HomeMy WebLinkAbout2022 11 14 Consent 300 - Final Budget Amendment for FY 2021-2022 • CONSENT AGENDA ITEM 300 Incnrinreted CITY COMMISSION AGENDA I NOVEMBER 14, 2022 REGULAR MEETING 1959 TITLE Final Budget Amendment for Fiscal Year 2021-2022 SUMMARY The City is requesting the Commission consider approval of Resolution 2022- 33 amending the Fiscal Year 2021-2022 Budget. This agenda item is needed to amend the FY 2021-2022 budget for those funds which vary from the originally adopted budget. The vast majority of the amendments are necessary for one of the following reasons: • accrual of revenues and expenses in the appropriate fiscal period. • variations between budgeted (estimated) and actual expenditures and revenues. • 2021-2022 agenda items with fiscal impact. The City Charter provides that the Commission may amend the budget by resolution. Please note that only those funds requiring budget adjustment are included herein. Part of the normal course of operations at fiscal year-end is the accrual of revenues and expenses. The accruals are necessary for aligning revenues and expenses with the fiscal period to which they relate. It is also typical for some variances between actual and budgeted expenses and revenues to require budget adjustments. Furthermore, over the course of the fiscal year various agenda items are approved by the Commission. In some cases, those approved agenda items lack specific language to amend the expenditure budget or the appropriation to or from fund balance. This resolution formalizes the fiscal impact of those actions. This budget amendment allows for general fund transfers to the Solid Waste Fund to offset Hurricane Ian debris management expenses, and to Transportation Improvement Fund for future road and bridge capital projects. In addition, though not a budget transfer, the year end analysis includes the intent to restrict a portion of the ending fund balance for the purchase of new patrol vehicles in the Police Department in FY 2023. 10 Shown in Attachment 1 are the final budgeted ending fund balances for all funds requiring amendment for the 2021-2022 fiscal year. Please note these are budgeted figures only, not to be confused with audited financial statements which will be available by the end of March 2023. State statute requires that final budget amendment be formalized by November 29, 2022 [Section 166.241 F.S.]. RECOMMENDATION Staff recommends the City Commission consider and approve Resolution 2022-33. 11 RESOLUTION 2022-33 A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COMMISSION OF THE CITY OF WINTER SPRINGS FLORIDA,AMENDING THE FISCAL YEAR 2021-2022 BUDGET; PROVIDING FOR SEVERABILITY,REPEAL OF PRIOR INCONSISTENT RESOLUTIONS,AND AN EFFECTIVE DATE. WHEREAS, Section 7.05 of the City Charter provides that the annual City budget may be amended by Resolution duly adopted by the Commission; and WHEREAS,the City Commission of the City of Winter Springs deems that this Resolution is in the best interests of the public health, safety, and welfare of the citizens of Winter Springs. NOW,THEREFORE,BE IT RESOLVED BY THE CITY COMMISSION OF THE CITY OF WINTER SPRINGS, SEMINOLE COUNTY,FLORIDA,AS FOLLOWS: Section 1. Incorporation of Recitals. The foregoing recitals are deemed true and correct and are hereby fully incorporated by this reference. Section 2. Final Budget Amendment. That the Fiscal Year 2021-2022 City Budget is amended as provided in Attachments 1 and 2 attached hereto. Section 3. Repeal of Prior Inconsistent Resolutions. All prior resolutions or parts of resolutions in conflict herewith are hereby repealed to the extent of the conflict. Section 4. Severability. If any