HomeMy WebLinkAbout2021 10 14 Public Hearing 400 - Evaluation and Appraisal Report (EAR) based amendments to the Comprehensive Plan (Ordinance 2021-07) amending Comprehensive Plan related to Capital Improvements Element 72 73 EXHIBIT A CITY OFWINTER SPRINGS CAPITAL IMROVEMENTS ELEMENT COMPREHENSIVE PLAN TABLE OF CONTENTS A.GOALS, OBJECTIVES, ANDPOLICIES ................................................................................ 2 B.SUMMARY....................................................................................................................... 12 LIST OF TABLES Table IX – 1: Cityof Winter Springs Five-Year Schedule of Capital Improvements (SCI) FY 2013/14 -2017/182022/26....................................................................................................11 Table IX–2: Five-Year Schedule ofCapital Improvements (SCI) FY 2013/14 - 2017/18 2022/26 by Fund ....................................................................................................................14 i 74 CITY OF WINTER SPRINGS CAPITAL IMROVEMENTS ELEMENT COMPREHENSIVE PLAN CHAPTER IX CAPITAL IMPROVEMENTS ELEMENT A.GOALS, OBJECTIVES, AND POLICIES GOAL 1: Provide public facilities and services which protect and promote the public health, safety and general welfare of WinterSprings’ residents in a sustainable manner and which supportmobility strategies, whileaccommodating desired future growth and redevelopment at acceptable Levels of Service. (Ord. 2010-18; 10-25-10) Objective1.1:AnnualReview.TheCityshallannuallyreviewandmodifyitsCapital Improvements Element to ensure the financialfeasibility and timelyprovision of capital facilities neededtomaintainLevelofService(LOS)standards andtoguidetheCity’scapitaland operatingexpendituresonmobilitytowardachieving thestatedgoal ofmobilityandreductionof (Ord. 2010-18; 10-25-10) the City’s level of greenhouse gases emissions. Policy 1.1.1: Identify capital projects needed to meet existing deficiencies, to accommodate desired future growthand to replace obsolete or worn- out facilities in a five-year Schedule of Capital Improvements (SCI) (Table IX-1). The SCI shall identify funding sources and shall be reviewed and updated annuallyin order to maintain acontinualfive- year priorityand outline of capital projects planned for implementation. Policy 1.1.2: Include the first year of the SCIin thecapital budget aspart of the annual budgeting process, along with any other capital improvements that are identified in the City’s Capital Improvements Program. Policy 1.1.3: Define capital projects as those projects identified within the other elements of the Comprehensive Plan that are necessary to meet establishedLOSandtosupportmobilitystrategies,increasethe capacity orefficiency of existing infrastructure, replace failing infrastructure or enhance facilities and infrastructure that generally have a cost exceeding $50,000. (Ord. 2010-18; 10-25-10) Policy 1.1.4: Include and fund capitalprojects for the following facilities and infrastructure in the SCI: Transportation (Mobility Strategies) (Ord. 2010-18; 10-25-10) Stormwater Management (Drainage) Sanitary Sewer Solid Waste Potable Water Parks and Recreation Policy 1.1.5: Update the SCI to maintain consistency with the Water Supply Work Plan (ExhibitIV-B-1). Policy 1.1.6: Update the SCI on an annual basis, or eliminate, defer, or delay the construction for any facilitylisted in the five-year SCI by ordinance without an amendmentto the Comprehensive Plan.Transmit a copyof the ordinance to the IX-2 75 CITY OFWINTER SPRINGS CAPITAL IMROVEMENTS ELEMENT COMPREHENSIVE PLAN Florida Department ofEconomic Opportunity following Commission approval.(Ord. 2012-14) Policy 1.1.7: Allowcorrections and modifications of costs and revenue sources in the SCI to be made byordinance,in addition to annual updates, withoutan amendment to the City’sComprehensivePlan. Transmita copy of the ordinance to the Florida Department of Economic Opportunity following Commissionapproval.(Ord. 2012-14) Policy1.1.8: Adopteither a long-termconcurrencymanagement systemand/or other planningstrategy to address long-term LOS deficiencies.(Ord. 2012-14) Policy 1.1.9: Consider capital projects for school capacityimprovements includedin the most recently approved Seminole County School Board’s Five-Year Capital Improvement Plan.