HomeMy WebLinkAbout2020 01 27 Consent 301 - Minutes from the January 13, 2020 City Commission Regular Meeting CITY COMMISSION Incorporated P E G U LA P MEETING 1959 .. - MINUTES MONDAY, JANUARY 13, 2020 AT 6:30 PM CITY HALL- COMMISSION CHAMBERS 1126 EAST STATE ROAD 434, WINTER SPRINGS, FLORIDA CALL TO ORDER Mayor Charles Lacey called the Regular Meeting of Monday, January 13, 2020 of the City Commission to order at 6:30 p.m. in the Commission Chambers of the Municipal Building (City Hall, 1126 East State Road 434, Winter Springs, Florida 32708). Roll Call: Mayor Charles Lacey, present Deputy Mayor Ted Johnson, present Commissioner Jean Hovey, present Commissioner Kevin Cannon, present Commissioner TiAnna Hale, present Commissioner Geoff Kendrick, present City Manager Shawn Boyle, present City Attorney Anthony A. Garganese, present Interim City Clerk Christian Gowan, present A moment of silence was held, followed by the Pledge of Allegiance. The agenda was adopted without changes. AWARDS AND PRESENTATIONS 100. Presentation of Award to Mr. Levi Parks Not presented. Will occur at a later date. INFORMATIONAL AGENDA 200. Current Community Development Projects Summary There was no discussion on this Agenda Item. 201. 2020 Census Proclamation There was no discussion on this Agenda Item. PUBLIC INPUT Mayor Lacey opened "Public Input." Mr. Matthew Benton, 474 Cedarwood Court, Winter Springs spoke favorable about the City's Permitting Department and then commended Ms. Lena Rivera, Director, Public Works and Utilities Department on her quick action addressing sidewalk issues. Mr. Patrick Beers, Commander, VFW 5405, 420 North Edgemon, Winter Springs presented a donation of lights to the City for the illumination of the Civic Center flagpole. "MOTION TO ACCEPT THE DONATION." MOTION BY COMMISSIONER CANNON. SECONDED BY COMMISSIONER HALE. DISCUSSION. MA YOR LA CEY OPENED PUBLIC INPUT FOR THE MOTION. NO ONE SPOKE. MA YOR LA CEY CLOSED PUBLIC INPUT FOR THE MOTION. VOTE: COMMISSIONER HALE: AYE DEPUTY MAYOR JOHNSON: AYE COMMISSIONER CANNON: AYE COMMISSIONER KENDRICK: AYE COMMISSIONER HOVEY: AYE MOTION CARRIED. Mr. James Evans 277 Almaden Court, Winter Springs discussed long-term internet infrastructure planning for the city. Mr. Phillip Kaprow, 7005 Antelope Trail, Winter Springs (Chair, Seminole County, U.S. Census Complete Count Committee) thanked the Commission for the Proclamation in support of the Census and talked about the importance and impacts of the Census. Mayor Lacey read the comments of Ms. DollyAmes, 750 Third Street, Winter Springs, Florida requesting the Seminole County Sheriff discuss crossing guards when he attends the January 27, 2020 City Commission Regular Meeting. Ms. Gina Shafer, Winter Springs Village, Winter Springs, Florida asked about a food truck and the need for additional speed limit and stop signs. Mayor Lacey closed "Public Input." CONSENT AGENDA 300. Replacement of 60KW Emergency Portable Generator No discussion. 301. Northern Oaks (Final) Site Acceptance No discussion. 