HomeMy WebLinkAbout2020 09 28 Public Hearing 403 - Second Reading Ordinance 2020-08 amending Chapter 14 of the personnel of theOrdinance 2020-08 amending Chapter 14, City Code - Duties and Responsibilities of City Clerk and City Manager • PUBLIC HEARINGS AGENDA ITEM 403 ,n m=ared CITY COMMISSION AGENDA I SEPTEMBER 28, 2020 REGULAR MEETING 1959 TITLE Second Reading of Ordinance 2020-08 amending Chapter 14 Personnel of the City Code regarding the duties and responsibilities of the City Clerk and City Manager pursuant to the City Charter; providing for the repeal of prior inconsistent ordinances and resolutions; incorporation into the code; severability and an effective date. SUMMARY On August 10, 2020, the City Commission appointed Christian Gowan as the City Clerk. The Commission directed the City Attorney and City Staff to prepare an Ordinance to update Chapter 14 with regard to the duties and responsibilities of the City Clerk and the City Manager pursuant to the City Charter. The changes incorporated into the Ordinance include a clarification of the role of City Clerk and City Manager consistent with their respective duties. Specific clarifications were added that upon appointment by the City Commission, the City Clerk shall be subject to the direction and supervision of the City Manager, consistent with the scope of duties assigned to the City Clerk by Charter, City Code, and express direction of the City Commission; the City Manager may assign additional duties to the City Clerk; the City Manager may assign one or more city employees to assist the City Clerk; and that after the City Clerks initial compensation is set by the City Commission, the City Manager may adjust that compensation in the same manner as other city employees, unless otherwise expressly directed by the City Commission. The proposed Ordinance was prepared at the City Commission's direction. The proposed Ordinance requires public notice and advertised public hearings, including two hearings before the City Commission. The City Commission unanimously approved the First Reading of this Ordinance at the September 14, 2020 City Commission meeting. RECOMMENDATION 265 Staff recommends the City Commission conduct a Public Hearing for consideration of passing Ordinance 2020-08 on Second Reading. 266 ORDINANCE NO. 2020-08 AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY COMMISSION OF THE CITY OF WINTER SPRINGS, FLORIDA; AMENDING CHAPTER 14 PERSONNEL OF THE CITY CODE REGARDING THE DUTIES AND RESPONSIBILITIES OF THE CITY CLERK AND CITY MANAGER PURSUANT TO THE CITY CHARTER; PROVIDING FOR THE REPEAL OF PRIOR INCONSISTENT ORDINANCES AND RESOLUTIONS; INCORPORATION INTO THE CODE; SEVERABILITY AND AN EFFECTIVE DATE. WHEREAS, the City is granted the authority, under Section 2(b), Article VIII, of the State Constitution, to exercise any power for municipal purposes, except when expressly prohibited by law; and WHEREAS, the City Charter generally sets forth the duties and responsibilities of the City Clerk and City Manager; and WHEREAS, the City Charter authorizes the City Commission to appoint the City Clerk and to assign additional duties to the City Clerk; and WHEREAS, the City Commission recognizes that the City Charter provides that the City Manager is the chief administrative officer of the City and responsible to the Commission for the administration of all city affairs placed in the city manager's charge by or under the City Charter; and WHEREAS, consistent with the terms of the City Charter, the City Commission desires to clarify that upon appointment by the City Commission, the City Clerk shall be subject to the day-to- day supervision and direction of the City Manager just like any other City employee subject to the provisions enacted by the City Commission hereunder; and WHEREAS, the City Commission hereby finds that this Ordinance promotes efficiency and responsibility in City government; and WHEREAS, the City Commission of the City of Winter Springs, Florida, hereby finds this Ordinance to be in the best interests of the public health, safety, and welfare of the citizens of Winter Springs NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT ORDAINED BY