HomeMy WebLinkAbout2023 04 10 City Commission Regular Meeting Minutes CITY COMMISSION Incorporated REGULAR MEETING MINUTES 1959 MONDAY, APRIL 109 2023 AT 6:30 PM CITY HALL- COMMISSION CHAMBERS 1126 EAST STATE ROAD 434, WINTER SPRINGS, FLORIDA CALL TO ORDER Mayor Kevin McCann called the Regular Meeting of Monday,April 10,2023 of the City Commission to order at 6:56 p.m. in the Commission Chambers of the Municipal Building (City Hall,1126 East State Road 434, Winter Springs, Florida 32708). Roll Call: Mayor Kevin McCann, present Deputy Mayor Rob Elliott, present Commissioner Matt Benton, present Commissioner Victoria Colangelo, present Commissioner Ted Johnson, present Commissioner Cade Resnick, present Interim City Manager Phil Hursh, present City Attorney Anthony A. Garganese, present City Clerk Christian Gowan, present Pastor Eddie Rivera led the invocation followed by the Pledge of Allegiance. Mayor McCann asked if there were any changes to the agenda. Commissioner Johnson requested that an item be added as 503a for Appointments. Deputy Mayor Elliott asked that an item be added as 503b regarding the requirement of non-binding hearings. There were no objections to the additions and the agenda was adopted. AWARDS AND PRESENTATIONS 100) Winter Springs Police Department Swearing in Ceremony for New Police Officers and a Police Chaplain. Chief Matt Tracht swore in New Officers Jacob Stewart and Javauhn Staley. Chief Matt Tracht swore in Police Chaplain Eddie Rivera. INFORMATIONAL AGENDA 200) Arbor Day Proclamation No discussion. 201) Current Development Projects Summary No discussion. PUBLIC INPUT Mayor McCann opened Public Input. Mr. Chad Cartledge, 282 Tavestock Loop, Winter Springs shared an invitation to an event being held by Running for Heroes, reviewed the organization's mission and community efforts. Mr. Cartledge further invited the Commission to the April 26r' memorial unveiling at IOam. Ms. Allison Moore, 552 Pleasant Grove Drive, Winter Springs noted ongoing issues with water at her home in Tusca Oaks. Ms. Gina Shafer, Winter Springs Village, Winter Springs noted she was excited about the light at Michael Blake Boulevard and reviewed past studies and her advocacy. CITY COMMISSION MINUTES I REGULAR MEETING I . Mr. Kevin Cannon, PO Box 795447, Winter Springs spoke about city efforts with traffic studies/assessments, reviewed Transportation Concurrency Exception Area adoption and urged reviewing and changing this designation. Mayor McCann closed Public Input. CONSENT AGENDA 300) Michael Blake Signalization Improvement at SR 434 Commissioner Colangelo asked where the funds were coming from for the traffic signal. Interim Manager Hursh indicated the one-cent sales tax (Third Gen) would be the source of the money. "MOTION TO APPROVE CONSENT AGENDA." MOTION BY COMMISSIONER RESNICK. SECONDED BY COMMISSIONER JOHNSON. DISCUSSION. VOTE: BENTON (AYE); COLANGELO (AYE);JOHNSON (AYE); RESNICK (AYE); ELLIOTT(AYE) MOTION CARRIED 5-0. PUBLIC HEARINGS AGENDA 400. Not Used REGULAR AGENDA 500) Non-Binding Presentation:The Adel at Lake Jesup Mr. Nick Tafelsky, Senior City Planner, Community Development Department reviewed the application for a 14-unit single-family developed, noted the non-binding was related to aesthetics,and reviewed the location of the project within the Town Center. Mr.Sean Glickman,1717 Redwood Grove Terrace, Lake Mary-presented the aesthetics of the proposed project,Adel at Lake Jesup. Discussion followed on flooding considerations, greenspace, plans for a gated community, lot lines, marketing, and anticipated buildout. Mr. Glickman indicated that each home would likely take less than a year to build and clarified that a home wouldn't be built until it was sold. Further discussion on riparian rights, lot sizes, tree removal, potential wetland impacts, and the temporary moratorium. In response to further questions from the Commission, Mr. Glickman noted there was no intention to allow rental units or short-term rentals. Interim Manager Hursh encouraged Mr. Glickman to speak with the St. Johns River Water Management District. 