HomeMy WebLinkAbout2019 08 12 Consent 310 - Unnaproved Minutes Monday, July 8, 2019 City Commission Regular Meeting CITY COMMISSION Incorporated REGULAR MEETING 1959 .. - MINUTES MONDAY, JULY 89 2019 AT 6:30 PM CITY HALL- COMMISSION CHAMBERS 1126 EAST STATE ROAD 434, WINTER SPRINGS, FLORIDA CALL TO ORDER The Regular Meeting of Monday, July 8, 2019 of the City Commission was called to Order by Mayor Charles Lacey at 6:31 p.m. in the Commission Chambers of the Municipal Building (City Hall, 1126 East State Road 434, Winter Springs, Florida 32708). Roll Call: Mayor Charles Lacey, present Deputy Mayor Kevin Cannon, present via telephone Commissioner Jean Hovey, present Commissioner Ted Johnson, present Commissioner TiAnna Hale, present Commissioner Geoff Kendrick, present Interim City Manager Shawn Boyle, present City Attorney Anthony A. Garganese, absent Senior City Attorney Kristin Eick, present City Clerk Andrea Lorenzo-Luaces, present A moment of silence was held. The Pledge of Allegiance followed. Mayor Lacey said, "I would ask if there is any objection to adopting the Agenda with the addition of an item, essentially after `101', we will call it `102" for a presentation on Water Quality." No objections to this were voiced. Further regarding the Agenda, Commissioner TiAnna Hale mentioned perhaps pulling Consent Agenda Item "301", and Deputy Mayor Kevin Cannon spoke of pulling Consent Agenda Item "302", and he had a question on Consent Agenda Item "303." Mayor Lacey noted that the Consent Agenda Items could be addressed when we get to the Consent Agenda and added, "With that, the Agenda stands Adopted, because I am hearing no other objection with what we're calling `102', a presentation on Water Quality of the City of Winter Springs." CITY COMMISSION MINUTES I REGULAR MEETING I MONDAY • OF 26 AWARDS AND PRESENTATIONS 100. Recognizing Winter Springs Babe Ruth Baseball and Softball All-Stars Teams Mr. Chris Caldwell, Director, Parks and Recreation Department recognized the Winter Springs Babe Ruth organization, the 10 and under "Quicksilver" Florida Babe Ruth Champions in the open division; and the 8 and under "Bulldogs" who were State Champions. 101. Presentation of Lifesaving Awards to Officers Jesus Hilerio, Andrew Jones, and Ben Rivera Chief of Police Chris Deisler spoke of the incredible lifesaving efforts of Officer Jesus Hilerio, Officer And rewJones, and Officer Ben Rivera and then presented each with an Award for their efforts. In other City business, Mayor Lacey presented a Certificate to Commissioner Hale for her participation in the Advanced Institute for Elected Municipal Officials (IEMO) program held via the Florida League of Cities. ADD-ON 102. Water Quality Interim City Manager Shawn Boyle opened this discussion on Water Quality. Ms. Lena Rivera, P.E., D.WRE, Director, Public Works and Utilities Departments introduced herself and gave a brief overview of her credentials and work experience. Mr. Robbie Gonzalez, P.E., Senior Project Manager, CPH, 7777 East Robinson Street, Orlando, Florida: introduced himself and spoke of his qualifications and background. Mr. David Mahler, P.E., Senior Vice President/Associate, CPH, 7777 East Robinson Street, Orlando, Florida: also introduced himself and gave an overview of his background and qualifications. CITY COMMISSION MINUTES I REGULAR MEETING I MONDAY • OF 26 Mr. Gonzalez then referred to a PowerPoint presentation and spoke on aspects related to the City's water system, sampling, the Department of Environmental Protection, testing, compliance, and timelines. Commissioner Geoff Kendrick asked if they could get a copy of the presentation? Mr. Gonzalez stated, "Yes, Sir." Deputy Mayor Cannon said, "I would like to ask that the presentation that was just used by the Engineers, be incorporated into the official record of the City as an attachment; and also that we place it on the website of the City together with our Report to better explain to our residents." Commissioner Kendrick noted, "Agreed." Commissioner Hale stated, "Absolutely." Commissioner Ted Johnson added, "That is a good idea." Mayor Laceythen asked Interim Manager Boyle, "Doyou have anytechnical problem with putting the Report on the webpage?" Interim Manager Boyle responded, "No, Sir." Mayor Lacey summarized, "Consider it done." Continuing, Interim Manager Boyle stated that, "Our water is safe - is very safe actually." Furthermore, Interim Manager Boyle then commented that City employees care greatly about the job they do, and added regarding Water Quality, "We'll close the faucets off before we'll produce a product that will harm anyone." Interim Manager Boyle said for the Record that Staff had contacted the Department of Environmental Protection (DEP) regarding these matters, that DEP told the City that there was nothing wrong with the water, how similar issues were happening all over the State, and that DEP actually made a mistake on page 5 of the "Annual Drinking Water Quality Report" for Winter Springs. Continuing, Interim Manager Boyle pointed out, "We have now been ordered to re- issue this report. Asyou know, we are required to follow the instructions of the State; we are a political subdivision of the State, so we will be reissuing this Report." Interim Manager Boyle added, "Mayor, we will be reissuing this Report with the corrections on