THE CITY COMMISSION OF THE CITY OF WINTER SPRINGS, SEMINOLE COUNTY, FLORIDA,AS FOLLOWS: Section 1. Recitals. The foregoing recitals are hereby fully incorporated herein by this reference as legislative findings and the intent and purpose of the City Commission of the City of Winter Springs. Section 2. Code Amendment. Chapter 14 Personnel is hereby amended to add Section 14-2. — City Clerk — Supervision by City Manager to read as follows: (underlined type indicates additions to the City Code and stfikeo type indicates deletions, while asterisks (* * *) indicate a deletion from this Ordinance of text existing in Chapter 14. It is intended that the text in City of Winter Springs Ordinance No.2020-08 Page 1 of 3 267 Chapter 14 denoted by the asterisks and set forth in this Ordinance shall remain unchanged from the language existing prior to adoption of this Ordinance): CHAPTER 14—PERSONNEL Sec. 14-2.—City Clerk— Supervision by City Manager. (a) This section is enacted for purposes of clarifying the role of the city clerk and city manager consistent with their respective duties and responsibilities assigned under the City Charter. Specifically, this section is in furtherance of the city commission's authority to appoint and assign additional duties to the city clerk in accordance with Section 4.10 of the City Charter and the city manager's authority as chief administrative officer of the city pursuant to Section 5.03 of the City Charter. (b) Upon appointment by the city commission, the city clerk shall be subject to the direction and supervision of the city manager consistent with the scope of duties assigned to the city clerk by Charter, City Code and express direction of the city commission. (c) The city manager may assign additional duties to the city clerk when the city manager deems it necessary for the good of administering city affairs and for purposes of faithfully executing all express actions of the city commission and laws including, but not limited to, state and federal law, City Charter, and Cil. Code. (d) The city manager may assign one or more ci . employees to assist the ci . clerk with the city clerk's assigned duties, and one of the assigned ci . employees may, with the approval of the city manager, serve as acting city clerk in the temporary absence of the ci . clerk. (e) The city clerk's compensation shall be established by the city commission. However, once the city commission establishes the initial compensation of the city clerk, the city manager may adjust that compensation in the same manner as other ci . employees unless otherwise expressly directed by the city commission. (f) The city clerk may be terminated by the city commission in accordance with the requirements of the City Charter. (g) This section shall not be construed to conflict with the City Charter. Sec. 14-23.— 14-25.—Reserved. City of Winter Springs Ordinance No.2020-08 Page 2 of 3 268 Section 3. Repeal of Prior Inconsistent Ordinances and Resolutions. All prior inconsistent ordinances and resolutions adopted by the City Commission, or parts or ordinances and resolutions in conflict herewith, are hereby repealed to the extent of the conflict. Section 4. Incorporation into Code. This Ordinance shall be incorporated into the Winter Springs City Code and any section or paragraph, number or letter, and any heading may be changed or modified as necessary to effectuate the foregoing. Grammatical, typographical, and like errors may be corrected and additions, alterations, and omissions, not affecting the construction or meaning of this ordinance and the City Code may be freely made. Section 5. Severability. If any section, subsection, sentence, clause, phrase, word, or provision of this ordinance is for any reason held invalid or unconstitutional by any court of competent jurisdiction, whether for substantive, procedural, or any other reason, such portion shall be deemed a separate, distinct and independent provision, and such holding shall not affect the validity of the remaining portions of this ordinance. Section 6. Effective Date. This Ordinance shall become effective upon adoption by the City Commission of the City of Winter Springs,Florida, and