HomeMy WebLinkAbout2019 09 23 Regular 501 - Dream Finders Townhomes Contract Obligation REGULAR AGENDA ITEM 501 CITY COMMISSION AGENDA I SEPTEMBER 23, 2019 1 REGULAR momo� a 'g59 MEETING TITLE Dream Finders Townhomes Contract Obligation SUMMARY This Agenda Item requires the City Commission's consideration of a significant amount of background information regarding the Winter Springs Town Center and the subject property spanning the course of about 20 years, as follows: 1. The Proposed Project and Property. DFC Seminole Crossing, LLC ("the Applicant") currently has development permit applications pending for a proposed townhome project consisting of 114 units, along with a community pool ("Project") on Parcel No. 26-20-30-5AP-OA00-007K, currently owned by DFC Seminole Crossing, LLC (the "DFC Property" or the "Applicant's Property"). The City Commission approved Preliminary Engineering Plans for the townhome project on January 8, 2018. A copy of the Preliminary Engineering Plans and related City Commission Agenda Item are attached hereto as Attachment 1. The Property is located in the T5 Transect of the Town Center, east of the roundabout on Michael Blake Boulevard. 2. Issue Presented to the City Commission - Small Neighborhood Squares #4 and #5. A lengthy series of development agreements has encumbered the DFC Property, beginning in June 2000. These development agreements included the requirement that, at the time of development, two small neighborhood squares, referred to as Small Neighborhood Square #4 and #5, would be conveyed to the City. As explained below, Small Neighborhood Square#4 and #5 are located on the DFC Property. At this time, staff requests direction from the City Commission regarding whether it desires to exercise the right to conveyance of Small Neighborhood Squares #4 and #5 in conjunction with the development of the Property. 3. Pending DFC Seminole Crossing, LLC (Dreamfinders Homes) Development Permit Applications. Several development permit applications regarding the Project are pending review and final consideration by the Planning & Zoning Board and City Commission including Preliminary and Final Plat, Final Engineering Plans, Aesthetic Review, and multiple Waivers. Final consideration of the applications for Final Engineering Plans, Aesthetic Review and multiple waivers have been tentatively scheduled for P&Z consideration on October 2,2019 and the City Commission on October 14,2019. Preliminary and Final Plat approval is also a required and a necessary condition for the Project, but the Applicant is currently completing the plat application process. Thus, the proposed plat will be scheduled for the City Commission's consideration at a later date. 4. The Town Center and Series of Development Agreements Since 2000. A. Town Center History and Plan Related to Squares, Parks, and Street Types. In February 1998, the City of Winter Springs created a plan for the Town Center through a series of public design sessions involving the City Commission, City staff, community and a team of design professionals. The Town Center District comprehensive plan and zoning regulations were subsequently adopted in 2000. The comprehensive plan and zoning regulations, though amended over the years, are largely based on the original plan. Importantly, traditional urban design conventions were applied to create and require a palette of squares, parks, and street types to form the framework for the Town Center. Thus, throughout the development of the Town Center, the City has acquired and required additional public lands and open spaces in conjunction with development projectswithin the Town Center to establish the palette of squares, parks, and streets required by the Town Center plan and regulations. B. Town Center Development (North) - Phases 1 and 2 References. Although other projects have been developed in the Town Center, the Winter Springs Town Center north of SP 434 has generally been referenced over the years as being developed in two phases. The reference was initiated based on the phased projects proposed by the initial Town Center developer (James Doran Company). Phase I includes the property west of Tuskawilla Road and south of Blumberg Boulevard. Phase 1 consists of the commercial core of the Town Center and multiple buildings were initially constructed by the James Doran Company and its affiliates. Phase 1 includes the Publix, the Zoo and surrounding businesses and development. Phase 11 was originally initiated by Main Street Associates, LLC., an affiliate of James Doran Company, and includes a substantial portion of the property east of Tuskawilla Road and along S.R. 434. Although Main Street Associates, LLC. lost ownership and did not develop the property because of the financial crisis and economic recession of 2007 and 2008, the property has since been developed by other parties to include the Blake Apartments and Starbucks and extends beyond Michael Blake Boulevard to the master stormwater pond that was initially planned and constructed to serve the area. The DFC Property is located within originally described Phase II Town Center Property. The reference to Phases 1 and 2 is important to simply follow the progression of several development agreement over the course of about 20 years and their relevancy and applicability to DFC Property. C. Relevant Development Agreements. (1) Schrimsher Agreement. Initially, Schrimsher Land Fund owned much, if not all of the real property (excluding the McDonalds) located within the Town Center east of Tuskawilla Road and south of St. Johns Landing Subdivision. Around the time that the City was adopting the initial Town Center comprehensive plan and zoning regulations, the City and Schrimsher Land Fund entered into the very first Town Center development agreement. On June 26, 2000, a Short Form Memorandum of Agreementwas recorded in the Seminole County Official Records Book3988, Page 1063 (the "Original Schrimsher Agreement"). A copy of relevant excerpts of the Schrimsher Agreement is attached hereto as Attachment 2. A portion of the Schrimsher Land Fund property would eventually be acquired by Mainstreet Associates, LLC and become Phase II of the Town Center. The portion acquired by Mainstreet Associates, LLC was subject to, and remained bound by, the terms and conditions of the Original Schrimsher Agreement. The Original Schrimsher Agreement was heavily negotiated over more than a year and many staff and City Commission meetings. The Agreement was intended to establish the vision for the future appearance and qualities of the Town Center Community and implement the traditional urban design conventions, such as a palette of squares, parks, and street types as mentioned above. Through this Agreement, Schrimsher consented to the adoption of the Town Center District Code and its applicability to the Schrimsher Property. The Original Schrimsher Agreement established the open spaces that Schrimsher would convey to the City and to the State of Florida. Particularly, Schrimsher agreed to donate property to the State for the purposes of realigning the Cross Seminole Trail adjacent to what is now Wetland Park, which the City improved and has maintained. In addition, Schrimsher agreed to convey to the City title to Magnolia Park, Lake Trail Park, and Wetland Park, in addition to several "Small Neighborhood Squares," known as #2, 3, 4, and S. The Agreement established the size of each Small Neighborhood Square as follows: #S - .44 acres #4 - .42 acres #3 - .44 acres #2 - .4S acres Small Neighborhood Squares #4 and #S are depicted in Exhibit A of the Original Schrimsher Agreement and are located on what is now the DFC Property. The Original Schrimsher Agreement provided Schrimsher with some limited flexibility in adjusting the exact location of each Small Neighborhood Square, but all Squares were to be located on Schrimsher Property and could not overlap with other Small Neighborhood Squares, Lake Trail Park, Wetland Park, Spine Road, Edge Drive, East/West Crossroad Segment, the Cross Seminole Trail, or any other existing park or right-of-way. The conveyances of the Small Neighborhood Squares were to occur at such time, and as part of, a City-approved Schrimsher development adjacent to the applicable Square. In consideration of all conveyances, the Citywas to, at its significant expense, perform the following: • Extend and connect, i.e., "stub in", City water distribution and sewer collection facilities to the boundaries of the Schrimsher Property in sufficient capacity to reasonably accommodate the level of service required for the Town Center and, further, waive any special water or sewer connection charge or assessment that could be applied to the Schrimsher Property to reimburse the City for the expense of extending and connecting the City's water distribution and sewer collection facilities. The City also guaranteed sufficientcapacitywithin itssewer and watertreatment plantsto reasonably accommodate the level of services required for the Town Center and the Schrimsher property; • Submit an application to acquire a Master Stormwater Management Permit from the St. John's Water Management District for the Town Center and to expedite master Stormwater permitting; • Process an amendment to the City's Comprehensive Plan,Traffic Circulation Element, to designate Spine Road (now Michael Blake Boulevard) and Tuskawilla Road (at the time known as the Main Street) from SR 434to Spine Road as a collector road [This amendment was offered and adopted by the REGULAR AGENDA ITEM 501 1 MONDAY, • OF 10 City primarily to make Spine Road eligible for future transportation impact fee credits.]; and • Begin designing, engineering, surveying, permitting, and constructing