302. Minutes from the Monday, December 09, 2019 City Commission Regular Meeting No discussion. "MOTION TO APPROVE." MOTION BY COMMISSIONER CANNON. SECONDED BY DEPUTY MAYOR JOHNSON. DISCUSSION. VOTE: COMMISSIONER CANNON: AYE COMMISSIONER KENDRICK: AYE DEPUTY MAYOR JOHNSON: AYE COMMISSIONER HOVEY: AYE COMMISSIONER HALE: AYE MOTION CARRIED. PUBLIC HEARINGS AGENDA 400. The Studios at Tuscawilla Mayor Lacey opened the Public Hearing for Item 400. Ms. Lisa Roney. 7705 Seneca Boulevard, Winter Springs expressed concerns about increased traffic and the long-term viability of the business. Mr. Andrew Zacharias, 222 Oak Road, Winter Springs, Florida suggested possible restrictions on the sale of tobacco and vaping products be included in the restricted uses. Ms. Gina Shafer, Winter Springs Village, Winter Springs, Florida expressed support for the project and agreed with CBD concerns that arose in the discussion. Mr. Jonathan Huels, Lowndes, Drosdick, Doster, Kantor& Reed, P.A., 275 N Eola Drive, Orlando, Florida noted he represents the applicant, that the applicant was in agreement with the staff recommendation, and commented briefly on the traffic st u dy. Mayor Lacey closed the Public Hearing for Item 400. "MOTION TO APPROVE AGENDA ITEM 400 WITH THE DEVELOPER'S AGREEMENT REVISED TO INCLUDE AS PARAGRAPH FIVE (5), JUST ABOVE THE LINE OF EFFECTIVENESS, WHICH WOULD READ `THERE SHALL BE NO RETAIL SALES OF ALCOHOL AND NO MANUFACTURED, COMPOUNDING IN, OR SALE OF ANY PRODUCTS DERIVED FROM THE HEMP AND/OR CANNABIS PLANT, INCLUDING CBD."' MOTION BY COMMISSIONER CANNON. SECONDED BY COMMISSIONER KENDRICK. DISCUSSION. VOTE: COMMISSIONER HALE: AYE DEPUTY MAYOR JOHNSON: AYE COMMISSIONER HOVEY: AYE COMMISSIONER KENDRICK: AYE COMMISSIONER CANNON: AYE MOTION CARRIED. 401. Approve on Second and Final Reading Ordinance No. 2019-11 granting a new non-exclusive solid waste franchise to WCA of Florida, LLC. ("WCA") to provide solid waste disposal services to school facilities owned and operated by the School District of Seminole County, Florida and located within the jurisdictional limits of the City. Mayor Lacey asked City Attorney Anthony A. Garganese to read the Ordinance by `title only.' Attorney Garganese read Ordinance 2019-11 by title only. Mayor Lacey opened the Public Hearing for Item 407. No one spoke. Mayor Lacey closed the Public Hearing for Item 407. "MOTION TO APPROVE ON FINAL READING." MOTION BY COMMISSIONER CANNON. SECONDED BY DEPUTY MAYOR JOHNSON. DISCUSSION. VOTE: COMMISSIONER KENDRICK: AYE COMMISSIONER HOVEY: AYE COMMISSIONER HALE: AYE COMMISSIONER CANNON: AYE DEPUTY MAYOR JOHNSON: AYE MOTION CARRIED. 402. Approve on First Reading Ordinance 2020-01 amending the Solid Waste Franchise Agreement with Waste Pro of Florida in order to incorporate federally required contract provisions. "MOTION TO READ BY TITLE ONLY." MOTION BY COMMISSIONER HOVEY. SECONDED BY DEPUTY MAYOR JOHNSON. DISCUSSION. MOTION PASSED WITHOUT OBJECTION. Attorney Garganese read Ordinance 2020-01 by title only. Mayor Lacey opened the Public Hearing for Item 402. No one spoke. Mayor Lacey closed the Public Hearing for Item 402. "MOTION TO MOVE TO SECOND READING." MOTION BY COMMISSIONER HOVEY. SECONDED BY COMMISSIONER HALE. DISCUSSION. VOTE: DEPUTY MAYOR JOHNSON: AYE COMMISSIONER KENDRICK: AYE COMMISSIONER HOVEY: AYE COMMISSIONER CANNON: AYE COMMISSIONER HALE: AYE MOTION CARRIED. REGULAR AGENDA 500. Youth Advisory Board