HomeMy WebLinkAbout2019 12 09 Consent 303 - Unapproved Minutes from the Monday, November 18, 2019 City Commission Regular Meeting CITY COMMISSION Incorporated REGULAR MEETING 1959 .. - MINUTES MONDAY, NOVEMBER 18, 2019 AT 6:30 PM CITY HALL- COMMISSION CHAMBERS 1126 EAST STATE ROAD 434, WINTER SPRINGS, FLORIDA CALL TO ORDER The Regular Meeting of Monday, November 18, 2019 of the City Commission was called to Order by Mayor Charles Lacey at 6:30 p.m. in the Commission Chambers of the Municipal Building (City Hall, 1126 East State Road 434, Winter Springs, Florida 32708). Roll Call: Mayor Charles Lacey, present Deputy Mayor Kevin Cannon, present Commissioner Jean Hovey, present Commissioner Ted Johnson, present Commissioner TiAnna Hale, present Commissioner Geoff Kendrick, present City Manager Shawn Boyle, present City Attorney Anthony A. Garganese, present City Clerk Andrea Lorenzo-Luaces, present A moment of silence was held, followed by the Pledge of Allegiance. Regarding adopting the Agenda, Deputy Mayor Kevin Cannon asked to discuss Consent Agenda Item "303". Mayor Lacey asked if there were any objections and hearing no objections, Mayor Lacey stated, "It will stand adopted." AWARDS AND PRESENTATIONS 100. Update on the Cross Seminole Trail This Awards and Presentations Agenda Item was not heard during this meeting. MONDAYCITY COMMISSION MINUTES I REGULAR MEETING I 101. UCF Incubator Update Mr. Mike Kilbride, Assistant Vice President, UCF Downtown, 500 West Livingston Street, Orlando, Florida: briefly spoke about the UCF (University of Central Florida) Incubator. Mr. Rafael Caamano, Site Manager, Associate Director/Site Manager, UCF Business Incubation Program, 7577 East State Road 434, Winter Springs, Florida: addressed the Mayor and City Commission with a PowerPoint presentation and explained that their program provided over 700 hours of coaching, they had connected forty (40) businesses, had brought approximately 574 visitors to the facility, they had worked with area Chambers of Commerce, and had twenty-seven (27) companies that participated in the program with twenty-three (23) companies residing in the facility. Further remarks followed on participant companies, and Economic Development factors. Mr. Caamano then noted, "Companies within the Incubator, and graduates from the Incubator were able to sustain 476 jobs, and those are direct jobs; indirect jobs is 282, and induced jobs, a total of 323 for a total of 1,081." Mr. Caamano added that regarding direct jobs, "Regional sales between all the companies participating in the program, including those that graduated, they generated over ninety million dollars ($90,000,000.00) revenue, just for Fiscal Year 2018 to 2019." Mayor Lacey recognized Mr. Fred Kittinger with the University of Central Florida who also was in attendance tonight. Furthermore, Mayor Lacey offered his thanks for the update and noted, "If we don't hear from you again, next year, please do it again." 102. Flag Presentation, Boy Scouts Commissioner Geoff Kendrick spoke of a Flag Presentation Ceremony that was held on Veterans Day at Keeth Elementary School with members of the Boy Scouts Troop 4196 and VFW Local Post5405 and recognized Mr. Mathew Kline aswell as thosewho had supported this great effort. MONDAYCITY COMMISSION MINUTES I REGULAR MEETING I 103. 2019 Girls High School State Champions Mr. Chris Caldwell, Director, Parks and Recreation Department introduced from Winter Springs High School - Mr. Pete Gaffney, Principal, Mr. Scott Gomrad, Athletic Director, and Mr. Ocky Clark, Head Coach. The State Champions were then individually recognized: Miss Kennedy Arterburn, Miss Elayna Bahr, Miss Mackenzie Czurak, Miss Susie Doyle, Miss Naomi Flowers, Miss Evie McIver, Miss Emma Powell, Miss Sarah Turner, and Miss Caroline Wells. INFORMATIONAL AGENDA 200. Current Community Development Projects Summary There was no discussion on this Agenda Item. PUBLIC INPUT Mayor Lacey opened "Public Input". Representative David Smith, Florida House of Representative, 7577 East State Road 434, Suite 2007, #264, Winter Springs, Florida: mentioned that he had presented House Bill 2077, related to Treatment Plant Upgrades and House Bill 2079, Gee Creek Stormwater Facility and hoped they would get positive results. Ms. Gina Shafer, Winter Springs Village, Winter Springs, Florida: commented on the Dream Finders Homes project, a meeting she had attended which addressed that there was only one (1) entrance which might be a problem when special events are held, her concern with access to the parks, and her thought that the public restrooms that were proposed near the lift station was probably not a good idea. Deputy Mayor Cannon noted that he would be holding a Town Hall in early December and suggested that Ms. Shafer and fellow residents could attend. MONDAYCITY COMMISSION MINUTES I REGULAR MEETING I Mr. Philip Kaprow, 7005 Antelope Trail, Winter Springs, Florida: spoke of advocacy, small businesses, and noted that an upcoming Capitol Connection trip was being planned for late January 2020 and asked who from Winter Springs would be attending. There were no objections to discussing this matter now. Mayor Lacey said that previously, former Commissioner Cade Resnick had represented the City with the