HomeMy WebLinkAbout2021 10 14 Public Hearing 400 - Evaluation and Appraisal Report (EAR) based amendments to the Comprehensive Plan (Ordinance 2021-08) amending Comprehensive Plan related to Recreation and Open Space Element 9 : EXHIBIT A CITY OFWINTER SPRINGS COMPREHENSIVE PLAN RECREATION AND OPEN SPACE ELEMENT TABLE OF CONTENTS A.GOALS, OBJECTIVES, AND POLICIES .................................................................................1 B.INTRODUCTION............................................................................................................... 10 C.INVENTORY OF EXISTING RECREATION AND OPEN SPACE FACILITIES ......................... 10 1.Public Parks and Open Space .......................................................................................10 a.Regional Parks ............................................................................................................................ 11 b.Community Parks ........................................................................................................................ 15 c.SpecialUseFacilities.................................................................................................................16 d.Neighborhood Parks .................................................................................................................. 17 e.Mini-Parks and Tot-Lots ............................................................................................................. 17 f.Open Space ................................................................................................................................ 17 g.Urban Plazas and Squares ...................................................................................................... 17 h.Nearby CountyFacilities .......................................................................................................... 24 i.School Facilities ........................................................................................................................... 26 2.PrivateFacilities ............................................................................................................ 26 D.EXISTING AND FUTURE PARKS AND RECREATION NEEDS ............................................. 27 1.Population Trends and User Needs ............................................................................... 28 2.Outdoor RecreationPlanningGuidelines ...................................................................... 29 3.Recreational Facilities ................................................................................................... 42 4.Meeting Future Recreation and Open Space Needs ...................................................... 42 5.Public Participation in Recreation Planning .................................................................. 42 i 21 CITY OFWINTER SPRINGS COMPREHENSIVE PLAN RECREATION AND OPEN SPACE ELEMENT LISTOFTABLES Table VI - 1: Park and Open Space Acreage,Based on Level of Service Standards. ..................7 Table VI - 2: Inventory of Public Parks and Recreational Facilities and Open Space, 2009. ... 19 Table VI - 3: Inventory of Private Recreational Facilities, 2009 ................................................ 27 Table VI - 4: Use Guidelines for User-Oriented Recreation Activities, 2007 .............................29 Table VI - 5: Population Guidelines for User-Oriented Recreation Activities, 2008 ..................31 LIST OF MAPS Map VI – 1: Inventory of Public Parks, RecreationFacilities and Open Space ...........................8 MapVI – 2: Seminole County Trails Construction Map............................................................ 14 Map VI – 3: Park ServiceAreas ...............................................................................................36 Map VI – 4: Target Areas for New Parks ................................................................................. 38 Map VI – 5: Sites for Purchase Consideration .......................................................................... 40 Map VI – 6: Conceptual Trails Network Map........................................................................... 44 ii 22 CITY OFWINTER SPRINGS COMPREHENSIVE PLAN RECREATION AND OPEN SPACE ELEMENT CHAPTERVI RECREATION & OPEN SPACE ELEMENT A.GOALS, OBJECTIVES, AND POLICIES GOAL 1:To provide adequate openspace, parks, and recreation facilities to enable high quality participationfor all residents and visitors. Objective 1.1: Level of Service Standardsfor Parks. To ensure that the City has an adequate acreageofparklands and open space, the City shall utilize Level of Service (LOS) standards. Policy 1.1.1: Utilizethe followingLOS standards: TotalOverallPublicParkand Recreation Land Acreage (including Open Space): Eight (8) acres per 1,000 residents. For purposes of implementing this policy, the City may utilize State and County park lands and trails that are located within the City’s jurisdictional boundaries. Thisstandard includes land with passive and activeuses. CityOwned OpenSpace:Four (4) acresper 1,000 residents.Open spaceisdefinedas “undeveloped landssuitable for passive recreation orconservation”. Policy 1.1.2: Establish Continue theaParks and Recreation Advisory Committee madeupof residents who will work together toreview parks and recreation facilities and programs and make appropriate recommendations to theCity Commission. Policy 1.1.3: Maintain an inventory of thelocation,size, conditionand amenities available ateach public park, recreation area and open space. This inventory shall be updated every year. Policy 1.1.4: Implement and periodically update recreation guidelines and criteria for park sites and facilities based on industry standards and comparisonwith thoseofneighboringand comparable jurisdictions. Policy 1.1.5: Rely upon theStateofFlorida and Seminole County park facilities and wilderness areas locatedwithin a30-miledriving distanceofthe City for their value as regional resource-oriented facilities. Theseareas generallyservea population of over 100,000 and feature outdoor recreation resourcesand facilities that capitalize on and promote appreciationof the natural environment. Policy 1.1.6: Rely upon privatedevelopment to provide and maintain neighborhood parks inareasofnew development. Aneighborhood park is a facility that serves an entire neighborhood and which is located no morethan VI - 1 23 CITY OFWINTER SPRINGS COMPREHENSIVE PLAN RECREATION AND OPEN SPACE ELEMENT one-half (1/2) mile from the residents served. In cases where agreater distancecannotbe avoided, apaved parking area shall also be provided. Thesize of a neighborhood park shall be dependent on the but number of units served as described in the land development code, shall not beless thanone-half acre. Infill development of 20units or less shall beexempt from thisprovision. Typicalfacilities provided in a neighborhood park often include a swimming pool, cabana or clubhouse with restrooms, playground area, paved multi-purpose court, picnic area.,fitnesstrail, and/or open free play area. Open space may also be one component of the dedicated neighborhood park area. Policy 1.1.7: Protectand enhance open spaceareasand natural features within existing Cityparks,anddo notallow activerecreationaluses to unnecessarily encroach upon them. Policy 1.1.8: Require preservation ofecologicallysensitiveopen spacesinthe Greeneway Interchange District and promote connectivity of these naturalfeatures for habitatcontinuityand sustainability. Additionally, require a network of public plazas withinterconnected sidewalks to promote anurbanpedestrian environment. Policy 1.1.9: Pursue additional sites for active public recreationalopportunities for current and future residents through land acquisitionand/or public/private partnerships. Policy 1.1.10: Acquirepark land anddevelopappropriatefacilitiesby utilizing a variety of funding sources as available, such as the generalfund, grants, developer contributions, impact fees, and user fees, as well as creative funding solutions, suchasspecialtaxingdistricts, foundations, private donations, endowments, partnerships, and bond referendums. Policy 1.1.11: Explore opportunities to provide public recreation access to Lake Jesup. Policy 1.1.12: Perpetually hold in public ownership, for recreation and open space purposes,those lands owned by the City which are identified in this element on Map VI-1 and Table VI-2. Policy 1.1.13: Prior to the disposal of nonrecreational City-owned land or facilities, evaluate the potential use of such land or facilities for recreation, and whether such land orfacilities are needed to maintain or enhance the City’s recreation program. Policy 1.1.14: Prior to the vacation of any right-of-way, evaluate the potential of the right-of-way for use as part of a future trail corridor or other alternativetransportation linkage. Policy 1.1.15: Periodically update and take action to implement the recommendations of the City of Winter Springs Parks and Recreation Master Plan. VI - 2 24 CITY OFWINTER SPRINGS COMPREHENSIVE PLAN RECREATION AND OPEN SPACE ELEMENT Objective 1.2: Trails. The City shouldworkPursue the expansion of to expand the existingCross Seminole Trailsystem to includea network of City trails, thereby improving access for pedestrians and cyclists to schools, parks, open spaces, and businesses andfor the additional public outdoor recreation opportunities trailsprovide. Policy 1.2.1:Encouragepublicparticipation in planning and development of all phases of City’s trail expansion program. Policy 1.2.2:Partner with appropriate agencies to study and implement optionsfor future coordinated provisions of a bike/trail network. Policy 1.2.3: Develop standards and guidelines for trail planning, development and maintenance.Continue to followThe City mayfollowSeminole County Trail development and maintenance guidelines. Policy 1.2.4: Work with Florida Power & Light (FP&L) utility providers to co-locate trail easements in utility corridors. Policy 1.2.5:Encouragehomeownerassociations whenever possible, to incorporate existingtrails intothepublictrail system. Policy 1.2.6:Acquire property or easements that can be integrated into