HomeMy WebLinkAbout2022 12 12 Consent 302 - Request to Award the Police Body Worn Camera RFP 11-22 MT, to Axon Enterprise, Inc. • CONSENT AGENDA ITEM 302 ,n m=ared CITY COMMISSION AGENDA I DECEMBER 12, 2022 REGULAR MEETING 1959 TITLE Request to Award the Police Body Worn Camera RFP 11-22 MT, to Axon Enterprise, Inc. SUMMARY On November 16, 2022, the City issued RFP 11-22 MT requesting proposals to provide the police department with a contract for a commercially available body-worn camera solution. This included associated peripherals and accessories, unlimited storage solutions, evidence management software, redactions capabilities, replacement camera and hardware after 2.5 years, training, live stream capabilities, integration with current CAD, policy review audit solution, warranties and licensing during the contract terms. The RFP closed for submissions on December 1, 2022. Four (4) vendors responded and are listed in alphabetical order: Axon Enterprise Inc., Motorola Solutions, Prologic ITS, and Utility Associates. On Friday December 2, 2022, the BWC selection committee was provided the sealed proposals to review. On December 5, 2022, the BWC selection committee met and scored the proposals. The selection committee recommended that Axon Enterprise Inc. provide the body-worn camera solution for the police department. Upon approval, a Notice of Intent is requested to be award and sent to Axon Enterprise Inc. with a City Commission approval date of December 12, 2022. RECOMMENDATION Staff recommends the City Commission award RFP # 11-22 MT for a police body camera solution to Axon Enterprise, Inc. in the amount of$376,001 over the course of a five year contract. Annual breakdown of costs is $75,200. Additionally, authorizing the City Manager and City Attorney to negotiate, prepare and execute any and all applicable contract documents consistent with this agenda. 21 I� , SECTION F. COSTAND TIME Included in this section are the completed Pricing Worksheet and Axon's quote, which incll_Ides an estimated delivery schedule. Appendix A Cost Pro oral Worksheet 13escriplion Qty, UniI Cast Total One 1 car i Year 2 Year 3 Year 4 Y 1`ear 5� Time Cost Nfainicna9Cr Nlainlcnanee Nlainienance Maintenance i Maintenance Oust Cost Cost Cost Cosi VIDENCE.COM UNLIMITED 34 $1,377.19 546,824.46 $9-164.89 39,164.89 59,364.89 59.364.89 l 54,361.84 ON DEVICE STORAGE I I OFESSIONAL EVIDENCE.COM. 4 52140.00 1 576,089.62 !S15.217.92 $15,217.92 j Si5,217.92 S15.217.92 l 515,217.42 (CENSE j j REDACTION ASSISTANT USER i4 51+16.45 517,5593@ 53511.86 53411.86 51411.86 ''i$3.511.86 I S3,51L86 (CENSE I CITIZEN FOR COMMUNITIES 4^--�— 5516.45_ 517,559.30 €$3,511,86 'S3,511.86 - - 53,5!E316 TIS''53.511:86 =--�51411.%6 --- S€R LICENSE 1 ESFCAIO DEVICE PLUS LICENS 4 56090..27 537,069.19 571413 8/ 57 �T—- ,4!3.84 57.411341 :57.413.84 157,413.84 UTO TAGGING LICENSE 34 5516,45 $17.559.30 53,511.86 $3511.86 53511.86 511. 53,511.86 53, 86 I, I i ERFOHMA14CE LICENSE 34 5516.35 517,559.30 53411.86 53511.86 53411.86 531511.86 53,511.86 I I HIRaPARTY VIDEO SUPPORT 34 $536.45 i317,55930 `.53511.86 :53511,%6 53411$6 53511.86 {$3411.86 ICENSE I I I �— I 1_ __1'_-----1-------....�� 1_1_,11....... 1Q GBEVdDENCE.COMA-LA•CRR 1dfS $12.95 $7,%03.00 S1,56U.� 151560.40 $146@•60 51,56@.60 5146@.(+0 TORAGE i S'3q nrl7lnur Sprtnrr:Hfl"((.1297 Pa1ke Cnl SYnrWm I AXON ENTERPRISE, INC. 30 22 $ s 5251,582.76 1551,11655 551,116.55 555,115.55 551,11b55 551.116.55 Hardware Description Qty. Ualt Cast Totol0ric Year I Year 2 Year 3 Vear4 Year 5 Time Cast MaIrUtnance Maintenance i Maintenance Maintenance Maintenance Coll Coil cost Cost Cost USQ-C to USB-A CABLE FOR AB3 jIg so so so $0 I so so so OR FLEX 2 ON BODY 3-NA10-US-SLK 5699 523,76640 $4,756.20 5475310 1 54.753.20 51,753.20 51.75120 PIDLOCK I I ............ so Sb Tiii 50 ISO RAPIDLOCK AGNET MOUNT,FLEXIBLE, so SO I so so so so so VON RAPIDLOCK '40RTH AMER POWER CORD 3 so so so so so so so =OR AB3"AY,AB2 1-BAY+6- 3AY DOCK WQN­§5DY_S-8­EA_Y DOCK -551,445 1475.00 51,495 $1,495 51,49-5 51.494 SIGNAL SIDEARM KIT $1,619.35 51.619.35 s 1.6 1 9-me, $1.619.35 51,619.35 cki M.-spfin":w],I[-:z a1 I P,dk,9.d,uory C p p,.dk V:C s,I 31 AXON ENTERPRISE, INC. 23 � i f {AXON CAMERA REFRESH ONE 05 5708.68 524,841.80 $4,960.76 $4,460.76 54.46€1,76 $4,964.76 54,960.76 - i I � --------- -- - - --- ---�- -- - ---- ' MULTI-BAY SWC DOCK tST .4 $1.,515.86 S7,57930 51.515.11; SIS[5.85 31115.85 51,5[,485 51.515.5 PEFRESH J4XONCAMERA REFRESH TM P5 -- ----�-5734.511 -_ $25,7117.511 :S4,131.50 54141.50 $5,141.50 55,144.50 $5,101.50 i ULTI.6AY 8WC DOCK 2ND 51{71.33 }571456.65 51.5?133 St,g71.33 151;7E.33 51,571.33 _� 61.571,33 REFRESH i I j j S S S $ s S S s S S S j5 S IS s S S S ;5 f S I i 5105,285.01 5211057.01 $21,057.01 i 52f,U57.01 $21,057:03 s2i,957.01 Talar: ems►, AW dh A:C.0 We Ld: d t AXON ENTERPMSE, INC. 32 24 —.�_— Imlementnfian Aestriplion Qfv. [Jail Cost Total One Time Cost Tca[ng 5o SD IkpluymenbinstalEation So So Training So So l�xulnu;[a[iun So so Other–Uarribe So ----- So s I S i5 5 S 5 S 5 5 S !S S jS 3 S So Total: 0of M.1-4daev RVP 11-17 M t Pdirc Bcds%V.-C.— Aprw.M,A:Cai Nark%hW J 33 AXON ENTERPRISE. INC. 25 --—--——------- Ort-Going Support Description Qkv. Unit Total Onc 1 Year 1 7--Y, Year.1 fear Year r5 I'll Cost Time Cost Maintenance flienallce '11wril"... Maintenance Cost cost cost cost cot Yearly supporl Vlw so so i so S4 so so COsd Per User Licase �ubscripli 50 so so $0 so so i so LiceRm T)Te: 'Nee,r 0� Pcrrwt ua' F1.6 Sub,criplik'n jkvice Wj=,ty-EXT ->4 5329.04 $11,153-16 1 S S S S S ,'A'ARRANTY,CAMERA TAFq it 6T WARRANTY.CAMERA 5328.04 1328.04 1 S S $ S S APt Spare XT WARRANTY,PAUJI- 5717.20 S S S $ AY DOCK(TAP) $ 5 5 S $ S S IS S $ S $ 515.067.85 S3.013.57 13,013.57 53,013.57 $3,013.57 $3,013.57 Total: f Total Derscripdan Total One Time Cost Year I Cat Year 2 Cost Year 3 Cost i Year 4 Cost Year 5 Cost S255-%2.76 cit)arwiniffSpriM:RFP tl-nMT P.H.RAI,I%— AKw.dhA:CstW-L" 4 AXON ENTERPRISE, INC. 34 26 — --- —— - - SEu5,213.5,01 5?1,057.01 SIE.057.AI :521,0:7.0[ j s?1,057.0[ S21A57.01 Recommended i Hardware cog 50 50 s0 so E So s0 Im lemcntamin Cent 515,06715 53,01357 53.013.57 S3,013.57 S3,01357 53.013.57 Ongoing Support CWt Sn so so 50 SO s0 Ocher•1lescdbe i S 5 S S S S 5 S S 'S 5 5 S S s s S S jS s 5 5 s S S--— S s 5 S S S s S s 5376,00090 S75.200.18 5,200.18 $75,200.18 $75.200.18 T52DO.18 Total' CA)sr W'iAt.sprinpr:HFP 11-22 MT NN't Bed}VYsn Csmenb .SPPradh.l:Cwt Wo44rm 6 35 AXON ENTERPRISE, INC. 27 Axon Enterprise,Inc 0-4109544023 4i STM 1780 N 85th SL Scd tsda�-.Anzwa 85255 llrked States y VAT.M741217 Ires x:1800197&2737 Irxenternatiaral,*1.800.9781737 Aaax111Nx 145371 Payment Terms:W llekeyy Wr*d. SHIP TO BILL TO SALES REPRESENTATIVE PRIMARY CONTACT ➢e'irxry,knoce-3Ctt N!Aces Rd Wrw Swqs Pdrx W-FL Ted Wye na LW Trarht 300 N Mm Rd 3%N Nass Rd PIM Phorw(47)327,M7 Wvo Spa-ics.FL 327*2510 Wmler S.,,xxlgs,FL 32738-2510 ErrW trrkgtrraij5_9xoa car, €mad:m8a.,t 4searsprmgsAs VSA VSA Fax Fax:t407}327-6652 Era' Payment Summary Dale Subtotal Tax Total Dec 2022 S7520015 $0,00 575,200.18 0%2023 575.M15 $0;�0 $75.20016 Dec 2024 575.200.18 S0,0 $75200.18 Dec 2025 $?5,200.18 SOHO 575.200.18 Dec 2025 575.200 18 50,x? $75.200.18 Total 5376,000.50 $0.00 $376100D.90 000*1� Page 1 Q410&45403.61STM �w AXON ENTERPRISE, INC. 36 28 .+mftl Quote List Price: $421,770.00 Quote Subtotal: $376.000.90 Pricing All deliverables are detailed in Delivery Schedules section lower in proposal Item Description Tenn Qty List Price met Price Subtotal Tax Total A83 Camera Bundle 13242 AXON BODY 3-NA10-US•R!K•RAPIOLOCK 34 S699.D0 $599,00 $23,766.03 SON $23765.00 11534 US34%USS-A ME FOR A83 OR FLEX 2 3s S20 59.00 50.03 50.00 $0.03 74020 MAGNET MOUNT,FLEXIBLE,AXONRAPIOLOCK 3B $3.00 S000 SDAB 50-00 $030 732@2 AXON BODY 3•NA10-US•BILK•RAPiDLOCK 1 SO00 50.00 $o m 50.00 $0 00 A63 Mufti Bay DmIt Bundle 71619 NORTH At ER POWER CORD FOR.4S3 8-RAY.AB21-BAY; 5 50.00 S0,00 SG.O@ 59.E $G 30 6-BAY DOCK 74210 AXON BODY 3.8 BAY DOCK 5 SI 495.00 $1,495.00 $7,475,00 50.010 57.475.30 2921 Unlimited 7+Bundle 73973 REDACTION ASSISTANT USER LICENSE 60m 34 5540.00 $516.45 $17,559.30 SC.00 $17,559.30 73688 MULT14 AY BWC DOCK 2ND REFRESH 5 51.64300 $1,57133 57.856-65 50.00 57.85885 73314 AXON CAMERA REFRESH TWO 35 $768.00 S734.50 525,707.50 50.000 525.707,50 73689 MULT3•BAYBWCDOCK IST REFRESH 5 $1,581.00 51,51585 $7,579.30 SO.W $7.57933 73309 AXON CAMERA REFRESH ONE 35 5741,09 5708.6E $24.833.80 50,00 524.80330 75015 SIGNAL SIDEARM K17 34 $249.00 $23814 59.09676 $000 $8.09676 71044 BATTERY,SIGNAL SIDEAR61,CR2430SINGLE PACK 88 $1,00 $0% 56528 $0,00 565.28 73618 CITIZEN FOR COMMUNmESUSER UCENSE 60M 34 5540,00 $516.45 $17,559.30 50.00 $17,559.30 8045$ EXT WARRANTY.CAMERA{TAP) 49m I 5343,00 $328.04 $328.04 50.00 5328.04 80464 EXT WARRANTY,CAMERA{TAP) 49m 34 $34307 5328.04 S11.153.36 50.00 $11.153-36 60465 EXT WARRANTY.MULTPBAY DOCK{7AP) s0m 5 SM 00 $717.29 53.55645 sow $3,586.45 73680 RESPOND DEVICE PLUS LICENSE 60m i 34 $1,140.00 $1.090.27 537,069.$8 $000 537,069.18 73682 AUTO TAGGING LICENSE $Om 34 5540.00 $516.45 517559.30 $0,00 $17.559.30 73883 10 GR EVIDENCE.COM A4A-CART STORAGE 600 340 32440 S22.95 S7 603.0 $0,00 $7,803:30 73686 EoDENCE.COM UNLIMITED AXON DEVICE STORAGE firm i 34 S 1.440.00 51.377.19 546.824.46 sow 546.824.46 73739 PERFORMANCE LICENSE 60m 34 55x-0.00 $S16,45 517,559.30 50,00 511,559.30 73746 PROFESSIONAL EVIDENCE COM LICENSE aOm 34 52.340.D0 52,237,93 $76,089,62 SOCA 576,089.62 11642 THIRI}PARTYVIDEO SUPPORT LICENSE firm 34 5540,00 $51645 $17,559,30 S0.00 317,559.30 Basic License Bundle 73683 $DGS PA3ENCE.COM A-LA-CART STORAGE 600m 21 $0.90 50 DO 50.00 Solo $000 738:0 EVIDENCE.COMBASIC LICENSE 60m 2} 5900.03 $0,00 $0,00 SD.00 $0.00 Pro License Bundle 7374E PROFESSIONAL EVIDENCE.COMLICENSE firm 3 $2,340.00 5000 59,00 59.00 50,30 7.1663 10 GB EVIDENGE.COM A-tA•CART STORAGE 60M 9 50.00 $0 DO 50.00 S0.00 $0.00 Individual Items 65144 AXON STARTER 1 S4 725,0@ $D A7 $9.00 $0.W 50.00 Total 33TG as9s0 $0.00 $3400,90 PW 2 Q410$154013.6t5TAt 37 AXON ENTERPRISE, INC. 29 Delivery Schedule Hardware Bundle Item Description QTY EstimatedDetiveryDate 2021 UphnILW'+Bundle 71044 BATTERY,SIGNAL SIDEARM.CR2430 SINGLE PACK 68 11.1012022 2021 UplinIed 7+Bundle 75015 SIGNAL SIDEARM KIT 34 11)01022 A23 Camera Burdle 1153d USB C to USB-A CABLE FOR AB3 DR FLEX 2 38 t 1101'2022 AB3 Camera Bundle 732412 AXON BODY 3•NA10.US•BLK•RA?IDLOCK 34 1110112021 AB3Camera Bundle 732¢2 AXON BODY 3-KA10.US-BLK-RQ04I 1 1110112022 A83 Camra B1tlde 74020 MAGNET MOJN7,FLEXIBLE,AXON RAPICLOCX 35 11..100M A83 Mdt Bay Wdi Ewe* 71019 NORTH AMER PCr VER CORD FOR AB3"AY.A821-BAY r 6BAY DOCK 5 11.012022 A83 Mit Bay Deck guidle 74210 AXON BODY 3-B SAY DOCK 5 1440112022 2021 Udebmeed 7+&nde 73339 AXON CAMERA REFRESH ONE 35 0"1025 2021 Unlimited?+BLnde 73689 MULTI-BAYBIYC DOCK 157 REFRESH 5 05+01025 2021Unnrr&ed7+BLrde 73314 AXON CAMERA REFRESH TWO 35 11N1x2027 2021Unkmited7-BLnde 73x"85 MULTI-BAY BAC COCK 2NDREFRESH 5 11,01!2027 Software Bundle Item Description QTY Estimated Start Date Estimated End Date 2021 Awed 7F BLnde 73478 REDACTION ASSISTANT USER LICENSE 34 1201,2022 11112027 MIViOrr4ed?