HomeMy WebLinkAbout2020 04 13 Public Hearing 400 - First Reading of Ordinance 2020-02 amending Chapter 20 Zoning related Town Center District Code along with State Road 434 and Tuskawilla road corridors. PUBLIC HEARING AGENDA ITEM 400 1959 CITY COMMISSION AGENDA I APRILI3, 2020 REGULAR MEETING TITLE First Reading of Ordinance 2020-02 amending Chapter 20 Zoning related Town Center District Code along with State Road 434 and Tuskawilla road corridors. SUMMARY During the City Commission workshop process, the City Commission directed the City Attorney and staff to prepare an Ordinance to update Chapter 20 with regards to setbacks, building frontage, buffer, and streetscape requirements in the Town Center Zoning District and the 434 Corridor/Tuskawilla Road corridor. Additionally, the City Commission directed the Ordinance to reduce multiple waiver requests in the Town Center Code and to consolidate the Town Center Code process with the regular development permit process under the City Code for purposes of standardizing development permit procedure and eliminating any unintended steps. The City Commission has previously recognized that since the Town Center District Code's adoption in 2000, the Town Center has operated, in many respects, under its own set of rules and procedures especially regarding conditional use applications which may be filed requesting waivers from the various standard provisions of the Town Center Code. The City Commission has recently expressed an interest in standardizing the process by consolidating it with the general zoning regulations applicable to other zoning districts. The attached Ordinance was prepared at the City Commission's direction. RECOMMENDATION Staff recommends the City Commission conduct a Public Hearing for consideration of passing Ordinance 2020-02 on First Reading. ORDINANCE NO. 2020-02 AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY COMMISSION OF THE CITY OF WINTER SPRINGS, SEMINOLE COUNTY, FLORIDA, AMENDING CHAPTER 20 ZONING RELATED TO STREETSCAPE REQUIREMENTS ALONG THE STATE ROAD 434 AND TUSKAWILLA ROAD CORRIDORS; SPECIFICALLY AMENDING THE TOWN CENTER DISTRICT CODE, STATE ROAD 434 CORRIDOR OVERLAY DISTRICT AND SUPPLEMENTAL ZONING DISTRICT REQUIREMENTS; MODIFYING BUILDING SETBACKS,BUILDING STEP-BACKS AND BUILIDNG HEIGHT REQUIREMENTS WITHIN THE TOWN CENTER DISTRICT AND STATE ROAD 434 CORRIDOR OVERLAY DISTRICT; PROVIDING FOR THE REPEAL OF PRIOR INCONSISTENT ORDINANCES AND RESOLUTIONS, SEVERABILITY, INCORPORATION INTO THE CODE; AND AN EFFECTIVE DATE. WHEREAS, the City is granted the authority, under § 2(b), Art. VIII of the State Constitution, to exercise any power for municipal purposes, except when expressly prohibited by law; and WHEREAS,the City Commission previously adopted the Town Center District Code and the State Road 434 Corridor Overlay District which govern development of property along the State Road 434; and WHEREAS, in consideration of recent citizen and developer input regarding the development of land along the State Road 434 corridor and Tuskawilla Road,the City Commission finds that modifications to the Town Center District Code, State Road 434 Corridor Overlay District and Supplemental Zoning District regulations are necessary to enhance aesthetics, public safety, property values and the pedestrian and natural environment related to building orientation, streetscape and travel along the State Road 434 and Tuskawilla Road corridors; and WHEREAS, the City Commission hereby finds that State Road 434 and Tuskawilla are major roadway corridors that run through the heart of the jurisdictional limits of the City, and that each corridor has unique streetscape attributes that impact the overall appearance and quality of life of the Winter Springs community; and WHEREAS, the City Commission also finds that creating and maintaining a sustainable streetscape along the State Road 434 and Tuskawilla corridors will play an important role in forming the visual image of Winter Springs being a sustainable city, and will be an important City of Winter Springs Ordinance No.2020-02 Page 1 of 13 effective strategy to mitigate against the occurrence of urban blight and deterioration, and alternatively, be an effective strategy to help the City provide an attractive, safe and healthy sustainable urban environment and achieve sustainable development and economic prosperity; and WHEREAS, creating and maintaining a sustainable