HomeMy WebLinkAbout2019 09 23 Consent 300 - Unapproved Minutes from the Monday, September 9. 2019 City Commission Regular Meeting CITY COMMISSION Incorporated REGULAR MEETING 1959 .. - MINUTES MONDAY, SEPTEMBER 9, 2019 AT 6:30 PM CITY HALL- COMMISSION CHAMBERS 1126 EAST STATE ROAD 434, WINTER SPRINGS, FLORIDA CALL TO ORDER The Regular Meeting of Monday, September 9, 2019 of the City Commission was called to Order by Mayor Charles Lacey at 6:37 p.m. in the Commission Chambers of the Municipal Building (City Hall, 1126 East State Road 434, Winter Springs, Florida 32708). Roll Call: Mayor Charles Lacey, present Deputy Mayor Kevin Cannon, present Commissioner Jean Hovey, present Commissioner Ted Johnson, present Commissioner TiAnna Hale, present Commissioner Geoff Kendrick, present City Manager Shawn Boyle, present City Attorney Anthony A. Garganese, present City Clerk Andrea Lorenzo-Luaces, present A moment of silence was held, followed by the Pledge of Allegiance. Mayor Lacey pointed out, "I would like to approve the Agenda, but with some changes. We are going to add an item `101' for a presentation on the [State Road] 434 Widening Project from - Mr. Bryant Smith." Furthermore, Mayor Lacey suggested that regarding the Public Hearings Agenda Items, "Instead of`400', `401', and `402', we need to take it in order of`401', followed by `402', then followed by `400'." Furthermore, Mayor Lacey asked, "So with that, are there any other changes to the Agenda?" Mayor Lacey then said, "Hearing none, maywe adopt it as Amended." Deputy Mayor Kevin Cannon stated, "No objection." No one voiced any objections. Mayor Lacey remarked, "Without objection, the Agenda stands adopted." AWARDS AND PRESENTATIONS 100. Presentation of Check from Tuscawilla Homeowner's Association for Purchase of New Police Canine Chief of Police Chris Deisler spoke of the Police Department's K9 program. Mr. Kevin McCann along with Ms. Sue Beveridge, Director, and Mr. Roger Monroe, Treasurer from the Board of Directors for the Tuscawilla Homeowners Association (THOA) presented a check to the City in the amount of three thousand dollars ($3,000.00) for a new K9. Further comments. Chief Deisler commented briefly on the importance of partnerships, and the great support from the Mayor and City Commission. ADD-ON 101. State Road 434 Widening Project Mr. Bryant Smith, III, P.E., CFM, City Engineer, Public Works Department gave an overview of the State Road 434 Widening Project, potential improvements, and working with Kittelson and Associates, Inc. Mr. Smith mentioned upcoming meetings and suggested that the City might be asked for a Resolution to show our support for the proposed improvements. Deputy Mayor Cannon stated, "One of the concerns that I have is that the two (2) roundabouts that are being put in, benefit residents in Oviedo. I fail to see how they benefit any of the Winter Springs residents. You have got Barclay Reserve, and you have also got further east of there, you have got Barrington Estates - Barclay Reserve, just to the right of that roundabout - in talking to residents out there, even when they put in the traffic signal on the corner because of the congestion of traffic in the morning, they can't even pull out to make a rightturn; and theywere complaining thatthe red light didn'tstay red long enough because of the - distance from the red light for traffic to clear past Barrington,so that they could actually pull out. So how is this going to help Barrington Estates? How is this going to help Barclay Reserve? How is this going to help Ladybug Academy there?" Mr. Smith explained, "With the reduced speeds, it should increase those gaps as well as a multi-lane roundabout that should help increase those gaps as well. So, someone from Barrington [Estates] would need to turn right when they have that gap, they would then go through the roundabout and - come back the other direction." Deputy Mayor Cannon then inquired, "What techniques are available out there to allow when traffic is queueing up bumper to bumper like it does every morning - rush-hour traffic, going to work, are there some sort of systems where when they have a line of cars that starts backing up, trying to get out of Barrington Estates or getting out of Barclay Reserve, some type of a yellow light comes on?" Deputy Mayor Cannon mentioned he had seen something like this on interstates, which helps space out traffic. Next, Deputy Mayor Cannon inquired, "Is there some way to incorporate that for these other subdivisions because otherwise, I don't see our residents benefitting one bit from any of this." Mr. Smith noted, "That can be relayed to Kittelson [and Associates, LLC.]