+BLnde 73618 CITIZEN FOR COAAWNITIES USER LICENSE 34 12'0112022 11012027 2021 IJnkmiled 7+&j& 7_16,10 RESPOND DEVICE PLUS L4CENSE 34 12111x7022 111,12027 2021 Ranted 7*Bundle 13462 AUTO iAGGLNG LICENSE 34 127112022 11302027 2021Ur1&mited7-Bundle, 73383 10 GB EVIDENCE COP A-LACARTS76RAGE 340 127T,2022 110.7027 2021 Un rmW 7+BLnde M96 EV DENCE,COM UNLIMITED AXON DE410E STCIIA% 34 017022 11.r302027 2021 Un16m Tk Burde 73739 PEPPORAIANCE LICENSE 34 12'913022 14102027 2021 Un1"srri ed'+Bi.nde 73746 PROFESSIONAL EVIDENCE.COM LICENSE 34 12'01120-12 11!30:2027 Basic Leerse Bundle 73683 10 GB EVIDENCE.COM AdA CART STORAGE 21 12/0112022 11130.2027 Base LEerseBorde 73540 EV:DENCE.COMEASIC LICENSE 21 1210112022 1630:7027 Pro Lrtpu Bur& 730 10 GB EVIDENCE COM A-LA.CART STORAGE 9 12'092022 11.30:7077 Nf:LanseBur& 73746 PROFESSIONAL EVIDENCE.COM LICENSE 3 12`01:2022 16302027 Services �. Bundle Ilam 'Description QTY 42 721'Mriled?+Blnde 11642 THiRO-aARTYNDEOSUPPORT LICENSE 37 A le Cane 85144 AXON STARTER 1 Warranties Borullt Item Description QTY Estimated Skirt Date Estimated End Date 2021UAniled7,BLade VA65 EXT WARRANTY,FAULTI-BAYDOCK[TAP) 5 1210'x2022 11302027 2021 Un6m&W,,SLnde SCA64 EX7 WARRANTY,CAMERA(TAPI 34 11'0',2023 11,302027 2021 Unlimited?+Bore SC464 EXT WARRANTY.CAMERA(TAP5 I 11;0'12023 111301027 Page 3 Q41084544893.81 STN AXON ENTERPRISE, INC. 38 30 Payment Details Doc 2022 Invoice Plan Nem Description Qty Subtotal Tax Total 1 +1534' USBCtoUSB-A CABLE FOR AB3 OR FLEX 2 38 SHOO $000 $0.130 1 1.1642 THIRD-PARTI'VIDEO SJPPORTLICENSE 34 S3.511-65 SON $3,514.86 71019 NORTH AMER POWER CORD FOR AB3 8-BAY,AB2 I-BAY 16-EAY DOCK 5 S3.0 SO,00 SON 1 71044 BATTERY.SIGNAL SIDEARM,CR241051NGLEPACK 66 513.06 S000 $13.06 1 73202 AXON BODY3-NA 10-US•BLK-RAP CLOCK 34 $4,753.20 $0.00 $4,75320 1 73202 AXON EDDY 3-NASO-US•3LK-RAPIDLOCK SOo 5000 $001 1 113tH AXON CAMERA REFRESH ONE 35 54.96075 $0.00 54,96075 1 73310 AKON CAMERA REFRESH TWO 35 55.361.57 $OPA 55.141.59 1 73476 REDACTION ASSISTANT USER LICENSE s 53.511.86 $300 $3.51185 1 73615 OWEN FOR COMINNITIES USER LICENSE 34 5351186 $0.00 $3.511,66 1 73680 RESPOND DEVICE PLUS LICENSE 34 57,413.91 $0.00 57,413.84 1 73682 AUTD TAGGING L{,IENSE 34 53 511 86 $0,00 5351186 1 73653 10 GS E41DENCE.COM k-LAZART STORAGE 340 $156060 SO 00 Si 5E060 1 73663 10 08 E4IDENCE COM 4-LA-CART STORAGE 9 $a 00 SON saw 1 73663 10 GB EVIDENCE COLI W-CART STORAGE 21 50.56 SO.00 SOHO 1 73666 E'ADENCE,COM UNLOdTED AXON DEVICESTORAGE 34 $9,36481 Soon 59.364.89 1 73586 WLT1•BAYBWCDOCK 2ND REFRESH 5 $1.57133 $0% SI,S7133 1 7VA.4 MULT141kYB'NCDOCK ISTREFRESH 5 $1.515.66 56.60 $1,51569 l 73739 PERFORWICELICENS€ 34 53511.66 50.00 $3,511.65 I 73746 PROFESSONALEVIDENCE-COAL LICENSE 34 $15217.92 WOO 515.217.92 1 73745 PROFESSIONAL FADENCECOM LICENSE 3 SON S0.00 SO.DO I 73840 EVIDENCE,COM BASIC LICENSE 21 $0.00 9.00 SO.00 I 74020 RAGNET MOUNT,FLEXIBLE,AXON RAPIOLOCK 38 $9,00 50.00 $OW I 74210 AXON BODY 3-8 BAY DOCK 5 $1;19500 SO 00 S1.49500 I 75015 SIGNAL SIDEARM KIT 34 51.819..35 50.00 51.619.95 t 80464 W WARRANTY,CAMERA ITAPI 34 $2230.67 $0.00 52.23057 1 80464 EKTWARRANTY,CAMERA{TAP) 1 56561 50.E S6"1 t 80465 EXT WARRANTY,MULTI-BAY DOCK ITAP) 5 $71729 50.00 $71729 1 85145 AXON STARTER 1 SO,OD $0.00 5004 Total $75,200.18 50.00 $75,200.18 Dec 2023 Invoice Plan Nem Description Qty Subtotal Tax 'Total 2 11534 06-CtaOSB-A CABLE FOR AB3ORFLEX 2 38 5000 5000 so 00 2 11042 THIRD-PARTY VIDEO SUPPORT LICENSE 34 $3.511.66 $0,00 $3.511,85 2 71019 NORTH AMER POWER CORD FOR A83 8-BAY.AB2 I-BAY f&BAY DOCK 5 %00 $0.00 SOO+3 2 71044 BATTERY.SIGNAL SIDEARM CR243DSINGLEPACK 68 $1306 $0.00 51303 2 73202 AXON BCDY3.NA10-U5-5LK-RAPIDLOCK 34 54.751.20 $0.00 54.75339 2 73202 AXON BODY 3-NA10-US-SLK-RAPIDLOCK 4 0.0D 10,00 $009 2 73YA AXON CAMERA REFRESH ONE 35 S4,%0.16 SO_GO 54.900.76 2 73310 AXON CAMERA REFRESHTNO 35 55,141.50 50.00 S5.'.-01.50 2 7347E REDACTION ASSISTANT USER LICENSE 34 53,51186 56.00 $3.511.86 Page 4 0:410845-44393.615TM 39 AXON ENTERPRISE, INC. 31 Dec 2023 Invoice Plan Mem DwOpBon Gly Sllblolal Tax Total 2 73818 CITIZEN FOR CD$MMUES USER LICENSE 34 $3.511.86 $D DO $3.511.86 2 73689 RESPOND DEVICE PLUS LICENSE 34 $7,413.84 54.00 $7,413.84 2 73652 AUTO TAGGING LICENSE 34 $351tA8 $9.4700 $3,51185 2 738P3 10 GR EMDENCECOM A LkCART STORAGE 349 51.569.60 $0.00 $1,580,60 2 73M5 10 GS EADENCE.COM 44-kCART STORAGE. 9 $0.99 5o.00 $0.03 2 73683 10 08 E4ADENCECOR'ALA-CART STORAGE 21 $000 SO.OQ S0.00 2 73666 EVICENCE.CGM UNUM.TED AXCN DEVICE STORAGE 34 $9,364.89 $0.00 $9,384.89 2 73688 AA1LT1-BAYBWCDOCK MREFRESH 5 $1$1133 $0.00 $1,573.:13 2 7300 MULTFSAY&TCDOCK IST_REFRESH 5 $1.515.86 $0.% 51.515.88 2 7734 PERFORMANCE LICENSE 34 $3.51186 SO09 $351186 2 73746 PRDFESSItk4LEADME.C(NLICENSE 34 515,217.92 SOM $15217.92 2 73746 PROFESSIONAL ETDENCECOM LICENSE 3 50,00 50,00 $9.00 2 73849 E'ADENCE.COM BASIC LICENSE 21 $0,00 'Ri.00 $9.09 2 74720 MAGNET MOUNT.FLEXIBLE.AXONRAPiD'.00K 38 50 DD 50.00 $0.W 2 74210 AXON BODY3.8 BAYDOCK 5 $14950O Wo 51495.09 2 75315 SIGNAL SIDEARM KIT 34 $1,619.35 59.00 51819.35 2 6446° EXT WARRANTY,CAMERAITAP) 34 $2230.67 SOA3 52.23967 2 60464 EXT WARRANTY,CAMERA ITAP) 1 $65,61 $0.00 $6561 2 60465 EXT WARRANTY.MULTI-BAY DOCKJAP) 5 $717.29 $0-00 571739 2 65144 AXON STARTER 1 $0.00 50.00 $0,00 Total $75,200.18 $9.90 $75,!00.18 Dec 2024 InvolcaPlan nem Description Qty Subtotal Talc Total 3 11534 US&C to USB-A CABLE FOR A-93 OR FLEX 2 38 $0.00 50,00 $0.00 3 11642 THIRD-PARTY VIDEO SUPPORT LICENSE 34 53511.86 SOHO 53,511.66 1 71419 NORTH AMER POWER CORD FOR AB3 MAY.AB2 I-BAY i6-BAY DOCK 5 50.90 $0,09 50.00 3 71044 BATTERY,SIGNALRDFARM.CR2430 SINGlF PACK 86 $1308 $9.00 $13-06 3 73202 AKON BODY 3-NA10-US-ELK-RAPiDLOCK 34 $4,7532D S000 $4,753.20 3 73207 AXON BODY 3-NAIO-US-ELK-RANDLOCK 3 50.00 50.00 $6.63 3 73309 AXON CAMERA REFRESH ONE 35 5496018 SOAO $4,966.76 3 73310 AAM CAMERA REFRESH M 35 $5,14150 $0 OO $5,141.50 3 73476 REDACTION ASSISTANT USER LICENSE 34 $3,51186 50.00 53511.86 3 73518 CITIZEN FOR COMMUNITIES USER LICENSE 34 53,511.86 50.00 $3,511.86 3 73680 RESPOND DEVICE PLLIS LICENSE 34 $7,413.84 SO:OO $7,41384 3 73682 AUTO TAGGNNGLICENSE 34 S351386 50.60 53,511.86 . � 3 7M 10 GIISADENCE.COMALA-CART$TOR.AGE 340 51.56060 $0-00 $1,569.60 3 7683 10 GB€14DENCE.COM ALA-CART STORAGE 9 $a m SO.00 SI 3 731183 10 GB EVIDENCE.COM ALACART STORAGE 21 50.03 50.00 $0.00 3 73686 EvIDENCE.COMUNLIA9ITEDAXON DEVICE STORAGE 34 $9364.69 591510 $9,36489 3 736M PAULTHBAYMCDOCK MREFRESH 5 51.$TIM $0.00 $1,571.33 3 73889 MULTHBAYBWCDOCK tSTREFRESH 5 $1.51586 $0.10 S1.515.86 3 3739 PERFOMAANCE LICENSE 34 53.511 B6 $000 $3.511.86 3 73746 PROFESSIONAL FADENCECOMLICENSE 34 $1511792 5900 515.217,92 3 71746 PROFESSIONAL VADENCE.COM LICENSE 3 $0.00 $0.00 $9.00 3 73849 EAMCECOMBASICLICE4SE 21 59,00 $9.06 50.0103 Page 5 0-4106M5-"B93,8t5T51 AXON ENTERPRISE, INC. 40 32 Doc 2024 Invoice Plan Item aeeeeription a1 Subtotal Tax Total 3 74,20 MAGNET MULINT.FLEXIBLE.AXON RAPIMOCK 3E S700 5000 $0.00 3 74210 AXON BODY 3-B BAY DOCK 5 $1.495.00 $0.0(1 SS 4195.00 3 T5015 SIGNAL SIDEARM KIT 34 $1.619.35 50.00 $1.519,35 3 50464 EXT WARRANTY,CAMERAITAP) 34 $2.239-67 $0.00 52,236.57 3 84561 EXT WAR.RANTY..CAMERA(TAP) 1 $65,51 50.00 0.81 3 80485 EXT WARRANTY,MULTC-BAY DOCK ITAP) 5 $717.29 50.00 571729 3 85144 AXON STARTER 1 Y7 00 50.00 50.00 Total 575200.18 54-04 S7S,2oo.16 Dec 2025 Invoice Plan flan Descriplion Qty Subtotal Tax ToW 4 11534 USBC to USB-A CABLE FOR A93 OR FLEX 2 35 50.00 50.00 $0.00 4 11642 THkRDPARTYVIDEOSUPPORT LICENSE 34 S3,511 SS 54.1X4 S3.51T86 4 71059 NORTH AMER POWER OORD FOR AB3 6-A.Y.A82141AY 1&DAY DDCK 5 50..30 5090 $0.03 71044 BATTERY.SIGNAL SXIEARNI.CR24Y7SiNC�1,EPACK 58 SS3% 50.43 S130S 73202 AXON BODY 3,NA10•US•ELK•RAPIOLOCK 34 $4.75326 $0.03 54.75329 4 -3202 AXON BODY 3-NASD-US•ELK•RAP10LOCK I Sm 54,00 5900 4 73309 AXON CAMERA REFRESH ONE 35 $4,960.76 50.00 $4,9110.76 4 73310 AXON C44ERAREFRESH TWO 35 $5.141.50 50.00 $5.141.50 4 73478 REDACTION ASSISTANT USER LICENSE 34 53,511.96 $4-00 $3.5S1.so 4 ;3618 CITIZEN FOR COMA4UNITIESUSERUUEN$F 34 $3,511.88 5700 S3.511 86 d 73680 RESPOND DE4ICEPLUS LICENSE 34 $7413.84 3.7.43 57413.84 4 73,42 AUTO TAGGING LICENSE 34 $3,511.86 $0.07 $3.511.886 4 7388;1 10 GB ELIDENCE.COM A-LAZART STORAGE 340 SI 560 60 50.00 $1,%060 4 73683 10 GB EVIDENCE.COM A-LA-CART STORAGE 9 $0.00 53,4C 50,00 4 73687 10 GB EVIDENCE.CCM A-LA-CART STORAGE 21 50.00 sox 50.00 4 7385 EVIDENCE.COM UNLIMITED AXON DEVICE STORAGE 34 E9.364.89 $4.00 $9.354.89 4 MULTI-BAY BWC DOCK 2ND REFRESH 5 $1,57133 $0 00 51,571.33 4 73689 MULTI-SAY B45r;,DOCK IST REFRESH S S1.51586 50.40 $1,515.86 4 73739 PERFORMANCE LICENSE 34 53511.86 $0.03 $3,51186 4 73746 PROFESSbMAL aIDENCECOM LICENSE 34 515217.92 $0.00 SSS21792 4 73746 PROFESSIONAL EVIDENCE COM LICENSE 3 $0,00 $0,00 54.00 4 73840 EVIOENCE.COM BASIC LICENSE 21 SO DO $02 $0.00 4 84020 MAGNET MOUNT,FLEXIBLE,AXON RAPIDLOCK 313 $0.90 $0.09 50,04 4 74210 AXON BODY 3.8DAYDOCK 5 SIA95,00 $0,00 $1,49500 4 7:015 SIGNAL SIDEARM KIT 34 31,619.35 50.90 $1,61935 50464 EXT WARRANTY.CAMERA(TAP) 34 52230,67 50,00 $2.230.87 �\ 4 S178a EXT WARRANT!.CAMERA(TAP) 1 $65.61 $0,47 565.$1 4 &1155 EXTWARRANTY,MULTI-BAY DOCK ITAPI 5 S71T29 SO.DD $717.29 s 85144 AXON STARTER I so DO $0-00 so CG Total 1176.140.16 Moo STS 200.15 Dec 2026 Invoice Plan Mope Dmdpbn Qty Subtotal Tax TAM 4 11642 THIRD-PARTY VIDEO SUPPORT LICENSE 34 53.511.96 $0.00 $3,5fT.86 Page 6 041464S44893.615TM 41 AXON ENTERPRISE. INC. 33 Dec 2326 Invoice Plan Bem Description 4]ry s0#tow Tax Total 4 73309 AXON CAMERA REFRESH13NE 35 54.960.76 $0.00 S1,9E0.75 4 73310 AXON CAMERA REFRESH TWO 35 55.141,50 $0,00 55.141,50 4 73478 REDACTION ASSTS€ANT USER LICENSE 34 $3.511.86 50.00 53.511.86 4 13618 CITIZEN FOR COMMUNITIES USER LICENSE 34 53.51136 $coo 53.571.E 73680 RESPUN00EVIaPLUS LICENSE 34 $7.41362 $0.00 $7,413.82 4 73682 AUTO TAGGING LICENSE 34 $3511.66 Wbo $3,511,66 4 73587 10 GS EVIDENCE COM A-LA CART STORAGE 340 51.560.60 $0.00 51.560.50 4 :3623 10 GB e4DENCE.COM A-LAV RT STORAGE 9 $0.00 $0.00 50-00 a 73683 10 G8 EIADENCE-COM A-LA-CART STORAGE 21 $0.00 $000 $too 4 13685 EVIDENCE.COMUNLIMITEDAACNDEVICE STORAGE 34 $9,364,90 50.00 $9,364.90 4 73686 MULTI-BAYBWC DOCK MREFRESH 5 51571,33 $0.00 $1,57133 4 73683 MULTI-BAY SWC DOCKISTREFRESH 5 51.51586 $000 $1,515.86 4 737.79 PERFORMANCE LICENSE 34 $3.111,86 $000 $3511.36 4 73745 PROFESSIONAL EVIDENCE COM LICENSE 34 $15,117.94 $(I,00 $15.217.94 4 73746 PROFESSIONAL EVIDENCE.COMLICENSE 3 50.00 50.00 $0.00 4 73840 EVIDENCE.COM BASK:LICENSE 21 $0 DO 50.00 $0.00 50x64 EXT WARWM,CAMERA(TAP) 34 $223068 $aw $2210.66 4 80464 EXT WARRANTY,CAMERA(TAP) 1 $6560 $0,00 565.60 4 W415 EXT WARRANTY,NULTFBAYDOCK(TAP) 5 $717.29 $0.00 S717.29 4 85144 AXON STARTER 1 5000 50.00 SC.00 5 11534 USM to USB-A CABLE FOR A63 OR FLEX 2 38 $9.00 50 00 54.00 5 71019 