the City’s existing recreation and proposed trail network system as illustrated on MapVI-6: ConceptualTrailsNetwork System. Policy 1.2.7: Make providing trails a priority in the new planning horizon for the connectivity theyprovideto schools, parks, natural lands,and businesses. Objective 1.3: Study of Recreation Preferences. The City shall determine the recreational preferencesand needs of City residents. Policy 1.3.1: Periodically survey organized leagues and primary users of active recreation facilitiesto determine participation ratesand demand for services and to determine adjustments to activeland use programming. Policy 1.3.2: Identify demographic changes in the communityand incorporate adjustmentsin recreation provision planning accordingly. Policy 1.3.3: Reflect neighborhood input in specific park recreation plans. Policy 1.3.4:Utilizenational andregional parkplanningdata trends toproactively adjust programmed park facilities. VI - 3 25 CITY OFWINTER SPRINGS COMPREHENSIVE PLAN RECREATION AND OPEN SPACE ELEMENT Policy 1.3.5: Develop and implement aConduct the City-wide recreation survey every five years. The recreational needs survey shall inquireabout recreational preferences in terms of facilities and recreational/educational programs, frequency of use of parks and recreational facilities, location of most frequently used facilities, willingness to pay user fees, location and age profile of respondents, householdsize,andtravel method to preferred/most used parksand recreationalfacilities. Policy 1.3.6: Reflect the results of the community’s recreation preferences and needs in prioritizing fundingexpenditures for maintenance and capital improvements. Objective 1.4: Park Maintenance. All City parks shallbemaintained and improved in a manner that is consistentwiththeneeds of theCityresidents, and which maximizes the potential of the individualrecreational facilities. Policy 1.4.1: Renovate and/orupgrade the City’s parksand recreationalfacilities as needed toprovide improved recreational opportunities. Policy 1.4.2: Continuetheuser fee system for Cityrecreationprograms and facilities to offset the cost of maintaining and programming facilities, when appropriate. Exceptinthe context of a City-County cooperative agreement, fee-basedrecreation programs shall be designed, administered and priced so as togivepreference to City residents over non-Cityresidents. Objective 1.5: Accessibility. The City shall provide and maintain appropriate, operational park and recreation access for all segments of the City population. Policy 1.5.1: Continue to provide adequate and appropriate automobile, bicycle and pedestrian access to all public parks and facilities. Policy 1.5.2:Designallpublicrecreation facilities as barrier-free as possible to accommodate accessibilityby the elderly, handicapped disabled and very young. Policy 1.5.3: Continue to provide adequate parking space, including handicapped parking,and bicycle racks at recreationsites. Policy 1.5.4: Continue to enhance thepublic’sawareness of park and recreational programs and eventsthrough a variety of print and electronic media formats such as theCity’s website, brochures newsletters, etc. VI - 4 26 CITY OFWINTER SPRINGS COMPREHENSIVE PLAN RECREATION AND OPEN SPACE ELEMENT Policy 1.5.5: Work to increase public awareness of the need for and benefits of healthyand active lifestyles. Policy 1.5.6: Continueto provide a scholarship program for low-income families. Provide assistance to low-income families to obtain scholarship opportunities to participate in recreation programs. Objective 1.6: Private ParksandRecreation Facilities. The City shallencourage the preservationand use of privatelands for park and recreation facilities and open space. Policy 1.6.1: Require residentialdevelopments outside of the Town Center with over 20 units, to provide and maintain neighborhood recreationalfacilities. Standards for these facilities shall be described in the land development code. Policy 1.6.2: Revise open spaceregulationsfor subdivisions and othernew developments in the land development code. Policy 1.6.3: Assess parkand recreation impactfees tonew residential development as a pro rata shareof the costs required to expand or acquire capital facilities orequipment madenecessary by the new constructionfrom which the fees are collected or for principalpaymentsondebt instrumentsfor thesefacilitiesand services. (Cross Reference: See Capital Improvements Element, Policy 1.4.4) Policy 1.6.4: Encourage new developments falling within the planned trail network to provide public trail linkages either through or adjacent to their development. Objective 1.7: Interagency CooperationandJoint use of Facilities. The City shall continue coordinationefforts with agencies anddevelopers to provide quality development of recreation areas,and to avoid duplication of recreation facilities including provisions for joint use of facilities, to meet therecreation demandsof the City’s citizens. Policy 1.7.1: Coordinate park and open space planning with adjacent jurisdictions. Policy 1.7.2:Work withthe Department of Environmental Protectionand the Departmentof Transportation and other trail-related advocacy and support agencies for assistancein developing a local trailnetworkwith connectivity to the regional trail system. Policy1.7.3: Continue coordinationwith the Seminole County School Board, toallow the use of school board facilities bythe general public. Parks and schools shall be collocated to the extent possible to optimize the shared useof facilities. (Cross Reference: See Future Land Use Element, Policy 1.11.9) Policy 1.7.4: Review updates to the County Parks and Recreation Master Plan, and VI - 5 27 CITY OFWINTER SPRINGS COMPREHENSIVE PLAN RECREATION AND OPEN SPACE ELEMENT make thenecessary updates to this element to achieve consistency. VI - 6 28 CITY OF WINTER SPRINGS COMPREHENSIVE PLAN RECREATION AND OPEN SPACE ELEMENT Table VI - 1: Park and Open Space Acreage, Based on Levelof Service Standards Open Space (2) Total Overall Parkland (1) (4acresper1,000residents) (8 acres per 1,000 residents) Existing Existing (Deficit) (Deficit) 9.38 2009 380.50 105.04 147.10 3.65 2010 93.62 380.50 147.10 2015 69.62 -8.34 147.10 380.50 2020 57.94 147.10 -14.18 380.50 2025 41.49 147.10 380.50 -22.36 2030 24.18 147.10 380.50 -31.06 Total Overall Parkland (1)Open Space (2) (8 acres per 1,000 residents) (4 acres per 1,000 residents) Year Population Existing Existing Required Surplus/(Deficit) Required Surplus/(Deficit) Acreage Acreage 2017 35,050402 280.40 121.60 169.91 140.20 29.71 2021 37,773408.83 302.18 106.65 175.43 151.09 24.34 2025 39,551408.83 316.41 92.42 175.43 158.20 17.23 2030 41,119408.83 328.95 79.88 175.43 164.48 10.95 2035 42,994408.83 343.95 64.88 175.43 171.98 3.45 2040 44,572408.83 356.58 52.25 175.43 178.29 -2.86 Source: American Community Survey 2013-20172015-2019 ; Projections by Shimberg Center for Housing Studies, based on 20002010 and 20102020 U.S. Census data and population projections by the Bureau of Economic and Business Research, University of Florida. Population- U.S. Census, as adjusted for 2000; University of Florida Bureau of Economic and Business Research (BEBR); City of Winter Springs Evaluation and Appraisal Report 1) Includes thetotal of all public parks and recreational lands including any State and County facilities within the City limits. Therefore the Cross Seminole Trail is included. and Jetta Point County Park will be included once developed. 2) Includes the total of all city-owned open space. Some of this land is noted on subdivision plats as "park" but are undevelopable wetlands and are included on the Future Land Use Map - 20302040 as "Recreation and OpenSpace". The remainder of the lands areconservation lands underthe City's jurisdiction andare included on the Future Land Use Map – 2030 2040 as "Conservation". Conservation lands owned by the St. John's River Water Management District are not included. The addition of the 40-acre wetland park in the Town Center will eliminate the deficit, once it is conveyed. The addition of the continued expansion of Central Winds Park (7.66 acres) will eliminate the 2040 deficit of 2.86 acres. VI - 7 29 2: 8 - Space VI Open and Facilities Recreation Parks, Public of Inventory 1: – VI Map 31 9 - VI B.INTRODUCTION The qualityoflifefor Winter Springs’ residents is linked closely tothe development and management of a well-maintained, accessible systemof public parks, trails and open space. The City is wellknown for its award-winningCentral Winds Park and the quality of recreational programs and events offeredthere. Such facilities play a key role in shaping both the landscape and the quality of lifeofWinter Springs’residents throughthe conservationofnaturalresources and provision of recreational facilities. It is the intent of the Citytoprovide an appropriate balance of both active and passive recreationforthe community. The quality of life for residents of Winter Springs is not only linked to the availability of a well-maintained system of public park and recreation facilities, but also to the quality of the natural resources they contain. Privately managed parks, open space and facilities provide additional components of the open space and recreational system serving City residents. As additionalparks are developed, considerationfor the balancebetween conservation issues and the provision of active recreationbecomesan important ingredient in the park development process. The City’s lead office in chargeofparks and recreational programs is the Parks and Recreation Department. The purpose ofthisdata is to identify existing and planned open space and recreation facilities, review Level of Service (LOS) standards for these facilities, and analyze current and projected park and recreational needswhich support the Recreation and Open Space Element. The Element includes specific goals, objectives, and policies to guide the provision of recreation and open space facilitiesthrough the year20302040. C.INVENTORY OF EXISTINGRECREATION ANDOPEN SPACE FACILITIES Parks conserve open space and natural resources and provide recreation opportunities. In general, parks are categorized as being either activity-based or resource-based. Activity-based parksprovide user-oriented,recreationfacilitiesdesigned for a specific purpose such as tennis, basketball, softball or soccer, while resource-based parks utilize the natural environment to provide more passive activities such as picnicking,hiking, fishing, swimming, or boating. The City provides a wide rangeof recreation opportunities to its residents. The City’s park inventory includes numerous parksandrecreational facilities where citizens canenjoy bothactive and passive forms ofrecreation. (See Table VI-2: Inventory of Public Parks andRecreational Facilities and Open Space, 20092020). 