HomeMy WebLinkAbout2022 12 12 Public Hearing 400 - Second Reading of Ordinance No. 2022-06: 310 Wagner Point Voluntary Annexation of real property owned by the City of Winter Springs • PUBLIC HEARINGS AGENDA ITEM 400 ,n m=ared CITY COMMISSION AGENDA I DECEMBER 12, 2022 REGULAR MEETING 1959 TITLE Second Reading of Ordinance No. 2022-06: 310 Wagner Point Voluntary Annexation of real property owned by the City of Winter Springs. SUMMARY Last year, the City acquired the subject property consisting of 1 .04 acres located at 310 Wagner Point for park purposes. The property lies adjacent to the existing boundary of the City's dog park located within the jurisdictional limits of the City. The subject property is located in part of an existing enclave of unincorporated area, which is covered in the 1987 Interlocal Agreement between the City and Seminole County. Under the Agreement, the County has agreed to encourage annexation of the subject property. The City is petitioning for annexation of the subject property and this is a voluntary annexation. The County has been notified in writing by Staff of the annexation per Florida Statutes, and the annexation is being advertised for two consecutive weeks in the newspaper prior to final adoption. The Staff Annexation Report is attached evidencing that the proposed annexation satisfies the annexation requirements. RECOMMENDATION Staff recommends that the City Commission approve the Second Reading of Ordinance 2022-06. 365 ORDINANCE NO.2022-06 AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY COMMISSION OF THE CITY OF WINTER SPRINGS,FLORIDA,ANNEXING ONE(1)PARCEL OF LAND OWNED BY THE CITY OF WINTER SPRINGS AND COMPRISING APPROXIMATELY 1.04 GROSS ACRES, MORE OR LESS, CURRENTLY WITHIN SEMINOLE COUNTY, FLORIDA, AND GENERALLY LOCATED AT 310 WAGNER POINT, WINTER SPRINGS; SAID PARCEL BEING MORE PARTICULARLY DEPICTED AND DESCRIBED ON EXHIBIT "A" ATTACHED HERETO; PROVIDING FOR THE AMENDMENT OF WINTER SPRINGS CHARTER, ARTICLE II, BOUNDARIES, TO INCORPORATE THE REAL PROPERTY INTO THE CITY BOUNDARIES; PROVIDING FOR THE FILING OF THE REVISED WINTER SPRINGS CHARTER WITH APPROPRIATE AGENCIES UPON SAID APPROVAL; PROVIDING FOR REPEAL OF PRIOR INCONSISTENT ORDINANCES AND RESOLUTIONS, SEVERABILITY, AND AN EFFECTIVE DATE. WHEREAS,this is a voluntary annexation initiated by the City of Winter Springs for real property which was acquired by the City on July 23, 2021 for the expansion of Central Winds Park and shall be pursuant to the annexation procedures contained in section 171.044,Florida Statutes; and WHEREAS, the City Commission has determined that the subject real property is reasonably compact and contiguous with the boundaries of the City of Winter Springs and will not create an enclave (the annexation will reduce the size of existing enclave) and otherwise satisfies the requirements for annexation; and WHEREAS,this annexation is in compliance and consistent with the goals and objectives of the City of Winter Springs Comprehensive Plan, Charter, and City Code; and WHEREAS, upon the effective date of this Ordinance, the municipal boundary lines of the City of Winter Springs, contained in Winter Springs Charter,Article II, shall be redefined to include the subject real property; and WHEREAS, the City Commission of the City of Winter Springs, Florida, hereby finds that this Ordinance is in the best interests of the public health, safety, and welfare of the citizens of Winter Springs, Florida. NOW, THEREFORE, THE CITY COMMISSION OF THE CITY OF WINTER SPRINGS HEREBY ORDAINS,AS FOLLOWS: Section 1. Annexation of Real Property. The area of real property, which is more particularly described in the metes and bounds legal description and map attached hereto as Exhibit "A," is hereby annexed into the City of Winter Springs by the City Commission. Exhibit "A" is hereby fully incorporated herein by this reference. City of Winter Springs Ordinance No.2022-06 Page 1 of 2 366 Section 2. City Boundaries Redefined; Winter Springs Charter Amended. Pursuant to section 166.031(3), Florida Statutes, and section 171.091, Florida Statutes, the City of Winter Springs Charter,Article II, Section 2.01, shall hereby be amended to redefine the corporate boundaries