HomeMy WebLinkAbout2021 11 08 Consent 300 - Final Budget Amendment for Fiscal Year 2020-2021 • CONSENT AGENDA ITEM 300
Final Budget Amendment for Fiscal Year 2020-2021
The City is requesting that the Commission consider approval of Resolution
2021-16 amending the Fiscal Year 2020-2021 Budget.
This agenda item is needed to amend the Fiscal Year 2020-2021 budget for
those funds which vary from the originally adopted budget. The vast majority
of the amendments are necessary for one of the following reasons:
. accrual of revenues and expenses in the appropriate fiscal period
• variations between budgeted (estimated) and actual expenditures and
• 2020-2021 agenda items with fiscal impact
The City Charter provides that the Commission may amend the budget by
resolution. Please note that only those funds requiring budget adjustment
are included herein.
Part of the normal course of operations at fiscal year-end is the accrual of
revenues and expenses. The accruals are necessary for aligning revenues
and expenses with the fiscal period to which they relate. It is also typical for
some variances between actual and budgeted expenses and revenues to
require budget adjustments. Furthermore, over the course of the fiscal year,
various agenda items are approved by the Commission. In some cases, those
approved agenda items lack specific language to amend the expenditure
budget or the appropriation to or from fund balance. This resolution
formalizes the fiscal impact of those actions.
This budget amendment allows for transfer to #140 Arbor Fund for urban
beautification and City forestry projects ($500k), transfer to the #303 Perk Up
Parks Capital Project Fund for future park initiatives/projects ($500k), transfer
to #130 Solid Waste/Recycling Fund to replenish storm reserve ($800k),
transfer to #305 Excellence in Customer Service Capital Project Fund for
customer service initiatives ($400k), transfer to #410 Water & Sewer Fund for
waste water emergency repairs ($500k), transfer to #411 Stormwater Fund
for engineering services - stormwater study and equipment needed for clean
up and upgrade - pending study ($350k).
Shown in Attachment 1 are the final budgeted ending fund balances for all
funds requiring amendment for the 2020-2021 fiscal year. Please note: these
are budgeted figures only, not to be confused with audited financial
statements which will be available by the end of March 2022. State statute
requires that the final budget amendment be formalized by November 29,
2021 [Section 166.241 F.S.].
Staff recommends the City Commission consider approval of Resolution 2021-
WHEREAS, Section 7.05 of the City Charter provides that the annual City budget
may be amended by Resolution duly adopted by the Commission; and
WHEREAS, the City Commission of the City of Winter Springs deems that this
Resolution is in the best interests of the public health, safety, and welfare of the citizens of
Winter Springs.
Section 1 Incorporation of Recitals. The foregoing recitals are deemed true and
correct and are hereby fully incorporated by this reference.
Section 2 Final Budget Amendment. That the Fiscal Year 2020-2021 City Budget
is amended as provided in Attachments 1 and 2 attached hereto.
Section 3 Repeal of Prior Inconsistent Resolutions. All prior resolutions or parts
of resolutions in conflict herewith are hereby repealed to the extent of the conflict.
Section 4 Severability. If any section, subsection, sentence, clause, phrase, word,
or portion of this Resolution is for any reason held invalid or unconstitutional by any court
of competent jurisdiction, such portion shall be deemed a separate, distinct and independent
provision and such holding shall not affect the validity of the remaining portion hereto.
Section 5 Effective Date. This Resolution shall become effective immediately upon
adoption by the City Commission of the City of Winter Springs, Florida.
City of Winter Springs,Florida
Resolution 2021-16
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RESOLVED by the City Commission of the City of Winter Springs, Florida, in a
regular meeting assembled on the 8th day of November, 2021.
Kevin McCann, Mayor
Christian Gowan, City Clerk
Approved as to legal form and sufficiency for
the City of Winter Springs only:
Anthony A. Garganese, City Attorney
City of Winter Springs,Florida
Resolution 2021-16
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Attachment 1-Budget Amendment Detail
Resolution 2021-016
General Fund
Funds not included in this summary do not require budget amendment
Difference in Beg.