1.Public Parks and OpenSpace Thepublic park system within WinterSprings includes approximately 380.5408.83 acres. This acreage includes City-owned parks and open space, as well as State andCounty- ownedrecreational facilities located within the City limits, such as the Cross Seminole Trail . (JettaPointCounty Park is notcurrentlyincluded,butwill beincludedonce developed.) Map VI-1 illustrates the publicparksystem.Alsoincluded are Seminole County facilities located near the City. Cityparks have been classified in congruence with guidelines set forth in Florida’s Statewide Comprehensive Outdoor Recreation Plan (20072019) published bytheFlorida Department of EnvironmentalProtectionand 9J-5, Florida Administrative Code (FAC). The categories utilized by the City include regional parks (State and County), communityparks, neighborhood parks, tot lots,urban plazas and squares,and open space. Only sites that are publicly owned have been included in this section. VI - 10 32 As notedon TableVI-2, many City parksoffer both passive and active recreation opportunities. Some examples are Central Winds Park, Ranchlands Park, and Sam Smith Park, all of which offer active recreational facilities as well as passive areas for fishing andpicnicking. a.Regional Parks Regional Parks are large, resource-based parks serving more thantwo communities and featuring outdoor recreationresources and facilities that capitalize onandpromote appreciation of the natural environment. Regional parks should serve a populationof over 100,000 (generally located within an hour’s drivingdistanceof the park) and should range in size from a minimum of 250 acres to as much as several thousand acres. The City relies on the State and theCountyfor theprovision and maintenance ofregionalparks. There are numerous regional resource-based parks and wilderness areas accessible tothe City’s residents (see Florida Managed Habitat Conservation Areas Map located in theConservation Element). Florida State Parks within 25 miles of Winter Springs include: Driving Distance* Name of Recreational Area Acreage: 12.5 milesWekiva Springs State Park69009,504 23 miles Rock Springs Run State Reserve 1500014,165 23 miles Lower Wekiva River Preserve State Park 1765017,375 23 miles Lake Lotus Park 120 *driving mileage taken from Winter Springs Town Center St John’s River Water Management District Recreation Lands include: Driving Distance*:Name of Recreational Area:Acreage: 9.2 milesLake Jesup Conservation Area52576,220 11.7 milesLittle-Big Econ State Forest 956310,279 25 miles Buck Lake Conservation Area 96389,606 25 miles Seminole Ranch Conservation Area 292236,000 *driving mileage taken from Winter Springs Town Center Seminole County Wilderness and Preserve Areas include: Driving Distance* Name of Recreational Area:Acreage: 3.8 milesSpring Hammock Preserve 1,500 (includes Environmental Studies Center) 6.9 miles Black Hammock Wilderness Area 700 8.5 miles Lake Jesup Wilderness Area 490 10.5 miles Black Bear Wilderness Area 1,650 Econ River Wilderness Area 10.6 miles 240 Geneva Wilderness Area (Includes Ed Yarborough Nature 10.8 miles 180 Lake Procter Wilderness Area 13.6 miles 475 VI - 11 33 15.7 miles Chuluota Wilderness Area625 *driving mileage taken from Winter Springs Town Center Source: FDEP Division of Recreation and Parks, September 2019; Greenways Natural Lands Seminole County, September 2019; St. Johns River Water Management District September 2019. Trails (in or near Winter Springs): A network of trails provides a range of economic, aesthetic, environmental and recreation benefits to citizens of a community, beyond thebenefitsthataccrueto private landowners. A trailsnetwork can increase residential and commercial propertyvalues,encourage the revitalization of declining area, attract tourist, and provideanalternative to the use of automobiles that can help reduce traffic congestion.The Cityhasparticipated in regional trail planning and development activities in recent years that have substantially increased access to trail recreational opportunities for City residents. Cross Seminole Trail The FloridaDepartmentof Environmental Protection’s Office of Greenways and Trailsowns, and has sub-leased to Seminole County, the Cross Seminole Trail, a portionof whichislocated inWinterSprings. TheSeminoleCounty Parks and RecreationDepartmentis incharge of maintaining the trail. An interlocal agreement exists between the City and Seminole County regarding use and maintenance of the CrossSeminole Trail. The City’s Parks and Recreation Departmentassistedwiththedesign of the restroom facility located at the Black HammockTrailhead (State Road 434 atState Road 417 (Seminole Expressway), and is responsible for the maintenance and cleaning of the restroom facility. The Cross Seminole Trail begins at its connection to the Cady Way Trail just south of Aloma and Howell Branch in Winter Park. It heads north for 23 miles where it connects to the Seminole Wekiva Trail at the pedestrian bridge over Interstate 4 in Lake Mary. The trail near and through Winter Springs currently runs six (6) miles from through Layer Elementary School in Winter Springs to the intersection of State Road 434 and State Road 426 in downtown Oviedo to Layer Elementary in Winter Springs, where a small gap is exists. Other built sections of the trail include from CR 46A south to Green Way Boulevard in Lake Mary and from Mikler Roadto the Orange County Line. The Cross Seminole Trail connects with the Seminole Wekiva Trail via the I-4 Pedestrian Bridge in Lake Mary. Upon completion, the Cross Seminole Trail will be a 34.5 mile long continuous trail connecting Altamonte Springs, Longwood, Lake Mary, Winter Springs, and Oviedo and connecting to the Cady Way Trail and the Orange County Trail System. The trail will run from Spring Hammock Preserve in Winter Springs to Howell Branch Road at the Orange County Line and will connect several parks including: Central Winds Park, Soldier’s Creek Park, Big Tree Park, Greenwood Lakes Park, Sweetwater Creek Park, Lawton House Park, and Spring Hammock. The trail will also connects seven schools: Layer Elementary, Winter Springs High School, Indian Trails Middle School, Keeth Elementary, Trinity Preparatory School, Oviedo High School, and Lawton Elementary, and Choices in Learning Charter School. VI - 12 34 New segments of Tthe Cross Seminole Trail is currentlyinclude segments under construction from the Oviedo Mall to State Road 434. Design is complete on the segment from,Mikler Road to Red Bug Lake Road, including Road and construction is scheduled to begin in late 2008. Aapedestrian overpass is programmed to be constructed over Red Bug Lake Road beginning in the fall 2008, with a connection to State Road 426 near the Oviedo Mall. The trail will also bewas also realigned by the FDOT State Road 426 widening project. The trail will and crosses at the signalized intersection of Marketplace Boulevard Blvd & State Road 426, and which connects with the trail corridor along Aulin Avenue. Map VI- 2 depicts existing and future portions of the Cross Seminole Trail. VI - 13 35 Map VI - 2: Seminole County TrailsConstruction Map VI - 14 36 Florida National Scenic Trail TheFlorida National Scenic Trail was congressionally established in 1983and is hiking trail network that provides accessto scenic wilderness areas. Aportion a of theCross Seminole Trail coincides with the Florida National Scenic Trail. The Great Florida Birding Trail The Great FloridaBirding Trail is a program of the Florida Fish and Wildlife Conservation Commission, supported in part by the Florida Department ofTransportation andtheWildlife Foundation of Florida. In Seminole County, self- guided designated trailsare included at the Little-Big Econ State Forest, the Lake ProcterWilderness Area, and the Geneva Wilderness Area. EconlockhatcheeRiver Paddling Trail The Econlockhatchee River Paddling Trail is officially designated as part of Florida’s Statewide System of Greenways and Trails. Access to this scenic wilderness river is provided via a canoe launch site beginning 2.5 miles northwestof Chuluota on State Road 419 (only 11 miles driving distance from WinterSprings). The trail winds eastward through 18-miles of forested flatlands, swamps, and pasture, and eventually feeds into the St. John’s River.Thisriver flows northeasterly to its junction with the St. Johns River where the trail ends 1.5 miles downstream (north) of the confluence. Bear Creek Nature Trail Bear Creek Nature Trail, owned and maintained by the City, provides a passive area with a .5 mile nature trail paralleling Bear Creek. b.Community Parks Communityparks are defined as “ride to” parks that should be located near major streets or arterials. Community parksare designed to serve the needs of four to sixneighborhoodsthathave residentswithin a radius of up to three (3) miles. Typical facilities found in community parks are designed to serveallages and may includeboth passiveand activerecreation opportunities such as playground areas, recreation buildings, sports fields, paved multipurpose courts, picnic areas, open or free play areas,swimming pools, and landscaping. Communityparks include: CentralWinds Park, Sunshine Park, Torcaso Park, Trotwood Park, Blumberg Blvd. (Blumberg Park) andVeteran’s Memorial in the TownCenter and, theBlack HammockTrailhead.,and the future Jetta Point County Park. Some parks may fall under more than one category. Most County parks are consideredcommunity parks,but those that hostnationalcompetitions and tournaments can easily be classified as regional