HomeMy WebLinkAbout2022 04 06 Oak Forest Wall and Beautification District Advisory Committee Regular Meeting AgendaOAK FOREST WALL AND BEAUTIFICATION DISTRICT ADVISORY COMMITTEE REGULAR MEETING AGENDA WEDNESDAY, APRIL 6, 2022 - 5:30 PM CITY HALL - COMMISSION CHAMBERS 1126 EAST STATE ROAD 434, WINTER SPRINGS, FLORIDA 1 CALL TO ORDER Roll Call Invocation Pledge of Allegiance Agenda Changes REGULAR AGENDA - PART I 500. Election for Chairperson of the Oak Forest Wall and Beautification District Advisory Committee for Calendar Year 2022 501. Election for Vice-Chairperson of the Oak Forest Wall and Beautification District Advisory Committee for Calendar Year 2022 AWARDS AND PRESENTATIONS INFORMATIONAL AGENDA PUBLIC INPUT Anyone who wishes to speak during Public Input on any Agenda Item or subject matter will need to fill out a “Public Input” form. Individuals will limit their comments to three (3) minutes, and representatives of groups or homeowners' associations shall limit their comments to five (5) minutes, unless otherwise determined by the City Commission. CONSENT AGENDA 300. Approval of the Thursday, April 15, 2021 Oak Forest Wall and Beautification District Advisory Committee Regular Meeting Minutes. Minutes 301. Approval of the Wednesday, May 26, 2021 Oak Forest Wall and Beautification District Advisory Committee Special Meeting Minutes. Minutes PUBLIC HEARINGS AGENDA REGULAR AGENDA - PART II 502. Fiscal Year 2022 Financials YTD 3.25.22 Oak Forest 2021 - 2022 Annual Meeting 041122 2 503. Landscape Discussion REPORTS PUBLIC INPUT Anyone who wishes to speak during Public Input on any Agenda Item or subject matter will need to fill out a “Public Input” form. Individuals will limit their comments to three (3) minutes, and representatives of groups or homeowners' associations shall limit their comments to five (5) minutes, unless otherwise determined by the City Commission. ADJOURNMENT PUBLIC NOTICE This is a Public Meeting, and the public is invited to attend and this Agenda is subject to change. Please be advised that one (1) or more Members of any of the City's Advisory Boards and Committees may be in attendance at this Meeting, and may participate in discussions. Persons with disabilities needing assistance to participate in any of these proceedings should contact the City of Winter Springs at (407) 327-1800 "at least 48 hours prior to meeting, a written request by a physically handicapped person to attend the meeting, directed to the chairperson or director of such board, commission, agency, or authority" - per Section 286.26 Florida Statutes. "If a person decides to appeal any decision made by the board, agency, or commission with respect to any matter considered at such meeting or hearing, he or she will need a record of the proceedings, and that, for such purpose, he or she may need to ensure that a verbatim record of the proceedings is made, which record includes the testimony and evidence upon which the appeal is to be based" - per Section 286.0105 Florida Statutes. 3 CITY OF WINTER SPRINGS, FLORIDA MINUTES OAK FOREST WALL AND BEAUTIFICATION DISTRICT ADVISORY COMMITTEE REGULAR MEETING APRIL 15, 2021 CALL TO ORDER Vice-Chairperson Hogaboom called the Thursday, April 15, 2021 Oak Forest Wall and Beautification District Advisory Committee Regular Meeting to order at 5:30 p.m. in the Commission Chambers of the Municipal Building (City Hall, 1126 East State Road 434, Winter Springs, Florida 32708). Roll Call: Vice-Chairperson Bill Hogaboom, present Committee Member Dan Finley, present Committee Member Ashely Buley, present Committee Member Harry Arthur, present Assistant City Clerk Tristin Motter A moment of silence was held and was followed by the Pledge of Allegiance. REGULAR AGENDA – PART I 500) Election for