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2020 10 26 Consent 301 - WTP #2 Emergency Generator and Automatic Transfer Switch Purchase
• CONSENT AGENDA ITEM 301 ,n m=ared CITY COMMISSION AGENDA I OCTOBER 26, 2020 REGULAR MEETING 1959 TITLE WTP #2 Emergency Generator and Automatic Transfer Switch Purchase SUMMARY The purpose of this Agenda item is to request authorization for the purchase of one (1) 400 KW generator from Caterpillar and one (1) ASCO automatic transfer switch. The local representative is Ring Power Systems and will provide both pieces of equipment. Water Treatment Plant#2 currently does not have on-site backup generator power at the facility. The facility is not currently fully functional during a power interruption. This equipment will provide the necessary power capability to operate the entire facility during a power interruption or natural disaster event. A separate agenda item for construction of the improvements and installation of the equipment will be presented to the Commission for approval at a meeting in 2021 . The cost for this item is $138,850.39 (piggybacking off the Sourcewell [National Joint Powers Alliance] Contract 120617-CAT) to be funded from the FY21 Water/Sewer Utility Fund. RECOMMENDATION Staff recommends the City Commission award a contract to Ring Power Systems in the amount of$138,850.39 for the purchase of one (1) 40OKW fixed generator and one (1) automatic transfer switch, piggybacking off the Sourcewell [National Joint Powers Alliance] Contract 120617-CAT. Additionally, authorization for the City Manager and City Attorney is requested to prepare and execute any and all applicable contract documents consistent with this Agenda item. 6 Ring Power° ' OLYMPIAIVTM GENERATORS Your North and Central Florida Caterpillar Dealer ST.AUGUSTINE TALLAHASSEE OCALA ORLANDO TAMPA 500 World Commerce Prkwy 4752 Capital Circle NW 6202 N US 301/441 9901 Ringhaver Dr. 9797 Gibsonton or St.Augustine,FL 32092 Tallahassee,FL 32303 Ocala,FL 34475 Orlando,FL 32824 Riverview,FL 33569 904-737-7730 860-662-1622 362-732-4600 407-866-6196 813-671-3700 SALES SERVICE PARTS LEASING RENTALS QUOTATION / SALES AGREEMENT / SECURITY AGREEMENT DATE: 9/17/2020 QUOTATION NO: MB20-080 CUSTOMER NAME: City of Winter Springs ESTIMATED SHIPPING LEAD TIME: 22 weeks SHIPPING VIA/FOB: Jobsite ADDRESS: . ESTIMATED SUBMITTAL LEAD TIME: 4 weeks CITY/STATE/ZIP: , FL JOBSITE ADDRESS: CONTACT: CITY/STATE/ZIP: FL PHONE: PROJECT NAME: Winter Springs WTP TERMS:Full payment is due from buyer within 10 days of delivery or pickup of the equipment. DESCRIPTION OF MATERIAL UNIT PRICE EXTENSION Please ensure quote meets your expectations. Please ensure quote meets your expectations. Ring Power is pleased to offer this price per the Sourcewell Contract,formerly known as the National Joint Powers Alliance (NJPA) consortium. CAT Contract# 120617-CAT. Ring Power is authorized to use Sourcewell for Federal, State & Local Government projects. For your reference, your Sourcewell Member ID is One (1) New Caterpillar Diesel Generator-Model C13, Rated 400 KW Standby power at 0.8 PF, 3 Phase, 480 volt, 60 Hz at 1800 RPM,with following options: STANDARD GENERATOR PACKAGE CONSIST. C13 60HZ PKG 400ekw CERTESE List $56,018 UL 2200 LISTED PACKAGE GEN SET List $196.00 Quotation Accepted By: Date: Tax No.: Customer: Salesman's Signature: Mark Barbarul0 Mark Barbarulo, EPG Sales. Central Florida TERMS • This offer to sell is made subject to buyer's acceptance within ten (10)days from this date(noted above). • All quoted prices are subject to change without notice.Those in effect on the date of shipment shall prevail. • Subject to credit approval. • Used equipment is subject to prior sale. • A 25%restocking fee will be assessed for all canceled orders or returned materials. • No retainage to be withheld. Ring Power Systems is an equipment supplier and is not a sub-contractor. Our terms are Net 10 days. • No sales tax is included. • Buyer grants to seller a security interest in all equipment as described in this agreement until such time as payment is made in full in accordance with the terms and conditions of this agreement and in accord with the seller's credit application. • Ring Power requires a purchase order to secure this sales agreement. Page 1 of 4 7 DESCRIPTION OF MATERIAL UNIT PRICE I EXTENSION PLAT PLUS 5YR 2500HR STANDBY List $1,460.00 SPACE HEATER 12 List $484.00 LC6114D SE ALT 1M List $15,076.00 CONTROL PANEL MOUNTING LEFT List $2,023.00 HEATER CONTROL GROUP List $484.00 PERMANENT MAGNET EXCITATION List $946.00 800:5 CT RATIO List $364.00 GEN MOUNTING DUCT PLATE List $583.00 WIDE BASE List $9,449.00 ALUM SA L1 -WHITE List $31,322.00 150 MPH IBC CERT WIND ENCLOSURE List $281.00 DISCRETE 1/0 MODULE List $1,075.00 STANDARD WET BATTERY List $1,094.00 BATTERY CHARGER 10 AMP List $1,050.00 HIGH EFFICIENCY COOLANT HEATER List $1,735.00 POWER CENTER- RH MOUNTED List $941.00 600A LSI SINGLE MANUAL CB List $3,688.00 NEUTRAL BAR List $394.00 STANDARD RADIATOR List $4,846.00 SA LEVEL 1 MUFFLER List $2,722.00 LOCAL ANNUN NFPA99-110/CSA282 List $898.00 AIR CLEANER- DUAL ELEMENT List $755.00 NEUTRAL CABLE GP 800A List $91.00 CB CABLE GP ABB/T6-800/600 List $278.00 Total LIST Price for Above for CAT Items 138 253.00 Sourcewell DISCOUNT-37% off from List Price ($51,153.61) CAT Genset Price with Sourcewell Discount $87,099.39 $87,099.39 Page 2 of 4 8 DESCRIPTION OF MATERIAL UNIT PRICE EXTENSION CAT DEALER ADDITIONS: All receive 5% off List Price per Sourcewell or the typical sale price if no list price is available per the Sourcewell Contract • Freight-Factory to Ring Power $4,488.00 • Freight Orlando Ring Power—to site $4,651.00 • One Day Training to Personnel $1,955.00 • One day load bank and start up $7,880.00 ASCO 3ADTS Series, Delayed Transition, 600 Ampere, 3 Pole, 480 Volts, NEMA 1 $7,560.00 UL142 SEALED SECONDARY DOUBLE WALL SUB-BASE FUEL TANK WITH 1730 USEABLE GALLON CAPACITY @ 90% FULL. TO PROVIDE 72 HRS RUNTIME BASED ON A CAT C13 400kW WITH CONSUMPTION OF 24 GPH BASED ON GENSET OPERATING AT 75% LOAD. $18,587.00 DIMENSIONS 256"L X 102"W X 24"H EQUIPPED WITH A 30"X 24"THROUGH HOLE STUB UP AREA. TOTAL NET PRICE PER Sourcewell CONSORTIUM CONTRACT# 120617-CAT Total cost # 120617-CAT $132,219.39 UL142 SEALED SECONDARY DOUBLE WALL SUB-BASE FUEL TANK WITH 2880 USEABLE GALLON CAPACITY @ 90% FULL. TO PROVIDE 120 HRS RUNTIME BASED ON A CAT