HomeMy WebLinkAbout2024 Polling Place Agreement (CoWS City Hall) - 2023 09 18CHRIS ANDERSON SEMINOLE COUN f'( SUPERVISOR Of ELECTIONS 1500 EAST AIRPORT BLVD, SANFORD, FL 3IL IdAHIOFF1C[PH0NE:407-585-VOTE (8683) I GENERAL FAX:407-708-7705 2024 POLLING PLACE AGREEMENT AND GUIDELINES Winter Springs City Hall 1126 E. State Road 434 Winter Springs, FL 32708 Precinct # 29 407327-6560 1. 2024 ELECTION SCHEDULE Please confirm that the facility listed above is available for the following schedule of events for the 2024 election cycle. This includes election equipment delivery and pickup in addition to the actual Election Day. Equipment delivery times will be determined in the weeks prior to each election and will be communicated directly to the facility. ELECTION DATES AVAILABLE Presidential Preference Monday, March 18th: Equipment delivery Primary Election Tuesday, March 19th: Election Day 19 Yes I] No March 19, 2024 (6:00 am — 9:00pm) Wednesday, March 20st: Equipment pickup Florida Primary Election Monday, August 19th: Equipment delivery August 20, 2024 Tuesday, August 20t": Election Day Yes [] No (6:00 am — 9:00 pm) Wednesday, August 21st: Equipment pickup Florida General Election Monday, November 4t": Equipment delivery November 5, 2024 Tuesday, November 5th: Election Day Yes 0 No (6:00 am — 9:00 pm) Wednesday, November Who Equipment pickup VOTESEMINOLE.ORO � Et+p@VoteSeminole ENSURING YOUR CHOICE COUNTS SEMINOLE COON i Y SU CHRIS ANDERSON PERVISOR Of ELECTIONS 1500 EAST AIRPORT BLVD, SANFORD, FL 32773 MAIN OFFICE PHONE: 407-585-VOTE (8683) I GENERAL FAX: 407-708-7705 2. CONTACT INFORMATION (Minimum of two contact people required) Pre -election Cy contact Ifore ui ment UW1 veq schedule, a ui mem. pickup, etc. : C C� wri Name Title (107) 9V7 6&0 Daytime phone After hours phone (for 6:00 a.m. Election Day) CQA Loan da Em it Election Day contact if different from above): Title Daytime phone After hours phone (for 6:00 a.m. Election Day) Email v T Additional contact: 7; s*o o r f_ k Name Title 1y0 iJ 327 Daytime phone After hours phone (for 6:00 a.m. Election Day) i.r i/1 Email Jr j 3. POLLING ROOM Indicate which room inside the facility will be used as the polling room for Election Day. 4. FACILITY ACCESS ELECTION DAY Election workers will need to be inside the facility no later than 6:00 a.m. on Election Day. Please indicate below how you prefer the Poll Clerk to gain access to the building. 13 The Poll Clerk can pick up a key prior to the election. Facility staff will meet the Poll Clerk at the facility no later than 6:00 a.m. on Election Day. 13 A key will be provided upon equipment delivery to be placed in a lockbox for Election morning access. VOTESEMINOLE.ORG I Ei + ©@VoteSeminole ENSURING YOUR CHOICE COUNTS SEMINOLE COUNTY SUP CHRIS ANDERSON ERVISOR OF ELECTIONS 1500 EAST AIRPORT BLVD, SANFORD, FL 32773 �AiHOFFICEPHONE:407-585-VOTE (8683) I GENERAFFAX:407-708-7705 5. RESTRICTIONS Election workers are not allowed to smoke at any time during their shift at the polling place. Do you have additional restrictions you would like us to share with the election workers? 6. MISCELLANEOUS Please indicate whether the following items are available for election workers: A kitchen or teak room � Yes 0 No Rest rooms Yes 0 No Heating/air conditioning I Yes 0 No Tables Yes 0 No Chairs Yes 0 No 7. SECURITY CAMERAS Are there security cameras located in the polling room? M Yes 0 No If yes, I understand cameras must be covered Al disabled during voting hours. �� I understand 8. CAMPAIGN SIGNS If you would like to prohibit campaign signs from being placed on your property, we can assist by informing candidates that they cannot place signs in the ground at your location. Upon your instruction on Election Day, our poll deputy may remove these signs and lay them flat on the ground for the candidate to remove. However, we cannot prohibit people from holding campaign signs on Election Day, provided they do so outside of the 150400t no solicitation zone. Please note that the poll deputy will place elections office signs (Vote Here and Campaign Free Zone) on your property on Election Day, and will remove these upon the close of the polls. 0 We do not want candidate signs placed on our property. ACCEPTANCE OF SCHEDULE AND POLLING PLACE GUIDELINES After completing questions 1 — 8 above, please read through the below polling place guidelines and provide an authorized signature agreeing to these guidelines and use of your facility for the 2024 election cycle. • Adequate space for the voting equipment and necessary clerical stations to serve the voters of the precinct. • Adequate lighting, heat/air conditioning. • Access to restrooms for election workers. • Electrical outlets for operation of elections equipment (two pieces of voting equipment, electronic poll books, extra lights if needed). VOTESEMIROLE.ORG � �+p@VoteSeminole ENSURING YOUR CHOICE COUNTS SEMINoI :ICU SUPERVISOR OF ELECTIONS CHRIS ANDERSOI 1500 EAST AIRPORT BLVD, SANFORD, FL 32773 MAIN OFFICE PHONE: 407-585-VOTE (8683) GENERAL FAX: 407-708-7705 • Tables and chairs for workers. If not available, the Elections Office will provide. • Per Florida Statute 102.012(4), election workers must have access no later than 6 a.m. on each Election Day. They must all remain in place until polls close at 7 p.m. and until all work is completed after 7 p.m. (typically around 8:30 p.m.). • No other activities can take place within the polling room while the polls are open, for security purposes. • No person is permitted to enter the polling room except election workers, voters of the precinct, the supervisor of elections or deputized staff, persons permitted to assist voters or persons in care of a voter, or emergency law enforcement or medical personnel if called [F.S. 102.031(3)]. This is important, as it means your staff must plan accordingly as they will not be allowed within the polling room during voting hours to access supplies or materials they have stored there. • Access to the polling room on the day before and the day after Election Day for equipment drop off and pick up. The facility will be contacted by the moving company to arrange a time for delivery and pick up of equipment. Delivered items (voting booths and peripheral equipment) do not take up a very large space and can be stored in a corner if the room is in use the day before and after the election. • Facilities shall be accessible to and usable by the elderly and physically disabled. Elections staff will survey and determine if the facility meets the required accessibility standards for a polling place. • Photography is not allowed in a polling room [F.S. 102.031(5)]. If there are security cameras present within the polling room, the Elections Office will contact you to make arrangements that will comply with this law. • Florida law prohibits solicitation (petition -seeking, passing out campaign literature, posting of signs, etc.) within 150 feet of the polling place entrance [F.S. 102,031(4)]1 • Historically, the Elections Office has not paid a fee for use of a facility. Public tax -supported buildings shall be made available for use as polling places [F.S. 101.71(5)] and most others provide the space as a community service. Given a situation of need, we are happy to discuss reasonable payment for actual cost. We do not wish to create a hardship or expensive inconvenience. I have read the above stated guidelines and as an authorized representative of the polling place can attest that our facility is available on the specified dates and can comply with these guidelines. Name (print) gnature Polling Locati Date VOTESEMINOLE.ORC � Et+p@VoteSeminole ENSURING YOUR CHOICE COUNTS