parks. Central Winds Park, located on Lake Jesup, for instance,has beenclassified as a community park, dueto its geographic area andthe type of recreational facilities and activities offered. However, numerous civic festivals and special events are held in the park,drawing citizens from all over SeminoleCountyand the Central Florida area. For this reason, Central Winds Park has been locally considered aregional park. This parkoffers competition quality baseball, softball, and soccer fields, which are reservedfor league-play only, as well as basketball courts,volleyball courts,horseshoes, VI - 15 37 playground, concession stand, theCity’s Parks & RecreationOffice, and restrooms. Additionally, a passivearea located on the west side includes a fishing area, pavilions, picnic grills, and an amphitheatre. A recent expansion to the park added additional baseball, softball, and soccer/football fields, as well aslacrosse Together, the fields and a dog park with large dog, small dog and training areas. Central Winds Park and the expansion total 98.5 acres. c.SpecialUse Facilities Special usefacilities aredesigned to serve the unique recreational needs of certain population groups. The elderly are afforded the Senior Center Complex, a 13,500 square foot facility, located at Sunshine Park. The complex was expanded in2007and includesanewindoortherapypool, alargemulti-purpose room, billiard/gameroom, kitchen, restrooms, arts and crafts room, conference room, lounge area, and two offices. The therapy pool is one of only two public facilities in the County. The center is operated by City staff anda senior organization. Membershipcanbeobtainedforareasonablefee.Memberscan utilize the Senior Centerto enjoy the followingactivities: Arts &CraftsDance Classes Bingo/ Card Playing Lunch on Wednesdays Charity Benefits Movies Social Functions Medical Examinations ComputerClasses Exercise, Yoga &Tai Chi Recreation Classes Billiards Senior Field Trips Theyoung are afforded the Civic Center Complex, a 4,000 square foot facility, also located at Sunshine Park and connected to the Senior Center by a covered breezeway. Thisfacilityincludes a commercial type kitchen, restrooms, stage, and dance floor.TheCivicCenter offers many recreational opportunities for the young, including the Winter Springs SummerYouth Program. During the program, children havethe opportunity toparticipatein activities suchas trips and tours, swimming, arts and crafts, and outdoor games. Additionally, the Civic Center offers meeting spacefor Boy/Girl Scouts,civic,religious and private organizations, charity benefits, City meetings/training/parties, homeowners associations, etc. The Civic Center Complex also offers rental of the facilityfor weddings, receptions and parties. Both the Senior Centerand the CivicCenter arewheelchair accessible. VI - 16 38 d.Neighborhood Parks Neighborhood Parks are “walkto” parks that are generally located along streets where people can walk or bicycle without encountering heavy traffic. They serve the population of a neighborhood in a radius of up to one-half (1/2) of a mile. A neighborhood park size usually ranges from 2 to 10 acres. Typical facilities provided include playground areas, recreation buildings, sports fields, paved multi-purpose courts, picnicareas, open orfree playareas, and landscaping. Neighborhood parks include Moss Park, Sam Smith Park, Ranchlands Park, and Bear Creek Nature Trail. e.Mini-Parks and Tot-Lots Mini-parksare small facilities that serve a concentrated or limited population, as well as specific groups such as toddlers. Mini-parks include tot-lots and are designed toserve the needs ofa neighborhood within a radius of up to six (6) blocks.A minimum ofone half (1/2) acre for each stand-alone park is recommended. Mini-parks primarily offer passive recreation and typical facilities provided include playground areas, benches, open space, picnic tables, and landscaping.Mini-parks include Diane’s Park, Fruitwood Park, Winding Hollow, Oak Hollow, Market Square and Magnolia Square. Mostof the neighborhood and communityparksoffer the facilities typically found in tot-lots and mini-parks.Manyhomeowner associations include private recreationalfacilitieswithintheir developments. In many cases, these serve as private mini-parks to those residents. f.Open Space The term “open space” iswidely used with a variety of meanings. However, its meaning herein (and throughout the Comprehensive Plan) is taken from Rule 9J-5 Florida Administrative Code and simply means,is“undevelopedlandssuitable for passiverecreation orconservation.”Open space does not refer to land found in medians, buffers, or retention areas. In Winter Springs, mostof thepublicly-owned open space was conveyedto the Cityat the time ofsubdivisionplatting, as “parks” or “parkland”. However,most of these areas are composed of undevelopable wetlands,such as the 69.5-acre Tuscawilla Open Spacedonation.WindingHollowsubdivision also includes a large 55-acreopen space with only .5-acre in addition, available for active recreation. Not all openspaceorconservationareaswithin WinterSprings are owned bythe City, many are privatelyowned. However, onlyCity-owned open spaceisinventoriedwithin thisElement and included on Table VI-2 (with one exception -the Hickory Grove Parkin the Town Center is included, but it is owned bythe StateOffice ofGreenways and Trails). g.UrbanPlazas and Squares “Urban plazas” or “squares” are smallurbanpocket parkswhich vary insize from 1/10-acre to severalacres depending on their intended use.Their primary function is to interspersecongested urban environments with aesthetically pleasing VI - 17 39 areas for people to gather as groups or to sit individually. These plazasand squares may contain benches and tables, commemorative structures, fountains, and landscaping.Within theTown Center,numerous urban plazas and squares are planned. Several have beencompletedand include: Blumberg Blvd., Market Square, and a portion of Magnolia Square. Blumberg Blvd. also includes the recently completed Veteran’s Memorial, located at Tuskawilla Rd. and Blumberg Blvd. Most of theseurbanplazasand squares will serveas mini-parks. However, in some cases (such asBlumbergBlvd.(Blumberg Park) and the, Veteran’s Memorial, and the recently acquired pocket park along Michael Blake Blvd.), these facilities serve as community parks becauseof theactivities offered there and the significanceof the facilities. Table VI-2 shows an inventory ofpublic parksand recreationalfacilities and openspace within Winter Springs. VI - 18 3: Table VI - 2: Inventory of Public Parks and Recreational Facilities and Open Space, 20092020 Active Passive Parks Total Acres Resources and Facilities Acres Acres (1) Trails Natural Resources: Creek, environmentally sensitive area. Bear Creek Nature Trail 0.0 8.7 8.7 Recreational Facilities: None Other: 1/2-mile nature trail Natural Resources: None Black Hammock Recreational Facilities: Trailhead ** (acreage 0.0 0.0 0.0 Cross Seminole Trail included in Cross Other: Paved Parking and Seminole Trail) Restrooms Natural Resources: Wetlands Florida National Scenic 0.0 4.4 4.4 Recreational Facilities: None Trail ** Other: Undeveloped Natural Resources: Creek, natural vegetation Recreational Facilities: Cross Seminole Trail ** 0.0 59.4 59.4 Paved Trail Other: 6-miles in the City connecting with regional trail system Community Parks Natural Resources: None Recreational Facilities: Adjacent to Blumberg Park Cross Seminole Trail Blumberg Blvd. ** & 1.44.26 Other: Fountains, pergolas, Veteran’s Memorial ** walkways, seating, manicured landscaping. Veteran’s memorial with sculpture. Natural Resources: Nature/Environmentally sensitive area. Recreational Facilities: 4 baseball fields, 4 softball fields, 7 soccer, 1 football field, 2 multi- purpose fields (football/lacrosse) 8 multipurpose fields (soccer/frisbee/football/lacrosse)1 Central Winds Park 78.6 20.421.44 98.599.54 half basketball court, 2 volleyball courts, 2 youth playgrounds. Other: Dog park (small dog, large dog and training areas), fishing area, grass amphitheater & event space w/ power and stage platform, nature trail, cooking grills, 2 picnic pavilions, parks & VI - 19 41 recreation office, concession stand, restrooms Natural Resources: Lake (1.5-acres) Recreational FacilitiesRec. Facilities: 2 baseball fields, 1 3 softball fields, 1 full basketball court, 1 volleyball court., 1 tot playground, 1 youth playground. 1 pickelball Sunshine Park (a) 6.7 3.5 10.2 court, 1 horse shoe pit, 1 shuffle board court Other: Civic Center, Senior Center with indoor therapy pool, fishing area, cooking grills , 2 1 picnic pavilions, restrooms Natural Resources: Pond (1.9- acres) Recreational Facilities: 4 2 full sized basketballs with lighting shooting baskets, 1 volleyball court, 1 Torcaso Park 4.8 3.19 7.87.99 soccer/footballmultipurpose field, exercise course, 1 tot playground, one youth playground . Other: Fishing area, splash pad water fountain, picnic pavilion, cooking grills, restrooms Natural Resources: Lake Tuskawilla (6.4-acres) and smaller lake (1.6- acres) Recreational FacilitiesRec. Facilities: 2 baseball fields, 1 3 softball fields, 4 soccer fieldsmultipurpose fields, 2 Trotwood Park 23.05.0 28.0 full basketball courts, 2 tennis courts, 4 pickelball courts, adult fitness area 2 racquet ball courts, 1 volleyball court, 1 tot playground, 1 youth playground, 1 splash playground. VI - 20 42 Other:Fishingpier, cooking grills, 3 4picnicmedium pavilions, 1 4,000 sq. ft. pavilion restrooms Unnamed Pocket Park 0.0 0.36 0.36 Proposed Pocket Park (0621315080P100000) Neighborhood Parks Natural Resources: None Creek Recreational Facilities: Rec. Facilities: 1 full basketball court, 1 Moss Park 2.000.3 2.3 multi-purpose field, 1 youth playground, 1 tot playground. Other: cooking grills, 2 1 picnic pavilions, restrooms Natural Resources: Lake (11.5- acres) Recreational Facilities: Rec. Facilities: 1 volleyball court 2 Ranchlands Park 0.5 0.5 1.0 cornhole courts, 1 outdoor table tennis, 1 BBQ grill Other: Fishing area, cooking grills1 picnic pavilion Natural Resources: Lake (4.6- acres), nature area Recreational Facilities: Rec. Sam Smith Park 0.008.3 8.3 Facilities: 1 tot