Chairperson of the Oak Forest Wall and Beautification District Advisory Committee for Calendar Year 2021 “I AM GOING TO NOMINATE ASHLEY [BUELY] FOR CHAIRPERSON OF THE BOARD.” NOMINATION BY VICE-CHAIRPERSON HOGABOOM. SECONDED BY COMMITTEE MEMBER FINELY. VOTE: COMMITTEE MEMBER ARTHUR: AYE COMMITTEE MEMBER FINELY: AYE VICE-CHAIRPERSON HOGABOOM: AYE COMMITTEE MEMBER BULEY: AYE ASHLEY BULEY WAS ELECTED THE CHAIRPERSON 4 CITY OF WINTER SPRINGS, FLORIDA MINUTES OAK FOREST WALL AND BEAUTIFICATION DISTRICT ADVISORY COMMITTEE REGULAR MEETING – APRIL 15, 2021 PAGE 2 OF 4 501) Election for Vice-Chairperson of the Oak Forest Wall and Beautification District Advisory Committee for Calendar Year 2021 “I WOULD LIKE TO NOMINATE YOU [BILL HOGABOOM].” NOMINATION BY COMMITTEE MEMBER FINELY. SECONDED BY CHAIRPERSON BULEY. VOTE: CHAIRPERSON BULEY: AYE COMMITTEE MEMBER ARTHUR: AYE VICE-CHAIRPERSON HOGABOOM: AYE COMMITTEE MEMBER FINELY: AYE BILL HOGABOOM WAS ELECTED THE VICE-CHAIRPERSON AWARDS AND PRESENTATIONS 100) Not Used INFORMATIONAL AGENDA 200) Not Used PUBLIC INPUT Vice-Chairperson Hogaboom opened “Public Input”. No one spoke Vice-Chairperson Hogaboom closed “Public Input”. CONSENT AGENDA 300) Approval of the Tuesday, April 4, 2019 Oak Forest Wall and Beautification District Advisory Committee Regular Meeting Minutes 5 CITY OF WINTER SPRINGS, FLORIDA MINUTES OAK FOREST WALL AND BEAUTIFICATION DISTRICT ADVISORY COMMITTEE REGULAR MEETING – APRIL 15, 2021 PAGE 3 OF 4 “I’ll MOVE TO APPROVE.” MOTION BY COMMITTEE MEMBER FINELY. SECONDED BY VICE-CHAIRPERSON HOGABOOM. DISCUSSION. VOTE: COMMITTEE MEMBER FINELY: AYE VICE-CHAIRPERSON HOGABOOM: AYE COMMITTEE MEMBER ARTHUR: AYE CHAIRPERSON BULEY: AYE MOTION CARRIED. PUBLIC HEARINGS AGENDA 400) Not Used REGULAR AGENDA – PART II 502) Fiscal year 2021 Financials YTD Ms. Holley Queen, City Controller, Finance Department gave a brief overview of the budget including the 2020 Fiscal Year. Discussion continued on certain line codes and different aspects within the budget. 503) Landscape Discussion Ms. Casey Howard, Direct of Operations, Operations Department gave updates on the landscape work that was been done within the Oak Forest District as well as other improvements. Comments were made by the board in agreeance. Mr. Kevin Maddox, Landscape Manager, Operations Department address the concerns of the “Creeping Fig” on the Wall. Suggestion was given to just remove the “Creeping Fig” completely from the Wall so repairs can be done to the Wall. Further discussion ensued on budget and holding a Special meeting so that other residents from the District can attend. The Committee came to a consensus on holding a special meeting for the Oak Forest District on Wednesday, May 19, 2021 at 5:30 pm. Brief comments and discussion continued other landscaping options, adding more color and visibility. 6 CITY OF WINTER SPRINGS, FLORIDA MINUTES OAK FOREST WALL AND BEAUTIFICATION DISTRICT ADVISORY COMMITTEE REGULAR MEETING – APRIL 15, 2021 PAGE 4 OF 4 600. REPORTS No Reports were given. PUBLIC INPUT Chairperson Buley opened “Public Input”. No one addressed the Committee. Chairperson Buley closed “Public Input”. ADJOURNMENT Chairperson Buley adjourned the Regular Meeting at 5:59 pm RESPECTFULLY SUBMITTED: _____________________________ TRISTIN MOTTER ASSISTANT TO THE CITY CLERK NOTE: These Minutes were approved at the _________________________, 2021 Oak Forest Wall and Beautification District Advisory Committee Regular Meeting. 