCP-bb A listing of active and closed voluntary cleanup sites registered by the Florida Department of Environmental Protection (FDEP). Government Publication Date: Apr 27, 2021 Brownfield Sites:rr-BROWNFIELDS-bb AST TANK DEL UST AST TANK DEL STORAGE TANK FF TANKS STCS INST ENG VCP BROWNFIELDS 859 58 erisinfo.com | Environmental Risk Information Services Order No: 22022400624 Brownfields are defined by the Florida Department of Environmental Protection (FDEP) as abandoned, idled, or underused industrial and commercial facilities where expansion or redevelopment is complicated by real or perceived environmental contamination. This is a list of sites within designated Brownfield Areas within Florida where Brownfield Site Rehabilitation Agreement (BSRA)s have been executed between FDEP and a responsible party. Government Publication Date: Sep 8, 2021 Brownfield Areas:rr-BROWNFIELD AREA-bb Brownfields are defined by the Florida Department of Environmental Protection (FDEP) as abandoned, idled, or underused industrial and commercial facilities where expansion or redevelopment is complicated by real or perceived environmental contamination. This is a list of Brownfield Areas, defined by the FDEP as contiguous areas of one or more brownfield sites, some of which may not be contaminated, that have been designated as such by a local government resolution. Such areas may include all or portions of community redevelopment areas, enterprise zones, empowerment zones, other such designated economically deprived communities and areas, and Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) designated brownfield pilot projects. Because a variety of sources and methods were used to derive information for this data, locations are approximate. Government Publication Date: Oct 5, 2021 Tribal Leaking Underground Storage Tanks (LUSTs) on Indian Land:rr-INDIAN LUST-bb Leaking Underground Storage Tanks (LUSTs) on Tribal/Indian Lands in EPA Region 4, which includes Florida. Government Publication Date: Apr 14, 2020 Underground Storage Tanks (USTs) on Indian Lands:rr-INDIAN UST-bb Listing of underground storage tanks (USTs) on Tribal/Indian Lands in EPA Region 4, which includes Florida. Government Publication Date: Apr 14, 2020 Delisted Tribal Leaking Storage Tanks:rr-DELISTED ILST-bb Leaking Underground Storage Tank facilities which have been removed from the Regional Tribal LUST lists made available by the EPA. Government Publication Date: Oct 12, 2021 Delisted Tribal Underground Storage Tanks:rr-DELISTED IUST-bb Underground Storage Tank facilities which have been removed from the Regional Tribal UST lists made available by the EPA. Government Publication Date: Oct 12, 2021 County No County databases were selected to be included in the search. Additional Environmental Record Sources Federal Facility Registry Service/Facility Index:rr-FINDS/FRS-bb The Facility Registry Service (FRS) is a centrally managed database that identifies facilities, sites, or places subject to environmental regulations or of environmental interest. FRS creates high-quality, accurate, and authoritative facility identification records through rigorous verification and management procedures that incorporate information from program national systems, state master facility records, and data collected from EPA's Central Data Exchange registrations and data management personnel. This list is made available by the Environmental Protection Agency (US EPA). Government Publication Date: Nov 2, 2020 Toxics Release Inventory (TRI) Program:rr-TRIS-bb The EPA's Toxics Release Inventory (TRI) is a database containing data on disposal or other releases of over 650 toxic chemicals from thousands of U. S. facilities and information about how facilities manage those chemicals through recycling, energy recovery, and treatment. One of TRI's primary purposes is to inform communities about toxic chemical releases to the environment. Government Publication Date: Aug 24, 2021 Perfluorinated Alkyl Substances (PFAS) Releases:rr-PFAS TRI-bb BROWNFIELD AREA INDIAN LUST INDIAN UST DELISTED ILST DELISTED IUST FINDS/FRS TRIS PFAS TRI 860 59 erisinfo.com | Environmental Risk Information Services Order No: 22022400624 List of Toxics Release Inventory (TRI) facilities at which the reported chemical is a Per- or polyfluorinated alkyl substance (PFAS) included in the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA)'s consolidated PFAS Master List of PFAS Substances. The EPA's Toxics Release Inventory (TRI) is a database containing data on disposal or other releases of over 650 toxic chemicals from thousands of U.S. facilities and information about how facilities manage those chemicals through recycling, energy recovery, and treatment. Government Publication Date: Aug 24, 2021 PFOA/PFOS Contaminated Sites:rr-PFAS NPL-bb List of sites where PFOA or PFOS contaminants have been found in drinking water or soil. Made available by the Federal Environmental Protection Agency (EPA). Government Publication Date: Sep 17, 2021 Perfluorinated Alkyl Substances (PFAS) Water Quality:rr-PFAS WATER-bb The Water Quality Portal (WQP) is a cooperative service sponsored by the United States Geological Survey (USGS), the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA), and the National Water Quality Monitoring Council (NWQMC). This listing includes records from the Water Quality Portal where the characteristic (environmental measurement) is in the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA)'s consolidated PFAS Master List of PFAS Substances. Government Publication Date: Jul 20, 2020 SSEHRI PFAS Contamination Sites:rr-PFAS SSEHRI-bb This PFAS Contamination Site Tracker database is compiled by the Social Science Environmental Health Research Institute (SSEHRI) at Northeastern University. According to the SSEHRI, the database records qualitative and quantitative data from each known site of PFAS contamination, including timeline of discovery, sources, levels, health impacts, community response, and government response. The goal of this database is to compile information and support public understanding of the rapidly unfolding issue of PFAS contamination. All data presented was extracted from government websites, news articles, or publicly available documents, and this is cited in the tracker. Disclaimer: The source conveys this database undergoes regular updates as new information becomes available, some sites may be missing and/or contain information that is incorrect or outdated, as well as their information represents all contamination sites SSEHRI is aware of, not all possible contamination sites. This data is not intended to be used for legal purposes. Limited location details are available with this data. Access the following for the most current informations https://pfasproject.com/pfas- contamination-site-tr acker/ Government Publication Date: Dec 12, 2019 Hazardous Materials Information Reporting System:rr-HMIRS-bb US DOT - Department of Transportation Pipeline and Hazardous Materials Safety Administration (PHMSA) Incidents Reports Database taken from Hazmat Intelligence Portal, U.S. Department of Transportation. Government Publication Date: Sep 1, 2020 National Clandestine Drug Labs:rr-NCDL-bb The U.S. Department of Justice ("the Department") provides this data as a public service. It contains addresses of some locations where law enforcement agencies reported they found chemicals or other items that indicated the presence of either clandestine drug laboratories or dumpsites. In most cases, the source of the entries is not the Department, and the Department has not verified the entry and does not guarantee its accuracy. Government Publication Date: Nov 22, 2021 Toxic Substances Control Act:rr-TSCA-bb The Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) is amending the Toxic Substances Control Act (TSCA) section 8(a) Inventory Update Reporting (IUR) rule and changing its name to the Chemical Data Reporting (CDR) rule. The CDR enables EPA to collect and publish information on the manufacturing, processing, and use of commercial chemical substances and mixtures (referred to hereafter as chemical substances) on the TSCA Chemical Substance Inventory (TSCA Inventory). This includes current information on chemical substance production volumes, manufacturing sites, and how the chemical substances are used. This information helps the Agency determine whether people or the environment are potentially exposed to reported chemical substances. EPA publishes submitted CDR data that is not Confidential Business Information (CBI). Government Publication Date: Apr 11, 2019 Hist TSCA:rr-HIST TSCA-bb The Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) is amending the Toxic Substances Control Act (TSCA) section 8(a) Inventory Update Reporting (IUR) rule and changing its name to the Chemical Data Reporting (CDR) rule. The 2006 IUR data summary report includes information about chemicals manufactured or imported in quantities of 25,000 pounds or more at a single site during calendar year 2005. In addition to the basic manufacturing information collected in previous reporting cycles, the 2006 cycle is the first time EPA collected information to characterize exposure during manufacturing, processing and use of organic chemicals. The 2006 cycle also is the first time manufacturers of inorganic chemicals were required to report basic manufacturing information. Government Publication Date: Dec 31, 2006 PFAS NPL PFAS WATER PFAS SSEHRI HMIRS NCDL TSCA HIST TSCA 861 60 erisinfo.com | Environmental Risk Information Services Order No: 22022400624 FTTS Administrative Case Listing:rr-FTTS ADMIN-bb An administrative case listing from the Federal Insecticide, Fungicide, & Rodenticide Act (FIFRA) and Toxic Substances Control Act (TSCA), together known as FTTS. This database was obtained from the Environmental Protection Agency's (EPA) National Compliance Database (NCDB). The FTTS and NCDB was shut down in 2006. Government Publication Date: Jan 19, 2007 FTTS Inspection Case Listing:rr-FTTS INSP-bb An inspection case listing from the Federal Insecticide, Fungicide, & Rodenticide Act (FIFRA) and Toxic Substances Control Act (TSCA), together known as FTTS. This database was obtained from the Environmental Protection Agency's (EPA) National Compliance Database (NCDB). The FTTS and NCDB was shut down in 2006. Government Publication Date: Jan 19, 2007 Potentially Responsible Parties List:rr-PRP-bb Early in the cleanup process, the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) conducts a search to find the potentially responsible parties (PRPs). EPA looks for evidence to determine liability by matching wastes found at the site with parties that may have contributed wastes to the site. Government Publication Date: Oct 20, 2021 State Coalition for Remediation of Drycleaners Listing:rr-SCRD DRYCLEANER-bb The State Coalition for Remediation of Drycleaners (SCRD) was established in 1998, with support from the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) Office of Superfund Remediation and Technology Innovation. Coalition members are states with mandated programs and funding for drycleaner site remediation. Current members are Alabama, Connecticut, Florida, Illinois, Kansas, Minnesota, Missouri, North Carolina, Oregon, South Carolina, Tennessee, Texas, and Wisconsin. Government Publication Date: Nov 08, 2017 Integrated Compliance Information System (ICIS):rr-ICIS-bb The Integrated Compliance Information System (ICIS) is a system that provides information for the Federal Enforcement and Compliance (FE&C) and the National Pollutant Discharge Elimination System (NPDES) programs. The FE&C component supports the Environmental Protection Agency's (EPA) Civil Enforcement and Compliance program activities. These activities include Compliance Assistance, Compliance Monitoring and Enforcement. The NPDES program supports tracking of NPDES permits, limits, discharge monitoring data and other program reports. Government Publication Date: Oct 14, 2021 Drycleaner Facilities:rr-FED DRYCLEANERS-bb A list of drycleaner facilities from Enforcement and Compliance History Online (ECHO) online search. The Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) tracks facilities that possess NAIC and SIC codes that classify businesses as drycleaner establishments. Government Publication Date: May 5, 2021 Delisted Drycleaner Facilities:rr-DELISTED FED DRY-bb List of sites removed from the list of