Oviedo-Winter Springs Regional Chamber of Commerce; and now, Mayor Lacey held that role. Mayor Lacey mentioned that he was unable to participate in the upcoming Oviedo-Winter Springs Regional Chamber of Commerce's Capitol Connection through the City's Trustee membership. Further remarks included that Commissioner Jean Hovey would be attending through her employer. Mayor Lacey closed "Public Input". "I MAKE THE MOTION THAT WE ALLOCATE THE 2020 CAPITOL CONNECTION TRIP TO COMMISSIONER JOHNSON." MOTION BY DEPUTY MAYOR CANNON. SECONDED BY COMMISSIONER KENDRICK. DISCUSSION. Mayor Lacey opened "Public Input"for this matter. Mr. Philip Kaprow, 7005 Antelope Trail, Winter Springs, Florida: said he supported the Motion. Mayor Lacey closed "Public Input"for this matter. VOTE: COMMISSIONER HOVEY: AYE COMMISSIONER KENDRICK: AYE COMMISSIONER JOHNSON: AYE COMMISSIONER HALE: AYE DEPUTY MAYOR CANNON: AYE MOTION CARRIED. MONDAYCITY COMMISSION MINUTES I REGULAR MEETING I Mr. Prasad Chittaluru, 7577 East State Road 434, Suite 3033, Winter Springs, Florida: mentioned his support of the UCF (University of Central Florida) Incubator program, said that the program has been very helpful, and thanked the Mayor and City Commission for their support. Brief comments. Mr. Peter Trauers, 862 East WildmereAvenue, Longwood, Florida: as a participant in the UCF (University of Central Florida) Incubator program, Mr. Trauers commented on his efforts, the opportunities afforded through this program for businesses, and hoped the City would provide even more support. Ms. Rebecca Hertz, 7577 East State Road 434, Winter Springs, Florida: noted that her company's products through the UCF (University of Central Florida) Incubator were being used via numerous airlines and added that the growth of her company was possible through the Incubator program. Mayor Lacey suggested that the City was always interested in receiving any updates from the UCF (University of Central Florida) Incubator. CONSENT AGENDA 300. Surplus Assets No discussion. 301. FY 2019 Final Budget Amendment This Agenda Item was not discussed. 302. Award of RFP 07-19KM Landscape Maintenance Services No discussion. MONDAYCITY COMMISSION MINUTES I REGULAR MEETING I 303. Engineering Services for Priority Repairs at City Wastewater Treatment Plants Deputy Mayor Cannon suggested that when City Attorney Anthony A. Garganese drafts the Agreement related to this Agenda Item, that a provision be included so that "We can revisit the contract If this Contractor is in breach of their performance of other contracts with the City - we can revisit this contract as well." Mayor Lacey said to Attorney Garganese, "Understood and agreed?" Attorney Garganese stated, "I will incorporate that." Further comments. Mayor Lacey asked if there were any objections, to which none were voiced. Regarding Consent Agenda Item "303", it was mentioned that Consent Agenda Item `303" was still part of the Consent Agenda for Approval. 304. Minutes from the Monday, October 14, 2019 City Commission Regular Meeting There was no discussion on this Agenda Item. REGARDING THE CONSENT AGENDA, "MOTION TO APPROVE." MOTION BY DEPUTY MAYOR CANNON. SECONDED BY COMMISSIONER HALE. DISCUSSION. VOTE: COMMISSIONER HALE: AYE DEPUTY MAYOR CANNON: AYE COMMISSIONER KENDRICK: AYE COMMISSIONER HOVEY: AYE COMMISSIONER JOHNSON: AYE MOTION CARRIED MONDAYCITY COMMISSION MINUTES I REGULAR MEETING I PUBLIC HEARINGS AGENDA 400. The Community Development Department requests that the City Commission hold a Public Hearing to consider a Waiver for Northern Oaks, an approved 35-lot single-family residential subdivision. Mr. Christopher Schmidt, Director, Community Development Department opened this Agenda Item with a brief presentation and pointed out that, "The current request is a Waiver to increase the maximum lot coverage in R-1 District to fifty percent (50%) in lieu of forty percent (40%). In addition, our current City Engineer, CPH Engineers completed a review on the request. CPH reviewed the Final Engineering and the stormwater calculations were retrieved from the St. Johns River Water Management District and verified the maximum increase of lot coverage may increase up to fifty percent (50%). The staff recommendation is to approve the request as presented in the staff report." Deputy Mayor Cannon inquired, "You are positive that there's enough capacity in that stormwater pond for this?" Mr. Allen C. Lane, Jr., P.E., Project Engineer, CPH Engineers, 7777 East Robinson Street Orlando, Florida: stated, "Actually they wanted to go from forty percent (40%) impervious area to fifty percent (50%); a ten percent (10%) increase in impervious area. There's thirty-five (35) lots. They provided the calculations to show the amount of impervious area for each lot. So,we went back and revisited that same calculation, added an extra ten percent (10%) onto each of those lots to calculate a new total impervious area. And from their calculations, there's a specific volume of water that they call the pollution abatement volume; and that is a general volume of water that everybody designs for. Even with the increased area of impervious on each lot, the volume of pollution abatement does not exceed what the ponds were designed for. So the ponds appear to be over