of the City of Winter Springs to include the area of real property described in Section 1 of this Ordinance. The City Clerk shall file the revised Winter Springs Charter,Article II, Section 2.01, with the Department of State within thirty (30) days upon said approval and shall provide a copy to the Office of Economic and Demographic Research along with a statement specifying the population census effect and the affected land area. The City Clerk shall also file this Ordinance with the Clerk of the Circuit Court of Seminole County, the Chief Administrator of Seminole County, and the Department of State within seven (7) days of the effective date. Section 3. Repeal of Prior Inconsistent Ordinances and Resolutions. All ordinances and resolutions or parts of ordinances and resolutions in conflict herewith are hereby repealed to the extent of the conflict. Section 4. Severability. Should any section or provision of this Ordinance, or any portion hereof, any paragraph, sentence, or word be declared by a Court of competent jurisdiction to be invalid, such decision shall not affect the validity of the remainder hereto as a whole or part thereof to be declared invalid. Section 5. Effective Date. This Ordinance shall become effective immediately upon adoption by the City Commission of the City of Winter Springs,Florida, and pursuant to the City Charter. ADOPTED by the City Commission of the City of Winter Springs, Florida, in a regular meeting assembled on the day of 52022. Kevin McCann,Mayor ATTEST: Christian Gowan, City Clerk Approved as to legal form and sufficiency for the City of Winter Springs only: Anthony A. Garganese, City Attorney First Reading: 52022 Second Legal Ad: 12022 Second Reading: 12022 Effective Date: 12022 City of Winter Springs Ordinance No.2022-06 Page 2 of 2 367 89£ ��oo g s CC day14 ci N V 0 Z O a W C7 �• O O a� z J 1�y Am*_.T>tlbll " < no ��,^ 01�C� N F 30 1 W w 2� � V/ � C+ is 7. ,� — gpL r, It u.45 Q N O c o o z Q W Q N��m o � con t z3z� t .0 N o Z o ;'ems ��o $F ga t ou"1 I 1 CC 4eS Q �m�ax _:� vio p O O ' mG7 � wQP 0. C 7az w r 0 0 rKi t r e_ ��o$� �jate Qra 7n _ a$ W O ��0� om<z UQU WO 1A t I �1a w fn O VJ 2 1 _ 111 4i r{ I 1* t 0 Amo: I t 11 t �I f � N07��WgGNFR I FS gf3 I t s t uuj.j g l EWLINE OF rnE wt5 ,/2 OF LOT 4. BLOCK—,! O r ! YIEU11 4 p9rEOF �ST S T BOOK b I I y �e 9 ; 3 CITY OF WINTER SPRINGS COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT DEPARTMENT 1126 East State Road 434 Winter Springs,Florida 32708 1959 Annexation Report — 310 Wagner Point This is a voluntary annexation being requested by the City of Winter Springs, as owner of the real property located at 310 Wagner Point. This voluntary annexation is being processed pursuant to Section 171.044, Florida Statutes. This report establishes that the proposed annexation of 310 Wagner Point located north of State Road 434 and west of Central Winds Park meets the requirements for annexation as outlined in Chapter 171 of the Florida Statutes. The subject propert 'consists of approximately 1.04 acres of land with no existing structures. There are no structures, nor any registered electors living on the subject property. Annexation of this property furthers the State of Florida policy to eliminate enclaves. Annexation of this property also furthers the 1987 Interlocal Agreement between the City of Winter Springs and Seminole County which identified this enclave as an"area of concern", to be encouraged to annex into the City. Hence, Seminole County has agreed to encourage and support annexation of the subject property into the corporate boundaries of the City of Winter Springs. Annexation of this property is also consistent with the City's Comprehensive Plan, FLU Objective 1.8:Annexation. The City shall pursue a policy of annexation which will provide for the most efficient use of public facilities and services, eliminate areas of jurisdictional problems, and provide for sound growth and development of the City and surrounding area. Subsequent policies falling under Objective 1.8 are also relevant, in addition to the City's Code of Ordinances, section 2.03 regarding annexation procedures. Introduction The subject property considered in this study is located in an unincorporated