Spine Road (Michael Blake Boulevard) within 2 years or, alternatively, to grant impact fee credits in the amount equal to Schrimsher's reasonable costs for doing so and to convey the Spine Road right-of-way to the City; and • Begin designing, engineering, surveying, permitting, and constructing the Main Street Improvements within 90 days after execution of the Original Schrimsher Agreement and pursue completion within 2 years, for which Schrimsher would convey an additional 11 feet of right-of-way or, alternatively,to grant impact fee credits in the amount equal to Schrimsher's reasonable costs for doing so. In consideration of Schrimsher's planned conveyances of property, including the neighborhood squares, the City diligently pursued and completed the "stub in" obligation and Main Street Improvements through 2002. Specifically, the City conducted two major projects. First, the City expended approximately $2,230,667.92 to complete the construction of Hickory Grove Park Road (now Blumberg Boulevard) and the Main Street Roadway (Tuskawilla Road) Improvements, which included approximately $134,388.33 to install a water main and gravity sewer main with stub-outs along the eastern side of Tuskawilla Road north of SR 434 to High School Road. In addition, the City Commission authorized the expenditure of$87,968.50 to Conklin, Porter & Holmes Engineers, Inc. (CPH) for engineering and designing the improvements and an additional $121,603.00 to CPH for construction administration services for the project. [Sources: Record Drawings of Hickory Grove Park Road and Main Street Roadway Improvement Project; January 8, 2001 City Commission Agenda Item Requesting Authorization to Execute Amendment 69 - Hickory Grove Park Road for Consulting Engineering Services with Conklin, Porter & Holmes Engineers, Inc.; January 14, 2002 City Commission Agenda Item Requesting Authorization to enter into a Contractual Agreement for the Construction of Hickory Grove Park Road and Tuskawilla Road Roadway Improvements; January 14, 2002 City Commission Agenda Item Requesting Authorization to Execute Supplement for Construction Administration Services for Tuskawilla and Hickory Grove Park Boulevard with CPH; December 9, 2002 City Commission Agenda Item Requesting Supplemental Authorization for the Construction Contract of Hickory Grove Park Road and Tuskawilla Road]. Second, the City also installed a sanitary sewer force main beginning at the southeast corner of the Schrimsher Property (currently near the Cross-Seminole Bridge), under SR 434, and continuing east along SR 434, down Tuscora Drive, and along Winter Springs Boulevard such that sanitary sewer service could be provided REGULAR AGENDA ITEM 501 1 MONDAY, SEPTEMBER 23, 2019 1 PAGE 5 OF 10 via connection to the City's East Wastewater Treatment Plant. The City expended $291,831.32 to construct the Town Center Off-Site Sanitary Sewer Force Main. This amount does not include engineering and design costs. [Source: Record Drawings of Town Center Off-Site Sanitary Sewer Force Main; Memo to File dated March S, 2002 Re: Final Quantities , Project #ITB-00S-01/GE Town Center Off-Site Sanitary Force Main; August 27, 2001 City Commission Agenda Item Requesting Authorization to Enter into a Contractual Agreement for Town Center Force Main Improvements]. The City has also designated Tuskawilla Road from SR 434 to Orange Avenue and Michael Blake Boulevard as collector roads in its Comprehensive Plan. [Source: Map II-7A Future Transportation Map-2030, Multimodal Transportation Element of the Winter Springs Comprehensive Plan]. (2) Winter Springs Town Center Phase II Implementation Agreement. On November 20, 2006, the City entered into a "Winter Springs Town Center Phase II Implementation Agreement" with Main Street Associates, LLC, recorded in the Seminole County Official Records at Book 6399, Pages 1703-1726, (the "Phase II Implementation Agreement"), the Phase II developer at the time. The Phase II Implementation Agreement provided that Main Street Associates had acquired the Phase II Property from Schrimsher,which consisted of 46.5 acres of property in the Town Center, north of State Road 434 and east of Tuskawilla Road. In the Phase II Implementation Agreement, the City and Main Street Associates agreed that the entire Phase II development would consist of a minimum 383,000 square feet of retail, 463,000 square feet of office, and 93S multi-family units, all in buildings up to six (6) stories in height, as well as appropriate private parking structures. Phase II was to be developed in multiple phases, identified as Phase II-A and Phase II-B. Phase II-A, which had received Final Engineering and subdivision approval from the City Commission on July 10, 2006, consisted of 312 condominium units and 33, 240 square feet of retail/restaurant space on 7.75 acres, generally north of the existing McDonald's and west of what is now Eagle Edge Lane. No final development plans for Phase II-B had been proposed at the time of the Implementation Agreement's execution, but the Parties agreed that the Small Neighborhood Squares #4 and #S would remain binding on the Phase II Property and located in Phase II-B. Importantly,the Final Engineering Plans approved bythe City Commission on July 10, 2006 for the Phase II-A Development included a Master Site Plan, depicting Spine Road (Michael Blake Boulevard) and the roundabout at its intersection with Tree Swallow Drive. Both of the Future Neighborhood Squares #4 and #S were depicted just east and slightly north of the planned roundabout on what is now the Applicant's property. A copy of the Master Site Plan is attached hereto as Attachment 3. As noted above, the Development of Phase II -A was stalled by the financial crisis and economic recession of 2007 and 2008, and the Phase II property was acquired by the lender and transferred to another developer, Winter Springs Holdings, Inc. (3) Winter Springs Holdings Agreements. In August 2010, the City entered into a subsequent Development Agreement with Winter Springs Holdings, Inc., recorded in the Seminole County Official Records at Book 7472, Page 1007, and terminated the Phase II Implementation Agreement because development of the Phase II-A project was no longer economically feasible. However, the 2010 Development Agreement expressly provided that, upon Winter Springs Holdings' conveyance of Spine Road to the City, a further agreement would memorialize two remaining development obligations from the Implementation Agreement: (1) the conveyance of Small Neighborhood Square#4 (minimum .42 acres) and #S (minimum .44 acres); and (2) the design, permitting and construction of the master stormwater plan for the Property. On November 10, 2010, Winter Springs Holdings, Inc. conveyed to the City by Special Warranty Deed, recorded in the Seminole County Official Records at Book 7486, Page 138, the underlying land for Michael Blake Boulevard. On the same day, the City and Winter Springs Holdings, Inc., entered into a "Future Development Commitment Agreement," recorded in the Seminole County Official Records at Book 7486, Page 146. A copy of the Future Development Commitment Agreement is attached hereto as Attachment 4. The Future Development Commitment Agreement restated the existing commitment of the owner to convey Small Neighborhood Square #4 and #S, at the time the City determined the squares would be needed in conjunction with the future development of the Property. The location of the Neighborhood Squares was depicted in an Exhibit to the Agreement,which utilized the same Exhibit that had been attached to the Original Schrimsher Agreement from 2000. On March 10, 2013, the City and Winter Springs Holdings, Inc., entered into another Development Agreement, recorded in the Seminole County Official Records at Book 8446, Page 1131, in which a general Concept Plan was approved for the development of the Phase II Town Center Property. The Concept Plan consisted of a very general "bubble plan," identifying uses on future parcels of the Phase II Property. The Phase 11 propertyeast of Michael Blake Boulevard wassimply labeled as "Future Development," including the Applicant's Property. Importantly, however, the Agreement acknowledged the Developer pre-existing obligation to design, permit and construct permanent master stormwater facilities for the entire Property as memorialized in the Future Development Commitment Agreement from 2010. The Agreement did not address the Small Neighborhood Squares. However, it did require the Developer to design, permit and construct the roundabout at Michael Blake Boulevard and Tree Swallow Drive concurrent with development. Finally, in a subsequent First Modification of the March 10, 2013 Development, recorded in the Seminole County Official Records at Book 8832, Page 1719, the City and the Developer further addressed the impact fee credits that would be granted to the Developer for construction of Michael Blake Boulevard and Tree Swallow Drive, fifteen years after the Original Schrimsher Agreement required its construction. The First Modification provided that the maximum transportation impact fees that would be credited to the Developer wou Id be$620,437.41, but that the final credit would be determined based upon actual construction costs. The developer of the Blake Apartments is currently gathering cost data to present to the City to receive impact fee credits. The First Modification also required the Developer to convey 2.2 acres of real property to be used for municipal purposes. The Small Neighborhood Squares were not expressly addressed. (4) Winter Springs Village - Completion of Other Park and Open Space Schrimsher Commitments It is further valuable to discuss what occurred with