(Ord. 2010-18; 10-25-10; Ord. 2012-14) Objective 1.2:Level of Service (LOS)and Mobility Strategies.TheCity shall utilize Level of Service determining (LOS) criteria and mobility strategies defined in the various elements of this Plan when the timing and fundingofcapitalprojects and to assist in determining a fair share that a development should contribute to the achievement of mobility strategies. The City must demonstrate thatthe LOSstandards will be achieved and maintained by the end of thefive-year planning period. A deficiency is a facility of service that does not meet (is operating below) the adopted Level of Service (LOS) standard.Within the citywide TCEA, mobility strategies as detailed in the Multimodal Transportation Element shall apply, which include Quality/Levels of Service (Q/LOS) for monitoring purposes. TheCity shall annually monitorevaluate whether conditions that trigger the need to alter Q/LOS standards (as identified in the Multimodal Transportation Element) have been achieved. If so, necessary improvements shall be included in capital or operating budgets and within the Capital Improvements Element. (Ord. 2010-18; 10-25- 10) Policy 1.2.1: Adopt LOS standards and mobility strategies for facilities and infrastructureas follows: a)Transportation(Mobility Strategies)-Within the citywide TCEA, mobility strategies and standards (as detailed in the Multimodal Transportation Element) shall apply. (Cross Reference: See Multimodal Transportation Element, Policy 1.1.1) (Ord. 2010-18; 10-25-10) b)Sanitary Sewer- 100 gallons per person per day. (Cross Reference: See Infrastructure Element, Policy 1.1.1.) c)Solid Waste- 3.7 pounds per person per day. (Cross Reference: See Infrastructure Element, Policy 3.1.1.) d)Potable Water- 115 gallons (minimum) per person per day. (Cross Reference: See Infrastructure Element, Policy 2.1.1.) e)StormwaterManagement-(Cross Reference: See Infrastructure Element, Policy 4.1.1.) 1)WaterQuantity-Peakpost-developmentrunoff rate shall not exceed peak pre-development runoff rate for the 25- year, 24-hour storm event. Each development shall accommodate its proportion of basin runoff rate abovethe downstreamsystems actual capacity. IX - 3 76 CITY OF WINTER SPRINGS CAPITAL IMROVEMENTS ELEMENT COMPREHENSIVE PLAN 2)WaterQuality-Stormwatertreatmentsystemwhichmeets the requirements of the Florida Administrative Code (F.A.C.) andwhich is site-specific or serve sub-areas of the City. 3)Roadwayconstruction- All publicroadwayswithin a development shall be designedand constructed to standards which do not allowany amount ofwater above the roadway centerline during the following storm events for the following roadway types: i.Local Roadway – 25-year, 24-hour design storm event (8.6 inches of rainfall). ii.Collector Roadway – 25-year, 24-hour design storm event (8.6 inches of rainfall). iii.Arterial Roadway – 100-year, 24-hour design storm event (10.6 inches of rainfall). f)Parks- 8acres (total publicpark and recreation land acreage, including open space) per1,000residents. The City may utilize State and county park lands and trails that are located within the City’s jurisdictional boundaries. This standard includes both passive and active recreation lands. (Cross Reference: See Recreation and Open Space Element, Policy 1.1.1) City Owned Open Space-4 acres per 1,000 residents. Open space isdefinedas “undeveloped lands suitablefor passive recreation or conservation”. (Cross Reference: See Recreation and Open Space Element, Policy 1.1.1) g)School Capacity- as established by the Seminole County School Board- 100%of the aggregate permanent Florida Inventory of School Houses(FISH)capacityfor eachschool type withineach Concurrency Service Area, except for high schools which are established at110%ofthe current aggregatepermanentFISH capacity for 2008-2012 in order to financially achieve the desired LOS. (Cross Reference: See Public School Facilities Element, Policy 1.1.1.) Policy 1.2.2: Evaluate proposed landuse amendments to determine the compatibility of those amendments with the adopted LOS standards, mobility strategies, and with available funding for implementing improvements that would be necessary pursuant to such land use amendments. (Ord. 2010-18; 10-25-10) Policy 1.2.3: Consider the following thresholds to target initiation and budgeting of construction and/or purchase of capital facilities to meet projected future needs based on adoptedLOS standards: (Ord. 2010-18; 10-25-10) Sewer – 7580 % of available capacity is being utilized. Water – 7580 % of available capacity is being utilized. Stormwater – Adoption of Total Maximum Daily Loads (TMDL) IX-4 77 CITY OF WINTER SPRINGS CAPITAL IMROVEMENTS ELEMENT COMPREHENSIVE PLAN Master Plan. Recreation and Open Space – Park lands when 95 % of available land area isutilizedor when 90 % of the population exists in areas in need of new park acreage. Policy 1.2.4: Maintain records which allow for an annual evaluation of the City’s mobility strategies. Information is to include the acreage of development/redevelopment by land use, density, and FAR; the percentage ofmixed use;and an updated inventory of bicycle, pedestrian and transit facilities and reduction in sidewalk gaps between facilities. In addition, the City shall monitor its connectivity index by TCEA Zone to ascertain any increase realized. Other site planning performance criteria may also be included as part of the TCEA evaluation such as, building placement, parking location and number of spaces,connection to adjacent properties, and proximity to transit stops/shelters. Performance Measures and Targets maybe subject to furtherconsideration if they