NORTH AMER POWER CORD FOR A63 MAY,A821-BAY 16-BAY DOCK 5 so Do 50DO50.00 5 71044 BATTERY,SIGNAL SIDEARM,CR2430 SINGLE PACK 68 $13,04 $0.00 $13.04 5 73202 AXON BODY 3-NA10.US-BLK-RAPIDLOCK 34 54.75320 $0,00 $4.753.20 5 73202 AXON 800Y3-NA70-US-5LK-RAPIDLOCK 1 so DO $0.00 $6.00 1 74020 MAGNET MOUNT.FLEXIBLE.,AXON RAPID.00K 38 50.00 50.00 $0.00 5 74210 AXON BODY 3-3 BAY DOCK 5 $1,445.00 50.00 $1 A45.00 5 75815 SIGNAL SIDEARLI KIT 34 $161936 50.00 $1,61936 Total 575200.18 10.08 175,200.18 Page i 0-410845-44893.615TM AXON ENTERPRISE, INC. 42 34 ems. Taxis estimated based on rates applicable at date of quote and subject to change at time of invoicing.If a tax exemption certificate should be applied,please submit prior to invoicing. Contract Seurcewell Contract 401 07213-AXN is incorporated by referenda inlothe terms and conditions of this Agreement.th the event of conflict the temis of Axon's Master Serv+ces and Purchasing Agreement shall govem, Standard Terms and Conditions Axon Enterprise Inc.Sales Terms and Conditions Axon Master Services and Purchasing Agreement: This Quote is limited to and conditional upon your acceptance of the provisions set forth herein and Axon's Master Services and Purchasing Agreement (posted at wvrw.axon.comnegalisales terms andsondit ons),as well as the attached Statement of Fork(SOW)for Axon Fleet andfor Aaron Interview Room purchase,if appfcabie.In the event you and Axon have entered into a prior agreemernt to govern all future purchases,that agreement shall govern to the extent it includes the products and services Ding purchased and does not conflict with the Axon Customer Experience Improvement Program Appendix as described below. ACEIP: The Axon Customer Experience Improvement Program Appendix,which includes the sharing of de-identified segments of Agency Content with Axon to develop new products and improve your product experience(posted at www.axon.cemalegallsaies-termsand-conditions),is incorporated herein by reference.By signing below,you agree to the terms of the Axon Customer Experience Improvement Program. Acceptance of Terms: Any purchase order issued in response to this Quote is subject solely to the above referenced terms and conditions.By signing below,you represent that you are lavrfully able to enter into contracts.If you are signing on behalf of an entity(including but not limited to the company,municipality,or govemment agency for whom you work),you represent to Axon that you have legal authority to bind that entity.If you do not have this authority,please do rat sign this Quote. Page It 0-410845-44591.615TM 43 AXON ENTERPRISE, INC. 35 ------------ Signature Date Signed „I2&M Page 9 041OU544993.615ThE opmkk AXON ENTERPRISE, INC. 44 36 d City of Winter Springs,Florida 1126 East State Road 434 cfl�a�4r,«a Winter Springs,Florida 32708 1959 REQUEST FOR PROPOSALS PROPOSAL#:11-22 MT DATE: 11/16/2022 Sealed proposals will be received by the City of Winter Springs Finance Department,located at Winter Springs City Hall, 1126 East State Road 434,Winter Springs,Florida 32708,until: December 1,2022 3:00 p.m.,local time FOR POLICE BODY WORN CAMERAS Said proposals shall conform to the minimum requirements outlined in the request for proposal.The City reserves the right to reject any and all offers,and to waive minor informalities. The City issues this Request for Proposals in order to select a proposal for further contract negotiation. Selection by the City Commission shall not result in the formation of a contract. Submission and Receipt of RFP's: Respondents shall submit their response to this RFP by: Providing one(1)original,marked as such,three(3)copies,marked as such and one(1)electronic copy of your RFP to this office by the date and time indicated above.The outside of your package must be clearly labeled with the RFP number,title,opening date and time,and the name and address of the proposer.The City is not responsible for submittals via postal or mail courier services,receipt by the post office or mail courier prior to the deadline does not meet the City's deadline requirements. Offers received after December 1,2022,at 3:00 p.m.,will be rejected. Deadline for questions is November 26,2022. An addendum will be issued by noon on November 28,2022,if questions are received and require clarification. If you have any questions regarding this Request for Proposal,please contact Scott Johnson,Procurement Manager, at(407)327-7581,or via email at siohnson&winterspringsfl.org PROPOSAL AND ADDENDUM DOCUMENTS CAN BE DOWNLOADED FREE OF CHARGE FROM: www.demandstar.com http s://www.wintersp rin2sfl.o rg/rfp s 37 Request for Proposal Table of Contents PART I SCOPE OF WORK/EVALUATION CRITERIA......................................................................................................................................1 Background..........................................................................................................................................................................................................1 Scopeof Work.....................................................................................................................................................................................................I EvaluationCriteria...............................................................................................................................................................................................1 Periodof Contract................................................................................................................................................................................................2 Optionof Renewal...............................................................................................................................................................................................2 Timelineof Events...............................................................................................................................................................................................2 PART II INSTRUCTIONS TO PROPOSERS AND GENERAL PROVISIONS...................................................................................................3 Definitions...........................................................................................................................................................................................................3 Preparationof Request for Proposal....................................................................................................................................................................3 Submissionand Receipt of Proposals..................................................................................................................................................................4 Selectionof Proposal...........................................................................................................................................................................................4 Acceptanceof Offer.............................................................................................................................................................................................4 Discrepancies,Errors, and Omissions..................................................................................................................................................................4 Rightto Reject Proposals.....................................................................................................................................................................................5 Compensation......................................................................................................................................................................................................5 FiscalNon-Funding Clause .................................................................................................................................................................................5 Conflictof Interest...............................................................................................................................................................................................5 PublicEntity Crimes............................................................................................................................................................................................5 Options.................................................................................................................................................................................................................5 Subcontracting.....................................................................................................................................................................................................5 Failureto Submit Proposal..................................................................................................................................................................................6 Defaultof Contract..............................................................................................................................................................................................6 Modificationfor Changes....................................................................................................................................................................................6 Orderor Precedence.............................................................................................................................................................................................6 Examinationof Records.......................................................................................................................................................................................6 ProposalsReceived..............................................................................................................................................................................................6 Lobbying/Cone of Silence...................................................................................................................................................................................6 Indemnity.............................................................................................................................................................................................................6 Qualificationsof Proposer...................................................................................................................................................................................7 Disqualificationof Proposer................................................................................................................................................................................7 Licensesand Permits ...........................................................................................................................................................................................7 Provisionsfor Other Agencies.............................................................................................................................................................................7 ApplicableLaw and Venue..................................................................................................................................................................................7 Proposal Disclosure;Public Records Responsibilities.........................................................................................................................................7 E-Verify...............................................................................................................................................................................................................8 AdditionalInformation........................................................................................................................................................................................8 PART III SPECIFIC PROPOSAL REQUIREMENTS.........................................................................................................................................10 Format................................................................................................................................................................................................................ 