HomeMy WebLinkAbout2019 04 22 Consent 307 - Minutes from the April 1, 2019 City Commission Workshop Attachment"A"
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MONDAY, APRIL 1, 2019 - 6:30 P.M.
Mayor Charles Lacey
Commissioner/Deputy Mayor Kevin Cannon - Seat Two
Commissioner Jean Hovey- Seat One
Commissioner Ted Johnson - Seat Three
Commissioner TiAnna Hale - Seat Four
Commissioner Geoff Kendrick - Seat Five
The Workshop of Monday, April 1, 2019 of the City Commission was called to Order by Mayor Charles
Lacey at 6:30 p.m. in the Commission Chambers of the Municipal Building (City Hall, 1126 East State
Road 434, Winter Springs, Florida 32708).
Roll Call:
Mayor Charles Lacey, present
Deputy Mayor Kevin Cannon, present
Commissioner Jean Hovey, present
Commissioner Ted Johnson, present
Commissioner TiAnna Hale, absent
Commissioner Geoff Kendrick, present
City Manager Kevin L. Smith,present
City Attorney Anthony A. Garganese, present ,-,
City Clerk Andrea Lorenzo-Luaces, present
Regarding the Agenda, Mayor Lacey stated, "Commissioners, may we Adopt the Agenda?" Deputy
Mayor Kevin Cannan said, "No objection." As no objections were voiced, Mayor Lacey then noted,
"Hearing none, it stands Adopted."
Further brief comments.
Mayor Lacey opened "Public Input".
There were no Speakers.
Mayor Lacey closed "Public Input
500. Community Development Department
The Community Development Department requests the City Commission to receive a presentation
on construction site debris management and provide direction as deemed necessary.
Mr. Tim McClendon, AICD, Director, Community Development Department began the discussion,
referenced Section 9-181. from the City's Code of Ordinances, and mentioned what was required.
Continuing, Mr. McClendon noted, "What we do on the enforcement side of this — Staff actually
performs a weekly inspection on construction sites. We actually do request Contractors clean up any
trash/debris within forty-eight (48) hours if they are found to be out of compliance. We typically
provide a warning and then a follow-up with usually - either holding building inspections or issue stop
work orders." Mr. McClendon mentioned that those steps had typically failed in the past; however,
when Cade Enforcement was involved and Pines were imposed, then usually they would see results.
Mr. McClendon then explained that going forward, "The two (2) big requirements that we're going to
push on new developments is requiring six foot (6) chain-link fence with either the green or the black
screening around the entire perimeter of the construction site, and then also require stormwater pollution
prevention plan, and either cash deposit or a letter of credit for - it is one percent (1%) of the total
construction cost or five thousand dollars ($5,000.00), whatever is less; that would be refundable at the
time of the final C.O. (Certificate of Occupancy), provided we haven't pulled that Bond and used that
money to clean up the site."
Mr. McClendon then noted, "Bryant Smith (City Engineer, Community Development Department) also
- reached out to a couple other surrounding municipalities - found out Seminole County has a pretty
good structure in place for fining construction sites. Seminole County has the ability to issue written
warnings from an Inspector; that includes possible Fines and Penalties if the issue isn't solved within
forty-eight (48)hours."
Next, Mr. McClendon mentioned that through his research he found from the City of Winter Park,
"They actually require a detailed Site Management Plan — it's basically listing out some very specific
items — where construction worker parking is located, the location of construction equipment, material
storage locations, temporary structure locations, along with there are requirements for traffic routes to
and from the project site, pedestrian safety barriers that we're actually implementing now, and that a
Developer is actually required to keep that Site Management Plan on site, and if they're found not
following those rules, that's when Code comes and starts fining immediately."
With brief comments, Mayor Lacey asked Mr. McClendon if he thought an Ordinance was necessary to
which Mr. McClendon responded, "If you're looking for teeth." Mayor Lacey said, "We want teeth."
Deputy Mayor Cannon referenced some documents which were then distributed. Deputy Mayor Cannon
then referenced page 8 of the City of Winter Park's Ordinance, noted as "2653-05", and said he thought
the section noted with a star [106.2.2] made sense. Deputy Mayor Cannon mentioned that for some
storm events, screening would need to be released so it did not become airborne and this could be shared
with Developers.