designed for the treatment volume that's draining to them." Deputy Mayor Cannon said to Mr. Lane, "And you are very comfortable with that?" Mr. Lane responded, "Yes, Sir." Furthermore, Deputy Mayor Cannon then noted, "I would like for there to be a Development Agreement that incorporates this change." Further, Deputy Mayor Cannon commented, "I would like to have a simple Development Agreement that recognizes this Waiver that they are requesting..." Mr. Schmidt noted, "...Okay..." Deputy Mayor Cannon continued, "...And that if in the future, on a recurring basis, there is a flooding issue,that they will remediate it." Mr.Schmidt said, "Okay." Deputy Mayor Cannon added, "They will, not us as a City." Mayor Lacey noted that a Development Agreement would be brought forward to the City Commission. With further remarks, Mayor Lacey said, "I agree with that. Is there any disagreement from the Commission to Chris (Schmidt) taking that direction?" Commissioner Hale remarked, "No." No objections were voiced. Commissioner Kendrick said to Mr. Lane, "A moment ago you said the stormwater `should' handle the capacity? Was that `should' or it will handle the capacity because it was overbuilt based on what you are asking for." Mr. Lane remarked, "It should." Further addressing Mr. Lane, Mayor Lacey said, "The Developer's initial request, was for fifty-five percent (55%). Did you do the calculations to say whether the PAV would have been sufficient for fifty-five percent (55%) impermeable." Mr. Lane replied, "I did not do it for fifty-five percent (55%). I can do those calculations." Mayor Lacey added, "It's just a data point to know how much - to make sure if it is good for fifty-five percent (55%), it would be that much more comfort, that we are safe at fifty percent (50%)." Commissioner Kendrick stated, "Right." Mr. Lane noted, "We can go back and check that and coordinate with Chris (Schmidt) if necessary." With comments about a previous storm event, Commissioner Johnson asked, "Can you please confirm with me that what we're dealing with tonight, will not have any impedance to the water going from the residential lots into the retention pond." Mr. Lane stated, "I can't guarantee that if you get a hurricane - because those are beyond the normal designed criteria's for stormwater ponds. I mean they designed for example, this particular development designed for the ten (10) year, twenty-four (24) hour, the twenty-five (25), the twenty-four (24) hour and the hundred (100) year twenty-four (24) hour storm. So if you get events that are greater than say the hundred (100) year twenty-four (24) hour storm event, I can't say thatyou won't have an issue, but for the particular review we did, the calculations show that with this small increase from forty to fifty percent (40 to 50%) impervious area, it's not going to have a significant impact on the pond. I mean the site is still like I said, it's going to drain to the inlets, the inlets to the pond, unless you get an out of ordinary event that it wasn't designed for in the original calculations." Deputy Mayor Cannon asked, "Is this stormwater system going to be turned over to the City or is this going to be remaining with their HOA (Homeowner's Association)?" Mr. Schmidt stated, "The stormwater system on site - it is private." Further comments ensued. MONDAYCITY COMMISSION MINUTES I REGULAR MEETING I Mr. Lane said, "These ponds are wet ponds, so they don't have an underground drainage system - it's surface run-off to the curb inlets along the roadway and then of course, those storm pipes are underground, and they feed the stormwater pond." Continuing, Mr. Lane pointed out, "If the storm pipes get clogged, and there is that potential, but there is also you know, standard maintenance that should be done to prevent that." Deputy Mayor Cannon then said, "As part of that Development Agreement, that would include that they are going to do their routine maintenance to make sure that storm inlets are not plugged and everything is flowing." Mr. Schmidt said, "Yes." Mayor Lacey opened "Public Input"for this Agenda Item. No one addressed the City Commission at this time. Mayor Lacey closed "Public Input"for this Agenda Item. "I WOULD LIKE TO MAKE A MOTION THAT WE APPROVE DREAM FINDERS' REQUEST TO INCREASE FROM FORTY TO FIFTY PERCENT (40-50%) IMPERVIOUS COVERAGE." MOTION BY COMMISSIONER KENDRICK. SECONDED BY COMMISSIONER JOHNSON. DISCUSSION. DEPUTY MAYOR CANNON ASKED, "INCLUDING A DEVELOPMENT AGREEMENT REGARDING THE MAINTENANCE AND ERADICATION OF ANY COMPLICATIONS." COMMISSIONER KENDRICK STATED, "YES." MAYOR LACEY ASKED, "IS THERE ANY OBJECTION TO INCLUDING THAT IN THE MOTION?" COMMISSIONER KENDRICK STATED, "NO." NO OBJECTIONS WERE VOICED. MAYOR LACEY ADDED, "SO THE MOTION INCLUDES THE DA (DEVELOPMENT AGREEMENT) AS DISCUSSED BY DEPUTY MAYOR CANNON." VOTE: COMMISSIONER JOHNSON: AYE COMMISSIONER HOVEY: AYE DEPUTY MAYOR CANNON: AYE COMMISSIONER KENDRICK: AYE COMMISSIONER HALE: AYE MOTION CARRIED CITY COMMISSION MINUTES I REGULAR MEETING I MONDAY NOVEMBER2019 . OF 24 REGULAR AGENDA 500. Review Status of Winter Springs Retirement Residence, LLC Development Agreement - The City Commission should review the obligation contained in the Developer's Agreement, dated January 22, 2018, recorded