Drycleaner Facilities (sites in the EPA's Integrated Compliance Information System (ICIS) with NAIC or SIC codes identifying the business as a drycleaner establishment). Government Publication Date: May 5, 2021 Formerly Used Defense Sites:rr-FUDS-bb Formerly Used Defense Sites (FUDS) are properties that were formerly owned by, leased to, or otherwise possessed by and under the jurisdiction of the Secretary of Defense prior to October 1986, where the Department of Defense (DoD) is responsible for an environmental restoration. This list is published by the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers. Government Publication Date: May 26, 2021 Former Military Nike Missile Sites:rr-FORMER NIKE-bb This information was taken from report DRXTH-AS-IA-83A016 (Historical Overview of the Nike Missile System, 12/1984) which was performed by Environmental Science and Engineering, Inc. for the U.S. Army Toxic and Hazardous Materials Agency Assessment Division. The Nike system was deployed between 1954 and the mid-1970's. Among the substances used or stored on Nike sites were liquid missile fuel (JP-4); starter fluids (UDKH, aniline, and furfuryl alcohol); oxidizer (IRFNA); hydrocarbons (motor oil, hydraulic fluid, diesel fuel, gasoline, heating oil); solvents (carbon tetrachloride, trichloroethylene, trichloroethane, stoddard solvent); and battery electrolyte. The quantities of material a disposed of and procedures for disposal are not documented in published reports. Virtually all information concerning the potential for contamination at Nike sites is confined to personnel who were assigned to Nike sites. During deactivation most hardware was shipped to depot-level supply points. There were reportedly instances where excess materials were disposed of on or near the site itself at closure. There was reportedly no routine site decontamination. Government Publication Date: Dec 2, 1984 FTTS ADMIN FTTS INSP PRP SCRD DRYCLEANER ICIS FED DRYCLEANERS DELISTED FED DRY FUDS FORMER NIKE 862 61 erisinfo.com | Environmental Risk Information Services Order No: 22022400624 PHMSA Pipeline Safety Flagged Incidents:rr-PIPELINE INCIDENT-bb A list of flagged pipeline incidents made available by the U.S. Department of Transportation (US DOT) Pipeline and Hazardous Materials Safety Administration (PHMSA). PHMSA regulations require incident and accident reports for five different pipeline system types. Government Publication Date: Jul 7, 2020 Material Licensing Tracking System (MLTS):rr-MLTS-bb A list of sites that store radioactive material subject to the Nuclear Regulatory Commission (NRC) licensing requirements. This list is maintained by the NRC. As of September 2016, the NRC no longer releases location information for sites. Site locations were last received in July 2016. Government Publication Date: May 11, 2021 Historic Material Licensing Tracking System (MLTS) sites:rr-HIST MLTS-bb A historic list of sites that have inactive licenses and/or removed from the Material Licensing Tracking System (MLTS). In some cases, a site is removed from the MLTS when the state becomes an "Agreement State". An Agreement State is a State that has signed an agreement with the Nuclear Regulatory Commission (NRC) authorizing the State to regulate certain uses of radioactive materials within the State. Government Publication Date: Jan 31, 2010 Mines Master Index File:rr-MINES-bb The Master Index File (MIF) contains mine identification numbers issued by the Department of Labor Mine Safety and Health Administration (MSHA) for mines active or opened since 1971. Note that addresses may or may not correspond with the physical location of the mine itself. Government Publication Date: Nov 2, 2021 Surface Mining Control and Reclamation Act Sites:rr-SMCRA-bb An inventory of land and water impacted by past mining (primarily coal mining) is maintained by the Office of Surface Mining Reclamation and Enforcement (OSMRE) to provide information needed to implement the Surface Mining Control and Reclamation Act of 1977 (SMCRA). The inventory contains information on the location, type, and extent of Abandoned Mine Land (AML) impacts, as well as information on the cost associated with the reclamation of those problems. The inventory is based upon field surveys by State, Tribal, and OSMRE program officials. It is dynamic to the extent that it is modified as new problems are identified and existing problems are reclaimed. Government Publication Date: Dec 18, 2020 Mineral Resource Data System:rr-MRDS-bb The Mineral Resource Data System (MRDS) is a collection of reports describing metallic and nonmetallic mineral resources throughout the world. Included are deposit name, location, commodity, deposit description, geologic characteristics, production, reserves, resources, and references. This database contains the records previously provided in the Mineral Resource Data System (MRDS) of USGS and the Mineral Availability System/Mineral Industry Locator System (MAS/MILS) originated in the U.S. Bureau of Mines, which is now part of USGS. The USGS has ceased systematic updates of the MRDS database with their focus more recently on deposits of critical minerals while providing a well-documented baseline of historical mine locations from USGS topographic maps. Government Publication Date: Mar 15, 2006 Uranium Mill Tailings Radiation Control Act Sites:rr-URANIUM-bb The Legacy Management Office of the Department of Energy (DOE) manages radioactive and chemical waste, environmental contamination, and hazardous material at over 100 sites across the U.S. The L.M. Office manages this database of sites registered under the Uranium Mill Tailings Control Act (UMTRCA). Government Publication Date: Mar 4, 2017 Alternative Fueling Stations:rr-ALT FUELS-bb List of alternative fueling stations made available by the US Department of Energy's Office of Energy Efficiency & Renewable Energy. Includes Biodiesel stations, Ethanol (E85) stations, Liquefied Petroleum Gas (Propane) stations, Ethanol (E85) stations, Natural Gas stations, Hydrogen stations, and Electric Vehicle Supply Equipment (EVSE). The National Renewable Energy Laboratory (NREL) obtains information about new stations from trade media, Clean Cities coordinators, a Submit New Station form on the Station Locator website, and through collaborating with infrastructure equipment and fuel providers, original equipment manufacturers (OEMs), and industry groups. Government Publication Date: Dec 21, 2021 Registered Pesticide Establishments:rr-SSTS-bb List of active EPA-registered foreign and domestic pesticide-producing and device-producing establishments based on data from the Section Seven Tracking System (SSTS). The Federal Insecticide, Fungicide, and Rodenticide Act (FIFRA) Section 7 requires that facilities producing pesticides, active ingredients, or devices be registered. The list of establishments is made available by the EPA. Government Publication Date: Apr 13, 2021 PIPELINE INCIDENT MLTS HIST MLTS MINES SMCRA MRDS URANIUM ALT FUELS SSTS 863 62 erisinfo.com | Environmental Risk Information Services Order No: 22022400624 Polychlorinated Biphenyl (PCB) Notifiers:rr-PCB-bb Facilities included in the national list of facilities that have notified the United States Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) of Polychlorinated Biphenyl (PCB) activities. Any company or person storing, transporting or disposing of PCBs or conducting PCB research and development must notify the EPA and receive an identification number. Government Publication Date: Jan 20, 2022 State Priority Ranking List:rr-PRIORITYCLEAN-bb The Florida Legislature has established a state-funded program to cleanup properties that are contaminated as a result of the operations of a drycleaning facility or wholesale supply facility (Chapter 376, Florida Statutes). The program is administered by the Florida Department of Environmental Protection (FDEP). The statute was sponsored by the drycleaning industry to address environmental, economic, and liability issues resulting from drycleaning solvent contamination. The program provides limited liability protection to the owner, operator and real property owner of drycleaning or wholesale supply facilities for cleanup of drycleaning solvent contamination if the parties meet the eligibility conditions stated in the law. Government Publication Date: Jul 14, 2021 Dry Cleaning Facilities:rr-DRYCLEANERS-bb A listing of dry cleaning facilities registered with the Florida Department of Environmental Protection (FDEP). The information contains facility identification number, site location information, related party (owner) information, and facility type and status. Data is taken from the Storage Tank & Contamination Monitoring database, the registration repository of dry cleaner facility data. Government Publication Date: Sep 23, 2021 Delisted Dry Cleaning Facilities:rr-DELISTED DRYCLEANERS-bb List of sites removed from the drycleaners database made available by the Florida Department of Environmental Conservation (DEC). Government Publication Date: Sep 23, 2021 Historical Dry Cleaners:rr-HISTORICAL DRYC-bb The Florida Department of Environmental Protection (FDEP) provided this historical database of regulated and non-regulated dry cleaning facilities. These facilities were at one time tracked and registered by the FDEP OCULUS Electronic Document Management System as "drums" in the underground storage tank database. Government Publication Date: Aug 2, 2013 Oil and Hazardous Materials Incidents:rr-SPILLS-bb Statewide listing of oil and hazardous materials spills and incidents recorded by the Florida Department of Environmental Protection (FDEP). Government Publication Date: Sep 28, 2021 Contaminated Sites:rr-DWM CONTAM-bb Florida Department of Environmental Protection (FDEP) Division of Waste Management (DWM) listing of active or known sites that include sites requiring cleanup but are not actively being worked on due to the agency's lack of funding (primarily petroleum and drycleaning). Government Publication Date: Sep 1, 2021 Delisted Contaminated Sites:rr-DEL CONTAM SITE-bb List of sites which were once included on the Florida Department of Environmental Protection (FDEP) Division of Waste Management (DWM)'s Contaminated Sites list. As sites on the Contaminated Sites (CS) list are cleaned up or closed under risk based corrective action, they are removed from the CS list. Government Publication Date: Sep 30, 2015 Aqueous Film Forming Foam (AFFF):rr-PFAS AFFF-bb A list of fire fighter training facilities that use or possibly used Aqueous Film Forming Foam (AFFF). This list is made available by the Florida Department of Environmental Protection (DEP). Government Publication Date: Aug 20, 2021 PFAS Investigation at Federal Facilities:rr-PFAS-bb PCB PRIORITYCLEAN DRYCLEANERS DELISTED DRYCLEANERS HISTORICAL DRYC SPILLS DWM CONTAM DEL CONTAM SITE PFAS AFFF PFAS 864 63 erisinfo.com | Environmental Risk Information Services Order No: 22022400624 List of sites - including Federal Facilities - in Florida at which either a) there has been confirmed or suspected usage of Aqueous Film Forming Foam (AFFF), or b) the Division of Waste Management has identified as a potential source or environmental impact related to per- and polyfluoroalkyl substances (PFAS). The Florida Department of Environmental Protection (DEP) is committed to the protection of the groundwater resources of the state and the public health and safety of residents. The DEP will continue its efforts to investigate and understand PFAS in the environment and the ecological and human health risks associated with PFAS contamination. Listings made available by the Florida Department of Environmental Protection (DEP). Government Publication Date: Jul 13, 2021 Ground Water Contamination Areas:rr-GW CONTAM-bb List of areas of known groundwater contamination made available by the Florida Department of Environmental Protection (DEP). 