streetscape ensures that spaces are long-lasting and function as a part of the greater ecosystem employing technologies that manage stormwater runoff and reduce carbon footprint, improve pedestrian space, health and safety, improve aesthetics, reduce urban noise and light pollution, and overall help create a better place and image for present and future residents and businesses within the City of Winter Springs; and WHEREAS,on ,the City's Land Planning Agency reviewed the proposed amendments to the Town Center District Code, State Road 434 Corridor Overlay District and Supplemental Zoning Regulations and has found the amendments consistent with the City's Comprehensive Plan and recommends approval of the amendments; and WHEREAS, the City Commission of the City of Winter Springs, Florida, hereby finds this ordinance to be in the best interests of the public health, safety, and welfare of the citizens of Winter Springs. NOW, THEREFORE, THE CITY COMMISSION OF THE CITY OF WINTER SPRINGS HEREBY ORDAINS,AS FOLLOWS: Section 1. Recitals. The foregoing recitals are hereby fully incorporated herein by reference as legislative findings of the City Commission of Winter Springs. Section 2. SR 434 and Tuskawilla Road Streetscape Corridor Requirements. The City of Winter Springs Code of Ordinances, Chapter 20, Zoning, Article VII, SR 434 and Tuskawilla Road Streetscape Corridor Requirements is hereby created as set forth below (underlined type indicates additions and stfikee type indicates deletions): CHAPTER 20—ZONING ARTICLE VII. S.R. 434 AND TUSKAWILLA ROAD STREETSCAPE REQUIREMENTS. Sec. 20-600.—Intent. State Road 434 and Tuskawilla Road are major roadway corridors that run through the heart of the jurisdictional limits of the City, and these roadways have unique streetscape attributes that impact the overall appearance and quality of life of the Winter Springs community intent of this Article is to create and maintain a sustainable streetscape strategy along the State Road 434 and Tuskawilla corridors that will 121E a�portant role in forming the visual image of Winter Springs being a sustainable city. It is further the intent of this sustainable streetscape City of Winter Springs Ordinance No.2020-02 Page 2 of 13 strategy to mitigate against the occurrence of urban blight and deterioration, and to employ streetscape strategies that more effectively manage stormwater runoff and reduce carbon footprint, improve pedestrian space, health and safety, improve aesthetics, enhance property values, reduce urban noise and light pollution, and overall help create a better place and image for present and future residents and businesses within the City of Winter Springs. It is not the intent of this section to mandate the dedication or conveyance of additional public right-of-wag said corridors from development in order to accomplish the required streetscape treatment. This section also does not apply to properties that were previously developed prior to the adoption of this article unless and until such properties seek to redevelo. Sec. 20-605.—Streetscape Requirements. (a) There shall be a minimum streetscape area of 27 feet in depth for properties located along the State Road 434 and Tuskawilla Road corridors. (b) The total 27 feet of required streetscape area shall consist of three component parts which include: (i) 5-foot landscape area; (ii) 6-foot sidewalk; and(iii) 16-foot landscape and treescape area for planting canopy trees which will line the right-of-way and installing any authorized street furnishings. (c) Depending on the existing depth of available right-of-way for streetscape, the 27 feet will either be entirely within the right-of-way or entirely on the subject property under development or a combination of both the available right-of-way and the subject property. For example, as illustrated in Section 20-610 of this article, there are three possible required streetscape scenarios: 1. If there is 27 feet of existing right-of-way, the streetscape is required to be located entirely within the right-of-way. 2. If there is no existing available right-of-way, the streetscape is required to be located entirely on the subject property. 