section, subsection, sentence, clause, phrase, word, or portion of this Resolution is for any reason held invalid or unconstitutional by any court of competent jurisdiction, such portion shall be deemed a separate, distinct and independent provision and such holding shall not affect the validity of the remaining portion hereto. Section 5. Effective Date. This Resolution shall become effective immediately upon adoption by the City Commission of the City of Winter Springs, Florida. City of Winter Springs,Florida Resolution 2022-33 Page 1 of 2 12 RESOLVED by the City Commission of the City of Winter Springs, Florida, in a regular meeting assembled on the 14th day of November, 2022. KEVIN McCANN,Mayor ATTEST: CHRISTIAN GOWAN, City Clerk Approved as to legal form and sufficiency for the City of Winter Springs only: ANTHONY A. GARGANESE, City Attorney City of Winter Springs,Florida Resolution 2022-33 Page 2 of 2 13 Attachment 1-Budget Amendment Detail Resolution 2022-33 General Fund Funds not included in this summary do not require a budget amendment HELPFUL TOOLS:Annual Comprehensive Financial Reportfor the year ended September 30,2021 as approved by City Commission on 03/28/2022;Fiscal Year 2021-2022 Difference in Beg Actual Beg Fund Original Budget as approved by City Commission on 9/27/21 Public Hearing 401. Fund Bal Projected Balance 9/30/21 to Actual ACFR General Fund#001: As approved by City Commission on 9127121 Public Hearing Item 401: 10/1/21 Budgeted Beginning Fund Balance $8,935,387 $107,600 $9,042,987 FY 2022 Budgeted Appropriation TO(FROM)Fund Balance $0 9/30/22 Budgeted Ending Fund Balance $8,935,387 Amendments to be approved tonight to Original FY 2021-2022 Budget(as approved on 09127121): Difference in Beginning Fund Balance FROM projected to actual as shown in 9/30/21 ACFR $107,600 $0 Community Events: Recognize revenue budget-Winter Wonderland $8,730 mid-yr Recognize expenditure budget-Winter Wonderland(7415) ($8,730) mid-yr Recognize revenue budget-Hometown Harvest $8,800 mid-yr Recognize expenditure budget-Hometown Harvest(7415) ($8,800) mid-yr Recognize revenue budget-Celebration of Freedom $62,271 mid-yr Recognize expenditure budget-Celebration of Freedom(7415) ($62,271) mid-yr Recognize revenue budget-Explore Outdoors $8,232 mid-yr Recognize expenditure budget-Explore Outdoors(7415) ($8,232) mid-yr Recognize General Fund revenue budget(Rev Sharing) $100,000 mid-yr Dep't 72 Parks-Trotwood parking lot-Infrastructure,Vehicles,M&E(7230) ($100,000) mid-yr Recognize General Fund revenue budget(Rev Sharing) $46,255 mid-yr Dep't 21 Police-PD truck(2130) ($46,255) mid-yr Increase multiple General Fund revenue budgets(i.e.CST,Elect,1/2 Cent,...) $1,480,000 final Increase transfer budget to Transportation Improvement Fund-Hurricane Ian(4110) ($1,480,000) final Increase General Fund revenue budget(Rev Sharing,1/2 Cent) $1,000,000 final Increase transfer budget to Solid Waste Fund-Hurricane]an(4110) ($1,000,000) final $0 Interdepartmental transfers: Interdepartmental transfer FROM Dep't 21 PD-Machinery&Equip-(2)admin vehicles not purchased(2110) $53,000 mid-yr Interdepartmental transfer FROM Dept 21 PD-Machinery&Equip-(23)portable radios not purchased(2100) $99,000 mid-yr Interdepartmental transfer FROM Dep't 16 Info Svcs-contract/administrative-Microsoft 365 not purchased(1600) $100,000 mid-yr Interdepartmental transfer TO Dep't 41 Public Works-Machinery Equipment-Kubota S Series&Skid Steer(4110) ($112,000) mid-yr Interdepartmental transfer TO Dep't 72 Parks-replace playground equipment (7230) ($11,310) mid-yr Interdepartmental transfer TO Dep't 13 Finance-new position-procurement laptop(1300) ($1,155) mid-yr