Seminole County enclave, in the area north of State Road 434. (See Exhibit 1 — Location Map.) The property's boundaries are surrounded by the City of Winter Springs with an exception of the north boundary which is Seminole County. The subject property is in Seminole County Commission District #2, which is currently represented by Commissioner Jay Zembower. If annexed into the City of Winter Springs the area will be included in City Commission District #5, which is now represented by City Commissioner TiAnna Hale. The development pattern within and surrounding the subject property is conflicted with several different zoning designations. On the right boundary is Central Winds Park zoned TC-CP (Town Center — Civil Public), on the south border the adjacent property is DOT right of way which has no zoning designation. South of the right of way is a large C-2 parcel. On the west border, the adjacent property is also zoned C-2. 369 CITY OF WINTER SPRINGS COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT DEPARTMENT 1126 East State Road 434 Winter Springs,Florida 32708 1959 The subject property is zoned with Seminole County's designation of A-1 and with its allowable uses, will seamlessly transition into the city's Town Center—Civil Public zoning designation. The anticipated use as a park and recreational area is compatible with the northern Seminole County A-1 zoned property per Sec. 30.122 (k) and will also be harmonious with the surrounding Winter Springs property zoning designations. The subject property is expected to develop as an extension of Central Winds Park which will remain consistent with the overall intended use for the surrounding area. The subject property is contiguous to existing city boundaries and is not a part of another incorporated municipality, but rather is part of an unincorporated County enclave. The subject property is urban in character and is currently being.4d for urban purposes with its entire external boundary adjacent to areas developed for similar r giftntial and recreational purposes. Therefore, the subject property meets the criteria set forth in subsection 171.043 of the Florida Statutes, entitled, "Character of the Area to be Annexed". Current and Proposed Future Lan ..::Use and Zoni Following annexation, the City of W'li tom; prings will im tie a comprehensive plan amendment to assign the appropriate City future lar use -gnation fQr annexed property. The proposed future land use designations and zoningxssifiell presentM'n this Annexation Study Report 6 are preliminary and may.be modified oncd4wore detailed land u§&-.= :alysis occurs when initiating the necessary comprehensive plan amen&Bents. However, a ` 'own Center — Civil Public designation is likely and already supported by the City's Comprehensive Plan. Pursuant to Section 171.062 Florida Statutes, 1 minole County future land use and zoning regulations,;; jll i ihain in effect until the City of"Winter Springs adopts a comprehensive plan amendment:"rid zoning for the annexed area. Please iaffer to Exhibit 2—Existing Future Land Use Map, Exhibit 3 —Proposed Future Land Use Map, Exhibit 4 —Existing Zoning Map, and Exhibit 5 —Proposed Zoning Map.'::"""::% '2222. i2:221 Provision of nbl ic Facilities 11::RW Services The table below gisahe currgt'aervice providers and the potential providers that would serve -N the community if the'd�mexatio'n::grdinance is adopted. Exhibit 6 illustrates the location of City of Winter Springs water, s lift :Utility lines, reclaimed water lines, and stormwater utility lines in the area. 370 CITY OF WINTER SPRINGS COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT DEPARTMENT 1126 East State Road 434 Winter Springs,Florida 32708 1959 Current and Potential Service Providers Current Potential Service Providers Service Providers Service (Seminole County) (City of Winter Springs) Potable Water Private Well City of Winter Springs Wastewater None City of Winter Springs Reclaimed Water None City of Winter Springs Electric Service None ::' Duke Energy Solid Waste None Waste Services of Florida, Inc. Stormwater NoneN. City of Winter Springs Police City of Winter Springs City of Winter Springs Fire Seminole County Seminole County What follows