38 counties have been delineated primarily for the agricultural pesticide ethylene dibromide (EDB), and to a much lesser extent, volatile organic and petroleum contaminants. Permitted water wells in these areas must meet specific well construction criteria and water testing prior to well use. This dataset only indicates the presence or absence of specific groundwater contaminants and does not represent all known sources of groundwater contamination in the state of Florida. Government Publication Date: Jan 24, 2019 Underground Injection Control Wells:rr-UIC-bb Class I Underground Injection Control (UIC) wells that are currently or were previously active, as well as proposed sites, regulated by the Florida Department of Environmental Protection (FDEP). Class I UIC wells are used to inject nonhazardous waste, hazardous waste (new hazardous waste wells were banned in 1983), or municipal waste below the lowermost underground source of drinking water. Government Publication Date: Sep 27, 2021 Well Surveillance Program Facilities:rr-WELL SURVEILLANCE-bb List of facilities made available by the Florida Health Well Surveillance group. The Well Surveillance group manages several programs to identify and monitor areas in Florida where contaminated drinking water is suspected and may pose a threat to public health. The section coordinates with the County Health Departments (CHDs) to locate potable wells and conduct water sampling for contaminants of concern. The Well Surveillance Section is composed of the State Underground Petroleum Environmental Response Act (SUPER Act), Drinking Water Toxics Program (Toxics), Drycleaner Solvent Cleanup Program (DSCP). Includes locations of known cattle dipping vats. Government Publication Date: Dec 13, 2021 Cattle Dip Vats:rr-CDV SOUTHEAST-bb A list of Cattle Dip Vats in Southeast Florida made available by the Florida Department of Environmental Protection. Government Publication Date: Jan 19, 2017 Tier 2 Report:rr-TIER 2-bb A list of Tier 2 facilities in the state of Florida. The list tracks the inventory of chemicals within a particular facility. This list is provided by the Florida Division of Emergency Management. Government Publication Date: Jul 9, 2021 Delisted County Records:rr-DELISTED COUNTY-bb Records removed from county databases. Records may be removed from the county lists made available by the respective county departments because they are inactive, or because they have been deemed to be below reportable thresholds. Government Publication Date: Feb 15, 2022 Tribal No Tribal additional environmental record sources available for this State. County No County additional environmental databases were selected to be included in the search. GW CONTAM UIC WELL SURVEILLANCE CDV SOUTHEAST TIER 2 DELISTED COUNTY 865 64 erisinfo.com | Environmental Risk Information Services Order No: 22022400624 h-Definitions Database Descriptions:This section provides a detailed explanation for each database including:source,information available,time coverage,and acronyms used.They are listed in alphabetic order. Detail Report:This is the section of the report which provides the most detail for each individual record.Records are summarized by location,starting with the project property followed by records in closest proximity. Distance:The distance value is the distance between plotted points,not necessarily the distance between the sites'boundaries.All values are an approximation. Direction: The direction value is the compass direction of the site in respect to the project property and/or center point of the report. Elevation:The elevation value is taken from the location at which the records for the site address have been plotted.All values are an approximation. Source:Google Elevation API. Executive Summary:This portion of the report is divided into 3 sections: 'Report Summary'-Displays a chart indicating how many records fall on the project property and,within the report search radii. 'Site Report Summary'-Project Property'-This section lists all the records which fall on the project property.For more details,see the 'Detail Report' section. 'Site Report Summary-Surrounding Properties'-This section summarizes all records on adjacent properties,listing them in order of proximity from the project property.For more details,see the 'Detail Report'section. Map Key:The map key number is assigned according to closest proximity from the project property.Map Key numbers always start at #1.The project property will always have a map key of '1'if records are available.If there is a number in brackets beside the main number,this will indicate the number of records on that specific property.If there is no number in brackets,there is only one record for that property. The symbol and colour used indicates 'elevation':the red inverted triangle will dictate 'ERIS Sites with Lower Elevation',the yellow triangle will dictate 'ERIS Sites with Higher Elevation'and the orange square will dictate 'ERIS Sites with Same Elevation.' Unplottables:These are records that could not be mapped due to various reasons,including limited geographic information.These records may or may not be in your study area,and are included as reference. Definitions 866 APPENDIX 6 -QUESTIONNAIRES/PROVIDED INFORMATION 867 NV5 3550 West Market Street Akron, OH 44333 Fax: 866-486-2388 Phone: 800-787-8397 1 ASTM E1527-13 User Questionnaire Property location:______________________________ This questionnaire is utilized In order to qualify for one of the Landowner Liability Protections (LLPs) offered by the Small Business Liability Relief and Brownfields Revitalization Act of 2001 (the “Brownfields Amendments”). LLPs is the term used to describe the three types of potential defenses to Superfund liability in EPA’s Interim Guidance Regarding Criteria Landowners Must Meet in order to Qualify for Bona Fide Prospective Purchaser, Contiguous Property Owner, or Innocent Landowner Limitations on CERCLA Liability issued on March 6, 2003. The user must provide the following information (if available) to the environmental professional. Failure to provide this information could result in a determination that “all appropriate inquiry” is not complete. 1) Environmental cleanup liens that are filed or recorded against the subject property (40 CFR 312.25). Did a search of recorded land title records (or judicial records where appropriate) identify any environmental liens filed or recorded against the property under federal, tribal, state or local law? If such documentation is available, please provide. 2) Activity and land use limitations (AULs) that are in place on the subject property or that have been filed or recorded in a registry (40 CFR 312.26). Did a search of recorded land title records (or judicial records where appropriate,) identify any AULs, such as engineering controls, land use restrictions or institutional controls that are in place at the property and/or have been filed or recorded against the property under federal, tribal, state or local law? 3) Specialized knowledge or experience of the person seeking to qualify for the LLP (40 CFR 312.28). As the user of this environmental site assessment (ESA) do you have any specialized knowledge or experience related to the subject property or nearby properties? For example, are you involved in the same line of business as the current or former occupants of the subject property or an adjoining property so that you would have specialized knowledge of the chemicals and processes used by this type of business? 868 NV5 3550 West Market Street Akron, OH 44333 Fax: 866-486-2388 Phone: 800-787-8397 2 4) Relationship of the purchase price to the fair market value of the subject property if it were not contaminated (40 CFR 312.29). Does the purchase price being paid for this subject property reasonably reflect the fair market value of the subject property? If you conclude that there is a difference, have you considered whether the lower purchase price is because contamination is known or believed to be present at the subject property? 5) Commonly known or reasonably ascertainable information about the subject property (40 CFR 312.30). Are you aware of commonly known or reasonably ascertainable information about the subject property that would help the environmental professional to identify conditions indicative of releases or threatened releases? For example, as user, a) Do you know the past use of the subject property? b) Do you know the specific chemicals that are present or once were present at the subject property? c) Do you know of spills or other chemical releases that have taken place at the subject property? d) Do you know of any environmental cleanups that have taken place at the subject property? 6) The degree of obviousness of the presence or likely presence of the contamination at the subject property, and the ability to detect the contamination by appropriate investigation (40 CFR 312.31). Based on your knowledge and experience related to the property are there any obvious indicators that point to the presence or likely presence of contamination at the property? Signature:______________________Date: _____________________ Name : _______________________Company: _________________ Association to the property/ transaction: _________________________________ 869 ENVIRONMENTAL SITE ASSESSMENT QUESTIONNAIRE INSTRUCTIONS: As soon as possible, please complete to the best of your knowledge and return via email to: Daneale.Delorenzo@NV5.com or fax 866-486-2388 NV5 3550 West Market Street, Suite 200 Akron, OH 44333 Fax: 866-486-2388 Phone: 800-787-8397 Project Number: GENERAL INFORMATION Property Name: Address: City, State, Zip PROPERTY INFORMATION Property Size (in acres): # of Buildings: Gross Building Square Footage: # of Tenant Spaces: Net Rentable Square Footage: # of Parking Spaces: Date of Construction: # of ADA Parking Spaces: Please attach a Property Site Plan and a current Tenant List or Rent Roll to the returned Questionnaire 870 UTILITY AND SERVICE PROVIDERS Electric Pest Control Gas HVAC Maintenance Drinking Water Roof Maintenance Sanitary Sewer Fire Systems Storm Water Security Systems Solid Waste Elevator (if applicable) Landscaping Other The questionnaire information was provided by: Name: Title: Signature: Phone Number: _______________________________ Date: ENVIRONMENTAL INFORMATION PREVIOUS REPORTS, DOCUMENTS AND OWNERS 1. Are you aware if a previous Environmental Assessment has ever been performed on the subject property? If yes, are you aware of the recommendations made in the report or please provide a copy of the report? ٱ- Yes ٱ - No ٱ- Do not Know 2. Do you have any other environmentally associated documents, such as compliance audits, environmental permits (such as an NPDES permit, boiler permit, wastewater permit), registrat ions (such as for a underground storage tank) or material safety data sheets? If yes, please provide a copy of the document(s) ٱ- Yes ٱ - No ٱ- Do not Know 3. Can you provide contact information (name and phone number) of the previous owner of the property? If yes, please provide below. ٱ- Yes ٱ - No ٱ- Do not Know 871 HISTORICAL & PRESENT USAGE/SITE CONDITIONS – SUBJECT AND ADJOINING PROPERTIES 1. Are you aware of the prior use of the subject property, i.e., any previous development, undeveloped? If so, please describe. 2. Has fill dirt ever been brought onto the subject property that originated from a contaminated site or from an unknown source? ٱ- Yes ٱ - No ٱ- Do not Know 3. Are there currently or have there ever been any pits, ponds or lagoons on the subject property utilized in connection with waste treatment or waste disposal? ٱ- Yes ٱ - No ٱ- Do not Know 4. Are you currently aware of or have there ever been any hazardous substances, petroleum products, tires, car or industrial batteries, pesticides or other chemicals or waste materials that have been dumped, buried or bu rned on the subject property? ٱ- Yes ٱ - No ٱ- Do not Know 5. Have any of the adjoining properties ever been used for industrial purposes? (including but not limited to a gas station, dry cleaner, auto repair facility, landfill, waste treatment, printing facility etc)? If yes, please describe. ٱ- Yes ٱ - No ٱ- Do not Know 6. Are any of the adjoining properties currently being used for industrial purposes? If yes, please describe. ٱ- Yes ٱ - No ٱ- Do not Know 7. If the subject property is served by a private well or non-public water system, is there evidence or do you have prior knowledge that contaminants have been identified in the well or system that exceed guidelines applicable to the water system or that the well has been designated as contaminated by any government environmental/health agency? If an on-site well is present, please attach a copy of the most recent water quali ty testing report. ٱ- Yes ٱ - No ٱ- Not Applicable AAI and REGULATORY QUESTIONS In order to qualify for one of the Landowner Liability Protections offered by the Small Business Liability Relief and Brownfields Revitalization Act of 2001, you must provide the following information (if available). Failure to provide this information could result in a determination that “all appropriate inquiry” is not complete. 