HomeMy WebLinkAbout_2022 11 14 City Commission Regular Meeting Minutes CITY COMMISSION Incorporated 1959 REGULAR MEETING MINUTES MONDAY, NOVEMBER 14, 2022 AT 6:30 PM CITY BALL- COMMISSION CHAMBERS 1126 EAST STATE ROAD 434, WINTER SPRINGS, FLORIDA CALL TO ORDER Mayor Kevin McCann called the Regular Meeting of Monday, November 14, 2022 of the City Commission to order at 6:31 p.m. in the Commission Chambers of the Municipal Building (City Hall, 1126 East State Road 434, Winter Springs, Florida 32708). Roll Call: Mayor Kevin McCann, present Commissioner Matt Benton, present Commissioner Victoria Colangelo, present Commissioner Ted Johnson, present Commissioner Cade Resnick, present Commissioner Rob Elliott, present City Manager Shawn Boyle, present City Attorney Anthony A. Garganese, present City Clerk Christian Gowan, present Mr. Jeff Dixon led the invocation followed by the Pledge of Allegiance. Mayor McCann asked if there were any changes to the agenda. Commissioner Resnick requested all items requiring a vote be pulled from the agenda. Discussion followed on the agenda posting process and ability to discuss items with Staff prior to the meeting. "MOTION TO APPROVE AGENDA AS PRESENTED." MOTION BY COMMISSIONER JOHNSON. SECONDED BY COMMISSIONER ELLIOTT. DISCUSSION. VOTE: BENTON (AYE); COLANGELO (AYE); JOHNSON (AYE); RESNICK (NAY); ELLIOTT (AYE) MOTION CARRIED 4-1. AWARDS AND PRESENTATIONS 100. Not Used INFORMATIONAL AGENDA 200)Current Development Projects Summary No discussion. 201) Results of the Tuesday, November 8, 2022 General Municipal Election No discussion. PUBLIC INPUT Commissioner Elliott discussion on City Staff and shared his appreciation for all City Staff. Mr. Paul Partyka, 7693 Wingspan Way, Winter Springs congratulated the new Commissioners and the Commission as a whole. Shared a concern from a friend at 7107 Cedar Bay Lane related to flooding issues and noted he would send pictures to Manager Boyle. Ms. Karen Zelensky, noted she sent an email and echoed comments made by Mr. Partyka. Ms. Joanne Plum, 779 Holiday Lane, Winter Springs noted her comments at a previous meeting, shared concerns related to Gee Creek and asked what could be done about Casselberry, flooding, and water management. Manager Boyle noted the possibility of bringing back a presentation related to this issue. Ms. Ann Moran, 7789 Irwin Court, noted two drains collapsing and related safety concerns. Mr. Maurice Kaprow, PO Box 795233, Winter Springs congratulated election winners, reiterated comments about working together and representing the whole city. Mr. Kaprow further thanked Former Commissioner Hale for her work in getting the Veteran Services Officer coming to the City to assist residents and encouraged keeping needs of veterans in mind. Mr. Jesse Phillips, 7724 Duncan Drive, Winter Springs congratulated new and reelected Mayor and Commissioners. Noted a canned food and toy drive being held to benefit homeless veterans - December 73th. Mr. Geoff Kendrick, 7784 Trotwood Boulevard, Winter Springs congratulated and welcomed new Commissioners, noted appreciation for City Staff, spoke about wastewater issues. Mr. Kendrick further encouraged everyone to work together and be respectful. Ms. Nancy Dunlop, 2024 Chokecherry Court, Winter Springs asked about bridge repair in her area and asked about progress on clearing water. Mr. Art Gallo, 799 Nandina Terrace, Winter Springs congratulated new Commissioners on their election and Mayor on his election. Encouraged Commissioners to work together. Thanked former Commissioners Cannon and Hale for their service. CITY COMMISSION MINUTES I REGULAP MEETING I . Mr. Howard Parsons, 7049 Chokecherry Court, Winter Springs thanked former Commissioners and addressed comments made at the previous. Mr. Mike Reynolds, 1052 Chokecherry Court, Winter Springs noted more flooding, encouraged Commission to work together, spoke about increasing costs and the need to act swiftly Ms. Gina Shafer, Winter Springs Village, Winter Springs thanked former Commissioners and congratulated new Commissioners. Shared comments about the agenda and her review. Spoke about speeding concerns and the need for speed reduction on State Road 434. CONSENT AGENDA Commissioner Elliott asked that Item 304 be pulled for discussion. Commissioner Resnick asked that Item 302 be pulled for discussion. 300)Final Budget Amendment for Fiscal Year 2021-2022 No discussion. 301) Intersection Signalization Improvements on SR 434 at Michael Blake Boulevard No discussion. 