playground, 1 youth playground. Other: Fishing area, cooking grills, 2 picnic pavilions, restroom Mini Parks Dianes Park 0.0 1.0 1.0 Natural Resources: None Recreational Facilities: None. Other: Picnic table, cooking grill. VI - 21 43 Natural Resources: Lake (2.1-acres) Recreational Facilities: Fruitwood Park0.300.0 0.3 1 youth playground Other: None Natural Resources: None. Recreational Facilities:Rec. Magnolia Square 0.000.3 0.3 Facilities: Adjacent to Cross Seminole Trail Other: Fountain and seating Natural Resources: None Recreational Facilities: 2 youth Oak Hollow Park (linear park) Other: Paved walking trail (0.1 miles) Natural Resources: Adjacent to natural open space Recreational Facilities: 1 tot Winding Hollow Park (b) 0.5 0.00.5 playground, 1 youth playground Other: 1 Picnic pavilions, cooking grills Open Space Natural Resources: Creek Alton Creek 0.00.2 0.2 Recreational Facilities: None Other: Conservation Natural Resources: Wetlands Foxmoor Park Unit 1 0.01.9 1.9 Recreational Facilities:: None Other: None Natural Resources: Lake (2.1-acres); Wetlands Foxmoor Unit 2 0.01.6 1.6 Recreational Facilities: None Other: None Natural Resources: Lake (1.0-acres); Wetlands Foxmoor Unit 3 0.04.89 4.89 Recreational Facilities: None Other: None VI - 22 44 Natural Resources: Native hickory Hickory Grove Park ** 0.04.5 4.5 trees (Town Center) Recreational Facilities: None Natural Resources: Wetlands North Orlando Ranches 0.06.7 6.7 Recreational Facilities: None Sec. 5 Other: Conservation Natural Resources: Wetlands North Orlando Ranches 0.06.5 6.5 Recreational Facilities: None Sec. 9 Other: Conservation Natural Resources: Wetlands North Orlando Ranches Recreational Facilities: None Sec. 10 Other: Conservation Natural Resources: Wetlands North Orlando Terrace 0.07.2 7.2 Recreational Facilities: None Sec. 5 Other: Conservation Natural Resources: Wetlands North Orlando Terrace 0.07.4 7.4 Recreational Facilities: None Sec. 9 Other: Conservation Natural Resources: Wetlands Tuscawilla Open Space 0.069.5 69.5 Recreational Facilities: None Other: Conservation Unnamed Park 0.00 3.82 3.82 Natural Resources: Wetlands (2620305AR0A00007N) Wetland Park Natural Resources: Wetlands 0.0 22.92 22.92 (3120315TC000000B0) Other: Conservation Natural Resources: Wetlands Winding Hollow Park (b) 0.031.631.6 Recreational Facilities: None Other: Conservation Total Open Space 0 147.1175.43 147.1175.43 Total Overall Park 115.9 264.6292.93 380.5 408.83 Llands VI - 23 45 Note- Lacrosse is growing in popularity and can be played on soccer, football and multi-use fields. (1)Passive Acres includes both developed areas as well as undeveloped open space acreage. Lake acreage is not included. (2)Acreage is from the City’s Geographic Information System mapping. Lake acreage is not included. (a)Park is a Special Use Facility (b)One-half acre of this park is developed for active recreational use. 55.5 acres are conservation land. *Seminole County-owned ** State-owned (Greenways and Trails) Source: City of Winter Springs Planning Division, January 2009 2021 h.Nearby County Facilities Seminole County operates and maintains several park and open space facilities thatareavailabletothecitizensofWinterSprings.SomeoftheCountyparks closest to Winter Springs,in additiontotheCross Seminole Trail, are Overlook Park, Red Bug Lake Park, Soldier's CreekPark,and Spring Hammock Preserve. OverlookParkisa3-acrefacilitylocatedonSpringAvenueoffStateRoad434, west of State Road 417 (Seminole Expressway /Greeneway). Thepark is located on the southern shores of Lake Jesup and includes a designated State Historic Site (White’s Wharf) and Clifton Springs- a naturalsprings area. Amenities include a small pavilion, fishing pier and a mooring dock. Red Bug Lake Park isa 60-acre community park adjacent tothe 28-acreRedBugLake.This park is located 2miles east of State Road 436 on Red Bug Lake Road and offers picnicking, playgrounds, fishing, boating, tennis, racquetball, basketball, sand volleyball, softball, flag football,soccer,exercise trail,pavilions, and restrooms. Soldier’s Creek Park is a 315-acre park adjacent to the Spring Hammock Preserve, 1 mile east of U.S. 17-92on State Road 419. The parkofferssoccer fields and ball fields, which are used by community groups for youth baseball and softball. Spring Hammock Preserve offers visitors access to morethan 1,500 acres of wilderness on the western border ofLake Jesup. Highlights of opportunities offered within the Spring Hammock Preserve arethe Environmental Studies Center (located on the east side of State Road 419), nature trails, boardwalks, and fishing at Soldier's Creek,and"The Senator," a 3,500 year-old Cypresstreelocated at Big TreeCounty Park.. Facilities provided within the Seminole County Park System include: Lakes and Rivers with Boat Ramps Overlook Piers Support Facilities (including Restrooms and Paved Canoe Launch Parking) Mooring Dock Wildlife Fishing Piers Natural Vegetation and Marsh Lands with Environmental Learning Center Boardwalks Wildlife Wilderness Areas with Wildlife Campgrounds And Primitive Camping Hiking/Biking Trails Horseback Riding Trails VI - 24 46 Sports And Recreation Facilities Basketball Courts Kids Playgrounds Tennis Courts Picnic Pavilions Support Facilities (Including Restrooms, Paved Parking, Racquetball Courts and Lighting) Roller Hockey Rink Dog Parks Sand Volleyball Courts Historically Significate Sites Soccer/Football Fields Jogging Trails/Exercise Stations Softball/Baseball Fields Seminole Countyplans toconstructJetta Point Park on a 43-acre site within Winter Springs,south of State Road 434 justwest of its intersection with State Road 417 (Seminole Expressway/Greeneway).Thenew JettaPoint County Park will serve as an intensive-use sports complex withaconcentration offacilities for leagues and tournaments. It is expectedto host national softballcompetitionsas well as soccer/lacrosse and will also include youth playground, tot playground, a boardwalk, picnic pavilion and restrooms. The new park will be adjacenttothe existing Black Hammock Trailhead oftheCross Seminole Trail. Upon completion of Jetta Point Park, Soldier’s Creek County Park will be converted to baseball facilitiesfor leagues and tournaments SeminoleCounty Parks include: DrivingDistance* Name of Recreational Area: Acreage**: 2.7 milesOverlook Park34 3.8 milesSoldier’s CreekPark 25315 4.2 milesBigTreePark -Longwood 11 5.9 milesPawmosa Dog Park- Casselberry 1 6.4 milesSunland Park - Sanford156 6.7 milesLake Dot Park - Sanford 155 7.4 milesRed BugLakePark - Casselberry60 7.6 milesWinwoodPark - Altamonte Springs 4 7.7 milesJamestown Park1 8.0 milesKewannee Park- Casselberry 6 8.5 milesLake Jesup Park - Sanford 6 8.7 milesGreenwoodLakesPark- Lake Mary 14 8.9 milesSeminole Co. Softball Complex 38 9.4 milesSanlando Park - Altamonte Springs 40 10.3 milesPaw Park- Sanford 1 10.4 miles Little BigEcon Park (Canoe Launch) 13 VI - 25 47 11.4 miles Seminole County Sports Complex 22 11. 8 milesLake Mills Park -Chuluota 5040 12.7 milesRoselandPark - Sanford 12 12.8 milesMidwayPark - Sanford 2 13. 9 milesLake Monroe WaysidePark - Sanford 3.54 15.3 milesCameron Wight Park- Sanford3 17.3miles Bookertown Park 4 17.6 milesC.S. Lee Park - Geneva 3 19.3 miles Mullet Lake Park -–Geneva 151 20.0 miles Sylvan Lake Park -– Sanford 126 21.2 miles Wilson’s Landing Park – Sanford 19 *driving mileage takenfrom Winter SpringsTownCenter ** acreage does not include lakes i. SchoolFacilities The City maintains an Interlocal Agreement with theSchool Boardof Seminole County related to recreational use of educational facilities. The agreement states that the twoparties concur to collectively utilize the recreational and educational facilitiesof Winter Springs High School. Through this agreement, Parks and Recreation conducts youth basketball leaguesand camps, youth football games, and all sports training programs at Winter Springs High School, as well as . Additionally, youth basketballleaguesand programs,aswellas and specialCity events., includingthe annual HalloweenDance,are held at Indian Trails Middle School. In addition, theCity hasa cooperative arrangement with severalof the local school principals forco-use of their facilities. 2.PrivateFacilities Some recreational facilities and services such as golf courses,dancestudios, fitness clubs, movie theatres,etc. areprovided bythe private sector, and are available to the public through amembership or a fee. The provisionfor this type of recreational resources is normally based on marketstudies. Therefore, it can be assumed thatthe quantity of such resources willincrease as the city's populationincreases. Some ofthePrivate Recreational Facilities in or near Winter Springs Tuscawilla Country Club & Golf Course 1500 Winter Springs Blvd., Winter Springs FloridaAirboatAssociation, Inc. 200 N. CortezAve. LifestyleFitness5852 Red Bug Lake Rd. ProFlight Archery 280 E. State Road 434 SadkaneSchool for Dance & Aikido 1196 Tree Swallow Dr 1013 W. SR 434, Casselberry VI - 26 48 Studio 5D Dance Studio 1303 - 1323 Winter Springs Blvd RussianAcademyofBallet1425 Tuskawilla Rd (formerlyOrlando CityBallet) Bounce and Fun 135 E Bahama Rd O’Mei Wshu USA 113 E State Road 434 United Theatres of Florida, Inc. I-4 & HW436, Altamonte Springs AMC Interstate Theatres473 Cardinal Oaks Ct., Lake Mary Regal Cinema Oviedo Crossing 221500 OviedoMktpl.Blvd., Oviedo CentralSports Heaven Batting Cages1271 Belle AvenueAve.,Winter Springs YMCA 7900 Red BugLake Rd., Oviedo Planet Obstacle 1150 Emma Oaks Trail, Lake Mary Boing 532 S. Econ Circle, Oviedo Other private recreational facilities are found in residential developments withinWinter Springs. The facilities provided typically include community/exercise rooms,swimming pools, tennis courts, etc. Some of the developments providing this type of recreation are listedin Table VI - 3:Inventoryof Private Recreational Facilities, 2008 2020. \[Note: some data still being gathered.