Discussion Discussion followed on the concept of the Youth Advisory Board, Sunshine Law requirements, structure, and staffing. "I MAKE A MOTION THAT WE INSTRUCT STAFF TO BRING BACK TO US A RESOLUTION CREATING THE CITY OF WINTER SPRINGS YOUTH COUNCIL WITH PROPOSED STRUCTURE AND IMPLEMENTATION." MOTION BY COMMISSIONER CANNON. SECONDED BY COMMISSIONER KENDRICK. DISCUSSION. VOTE: COMMISSIONER HOVEY: AYE COMMISSIONER CANNON: AYE DEPUTY MAYOR JOHNSON: AYE COMMISSIONER KENDRICK: AYE COMMISSIONER HALE: AYE MOTION CARRIED. 501. 2020 Calendar for Meetings and Holidays "MOTION TO ADOPT THE PROPOSED MEETING CALENDAR OF 2020, AS AMENDED TO SPECIFY FEBRUARY 3rd and 17th, MARCH 2nd and 30th, AND APRIL 6th and 20th IF NEEDED, AS SPECIAL MEETINGS FOR THE PURPOSE OF COMPREHENSIVE PLAN AND ORDINANCE REVISIONS AND UPDATES." MOTION BY COMMISSIONER CANNON. SECONDED BY COMMISSIONER HALE. DISCUSSION. VOTE: DEPUTY MAYOR JOHNSON: AYE COMMISSIONER HOVEY: AYE COMMISSIONER KENDRICK: AYE COMMISSIONER HALE: AYE COMMISSIONER CANNON: AYE MOTION CARRIED. 502. East Central Florida Regional Planning Council Report and Recommendations Ms. Tara McCue, AICP, Director of Planning and Community Development, East Central Florida Regional Planning Council, presented findings and discussion followed. "MOTION TO RECEIVE." MOTION BY COMMISSIONER CANNON. SECONDED BY DEPUTY MAYOR JOHNSON. DISCUSSION. VOTE: COMMISSIONER KENDRICK: AYE COMMISSIONER HOVEY: AYE COMMISSIONER CANNON: AYE DEPUTY MAYOR JOHNSON: AYE COMMISSIONER HALE: AYE MOTION CARRIED. REPORTS 600. City Attorney Anthony A. Garganese, Esquire • No Report 601. City Manager Shawn Boyle • Referencing the Top Five (5) priorities in the survey, mentioned the City has already begun and engaged them all; • Mentioned Kittelson and Associates would be serving as the City's traffic consultants; "MOTION TO EXTEND MEETING THROUGH PUBLIC INPUT." MOTION BY COMMISSIONER CANNON, SECONDED BY COMMISSIONER KENDRICK. DISCUSSION. MOTION PASSED WITHOUT OBJECTION. • Noted the Bicycle and Pedestrian Advisory Meeting was productive and that a model trail crossing was going to be in development; • In reference to a question from Deputy Mayor Johnson, Manager Boyle noted data would come in to help determine speed limit reductions in less than a yea r; • Noted Ms. Rivera and Veolia would be providing an update at the January 27, 2020 City Commission Meeting on water quality and aesthetics. 602. Interim City Clerk Christian Gowan • No Report 603. Seat Five Commissioner Geoff Kendrick • Mentioned the Tri-County League of Cities January Meeting would be held on Thursday, January 16, 2020 and that he would be sworn in as First Vice President; • Noted his planned attendance at Legislative Action Days in Tallahassee on February 11-12, 2020; • Said he was looking forward to the Scottish Highland Games. 604. Mayor Charles Lacey • Looked forward to the Highland Games on Saturday, January 18 and Sunday, Jan uary19, 2020. 605. Seat One Commissioner Jean Hovey • Reminded everyone the Florida Legislative Session starts Tuesday, January 14, 2020. • Asked for an update on the Walk of Fame • Suggested honoring retired City Clerk Andrea Lorenzo-Luaces and asked staff to come back with a recommendation. Remind everyone Legislative Session starts tomorrow. 