pursuant to City Charter. ADOPTED by the City Commission of the City of Winter Springs, Florida, in a regular meeting assembled on the day of September, 2020. Charles Lacey,Mayor ATTEST: Christian Gowan, City Clerk APPROVED AS TO LEGAL FORM AND SUFFICIENCY FOR THE CITY OF WINTER SPRINGS ONLY: Anthony A. Garganese, City Attorney Legal Ad: First Reading: Second Reading: City of Winter Springs Ordinance No.2020-08 Page 3 of 3 269 � LegalNoCices The proposed ordinance may beNOTICE OF BUDGET HEARING DOWNTOWN meeting in person at the-First Floor REQUEST: Special Exception and inspected by interested Parties CLERMONT REDEVELOPMENT AGENCY f the Orange County Administration Variances in the R1 zoning district between 8 a and 5 p.m.,Monday AGENCY BOARD Center, 201 S. Rosalind Avenue, as follows: through Friday,at the City's Clerk's Notice is hereby given that the agency Orlando,Florida. 1) Special Exception to allow an Office,locate tl a11126 East State Road boartl of the Downtown Clermont existing 5,629 sq.ft.religious institution LEGAL ADVERTISEMENT 434, Winter Springs, Florida. For Community Redevelopment Agency Please note, if the meting is held with 150 seats and the construction of Fora list of current City of Altamonte a informalion II (407) 327-1800, ill ho Id a Pub lic hear;ng on Septem ber, virtually the BZA members will not 5,700 sq.ft.multipurpose building/ Springs solicited ons(quote, bids,antl Extension 253.Ince re ad Parties may 22,2020 a16:00 p.m.to ad Downtown be PhYS,cc ll t Present The Person will fellowship hall. proposals, etc.), interested parties appear at the meeting and be heard Clermont Community Redevelopment nit to v rtually with the BZA 2)Variance to allow a 16.6 ft.setback should ;sit r w b ate 1 htip:// with respect to the proposed ordinance.inance. Agency (CRA) Fiscal Year 2020-2021 members from the kiosk in Room 105 Foran existing structure from thefront www.a ltamonte.o rg/Solicit ation List. Persons with tlisabilities needing budget.All interested parties will be equipped with laptop, where the (east)property line in lieu of 25 ft. Interestetl parties shoultl request sistance to participate any of given a PPortunitY to express their person will see,hear and Peak to the 3)Variance to allow 46 ft.setback the solicitation documents tlirectlY these proceed gs houltla tact views on this matter. BZA members,and the BZA members for a existing structure from the from our approved web site to ensure the Employee Relations Department ill see,hear and be able to speak To centerline of minor urban collector, notification f solicitation updates. Coordinator,48 hours in advance of the This full Proposed budget is ai"ab"e the person. N.Hastings St.,in lieu of 55 ft. For ass'Lance,email Procurements enng at (407) 327-1800, Extension for public inspection in the Clermont 4)Variance to allow a 38.9 ft.setback Allam onte.org or call 407-571-8079. 236.This is public hearing. If you Development Services Department, Orange County staff will be present To fora parking area from the centerline tlecitle to appeal any recommendation/ 1st Floor,locate tl at 685 W.Montrose assist at the kiosk in Room 105 and on of a minor urban collector,N.Hastings x61011 TUI,WAN.TW,TII3,8114 TO,,TO,,T(!1,&TION# decision matle by the City Commission Street Clermont, FL 34711, Monday he First Floor to ensure that social St.,in lieu of 50 ft . with respect to any matter considered through Friday between the hours of tlistancing antl other health and safety ADDRESS: 890 N. Hastings St, at this meeting,you will need a record 8:00 A.M.and 5:00 I.M.IT may also be measures are practiced and enforced. Orlando,FL 32808 of the proceetlings, d for such viewed online at the Downtown CRA m LOCATION: Southwest of purposes,you may need to ensure that webpage at: If a applicant o speaker intends N. Hastings St. and Arundel r Dr., v rbatim record of the Proceedings is to m make a presentation o introduce Pp rox mately 0.2 miles north of W. made upon which the appeal is based. hops://www.clermontfi.gov/business/ any tlocumentary evidenceduringthe Colonial Dr. NOTICE UNDER FICTITIOUS NAME Interested parties advised that community-redevelopment-agency- public hearing,then it is requested that TRACT SIZE:200 ft.x 241 ff./1.11 acres they may appear at the meeting and cra.stiml at least 24 hours before the date and DISTRICT#:6 be heard with respect to the proposed time of the public hearing the applicant PARCEL ID:24-22-28-6240-16-190 TO WHOM IT MAY CONCERN: ortlinance. Or by viewing the ting agentla r speaker email the presentation r No}ice is hereby given that the under- Package 1Pn the City of Clermont documentary evidence to BZAOocfl. 