\]. Table VI - 3: Inventory of Private Recreational Facilities, 2008 2020 Development/Facility Club Golf Shuffle Pool Basketball Tennis Playground Volleyball Other Name house CourseBoard Highlands PUD 3 1 1 5 5 1 Trail Wildwood PUD 1 2 1 Trail Seminole Pines 1 1 11 1-18 Tuscawilla Country Club 8 hole Hacienda Village 2 2 1 Howell Creek/Eagles 1 1 1 1 Watch Integra 3601 1 Trail The Blake 1 1 The Rize 1 1 Southern Oaks 1 Tuskawilla Crossings 1 1 1 Trail Wedgewood1 1 Winter Springs Village 2 2 1 Trail NOTE: This inventory does not include all the private recreational facilities in the City, but accounts for many of those within residential subdivisions which have one or more acres of activity-based recreational opportunities. Source: Winter Springs Planning Division, FebruaryDecember 2020. D.EXISTING AND FUTURE PARKS AND RECREATION NEEDS Recreational demands do not remain constant over time, but grow with population increases and change as population demographics change. Attitudes and opinionscanbe drasticallyaltered from a shift in the demographic makeup of a community. Therefore, it is necessary to assess recreationalneeds and future demands for facilities in order to plan for the future. VI - 27 49 1.Population TrendsandUser Needs The City’s populationis projected anticipated toincrease by over 10,000byover7,000 residents by2030 2040. According to the U.S. Census,the median age increasedfrom 34 to 37 from 1990 to 2000to 42 in 2010 and is estimated at 43 in 2017.,and t The percentage of persons aged 65 or older increased from 9.2% to 10.8%over the same timeperiodfrom 1990 to 2000 and continued to increase to 17.4% of the population according to the 2013-2017 American Community Survey (ACS)estimates. The projected median age (USCensus) increased to 40 by2007. This trend is expectedtocontinue through the long-term planning period. The City is wellprepared to serve an aging population. During2007, the City completed a 9,200 square foot expansion of the SeniorCenterwhichadded a new therapy pool along with a large multi-purpose room. However, the City should continue to add recreationalfacilities and programswhich addressthechanging demographicsof theCity, whilecontinuingto support awidevariety ofprograms to serve all of its residents. To accurately reflect changes in public demand, tools are needed to identify them. One method is to survey the citizens for their input. The City has conducted severalinformal surveys, many of which have not been documented. A City-wide survey was conducted in 1990. It questioned residents about the recreational activities they practiced on a regular basis. The results showed that, at that time, residents wanted more playgrounds, baseballfields,swimming pools, bike paths,and tennis courts.Sincethattime,theCity has added numerous playgroundsand baseball fields, and the State has added the Cross Seminole Trail. This type of survey should be conducted regularly on a five-year basis to maintain consistency and tomonitor progress and changing demands. An opinion survey of registeredvoters was completed in 2004, to explore interest and support for a multi- purpose athletic facility and an aquatic center. The support was greatest for the multi- purpose athletic center with 44 percent of those surveyed in support of such a facility evenif it increased property taxes, 21 percent opposed and 35 percent requiring more information. Support dropped slightly (40 percent) and opposition increased (32percent)for anaquatic center. Support fell further(36 percent) toalevel nearly equalwith opposition (35percent)when respondents were askedif theywould supportboth facilities withacombinedtax increasenecessarytosupport both facilities. During the Winter Springs 2030 and Beyond survey in 2019, a number of questions focused on parks and recreation and open space. Purchase ofgreen space (i.e. natural lands) was a top priority for residents. Comments strongly suggested including arts, culture and theatre into recreation programming. Other comments included natural resource activities such as fishing and biking, a community pool and providing for more facilities/fields for a variety of sports. Willingness to fund facilities through increased taxes scored below a neutral rating at 2.95. Comments made it evident that a tax increase was not truly the way to go. Suggestions included looking in the budget for reallocation, user and event fees, partnership with the high school, or findingother sources of funding. Proponents in support of using tax dollars to pay for recreation facilities provided comments that if there was an increase it should be for specific projects vetted by the public and be primarily uses for natural areas, arts/culture or an aquatic center. Not only did the option of “Funding for a Sporting Complex” rate unfavorably (2.11), the comments provided were very clear that there are already existing larger facilities throughout Seminole County and there are plenty of existing facilities in the City. There were concerns about traffic, costs, and the large amount of greenspace that would be lost. Additional comments also focused on the need for arts and culture facilities. When asked about priorities for the City, the City-Wide Interconnected Trail System VI - 28 4: ranked highest (35%), followed by the Lake Jesup Boardwalk (26%). The Aquatic Center ranked next (20%), followed by the Library (12%). Indoor Recreation was the lowest ranking option (8%). In addition, during the development of the Parks and Recreation Master Plan 2020, a recreational survey was administered to the residents. 2.Outdoor Recreation PlanningGuidelines Three types of guidelines are commonly used in outdoor recreation planning according to Florida’s Statewide Comprehensive Outdoor Recreation Plan (20072019). Thefirst type, use guidelines, are employed as a meansof stating theamount ofusea resourceor facility can accommodate under certain conditions. Thesecond type,-population guidelines, are used indetermining the amount of resources and facilities that are required to serve a given population. The third type- site guidelines, are used primarily for acreage needs for local parks and recreation areas and openspace. estimating Manyvariations exist in outdoor recreation environments. Therefore, each jurisdictionmust determine for its planning purposes how these guidelines will best serve their interests and in most cases develop their own guidelines. TableVI-4 identifies the median value of the survey results for nine user- oriented facilities for which information on use was collected. Table VI - 4: Use Guidelines for User-Oriented Recreation Activities, 20072019 Guideline Activity Resource/Facility 120 users per field per day Baseball/SoftballBaseball/Softball Field 90 users per court per day BasketballBasketball Court 175 users per field per day Football/Soccer Field Golf GolfCourse (9-hole) 200 users per 9-hole course perday ActivityResource/FacilityGuideline Physical exercise (urbanLinear mile of 100 users per mile of trail per day jogging and hiking) exercise/parcours trail 40 users per court per day Racquetball/Handball Racquetball/Handball Court 20 users per court per day256 users Shuffleboard Court per pool per day Swimming Swimming Pool (1) 30 users per court per day TennisTennisCourt VI - 29 51 Activity Resource/FacilityGuideline Baseball/Softball Basketball/Softball Field 120 users per field per day Basketball Basketball Court90 users per court per day Football/Soccer/RugbyFootball/Soccer Field 175 users per field per day 200 users per 9-hole course Golf Golf Course (9-hole) per day Physical exercise (urban jogging and Linear mile of 100 users per mile of trail per hiking)exercise/parcourse trails day Racquetball/Handball Racquetball / Handball Court 40 users per court per day Shuffleboard Shuffleboard Court 20 users per court per day Swimming Swimming Pool (1) 256 users per pool per day Tennis Tennis Court 30 users per court per day Source: Florida’s Statewide Comprehensive Outdoor Recreation Plan (20072019). Populationguidelinesare hypothetical estimates of the amounts ofoutdoor recreation resources and facilities that are required to support a given population. Generally, population guidelines make no distinction between the varying requirements of different segments of the population, but are used to assess community recreational needs by determiningthe minimum number of resources and facilities required to serve the local population. When used in concert with facility use guidelines and park/openspace site guidelines, population guidelines can prove a useful tool in outdoor recreation planning. Table VI-45 identifies populatiopopulation and usenguidelines for user-oriented recreationalactivities. Site guidelines are a set of general criteria for determining the specific types andamounts of parklands necessary to accommodate the recreational needs of local communities. The criteria define the acreage, facility type and service area requirements for various types of community recreation sites and areas. They are most commonly used asa meansof expressing outdoor recreation needs, based on population guidelines. The site guidelines described in Table VI-6 are graphically applied to the City and depicted on Map VI-5. The areas not served by existing parks primarily are parts of the City having larger lot sizes in some cases, are areas still to be developed, such as the Greeneway Interchange District. VI - 30 52 Table VI - 5: Population and Use Guidelines for User-Oriented Recreation Activities, 2008 2020 Population Existing Use Facility Location Guideline Actual number Guideline (Min/Med/Max) Central Winds Park 1/2,000 120 users per Baseball Fields* (4) Sunshine Park (2) 8 fields 1/5,000 1/3,182 field per day Trotwood Park (2) 1/10,000 Central Winds Park 1/2,000 120 users per Softball Fields* (4) Sunshine Park (1) 6 fields 1/5,000 1/3,182 field per day Trotwood Park (1) 1/10,000 Central Winds Park (1 half) Moss Park (1 full) Sunshine Park (1 1/500 9 public 90 users per Basketball Court full) 1/5,000 1/4,052 2 private court per day Torcaso Park 1/20,000 (4 shooting baskets) Trotwood Park (2 full) 1 mi/1,500 100 users per 14 miles (6 Bicycle Ways Cross Seminole Trail 1 mi/5,000 mile of trail 1 mi/3,180 miles in City) 1 mi/10,000 per day 1/4,000 Central Winds Park 175 users per Football Fields* 1 field 1/6,000 (1 field per day 1/25,000 Can be played on 1/4,000 any soccer, football No dedicated 175 users per Lacrosse Fields * 