7 CITY OF WINTER SPRINGS, FLORIDA MINUTES OAK FOREST WALL AND BEAUTIFICATION DISTRICT ADVISORY COMMITTEE SPECIAL MEETING MAY 26, 2021 CALL TO ORDER Chairperson Buley called the Wednesday, May 26, 2021 Oak Forest Wall and Beautification District Advisory Committee Special Meeting to order at 5:30 p.m. in the Commission Chambers of the Municipal Building (City Hall, 1126 East State Road 434, Winter Springs, Florida 32708). Roll Call: Chairperson Ashely Buley, present Vice-Chairperson Bill Hogaboom, present Committee Member Dan Finley, present Committee Member Harry Arthur, present Assistant City Clerk Tristin Motter A moment of silence was held and was followed by the Pledge of Allegiance. AWARDS AND PRESENTATIONS 100) Not Used INFORMATIONAL AGENDA 200) Not Used PUBLIC INPUT Chairperson Buley opened “Public Input”. Committee Member Harry Arthur arrived at 5:32 pm 8 CITY OF WINTER SPRINGS, FLORIDA MINUTES OAK FOREST WALL AND BEAUTIFICATION DISTRICT ADVISORY COMMITTEE SPECIAL MEETING – MAY 26, 2021 PAGE 2 OF 3 Mr. Doug Atkin, 678 Cheoy Lee Circle, Winter Springs, Florida questioned the landscape maintenance regarding the creeping fig and expressed concerns for the overgrowth of the creeping fig. Mr. Joshua Rivera, 673 North Endeavour Drive, Winter Springs, Florida gave comments about how the creeping fig has grown into the brick of the will. Mr. Rivera gave the suggestion to possibly moving or remove the creeping fig. Chairperson Buley closed “Public Input”. CONSENT AGENDA 300) Not Used PUBLIC HEARINGS AGENDA 400) Not Used REGULAR AGENDA 500) Discussion on vines on Oak Forest Wall Cover Page Mr. Kevin Maddox, Landscape Manager, Operations Department informed the Committee two panels of creeping fig were removed and relayed there was some intrusion to the Wall. City Manager Shawn Boyle gave some background of the Oak Forest area and the special assessment tax district. Some Committee members expressed wanting to remove all of the “creeping fig” from the Wall to prevent further damage and questions were asked on why front looked nicer then the back were the fig vine are. Staff relayed there is an “access to maintenance” issue and not having permission to go into citizen’s yards. Staff gave multiple options for what the Committee could do about the creeping fig and wall. Discussion continued on if the Committee wanted to keep the creeping fig on the Wall or what the will of the Committee is about the Wall and creeping fig. 9 CITY OF WINTER SPRINGS, FLORIDA MINUTES OAK FOREST WALL AND BEAUTIFICATION DISTRICT ADVISORY COMMITTEE SPECIAL MEETING – MAY 26, 2021 PAGE 3 OF 3 "I MAKE A MOTION TO REMOVE ALL THE VINE FROM THE WALL AND GET PERMISSION TO GO INSIDE AND REMOVE THE VINE ON THE OTHER SIDE OF THE WALL AS WELL. AND EVENTUALLY REPAIR THE WALL." MOTION BY COMMITTEE MEMBER FINLEY. SECONDED BY COMMITTEE MEMBER ARTHUR. DISCUSSION. VOTE: COMMITTEE MEMBER FINLEY: AYE CHAIRPERSON BULEY: AYE COMMITTEE MEMBER ARTHUR: AYE VICE-CHAIRPERSON HOGABOOM: NAY MOTION CARRIED. Further discussion and clarification was given on how the removal of the vines would be conducted. 600. REPORTS No Reports were given. PUBLIC INPUT Chairperson Buley opened “Public Input”. Ms. Alecia Bass, 1015 Chokecherry Drive, Winter Springs, Florida showed appreciation to the Committee on being representatives and considering the finical implications of the Wall and vines. Chairperson Buley closed “Public Input”. ADJOURNMENT Chairperson Buley adjourned the Special Meeting at 5:55 pm RESPECTFULLY SUBMITTED: _____________________________ TRISTIN MOTTER ASSISTANT TO THE CITY CLERK NOTE: These Minutes were approved at the _________________________, 2022 Oak Forest Wall and Beautification District Advisory Committee Regular Meeting. 