HomeMy WebLinkAbout2021 08 30 Regular 501 - Winter Springs Waste Water Resiliency • REGULAR AGENDA ITEM 501
Winter Springs Waste Water Resiliency
The West WWTP is located in the western part of the City and provides sanitary sewer
service to the surrounding community. In 2020, the City initiated needed repairs to
the two WWTP treatment units including new screens and aeration systems. During
the first treatment unit rehabilitation, the operating treatment unit experienced
operational problems, interruption to reclaimed water service for some customers,
and other impacts to some adjacent residents. Reliability improvements are
recommended to ensure the fewest number of residents are impacted during
rehabilitation of the second treatment unit. The reliability improvements include
temporary equipment and some permanent piping improvements both at the WWTP
and in the reclaimed water distribution system.
Below is a breakdown of the costs associated for contracts to purchase materials and
construction services.
Recommended Temporary Equipment
Disk Filters - Disk filters are a newer treatment technology that replaces the older
traveling bridge sand filters. The sand filters have had various functional issues and
are unreliable. This activity will provide for the installation of a temporary filter and
associated site improvements including site work, piping, and electrical connections.
Veolia Water
Technologies - $37,500 $16,450 $185,550
Mobile Water
WesTech $20,650 $25,000 $245,650
Allowance4 $225,000
1. Mobilization and Demobilization costs.
2. Monthly rental cost of the equipment.
3. Total estimated cost for 9 months.
4. Allowance. Costs will include filter placement/removal, construction materials,
and construction labor.
Temporary Above Ground Water Storage -Water that does not meet public access
reclaimed water standards must be sent to the rapid infiltration basins (RIB) for
disposal. In the event of a plant upset, water will be diverted to the temporary water
storage tanks and then pumped to the RIB.
Rental Allowance $60,000
Construction Allowance2 $175,000
1. Allowance. Costs will include mobilization/demobilization and tank rental.
2. Allowance. Costs will include filter placement/removal, construction materials,
and construction labor.
Temporary Above Ground Water Storage Emergency Pump -An emergency backup
pump is required to be installed with the water storage tanks. The pump will transfer
water to the WWTP reject pond in the event the tanks become full and are in danger of
($) ($) COST'
Rain for Rent $2,874.70 $4,652.48 $44,747.02
United Rental $350.00 $4,083.50 $37,101.50
Herc $375.00 $5,842.00 $52,953.00
1. Mobilization and Demobilization costs.
2. Monthly rental cost of the equipment.
3. Total estimated cost for 9 months.
Reclaimed Water Piping Improvements - Currently, the discharge from the WWTP to
the RIBS (Rapid Infiltration Basins) utilizes the same piping as public access reuse. A
piping configuration that can create an isolated and dedicated pipeline to the RIBs is
required to maintain reclaimed water to existing customers and disposal of non public
access water simultaneously.
RCW Pipe jumper at $90,000
RCW 8" Pipe
Extension, Dayron $60,000
RIB Site
1. Estimated cost for piping installation. Final cost to be determined upon final
engineering design.
West WWTP Treatment Unit#2 Piping Improvements - Treatment Unit#2 has
multiple internal treatment flows that are returned to the influent screen of Unit#2.
The additional flow can contribute to the screen overflowing and causing a spill to the
ground on the plant site. Redirecting the internal flows directly to appropriate
treatment basins within treatment Unit#2 will reduce the flow impact to the influent
Construction Allowance $30,000
1. Estimated cost for piping installation. Final cost to be determined upon final
engineering design.
West WWTP Treatment Unit#1 Structural Repairs - Treatment Unit#1 has multiple
structural deficiencies including broken concrete footing, separating wall(s), and
broken top ring. The extent of the repairs cannot completely be identified until the
tank is emptied and cleaned. The deficiencies were not presented during priority
repair design and are not included in the existing repair project.
Construction $150,000
1. Estimated cost for piping installation. Final cost to be determined upon final
engineering design.
SCADA(Supervisory Control and Data Acquisition) Improvements - Currently, the
WWTP has minimal automatic operational control and no continuous biological
process monitoring. The SCADA improvements include installation of components at
the WWTP to continuously monitor the biological process and installation of biological
process sensors. In addition, the improvements will include an additional variable
frequency drive and updated controls at lift station 7W. LS 7W is the largest lift station
in the City and has a significant impact to the influent flow at the WWTP. The updated
controls will reduce peak flows impacting the treatment process.
Hach $26,776.69
Revere Controls
- West WWTP
Revere Controls
- LS 7W $58,027.98
1. Quotes attached.
Temporary Belt Press Rental -A belt press processes liquid waste from the biological
process by removing water from the waste sludge. Dry solids are disposed of at a
permitted compost facility. The temporary belt press will allow better control of the
biological process and production of public access reclaimed water.
Aspen Rentals $23,040 $10,500 $117,540
Sandling $10,600 $14,500 $141,100
Eagle Dynamic Solutions $19,950 $17,000 $172,950
Truck Renta14 $5,000 $45,000
1. Mobilization and Demobilization costs.
2. Monthly rental cost of the equipment.
3. Total estimated cost for 9 months.
4. Tractor trailer truck to move sludge trailers on the plant site.
Priority Repair Construction Contract Modifications - SGS Contracting Services
(general contractor) and Synagro (tank cleaning contractor) are at the end of the
original contract duration. The contracts were approved by the City Commission at the
July 13, 2020 and the August 10,2020 commission meetings. The contracts need to be
extended to allow contractors to complete anticipated work. An additional three
hundred (300) days of time is recommended to be approved. Additionally, SGS
Contracting Services has reached the approved contract contingency amount with
additional approved change order work. This is work in addition to the original scope
of work. Additional funds are required to be approved to continue anticipated change
order work. An additional $600,000 is recommended to be approved (this amount
would be used toward the services listed above if SGS was awarded the construction
services change orders).
Summary of Costs/Changes
• Award a contract to Veolia Water Technologies in the amount of$185,550 plus a
10% project contingency for a total of$204,105 for the rental of the temporary
disk filter. Purchase materials and construction services up to $225,000 for the
temporary disk filter.
• Rent temporary water storage tanks up to $60,000. Purchase materials and
construction services up to $175,000 for the temporary water storage tanks.
• Rental equipment up to $41,000 for the rental of the emergency pump.
• Purchase materials and construction services up to $150,000 for installation of
the reclaimed water piping improvements.
• Purchase materials and construction services up to $30,000 for West WWTP Unit
#2 piping improvements.
• Purchase materials and construction services up to $150,000 for West WWTP
Unit#1 structural repairs.
• Award a purchase contract to Hach in the amount of$26,776.69 for purchase of
biological treatment monitoring sensors.
• Award a contract to Revere Controls in the amount of$126,440.98 plus a 10%
project contingency for a total of$139,085.08 for installation of SCADA
improvements at the West WWTP and Lift Station 7W.
• Award a contract to Aspen Rentals in the amount of$117,540 plus a 10%
contingency for a total of$129,294 for the rental of the temporary belt press.
• Truck rental up to $45,000 for the temporary tractor trailer truck.
• Contract changes for SGS Contracting Services to add additional contract time
and up to $600,000 of additional expenditures (this amount would be used
toward the services listed above if SGS was awarded the construction services
change orders).
• Contract changes for Synagro to add additional contract time.
Staff recommends, due to the nature of the emergency repairs needed to the
wastewater treatment plant, the City Commission authorize the City Manager to
procure necessary services and materials for the West Wastewater Treatment Plant for
a total amount not to exceed $1,375,261.