1. Are you aware of any environmental cleanup liens against the property that are filed or recorded under federal, tribal, state or local law? ٱ- Yes ٱ - No ٱ- Do not Know 2. Are you aware of any AULs, such as engineering controls, land use restrictions or institutional controls that are in place at the site and /or have been filed or recorded in a registry under federal, tribal, state or local? ٱ- Yes ٱ - No ٱ- Do not Know 872 3. As the user of this ESA do you have specialized knowledge or experience related to the property or nearby properties? ٱ- Yes ٱ - No ٱ- Do not Know 4. (Answer this question only if this is an acquisition) Does the purchase price being paid for this property reasonably reflect the fair market value of the property? If there is a difference, have you considered or determined whether the lower price is because contamination is known or believed to be present at the property? ٱ- Yes ٱ - No ٱ- Do not Know 5. Are you aware of commonly known or reasonably ascertainable information about the property that would be help the environmental professional to identify conditions indicative of releases or threatened release? For example as user, a.) Do you know the past uses of the property b.) Do you know of specific chemical s that are present at the property c.) Do you know of spills or chemical releases that have taken place? d.) Do you know of any environmental cleanups that have taken place at the property? - Yes ٱ - No ٱ- Do not Know 6. As the user of this ESA, based on your knowledge and experience related to the property, are there any obvious indicators that point to the presence or likely presence of contamination at the property? ٱ- Yes ٱ - No ٱ- Do not Know STORAGE TANKS AND DRAINS 1. Are there currently or are you aware if there have ever previously been any registered or unregistered storage tanks, aboveground or underground, located on the subject property? If so, please attach copies of documentation such as tank closure/removal reports, tank tightness tests or registration/regulatory information. ٱ- Yes ٱ - No ٱ- Do not Know 2. Are there currently or are you aware if there have ever previously been any vent pipes, fill pipes, or access ways indicating a fill pipe protruding from the ground on the property or adjacent to any structure located on the subject property? ٱ- Yes ٱ - No ٱ- Do not Know 3. Are there currently or are you aware if there have ever previously been any current evidence of leaks, spills, or staining by substances other than water, or foul odors, associated with any flooring, drains, walls, ceilings, or exposed grounds on the subject property? ٱ- Yes ٱ - No ٱ- Do not Know TRANSFORMERS AND HYDRAULIC EQUIPMENT 1. Are there are any transformers, capacitors, and/or hydraulic equipment on the subj ect property? ٱ- Yes ٱ - No ٱ- Do not Know 2. If yes, are there any records indicating the presence or absence of PCBs in this equipment. If so, please attach 873 copies of this documentation. ٱ- Yes ٱ - No ٱ- Do not Know 3. Are the transformers owned by the subject property or by the local utility? If owned by the utility, please note the name of the utility. ASBESTOS CONTAINING MATERIALS 1. Has the subject property ever been tested for the presence of asbestos containing materials (ACM)? ٱ- Yes ٱ - No ٱ- Do not Know 2. If yes, are you aware if asbestos containing materials were identified? If so, please note what asbestos containing materials were identified and their locations or please attach a copy of the test results? ٱ- Yes ٱ - No ٱ- Not Applicable 3. Is there an Asbestos Operations and Maintenance Program in place at the subject property? ٱ- Yes ٱ - No ٱ- Do not Know RADON 1. Has the subject property ever been tested for the presence of radon? ٱ- Yes ٱ - No ٱ- Do not Know 2. If yes, do you have the results of the testing? Please attach. ٱ- Yes ٱ - No ٱ- Not Applicable LEAD BASED PAINT 1. Has the subject property ever been tested for the presence of lead based paint (LBP)? ٱ- Yes ٱ - No ٱ- Do not Know 2. If yes, are you aware if lead based paint was identified? If so, please note where it was identified or please attach a copy of the test results? ٱ- Yes ٱ - No ٱ- Not Applicable 3. Is there a Lead Based Paint Operations and Maintenance Program in place at the subject property? ٱ- Yes ٱ - No ٱ- Do not Know 4. If the property was constructed prior to 1979, do you provide Lead Ba sed Paint Notification to the tenants? If yes, please attach a copy of the notification. ٱ- Yes ٱ - No ٱ- Not Applicable MOLD 1. Is there any evidence of mold and/or mildew on the subject property? If yes, please provide information as to the location, extent and the cause of the mold/mildew. Please note what actions are currently or have formerly been taken to address this concern. ٱ- Yes ٱ - No 874 2. Is there a Mold and Moisture Minimization Program in place at the subject property? ٱ- Yes ٱ - No ٱ- Do not Know COMMENTS/ADDITIONAL INFORMATION (If necessary, please provide any additional relevant environmental information that has not been discussed above.) 875 APPENDIX 7 -MUNICIPAL/REGULATORY INFORMATION 876 MJB ESA Vacant Parcel 202200201 Tree Swallow Dr. & Tuskawilla Rd., Winter Springs, FL 32708 (Seminole County) ____________________ ____________________________________________ Project Number Site Address Seminole County Parcel #: 06-21-31-506-0000-0060 FIRE DEPARTMENT INTERVIEW Seminole County Fire Dept., Fire Prevention 407-665-5175 _____________________________________ _____________________________ Fire Prevention or Department Name Name, Title and Phone Number Fire Services for the City of Winter Springs are handled by Seminole County. https://www.seminolecountyfl.gov/departments-services/fire-department/ Seminole County has a link to Environmental Assessment Request, which brings you to e-mail of: amagluta02@seminolecountyfl.gov 2/28/22 – E-mailed request and provided Parcel Number and Aerial of location. 3/1/22 – Response: I have searched our data base for any Hazmat incidents at Southeast Corner of Tree Swallow Drive & Tuskawilla Road and did not find any in the last 7 years. Please contact Ruth Rauenzahu from Orange County EPD at 407 836-1475 for any Tanks/Petroleum record searches. Have a great day, Annie Magluta Seminole County Fire Department 150 Eslinger Way Sanford, FL 32773 407 665-5164 3/1/22 – Ruth is no longer at EPD but would need an address to search and they refer to FDEP resources and OCULUS. 1. Are there any records of Underground Storage Tanks (UST's)/releases for the property? See below State section. 2. Are there records of hazmat incidents at the subject property? No Spills STATE UNDERGROUND STORAGE TANK AGENCY FL DEP, Bureau of Petroleum Storage Systems Waste Management, 850-245-8705 _____________________________________ _____________________________ Department Name Name, Title and Phone Number http://www.dep.state.fl.us/waste/quick_topics/database_reports/pages/stcm/storagetank_reports.htm http://ca.dep.state.fl.us/mapdirect/ https://prodlamp.dep.state.fl.us/www_stcm/publicreports/FacilityLocTank 1. Are there any records of Underground Storage Tanks (UST's) for the property? 877 2/28/22 - The subject property does not appear to be identified on FDEP County Tank Database when searching Tree Swallow or Tuskawilla. The subject property was not targeted on the FDEP MapDirect Environmental Map, except for being located in the below Brownfield Area. See saved City of Winter Spring’s Resolution document. Brownfield Areas TOWN CENTER S.E.E.D. / BROWNFIELD AREA NAME BF590803000 AREA ID 2008-36 RESOLUTION NUMBER https://prodenv.dep.state.fl.us/DepNexus/public/electronic- documents/BF590803000/gis-facility!search DOCUMENTS CITY OF WINTER SPRINGS, FL Address SEMINOLE County COUNTY (CENTRAL) CENTRAL DISTRICT PAPER METHOD 10/13/2008 DATESTAMP 09/04/2008 RESOLUTION DATE WILLIAMS_CA USERNAME 2220603.5 ACREAGE Tank Facilities Mapped S-SW: Registered Tanks from Storage Tank Contamination Monitoring (STCM) - Registered Tanks from STCM 9045623 FACILITY ID MOBIL-WINTER SPRINGS #731 FACILITY NAME PERRY_JF59 COL NAME WOEBER_A VER NAME 18292 LOC ID https://prodenv.dep.state.fl.us/DepNexus/public/electronic-documents/9045623/gis- facility!search DOCUMENTS 1205 E STATE ROAD 434 WINTER SPRINGS, FL 32708 Address SEMINOLE County COUNTY Y REGULATED A FACILITY TYPE CODE TANKS-PETROLEUM CONTAMINATION COL PROG ONGOING FACILITY CLEANUP STATUS ONGO FACILITY CLEANUP STATUS CODE OPEN FACILITY STATUS Retail Station FACILITY TYPE 02/17/2009 CLEANUP STATUS EFFECTIVE DATE 07/23/2003 COL DATE 06/09/2005 VER DATE 878 Registered Tanks from Storage Tank Contamination Monitoring (STCM) - Registered Tanks from STCM 8516641 FACILITY ID HANDY WAY FOOD STORE #3333 FACILITY NAME PERRY_JF59 COL NAME WOEBER_A VER NAME 18725 LOC ID https://prodenv.dep.state.fl.us/DepNexus/public/electronic-documents/8516641/gis- facility!search DOCUMENTS 170 TUSCAWILLA RD WINTER SPRINGS, FL 32708 Address SEMINOLE County COUNTY N REGULATED A FACILITY TYPE CODE DPHO COL METH TANKS-PETROLEUM CONTAMINATION COL PROG COMPLETED FACILITY CLEANUP STATUS CMPL FACILITY CLEANUP STATUS CODE CLOSED FACILITY STATUS Retail Station FACILITY TYPE 03/23/2014 CLEANUP STATUS EFFECTIVE DATE 10/14/2003 COL DATE 06/08/2005 VER DATE AST Facility Mapped NW: Registered Tanks from Storage Tank Contamination Monitoring (STCM) 9809815 FACILITY ID PUBLIX SUPER MARKET #62 FACILITY NAME PERRY_JF VER NAME 63231 LOC ID https://prodenv.dep.state.fl.us/DepNexus/public/electronic-documents/9809815/gis- facility!search DOCUMENTS 1160 E SR 434 WINTER SPRINGS, FL 32708 Address SEMINOLE County COUNTY Y REGULATED C FACILITY TYPE CODE TANKS-PETROLEUM CONTAMINATION COL PROG OPEN FACILITY STATUS Fuel user/Non-retail FACILITY TYPE 04/25/2008 COL DATE 04/25/2008 VER DATE 879 HEALTH DEPARTMENT Seminole County Health Dept., Env. Health Division 407-665-3000 _____________________________________ _____________________________ Department Name Name, Title and Phone Number FL Department of Business & Prof. Regs 850-487-1395 https://www.myfloridalicense.com/wl11.asp?mode=0&SID= http://www.floridahealth.gov/statistics-and-data/eh-tracking-and-reporting/food-hygiene.html 1. Are there any health code violations associated with the subject property? N/A 880 Property Record Card Parcel Property Address 06-21-31-506-0000-0060 , Parcel Information Value Summary 2022 Working Values 2021 Certified Values Valuation Method Cost/Market Cost/Market Number of Buildings 0 0 Depreciated Bldg Value Depreciated EXFT Value Land Value (Market)$231,160 $231,160 Land Value Ag Just/Market Value $231,160 $231,160 Portability Adj Save Our Homes Adj $0 $0 Amendment 1 Adj $0 $0 P&G Adj $0 $0 Assessed Value $231,160 $231,160 2021 Tax Amount without Exemptions:$3,720.27 2021 Tax Bill Amount:$3,720.27 $0.002021 Tax Savings with Exemptions: * Does NOT INCLUDE Non Ad Valorem Assessments Legal Description LOT 6 WINTER SPRINGS APARTMENTS - A REPLAT PLAT BOOK {82} PAGES {63-66} Parcel 06-21-31-506-0000-0060 Owner(s)WINTER SPRINGS APARTMENTS LP Property Adrress , Mailing C/O CATALYST DEV PARTNERS LLC 880 GLENWOOD AVE SE STE H ATLANTA, GA 30316-1825 Subdivision Name WINTER SPRINGS APARTMENTS - A REPLAT Tax District W1-WINTER SPRINGS DOR Use Code 1015-VACANT COMM-PUD Exemptions None Agricultural Classification No Exempt ValuesAssessment ValueTaxing Authority Taxable Value Taxes SJWM(Saint Johns Water Management)$231,160 $0 $231,160 CITY WINTER SPRINGS $231,160 $0 $231,160 FIRE FUND $231,160 $0 $231,160 COUNTY GENERAL FUND $231,160 $0 $231,160 Schools $231,160 $0 $231,160 Sales Description Date Book Page Amount Qualified Vac/Imp Land ~/ParcelDetailInfo.aspx?PID=06213150600000060 Page 1/2 881 Method Frontage Depth Units Units Price Land Value SQUARE FEET 23116 $10.00 $231,160 Building Information Permits Permit #Description Agency CO DateAmount Permit Date Extra Features Description Year Built Units Value New Cost Zoning Zoning Zoning Description Future Land Use Future Land Use Description T-C Town Center District ~/ParcelDetailInfo.aspx?PID=06213150600000060 Page 2/2 882 883 884 TOTAL AD VALOREM TAXES TAXING AUTHORITY TAXES LEVIED AD VALOREM TAXES TOTAL NON-AD VALOREM ASSESSMENTS COMBINED TAXES AND ASSESSMENTS See reverse side for important information. TOTAL MILLAGE LEVYING