10 Annual Meeting ‐ April 8, 2021 Select Expense Accounts FY2021 ‐ YTD through 03/26/2021 Account Vendor Date Amount Description Utilities                                   540430 Budget $5,280.00 CITY OF WINTER SPRINGS 10/28/2020‐03/18/2021 1,574.21 Irrigation DUKE ENERGY 10/16/2020‐03/17/2021 598.10 Low voltage entrance lighting YTD Expense Total $2,172.31 Encumbered $0.00 End Balance $3,107.69 Grounds                                  545270 Budget $35,543.00   FLORIDA PAINTS 10/27/2020 422.30 paint BRIGHTVIEW 10/12/2020‐03/08/2021 6,930.75 Monthly landscaping & irrigation GATEWAY GARDENS 12/16/2020 99.75 Plants LOWE'S 10/12/2020 220.10 Supplies YTD Expense Total $7,672.90 Encumbered $11,753.45 Landscape & irrigation contract and annuals End Balance $16,116.65 Grounds ‐ Signs/Walls    545270‐004 Budget $4,000.00 MCDONALD'S BRICK & BLOCK MASONRY 3/16/2021 6,900.00 Repair Oak Forest Brick Wall / Column  (pending ins proceeds) YTD Expense Total $6,900.00 Encumbered $0.00 End Balance ‐$2,900.00 Oak Forest Maintenance Fund  11 Oak Forest Maintenance Fund Annual Meeting - April 6, 2022 Select Expense Accounts FY2022 - YTD thru 03.25.2022 Account / Vendor Date Amount Description Utilities                                   540430 Budget 4,800.00 City of Winter Springs 10/19/2021 560.88 irrigation 11/16/2021 163.59 12/21/2021 242.40 1/18/2022 232.76 2/15/2022 187.34 3/15/2022 172.89 Duke Energy 10/20/2021 93.77 low voltage entrance lighting 11/30/2021 98.26 12/28/2021 108.17 1/31/2022 164.74 2/28/2022 162.04 3/31/2022 161.99 YTD Expense Total $2,348.83 Encumbered $0.00 End Balance $2,451.17 Grounds                                  545270 Budget 45,787.00 Brightview 10/26/2021 1,015.00 Oct Landscape 11/1/2021 1,015.00 Nov Landscape 280.25 Oct Irrigation 11/29/2021 1,015.00 Dec Landscape 12/27/2021 1,035.30 Jan Landscape 1/11/2022 280.25 Dec Irrigation 1/24/2022 2,498.70 January Annuals 2/1/2022 1,035.30 Feb Landscape 2/28/2022 280.25 Feb Irrigaiton 2/28/2022 1,035.30 Mar Landscape 3/4/2022 2,499.00 mulching Siteone 3/11/2022 135.00 herbicide A Budget Tree 2/28/2022 1,200.00 removal & trimming @ 1065 WSB YTD Expense Total 13,324.35 Encumbered 10,814.34 End Balance 21,648.31 Grounds ‐ Signs/Walls    545270‐004 Budget 4,000.00 YTD Expense Total 0.00 Encumbered 0.00 End Balance 4,000.00 Contract Admin                      530341 Budget 4,840.00 NBS 2/17/2022 1,246.83 3/21/2022 1,246.83 YTD Expense Total 2,493.66 Encumbered 2,493.66 End Balance ‐147.32 12 Current YTD 9/30/2021 Prior Year 9/30/2020 Net Change 107,799.14 97,622.67 10,176.47 $107,799.14 $97,622.67 $10,176.47 4,072.21 280.25 3,791.96 $4,072.21 $280.25 $3,791.96 6,384.51 97,342.42 97,342.42 .00 $103,726.93 $97,342.42 107,799.14 97,622.67 Restricted Fund Equity FUND EQUITY TOTALS TOTAL LIABILITIES & FUND EQUITY Increase (Decrease) in Net Position Balance Sheet As Of 09/30/21 ASSETS Equity in Pooled Cash ASSETS TOTALS LIABILITIES AND FUND EQUITY LIABILITIES Accounts Payable LIABILITIES TOTALS FUND EQUITY 13 Annual FY20/21 Budget Less YTD % of FY19/20 Budget Amount Total Actual Amount Variance Budget Total Actual Amount 3,901.00 .00 3,901.00 0.00 .00 55,725.00 55,925.82 (200.82) 100.36 55,913.81 700.00 231.14 468.86 33.02 2,575.71 $60,326.00 $56,156.96 $4,169.04 93.00%$58,489.52 300.00 261.01 38.99 87.00 282.14 4,840.00 4,842.04 (2.04) 100.04 4,779.90 10,363.00 10,363.00 .00 100.00 10,054.00 $15,203.00 $15,205.04 ($2.04) 100.01% $14,833.90 5,280.00 4,291.63 988.37 81.28 3,853.52 35,543.00 23,114.77 12,428.23 65.03 34,559.97 4,000.00 6,900.00 (2,900.00) 172.50 1,716.56 $39,543.00 $30,014.77 $9,528.23 76% $36,276.53 $60,326.00 $49,772.45 $10,553.55 83% $55,246.09 $0.00 $6,384.51 $6,384.51 $3,243.43Grand Total Net Gain (Loss) Other Svcs - Contract / Administrative Totals Utilities Totals R&M Infra - Grounds R&M Infra - Grounds R&M Infra - Grounds Signs / R&M Infra - Grounds Totals EXPENSE TOTALS Other Svcs Other Svcs - Contract / Other Svcs - Contract / EXPENSES Income Statement Through 09/30/21 Account Description REVENUES Appropriation From Fund Charges for Services Interest / Other Earnings REVENUE TOTALS 14