respect to the other conveyances that were required by the Original Schrimsher Agreement - namely Small Neighborhood Squares #2 and #3, Lake Trail Park, and Wetland Park. On March 28, 2011, the City Commission approved the Final Engineering and subdivision for Winter Springs Village. In the Agenda Item, City Staff specifically discussed remaining open space requirements from the Schrimsher Development Agreement. City Staff listed the total acres that were to be conveyed as parks or squares in the area of the subdivision,specificallyfor Lake Trail Park, Neighborhood Park #2 and #3. Staff then itemized the substituted open spaces that would be equivalent and actually greater than the open space acreage that was required pursuant to the Original Schrimsher Agreement and recommended approval of the Final Engineering Plans based, in part, upon the increased acreage. Further, on March 28, 2011, the Winter Springs Village Four Parcel Subdivision was signed, which dedicated Wetlands Park for municipal park purposes to the City. D. Summary Timeline A timeline of relevant events is set forth as follows: • June 2000 - Original Schrimsher Development Agreement required conveyance of Small Neighborhood Squares #4 and S, along with #2 and 3, Wetland Park, Magnolia Park, and Lake Trail Park • January2001 - December 2002-City completed Main Street Improvements and "stub-in" for both water and sanitary sewer service to boundary of Schrimsher Property, expending approximately $2,732,072.74. This figure does not include engineering costs for the sanitary sewer force main, but includes the improvements for Blumberg Boulevard, which were not segregated. Approximately $426,418.87 was expended solely on construction of the required utility"stub-in." • July10, 2006-City Commission approved Final Engineering Plans for Phase II-A Development as proposed by Main Street Associates. Master Site Plan depicts Small Neighborhood Squares#4 and #S on the Applicant's Property. • August - November 2010 - City terminated Main Street Associates Development Agreement. Future Development Commitment Agreement maintained commitments to convey Small Neighborhood Squares #4 and #S. • March - November 2011 - City Wetland Parkwas dedicated and open spaces were negotiated in lieu of Neighborhood Squares #2 and 3 and Lake Trail Park. • March 2013 - January 2017 - City and Winter Springs Holdings enter into additional Development Agreements to further address the uses that would be permitted on the Phase II Property and construction of Michael Blake Boulevard and a master stormwater pond. No development was proposed on the Applicant's Property during this time period. • January 8, 2018 - preliminary approval by City Commission of Applicant's preliminary engineering proposal forthetownhome project consisting of 114 units, along with a community pool, subject to further review • January 2018 - Present - Applicant processing applications for Final Engineering Plans, Plat, Aesthetic Review, and associated Waivers. RECOMMENDATION The City Commission should review the obligation contained in the Future Development Commitment Agreement, dated November 10, 2010, recorded in Seminole County Official Records Book 7486, Page 146, requiring the conveyance of two small neighborhood squares #4 (minimum .42 acres) and #S (minimum .44 acres) and provide direction regarding the necessityof such squares in conjunction with the development of Parcel No. 26-20-30-5AR-OA00-007K, currently owned by DFC Seminole Crossing, LLC. REGULAR AGENDA ITEM 501 1 MONDAY, • • OF 10 Attachment 1 Preliminary Engineering Plans for Winter Springs Townhomes by Dream Finders Homes Approved by City Commission January 8, 2018 COMMISSION AGENDA Informational ITEM 500 Consent Public Hearings Regular X January 08, 2018 KS BF Regular Meeting City Manager Department REQUEST: The Community Development Department requesting the City Commission consider a Preliminary Engineering Plan for Winter Springs Townhomes, a proposed 114-unit townhome subdivision by Dream Finders Homes located in the Town Center at the northeast corner of Michael Blake Boulevard and Tree Swallow Drive. SYNOPSIS: Winter Springs Townhomes is a proposed 114-unit townhome development by Dream Finders Homes located in the Town Center at the northeast corner of Michael Blake Boulevard and Tree Swallow Drive. CONSIDERATIONS: APPLICANT AND PROPERTY INFORMATION: • A oly icam: Dream Finders Homes • Property Owner: Winter Springs Holdings, Inc. • Property Location: NE corner of Michael Blake Blvd /Tree Swallow Dr. • Property Parcel ID numbers. 26-20-30-5AR-OA00-007K • Current F'LUNI Designation: Town Center District Regular 500 PAGE 1 OF 4-January 08,2018 . Current Zoni nit Desi nations: T-C (Town Center) APPLICABLE LAW PUBLIC POLICY AND EVENTS: Home Rule Powers Winter Springs Code of Ordinances Town Center District Code City of Winter Springs Comprehensive Plan DISCUSSION: Overview: Dream Finders Homes is proposing a 114-unit townhome subdivision in the Town Center. The 8-acre parcel is located at the northeast corner of Michael Blake Boulevard and Tree Swallow Drive (see Exhibit 1). The site is bordered on the north and east by the Cross- Seminole Trail, on the west by Michael Blake Boulevard, and on the south by Tree Swallow Drive. The property is in the T-5 transect of the Town Center, which includes single-family attached units (townhomes)as a permitted use. Site Background: The 8-acre site is part of a larger parcel of approximately 46-acres that was previously owned in its entirety by Winter Springs Holdings, Inc. (IBEW). Winter Springs Holdings sold portions of the property to other entities, including Catalyst Development Partners, who is currently building an apartment project on the west side of Michael Blake Boulevard. The 8-acre property is subject to a Developer's Agreement that includes the following applicable provisions: . After the Catalyst Apartment Project (currently under construction), no additional apartment units are permitted anywhere on the 46-acre property . Parcels fronting SR 434 and Tuskawilla Road must be developed with a commercial use . The property is served by a master stormwater treatment facility that is currently under construction as part of the Catalyst Apartment Project Proposed Layout/Unit Type: The proposed townhomes are all two-stories and are located in 20-buildings ranging in size from 3 to 10 units per building. Please see Exhibit 2 for the Preliminary Engineering Plan and Exhibit 3 for photos of existing townhomes that are similar to what Dream Finders is proposing. The subdivision features a grid of public streets and private alleys, consistent with the Town Center Code. Townhome units along the perimeter of the development will front Tree Swallow Drive, Michael Blake Boulevard, and the Cross-Seminole Trail. The internal buildings will all face public streets. All units have two-car garages accessed from alleys at the back of the buildings. Site Amenities: The central area of the subdivision includes a pool, cabana, and green space / park area. A main feature of the subdivision will be the immediate access to the Cross-Seminole Trail, with the ability for residents to use the trail for access to nearby shopping, schools, parks, and other community destinations. Water and Sewer: Water and sewer facilities are available to the site in Michael Blake Boulevard. A lift Regular 500 PAGE 2 OF 4-January 08,2018 station is being built at the northwest corner of the property that will serve both the Catalyst Apartment project and the proposed Dream Finders townhome subdivision. The City has water and sewer plant capacity to serve the 114-unit townhome development Transportation: Winter Springs Townhomes will be accessed from both Michael Blake Boulevard and Tree Swallow Drive. The existing and future Town Center street network provides multiple options for residents to reach their desired destinations. At the SR 434 / Michael Blake Boulevard intersection, a traffic signal will be constructed by the City when it meets the applicable traffic warrants. Stormwater: Winter Springs Townhomes will be served by a master stormwater pond currently being constructed as part of the Catalyst Apartments project. No additional onsite stormwater treatment is required. Onsite stormwater collection and piping facilities will route stormwater to the pond located on the east side of the Trail Bridge. Parking: All townhome units will have two-car garages. In addition, the subdivision will have approximately 95 on-street parking spaces. The proposed overall parking ratio of approximately 2.8 parking spaces per unit is consistent with other townhome projects in the Town Center, but this will be verified by a more detailed parking analysis to be submitted as part of the final engineering plans. Reports. The Final Engineering submittal is required to include the following reports (or updates of previously prepared reports for the same property): • Geotechnical Engineering • Traffic Study • Ecological Study (listed species) • Water and Sewer Analysis • Parking Analysis • Stormwater Report • Fiscal Analysis In addition, the applicant is required to obtain a SCALD letter from SCPS verifying there is adequate school capacity for the new students. Open StaffConitnems: Exhibit 4 includes the open Staff comments on the Preliminary Engineering plans, and shall be considered conditions of approval. Preliminary Pian Approval: Pursuant to Section 9-49 of the City Code, the approval of a Preliminary Plan shall only be construed only as authority for submitting a Final Plan. Exhibit 4 lists the open staff comments that are to be addressed by the applicant as part of the final engineering plans. The Preliminary Engineering Plan is