." Deputy Mayor Cannon added, "They have got to synchronize the traffic signals on the east and the west side of [State Road] 417. Right now they're giving priority to the exit ramps and both of those signals need to be green simultaneously." Mr. Smith thought they would need to retime the signals. Next, Deputy Mayor Cannon said, "In the morning rush hour traffic which is from east to west - the buses are loading on the north side. When they stop, they are going to just back the whole line of cars up all the way to the Townhouse basically. We have got to get when they come in, if you could ask them to be ready to answer that question for me on the school bus loading and unloading; because that really chokes up the traffic during rush hour; and it's the morning rush-hour when it is the worst." Mr. Smith said they could pass that information on. Further discussion. Deputy Mayor Cannon commended Mr. Smith on his work for the City and wished him well. Remarks continued. Commissioner Geoff Kendrick also complimented Mr. Smith on his contributions to the City. Discussion followed regarding different aspects of this project as well as traffic to which Deputy Mayor Cannon noted his preference that the lights be synchronized sooner rather than later and hoped Mr. Smith could share this idea and/or advise Deputy Mayor Cannon who he could contact. Comments continued. INFORMATIONAL AGENDA 200. Current Development Projects Update This Agenda Item was not discussed. 201. East Central Florida Regional Planning Council Adopted Vision and Trend Analysis Updated Case Studies There was no discussion on this Agenda Item. 202. Recycling and Solid Waste Education Initiative No discussion. 203. MOU for School Safety Officer - Choices in Learning Charter School This Agenda Item was not discussed. PUBLIC INPUT Mayor Lacey opened "Public Input". Representative David Smith, Florida House of Representative, 7577 East State Road 434, Suite 2007, #264, Winter Springs, Florida: spoke of a Seminole County Legislative Delegation meeting this Friday from 1:00 p.m. to 4:00 p.m., at Seminole County and hoped residents and Elected Officials would attend. Commissioner Jean Hovey mentioned that the educational sysem should also be considered. Mr.ArtGallo, 799 Nandina Terrace, Winter Springs, Florida: commented aboutsmart water technology, and potential cost savings. Mayor Lacey stated, "We do have the presentation you gave and the Clerk will send it to out to the Commission in the next day." With further remarks, Mr. Gallo hoped that the City would offer Waivers on water restrictions for residents who have installed a smart water system. Deputy Mayor Cannon asked, "What do we need to do, to bring our Ordinance in line with the Florida Administrative Code - that there are no restrictions if you are using the reuse water in terms of when you can irrigate with it; and also, howwould we go about adopting a Resolution or something, incentivizing people to go with the smart watering system and share in that cost share with Water Management and with the State. Should we put it on an Agenda?" City Manager Shawn Boyle suggested that after tonight's meeting, we would be better able to look into this, noted his concern that there was adequate supply and demand, and thought it was a good idea. Manager Boyle then said "We'll certainly bring it back for everybody - if we have agreement up here.. I would just ask for a sixty (60) day delay so that we can study a few things." Regarding the Florida Administrative Code, City Attorney Anthony A. Garganese said he could look into this also. Deputy Mayor Cannon further mentioned he would like this matter brought back, to which Mayor Lacey asked, "Is there Consensus from the Commission to ask Anthony (Garganese) and the City Manager to look into the operational issues?" A sixty (60) day timeline was then suggested. Deputy Mayor Cannon added that if a little more time was needed, that was fine also. Commissioner Ted Johnson nodded in agreement. No objections were voiced. Mr. Gallo offered his assistance. Furthermore, Commissioner Kendrick suggested this first be brought back as an Informational Agenda Item. Deputy Mayor Cannon added, "Sure." Ms. Gina Shafer, Winter Springs Village, Winter Springs, Florida: thanked the Cityfor the sandbags, commended Mr. Smith for removing a sign near the Blake Apartments, mentioned her concerns with drivers doing u-turns near the Starbucks on State Road 434which often causes traffic back-ups; and asked that a "No