cannotbe supportedby reasonably available dataor additional measures are identified that may also beappropriate. (Cross Reference: See Multimodal Transportation Element, Policy 1.11.9) (Ord. 2010-18; 10-25-10) Objective 1.3: Capital Improvement Evaluation. Capital projects shall be evaluated to determine if they meet the prioritization criteria and consistency with adopted Level of Service (LOS) standards and/orpublic need. Policy 1.3.1: Direct the Community Development Department–Planning Divisionto oversee the coordination of the Capital Improvements Element annual update. Consider the annual update as a 10-monthprocess that is required to ensure that necessary facilities and infrastructure to meet LOS standardsare incorporated into the budgeting process. Policy 1.3.2: Require Capital Project Request Forms to be prepared by the Community Development Department–Planning Division and distributed to City departments priorto the budget workshop each year. (Ord. 2012-14) Policy 1.3.3: Require project requests tobe prepared witha description of howthe projectachievesormaintainsLOSorhowitwillimplementthe Comprehensive Plan. Include a detailed cost analysis, with estimated costs for design, construction, land acquisition, and annual operating and maintenance costs. Policy 1.3.4: Prioritize project requests for capital projectsaccording to thefollowing criteria: Whether the project eliminates a public hazard; Whether the project is necessary to meet established LOS; Whether the project increases the efficiency of existing facilities or infrastructure; Whether the project represents a logical extension of facilities within the urban service area to accommodate desired future growth; IX-5 78 CITY OF WINTER SPRINGS CAPITAL IMROVEMENTS ELEMENT COMPREHENSIVE PLAN Whether the project implements the policies of the Comprehensive Plan as they pertain to concurrency requirements; Whether the project contributes to the completion of one or more of the goals identified in the City’s most recently adopted Strategic Plan;(Ord. 2012-14) Whether the project is coordinated with major projects of other agencies;and Whether the project is mandated by the State or Federal government. Policy 1.3.5: Require project requests to be evaluated by the FinanceDepartment to determine eachproject’s impact on the Citybudget and the financial feasibility of the project. Evaluate each project’s funding options, the effect of the improvementonfuturerevenues, and the effect of the improvementon operation and maintenance costs. Policy 1.3.6: Require the Community Development Department to evaluate the timing, location, and service area for each project request and determine the project’s consistency withthe Winter Springs Comprehensive Plan. Policy 1.3.7: Include key staff in an internal Capital Improvements Element coordination workshop, aspartof the annual budgetreview process, to discuss project requests and staff’s findings. (Ord. 2012-14) Policy 1.3.8: Compile the resulting information into a draft Capital Improvements Program which shallbe presentedto the Local PlanningAgency for review and recommendation prior to being presented to the City Commission. (Ord. 2012-14) Objective 1.4: NewDevelopment to Bear aProportionate Cost. New development shall bear a proportionate cost of public facility improvements in order to maintain adopted level of service (LOS) standards and mobility strategies. (Ord. 2010-18; 10-25-10) Policy 1.4.1: Evaluate all development order applications as to the impact of the development on capital facilities and the operation and maintenance of those facilities. Theevaluationshall include, but not be limited to,the following: Expected capitalcosts,including theinstallationofnew facilities requiredthat are related to the development. Expected operation and maintenance costs associated with the newfacilities requiredbythedevelopment. Anticipated revenues the development will contribute, including impact fees, user fees, and future taxes. Policy 1.4.2: Guarantee the timely installation of capital improvements required to meet LOS and mobility strategies which are to be funded by a developer, in an enforceabledevelopment agreement, interlocal agreement, or other enforceable agreement. Executesuch agreements IX-6 79 CITY OFWINTER SPRINGS CAPITAL IMROVEMENTS ELEMENT COMPREHENSIVE PLAN underthe City'sconstitutional home rule power as authorized in Chapter 166, Florida Statutes or as otherwise authorized by law. (Ord. 2010-18; 10-25-10) Policy 1.4.3: Require a development agreement and/or development to proceed in more than one phase, when appropriate, to ensure that LOS standards (Ord. 2010-18; 10- are maintained and mobility strategies implemented. 