10:30 AM signed pursuant to the "Fictitious website which may be found at: et or Physically deliver copies to the OS6759730 9/16/2020 net i ng Di visa on at the F i rst F l no r of the 7. KALEV SQUARE COMMUNITY Name S}a}u}e",Chap}er865.09,Flora- Mips://clermontfl.civicclerk.com/web/ Orange CouniY Atlminisiration Center, CENTER-SE-20-08-078 da ytatu}es,will registerwith the Divi- NOTICE OF REGULAR BOARD OF SUPERVISORS' home.aspx 201 S. Rosalintl Ave., in downtown REQUEST: Special Exception and n of Corporations,Department of MEETINGFOR STOREY PARK COMMUNITY Orlando,Florida. Variances in the R-2 zoning district as State, State of DEVELOPMENTDISTRICT Please be advised that,under State follows: Pon ceip} of f his Floridato}ice. Notice is hereby given that the Boartl law, if you should decide to ppeal If a person is unable to attend the BZA 1) An amendment to an existing f Supervisors ("Boartl") of the a tlecision made with repct to this eeting in Person oraccessihe WebEx Special Exception to allow an existing }he fictitious name,to-wit; Storey Park Community Development matter,you will need a record of the eeting via a computer,Please call the 1,673 sq.ft.house To be converted To Herschel Custom Vision District("District")will hold a regular proceedings,and may need to ensure Orange County Zoning Division at 407- offices and an existing 614 sq.ft.house under which (I am) (we are) meeting of the Board f Supervisors that a verbatim record made. 836-9650 between the hours of 8:00 a.m. to be converted to storage forthe Kaley engaged in business a}1911 N Mills o Thurstlay, September 24, 2020 Persons with tlisabilities ho d and5:00 P.m.,Montlay through Fritlay. Square Community Center,locatetl to Ave Suite 100, Orlando, FL 32803 t 4:VU P.m.To be conducted by the assistance should tact the City c Pt legal holidays,be not later than the north across Kaley St reef. following m of communication, Clerk's office,(352)241-7330,at least 48 24 hours before the meeting,so that 2) no to allow grass parking in That the(party)(parties)interested media technology: Zoom Video hours prior to the public hearings. Orange County can determine with the lieu of improved parking. in said business enterprise is a Communications(URL:zoom.us). person whether other arrangements ADDRESS:1026 22nd St.,Orlando,FL follows: Tracy Ackroyd Howe,MMC re acceptable and feasible. 32805 Lasik Partners LLC Currently there. in place federal, Downtown CRA Board Clerk LOCATION: South side of 22nd 1811 NMills Ave,Suite100 tlertlaralionstl("Declarationslocal m)ergea la September WesimoPelantl approximately 200 ft. west of r. Dated a}Orlando,Orange County, the effect thtle Declaration ao OS676690d 9/16/2020 Section 286.0105, Floritla Statutes, TRACT SIZE:200 ft.x 135 ft.(avg.)/ Florida,09/16/2020 an r states that "if a person decides to 0.62 acres(26,952 sq.ft.) tlecl aralions so authorize,the meeting ORANGE COUNTY appeal any decision made by a board, DISTRICT#:6 ORG6766722 09/16%1040 will be conducted remotely, using BOARD OF ZONING ADJUSTMENT agency or commission with respect to PARCEL ID:03-23-29-0180-28-070 NOTICE UNDER FICTITIOUS NAME pursuant n to�ons Executi era Orderstech(2052 NOTICE OF PUBLIC HEARING any matter ever she rwiill neetl aer�ecgottl OS67660d2 9/16/2020 and 20-69 issuad by Governor DeSantis Notice hereby given Thal of the proceedings, and that, for TO WHOM IT MAY CONCERN: n March 9,2020,antl March 20,2020 Thursday,,October 1,2020,beginning uch purpose,he r she may need to No}ice is hereby given}ha}}he under- (.n extentletl by Executive Ortlers 20- t 9:00 the Orange County ensure that a verbatim record a of the signed pu rsuan} }o }he 'Fictitious 112'20-123,20-139,20-150,20-179 and 20- Board