u-turns" sign be placed in this area, as well as signage that advises drivers to not block the area. Ms. Shafer also asked how the questions for the survey were decided. Mayor Lacey asked for clarification from M.s Shafer and said, "When you are talking about a u-turn, you are talking about a u-turn eastbound, past the Starbucks, that comes back around to Starbucks and McDonald's?" Ms. Shafer responded, "Yes." Manager Boyle introduced Mr. Christopher Schmidt, Director, Community Development Department to Ms. Shafer and said that Mr. Schmidt could answer any questions she had regarding the survey. Mr. Matt Benton, 414 Cedarwood Court, Winter Springs, Florida: spoke of seeing some current and former Commissioners at a local restaurant earlier in the year, did not think the event was on the City calendar, and questioned why they and other officials were meeting. Ms. Sheila Benton, 474 Cedarwood Court, Winter Springs, Florida: referenced the Florida Constitution, said that Elected Officials were to represent the people, and thought the City has been undermined since the end of January by a few citizens who were being disrespectful of the City Commission. Mayor Lacey closed "Public Input". CONSENT AGENDA 300. Debris and Refuse Hauler with Grapple Arm Purchase There was no discussion on this Agenda Item. 301. Additional Funding for Wastewater Emergency Assistance Services from Veolia Water North America - South, LLC No discussion. 302. Minutes from the Monday, August 12, 2019 City Commission Regular Meeting This Agenda Item was not discussed. Regarding the Consent Agenda, Mayor Lacey asked for a Motion for Approval. "SO MOVED." MOTION BY COMMISSIONER HALE. SECONDED BY COMMISSIONER JOHNSON. DISCUSSION. VOTE: COMMISSIONER JOHNSON: AYE COMMISSIONER KENDRICK: AYE DEPUTY MAYOR CANNON: AYE COMMISSIONER HOVEY: AYE COMMISSIONER HALE: AYE MOTION CARRIED. ❖❖ AGENDA NOTE: THE FOLLOWING PUBLIC HEARINGS AGENDA ITEMS WERE DISCUSSED IN THE ORDER AS DOCUMENTED. ❖❖ PUBLIC HEARINGS AGENDA 401. FY 2019-2020 Tentative Millage Rate Ms. Kelly Balagia, Director, Finance Department addressed the City Commission on this Agenda Item. "I MOVE TO APPROVE RESOLUTION 2019-14 ESTABLISHING THE TENTATIVE FISCAL YEAR 2019 TO 2020 OPERATING MILLAGE RATE FOR THE CITY OF WINTER SPRINGS AT 2.4300 MILLS AND TO DISCONTINUE THE VOTED DEBT SERVICE MILLAGE RATE IN ITS ENTIRETY; ANNOUNCING THAT THE OPERATING MILLAGE RATE OF 2.4300 MILLS IS 6.72% GREATER THAN THE ROLLED-BACK RATE OF 2.2770 MILLS AND AUTHORIZING ADVERTISEMENT OF THE CITY'S INTENT TO HOLD PUBLIC HEARINGS TO ADOPT THE FINAL MILLAGE RATES AND BUDGET." MOTION BY DEPUTY MAYOR CANNON. SECONDED BY COMMISSIONER HALE. DEPUTY MAYOR CANNON COMPLIMENTED MS. BALAGIA, MANAGER BOYLE, AND THE FINANCE DEPARTMENT FOR THE GREAT JOB THEY HAVE DONE. Mayor Lacey opened "Public Input"for this Agenda Item. No one spoke. Mayor Lacey closed "Public Input"for this Agenda Item. VOTE: COMMISSIONER HOVEY: AYE COMMISSIONER HALE: AYE COMMISSIONER JOHNSON: AYE COMMISSIONER KENDRICK: AYE DEPUTY MAYOR CANNON: AYE MOTION CARRIED. 402. FY 2019-2020 Tentative Budget This Agenda Item was briefly addressed by Ms. Balagia. Mayor Lacey opened "Public Input"for this Agenda Item. No one addressed the City Commission at this time. Mayor Lacey closed "Public Input"for this Agenda Item. RELATED TO THE RECOMMENDATION NOTED IN THE AGENDA ITEM, "RESOLUTION 2019-15 ESTABLISHING THE TENTATIVE BUDGET FOR THE CITY OF WINTER SPRINGS FOR FISCAL YEAR 2019-2020 AND AUTHORIZING ADVERTISEMENT OF THE CITY'S INTENT TO HOLD PUBLIC HEARINGS TO ADOPT THE FINAL MILLAGE RATE AND BUDGET" - COMMISSIONER KENDRICK STATED, "MOTION TO APPROVE PUBLIC HEARINGS ITEM 402." CONTINUING, COMMISSIONER KENDRICK ADDED FOR THE RECORD, "MOTION TO APPROVE A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COMMISSION OF THE CITY OF WINTER SPRINGS, FLORIDA, ADOPTING THE TENTATIVE BUDGET FOR THE CITY OF WINTER SPRINGS FOR THE FISCAL YEAR COMMENCING ON OCTOBER 1ST, 2019 AND ENDING ON SEPTEMBER 30TH, 2020; PROVIDING FOR THE REPEAL [OF] PRIOR INCONSISTENT RESOLUTIONS; PROVIDING FOR THE SEVERABILITY; AND PROVIDING FOR THE EFFECTIVE DATE." SECONDED BY DEPUTY MAYOR CANNON. DISCUSSION. VOTE: COMMISSIONER HALE: AYE COMMISSIONER JOHNSON: AYE COMMISSIONER KENDRICK: AYE DEPUTY MAYOR CANNON: AYE COMMISSIONER HOVEY: AYE MOTION CARRIED. CITY COMMISSION MINUTES I REGULAR MEETING I MONDAY SEPTEMBER 9, 2019 1 PAGE 10 OF 24 400. The City Attorney and City Manager request that the City Commission consider accepting the Districting Commission's recommendation regarding an update of the City Commission