scheduled for review by the Planning & Zoning Board at their January 3, 2018 meeting. Regular 500 PAGE 3 OF 4-January 08,2018 FISCAL IMPACT: Development of the subject property as a 114-unit townhome project is anticipated to provide an increase to the City's taxable value. The potential tax revenue of the proposed subdivision at buildout is estimated to be $50,000/year. COMMUNICATION EFFORTS: This Agenda Item has been electronically forwarded to the Mayor and City Commission, City Manager, City Attorney/Staff, and is available on the City's Website, LaserFiche, and the City's Server. Additionally, portions of this Agenda Item are typed verbatim on the respective Meeting Agenda which has also been electronically forwarded to the individuals noted above, and which is also available on the City's Website, LaserFiche, and the City's Server; has been sent to applicable City Staff, Media/Press Representatives who have requested Agendas/Agenda Item information, Homeowner's Associations/Representatives on file with the City, and all individuals who have requested such information. This information has also been posted outside City Hall, posted inside City Hall with additional copies available for the General Public, and posted at six (6) different locations around the City. Furthermore, this information is also available to any individual requestors. City Staff is always willing to discuss this Agenda Item or any Agenda Item with any interested individuals. RECOMMENDATION: Staff recommends the City Commission approve the Preliminary Engineering Plan for Winter Springs Townhomes. ATTACHMENTS: 1. Exhibit '1 —Vicinity Map (1 page) 2. Exhibit 2—Preliminary Engineering Plan(3 pages) 3. Exhibit 3 —Townhome Photos (3 pages) 4. Exhibit 4 - Open Staff Comments (1 page) Regular 500 PAGE 4 OF 4-January 08,2018 FAbNNIN(3 DR r lii • �3 _ 1f :y 7 3""rd:lrl,fk7m � c N O LL x (V r cL E a 6n 7 ■/�\ �'�?f RAS , v E LL PpPo - 3 t� Q _ SSPS � O O 0 4 M E li i M�Sn� N Wm 'ib °p hyo Q-0 •'' - In N �P 6 O d• OPD "•'"^yy:P 6 3. # .:.,';Re:'i o' c Ct4 565 �, - oc y r z u: z.. 21q 3ktil kava ob m a u, 3', _ 'H ! 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U!i ��w�� j df f � � � . laid II I II III f' ++f 7 '(WE DY19 ITMOM r c . ... . ..... % < NM FIl-rid' 0 '11 ra • + 1 F + r r �t r � - r �i A# TMM . .� Sirs ek s a � tr 01 #Avg 'v i loll . w .. • . . `I � tip - -lei . • A I � tie• P -_ -f • +► { � - , ► , .l R r . 46 4 s JOIN ins Current Project - Project Markups Listing ZP2017-00000030 - PRELIM SITE PLAN - RESUBMITTAL File Name Markup Markup Text Markup Date P02.0 SITE.pdf BFields Building corner is too close to Alley A;revise at Final Engineering 12/21/2017 P02.0 SITE. df BFields Extend sidewalk to asphalt trail 12 2.1 2017 P02.0 SITE.pdf BFields Locate fire hydrant off of street corner to avoid possible vehicle impacts 12/21/2017 P02.0 SITE.pdf BFields Relocate storm inlet from center of street;locate at curb 12/21/2017 P02.0 SITE.pdf BFields For the two buildings along the north side of Street D,locate them to have the 12/21/2017 same setback. Currently,one is 5-feet and the other 8-feet. Also see comment regarding the NE corner of the 6-unit building being too close to the alley. P02.0 SITE.pdf BFields Submit a parking analysis with the final engineering plans,per the Town Center 12/21/2017 Code. The propsoed parking plan appears that it may be short of parking, based on demands in nearby townhome developments. Seek options for additional parking,such as in driveways(where possible),on-street parallel parking,and off- street parking areas. P02.0 SITE.pdf BFields Locate sidewalk away from the street. See suggested alignment. 12/21/2017 P02.0 SITE.pdf BFields Remove backflow preventer on 8-inch water main 12/21/2017 P02.0 SITE. df BFields Move water main away from the edge of the ri ht-of-wa 12/21/2017 P02.0 SITE.pdf BFields Provide a temporary parking area in front of the kiosk for mail pickup 12/21/2017 P02.0 SITE.pdf BFields On all public streets,provide a minimum 60-foot wide right-of-way with a 6-foot 12/21/2017 green strip between the parallel parking and the sidewalk,per the standard Town Center Srteet section in the Town Center Code. P02.0 SITE.pdf BFields Prior to Final Engineering,contact City Staff to discuss options for fire sprinkler 12/21/2017 service to the townhome units. P02.0 SITE.pdf BFields Water and sewer mains appear to miss several buildings 12/21/2017 P02.0 SITE.pdf BSmith Provide more detail to show how the units on the north and east sides of the 12/21/2017 property will interact with the trail.There will be a significant elevation difference between the FFE of the east units and existing trail. P02.0 SITE.pdf BSmith Consider removing the 3-Unit building and using this as additional green space, 12/21/2017 dog park,or playground area.Examples can be provided from other developments if needed. P02.0 SITE.pdf BSmith Decorative bollards or another structure should be included at the east end of 12/21/2017 Alley B and north end of Alley D to prevent vehicles from entering the trail.Both of these entrances should be a minimum of 10'wide,with one being ADA and bicycle accessible.The other can be stairs. PO1.0 COVER.pdf Stephanie 1.As part of final engineering,please submit a tree survey showing the location, 12/18/2017 Monica size,and species of all the trees on the site. Please provide a table on the plans detailing the quantity,size,and associated credit value of all trees proposed for removal and preservation. Please provide a mitigation plan to replace all trees removed from the site,in accordance with the City Arbor Ordinance,Chapter 5, Tree Protection and Preservation. 2.As part of final engineering,please provide a landscape plan detailing the species,size,and location of all proposed landscape material. 3.As part of final engineering,please provide an irrigation plan. Attachment 2 Relevant Excerpts of Original Schrimsher Development Agreement dated June 26, 2000 AGREEMENT An Agreement made and entered. into thisGeday. of� ODO by and among Schrimsher Land Fund 1986-II,Ltd.,Schrimsher Land Fund V,Ltd.,and Schrimsher Land Fund VI,Ltd.,herein referred to as 11Schrimsher"and the City of Winter Springs,a municipal corporation existing under the laws of the State of Florida herein referred to as"City". RECITALS 1. WHEREAS,Section 163.3167,Florida Statutes provides that each local government is encouraged to articulate a vision of the future physical appearance and qualities of its community as a component of the local comprehensive plan through a collaborative planning process with meaningful public participation, and I WHEREAS, the City completed a comprehensive planning study, with extensive public participation from local residents and local,county,and state officials,which resulted in the adoption of the Winter Springs Town Center Plan, and 3 . WHEREAS, Schrimsher owns land located within the boundaries of the City of Winter Springs Town Center, and 4 . WHEREAS, Schrimsher and City desire to memorialize their understandings and agreement regarding their respective interests,expectations,and intentions contained in this Agreement regarding the Town Center. NOW-THEREFORE in consideration of the terms and condition set forth in this Agreement, and other good and valuable consideration, the receipt of which is hereby acknowledged by the parties, the City and Schrimsher agree to the following: I. Incorporation of Recitals. The foregoing recitals are true and correct and are hereby fully incorporated herein by this reference as a material part of this Agreement. OnLOGl12o/007_ 5100102G3.121KF Page 1 of 2 engineers and surveyors. Schrinisher's engineers and surveyors shall complete said review and provide any such input pursuant to the City's reasonable tinic schedule. d) City and Schrimsher agree to cooperate with each other, Seminole County, the Florida Department of Environmental Protection and all other necessary governmental agencies and interest groups to effectuate the Cross Seminole Trail realignment on Schrimsher Property. IV. Convey=ances from Schrimsher to the City. a) Schrimsher agrees that at such time as the City obtains all permits necessary to construct,install,and extend(i.e.,"stub-in")the sewer and water facilities to the Schrimsher Property as required in Article V b) below, Schrimsher will convey to the City fee simple title to Magnolia Park and Wetland Park. b) Schrimsher also agrees to convey to the City the Small Neighborhood Squares (#2, 3, 4, and 5), as generally depicted on Exhibit"A", unless said Squares are substituted by special exception granted by the City Commission of Winter Springs. Special exceptions will not be unreasonably withheld by the City,provided the substituted Small Neighborhood Square is of equal or better value than what is proposed in the Town Center District Code with respect to property value and design. Small Neighborhood Square #5 shall be a minimum of point forty-four (.44) acres. Small Neighborhood Square #4 shall be a minimum of point forty-two(.42)acres. Small Neighborhood Square#3 shall be a minimum of point forty-four(.44)acres. Small Neighborhood Square#2 shall be a minimum of point forty-five(.45) acres. These minimum acreages of the Small Neighborhood Squares#5, 4, 3 and 2 include all rights-of-way around the perimeter of each Small Neighborhood Square as depicted on Exhibit "A". In addition, Schrimsher shall also have the right to relocate Small Neighborhood Square#2 and 3 a maximum distance of 250.feet in any direction from the location depicted on Exhibit "A'; Small Neighborhood Squares #4 and #5 may be relocated a maximum distance of 250.00 feet to the east or west, and to the south as part of any relocation or adjustment ofEast/West