10 Section A—Proposer Information Form............................................................................................................................................................10 SectionB—Table of Contents...........................................................................................................................................................................38 SectionC—Introduction Letter.......................................................................................................................................................................... 10 SectionD—Qualifications.................................................................................................................................................................................10 SectionE- Other Information............................................................................................................................................................................ 11 SectionF—Cost and Time.................................................................................................................................................................................11 SectionG—Mandatory Proposal Forms............................................................................................................................................................11 SectionH—Florida State Corporate Filing........................................................................................................................................................1 I MandatoryProposal Forms.................................................................................................................................................................................... 12 AppendixA Cost Proposal Worksheet....................................................................................................................................................................1 39 PART I SCOPE OF WORK/EVALUATION CRITERIA FOR RFP# 11-22 MT POLICE BODY WORN CAMERAS Background The City of Winter Springs is located in Seminole County Florida,which is part of the Orlando-Kissimmee-Sanford Metropolitan Area.The Winter Springs Police Department is responsible for enhancing the quality of life throughout the City of Winter Springs by working cooperatively with all citizens to preserve the peace,enforce the law,and provide for a safe and caring environment.The Winter Springs Police Department employs fifty-five(55)sworn officers and eight(8)civilian positions. Scope of Work The City of Winter Springs is seeking proposals to provide the Winter Springs Police Department with a contract for a commercially available body worn camera(`BWC")solution for public safety use. This is to include body worn cameras,associated peripherals and accessories, cloud-based storage solutions,training,and warranties during the term of the contract.The City is seeking proposals from responsible bidders capable of providing the needed equipment and services.The City expects to purchase approximately thirty-four(34)BWCs as a result of this process.The City may elect or negotiate to purchase more or fewer than thirty-four BWCs,if desirable. The body worn camera(BWC)solution shall have the following capabilities: • Unlimited cloud storage. • Evidence management software. • Technology that allows for handgun and taser automatic activation. • Included camera and hardware replacement every two-and-a-half(2 '/2)to three(3)years,or as necessary. • Redaction software. • Ability to GPS and Livestream remotely for staff reviews. • Ability to migrate or connect to users CAD to tag events/videos. • Ability to integrate with third party video evidence submissions into cloud storage or evidence management software. • Full shift battery life of twelve(12)to fourteen(14)hours. • Rechargeable docks/bays. • Wearable mounting solutions/hardware solutions. • Solution to automate body worn camera for policy reviews and audits. • Five(5)year warranty on all hardware. • Licensing for managing and sharing video evidence. Evaluation Criteria Proposals will be evaluated by the City,and the Proposer will be selected based upon,but not limited to,the following minimum criteria: a. The background,education,and experience of the Proposer in providing similar services or items elsewhere,including the level of experience in working with municipalities and the quality of services performed or items supplied. b. Reasonableness/competitiveness of proposed costs and/or benefits to the City of Winter Springs.The City of Winter Springs is not bound to select the Proposer who proposes the lowest cost or most benefits for service.The City of Winter Springs reserves the right to negotiate fees and/or benefits with the selected Proposer. C. The Proposer's responsiveness and compliance with the RFP requirements and conditions. d. Determination that the selected Proposer has no contractual relationship which would result in a conflict of interest with the City. e. The Proposers ability,capacity,and skill to fully and satisfactorily,provide these services and/or items required in this RFP. f. The quality of the Proposer's performance in comparable and/or similar projects. g. Whether the Proposer can provide the service and/or items in a prompt and timely fashion. h. Quality of proposed contract,including hardware,software and maintenance components for each. RFP 9 11-22 MT POLICE BODY WORN CAMERAS 40 Proposals will be evaluated by the City,and the Proposer will be selected based on,but not limited to,the following scored criteria: Criteria I Points Proposal:The Proposer's comprehension of the needs of the City as demonstrated by the description of its approach to the elements listed in this document. Unlimited Cloud Storage Capabilities 9 Evidence Mana ement&Redaction Software Capabilities 9 Abili to integrate with CAD and Third-Party Video Evidence 9 Full Shift Battery Capability(12—14 Hours)&Rechargeable Dock/Bays 9 Wearable Mounting Solution/Hardware Solution 9 Proposal Total: 45 Cost:The cost of the proposal is important to the City,however,based on the evaluation of the other criteria,the City will not necessarily select the lowest Proposer. See Appendix A;Cost Worksheet. Software 9 Hardware 9 Implementation 9 On-Going Support 9 Licensing 9 Cost Total: 45 References:Evaluation of the Proposer's work from previous municipal governments receiving similar services to those proposed in this RFP. See the Mandatory Proposal Forms,Reference Information Form. Reference 1 2.5 Reference 2 2.5 Reference 3 2.5 References From Florida Law Enforcement Agencies 2.5 Reference Total: 10 Proposal Total: 100 Period of Contract The City anticipates that the term of the contract shall be approximately five(5)years.However,the City reserves the right to negotiate with the Proposer for a contract term of greater or fewer than five(5)years.The Proposer may propose and/or negotiate for a contract term of greater or fewer than five(5)years in order to present the City with the most advantageous available contract price. Option of Renewal The City anticipates that the contract ultimately awarded pursuant to this Request for Proposals may be renewed for up to two(2)additional, five(5)year terms. The City and Proposers may negotiate for different renewal terms prior to the execution of the contract.Renewal will occur only upon the prior written consent of both parties. Timeline of Events Release of RFP November 16,2022 Deadline to receive questions(electronically) November 26,2022 Addendum Released by noon local time November 28,2022 RFP Submittals Due by 3:00 pm local time December 1,2022 RFP Opening 3:15 pm local time December 1,2022 Evaluation Committee Meeting/Selection Meeting: 3:00 pm local time December 5,2022 Possible Selection Committee Meeting to negotiate contract or oral presentations TBD City Commission Approval of Selection and Consideration of Contract: 6:30 pm local time December 12,2022 RFP 9 11-22 MT POLICE BODY WORN CAMERAS 41 PART II INSTRUCTIONS TO PROPOSERS AND GENERAL PROVISIONS FOR 11-22 MT POLICE BODY WORN CAMERAS Definitions(as used herein) a. The term"Request for Proposal"means a solicitation of proposals.The acronym"RFP"means Request for Proposal. b. The term"proposal"means the offer of qualitative evaluations by the proposer. c. The term"professional services"means those services of architects,auditors,dentists,engineers,landscape architects,lawyers, physicians,psychologists,surveyors,and any other professional service as determined by the City. d. The term"proposer"means the person,company,or entity making an offer. e. The term"Change Order"means a written order signed by the Finance Department or authorized representative directing the Proposer to make changes to a contract or purchase order resulting from the RFP. f. The term"City"means the City of Winter Springs,Florida. g. The term"City Commission"means the governing body of the City of Winter Springs.The City Commission is the only body that can award proposals. h. The term"Evaluation Committee"means a team of City staff that will review and rank all proposals and provide a recommendation regarding selection of a proposer to the City Commission. Preparation of Request for Proposal a. Proposers are expected to examine the