501) RFQ O1-23 SB Wastewater Treatment Plan Designs Interim Manager Hursh noted that the City had put out a Request for Qualifications (RFQ), noted four attendees at the mandatory site visit meeting prior to submittal, and noted that only one company, Carollo, submitted a response for the RFQ. Interim Manager Hursh explained that the advertisement period had been extended but Carollo was still the only respondent and noted that an Advisory Selection Committee reviewed and graded Carollo's proposals and recommended their selection by the City Commission. CITY COMMISSION MINUTES I REGULAR MEETING I . Discussion followed on the RFQ process, the advertisement extension, concerns about time to respond and that only one company submitted a response, potential reasons companies didn't respond, and proper compliance with required postings and advertisements. Attorney Garganese noted that he believed everything was done properly and explained that it was now the Commission's discretion to accept the recommendation or provide further direction. Attorney Garganese noted that if the Carollo submittal was accepted by the Commission, the next step would be a contract negotiation. "MOTION TO REBID THE PROJECT WITH AN EXTENDED TIME PERIOD FOR THE MANDATORY SITE VISIT." MOTION BY COMMISSIONER COLANGELO. SECONDED BY COMMISSIONER RESNICK. DISCUSSION. Interim Manager Hursh clarified the time frame for the advertisement and responses including the 10-day extension. Discussion followed on the mandatory site visit, reaching out to companies to determine why no response was submitted, the potential of delaying the vote to determine why other companies did not submit responses, and the state of the wastewater treatment plants. Interim Manager Hursh noted that rebidding the project would result in a 30-day minimum delay. VOTE: BENTON (NAY); COLANGELO (AYE); JOHNSON (NAY); RESNICK (AYE); ELLIOTT (NAY) MOTION FAILED 2-3. Further discussion followed on the possibility of calling attendees and learning why companies did not respond,options to reissue the CC NA advertisement,changes that could be made to the process, potential impacts on the State Revolving Fund Loan, and associated costs with delays to the project. "MOTION TO APPROVE CITY STAFF TO MOVE FORWARD IN NEGOTIATING DESIGN FEES RELATIVE TO CONTRACT, RFQ O1-23 SB, WITH CAROLLO ENGINEERING FOR THE WASTEWATER TREATMENT PLAN DESIGNS AND AUTHORIZING THE INTERIM CITY MANAGER AND CITY ATTORNEY TO PREPARE AND EXECUTE ALL NECESSARY DOCUMENTS." MOTION BY COMMISSIONER JOHNSON.SECONDED BY DEPUTY MAYOR ELLIOTT. DISCUSSION Mr.Scott Richards,200 E Robinson Street,Orlando reviewed the submitted response, noted Ms. Mary Thomas would be mainly in charge of communications, commented on the ability of plans to accommodate future population growth, and noted planned discussions with various permitting entities and workshops. Interim Manager Hursh introduced Mr. Bilal Iftikhar, Utilities Director whom he noted would be working closely with Carollo on this project. Mr. Iftikhar noted he was excited to take on the challenge and reviewed his experience. Discussion followed on the anticipated timeline, the possibility of completing the project by 2026, appreciation for Carollo's work with the city thus far, supply line issues, and cost control considerations. Mr. Richards and Interim Manager Hursh noted that the bid provided a guaranteed maximum price. Further discussion about the feasibility of a 2026 completion date, alternatives to new plants such as Iron Bridge, implications for the City's Consumptive Use Permit, and previous studies on wastewater alternatives. CITY COMMISSION MINUTES I REGULAR MEETING I . VOTE: BENTON (AYE);COLANGELO (NAY);JOHNSON (AYE); RESNICK (AYE); ELLIOTT(AYE) MOTION CARRIED 4-1. 502) Discussion regarding the 2021 SCPS Interlocal Agreement (ILA) for Public School Facility Planning and School Concurrency Commissioner Resnick noted every other municipality in Seminole County had signed the Interlocal Agreement (ILA) except Winter Springs, noted discussions with County officials and officials of other municipalities, and thought the City should take action to build relationships back. Discussion followed on adopting the current ILA with the 88% provision,the ability to make changes at a later date, previous discussions related to this topic, and willingness to negotiate between all parties. "MOTION THAT CITY COMMISSION APPROVE THE ILA AGREEMENT AS PRESENTED." MOTION BY COMMISSIONER RESNICK. SECONDED BY COMMISSIONER COLANGELO. DISCUSSION. VOTE: BENTON (NAY); COLANGELO (AYE); JOHNSON (NAY); RESNICK (AYE); ELLIOTT (NAY) MOTION FAILED 2-3. 