HELPFULTOOLS: Comprehensive Financial Annual Report(CFAR)fortheyearended September 30,2020 as approved by City Fund Bal Actual Beg.Fund
Commission on 04/26/2021 Regular 501; Projected to Balance 9/30/20
Fiscal Year2020-2021 Original Budget as approved by City Commission on 9/28/2020 Public Hearing 401. Actual CFAR
General Fund#001:
As approved by City Commission on 9/28/20 Public Hearing Item 401:
10/1/20 Budgeted Beginning Fund Balance $8,824,620 $110,774 $8,935,394
FY 2021 Budgeted Appropriation TO(FROM)Fund Balance $0
9/30/21 Budgeted Ending Fund Balance $4824,620
Amendments to be approved tonight to Original FY2020-2021 Budget(as approved on 9/28/20):
Difference in Beginning Fund Balance TO(FROM)projected to actual as shown in 9/30/20CFAR $110,774
Fiscal Year 2027 Purchase Order/Budget Rollovers.,
Recognize revenue budget-Misc.Rev. $1,437 mid-yr
PO rollover-PO#20-1280-Doors for Senior Center bathrooms ($1,437) mid-yr
Revenue Neutral.,
Recognize revenue budget-Misc.Rev. $9,200 mid-yr
Recognize expenditure budget-Police Chief-vehicle striping ($9,200) mid-yr
Recognize revenue budget-Insurance settlement $10,707 mid-yr
Recognizeexpenditure -GeneralGovernment-Replacementvehiclepurchase ($10,707) mid-yr
Recognizerevenuebudget-CARES Act-PW vehicle purchase $144,235 mid-yr
Consent 301;1/21/21 -CARES Act-PW vehicle purchase(4110) ($144,235) mid-yr
Consent301;1/21/21 -CARES Act-Scale Computing Hardware&Service(1 600) $14S,OS9 mid-yr
Recognizerevenuebudget-CAP ES Act-ScaIeComputingHardware&Service ($14S,OS9) mid-yr
Community Events:
Recognize revenue budget-drive-in movie nights $10,411 mid-yr
Recognize expenditure budget-drive-in movie nights ($10,411) mid-yr
Recognize revenue budget-facilityupgradefrom Florida Kraze Krushsoccer tea m $3,000 mid-yr
Recognize expenditure budget-facility upgrade ($3,000) mid-yr
Recognize revenue budget(various events) $52,895 final
Recognize expenditure budget(Winter Wonderland) ($27,110) final
Recognize expenditure budget(4th of July) ($2S,78S) final
Inter-departmental transfers:
Inter-departmental transfer FROM Dep't1S Comm.Dev -payroll(1510) $20,000 final
Inter-departmental transfer FROM Dep't1S Comm.Dev -R&M grounds(1520) $50,000 final
Inter-departmental transfer FROM Dept1SComm.Dev-streetlights(1530) $35,000 final
Inter-departmental transfer TO Dep't16 Info Svcs.-IS general payroll(1600) ($35,000) final
Inter-departmental transfer TO Dep't16 Info Svcs.-insurance(1925) ($67,500) final
Inter-departmental transfer FROM Dep't19 Gen Gov't-contingency(1900) $2,500 final
Inter-departmental transfer TODep't19Gen Gov't-consulting (1900) ($60,000) final
Inter-departmental transfer FROM Dept 72 Parks-R&M(7230) $25,000 final
Inter-departmental transfer FROM Dept 72 Parks-senior center payroll (7250) $30,000 final
FY21 Final BudgetAmendment
Attachment 1 12
Attachment 1-Budget Amendment Detail
Resolution 2021-016
General Fund
Funds not included in this summary do not require budget amendment
Difference in Beg.