C13 400kW WITH CONSUMPTION OF 24 GPH BASED ON GENSET OPERATING AT 75% LOAD. DIMENSIONS 415"L X 102"W X 24"H EQUIPPED WITH A 30"X 24"THROUGH HOLE STUB UP AREA.WEIGHT IS ESTIMATED TO BE 7,150 LBS $+6,630.00 Purchase orders must include the current Sourcewell Contract Number 120617-CAT Ring Power invoices in full for Equipment & Services at the time of delivery. If Installation and/or Start-up Services need to be invoiced for separately please advise. A schedule of values will be provided prior to the Purchase Order process to avoid payment delays on equipment delivered. Exceptions & Clarifications: Payment terms are in accordance with the Sourcewell and 30 days net on equipment and services that are completed. Payment can be completed off the schedule of values. Page 3 of 4 9 DESCRIPTION OF MATERIAL UNIT PRICE EXTENSION AtsisN1 4 year extended warranty included NOTE: 1. The above price includes start-up, testing, and customer training (during normal business hours, Monday-Friday, 8 AM -4PM). Equipment installation must complete and equipment ready to start-up. This includes all auxiliary power for generator/enclosure accessories, interconnect wiring, Remote Annunciators, etc. If there are questions regarding the locations for termination, our Project Manager will assist you. Return service calls due to incomplete installation (outside of Ring Power's control) may result in additional charges. 2. Training that is to be videotaped, requires Ring Power approval in advance. RPC "Video Recording Agreement"/ waiver signed by the customer/end-user in advance. Videographer/Recording Equipment to be provided by others. 3. No installation (including shipped loose accessories), labor, conduit, wire, equipment off loading, anchor bolts, pad, fuel or fuel piping DEF - Diesel Exhaust Fluid (when required), natural gas piping and gas flow meters is included 4. Third Party Testing provided by others (i.e. NETA, Infrared Scanning, etc...)In some cases, based on the generator set package weights and dimensions, items may ship loose and must be re-assembled by the contractor on site. Those items might include the fuel tank, load frame &generator, generator enclosures, mufflers, etc... 5. For fuel tanks over 550 Gallons, it is the Contractor or Owners responsibility to notify the appropriate State, and/or local regulatory agencies prior to delivery of the fuel storage tank so that it can be inspected prior to fueling. The FDEP Registration form will be provided in the Ring Power Submittal. Per FDEP Breach of Integrity Testing Guidance, tanks will ship from the factory with a vacuum/gauge installed. On-site testing is not included. 6. No sales tax included 7. Proposal is based on information supplied by the Customer. 8. No specifications, drawings, or diagrams were received or reviewed. General exception is taken to any other specifications and drawings not available at time of quotation. Equipment supplied will be limited to that described in this proposal. 9. Ring Power will be supplying equipment as described in the attached documentation. 10. No equipment will be ordered without an approved Purchase Order. 11. Equipment shipped will be invoiced for at the time of delivery. 12. Ring Power will not release equipment for production until we have received the signed sales agreement or PO and signed and approved submittal from our customer. This is done to insure that we are providing quality equipment that fits our customer's needs. If you need any assistance, please contact your sales representative. Thank you for considering Ring Power Systems for your generator needs Mark Barbarulo Ring Power Systems, Generator Sales Central Florida, 407-472-6231 Office-407-472-6271 Fax-407-383-5840 Cell Mark.barbarulo@ringpower.com Page 4 of 4 10 Form C EXCEPTIONS TO PROPOSAL,TERMS.CONDITIONS, `' AND SOLUTIONS REQUEST Company Name: - CaterpiilarlJJ(;. _ _ Any exceptions to the terms,conditions,specifications,or proposal forms contained in this RFP must be noted in writing and included with the Proposer's response. The Proposer acknowledges that the exceptions listed may or may not be accepted by NJPA or included in the final contract. NJPA will make reasonable efforts to accommodate the listed exceptions and may clarify the exceptions in the appropriate section below. Term,Condition,or NJPA LlPjje,22 ction/.•age Specification Excetion ACCEPTS Vendors' certificatc(s) must inch a all NJPA subcontractors as addiliorua`.-'rstt its Caterpillar Malem cannot be named as additional insureds on under its wheies this certificate. AcreptS As a targe international enterprise, Fts a;`Rar fne. can r n se ens litigation and other;:.a^ri^r ngs r I: {er the NJPA The Vendor most disclose to NJPA an) its,'";and for its subsidisrics ur 'ts eTfl'c.cs litigation„bankruptcy,or _` `c aillar fn,. agrees to provide the inform iic::r;c.csicrl in Accepts suspensionsrdrsbarments that occurfor artiv4iTs that directly impala Ce:e,-pil ar in 's 7 161 Noe 26-27 during the Contract �eriod. Krformance w::iire.":^ns under the NJPA Caterpillar iv: cri;s use its suheont-v-:-S, who Ere Prevailing wage:The Vcndor must independently o-v.:-A &-id operated Aeslus, to provice NJPA comply with applicable prevailing wage services to NJPA �, T.�•-s _'r-t�rrillar tJe$ler"s will compJq legislanon in effect in thejurisdic.tion of with the appticahl�- ,crra:'.ng t:"n s egtslation required for Accepts 8.9'page 28 the NJPA Member the services pioodcj ioNinA i,. -) ws in their jurisdictions. f Signature: �✓V _ _ Date: �� '7 l Z O Proposer's 7 NJPA's clarification on exceptions listed above: I I Review and roved: NJPA Legal Department 11 Contract Award RFP 1#120617 FORM D Formal Offering=,of Proposal (To be completed only by the Proposer) ELECTRICAL ENERGY POWER GENERATION WITH RELATED PARTS, SUPPLIES,AND SERVICES In compliance with the Request for Proposal (RFP) for [ELECTRICAL ENERGY POWER GENERATION WITH RELATED PARTS, SUPPLIES, AND SERVICES, the undersigned warrants that the Proposer has examined this RFP and, being familiar with all of the instructions,terms and conditions,general and technical specifications, sales and service expectations, and any special terms,agrees to furnish the defined products and related services in full compliance with all terms and conditions of this RFP,any applicable amendments of this RFP,and all Proposer's response documentation.The Proposer further understands that it accepts the full responsibility as the sole source of solutions proposed in this RFP response and that the Proposer accepts responsibility for any subcontractors used to fulfill this proposal. Company Name: Caterpillar Inc. Date: November 21, 2017 Company Address: 100 NE Adams Street City: Peoria _ State: IL Zip: 61629 Contact Person: Seth Charna Titled Industry Representative Authorized Signature: _ Bart Myers ` (Name printed or typed) 37 12 1MENr,�O FORME CONTRACT ACCEPTANCE AND AWARD ir National Joint Vowels AMUcN [t y 1 * pURt",M� O (Top porlion of this form will be completed by NJPA if the vendor is awarded a contract.The vendor should complete the vendor authorized signatures as part of the RFP response.