in Seminole County Official Records Book 9105, Pages 264-276, to substantially commence construction of the development project within eighteen (18) months after the Agreement's recording and provide direction regarding a possible extension of the deadline or termination of the Agreement. Attorney Garganese began the discussion on this Agenda Item, and pointed out that an extension would be applicable from October 6t" plus fifty (50) days plus six (6) months. Deputy Mayor Cannon hoped Staff would encourage the Developer to move forward. Deputy Mayor Cannon stated, "Can you reassure us that your client is aggressively trying to finish this project, because there is a need." Mr. Charles B. Costar III, Esquire, Shutts & Bowen LLP, 300 South Orange Avenue, Suite 7600, Orlando, Florida: responded, "Yes, Sir. Of the items that needed to be completed for the substantial commencement, there is one that is left, and it is curbing on site." Deputy Mayor Cannon remarked, "I would like to know about - just a little bit a change to the external aesthetics of the building. Have you had that conversation yet?" City Manager Shawn Boyle said he had not. Deputy Mayor Cannon pointed out that a lot of residents were opposed to the modern look of the Blake Apartments. With further remarks, Deputy Mayor Cannon added, "I would encourage you to talk a little bit with Chris and with Staff about some slight just aesthetic visual changes that would bring it more in line with the rest of the Town Center." Mr. Costar said, "I will make sure that the message is communicated to the client." With further comments, Commissioner Kendrick noted, "We want substantive movement on this project. " MONDAYCITY COMMISSION MINUTES I REGULAR MEETING I Commissioner Kendrick then said to Mr. Costar, "I need you to get with Staff and get a timeline together and where - we know things happen - when you think we will go vertical. I also have one more request. I know Deputy Mayor Cannon asked about the aesthetic appeal and maybe - something that is a little different from the Blake, nothing structural; however, he mentioned something else regarding our shrubbery, our trees. We have a Trail on the east side of the Hawthorne and - I would and I think I am echoing sentiments from a lot of our residents, like to see a row of trees, shrubs. It would be a very nice touch - I know we are in the 111h hour here but it would be a really nice touch, a nice olive branch for your company. Something indigenous, Live Oaks, Red Maples, Magnolias - along that road. I think you will get a lot of happy residents to see those planted." Commissioner Kendrick asked if Mr. Costar would take that back to his client, to which Mr. Costar said, "Be happy to do that." Commissioner Ted Johnson mentioned that residents are stopping by the Blake Apartments complaining abouttheexteriors oftheir buildings and said, "It is critically important not just for us, that you take this back and I would hope that it would be revisited and some adjustments made." Commissioner TiAnna Hale was in agreement with the others, said she liked the pergolas and thought that stonework would be nicer than the suggested brick. Commissioner Hale added that Elm trees absorb more carbon than Palm trees. Mayor Lacey said he also was in agreement. Attorney Garganese concluded the discussion by saying that they would respond to the Developer's letter. 501. Waste Pro Contract Extension Ms. Kelly Balagia, Director, Finance Department introduced this Agenda Item for discussion and reviewed the cost survey that was included in the Agenda Item. Discussion followed on rates, maintaining the status quo for another year, and customer satisfaction and service. MONDAYCITY COMMISSION MINUTES I REGULAR MEETING I Ms. Susie Dolan, Director of Community Affairs and Government Relations, Waste Pro of Florida, 3705 St. Johns Parkway, Sanford, Florida: introduced herself to those present. Referencing the Customer Satisfaction Survey, Commissioner Johnson said to Ms. Dolan that regarding the data, "Can you share any strategies that are in the works for improvements to address those service needs." Ms. Dolan mentioned earlier issues with toter replacements and added, "I was very uncomfortable with the ninety percent (90%). We usually do much better than that. So, it's a concern for us as well. I know we are focusing on it." Continuing, Ms. Dolan stated, "I'm always available 24/7 and if there's an issue you are more than welcome to call me at any time and I'll get it taken care of immediately." Deputy Mayor Cannon then spoke of a public information campaign and suggested Waste Pro of Florida could work with the City on information related to recyclables, such as pamphlets and posters. Further regarding recycling, Ms. Dolan agreed and said, "I believe you all have a connection to our website where we have a separate page for Winter Springs." Furthermore, Ms. Dolan noted, "If that's not the case, we can make that happen but in addition to that as far as the recycling education, it really is very important; especially at this stage of the game. We can develop or we can come up with some educational materials which can certainly go out when it goes out in -your utility bill or if it's something separate, we can have extra stuff