f Zoning Adiustmenf (BZA) proceedings made, which record 193),as such orders may be extended, will hold a public meeting either includes the testim onY and evidence Na miss to to",Cha Ater 865.09,Fl or i- PPC}I VP IY,and pursuant to Section "'n Person" 1 the First Floor of upon which the appeal is to be based.' SUMMONS-ACTION'FOR DIVORCE day}a}u}es,will regis}erwi}h the Divi- 120.54(5)(b)2, Florida Statutes. If the Orange County Atlminisiration IN THE SUPERIOR COURT OF THE VIRGIN Sion of Corporations,Depar}men}of CO24rions 1"ow the meeting to occur Center 1 201 S. Rosalintl Avenue *** ISLANDS DIVISION OF SAINT CROIX State, Sta}e of Florida Person,the meeting will be held 1 n downtown Orlando, Florida, or SX-19-D I-127 the offices of GMS-CF, LLC, 219 E. 'virtually," f zmg communications In accordance with the Americans with ACTION FOR DIVORCE upon receipt of }his no}ice. Livingston Street,Orlando,FL 32801. media technology,with the latter made Disabilities Act(ADA),if a Y Person MELVAN ANTHONY PETRUS, the fictitious name,to-wit: Info rm alio( r gartl ing participation permissible pursuant to Governor with a tlisability as defined by the plaintiff Jeimays Creations n deny m to hearing as be Ron DeSantis's Emergency Executive ADA needs special alto UPOdW on to under which (I m) (we re) fountl 1 the District's bsite Order No.20 9 related To the Covid 19 Participate in this proceetling,then not pATRIC IA LYNN GROSSE VOGEL storeyed or by (tatting state of emergency,as amended,or later than two business d prior to pETRUS,Defendant engaged in business a}Kissimmee, the District Manager,1407-841-5524. mbination f both formats. During the proceetling,he orshe shou"ticontacot TO: Patricia Lynnn Grosse FI. That the (party) (parties) the meeting,the ULA will hold Public the Orange County Communications Vogel Petro s interested in said business enterprise Anyone wishing to participate in the hearings o the tiers listed the Division at(407)8365M Address: 1309 Pepper Tree Place 1s as follows: meeting telephonically on the above age da below. At the time of the Rockledge,FL 32955 Jeima Martinez ante and time must call(646)876-9923 publishing f this notice,if could t Para as information reference a esta Within the time limited by law(see �' tlwhea prom ptetl,enter meeting ID: be known by Orange Countyc whether vista publica, favor de c ole below)you re hereby aqui red 991 Vaquero Lane 991 3672 7761 or via computer at hffps:// this public eeting would be a in con at Departamento de Zonificac o�n aI P appear before this Court antl answer Dated a} Kissimmee, Osceola m.u s/i/99136777761. Additional person m c ng, virtual meeting, numero(407)836-3111. to a Complaint his art act You in County,Florida,09/14/2020 information regarding this ting 0r a c bination of both formats.In this action and in case f your failure UP y be obtained from the District's order to determine the formal of this Pon plis enfomasyon an Kreyol,couple to appear o a s er, if your failure by OSC6767064 09/16/2020 ebsite www.storeyparkcdd.com or public meeting,please call the Orange cele(407)836-3111. defaultwill be taken against You as by contacting the District Manager, County Zoning Division at 407-836-9650 tlem antletl in the Complaint; NOTICE UNDER FICTITIOUS NAME George Flint,at gfl int0gm SCd".Com or between the hours of 8:00 a.m.and 5:00 AGENDA: Witness my hand and the Seal of this by calling 407-841-5524. The meeting p.m.,Monday through Friday,except Court this 13th day of December 2019. TO WHOM IT MAY CONCERN: being held for the necessary public legal holidays, o visit the County 9:00 A.M. - PLEDGE OF Ronald E.Russell,Esq. No}ice is herebygiven thatthe under- Purposeofconsiderafi on of resolutions Calendar t hffps/Mww.ocfl.net/ ALLEGIANCE, REVIEW OF THE VI Ber No.86 signed pu rsuan} to the "Fictitious 'proposals. s. g landscape maintenance HOme/COUntyCalend.r.asPX. MINUTES FROM THE SEPTEMBER plaintiff's Attorney P.0.Box 3259 proposals.At such time the Board is 3,2020,BZA MEETING,and PUBLIC King shill,VI 00851 N ams Statute",C he pte r 865.09,F l or i- o authorized and may consider any AttendingorObserving the Meeting: COMMENT Tel 340.692.0832 doStatutes,will regis}erwith