it." Further remarks followed from Interim Manager Boyle and Commissioner Kendrick. Interim Manager Boyle pointed out, "I think the information we're about to present in the Budget, will not only set the tone for where the City is going in the future. There is an unprecedented amount of spending that we will be presenting to continue the quest for perfect water." CITY COMMISSION MINUTES I REGULAR MEETING I MONDAY • OF 26 Commissioner Hale commented on how Staff has been a great help in past situations and should anyone have an issue, to please reach out. Commissioner Johnson noted, "With the website, I assume we are going to go ahead and post the revised version of our Report for the website along with a notice that it's been updated, because citizens need to know about that." Furthermore, Commissioner Johnson then shared his thanks with Ms. Rivera, CPH and staff for their assistance. Interim Manager Boyle noted, "We're required by the state - they directed us to re- publish the report and send it out and we will do that ASAP." Comments followed on how previous information was disseminated to residents and how Staff hoped to proceed. Further remarks continued that Staff and the experts with CPH said they have no issues drinking our water, that the collective experience of those who spoke this evening totaled more than 100 years of experience. Deputy Mayor Cannon mentioned that some people would like changes to the taste and/or odor of the City's water and asked Interim Manager Boyle if this could this be explored at a future project or Budget. Interim Manager Boyle stated, "Yes." Deputy Mayor Cannon thanked Ms. Rivera,the Engineers, aswell as and Staff for their assistance. Mayor Lacey also offered his thanks. INFORMATIONAL AGENDA 200. Current Development Projects Update This Agenda Item was not discussed. CITY COMMISSION MINUTES I REGULAR MEETING I MONDAY • OF 26 PUBLIC INPUT Mayor Lacey opened "Public Input". Mr. Andrew Zacharias, 222 Oak Road, Winter Springs, Florida: commented on a recent parking project that involved the clearcutting of trees, thought there was already adequate parking, although one may need to walk some, that the property owner needed to manage the parking load, suggested that signage could be used to point to where additional parking spaces were, and hoped money and trees could be saved. Ms. Laura Tweed, Post Office Box 702242, St. Cloud, Florida: said she was a former resident, was a health, human rights and veteran advocate as well as an insurance agent, had started a website related to local cancer deaths, and attended this meeting to educate people regarding cancer, issues with water tests, a sink hole issue in Mulberry, Florida and asked several questions about tests, timing, location, and data. Mr. Arsenio Calle, 770 Arrowhead Court, Winter Springs, Florida: referenced the current good economy and inquired if the money coming into the City as a result of the good economywould be kept in reserve funds; and asked if the Citystill provided funds to what has been known as the UCF (University of Central Florida) Incubator. Mayor Lacey closed "Public Input". CONSENT AGENDA 300. Surplus Assets No discussion. 301. Amendment for Emergency Generator at Police Department Commissioner Hale suggested the wording should read, "Authorize the City Manager and City Attorney to modify and execute a Contract for completion of the installation of the generator." Mayor Lacey said to Commissioner Hale, "Would it satisfy your concern if when the Motion is made to approve the Consent Agenda, it incorporates that language?" Commissioner Hale stated, "Absolutely." CITY COMMISSION MINUTES I REGULAR MEETING I MONDAY2019OF 302. Resolution 2019-18 - Agreement with Traffic Technology Services, Inc. to Access Traffic Signal Data Deputy Mayor Cannon spoke of his concern with the Disclosure Agreement. Mr. Bryant Smith, III, P.E., CFM, City Engineer noted, "The City owns all of our traffic signals and weworkthrough Seminole Countyto maintain that infrastructure as well as the timing for it." Continuing, Mr. Smith explained that this allows the contractor "To install their technology on the signals and collect additional data while they're also being used in smart vehicles and autonomous vehicles in the future and collect that data as well. So part of this agreement is basically to indemnify us from any wrongdoing if something happened with the data." Deputy Mayor Cannon said, "I would like our City to be able to have the benefit of that real time traffic data that is captured, as we have the massive influx of traffic coming from west to east through our City or vice versa, east to west. In other words, will TTS provide us with that same real-time data so that Bryant, you and our department could take that into consideration as we as a City look at traffic management, cut-through traffic along say Winter Springs Boulevard and the like. I don't see that language in this Disclosure Agreement, and I would like to have that in the Disclosure Agreement and would like the opportunityfor Anthony (Garganese, City Attorney) to discuss this with us further. So, my request genuinely and for the Commission is that we postpone item `302' until the next Commission Meeting when Anthony is present; so that we can get into that in a little bit more detail." Deputy Mayor Cannon commented, "Yes, I would request then Mayor, to pull item `302' from the Consent Agenda for separate consideration." Mayor Lacey stated, "We will take that out and address it separately." CITY COMMISSION MINUTES I REGULAR MEETING I MONDAY • OF 26 303. Acceptance of Recreational Trails Program Grant Referencing Central Winds Park, Deputy Mayor Cannon asked where the trailhead rest rooms would be placed, to which Mr. Caldwell explained, "The proposed plan is just east of the Dog Park in that area by the baseball fields and that parking lot right there - that's the proposed area right now." Commissioner Hale left the dais at approximately 7.