here. We can also put it on the website so that there is a clear determination as to what is and what isn't, because it has changed over the years, quite a lot. So,we're happy to make that happen as well, and I can get with Staff to develop that." Deputy Mayor Cannon added, "I am thinking that besides the electronic media, we have City events. Having some of these informational brochures and little reminders, maybe some posters also for the schools..." Ms. Dolan stated, "...Absolutely..." Continuing, Deputy Mayor Cannon added, "...So, the kids know what is recyclable." Additional remarks continued on school children and possibly reaching out to PTA's (Parent-Teachers Associations). MONDAYCITY COMMISSION MINUTES I REGULAR MEETING I Mayor Lacey commented on constantly reading about the high cost of recycling and then said to Manager Boyle, "I commend you for bringing this to us in November when it doesn't expire for another three (3) months or so but March of 2021 is going to be on us before we know it, especially with the lead time to go through any potential bid process and what any other vendor would need in terms of lead time in being able to serve the City by March of 2021. But, I think we need to get on a very strict program of figuring out what we're going to do a year from now and from my point of view, I would suggest we begin negotiations with Waste-Pro on a longer-term extension, see where that goes and if that proves not to be fruitful, plan to go out for bid sometime in late spring, early summer next year or we will miss the March 2021 deadline" Deputy Mayor Cannon stated, "I agree with that." Manager Boyle noted that they had already started discussions. Mayor Lacey added that he would not be against an extension with Waste Pro of Florida. Commissioner Kendrick pointed out that some recyclable information had been sent to the public already. "MOTION TO EXTEND THE WASTE PRO CONTRACT FOR ONE (1) YEAR COMMENCING MARCH 1, 2020." MOTION BY DEPUTY MAYOR CANNON. SECONDED BY COMMISSIONER HALE. DISCUSSION. VOTE: COMMISSIONER KENDRICK: AYE DEPUTY MAYOR CANNON: AYE COMMISSIONER HALE: AYE COMMISSIONER HOVEY: AYE COMMISSIONER JOHNSON: AYE MOTION CARRIED. MONDAYCITY COMMISSION MINUTES I REGULAR MEETING I 502. Rea ppointment/Appointment Opportunities to the Bicycle and Pedestrian Advisory Committee, Board of Trustees, Code Enforcement Board, and the Parks and Recreation Advisory Committee MOTION TO APPOINT MR. ED SANABRIA TO THE PARKS AND RECREATION ADVISORY COMMITTEE CONTINGENT UPON THE VETTING BY THE CITY CLERK. MOTION BY COMMISSIONER JOHNSON. SECONDED BY COMMISSIONER KENDRICK. DISCUSSION. VOTE: COMMISSIONER HALE: AYE COMMISSIONER JOHNSON: AYE COMMISSIONER KENDRICK: AYE DEPUTY MAYOR CANNON: AYE COMMISSIONER HOVEY: AYE MOTION CARRIED. MOTION TO REAPPOINT MR. DAVID WITHEE TO THE BOARD OF TRUSTEES. MOTION BY DEPUTY MAYOR CANNON. SECONDED BY COMMISSIONER KENDRICK. DISCUSSION. VOTE: DEPUTY MAYOR CANNON: AYE COMMISSIONER HALE: AYE COMMISSIONER HOVEY: AYE COMMISSIONER JOHNSON: AYE COMMISSIONER KENDRICK: AYE MOTION CARRIED. MOTION TO AGAIN APPOINT MR. MATT BENTON TO THE PARKS AND RECREATION ADVISORY COMMITTEE. MOTION BY DEPUTY MAYOR CANNON. SECONDED BY COMMISSIONER JOHNSON. DISCUSSION. VOTE: COMMISSIONER KENDRICK: AYE COMMISSIONER HOVEY: AYE COMMISSIONER JOHNSON: AYE COMMISSIONER HALE: AYE DEPUTY MAYOR CANNON: AYE MOTION CARRIED. Further comments. MONDAYCITY COMMISSION MINUTES I REGULAR MEETING I REPORTS 600. City Attorney Anthony A. Garganese, Esquire No Report was given. 601. City Manager Shawn Boyle Manager Boyle congratulated the Veolia Company on a ten (10) year contract with Fulton County, Georgia. Next, Manager Boyle spoke of projects listed on the City's website and the progress that the Veolia Company had already made. Manager Boyle then noted that a federally approved project to remove sediment from streams was in process, and had started with great results already. Manager Boyle added that Bear Creekwas the next area where thiswould be done, most likely around the beginning of December, and mentioned that there may be some minor disruptions to traffic. Furthermore, Manager Boyle said that a resident, Mr. Art Gallo had put brought forward a water conservation project. It was noted that Ms. Balagia and Ms. Lena Rivera, P.E., D.WRE, Director, Public Works and Utilities Departments were assisting with a pilot program for Mr. Gallo, until supply and demand could be looked into. Furthermore, such a project might also be known as drip irrigation or intelligent irrigation. 