AUTHORITY RATE AMOUNT PAY IN U.S. FUNDS TO J.R. KROLL, SEMINOLE COUNTY TAX COLLECTOR • P.O. BOX 630 • SANFORD, FL 32772-0630 FOR PROCESSING PURPOSES, PLEASE DO NOT WRITE ON THIS NOTICE. MILLAGE RATE (DOLLARS PER $1,000 OF TAXABLE VALUE)EXEMPTION (s) ASSESSED VALUE PLEASE RETAIN THIS PORTION FOR YOUR RECORDSTAXABLE VALUE SEMINOLE COUNTY TAX COLLECTOR APPLICABLE VALUES AND EXEMPTIONS BELOW PROPERTY I.D. NUMBER ESCROW CD MILLAGE CODE NOTICE OF AD VALOREM TAXES AND NON-AD VALOREM ASSESSMENTS NON-AD VALOREM ASSESSMENTS SEMINOLE COUNTY TAX COLLECTOR APPLICABLE VALUES AND EXEMPTIONS ABOVE PROPERTY I.D. NUMBER ESCROW CD MILLAGE CODE NOTICE OF AD VALOREM TAXES AND NON-AD VALOREM ASSESSMENTS PAY ONLINE WWW.SEMINOLECOUNTY.TAX J.R. KROLL J.R. KROLL 2021 SEMINOLE COUNTY REAL ESTATE TAX BILL NUMBER 122876 06-21-31-506-0000-0060 W1 R 2H1RI s!NrGB+ G QS)KCp9,(5zV yii))yiYI ) iyi )1857 - 61906WINTER SPRINGS APARTMENTS LP C/O CATALYST DEV PARTNERS LLC 880 GLENWOOD AVE SE STE H ATLANTA GA 30316-1965 LOT 6 WINTER SPRINGS APARTMENTS - A REPLAT PLAT BOOK {82} PAGES {63-66} COUNTY 4.8751 231,160 0 231,160 1,126.93 FIRE 2.7649 231,160 0 231,160 639.13 SCHOOL 5.8250 231,160 0 231,160 1,346.51 ST JOHNS WATER MANAGEMENT 0.2189 231,160 0 231,160 50.60 WINTER SPRINGS 2.4100 231,160 0 231,160 557.10 PAY ONLINE WWW.SEMINOLECOUNTY.TAX 16.0939 $3,720.27 $ .00 $3,720.27 PAY ONLY ONE AMOUNT BY NOV 30 BY DEC 31 BY JAN 31 BY FEB 28 BY MAR 31 3,571.46 3,608.66 3,645.86 3,683.07 3,720.27 2021 SEMINOLE COUNTY REAL ESTATE TAX BILL NUMBER 122876 06-21-31-506-0000-0060 W1 R PLEASE DETACH AND RETURN THIS ORIGINAL STUB WITH PAYMENT WINTER SPRINGS APARTMENTS LP C/O CATALYST DEV PARTNERS LLC 880 GLENWOOD AVE SE STE H ATLANTA, GA 30316-1825 LOT 6 WINTER SPRINGS APARTMENTS - A REPLAT PLAT BOOK {82} PAGES {63-66} PAY ONLY ONE AMOUNT BY NOV 30 BY DEC 31 BY JAN 31 BY FEB 28 BY MAR 31 3,571.46 3,608.66 3,645.86 3,683.07 3,720.27 100 0 0000022979 300 885 886 Se mi n ole C ounty GIS Se min o le Co u n ty P rope rty Appra ise r This m ap i s fo r in fo rm ati ona l purposes onl y an d is no t pr epa red for o r sui table fo r l e gal, e n ginee ri ng or s ur vey ing p urp os es . No w arr an ties; ex p re ss ed o r im p l ied , are p r o vided for the data her ein, its use o r i n ter pr etati o n. E 0 0.01 0.02 0.03 0.040.005 mi 887 Se mi n ole C ounty GIS Se min o le Co u n ty P rope rty Appra ise r This m ap i s fo r in fo rm ati ona l purposes onl y an d is no t pr epa red for o r sui table fo r l e gal, e n ginee ri ng or s ur vey ing p urp os es . No w arr an ties; ex p re ss ed o r im p l ied , are p r o vided for the data her ein, its use o r i n ter pr etati o n. E 0 0.01 0.02 0.03 0.040.005 mi 888 Se mi n ole C ounty GIS Se min o le Co u n ty P rope rty Appra ise r This m ap i s fo r in fo rm ati ona l purposes onl y an d is no t pr epa red for o r sui table fo r l e gal, e n ginee ri ng or s ur vey ing p urp os es . No w arr an ties; ex p re ss ed o r im p l ied , are p r o vided for the data her ein, its use o r i n ter pr etati o n. E 0 0.0065 0.013 0.0195 0.0260.0032 5 mi 889 Marker shows Tree Swallow Dr. & Tuskawilla Rd State of Florida, Maxar, FDEP, DWM, Esri, HERE, Garmin, (c) OpenStreetMap contributors, and the GIS user community, FDEP,DWM, County of Orange, Esri, HERE, GeoTechnologies, Inc., FGS Staff, ARM, FDEP/DWM/BWC, FDEP,WRM, WRM, FDEP, WRM, BCMS, FDEP/WRA Solid Waste Disaster Debris Management Sites Compliance & Enforcement Tracking-Hazardous Waste Facilities Solid Waste Facilities Facility Waste Processing Area Registered Tanks from STCM March 1, 2022 0 0.07 0.130.03 mi 0 0.1 0.20.05 km 1:4,514 Map created by Map Direct, powered by ESRI. Florida Department of Environmental Protection makes no warranty,expressed or implied,or assumes any legal liability or responsibility for the accuracy,completeness,or usefulness of any 890 Marker shows Tree Swallow Dr. & Tuskawilla Rd State of Florida, Maxar, FDEP, DWM, Esri, HERE, Garmin, (c) OpenStreetMap contributors, and the GIS user community, FDEP,DWM, County of Orange, Esri, HERE, FGS Staff, ARM, FDEP/DWM/BWC, FDEP,WRM, WRM, FDEP, WRM, BCMS, FDEP/WRA Solid Waste Disaster Debris Management Sites Compliance & Enforcement Tracking-Hazardous Waste Facilities Solid Waste Facilities Facility Waste Processing Area Site Investigation Section Sites Registered Tanks from STCM March 1, 2022 0 0.55 1.10.28 mi 0 0.85 1.70.42 km 1:36,112 Map created by Map Direct, powered by ESRI. Florida Department of Environmental Protection makes no warranty,expressed or implied,or assumes any legal liability or responsibility for the accuracy,completeness,or usefulness of any 891 892 893 894 895 896 897 898 899 900 901 902 903 904 905 906 907 908 909 910 911 912 913 914 915 916 917 918 919 920 921 922 923 924 925 926 927 928 929 930 931 932 933 934 935 936 937 938 939 940 941 942 943 944 945 946 947 948 949 950 951 952 953 954 955 956 957 958 959 960 961 962 963 From:Magluta, Annie To:Melissa Bibeault Subject:RE: Public Records Request for Environmental Assessment Date:Tuesday, March 1, 2022 9:52:58 AM Good morning, I have searched our data base for any Hazmat incidents at Southeast Corner of Tree Swallow Drive & Tuskawilla Road and did not find any in the last 7 years. Please contact Ruth Rauenzahu from Orange County EPD at 407 836- 1475 for any Tanks/Petroleum record searches. Have a great day, Annie Magluta Seminole County Fire Department 150 Eslinger Way Sanford, FL 32773 407 665-5164 From: Melissa Bibeault [mailto:Melissa.Bibeault@nv5.com] Sent: Monday, February 28, 2022 4:59 PM To: Magluta, Annie <AMagluta02@seminolecountyfl.gov> Subject: Public Records Request for Environmental Assessment NOTICE: This email was sent from someone outside of the Seminole County BCC Organization. Always use caution when opening attachments or clicking links from unknown senders or when receiving unexpected emails. If you believe this message to be suspect, please contact support at 311 and forward message to CSDSupport@seminolecountyfl.gov Good Afternoon, NV5 is conducting a Phase I Environmental Site Assessment at the below property: Undeveloped Land Southeast Corner of Tree Swallow Drive & Tuskawilla Road Winter Springs, FL 32708 Parcel: 06-21-31-506-0000-0060 964 If your office maintains the following records and you are the correct jurisdiction to contact, we are requesting the following information for our assessments. I understand there may be charges associated with the request. Prior to performing your research, please contact me by phone at 401-793-0217 or by e-mail at melissa.bibeault@nv5.com, to inform me of any related charges, or an estimate of charges. · If the department maintains records of Underground Storage Tanks (USTs), we are seeking any records of USTs at this property · Seeking any records of hazardous material spills or incidents of environmental concern associated with this property If this request should be directed to a different individual or you require a specific form be filled out, please advise. If you prefer to fax any information, the fax number is 866-486-2388. Thank you for your assistance in this matter. It is greatly appreciated. Sincerely, Melissa Jacques-Bibeault Melissa Jacques-Bibeault | Environmental Research Analyst | NV5 melissa.bibeault@nv5.com Electronic Communications Disclaimer ****Florida has a very broad Public Records Law. Virtually all written communications to or from State and Local Officials and employees are public records available to the public and media upon request. Seminole County policy does not differentiate between personal and business emails. E-mail sent on the County system will be considered public and will only be withheld from disclosure if deemed confidential pursuant to State Law.**** 3550 W. Market Street, Suite 200 | Akron, OH 44333 | P: 401-793-0217 889 Boston Neck Road, Suite 200 | Narragansett, RI 02882 965 APPENDIX 8 -PERSONNEL QUALIFICATIONS 966 Andrew A. Starr Project Manager / Site Inspector with Bock & Clark Corporation, an NV5 Company PROFILE With 9+ years’ experience conducting environmental investigations of contaminated sites and due diligence assessments throughout Florida and the United States, Mr. Starr serves as a Project Manager and Site Inspector for Bock & Clark’s environmental and assessment services division. In this capacity, Mr. Starr is responsible for client contact, site inspections, project research and report preparation. Mr. Starr has supervised and completed numerous Level I & II Environmental Site Assessments and Property Condition Assessments on industrial, commercial and residential properties for lending institutions, municipalities and private clients locally as well as nationwide. He also completed numerous mold, asbestos, radon and lead-based paint surveys, each approved by appropriate state agencies. Mr. Starr also has experience in soil and groundwater monitoring related to petroleum cleanup. EDUCATION • The University of South Florida, B.S. in Environmental Science and Policy - 2004 • CEG PCA Online and Onsite Training – 2013-2015 CAREER SUMMARY • 2019-present Bock & Clark Corporation, an NV5 Company – Spring Hill, FL Project Manager • 2015-2019 Bock and Clark Environmental, LLC – Saint Petersburg, FL Project Manager • 2013-2015 CEG Assessments – Saint Petersburg, FL Project Manager • 2010-2012 Florida Geotechnical Engineering, Inc. – Ybor City, FL Staff Scientist PROFESSIONAL COURSES AND DESIGNATIONS • OSHA 29 CFR 1910.120, 40 Hour Hazardous Waste Site Worker Protection Training • First Aid and CPR Trained • AHIT Home Inspection Training - 2016 MEMBERSHIPS/ASSOCIATIONS • Member, NAUI - Certified for Scuba Diving 967 Scott Lloyd Project Manager at Bock and Clark Corporation, an NV5 Company Profile Mr. Lloyd has twelve (13) years’ experience in the real estate due diligence field. Mr. Lloyd has successfully completed a number of Phase I Environmental Site Assessments and Property Condition Assessments and has managed over a thousand single-and multi-site due diligence projects throughout the United States for a broad range of property types including office, retail, multi- family, hospitality, healthcare, industrial and agricultural properties. Currently Mr. Lloyd acts as the team’s project reviewer for Phase I Environmental Site Assessments and Property Condition Assessments prior to client delivery. Education Kent State University- Bachelor of Arts (2010) Career Summary (2009-present) Project Manager at NV5 Bock and Clark Corporation, an NV5 Company (Akron, OH) o Review, verify data and report findings prior to client delivery o Reconnaissance of the subject property; including Retail Shopping Centers, Office, Industrial, Multi-family, Hospitality (Hotel), Self-Storage, Manufactured Housing (Mobile Home Parks), Hospitals and Assisted Living facilities o Identification of Physical Deficiencies in building systems o Recommending Repair and Maintenance Work o Providing costs estimates for deferred maintenance and life safety issues o Providing opinion off costs that are recommended for the first one to two years of the term o Reviewing federal, state, and local government records o Determining applicable regulations and making recommendations o Client and government agency consultation o Soil and groundwater sampling o Reviewing historical records and regulatory databases o Apply “All Appropriate Inquiry” and ASTM E 1527-13 Standards o Cursory evaluation of non-ASTM considerations such as asbestos, radon, and lead paint o Manage projects from start to finish including scheduling, coordinating, and monitoring progress through all phases on projects o Proficiency with a variety of computer software applications, including MS Word, MS Excel, and MS Outlook o Quire Report Writing software o Schedule and travel to various project locations to complete site reconnaissance Professional Courses and Designations Professional Courses and Designations ASTM 1527-13 Phase I ESA Certification ASTM 2018-15 PCA Certification InterNACHI- Commercial Property Inspection Certificate (January 2022) ASTM 2018 Property Condition Assessment- Principles and Practice Common Ground University Environmental Due Diligence- Principles and Practice- Common Ground University 968 6200 Lee Vista Boulevard, Suite 400 | Orlando, FL 32822 | www.NV5.com | Office 407.896.3317 & 407.275.5120 | Fax 407.896.9167 05/26/2023 Winter Springs City Hall Planning Division 1126 E State Rd 434 Winter Springs, FL 32708 Project No.: SP2022-0050 Project Name: Vision Source Winter Springs – Fisher Optometry RE: Storm Design Calculations Dear City of Winter Springs, Vision Source Winter Springs is a proposed optometry office in Winter Springs Florida. The site is currently undeveloped. The site’s stormwater management is provided through a master stormwater system. Water quality and attenuation of all onsite runoff has been addressed and accounted for in the master stormwater system. Runoff will be conveyed through concrete flumes to a proposed swale on the east side of the property. The collected runoff will then be conveyed through a FDOT Type C inlet and outfall to the previously constructed master stormwater system. Attached to this letter are storm design calculations indicating that a 10-year, 24-hour storm as well as a 25-year, 24-hour storm will not flood the proposed site’s parking lot. Rainfall Events · 25-year, 24-hour (7.78 inches of rainfall) – Maximum Swale Elevation: 36.20 · 10-year, 24-hour (6.24 inches of rainfall) – Maximum Swale Elevation: 36.13 As indicated above, the maximum swale elevation is lower than the proposed parking lot grades and will not impact surrounding offsite areas. If you have any questions, feel free to contact me at james.herbert@nv5.com. Sincerely, James Herbert, E.I. Project Engineer Frank Porter, P.E. Project Manager No. 69092 969 970 971 Max Time Max Warning Max Delta Max Surf Max Time Name Group Simulation Stage Stage Stage Stage Area Inflow Inf hrs ft ft ft ft2 hrs Boundary BASE 10Y24H 0.00 33.82 33.82 0.0000 0 12.27 1 Swale BASE 10Y24H 12.27 36.13 37.00 0.0050 1651 12.00 2 Boundary BASE 25Y24H 0.00 33.82 33.82 0.0000 0 12.08 3 Swale BASE 25Y24H 12.08 36.20 37.00 0.0050 1733 12.00 3 Interconnected Channel and Pond Routing Model (ICPR) ©2002 Streamline Technologies, Inc.Page 1 of 1 972 ========================================================================================== ==== Basins ============================================================================== ========================================================================================== Name: Onsite Node: Swale Status: Onsite Group: BASE Type: SCS Unit Hydrograph CN Unit Hydrograph: Uh323 Peaking Factor: 323.0 Rainfall File: Storm Duration(hrs): 0.00 Rainfall Amount(in): 0.000 Time of Conc(min): 10.00 Area(ac): 0.790 Time Shift(hrs): 0.00 Curve Number: 79.00 Max Allowable Q(cfs): 999999.000 DCIA(%): 0.00 ========================================================================================== ==== Nodes =============================================================================== ========================================================================================== Name: Boundary Base Flow(cfs): 0.000 Init Stage(ft): 33.820 Group: BASE Warn Stage(ft): 33.820 Type: Time/Stage Elevation is obvert of outgoing pipe Time(hrs) Stage(ft) --------------- --------------- 0.00 33.820 100.00 33.820 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Name: Swale Base Flow(cfs): 0.000 Init Stage(ft): 31.200 Group: BASE Warn Stage(ft): 37.000 Type: Stage/Area Combined proposed and exisiting swale. Stage(ft) Area(ac) --------------- --------------- 31.200 0.0100 36.000 0.0345 37.000 0.0610 ========================================================================================== ==== Drop Structures ===================================================================== ========================================================================================== Name: Onsite MH From Node: Swale Length(ft): 27.00 Group: BASE To Node: Boundary Count: 1 UPSTREAM DOWNSTREAM Friction Equation: Automatic Geometry: Circular Circular Solution Algorithm: Most Restrictive Span(in): 18.00 18.00 Flow: Both Rise(in): 18.00 18.00 Entrance Loss Coef: 0.000 Invert(ft): 31.200 31.200 Exit Loss Coef: 1.000 Manning's N: 0.012000 0.012000 Outlet Ctrl Spec: Use dc or tw Top Clip(in): 0.000 0.000 Inlet Ctrl Spec: Use dc Bot Clip(in): 0.000 0.000 Solution Incs: 10 Upstream FHWA Inlet Edge Description: Circular Concrete: Square edge w/ headwall Downstream FHWA Inlet Edge Description: Circular Concrete: Square edge w/ headwall *** Weir 1 of 1 for Drop Structure Onsite MH *** TABLE Count: 1 Bottom Clip(in): 0.000 Type: Horizontal Top Clip(in): 0.000 Flow: Both Weir Disc Coef: 3.200 Geometry: Rectangular Orifice Disc Coef: 0.600 Span(in): 28.00 Invert(ft): 36.000 Rise(in): 36.00 Control Elev(ft): 36.000 Interconnected Channel and Pond Routing Model (ICPR) ©2002 Streamline Technologies, Inc.Page 1 of 3 973 ========================================================================================== ==== Hydrology Simulations =============================================================== ========================================================================================== Name: 10Y24H Filename: O:\22011.20\STORM\10Y24H.R32 Override Defaults: Yes Storm Duration(hrs): 24.00 Rainfall File: Flmod Rainfall Amount(in): 6.24 Time(hrs) Print Inc(min) --------------- --------------- 30.000 5.00 ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Name: 25Y24H Filename: O:\22011.20\STORM\25Y24H.R32 Override Defaults: Yes Storm Duration(hrs): 24.00 Rainfall File: Flmod Rainfall Amount(in): 7.78 Time(hrs) Print Inc(min) --------------- --------------- 30.000 5.00 ========================================================================================== ==== Routing Simulations ================================================================= ========================================================================================== Name: 10Y24H Hydrology Sim: 10Y24H Filename: O:\22011.20\STORM\10Y24HR.I32 Execute: Yes Restart: No Patch: No Alternative: No Max Delta Z(ft): 1.00 Delta Z Factor: 0.00500 Time Step Optimizer: 10.000 Start Time(hrs): 0.000 End Time(hrs): 30.00 Min Calc Time(sec): 0.5000 Max Calc Time(sec): 60.0000 Boundary Stages: Boundary Flows: Time(hrs) Print Inc(min) --------------- --------------- 999.000 15.000 Group Run --------------- ----- BASE Yes ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Name: 25Y24H Hydrology Sim: 25Y24H Filename: O:\22011.20\STORM\25Y24H.I32 Execute: Yes Restart: No Patch: No Alternative: No Max Delta Z(ft): 1.00 Delta Z Factor: 0.00500 Time Step Optimizer: 10.000 Start Time(hrs): 0.000 End Time(hrs): 30.00 Min Calc Time(sec): 0.5000 Max Calc Time(sec): 60.0000 Boundary Stages: Boundary Flows: Time(hrs) Print Inc(min) --------------- --------------- 999.000 15.000 Group Run Interconnected Channel and Pond Routing Model (ICPR) ©2002 Streamline Technologies, Inc.Page 2 of 3 974 --------------- ----- BASE Yes Interconnected Channel and Pond Routing Model (ICPR) ©2002 Streamline Technologies, Inc.Page 3 of 3 975 5/22/23, 1:49 PM Precipitation Frequency Data Server https://hdsc.nws.noaa.gov/pfds/pfds_printpage.html?lat=28.6976&lon=-81.2615&data=depth&units=english&series=pds 1/4 NOAA Atlas 14, Volume 9, Version 2 Location name: Winter Springs, Florida, USA* Latitude: 28.6976°, Longitude: -81.2615° Elevation: 39 ft** * source: ESRI Maps ** source: USGS POINT PRECIPITATION FREQUENCY ESTIMATES Sanja Perica, Deborah Martin, Sandra Pavlovic, Ishani Roy, Michael St. Laurent, Carl Trypaluk, Dale Unruh, Michael Yekta, Geoffery Bonnin NOAA, National Weather Service, Silver Spring, Maryland PF_tabular | PF_graphical | Maps_&_aerials PF tabular PDS-based point precipitation frequency estimates with 90% confidence intervals (in inches)1 Duration Average recurrence interval (years) 1 2 5 10 25 50 100 200 500 1000 5-min 0.469 (0.385‑0.575) 0.538 (0.441‑0.660) 0.645 (0.527‑0.795) 0.730 (0.592‑0.904) 0.840 (0.654‑1.07) 0.920 (0.700‑1.20) 0.995 (0.731‑1.34) 1.07 (0.751‑1.48) 1.15 (0.780‑1.66) 1.22 (0.803‑1.80) 10-min 0.687 (0.564‑0.842) 0.788 (0.645‑0.966) 0.945 (0.771‑1.16) 1.07 (0.867‑1.32) 1.23 (0.958‑1.57) 1.35 (1.03‑1.75) 1.46 (1.07‑1.96) 1.56 (1.10‑2.17) 1.69 (1.14‑2.44) 1.78 (1.18‑2.64) 15-min 0.838 (0.687‑1.03) 0.961 (0.787‑1.18) 1.15 (0.941‑1.42) 1.30 (1.06‑1.61) 1.50 (1.17‑1.91) 1.64 (1.25‑2.14) 1.78 (1.31‑2.38) 1.90 (1.34‑2.65) 2.06 (1.39‑2.97) 2.17 (1.43‑3.21) 30-min 1.39 (1.14‑1.70) 1.58 (1.30‑1.94) 1.89 (1.54‑2.33) 2.13 (1.73‑2.64) 2.45 (1.91‑3.12) 2.68 (2.04‑3.48) 2.90 (2.13‑3.89) 3.10 (2.18‑4.31) 3.36 (2.27‑4.84) 3.53 (2.34‑5.24) 60-min 1.85 (1.52‑2.27) 2.12 (1.74‑2.60) 2.55 (2.08‑3.14) 2.89 (2.34‑3.58) 3.33 (2.59‑4.24) 3.65 (2.78‑4.75) 3.96 (2.91‑5.31) 4.25 (2.99‑5.91) 4.61 (3.12‑6.64) 4.86 (3.21‑7.20) 2-hr 2.31 (1.91‑2.81) 2.66 (2.19‑3.24) 3.21 (2.64‑3.93) 3.64 (2.98‑4.48) 4.21 (3.30‑5.34) 4.62 (3.55‑5.98) 5.02 (3.71‑6.69) 5.39 (3.82‑7.45) 5.86 (3.98‑8.39) 6.18 (4.11‑9.10) 3-hr 2.51 (2.08‑3.05) 2.90 (2.40‑3.52) 3.52 (2.91‑4.29) 4.02 (3.30‑4.93) 4.69 (3.69‑5.93) 5.18 (3.99‑6.69) 5.66 (4.21‑7.54) 6.12 (4.36‑8.45) 6.72 (4.60‑9.61) 7.15 (4.77‑10.5) 6-hr 2.88 (2.40‑3.47) 3.31 (2.76‑4.00) 4.04 (3.36‑4.89) 4.66 (3.85‑5.67) 5.54 (4.42‑7.04) 6.24 (4.86‑8.06) 6.95 (5.23‑9.27) 7.69 (5.54‑10.6) 8.70 (6.01‑12.4) 9.49 (6.38‑13.8) 12-hr 3.31 (2.78‑3.96) 3.76 (3.16‑4.50) 4.58 (3.83‑5.51) 5.35 (4.45‑6.47) 6.52 (5.30‑8.35) 7.52 (5.94‑9.78) 8.61 (6.55‑11.5) 9.79 (7.13‑13.6) 11.5 (8.03‑16.5) 12.9 (8.71‑18.6) 24-hr 3.79 (3.21‑4.51) 4.30 (3.64‑5.12) 5.28 (4.45‑6.31) 6.24 (5.23‑7.50) 7.78 (6.41‑10.0) 9.14 (7.30‑11.9) 10.7 (8.19‑14.3) 12.3 (9.07‑17.1) 14.8 (10.4‑21.1) 16.8 (11.5‑24.2) 2-day 4.36 (3.72‑5.15) 5.00 (4.26‑5.92) 6.24 (5.30‑7.41) 7.45 (6.28‑8.89) 9.37 (7.77‑12.0) 11.1 (8.90‑14.3) 12.9 (10.0‑17.2) 15.0 (11.1‑20.7) 18.1 (12.8‑25.7) 20.6 (14.1‑29.5) 3-day 4.82 (4.13‑5.68) 5.54 (4.74‑6.53) 6.90 (5.89‑8.16) 8.22 (6.97‑9.78) 10.3 (8.58‑13.1) 12.1 (9.80‑15.6) 14.2 (11.0‑18.8) 16.4 (12.2‑22.5) 19.7 (14.0‑27.8) 22.4 (15.4‑31.8) 4-day 5.24 (4.50‑6.14) 5.98 (5.14‑7.03) 7.41 (6.34‑8.74) 8.78 (7.46‑10.4) 10.9 (9.12‑13.8) 12.8 (10.4‑16.4) 14.9 (11.6‑19.7) 17.2 (12.8‑23.4) 20.5 (14.7‑28.9) 23.3 (16.1‑33.1) 7-day 6.30 (5.44‑7.35) 7.08 (6.11‑8.27) 8.55 (7.36‑10.0) 9.95 (8.51‑11.7) 12.1 (10.2‑15.2) 14.0 (11.4‑17.8) 16.1 (12.6‑21.1) 18.4 (13.8‑24.9) 21.7 (15.6‑30.4) 24.4 (17.0‑34.5) 10-day 7.24 (6.28‑8.42) 8.07 (7.00‑9.40) 9.60 (8.29‑11.2) 11.0 (9.47‑13.0) 13.2 (11.1‑16.4) 15.1 (12.3‑19.1) 17.2 (13.5‑22.3) 19.4 (14.6‑26.1) 22.6 (16.3‑31.5) 25.3 (17.6‑35.5) 20-day 10.0 (8.74‑11.6) 11.1 (9.69‑12.8) 13.0 (11.3‑15.1) 14.7 (12.7‑17.1) 17.1 (14.3‑20.8) 19.0 (15.5‑23.6) 21.1 (16.6‑27.0) 23.2 (17.5‑30.8) 26.2 (18.9‑36.0) 28.6 (20.0‑39.9) 30-day 12.4 (10.9‑14.3) 13.8 (12.1‑15.9) 16.1 (14.0‑18.6) 18.0 (15.6‑20.9) 20.6 (17.3‑24.9) 22.7 (18.5‑27.9) 24.7 (19.5‑31.4) 26.8 (20.2‑35.3) 29.7 (21.5‑40.4) 31.8 (22.4‑44.3) 45-day 15.5 (13.7‑17.8) 17.3 (15.2‑19.8) 20.1 (17.6‑23.1) 22.3 (19.5‑25.8) 25.3 (21.2‑30.2) 27.5 (22.5‑33.5) 29.6 (23.4‑37.3) 31.7 (24.0‑41.4) 34.4 (24.9‑46.5) 36.3 (25.6‑50.3) 60-day 18.3 (16.2‑20.9) 20.3 (18.0‑23.3) 23.6 (20.7‑27.1) 26.1 (22.8‑30.2) 29.4 (24.7‑34.9) 31.7 (26.1‑38.5) 34.0 (26.9‑42.5) 36.0 (27.3‑46.7) 38.6 (28.0‑51.8) 40.3 (28.6‑55.7) 1 Precipitation frequency (PF) estimates in this table are based on frequency analysis of partial duration series (PDS). Numbers in parenthesis are PF estimates at lower and upper bounds of the 90% confidence interval. The probability that precipitation frequency estimates (for a given duration and average recurrence interval) will be greater than the upper bound (or less than the lower bound) is 5%. Estimates at upper bounds are not checked against probable maximum precipitation (PMP) estimates and may be higher than currently valid PMP values. Please refer to NOAA Atlas 14 document for more information. Back to Top PF graphical 976 5/22/23, 1:49 PM Precipitation Frequency Data Server https://hdsc.nws.noaa.gov/pfds/pfds_printpage.html?lat=28.6976&lon=-81.2615&data=depth&units=english&series=pds 2/4 Back to Top Maps & aerials Small scale terrain 977 5/22/23, 1:49 PM Precipitation Frequency Data Server https://hdsc.nws.noaa.gov/pfds/pfds_printpage.html?lat=28.6976&lon=-81.2615&data=depth&units=english&series=pds 3/4 Large scale terrain Large scale map Large scale aerial + – 3km 2mi + – 100km 60mi + – 100km 60mi 978 5/22/23, 1:49 PM Precipitation Frequency Data Server https://hdsc.nws.noaa.gov/pfds/pfds_printpage.html?lat=28.6976&lon=-81.2615&data=depth&units=english&series=pds 4/4 Back to Top US Department of Commerce National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration National Weather Service National Water Center 1325 East West Highway Silver Spring, MD 20910 Questions?: HDSC.Questions@noaa.gov Disclaimer + – 100km 60mi 979 91091319FLOOD NOTE: BASED ON MAPS PREPARED BY THE FEDERAL EMERGENCYMANAGEMENT AGENCY (FEMA) AVAILABLE ONLINE AT WWW.MSC.FEMA.GOV,AND BY GRAPHIC PLOTTING ONLY, THIS PROPERTY IS LOCATED IN ZONE "X" ONFLOOD INSURANCE RATE MAP NUMBER 12117C0160F, WHICH BEARS AN EFFECTIVEDATE OF 09/28/2007 AND IS IN A SPECIAL FLOOD HAZARD AREA. BY REVIEWINGFLOOD MAPS PROVIDED BY THE NATIONAL FLOOD INSURANCE PROGRAM WEHAVE LEARNED THIS COMMUNITY DOES PARTICIPATE IN THE PROGRAM. NO FIELDSURVEYING WAS PERFORMED TO DETERMINE THIS ZONE AND AN ELEVATIONCERTIFICATE MAY BE NEEDED TO VERIFY THE ACCURACY OF THE MAPS AND/ORTO APPLY FOR A VARIANCE FROM THE FEDERAL EMERGENCY MANAGEMENTAGENCY.REGULAR= 0HANDICAP= 0TOTAL= 0648$5()((7$&5(60ATIONALTO: FIRST AMERICAN TITLE INSURANCE COMPANY; ECON MEDICAL PLAZA, LLC, AFLORIDA LIMITED LIABILITY COMPANY:THIS IS TO CERTIFY THAT THIS MAP OR PLAT AND THE SURVEY ON WHICH IT IS BASEDWERE MADE IN ACCORDANCE WITH THE 2021 MINIMUM STANDARD DETAILREQUIREMENTS FOR ALTA/NSPS LAND TITLE SURVEYS, JOINTLY ESTABLISHED ANDADOPTED BY ALTA AND NSPS, AND INCLUDES ITEMS 1, 3, 4, 5 (1' INTERVALS - BY AERIAL), 11 (VISIBLE AND DRAINAGE MANHOLES, INLETS & PIPE INVERTS), 15 (INCLUDING THEINTERSECTION OF TUSKAWILLA ROAD & TREE SWALLOW DRIVE) OF TABLE A THEREOF.THE FIELDWORK WAS COMPLETED ON 03/02/2022. DATE OF PLAT OR MAP: 03/16/2022.EPUBLIC4 WINTER SPRINGS, FLORIDASEMINOLE COUNTYLOT 6, TUSKAWILLA RDBEARINGS SHOWN HEREON ARE BASED ON THE FLORIDA EAST STATE PLANECOORDINATES PER GPS RTK NETWORK OBSERVATION.220219 WINTER SPRINGS, FLNOT TO SCALEEASEMENT AGREEMENT BY AND BETWEEN SCHRIMSHER LAND FUND 1986-II, LTD., A FLORIDALIMITED PARTNERSHIP, SCHRIMSHER LAND FUND V, LTD., A FLORIDA LIMITES PARTNERSHIP,SCHRIMSHER LAND FUND VI, LTD., A FLORIDA LIMITED PARTNERSHIP AND MCDONALD'SRESTAURANTS OF FLORIDA, INC., A FLORIDA CORPORATION RECORDED JULY 27, 1994 IN BOOK2803, PAGE 647.