Interdepartmental transfer TO Dep't 19 Gen Gov't-Capital(1900) ($127,535) mid-yr Interdepartmental transfer FROM Dept 16 Info Svcs-Operating-Small Tools(1600) $3,200 mid-yr Interdepartmental transfer TO Dep't 19 Gen Gov't-Laptop(1900) ($3,200) mid-yr Interdepartmental transfer FROM Dep't 15 Comm Dev-Y/E Compliance(1520)(1530) $570,000 final Interdepartmental transfer FROM Dep't 16 Info Svcs-Y/E Compliance(1600) $110,000 final Interdepartmental transfer FROM Dep't 19 Gen Gov't-Y/E Compliance(1900) $520,000 final Interdepartmental transfer FROM Dept 72 Parks-Y/E Compliance(7230)(7250) $180,000 final Interdepartmental transfer TO Dep't 13 Finance-Y/E Compliance(1300) ($60,000) final Interdepartmental transfer TO Dep't 21 PD-Y/E Compliance(2100) ($500,000) final Interdepartmental transfer TO Dep't 41 Public Works-Y/E Compliance(4110) ($820,000) final $0 Other." Increase transfer budget from ARPA $10,000 final $10,000 Revisions to Original Budgeted Appropriation TO(FROM)Fund Balance $10.000 REVISED 9130122 Budgeted Ending Fund Balance $9,052,987 FY 22 Final Budget Amendment Attachment 1 14 Attachment 1-Budget Amendment Detail Resolution 2022-33 Other Governmental Funds HELPFUL TOOLS: Annual Comprehensive Financial Report for the year ended September 30,2021 as approved by City Commission on 03/28/2022,Fiscal Difference in Beg Actual Beg Fund Year 2021-2022 Original Budget as approved by City Commission on 9/27/21 Public Hearing 401. Fund Bal Projected to Balance 9/30/21 Actual ACFR Special Law Enforcement Fund-Local#102 As approved by City Commission on 9/27/21 Public Hearing 401 10/1/21 Budgeted Beginning Fund Balance $8,997 $47,354 $56,351 FY 2022 Budgeted Appropriation TO(FROM)Fund Balance ($7,495) Recognize revenue budget-Winter Wonderland $1,502 Amendments to be approved tonight to Original FY 2021-2022 Budget(as approved on 9/27/21): Difference in Beginning Fund Balance FROM projected to actual as shown in 9/30/21 ACFR $47,354 Increase small tools and training expenditure budget ($36,000) mid-yr Revisions to Original Budgeted Appropriation TO(FROM)Fund Balance $11,354 REVISED 9/30/22 Budgeted Ending Fund Balance $12,856 Special Law Enforcement Fund-Federal#103 As approved by City Commission on 9/27/21 Public Hearing 401 10/1/21 Budgeted Beginning Fund Balance $6,967 $63,514 $70,481 FY 2022 Budgeted Appropriation TO(FROM)Fund Balance ($5,385) 9/30/22 Budgeted Ending Fund Balance $1,582 Amendments to be approved tonight to Original FY 2021-2022 Budget(as approved on 9/27/21): Difference in Beginning Fund Balance FROM projected to actual as shown in 9/30/21 ACFR $63,514 Increase small tools expenditure budget ($57,000) mid-yr Recognize trade-in proceed budget $35,000 final Increase small tools budget ($35,000) final Revisions to Original Budgeted Appropriation TO(FROM)Fund Balance $6,514 REVISED 9/30/22 Budgeted Ending Fund Balance $8,096 Transportation Improvement Fund#120 As approved by City Commission on 9/27/21 Public Hearing 401 10/1/21 Budgeted Beginning Fund Balance $1,297,406 $450,844 $1,748,250 FY 2022 Budgeted Appropriation TO(FROM)Fund Balance ($577,279) 9/30/22 Budgeted Ending Fund Balance $720,127 Amendments to be approved tonight to Original FY 2021-2022 Budget(as approved on 9/27/21): Difference in Beginning Fund Balance FROM projected to actual as shown in 9/30/21 ACFR $450,844 Increase consulting budget-Traffic calming study ($4,818) mid-yr Increase Transfer Budget From General Fund for road/bridge damages(Hurricane Ian) $2,300,000 final Revisions to Original Budgeted Appropriation TO(FROM)Fund Balance $2,746,026 REVISED 9/30/22 Budgeted Ending Fund Balance $3,466,153 FY 22 Final Budget Amendment