606. Seat Two Commissioner/Deputy Mayor Kevin Cannon "I WOULD LIKE TO APPOINT MR. ANDREW ZACHARIAS TO THE OPEN AT-LARGE SEAT ON THE PARKS AND RECREATION ADVISORY COMMITTEE." MOTION BY COMMISSIONER CANNON. SECONDED BY COMMISSIONER HALE. DISCUSSION. MA YOR LA CEY OPENED PUBLIC INPUT FOR THE MOTION. NO ONE SPOKE. MA YOR LA CEY CLOSED PUBLIC INPUT FOR THE MOTION. VOTE: COMMISSIONER CANNON: AYE COMMISSIONER KENDRICK: AYE DEPUTY MAYOR JOHNSON: AYE COMMISSIONER HALE: AYE COMMISSIONER HOVEY: AYE MOTION CARRIED. • Noted the loss of Chip Crawford and asked that a proclamation be prepared and presented over the weekend; o Interim City Clerk Christian Gowan noted he would draft the proclamation. • Asked that providers be invited to a future meeting to discuss the installation/provision of high-speed internet; • Announced his appointment by the Florida League of Cities President to the Florida Department of Health Onsite Septic System Research Review and Advisory Council. 607. Seat Three Commissioner/Deputy Mayor Ted Johnson • Asked Manager Boyle to confirm that street lamps on major roads were being assessed for potential changes. Manager Boyle confirmed; • Noted monitors on Tuskawilla Road and was concerned of possible road widening; • Called attention to videos being put out by the City highlighting staff and noted that the most recent, featuring Mr. Clifton Mullis, Public Works Supervisor, was very well done. 608. Seat Four Commissioner TiAnna Hale • Noted that she was impressed by the responses to the survey and appreciates the engagement of residents; • Echoed compliments of the video and commended Mr. Mullis for all the work he does; • Agreed with honoring Ms. Lorenzo-Luaces in some way; • Noted her excitement about the upcoming Highland Games; • Expressed that she was happy to hear about the work of the Bicycle and Pedestrian Advisory Committee. CITY COMMISSION MINUTES I PEGULAP MEETING I MONDAY JANUAPY 13, 2020 1 PAGE 10 . PUBLIC INPUT Mayor Lacey opened "Public Input". Ms. Gina Shafer, Winter Springs Village, Winter Springs, Florida asked about possible installation of streetlights and noted her support of a proposed Youth Council with no GPA requirements. Ms. Shafer also inquired about meetings being live streamed. Ms. Sheila Benton, 474 Cedarwood Court, Winter Springs spoke about where groups perform along the Winter Springs Christmas Parade route. Mr. James Evans, 277 Almaden Court, Winter Springs, Florida commented on the success of the new additions at Central Winds Park, offered support in reaching out to AT&T, and noted support for the Youth Council while sharing the concerns about sunshine Law requirements. Chief Chris Deisler, Chief of Police, Winter Springs Police Department informed the Commission that an early look shows that Part One (1) offenses were down twelve percent (12%) in 2019. Mayor Lacey closed "Public Input". ADJOURNMENT Mayor Lacey adjourned the Regular Meeting at 9:05 p.m. RESPECTFULLY SUBMITTED: CHRISTIAN GOWAN INTERIM CITY CLERK APPROVED: MAYOR CHARLES LACEY NOTE: These Minutes were approved at the 2020 City Commission Regular Meeting. CITY COMMISSION MINUTES I REGULAR MEETING I MONDAY JANUARY 13, 2020 1 PAGE 11 OF 11