voting district boundaries pursuant to Section 4.02 of the City Charter, and conduct First Reading of Ordinance No. 2019-10 approving the recommendation. IN TERMS OF THE FIRST READING OF ORDINANCE 2019-10 AND A MOTION TO READ BY `TITLE' ONLY," COMMISSIONER HOVEY STATED, "SO MOVED." MOTION BY COMMISSIONER HOVEY. SECONDED BY DEPUTY MAYOR CANNON. DISCUSSION. MOTION CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY WITH NO OBJECTIONS. Attorney Garganese read Ordinance 2019-10 by"Title" only and then addressed some of the aspects of the Agenda Item. Comments followed on growth and boundaries, especially as it relates to District Two, and voting age population. Deputy Mayor Cannon complimented the work of the East Central Florida Regional Planning Council who assisted with the technical data related to the Report that had been submitted. Mayor Lacey opened "Public Input"for this Agenda Item. Ms. Gina Shafer, Winter Springs Village Winter Springs, Florida: asked about recently approved projects, the qualifications of the Districting Commission Members, and her concerns with the voting population. Discussion. Mayor Lacey closed "Public Input"for this Agenda Item. AS IT RELATED TO THE FIRST READING, OF ORDINANCE 2019-10, "MOTION TO APPROVE ORDINANCE 2019-10 AND ADOPTING THE MAP AND DESCRIPTION OF THE RECOMMENDED COMMISSION DISTRICTS FILED WITH THE CITY COMMISSION BY THE DISTRICTING COMMISSION, PURSUANT TO SECTION 4.02. OF THE WINTER SPRINGS' CITY CHARTER." MOTION BY DEPUTY MAYOR CANNON. SECONDED BY COMMISSIONER JOHNSON. DISCUSSION. VOTE: COMMISSIONER KENDRICK: AYE DEPUTY MAYOR CANNON: AYE COMMISSIONER HOVEY: AYE COMMISSIONER HALE: AYE COMMISSIONER JOHNSON: AYE MOTION CARRIED. REGULAR AGENDA 500. Advisory Selection Committee Ranking for RFQ 05-19 LR "Professional Services for Utilities Operations, Maintenance, and Management Services" With Ms. Casey Howard, Director, IT and Administrative Services Department, and Mr. Smith, Ms. Lena Rivera, P.E., D.WRE, Director, Public Works and Utilities Departments addressed the Mayor and City Commission on this Agenda Item and the evaluation process related to RFQ 05-19 LR. Mr. Rob Nicholas, Vice President Development - PPS, Veolia North America, 5077 Endview Pass, Brooksville, Florida: remarked, "Veolia is a company that manages, water, energy, and waste services for municipalities and industries in the United States." Continuing, Mr. Nicholas noted, "One of the things we did with City Staff was develop an action plan of how we would approach the utilities and go forward. It's somewhat like a roadmap and you can just follow it as it goes around. As Lena (Rivera) said, our number one priority is to offer - a job and protect the current employees who are involved in these utilities. We want to be able to retain them so we're going to provide a competitive wage and benefit package, and we want to motivate them so they can do a better job. Part of that is going to be training, part of that is going to be incentives that we provide for that training and for their effort. We're going to help jumpstart the effort. One of the advantages of a larger company is we have a lot of resources that we can apply." Continuing, Mr. Nicholas noted, "When we have those resources, we will bring probably twenty (20) or more people to Winter Springs to help specialize in work on items; so, look at the lab, look at the maintenance, look at the operation of the water plant, look at odor control. All those items we've done very quickly, upfront with the schedule, but we've already gone over with Lena (Rivera) as we start. We will immediately take responsibility for the compliance of the plant, whether that's compliance with the water regulations, the wastewater regulations, the reuse regulations, or the stormwater regulations. We will also give you a fixed cost that forces the responsibility of managing the cost in the utilities of electric, chemicals, sludge, people, all on us. We feel comfortable doing that because we've got experienced people and senior technical personnel who can come help us overcome different problems and make sure that we meet those budgets and meet that compliance. Those people are going to help us implement management programs. And, these are management programs that are tested through all our facilities. What that means is you've got something that's tried and true, that you're going to be able to help with the employees to manage the facilities better. So, we will have a program to help lab quality assurance, quality control so you have a double check on how the water quality is. There