Crossroad Segment pursuant to Article XIV ofthis Agreement. Any relocated Small Neighborhood Square shall.be located on Schrimsher Property and shall not overlap another Small Neighborhood Square, Lake Trail Park, Wetland Park,Spine Road,Edge Drive,East/West Crossroad Segment, the Cross Seminole Trail or any other then existing park or right-of-way. The distance shall be measured beginning from the boundary of the subject Small Neighborhood Square that is closest to the direction in which said Square is relocating. The conveyances of the Small Neighborhood Squares shall occur at such time, and as part of, a City approved Schrimsher development adjacent to the applicable Small Neighborhood Square, c) Schrimsher also agrees to convey Lake Trail Park to (he City at the time of the later to occur of the construction of(i)either a City approved Schrimsher development or a retention pond adjacent to the north of Lake Trail Park or (ii) the road adjacent to. the omizcs iooiazc>>zLKr• 11agc 6 of 22' western boundaryofLake TraiI Park or(iii)the unpaved portion of the Cross SeminoIc TraiI on the eastern boundary of Lake Trail Park. d) Schrimsher agrees to convey rights of way and easements and improvements to rights of way and easements similar to those depicted in the Town Center District Code and located on Schrimsher Property at such time, and as part of a City approved Schrimsher development, in a manner in which similar conveyances are required in connection with similar developments within the City. e) Except for the conveyances from Schrimsher to the City so described in this Article IV (i.e. Wetland Park; Magnolia Park; Small Neighborhood Squares #2, 3, 4 and 5 and Lake Trail Park),Schrimsher shall have no further obligation to convey to the City any property for park, open space or green space purposes. f) Schrimsher shall not make any claims for extraordinary excess development costs for single-loaded roads traversing Schrimsher Property in accordance with this Agreement and the Town Center District Code. V. Ci Obligations. In consideration of Schrimsher(i)conveying to the City Magnolia Park,and Wetland Park, as described in Article IV(a), (ii) conveying to the City the Small Neighborhood Squares,Lake Trail Park,rights of way,easements, and improvements to said rights ofway and easements as described in Article IV(b), (c) and (d), (iii) not making any claim for single-loaded road as described in Article IV(f),and(iv)agreeing to the terms and conditions contained in this Agreement, the,City, at its expense, agrees to do the following:, a) Within eighteen(18)months from the effective date of this Agreement,extend and connect (i.e., "stub in") City water distribution and sewer collection facilities to the boundaries of Schrimsher Property in sufficient capacity to reasonably accommodate and guarantee the level of service capacity required for the Town Center and Schrimsher Property. Except as provided in Article V(c) and V(d) below relating to Spine Road and Main Street Improvements, the City shall•not be required to extend either sewer or water facilities into the interior portion of the Schrimsher Property unless agreed upon in future written developer agreements. The City also guarantees sufficient capacity within the sewer and water treatment plants to reasonably accommodate and guarantee the level of service required for the Town Center and Schrimsher Property.The City also agrees that no special City water or sewer connection charge or assessment will be applied to Schrimsher Property for purposes of reimbursing the City for the expense of extending and connecting the City's water distribution and sewer collection facilities to Schrimsher's Property as described above;'provided,however,individual Iusers within the Schrimsher Property may be charged the same normal and regular"City-wide"connection fee that is customarily charged to all ORLOOCS 10014263.12 LKF Page 7 o 22' OGI 12MO g other individual users within IIIc City 1OI'Coll IICCt1II�into.Incl utilizing the"City wide"wafer and sewer Capacity. b) Promptly Commence and within six (6) months following the date of this Agreement,submit an application to acquire a Mastcr Stormwatcr Management Permit from the St. John's Water Management District for the Town Center and expedite to the fullest extent possible completion ofthe master stormwater permitting within the Town Center and Schrimsher Property. City agrees that Schrimsher's engineers (who shall be qualified and experienced in stormwater engineering and permitting)will be able to provide input into the design and permitting process for the Master Stormwater Management Permit and that any and all related applications and/or submittals to all applicable governmental agencies that may affect Schrimsher Property will be subject to reasonable and timely review and approval by Sch-rimsher's engineers. Schrimsher's engineers shall complete said review pursuant to the City's reasonable time schedule and shall not unreasonably withhold said approval. In no event will the Schrimsher Property be required to accommodate a disproportionate area/acreage of retention ponds or amount(i.e.,volume or rate)of the stormwater generated in Town Center unless otherwise agreed to by Schrimsher in writing. c) Designate Spine Road a City collector road and process an amendment to the City's Comprchensive Plan,Traffic Circulation Element, to so designate. City also agrees, at its expense, to begin designing,engineering,surveying and permitting Spine Road upon the effective date of this Agreement; and the City agrees to commence good faith construction ' ire Road within two (2) years from said effective date and to diligently pursue completion of such construction. Schirimsher agrees that City shall have the right of entry and ingress and egress to and from Schiimsher Property for purposes of designing, engineering,permitting,surveying and constructing Sp'sue Road,and,in such event,the City agrees,to the extent permitted by law,to indemnify and hold Sclu-irnsher and the Schrimsher Property harmless against any loss, damage, liens or expenses associated with or resulting from the City designing,engineering,permitting,surveying and constructing of Spine Road. However,i f Schrimsher desires to construct Spine Road in accordance with the Town Center District Code,prior to the City's schedule for said construction provided herein,Schrimsher may design, engineer, permit, survey, and construct Spine Road at Schrimsher's expense. Pursuant to Winter Springs City Code,Sections 9-386 through 9-390,Schrimsher shall then be eligible for and receive in connection with the development of the Schrimsher Property transportation irn act fee credits in an amount equal to Schrimsher's reasonable costs for Zest nin en ' ccring, permitting, surveying and construction of the Spine Road w UQ costs shall be deemed to be fc�r non-site-re ate tmpravemen's ccrued credits shall be applied to the development of Schrimsher Property. Regardless of which party constructs Spine Road, the City, at its expense and concurrently with the construction of Spine Road, agrees to design,permit,and construct water and sewer utilities for Spine Road required for the Town Center and Schrimsher Property(the"Spine Road Utilities"). Sclirimsher shall convey the right of way for Spine Road to the City at such time as the City has obtained all ORLOOCS 10014267.12 LKF 00112*0 13ageO.of LC. r necessary permits for the City to construct Spine Road or at such time that Schrimsher has completed construction of Spine Road, whichever occurs first. City agrees that Schrimsher's engineers(who shall be qualified and experienced in roadway and water and sewer utilities engineering and pennitting)will be able to review and provide input into the design and permitting process for Spine Road and the Spine Road Utilities; and that any and all related applications and/or submittals to all applicable- governmental agencies that may affect Schrimsher Property will be subject to the reasonable and timely review by Schrimsher's engineers. Schrimsher's engineers shall complete said review and provide any such input pursuant to the City's reasonable time schedule. If the City adopts a traffic concurrency management ordinance, the City agrees to favorably consider the allocation of reasonably sufficient traffic capacity to Town Center and/or appropriate levels of service to accommodate the development of Town Center as anticipated in the Town Center District Code. ' d) Designate that portion of Tuskawilla Road between State Road 434 and Spine Road a City collector road and process an amendment to the City's Comprehensive Plan, Traffic Circulation Element,to so designate. The City also agrees,at its expense,to design, engineer, permit, survey and construct the Main Street Improvements substantially within the alignment shown on 1;xhibit "A". The City also agrees to promptly commence the design, engineering and permitting within ninety (90) days of the effective date of this Agrecment,exercise their best efforts to commence construction as soon as possible and to diligently pursue completion of such construction within two (2)years of the effective date of this Agreement. The Main Street Improvements shall be consistent with the Town Center District Code. Schrimsher agrees to donate and convey to the City eleven(11)feet of right- of-way in order for the City to expand Main Street to eighty-two (82) feet in width in accordance with the Town Center District Code. The conveyance shall occur at such time as the City has obtained all permits necessary to construct the Main Street ImprovetnentsAO Because Schrimsher only owns property on one side of that portion of Tuskawilla Road described