Attachment 1 15 Attachment 1-Budget Amendment Detail Resolution 2022-33 Other Governmental Funds HELPFUL TOOLS: Annual Comprehensive Financial Report for the year ended September 30,2021 as approved by City Commission on 03/28/2022,Fiscal Difference in Beg Actual Beg Fund Year 2021-2022 Original Budget as approved by City Commission on 9/27/21 Public Hearing 401. Fund Bal Projected to Balance 9/30/21 Actual ACFR Solid Waste/Recycling Fund#130 As approved by City Commission on 9/27/21 Public Hearing 401 10/1/21 Budgeted Beginning Fund Balance $1,614,841 $721,243 $2,336,084 FY 2022 Budgeted Appropriation TO(FROM)Fund Balance ($428,764) 9/30/22 Budgeted Ending Fund Balance $1,186,077 Amendments to be approved tonight to Original FY 2021-2022 Budget(as approved on 9/27/21): Difference in Beginning Fund Balance FROM projected to actual as shown in 9/30/21 ACFR $721,243 Increase transfer from General Fund-Hurricane Ian debris management $1,000,000 final Increase disposal expenditure budget ($50,000) final Revisions to Original Budgeted Appropriation TO(FROM)Fund Balance $1,671,243 REVISED 9/30/21 Budgeted Ending Fund Balance $2,857,320 Arbor Fund#140 As approved by City Commission on 9/27/21 Public Hearing 401 10/1/21 Budgeted Beginning Fund Balance $765,426 $1,159,080 $1,924,506 FY 2022 Budgeted Appropriation TO(FROM)Fund Balance ($496,537) 9/30/22 Budgeted Ending Fund Balance $268,889 Amendments to be approved tonight to Original FY 2021-2022 Budget(as approved on 9/27/21): Difference in Beginning Fund Balance FROM projected to actual as shown in 9/30/21 ACFR $1,159,080 Increase arbor fine revenue budget $363,000 mid-yr Increase consulting expenditure budget ($3,750) mid-yr Increase arbor fine revenue budget $3,750 final Revisions to Original Budgeted Appropriation TO(FROM)Fund Balance $1,522,080 REVISED 9/30/22 Budgeted Ending Fund Balance $1,790,969 Transportation Impact Fee Fund#150 As approved by City Commission on 9/27/21 Public Hearing 401 10/1/21 Budgeted Beginning Fund Balance $1,720,507 $208,571 $1,929,078 FY 2022 Budgeted Appropriation TO(FROM)Fund Balance ($829,000) 9/30/22 Budgeted Ending Fund Balance $891,507 Amendments to be approved tonight to Original FY 2021-2022 Budget(as approved on 9/27/21): Difference in Beginning Fund Balance FROM projected to actual as shown in 9/30/21 ACFR $208,571 Align impact fee revenue with YTD actuals-Residential $35,352 mid-yr Align impact fee revenue with YTD actuals-Commercial $233,646 mid-yr Revisions to Original Budgeted Appropriation TO(FROM)Fund Balance $477,569 REVISED 9/30/22 Budgeted Ending Fund Balance $1,369,076 FY 22 Final Budget Amendment Attachment 1 16 Attachment 1-Budget Amendment Detail Resolution 2022-33 Other Governmental Funds HELPFUL TOOLS: Annual Comprehensive Financial Report for the year ended September 30,2021 as approved by City Commission on 03/28/2022,Fiscal Difference in Beg Actual Beg Fund Year 2021-2022 Original Budget as approved by City Commission on 9/27/21 Public Hearing 401. Fund Bal Projected to Balance 9/30/21 Actual ACFR Police Impact Fee Fund#151 As approved by City Commission on 9/27/21 Public Hearing 401 10/1/21 Budgeted Beginning Fund Balance $739,397 $19,139 $758,536 FY 2022 Budgeted Appropriation TO(FROM)Fund Balance $600 9/30/22 Budgeted Ending Fund Balance $739,997 Amendments to be approved tonight to Original FY 2021-2022 Budget(as approved on 9/27/21): Difference in Beginning Fund Balance FROM projected to actual as shown in 9/30/21 ACFR $19,139 Align impact fee revenue with YTD actuals-Residential $10,175 mid-yr Align impact fee revenue with YTD actuals-Commercial $9,161 mid-yr Revisions to Original Budgeted Appropriation