the Divi- business that may properly tom If the meeting held virtually,the Fax:844.272.0308 'on of Corporations,Department of before it. e embers of the BZA will participate THE FOLLOWING PUBLIC gy;/s/Ronaltl E.Russell State, S}a}e of Florida from dr locations vi WebEx HEARINGS WILL OCCUR AFTER Estrella George u Pon ceip} of }his no}ice. theilabovemereferenced meetinecessangtofhthe m (Seeore formation•)Thee meeting eeti 9 for PUBLIC COMMENT: Clerk of the Court }he fictitious name,to-wit; District's Board of Supervisors utilizing be hosted by the chairperson or vi/- 1.DONNA J.WILLIS-VA-20-10-096 Clerk atioas din technology chairperson of the BZA,a quorum will REQUEST:Variance in the PD zoning Clerk Supervisor Elite Credit Fix om u Q under which (I am) (we are) tlue to,the current COV ID-19 Public be maintained tluring the meting, district to allow a screenenclosure OS6756d66 9/02,9/09,9/16,9/23/2020 engaged in business a}618 E.South health emergency,the District fully and the m ting will be contluctetl with a 0.5 ft.north side setback in lieu THE EAR,NOSE,THROAT AND PLASTIC rages public marticipation in tl operatetl by Orange County 4541. SURGERY ASSOCIATES Street, Suite 500 Tha}}he (party) safe nand efficient nne. Towartl Government. ADDRESS:8801 Fountain Palm AI"ev, 133 Benmore Drive,Suite 100 (parties)interested in said business that end, participants are strongly Winter Gartlan,FL 34787 Winter Park,FL 32792 enterprise is as follows: n ou cared to submit questions and Regardless of whether the eting is LOCATION: East tle f Fountain Effective August 25, 2020, Izak is to the District Manager he"tl virtually or in person,the public Palm AI"ev,north of SeitleI Rd. Lotoya Williarm }mgflint�gm scfl.com by Thurstlay, may watch the meeting on Orange TV TRACT SIZE: 35 ft.x 121.3 ft./0.1 Kielmovitch, M. i longer 618 E.South Street,Suite 500 September 24, 2020 at 10:00 'n via the internet or television. (4,246 sq.ft.) Practicing 1 The ENTPSA.o Drs.Ho, Dated a}Orlando,Orange County, dvan cc of the meeting to facilitate the DISTRICT#:1 Lehman, Baylor, Tipimeni, Spector, Florida,09/14/2020 Board's consideration antl/or discussion Online:http://www.orangecountyfl.net/ PARCEL ID:05-24-27-5330-00-220 Petri,Tran,Kang,J atlitl tan,Johnson, f such questions and comments during OpenGovernment/OrangeTVVisionTV. Dobson, Rodney and DeTorres, ill ORG6767065 09/16/2020 them ting. Particiaanis may also aspx. 2. IGLESIA HISPANA EL CAMINO continue seeing patients at all our office bmit questions or c mments to the (J O NATHAN SOULE e-SE-20-11-097 locations.Patient medical recortl,will NOTICE UNDER FICTITIOUS NAME District Manager by telephone by Televised: Channel 488 on Spectrum; REQUEST: An amendment to rem, em am t the above lis ad address.If calling 407-841-5524 by the same time Channel 9 o Comcast; d Channel existing Special Exception the A-1 You woultl like a copy,call 407-644-4883, TO WHOM IT MAY CONCERN: notetl above. 99 on AT&T on and and 10.2 (ing tlisirict to allow the addition of option 4. ver the air. ao2,259 sq.ft.modular classroom for an Not ice is hereby given}ha}}he under- A copy of the agenda may b obtained o ting private school. OS6760607 9/9,9/16,9/23,9/30/2020 signed pursuant to }he "Fitt;}ious from the District's bsite w If the meeting held in person,the ADDRESS: 6837 Lakeville Rd., Name S}a}u}e",Chapter865.09,Flori- sto reYParkcdd.com or by contacting the meeting may also be observed by Apopka,FL 37703 daStatutes,will regis}erwith the Divi- District Manager s provided above, appearing at the First Floor f the LO CATION:West side of N.Hiawassee n of Corporations,Department of a dd by provid ing a telephone and email Orange County Atlminisiration Center Rd. tl east side f Lakeville Rd., S}a}e, Pte of Florida tltlrass tluring normal business hours. 