25-10) Policy 1.4.4: Continue to useimpactfees toassess new development a pro rata shareof the costs requiredtoexpand oracquirecapitalfacilities or equipment made necessary by the new constructionfromwhichthefees were collectedor for principal payments on debt instruments for these facilities and services. Policy 1.4.5: Require newdevelopmentstobe responsibleforinstalling all internal potable and reclaimed water and sewer systems, vehicular, bicycle, and pedestrian circulation systems, and internal recreation/open space facilities within their development. Connectinginternalsystemsto designated major potable and reclaimed water and sewer trunk systems and vehicular, bicycle, and pedestrian circulation network is the financial responsibility of thedeveloper. (Cross Reference: SeeMulti- Modal Transportation Element, Policies 1.5.3; 1.5.4;and 1.5.13) (Ord. 2010-18; 10-25-10) Objective 1.5: FundingSources. The City shall pursue adequate funding of capital projects identified in the Schedule of Capital Improvements (SCI). The School District retains the responsibility for financing and constructing school facilities. Policy 1.5.1:Demonstrate that funds for the Capital Improvements Element areeither funded orunfunded. Consider committed revenue sources as:advalorem taxes, approved bonds, secured grants, state and federal funds, tax revenue, impactfees, service charges and developercontributions (included within an enforceable developmentagreement). (Ord. 2012- 14) Policy 1.5.2: Allow planned revenue sources to include the City’s intent to increase the level or amount of a revenue source, which is contingent on ratification by publicreferendum. Amend the Capital Improvements Element ifthe referendum fails, toinclude policies which identify alternative funding sources or take other actions as needed to make the SCI financiallyfeasibility while meeting concurrency. Policy 1.5.3: Include projects whichare relied upon to satisfy LOS standards even when funded by sources outside the City. Include those funds as the revenue source within the SCI. Policy 1.5.4: Any funding for capital improvement projects provided by a developer shall beguaranteed in an enforceable development agreement or interlocal agreement or other enforceable agreement. Reflect the agreementin the SCI as the revenue source, if the capital improvement is necessary to serve the development within the 5-year period. (Ord. 2012-14) Policy 1.5.5: Consider thefollowing criteria in selecting sources to finance public IX - 7 7: CITY OF WINTER SPRINGS CAPITAL IMROVEMENTS ELEMENT COMPREHENSIVE PLAN facilities: Utilize to the extent possible, the following sources (listed in order of priority and preference) to finance public facilities: Grants or other intergovernmental sources Developer contributions(inclusive of dedicated land andimpact fees) User revenues (inclusiveof charges for services, local option gas tax, etc.) Sales tax (local option infrastructure surtax) Proceeds of Debt Instruments Ad valorem property taxes Policy 1.5.6: Continue to participate in METROPLAN ORLANDO to ensure funding distribution for transportation projects and mobility strategies identified in the SCI. (Ord. 2010-18; 10-25-10) Policy 1.5.7: Apply state revenue sharing motor fuels tax funds for traffic related maintenance and capital improvement projects. Policy 1.5.8: Reserve the net proceeds of the Seminole County Local Option Gasoline Tax (LGTX) specifically for trafficrelated maintenance and capital improvement projects, after payment of existing bond obligations. Policy 1.5.9: Reserve total proceeds from the Seminole County Local Option Sales Tax (1CTX) for transportation related capital projects. Policy 1.5.10: Reserve funds collected from Impact Fees for growth related capital outlays. Reserve proceeds from the Stormwater Utility Fund (SUF) for stormwater management operating needs and capital projects. Maintain a reserve account restricted for sanitary sewer related capital projects. Policy 1.5.11: Reserve a portion of funds collectedfrom the Utility EnterpriseFund (UEF) to complete sanitary sewer and potable water capital projects. Policy 1.5.12: Continue to contain provisions for all new developments to provide parks and recreation lands and/or facilities and/or fees-in-lieu-of as specified in the Recreation and Open SpaceElement. Objective 1.6: Debt Management. The City shall manage debt issuance and obligations according to sound public fiscal management principles so that the City is able to provide needed capital improvements andmaintain services at adopted levels of service (LOS). Policy 1.6.1: Consider the following as criteria for managing debt financing: The City does not have legal debt limits or utilize specific debt ratios such as the limitation on the use of revenue bonds as a percent of total debt; the maximum ratio of total debt service to total revenue; and the maximum ratio of outstanding capital indebtedness to property tax base. Insteadeach debtissuance is evaluated on an individual basis IX-8 81 CITY OF WINTER SPRINGS CAPITAL IMROVEMENTS ELEMENT COMPREHENSIVE PLAN giving consideration to the following factors: Type of facility being financed; Significance of the annual debt service requirement; Favorable impact to the City; EconomiccapacityoftheCity; Overlapping