302) Drum Roller Purchase Commissioner Resnick asked about the piggyback rider agreement. Manager Boyle explained that piggyback agreements were allowed by Florida Statutes and procurement policies, explained the process and benefit to the City, financially and with regards to time. Mr. Phillip Hursh, Director, Public Works Department noted that this item would allow him to procure a larger roller to allow the City to complete some smaller projects in-house, noted an associated 19% cost savings, and noted that the City would own the equipment. 303) Police Body Camera Bid Proposal No discussion. 304)Police Vehicle Purchase Commissioner Elliott asked how many vehicles and what type the Police Department was seeking to purchase. Chief Matt Tracht, Winter Springs Police Department noted that this item was for approval to purchase twelve (12) Chevy Tahoes and noted that this did not include wrapping and equipping the vehicles which would come back at a later meeting. Discussion followed on timelines for delivery, equipping the vehicles, the use of the state contract, and acquisition challenges. Chief Tracht noted that the Police Department was not without cars and that this item was simply to replace the existing fleet. 305) Resolution No. 2022-34 Ratifying the Declaration of Local Emergency related to Ongoing Hurricane Ian Recovery No discussion. 306)Approval of the Minutes from the Monday, October 24, 2022 City Commission Regular Meeting No discussion. "MOTION TO APPROVE CONSENT AGENDA." MOTION BY COMMISSIONER JOHNSON. SECONDED BY COMMISSIONER BENTON. DISCUSSION. VOTE: BENTON (AYE); COLANGELO (AYE); JOHNSON (AYE); RESNICK (AYE); ELLIOTT (AYE) MOTION CARRIED 5-0. PUBLIC HEARINGS AGENDA 400) First Reading of Ordinance 2022-04 Amending Section 20-323 of the City Code to Amend the List of Permitted Uses in the Town Center District Code, specifically in the T4 and T5 Transects. Mr. Nick Tafelsky, Senior City Planner, Community Development Department noted he was available for questions. "MOTION TO READ BY TITLE ONLY." MOTION BY COMMISSIONER ELLIOTT. SECONDED BY COMMISSIONER JOHNSON. DISCUSSION. MOTION PASSED WITH UNANIMOUS CONSENT. Attorney Garganese read Ordinance 2022-04 by title. CITY COMMISSION MINUTES I REGULAR MEETING I . Attorney Garganese noted the proposed ordinance would modify permitted uses within the Town Center and explained that the first change would add "and dental" to permitted medical clinics which would make the Town Center consistent with other zoning districts. Attorney Garganese then noted at one time an individual was interested in a veterinary clinic in the Town Center, that this was not currently permitted outright but rather as a conditional use, and spoke about the restriction of outdoor kennels and overnight boarding, except when required for medical observation. Brief discussion followed about animal waste associated with overnight boarding and the proactive nature of this ordinance as there was no tenant currently interested in establishing these businesses in the Town Center. Mayor McCann opened the Public Hearing for Item 400. Ms. Gina Shafer, Winter Springs Village, Winter Springs asked about medical marUuana distribution. Mayor McCann noted previous action by City Commission related to this issue. Mayor McCann closed the Public Hearing for Item 400. "MOTION TO APPROVE FIRST READING OF ORDINANCE 2022-04 AMENDING SECTION 20-323 OF THE CITY CODE TO AMEND THE LIST OF PERMITTED USES IN THE TOWN CENTER DISTRICT CODE, SPECIFICALLY IN THE T4 AND T5 TRANSECTS.." MOTION BY COMMISSIONER JOHNSON. SECONDED BY COMMISSIONER ELLIOTT. DISCUSSION. VOTE: ELLIOTT (AYE); RESNICK (AYE); JOHNSON (AYE); COLANGELO (AYE); BENTON (AYE) MOTION CARRIED 5-0. REGULAR AGENDA 500)Request to the Florida Department of Transportation (FDOT) to Lower Posted Speeds on SR 434 from Tuskawilla Road to SR 417. Mayor McCann introduced the item and briefly reviewed the previous discussions about this issue. Mr. Hursh noted that he drafted a letter based on previous direction by the Commission and asked if the Commission had any additional changes. Discussion followed with Commissioners noting they wanted a consistent 45mph speed limit throughout the City, from State Road 417 to State Road 419. Mr. Hursh noted that noted the Commission could likely expect a response within a couple weeks. Attorney Garganese noted that the substantive nature of the letter should be incorporated in a resolution and sent to the Florida Department of Transportation and other parties as requested. "MOTION THAT ESSENCE OF DRAFT LETTER PRESENTED BY MR. HURSH REGARDING A CONSISTENT 45 MPH SPEED LIMIT ON STATE ROAD 434 THROUGHOUT THE BOUNDARIES OF THE CITY OF WINTER SPRINGS BE MADE IN THE FORM OF A CITY RESOLUTION." MOTION BY COMMISSIONER JOHNSON. SECONDED BY COMMISSIONER BENTON. DISCUSSION. VOTE: COLANGELO (AYE); JOHNSON (AYE); RESNICK (AYE); ELLIOTT (AYE); BENTON (AYE) MOTION CARRIED 5-0. 