( NJPA Contract#: 120617-CAT Proposer's full legal name:Caterpillar Inc. Based on NJPA's evaluation of your proposal,you have been awarded a contract.As an awarded vendor,you agree to provide the products and services contained in your proposal and to meet all of the terms and conditions set forth In this RFP,In any amendments to this RFP,and In any exceptions that are accepted by NJPA. The effective date of the Contract will be January 29,2018 and will expire on January 29,2022 (no later than the later of four years from the expiration date of the currently awarded contract or four years from the date that the NJPA Chief Procurement Officer awards the Contract). This Contract may be extended for a fifth year at NJPA's discretion. NJPA Authorized Signatures: Jeremy Schwartz NJPA IREC R OF COO SAIIVF CONTRACTS (NAME PRINTED OR TYPED) AND PROCUREM /CPO Chad Coauette N t ECUTIVE DIRECTOR/CEO SIGNATURE (NAME PRINTED OR TYPED) Awarded on January 25,2018 NJPA Contract # 120617-CAT Vendor Authorized Signatures: The Vendor hereby accepts this Contract award,including all accepted exceptions and amendments. Vendor Name Caterpillar Inc. Authorized Signatory's Title General Manager-IPSD Power Generation -L Bart Myers VENDOR AUTHORIZED SIGNATURE (NAME PRINTED OR TYPED) Executed on January 20,201& NJPA Contract # 120617-CAT 13 Form F QD PROPOSER ASSURANCE OF COMPLIANCE Proposal Affidavit Signature Page PROPOSER'S AFFIDAVIT The undersigned, authorized representative of the entity submitting the foregoing proposal(the"Proposer"), swears that the following statements are true to the best of his or her knowledge. 1. The Proposer is submitting its proposal under its true and correct name,the Proposer has been properly originated and legally exists in good standing in its state of residence, the Proposer possesses, or will possess before delivering any products and related services,all applicable licenses necessary for such delivery to NJPA members agencies.The undersigned affirms that he or she is authorized to act on behalf of,and to legally bind the Proposer to the terms in this Contract. 2. The Proposer, or any person representing the Proposer, has not directly or indirectly entered into any agreement or arrangement with any other vendor or supplier, any official or employee of NJPA, or any person, firm, or corporation under contract with NJPA, in an effort to influence the pricing, terms, or conditions relating to this RFP in any way that adversely affects the free and open competition for a Contract award under this RFP. 3. The Proposer has examined and understands the terms, conditions, scope, contract opportunity, specifications request, and other documents in this solicitation and affirms that any and all exceptions have been noted in writing and have been included with the Proposer's RFP response. 4. The Proposer will, if awarded a Contract, provide to NJPA Members the /products and services in accordance with the terms, conditions, and scope of this RFP, with the Proposer-offered specifications, and with the other documents in this solicitation. 5. The Proposer agrees to deliver products and services through valid contracts,purchase orders, or means that are acceptable to NJPA Members.Unless otherwise agreed to,the Proposer must provide only new and first-quality products and related services to NJPA Members under an awarded Contract. 6. The Proposer will comply with all applicable provisions of federal, state, and local laws,regulations, rules, and orders. 7. The Proposer understands that NJPA will reject RFP proposals that are marked "confidential" (or"nonpublic," etc.), either substantially or in their entirety. Under Minnesota Statute §13.591, Subd. 4, all proposals are considered nonpublic data until the evaluation is complete and a Contract is awarded. At that point, proposals generally become public data. Minnesota Statute §13.37 permits only certain narrowly defined data to be considered a"trade secret,"and thus nonpublic data under Minnesota's Data Practices Act. 8. The Proposer understands that it is the Proposer's duty to protect information that it considers nonpublic, and it agrees to defend and indemnify NJPA for reasonable measures that NJPA takes to uphold such a data designation. [The rest of this page has been left intentionally blank. Signature page below] 39 14 By signing below, Proposer is acknowledging that he or she has read, understands, and agrees to comply with the terms and conditions specified above. Company Name: Caterpillar Inc. Address: 100 NE Adams Street City/State/Zip: Peoria, IL 61629 Telephone Number: (309) 675-1000 E-mail Address: Contact Seth Charna: Charna—Seth@cat.com Authorized Signature: '%�� y Authorized Name(printed): Bart Myers Title: General Manager- IPSD Power Generation Date: November 21, 2017 Notarized RATMONY CHHUTH i° ..6%Notary Public,State of Texas Comm.Expires OS-10-2020 Notary 10 128119195 f Subscribed and sworn to before me this day of «! !� ,20 17 Notary Public in and for the County of dia yr S State of 7��5 My commission p ire : 12,911-0 Signature: 40 15 ��.-�JPA`.a,, Form P ,. PROPOSER QUESTIONNAIRE Payment Terms,Warranty,Products and Services,Pricing and Delivery,and Industry-Specific Questions Proposer Name: Caterpillar Inc. Questionnaire completed by: Seth Charna Payment Terms and Financing Options 1) What are your payment terms(e.g.,net 10,net 30)? Payment terms that Caterpillar Dealers would offer to NJPA Members vary by dealer,but are most certainly equivalent to local competition. Payment terms will be made very clear to potential NJPA customers upon quotation. 