as Main Street, Schrimsher shall only be required to convey the one-half(i.e.,not more than eleven (11) feet wide) of the needed right-of-way which is located on �c Schrimsher's side of Tuskawilla Road. Schrimsher agrees that City shall have the right of entry and ingress and egress to and from the Schrimsher Property for purposes of designing, engineering,perrnitting,surveying and constructing the Main Street Improvements, and,in such event,the City agrees,to the extent permitted by law,to indemnify and hold Schrimsher and the Schrimsher Property harmless against any loss,damage,liens or expenses associated with or resulting from the City designing, engineering, permitting, surveying and constructing the Main Street Improvements which costs shall be deemed to be for Tion-site related improvernents". Notwithstanding the aforesaid, if Schrimsher desires to commence the Main Street Improvements in accordance with the Town Center District Code, prior~to the City's schedule for making said improvements,Schrimsher may design,engineer,permit, survey, and construct the Main Street Improvements at Schrimsher's expense and the ORLOOCS 100142G3.12 LKF Cage 9 of 22" OG/12/00 conveyance shall occur at such time Schrimsher has completed construction of said improvements. Pursuant to Winter Slayings City Code, Sections 9-386 through 9-390, Schrimsher shall then be eligible for and receive in connection with the development of the Schrimsher Property transportation impact fee credits in an amount equal to Schrimsher's reasonablecosts fordesign,engineering,surveying,permitting and construction of the Main Street Improvements. Accrued credits shall be applied to the development of Schrimsher Property. City agrees that Schrimsher's engineers (who shall be qualified and experienced in roadway and water and sewer utilities engineering and permitting)will be able to review and provide input into the design and permitting process for the Main Street Improvements; and that any and all related applications and/or submittals to all applicable governmental agencies that may affect Schrimsher Property will be subject to the reasonable and timely review by Schrimsher's engineers. Schrimsher's engineers shall complete said review and provide any such input pursuant to the City's reasonable time schedule. VI. Inclusion of Pra ort in TO►Vn Centcr District. Schrimsher consents to the inclusion of the Schrimsher Property into the Town Center District subject to the terms and conditions hereof. VII. Ado tion of Town Center District Code. Sclirimsher hereby consents to the adoption of the Town Center District Code and its applicability to the Schrimsher Property subject to the terms and conditions hereof. VIII. Future band Use Change. Schrimsher and the City acknowledge that the future land use designation for the Schrimsher Property shall be Town Center at such time said designation is approved by the City. Specifically, and without limitation, the parties intend for the future land use designation under the City's Comprehensive Plan to, be amended to accommodate the Town Center District Code and to correct the future land se designation of the Rustic Residential Property (to Town Center) which was inadvertently previously changed by City from commercial to"rustic residential". The City shall immediately administratively initiate and diligently process through completion said comprehensive plan amendments and also effectuate any administrative rezoning necessary to implement the foregoing land- use change. All future land use changes shall comply with the procedures set forth in chapter 163, Florida Statutes and the City Code of Winter Springs. IX. East Market_Souare Parcel. Provided that the site and building plan are consistent with the City Code and Town Center District Code, the City agrees and acknowledges that the past Market Square Parcel will be allowed to have; (i) a grocery store anchor building consisting of approximately ORLDOCS 100142G7.12 LKF OG/12100 Page 10 Of 22 NEIGHBORHOOD PARKS 0.45 ACi 4 0;42 AC � /N• •,� � 0.44 AC 5 0.44 AC � V T'7 -, AKE TRAIL PARK 0 0^85 AC MAGNOLIA PARK O7 0^64 AC to 0,79 AC WETLANDS PARK 18 22.33 Acres If •� 1 r j LIKE TRAIL .. /' �, .-- r• PARK \ C 1 C.S.T. RO R - 1 Paved Trow 1 wrrLANDS PARK 1 Unpovcd i(on) 11 \ I AGNOLLA PARK Edge Drive 1 xv r' Tro!! iRSpine Rood (Ca!!eelor) 3 I/ J ACcere 1 hfbin Street L� `cl Paved Troll f. J ask Ma{ka Square 4 f \ \✓ / I\ J� Edge orlva \ / \ I 4 $[/West Croaaroad�agrnonf \ / .�i Ji L \ r,/ `• _ ` - ura�, r TRAIL ACCESS LANE Is w an a EXISTING TRAIL ALIGNMENT ®" vam UNPAVED TRAIL "'28mm PAVED TRAIL /26/00 PROPOl LIFT IS Tl014 SPINE ROAD (COLLECTOR) am"=24 EDGE DRIVE icn gar EXHIBIT "A" a i is i IN EAST/WEST CROSSROAD SEGMENT MAIN STREET ZISIHX3 a r Qj '. Jo LU ab LU ZD LU •`x z W LU O !'1 11 1 11 i 1 .r I ... I -.. _ ..a _._ .. t�{yr�x.�,y,�.� c. .. .... � • is ..—.....w..[.r,v Yn�irv—+MMawwnwYr.4'.y+•1`� "Ole4*Clee ,laup� rd by and rMom tn- P[ v.dox�TaS SHORT FORM MEMORANDUM OF AGREEMENT THIS SHORT FORM MEMORANDUM OF AGREEMENT, dated this Arday of %I;%r. 2001 by and wrmong SCHRIMSHER LAND FUND 1986-11,LTD.,SCHRIMSHER. LAND FIJ D V,LTD.,and SCHRIMSHER LAND FUND VI,LTD.,herein collectively referred to as"Schrimsher,and the CITY OF WINTER SPRINGS,a municipal corporation existing under the laws of the State of Florida,herein referred to as"City". r- KNOW ALL MEN BY THESE PRESENTS: a% x� A. Schrimsher is the owner of that certain real property located within the City limits of Winter Springs,Seminole County,Florida,more particularly described on Exhibit' attached W =? Cn hereto and incorporated herein by this reference(the"Property'). W c J • �RiG El LD a ac c '= B. Schrirnshcr and the City entered into that certain Agreement dated June 26,2000(the n• 6'Agrwrnent'�,whereby Schrintsher and the City memorialized theirunderstandings and agreement ,E �' garding their respoc:tive interests,expectations,and intentions contained therein pertaining to the i3 co -City of Winter Springs Town Center. bGCo '� tT C. Pursuant to Article XXX(Recordation)of the Agreement,Schrimsher and the City desire to execuie this Short Form Memorandum of Agreement and record the same in the public a records of Seminole County,Florida, for the purpose of placing all third parties on notice of the eg %5 existence of the Agreement. Ego o for IN WPrNESS WHEREOF.the parties hereto have caused this Agreement to be executed as -3 of the date and year first above written, "SCHRIMSHER" WITNESSES: '— SCHRIMSHER LAND FUND 1986-II, LTD.,a Florida limited partnership By., Schrimsher Inc.,a Florida Print Name— corporation am .corporation By: _._ Michael A.Schrimsher, it Name= ,+ Vice President oRLnocs 100377+11.2 ucr: -71 • :�4hn •.si...- ._ ._.._-_. _._.. ..a'iih1Y�:1:.�f'-+idfldF"r�w. - ,r+Yt�..a.4y_yn.er_�rx.:';'ori.»y:•r;,i��::.•; ,.e ,..a. r--r.. SCHRIMSHER LAND FUND V,LTD.,a WITNESSES: Florida limited parmenthip By: Schrimshe r Inc.,a Florida corporation Pn�nt Narti ''" ''♦� By: Michael A.Schrimsher, Vice President not Nemo: SCHRIMSHER LAND FUND VI,LTD.,a WITNESSES: Florida limited partnership By: Schrimsher Inc.,a Florida corporation Print Name: +� By:� A7 �--► Michael A.Schrimsher, +� ' Vice President Print Name: a Z (3TX, R WINTER SPRINGS WITNESSES: Quorb R-WOPaf Corporation L — '$ % ,... . :, B � By r NsrnC C. ra. jX4xA.% ��.' +► Y 1 Print Nam W1- - oRLDOCB 1000X18.2 LJC -Z_ �,x - _ __�•.may.-! OFFICIALAECO DS ' 988 1065 EXHY.BIT"A" SEMINOLE CO..FL LEGAL DESCRIPTION a .7� HIt,' Jlr• 4^r aeooca�oa�ts�uc� -3- 7prlC�r.l.RFCOiR,�l E EXHIBIT "A" Q g 8 LEGALDESCRIPTION 5LK!iCLL CO..FL SCHRIMSHEMSKAWILLA LANDS LYING IN SECTION 31, TOWNSHIP 20 SOUTH, RANGE 31 EAST AND SECTION 6, TOWNSHIP 21 SOUTH, RANGE 31 EAST, SAID LANDS ALSO BEING PORTIONS OF D.R. MICTHELL'S SURVEY OF THE MOSES E.LEVY GRANT ACCORDING TO THE PLAT THEREOF AS RECORDED IN FLAT BOOK 1,PAGE S AND PHILIP R.YONGE GRANT ACCORDING TO THE PLAT THEREOF AS RECORDED IN PLAT BOOK 1, PAGES 33 THROUGH 38 OF THE PUBUC RECORDS OF SEMINOLE COUNTY, FLORIDA BEING MORE PARTICULARLY DESCRIBED AS FOLLOWS: PARCEL A: BEGIN AT THE MOST WESTERLY CORNER OF ST. JOHNS LANDING ACCORDING TO THE PLAT THEROF AS RECORDED IN PLAT BOOK 53,PAGES 4S THROUGH 49 OF THE PUBLIC RECORDS OF SEMINOLE COUNTY,FLORIDA;THENCE S39'31'38"E 1229.22 FEET;THENCE N05.518'06"E 36938 FEET; THENCE N65953'28"E 100 FEET PLUS OR MINUS TO THE SHORELINE OF THE WATERS OF LAKE JESUP. THE PREVIOUS THREE COURSES BEING COINCIDENT WITH THE SOUTHERLY AND EASTERLY BOUNDARY LINES OF SAID PLAT OF ST. JOHNS LANDING. THENCE SOITTHFASTI ALY. EASTERLY AND NORTHEASTERLY ALONG SAID SHORELINE 1750 FEET PLUS OR MINUS;THENCE S25•35'29"W 4210 FEET PLUS OR MINUS TO THE NORTHEASTERLY RIGHT-OF-WAY LINE OF STATE ROAD 434, SAID POINT ALSO BERG ON A CURVE CONCAVE TO THE NORTHEAST HAVING A RADIUS OF 2843.40 FEET AND A CHORD BEARING OF N4$046'58"W;THENCE ALONG THE ARC OF SAID CURVE THROUGH A CENTRAL ANGLE OF 13023'48"A DISTANCE OF 664.83 FEET;THENCE S4r55'OI"W 5.00 FEET TO A POINT ON A CURVE CONCAVE TO THE NORTHEAST HAVING A RADIUS OF 2848.40 FEET AND A CHORD BEARING OF N40'24'12"W; THENCE NORTHWESTERLY ALONG THE ARC OF SAID CURVE THROUGH A CENTRAL ANGLE OF 03021'44" A DISTANCE OF 167.15 FEET; THENCE N38°43'16"W 78.73 FEET; THENCE S51016'44"W 5.00 FEET;THENCE N38°43'16"W 554.73 FEET TO THE BEGINNING OF A NON- TANGENT CURVE CONCAVE TO THE SOUTHWEST HAVING A RADIUS OF 7905.47 FEET AND A CHORD BEARING OF N37000'57"W;THENCE NORTHWESTERLY ALONG THE ARC OF SAID CURVE THROUGH A CENTRAL ANGLE OF 03.24'3T'A DISTANCE OF 470.55 FEET;THENCE S51.16'44"W 14.00 FEET;THENCE N38'43'16"W 135.05 FEET TO A POINT ON THE EASTERLY RIGHT-OF WAY LINE OF THE C.S.X.TRANSPORTATION INC.LAKE CHARM BRANCH RAIL CORRIDOR,SAME BEING A CURVE CONCAVE