TO(FROM)Fund Balance $38,475 REVISED 9/30/22 Budgeted Ending Fund Balance $778,472 Fire Impact Fee Fund#152 As approved by City Commission on 9/27/21 Public Hearing 401 10/1/21 Budgeted Beginning Fund Balance $2,693,009 ($5,386) $2,687,623 FY 2022 Budgeted Appropriation TO(FROM)Fund Balance $2,400 9/30/22 Budgeted Ending Fund Balance $2,695,409 Amendments to be approved tonight to Original FY 2021-2022 Budget(as approved on 9/27/21): Difference in Beginning Fund Balance FROM projected to actual as shown in 9/30/21 ACFR ($5,386) Align impact fee revenue with YTD actuals-Residential $6,364 mid-yr Align impact fee revenue with YTD actuals-Commercial $12,515 mid-yr Revisions to Original Budgeted Appropriation TO(FROM)Fund Balance $13,493 REVISED 9/30/22 Budgeted Ending Fund Balance $2,708,902 Park Impact Fee Fund#153 As approved by City Commission on 9/27/21 Public Hearing 401 10/1/21 Budgeted Beginning Fund Balance $456,863 $299,941 $756,804 FY 2022 Budgeted Appropriation TO(FROM)Fund Balance ($199,250) 9/30/22 Budgeted Ending Fund Balance $257,613 Amendments to be approved tonight to Original FY 2021-2022 Budget(as approved on 9/27/21): Difference in Beginning Fund Balance FROM projected to actual as shown in 9/30/21 ACFR $299,941 Align impact fee revenue with YTD actuals-Residential $61,605 mid-yr Revisions to Original Budgeted Appropriation TO(FROM)Fund Balance $361,546 REVISED 9/30/22 Budgeted Ending Fund Balance $619,159 FY 22 Final Budget Amendment Attachment 1 17 Attachment 1-Budget Amendment Detail Resolution 2022-33 Other Governmental Funds HELPFUL TOOLS: Annual Comprehensive Financial Report for the year ended September 30,2021 as approved by City Commission on 03/28/2022,Fiscal Difference in Beg Actual Beg Fund Year 2021-2022 Original Budget as approved by City Commission on 9/27/21 Public Hearing 401. Fund Bal Projected to Balance 9/30/21 Actual ACFR Sewer Plant Replacement(ARPA/SRFL)Fund#180 (Fund Established 9/13/2021 with Resolution 2021-24) As approved by City Commission on 9/27/21 Public Hearing 401 10/1/21 Budgeted Beginning Fund Balance $0 $0 $0 FY 2022 Budgeted Appropriation TO(FROM)Fund Balance $0 9/30/22 Budgeted Ending Fund Balance $0 Amendments to be approved tonight to Original FY 2021-2022 Budget(as approved on 9/27/21): Difference in Beginning Fund Balance FROM projected to actual as shown in 9/30/21 ACFR $0 Recognize ARPA grant revenue budget $9,343,925 mid-yr Recognize remainder of ARPA grant revenue budget $9,343,926 final Increase transfer budget to General Fund ($10,000) final Revisions to Original Budgeted Appropriation TO(FROM)Fund Balance $18,677,851 REVISED 9/30/22 Budgeted Ending Fund Balance $18,677,851 TLBD I Capital/Debt Service Fund#261 As approved by City Commission on 9/27/21 Public Hearing 401 10/1/21 Budgeted Beginning Fund Balance $63,581 $1,272 $64,853 FY 2022 Budgeted Appropriation TO(FROM)Fund Balance ($22,239) 9/30/22 Budgeted Ending Fund Balance $41,342 Amendments to be approved tonight to Original FY 2021-2022 Budget(as approved on 9/27/21): Difference in Beginning Fund Balance FROM projected to actual as shown in 9/30/21 ACFR $1,272 Increase capital budget-fountain resurfacing ($10,000) mid-yr Revisions to Original Budgeted Appropriation TO(FROM)Fund Balance ($8,728) REVISED 9/30/22 Budgeted Ending Fund Balance $32,614 1999 Construction Capital Project Fund#301 As approved by City Commission on 9/27/21 Public Hearing 401 10/1/21 Budgeted Beginning Fund Balance $892,137 ($5,313) $886,824 FY 2022 Budgeted Appropriation TO(FROM)Fund Balance ($885,100) 9/30/22 Budgeted Ending Fund Balance $7,037 Amendments to be approved tonight to Original FY 2021-2022 Budget(as