2) Do you provide leasing or financing options,especially those options that schools and governmental entities may need to use in order to make certain acquisitions? Caterpillar Financial offers financial tools for NJPA Members through the Caterpillar Dealer Network on a case by case basis. Leasing terms that Caterpillar Dealers would offer to NJPA Members vary by dealers, but are most certainly equivalent to local competition. Leasing terms will be made very clear to potential NJPA customers upon quotation. 3) Briefly describe your proposed order process. Please include enough detail to support your ability to report quarterly sales to NJPA.For example,indicate whether your dealer network is included in your response and whether each dealer (or some other entity)will process the NJPA Members' purchase orders. The order process will not change compared to the current NJPA contract. The NJPA Member references the NJPA contract number on the P.O.,which is then presented directly to their local Caterpillar Dealer. 4) Do you accept the P-card procurement and payment process?If so, is there any additional cost to NJPA Members for using this process? Not Applicable. 16 Warrant%, 5) Describe in detail your manufacturer warranty program, including conditions and requirements to qualify, claims procedure,and overall structure.You may include in your response a copy of your warranties,but at a minimum please also answer the following questions. • Do your warranties cover all products,parts,and labor? • Do your warranties impose usage restrictions or other limitations that adversely affect coverage? • Do your warranties cover the expense of technicians'travel time and mileage to perform warranty repairs? • Are there any geographic regions of the United States for which you cannot provide a certified technician to perform warranty repairs? How will NJPA Members in these regions be provided service for warranty repair? • Will you cover warranty service for items made by other manufacturers that are part of your proposal,or are these warranties issues typically passed on to the original equipment manufacturer? • What are your proposed exchange and return programs and policies? Please reference the following attachments in response to these questions specifically for the Power Generation products listed in this proposal. There are no geographic regions of the United States or Canada for which Caterpillar cannot provide a certified technician to preform warranty repairs. Additionally, when purchased through the NJPA contract, select products will automatically include options for Extended Service Coverage in 2018. Customized Extended Service Coverage is also available through the Caterpillar Dealer Network on a case by case basis. See Attached: Caterpillar Standard Warranty SELF5709.pdf See Attached: Olympian Standard Warranty LEXF3074.pdf See Attached: 2018 ESC NJPA Announcement Letter—October 6 2017.pdf 6) Describe any service contract options for the items included in your proposal. Service contracts that Caterpillar Dealers would offer to NJPA Members vary by dealer,but are most certainly at least equal to local competition. Service contract terms will be made very clear to potential NJPA customers upon quotation. Pricing,DeliverN,Audits,and Administrative Fee 7) Provide a general narrative description of the equipment/products and related services you are offering in your proposal. Caterpillar is offering a full line of diesel and natural gas packaged generator sets from 40 to 4000 kW. Caterpillar is also offering our XQ Products,which is our mobile generator line including trailers. Other popular and almost necessary equipment included to enhance generator set purchases are Automatic Transfer Switches,Switchgear,EPIC paralleling gear,and Microgrid components all provided from Caterpillar. The Caterpillar Dealer Network can also offer custom shop work, installation, "turn-key" solutions, delivery/freight, training, custom enclosures, custom fuel tanks, custom automatic transfer switches, dealer labor, additional/custom parts, and general contracting labor. To further enhance the NJPA members' product offering, the Caterpillar Dealer Network can also offer an expansive network of used equipment along with rental agreements. 17 8) Describe your pricing model (e.g., line-item discounts or product-category discounts). Provide detailed pricing data (including standard or list pricing and the NJPA discounted price) on all of the items that you want NJPA to consider as part of your RFP response. Provide a SKU for each item in your proposal. (Keep in mind that reasonable price and product adjustments can be made during the term of an awarded Contract. See the body of the RFP and the Price and Product Change Request Form for more detail.) Percentage Discount from Manufacturer's and Dealer's List Pricing per the included documentation along with product price lists. The discounts included are typically higher than standard discount for each product solution. There may be specific cases with specific options or attachments where the NJPA discount is not as deep as the non-NJPA offer. Caterpillar does have the ability to make additional discounts for NJPA members and non-NJPA customers on a case by case basis. For 2018 shipments, the price increase above the provided price lists is 2%. New price lists will be updated and submitted in January 2018. Please note,there are some items in the provided Caterpillar price lists that are marked as"Net"pricing that do not get discounted. These items usually include certifications(EPA,UL,IBC),standard EPA Tier 4f components, extended service coverage, and factory testing/packaging options. These items only follow the cost plus a percentage of cost pricing process that is acceptable for pricing sourced goods or services. See Attached: Caterpillar Gen Disc List RFP December 2017.xlsx See Attached,• List of Caterpillar Price Lists by Product Family.zip 9) Please quantify the discount range presented in this response. For example, indicate that the pricing in your response represents is a 50%percent discount from the MSRP or your published list. Overall pricing from published list price is discounted from 10%up to 40%with an average of 27%overall. Specific discounts apply to each diesel or natural gas platform product line. Services, used products, rental agreements, and microgrid solutions are also included at different discounting levels. For 2018 shipments,the price increase above the provided price lists is 2%. New price lists will be updated and submitted in January 2018. See Attached: Caterpillar Gen Disc List RFP December 2017.xlsx See Attached: List of Caterpillar Price Lists by Product Family.zip 10) The pricing offered in this proposal is a. the same as the Proposer typically offers to an individual municipality, university, or school district. b.the same as the Proposer typically offers to GPOs, cooperative procurement organizations, or state purchasing departments. C. better than the Proposer typically offers to GPOs, cooperative procurement organizations, or state purchasing departments. d. other than what the Proposer typically offers(please describe). 