602. City Clerk Andrea Lorenzo-Luaces, MMC No Report was given. MONDAYCITY COMMISSION MINUTES I REGULAR MEETING I 603. Seat Three Commissioner Ted Johnson Commissioner Johnson referenced a Community Workshop for the Gatherings at the Winter Springs Town Center that he attended and said that he thought it was well attended and that the Developer gave a good presentation. Next, Commissioner Johnson spoke of the Oviedo-Winter Springs Regional Chamber of Commerce's OCTOBERFEST event. Commissioner Johnson then spoke of attending the Oak Forest's Fall Festival which was a nice occasion. Winter Springs High School's recent Homecoming Parade was addressed next by Commissioner Johnson who thanked Mr. Caldwell for the float he pulled together for the Mayor and City Commission, and thought the event turned out great. Commissioner Johnson then commented on a Tuscawilla Homeowners Association (THOA) fundraiser which raised over fifteen hundred dollars ($1,500.00) for Kid's House of Seminole, Inc. Regarding the Hometown Harvest event, Commissioner Johnson said he thought it was the best ever, and commended Mr. Caldwell and his team. Commissioner Johnson mentioned that he attended the Vietnam 50th Anniversary Pinning ceremony at the VFW (Veterans of Foreign Wars of the United States) which was an emotional and moving occasion. Next, Commissioner Johnson referenced a State Road 434 Workshop, however he was disappointed there was not a public input section. The Veterans Day tribute was an excellent event, and Commissioner Johnson thought that everyone who assisted had helped make it a great event. Commissioner Johnson then spoke of a meeting he attended which addressed that criminals are watching if women leave their purse in a car to go into a store, and suggested people be careful, especially during the holiday season. Continuing, Commissioner Johnson said he recently attended the Florida League of Cities' Legislative Conference which was very informative. MONDAYCITY COMMISSION MINUTES I REGULAR MEETING I Ms. Rivera and her staff were highly commended by Commissioner Johnson for their prompt assistance whenever they are called upon to help residents. Commissioner Johnson then wished everyone a Happy Thanksgiving. 604. Seat Four Commissioner TiAnna Hale "I WOULD LIKE TO MAKE A MOTION TO EXTEND OUR TIME TO AFTER PUBLIC INPUT." MOTION BY COMMISSIONER HALE. SECONDED BY COMMISSIONER KENDRICK. DISCUSSION. MOTION CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY. Commissioner Hale complimented Mr. Caldwell and staff on the grand opening of the MountTrotwood Parkwhich Commissioner Hale thoughtwas a super eventwith a greatturn-out, including Representative David Smith. Furthermore, Commissioner Hale noted that Representative Smith also attended the City's Veteran's Memorial tribute and complimented his service as a Veteran. The City's great Hometown Harvest eventwas addressed next by Commissioner Hale who thanked City staff for their hard work. In terms of the Oviedo-Winter Springs Regional Chamber of Commerce's OCTOBERFEST event. Commissioner Hale spoke of weather issues. Next, Commissioner Hale said she participated in the Girls in Government event for Seminole Academy and noted that it was a super program and encouraged people to get involved and become a mentor if possible. Regarding creek clean out work, Commissioner Hale noted that she had received some compliments that City Staff were just excellent and were also very considerate, even with pets. Commissioner Hale then mentioned that she participated in the Federal Action Strike Team's trip to Washington D.C. in collaboration with the Florida League of Cities. Lastly, Commissioner Hale spoke of the upcoming Grand Opening of the Rustic Jouneys shop in the Winter Springs Town Center on Friday, November 22, 2019 and hoped everyone would support this business. MONDAYCITY COMMISSION MINUTES I REGULAR MEETING I 605. Seat Five Commissioner Geoff Kendrick Commissioner Kendrick opened his Report by commenting on some road paving in the Oak Forest community and said that the Contractor did a great job, and added, "Thank you very much Shawn (Boyle) and your team." Next, Commissioner Kendrickthanked the Mayor and City Commission for canceling the second October City Commission Regular Meeting so they could participate in Winter Springs High School's Homecoming Parade. Commissioner Kendrick also thanked Mr. Caldwell for his assistance. Commissioner Kendrick then commented on a great Trunk or Treat event at Winter Springs High School and commended the Principal and his staff for the great job they were doing. Continuing, Commissioner Kendrick mentioned the Oviedo-Winter Springs Regional Chamber of Commerce's OCTOBERFEST,the City's Hometown Harvest, the Veteran's Day event, as well as a great block party held in Oak Forest. Commissioner Kendrick spoke next of the Florida League of Cities' Legislative Conference which he attended as a member of the Board of Directors and referenced their many efforts to help the citizens and the State. On a related note, Commissioner Kendrick added that he was going to be trying for the Chairmanship of their Transportation Committee and also spoke of the importance of water quality and transportation. g*g* AGENDA NOTE: THE FOLLOWING REPORT WAS DISCUSSED NEXT, AS DOCUMENTED, FOLLOWED BY THE REST OF THE AGENDA. 