1/6,000 1/3,428 and/or multi-use fields field per day 1/25,000 fields. Central Winds Park 1/4,000 (7) Trotwood Park 175 users per Soccer Fields* 12 fields 1/6,000 (4) field per day 1/25,000 Torcaso Park (1) 1/2,500 40 users per Racquetball/Handball Trotwood Park (2) 2 courts 1/10,000 1/22,286 court per day 1/20,000 VI - 31 53 Central Winds Park (2) Sunshine Park (1) Torcaso Park (1) Trotwood Park (1) 1/500 10 public Equipped Play Area Moss Park (1) 1/10,000 NA 1/2,786 6 private Sam Smith (1) 1/15,000 Winding Hollow (1) Oak Hollow (1) Fruitwood (1) Central Winds Park 1/500 175 users per Multipurpose Fields (2)** 3 public 1/3,750 1/14,857 field per day Moss Park (1) 1/10,000 Tennis 1/1,000 Trotwood Park (2 TC 4 public 30 users per Courts/Pickleball 1/2,000 1/2,346 and 2 portable PC) 15 private court per day Courts 1/10,000 Central Winds Park 1/4,000 (2) 4 public Volleyball Courts 1/6,000 NA 1/11,143 Sunshine Park (1) 1 private 1/12,000 Trotwood Park (1) Senior Center 1/44,572 1/1,000 Therapy 1 public 256 users per (public) Swimming Pools 1/25,000 Pool, Sunshine Park 15 private pool per day 1/2,786 1/50,000 (1) (incl. private) Note- Lacrosse is growing in popularity and can be played on any soccer, football and multi-use fields. *DEP combines baseball and softball, and soccer and football. ** Includes the amphitheater Source: Florida’s Statewide Comprehensive Outdoor Recreation Plan (2007) and City of Winter Springs, September, 2008. VI - 32 54 Levels ofService (LOS) Standards Level of Service (LOS)standards area measure for determining the specific types and amounts or acreageofparkland necessaryto accommodate the recreationalneeds ofa local jurisdiction. Winter Springs has historically defined its LOS based on acreage per 1,000 residents. To better reflect the growing needs of the City for parkland, and in support of the desire for increased greenspace as further discussed under the major issue of “Population, Density, and Greenspace” (2008 EvaluationandAppraisal Report), Winter Springswill increased theOverall Parkland LOS acreage from 5 acres per 1,000 residents to 8 acres per 1,000 residents. Additionally, aLOS for Open Space has been implemented. This LOS has been setat 4 acres per 1,000 residents to encourage the provision ofpublicopen space inWinter Springs. Table VI-1 illustrates the existing parkand openspace acreage through 20302040,based on LOS standards. VI - 33 55 Population Existing Actual Facility Location Guideline Central Winds Park(4) Baseball Fields* SunshinePark(2)8 fields 1/2,1523,182 Trotwood Park (2) 1/2,000 1/5,000 1/10,000 Central Winds Park(4) Softball Fields* SunshinePark(1)6 fields Trotwood Park (1) Central Winds Park (1 half) Moss Park 1/3,4434,052 1/500 (1 full, 1 half) 109 public Basketball Court 1/5,000 Sunshine Park (1 full) 2 private 1/20,000 Torcaso Park (4 shooting baskets) Trotwood Park (2 full) 14 miles 1 mi/1,500 1 Bicycle ways Cross Seminole Trail (6 miles in 1 mi/5,000 mi/2,4603,180 the City) 1mi/10,000 Central Winds Park (1) 1 fields Football Fields* Can be played onanyNo 1/4,000 Lacrosse Fields* soccer, football and/or 1/4,3043,428 1/6,000 multi-usefields. fields 1/25,000 Central Winds Park (7) 12fields Soccer Fields* Trotwood Park (4) Torcaso Park (1) 1/17,2172, 1/2,500 1/10,000286 Trotwood Park (2) 2 courts Handball 1/20,000 VI - 34 56 Population Existing Guideline Central Winds Park (2 youth)Sunshine Park(1tot,1 youth1)Torcaso Park(1tot,1 youth1)Trotwood Park(1tot,1 1/500 youth1) Equipped Play 17 10 Moss Park(1 tot, public Area 1youth1) 6private SamSmith (1tot, 1youth1) Winding Hollow(1 tot, 1 youth1) Oak Hollow (21youth) Fruitwood (1 youth) Central Winds Park 1/500 (2)** 3 public 1/3,750 Fields Moss Park (1) Tennis Trotwood Park (2 1/1,067 2 4 public Courts/PickleTC and 2 portable 1/2,000 15 private ball Courts PC)) Central Winds Park (2) Ranchlands Park (1) 1/4,000 64 Sunshine Park (1) Volleyball Courts 1/6,000 public Torcaso Park (1) Trotwood Park (1) 1/34,43344 1/1,000 ,572 Senior Center Therapy 1 public Swimming Pools (public) Pool, Sunshine Park (1) 15 private Note- Lacrosse is growing in popularity and can be played on any soccer, football and multi-use fields. *DEP combines baseball and softball, and soccer and football. ** Includes the amphitheater Source: Florida’s Statewide Comprehensive Outdoor Recreation Plan (20072019) and City of Winter Springs, September, 2008 2020. VI - 35 57 58 be to continued the tool a is It ensure help City. to the within process areas review recreation development public the existingduring 36 - and from VI requests distance change illustrate 0 4 City. to 20 - the ithin Map resource w Use areas Land planning a as Future recreation of intended is review accessible Map of during 3: Park Service Areas This – Note:utilizedprovision Map VI 59 be to continued the tool a is It ensure help City. to the within process areas review ment recreation develop public the existingduring 37 - and from VI requests distance change illustrate City. to 2030 - the Map resource within Use areas Land planning a as Future recreation of intended is review accessible Map of during This Note:utilizedprovision 5: a intent public review with the designation. not existing is it designated from development the lands However, distance or during under their current and illustratespace” designation. to the public to requests “open areas” resource change provide owned target - 2040 City planning “park a value they City. 2030 the as - the for the within Map intended Use within is retained included 38 Land - Map areas be VI to be The Future may are of areas recreation Areas”. review these these areas Target of during accessible “Park some Rather, of utilized and ision be depicts Parks to prov Map tool depicted New a this is not It for of for recreational use. are continued City. use area the Areas the tan land developed ensure within be Target green future help 4: areas light – to VI The Map Note:recreationprocess“conservation”that these areas 61 39 - VI 62 committee. the by determined as 40 - VI priority, in highest the being “A” with Consideration alphabetically Purchase ranked e for ar Sites Sites 5: – Note: VI Map 63 41 - VI 3.RecreationalFacilities Access to existing parks is available to many special needs groups.All of theCityparksprovideparking for persons with disabilities and most provide paved paths and pavilions thatare wheelchair accessible. Special considerationswill needtobe addressed on a site-by-sitebasis, for deficiencies in the special access needsofthese groups. For example,whilepeople withdisabilitiesareprovided parking areasat most of the parks, and wheelchair accessibilityisprovided inmany, internal access to facilities is still limited in a few of the City’s parks.Consideration to theseaccess issues will need to be given at the timeof new park development or renovations. According to the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) ADA, an important aspect of accessibility to be considered whenconstructingnewparks or altering existing parks, is the issue of stablegroundsurfacing, which allowsaperson with mobility impairmentto negotiate with dignity.For example, a large areaof loose fill such as sand or wood chips is not easily accessible. Rather, a design following ADA guidelines might use a combinationof more rigid surfaces such as an engineered woodfiber, rubber surfaces along accessible routes, cleargroundspaces,and maneuvering spaces, in conjunction with small areas ofloose fill. Per ADA standards, consideration should begiventothe general layout of youth play areas,particularly to the integration of elements and spaces that can be accessedbychildren who are disabled. Specifically, in areas where elevated play components are provided, additionalgroundlevel playequipment mustbe provided andincorporated into the sameplay areas.Additionally, the ADA requires that at least 50% of elevated play components must be located on an accessible route and connected by a ramp. The inclusion of soft contained play structures would also provide recreational opportunities for children with disabilities. The existing system of neighborhood andpassive parks affords access to cyclists and pedestrians, as the parks arenumerous and dispersedinresidential areas throughoutthe City. Bicyclepathfacilities should continue to be designed so as to join recreational areastogether with residential areas to upgrade the accessibility for all citizens to recreation areas. Access issues will be addressed specifically within the Goals, Objectives and Policies ofthisElement. 4.Meeting Future Recreation and Open Space Needs As illustratedon Table VI-1, theCity doesnot expect to haveany oOverallParklandPark deficiencies through 20302040. The addition ofSeminole County’s planned Jetta Point Park (37 acres in Winter Springs) will further increase the surplus of Overall Parkland. A slightdeficiency is projected in Open Space by 2035..However,withtheconveyance ofWetland Park in the TownCenter,thisdeficiency will be eliminated. Animportantaction needed bythe Cityin the immediate future is the planning of a City trail system to interconnect with the Cross Seminole Trail.The Citycurrently owns a portionof FP&L easement which could be the beginnings of thisnetwork.Inorder toaccomplish this, several policies relating to trails havebeen added to theelement,as well as a newobjective in supportof this effort. 