11) Describe any quantity or volume discounts or rebate programs that you offer. Volume discounts or rebate programs are not offered. The best discounting has been included in this RFP response for Caterpillar solutions. 18 12)Propose a method of facilitating "sourced" products or related services, which may be referred to as "open market" items or"nonstandard options". For example, you may supply such items "at cost" or"at cost plus a percentage," or you may supply a quote for each such request. There are some items in the provided Caterpillar price lists that are marked as"Net"pricing that do not get discounted. These items usually include certifications (EPA, UL, IBC), standard EPA Tier 4f components, extended service coverage, and factory testing/packaging options. These items only follow the cost plus a percentage of cost pricing process that is acceptable for pricing sourced goods or services. The percentage mark-up offered by Caterpillar Dealers to NJPA Members will vary by dealer, but is certainly equivalent to local competition. Exercising the ability to offer cost plus a percentage for "Net" items will ensure more clarity for the Caterpillar Network regarding NJPA offers because the current contract makes it difficult to calculate"Net"items since they cannot be discounted by Caterpillar. For a majority of sales including EPA Tier 2 or EPA Tier 3 platforms,the"Net"items on average are no more than 1- 2.5% of the total customer list pricing. EPA Tier 4f platforms have a higher percentage of"Net" items due to the significant amount of set priced emissions components required for EPA certification. 13) Identify any total cost of acquisition costs that are NOT included in the pricing submitted with your response. This cost includes all additional charges that are not directly identified as freight or shipping charges.For example,list costs for items like installation, set up,mandatory training, or initial inspection. Identify any parties that impose such costs and their relationship to the Proposer. All transactions will take place and be negotiated between a Caterpillar Dealer and an NJPA member. Only those generator set items specifically included in a Caterpillar List Price are subject to the NJPA administration fee. Most costs associated with acquiring a generator set and related products are included within the pricing file(Caterpillar Gen Disc List RFP December 2017.xlsx)and are subject to discount. In some cases,there may be costs involved that have not been listed. These costs associated with acquiring a generator set involve items that a manufacturer(Caterpillar) cannot competitively provide. 14) If delivery or shipping is an additional cost to the NJPA Member,describe in detail the complete shipping and delivery program. These programs and policies vary with products and geographic regions. Each quote from a Caterpillar Dealer to an NJPA member will have unique shipping fees. These fees may include shipment from the Caterpillar factory and, in some cases, additional local shipping fees either to a third-party packager or to the customer when factory shipment timing doesn't align with customer requirements. Shipping fees will be handles on a case-by-case basis between the selling Caterpillar Dealer and the NJPA member. 15) Specifically describe those shipping and delivery programs for Alaska,Hawaii,Canada,or any offshore delivery. Shipping and delivery programs for Alaska, Hawaii, Canada, or any offshore delivery are included in question 14. These items vary by Caterpillar Dealer due to the different geographic locations. The Caterpillar Network located in Alaska,Hawaii,Canada,or other offshore location is aware of their local shipment requirements and is knowledgeable on how to quote shipping to NJPA customers. 16) Describe any unique distribution and/or delivery methods or options offered in your proposal. Caterpillar offers a factory freight program specific to certain product lines. Where applicable, this program utilizes economies of scale to ensure the best shipment cost to the local Caterpillar dealer from our factories. This portion of the freight cost to customers will pass through the Caterpillar network as it did before, but is managed by Caterpillar for the first point of delivery. 19 17)Please specifically describe any self-audit process or program that you plan to employ to verify compliance with your proposed Contract with NJPA. This process includes ensuring that NJPA Members obtain the proper pricing, that the Vendor reports all sales under the Contract each quarter, and that the Vendor remits the proper administrative fee to NJPA. The Caterpillar Dealer Network will receive additional discounts from Caterpillar to help reach NJPA members purchasing prices per the NJPA contract. To qualify for the discounts,the selling Caterpillar Dealer must identify each applicable sale as an NJPA sale on their order and they must also send a report to the Caterpillar designated NJPA custodian, Seth Charna, including the product order number and NJPA member number. Reports are updated and reviewed on a quarterly basis to assist in providing payment to NJPA. The Caterpillar designated NJPA custodian,Seth Charna, has and will remain actively involved in the auditing process both with auditing Caterpillar Dealer pricing to NJPA members as well as the quarterly administration fee process. 