TO THE EAST HAVING A RADIUS OF 3607.33 FEET AND A CHORD BEARING OF NII905134"E; THE PREVIOUS NINE COURSES BEING COINCIDENT WITH SAID NORTHEASTERLY R Gfrr-OF-WAY LME OF STATE ROAD 434; THENCE NoRTHL'RL.Y ALONG THE ARC OF SAID CURVE THROUGH A CENTRAL ANGLE OF 080SC25" A DISTANCE OF 562.88' FEET,'THENCE'N13.33'47"E 1147.42 FEET TO-THE BEGINNING OF A CURVE CONCAVE TO THE WEST HAVING A RADIUS OF 1210.99 FEET AND k A CHORD BEARING OF N07021'25"E; THENCE NORMRLY ALONG THE IARC OF SAID CURVE THROUGH A CENTRAL ANGLE OF 18'24'44"A DISTANCE OF 346.8$FEET TO A POINT ON THE SOUTHEASTERLY RIGHT-OF-WAY LME OF TUSKAWIUA ROAD.THE PREVIOUS ' THREE COURSES BEING COINCIDENT WITH SAID C.SX TRANSPORTATION RIGHT-OF-WAY UNE; THENCE N30-04.55-E ALONG SAID R101"F-WAY LINE OF TZJSKAWILLA ROAD $76.47 FEET;IHeWE S59-31'38"E 15.00 FEET TO THE POINT OF BEGINNING. CONTAINING 164 ACRES MORE OR LESS. I TOGETHER WTTII; PARCELS: COMI4E?CE AT THE MOST WESTERLY CORNER OF ST.JOHNS LANDING ACCORDING TO THE PLAT THEREOF AS RECORDED IN PLAT BOOK 53, PAGES 45 THROUGH 49 OF THE PUBLIC RECORDS OF SEMIINOIE COUNTY,FLORIDA;THENCE N59031'38W 15.00 FEET TO A POW ON THE SOUTHEASTERLY RI01IT-OF-WAY LJNE OF TUSKAWVI A ROAD;THENCE S30'04.55"W ALONG SAID RIGHT-OF-WAY LINE 1104.90 FEET TO THE POW OF BEGINNING, SAME BEM THE INTERSECTION OF THE SOUtHEASTERLY RIGHT-OF-WAY LINE OF SAID 1 ti OFP+C1At rOR.ptv �g86 1051 TUSKAWILLA ROAD AND THE WESTERLY RIGHT-OF-WAY L NEP1QRI-M'f' S.X. TRANSPORTATION INC.,LAKE CHARM BRANCH RAILROAD CORRIDOR,SAME ALSO BEING A POINT ON A CURVE CONCAVE TO THE WEST HAVING A RADIUS OF it 10.99 FFET AND A CHORD BEARING OF 912'26'ID"W;THENCE SOUTHERLY ALONG THE ARC OF SAID CURVE THROUGH A CENTRAL ANGLE OF 06'15'13" A DISTANCE OF 111.25 FEET; THENCE S15133'47"W 1147.42 FEET TO THE BEGINNING OF A CURVE CONCAVE TO THE EAST HAVM A RADIUS OF 3707.33 FEET AND A CHORD BEARING OF S11.30'48"W; THENCE SOUTHERLY ALONG THE ARC OF SAH']CURVE THROUGH A CENTRAL ANGLE OF 07'25'54" A DL57ANCE OF 480.94 FEET TO THE €NIERSECIION OF SAID C.S•X• TPAMPORTA17ON WESTERLY RIGHT-OF WAY LINE AND THE NORTHEASTERLY RIGHT-OF-WAY LINE OF STATE ROAD 434; THENCE N38'43'16,W ALONG SAID NORn[EASTMLLY RiGHT-OF-WAY LINE 309.24 FEET;THENCE H30'04'56"E 220A0 FEEL;IMENCE W38643'16"W 200 FEET TO A POINT ON THE AFOREMENTIONED SOULITF.ASTERLY RIGHT-OF-WAY LINE OF TUSIIAWUAA ROAD;THENCE N3"'55"E ALONG SAID SOUTHEASTERLY RIGHT-OF-WAY LINE 1278.6+3 FEET TO THE POINT OF BEGINNING. CONTAINIIit#6.85 ACRES MOIL£OR LESS, TOGS WnN,PARCEL C; COb04ENCE AT THE MOST WESTERLY CORNER OF ST. JOHNS LANDING ACCORDING TO THE PLAT THEREOF AS RECORDED IN PLAT BOOK 53. PAGES 45 THROUGH 49 OF THE PUBUC RECORDS OF SEMINOLE COUNTY..FLORIDA;THENCE N59'31'38W 15.00 FEETTO A POINT ON THE SOUTHEASTERLY RIGTT .OF•WAY LINE OF TUSKAWILLA ROAD; THENCE 530'04'55"W ALONG SAID RIGHT-OF-WAY LINE 1104.90 FEET TO THE INTERSECTION OF -= THE SOURLY RIGHT-OF-WRY LINE OF SAID TUSKAWHA A ROAD AND THE WESTERLY RIGHT-0F•WAY LINE OF THE C.S,X TRANSPORTATION INC„ LAKE CHARM BRANCH RAILROAD CORRIDOR,SAME ALSO BEING A POINT ON A CURVE CONCAVE TO ' THE WEST HAVING A RADIUS OF 1110.99 FEET AND A CHORD REARING OF 512°26'10 ' TFIENCE SOUTHERLY ALONG THE ARC OF SAID CURVE THROUGH A CENTRAL ANGLE OF 06015`13" A DISTANCE QF 121.26 FEET; THENCE S15933'47"W 1147.42 FEET TO THE ': BEGINNING OF A CURVE CONCAVE TO THE EAST HAVING A RADIUS OF 3707.33 FEET AND A CHORD BEARING OF 510.16'46"W; THENCE SUl7iIiERLY ALONG THE ARC OF SAM CURVE THROUGH A CENTRAL ANGLE OF 10"34'01" A DISTANCE OF 683.14 FEET TO THE INTERSECTION OF SAID C.S.X. TRANSPORTATION WESTERLY RIGHT•OF-WAY LINE AND TTIE SOUTHWESTERLY FIGHT-OF-WAY LINE OF STATE ROAD 434; THENCE S38'45'48"E 146.64 FEET TO•1HE POINT OF BEGINNING;THENCE CONTINUE S38°45'48"E 1478.94 FEET; THENCE Nd51443'41"E 11.00 FEET TO A POINT ON A CURVE CONCAVE TO THE NORTHEAST HAVING A RADIUS OF 8980.10 FEET AND A CHORD BEARING OF S3r53151"E; THENCE i, SOUTHEASTERLY ALONG THE ARC OF SAID CURVE THROUGH A CENTRAL ANGLE OF 01017'04"A DISTANCE OF 1%.10 FEET TO A POINT ON A LINE 660.00 FEET NORTH OF AND PARALLEL WITH THE NORTH LINE OF GARDENA FARMS ACCORDING TO THE PLAT L:'} T9dFQRQF AS RECORDED IN PLAT BOOK 6,PAGE 23 OF TTjE PUBLIC RECORDS OF SF3�10LE COUNTY, FLORIDA. THE PREVIOUS FOUR COURSES BEING COINCIDENT WITH SAID SOUTHWESTERLY RIGHT-0F•WAY LINE OF STATE ROAD 434;THENCE N84'45'06'"W ALONG ?v SAID PARALLEL LINE 872.15 FEET TO A POINT ON THE EASTERLY RIGHT-OF-WAY LINE OF THE AFOREMENTIONED C.5 X TELANSPORTATION INC.. SAID POINT ALSO BEING ON A CURVE CONCAVE To THE EAST HAVING A RADIUS OF 2143.74 FEET AND A CHORD Y'rBE,ARD40 OF N14'31I`04"1V; THENCE NORTHERLY ALONG THE ARC OF SAID CURVE }: THROUGH A CENTRAL ANGLE OF ir37'34"A DISTANCE OF 661,03 FEEL'TO TIM POINT OF COMPOUND CURVEATURE OF A CTO CONCAVE O THE BAST HAVING A'RADIUS OF 3607.33 FEET AND A CHORD SEARING OF NOVI PIM THENCE NORTHERLY ALONG TIM ARC OF SAID CURVE THROUGH A CENTRAL ANGLE OF 08159158"A DISTANCE OF 766.60 FEET 1'O THE POINT'OF BEGINNING.THE PREVIOUS TWO COURSES BEING COINCIDENT WUH SAID'FASTERI.Y RIGHT-OF'-WAY LINE OF THE C.S,X TRANSPORTATION INC.. CONTAINING 13.01 ACRES MORE OR LESS. e: s OMC'AI PFfOROS 1988 1058 SEMlIiO_E CO..FL, TOGL:THE R VAMM PARCEL I7: 001radENCS AT THE bWST WESTERLY CORNER OF ST.JOHNS L ANW40 ACCORDING TO THE FLAT TF EOF AS REC7ORZ ED IN PLAT BOOK 33, PAGES 45 THROUGH 49 OF THIS P[F1 W RECORDS OF SEMMOLE COUNW.FLORIDA;THENCE N59-31'38W 13.00 FEET TO A POW ON THE SOMMELUTERLY RIGHT-Op WAY LDM OF'1'1JSICAWILLA ROAD;T=gM r &W'+04'S3"1Y ALOW SAm Pimr-OF-WAY LINE 1 iO4.g0 FEST To THE wP1tSFr[`nm OF THE SOMMASTERLY RI43HT'-0F-1VAY LINE OF SA1D TL181CAWU XA ROAD AND THR WESTERLY RXW-OF•WAY LINE OF THE C.SX TRANSPORTATION INC'.. LAX CIIAiRJM ML4NCH RMEAAD CORRIDOR.SAME ALSO BEING A PORNO ON A CURVE CONCAVE TIO THE WEST HAVM A RADIUS OF 1110.99 FEET AND A CHORD BEARING OF 812024'IprW, nMKM SOUTHERLY AL+OM TIM ARC OF SAID CURVE THROUGH A COAL ANGLE OF OVIS'13" A DISTANCE OF i21.26 FEET; THENCE 3I3"33'4rw 1147.42 FEEL TO THE BEGINIdI'NG OF A CURVE CONCAVE TO THE EAST HAVING A RADIUS OF 370733 FEET AM A CHORD BEALM OF SlftO'IrW. 7M4M SOUTHERLY ALONG THE ARC OTp SAID CURVE THROUGH A CMffR,AL ANGLE OF 10'1510"A DWANCE OF 663AO FEET TO THE F" 1NTN38CYTON OF wD c sx TRANSPORTATION WES MLY RLGLR'4)RWAY LM ANL) THE SOUTHWESTIMLY RkAff-OF-WADY UNE OF STATE ROAR] 434 AM THE PiOIITT OF BEGIIrl1TT . TmENcR CONI>riUE SOUTHERLY ALONG SAM WESTERLY RMT-CF-WAY LINE AND TATE ARC OF SAID CURVE HAVING A CHORD BE'UM OF 5WW*43"W TIHROUGH A CENTRAL ANGLE OF W21'43"A DISTANCE OF 411.69 FLAT;nMCE N36'56'46-W 142.99 ~' FEET: TMWCE NO3°43'22"E 514.43 FEET; THENCE N86'37.23"W 21.83 FEET; THENCE NMVZ'33"E+66.14 FEET TO A POINT ON THE AFORESAID SoUn WE3TBRLY RIGFIT-OF-WAY LINE OF STATE ROAD 434; THENCE S3"9'07"E,ALONG SAID RIGHT-OF-WAY LINE 224.61 is FEE I TO THE POINT OF BEGINNING-CONPARGM 1,50 ACRES MORE OR LESS. SAID LANW LYING IN SEMINOLE COUNTY,FLORIDA AND cDNT'Amm 195 ACRES MORE OR L$SS. I I. �1 {„e$lbllity Unsatisfactory POFFICIAt RECORO+F . fo! Mlcrofllming SEMINOLE CO.,FL H 1\ I I ■ `\` ra r _ 1 NQN � I r fog I \ r` EXHIBIT H CJ L_. i—1 S .� s., *ov."swn INCORP( RATEED ate:':„” SCHRINISHER PROPERTY PR"Ct NUMBM 40OW Attachment 3 Relevant Excerpt of Final Engineering Flans for iVlain Street Associates- phase II Development Approved by City Commission July 10, 2006 ua�. O1111'S3IVIOOSSVIBIJANIM � m•p"�' tl0lt101i'68NNdV L31NVA i0/1p sioAe/Un$'a .ww w„nrnWwS.rw ,mm x�,o,s a..m.emed OS tl,lNl~1 V Y[1 UVON 3ltl15 V BJGOUBU �•'�„smm' 3115 NU318tlW I 3 '�NI'BNW33N�N3 VII 3SVHd•a311430 BuBlnsua0 csoso d-d33NION3 ~N1ri 3� NMOI SONIadS N31NIM J� � � � Ho 1 U 1 l i j . ,•� r Lu Ar co a tlSI ���a � � � +',f ��•, .,. 1, �rV } li � a, I 1. �• d ;N6 II y h _ 7 ti �ell �' xf r r 1 • ,nr� �f.j M rAf Ilk I K Attachment 4 Future Development Commitment Agreement dated November 10, 2010 . . ... .... . i�aa�aaaiaNi�u�awwiaaaaa�aaaa®�p�ri�w,. M11RYR1 1 t CLERK OF CIRCUIT COURT 8K 07486 Pqs 0146 - 1541 t9pgsl CLERKS it .�.f11U1364G5 PfgMM d by end rtf rn to: R=DED 11/29/21010 Ile r 05152 pN Andw4Y A.GwZnn=� REC�BDDED BINB Y T Smith FEES moo f City Attavey o0rad r 5pi tgs 1� Brow%GmVmam WeW&nAgmita,P.A. 111 N.Oruw Avmue,&rb 2000 Orlador Fk"32802 FUTURE DEVELOFM1M CONUM VT AGREEMENT /�hTilIMt3 AGREEMENT (the "Agreement") is made and entered into effective this &'' day of November,2010,by and between Winter Sprluga Hrtfdinp,Ina,a Delaware oorporadon,whose address is 900 Seventh StrmtNW,Sto. 1020,Wasbington,DC 20001,and its suo mmrs and assigns(the"Owner',and the City of Winter Springs,Florida(the"City"),a Florida:Municipal Corporation,whose address is 1126 E. Stato Road 434, Winter Springs, FL 32708. COMMON REMAIS: WHEREA6, the Owner is the owner in foe simple title to certain real property (the "Property") described in E7CIIBVY "A" attached hereto and incorporated heroin by this reference;and WHEREAS, the Property was subject to that certain Implementation Agreement (the "Implementation Agreement', recorded in the Public Records of Seminole County, Florida in Official Records Book 6599,Pages 1705-1726;and WYMREAS,the Owner and the City entered into an Agreement,dated August 23,2010, to temiiante the Implementation Agreement in accordance with the conditions set forth in Section 3 thereof;which shall be recorded in the public Records of Seminole County,Florida prior to tho recordation of this Agmmic:nt C7ermination Agr"meut');and WHEREAS, Section 3,6 of the Termination Agreement required that the City and the Owner enter into this Agreement to memorialize the future development obligations which are restated from the Tenrruntation Agreement as set forth herein. WI"4'MLr��i�TII: NOW THEREFORE, in eouaideration of Ton Dollars ($10.00) and in consideration of the termination of the Implementation Agreement and in accordance with the Termination Agreement,the parties ague as follows: Futuro Development Commiuncut Ag=ment City of WlaW Spr%&%F 1ntor Sping9 HoldlaA tam Page L of 6 Book7486/Page146 CFN#2010136465 1. Rgjilplz, The parties agree and acknowledge that the recitals above are true and correct and that it is the intent of the panics by entering into this Agremont to cmale a iegully beading contract.. 