404, REPORTS 601. City Manager Shawn Boyle Ms. Casey Howard, Director, IT and Administrative Services Department gave an update on some upcoming repairs to the fountains and ponds at the main entrance to Tuscawilla, and noted that the work should be completed by the Holidays. MONDAYCITY COMMISSION MINUTES I REGULAR MEETING I 606. Mayor Charles Lacey Mayor Lacey referenced recent discussion related to possible roundabouts on State Road 434 and noted that MetroPlan Orlando had some "study money" available, and if the City was interested and worked through our representatives on MetroPlan Orlando, Seminole County's Commissioner Bob Dallari and Commissioner Jay Zembower, they could look into such for us. Deputy Mayor Cannon noted that he thought the City should consider hiring Traffic Engineers to assist the City with potential roundabouts and/or signalization in areas such as Tuscora, Creek's Run, Integra 360; thought that MetroPlan Orlando could provide funds to the City more than they have in the past, and hoped we could calendar when funding periods were open so we could plan for any open opportunities. Comments followed on working with Pegasus Engineering, using speed technology, various traffic issues around the City, procurement rules, and getting a project scope put together. Ms. Rivera commented on a meeting with Pegasus Engineering, who advised her that they are more of a traffic design firm, a possible RFQ, and what other options the City may have. One possibility that Ms. Rivera mentioned was piggybacking off a contract with Kittelson & Associates who had recently addressed the City Commission with Seminole County Commissioner Bob Dallari regarding State Road 434. Mayor Lacey summarized, "My recommendation is that Shawn (Boyle) and Lena (Rivera) - have this in their sights, but let them work a bit and then come back to us." Deputy Mayor Cannon stated, "The scope of work that I envision - 434 is a unique creature, right. It is a State Road and so forth, and Kittelson is well suited for that, especiallywith roundabouts." Deputy Mayor Cannon continued, "With a Consultant or whomever, I want to address our collector roads, I want to address the speed issues. We have over 200 miles of sidewalks in the City. The change in the funding criteria that MetroPlan [Orlando] has implemented now through - per the Federal guidelines focuses very heavily on safety and I see many places in the City where painted crosswalks would be beneficial. I see other places along the major collector roads that are busy where crossing signals, the stop signs embedded on the Cross Seminole Trail,the bicyclists blew right across in front of cars, we have had some pretty serious accidents there. So, that is my vision if you will of - the scope of work in the community, the collector roads, as well as 434 and Tuskawilla as well." CITY COMMISSION MINUTES I REGULAR MEETING I MONDAY NOVEMBER2019 . OF 24 Deputy Mayor Cannon added that the City of Oviedo was recently able to reduce speed limits along State Road 434 and that perhaps this was a good time to try to do the same for problem areas in Winter Springs along State Road 434. Further remarks followed. Deputy Mayor Cannon added, "I think it is kind of multifaceted but that is my wish list to share with everybody up here. Jean, I know on your side of town I would love to hear it, and everybody else up here, but seriously, Shore Road, right? Murphy and back in there. I mean habitually, we are hearing complaints about people that are speeding and there's a lot of sidewalks missing in the older section of our town; we need more sidewalks in some areas really, so that is my wish list." Mayor Lacey noted, "I would phrase that as, is that the Consensus of the Commission, that that wish list be forwarded to Shawn (Boyle) as basically direction." Commissioner Johnson said, "Looking through it from my lens, I very much support all that, but I will tell you in terms of prioritizing, I think the stretch from 417 into the Town Center is probably the most scary one, from my point of view. And I think that should be one of the priorities..." Deputy Mayor Cannon added, "...I absolutely agree..." Continuing, Commissioner Johnson noted, "...I think something needs to be done as soon as possible there, the speed limit needs to be adjusted and there needs to be traffic controls at those hotspots, Tuscora, Creek's Run, and Michael Blake [Boulevard]." Mayor Lacey added, "Every one of those intersections is gaining." Deputy Mayor Cannon then pointed out that Orange County placed digital speed signs on University Boulevard between State Road 417 and the University of Central Florida, and perhaps we could do the same to collect data ad use our Law Enforcement resources in an efficient manner. Mayor Lacey then said to Manager Boyle, "That seems to be the Consensus of the Commission, in fact I heard no objection." Ms. Rivera commented that they had recently placed a similar speed sign and were evaluating the data. Deputy Mayor Cannon said that his preference was that the City purchase up to ten (10) of those signs and be able to move them around as needed. With continued remarks, Deputy Mayor Cannon mentioned his concern with the area in front of the Parkstone community, and thought a flashing sign advising people of an upcoming stoplight might be helpful. Commissioner Kendrick suggested that speed tables be considered for some areas, such as Northern Way to Trotwood Boulevard, and other feeder and neighborhood roads, and hoped this could be included in a survey. MONDAYCITY COMMISSION MINUTES I REGULAR MEETING I Manager Boyle mentioned some recent purchases of illuminated crosswalk signage, speed limit signs, stop signs, as well as they were working on some experimental speed tables. 607. Seat One Commissioner Jean Hovey No Report was given. 