debtwhich depends onthe same economic base; and Projected City growth rate. Policy 1.6.2: Manage debt with the goal of maintaining or enhancing the City’s creditratingsoastolowertotalborrowingcosts. Policy 1.6.3: Do not utilize long-term debt to fund current and ongoing operations; Allowtheuseofshort-termdebttoallowtheCitytomeetitscashflow requirements or to provide increased flexibility in financing programs; Allow debt to be issued for renovations, updates, modernizations and rehabilitations provided theexpenditures extend the useful life of the capital asset; Require capital financed throughthe use of long-term debt to be financed for aperiod not to exceed the expected useful life of the asset. Policy 1.6.4: Utilize external bond counsel for all debt issues and competitively bid allbondsissuedbytheCityunlesstheCityapprovesanegotiatedsale. Policy 1.6.5: Evaluate the use of revenue bonds as a debt instrument, basedon the following criteria: A five (5) year projection of committed and/or planned revenues related to the capitalproject beingfinanced shall be prepared and updated annually as a part of the SCI update. On an annual basis, theCity will restrict, for enterprise operations, the amount of cash as requiredby bond covenants for the purpose of ensuring adequate repair and/or replacement of capital facilities. Policy 1.6.6: Evaluate the use of tax revenues as a pledge for the repayment of debt, based on the following criteria: A five (5) year projection of committed and/or planned revenues related to the capitalproject beingfinanced shall be prepared and updated annuallyas a part of the SCI update. The City may use long term capital lease payments on lease purchases for capital projects identified within this element, provided adequate debt service requirements are provided. IX-9 82 CITY OFWINTER SPRINGS CAPITAL IMROVEMENTS ELEMENT COMPREHENSIVE PLAN Policy 1.6.7: The impact of principal and interest revenue bond payments onthe operation and maintenance of the affected utility and/ordepartment will not require deferringcurrent maintenanceof existinginfrastructure. Policy 1.6.8: Budget cashrestricted dueto bond and grant covenants in accordance with the terms of the covenants. Policy 1.6.9: Competitively bid investment of escrow funds for advance refunding if it is expected that bids will result in a lower cost and therequired securities are available in the market. Objective 1.7: Concurrency Management. The City shall continue to operate a Concurrency Management System for the review of all proposed developments within the City. As part of the City’s Concurrency Management System, the City will help facilitate school concurrency review by the School Board andshall relyupon the School Boardtodetermine andreport to theCityif schoolcapacityisavailable. Theconcurrencyevaluationsystemshallmeasurethepotentialimpactofanyproposalfora development permit or order upon the City’s multimodal transportation network and the established minimum acceptable levels of service (LOS) for public schools, sanitary sewer, solid waste, drainage, potable water, and parks and recreation facilities, unless the development permit or order is exempt from the review requirements of this section. No development permit or order which containsa specific planof development, including densities andintensities of development, shall be issued unless adequate public facilitiesare available toserve the proposed development as determined by the concurrencyevaluation set forth in this section. (Ord. 2010-18; 10-25-10) Policy 1.7.1: FacilitiesInventory andReporting. Maintain an inventory of the bicycle and pedestrian facility network, and the available capacity of roads, potable water, and sanitary sewer facilities for purposes of concurrency management and mobility evaluation. The City shall coordinate with LYNX to determine the operating LOS for transit within the City as a part of its LOS monitoring. (Ord. 2010-18; 10-25-10) Policy 1.7.2: Maintain aninventoryofpublic parks and acreage within the City’s Geographic Information Systems mapping software, for purposes of evaluatingconcurrency. Policy 1.7.3: Require theCommunityDevelopment Department- Planning Division in conjunction with the Public Works/Utility Department and Parks and Recreation Department to evaluate and report oncurrentcapacity withineach publicfacility category, including any encumbrances or deficiencies as part of the annual update to theCapital Improvements Element. Identify any public facilities thatwillrequire improvements to maintain adopted LOS. Policy 1.7.4: Require the Utility Department to maintain data on current water supply demand and permitted capacity and supply this datato the Planning Division on an as-needed basis for evaluation of proposed future landuse map amendments. (Cross Reference: See Future Land Use Element, Policy 1.3.4.) Policy 1.7.5: Withhold a developmentorder unlessit can be determined that adequate watersupplies and associated