3. If there is only 10 feet of available right-of-way, the streetscape is required to be located within the 10 feet of available right-of-way and within 17 feet of the subject properly,, etc. For purposes of this subsection, the term "available" means that the authority with jurisdiction over the right-of-way has granted permission to construct, install and maintain the streetscape required by this article. (d) Streetscape trees required to be planted under this article shall be canopy trees of the size and type authorized on the City's approved species list for streetscape canoRy trees. Trees shall be planted within the required 16 foot landscape area between the sidewalk and roadway with a minimum 15 foot separation between trees. Authorized street furnishing may also be installed City of Winter Springs Ordinance No.2020-02 Page 3 of 13 and maintained within the 16 foot landscape area such as benches, bus shelters, lighting, trash rash receptacles, bicycle racks, and public signage and art. (e) Regardless of where the required streetscape is located, any building constructed on the subject property shall be required to be satisfy the required front setback from the right-of-way boundary. Buildings cannot be located within the required streetscape area so in instances when the subject development properly is required to be used for streetscape in excess of 25 feet, the building front setback will be greater than 25 ft in order to accommodate the streetscape required by this article. Sec. 20-610. Appropriate Streetscape Illustrations. The following streetscape illustrations are examples of streetscapes that comply with the requirements of this article, and shall be used as a guide for determining compliance with this article: F.O.W.LINE G fl_aa.lable K[)vv PRIVATE PUBLIC Bildng - SId¢ Ik Minimum 2]ft SetbacN 6 ft g When Fvaiiable R.O.W-Q age M Sy:Eci City of Winter Springs Ordinance No.2020-02 Page 4 of 13 R.O.W.FINE 1611 Aaallatile R.p.W. _ Atldldonal Setback to ldndSCdpP lzntlscaped Area(Tree Gnopy rdai�mm zsh RwidmR {exampica h) Iknample:to h} Ex65TING ROADWAY sewaoX from R.o.w.uoe Minimum eplryliry SeSbpCkhnm ROW 1ine�25 jl. ———— Tntbl Ldndscaped Arep:2 PRIVATE PUBLIC Additional Setback to landuape Landscaped Area(Tree Canopy rAa;ntdin zshauad;nR (laamde:siq6ft (Example:Isrt1 EXXSTING ROADWAY SetbacX from R.O.W.Line Minimum BuiMing Setbae&f Rm R.O.w.line:25 ft. ——————— Tatof lnndscoped Aeeo:2l ja— CHAPTER, I -ZONING DIVISION TOWN CENTER DISTRICT / 1 City of Winter Springs Ordinance No.2020-02 Page Section 3. Town Center District Code Amendments. The City of Winter Springs Code of Ordinances, Chapter 20, Article III, Division 12, Town Center District Code, is hereby amended as set forth below (underlined type indicates additions and stfikeeut type indicates deletions,while asterisks (* * *)indicate a deletion from the Ordinance of text existing in Chapter 20, Article III, Division 12. It is intended that the text in Chapter 20, Article III, Division 12 denoted by the asterisks and set forth in this Ordinance shall remain unchanged from the language existing prior to adoption of this ordinance. CHAPTER 20—ZONING DIVISION 12.— TOWN CENTER DISTRICT CODE Sec. 20-324. - General provisions. The following general provisions apply to all street types. (12) Building height. Proposed buildings greater that three(3) stories in height shall require conditional use review and permit. Cupolas, spires, domes, pinnacles, chimneys, penthouses and similar architectural features may be erected to a height greater than any limit prescribed in this Code provided, each feature does not exceed six hundred (600) square feet in area and does not extend more than thirty (30) feet above the designated height limit for each transect zone. Building height is measured as the vertical distance from the lowest point on the tallest side of the structure to the top of the cornice, eave or similar architectural feature. Subject to aesthetic review approval, buildings greater than three (3) stories must have a building step-back consisting of an architectural design element that is applied to each story above three (3) stories of the development. A step back requires that any portion of a building above three (3) stories is further pushed-in towards the center of the 12rol2gly for purposes of reducing the scale of the building and enhancing its aesthetic character while exposing and emphasizingground-level elements of a structure, increasing views of surroundings areas, and increasing solar and wind pass through_ City of Winter Springs Ordinance No.2020-02 Page 6 of 13 Max. height M i 2 1 Sec. 20-325— Transect Standards. (b) Transect