HELPFULTOOLS: Comprehensive Financial Annual Report(CFAR)fortheyearended September 30,2020 as approved by City Fund Bal Actual Beg.Fund
Commission on 04/26/2021 Regular 501; Projected to Balance 9/30/20
Fiscal Year202O-2021 Original Budget as approved by City Commission on 9/28/2020 Public Hearing 401. Actual CFAR
RecognizeGeneral Fund revenue budget(electricity utility tax) $502,600 final
Recognize General Fund revenue budget(electricity franchise fee) $277,000 final
Recognize revenue budget(communication service tax) $174,000 final
RecognizeGeneral Fund revenue budget(half cent sales tax) $872,700 final
Recognize General Fund revenue budget(revenue sharing) $497,000 final
Recognize General Fund revenue budget(federal grant) $208,300 final
Recognize General Fund revenue budget(local business tax) $48,800 final
Recognize General Fund revenue budget(water utility tax) $49,170 final
Recognize General Fund Revenue Budget-Misc.(CRA Refund) $135,930 final
Decrease contingency budget $260,500 final
Decrease payroll budget(city clerk department) $24,000 final
Establish transfer budgetto Water&Sewer Fund#410for water quality emergency repairs and/or WTP 1 fixes etc.(3600) ($500,000) final
Establish transfer budgetto Stormwater Fund#411 for needed equip for cleaning&upgrade pending study(3800) ($100,000) final
Establish transfer budgetto Stormwater Fund#411 for engineeringsvcs.-stormwaterstudy (3810) ($250,000) final
Establish transfer budgetto Solid waste Fund for Storm Reserve ($800,000) final
Establish transfer budgetto Perk Up Parks CP Fund#303 for future park initiatives(7230) ($500,000) final
Establish transfer budgetto Excellence in Customer Service Fund#305 cityfacilities renovations(end of life assets) ($400,000) final
Establish transfer budgetto Arbor Fund#140 for various urban beatification initiatives(1520) ($500,000) final
RevisionstoOriginal Budgeted Appropriation TO(FROM)Fund Balance $0
REVISED 9/30/21 Budgeted Ending Fund Balance $5935,394
FY21 Final BudgetAmendment
Attachment 1 13
Attachment 1-Budget Amendment Detail
Resolution 2021-016
Other Governmental Funds
Difference in Beg.
HELPFULTOOLS: Comprehensive Financial Annual Report(CFAR)for theyear ended September30,2020 as approved Fund Bal Actual Beg.Fund
by City Commission on 04/26/2021 Regular 501; Projected to Balance 9/30/20
Fiscal Year 2020-2021 Original Budget as approved by City Commission on 9/28/2020 Public Hearing 401. Actual CFAR
Police Education Fund#101
As approved by City Commission on 9/28/20 Public Hearing 401
10/1/20 Budgeted Beginning Fund Balance $19,550 ($4,141)
FY2021 Budgeted Appropriation TO(FROM)Fund Balance ($100)
9/30/21 Budgeted Ending Fund Balance $19,450
Amendments to be approved tonight to Original FY 2020-2021 Budget(as approved on 9/28/20):
Difference in Beginning Fund Balance TO(FROM)projected to actual as shown in 9/30/20 CFAR ($4,141)
Increase SPI and simulation training-training expenditure budget ($7,000) mid-yr
Increase traffic fines revenue $500 fin-yr
Increase training expenditure budget ($500) fin-yr
Revisions to Original Budgeted Appropriation TO(FROM)Fund Balance ($11,141)
REVISED 9/30/21 Budgeted Ending Fund Balance $8,309
Special Law Enforcement Fund-Local#102
As approved by City Commission on 9/28/20 Public Hearing 401
10/1/20 Budgeted Beginning Fund Balance $9,605 $3,943 $13,548
FY2021 Budgeted Appropriation TO(FROM)Fund Balance ($7,550)
9/30/21 Budgeted Ending Fund Balance $2,055
Amendments to be approved tonight to Original FY 2020-2021 Budget(as approved on 9/28/20):
Difference in Beginning Fund Balance TO(FROM)projected to actual as shown in 9/30/20 CFAR $3,943
Defer legal fees for local forfeiture $3,000 mid-yr
Align confiscated revenue budget with YTD actuals $51,275 fin-yr
Increase legal fees for local forfeiture ($6,550) fin-yr
Revisions to Original Budgeted Appropriation TO(FROM)Fund Balance $51,668
REVISED 9/30/21 Budgeted Ending Fund Balance $53,723
Special Law Enforcement Fund-Federal#103
As approved by City Commission on 9/28/20 Public Hearing 401
10/1/20 Budgeted Beginning Fund Balance $44,600 $1,111 $45,711 I
Recognize revenue budget-facility upgradefrom Florida Kraze Krush soccerteam ($38,743) mid-yr
9/30/21 Budgeted Ending Fund Balance $5,857
Amendments to be approved tonight to Original FY 2020-2021 Budget(as approved on 9/28/20):
Difference in Beginning Fund Balance TO(FROM)projected to actual as shown in 9/30/20 CFAR $1,111
Align fines revenue budgetwith YTD actuals fine revenues $53,570 mid-yr/fin yr
Increase small tool expenditure budget ($53,570) mid-yr/fin yr
Revisions to Original Budgeted Appropriation TO(FROM)Fund Balance $1,111
REVISED 9/30/21 Budgeted Ending Fund Balance $6,968
FY21 Final BudgetAmendment
Attachmentl 14
Attachment 1-Budget Amendment Detail
Resolution 2021-016
Other Governmental Funds
Difference in Beg.