503) City Lobbyist Discussion Mayor McCann reviewed comments made at a previous meeting about the benefit of a lobbyist to help secure funding in Tallahassee. Mayor McCann briefly reviewed the process and suggested the Commission direct Staff to put out a RFQ. Mayor McCann also noted his concerns with securing a lobbyist that represented other municipalities within Seminole County. Discussion followed on other municipalities with lobbyists, when the lobbyist would need to be secured, associated costs, and budget considerations. Mayor McCann noted former Manager Boyle had a name recommended by Representative David Smith and suggested reaching out to this individual to see if they were interested. Interim Manager Hursh and Attorney Garganese noted that an RFQ was not necessary due to an exemption for professional services. Attorney Garganese briefly reviewed the process he was familiar with and suggested that he and the Interim Manager could contact and negotiate an agreement to be discussed and voted on by the Commission. "MOTION TO GIVE THE INTERIM CITY MANAGER AND CITY ATTORNEY AUTHORITY TO REACH OUT AND NEGOTIATE WITH LOBBYIST RECOMMENDED BY REPRESENTATIVE DAVID SMITH." MOTION BY COMMISSIONER JOHNSON. SECONDED BY DEPUTY MAYOR ELLIOTT. DISCUSSION. Discussion followed on firms that represent other cities and the possibility of contacting them about who could represent the City, relationships in Tallahassee,and the availability of information from the Florida League of Cities. VOTE: BENTON (AYE);COLANGELO (AYE);JOHNSON (AYE); RESNICK(AYE); ELLIOTT (AYE) MOTION CARRIED 5-0 503a.) Appointment Opportunities "MOTION TO APPOINT DEBI PANKE TO OAK FOREST WALL AND BEAUTIFICATION DISTRICT ADVISORY COMMITTEE." MOTION BY COMMISSIONER JOHNSON.SECONDED BY COMMISSIONER RESNICK. CITY COMMISSION MINUTES I REGULAR MEETING I . MOTION PASSED WITH UNANIMOUS CONSENT. 503b.) Non-Binding Requirement Discussion Deputy Mayor Elliott noted a meeting with Staff from the Community Development Department and the City Attorney and noted that he thought required non-binding presentations provided and opportunity for more interaction between the City Commission and developers. Deputy Mayor Elliott noted he was in favor of amending the current Code to require non-binding presentations. Ms.Terrilyn Bostwick, Director, Community Development Department noted that the change would require an Ordinance and reviewed the process. Discussion followed on the current process, what areas the process works well for and where it does not, and what aspects would be most appropriate for mandating review. "MOTION THAT THE CITY ATTORNEY MAKE APPROPRIATE CHANGES TO THE CODE FOR REVIEW AND A POTENTIAL VOTE BASED ON CONVERSATION WITH TERRILYN [BOSTWICK]." MOTION BY DEPUTY MAYOR ELLIOTT.SECONDED BY COMMISSIONER COLANGELO. DISCUSSION. VOTE: BENTON (AYE); COLANGELO (AYE); JOHNSON (AYE); RESNICK (AYE); ELLIOTT (AYE) MOTION CARRIED 5-0 504) New Business Commissioner Benton asked about livestreaming meetings and asked that it be placed on a future meeting agenda. Ms. Casey Howard, Deputy City Manager IT was working on this and noted Staff would aim to bring this back in May. Commissioner Colangelo noted being reached out to by Seminole County Law Enforcement, Faith and Blue Community Day organizers and being asked about the rental of the Pam Carroll Pavillion and the potential waiving of fees. Ms. Howard noted that fees had not been waived historically and noted that Staff could add this to a future agenda for discussion. Commissioner Colangelo further discussed the possibility of applying for federal grant money for wastewater projects and mentioned discussion with the realtor of the 7/11 store on Tuskawilla and efforts to make it a corporate store open 24 hours a day. Continuing, Commissioner Colangelo briefly discussed home that was receiving complaints related to feeding vultures. Chief Tracht advised that an open code case was being pursued. Finally, Commissioner Colangelo asked about the possibility of stocking a pond on the old golf course property with carp. Ms. Howard advised that the City did not own the pond in question and Attorney Garganese explained previous removal of water lettuce and notice provided to the property owner regarding maintenance responsibilities. Commissioner Johnson asked Ms. Bostwick about the appropriate contact for inquiring business owners and was advised that Staff in the Community Development Department could field these inquiries. Commissioner Johsnon further noted that Seminole County had placed the self-storage project on their Planning and Zoning Board agenda for May 3, 2023 and for the Board of County Commissioners on May 23,2023. Commissioner Resnick asked that a discussion on a stormwater pond plan involving the possibility of the City