will be a maintenance program, there will be an operations program, there will be line maintenance programs with the stormwater in the ponds. Additionally, we're going to have a focused maintenance effort and by that I mean we are going to create a Maintenance Lead. That Maintenance Lead will have an electrician; he will have mechanics that are going to be assigned to manage the equipment. So, every piece of equipment will be listed, every piece of equipment will have a maintenance plan to it. So much like your car, we're going to change the oil every 5,000 miles and by using a management program, we're going to be able to document so that we can. Part of the goal here is, to put you more in a review process with your management staff versus actually trying to do it." Continuing, Mr. Nicholas noted, "Additionally, we have got some priority repairs that we have suggested to the City. Kevin (Jones) is going to go into that, in a minute. The key here is to try to make your wastewater plants last another five to seven (5-7) years. That wayyou have plenty of time to plan for the replacement or the repair of them as you go forward. But there's a little bit of work we need to do to make them last that long. Next we're going to work on resolving the odor problems that have occurred both at the water plants and the wastewater plants; and we think particularly at the east wastewater plant, we've fixed that problem and the odor complaints according to Lena (Rivera) are down a lot; so, we haven't had as many." Furthermore, Mr. Nicholas remarked, "Additionally, we're going to focus in on the water plants, particularly water plant #1 has had taste and odor problems so we're going to reviewthat and find out exactlywhat's causing that problem,which we kind of know already is high hydrogen sulfide in your wells and how to remove that or remove it so that the water begins to taste good, doesn't have an odor. We're going to work with future capital. One of things we bring is, is we have a lot of experience operating a whole lot of different types of water plants and wastewater plants. Asyou go through construction,we will help you understand -what's it going to take to operate the plant, what's it going to take to maintain it, and is it a reliable piece of equipment. We have lots of experience in doing that and that's what we're going to help you with." Last but not least is transparency. We talked about we're going to put you in a position to be able to review the types of work that we're doing, but what's going to be important is we're going to provide you information - that information can then easily be converted over so you can begin to educate the public." Mr. Nicholas added, "One of the things I want to talk about is collaboration - with this contract to work between you and us we have to collaborate and work together; and we're really proud of the fact that over the last couple of months that we've been providing emergency services, everybody has worked together great. And, I just don't mean the City and Veolia. I mean the operator in the field, the maintenance man, the Utilities Supervisor, the Public Works Director, the City management team -we've all worked together in a very cooperative manner and so the results are pretty evident." Mr. Kevin M.Jones, Technical Manager, Veolia North America, 74055 Riveredge Drive, Suite 240, Tampa, Florida: addressed the Mayor and City Commission regarding some repairs and processes, as he showed some images. Discussion. Deputy Mayor Cannon asked, "During the course of this next say five to seven (5 - 7) years, would you be willing or able to work with our design engineer team and our Utility Director, our Public Works Director, to provide some input and guidance as we lookforward to what is going to be a very large capital expenditure for upgrading these two (2) water sewage treatment plants?" Mr.Jones responded, "Absolutely. One of the primary focus of Veolia water is not just operations and maintenance, but to also provide input to designers, Engineers in shortcomings at 35/50/65% drawings that show shortcomings that we have learned of plant optimization and improvements - it's amazing how Engineers like to put the steps at the wrong end of a tank, as an example." Deputy Mayor Cannon then stated, "I noticed that you were mentioned in the Flint River episode - and in Pittsburgh, so I want you to clarify for us what that was all about." Continuing, Deputy Mayor Cannon added, "I would like to know what was your contract and what were you doing and when were you doing it and were you found