HELPFULTOOLS: Comprehensive Financial Annual Report(CFAR)for theyear ended September30,2020 as approved Fund Bal Actual Beg.Fund
by City Commission on 04/26/2021 Regular 501; Projected to Balance 9/30/20
Fiscal Year 2020-2021 Original Budget as approved by City Commission on 9/28/2020 Public Hearing 401. Actual CFAR
Transportation Improvement Fund#120
As approved by City Commission on 9/28/20 Public Hearing 401
10/1/20 Budgeted Beginning Fund Balance $1,278,976 $162,040
FY2021 Budgeted Appropriation TO(FROM)Fund Balance ($543,610)
9/30/21 Budgeted Ending Fund Balance $735,366
Amendments to be approved tonight to Original FY 2020-2021 Budget(as approved on 9/28/20):
Difference in Beginning Fund Balance TO(FROM)projected to actual as shown in 9/30/20 CFAR $162,040
Defer Winding Hollow Turn Lane project to FY2022 $400,000 mid-yr
Revisions to Original Budgeted Appropriation TO(FROM)Fund Balance $562,040
REVISED 9/30/21 Budgeted Ending Fund Balance $1,297,406
Infrastructure Surtax Fund#121(2nd&3rd Generation)
As approved by City Commission on 9/28/20 Public Hearing 401
10/1/20 Budgeted Beginning Fund Balance $9,537,802 $579,291 $10,117,093
FY2021 Budgeted Appropriation TO(FROM)Fund Balance ($4,004,646)
9/30/21 Budgeted Ending Fund Balance $5,533,156
Amendments to be approved tonight to Original FY 2020-2021 Budget(as approved on 9/28/20):
Difference in Beginning Fund Balance TO(FROM)projected to actual as shown in 9/30/20 CFAR $579,291
Defer bridge infrastructure budget(3rd Gen) $475,000 mid-yr
Revisions to Original Budgeted Appropriation TO(FROM)Fund Balance $1,054,291
REVISED 9/30/21 Budgeted Ending Fund Balance $6,587,447
Solid Waste/Recycling Fund#130
As approved by City Commission on 9/28/20 Public Hearing 401
10/1/20 Budgeted Beginning Fund Balance $1,923,742 ($25,109) $1,898,633
FY2021 Budgeted Appropriation TO(FROM)Fund Balance ($283,791)
9/30/21 Budgeted Ending Fund Balance $1,639,951
Amendments to be approved tonight to Original FY 2020-2021 Budget(as approved on 9/28/20):
Difference in Beginning Fund Balance TO(FROM)projected to actual as shown in 9/30/20 CFAR ($25,109)
Align revenue budgetwith YTD actuals $48,600 final
Increase transfer budgetfrom General Fund to replenish storm reserves $800,000 final
Increase expenditure budget-disposal costs ($131,500) final
Revisions to Original Budgeted Appropriation TO(FROM)Fund Balance $691,991
REVISED 9/30/21 Budgeted Ending Fund Balance $2,331,942
FY21 Final BudgetAmendment
Attachmentl 15
Attachment 1-Budget Amendment Detail
Resolution 2021-016
Other Governmental Funds
Difference in Beg.