1 201 S.Rosalintl Avenue in downtown South of the Apopka Expressway baEsm upon lei Pt of Phis no}ice. The meting open to the rpublic Orlando,Floritla.Orange County staff RACT SIZE:9.02 acres and 11 be contluctetl in accordance ill be present toe su that social DISTRICT#:2 ADVERTISEMENT FOR RFD AND RFI: the fictitious name,to-wit; with the provisions of Florida law for distancing and other health and safety PARCEL ID:25-21-28-4936-11-110 Demolition of Residential and RepairTech Automotive and Tire community development districts.The measures are Practiced and enforced. Com marc 1.1 Properties under which (I am) (we are) meeting y be tinuetl to a date, 9:30 AM Term Contract for the City of Orlando, engaged in business a} 2968 time,antl place To be specifietl on the Provitl ing Public Comment: Bid#IFB20-0448 co at such meeting. Members of the public who would 3.JOSE CONTRE RAS-VA-20-11-098 Advanced Demolition hereby requests Michigan Av, Suite 1 Kissimmee, e like to provide public comment at REQUEST: Variances in the R-lA Pricing from all an any FL 34744 USA The} the (party) Any person requiring special the beginning of the meeting but not zoning district as follows: MBE or WMBE Companies for the (parties)interested in said business accommodations order to access during particular hearing Iistetl in 1)To allow existing residence to following items: enterprise is as follows: antl participate in the meeting because the meeting agenda below may utilize be located 2.8 ft.efrom the north rear Payne Managementand Technology of a tlisability or physical impairment one of two options: property line in lieu of 30 ft. 1. Trucking and Disposal for C&D 2968 Michigan Ave,Suite l Kissimmee,FL Office ff should ce at contact "east theDistrict eight(48)hours .At least 24 hours before the start be located 5.4o.1low aft.from the,east side e to 2eClean fill dirt delivered to site per 34744 priortothemeeti ng. If you are hearing of the meeting,the,person y send property line in lieu of 7.5 ft. ubicyard. Dated a} Kissimmee, Seminole speech impaired,Please contact the encs vi e- it to BZA�ocfl. 3)To allow existing residence to 3.Man hour Labor rate for Additional County Florida,09/15/2020 Floritla Relay Service by dialing 7-1- net.Timely received public comments be located 2.4 ft.from the west side hand work per hour. 1, r 1-800-955-8771 (TTY)/1-800-955- will be read into the record during the property,line in lieu of 7.5 ft. 4.Approximately 1000'of 6'temporary OSC6767146 09/16/2020 8770(Voice),for aid n contacting the scheduled public m ant Period at 4) To "low detached a cess ry hain link fence with installation per District Manager's Office. the beginning of the meeting. Public structure to be locatetl 6.4 ft.from the foot. ant will be"im itetl to 500 words st side property line in lieu of 7.5 ft. 5.6'temporary chain"ink fence rental As indicated above, this meeting of three minutes. This is the result of Code Enforcement with installation Per foot. will be conducted by media action. 6.in sta""ation of Seed or Over Seeding requir 'cations technology. Anyone •The person may attend the meeting in ADDRESS:1209 35th St.,Orlando,FL Per square foot ing assistance order to person at the First Floor of the Orange 32805 7.Installation of Bahia Sod per square obtain a s to the telephonic,video County Administration Center,201 S. LOCATION:North,itle of 35th S1.,east foot CITY OF WINTER SPRINGS NOTICE OF CITY conferencing,or other communication s Rosalintl Avenue,Orlando,Floritla. f S.Orange Blossom Tr. COMMISSION PUBLIC HEARING media technology being utilized to of SIZE:50 ft.x 135 ft./0.15 acres Send all pricing or proposals to demo, NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN THAT conduct this meeting should contact Please note, if the meeting is held DISTRICT#:6 advanced demo.com or fax to 407-386- THE CITY COMMISSION PROPOSES the District Manager's Office at virtually,the BZA members will not PARCEL ID:03-23-29-0182-88-200 7889 on or before 09/20/20. TO CONSIDER: "east forty-eight (48) hours prior To be physically Present at the First Floor If you have any questions please Send the meeting. Similarly,any Person of the Orange County Administration 4. ALAN FREDRICKSON - VA20to tlem oOadvanceddemo.com or call ORDINANCE NO.2020-08 requiring or that otherwise may neetl Center, 201 S. Rosalind Avenue, in 09-081 (CONTINUED FROM THE 407-679-1771. s;tante access ng o r Pa rtici pati ng downtown Orlando,Floritla.The person SEPTEMBER 3,2020 BZA MEETING) OSC6762322 9/11-9/20/2020 AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY is this meeting ebecause of a disabi"ity will communicate virtually with the COMMISSION OF THE CITY OF or opUyasical impairment 's tronglI BZA members from a kiosk equipped 10:00 AM PUBLIC NOTICE WINTER SPRINGS, FLORIDA encouraged to contact the,District ith omputer laptop located Cellco Partnership and its controlled AMENDING CHAPTER 14 Manager's Office at "east forty- Room 105 on the First F loo`,where the 5.PATRICK MADDEN-SE-20-10-095 ffi"iales doing business s Verizon PERSONNEL OF THE CITY CODE eight (48) hours advance so that person will see,hear and speak to the REQUEST: Special Exception antl Wireless (Verizon Wireless)Proposes REGARDING THE DUTIES AND a an gements may be made. BZA members,and the BZA members Variances in the P-0 zoning d,Strict as to build a 45-foot communications RESPONSIBILITIES OF THE CITY will see,hear and be able to speak to follows: pole.Anticipated lighting application CLERK AND CITY MANAGER Each person who decides to PPe.I the Person. 1) An amendment To an existing ediun tensity dual red/whit e PURSUANT TO THE CITY any decision made by the Board with Special Exception to ""ow the strobes. The Site location' the CHARTER; PROVIDING FOR THE spelt to any matter considered at Orange County staff will be present to construction of 26,920 sq.ft.two-story 'exsection f SEXTANT,,COURT REPEAL OF PRIOR INCONSISTENT the Meetings is advise that Person assist at the kiosk in Room 105 antl on electrical antl equipment room addition qND SOUTH ALDER AVENUE, ORDINANCES AND RESOLUTIONS; ill need a record of proceedings and the First Floor to ensure that s for existing telephone switching ORLANDO, ORANGE COUNTY, FL INCORPORATION INTO THE that accordingly,the person may need distancing and other health and safety substati one 2,880 sq.ft.covered truck 32824,Lat:[28-31-35.311,Long:[-81-17- CODE; SEVERABILITY AND AN to ensure that a verbatim r ortl f measures are P racticed and enforced. Parking a d 4,128 sq. ft. co erect g7.U7J. The Federal Communications EFFECTIVE DATE. the proceetling,is matle,including the portable generator storage area.v Commission(FCC)Antenna Structure testimony ntl itlence upon which Providing Testimony and Evidence or 2) Variance to ""ow m m Remi stissiration (ASR, Form 854) filing PUBLIC HEARING such appeal is tobe based. Participating in a Hearing: building height of 40 ft.in ,an of 35 ft. u ber is A1169014. FOR SECOND READING 3)Variance to allow the provision of 70 WILL BE HELD ON George S.Flint Members of the Public who would like off-street parking spaces in lieu of 95 ENVIRONMENTAL EFFECTS Governmental Management Services- To Provide testimony and evitlence parking spaces. Interested persons may review MONDAY,SEPTEMBER 28,2020 AT Central Floritla,LLC tluring a particular hearing during the ADDRESS: 3503 Technological Ave., the application (www.fcc.gov/asr/ 6:30 P.M. OR SCON THEREAFTER District Manager eeting may utilize one of two options: Orlando,FL 32817 aamlications) by entering the filing IN THE COMMISSION CHAMBERS m LOCATION: East side of the n ber. Environmental con n LOCATEDAT THE WINTER SPRINGS If the meeting is held virtually,the rthern terminus f Technological ay be ra's tl by filing Request for CITY HALL,1126 EAST STATE ROAD person ay iota and marticipate in Ave. approximately 617 ft. north of Environmental Review(www.fcc.gov/ 434,WINTER SPRINGS, FLORIDA. OS6766023 9/16/20 the meting from a ote location University Blvd. r/env i ronmenta"request) and online THE CITY COMMISSION RESERVES through the video section of WebEx TRACT SIZE:10.52 acres filings are strongly encouragetl. The THE RIGHT TO POSTPONE OR found in"ink in the County Calendar at DISTRICT#:5 mailing atltl rens to file a paper copy CONTINUE THE PUBLIC HEARING FROM TRASH TO TREASURE hops://www.o cfl.net/Home/ PARCEL ID:04-22-31-2868-00-100 : FCC Requests for Environmental ON THIS ORDINANCE AT THIS COunlyCalendar.asPX;or Review, Atin: Ramon Williams, 445 MEETING WITHOUT FURTHER Find yours in the Classified 6. PREMIERE EGLISE BAPTISTE 12th Street SW,Washington,DC 20554. NOTICE. Garage Sales listings. • If the meeting is held virtually or BETHANIE DORLANDO-SE-20-08-073 in Person,the person may attend the 0S676640 9/16/2020