to be in violation as an operating company by the State or EPA (Environmental Protection Agency) or whatever, so if you could cover that for me." Mr. Jones responded, "There are various types of contracts; there are Consulting contracts, there's O & M (Operations and Management) contracts, there are Design- Build-Operate contracts. Both with Flint and Pittsburgh, we were in a consulting role. With Flint, it was a one (1) month study in regards to TTHMs (Total Trihalomethanes),very similar to the issue you had here. A recommendation was made on how to control the TTHMs (Total Trihalomethanes), and that service was done over a thirty (30) day period. In Pittsburgh, our term was about them iddle of 2002, 1 think up through 2015. Again, that was a consulting role. Three (3) people providing consulting services to that utility for plant optimization; same way I described with the digesters and others; optimizing the plant performance, so they could reduce their operation cost; so,they could take those same dollars and put it back into their infrastructure, declining water sewer system and a wastewater plant." Deputy Mayor Cannon inquired, "Were you found guilty by any environmental agency of causing any harmful discharges or anything like that?" Mr. Jones stated, "Absolutely not, absolutely not, in either case. Matter of fact, our scope of work was not even associated with any allegation." Further comments. Mr. Jones pointed out, "Matter of fact, as a technical guy, that's one thing our company prides itself on is maintaining compliance." Discussion. Mayor Lacey commented, "We are trying to milk as much time as we can out of the current wastewater plants before we are looking at a large capital expenditure to rebuild them, and one of my concerns in hiring an O & M (Operations and Management) company would be whether they were incentivized to help us in that project of extending that term, or they might be incentivized if they're in the design and construction aspect of the business to find problems." Further, Mayor Lacey asked, "What is Veolia's interest as we go through that process?" Mr. Nicholas remarked, "Our recommendation - this has been in discussions we have had with staff, is that you really want the O & M (Operations and Management) expertise. You have Engineers, you have construction companies you use all the time, and that's typically what we do. We simply provide input to your Engineers; we help you with your negotiations or your design or your construction management. So, we tend to prefer that you hire the Engineer you want, you hire the Contractor you want. We'll give you advice on things to look at or what to think about or what the experience has been. So, we really believe in focusing on the O & M (Operations and Management) and not construction. If somebody needs us to fix something and that's what these capital priorities are, we'll do the construction - we are not a Design Firm, so we're never going to design your facilities. That's not what we do. We're an operations company and we're pretty proud of being an operations company." Commissioner Hovey referenced some instances related to litigation. Discussion continued. Manager Boyle noted, "I think we can get five to seven (5 - 7) years out of it. In that time frame, I would like to sit down with Lena (Rivera) and begin the focus on, as I said in my Budget presentation, replacing probably the east plant first and I think that replacement, in my mind is going to be somewhere about five (5) years out when it's is actually constructed and brought on line. I think at that point, if we can defer the west plant for a few more years before we have to bring it on line; now we've got something that the folks that live here can afford, and its' responsible from a city management standpoint to roll these assets out in a very linear fashion, but they're separated." Manager Boyle added, "When we rebuild these plants and bring them on line, this Contract is probably going to be terminated and if we want to not be back in that business, we're going to have to have to re-write a completely different Contract." Further discussion followed. "I MAKE A MOTION THAT WE EXTEND THE MEETING UP UNTIL NINE O'CLOCK SO THAT WE CAN COMPLETE IT ALL THE WAY THROUGH REPORTS AND PUBLIC INPUT." MOTION BY DEPUTY MAYOR CANNON. REGARDING HIS MOTION, DEPUTY MAYOR CANNON CLARIFIED, "I MAKE A MOTION UNTIL NINE O'CLOCK." SECONDED BY COMMISSIONER KENDRICK. DISCUSSION. COMMISSIONER HOVEY VOTED NAY. THE REST OF THE CITY COMMISSION WAS IN FAVOR. MOTION CARRIED. Manager Boyle further spoke of