(AFFECTS AS SHOWN)1. NO UNDERGROUND UTILITIES ARE SHOWN ON THIS SURVEY, ONLY ABOVE GROUND VISIBLEEVIDENCE OF UTILITIES ARE SHOWN.2. ALL STATEMENTS WITHIN THE CERTIFICATION, AND OTHER REFERENCES LOCATED ELSEWHEREHEREON, RELATED TO: UTILITIES, IMPROVEMENTS, STRUCTURES, BUILDINGS, PARTY WALLS,PARKING, EASEMENTS, SERVITUDES, AND ENCROACHMENTS ARE BASED SOLELY ON ABOVEGROUND, VISIBLE EVIDENCE, UNLESS ANOTHER SOURCE OF INFORMATION IS SPECIFICALLYREFERENCED HEREON.3. THIS SURVEY MEETS OR EXCEEDS THE SURVEY STANDARDS/STANDARDS OF CARE AS SET FORTHIN SECTION 3 OF THE 2021 ALTA/NSPS SURVEY REQUIREMENTS.4. THE SUBJECT PROPERTY HAS DIRECT PHYSICAL ACCESS TO TREE SWALLOW DR AND TUSKAWILLARD, A DEDICATED PUBLIC STREET OR HIGHWAY.5. THERE IS NO VISIBLE EVIDENCE OF CEMETERIES ON SUBJECT PROPERTY.6. THERE IS NO OBSERVABLE EVIDENCE OF EARTH MOVING WORK, BUILDING CONSTRUCTION ORBUILDING ADDITIONS WITHIN RECENT MONTHS.7. THE PARCELS CONTAINED IN THE LEGAL DESCRIPTION ARE CONTIGUOUS WITHOUT ANY GAPS,GORES OR OVERLAPS.8. BUILDING AREAS SHOWN HEREON ARE FOR THE FOOTPRINT OF THE BUILDING ONLY.9. NO APPARENT CHANGES IN STREET RIGHT OF WAY LINES EITHER COMPLETED OR PROPOSED, ANDAVAILABLE FROM THE CONTROLLING JURISDICTION. NO OBSERVABLE EVIDENCE OF RECENTSTREET OR SIDEWALK CONSTRUCTION OR REPAIRS.10. ALL BEARINGS AND DISTANCES ARE RECORD AND MEASURED UNLESS OTHERWISE NOTED.11. NEAREST INTERSECTION IS THAT ONE WHERE TUSKAWILLA RD MEETS TREE SWALLOW DR ASSHOWN.12. NOT VALID WITHOUT THE ELECTRONIC SIGNATURE OR ORIGINAL SIGNATURE AND SEAL OF AFLORIDA LICENSED SURVEYOR AND MAPPER. ADDITIONS AND DELETIONS TO SURVEY MAPS,SKETCHES, OR REPORTS BY OTHER THAN THE SIGNING PARTY OR PARTIES IS PROHIBITED WITHOUTWRITTEN CONSENT OF THE SIGNING PARTY OR PARTIES.13. THIS SURVEY MEETS THE MINIMUM STANDARD OF PRACTICE FOR THIS STATE.14. ELEVATIONS ARE BASED ON SEMINOLE COUNTY VERTICAL BENCHMARK ID 8131601 ELEVATION36.45' NAVD 88 DATUM.15. UTILITY WERE CALLED FOR LOCATION. TICKET NUMBER 056206357.LOT 6, WINTER SPRINGS APARTMENTS - A REPLAT, RECORDED IN PLAT BOOK 82, PAGE 63 THROUGH 66, INCLUSIVE,PUBLIC RECORDS OF SEMINOLE COUNTY, FLORIDA.THE PROPERTY HEREON DESCRIBED IS THE SAME AS THE PERTINENT PROPERTY AS DESCRIBED IN FIRST AMERICANTITLE INSURANCE COMPANY, COMMITMENT FILE NO.: 2037-5873796, WITH AN EFFECTIVE DATE OF FEBRUARY 12, 2022.LOT 6, WINTER SPRINGS APARTMENTS - A REPLATNONE OBSERVED.9 ____________________REGISTERED SURVEYOR: MICHAEL W. SOLITROPROFESSIONAL LAND SURVEYOR NO.: 4458STATE OF FLORIDA, C.O.A. LB 6300.TUSKAWILLA RDSR 434TREESWALLOWDRIVEEAGLE EDGE LNPUBLIC UNDERGROUND UTILITY EASEMENT BY AND BETWEEN SCHRIMSHER LAND FUND 86-II,LTD., A FLORIDA LIMITED PARTNERSHIP, SCHRIMSHER LAND FUND VI, LTD., A FLORIDA LIMITEDPARTNERSHIP AND THE CITY OF WINTER SPRINGS, FLORIDA RECORDED APRIL 8, 2003 IN BOOK4773, PAGE 64.(DOES NOT AFFECT. EASEMENT FALLS IN PUBLIC RIGHT OF WAY AS SHOWN)10TERMS, CONDITIONS AND RESTRICTIONS AS TO THE NEARBY PROPERTY ONLY, AND NO OTHERRESTRICTION, AS DEFINED IN AND SET FORTH IN PARAGRAPH 18.02(C) OF THE THIRDAMENDMENT TO MEMORANDUM OF LEASE RECORDED MAY 30, 2006, IN BOOK 6265, PAGE 934, ASEVIDENCED BY THAT CERTAIN LEASE BY AND BETWEEN CAPITAL GREEN I, LLC (LANDLORD)AND PUBLIX SUPERMARKETS, INC. (TENANT) RECORDED SEPTEMBER 27, 2002, IN BOOK 4539,PAGE 651; AS AMENDED BY FIRST ADDENDUM RECORDED FEBRUARY 1, 2003, IN BOOK 4712, PAGE1200; SECOND AMENDMENT RECORDED JUNE 9, 2005, IN BOOK 5759, PAGE 833; THIRDAMENDMENT RECORDED MAY 30, 2006, IN BOOK 6265, PAGE 934; FOURTH AMENDMENTRECORDED MAY 30, 2006, IN BOOK 6265, PAGE 944; FIFTH AMENDMENT RECORDED FEBRUARY 11,2013, IN BOOK 7962, PAGE 1505.(AFFECTS, NOTHING TO PLOT, LEASE AGREEMENT IN NATURE FOR NEARBY PROPERTY)11FUTURE DEVELOPMENT COMMITMENT AGREEMENT BY AND BETWEEN WINTER SPRINGSHOLDINGS INC., A DELAWARE CORPORATION AND THE CITY OF WINTER SPRINGS FLORIDARECORDED NOVEMBER 29, 2010 IN BOOK 7486, PAGE 146.(DOCUMENT IS ILLEGIBLE.)12TEMPORARY PUBLIC PARKING EASEMENT AGREEMENT BY AND BETWEEN WINTER SPRINGSHOLDINGS INC., A DELAWARE CORPORATION AND THE CITY OF WINTER SPRINGS FLORIDARECORDED NOVEMBER 29, 2010 IN BOOK 7486, PAGE 164, AS AFFECTED BY PARTIAL RELEASE OFTEMPORARY PUBLIC PARKING EASEMENT AGREEMENT RECORDED AUGUST 28, 2017 IN BOOK8978, PAGE 1974.(AFFECTS AS SHOWN)13TEMPORARY PUBLIC DRAINAGE EASEMENT BY AND BETWEEN WINTER SPRINGS HOLDINGS INC.,A DELAWARE CORPORATION AND THE CITY OF WINTER SPRINGS FLORIDA RECORDED JANUARY18, 2012 IN BOOK 7699, PAGE 200.(DOES NOT AFFECT, OFF SITE EASEMENT)DEVELOPMENT AGREEMENT BY AND BETWEEN THE CITY OF WINTER SPRINGS FLORIDA ANDWINTER SPRINGS HOLDINGS INC., A DELAWARE CORPORATION RECORDED APRIL 9, 2015 IN BOOK8446, PAGE 1131, FIRST MODIFICATION OF DEVELOPMENT AGREEMENT RECORDED JANUARY 31,2017 IN BOOK 8852, PAGE 1719, AS AFFECTS MEMORANDUM OF AGREEMENT RECORDED MARCH 3,2017 IN BOOK 8871, PAGE 1648.(AFFECTS, BLANKET IN NATURE)DECLARATION OF CONDITIONS, COVENANTS, EASEMENTS AND RESTRICTIONS RECORDEDMARCH 2, 2017, IN BOOK 8871, PAGE 98; FIRST AMENDMENT RECORDED AUGUST 3, 2017, IN BOOK8964, PAGE 1579.(AFFECTS, BLANKET IN NATURE)EASEMENT IN FAVOR OF BELLSOUTH TELECOMMUNICATIONS, LLC RECORDED MARCH 22, 2018,IN BOOK 9096, PAGE 188.(DOES NOT AFFECT, OFFSITE EASEMENT)EASEMENT IN FAVOR OF BELLSOUTH TELECOMMUNICATIONS, LLC RECORDED MARCH 22, 2018,IN BOOK 9096, PAGE 191.(DOES NOT AFFECT, OFFSITE UNDERGROUND UTILITIES)RESTRICTIONS, DEDICATIONS, CONDITIONS, RESERVATIONS, EASEMENTS AND OTHER MATTERSSHOWN ON THE PLAT OF WINTER SPRINGS APARTMENTS - A REPLAT, AS RECORDED FEBRUARY23, 2018, IN PLAT BOOK 82, PAGE 63, BUT DELETING ANY COVENANT, CONDITION OR RESTRICTIONINDICATING A PREFERENCE, LIMITATION OR DISCRIMINATION BASED ON RACE, COLOR,RELIGION, SEX, HANDICAP, FAMILIAL STATUS OR NATIONAL ORIGIN TO THE EXTENT SUCHCOVENANTS, CONDITIONS OR RESTRICTIONS VIOLATE 42 USC 3604(C).(AFFECTS AS SHOWN)NEIGHBORHOOD PUBLIC STREET IMPROVEMENT AGREEMENT RECORDED DECEMBER 18, 2019, INBOOK 9502, PAGE 1508.(AFFECTS, TREE SWALLOW DRIVE, PUBLIC RIGHT OF WAY)EASEMENT IN FAVOR OF DUKE ENERGY FLORIDA, LLC RECORDED JANUARY 10, 2020, IN BOOK9516, PAGE 1339.(AFFECTS, BLANKET IN NATURE. ALSO AFFECTS ADJOINING PROPERTIES, SOUTH AND EAST,BLANKET IN NATURE)1415161718192021980 981 982 983 984 integrated 985 986 X None at this time None at this time 987 X X X NA NA X X X 988 989 990 Frank A. Porter, P.E.3/7/20236200 Lee Vista Blvd., Suite 400, Orlando, FL 32822frank.porter@nv5.com407-896-3317Winter Springs Apartments, L.P.880 Glenwood Ave. SE, Suite H, Atlanta, G, 30316jorges@catalystdp.com(678) 666-1237Vision Source Winter SpringsN/A06-21-31-506-0000-00600.79 acUndevelopedTown Center DistrictTown Center Districtn/aBuilding elevations and a 3-D renderingunknow at this time991 992 NA993 994 CITY OF WINTER SPRINGS COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT DEPARTMENT 1126 East State Road 434 Winter Springs, Florida 32708 customerservice@winterspringsfl.org Application – Waiver 2019/10 Page 1 of 5 The Community Development Director reserves the right to determine whether this application is complete and accurate. An incomplete application will not be processed and will be returned to the applicant. The application shall be reviewed per Chapter 20 – Zoning Sec. 20-34. The sufficiency review shall be completed within thirty (30) calendar days per FL Statue 166.033. Applicants are responsible for posting notice (provided by the city) on the site at least seven (7) days prior to the Planning & Zoning Board (PZB) meeting at which the matter will be considered. Said notice shall not be posted within the City right-of-way. All applicants shall be afforded minimal due process as required by law, including the right to receive notice, be heard, present evidence, cross-examine witnesses, and be represented by a duly authorized representative. Applicants are further advised that a Waiver is quasi-judicial in nature. Therefore, APPLICANT ACKNOWLEDGES and AGREES, by signing below, that he or she: • May be sworn-in as a witness in order to provide testimony to the City Commission; • Shall be subject to cross-examination by party intervenors (if requested); and • Shall be required to qualify expert witnesses, as appropriate. Applicants are encouraged to familiarize themselves with Chapter 2 – Administration Sec. 2-30 of the Winter Springs City Code relating to Quasi-Judicial Rules and Procedures of the City Commission. All Waiver recommendations shall be based from the required information/documentation provided, the Winter Springs Code of Ordinances, and the Winter Springs Comprehensive Plan (to the extent applicable). The City Commission (CC) shall render all final decisions regarding Waivers and may impose reasonable conditions on any approved Waiver to the extent deemed necessary and relevant to ensure compliance with applicable criteria and other applicable provisions of the Winter Springs Code of Ordinances and the Winter Springs Comprehensive Plan. All formal decisions shall be based on competent substantial evidence and the applicable criteria as set forth in Chapter 20, Zoning. Applicants are advised that if, they decide to appeal any decisions made at the meetings or hearings with respect to any matter considered at the meetings or hearings, they will need a record of the proceedings and, for such purposes, they will need to insure that a verbatim record of the proceedings is made, at their cost, which includes the testimony and evidence upon which the appeal is to be based, per Florida Statute 286.0105. A Waiver which may be granted by the City Commission shall expire two (2) years after the effective date of such approval by the City Commission, unless a building permit based upon and incorporating the Waiver, is issued by the City within said time period. Upon written request of the property owner, the City Commission may extend the expiration date, without public hearing, an additional six (6) months, provided the property owner demonstrates good cause for the extension In addition, if the aforementioned building permit is timely issued, and the building permit subsequently expires and the subject development project is abandoned or discontinued for a period of six months, the Waiver shall be deemed expired and null and void, per Chapter 20 – Sec.20-36. 