5.PublicParticipation in Recreation Planning The City has provided numerous opportunities for citizen input into the recreational planning of the City.TheParks and Recreation Department has held a number of public meetings, during whichtime, citizens were ableto contributetheir ideas and make requests for future recreational opportunities.Anad hoc advisorycommitteehelped develop the Central Winds Expansion Master Plan.For improvements at Trotwood, neighborhoodswere notified and input was requested door to door. Similar outreach hasbeen conducted for Torcaso Park, with a Master Plan process initiated in September2008. The City of Winter Springs finalized the Parksand Recreation Master Plan in July 2021. As noted above, the City will continue to conductperiodic surveys to identify future activity-based recreational preferences. That survey will need to identify not only preferences in terms of fields and courts, but also whether City residents would be willing to pay user fees for improved amenities, etc. VI - 42 64 During the Winter Springs 2030 and Beyond surveyin 2019, a number of questions focused on parks and recreation and open space. Purchase of green space (i.e. natural lands) was a top priority for residents. Comments strongly suggested including arts, culture and theatre into recreation programming. Other comments included natural resource activities such as fishing and biking, a community pool and providing for more facilities/fields for a variety of sports. VI - 43 65 66 future increasing of purpose the for way of - rights street and trails 44 - use VI - multi of network City. a the depict Map to within Network options intended is Trails travel map an Conceptual pedestri conceptual 6: – and This VI MapNote:bicycle 67 45 - VI ORDINANCE NO. 2021-08 A ORDINANCE OF THE CITY COMMISSION OF THE CITY OF WINTER SPRINGS, SEMINOLE COUNTY, FLORIDA, SETTING FORTH AMENDMENTS TO THE CITY OF WINTER SPRINGS COMPREHENSIVE PLAN, RECREATION AND OPEN SPACE ELEMENT BASED ON THE CITY’S EVALUATION AND APPRAISAL OF THE COMPREHENSIVE PLAN PURSUANT TO SECTION 163.3191, FLORIDA STATUTES; PROVIDING FOR THE REPEAL OF PRIOR INCONSISTENT ORDINANCES AND RESOLUTIONS; INCORPORATION INTO THE COMPREHENSIVE PLAN; LEGAL STATUS OF THE COMPREHENSIVE PLAN AMENDMENTS; SEVERABILITY; AND AN EFFECTIVE DATE. WHEREAS, the Florida Legislature intends that local planning be a continuous and ongoing process; and WHEREAS, section 163.3161 et. seq., Florida Statutes, established Community Planning Act; and WHEREAS, consistent with the Community Planning Act, the City Commission has adopted the City of Winter Springs Comprehensive Plan; and WHEREAS, as required by section 163.3191, Florida Statutes, the City has conducted an evaluation of its Comprehensive Plan, Recreation and Open Space Element, to determine if plan amendments are necessary to reflect changes in state requirements since the last update of the City’s Comprehensive Plan, which is required to be adopted every seven (7) years to assess the progress of implementing the City=s Comprehensive Plan; and WHEREAS, the Local Planning Agency has reviewed the amendments to the Comprehensive Plan, Recreation and Open Space Element, set forth herein, held an advertised public hearing, provided for participation by the public in the process, and rendered its recommendations to the City Commission; and WHEREAS, the City Commission, after considering the Local Planning Agency=s review comments and recommendations for amendments to the Recreation and Open Space Element, desires to adopt the amendments set forth herein; and WHEREAS, the City Commission of the City of Winter Springs, Florida, hereby finds this City of Winter Springs Ordinance No. 2021-08 Page 1 of 3 68 ordinance to be in the best interests of the public health, safety, and welfare of the citizens of Winter Springs. NOW, THEREFORE, THE CITY COMMISSION OF THE CITY OF WINTER SPRINGS HEREBY ORDAINS, AS FOLLOWS: Section 1.Recitals. The foregoing recitals are true and correct and are fully incorporated herein by this reference. Section 2.Authority. This Ordinance is adopted in compliance with, and pursuant to, the Community Planning Act, Sections 163.3184 and 163.3191, Florida Statutes. Section 3. Purpose and Intent. The purpose and intent of this ordinance is to adopt text amendments to the City’s Comprehensive Plan as set forth herein, which are based on the City=s evaluation and appraisal of the Comprehensive Plan pursuant to Section 163.3191, Florida Statutes. Section 4. Adoption of Text Amendments to the Comprehensive Plan, Recreation and Open Space Element. The Winter Springs Comprehensive Plan, Recreation and Open Space Element is hereby amended only as specifically enumerated and set forth in Exhibit “A” attached hereto and fully incorporated herein by this reference. (Underlined type indicates additions and strikeout type indicates deletions). It is intended that the text in the Comprehensive Plan not specifically enumerated and set forth in this Exhibit shall remain unchanged from the language existing prior to adoption of this Ordinance). Section 5. Transmittal to the Department of Economic Opportunity. The City Manager or his designee is hereby designated to sign a letter transmitting the adopted Comprehensive Plan Amendment to the Florida Department of Economic Opportunity for state coordinated review and to any other agency or local government providing timely comments, in accordance with Section 163.3184(4), Florida Statutes. Section 6. Repeal of Prior Inconsistent Ordinances and Resolutions. All prior inconsistent ordinances and resolutions adopted by the City Commission of the City of Winter Springs, or parts of ordinances and resolutions in conflict herewith, are hereby repealed to the extent of the conflict. Section 7. Severability. If any section, subsection, sentence, clause, phrase, word or provision of this Ordinance is for any reason held invalid or unconstitutional by any court of competent jurisdiction, whether for substantive, procedural, or any other reason, such portion shall be deemed a separate, distinct and independent provision, and such holding shall not affect the validity of the remaining portions of this Ordinance. Section 8. Incorporation Into Comprehensive Plan. Upon the effective date of the City of Winter Springs Ordinance No. 2021-08 Page 2 of 3 69 Comprehensive Plan Amendments adopted by this Ordinance, said Amendments shall be incorporated into the City of Winter Springs Comprehensive Plan and any section or paragraph number or letter and any heading may be changed or modified as necessary to effectuate the foregoing. Section 9. Effective Date and Legal Status of the Plan Amendment. The effective date of the Comprehensive Plan Amendments adopted by this Ordinance shall be pursuant to the state land planning agency’s notice of intent. If timely challenged, an amendment does not become effective until the state land planning agency or the Administration Commission enters a final order determining the adopted amendment to be in compliance as defined in section 163.3184, Florida Statutes. No development orders, development permits, or land use dependent on these Amendments may be issued or commenced before it has become effective. If a final order of noncompliance is issued by the Administration Commission, the Amendments may nevertheless be made effective by adoption of a resolution affirming its effective status. After and from the effective date of these Amendments, the Comprehensive Plan Amendments set forth herein shall amend the City of Winter Springs Comprehensive Plan and become a part of that plan, and the Amendments shall have the legal status of the City of Winter Springs Comprehensive Plan, as amended. ADOPTED by the City Commission of the City of Winter Springs, Florida, in a regular meeting assembled on the ____ day of ________________, 2021. ____________________________________ Kevin McCann,Mayor ATTEST: _______________________________ Christian Gowan,City Clerk Approved as to legal form and sufficiency for the City of Winter Springs only: ______________________________________ Anthony A. Garganese, City Attorney Transmittal Hearing: _____________________ Adoption Hearing: _____________________ Effective Date: _____________________ City of Winter Springs Ordinance No. 2021-08 Page 3 of 3 6: 23!Psmboep!Tfoujofm!!}!!Tfdujpo!2!!}!!Npoebz-!Pdupcfs!5-!3132Psmboep!Tfoujofm!!}!!Tfdujpo!2!!}!!Npoebz-!Pdupcfs!5-!3132 XFBUIFS ˆ‚‰Š‹€‚ ‡‘ž‘® †— ˆ ® ®žˆ®®¡ UpebzUpnpsspx ƒŽ DjuzIMTljftIM ‰€ƒˆ Bdbqvmdp 9987qd9987 Ž‚ Bntufsebn 7363ti6:63 Buifot 886:t8971 Cbhiebe:779qd:479 Cfjkjoh 7564ti7263 LbotbtDjuz 8:65t8567 UpebzUpnpsspx Cfsmjo 7264d7463 Lopywjmmf 8975u8474 €„‘ž Cphpub 795:s775:DjuzIMTljftIM MbtWfhbt 9:81qd9374 €„ž CvfoptBjsft 7865t7:65 Bmcboz"BmcbozOZ 6962s6:64 MjuumfSpdl 9272qd8973 Dbjsp 9677t9577 Bmcvrvfsrvf 8865t8967 MptBohfmft 9773qd916: ¡„® Dbsbdbt:188ti:188 Bodipsbhf 554:t5852 Mpvjtwjmmf 8974u9177 Dpqfoibhfo 6:63ti6965 Btifwjmmf 8472u7872 Nfnqijt 9175qd8:75 Ž„‘‘ Evcmjo 6857d6654 Bumboub 8778u8278 Njmxbvlff 7:72d7872 ˆ Gsbolgvsu 6:59ti7358 BumboujdDjuz 9275u8772 Njoofbqpmjt 8465t8669 ‰’††Š†ƒ Hfofwb 675:s7357 Bvtujo:167qd9:66 Npcjmf 9178u8876 Ibwbob 9981u9:83 Cbmujnpsf 9175u8:75 Obtiwjmmf 8973u8875 IpohLpoh:293t:292 Cjmmjoht 9367t9766 OfxPsmfbot 9481u9279 ƒƒ„ † Jtubocvm 7969qd7968 Cjsnjohibn 9177u8476 OfxZpslDjuz 8472u776: Kfsvtbmfn 8775t8672 Cpjtf 9364t9365 OpsgpmlWB 9478qd9178 Žž Kp“cvsh 8162qd8467 Cptupo 7167s7365 Plmb/Djuz 9364t9262 Mjtcpo 826:qd8871 Cvggbmp 796:ti7:6: Pnbib 8961t8868 Mpoepo 7262d6861 CvsmjohupoWU 7264d7562 Qijmbefmqijb 9177u8775 Nbesje 7:58qd8462 DibsmftupoTD 957:qd9382 Qipfojy:883qd957: Nbojmb:192u998:DibsmftupoXW 856:u8:72 Qjuutcvshi 8371u8671 Npousfbm 7262d7559 Dibsmpuuf 9178u8:79 QpsumboeNF 6:61d715: Nptdpx 6252d6149 Dijdbhp 8173qd8172 QpsumboePS 8163qd6:59 Objspcj 9168qd9366 Djodjoobuj 8573ti8975 Qspwjefodf 7468s7366 Puubxb 7161d7459 Dmfwfmboe 8372ti8472 SpdiftufsOZ 7668ti7369 Qbsjt 7563qd7361 DpmvncjbTD 9579u937:Tu/Mpvjt 8774qd8773 Š‹ Qsbhvf 7663d7:62 DpmvncvtPI 8572ti8873 Tu/UipnbtWJ 998:t998: Sjp 9882qd8481 Ebmmbt 9871t9872 TbmuMblfDjuz 9368t8:6: Spnf 9177s8674 Efowfs 915:t9161 TboBoupojp 9:72qd:173 Tfpvm 8883ti8877 EftNpjoft 8769t866:TboEjfhp 9177qd8777 Tjohbqpsf 9988qd9789 Efuspju 8472ti8369 TboGsbodjtdp 8668t7:68 Tupdlipmn 6961s6862 Gbshp 8:64t916:TboKvboQS:291qd9:91 Tzeofz 8:67t8167 Hvbn 988:ti9788 Tbwboobi 967:qd9582 Uplzp 9181t8:81 Ibsugpse 7265s7261 Tfbuumf 7259qd6757 Upspoup 7366ti7567 Ipopmvmv 9885qd9986 Tqplbof 8159qd8156 Wbodpvwfs 6859qd6757 Ipvtupo 9973qd9872 Tzsbdvtf 7768s7369 Wjfoob 8669qd8766 Joejbobqpmjt 8573ti8772 Xbti/ED 9277u8:78 € EbzupobCfbdi 7;57b8;21q23;49b23;68q93 Tu/Bvhvtujof.KvqjufsJomfu F7.234.6Npefsbuf OfxTnzsobCfbdi 8;28b8;48q2;14b2;27q93 KvqjufsJomfu.LfzMbshp FOF7.232.4Mjhiu DpdpbCfbdi 7;44b7;69q23;37b23;47q94 LfzMbshp.EszUpsuvhbt F8.253.5Mjhiu DbqfTbcmf.UbsqpoTqsjoht F5.92.3Mjhiu NfmcpvsofCfbdi 7;53b8;17q23;47b23;68q94 TfcbtujboJomfu 7;58b8;22q23;49b23;6:q93 UbsqpoTqsjoht.Bqbmbdijdpmb FTF5.92.3Mjhiu 71