Next, Deputy Mayor Cannon inquired if screening could have promotional information as seen in other
City Attorney Anthony A. Garganese suggested that such signage would be part of the Sign Code to
which Deputy Mayor Cannon noted he was in favor of a Developer being able to advertise/promote an
upcoming project. Attorney Garganese added that Temporary Signage provisions in the Code would
need to be reviewed.
Commissioner Geoff Kendrick pointed out that Developers or General Contractors often have project
information visible on screening. Deputy Mayor Cannon thought the City could look into screening
which would also contain trash. Commissioner Ted Johnson noted that this was already being done at
the Blake Apartments.
In Winter Park's Ordinance, Mayor Lacey referenced on page 8, section 105.2.2; and. Deputy Mayor
Cannon noted Section 105.19.1 as well as Section 105.5 which he thought would be helpful if combined
with the City's Section 9.181., as noted in the Code of Ordinances.
Deputy Mayor Cannon then mentioned there was a difference between construction debris and food
wrappers and thought perhaps having a trash receptacle might help. With continued comments on food °'4y
wrappers,beverage containers and whether that could be codified, Attorney Garganese referred to this as
"On site litter control."
Mayor Lacey stated, "We are looking for Consensus on directing Anthony (Garganese) to take the three
(3)paragraphs that we have referenced here out of the Winter Park Ordinance, plus the food source litter
that we just spoke about and modify our Ordinances to incorporate those concepts." City Manager
Kevin L. Smith inquired, "Could I add the word `accordingly' at the end:" Mayor Lacey said that
Attorney Garganese could incorporate language as applicable.
Commissioner Johnson referenced the Blake Apartments project and noted, "In some areas, the fencing
did not extend all the way down and apparently a lot of the trash was coming from underneath."
Commissioner Johnson wondered if this was something that also should be included. Manager Smith
said to Commissioner Johnson, "I would certainly think, Commissioner, that there would be a proper
maintenance of those fences incorporated into the Code and the Ordinances."
Further remarks followed on silt fencing and if the Police Department had noticed a link between
secured and non-secured constructions sites and stolen equipment. Brief discussion.
Captain Matt Tracht, Operations Bureau, Police Department said there did not seem to be an issue and
then showed an image related to a fenced construction site.
With additional comments, Commissioner Kendrick said he thought that fencing and screening would
assist with security, that a dedicated waste container on site would be helpful, and agreed this could be
included in the Code.
Continuing, Commissioner Kendrick added that what he would like to see included in the Code was for
"Contractors and other responsibilities, if in fact something happens and they have that ten to fourteen
(10-14) day period they go under or something happens and no one is going to be at that site, because, in
that case, if you have that minimal window of fourteen(14) days or whatever it is, if it goes past that and
there is a storm coming, good luck getting any of that stuff moved; nothing is going to be secured. So, I
think that is very important just in case someone for whatever reason has to shut down their construction
Deputy Mayor Cannon stated, "I totally agree with you." Commissioner Johnson nodded in agreement.
Furthermore, Deputy Mayor Cannon suggested that "We really need to make sure that when we adopt
this, that we have a Hurricane Contingency Plan for them to lay the fences down and stake them into the
ground with rebar or something to keep them going airborne, removing the screen off of them, I am
sure that other cities have got something that they have figured out, probably from the Emergency
Management standpoint."
Regarding hurricane preparedness, Commissioner Kendrick remarked, "I would like to see what other
cities do before we get into something like that, that might all of a sudden, we put it in the Code and it is ER
onerous." Et
Deputy Mayor Cannon pointed out, "I think it should be more from the Emergency Management
standpoint. I don't think we need to codify it - my thought is if we codify it but, say they have to take
appropriate measures to prevent the fence from blowing over, and so forth, and then, appropriate
measures if our Emergency Manager says you may have to remove it or whatever." Deputy Mayor
Cannon added that he thought there should be flexibility should Emergency Management be involved.