Water Treatment Plants, stormwater, and noted, "The negotiations that we're hoping to conclude, Kelly (Balagia) and I and Lena (Rivera), when it comes to the financials, if you guys move forward with it, is to operate these plants at or below what we're currently operating the plant, so the financial risk is minimal. It's a fixed cost; it's less or equal to what we're currently operating it at." Manager Boyle stated for the Record, "It's no one's negligence that these plants haven't been replaced, it's just time." Remarks followed on personnel, incentives, stormwater, the shape of the facilities, and being prepared for any future storm events. Commissioner Kendricksaid to Mr. Nicholas, "Areyou quite confident based on what Manager Shawn Boyle has said and what you have said and a couple of us have asked, that you can create - what you have done so far is amazing - but you can create an atmosphere where we can rest assured that we have that five to seven to ten (5 - 7 - 10) years combined with both plants, we have the time to put the resources at work in the best way we possibly can, the most efficiently and effectively." Mr. Nicholas said, "Yes, I think we feel pretty comfortable; and we'll make a full assessment and giveyou all an assessment." Further remarks. "I MAKE A MOTION THAT WE ACCEPT THE CITY ADVISORY SELECTION COMMITTEE'S RANKING OF VEOLIA WATER NORTH AMERICA - SOUTH, LLC AS THE TOP RANKED ENTITY UNDER RFQ #05-19 LR AND THAT WE AUTHORIZE THE CITY MANAGER AND CITY ATTORNEY TO ENTER INTO CONTRACTUAL NEGOTIATIONS WITH VEOLIA." MOTION BY DEPUTY MAYOR CANNON. SECONDED BY COMMISSIONER JOHNSON. DISCUSSION. DEPUTY MAYOR CANNON SUGGESTED THAT WHEN THE CONTRACT IS DRAWN UP, "I WANTTO MAKE SURE THAT WE HAVE OUTSIDE PERIODIC OVERSIGHT FOR TESTING OR WHATEVER, TO MAKE SURE THAT WE ARE PERIODICALLY CHECKING THE QUALITY MEASURES AND QUALITY STANDARDS, HOWEVER YOU WANT TO DO THAT OR IF THAT NEEDS TO BE IN THE CONTRACT OR NOT." ATTORNEY GARGANESE SAID THEY WOULD CONSIDER THAT. MAYOR LACEY NOTED, "I NEED TO MAKE SURE THAT THE COMMISSION AGREES WITH THAT. IS THERE CONCURRENCE FOR THE DIRECTION THAT DEPUTY MAYOR GAVE?" MEMBERS OF THE COMMISSION NODDED IN FAVOR. NO OBJECTIONS WERE VOICED. VOTE: DEPUTY MAYOR CANNON: AYE COMMISSIONER HOVEY: NAY COMMISSIONER HALE: AYE COMMISSIONER JOHNSON: AYE COMMISSIONER KENDRICK: AYE MOTION CARRIED Mayor Lacey then said, "Direction is given to Staff to negotiate a contract which we will see back here." In terms of an expected timeline, it was agreed that it would be brought to the first October 2019 City Commission Regular Meeting. 501. Appointment to Oak Forest Wall and Beautification District Advisory Committee MOTION TO NOMINATE MR. HARRY ARTHUR TO SERVE ON THE SEAT THREE POSITION OF THE OAK FOREST WALL AND BEAUTIFICATION DISTRICT ADVISORY COMMITTEE. MOTION BY COMMISSIONER JOHNSON. SECONDED BY COMMISSIONER KENDRICK. DISCUSSION. VOTE: COMMISSIONER HOVEY: AYE COMMISSIONER JOHNSON: AYE COMMISSIONER KENDRICK: AYE DEPUTY MAYOR CANNON: AYE COMMISSIONER HALE: AYE MOTION CARRIED. REPORTS 600. City Attorney Anthony A. Garganese, Esquire No Report. 601. City Manager Shawn Boyle Manager Boyle thanked City Staff for their efforts related to recent Hurricane Dorian and also commended Chief Deisler on his leadership with this storm event. 602. City Clerk Andrea Lorenzo-Luaces, MMC No Report was given. 603. Mayor Charles Lacey No Report. 604. Seat One Commissioner Jean Hovey Commissioner Hovey asked if the City of Winter Springs and/or Seminole County had any rules related to Airbnb's. Brief remarks followed. CITY COMMISSION MINUTES I REGULAR MEETING I MONDAY SEPTEMBER 9, 2019 1 PAGE 20 OF 24 Next, Commissioner Hovey commented on the requirements to run for Elected Office in the City of Winter Springs and thought that any Candidates should also be "Fiscally accountable and responsible to the City" and suggested that, "All taxes that are owed to the County or State should be paid at the time they qualify for Election." Discussion followed on Candidate qualifications. Mayor Lacey inquired of the City Commission, "Do you want to ask Anthony (Garganese) to look into this further and come back to the Commission?" Deputy Mayor Cannon and Commissioner Johnson stated, "I don't." Mayor Lacey then asked, "Do we have Consensus not to do that? Is there objection to that?" Summarizing, Mayor Lacey noted, "I don't think we have Consensus to proceed." 