•43 p.m. 304. Recreation Program Partnership Agreement - Winter Springs Babe Ruth This Agenda Item was not discussed. 305. Recreation Program Partnership Agreement - Winter Springs Grizzlies No discussion. 306. Recreation Program Partnership Agreement - Winter Springs Basketball League There was no discussion on this Agenda Item. 307. Donation Acceptance for Moss Park Basketball Court No discussion. CITY COMMISSION MINUTES I REGULAR MEETING I MONDAY • OF 26 308. Designation of Voting Delegate for the August 2019 Florida League of Cities Annual Conference This Agenda Item was not discussed. 309. Minutes from the Monday, May 20, 2019 City Commission Special Meeting No discussion. 310. Minutes from the Monday, June 10, 2019 City Commission Regular Meeting There was no discussion on this Agenda Item. Mayor Lacey then said, "I am looking for a Motion to approve the Consent Agenda without item `302' and with `301' modified to authorize the City Manager to execute the contracts." "SO MOVED." MOTION BY COMMISSIONER HOVEY. SECONDED BY COMMISSIONER JOHNSON. DISCUSSION. VOTE: COMMISSIONER JOHNSON: AYE DEPUTY MAYOR CANNON: AYE COMMISSIONER HOVEY: AYE COMMISSIONER KENDRICK: AYE Commissioner Hale returned to the dais at approximately 7:45 p.m. COMMISSIONER HALE: AYE MOTION CARRIED. CITY COMMISSION MINUTES I REGULAR MEETING I MONDAY2019OF +5+:+ AGENDA NOTE: CONSENT AGENDA ITEM "302" WAS FURTHER DISCUSSED, AS DOCUMENTED NEXT. CONSENT AGENDA 302. Resolution 2019-18 - Agreement with Traffic Technology Services, Inc. to Access Traffic Signal Data RELATED TO CONSENT AGENDA ITEM "30211, "1 WOULD LIKE TO MAKE A MOTION THAT WE POSTPONE A DECISION ON ITEM `302' UNTIL THE NEXT COMMISSION MEETING; SO THAT WE WOULD HAVE AN OPPORTUNITY TO REVIEW WITH OUR CITY ATTORNEY- THE DISCLOSURE AGREEMENT AND SOME OF THE LANGUAGE CONTAINED THEREIN." MOTION BY DEPUTY MAYOR CANNON. MAYOR LACEY SUMMARIZED, "A MOTION TO POSTPONE `302' TO THE TIME CERTAIN OF AUGUST 12." DEPUTY MAYOR CANNON THEN ADDED, "AS LONG AS ANTHONY (GARGANESE) WAS DUE TO BE BACK IN TOWN AT THE AUGUST 12TH COMMISSION MEETING, THAT WOULD BE MY MOTION." MAYOR LACEY ADDED, "YES, HE IS EXPECTED BACK." SECONDED BY COMMISSIONER JOHNSON. DISCUSSION. COMMISSIONER KENDRICK INQUIRED IF THIS DELAY WOULD CAUSE ANY ISSUES. MR. SMITH RESPONDED, "NO." WITH FURTHER REMARKS, MR. SMITH POINTED OUT, "THE REAL TIME DATA IS SHARED WITH THE COUNTY THROUGH THEIR SYSTEM AND WE HAVE ACCESS TO THE COUNTY SYSTEM SO WE DO HAVE REAL TIME DATA." COMMISSIONER JOHNSON INQUIRED, "SO, WE WILL RECEIVE THAT INFORMATION?" MR. SMITH RESPONDED, "YES. WE'LLJUST BE ABLE TO LOG INTO THEIR SYSTEM. WE ALREADY HAVE ACCESS TO MOST OF THE COUNTY'S REAL TIME TRAFFIC DATA." CITY COMMISSION MINUTES I REGULAR MEETING I MONDAY • • OF 26 SENIOR ATTORNEY KRISTIN EICK STATED, "THE RESOLUTION DOES PROVIDE IN THE RECITALS THAT THE REAL TIME TRAFFIC SIGNAL DATA WILL BE PROVIDED AND IT DOES DESCRIBE SOME OF THE REPORTS AND INVENTORIES THAT WILL BE PROVIDED, BUT I'M HAPPY TO FURTHER DETAIL THAT IF THAT'S THE WISH OF THE COMMISSION." VOTE: COMMISSIONER HOVEY: AYE COMMISSIONER HALE: AYE COMMISSIONER KENDRICK: AYE DEPUTY MAYOR CANNON: AYE COMMISSIONER JOHNSON: AYE MOTION CARRIED. Mayor Lacey said to Interim Manager Boyle, the action is on you to bring it back in four (4) or five (5) weeks, in August." PUBLIC HEARINGS AGENDA 400. Not Used REGULAR AGENDA 500. FY 2020 Budget Overview, Millage Cap, Loan Forgiveness This presentation began with comments from Interim Manager Boyle on the economy,job growth,yield curves, health insurance, and Pension funds. Interim Manager Boyle then pointed out, "One of the chief reoccurring issues that came up in a lot of the Visioning meetings were the sidewalks and the infrastructure. This Budget has unprecedented increases in spending for infrastructure and sidewalks." CITY COMMISSION MINUTES I REGULAR MEETING I MONDAY2019OF Further, Interim Manager Boyle added, "We're proposing - assuming you accept this, that we're going to do over a million dollars of paving which is a substantial amount; and that we've got a couple of hundred thousand dollars in here for sidewalk replacement. That doesn't include the sidewalk replacements that we're going to be doing ourselves." In terms of the well-regarded parks in Winter Springs, Interim Manager Boyle noted, "This Budget again, has unprecedented levels of spending for parks. For capital alone, we have in excess of five million dollars ($5,000,000.00) for improvements for Parks in 2020. There are two (2) particular items that will be before you, that will come back to you shortly on and we're looking for guidance on." Interim Manager Boyle explained that he was referring to the Fieldhouse project at Torcaso Park