is a brief description of how the Cr :pf Winl�::Springs will provide each of the .N needed urban services to the property on annexation Potable Water: The subject property is not currently std b 1 p..City of Winter Springs for potable water, although an 8" service lnitends on to „ djacenf perty to east and a 24” service line extends on the adjacent s M-pJhe west f .anne lr�t th City'tif Winter Springs,the subject property will be able tb"'connect io:. ity potabie. at r`service:. Wastewater: The subjeeC..pey, s currntl-riot sei-yod._by a private or public systems for wastewater ... services `:r nexed to the 0 of Winter p ngs 4 subject property will be able to connect to City ?Yer service, vii "PVC U.. ng easf—W: est along Hicks Ave. Reclaimed' ter: There are no r6diRmed water lines in place to service the subject property with reclaimed water at this time. The City b"f Winter Springs has intention to add a reclaim line in Central Winds Park which would be able t0'_Service fi&e subject property. Electric Service: The City of Winter Springs, as well as the subject property is serviced by Duke Energy for electric service. If annexed, the subject property will remain with Duke Energy without any interruption of service. Annexation will not impact the current electric rates. 371 CITY OF WINTER SPRINGS COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT DEPARTMENT 1126 East State Road 434 Winter Springs,Florida 32708 1959 Solid Waste: The City of Winter Springs currently has a franchise agreement and is serviced by Waste Services of Florida, Inc., a private solid waste contractor. Upon annexation,Waste Services of Florida, Inc. will provide service to the subject property. Stormwater Management: The subject property will be subject to the City of Winter Spripgs;stormwater utility program upon annexation. Currently, stormwater drainage areas are locate b4 the MNK, Inc properties. On site stormwater treatment and abatement will be requiree� c a�sistent with City and SJRWMD regulations. Police Protection: The subject property is part of"an area of concern" identified within a 1987 InterLocal Agreement between Seminole County and the City of Winter Springs. The Agreement states that Seminole County is not able to provide life safety services`I ese "ajnd4€.of concern" and that the City of Winter Springs is responsible for pqlic protection. Fire Protection: Seminole County is responsible for fire': gtec. i ' ithin Sethi 561e County and the City of Winter Springs. ......... Summary: The subject property is':C::iQntiguousi4iid upon a:::: ation, will provide a logical extension of City boundaries. ...... The an�xiori o flYubject perty mctl e requirements of Chapter 171 of the Florida Statut `ThN.e subject prb y coifffihues to be used'for urban purposes and therefore, the subject property' ets the urban pi ::- regi ements set forth in Section 171.043, Florida Statutes. The City of Wfi t t: Springs haK%nd can provide, the necessary public facilities and services to subject property.' ;;, 372 Orlantlo Sentinel I Section1 1 Frid y,November 25,2022 11 CUSTOM CASUAL DINING FURNITURE ...where style meets comforts R�f DO YOU HAVE AN OLD FUR LARGEST SELECTION RESTYLE HANGING IN 0 STOOLS. 1 — YOUR FUR— THE CLOSET over 100 stools on 10211 Year Anniversary display i°store NOT BEING - - WORN? RESTYLE YOUR Our#1 Selling Stool-Amisco OLD FUR HANGING HUGE SELECTION OF IN-STOCK IN YOUR CLOSET 5 CUSTOMIZABLE PRODUCTS Chose from many si­,-1—&styles. 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CITY 351 N Orange Ave, ORLANDO L La Orlando, FL 32801 SIA(-i 11)111 NOTICE OF PUBLIC HEARING NOTICE ISCIRTB GOFTWINTER SPRINGSTHE CITY COMMISSION WILL DNSIDER THE ADOPTION OF THE FOLLOWING: ORDINANCE NO.2022-06 • 1 AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY COMMISSION OF THE CITY OF WINTER SPRINGS,FLORIDA,ANNEXING ONE(1)PARCEL OF LAND COMPRISING " APPROXIMATELY 1.04 GROSS ACRES,MORE OR LESS,CURRENTLY WITHIN SEMINOLE COUNTY,FLORIDA,AND GENERALLY LOCATED AT 310 WAGNER POINT,WINTER SPRINGS; SAID PARCEL BEING MORE PARTICULARLY .: DEPICTED AND DESCRIBED ON EXHIBIT "A" ATTACHED HERETO; c PROVIDING FOR THE AMENDMENT OF WINTER SPRINGS CHARTER, e 'f ARTICLE 11,BOUNDARIES,TO INCORPORATE THE