HomeMy WebLinkAbout2022 11 17 Public Hearing 401 - Consideration of Ordinance 2022-12 Adopting Temporary Moratorium for Development Requiring Stormwater Management and Drainage Systems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bjepsejobodfnbzcfjotqfdufeczuifqvcmjdbuuifDjuzDmfslÉtPgÑdf-mpdbufebu2237F/ TS545-XjoufsTqsjoht-Gmpsjeb-qsjpsupuifqvcmjdifbsjoht/Joufsftufenfncfstpguifqvcmjd nbzbqqfbsbuuifqvcmjdifbsjohtboecfifbsexjuisftqfduupuifqspqptfepsejobodf/ UifQmboojoh'\[pojohCpbseboeDjuzDpnnjttjposftfswfuifsjhiuupdpoujovfpsqptuqpof ifbsjohtupbebufdfsubjoxjuipvusf.bewfsujtjoh/Bozqfstpoxipefdjeftupbqqfbmboz efdjtjpopguifDjuzDpnnjttjpoxjuisftqfduupboznbuufsdpotjefsfebuuiftfnffujohtxjmm offebsfdpsepguifqspdffejohtboe-gpstvdiqvsqptft-nbzoffeupfotvsfuibubwfscbujn sfdpsepguifqspdffejohtjtnbef-xijdisfdpsejodmveftuifuftujnpozboefwjefodfvqpo xijdiuifbqqfbmjtcbtfe/ TQFDJBMBDDPNNPEBUJPOT;Uifgbdjmjuzxifsfjouijtqvcmjdnffujohxjmmcfifmejtbddfttjcmf upuifqiztjdbmmziboejdbqqfe/JobddpsebodfxjuiuifBnfsjdbotxjuiEjtbcjmjujftBdu-qfstpot offejohbttjtubodfupqbsujdjqbufjobozpguiftfqspdffejohttipvmedpoubduuifDjuzDmfsl pguifDjuzpgXjoufsTqsjoht-mjtufecfmpx-bumfbtu59ipvstqsjpsupuifnffujoh;Disjtujbo 28 Hpxbo-DjuzDmfsl-2237FTubufSpbe545-XjoufsTqsjoht-czufmfqipofbu)518*438.7671ps wjbfnbjmbudhpxboAxjoufstqsjohtÒ/psh/ ORDINANCE NO. 2022-___ AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY COMMISSION OF THE CITY OF WINTER SPRINGS, SEMINOLE COUNTY, FLORIDA; ADOPTING A TEMPORARY MORATORIUM WITHIN THE JURISDICTIONAL LIMITS OF THE CITY OF WINTER SPRINGS REGARDING THE FILING, PROCESSING, CONSIDERATION, OR DECISION OF FINAL ENGINEERING PLAN AND SUBDIVISION OF LAND APPLICATIONS FOR DEVELOPMENT REQUIRING CONSTRUCTION OF STORMWATER MANAGEMENT AND DRAINAGE SYSTEMS UNDER SECTION 9-241 OF THE CITY CODE IN ALL ZONING DISTRICTS OF THE CITY; PROVIDING THAT SAID MORATORIUM PERIOD SHALL BE EFFECTIVE FOR A PERIOD OF 90 DAYS, WITH THE OPTION FOR THE CITY COMMISSION TO EXTEND THE MORATORIUM PERIOD FOR AN ADDITIONAL THREE MONTHS IF NECESSARY TO ALLOW THE CITY COMMISSION, CITY LAND PLANNING AGENCY, CITY STAFF AND CITY ATTORNEY TO DEVELOP AMENDMENTS TO CHAPTER 9 OF THE CITY CODE AND APPLICABLE COMPREHENSIVE PLAN REQUIREMENTS TO ENHANCE THE STORMWATER DESIGN REQUIREMENTS OF THE CITY; PROVIDING FOR PENALTIES, REPEAL OF PRIOR INCONSISTENT ORDINANCES AND RESOLUTIONS, CONFLICTS WITH STATE AND FEDERAL LAW AND SEVERABILITY, NON-CODIFICATION, AND AN EFFECTIVE DATE. WHEREAS, the City is granted the authority, under ' 2(b), Art. VIII of the State Constitution, to exercise any power for municipal purposes, except when expressly prohibited by law; and WHEREAS, Chapter 9 of the City Code allows developers to make application for site plan, final engineering plans, and subdivision of land applications within the City and establishes design requirements for required improvements, including stormwater management and drainage systems pursuant to Section 9-241 of the City Code; and WHEREAS, Section 9-241 of the City Code, consistent with applicable levels of service Springs to be designed for a rainfall of a twenty-five year/twenty-four hour return period using an SCS Type II Modified rainfall distribution and establishes the twenty-five year/twenty-four hour WHEREAS, flooding from extreme storm events has affected many cities and communities across the country, causing billions of dollars in damages annually; and City of Winter Springs Ordinance No. 2022-__ Page 1 of 4 29 WHEREAS, the City of Winter Springs has recently experienced an unprecedented flooding event following the impact of Hurricane Ian causing significant damage to the community, and the City Commission desires the City engineer and appropriate City staff and consultants to investigate and provide proposals standards of the City for which all drainage systems will be designed as well as any other necessary updates to the required for new development within the City for purposes of mitigating against flooding; and WHEREAS, the City Commission desires a temporary moratorium to be enacted to temporarily cease the filing, processing, consideration, and decision of final development plans and subdivision of land applications requiring construction of stormwater management and drainage systems under Section 9-241 of the City Code; and WHEREAS, a temporary moratorium allows such review to occur unhindered by developments that could frustrate the objective of the review, and eliminate the race of diligence that may occur while such reviews are underway, and allows for necessary code changes and/or policy changes to be fully evaluated and/or implemented before new permitting and construction takes place; and WHEREAS, the City Commission finds