501) Discussion on City Chaplain Appointment Process Mr. Gowan briefly introduced the item, noted a previously passed Resolution created the position and that Staff was nowseeking direction on how the Commission would like the application and selection process to be developed. Commissioner Elliott suggested one chaplain serving one year, reporting to the City Clerk. Commissioner Elliott also noted that he knew of one individual that was currently interested. Discussion followed on the many City events,the potential need for an alternate, and existing applications for the Police Chaplain program. Chief Tracht noted that there was an application which the Police Department used and that he would share this with the Clerk's office. Attorney Garganese noted that an application would need to be approved, advertised, and a time frame for accepting applications would need to be established so that the Commission could then decide among applicants at a meeting in January. 502) Deputy Mayor Nomination Mayor McCann briefly reviewed the process of selecting a Deputy Mayor and opened the floor for nominations. Commissioner Benton nominated Commissioner Elliott and this was seconded by Commissioners Resnick and Colangelo. No other nominees were put forth. COMMISSIONER ROB ELLIOTT WAS SELECTED AS DEPUTY MAYOR WITH UNANIMOUS CONSENT. 503)Appointment Opportunities for City Boards and Committees Commissioner Benton noted that he would like to appoint Ms. Gina Shafer to the Planning and Zoning Board for the open Seat Four appointment. Discussion followed on when the vacancy occurred, the fact that the City Code does not address a transition period related to new Commissioners, and the process for removing a Board member. Mr. Gowan noted that Ms. Shafer currently served on the Parks and Recreation Advisory Board and that she could not serve on two boards concurrently. "MOTION TO EXTEND THROUGH SECOND PUBLIC INPUT." MOTION BY COMMISSIONER BENTON. SECONDED BY COMMISSIONER JOHNSON. DISCUSSION. MOTION PASSED WITH UNANIMOUS CONSENT. "MOTION TO REMOVE GINA SHAFER FROM THE PARKS AND RECREATION ADVISORY COMMITTEE AND APPOINT HER TO THE PLANING AND ZONING COMMITTEE." MOTION BY COMMISSIONER BENTON. SECONDED BY COMMISSIONER JOHNSON. DISCUSSION. VOTE: BENTON (AYE); COLANGELO (AYE); JOHNSON (AYE); RESNICK (AYE); ELLIOTT (AYE) MOTION CARRIED 5-0. "MOTION TO APPOINT TIANNA HALE TO VETERAN AND VETERAN FAMILY ADVISORY COMMITTEE." MOTION BY COMMISSIONER BENTON. SECONDED BY DEPUTY MAYOR ELLIOTT. DISCUSSION. VOTE: BENTON (AYE); COLANGELO (AYE); JOHNSON (AYE); RESNICK (AYE); ELLIOTT (AYE) MOTION CARRIED 5-0. "MOTION TO APPOINT DENNIS JONES TO THE TUSCAWILLA LIGHTING AND BEAUTIFICATION DISTRICT ADVISORY COMMITTEE." MOTION BY DEPUTY MAYOR ELLIOTT. SECONDED BY COMMISSIONER JOHNSON. DISCUSSION. VOTE: BENTON (AYE); COLANGELO (AYE); JOHNSON (AYE); RESNICK (AYE); ELLIOTT (AYE) MOTION CARRIED 5-0. Mr. Gowan noted that the City needed to appoint a representative and alternate to CALNO. After brief discussion Deputy Mayor Elliott suggested Commissioner Colangelo serve as the primary member for the City. Commissioner Johnson supported the nomination and noted that he would serve as the alternate if the Commission approved. There was no objection or further nominations. "MOTION TO APPOINT COMMISSIONER COLANGELO AS OUR REPRESENTATIVE FOR CALNO AND COMMISSIONER JOHNSON BE THE ALTERNATE REPRESENTATIVE FOR CALNO." MOTION BY DEPUTY MAYOR ELLIOTT. DISCUSSION. MOTION PASSED WITH UNANIMOUS CONSENT. 504)New Business Mayor McCann spoke briefly about New Business and its purpose to direct Staff to look into issues for future meetings. Commissioner Elliott spoke about campaign signs and discussion followed on the possibility of strengthening the existing signage ordinance, enforcement, and related issues. In response to a question from the Commission, Attorney Garganese noted that he was not aware of a municipality restricting election signs to specific areas, the consideration of property owner rights, and the fact that political signs cannot be treated differently which is why they're covered under the temporary sign code. Further discussion followed on the traditional waiving of sign limits around election time, issues with vacant lots and right-of-way placement, and the potential of providing more resources for candidates so that they understand proper procedure and consequences for non-compliance. REPORTS 600)City Manager Shawn Boyle . • Provided a brief update on storm recovery, noted that the City would be concluding debris pickup, and detailed that the next phase would be working with a FEMA Administrator. Manager Boyle noted the process would be slow and asked for patience. • Noted that more recent information from Seminole County placed rainfall totals from Hurricane Ian at 27" of rain and a 1000 year storm event. • Noted December 3rd Winter Wonderland Parade, December 4, 9-11 Winter Wonderland of Lights. • Noted that the City was committed to repairing minor washouts on Chokecherry Drive and spoke briefly about other roadwork. • Noted that FEMAwould be offering funding assistance to the Fire Department related to response delays. 