18) Identify a proposed administrative fee that you will pay to NJPA for facilitating,managing, and promoting the NJPA Contract in the event that you are awarded a Contract. This fee is typically calculated as a percentage of Vendor's sales under the Contract or as a per-unit fee; it is not a line-item addition to the Member's cost of goods. (See RFP Section 6.29 and following for details.) The proposed administrative fee payable to NJPA is proposed to be 1%of transaction price, in line with the previous two Caterpillar contracts,for all NJPA contract sales of generator sets. This 1%is the same percent as outlined in our current NJPA contract#080613-CAT Should Caterpillar be exclusive, like the previous two Caterpillar contracts, this is valuable to the Caterpillar Dealer Network and Caterpillar would be willing to increase the administrator fee to 1.25%of transaction price. Industry-Specific Questions 19) Please specify product and voltage range the generator equipment that you are offering. Caterpillar offers factory voltage options for the majority of customer requirements. In general,here's a snapshot of the factory options based on the diesel product line. Voltage options may slightly differ on the natural gas product line and the full Caterpillar price list should be consulted to determine which specific ratings can be configured with the voltages listed below. There may also be a few exceptions where the Caterpillar Dealer Network can work towards custom solutions when necessary. 100 kW and Below Single Phase: 240V 750 kW and Below Three Phase: 480V,600V,208V,240V 1000 kW up to 1250 kW: 480V,600V,208V,240V,400V,380V 1500 kW up to 4000 kW: 480V,600V,240V,440V,380V,2400V,416V,4160V,6300V, 6600V,6900V, 12470V, 13200V, 13800V 20) Describe your mobile or trailer mounted units,if any, and specify the ranges. The XQ product line is included in the Caterpillar proposal. These units are offered with trailers for mobile use and for the most part they include switchable voltage options,which is preferred since they can be utilized at multiple customer locations with unique voltage requirements. The following XQ products are available and are EPA Tier 4f certified for mobile usage. We are working on a platform between the XQ125 and XQ425 that will be available/added to an awarded contract once released. The number represents the kVA rating of the generator and not the kW output. XQ35 XQ60 XQ125 XQ425 XQ570 20 21) If you are providing trailers as part of a turnkey package,please provide details. All XQ packages described in question 20 include trailers with selectable options including the ball size and brake type. These are the only factory product offerings that can be configured on trailers due to EPA emissions requirements. It is important to note that the Caterpillar Dealer Network can also place Caterpillar genset packages on trailers when necessary as long as EPA regulations for stationary applications are met(EPA requires the generator to remain stationary for a specific period of time). 22) Describe how you will include customization and the pricing of such for the units. The Caterpillar Dealer Network can offer custom shop work, installation, "turn-key" solutions, delivery/freight, training, custom enclosures, custom fuel tanks, custom automatic transfer switches, dealer labor, additional/custom parts, and general contracting labor. To further enhance the NJPA members' product offering,the Caterpillar Dealer Network can also offer an expansive network of used equipment along with rental agreements. Most costs associated with acquiring a generator set and related products are included within the pricing file (Caterpillar Gen Disc List RFP December 2017.xlsx)and are subject to discount. In some cases,there may be costs involved that have not been listed. These costs associated with acquiring a generator set involve items that a manufacturer (Caterpillar) cannot competitively provide. 23) Describe installation and service programs, and identify the associated services,service provider locations and pricing. The Caterpillar Dealer Network will be the provider of all Caterpillar and non-Caterpillar components and services required to meet the NJPA members' local requirements. 24) Describe any preventative maintenance or extended service coverage agreements. Preventative maintenance and extended service coverage/contracts agreements in addition to the standard product offering are covered in the"Caterpillar Gen Disc List RFP December 2017.xlsx"file. 25) Do you provide preventive,periodic or full maintenance plans/programs for the solutions you are proposing in this response? a. If so,provide a recommended service&maintenance agreement for a periodic/preventative and or full maintenance plan. b. What are recommended service intervals? The Caterpillar Dealer Network will be the provider of all preventative maintenance plans/programs that are specific to the product being provided to the NJPA member. Preventative maintenance and extended service coverage/contracts agreements in addition to the standard product offering are covered in the "Caterpillar Gen Disc List RFP December 2017.xlsx"file. 26)Describe your rental agreements and pricing schedule. Rental agreements in addition to the standard product offering are covered in the"Caterpillar Gen Disc List RFP December 2017.xlsx"file. 27) Will you include used equipment and if so,provide a pricing strategy for these units. Used product agreements in addition to the standard product offering are covered in the"Caterpillar Gen Disc List RFP December 2017.xlsx"file. 21 28) Provide a general overview of your products EPA compliance. Caterpillar offers a full range of products for use in the United States per EPA compliance guidelines. Per these guidelines,the application determines the EPA emissions level that is required for that specific product. For diesel emergency standby ratings(most of the market for<1000 kW)Caterpillar offers both EPA Tier 2 and EPA Tier 3 emissions levels and the specific emissions level is auto selected based on the EPA defined brake horsepower requirements. For non-emergency and/or mobile applications, Caterpillar has select ratings available with EPA Tier 4f factory certification. The Caterpillar Dealer Network is familiar with EPA regulations and can direct the NJPA member to the applicable product line required for their application. 