2. FatuKQ QWjntlons on the Propprly, In accordance with Section 3.6 of the Termination Agreement, Owner hereby restates the following existing commitments with respect to the Property: 2.1 Owner agrees to convey to the City two small neighborhood squares #4 (nihimrml.42 acres)and#S(minimum.41 acres),such acreage to include all rights-of-way around the petimcWr at' each neighborhood square, at such time the City dacrmines the squares arc needed in conjunction with the future development of the Property.The 1=6031 of the neighborhood squares arc generally deOcted on ll< MIT"13,"which is attached laereto and fully suaorporated herein by dils nefmnec, However,the t armac and ilea City agree that the patties may mutually agree in writing in modify the lccation of the neighbortwod squaws in order to necomrnodate the future devcloprnent plans on the Pmpedy. 'ilia oonveyances shall be at no cost to the City by special warranty deod for flee simple title. 2.2 Owner shall be responsible for designing, permitting, and constructing a master stormwater plan for the Property, which is intended to include the harsdlitsg of stormwater mnoff from Spine Road(Michael Bla m Boulevard) which is being simultaneously conveyed to the City with the execution and delivery of this Ag=niant. Owner shall construct the permanent master stormwater facilities at such time the Property is developed in accordaum,with all applicable 5t.,Johns'Water Managernent District("SJRVWrMIY)and any other applicable regulatory pem itting requirements. The perrrianerii stormwater fhcilities Ionated outside of the Spine Road Property slwll remain privately owned and mah fined, with a drainage casement dedicated to the City over all stormwater facilities suppoditig Spine Road at such time the,par ntment facilities are constructed and approved by the City.In the event that the City chooses to construct Spine Road in advance of substerstiai development of the Properly and before the permanent stormwater facilities tine in place, :i Owner shall grant the City a right-0f-cstry to construct and maintain temporary stormwater fae litics on the Property located outside of the Spine Roast Pmperty in uouordance with a.temporary drainage case nmt dust is muumlly acceptable to the Ova=and the City. 'lbc area for die temporary stonnwater frscilities Ahall be gcaerally located in the arum depicted on FT IT "Cr" which is attached hereto and domed fully incorporated benehi by Luis rekence. lie right-or-entry and txscnicnt shall remain in p1aa; un it the permanent stormwater facilities are constmeW by the Owner.At the time the permaneiil tit nage facilities are c:onstrticted and acocpted by the City and tiso applimble regulatory agencies, 0wase shall be responsible for the removal of all temporary drainage facilities.In addition to the right-of-entry and eascumzi Owner shall grant the City authorization to utilize and/or modify any permits applicable to the constructlou of 5phic Road_ Owner agrees to cooperate with the City regmd.ing any permit utilization and/or mo-diGcatioa and shall execute applicable per-mit documents authorizing the Permit utilization or modification to the extent required by the SJRWMD, 3. 11±Iig aneom Iron-1doua. 31 Applicable Lair snd Vanua This Agrecnieat shall be governed by and Fahue Developmmt CommitmrntAgreemmi City of Wiater SprfiTr.- atcr Spr1W Holdings,Tac, Page 2 n1`6 Book7486/Page147 CFN#2010136465 r' cangtruW under the laws of the State ofFlazid&Iho parties shah att=pt in good ran to resolve any disptft ung tics Agreemcntt through negotiation and/or med otion ict►wecn authrniaed relmwentatives.If flwae efi'omts are not Enx lel,and there remains a dispu tc under this Agt+xa=t, either party may then file an action in the Circuit Court of Smninole County,which shell be the exclusive venue with respect to arty dlsputeq arising out of this Agreement.This A&i=mcrar shall not be construed or clrmmotmized as a development agreement under the Florida Local Gov=ertt AMemcniAct 3.2 Entire Aereemeni.This Agreement is the entire agreement between the parties related to the subject msiter expmessed herein,and supersedes all previous oral and written mpreserdat ons, ag=rnenis and rmderstnudlngs betwcen the parties related thereto. Except as otherwise provided herein,this Agreement shall only be amended or cancelled by mutual written consent of the parties hereto or by their successors in interest. 3.3 Effective Date The effective date of this Agreement(the "Effective Date')shall be the date when the last one of the Parties has properly au=dod this Agreement as determined by the date set ferth inns,cdlrttxly below their respective signatures and shall be binding upon all snccMM es in interest to the parties. 3.4 Notices, Whenever any of the parties desire to give notice to the other,such notice must be in writing,sent by US.Mail,postage prepaid,addressed to the party fur whom it is intended at the place last specified;the place for giving of notice shall remain such until it is changed by written notice in compliance with the provisions of this pngtnph. Until otherwise designated by amendment to this Agreement,the parties designate dee following as the respective plax=for giving notice: 'i For the owner: Winter Springs Holdings,Inc. e%IBEW Pension Benefit Fund 900 Seventh SlreetNW,Suite 1020 Wnvhln,gton,DC 20001 Telephone: Fait: With a copy to: Potts-Dupre,Difede&Hawkins,chtd. Attention: Jim Difede,Esq, 900 Seventh Street,NW,Suite 1020 Washington,DC 20001 Telephone: (202)223.0888 Fax:(202)223-3868 With a copy to: CS Capital MAnagement Attention: Brian Love Paul Saylor Ono Overton Park—Suite 240 3625 Cumberland Boulevard Atlanta,GA 30339 Fukn De%vlopmnat Commltmoat Asmament City of Wiater Spfing&Mnter springm rinldinge,Inc. rw 3 of 6 Book7486/Page148 CFN#2010136465 Telephone: (770)818-4040 Fax: (770)8184041 1 F;m the city: City of Winter springs Atin:City Manager 1126 E.State hoed 434 Winter Springs,FL 32708 Telephone:407-327-5957 Fax:407-327-4753 3.5 Atto rney>r Fens. Each petty shall bear their own attorneys fees regarding the dra€ mg and implemmtetion of this Agement 3.6 g �lLerFc�nrnoe, If Owner defaults on its;obligatlons ad forth in F'ruagraixh 2 of this Agmmncrd,the City&hall have the rl&to seek spec to performance ngainat Ito Owner in order to effectuate the required emwaymm of the neighborhood squaws and the City's use of the Property for Spine Road stoonvmw pwpom, In such ease,the City shall have the A&to recover pmvafiing party attorney&fees and costs in the event the City must file an action to enfD=the tams and oonditions set forth in Pmt 2. 3.8 B_ecordal2n, This Agreement shall be recorded in the Public Records of Seminole County,Florida,and stall run with the Property. h i [SIGNATURE PAGE FOLLOWS1 t Fuhro Um•dnprnrsn Cammlweot A�roemeut City of W1nW eplagewlntw aptloga Iloldam JAr. Pato 4 of 6 Book7486/Page149 CFN#2010136465 IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the Parties hereto have caused this A t, to be executed b theirappropriate officials as o the ''4°+.. Y f data first atx�vo written. SPS: CITY OF WINTER.SPRIitiiC Dy, 0 •. L siSnabur$) E gy+sr LJ i C5 4• (print name) A=, T: (Signature) dregloreuxo-Imams,city Cl STATE OF FLORIDA COUNTY OF SEMINOLE The foregoing kwh went was acknowledged boforo mo this. [ day of Navembea, 2010, by CHARLES LACEY, Mayor of the City of Winter Springs, (check one) c(who is personally known to me or a who produced as identification. &AW NN --Public Print Name: My Comrmimion expires: otary Lh0 laltln - e Oarrietie Harker M1 WC"r'N 11)L7ti(i337} �r U,CAff15«(11f Futuro Davorapmml Commltmmt A m mcat City a wlatar Sptiapvinta Spdw Aoldh;&%ice. Pale 3 OM Book7486/Page150 CFN#2010136465 WI E • WIZV'I'ER SPRINGS HOLDINGS,INC.,a Delaware corporation ( e �. tib fir Lindell K.Lee,President (print name) Date: I at e) _ n1 kII (print name) S ►TQ DA co v sI LE The foregoing instrument was acknowledged before me this_&' day of November, 2010, by Lindell K. Lee, President of the Winter Springs Holdings, Inc., a Delaware corporation, (check one) o'who is personally known to me or In who produced as identification. Notary Public Jo Ann Bowan Print Name: Notary Publla,pfsirlct91 Mmblat t. My Commission expires. Ift �I WON��'�������•+��e,... 0,•'%•,''ee77 DC7 4'&POP IyJ G t;, •;. 0,41"+0+.....�.,•,.,.. Future Development Commitment Agreement City of Winter Sprinp Vinter Sprinp Holdings,Inc. Pagc6of6 Book7486/Page151 CFN#2010136465 1 i } 1 . 6 1. it t r k f 1 4 1 rl `1�• r, 1 �P 1 r •, ::a 1 _ l kyr ria ! �lll�}11f r r f .`7 r ji rr►. . .i ��r�. t r a fr ,p ri s- 'r.� �il s ..II i�rr �'�' " if�.]y, "�r r•f.l� lr, 1 1;; .r. la• �u�,�.1,.Y1r n Rw + a 1 ;: a14�; a .LLLU s ,yr{fir €7V.VLR A � %y ri.rfl•l= � ,rid r+A': ��:ii '.N#yf,;: Y. �','� h'•Ir.. f'1` a, } ,. :�i` r sir irl }41t�' a e yh�':' �. .�I 'y!k.'. I�`' t:Jt! 'i•' 'a." I '," �,y ',f "�= i rte]f,µ: .►rtes SII 1F,�+,.. IV 1 '{"� �1�{ a� �y 1 :.r� •rZ''Y�. � k'; I��iai. '1� 4 V: (C7�� A6 AN AA71 A4 Jam.Asw y f Luz I r4.d vn wAfts PAR Ag � Q _ C/) Q W r• • r. !P Y n •1u,a�11 F711tL Aeogn �. � • � Y �yy���M , 3QIi0 A `Inc IM p 4,mws3m scow BMW Book7486/Page153 CFN#2010136465 :k " I '•i icy xe° • .a MOM a cn Z I CO CO • err 1� i oil •SSSS + , h j k e Ir1t � 1 fill ! li w R dJAM Book7486/Page154 CFN#2010136465