minimum requirements and all special and general conditions.Omission on the part of the proposer to make the necessary examinations and investigations,or failure to fulfill every detail the requirements of the contract document,will not be accepted as a basis for varying the requirements of the City or the compensation to the Proposer.Failure to properly and fully complete the proposal is at the proposer's risk. The proposer shall sign the Request for Proposal and print or type his/her name,address,and telephone number on the face page. b. The apparent silence of any supplemental minimum requirements as to any details,or the omission from it of a detailed description concerning any point will be regarded as meaning that only the best commercial practices are to prevail.All workmanship is to be first quality.All interpretations of the minimum requirements shall be made upon the basis of this statement. c. Respondents should submit their response to this RFP by: I. Providing one(1)original,marked as such,three(3)copies,marked as such and one(1)electronic copy of your RFP to this office by the date and time indicated. The outside of your package must be clearly labeled with the RFP number,title, opening date and time and the name and address of the Proposer.The City is not responsible for submittals via postal or mail courier services,receipt by the post office or mail courier prior to the deadline does not meet the City's deadline requirements. d. The firm should retain a copy of all documents for future reference. e. All proposals must be signed with the firm name and by an officer or employee having authority to bind the firm by his/her signature as indicated by the Florida Department of State,Division of Corporations(www.sunbiz.org).Proof of corporate signer must be included with the submittal with the proposal.You may use the Sunbiz website screen shot or include a copy of your Corporate Resolution to prove the authority of the corporate signer. f. Failure to follow the instructions in the Request for Proposal is cause for rejection of your offer. RFP 9 11-22 MT POLICE BODY WORN CAMERAS 42 Submission and Receipt of Proposals a. Proposals must be received before the specified time as designated in the RFP.A list of firms who submitted proposals will be furnished,upon request,following opening of the proposals. b. Proposals shall be submitted in a sealed envelope.The envelope shall show the opening date and time,the RFP number,and the name and address of the responder. c. The City of Winter Springs is not responsible for the U.S.Mail or private couriers,in regard to mail being delivered by the specified time so that a proposal can be considered. d. Email and Facsimile(FAX)proposals will not be considered,however,proposals may be modified by email and FAX notice, provided such notices are received prior to the hour and date specified. e. Late proposals will be rejected. f. Proposals having any erasures or corrections must be initialed by the offer or in ink.Proposals shall be signed in ink.All amounts shall be typewritten or completed in ink. g. All Mandatory Proposal Forms must be completed and attached to the proposal. h. All costs of Proposal preparation,inspection of the RFP documents,and presentation of the Proposal shall be solely borne by the Proposer. The City shall not be liable for any cost incurred by the Proposer during the preparation and submission of its Proposal in response to this RFP. Selection of Proposal SELECTION OF THE PROPOSER AND PROPOSAL DEEMED THE MOST QUALIFIED,MOST ADVANTAGEOUS,AND IN THE BEST INTERESTS OF THE CITY,AS DETERMINED IN THE CITY COMMISSION OF THE CITY OF WINTER SPRINGS'S SOLE AND ABSOLUTE DISCRETION,SHALL NOT RESULT IN THE FORMATION OF A CONTRACT. NO CONTRACT SHALL BE FORMED UNTIL FINAL APPROVAL OF SUCH CONTRACT BY THE CITY COMMISSION AFTER SUCCESSFUL NEGOTIATION OF SPECIFIC CONTRACT TERMS DETERMINED TO BE IN THE BEST INTERESTS OF THE CITY BY THE CITY COMMISSION. Negotiations may be terminated at any time by the City Manager or City Commission if,in his or her/its sole discretion,the City Manager OR City Commission determines that the negotiation of terms acceptable to the City will not be successful. Only the City Winter Springs City Commission can select proposals,authorize the City Manager to engage in negotiations,and ultimately enter into a contract. The RFP Selection Committee scores proposals and provides a recommendation for selection.The recommendation may be adopted by the City of Winter Springs,City Commission. After the initial Selection Committee meeting,the Selection Committee may require one or more of the top-ranking Proposers to attend a meeting to make an oral presentation,answer questions,or conduct negotiations with the Proposer. This meeting will be exempt from the requirements of the Sunshine Law in accordance with section 286.0113,Florida Statutes. Proposer(s)will be notified of any further meeting requirements. Acceptance of Offer The signed proposal shall be considered an offer on the part of the proposer; however,such offer shall be deemed accepted only upon issuance by the City of a Purchase Order,Blanket Purchase Order,or execution of another contractual document deemed acceptable to the City. The contract will be awarded to the most responsible and responsive,qualified proposer whose proposal is deemed the most advantageous and in the best interests of the City in accordance with the criteria set forth in this RFP. The City reserves the right to accept or reject any and all proposals or parts of proposals,waive minor informalities,and to request clarification of information from any proposer. Discrepancies,Errors, and Omissions Any discrepancies,errors,or ambiguities in the Request for Proposals or addenda(if any)should be reported in writing to the City's RFP#11-22 MT POLICE BODY WORN CAMERAS 43 Procurement Manager. Should it be found necessary,a written addendum will be incorporated in the Request for Proposals and will become part of the Purchase Agreement(contract documents).The City will not be responsible for any oral instructions,clarifications,or other communications. Right to Reiect Proposals The City reserves the right to reject any or all proposals,and to disregard typographical,mathematical,or obvious errors.The City will not pay costs incurred by any Proposer in the preparation of proposals. Compensation Compensation,which is determined to be fair,competitive,and reasonable,will be considered during the negotiations of a final contract with the selected proposer. Fiscal Non-Funding Clause In the event sufficient budgeted funds are not available for a new fiscal period,the City shall notify the Proposer of such occurrence and any contracts entered into between the City and Proposer shall terminate on the last day of the current fiscal period without penalty or expense to the City. Conflict of Interest Proposer acknowledges and certifies that this Agreement does not violate any ethics provision found in Chapter 112,Florida Statutes,or Chapter 2 of the Code of Ordinances of the City of Winter Springs. The proposer certifies that,to the best of their knowledge or belief,no elected/appointed official or employee of the City of Winter Springs,a spouse thereof or other person residing in the same household,is financially interested,directly or indirectly,in providing the goods or services specified in this proposal.Financial interest includes ownership of more than five percent(5%)of the total assets or capital stock or being an officer,director,manager,partner,proprietor,or agent of the business submitting the proposal or of any subcontractor or supplier thereof providing goods or services in excess of ten percent(10%)of the total proposal amount. Additionally,the proposer,on company letterhead,must divulge at the time of proposal submittal,any relative,other than those already specified,of an elected/appointed official or employee of the City of Winter Springs who has a financial interest,as defined herein,in providing the goods or services specified in the proposal.The City,at its sole discretion,will determine whether a conflict exists and whether to accept or reject the proposal. Public Entity Crimes A person or affiliate who has been placed on the convicted vendor list following a conviction for public entity crime may not submit a proposal on a contract to provide any goods or services to a public entity,may not submit a proposal on a contract with a public entity for the construction or repair of a public building or public work,may not submit proposals on leases of real property to a public entity,may not be awarded or perform work as a contractor,supplier,subcontractor,or consultant under a contract with any public entity,and may not transact business with any public entity in excess of the threshold amount provided in Section 287.017,for CATEGORY TWO for a period of thirty-six (36)months from the date of being placed on the convicted vendor list. Options When the City requests proposals with options regarding the extent of services to be provided,the City requests all proposers to provide a cost breakdown for each option proposed.Although all options may be purchased,some options may not end up being purchased.The City reserves the right to decide,at its discretion,which options shall be purchased. The City reserves the right to engage more than one(1)firm if it is believed that different firms might best serve the City's interests in performing different segments of the work(e.g.,one firm to provide building estimates,and another to provide infrastructure estimates). Subcontracting Where proposers do not have the "in-house"capability to perform work desired in the Request for Proposal,subcontracting may be permitted RFP#11-22 MT POLICE BODY WORN CAMERAS 44 only with prior knowledge and approval of the City.The City must be assured and agree that any proposed subcontractor(s)can perform work of the desired quality and in a timely manner.Therefore,the name(s)of any intended subcontractor(s)should be given in the Proposal. Failure to Submit Proposal If you do not wish to submit a proposal,return the RFP and state the reason therefor;otherwise,your name may be removed from our mailing list. Default of Contract In case of default by the Proposer,the City may procure the services from other sources and hold the proposer responsible for any excess costs occasioned or incurred thereby. Modification for Changes No agreement or understanding to modify this RFP and resultant purchase order or contract shall be binding upon the City unless made in writing by the City of Winter Springs. Order or Precedence In the event of an inconsistency between provisions of the RFP,the inconsistency shall be resolved by giving precedence in the following order: (a)Instructions to Proposers and General Provisions;and(b)the minimum requirements. Examination of Records The proposer shall keep adequate records and supporting documentation applicable to the