Mayor Lacey confirmed with Attorney Garganese that he understood what the City Commission wanted
and asked the City Commission, "Is there any objection to directing Anthony (Garganese) to prepare an
Ordinance based upon this discussion?" No objections were voiced. Attorney Garganese added that he
would be able to provide a good draft.
501. Community Development Department
The Community Development Department requests the City Commission to receive a presentation
from staff on current arbor regulations and provide direction as deemed necessary.
Deputy Mayor Cannon referenced some documents from Seminole County which were passed out to
those on the dais.
Mr. McClendon pointed out that he had submitted documents for the City to maintain its status as Tree
City USA for the 30`I' year.
Referencing the Tree Protection Ordinance, which was in Chapter 5 of the City's Code of Ordinances,
Mr. McClendon stated, "I believe the last time this topic was discussed before this Commission, it was
either late November/early December. The topics covered at that meeting I believe focused around a
two (2) page plan/approach if you will.
The first phase was more of an Arbor Master Plan update. That discussion centered on restoring tree
canopy and habitat from the loss of large trees due to the site clearing that has been occurring due to
development. The idea for that was to include a four (4) point Master Plan that would use available
mitigation funds that exist and plant new trees around the City, in public areas.
The first point of that four (4) point plan was to identify city properties and conservation lands to locate
areas to place trees. Staff has identified quite a few locations. There's a couple of canal sites, there is
Sam Smith Park, there's a perc pond at Hayes and Bahama, Moss Park. There's a few city-owned pond
sites, and of course, any of the City parks.
The second point phase, or the second point of that four(4) point plan was to place appropriate size trees
in the City right-of-ways, including - Staff identified Winter Springs Boulevard, Moss Road, Dolphin
Road, Hayes (Road), Panama, and Trotwood Boulevard.
Third point was to work with HOA's (Homeowner's Associations) and homeowners that actually
requested trees within their public right-of-way areas as well.
The fourth point which I am happy to point out was more of an internal Arbor Outreach Program and
that's actually being done through the `Explore Outdoors' event, that's going to be held this weekend.
So, that public outreach program is actually being done now.
The second phase under that Arbor Plan was to tackle a wider range of Code changes or issues. I
believe the first idea was, Staff was looking to almost create like a two (2) tier system, sort of residential
versus non-residential.
Basically it's lowering the cost structure for residential or HOA (Homeowner's Association) areas; and
raising those Fees on the- new construction costs. We're also looking at lowering the replacement costs
or the mitigation cost of a tree on a residential homeowner. That's currently about two hundred and fifty
dollars ($250.00) but we'd also look to raise that replacement or the mitigation fee for any new
Ideas that we've also been kicking around, is how to further incentivize Developers to keep larger trees
and certainly not just clear-cut land; and how you would approach that is,just incentivizing the heck out
of keeping larger specimen trees; those are those trees that are twenty-four inches (24") and bigger.
There is also just a number of things that we've been looking at, and toying around with - adjustments to
the Permit Fee structure. The residential side of this - to remove a tree, it's twenty-five dollars ($2.5.00).
We'd hopefully lower that; and then again,just the opposite, raise that for any new construction.
We also are looking to update, simplify the tree replacement table, delete some tree replacement
exemptions that exist and then also update the desirable and undesirable tree list. Basically make it
more Florida friendly or Florida native friendly.
If this Commission is content with those ideas, we would just keep moving forward on the Staff end of
this. Otherwise again, I would kick it back to the Commission here and look for direction."
Deputy Mayor Cannon asked if anyone was aware of the number of trees transplanted from construction
sites to City property, over the last ten(10) years.
Continuing, Deputy Mayor Cannon suggested that during the early stages of development of a project,
that any of the larger trees that could be transplanted, would be transplanted to City parks or other lands.
Discussion followed on either buying equipment to do such transplanting, a cost-share arrangement, or
hiring a company if needed.
Commissioner Kendrick thought that in such a case, the City should work with an Arborist on logistics,
to which Mayor Lacey agreed with the need for expert advice. Commissioner Johnson suggested the
City definitely discourage clear-cutting, and to especially not allow a Developer to clear-cut right up to a
nature preserve or trail area.