HELPFULTOOLS: Comprehensive Financial Annual Report(CFAR)for theyear ended September30,2020 as approved Fund Bal Actual Beg.Fund
by City Commission on 04/26/2021 Regular 501; Projected to Balance 9/30/20
Fiscal Year 2020-2021 Original Budget as approved by City Commission on 9/28/2020 Public Hearing 401. Actual CFAR
Arbor Fund#140
As approved by City Commission on 9/28/20 Public Hearing 401
10/1/20 Budgeted Beginning Fund Balance $670,914 $569,440
FY2021 Budgeted Appropriation TO(FROM)Fund Balance ($474,927)
9/30/21 Budgeted Ending Fund Balance $195,987
Amendments to be approved tonight to Original FY 2020-2021 Budget(as approved on 9/28/20):
Difference in Beginning Fund Balance TO(FROM)projected to actual as shown in 9/30/20 CFAR $569,440
Increase transfer budget from General Fund for various Urban Beatification initiatives $500,000 final
Revisions to Original Budgeted Appropriation TO(FROM)Fund Balance $1,069,440
REVISED 9/30/21 Budgeted Ending Fund Balance $1,265,427
Transportation Impact Fee Fund#150
As approved by City Commission on 9/28/20 Public Hearing 401
10/1/20 Budgeted Beginning Fund Balance $1,661,453 $122,054 $1,783,507
FY2021 Budgeted Appropriation TO(FROM)Fund Balance ($838,000)
9/30/21 Budgeted Ending Fund Balance $823,453
Amendments to be approved tonight to Original FY 2020-2021 Budget(as approved on 9/28/20):
Difference in Beginning Fund Balance TO(FROM)projected to actual as shown in 9/30/20 CFAR $122,054
Defer MBB/SR424traffic signal construction $425,000 mid-yr
Defer Integra/SR424traffic signal construction $350,000 mid-yr
Align impact fee revenue with YTD actuals $94,000 mid-yr
Citywide traffic studyto determine current and future construction impact ($94,000) mid-yr
Revisions to Original Budgeted Appropriation TO(FROM)Fund Balance $897,054
REVISED 9/30/21 Budgeted Ending Fund Balance $1,720,507
FY21 Final BudgetAmendment
Attachmentl 16
Attachment 1-Budget Amendment Detail
Resolution 2021-016
Other Governmental Funds
Difference in Beg.
HELPFULTOOLS: Comprehensive Financial Annual Report(CFAR)for theyear ended September30,2020 as approved Fund Bal Actual Beg.Fund
by City Commission on 04/26/2021 Regular 501; Projected to Balance 9/30/20
Fiscal Year 2020-2021 Original Budget as approved by City Commission on 9/28/2020 Public Hearing 401. Actual CFAR
TLBD Maintenance Fund#160
As approved by City Commission on 9/28/20 Public Hearing 401
10/1/20 Budgeted Beginning Fund Balance $169,575 $63,870 $233,445 I
FY2021 Budgeted Appropriation TO(FROM)Fund Balance ($39,403)
9/30/21 Budgeted Ending Fund Balance $130,172
Amendments to be approved tonight to Original FY 2020-2021 Budget(as approved on 9/28/20):
Difference in Beginning Fund Balance TO(FROM)projected to actual as shown in 9/30/20 CFAR $63,870
Recognize Misc.Private Contribution/Donations $3,000 mid-yr
Increase Christmas decorations expenditure budget ($3,000) mid-yr
Revisions to Original Budgeted Appropriation TO(FROM)Fund Balance $63,870
REVISED 9/30/21 Budgeted Ending Fund Balance $194,042
TLBD I Capital/Debt Service Fund#261
As approved by City Commission on 9/28/20 Public Hearing 401
10/1/20 Budgeted Beginning Fund Balance $58,701 $1,368 $60,069
FY2021 Budgeted Appropriation TO(FROM)Fund Balance ($21,487)
9/30/21 Budgeted Ending Fund Balance $37,214
Amendments to be approved tonight to Original FY 2020-2021 Budget(as approved on 9/28/20):
Difference in Beginning Fund Balance TO(FROM)projected to actual as shown in 9/30/20 CFAR $1,368
Defer Pond rejuvenation project to FY 2022 budget $25,000 mid-yr
Revisions to Original Budgeted Appropriation TO(FROM)Fund Balance $26,368
REVISED 9/30/21 Budgeted Ending Fund Balance $63,582
1999 Construction Capital Project Fund#301
As approved by City Commission on 9/28/20 Public Hearing 401
10/1/20 Budgeted Beginning Fund Balance $873,171 $11,967 $885,138
FY2021 Budgeted Appropriation TO(FROM)Fund Balance ($143,000)
9/30/21 Budgeted Ending Fund Balance $730,171
Amendments to be approved tonight to Original FY 2020-2021 Budget(as approved on 9/28/20):
Difference in Beginning Fund Balance TO(FROM)projected to actual as shown in 9/30/20 CFAR $11,967
Defer Master Plan to FY2022 budget $150,000 final
Revisionsto Original Budgeted Appropriation TO(FROM)Fund Balance $161,967
REVISED 9/30/21 Budgeted Ending Fund Balance $892,138
FY21 Final BudgetAmendment
Attachmentl 17
Attachment 1-Budget Amendment Detail
Resolution 2021-016
Other Governmental Funds
Difference in Beg.