608. Seat Two Commissioner/Deputy Mayor Kevin Cannon Deputy Mayor Cannon announced he would be holding a Town Hall on Tuesday, December 3rd in the Commission Chambers at 6:30 p.m. for residents who would like to attend. Next, Deputy Mayor Cannon spoke of issues he recently had searching City records and thought City records should be more automated for ease of access. Deputy Mayor Cannon then shared his experience at a Cybersecurity Seminar he attended and that he would be following up with City Staff regarding information he received. Continuing, Deputy Mayor Cannon suggested a small sign be erected to recognize the Winter Springs High School Cross Country champions similar to previous signage. Manager Boyle stated, "We will get it done, if we have a Consensus." Mayor Lacey inquired, "Is there a Consensus that we add the Winter Springs High School Cross Country Girls... Commissioner Kendrick stated, "...Absolutely." Other Commissioners nodded in agreement. Additionally, Deputy Mayor Cannon spoke about his attendance at the Vietnam Memorial Traveling Wall and the Opening Ceremony. Next, Deputy Mayor Cannon commented about the Community Workshops and referred to feedback he had received which was that Community Workshops should start at 6:30 p.m. and added that a second point pertained to the ratios adopted for notice distribution, in that 500 feet may not be adequate and suggested, "My thought conceptually, and let Staff kind of iron it out, have a radius but - a radius of this, but no less than so many notifications to adjacent property owners, businesses, and residents or something like that. So at least we extend that out as needed." MONDAYCITY COMMISSION MINUTES I REGULAR MEETING I With further remarks, Attorney Garganese pointed out that, "The Code requires 500 feet but that doesn't prevent the staff from going above and beyond -as a minimum. We could change the Code but it's not necessary to go above and beyond the minimum in the Code." Mayor Lacey thought, "We just need a staff implementation policy that adds some flexibility to that minimum." Commissioner Hale asked, "Can we utilize our website or social media?" Deputy Mayor Cannon said, "We need to do that as well." Concluding this discussion, Mayor Lacey recommended, "Why don't we ask Shawn (Boyle) and Anthony (Garganese) to come back with a recommendation along those lines." Mayor Lacey then remarked to Manager Boyle, "Did you get that unanimous Consent from the Commission?" Next, Deputy Mayor Cannon commented on the recent Hometown Harvest event, and that many saw a Bald Eagle in the area. Deputy Mayor Cannon then suggested that on the next Agenda or two, to standardize the Board and Committee Appointment process and thought Appointments could be for two (2) year Terms, in odd years for Districts One, Three, and Five, and in even years for Districts Two and Four as well as the Mayor, at a specific time annually, as applicable. Attorney Garganese responded, "We can certainly look at it." Attorney Garganese noted that changes had been made over the years. Further remarks followed on past actions. Deputy Mayor Cannon additionally suggested a "City Youth Council Board" be created as well as a `Natural Resources Advisory Conservation Board' and hoped these new Committees could be brought back for consideration on a future Agenda. Deputy Mayor Cannon mentioned sustainability and connectivity through the St. Johns River Water Management District (SJRWMD) and might there be possible funding sources. Mayor Lacey pointed out, "I think we need to bring it back as an Agenda Item and I think the restructuring of the Terms, is something that we can ask Anthony (Garganese) to do, but I would suggest that we do that in concert with him having some prioritization on that to make sure it doesn't preempt other things that he is doing." Deputy Mayor Cannon added, "I will just ask that we put it on a future Agenda, not December." Deputy Mayor Cannon noted that perhaps January or February might work. MONDAYCITY COMMISSION MINUTES I REGULAR MEETING I PUBLIC INPUT Mayor Lacey opened "Public Input". Ms. Sheila Benton, 474 Cedarwood Court, Winter Springs, Florida: expressed her concern with some uneven sidewalks, specifically on Edgemon Avenue and Lombardy Road and hoped this would be looked into. Ms. Gina Shafer, Winter Springs Village, Winter Springs, Florida: thanked Mr. Schmidt for erecting a sign at Michael Blake Boulevard which advised people to not block the intersection. Ms. Shafer also spoke about a recent meeting related to State Road 434 and her disappointment that there was not a Public Inputsection, however she did pass on her preference for lowering speed limits; and also mentioned the need for people to be careful about items blowing out of recycling bins and perhaps this could be included in educational materials on recycling. Finally, Ms. Shafer said, "We do appreciate everything you all do, so thank you very much." Commissioner Hale asked if there were lids available for recycling containers. Manager Boyle mentioned lids were available for purchase. Mayor Lacey closed "Public Input". ADJOURNMENT Mayor Lacey adjourned the Pegular Meeting at 9:10 p.m. RESPECTFULLY SUBMITTED: ANDREA LORENZO-LUACES, MMC CITY CLERK APPROVED: MAYOR CHARLES LACEY NOTE: These Minutes were approved at the 12019 City Commission Regular Meeting. MONDAYCITY COMMISSION MINUTES I REGULAR MEETING I