publicfacilitiesandservices are available. Consider public facility and service availability as sufficient ifthepublicfacilities and services for adevelopmentare IX - 10 83 CITY OFWINTER SPRINGS CAPITAL IMROVEMENTS ELEMENT COMPREHENSIVE PLAN phased,orthedevelopment isphased so that the public facilities and those related services which are deemed necessary by theCity to operate the facilities necessitated by the development are available concurrent with the impacts of that development. (Cross Reference: See Future Land Use Element Policy 1.3.4.) Policy 1.7.6: Withhold the approvalof any site plan,finalsubdivision or functional equivalent which includes newresidential unitsnot exemptedbythe 2007 current Seminole County School Board Interlocal Agreement for PublicSchool Facility Planning and School Concurrency As Amended January 2008 until the School Board hasreported that there isschool capacity available or amitigationagreement has been reached.(Cross Reference: See Public School FacilityElement, Policy 1.2.1 and Intergovernmental Coordination Element,Policy 1.2.9) IX - 11 84 85 ELEMENT IMPROVEMENTS 26 / 5 CAPITAL 202 – 22 2021/ 2017/18 – 2013/14 FY 12 (SCI) - IX Improvements Capital of Schedule Year - Five Springs PLAN SPRINGS Winter of City WINTER 1: – OF IX CITYCOMPREHENSIVE Table 86 ELEMENT IMPROVEMENTS CAPITAL 13 - IX PLAN SPRINGS WINTER OF CITYCOMPREHENSIVE 87 ELEMENT IMPROVEMENTS CAPITAL 14 - IX PLAN SPRINGS WINTER OF CITYCOMPREHENSIVE 88 ELEMENT IMPROVEMENTS CAPITAL 15 - IX PLAN SPRINGS WINTER OF CITYCOMPREHENSIVE 89 ELEMENT IMPROVEMENTS CAPITAL 16 - IX PLAN SPRINGS WINTER OF CITYCOMPREHENSIVE 8: ELEMENT IMPROVEMENTS CAPITAL 17 - IX PLAN SPRINGS WINTER OF CITYCOMPREHENSIVE 91 ELEMENT IMPROVEMENTS CAPITAL 18 - IX PLAN SPRINGS WINTER OF CITYCOMPREHENSIVE 92 ELEMENT IMPROVEMENTS CAPITAL 19 - IX PLAN SPRINGS WINTER OF CITYCOMPREHENSIVE 93 ELEMENT IMPROVEMENTS Fund by CAPITAL 2025/26 – 2021/22 2017/18 – 20 - 2013/14 IX FY (SCI) Improvements Capital of Schedule Year - PLAN SPRINGS Five 2: – WINTER IX OF Table CITYCOMPREHENSIVE 94 ELEMENT IMPROVEMENTS CAPITAL 21 - IX PLAN SPRINGS WINTER OF CITYCOMPREHENSIVE 95 ELEMENT IMPROVEMENTS CAPITAL 22 - IX PLAN SPRINGS WINTER OF CITYCOMPREHENSIVE 96 ELEMENT IMPROVEMENTS CAPITAL 23 - IX PLAN SPRINGS WINTER OF CITYCOMPREHENSIVE 97 ELEMENT IMPROVEMENTS CAPITAL 24 - IX PLAN SPRINGS WINTER OF CITYCOMPREHENSIVE 98 25 CAPITAL IMROVEMENTS ELEMENT - IX PLAN SPRINGS WINTER OF CITYCOMPREHENSIVE CITY OF WINTERSPRINGS COMPREHENSIVE PLAN CAPITAL IMROVEMENTS ELEMENT B.SUMMARY The Capital Improvements Element (CIE) is themechanismused to guide and implementthe ComprehensivePlanthroughtheprogrammingofpublicfacilitiesandservicesasidentifiedinthe other elements of the Comprehensive Plan. TheCIE is tobe annuallyupdated and adopted toreflect the timing and funding of capital projects to meet or maintain adopted Levels of Service (LOS) Ord. 2012-14) standards or implement the Goals, Objectives, and Policies of the Comprehensive Plan.( The purpose of the CIE and the Schedule of Capital Improvements (SCI) is to ensure that necessary facilities and infrastructure will be in place to meetthe LOS standards established within the Comprehensive Plan, by addressing them through the annual budgeting process. The SCI alsoacts as amonitoringsystemtoensurethatprogrammedcapitalimprovementsareactuallycompletedduringthe five-year planning period. The SCI includes those capital improvement projects for which the local government has fiscal responsibility, as well as some projects for which the City does not have fiscalresponsibility, including school facilities, certain transportation facilities, some water supply facilities, and privately funded projects necessary to ensure that adopted LOS standards are achieved and maintained. Capital improvements must be based on sufficient revenues being currently available or available from committed funding sources for the first threeyears of the CIE. Sufficient revenues for years 4 and 5 shall be demonstrated by ensuring that funds are committed or planned. Revenue sources may include: tax revenues, bonds, state and federal funds, impact fees, service charges, and developer contributions. Expenditures or appropriations included in the City’s annual operating and capital budget are to coincide with SCI as well as the City’s capital improvements program. (Ord. 2012-14) Concurrency related facilities in the followingareas are to be included: Transportation Facilities Sanitary Sewer Potable Water Solid Waste Stormwater (drainage) Parks and Recreation Schools If the LOS Standardsare not met, City concurrencymanagement policies requiresa local government tothe denial ofyapplicationsfor development orders andpermits until the deficiency is addressed. In order toassure that facilities will bein place to maintain LOS standards in a timely manner and prevent a concurrency moratorium, the SCI must address known or identified deficiencies. \[Note: Land acquisition and design studies should beincluded, but do not satisfyconcurrency- Only programmedconstructionphases satisfy concurrency.