601)City Attorney Anthony A. Garganese • No report 602)City Clerk Christian Gowan • No report 604)Seat One Commissioner Matt Benton • Asked about the possibility of having experts talking about drinking water and have the Consumer Confidence Report presentation again to distinguish between drinking water and wastewater. o Manager Boyle noted the intent to have an orientation with the new Commissioners and the opportunity to discuss. 605)Seat Two Commissioner Victoria Colangelo • No report 606)Seat Three Commissioner Ted Johnson • Noted his attendance at Arnie Nussbaum's Celebration of Life and mentioned the possibility of erecting a plaque in Trotwood Park, close to where Arnie lived, in his honor o Manager Boyle noted a project on the books to do the Walk of Recognition as well. Brief discussion followed on the placement of this proposed project and the possibility of an amphitheater named in Arnie's honor. 607)Seat Four Commissioner Cade Resnick CITY COMMISSION MINUTES I REGULAR MEETING I MONDAY, NOVEMBER 14, 2022 1 PAGE 10 . • Noted the need for transparency in plans and the importance of communicating timelines. • Proposed consideration of a 360 evaluation of administration in the City to be conducted by an external company. Discussion followed on politics, impacts on Staff, and opportunities to evaluate performance. • Asked for a repository to be made accessible to allow research of prior agendas, comprehensive plan, maps, etc. Attorney Garganese and Manager Boyle noted the ongoing Comprehensive Plan process and suggested items may come back before the Commission around March of 2023. 608)Seat Five Commissioner/Deputy Mayor Rob Elliott • Noted he thought new business was showing up during reports and encouraged fellow Commissioners to follow the process; • Noted his disappointment that the Veteran Day Celebration was cancelled due to Hurricane Nicole and noted the planned honoring of the Hometown Hero during the Christmas parade; • Noted his attendance at the Hometown Harvest, pickleball groundbreaking, Arnie Nussbaum's Celebration of Life, and his continued participation in Leadership Seminole; • Noted meeting with folks with storm damage and keeping them informed of the City's efforts; • Noted that a proposed CrossFit competition permit had been issued, or would be soon, for a March event. 603)Mayor Kevin McCann • Welcomed new Commissioners and reiterated comments about the importance of working together. PUBLIC INPUT Mayor McCann opened Public Input. Ms. Rebecca Mash, 744 Nandina Terrace, Winter Springs spoke about the need for the City to be good stewards of natural resources, development impacts on water and flooding, and thought a pause on development was necessary. Mr. Art Gallo, 799 Nandina Terrace, Winter Springs noted he agreed with his neighbor, asked about preparation time for newly elected officials, and thought following an election there should be a delay in seating newly elected individuals so that they can learn. Mr. Gallo also spoke about the importance of teamwork and clear communication. Ms. Gina Shafer, Winter Springs Village, Winter Springs agreed with Mr. Gallo and thought new Commissioners should be seated in January. Ms. Shafer also asked about banners for Hometown Heroes and asked about further reducing the speed limit to 40mph. Ms. Donna Bruno, S99 Alton Road, Winter Springs congratulated new Commissioners and Mayor, reviewed her career with the City of Winter Springs and her experiences living in the City. Mr. Maurice Kaprow, PO Box 79S233, Winter Springs spoke about the chaplain process, his experience as a Naval Chaplain, and offered to help in the process. Mayor McCann closed Public Input. ADJOURNMENT Mayor McCann adjourned the meeting at 9:46 PM. RESP LLY SUB IT -ED: � -`�Gg;.':. .►'aid ,, .§ Ik � , o { CHRISTIAN GOWAN CITY CLERK APPROVED: MAYOR KE N McCANN NOTE: These Minutes were approved at the December 12,2022 City Commission Regular Meeting.