subject matter of this RFP to include,but not be limited to:records of costs,time worked,working paper and/or accumulations of data,and criteria or standards by which findings or data are measured.Said records and documentation shall be retained by the proposer for a minimum of one(1)year from the date the contract is completed and accepted by the City.If any litigation is initiated before the expiration of the one-year period,the records shall be retained until all litigation,claims,or audit findings involving the records have been resolved,unless otherwise instructed by the City. Should any questions arise concerning this contract,the City and its authorized agents shall have the right to review,inspect,and copy all such records and documentation during the record retention period stated above;provided,however,such activity shall be conducted only during normal business hours and shall be at City expense.Proposers shall be authorized to retain microfilm copies in lieu of original records if they so desire. Any subcontractor(s)employed by a Proposer who is subject to these requirements and the Proposer itself are required to so notify any such subcontractor(s). Proposals Received All proposals received in response to this RFP become the property of the City. Lobbying/Cone of Silence Lobbying is defined as any action taken by an individual,firm,association,joint venture,partnership,syndicate,corporation,and/or all other groups who seek to influence the governmental decision of a City Commission Member,the City Manager,any requesting or evaluating Department/Division/Office personnel and/or any member of the Evaluation Committee concerning an active solicitation during the black-out period. A lobbying black-out period commences upon the issuance of this solicitation document. If an award item is presented to City Commission for approval or for a request to provide authorization to negotiate a Contract(s)and the City Commission refers the item back to the City Manager,Procurement Division and/or requesting Department/Division/Office for further review or otherwise does not act on the item,the Cone of Silence/Lobbying Black-out Period will be reinstated until such time as the City Commission meets to consider the item for action. Bid/proposers,respondents,potential vendors,service providers,lobbyists,consultants,or vendor representatives shall not contact any City Commission member,the City Manager,any requesting or evaluating Division/Department/Office personnel,and/or any member of the Evaluation Committee concerning an active solicitation during the Cone of Silence/Lobbying Black-out Period. Indemnity RFP 9 11-22 MT POLICE BODY WORN CAMERAS 45 The parties recognize that the Proposer is an independent contractor.The Proposer agrees to assume liability for and indemnify,hold harmless, and defend the City,its commissioners,mayor,officers,employees,agents,and attorneys of,from,and against all liability and expense, including reasonable attorney's fees and costs,in connection with any and all claims,demands,damages,actions,causes of action,and suits in equity of whatever kind or nature,including claims for personal injury,property damage,equitable relief,or loss of use,arising out of the execution,performance,nonperformance,or enforcement of the terms and conditions of this Agreement,Invitation for Bid or Request for Proposal,whether or not due to or caused by the negligence of the City,its commissioners,mayor,officers,employees,agents,and attorneys excluding only the sole negligence of the City,its commissioners,mayor,officers,employees,agents,and attorneys.The Proposer's liability hereunder shall include all attorney's fees and costs incurred by the City in the enforcement of this indemnification provision.This includes claims made by the employees of the Proposer against the City. The Proposer hereby waives its entitlement,if any,to immunity under Section 440.11,Florida Statutes.The obligations contained in this provision shall survive termination of this Agreement and shall not be limited by the amount of any insurance required to be obtained or maintained under this Agreement. Oualifications of Proposer A proposer may be required,before the award of any contract,to show to the complete satisfaction of the City that they have the necessary facilities,equipment,ability and financial resources to perform the work in a satisfactory manner within the time specified. Disqualification of Proposer Any or all proposals will be rejected if there is any reason for believing that collusion exists among the proposers,and participants in such collusion will not be considered in future proposals for the same work. Licenses and Permits The Proposer shall secure all licenses and permits and shall comply with all applicable laws,regulations and codes as required by the United States,the State of Florida,or by the City of Winter Springs. The Proposer must fully comply with all Federal and State Laws and County and Municipal Ordinances and Regulations in any manner affecting the performance of the work. Provisions for Other Agencies Unless otherwise stipulated by the Proposer,the Proposer agrees to make available to the Government agencies,departments,and municipalities the prices submitted in accordance with said terms and conditions therein, should any said governmental entity desire to buy under the proposal. Applicable Law and Venue This Agreement shall be governed by,construed and interpreted in accordance with the laws of the State of Florida without regard to the conflicts or choice of law principals thereof.Each of the parties hereto:(a)irrevocably submits itself to the exclusive jurisdiction of the State of Florida,and agree that venue shall lie exclusively in the Eighteenth Judicial Circuit Court in and for Seminole County,Florida for any state court action arising out of this Agreement,and exclusively in the United States District Court for the Middle District of Florida,Orlando Division,for any federal court action arising out of this Agreement;(b)waives and agrees not to assert against any party hereto,by way of motion,as a defense or otherwise,in any suit,action or other proceeding,(i)any claim that it is not personally subject to the jurisdiction of the above-named courts for any reason whatsoever,and(ii)any claim that such suit,action,or proceeding by any party hereto is brought in an inconvenient form or that venue of such suit,action,or proceeding is improper or that this Agreement or the subject matter hereof may not be enforced in or by such courts. Proposal Disclosure; Public Records Responsibilities Florida law provides that municipal records shall, at all times, be open for personal inspection by any person. Section 119.0 1,Florida Statutes et. seq.(the Public Records Law).Unless otherwise provided by the Public Records Law,information and materials received by the City in connection with an RFP response and under any awarded contract shall be deemed to be public records subject to public inspection and/or copying at the end of the statutory exemption time period pursuant to Section 119.071,Florida Statutes.However,certain exemptions to the Public Records Law are statutorily provided for under sections 119.07 and 119.071,Florida Statutes,and other applicable laws.If the Respondent believes any of the information contained in its response is exempt from the Public Records Law,including trade secrets as defined by Florida law,the Respondent must,in its response,specifically identify the material which is deemed to be exempt and cite the legal authority for the exemption;otherwise,the City will treat all materials received as public records. Pursuant to section 119.0701,Florida Statutes,for any tasks performed by Proposer on behalf of the City,Proposer shall:(a)keep and maintain all public records,as that term is defined in chapter 119,Florida Statutes("Public Records"),required by the City to perform the work RFP 9 11-22 MT POLICE BODY WORN CAMERAS 46 contemplated by this Agreement;(b)upon request from the City's custodian of public records,provide the City with a copy of the requested Public Records or allow the Public Records to be inspected or copied within a reasonable time at a cost that does not exceed the costs provided in chapter 119,Florida Statutes,or as otherwise provided by law;(c)ensure that Public Records that are exempt or confidential and exempt from Public Records disclosure requirements are not disclosed except as authorized by law for the duration of the term of this Agreement and following completion or termination of this Agreement,if Proposer does not transfer the records to the City in accordance with(d)below;and (d)upon completion or termination of this Agreement,(i)if the City,in its sole and absolute discretion,requests that all Public Records in possession of Proposer be transferred to the City,Proposer shall transfer,at no cost,to the City,all Public Records in possession of Proposer within thirty(30)days of such request or(ii)if no such request is made by the City,Proposer shall keep and maintain the Public Records required by the City to perform the work contemplated by this Agreement.If Proposer transfers all Public Records to the City pursuant to(d)(i) above,Proposer shall destroy any duplicate Public Records that are exempt or confidential and exempt from Public Records disclosure requirements within thirty(30)days of transferring the Public Records to the City and provide the City with written confirmation that such records have been destroyed within thirty(30)days of transferring the Public Records.If Proposer keeps and maintains Public Records pursuant to(d)(ii)above,Proposer shall meet all applicable requirements for retaining Public Records.All Public Records stored electronically must be provided to the City,upon request from the City's custodian of public records,in a format that is compatible with the information technology of the City.If Proposer does not comply with a Public Records request,or does not comply with a Public Records request within a reasonable amount of time,the City may pursue any and all remedies available in law or equity including,but not limited to,specific performance.The provisions of this section only apply to those tasks in which Proposer is acting on behalf of the City. IF THE PROPOSER HAS QUESTIONS REGARDING THE APPLICATION OF CHAPTER 119,FLORIDA STATUTES,TO THE PROPOSER'S DUTY TO PROVIDE PUBLIC RECORDS RELATING TO THIS CONTRACT, CONTACT THE CUSTODIAN OF PUBLIC RECORDS AT: Telephone number: (407)327-6560 ext. 7003 E-mail address: cityclerkdegartment(a)wintersgrinasfl.ore E-Verify Pursuant to section 448.095,Florida Statutes,beginning January 1,2021,any City contractors shall register with and use the U.S.Department of Homeland Security's E-Verify system,https://e-verify.uscis.gov/emp,to verify the work authorization status of all employees hired on and after January 1,2021.City Contractors must provide evidence of compliance with section 