and also the Amphitheatre. Interim Manager Boyle noted, "This Budget does not address an issue that is on the horizon which is the replacement of our Wastewater Plants but it does set the stage again for us to go out and review engineering plans and begin to take a step in that direction." Interim Manager Boyle explained that the City's two (2) Wastewater Plants are basically near end of life status, and along with a feasibility study that had been done a few years ago, Staff would like to bring a plan forward to commence a discussion on what would result in a plan to replace the two (2) Wastewater Plants. Continuing, Interim Manager Boyle added, "We have dollars in here for Consultants to start that discussion -the plan for whoever is sitting in this seat, and hopefully me in some capacity will be to bring that forward in probably December or first quarter of 2020, to start that ball rolling." Further comments followed on possibly looking into improving the smell and taste of water to which Interim Manager Boyle pointed out that there were funds in the Budget to look into this. Regarding landscaping and the overall aesthetics of the City, Interim Manager Boyle commented that, "We want canopy and we want to improve the visuals along the Cross Seminole Trail; and so this plan - I've got people working on it right now, to request from the County, permission to plant in the right-of-way on the Trail. So, there are considerable dollars in here to address the aesthetic along the Trail; there's also considerable dollars in here to address things like the curbs and gutters and sidewalks from an aesthetic appearance." CITY COMMISSION MINUTES I REGULAR MEETING I MONDAY2019OF Interim Manager Boyle spoke of current efforts to cleaning concrete and landscaping that Staff was currently working on and the Budget included funds to continue that. Next, Interim Manager Boyle spoke of the Solid Waste Contract, extension(s) and said that most likely later in the year, "We're going to come before you and discuss that and see what we can do and what direction we want to go in." Related to Assessment Districts, Interim Manager Boyle mentioned they had received some complaints regarding Hawk's Reserve, in terms of the level of service. Interim Manager Boyle pointed out, "Right now, they're assessed at seventy-five dollars ($75.00), and we want to take it to eighty-seven [dollars] ($87.00)." Further remarks. Commissioner Jean Hovey asked Interim Manager Boyle, "On the Master Plan for the Wastewater and the drinking water, have we looked at going out for Grants from either the state or federal government to help us fund some of that?" Interim Manager Boyle responded, "All of the engineering firms are absolutely on board with going out and seeking State and Federal funding. I personally have a meeting with our State Representative who also was offering assistance in that matter." Commissioner Hovey then referenced the Parks Master Plan and suggested that before moving forward with the Fieldhouse or Amphitheater, that the Master Plans, including Torcaso Park, be reviewed before any decisions were made. Interim Manager Boyle stated, "Yes." Mayor Lacey then suggested that perhaps we hold a Workshop on the Parks Master Plan with Mr. Caldwell to see what fits best for the City going forward. "I WOULD LIKE TO MAKE A MOTION TO EXTEND TIME THROUGH THE SECOND ROUND OF PUBLIC INPUT." MOTION BY COMMISSIONER HOVEY. SECONDED BY COMMISSIONER JOHNSON. DISCUSSION MOTION CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY. CITY COMMISSION MINUTES I REGULAR MEETING I MONDAY • OF 26 Further comments followed that various members of our City Commission had met or would be meeting with State Representative David Smith regarding possible assistance he might be able to offer Winter Springs, and to help ease the tax burden on City residents. Commissioner Kendrick complimented Interim Manager Boyle and Chief of Police Chris Deisler on their recent management efforts. Remarks followed regarding whatwaste services cost in another State in comparison to what Winter Springs' residents pay and the conundrum the City faces regarding possibly rebidding our refuse services or using contract extensions. Deputy Mayor Cannon also complimented Interim Manager Boyle on his presentation, commended Staff, and commented on his personal concerns with health care costs and the Pension. Further, in terms of the Pension, Deputy Mayor Cannon asked Interim Manager Boyle when he thought a further downward adjustment might be enacted. Discussion. Continuing, Deputy Mayor Cannon added that he agreed with Commissioner Hovey's suggestion regarding looking at the Parks Master Plan; with consideration of plans to increase tree canopy and the Cross Seminole Trail. Deputy Mayor Cannon then said that from talking with State Representative David Smith, "We are under a firm deadline of September Shawn (Boyle), to get any proposed plans to David Smith, if he is going to put it in a spending bill for the next legislative session - they meet early next year. So, the deadline that the Speaker of the House has imposed is sometime in September - I would just encourage you and Lena (Rivera) and our Public Worksfolks to get moving on that, sooner rather than later." Remarks followed on whether we would need to present and ratify a Resolution, and if that