HELPFULTOOLS: Comprehensive Financial Annual Report(CFAR)for theyear ended September30,2020 as approved Fund Bal Actual Beg.Fund
by City Commission on 04/26/2021 Regular 501; Projected to Balance 9/30/20
Fiscal Year 2020-2021 Original Budget as approved by City Commission on 9/28/2020 Public Hearing 401. Actual CFAR
Perk Up Parks Capital Project Fund#303
As approved by City Commission on 9/28/20 Public Hearing 401
10/1/20 Budgeted Beginning Fund Balance $3,506,352 $610,863 $4,117,215 I
FY2021 Budgeted Appropriation TO(FROM)Fund Balance ($775,570)
9/30/21 Budgeted Ending Fund Balance $2,730,782
Amendments to be approved tonight to Original FY 2020-2021 Budget(as approved on 9/28/20):
Difference in Beginning Fund Balance TO(FROM)projected to actual as shown in 9/30/20 CFAR $610,863
Defer Torcaso Site Improvements Phase 2 to FY2022 budget $200,000 final
Increase transfer budget from General Fund for Public Facilities for Perk up Park program $500,000 final
Revisions to Original Budgeted Appropriation TO(FROM)Fund Balance $1,310,863
REVISED 9/30/21 Budgeted Ending Fund Balance $4,041,645
Excellence in Customer Service Initiative CP Fund#305
As approved by City Commission on 9/28/20 Public Hearing 401
10/1/20 Budgeted Beginning Fund Balance $514,752 $346,111 $860,863
FY2021 Budgeted Appropriation TO(FROM)Fund Balance ($177,000)
9/30/21 Budgeted Ending Fund Balance $337,752
Amendments to be approved tonight to Original FY 2020-2021 Budget(as approved on 9/28/20):
Difference in Beginning Fund Balance TO(FROM)projected to actual as shown in 9/30/20 CFAR $346,111
Eliminate New Backup system project $150,000 mid-yr
Increase transfer from General Fund for customer service initiatives $400,000 final
Increase capital budget(renovation of Police Dept.restrooms) ($35,000) final
Revisions to Original Budgeted Appropriation TO(FROM)Fund Balance $861,111
REVISED 9/30/21 Budgeted Ending Fund Balance $1,198,863
FY21 Final BudgetAmendment
Attachmentl 18
Attachment 1-Budget Amendment Detail
Resolution 2021-016
Enterprise Funds
Difference in Beg.