448.095,Florida Statutes.Evidence shall consist of an affidavit from the Contractor stating all employees hired on and after January 1,2021 have had their work authorization status verified through the E-Verify system and a copy of their proof of registration in the E-Verify system.Failure to comply with this provision will be a material breach of the contract,and shall result in the immediate termination of a contract without penalty to the City.The City Contractor shall be liable for all costs incurred by the City securing a replacement contract,including but not limited to,any increased costs for the same services,any costs due to delay,and rebidding costs,if applicable.If the City Contractor utilizes Subcontractors the following shall apply: Contractor shall also require all subcontractors performing work under the Agreement to use the E-Verify system for any employees they may hire during the term of the Agreement. Contractor shall obtain from all such subcontractors an affidavit stating the subcontractor does not employ,contract with,or subcontract with an unauthorized alien,as defined in section 448.095,Florida Statutes.Contractor shall provide a copy of all subcontractor affidavits to the City upon receipt and shall maintain a copy for the duration of the Agreement. Additional Information Additional information may be obtained from the Procurement Manager,(407)327-7581,or from the individual listed on the RFP cover letter. Modification and Withdraw Proposals may not be modified after submittal. Proposals may be withdrawn at any time prior to the deadline.Withdrawal requests shall be made in writing and must be received by the City's Procurement Manager before the time and date stated or as amended for the Proposal Opening.Properly withdrawn Proposals will be returned unopened to the person or firm submitting the Proposal. A Proposer who timely withdraws his Proposal may submit a new Proposal in the same manner as specified herein under"Submission of Proposal".A Proposal submitted in place of a withdrawn Proposal shall be clearly marked as such on the outside of the envelope and on the Bid Form. If a Contract is not awarded within 90 calendar days after opening of Proposals,a Proposer may file a written request with the City's Procurement Manager for the withdrawal of his Proposal. RFP 9 11-22 MT POLICE BODY WORN CAMERAS 47 Prohibition on Gifts to City Employees and Officials No organization or individual shall offer or give,either directly or indirectly,any favor,gift,loan,fee,service or other item of value to any City employee,as set forth in Chapter 112,Part III,Florida Statutes,the current City Ethics Ordinance,and City Administrative Policy. Violation of this provision may result in one or more of the following consequences: a. Prohibition by the individual,firm,and/or any employee of the firm from contact with City staff for a specified period of time; b. Prohibition by the individual and/or firm from doing business with the City for a specified period of time,including but not limited to: submitting bid/proposals,RFP,and/or quotes;and, C. Immediate termination of any contract held by the individual and/or firm for cause. Discrimination An entity or affiliate who has been placed on the discriminatory vendor list may not submit a bid,proposal,or reply on a contract to provide any goods or services to a public entity;may not submit a bid,proposal,or reply on a contract with a public entity for the construction or repair of a public building or public work;may not submit bids,proposals,or replies on leases of real property to a public entity;may not be awarded or perform work as a contractor,supplier,subcontractor,or consultant under a contract with any public entity;and may not transact business with any public entity. RFP 9 11-22 MT POLICE BODY WORN CAMERAS 48 PART III SPECIFIC PROPOSAL REQUIREMENTS For 11-22 MT POLICE BODY WORN CAMERAS Format To assure consistency,proposals must conform to the following format: A. Proposer Information Form B. Table of Contents C. Introduction Letter D. Qualifications E. Other Information F. Cost&Time G. Mandatory Proposal Forms H. Florida State Corporate Filing L Draft Agreement Section A—Proposer Information Form 1. Use the form provided in the Mandatory Proposal Forms titled"PROPOSER INFORMATION FORM". Section B—Table of Contents 1. Identify proposal material by section and page number. Section C —Introduction Letter 1. Suimnarize the key points of the proposal;understanding of the scope of work; signed by an authorized official of the fine. Section D— Qualifications 1. General—Provide general information about the firm,including size,office location(s),and structure of your firm.Identify and explain any significant changes in organizational structure,ownership,or management both firm-wide and within Fixed Income/ Public Finance during the past five(5)years. 2. Finn Experience—Describe the firm's experience with providing municipal governments with commercially available body worn cameras(BWC)solutions. 3. Team Experience—Identify key members of firm's team that will service the City. Identify the primary day-to-day contact for the engagement and their experience.Provide brief resumes for key team members that will service the City as an Appendix. 4. Florida Knowledge—Describe any local,political,economic,legal,or other issues impacting Florida municipalities,specifically those impacting the City. 5. References—Use the form provided in the Mandatory Proposal Forms titled"REFERENCE INFORMATION FORM".Provide three (3)Florida public client references for whom the firm provided similar services within the past three(3)years.For each reference, include the contact person's name,entity,title,address,phone number,and email address. 6. Conclusion—Briefly summarize why your Firm should be selected,including why your Firm is pursuing the City of Winter Springs' business.In short,what makes your Finn different and why should the City select your Finn above all others. RFP 9 11-22 MT POLICE BODY WORN CAMERAS 49 Section E - Other Information This section should address any other information necessary for a full understanding of your services.Please provide relevant information on any additional services offered by your firm. Section F—Cost and Time This section must clearly state the cost and estimated completion time associated with the project.Use Appendix A:Cost Proposal Worksheet. Section G—Mandatory Proposal Forms 1. Fill out the forms provided;Proposer Information Form(Section A-Proposer Information Form),References(Section D- Qualifications),Insurance Requirement Form, Scrutinized Company Certification,Non-Collusion Affidavit of Prime Respondent and Drug Free Workplace Fonn. Section H—Florida State Corporate Filing 1. All proposals must be signed with the firm name and by an officer or employee having authority to bind the firm by his/her signature as indicated by the Florida Department of State,Division of Corporations(www.sunbiz.org).Proof of corporate signer must be included with the submittal with the proposal.Use Sunbiz website screen shot or include a copy of Corporate Resolution or a Power of Attorney. SECTION I—Draft Agreement Proposer shall provide a draft agreement for the body worn camera hardware, software,and maintenance of each. RFP 9 11-22 MT POLICE BODY WORN CAMERAS 50 Mandatory Proposal Forms (Mandatory forms must be submitted with the proposal.Failure to submit forms will disqualify the proposer from the RFP) RFP#11-22 MT POLICE BODY WORN CAMERAS 51 PROPOSER INFORMATION FORM FOR POLICE BODY WORN CAMERAS RFP #: 11-22 MT The undersigned proposer does hereby agree to furnish the City of Winter Springs,Florida,the items listed in accordance with the minimum requirements/evaluation criteria shown by the Request for Proposal to be delivered to the specified site for the price indicated. IT IS THE PROPOSER'S RESPONSIBILITY TO CHECK www.demandstar.com FOR FINAL DOCUMENTS AND ADDENDUMS BEFORE SUBMITTAL THIS PROPOSAL MUST BE SIGNED BY THE PRINCIPAL OR DIRECTOR AS INDICATED BY THE FLORIDA DEPARTMENT OF STATE,DIVISION OF CORPORATIONS(www.sunbiz.org .Proof of corporate signer must be submitted with Proposal.If not submitted,Proposer will be considered non-responsive.Use Sunbiz website screen shot or copy of Corporate Resolution or Power of Attorney. PROPOSER NAME: TAX ID#SNN or EIN: PROPOSER ADDRESS: PURCHASE ORDER ADDRESS: PHONE NUMBER: COMPANY WEBSITE: COMPANY CONTACT(REP): CONTACT EMAIL ADDRESS: SIGNATURE: THE UNDERSIGNED: A. Acknowledges receipt of: 1. RFP 11-22 MT,Body Worn Camera,November 2022. 2. Addenda: Number dated Number dated B. Has examined the site and all RFP Documents and understands that in submitting his Proposal,he waives all right to plead any misunderstanding regarding the same. C. Agrees: 1. To hold this Proposal open for 90 calendar days after the bid opening date. 2. To furnish the goods and/or services specified in this RFP at the prices quoted in my responsive proposal and in compliance with the RFP Documents. 52 3. To accept the provisions of the Instructions to Proposers. 4. To negotiate a contract with the City incorporating the proposal prices,if selected on the basis of this Proposal. 5. To accomplish the work in accordance with the contract documents. D. Certifies: 1. That all information contained in this bid/proposal is truthful to the best of my knowledge and belief. 2. That I am duly authorized to submit this bid/proposal on behalf of the vendor/contractor and that the vendor/contractor is ready,willing, and able to perform if awarded the bid/proposal. Stipulated Amount A. Submit on Cost Proposal Worksheet,Appendix A. 53 Reference Information Form POLICE BODY WORN CAMERAS RFP # 11-22 MT Organization: Contact Person: Address: City: State: Zip: Phone Number: Project Cost: Date Performed: Organization: Contact Person: Address: City: State: Zip: Phone Number: Project Cost: Date Performed: Organization: Contact Person: Address: City: State: Zip: Phone Number: Project Cost: Date Performed: Representative Typed Name/Title: Representative Signature: Firm: 54 Insurance Requirement Form Insurance Type Required Limits Worker's Statutory Limits of Florida Statutes, Chapter 440 and all Federal Government Statutory Limits Compensation Employer's Liability $1,000,000 each accident, single limit per occurrence Commercial General $1,000,000 single limit per occurrence Liability $3,000,000 aggregate for Bodily Injury Liability&Property Damage Liability. 