that improving flood resilience by enhancing drainage facility standards for new development will protect people, buildings, infrastructure and other facilities from flooding risk and serves a compelling government interest and public purpose; and WHEREAS, the City Commission of the City of Winter Springs, Florida, hereby finds this Ordinance to be in the best interests of the public health, safety, and welfare of the citizens of Winter Springs. NOW, THEREFORE, THE CITY COMMISSION OF THE CITY OF WINTER SPRINGS HEREBY ORDAINS, AS FOLLOWS: Section 1. Recitals. The foregoing recitals are hereby fully incorporated herein by reference as legislative findings of the City Commission of Winter Springs. Section 2. Adoption of Temporary Moratorium. Beginning on the effective date of this Ordinance and continuing for ninety (90) days thereafter, or sooner if provided by an ordinance by the Winter Springs City Commission, a temporary moratorium is hereby imposed upon filing, processing, considering, and decision making related to final engineering plan and subdivision of land applications for development requiring construction of stormwater management and drainage systems under Section 9-241 of the City Code in all zoning districts of the City, except for such applications exempt from the temporary moratorium as expressly set forth in Section 3 of this Ordinance. The temporary moratorium adopted herein may be extended by City of Winter Springs Ordinance No. 2022-__ Page 2 of 4 2: the City Commission for up to an additional ninety (90) days by Resolution. Section 3. Exemptions from Temporary Moratorium. The following permit applications are exempt from the temporary moratorium: A. Applications for final engineering plans and subdivisions of land which were formally filed with, and deemed complete by, the City on or before October 10, 2022. B. Applications for final engineering plans and subdivisions of land for developments that will be entirely served by a master stormwater system which previously received final engineering plan approval by the City Commission. C. Pre-application meetings. D. Applications for development which do not require permitting and construction of a stormwater management and drainage systems under Section 9-241 of the City Code. Section 4. Recommendations for Land Development Regulations. The City Manager and appropriate staff, in consultation with the City Attorney, are hereby requested to evaluate the aforementioned requirements and develop and recommend, as may be deemed advisable by the City Manager and City Attorney, land development regulation amendments and/or Comprehensive Plan text amendments consistent with the direction provided hereunder. Section 5. Penalties. Violations of this Ordinance are punishable as provided by Section 1-15 of the City Code of Winter Springs, Florida or other applicable Code provisions. Section 6. Repeal of Prior Inconsistent Ordinances and Resolutions. All prior inconsistent ordinances and resolutions adopted by the City Commission, or parts of prior ordinances and resolutions in conflict herewith, are hereby repealed to the extent of the conflict. Section 7. Non-Codification. This Ordinance shall not be incorporated into the Winter Springs City Code. Section 8. Conflicts with State and Federal Law; Severability. No provision herein is intended to impose a moratorium on the processing of land use applications required to be processed within certain time frames by state or federal law. If any section, subsection, sentence, clause, phrase, word or provision of this ordinance is for any reason held invalid or unconstitutional by any court of competent jurisdiction, whether for substantive, procedural, or any other reason, such portion shall be deemed a separate, distinct and independent provision, and such holding shall not affect the validity of the remaining portions of this ordinance. Section 9. Effective Date. This Ordinance shall become effective immediately City of Winter Springs Ordinance No. 2022-__ Page 3 of 4 31 upon adoption by the City Commission of the City of Winter Springs, Florida, and pursuant to City Charter. ADOPTED by the City Commission of the City of Winter Springs, Florida, in a regular meeting assembled on the _____ day of _______________, 2022. ____________________________________ KEVIN McCANN, Mayor ATTEST: _____________________________________ CHRISTIAN GOWAN City Clerk APPROVED AS TO LEGAL FORM AND SUFFICIENCY FOR THE CITY OF WINTER SPRINGS ONLY. _____________________________________ ANTHONY A. GARGANESE City Attorney First Legal Ad Published: First Reading: Second Legal Ad Published: Effective Date: City of Winter Springs Ordinance No. 2022-__ Page 4 of 4 32