Furthermore, Commissioner Kendrick mentioned that with the installation of underground utilities,
anything near where any underground utilities would be installed, would need to be removed; so he
would like to know on a fully wooded lot, what amount would typically be expected to be saved, before
we set any rules.
Commissioner Johnson recommended the City could set guidelines and that nature trails should be kept
natural. Commissioner Johnson also thought that there was interest in softening the Blake Apartments
site with landscaping, however, he did not really see any room for plantings and that this was a lesson
Deputy Mayor Cannon spoke of the Comprehensive Plan and the allure of Winter Springs which
included tree canopy, eagles, and that the City should include this in the Comprehensive Plan as much as
Commissioner Kendrick asked if the City could find out how large of a tree could be planted, and noted
he would like to see larger trees planted rather than twig-type trees, hoped to see crape myrtles along
State Road 434 pruned as applicable, improving tree canopy, and that he would like to see a written plan
with what was desired.
Discussion followed on tree sizes and traffic accident concerns. Deputy Mayor Cannon then noted that
on U.S. Highway 17/92 going into Maitland, he recalled seeing what he thought were decent size
magnolia trees and wondered how such trees were planted on that highway, and inquired where in the
City of Winter Springs could larger trees be planted.
Manager Smith remarked, "If I have Consensus on that Mayor; we'll certainly move forward with that."
Manager Smith then spoke of area roads and stated, "We'll look for opportunities to do that. Another
point quickly, on the `stick' trees, we've already moved away from that."
Next, Commissioner Johnson spoke of pine beetles damaging pine trees in the area with some trees
needing to be removed. Commissioner Johnson then mentioned, "I think Mr. Kendrick is on the right
track. I think we do have areas where we could really put an emphasis on planting these significant
species that will help us support the wildlife and the habitat. But the pine trees, sadly I think are coming
down so there will be a need for replanting."
Mayor Lacey addressed the City Commission and commented, "A lot of discussion here. Tim
(McClendon) started with his proposed changes that are forthcoming. Is there any specific direction you
want to give to Staff or are you content to let them hear this discussion and incorporate that?"
Commissioner Kendrick remarked, "I just want to see— some sort of direction on potential planting sites
of pushing the envelope on as large a tree indigenous population oak trees, not pine trees. Pine trees are
fine but people can cut down pine trees and put them up, no matter what. There are no rules and
regulations on those, but the shade trees, the oak trees on all of our right-of-ways, where can we put it,
where can we plant the big ones, or as close to it as possible. Of course, we know how long it takes for
them to grow."
Continuing, Commissioner Kendrick added, "I just want to see designated planting sites, where we
could try to establish canopy and show the citizens what we're doing with that money, and if you see a
couple come down, well, this is what we're going to do to put more up."
Deputy Mayor Cannon asked Attorney Garganese, "If we have a property owner that is willing to let the
City plant an oak tree or something, maybe three feet (Y) over the property line in order to get it far
enough back, is that something that we could do legally, with the consent of the property owner?"
Attorney Garganese said, "Sure." Attorney Garganese added that the City Commission could authorize
such a program.
With further comments, Manager Smith noted, "We had a similar program a few year's back Deputy
Mayor, and there were some challenges there, but that's something we can certainly dust off, if it's the
will of this body."
Continuing, Deputy Mayor Cannon remarked, "The long-standing challenges that we have is in the
historic area of our City which is on the west side of town; and because of the way that highway was
laid out so many years ago, the overall right-of-way to right-of-way line is much narrower. And so,
perhaps that would be a good location for someone to enhance with some of these plantings and so
Deputy Mayor Cannon added, "Clearly, the right-of-way on the east side of town seems to be broader
than it is on the west side of town and so that would be another area we might look at - that's an area of
tower we need to spruce up."
Manager Smith noted, "I heard Commissioner Johnson speak about preserving canopy along nature
trails on Seminole County Trails; and heard Commissioner Kendrick speak about maybe we can create
some type of map showing opportunity sites for increased forestation along our City roads, the ones we
can and can't control; and then Tim (McClendon) also had some Staff initiated items that we wanted to
bring forth for the Commission's consideration. Is that a decent summary of direction from this body
going forward?"