approved on 9/27/21): Difference in Beginning Fund Balance FROM projected to actual as shown in 9/30/21 ACFR ($5,313) Decrease capital budget-defer to FY23 $785,900 mid-yr Revisions to Original Budgeted Appropriation TO(FROM)Fund Balance $780,587 REVISED 9/30/22 Budgeted Ending Fund Balance $787,624 FY 22 Final Budget Amendment Attachment 1 18 Attachment 1-Budget Amendment Detail Resolution 2022-33 Other Governmental Funds HELPFUL TOOLS: Annual Comprehensive Financial Report for the year ended September 30,2021 as approved by City Commission on 03/28/2022,Fiscal Difference in Beg Actual Beg Fund Year 2021-2022 Original Budget as approved by City Commission on 9/27/21 Public Hearing 401. Fund Bal Projected to Balance 9/30/21 Actual ACFR Revolving Rehabilitation Capital Project Fund#302 As approved by City Commission on 9/27/21 Public Hearing 401 10/1/21 Budgeted Beginning Fund Balance $1,182,663 ($8,768) $1,173,895 FY 2022 Budgeted Appropriation TO(FROM)Fund Balance ($1,171,600) 9/30/22 Budgeted Ending Fund Balance $11,063 Amendments to be approved tonight to Original FY 2021-2022 Budget(as approved on 9/27/21): Difference in Beginning Fund Balance FROM projected to actual as shown in 9/30/21 ACFR ($8,768) Decrease capital budget-defer to FY23 $1,171,600 mid-yr Decrease capital budget-defer to FY23 $1,000 final Revisions to Original Budgeted Appropriation TO(FROM)Fund Balance $1,163,832 REVISED 9/30/22 Budgeted Ending Fund Balance $1,174,895 Excellence in Customer Service Initiative CP Fund#305 As approved by City Commission on 9/27/21 Public Hearing 401 10/1/21 Budgeted Beginning Fund Balance $833,663 $366,357 $1,200,020 FY 2022 Budgeted Appropriation TO(FROM)Fund Balance ($14,250) 9/30/22 Budgeted Ending Fund Balance $819,413 Amendments to be approved tonight to Original FY 2021-2022 Budget(as approved on 9/27/21): Difference in Beginning Fund Balance FROM projected to actual as shown in 9/30/21 ACFR $366,357 Increase capital budget-bathrooms ($4,000) final Revisions to Original Budgeted Appropriation TO(FROM)Fund Balance $362,357 REVISED 9/30/22 Budgeted Ending Fund Balance $1,181,770 FY 22 Final Budget Amendment Attachment 1 19 Attachment 1-Budget Amendment Detail Resolution 2022-33 Enterprise Funds HELPFUL TOOLS: Annual Comprehensive Financial Report for the year ended September 30,2021 as approved by City Commission on Net Capital, Difference in Beg Actual Ending Fund Equity 03/28/2022,Fiscal Year 2021-2022 Original Budget as approved by City Commission on 9/27/21 Public Hearing 401. Restricted,NPL Fund Bal-Projected 9/30/21 ACFR to Actual Water 8.Sewer Operating Fund#410 As approved by City Commission on 9/27/21 Public Hearing Item 401: 10/1/21 Budgeted Beginning Fund Equity $8,099,760 $20,981,073 $4;769,414 $33,850,247 FY 2022 Budgeted Appropriation TO(FROM)Fund Equity ($3,503,511) 9/30/22 Budgeted Ending Fund Equity $4,596,249 W&S Svc Avail Fund $6.875.386 ACFR combines 410, $40,725,633 412 Amendments to be approved tonight to Original FY 2021-2022 Budget(as approved on 9/26/21): Difference in Beginning Fund Equity FROM projected to actual as shown in 9/30/21 ACFR $4,769,414 Consent 301-12/13/21-(3)Ford F150 ($82,000) mid-yr Revisions to Original Budgeted Appropriation TO(FROM)Fund Equity $4,687,414 REVISED 9/30/22 Budgeted Ending Fund Equity(excl of net capital,restricted,NPL) $9,283,663 Development Services Fund#420 As approved by City Commission on 9/27/21 Public Hearing Item 401: 10/1/21 Budgeted Beginning Fund Equity $5,663,561 $685,490 $6,349,051 FY 2022 Budgeted Appropriation TO(FROM)Fund Equity ($1,124,026) 9/30/22 Budgeted Ending Fund Equity $4,539,535 Amendments to be approved tonight to Original