HomeMy WebLinkAbout2023 10 09 City Commission Public Input Forms.pdfRevised 06/14/2021
TH/S FORM ISA PUBLIC RECORD. Individuals comments are limited to 3 minutes and
persons representing a group or organization are limited to 5 minutes, unless otherwise
determined by the City Commission
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\ Revised 06/14/2021
THIS FORM lSA PUBLIC RECORD. Individuals comments are limited to 3 minutes and
persons representing a group or organization are limited to 5 minutes, unless otherwise
determined by the City Commission
09 October 2023
Let’s quickly examine misinforma;on and how it can lead to a regre@able outcome.
At the 25 September Commission Mee;ng, a Gentleman spoke to this Commission and at the
end asked (1) do you believe us now and (2) what will you do about it?
However, what the gentlemen did was open a metaphorical “blender,” mixed in several different
topics concerning Florida Department of Environmental Protec;on, Saint Johns River Water
Management District, the Seminole County Inspector General audit, the Auditor General of the
State of Florida, and even Channel 9, and then he turned the blender on. The gentlemen went
on to imply that the Florida Auditor General supported the slurry that came out of that blender
and that the media confirms that this slurry vindicates ci;zens, like him, who find our
commission lacking.
But let’s look at this. There are two audits. The one from Seminole County, which he men;ons,
regards an audit on “tax alloca;on”. The Auditor General of the State of Florida audit, also
men;oned, is an ongoing audit into the city concerning “City and Administra;ve Processes”.
I called the State Auditor ’s Office and discovered that while the document is available to the
public, it is not an official audit, but “preliminary and tenta;ve” findings sent to the city for
comment. The mayor has stated publicly that these audits will make us be@er. I agree. That
referenced document, available via a simple google search, clearly states at the top “NOT AN
AUDIT REPORT”. There was no men;on of this either by the gentleman or the media.
The Florida Auditor General’s report does discuss wastewater treatment viola;ons also noted in
the FDEP Consent Orders. Anyone making a statement, whether at this commission mee;ng or
in the media, quo;ng this document as a stand-alone reference to ANY topic, least of all water
quality, would be misleading people. …We might wonder to what end?
Let’s look at water quality. The latest annual drinking water quality report found the city met or
exceeded every standard except for water color. The FDEP “Consent Orders” are valid reports
that were properly addressed by the City.
Concerning wastewater specifically, the problems with our two plants go back many years and
over many different Commissions and Staffs. The first and only comments that I found during
an extensive search of Commission Mee;ng minutes pertaining to aged wastewater plants was
on 28 September 2009. It was not un;l 11 years later that the City Staff and the Commission
took posi;ve ac;on to resolve the wastewater plant issues originally raised back in 2009.
At least this Commission along with the previous Commission stepped up to the plate when no
one else before them did! Those are the facts.
The amount of mudslinging and misinforma;on that is happening seems to be aimed at
impac;ng the membership of our Commission. Wrongfully so. Equally bad is the
nega;ve impact this has had on staff morale, a staff that works ;relessly to meet our city’s
challenges. Rather than malign their efforts, we should be applauding them for that.
To go back to the two ques;ons posed by the Gentleman on 25 September:
- Do you believe us now?
o NO, because we won’t be distracted by “click bait”.
- What will you do about it?
o That ’s not a ques;on for the commission, which has and is taking ac;on. It is a
ques;on for us all, who should not rely on social media or thinly researched
news reports, but we should instead look to the facts and the whole picture.
Remember that there are some with agendas who will use misinforma;on to reach a goal we
may not know. And we should always be aware that the mo;ves may be darker, including power
and control.
I fully support our City Staff and our City Commission, and I hope that all of you on the dais
“stay the course” for the benefit of all our residents and our great City.
I ask that my wri@en statement be placed into the formal minutes for the record.
Thank you.
Art Gallo
Date: ! Name:
Address: I ►de W'I cv 64 'v
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Do you wish to address the Commission with regard to an issue: ❑Yes ❑ No
lfyou mark No' above, the Mayor or presiding Commissioner will indicate your noted support or
opposition for the record but will not call you forward to speak.
On the Agenda ❑Item Number:
For the record, regarding this agenda item, are you IN FAVOR ❑ or OPPOSED ❑
Not on the Agenda ❑Subject
Revised 06/14/2021
THIS FORM lSA PUBLIC RECORD. Individuals comments are limited to 3 minutes and
persons representing a group or organization are limited to 5 minutes, unless otherwise
determined by the City Commission
Revised 06/14/2021
THIS FORM ISA PUBLIC RECORD. Individuals comments are limited to 3 minutes and
persons representing a group or organization are limited to 5 minutes, unless otherwise
determined by the City Commission
Date: 1�
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Do you wish to verbally address the Commission with regard to an issue? ❑Yes ❑ No
lfyou mark No' above, the Mayor or presiding Commissioner will indicate your noted support or
opposition for the record but will not call you forward to speak.
On the Agenda ❑Item Number:
For the record, regarding this agenda item, are you IN FAVOR ❑ or OPPOSED ❑
Not on the Agenda ❑Subject
Revised W4/2021
THIS FORM ISA PUBLIC RECORD. Individuals comments are limited to 3 minutes and
persons representing a group or organization are limited to 5 minutes, unless otherwise
determined by the City Commission
Date: ` Name:
Address: 3a f ���Cee
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Do you wish to verbally address the Commission with regard to an issue? ❑Yes ❑ No
lfyou mark No' above, the Mayor or presiding Commissioner will indicate your noted support or
opposition for the record but will not call you forward to speak.
On the Agenda ❑Item Number:
For the record, regarding this agenda item, are you IN FAVOR ❑ or OPPOSED ❑
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Date: g .
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Do you wish to address the Commission with regard to an issue: ❑Yes ❑ No
lfyou mark No' above, the Mayor or presiding Commissioner will indicate your noted support or
opposition for the record but will not call you forward to speak.
On the Agenda VXltem Number:
For the record, regarding this agenda item, are you IN FAVOR ❑ or OPPOSED ❑
Not on the Agenda ❑Subject
Revised 06/14/2021
TH/5 FORM lSA PUBLIC RECORD. Individuals comments are limited to 3 minutes and
persons representing a group or organization are limited to 5 minutes, unless otherwise
determined by the City Commission