zone design standards. T5 (Urban Center Zone) (1) Description. The T5 urban center zone comprises the core of the town center and is synonymous with the city's urban central business district. It shall consist of a higher intensity mix of uses that include retail, offices, and residential. T5 areas typically have fairly small blocks with wide sidewalks regularly- spaced tree plantings, and boildings set elese te the s4eet. (2) Dimensional requirements. Applications are subject to standard administrative provisions in section 20-321 of this Code. Lot Design Guidelines Lot orientation Lot width 18 ft. min., 180 ft. max. City of Winter Springs Ordinance No.2020-02 Page 7 of 13 Lot Design Guidelines Lot depth 30 ft. min., 160 ft. max. Lot coverage 100% max. Principle building setbacks (from property line) Front/principle plane 9 25 ft.-8-50 ft. max (from front property line). The minimum required front setback shall be the average of the front setback of the two developed lots abutting each side of the property. When one or more of the abutting lots is vacant, the next developed lot on the same block shall be used. When there is only one abutting lot on the same block face, it shall be used in this calculation. Rear -3 15 ft. (from rear property line) Side 9 5 ft. min,24100 ft. max. (from side property line) Frontage buildout x&20% min. (at front setback) Accessory building setbacks Front 20 ft. min. +building setback (from front property line) Rear -3 15 ft. min. (from rear property line). Side 9 5 ft. min. (from side property line) Building height Principle 2 stories min., 5 stories max. Accessory 2 stories min. Private frontages Common yard Prohibited City of Winter Springs Ordinance No.2020-02 Page 8 of 13 Lot Design Guidelines Porch and fence Permitted Terrace/light court Permitted Forecourt Permitted Stoop Permitted Shopfront, awning and Permitted balcony Gallery/arcade/colonade Permitted (c) Thoroughfare standards. (2) SR 434 Street Edge. The streetscape requirements set forth in Chapter 20, Article VII S.R. 434 and Tuskawilla Road Streetscape Requirements shall apply. eensist of angled, ,..,ilei r baek ; Rio par-king). [THE FOLLOWING ILLUSTRATIONS ARE HEREBY REPEALED AND SHALL BE REMOVED FROM THE CITY CODE] City of Winter Springs Ordinance No.2020-02 Page 9 of 13 S.R 4 R.O.W.Line (Varies) (A) Sidewalk G SCA(E NTS Entail Elevation For Resideolial Area dewalk (8) Greenspace for Commercial Area-(A)12'Sidewalk M IS'Greenspace `Greenspace may he reduced ie a minimum clE by special exception and euhieci la O.R.C.approval. Build—lo Line This Ircl'1s 4yrltllrlipl I 39 ZO,W min. a f City of Winter Springs Ordinance No.2020-02 Page 10 of 13 Section 4. SR 434 Amendments. The City of Winter Springs Code of Ordinances, Chapter 20, Article VI, Division 2, S.R. 434 Corridor Vision Plan is hereby amended as set forth below (underlined type indicates additions and stfikee type indicates deletions, while asterisks (* * *) indicate a deletion from the Ordinance of text existing in Chapter 20, Article VI, Division 2. It is intended that the text in Chapter 20, Article VI, Division 2 denoted by the asterisks and set forth in this Ordinance shall remain unchanged from the language existing prior to adoption of this ordinance. DIVISION 2. - GENERAL DESIGN STANDARDS FOR NEW DEVELOPMENT AREA Sec. 20-464. -Building height. Proposed buildings greater that three (3) stories in height shall require conditional use review and permit. However,Nno building shall exceed five(5)stories in height. For the purpose of these design standards, building height shall be measured from ground level to the highest point of the coping of a flat roof or the mean height level between eaves and ridge for gable, hip or gambrel roofs. Cupolas, spires, domes, pinnacles, chimneys, penthouses and similar architectural features may be erected to a height greater than any limit prescribed in this Code provided, each feature does not exceed six hundred (600) square feet in area and does not extend more than thirty-feet above the designated height limit. Building height is measured as the vertical distance from the lowest point on the tallest side of the structure to the top of the cornice, eave or similar architectural feature. Subject to aesthetic review approval, buildings greater than three (3) stories must have a building step-back consisting of an architectural design element that is applied to each