HELPFULTOOLS:Comprehensive Financial Annual Report(CFAR)for theyear ended September 30,2020 as approved by City Fund Bal.-
Commission on 04/26/2021 Regular 501; Net Capital, Projected to Actual Ending Fund
Fiscal Year 2020-2021 Original Budget as approved by City Commission on 9/28/2020 Public Hearing 401. Restricted,NPL Actual Equity 9/30/20 CFAR
Water&Sewer Operating Fund#410
As approved by City Commission on 9/28/20 Public Hearing Item 401:
10/1/20 Budgeted Beginning Fund Equity $6,601.,642 $17A4697 $6,47$443 $30,122,782
As approved by City Commission on 9/28/20 Public Hearing Item 401: ($1,550,057)
9/30/21 Budgeted Ending Fund Equity $5,051,585 W&S Svc Avall Fund $6.628.335
CFAR combines410, $36;751;117
Amendments to be approved tonight to Original FY 2020-2021 Budget(as approved on 9/28/20):
Difference in Beginning Fund Balance TO(FROM)projected to actual as shown in 9/30/20 CFAR $6,478,443
Increase transfer from General Fund for Waste Water emergency repairs(3600) $500,000 final
(grant match)
Revisionsto Original Budgeted Fund Equity $6,978,443
REVISED 9/30/21 Budgeted Ending Fund Equity(excl of net capital,restricted,NPL) $12,030,028
Stormwater Utility Fund#411
Amendments to be approved tonight to Original FY 2020-2021 Budget(as approved on 9/28/20):
10/1/20 Budgeted Beginning Fund Equity $896,554 $6,860,763 $1,842,791 $9,600,108
Difference in Beginning Fund Equity FROM projected to actual as shown in 9/30/20 CFAR ($269,689)
9/30/21 Budgeted Ending Fund Equity $626,865
REVISED 9/30/21 Budgeted Ending Fund Equity
Amendments to be approved tonight to Original FY 2020-2021 Budget(as approved on 9/28/20):
Difference in Beginning Fund Balance TO(FROM)projected to actual as shown in 9/30/20 CFAR $1,842,791
Increase transfer budget from General Fund for Stormwater for Engineering Study(3810) $100,000 final
Increase transfer budget from General Fund for Stormwater for Equip-for cleaning&upgrade
$25Q000 final
pending study(3800)
Revisionsto Original Budgeted Appropriation TO(FROM)Fund Equity $2,192,791
REVISED 9/30/21 Budgeted Ending Fund Equity(excl of net capital,restricted,NPL) $2,819,656
Water and Sewer Service Availability Fund#412:
As approved by City Commission on 9/28/20 Public Hearing Item 401: CFAR combines 410,412
10/1/20 Budgeted Beginning Fund Equity $6,329,087 $299,248 $6,628,335
FY2020 Budgeted Appropriation TO(FROM)Fund Equity ($1,470,000)
9/30/21 Budgeted Ending Fund Equity $4,859,087
Amendments to be approved tonight to Original FY 2020-2021 Budget(as approved on 9/28/20):
Difference in Beginning Fund Balance TO(FROM)projected to actual as shown in 9/30/20 CFAR $299,248
Align Service Availability revenue budget with YTD actuals(residential) $0
Revisionsto Original Budgeted Fund Equity $0
REVISED 9/30/21 Budgeted Ending Fund Equity(excl of net capital,restricted,NPL) $4,859,087
Development Services Fund#420
As approved by City Commission on 9/28/20 Public Hearing Item 401:
10/1/20 Budgeted Beginning Fund Equity $4,662,837 $1,708,181 $6,371,018
FY2020 Budgeted Appropriation TO(FROM)Fund Equity ($482,746)
9/30/21 Budgeted Ending Fund Equity $4,180,091
Amendments to be approved tonight to Original FY 2020-2021 Budget(as approved on 9/28/20):
Difference in Beginning Fund Balance TO(FROM)projected to actual as shown in 9/30/20 CFAR $1,708,181
Consent302;12/04/2OVehicle purchase-Chevrolet Bolt EV ($60,512) mid yr.
Align building permit revenue with YTD actuals $100,000
Increase other svcs.-contract/administrative temp services expense budget ($55,000)
Increase other svcs.-maint.agreements/licenses expense budget ($45,000)
Revisionsto Original Budgeted Fund Equity $1,647,669
REVISED 9/30/21 Budgeted Ending Fund Equity(excl of net capital,restricted,NPL) $5,827,760
FY21 Final Budget Amendment19
Attac h me nt 1
Attachment 2-General Fund Budget Amendment Summary
Resolution 2021-016
HELPFUL TOOLS:Comprehensive Financial Annual Report(CLAP)for the year ended September 30,2020 as approved by City Commission on 04/26/2021 Regular 501;
Fiscal Year 2020-2021 Original Budget as approved by City Commission on 9/28/2020 Public Hearing 401.