29) Identify the lifecycle cost of ownership of your generator solutions. The Caterpillar Dealer Network will be the provider of all preventative maintenance and lifecycle costs at the request of NJPA members. Due to the vast differences across geographic locations and product lines, this request will be handled on a case-by-case basis. L� Date: Signature: _ 22 Cate C 1 3DIESEL GENERATOR SETS CAT® Standby& Prime:60 Hz,480V Engine Model Cat°C13 ACERFm In-line 6,4-cycle diesel Bore x Stroke 130mm x 157mm(5.1 in x 6.2in) ♦ ooh Displacement 12.5 L(763 in3) ..A Compression Ratio 16.3:1 g Aspiration Turbocharged Air-to-Air Aftercooled Fuel Injection System MEUI Governor Electronic ADEMTm A4 ,-Standby Prime Performance Strategy 400 ekW,500 kVA 365 ekW,456.25 kVA TIER III Non-Road PACKAGE PERFORMANCE Performance Standby Frequency 60 Hz 60 Hz Genset power rating 500 kVA 456.25 kVA Genset power rating with fan @ 0.8 power factor 400 ekW 365 ekW Fuelling strategy TIER III Non-Road TIER III Non-Road Performance number EM1694-00 EM1695-01 Fuel Consumption 100% load with fan 105.8 L/hr 27.9 gal/hr 96.4 L/hr 25.5 gal/hr 75% load with fan 90.7 L/hr 24.0 gal/hr 84.8 L/hr 22.4 gal/hr 50% load with fan 66.2 L/hr 17.5 gal/hr 61.3 L/hr 16.2 gal/hr 25% load with fan 37.7 L/hr 9.9 gal/hr 35.1 L/hr 9.3 gal/hr Cooling Radiator air flow restriction(system) 0.12 kPa 0.48 in.Water 0.12 kPa 0.48 in.Water Radiator air flow 497 m3/min 17551 cfm 497 m3/min 17551 cfm Engine coolant capacity 14.2 L 3.8 gal 14.2 L 3.8 gal Radiator coolant capacity 30 L 8 gal 30 L 8 gal Total coolant capacity 34 L 12 gal 34 L 12 gal Inlet Air Combustion air inlet flow rate 27.4 m3/min 966.6 cfm 25.9 m3/min 914.9 cfm Max.allowable combustion air inlet temp 47°C 116°F 45°C 113°F Exhaust System Exhaust stack gas temperature 567.4°C 1053.4°F 552.8°C 1027.0°F Exhaust gas flow rate 82.0 m3/min 2894.9 cfm 75.2 m3/min 2655.4 cfm Exhaust system backpressure(maximum allowable) 10.0 kPa 40.0 in.water 10.0 kPa 40.0 in.water Heat Rejection Heat rejection to jacket water 156 kW 8857 Btu/min 144 kW 8204 Btu/min Heat rejection to exhaust(total) 398 kW 22607 Btu/min 363 kW 20629 Btu/min Heat rejection to aftercooler 71 kW 4023 Btu/min 61 kW 3472 Btu/min Heat rejection to atmosphere from engine 52 kW 2945 Btu/min 47 kW 2656 Btu/min Heat rejection from alternator 29 kW 1661 Btu/min 26 kW 1467 Btu/min CAT@ LEHE1573-01 1/9 23 Cate C 3DIESEL GENERATOR SETSJ L CAT® Emissions(Nomina 1)2 Standby NOx 2313.9 mg/Nm3 7 4.6 g/hp-hr 2277.4 mg/Nm3 4.6 g/hp-hr CO 616.5 mg/Nm3 1.2 g/hp-hr 608.3 mg/Nm3 1.2 g/hp-hr HC 4.0 mg/Nm3 0.01 g/hp-hr 4.9 mg/Nm3 0.01 g/hp-hr PM 21.3 mg/Nm3 0.1 g/hp-hr 22.7 mg/Nm3 0.1 g/hp-hr Alternator 3 Standby Voltages 480V 480V Motor starting capability @ 30%Voltage Dip 880 skVA 880 skVA Current 601 amps 549 amps Frame Size LC6114B LC6114B Excitation SE SE Temperature Rise 150°C 125°C DEFINITIONS AND CONDITIONS 1 For ambient and altitude capabilities consult your Cat dealer.Airflow restriction(system)is added to existing restriction from factory. 2 Emissions data measurement procedures are consistent with those described in EPA CFR 40 Part 89,Subpart D&E and IS08178-1 for measuring HC,CO, PM,NOx. Data shown is based on steady state operating conditions of 77° F,28.42 in HG and number 2 diesel fuel with 35°API and LHV of 18,390 btu/Ib. The nominal emissions data shown is subjectto instrumentation,measurement,facility and engine to engine variations. Emissions data is based on 100% load and thus cannot be used to compare to EPA regulations which use values based on a weighted cycle. 3 UL 2200 Listed packages may have oversized generators with a different temperature rise and motor starting characteristics. Generator temperature rise is based on a 40°C ambient per NEMA M131-32. APPLICABLE CODES AND STANDARDS: AS1359, CSA C22.2 No100-04, U1-142, U1-489, U1-869, U1-2200, NFPA37, NFPA70, NFPA99, NFPA110, IBC, IEC60034-1, ISO3046, ISO8528, NEMA MGI-22,NEMA M131-33,2006/95/EC,2006/42/EC,2004/108/EC. Note:Codes may not be available in all model configurations.Please consult your local Cat Dealer representative for availability. STANDBY:Output available with varying load for the duration of the interruption of the normal source power.Average power output is 70%of the standby power rating.Typical operation is 200 hours per year,with maximum expected usage of 500 hours per year. PRIME: Output available with varying load for an unlimited time.Average power output is 70%of the prime power rating.Typical peak demand is 100%of prime rated ekW with 10%overload capability for emergency use for a maximum of 1 hour in 12.Overload operation cannot exceed 25 hours per year. Ratings are based on SAE J1349 standard conditions.These ratings also apply at IS03046 standard conditions. Fuel Rates are based on fuel oil of 35°API [16°C(60°F)]gravity having an LHV of 42 780 kJ/kg(18,390 Btu/Ib)when used at 29°C(85°F) and weighing 838.9 g/litre (7.001 lbs/U.S. gal.). Additional ratings may be available for specific customer requirements, contact your Caterpillar representative for details. For information regarding Low Sulfur fuel and Biodiesel capability, please consult your Cat dealer. LEHE1573-01 (11/18) BUILT FOR IT.- www.Cat.com/electricpower CAT 92018 Caterpillar All rights reserved.Materials and specifications are subject to change without notice.CAT,CATERPILLAR,their respective logos,ADEM,S•0•S,BUILT FOR IT,"Caterpillar Yellow",the"Power Fdge"trade dress as well as corporate and product Identify used herein,are trademarks of Caterpillar and may not be used without permission. 2 212 4 Enclosures CAT® C13 / C15 / C18 SOUND ATTENUATED 4 ENCLOSURES US Sourced Diesel Generator Set 350 - 750 ekW 60 Hz Image shown may not reflect actual configuration Features Robust 1 Highly Corrosion Resistant Construction • Factory installed on skid base • Environmentally friendly, polyester powder baked paint • 14 gauge steel • Interior zinc plated fasteners • Exterior stainless steel fasteners • Internally mounted exhaust silencing system • Designed and tested to comply with LIL 2200 Listed generator set package • Compression door latches providing solid door seal Excellent Access • Large cable entry area for installation ease • Accommodates side mounted single or multiple breakers • Three doors on both sides • Vertically hinged allow 180°opening rotation and retention with door stays • Lube oil and coolant drains piped to the exterior of the enclosure base • Radiator fill cover Security and Safety • Lockable access doors which give full access to control panel and breaker • Cooling fan and battery charging alternator fully guarded • Fuel fill,oil fill and battery can only be reached via lockable access • Externally