995 CITY OF WINTER SPRINGS COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT DEPARTMENT 1126 East State Road 434 Winter Springs, Florida 32708 customerservice@winterspringsfl.org Application – Waiver 2019/10 Page 2 of 5 REQUIRED INFORMATION: Applicant(s): Date: Mailing address: Email: Phone Number: Property Owner(s): Mailing Address: Email: Phone Number: Project Name: Property Address: Parcel ID(s): Parcel Size: Existing Use: Future Land Use: Zoning District: All waiver requests shall be written in the following format: A waiver is requested from Winter Springs City Code 'X' to allow 'Y' in lieu of 'Z'. After the request, the applicant shall provide a justification for each waiver request. List Waiver(s)(provide additional sheets if necessary): Demonstrate that the applicable term or condition clearly creates an illogical, impossible, impractical, or patently unreasonable result related to the proposed property and development? 996 CITY OF WINTER SPRINGS COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT DEPARTMENT 1126 East State Road 434 Winter Springs, Florida 32708 customerservice@winterspringsfl.org Application – Waiver 2019/10 Page 3 of 5 Demonstrate that the proposed development plan is in substantial compliance with Chapter 20 of the City’s Code of Ordinances and in compliance with the Comprehensive Plan? Will the proposed development plan significantly enhance the real property? Will the proposed development plan serve the public health, safety, and welfare of the City of Winter Springs? Will the waiver diminish property values in or alter the essential character of the surrounding neighborhood? Is the waiver request the minimum waiver that will eliminate or reduce the illogical, impossible, impractical, or patently unreasonable result caused by the applicable term or condition under Chapter 20 – Zoning? Is the proposed development plan compatible and harmonious with the surrounding neighborhood? 997 CITY OF WINTER SPRINGS COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT DEPARTMENT 1126 East State Road 434 Winter Springs, Florida 32708 customerservice@winterspringsfl.org Application – Waiver 2019/10 Page 4 of 5 Has the applicant agreed to a binding development agreement required by city to incorporate the terms and conditions of approval deemed necessary by the City Commission including, but not limited to, any mitigative techniques and plans required by city code? Yes No List all witnesses that the applicant intends to present to the City Commission to provide testimony: Describe with specificity any evidence which the applicant intends to present to the City Commission, including oral factual testimony, maps, photographs, records or reports and/or expert testimony: Attach all documentary evidence which the applicant intends to present to the city commission to the back of this application. The Applicant has a continuing duty to update the list of witnesses, description of evidence, and documentary evidence throughout the application process. Additional witnesses or evidence will not be admitted at the city commission hearing if not submitted at least seven (7) days prior to such hearing REQUIRED DOCUMENTATION (PDF): ___ A complete Application and Fee ($500.00*) ___ A general description of the relief sought under this division ___ A brief explanation, with applicable supporting competent substantial evidence and documents, as to why the application satisfies the relevant criteria set forth in this division ___ A Legal Description accompanied by a certified survey or the portion of the map maintained by the Seminole County Property Appraiser reflecting the boundaries of the subject property (To scale). ___ An Excel mailing list with the names and addresses of each property owner within 500 ft. of each property line, along with the HOA Associations within 1/2 mile of each property line. ___ For all new commercial development and new residential subdivisions of ten (10) or more lots or existing commercial buildings being altered by 50 percent or greater of the original floor plan or seating capacity and requiring a modified site plan, or development agreements process under section 20-28.1 of the City Code, or as otherwise deemed applicable by the city to relevantly and competently examine an application for compliance with the city code and the affect and impact the proposed use will have on neighborhood and surrounding properties, applicants shall be required to submit with the following additional information referenced in Chapter 20 – Zoning Sec.20.29 Applications (7) – (11). * Fees are as shown above plus actual costs incurred for advertising or notification, and for reimbursement for technical and/or professional services which may be required in connection with the review, inspection or approval of any development (based on accounting submitted by the city’s consultant) , payable prior to approval of the pertinent stage of development. 998 999 1000 CITY OF WINTER SPRINGS COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT DEPARTMENT 1126 East State Road 434 Winter Springs, Florida 32708 customerservice@winterspringsfl.org Application – Variance 2019/10 Page 1 of 5 The Community Development Director reserves the right to determine whether this application is complete and accurate. An incomplete application will not be processed and will be returned to the applicant. The application shall be reviewed per Chapter 20 – Zoning Sec. 20-32. The sufficiency review shall be completed within thirty (30) calendar days per FL Statue 166.033. Applicants are responsible for posting notice (provided by the city) on the site at least seven (7) days prior to the Planning & Zoning Board (PZB) meeting at which the matter will be considered. Said notice shall not be posted within the City right-of-way. All applicants shall be afforded minimal due process as required by law, including the right to receive notice, be heard, present evidence, cross-examine witnesses, and be represented by a duly authorized representative. Applicants are further advised that a Waiver is quasi-judicial in nature. Therefore, APPLICANT ACKNOWLEDGES and AGREES, by signing below, that he or she: • May be sworn-in as a witness in order to provide testimony to the City Commission; • Shall be subject to cross-examination by party intervenors (if requested); and • Shall be required to qualify expert witnesses, as appropriate. Applicants are encouraged to familiarize themselves with Chapter 2 – Administration Sec. 2-30 of the Winter Springs City Code relating to Quasi-Judicial Rules and Procedures of the City Commission. All Waiver recommendations shall be based from the required information/documentation provided, the Winter Springs Code of Ordinances, and the Winter Springs Comprehensive Plan (to the extent applicable). The City Commission (CC) shall render all final decisions regarding Variances and may impose reasonable conditions on any approved Variance to the extent deemed necessary and relevant to ensure compliance with applicable criteria and other applicable provisions of the Winter Springs Code of Ordinances and the Winter Springs Comprehensive Plan. All formal decisions shall be based on competent substantial evidence and the applicable criteria as set forth in Chapter 20, Zoning. Applicants are advised that if, they decide to appeal any decisions made at the meetings or hearings with respect to any matter considered at the meetings or hearings, they will need a record of the proceedings and, for such purposes, they will need to insure that a verbatim record of the proceedings is made, at their cost, which includes the testimony and evidence upon which the appeal is to be based, per Florida Statute 286.0105. A Variance which may be granted by the City Commission shall expire two (2) years after the effective date of such approval by the City Commission, unless a building permit based upon and incorporating the Variance, is issued by the City within said time period. Upon written request of the property owner, the City Commission may extend the expiration date, without public hearing, an additional six (6) months, provided the property owner demonstrates good cause for the extension In addition, if the aforementioned building permit is timely issued, and the building permit subsequently expires and the subject development project is abandoned or discontinued for a period of six months, the Variance shall be deemed expired and null and void, per Chapter 20 – Sec.20-36. 1001 CITY OF WINTER SPRINGS COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT DEPARTMENT 1126 East State Road 434 Winter Springs, Florida 32708 customerservice@winterspringsfl.org Application – Variance 2019/10 Page 2 of 5 REQUIRED INFORMATION: Applicant(s): Date: Mailing address: Email: Phone Number: Property Owner(s): Mailing Address: Email: Phone Number: Project Name: Property Address: Parcel ID(s): Parcel Size: Existing Use: Future Land Use: Zoning District: Community Workshop Date: Variance(s) being requested? All variance requests shall be written in the following format: A variance is requested from Winter Springs City Code 'X' to allow 'Y' in lieu of 'Z'. After the request, the applicant shall provide a justification for the request (additional sheets may be necessary). What special conditions and circumstances exist which are peculiar to the land, structure or building involved and which are not applicable to other lands, structures or buildings in the same zoning district? 1002 CITY OF WINTER SPRINGS COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT DEPARTMENT 1126 East State Road 434 Winter Springs, Florida 32708 customerservice@winterspringsfl.org Application – Variance 2019/10 Page 3 of 5 Are these special conditions and circumstances the result of actions by the applicant or applicant’s predecessor? How will a literal interpretation of this chapter would work an unnecessary and undue hardship on the applicant deprive the applicant of rights commonly enjoyed by other properties in the same zoning district under the terms of this chapter and other applicable building and land development codes of the city? Will granting the variance, confer any special privilege that is denied to other lands, buildings or structures in the same zoning district? Is the variance, as requested, the minimum variance that will make possible the reasonable use of the land, building or structure? How is the variance in harmony with the general intent and purpose of the zoning district? Will granting the variance be injurious to the neighborhood or otherwise detrimental to the public welfare? Has the applicant agreed to a binding development agreement required by city to incorporate the terms and conditions of approval deemed necessary by the City Commission including, but not limited to, any mitigative techniques and plans required by city code? Yes No 1003 CITY OF WINTER SPRINGS COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT DEPARTMENT 1126 East State Road 434 Winter Springs, Florida 32708 customerservice@winterspringsfl.org Application – Variance 2019/10 Page 4 of 5 List all witnesses that the applicant intends to present to the City Commission to provide testimony: Describe with specificity any evidence which the applicant intends to present to the City Commission, including oral factual testimony, maps, photographs, records or reports and/or expert testimony: Attach all documentary evidence which the applicant intends to present to the city commission to the back of this application. The Applicant has a continuing duty to update the list of witnesses, description of evidence, and documentary evidence throughout the application process. Additional witnesses or evidence will not be admitted at the city commission hearing if not submitted at least seven (7) days prior to such hearing REQUIRED DOCUMENTATION (PDF): ___ A complete Application and Fee ($500.00*) ___ A proposed site plan and building elevations. ___ A Legal Description accompanied by a certified survey or the portion of the map maintained by the Seminole County Property Appraiser reflecting the boundaries of the subject property (to scale). ___ A map showing adjacent streets, FLU Designations, Zoning Districts on adjacent properties. ___ An Excel mailing list with the names and addresses of each property owner within 500 ft. of each property line, along with the HOA Associations within 1/2 mile of each property line. * Fees are as shown above plus actual costs incurred for advertising or notification, and for reimbursement for technical and/or professional services which may be required in connection with the review, inspection or approval of any development (based on accounting submitted by the city’s consultant) , payable prior to approval of the pertinent stage of development. 1004 1005 1006 1007 1008 1009 1010 1011 1012