\] (Ord. 2012-14) IX - 26 99 ORDINANCE NO. 2021-07 A ORDINANCE OF THE CITY COMMISSION OF THE CITY OF WINTER SPRINGS, SEMINOLE COUNTY, FLORIDA, SETTING FORTH AMENDMENTS TO THE CITY OF WINTER SPRINGS COMPREHENSIVE PLAN, CAPITAL IMPROVEMENTS ELEMENT BASED ON THE CITY’S EVALUATION AND APPRAISAL OF THE COMPREHENSIVE PLAN PURSUANT TO SECTION 163.3191, FLORIDA STATUTES; PROVIDING FOR THE REPEAL OF PRIOR INCONSISTENT ORDINANCES AND RESOLUTIONS; INCORPORATION INTO THE COMPREHENSIVE PLAN; LEGAL STATUS OF THE COMPREHENSIVE PLAN AMENDMENTS; SEVERABILITY; AND AN EFFECTIVE DATE. WHEREAS, the Florida Legislature intends that local planning be a continuous and ongoing process; and WHEREAS, section 163.3161 et. seq., Florida Statutes, established Community Planning Act; and WHEREAS, consistent with the Community Planning Act, the City Commission has adopted the City of Winter Springs Comprehensive Plan; and WHEREAS, as required by section 163.3191, Florida Statutes, the City has conducted an evaluation of its Comprehensive Plan, Capital Improvements Element, to determine if plan amendments are necessary to reflect changes in state requirements since the last update of the City’s Comprehensive Plan, which is required to be adopted every seven (7) years to assess the progress of implementing the City=s Comprehensive Plan; and WHEREAS, section 163.3177, Florida Statutes, requires that the Comprehensive Plan contain a capital improvements element designed to consider the need for and the location of public facilities in order to encourage the efficient use of such facilities and set forth components that outline principles for construction, extension, or increase in capacity of public facilities and principles for correcting existing public facility deficiencies, which are necessary to implement the comprehensive plan, covering at least a 5-year period; and WHEREAS, the Local Planning Agency has reviewed the amendments to the Comprehensive Plan, Capital Improvements Element, set forth herein, held an advertised public hearing, provided for participation by the public in the process, and rendered its recommendations to City of Winter Springs Ordinance No. 2021-07 Page 1 of 4 9: the City Commission; and WHEREAS, the City Commission, after considering the Local Planning Agency=s review comments and recommendations for amendments to the Capital Improvements Element, desires to adopt the amendments set forth herein; and WHEREAS, the City Commission of the City of Winter Springs, Florida, hereby finds this ordinance to be in the best interests of the public health, safety, and welfare of the citizens of Winter Springs. NOW, THEREFORE, THE CITY COMMISSION OF THE CITY OF WINTER SPRINGS HEREBY ORDAINS, AS FOLLOWS: Section 1.Recitals. The foregoing recitals are true and correct and are fully incorporated herein by this reference. Section 2.Authority. This Ordinance is adopted in compliance with, and pursuant to, the Community Planning Act, Sections 163.3184 and 163.3191, Florida Statutes. Section 3. Purpose and Intent. The purpose and intent of this ordinance is to adopt text amendments to the City’s Comprehensive Plan as set forth herein, which are based on the City=s evaluation and appraisal of the Comprehensive Plan pursuant to Section 163.3191, Florida Statutes. Section 4. Adoption of Text Amendments to the Comprehensive Plan, Capital Improvements Element. The Winter Springs Comprehensive Plan, Capital Improvements Element is hereby amended only as specifically enumerated and set forth in Exhibit “A” attached hereto and fully incorporated herein by this reference. (Underlined type indicates additions and strikeout type indicates deletions). It is intended that the text in the Comprehensive Plan not specifically enumerated and set forth in this Exhibit shall remain unchanged from the language existing prior to adoption of this Ordinance). Section 5. Transmittal to the Department of Economic Opportunity. The City Manager or his designee is hereby designated to sign a letter transmitting the adopted Comprehensive Plan Amendment to the Florida Department of Economic Opportunity for state coordinated review and to any other agency or local government providing timely comments, in accordance with Section 163.3184(4), Florida Statutes. Section 6. Repeal of Prior Inconsistent Ordinances and Resolutions. All prior inconsistent ordinances and resolutions adopted by the City Commission of the City of Winter Springs, or parts of ordinances and resolutions in conflict herewith, are hereby repealed to the extent of the conflict. City of Winter Springs Ordinance No. 2021-07 Page 2 of 4 :1 Section 7. Severability. If any section, subsection, sentence, clause, phrase, word or provision of this Ordinance is for any reason held invalid or unconstitutional by any court of competent jurisdiction, whether for substantive, procedural, or any other reason, such portion