Mayor Lacey asked, "Everybody content?" Deputy Mayor Cannon stated, "Yes." No objections were
Deputy Mayor Cannon said to Manager Smith, "What is your best estimate of timeframe for this
process? I know there's a lot of things in play right now." Manager Smith mentioned that much work
was going on at the present time and added, "If I could just say, as soon as possible and in short order."
502. Community Development Department
The Community Development Department requests the City Commission to review and approve
the community survey question list and provide alternative questions as deemed necessary..
Mr. McClendon spoke of a past discussion about surveys and referenced five (5) proposed questions
which were being suggested.
A dram survey was then shown to the Mayor and the City Commission. Comments followed on the
availability of the survey, planned marketing efforts, and security parameters.
Commissioner Kendrick pointed out, "One thing that I wanted to make sure was to make it flan and
interactive - to ask people, `What do they want to seer `What specificallyT `Give us some specifics.'
`Do you have any specific retailers you want to seeY' l=
Deputy Mayor Cannon suggested this be postponed as he wanted to review the questions first. Manager
Smith agreed.
Continuing the discussion, Deputy Mayor Cannon stated, "The other thing is, I agree we need some
open ended ideas and phrasing it like, `In other communities that you've driven through or lived in, are
there some aspects that you wish could be incorporated here?' Something open ended and also ask them
about types of employers, types of retail businesses, types of restaurants. I think we need to include
employers in that." Manager Smith mentioned that ranking questions was helpful.
Deputy Mayor Cannon agreed and suggested, "4n a scale of 1 to 5, how important is this to you?"
Furthermore, Deputy Mayor Cannon added, "We do need to ask them about, `How long do they think is
an unreasonable commute to a jobT Have a ranking there. For example, `Would you like to have more
employers closer in the City so that your commute time is reducedT And also have a breakdown on
different types of employment opportunities in the City and then of course, different types of businesses,
whether it's healthcare, whether it's different kinds of restaurants/food/retail. All of that as well."
Manager Smith noted, "Maybe we could bring that back to you all. If anyone has anything tonight
Mayor, I would ask if there were any of these, let's call them the open-ended questions." Manager
Smith added, "Certainly, we're going to bring this back and give you all another opportunity."
Commissioner Kendrick pointed out, "I want to see specifically— `What kind of retailers or employers—
destinations, would you like to see'?"
Brief comments followed on data, rankings, and past Visioning sessions.
Commissioner Johnson noted that the City of Longwood had hired the Gibbs Planning Group and spoke
of their data and research. Commissioner Johnson shared a document related to the Gibbs Planning
Continuing, Commissioner Johnson thought the City also needed to hire an outside organization to
provide an analysis, and offer recommendations related to which retailersibusinesses should be
considered for the City of Winter Springs, and thought that Staff should get with the City of Longwood
regarding this study by the Gibbs Planning Group. Commissioner Johnson suggested that this should
come back as an Agenda Item at a future meeting. Deputy Mayor Cannon nodded.
Commissioner Jean Hovey asked if Commissioner Johnson envisioned this as part of the Visioning
process. Commissioner Johnson noted that a similar study would probably be completed a number of
months beyond the expected date of any proposed Visioning sessions. Commissioner Hovey then
suggested that if this did come back as an Agenda Item, that associated costs would be included.
Commissioner Johnson agreed and remarked, "Yes."
Regarding survey questions, Commissioner Hovey recommended, "Maybe we could phrase it something
like, `If money/times/size, etc. were no object, what would you like to see in the City of Winter
Springs?' That covers all of it. We all want more retail but "Do you want to see doctor's offices,
clothing stores,big box stores, little box stores - what do we want to see in the City of Winter Springs?"
Commissioner Kendrick stated, "I agree with you."