was the case, then it would need to be placed on the August Agenda." Interim Manager Boyle stated, "Yes, Sir." "I MAKE THE MOTION THAT THE CITY OF WINTER SPRINGS ADOPT RESOLUTION 2019-19 TO FORGIVE THE INTERNAL LOAN TO THE CENTRAL WINDS GENERAL OBLIGATION DEBT SERVICE FUND FROM CAPITAL PROJECT FUND `#305' AND DISCONTINUE THE VOTED DEBT MILLAGE RATE." MOTION BY COMMISSIONER HOVEY. SECONDED BY COMMISSIONER KENDRICK. DISCUSSION. CITY COMMISSION MINUTES I REGULAR MEETING I MONDAY2019OF VOTE: DEPUTY MAYOR CANNON: AYE COMMISSIONER HOVEY: AYE COMMISSIONER JOHNSON: AYE COMMISSIONER HALE: AYE COMMISSIONER KENDRICK: AYE MOTION CARRIED. "I WILL MAKE THE MOTION THAT THE CITY OF WINTER SPRINGS ADOPT RESOLUTION 2019-12 TO ESTABLISH THE PROPOSED OPERATING MILLAGE RATE AT 2.4300 MILLS AND PUBLICLY ANNOUNCE THAT THE PROPOSED OPERATING MILLAGE RATE IS 6.72% MORE THAN THE COMPUTED ROLLED-BACK RATE OF 2.2770 MILLS; AND ESTABLISH THE PUBLIC HEARING REGARDING THE PROPOSED MILLAGE RATE AND TENTATIVE BUDGET AS SEPTEMBER 9, 2019 AT 6:30 PM AT 1126 EAST STATE ROAD 434 IN WINTER SPRINGS, FLORIDA." MOTION BY COMMISSIONER HOVEY. SECONDED BY COMMISSIONER HALE. DISCUSSION. VOTE: COMMISSIONER KENDRICK: AYE COMMISSIONER JOHNSON: AYE COMMISSIONER HALE: AYE COMMISSIONER HOVEY: AYE DEPUTY MAYOR CANNON: AYE MOTION CARRIED. Brief comments. 501. SR 434 Buffer Requirements per Chapter 20 - Zoning Discussion Mr. Christopher Schmidt, Director, Community Development Department began this Agenda Item discussion by showing some photographs of different easements, setbacks, and landscape buffers from various properties around the City. Next, Mr. Smith spoke of right-of-ways, sidewalk requirements, and greenspace buffers. CITY COMMISSION MINUTES I REGULAR MEETING I MONDAY • OF 26 Further comments continued. Deputy Mayor Cannon stated, "I would be more inclined to go with setbacks more consistent with what we have at Jesup's Reserve, what we have at West End Professional Center, what we have over at the Town Center." Deputy Mayor Cannon then mentioned his concern that ten feet (10') would not be wide enough for trees that could provide a nice canopy, so greenspaces should be more like fifteen to seventeen feet (IS' -17) wide. Deputy Mayor Cannon also suggested the City's Overlay District be considered, as well as the vertical height of buildings. Continuing, Deputy Mayor Cannon pointed out that Attorney Garganese had noted that, "In many jurisdictions, the higher you go with the number of stories, they do a step effect like a terracing effect and other techniques like that Chris (Schmidt), that tend to reduce that illusion." Commissioner Kendrick agreed with what Deputy Mayor Cannon had said, noted that he was not in favor of zero setbacks, and that Jesup's Reserve had a more preferred look. Referencing the upcoming Community Visioning Session to be held on Thursday, July 11, 2019, Commissioner Johnson said he was sure that a lot of attendees would be commenting on this same matter, and he thought it would help the general public if these photographs of different setbacks just presented, could be shown. Mr. Schmidt stated, "We can do that." Next, Deputy Mayor Cannon mentioned a recent City Commission Workshop when a resident, Mr. Kevin McCann had shown some photographs of buffers along Lake Mary Boulevard. Deputy Mayor Cannon thought it would be helpful if City Staff could take some measurements of the buffers in Lake Mary before the July 11, 2019 Community Visioning Session, and share this information with the attendees. Commissioner Kendrick spoke of his frustration with a recent decision involving MetroPlan Orlando and a lower priority ranking for the expansion of State Road 434 going eastward. Commissioner Kendrick hoped the Commission would agree to having Staff look into this issue, and then along with what Commissioner Kendrick might find out through other area Elected Officials, this could be discussed at the next City Commission meeting. CITY COMMISSION MINUTES I REGULAR MEETING I MONDAY • OF 26 Mr. Smith explained to the Mayor and City Commission that he serves on a couple of Committees with MetroPlan Orlando and pointed out, "The past year or so, federally and state wide, there is a new initiative - so it changed a lot of the performance measures from your level of service, which is your traffic counts on roadways, to taking into account, pedestrian fatalities, traffic fatalities and things of that nature. So, with those performance measures along with environmental concerns in some areas, it changed the way the projects were ranked. So, this project I believe was around twenty (20), before the project initially got dropped in the fifties (50's) or sixties (60's), then it was split into two (2) phases; and the phase that you're speaking about, probably the more important phase of the two (2) coming from [State Road] 417 over to I believe Smith Street near where the old Town House restaurant is, that got moved up to about forty-one (41). So, the initial study that was done is kind of a kick off study to do another study, as bad as that sounds. That's how those processes work. The County is funding that. At this point, the project study team is going back and looking at some intermediate fixes to help with traffic, and then the County who's kind of heading this off with Oviedo and Winter Springs as