605. Seat Two Commissioner/Deputy Mayor Kevin Cannon Deputy Mayor Cannon spoke of Chief Deisler and Ms. Rivera and their Staff and complimented them all for their work during Hurricane Dorian, as well as Finance Staff and the Police Department's Emergency Operations Center staff. Furthermore, Deputy Mayor Cannon said, "We have an incredibly dedicated team of employees here in this City!" Additionally, Deputy Mayor Cannon said, "Kudos to Shawn (Boyle) and the entire team!" Chief Deisler offered his thanks for the acknowledgement and also commended the many employees and Department Directors who assisted during this storm event. Deputy Mayor Cannon said to the Department Directors, "Please thank all your staff!" 606. Seat Three Commissioner Ted Johnson Commissioner Johnson echoed the hard work of staff and also complimented the great communications efforts that he thought were very apparent during the Hurricane Dorian storm event. Secondly, Commissioner Johnson referenced an article in a Sunday newspaper related to a story about a similar concern with the building of apartments in the City of Clermont and said that as a result, they instituted a Building Moratorium similar to what Winter Springs discussed earlier this year as well as community workshops to garner input. 607. Seat Four Commissioner TiAnna Hale Commissioner TiAnna Hale spoke of Staff's efforts during the Dorian storm event and how impressed she was with how Staff handled the necessary work and also took care of residents. Commissioner Hale additionally mentioned the local Rotary, VFW (Veterans of Foreign Wars of the United States) and other organizations that are trying to help the people of the Bahamas who were so affected. 608. Seat Five Commissioner Geoff Kendrick "MOTION TO EXTEND OUR MEETING UNTIL 9:05 P.M." MOTION BY COMMISSIONER KENDRICK. SECONDED BY DEPUTY MAYOR CANNON. DISCUSSION. MOTION CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY. Commissioner Kendrick noted that Wednesday of this week was the anniversary of "9/11" On a related note, Commissioner Kendrick mentioned that this Wednesday, September 11th, he would be representing the City as well as being a PTA (Parent- Teachers Association) member when he attends a Keeth Elementary School PTA First Responders luncheon Mr. (Bryant) Smith was then thanked by Commissioner Kendrick for his great contributions and service to the City of Winter Springs. Next, Commissioner Kendrick referenced what Representative David Smith had brought up earlier during tonight's meeting regarding the upcoming Seminole County Legislative Delegation Meeting which will be held from 1: 00 p.m.to 4:00 p.m., on Friday, September 13, 2019 at Seminole County. Continuing his Report, Commissioner Kendrick noted an upcoming Tri-County League of Cities Meeting which the City of Oakland will host, on Thursday„ September 19, 2019. As the 2nd Vice President for the Tri-County League of Cities, Commissioner Kendrick pointed out that the Virgin Trains organization would present information on their infrastructure and routes and invited his fellow Elected Officials to attend this meeting. As a member of the Florida League of Cities' Transportation and Intergovernmental Relations Committee, Commissioner Kendrick mentioned transportation funding and said that their Committee had much work to do. Commissioner Kendrick then offered his thanks to City Staff for their work on various beautification projects around the City. Concluding his Report, Commissioner Kendrick referenced comments during "Public Input" earlier in this meeting about a community organization, to which Commissioner Kendricksaid that hewanted to clearthe record and said that hewas not a member of that group. Deputy Mayor Cannon remarked that he serves on the Florida League of Cities' "Utilities, Natural Resources & Public Works" Policy Committee and spoke of a recent Court ruling related to the Land Acquisition Trust Fund that he thought might help with the expenditures for some conservation projects which would be helpful to Winter Springs. Deputy Mayor Cannon added that he would forward a copy of the Order with an update. Related to recent concerns about crosswalk safety, Chief Deisler mentioned that he had been meeting with all the School Principals and had determined that crosswalks in the City were staffed appropriately. ADJOURNMENT Mayor Lacey adjourned the Regular Meeting at 9:05 p.m. 4b40 AGENDA NOTE: THE REST OF THE AGENDA AS NOTED NEXT WAS NOT DISCUSSED. 4+4+ PUBLIC INPUT RESPECTFULLY SUBMITTED: ANDREA LORENZO-LUACES, MMC CITY CLERK APPROVED: MAYOR CHARLES LACEY NOTE: These Minutes were approved at the 2019 City Commission Regular Meeting. CITY COMMISSION MINUTES I REGULAR MEETING I MONDAY SEPTEMBER 9, 2019 1 PAGE 24 OF 24