With further remarks, Commissioner Kendrick referred to Commissioner Johnson's suggestion and
thought it was great. Further, Commissioner Kendrick noted, "I think it should come back on a future
Agenda Item and it can run like you said, it might take a little time to set up. It can run concurrent with
what we're talking about doing and it would be great to see the results of everything that we're planning
and probably in short order, in the next six (6)months or so, with everything that we're talking about."
Deputy Mayor Cannon pointed out, "We had some discussions earlier on and I've had many
discussions. I think we should engage a firm to do a study such as Longwood. Longwood focused on
retail but i do think we should also include in that study like professions and employers. We can't cover
everything and I think we need to do that sooner rather than later."
Continuing, Deputy Mayor Cannon added, "This is where we bring in the realities - kind of a reality
check for us where they can tell us this is the pallet of what is a realistic expectation for a bedroom
community like Winter Springs, and this is not.
So, my thought is that we hold off on pushing out that survey until we get some input from somebody
like this group because it brings us into a preliminary focus, and a realistic primary focus; and then
solicit from that point, what's realistic, because as we've all discussed up here, it is fine for us to say,
`Well, we want more of this or that' but if economics -- if it is not going to happen, if it's not realistic
economically, it's not realistic, because of the way our existing traffic and roadways and the physical
layout of the lake on the north side of the City."
Deputy Mayor Cannon then pointed out the economics and market viability that such a study would
provide the City Commission with real world marketability, which would help guide any survey that
might be issued.
Further remarks followed on the Gibbs Planning Group.
Commissioner Kendrick pointed out, "1 see value in running the two (2) concurrent; the survey as well
as what Commissioner Johnson has said with hiring the professional outsourcing to understand a market
and this is why. I don't see that the survey would and I don't want to use the word `bias' - I wouldn't
want - it to filter the professional results but professional results might put a filter on the survey from our
citizens; because now they see what a professional organization carne back with and maybe it cuts down
on the expression of what they want to talk about."
Furthermore, Commissioner Kendrick noted, "I would love to hear them both and then marry the two EA
(2). 1 don't want to take the ideas out of our citizens' heads, that because maybe they misread the survey
or not the survey but they misread the report that Commissioner Johnson was talking about." PIG
Commissioner Kendrick added, "I want them to say this is what we want or this is what a professional
organization has said, now let us marry the two (2). That is the only thing that I see. 1 see value in
concurrency." Deputy Mayor Cannon commented, "I guess there is something to be said for that; I see
your perspective."
Referencing the proposed survey, Deputy Mayor Cannon mentioned that he wanted to make sure the
survey only allowed for one (1) address to Vote only once and he was not sure an address was secure
enough; and then suggested perhaps having Driver's Licenses and an address for proof of who was
taking the survey; and further, Deputy Mayor Cannon also suggested having Voters Registration
numbers for verification. Commissioner Hovey thought that City Utility account numbers might help
substantiate who was taking a survey.
Mayor Lacey asked Attorney Garganese if he was agreeable to the City asking for City Utility account
numbers to which Attorney Garganese said he did not see any issue with using such that information.
Regarding apartments, Mr. Shawn Boyle, Director, Finance and Administrative Services Department
stated, "Most of our apartment complexes are what we call `master metered' and they don't have
account numbers. They have one (1) master account number so you wouldn't get individual feedback
from them."
Deputy Mayor Cannon then remarked, "But by going with the water meter, that would also pick up
businesses which is important too; because I want to hear from the businesses."
Continuing the discussion, Deputy Mayor Cannon noted that he was in favor of Commissioner Hovey's
idea of using City Utility account information.
Further remarks.
Mr. Ed DeJesus, IT Manager, Finance and Administrative Services Department spoke of email
addresses, authentication, ensuring privacy while collecting data, telephone calls, and possibilities
versus probabilities of security breaches.
Deputy Mayor Cannon suggested that the City make it clear that only one (1) survey could be submitted
and added that he was not in favor of telephone calls to which other Members of the City Commission
Mayor Lacey then said to Manager Smith, "Are you good?" Manager Snaith responded, "I think so
Mayor Lacey opened "Public Input".