well, is looking at possibly, if we help fund the design, if that can move it up in the rankings; because then there would be less money devoted to some of those other projects that it could pull from." Mr. Smith continued, "The next phase would be what's called PD&E, so it's Project Development and Engineering - so that's where it would kind of get knocked down to one (1) or two (2) ideas for what the project could be, and then the true cost estimates could come out." Remarks continued regarding traffic issues. Commissioner Kendrick said he would still check into what he could do, and Deputy Mayor Cannon suggested we needed to become more vocal with fellow Elected Officials and the County, especially in terms of funding. Mayor Lacey said to Mr. Schmidt and Mr. Smith, "On the question of the 434 buffer requirements, do you feel like you have what you need or do you have any specific questions for the Commission?" Mr. Schmidt responded, "Yes, we feel comfortable." CITY COMMISSION MINUTES I REGULAR MEETING I MONDAY2019OF 502. City Commission Appointment/Reappointment Opportunities REGARDING THE SEAT ONE POSITION ON THE OAK FOREST WALL AND BEAUTIFICATION DISTRICT ADVISORY COMMITTEE, MOTION TO REAPPOINT WILLIAM HOGABOOM. MOTION BY COMMISSIONER HOVEY. SECONDED BY COMMISSIONER JOHNSON. DISCUSSION. VOTE: COMMISSIONER HALE: AYE COMMISSIONER KENDRICK: AYE DEPUTY MAYOR CANNON: AYE COMMISSIONER JOHNSON: AYE COMMISSIONER HOVEY: AYE MOTION CARRIED. MOTION TO APPOINT ASHLEY BULEY FOR THE SEAT FOUR POSITION ON THE OAK FOREST WALL AND BEAUTIFICATION DISTRICT ADVISORY COMMITTEE. MOTION BY COMMISSIONER HALE. SECONDED BY COMMISSIONER JOHNSON. DISCUSSION. VOTE: COMMISSIONER HOVEY: AYE COMMISSIONER JOHNSON: AYE COMMISSIONER HALE: AYE COMMISSIONER KENDRICK: AYE DEPUTY MAYOR CANNON: AYE MOTION CARRIED. REPORTS 600. City Attorney Anthony A. Garganese, Esquire Senior City Attorney Eick had no Report. CITY COMMISSION MINUTES I REGULAR MEETING I MONDAY2019OF 601. Interim City Manager Shawn Boyle No Report was given. 602. City Clerk Andrea Lorenzo-Luaces, MMC City Clerk Andrea Lorenzo-Luaces noted that the Seminole County Supervisor of Elections advised us that he would like to hold a community meeting here at City Hall. With brief remarks, Mayor Lacey stated, "I would suggest to the Commission as long as he is fulfilling his duty as a Charter Officer and doesn't cross the line, that as much as we have made the Chambers available to other Elected Officials,we should extend the same courtesy; but, I would do so with the warning to him that that is the expectation." Further comments. Mayor Laceythen said tothe City Commission, "Anyobjection to giving that direction to Andrea (Lorenzo-Luaces)?" Commissioner Kendrick stated, "No." Deputy Mayor Cannon remarked, "No". No objections were voiced. Continuing, Deputy Mayor Cannon mentioned, "I think that it would be good for us as the City, to invite our Supervisor of Elections to give an update about Elections, Election security, and all of these matters that are certainly foremost in many people's minds, and I think we ought to host it and invite him to come and be our guest speaker." Mayor Lacey stated, "Sounds good to me." Discussion ensued. Mayor Lacey then commented to City Clerk Lorenzo-Luaces, "Per the Deputy Mayor's suggestion, when you extend the response to his request, would you also invite him to come to a Commission meeting..." City Clerk Lorenzo-Luaces stated, "...Absolutely..." Mayor Lacey continued, "...And brief us." City Clerk Lorenzo-Luaces added, "Yes, Sir." CITY COMMISSION MINUTES I REGULAR MEETING I MONDAY • OF 26 Deputy Mayor Cannon added, "I didn't think we should invite him to a Commission meeting, I think - we should extend the invite to him to conduct a workshop for educational purposes in the City to help advise all of our residents about changes in Elections, Laws, and all these different things that are clearly within his bailiwick. I think it is good for us as a Commission, periodically, to hold that type of an invited public forum. I don't want to say Commission meeting in those formalities or Commission Workshop in those formalities, but I think it is good for us to host our Constitutional Officers or representatives from the County Commission -our Clerk of the Court, things like that. I think it is good for the residents and I think it is good for our City;so,that's kind of what I envisioned, is that we extend an invite to the different Constitutional Officers of the County." With further comments on an event that the Seminole County Supervisor of Elections might host, and a Town Hall type event that we would hold with other Elected Officials, Deputy Mayor Cannon further suggested, "I think it would be good for us as a Commission, periodically, to post and invite one of our County Constitutional Officers to come in to our City Chambers for the purpose of speaking with our residents about, in this case, Elections, or it might be our Sheriff or it might be the Clerk of Court, it could be the Tax Collector, whomever the Constitutional Officers are; and I think even maybe a Chief Justice - that we provide a forum for them to come in and conduct that type of a meeting; and it is at our request and our invite to them, and that way we can push it out on our social media." Mayor Lacey then said, "Let me follow that through - so, the