REAL PROPERTY INTO THE _ CITY BOUNDARIES;PROVIDING FOR THE FILING OF THE REVISED WINTER SPRINGS CHARTERWITH APPROPRIATE AGENCIES UPON SAIDAPPROVAL; PROVIDING FOR REPEAL OF PRIOR INCONSISTENT ORDINANCES AND RESOLUTIONS,SEVERABILITY,AND AN EFFECTIVE DATE. ` CENTRAL ' - GLIA/ OUT that they will remember! WINDS Send a unique Gift PARK � A"� =5 .o This miniature version of our N zl0 angel tl�rsi�otsza . c.oss sF.a,�orETu for quick peeling and eating— sweetie-sized and picked rash :.l from the grope. Th.fast.h freshly picked sweet Navel Orai.lc-ccti Dundee makes the perfect gift! �/�Seedless Navel VN Orange Sweeties THE CITY COMMISSION WILL CONSIDER ADOPTION OF THE ORDINANCE $3499 AT A PUBLIC HEARING HELD ON MONDAY, DECEMBER 12, 2022 AT Upgrade your gift to 6:30 P.M. OR SOON THEREAFTER IN THE COMMISSION CHAMBERS 2 Seedless Navel LOCATED AT WINTER SPRINGS CITY HALL 1126 EAST STATE ROAD 434 orange Sweeties WINTER SPRINGS,FLORIDA. for$6 more, The proposed ordinance and complete legal description by metes and bounds Gift#Gxt may be obtained by interested parties Between 8 a.m.and 5 p.m.,Monday _ through Friday,at the City's Clerk's Office,located at 1126 E.SR 434,Winter Springs,Florida.For more information,call(407)327-1800 42Persons pro with Disabilities needing assistance to participate in any of these proceedings should call(407)327-1800#227,48 hours in Advance of the meeting.This is a public hearing,and interested Parties are advised that they may appear at the DUNDEE GROVES O 4 G) meeting and be heard with respect to the proposed ordinance.If you decide to appeal any recommendation or decision made by the City Commission with Order at:www.dundeegroves.com/oxl respect to any matter considered at this meeting,you will need a record of the Questions?infoOdundeegroves.com or 1-800-294-2266 proceedings,and for such purposes,you may need to ensure that a verbatim 1—s Fhipping applies to ma eenegueu"us.otter,nnema applied to m"eeu�tad Item". record of the proceedings is made upon which the eel is based. Expires 12 22 2022 P 9 P PP 373 10 Orlando Sentinel I Sectiont I Friday,December 2,2022 IN-yoldeonfessed SbnPnnRoad andBuenaen aBnnle- NOTICE OF PUBLIC HEARING to killing teen,police say v d� eddmeicnegase�dcash,do,-thou CITY OF WINTER SPRINGS mSi Sigh, NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN THAT THE CITY COMMISSION WILL CONSIDER A14yeaz-okl allegedlyconfessedt after sp—dlh htth passenger in ingls-yfoord cots.a Hold— supeosedtyshotthe�ictimfor cnn;ng�' THE ADOPTION OF THE FOLLOWING: he was found shot in Holden Heights t<ontoh w-lb okad idingin. neighborhood,edTh—vdoPoliceDepart- Singh was boolmd inm the Osceola ORDINANCE N0.2022-06 meat annou ,who th y County J,p editW�daesday rd r bond The suspect,who theorkmdosenti- set on the premeditated murderehazge, AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY COMMISSION OF THE CITY OF WINTER nal isn'tnaingbecause be isis rding to jail records.He was also SPRINGS,FLORIDA,ANNEXING ONE(1)PARCEL OF LAND COMPRISING facing a second-degmemmdercha�gerforr ci_gedwith evs set idencetamperfng,for AppROXIMATELY1.04GROSSACRES,MOREORLESS,CURRENTLYWITHIN d.k,n,o&_OPD spokespersonsaklin whichthecoorta$5A00bond. uusignedstatemeot. SEMINOLE COUNTY,FLORIDA,AND GENERALLY LOCATED AT 310 WAGNER Corey,astudmtatJonesHigh Sehool, —c fieidxyitnn POINT,WINTER SPRINGS; SAID PARCEL BEING MORE PARTICULARLY wasf000dshotbypolicetheeven ngofJm 22.He1ata"succvmbedtohisiojorie OPD art DEPICTED AND DESCRIBED ON EXHIBIT "A" ATTACHED HERETO; saiditman dfinddsesns "wiffiffing e BMW driver traveli assistaneeoftbroeeommonity and se PROVIDING FOR THE AMENDMENT OF WINTER SPRINGS CHARTER, tivepolieework" - wrong ARTICLE 11,BOUNDARIES,TO INCORPORATE THE REAL PROPERTY INTO THE Data;lsofthealleged^fi,llcon&ssion" kills victim in Orland , CITY BOUNDARIES;PROVIDING FOR THE FILING OF THE REVISED WINTER given to police,what led to the shooting FHP says SPRINGS CHARTERWITH APPROPRIATE AGENCIES UPON SAID APPROVAL; and whether Corey and his suspected killer kueweachotlaerwemuotreleased. Amotorcyc1„i&,isdeadafteremshivg PROVIDING FOR REPEAL OF PRIOR INCONSISTENT ORDINANCES AND iotoaBMwinorangeComrty. RESOLUTIONS,SEVERABILITY,AND AN EFFECTIVE DATE. —CristdbalReyes