HomeMy WebLinkAboutPegasus Engineering - FEMA Public Assistance Support Services: Hurrican Ian (DR-4673-FL) - 2022 10 18 PegasuENGINEERs
October 18, 2022 P-229702
Mr. Philip Hursh, P.E.
Director of Public Works
City of Winter Springs
400 Old Sanford Oviedo Road
Winter Springs, Florida 32708
Re: FEMA Public Assistance Support Services
Hurricane Ian (DR-4673-FL)
Dear Mr. Hursh:
On September 29, 2022 torrential rainfalls associated with Hurricane Ian, combined with pre-
saturated ground conditions and the elevated lake levels caused by consistent and lengthy
afternoon showers during the days prior to September 29,2022 caused severe roadway,yard,and
structural flooding throughout the City of Winter Springs. Major creeks located within City limits
overtopped their banks and flooded nearby residences and infrastructure (e.g.,Gee Creek, Howell
During the initial data collection efforts in late September and early October 2022, Pegasus
Engineering staff conducted site inspections to assess the extent of the flood damage. Due to the
magnitude of the observed losses, it became apparent that the focus should be to pursue all forms
of available FEMA assistance to offset the considerable costs to be incurred by the City of Winter
Springs during the restoration efforts, and more importantly, the costs of the proposed
improvements/modifications necessary to mitigate flooding in the future.
For the benefit of the City, Pegasus Engineering strongly recommends pursuing FEMA assistance
through the following Federal Disaster Assistance Programs:
■ Public Assistance (PA)—Categories A thru G
o Category A: Debris Removal
o Category B: Emergency Protective Measures (disaster preparation)
o Category C: Roadways and Bridges
o Category D: Water Control Facilities
o Category E: Building and Equipment
o Category F: Utilities
o Category G: Parks, Recreational, and Other Facilities
"Engineering a Higher Standard"
301 West State Road 434,Suite 309, Winter Springs, FL 32708 •407-992-9160 •Fax 407-35£3-5155
www.pegas usengineering.net
FEMA Public Assistance Support Services
Mr.Phil Hursh,P.E.
October 18,2022
Page 2
■ Section 406- Public Assistance Mitigation
This funding is applied to the parts of the facility that were damaged by the disaster
and the mitigation project directly reduces the potential of future, similar disaster
damages to the facility.
■ Section 404- Hazard Mitigation Grant Program (HMGP)
This funding may be used in conjunction with Section 406 mitigation funds to bring an
entire facility to a higher level of disaster resistance, when only portions of the facility
were damaged by the current disaster event.
The purpose of this letter proposal is to respectfully request authorization to provide Public
Assistance Support Services to the City. Specifically, to perform the following grant related
services for the City in order to offset restoration costs not covered by current insurance policies
and future mitigation improvements.
Public Assistance
1. Coordinate closely with City staff regarding the recovery efforts as they pertain to the
different Public Assistance categories approved for reimbursement in order to gather
supporting documentation for submittal to FEMA.
2. Prepare and submit a Request for Public Assistance (RPA)application to FEMA, as well as the
supporting documentation collected from the coordination with City staff.
3. Review the updated Public Assistance Program and Policy Guide(June 2020) in preparation
of the current FEMA-approved Public Assistance Delivery Model methodology to follow in
relation to requests for funding assistance.
4. Coordinate with FEMA to address any comments associated with the RPA application
package and secure approval to request Public Assistance.
5. Conduct site inspections and meetings with City staff in order to quantify the damages
caused by Hurricane Ian and coordinate with the City's GIS Department to prepare
preliminary Damage Inventory Maps.
6. Participate in an initial briefing of the project with FEMA staff,in order to discuss the extent
of the encountered challenges and damages directly with FEMA's Program Delivery Manager
in charge of the City of Winter Springs' case.
FEMA Public Assistance Support Services
Mr.Phil Hursh,P.E.
October 18,2022
Page 3
7. Review the current Exploratory Call Guide and Checklist to prepare for the Exploratory Call
with FEMA staff. Prior to the Exploratory Call, which in essence will serve as an initial
applicant interview by FEMA, Pegasus Engineering will coordinate with City staff to discuss
the format of the interview in order to develop accurate responses to each question.
8. Prepare for and participate in the Exploratory Call with FEMA and City staff.
9. Conduct a second round of inspections and meetings with City staff to update the Damage
Inventory Maps based on the outcome of the Exploratory Call.
10. Review the current Recovery Scoping Meeting Guide and Checklist to prepare for the
Recovery Scoping Meeting. Prior to the Recovery Scoping Meeting (RSM), coordinate with
City staff regarding the format and content of the RSM and fill-out the Damage Survey
Questions for each Category and prepare the preliminary Damage Inventory spreadsheet.