mounted emergency stop button • Designed for spreader bar lifting to ensure safety • Stub-up area is rodent proof Transportability These enclosures are of extremely rugged construction to withstand outdoor exposure and rough handling common on many construction sites. Options • Enclosure constructed with 14 gauge steel • Enclosure constructed with 12 gauge aluminum(5052 grade) • Caterpillar yellow or white paint • Control panel viewing window • LIL Listed integral fuel tank with 670,400,and 300 gallon capacities • LIL Listed sub base fuel tank with 660, 1000, 1900,and 2200 gallon capacities. • Seismic certification per applicable building codes: IBC 2000, IBC 2003, IBC 2006, IBC 2009, IBC 2012, CBC 2007, CBC 2010 • IBC Certification for 150 mph wind loading • AC/DC lighting package • 5 kW Canopy space heater to facilitate compliance with NFPA 110 • Motorized louvers and gravity discharge damper • 125A Load Center • GFCI outlets 'Not available with aluminum enclosures. LEHE0465-06 Page 1 of 7 25 Enclosures CAT® Level 1 Sound Attenuated Enclosure (Steel) Sound Levels Sound Pressure Cooling Air Ambient Levels(dBA)at Flow Rate Capability* 7m(23 ft) Model Standby ekW MIS Cf °C OF 100%Load 350 8.5 18010 57 135 74 C13 400 8.5 18010 56 133 75 350 10.4 22072 59 138 73 400 10.4 22072 51 124 73 C15 450 10.4 22072 46 115 74 500 12.5 26415 48 118 75 550 8.1 17234 45 113 75 600 8.1 17234 43 109 75 C18 650 12.7 26909 51 123 75 700 12.7 26909 48 118 75 750 12.7 26909 48 1118 75 Sound Attenuated Enclosure (Aluminum) Sound Levels Sound Pressure Cooling Air Ambient Levels(dBA)at Flow Rate Capability* 7m(23 ft) Model Standby ekW m'Is cfm °C OF 100%Load 350 8.5 - 57 135 75 C13 400 8.5 - 56 133 75 350 10.4 22072 59 138 72 400 10.4 22072 51 124 73 C15 450 10.4 22072 46 115 74 500 12.5 26415 48 118 75 550 8.1 17234 45 113 76 C18 600 8.1 17234 1 43 109 76 Level 2 Sound Attenuated Enclosure (Steel) Sound Levels Sound Pressure Cooling Air Ambient Levels(dBA)at Flow Rate Capability* 7m(23 ft) Model Standby ekW m'Is cfm °C OF 100%Load 350 7.2 15256 50 122 70 C13 400 7.2 15256 50 122 70 350 10.4 22071 50 122 72 C15 400 10.4 22071 50 122 72 450 10.4 1 22071 50 1 122 72 500 12.5 1 26415 50 1 122 72 'Cooling system performance at sea level.Consult your Cat,dealer for site specific ambient and altitude capabilities. Note:Sound level measurements are subject to instrumentation,installation and manufacturing variability,as well as ambient site conditions. LEHE0465-06 Page 2 of 7 26 Enclosures CAT® Component Weights to Calculate Package Weight Sound Attenuated Sound Attenuated Enclosure Standby Narrow Skid Base Wide Skid Base Enclosure(Steel) (Aluminum) Model ekW kg Ib kg Ib kg Ib kg Ib 350 C13 400 253 578 579 1276 1245 2745 765 1687 350 C15 400 273 602 465 1025 1245 2745 765 1687 450 500 C18 550 301 664 466 1027 1301 2868 817 1801 600 650 700 286 630 637 1404 1393 3071 NA NA 750 Sound Attenuated Enclosure on Skid Base LENGTH(u P� HEIGHT(H) �. ® ® �® ® �® .. l 0 01 Standby Length"L" Width"W" Height"H" Model ekW mm in mm in mm in 350 C13 400 4948 194.8 2014 79.3 2320 91.3 350 C15 400 4948 194.8 2014 79.3 2320 91.3 450 500 550 5183 204.0 2014 79.3 2262 89.0 600 C18 650 700 5230 205.9 2315 91.1 2253 88.7 750 LEHE0465-06 Page 3 of 7 27 Enclosures CAT® Sound Attenuated Enclosure on a UL Listed Integral Fuel Tank Base LENGTH (L) a HEIGHT(H) I S Standby Length"L" Width"W" Height"H" Model ekW mm in mm in mm in 350 C13 400 5461 215.0 2014 79.3 2743 108.0 350 C15 400 4948 194.8 2014 79.3 2619 103.0 450 500 C18 550 5187 204.2 2014 79.3 2561 101.0 600 650 700 6977 274.7 2315 91.1 2675 105.3 750 LEHE0465-06 Page 4 of 7 28 Enclosures CAT® Sound Attenuated Enclosure on a UL Listed 643 Gallon Sub-Base-Fuel Tank Base LENGTH(L( e s is s Fe is -ght(M ,T7 I T -TH(w( Standby Length"L" Width"W" Height"H" Model ekW mm in mm in mm in 350 C13 400 4948 194.8 2056 80.9 2955 116.3 350 C15 400 4948 194.8 2056 80.9 2955 116.3 450 500 550 C18 5184 204.1 2056 80.9 2897 114.1 600 LEHE0465-06 Page 5 of 7 29 Enclosures CAT® Sound Attenuated Enclosure on a UL Listed 1024 Gallon Sub-Base Fuel Tank Base e m T® a 4® �® JWm - I HEIGHT(H) ' y I 4 LENGTH(L) - Standby Length"L" Width"W" Height"H" Model ekW mm in mm in mm in 350 C13 400 5751 226.4 2056 80.9 2955 116.3 350 C15 400 5751 226.4 2056 80.9 2955 116.3 450 500 550 C18 5747 226.3 2056 80.9 2897 114.1 600 LEHE0465-06 Page 6 of 7 30 Enclosures CAT® Sound Attenuated Enclosure on a UL Listed 1996 Gallon Sub-Base Fuel Tank Base 0 TE YE HEIGHT(H) 0 0 T7 WIDTH(w) LENGTH(L) Standby Length"L" Width"W" Height"H" Model ekW mm in mm in mm in 350 C13 400 6382 251.2 2056 80.9 3209 126.3 350 C15 400 6382 251.2 2056 80.9 3209 126.3 450 500 550 C18 7271 286.2 2056 80.9 3151 124.1 600 www.cat.com/electricpower ©2018 Caterpillar All rights reserved. Materials and specifications are subject to change without notice. CAT,CATERPILLAR,their respective logos ACERT,"Caterpillar Yellow", the'Power Edge"trade dress as well as corporate and product identity used LEHE0465-06(08/18) herein,are trademarks of Caterpillar and may not be used without permission. 31 Caterpillar° Offers Sourcewell Members Extended Service Contract with Purchase of Standby Generator Sets Effective on delivery August 1, 2016, through December 31, 2020 A Complimentary Platinum 4 Year Extended Service Contract(ESC) is yours when you purchase a Cat°standby generator using the Sourcewell contract. Now when you purchase a diesel generator set(excluding Tier 4)or gas generator set(450 kW and below)sold into standby applications,you'll receive a complimentary Platinum 4 Year ESC with no _ deductible. Run the generator up to 500 hours/year? It still qualifies as standby. You may extend the ESC up to 10 years for an additional charge. Cat units are also eligible to upgrade to Platinum Plus Coverage. (excludes prime rated,rental and Large gas products). To learn more about Cat Electric Power,visit www.cat.com/powergeneration. >a � —JAW Call Sourcewell today at 1-888-894-1930, to identify your participating Cat Dealer, or visit the Sourcewell website for more information: Reference Cat Sourcewell contract#120617 LEXE0857-04 CATERPILLAR32 ©2010 CaterpillacAll Rights Reserved.CAT,CATERPILLAR,BUILT FOR IT,their respective logos,"Caterpillar Yellow,"the"Power Edge"trade dress as well as corporate and product identity used herein,are trademarks al Caterpillar and may not he used without permission.