FY27 Commission Other FY27
Original Approved Revenue Requests Inter Intra Amended
Annual Amendments to pO/Budget Neutral to Amend Departmental Departmental Annual
Division# Budge Appropriation Rollovers Chances Appropriation Transfers Transfers Budge
General Fund Revenues&Transfers: $76,883,794 $76,883,794
Recognize revenue budget-movie nights donations $ 10,411 $ 10,411
Recognize revenue budget-facility upgrade from FKK $ 3,000 $ 3,000
Recognize revenue budget-CARES Act-PW vehicle purchase $144,235 $ 144,235
Recognize revenue budget-CARES Act-Scale Computing Hardware&Service $145,059 $ 14S,OS9
Recognize revenue budget-Misc.Rev. $1,437 $9,200 $ 10,637
Recognize revenue budget-Insurance settlement $10,707 $ 10,/0/
Recognize revenue budget-CARES,CRA Refund .$344,230 $ 344,230
Recognize revenue budget-multiple-half cent sales tax,comm.service tax,interest earnings etc. .$872,700 $ 812,/00
Recognize revenue budget-multiple-rev.sharing,local business tax,etc. $545,800 $ 545,800
Recognize revenue budget-electricitytax and water utilitytax $326,170 $ 326,1/0
Recognize revenue budget-communication service tax and investment interest $174,000 $ 174,000
Recognize revenue budget-electricity franchise fees $502,600 $ S02,600
Recognize revenue budget-community events $ 52,895 $ 52,895
General Fund Revenues&Transfers $ 76,883,794 $ - $ 7,437 $ 375,507 $ - $ 2,765,500 $ - $ 20,025,638
General Fund Expenditures
City Commission 1100 $ II'/,112 $ II'/,112
City Manager 1200 $ 318,751 $ 318,751
City Clerk 1210 $ 181,222 $ (24,000) $ IS'/,222
Finance-General 1300 $ 617,291 $ 617,291
Finance-Utility Billing 1360 $ 603,958 $ 603,958
Comm.Development-Administration 1500 $ 138,475 $ 138,475
Comm.Development-Planning 1510 $ 8$95'/ $ (20,000) $ 6$95'/
Comm.Development-Urban Beautification 1520 $ 700,783 $ 450,000 $ 1,150,783
Comm.Development-Street lighting IS30 $ 52,62/ $ (35,000) $ 486,62'/
IS&General Services-Human Resources 1315 $ 308,638 $ (3,000) $ 305,638
IS&General Services-General 1600 $ '//4,020 $ 14S,OS9 $ 35,000 $ 954,0/9
IS&General Services-City Hall 1910 $ 26,526 $ 26,526
IS&General Services-Risk Management 1925 $ 605,300 $ 6/,500 $ 52,895 $ 125,695
IS&General Services-Facilities Maintenance 1935 $ 277,413 $ 3,000 $ 280,413
IS&General Services-Marketing&Events /41S $ 169,502 $ 63,306 $ (52,895) $ 1/9,913
General Government-Legal Services 1400 $ 265,420 $ 265,420
General Government-General 1900 $ 1,138,941 $ 10,/0/ $ 1,04/,000 $ 2,196,648
Police-Chief 2100 $ 6,049,437 $ 9,200 $ (250) $ 6,058,387
Police-Criminal Investigations 2110 $ 31,015 $ 31,015
Police-Community Services 2120 $ 13,665 $ 13,665
Police-Operations 2130 $ 111,650 $ 1,650 $ 113,280
Police-Support Services 2140 $ 603,869 $ (1,400) $ 602,469
Police-Code Enforcement 2150 $ 9,180 $ 9,180
Fire-Operations 2200 $ 278,694 $ 278,694
Public Works-Fleet 1940 $ 188,365 $ 188,365
Public Works-Administration 4100 $ 95,085 $ 95,085
Public Works-Roads&ROW 4110 $ S89,SS6 $ 144,235 $ 800,000 $ 1,533;/91
P&R-Administration 7200 $ 226,031 $ 226,031
P&P-Athletics 1210 $ 2,906 $ 2,906
P&R-Athletics Partnerships 7220 $ 5,800 $ 3,000 $ 6,386 $ 15,186
P&R-Parks&Grounds 1-230 $ 1,386,548 $ 4/5,000 $ (29,903) $ 1,831,645
P&R-Programs 7240 $ 115,301 $ 115,301
P&R-Seniors '/7S0 $ 322,1/8 $ 1,43/ $ (30,000) $ 23,51/ $ 31'/,132
General Fund Expenditures 76,883,794 0 7,437 $ 375,507 $ - $ -2765,500 $ - 20,025,638
Budgeted Approp.TO(FROM)Fund Balance $ - $ $ $ O $ $ $ $ O
FY21 Final BudgetAmendment 2U
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