taking ownership of ponds continue to be worked on and presented at a future meeting. CITY COMMISSION MINUTES I REGULAR MEETING I . Commissioner Resnick also noted a bill in the State Legislature related to pension plan changes and thought that it should be monitored and may require a discussion about the City's pension plan. Deputy Mayor Elliott asked about a proclamation for the owner of the Winter Springs Golf Course property for allowing the City to haul and store debris. Deputy Mayor Elliott also noted that the Winding Hollow deceleration lane had been funded by the State. Mayor McCann reminded Commissioners that direction and information requests should go through the City Manager or Deputy City Manager and that Commissioners could provide direction to the City Clerk as well. Mayor McCann also noted that Commissioners and the Mayor were not to be engaged in negotiations with vendors. Attorney Garganese opined the Commission should not be involved if a project is going through the competitive bidding process and noted that any changes or negotiations related to current contracts would need to come from the Commission as a whole. Discussion followed on interpretations of the City Charter, Florida State Statutes, and the desire to hold a Workshop prior to the next meeting related to ex parte communications. The Commission agreed to schedule a discussion for 5pm on Monday,April 24,2023. REPORTS 600) Interim City Manager Phil Hursh • Noted all resurfacing projects would begin next week, that the contractors would move from west to East to complete the $1.7 million worth of work and the timeframe would be approximately six weeks; • Noted Wade Street repairs were underway and should be completed by next week 601) City Attorney Anthony A.Garganese No report 602)City Clerk Christian Gowan No report 603) Seat Three Commissioner Ted Johnson • Noted his attendance at the CALNO meeting and the Egg-citing Easter Egg Hunt. Commissioner Johnson thanked MR.Art Gallo for his comments at CALNO. 604) Seat Four Commissioner Cade Resnick • Noted his attendance at the Egg-citing Easter Egg Hunt, the State of the County, and the Rotary golf tournament. • Noted several public records requests that he had received. 605) Seat Five Commissioner/Deputy Mayor Rob Elliott • Noted his attendance at the State of the County address, Egg-citing Easter Egg Hunt, and a meeting with Jesup's Reserve HOA about ongoing traffic concerns. 606) Mayor Kevin McCann • Commented on the deployment of body cameras; CITY COMMISSION MINUTES I REGULAR MEETING I • • Noted his attendance at the THOA Family Fun Day and a County symposium on sustainable landscaping; • Noted he had met with the State auditors for a fraud interview and noted he was confident that no fraud had occurred in the City and confident in the outcome of the audit. 607) Seat One Commissioner Matt Benton • Echoed comments about body cameras; • Noted his attendance at the Egg-citing Easter Egg Hunt and at a Sharing Ramadan event. 608) Seat Two Commissioner Victoria Colangelo • Discussed reports she had heard of catalytic converter thefts and a road rage incident which occurred near the City. PUBLIC INPUT Mayor McCann opened Public Input. Mr. Maurice Kaprow, PO Box 795233, Winter Springs noted previous request to adopt an Anti- Semitism resolution. Mr. Kevin Cannon, PO Box 795447, Winter Springs spoke about the ILA, discussions during his time on the Commission, and impacts on development. Mr. Cannon encouraged public input at the upcoming Workshop regarding the Charter and ex parte communications. Ms. Gina Shafer, Winter Springs Village, Winter Springs spoke about creating a designated area for people to record meetings and the possibility of identifying people for the benefit of attendees. Ms. Shafer also discussed the idea of a Winter Springs Police Department coloring book. Mr.Art Gallo, 799 Nandina Terrace, Winter Springs supported the coloring book idea, commented on the March 28th meeting regarding NRCS between his HOA and the City, noted he supported continuing the conversation and supported looking into stormwater ponds. Mayor McCann closed Public Input. ADJOURNMENT Mayor McCann adjourned the meeting at 10:53 P.M. ,`�k� RESPECTFULLY SUBMITTED: ��1P °• T�.� - V CHRISTIAN D. GOWAN, MPA CITY CLERK `��`d/tl.IOLE c4 APPROVED: MAYOR KEVIN McCANN NOTE: These Minutes were approved at the Monday,April 24,2023 City Commission Regular Meeting. CITY COMMISSION MINUTES I REGULAP MEETING I MONDAY, APPIL 10, 2023 1 PAGE 8 OF