FY 2021-2022 Budget(as approved on 9/26/21): Difference in Beginning Fund Equity FROM projected to actual as shown in 9/30/21 ACFR $685,490 Increase office budget-desks and computers ($12,500) mid-yr Revisions to Original Budgeted Appropriation TO(FROM)Fund Equity $672,990 REVISED 9/30/22 Budgeted Ending Fund Equity(excl of net capital,restricted,NPL) $5,212,525 OF— FY FY 22 Final Budget Amendment Attachment 1 20 Attachment 2-General Fund Budget Amendment Summary Resolution 2022-33 HELPFUL TOOLS: Annual Comprehensive Financial Report for the year ended September 30,2021 as approved by City Commission on 03/28/2022;Fiscal Year 2021-2022 Original Budget as approved by City Commission on 9/27/21 Public Hearing 401. FY 22 Other FY 22 Original Revenue Requests Intra Inter Amended Annual Neutral to Amend Departmental Departmental Annual Division_g Budget Changes Appropriation Transfers Transfers Budget General Fund Revenues&Transfers: $18,736,477 $18,736,477 Recognize revenue budget-Hometown Harvest $ 8,800 $ 8,800 Recognize revenue budget-Winter Wonderland $ 8,730 $ 8,730 Recognize revenue budget-Celebration of Freedom $ 62,271 $ 62,271 Recognize revenue budget-FY22 Explore Outdoors $ 8,232 $ 8,232 Recognize General Fund revenue budget(Rev Sharing) $ 146,255 $ 146,255 Increase multiple General Fund revenue budgets(i.e.CST,Elect,1/2 Cent,...) $ 1,480,000 $ 1,480,000 Increase General Fund revenue budget(Rev Sharing,1/2 Cent) $ 1,000,000 $ 1,000,000 Increase transfers in from ARPA $ 10.000 $ 10,000 General Fund Revenues&Transfers $ 18,736,477 $ 2,714,288 $ 10,000 $ $ $ 21,460,765 General Fund Expenditures: City Commission 1100 $ 120,139 $ 120,139 City Manager 1200 $ 321,198 $ 321,198 City Clerk 1210 $ 171,154 $ 171,154 Finance-General 1300 $ 648,352 $ 61,155 $ 709,507 Finance-Utility Billing 1360 $ 709,337 $ 709,337 Recognize revenue budget-Winter Wonderland 1500 $ 154,824 $ 154,824 Comm Development-Planning 1510 $ 73,418 $ 73,418 Comm Development-Urban Beautification 1520 $ 1,191,944 $ (505,000) $ 686,944 Comm Development-Street lighting 1530 $ 515,093 $ (65,000) $ 450,093 IS&General Services-Human Resources 1315 $ 247,031 $ (2,502) $ 244,529 IS&General Services-General 1600 $ 1,129,364 $ 2,502 $ (96,800) $ 1,035,066 IS&General Services-City Hall 1910 $ 27,363 $ 27,363 IS&General Services-Risk Management 1925 $ 666,008 $ 666,008 IS&General Services-Facilities Maintenance 1935 $ 387,463 $ (25,000) $ 362,463 IS&General Services-Marketing&Events 7415 $ 213,143 $ 88,033 $ (85,000) $ 216,176 General Government-Legal Services 1400 $ 265,420 $ 265,420 General Government-General 1900 $ 995,197 $ (395,665) $ 599,532 Police-Chief 2100 $ 6,386,250 $ 8,000 $ 401,000 $ 6,795,250 Police-Criminal Investigations 2110 $ 85,765 $ (53,000) $ 32,765 Police-Community Services 2120 $ 12,665 $ 12,665 Police-Operations 2130 $ 215,080 $ 46,255 $ (4,000) $ 257,335 Police-Support Services 2140 $ 523,310 $ (4,000) $ 519,310 Police-Code Enforcement 2150 $ 10,730 $ 10,730 Fire-Operations 2200 $ 164,008 $ 164,008 Public Works-Fleet 1940 $ 269,706 $ 269,706 Public Works-Administration 4100 $ 179,523 $ 55,000 $ 234,523 Public Works-Roads&ROW 4110 $ 663,953 $ 2,480,000 $ (55,000) $ 932,000 $ 4,020,953 P&R-Administration 7200 $ 376,746 $ 376,746 P&R-Athletics 7220 $ 4,200 $ 4,200 P&R-Parks&Grounds 7230 $ 1,575,848 $ 100,000 $ (31,302) $ (103,690) $ 1,540,856 P&R-Programs 7240 $ 109,726 $ (7,540) $ (45,000) $ 57,186 P&R-Seniors 7250 $ 322,519 $ 38,842 $ (20,000) $ 341,361 General Fund Expenditures $ 18,736,477 $ 2,714,288 $ $ $ $ 21,450,765 Budgeted Approp TO(FROM)Fund Balance $ - $ - $ 10,000 $ - $ - $ 10,000 FY 22 Final Budget Amendment Attachment 2 21