11. Prepare for and participate in the Recovery Scoping Meeting with FEMA and City staff.
12. Conduct a third round of inspections and meetings with City staff in order to finalize the
Damage Inventory maps, the Damage Survey Questions, and the Damage Inventory
13. Upload the final Damage Inventory maps, the Damage Survey Questions, and the draft
Damage Inventory spreadsheet to the FEMA website portal.
14. Coordinate with FEMA staff to schedule and conduct site reconnaissance visits with FEMA
inspectors in order to assess the restoration efforts and establish the scope of work and
preliminary costs.
15. Coordinate with City staff to quantify the costs associated with the applicable Public
Assistance categories (A through G) previously listed on Page 2 of this correspondence (e.g.,
Debris Removal, Emergency Protective Measures, Roads and Bridges, etc.).
16. Update the draft Damage Inventory spreadsheet and finalize it based on the cost
information provided by City staff, as well as any additional losses not accounted for
17. Coordinate with FEMA staff regarding the detailed content of the final Damage Inventory
spreadsheet and upload it to the FEMA website portal.
FEMA Public Assistance Support Services
Mr.Phil Hursh,P.E.
October 18,2022
Page 4
18. Actively coordinate with FEMA and City staff during the duration of the Public Assistance
program in order to secure funding to offset the restoration costs not covered by any current
insurance policies.
19. Prepare for and participate in an Exit Briefing with FEMA and City staff when the project
formulation process is complete, and all claimed damages are documented.
20. Prepare and submit to FEMA quarterly reports documenting the amount of expenditures to
date, the amount of funds the City has drawn against the project to date, the projected
project completion date, any time extensions granted, and any problems or circumstances
that might delay the project.
21. Prepare and submit management cost requests to FEMA for review, approval and
22. Prepare the close-out request including a certification that the project is complete, date of
project completion, copies of any time extensions filed for consideration, and submit to
FEMA for review and processing.
23. Prepare a final expenditure report and submit to FEMA for review, and approval.
Section 406- Public Assistance Mitigation
1. Identify potential Section 406 improvements/projects considered eligible under the
eligibility criteria established in the updated Public Assistance Program and Policy Guide
(June 2020).
2. Coordinate with City staff regarding concurrence with identified potential Section 406
3. Prepare preliminary order of magnitude costs for the potential Section 406 projects.
4. Prepare Benefit Cost Analyses for the potential Section 406 projects to determine their cost
5. Submit the Section 406 projects to FEMA for-review and consideration.
6. Coordinate with FEMA staff to address specific comments and questions pertaining to the
proposed Section 406 projects.
FEMA Public Assistance Support Services
Mr.Phil Hursh, P.E.
October 18,2022
Page 5
7. Coordinate with FEMA and City staff during the duration of the Section 406 program in order
to secure funding to implement City-identified specific improvements.
Based on the previously described work to be performed, Public Assistance Support Services will
be performed initially for an hourly not-to-exceed fee amount of$50,000 based on the following
City-approved hourly rates:
Position Category Hourly Rate Position Category Hourly Rate
Project Manager $177.91 Senior Designer $118.11
Sr. Project Engineer $161.46 Designer/CADD Technician $95.68
Project Engineer $132.31 Administrative/Clerical $74.75
It is understood that if the initial authorization is exhausted, additional authorizations will be
requested at$25,000 increments to project completion. Reimbursable expenses,such as postage,
courier,tolls, mileage, photocopies, and plotting incurred in connection with the above-described
work will be billed separately from the above quoted fees.
The above-described tasks are those expected to be performed by Pegasus Engineering as part of
the proposed FEMA grant related services. Additional tasks as required and requested by FEMA
may need to be performed in order to meet FEMA's grant conditions. Pegasus Engineering
reserves the right to request additional fees, if necessary,to cover those unforeseen tasks.
We appreciate the opportunity to provide you our letter proposal associated with the
aforementioned FEMA related grant services. If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to
contact me directly at 407-992-9160, extension 309, or by email at david@pegasus
. m a, P.E., CFM
tormwater Department Manager
cc: Shawn Boyle, City of Winter Springs Scott Borror, City of Winter Springs
Casey Howard, City of Winter Springs Leylah Saavedra, Pegasus Engineering
FEMA Public Assistance Support Services
Mr. Phil Hursh, P.E.
October 18,2022
Page 6
FEMA Public Assistance Support Services
Hurricane Ian (DR-4673-FL)
City of Winter Springs, Florida
Approved for Pegasus Engineering, LLC
, P Principal October 18, 2022
F san Munjed, P.l()
Officer's Title Date
This Proposal is hereby accepted and authorization to proceed is hereby given.
(Please return one executed copy of this proposal for our Pegasus Engineering records).
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Authorized 1 n ture Offic r
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