next step then would be to make that invitation to Mr. Anderson - on our terms, as opposed to his, and ask him to come participate and then when that is done, we would look for the next opportunity down the road." Deputy Mayor Cannon stated, "Yes, exactly. And, so we may next reach out to - the Property Appraiser, it could be the Tax Collector, it could be the Clerk of Courts, it could be the Sheriff; and maybe even the Chief Judge of the Circuit Court to come in and address -the court system and things like that. I think these types of City forums with the invites to these various very important segments of our County are very helpful; and if we extend the invite, and they are our invited guests then that resolves any concerns." CITY COMMISSION MINUTES I REGULAR MEETING I MONDAY • • OF 26 Commissioner Kendrick remarked, "I think that is a fine idea - invite any of the five (S) Constitutional Officers to our City at anytime really-if Staff can work out the logistics. I think certainly, starting with Chris Anderson because he has prompted the interest; I think we should just have Staff look at maybe when the - Agenda is maybe a little bit lighter, because sometimes we have heavy Agendas, sometimes we have lighter ones in the next couple of months - invite Chris Anderson sooner rather than later probablyto one, and just have a lighter Agenda that evening, whenever it works best for Staff, and that would be a good starting point; and then figure out the logistics from there." Comments followed on what Mr. Anderson had originally requested. Mayor Lacey pointed out that Mr. Anderson originally asked to use the building. Commissioner Johnson noted, "If that was his request, then by all means I think we should invite him in. So, we just need to coordinate with him when that will take place, we advertise it..." Mayor Lacey added, "...And then assess how it goes and then follow up on the Deputy Mayor's suggestion..." Commissioner Johnson stated, "...Absolutely..." Mayor Lacey added, "...And repeat..." Commissioner Kendrick remarked, "Agreed." Deputy Mayor Cannon suggested, "A Town Hall meeting, we extend an invitation starting with Mr. Anderson, and then going to others, like every couple of months." Mayor Lacey noted, "Deputy Mayor, everybody up here is nodding." City Clerk Lorenzo-Luaces then referenced an email from Mr. Anderson. Commissioner Kendrick asked if the Elected Officials could attend if they wanted to, and with further brief comments, it was stated that the Commission would not be on the dais, it would be Mr. Anderson presenting to any attendees. 603. Seat Four Commissioner TiAnna Hale Commissioner Hale complimented Mr. Caldwell, Ms. Melissa Sileo, Program Coordinator, Special Events and Recreation Programs, Parks and Recreation Department, and Staff on the great 4t" of July event. Next, Commissioner Hale referenced the dance studio in the Winter Springs Town Center and noted that they were now National Champions and offered her congratulations. CITY COMMISSION MINUTES I REGULAR MEETING I MONDAY2019OF Commissioner Hale noted that she had found out about a downed tree on Shepard Road and before she could do anything, Mr. Rafael Diaz, Field Team Leader, Public Works Department and Staff had cleaned up the area. Commissioner Hale said she was very impressed with their very prompt and helpful service. 604. Seat Five Commissioner Geoff Kendrick Commissioner Kendrick agreed with Commissioner Hale regarding the great "Celebration of Freedom" event and added, "Our Team is second to none." Next, Commissioner Kendrick referenced the recent Business Visioning Session and suggested that the City Commission could talk about what was discussed; and that one of the items addressed dealt with parking at the Town Center. Commissioner Kendrick suggested that he thought a re-design and/or re-bid would help with what options were available. Interim Manager Boyle noted, "We've started the process." 605. Mayor Charles Lacey No Report. 606. Seat One Commissioner Jean Hovey Commissioner Hovey also mentioned the super "Celebration of Freedom" event. Comments followed on who in past years had been invited to the event's hospitality tent, and new procedures. Interim Manager Boyle said it was up to the Mayor and City Commission who should be invited and recommended, "Just direct us-whoyou would like to bring and we'll make it happen." With further remarks, Commissioner Hovey noted, "Going forward, if there is a VIP tent, it is for the sponsors and for the Commissioners, and if we want to invite someone, we should let you or Shawn (Boyle) know who we would like to invite." Mr. Caldwell responded, "Absolutely, and you can even let us know how many passes you'd like in advance and we'll make them available." CITY COMMISSION MINUTES I REGULAR MEETING I MONDAY2019OF Next, Commissioner Hovey noted that the deadline for City Manager Applications was August 1, that the City Commission would not meet again until after that deadline and asked how the process would proceed. Discussion ensued that some Applicants were not qualified, that a specific time to discuss applications was needed, and would Attorney Garganese and/or Ms. Casey Howard, Director, Administrative Services be pre-selecting Applicants. Deputy Mayor Cannon noted, "My preference Commissioner Hovey would be for Anthony (Garganese) and