story above three (3) stories of the development. A step back requires that any portion of a buildingabove bove three (3) stories is further pushed-in towards the center of the properly for purposes of reducing the scale of the building and enhancing its aesthetic character while exposing and emphasizing the ground-level elements of a structure, increasing views of surroundings areas, and increasing solar and wind pass through. Sec. 20-465. - Setbacks. It is the intent of the City to create a sense of place along the S.R. 434 Overlay corridor. it has been detefmined that a zet:e feet sethaek allews flexibility in site and building design, and No improvement shall be located on any property closer to any property line than the minimum setbacks set forth below: City of Winter Springs Ordinance No.2020-02 Page 11 of 13 Buildings S.R. 434 Minimum@-25-feet, Maximum 100-feet Collector Street Minimum@-25-feet, Maximum-54-100-feet Internal Street/Alley Minimum 0-5-feet, Maximum 25-feet Side Minimum 10-feet Rear Minimum 10-feet (b)The following improvements are specifically excluded from the setback restrictions: (1) Steps and walks--.,- (2) alks•.;(2) Landscaping and landscape berms; (3)Planters three (3) feet in height or less; or (4) Other improvements such as balconies, stoops, and awnings may be permitted under applicable regulations of the city. Sec. 20-466. Reserved Required Streetscaue. The streetscape requirements set forth in Chapter 20, Article VII S.R. 434 and Tuskawilla Road Streetscape Requirements shall apply. Section 5. Repeal of Prior Inconsistent Ordinances and Resolutions. All prior inconsistent ordinances and resolutions adopted by the City Commission, or parts of prior ordinances and resolutions in conflict herewith, are hereby repealed to the extent of the conflict. Section 6. Incorporation Into Code. This Ordinance shall be incorporated into the Winter Springs City Code and any section or paragraph,number or letter, and any heading may be changed or modified as necessary to effectuate the foregoing. Grammatical, typographical, and like errors may be corrected and additions, alterations, and omissions, not affecting the construction or meaning of this Ordinance and the City Code may be freely made. City of Winter Springs Ordinance No.2020-02 Page 12 of 13 Section 7. Severability. If any section, subsection, sentence, clause, phrase, word or provision of this ordinance is for any reason held invalid or unconstitutional by any court of competent jurisdiction,whether for substantive,procedural, or any other reason, such portion shall be deemed a separate, distinct and independent provision, and such holding shall not affect the validity of the remaining portions of this ordinance. Section 8. Effective Date. This Ordinance shall become effective immediately upon adoption by the City Commission of the City of Winter Springs, Florida, and pursuant to the City Charter. ADOPTED by the City Commission of the City of Winter Springs, Florida, in a regular meeting assembled on the day of , 2020. CHARLES LACEY, Mayor ATTEST: CHRISTIAN GOWAN Interim City Clerk APPROVED AS TO LEGAL FORM AND SUFFICIENCY FOR THE CITY OF WINTER SPRINGS ONLY. ANTHONY A. GARGANESE City Attorney First Reading: Legal Ad Published: Effective Date: City of Winter Springs Ordinance No.2020-02 Page 13 of 13 CITY OF WINTER SPRINGS « COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT DEPARTMENT 1126 East State Road 434 Winter Springs,Florida 32708 �= =ad customerservice(& 1959 wintersprin sg florg APPROVED STREETSCAPE TREES LISTING The City Manager or designee reserves the right to approve or deny a proposed tree selection from the approved streetscape tree listings,per City Code Chapter 20-605. —Streetscape Requirements. APPROVED STREETSCAPE TREE TYPE Canopy Trees Common Name Botanical Name Required Specs Live Oak Ouercus Virginiana 4 inch caliper at dbh Sycamore Plantanus Occidentalis 3.5 inch caliper at dbh Red Maple Acer Rubrum 3 inch caliper at dbh Southernrn So noMagnolia Grandiflora 3 inch caliper at dbh Drake Elm Ulmus Parvifolia Sempervirons "Drake" 3 inch caliper at dbh Winged Elm Ulmus Alata 3 inch caliper at dbh Understory Trees Common Name Botanical Name Required Specs Tree Ligustrum Ligustrum Japonicum 8 ft. x 8ft. spread Crape Myrtle Lagerstoremia Indicia 12 ft. multi or standard Redbud Cercis Canadensis 12 ft. height Tabebuia Tabebuia Spp. 12 ft. height 2020/04 Page 1 of 1