FHP troopers said the crash happened and 5:17 am.Thursday morning on Suspect arrested in thheeastboondlanesofstate Road 52oin fatal Osceola road rage oriandn g' Officialssaid the driver ofa 2006 BMW CEN I RAI incident:report 65oiw Bs dingtttewrougwayooSR-520 OUT WINDS ands Ilidingwith amotorcycleridec PARK A Central Florida man faces a premedi- The motorcydl iderflewoffdowhidl -,-- vwaic tated murder charge after an alleged road andwasdeadattbescene. n rage bxidentleft one persondead,accord- FHP and the Orange County Sheriff's ingto theOsceolaCounty Sherifrs Office. Office are seazchingfor the BMW driver, Osceola County sherifPs deputies whnranawayfinmth scene. rested Brandon Singh,20,for allegedly Investigators areworkingto confirm rhe = .booting and killing a man in Rissimv,ee, identification offfie deceased victim. WESHmported. The incident happened in October neaz —G fieidxyhoo N THE CITY COMMISSION WILL CONSIDER ADOPTION OF THE ORDINANCE AT A PUBLIC HEARING HELD ON MONDAY, DECEMBER 12, 2022 AT 6:30 P.M. OR SOON THEREAFTER IN THE COMMISSION CHAMBERS 1 LOCATED AT WINTER SPRINGS CITY HALL 1126 EAST STATE ROAD 434 WINTER SPRINGS,FLORIDA. The proposed ordinance and complete legal description by metes and bounds may be obtained by interested parties Between 8 a.m.and 5 p.m.,Monday through Friday,at the City's Clerk's Office,located at 1126 E.SR 434,Winter V Springs,Florida.For more information,call(407)327-1800 4253.Persons e with Disabilities needing assistance to participate in any of these proceedings should call(407)327-1800#227,48 hours in Advance of the meeting.This is a public hearing,and interested Parties are advised that they may appear at the Flagler cnontydepoties arrest ceno-al nmiaatherapist Robert rreal aatie m August for meeting and be heard with respect to the proposed ordinance.If you decide molesting one of his patients.He pleaded g0fty Mondayto four munts of sexualassaolt.— to appeal any recommendation or decision made by the City Commission with respect to any matter considered at this meeting,you will need a record of the Central Fla.therapist sentenced proceedings,and for such purposes,you may need to ensure that a verbatim record of the proceedings is made upon which the appeal is based. to 20 years for molesting patient By Garfield Hylton tion,accordivgtotlie press release. �1—d"se„eorl Flagler depu[iesinitially arrestedhim in . Aogust2022 afie flevictim op-ted Batie A Central Florida therapist will spend molested her dminga Jmie 29 counseling s eazly 20 years in prison for molestivgone ofhispatievts. The victim stated that she had been Robert Neal Batie on Monday pleaded attending therapy sessions at the facility guilty to four counts of sexual assault, for rhe previous five months.During that amordingto apressreleasefromtbeFIWg Bak engaged in se al acts of County Sheriff's Office.He faced charges oolawfol s—oal its d,&withhrr. ofsexual battery by a person in custodial "This disgustivgpervert will speed the autlmritys hoisconductbyath—pM neat17yeazsbehindbarswherehebdones mdtwo c000tsof—lawfol mal activity and they 13 yeazs ofprobation,"saidSber- withcertain i-.. iffmAStals"Thmkyoutoallirwolvedin He'll—all four sentences concur- the in tigation and prosecution of this _fly for ammdmomofl7yeazsinprisoo, ehion&mdualehattookadvavtaW faclvld followedby13yeazsofsex-offender proba- onderhiscaze" ShootinghDvspite OR—'alai rriswrnte. Despite Oliver's claims,Fazris noted (mmfege3 that he"retrieved the gun that was left t` unattended[inthe shed)and intentionally onSWiday,Ohvertolddetectiveshewas walked to Seany's location”beEm killing playingvideo games at ahome on Judith him,evidence that he"was not in feaz for t ' Lane when Seazcy and the gang member hissaktyorhislif&' rived with a.45-11.,bandgua,which Though they described Oliver sstate- tLIVING ieyk,ftunatrendedinashed. mentasa"fumm.fessine,"orlmdopnhee , , ' , ' Oliver allegedly told investigators he have asked that anyone with additional grabbedthegoomddemarrdedthatSeazcy �rmation a bocase ca bot the ll OPD at return his stolen goods,at which point 321-235-5300 or Cme rili,.at 1-800-423- Seazcyreachedtowardaguninhis waist- 8477. band. 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