4/ (Occurrence Form) This shall include Premises and Operations;Independent Contractors;Products&Completed patterned after the Operations&Contractual Liability. current ISO form To the maximum extent permitted by Florida law,the Contractor/Vendor/Consultant shall indemnify and hold harmless City of Winter Springs,its officers and employees from any and Indemnification all liabilities,damages,losses and costs,including,but not limited to,reasonable attorneys' fees and paralegals' fees,to the extent caused by the negligence,recklessness,or intentional wrongful conduct of the Contractor/Vendor/Consultant or anyone employed or utilized by the Contractor/Vendor/Consultant in the performance of the Agreement.This indemnification obligation shall not be construed to negate,abridge or reduce any other rights or remedies which otherwise may be available to an indemnified party or person described in this paragraph. This section does not pertain to any incident arising from the sole negligence of the City of Winter Springs. Automobile Liability $1,000,000 each person;Bodily Injury&Property Damage,Owned/Non-owned/Hired; Automobile Included. O Other Vendor shall ensure that all subcontractors comply with the same insurance requirements that he/she is required to meet.The same Vendor shall provide the City with certificates of insurance meeting the required insurance provisions. The City of Winter Springs must be named as"Additional Insured"on the Insurance Certificate for Commercial General Liability where required. The Certificate Holder shall be named as City of Winter Springs. Thirty (30)days cancellation notice required. The undersigned firm agrees to obtain,prior to award,if selected,insurance as stated above. Proposer/Bidder Authorized Signature Officer Title Date "THIS FORM MUST BE COMPLETED AND RETURNED WITH YOUR SUBMITTAL" 55 Scrutinized Company Certification Florida Statutes,Sections 287.135 and 215.473 Pursuant to Section 287.135,Florida Statutes(2017),a company is ineligible to, and may not,bid on,submit a proposal for,or enter into or renew a contract with the City for goods or services of: a. Any amount if,at the time of bidding on,submitting a proposal for,or entering into or renewing such contract,the company is on the Scrutinized Companies that Boycott Israel List,created pursuant to s.215.4725,or is engaged in a boycott of Israel;or b. One million dollars or more if,at the time of bidding on,submitting a proposal for,or entering into or renewing such contract,the company: Is on the Scrutinized Companies with Activities in Sudan List or the Scrutinized Companies with Activities in the Iran Petroleum Energy Sector List,created pursuant to s.215.473;or Is engaged in business operations in Cuba or Syria. Subject to limited exceptions provided in state law,the City will not contract for the provision of goods or services with any scrutinized company referred to above.The Contractor must submit this required certification form attesting that it is not a scrutinized company and is not engaging in prohibited business operations. The following shall be grounds for termination of the contract at the option of the awarding body: a. The company is found to have submitted a false certification;been placed on the Scrutinized Companies with Activities in Sudan List or the Scrutinized Companies with Activities in the Iran Petroleum Energy Sector List; b. Been placed on the Scrutinized Companies that Boycott Israel List or c. Is engaged in a boycott of Israel;or d. Been engaged in business operations in Cuba or Syria. The City shall provide notice,in writing,to the Contractor of any determination concerning a false certification. a. The Contractor shall have five(5)days from receipt of notice to refute the false certification allegation. b. If such false certification is discovered during the active contract term,the Contractor shall have ninety(90)days following receipt of the notice to respond in writing and demonstrate that the determination of false certification was made in error. c. If the Contractor does not demonstrate that the City's determination of false certification was made in error then the City shall have the right to terminate the contract and seek civil remedies pursuant to Section 287.135,Florida Statutes. Scrutinized Company Certification 56 THIS CERTIFICATION FORM MUST BE COMPLETED AND INCLUDED IN YOUR BID RESPONSE.FAILURE TO SUBMIT THIS FORM AS INSTRUCTED SHALL RENDER YOUR BID SUBMITTAL NON-RESPONSIVE. a. The Vendor,owners,or principals are aware of the requirements of Section 287.135,Florida Statutes;and b. The Vendor,owners,or principals are eligible to participate in this solicitation and not listed on the Scrutinized Companies that Boycott Israel List or engaged in a boycott of Israel;and c. For contracts of one million dollars or more,the Vendor,owners,or principals are eligible to participate in this solicitation and not listed on the Scrutinized Companies with Activities in Sudan List or the Scrutinized Companies with Activities in the Iran Petroleum Energy Sector List and,further,are not engaged in business operations in Cuba or Syria;and d. If awarded the Contract,the Vendor,owners,or principals will immediately notify the City in writing if any of its company,owners, or principals:are placed on the Scrutinized Companies that Boycott Israel List,the Scrutinized Companies with Activities in Sudan List,or the Scrutinized Companies with Activities in the Iran Petroleum Energy Sector List;engage in a boycott of Israel;or engage in business operations in Cuba or Syria. (Authorized Signature) (Printed Name and Title) (Name of Vendor) STATE OF COUNTY OF The foregoing instrument was acknowledged before me by means of O physical presence or(___)online notarization,this day of ,2022 by the of a who is personally known to me or who produced as identification. Notary Public Print Name: My Commission Expires: "THIS FORM MUST BE COMPLETED AND RETURNED WITH YOUR SUBMITTAL" Scrutinized Company Certification 57 Non-Collusion Affidavit of Prime Respondent STATE OF COUNTY OF being duly sworn,deposes and says that: (1)He/she is of Title Firm/Company The respondent that has submitted the attached response. (2)He/she is fully informed respecting the preparation and contents of the attached solicitation and of all pertinent circumstances respecting such solicitation. (3)Such solicitation is genuine and is not a collusive or sham solicitation. (4)Neither the said respondent nor any of its officers,partners,owners,agent representatives,employees or parties in interest including this affiant,has in any way,colluded,conspired,or agreed,directly or indirectly,with any other respondent,firm or person,to submit a collusive or sham response in connection with the Agreement for which the attached response has been submitted or to refrain from proposing in connection with such Agreement,or has in any manner,directly or indirectly, sought by Agreement or collusion or communication or conference with any other responder,firm or person to fix the price or prices in the attached solicitation or of any other respondent,or to fix any overhead,profit or cost element of the proposed price or the proposed price of any other responder,or to secure through any collusion, conspiracy,connivance or unlawful Agreement any advantage against the City of Winter Springs,Florida,or any person interested in the proposed Agreement. (5)The price or prices quoted in the attached response are fair and proper and are not tainted by any collusion,conspiracy,or unlawful Agreement on the part of the proposer or any of its agents,representatives,owners,employees,or parties of interest,including affiant. (Signed) (Title) STATE OF FLORIDA COUNTY OF SEMINOLE The foregoing instrument was acknowledged before me this by who is personally known to me or who has produced as identification and who did(did not)take an oath. (Signature of Notary Public) (Name of Notary Typed,Printed or Stamped)Notary Public (Commission Number) 58 DRUG FREE WORKPLACE FORM The undersigned proposer,in accordance with Florida Statute 287.087 hereby certifies that does: (Name of Business) 1. Publish a statement notifying employees that the unlawful manufacture,distribution,dispensing,possession or use of a controlled substance is prohibited in the workplace and specifying the actions that will be taken against employees for violations of such prohibition. 2. Inform employees about the dangers of drug abuse in the workplace,the business's policy of maintaining a drug-free workplace,any available drug counseling,rehabilitation,and employee assistance programs,and the penalties that may be imposed upon employees for drug abuse violations. 3. Give each employee engaged in providing the commodities or contractual services that are under contract a copy of the Drug-Free statement. 4. Notify the employees that as a condition of working on the commodities or contractual services that are under contract, employee will abide by the terms of the statement and will notify the employer of any conviction of,or plea of guilty or nolo contendere to,any violation of Chapter 893 or of any controlled substance law of the United States or any state,for a violation occurring in the workplace no later than five(5)days after such conviction. 5. Impose a sanction on,or require the satisfactory participation in a drug abuse assistance or rehabilitation program if such is available in the employee's community,by any employee who is so convicted. 6. Make a good faith effort to continue to maintain a drug-free workplace through implementation of this section. 7. As the person authorized to sign the statement,I certify that this business complies fully with the above requirements. (Authorized Signature) (Date) (Print/Type Name as Signed Above 59 CD co F1'j sr3 F1'j Flj � yrs srs � �s yrs sA Fly Flj Ffj Ffj �s a� v a� v M � � � O � U I bR bf3 bR F15 15 Flo Flo H5 -�rl CA SA Fl9 bR bR bR J9 V N � � � � U Va Va Flo 515 E6 Flo Z ul5 Z 519 H9 -A Fl9 F/9 Fl4 F/4 V1 y ut O Fls Va bf3 bf3 bl4 &nl &nl y9 b14 Flo b14 b14 b14 Va b14 615 �o ZZ � o � DU � H H bf3 Va Flo Cr, %S -A H9 -A GIs bR bR bR bR bR bR bR 0 U N F1'j F1'j sA HS ul� Z 59 Flj Flj Ffj Flj F K 0 d ^o 0 u u 0 o � N N H O a bD y cr A v C. W O T N V � � V I� b19 bR F/5 � � SF. SA F/9 bf3 b14 bf3 F/4 � � SA H5 V � � V 5� CA V1 bA bf3 VI Va Va bf3 Va Z, 7R -Al CA ul� 7R V M � � � � V bR Z &nl bR &nl &n3 bf3 Va bf3 bR Va FI4 bf3 Gn V N � � � � V bR bR bR bR bR bR bf3 Va bf3 bR Va bR bR dg bR bR it � bR bR d4 �111 bf3 bf3 b19 bR bR bR bR bR bR bR bR CA d' x b o � �o �o Us 0 ta 0 a 0 .o a o � N H a O fTy rte+ ai m V y � A C. W O N M y O U a� H a� c O 0 F� �s ss �s �s ss � �s ds ys � �s �s �s Fss Fss sR sis sus Fss 0 U sR GIs sus sus �,s r.s ys Cr, Cr, Cr, Z Cn us sR sls &S v v cw cw (10 p H SFr U U p A `3 O c y I N a a 3 w 0 M a� U � � O o ZAU sR v3 Gn sR sR sr3 sR sR sR sR sA sA &n Coll Cr, w U CC � � O � � U a, U M c s. Qj � O Q U sR srs ss sR sg sg sR sR sr3 sus ds sR �s �s 40 U N c 10 u I 3 6R b14 bR fi 615 J3 Cr, b11 bR E/4 bR f!4 Z, Cr, Cr, y O U � CC iii � •� U � O bR bR CA 5R A FI4 bf3 bR bf3 £A b14 bA FI5 C Qj O Cr, CA srs Z sR sR Gn sR Gn Z ss CA Z O � U 3 VI Va Gn &S us V b 0 UD O V a a N •• N :C rl ++ rl O a •� O y .Ui, U � •U d U a U •� U U L" cn U � � U m % / _ _ _ _ _ _ U # % / U n ) W _ \ / k � j ¥ n ¥ / _ _ _ U - ) _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ ( U } ( � % \ � c \ _ It \ _ \ t 3 = \ G ® / cl $Cf) 2bLk \ \ \ 0 \ \