shall be deemed a separate, distinct and independent provision, and such holding shall not affect the validity of the remaining portions of this Ordinance. Section 8. Incorporation Into Comprehensive Plan. Upon the effective date of the Comprehensive Plan Amendments adopted by this Ordinance, said Amendments shall be incorporated into the City of Winter Springs Comprehensive Plan and any section or paragraph number or letter and any heading may be changed or modified as necessary to effectuate the foregoing. Section 9. Effective Date and Legal Status of the Plan Amendment. The effective date of the Comprehensive Plan Amendments adopted by this Ordinance shall be pursuant to the state land planning agency’s notice of intent. If timely challenged, an amendment does not become effective until the state land planning agency or the Administration Commission enters a final order determining the adopted amendment to be in compliance as defined in section 163.3184, Florida Statutes. No development orders, development permits, or land use dependent on these Amendments may be issued or commenced before it has become effective. If a final order of noncompliance is issued by the Administration Commission, the Amendments may nevertheless be made effective by adoption of a resolution affirming its effective status. After and from the effective date of these Amendments, the Comprehensive Plan Amendments set forth herein shall amend the City of Winter Springs Comprehensive Plan and become a part of that plan, and the Amendments shall have the legal status of the City of Winter Springs Comprehensive Plan, as amended. ADOPTED by the City Commission of the City of Winter Springs, Florida, in a regular meeting assembled on the ____ day of ________________, 2021. ____________________________________ Kevin McCann,Mayor ATTEST: _______________________________ Christian Gowan,City Clerk Approved as to legal form and sufficiency for the City of Winter Springs only: ______________________________________ Anthony A. Garganese, City Attorney Transmittal Hearing: _____________________ Adoption Hearing: _____________________ City of Winter Springs Ordinance No. 2021-07 Page 3 of 4 :2 Effective Date: _____________________ City of Winter Springs Ordinance No. 2021-07 Page 4 of 4 :3 23!Psmboep!Tfoujofm!!}!!Tfdujpo!2!!}!!Npoebz-!Pdupcfs!5-!3132Psmboep!Tfoujofm!!}!!Tfdujpo!2!!}!!Npoebz-!Pdupcfs!5-!3132 XFBUIFS ˆ‚‰Š‹€‚ ‡‘ž‘® †— ˆ ® ®žˆ®®¡ UpebzUpnpsspx ƒŽ DjuzIMTljftIM ‰€ƒˆ Bdbqvmdp 9987qd9987 Ž‚ Bntufsebn 7363ti6:63 Buifot 886:t8971 Cbhiebe:779qd:479 Cfjkjoh 7564ti7263 LbotbtDjuz 8:65t8567 UpebzUpnpsspx Cfsmjo 7264d7463 Lopywjmmf 8975u8474 €„‘ž Cphpub 795:s775:DjuzIMTljftIM MbtWfhbt 9:81qd9374 €„ž CvfoptBjsft 7865t7:65 Bmcboz"BmcbozOZ 6962s6:64 MjuumfSpdl 9272qd8973 Dbjsp 9677t9577 Bmcvrvfsrvf 8865t8967 MptBohfmft 9773qd916: ¡„® Dbsbdbt:188ti:188 Bodipsbhf 554:t5852 Mpvjtwjmmf 8974u9177 Dpqfoibhfo 6:63ti6965 Btifwjmmf 8472u7872 Nfnqijt 9175qd8:75 Ž„‘‘ Evcmjo 6857d6654 Bumboub 8778u8278 Njmxbvlff 7:72d7872 ˆ Gsbolgvsu 6:59ti7358 BumboujdDjuz 9275u8772 Njoofbqpmjt 8465t8669 ‰’††Š†ƒ Hfofwb 675:s7357 Bvtujo:167qd9:66 Npcjmf 9178u8876 Ibwbob 9981u9:83 Cbmujnpsf 9175u8:75 Obtiwjmmf 8973u8875 IpohLpoh:293t:292 Cjmmjoht 9367t9766 OfxPsmfbot 9481u9279 ƒƒ„ † Jtubocvm 7969qd7968 Cjsnjohibn 9177u8476 OfxZpslDjuz 8472u776: Kfsvtbmfn 8775t8672 Cpjtf 9364t9365 OpsgpmlWB 9478qd9178 Žž Kp“cvsh 8162qd8467 Cptupo 7167s7365 Plmb/Djuz 9364t9262 Mjtcpo 826:qd8871 Cvggbmp 796:ti7:6: Pnbib 8961t8868 Mpoepo 7262d6861 CvsmjohupoWU 7264d7562 Qijmbefmqijb 9177u8775 Nbesje 7:58qd8462 DibsmftupoTD 957:qd9382 Qipfojy:883qd957: Nbojmb:192u998:DibsmftupoXW 856:u8:72 Qjuutcvshi 8371u8671 Npousfbm 7262d7559 Dibsmpuuf 9178u8:79 QpsumboeNF 6:61d715: Nptdpx 6252d6149 Dijdbhp 8173qd8172 QpsumboePS 8163qd6:59 Objspcj 9168qd9366 Djodjoobuj 8573ti8975 Qspwjefodf 7468s7366 Puubxb 7161d7459 Dmfwfmboe 8372ti8472 SpdiftufsOZ 7668ti7369 Qbsjt 7563qd7361 DpmvncjbTD 9579u937:Tu/Mpvjt 8774qd8773 Š‹ Qsbhvf 7663d7:62 DpmvncvtPI 8572ti8873 Tu/UipnbtWJ 998:t998: Sjp 9882qd8481 Ebmmbt 9871t9872 TbmuMblfDjuz 9368t8:6: Spnf 9177s8674 Efowfs 915:t9161 TboBoupojp 9:72qd:173 Tfpvm 8883ti8877 EftNpjoft 8769t866:TboEjfhp 9177qd8777 Tjohbqpsf 9988qd9789 Efuspju 8472ti8369 TboGsbodjtdp 8668t7:68 Tupdlipmn 6961s6862 Gbshp 8:64t916:TboKvboQS:291qd9:91 Tzeofz 8:67t8167 Hvbn 988:ti9788 Tbwboobi 967:qd9582 Uplzp 9181t8:81 Ibsugpse 7265s7261 Tfbuumf 7259qd6757 Upspoup 7366ti7567 Ipopmvmv 9885qd9986 Tqplbof 8159qd8156 Wbodpvwfs 6859qd6757 Ipvtupo 9973qd9872 Tzsbdvtf 7768s7369 Wjfoob 8669qd8766 Joejbobqpmjt 8573ti8772 Xbti/ED 9277u8:78 € EbzupobCfbdi 7;57b8;21q23;49b23;68q93 Tu/Bvhvtujof.KvqjufsJomfu F7.234.6Npefsbuf OfxTnzsobCfbdi 8;28b8;48q2;14b2;27q93 KvqjufsJomfu.LfzMbshp FOF7.232.4Mjhiu DpdpbCfbdi 7;44b7;69q23;37b23;47q94 LfzMbshp.EszUpsuvhbt F8.253.5Mjhiu DbqfTbcmf.UbsqpoTqsjoht F5.92.3Mjhiu NfmcpvsofCfbdi 7;53b8;17q23;47b23;68q94 TfcbtujboJomfu 7;58b8;22q23;49b23;6:q93 UbsqpoTqsjoht.Bqbmbdijdpmb FTF5.92.3Mjhiu :4