Casey (Howard) to at least do a preliminary cut, a preliminary sort on them." Deputy Mayor Cannon added, "I would like for them to present us with their recommended short-list if you will, of Applicants, and then we look at it. If any one of us feels like there should be another name added - then we would have that opportunity and then I reallywould like for the reference checks and all the rest of that to be done by Anthony (Garganese) and by City Staff." Further, Deputy Mayor Cannon added that when the City Commission have been provided with a narrowed list and background verifications have been completed, a Special Meeting would be needed. Commissioner Kendrick stated, "I agree with Deputy Mayor." Mayor Lacey thought that if the Applicants were divided into categories and the Elected Officials disagreed with any choices, then the Mayor and City Commission could suggest alternative Applicants. Commissioner Hovey noted, "I've already seen a couple that I think that we should look at; so, we can go through and make that recommendation or wait until we get the recommendations from Casey (Howard) and Anthony (Garganese)." Mayor Lacey said, "You use whatever criteria you personally want to use and their input to you may be useful, it may not." Comments continued. Mayor Lacey asked the City Commission, "Is there agreement that you do want to have a Special Meeting?" Commissioner Hovey responded, "I agree." With no objections voiced, discussion followed on possible dates. CITY COMMISSION MINUTES I REGULAR MEETING I MONDAY • OF 26 Ms. Howard said she would make sure she was available and inquired, "Will the Commission be suggesting who they want me to do the reference checks for, in addition to the top candidates that Anthony (Garganese) and I..." Deputy Mayor Cannon remarked, "...My preference would be for Casey (Howard) and Anthony (Garganese) at the next Commission Meeting to give us their shortlist, if you will." Deputy Mayor Cannon added, "If any of us had an additional name in mind that we would present that as well, and then that would give them enough time to do the background and reference checks." Further discussion followed on a short list and dates to which Wednesday, August 21St, 2019 was suggested. Deputy Mayor Cannon stated, "That would work for me." Mayor Lacey then asked, "Any dissent to the 21St?" With no objections noted, Mayor Lacey summarized, "Let us set it for the 21St [of August]" Deputy Mayor Cannon said he thought the meeting should start at 6:30 p.m. No dissent was voiced. Deputy Mayor Cannon then asked, "That will give you enough time Casey (Howard) to do whatyou need to do in checking references and Anthony (Garganese) so you can report back to us, right?" Ms. Howard responded, "Yes." Discussion followed on individual Commissioners providing Ms. Howard with names of Applicants they were interested in, and that reference checks would not be done until after the closing date. Next, in terms of earlier comments regarding the hospitality tent at the recent "Celebration of Freedom" event, Commissioner Hale asked if we could look at the costs related to the hospitality tent. 607. Seat Two Commissioner/Deputy Mayor Kevin Cannon Deputy Mayor Cannon offered his thanks to the City's Police Department, Seminole County Fire, as well City employees including the Parks and Recreation Department staff on their many months of preparation for the great Fourth of July event. Mayor Lacey noted that he agreed. CITY COMMISSION MINUTES I REGULAR MEETING I MONDAY2019OF 608. Seat Three Commissioner Ted Johnson Commissioner Johnson noted the next Florida League of Cities Policy meetings were scheduled for July 19th. Next, Commissioner Johnson mentioned that he attended the recent EOC (Emergency Operations Center) test run, thanked Chief Deisler on the great job and was appreciative of the plans for better communications. Chief Deisler briefly responded. Next, Commissioner Johnson pointed out that he attended a recent Seminole County Commission meeting which dealt with rental properties including Airbnb's and that the Seminole County Commission chose not to impose more regulations. Continuing his Report, Commissioner Johnson noted that he attended a City Code Enforcement Board in late June and thanked the Board Members for their service. Lastly, Commissioner Johnson offered his appreciation to Mr. Caldwell and Mr. Mike Barclay, Recreation Superintendent, Parks and Recreation Department for assisting Winter Springs' resident and World War II Veteran, Mr. Emil Abrahamian with his art display at the "Celebration of Freedom" event; and noted that Mr. Abrahamian had said that it was one of the best days of his life. Commissioner Kendrick further briefly addressed Vacation Rentals and also noted that he was looking forward to the City Commission's Board and Committee Appreciation Dinner which would be held on July the 26th [2019]. PUBLIC INPUT Mayor Lacey opened "Public Input". No one spoke. Mayor Lacey closed "Public Input". CITY COMMISSION MINUTES I REGULAR MEETING I MONDAY2019OF ADJOURNMENT Mayor Lacey adjourned the Regular Meeting at 9:40 p.m. RESPECTFULLY SUBMITTED: ANDREA LORENZO-LUACES, MMC CITY CLERK APPROVED: MAYOR CHARLES LACEY NOTE: These Minutes were approved at the 2019 City Commission Regular Meeting. CITY COMMISSION MINUTES I REGULAR MEETING I MONDAY • OF 26