Mr. Kevin McCann, 1109 Pheasant Circle, Winter Springs, Florida: commended the efforts being made
on the proposed survey and asked if City Utility bills would not readily be accessible to the general
public and hoped the City Commission would take the security of such a survey very seriously in order
to obtain accurate information.
Referencing the Tuscawilla Homeowners Association (THOA), Mr. McCann spoke of large commercial
waste dumpster and port-a-lets in the front yards of homeowner's properties for a long period of time
and asked that this matter be considered.
Deputy Mayor Cannon mentioned to Mr. McClendon about the Ordinance he had distributed and
suggested that if there was a period of construction inactivity on a property, then waste containers and
such should be removed. Deputy Mayor Cannon hoped that Staff could include this in building
Attorney Garganese said he could include related language.
With further discussion, Commissioner Johnson also agreed that this be included and commented about
blue tarps on roofs being visible for extended periods of time and wondered if this could be addressed
Commissioner Kendrick noted, "In all of our discussions, I don't think we were limiting this to
commercial. I think we all are in agreement that residential is certainly part of this."
Deputy Mayor Cannon stated, "Yes.!9
Commissioner Kendrick added, "This is certainly part of that of what I believe Deputy Mayor Cannon
passed out, the 105.19 (Contractor/owner responsibility). I believe this can certainly be incorporated
when we marry this with our own Ordinance to have timelines, simple timelines and responsibility
timelines; and that is not onerous, it is not unreasonable whatsoever. And I think that will curtail a lot of
these problems."
Deputy Mayor Cannon suggested to Attorney Garganese, "There should be some timelines."
Discussion continued on tarps and also boards on broken windows. Commissioner Kendrick pointed out
that regarding tarps, "There might be a preemption clause with the State." Comments continued on tarps
and that there did not seem to be any communication with the City, permit requirements, nor tracking
methods and these would be helpful. Commissioner Kendrick added that he had not seen any
Ordinances related to tarps. Manager Smith stated, "Give us an opportunity at Staff to look into that."
Mayor Lacey pointed out, "There is a clear Consensus on that."
Ms. Gina Shafer, Winter Springs, Florida: mentioned she had seen screening and signage on projects in
the City of Winter Park, referenced the Blake Apartments, and suggested that while anything was being
built along Michael Blake Boulevard, that such projects should be maintained and she thought screening
would be a positive idea.
Ms. Shafer agreed with Commissioner Johnson's comments on adding bushes or trees near trails,
especially near the Cross Seminole Trail behind the Blake apartments.
Further remarks.
Mr. Ryan Stahl, 630 South Maitland Avenue, Suite 100, Maitland, Florida; spoke of the Workshop and
that he thought it would have been more of a round-table discussion, complimented the City
Commission on the proposed survey, referenced comments made about the Gibbs Planning Group and
that they were a great company. Mr. Stahl did note that four (4) local experts had attended tonight's
Workshop and suggested the City Commission reach out to local experts for assistance.
Mayor Lacey closed "Public Input".
In other City related business, Commissioner Hovey spoke highly of departing Chief of Police Kevin
Brunelle, Police Department and offered her appreciation. Commissioner Hovey then complimented
Manager Smith on his efforts as City Manager.
Next, Commissioner Kendrick echoed Commissioner Hovey's remarks about Chief Brunelle and
Manager Smith.
Commissioner Kendrick then referenced what Mr. Stahl had mentioned and spoke of the importance of
input from residents, outside professionals, as well as businesses.
Continuing, Commissioner Johnson offered his thanks to Manager Smith, then referenced a situation
that involved Chief Brunelle and pointed out how helpful Chief Brunelle and his staff had been when
they had handled a difficult situation.
Deputy Mayor Cannon also mentioned a previous difficult occurrence that Chief Brunelle was able to
control. Continuing with his comments, Deputy Mayor Cannon shared his sincere gratitude and thanks
to Manager Smith.
Lastly, Mayor Lacey complimented Chief Brunelle on his service and friendship over the past ten (10)
years; and spoke of Manager Smith leaving.
Mayor Lacey adjourned the Workshop at 8:22 p.m.
NOTE: These Minutes were approved at the 2019 City Commission Regular Meeting.