HomeMy WebLinkAbout2021 07 12 Consent 306 - Potable Water System Hydraulic Model Update and Calibration • CONSENT AGENDA ITEM 306
Potable Water System Hydraulic Model Update and Calibration
This engineering model is necessary to analyze the flushing requirements and
fire protection water levels once water improvements are completed at Water
Treatment Plant No. 1 . The model will also be used to develop the best
location for an emergency interconnect with the Seminole County water
system and any upgrades necessary to provide better intra-connections
between the City's three water plants. This project is expected to be
completed in eight month and to cost $119,110.11 ($108,281 .92 plus a 10%
Authorize the City Manager to execute a purchase order with Carollo
Engineers for the development of a potable water model.
200 East Robinson Street,Suite 1400,Orlando,Florida 32801
Engineers...Working Wonders With Water® P.407.478.4642 F.407.478.4643
Exhibit A
City of Winter Springs
Potable Water System Hydraulic Model Update and Calibration
June 24, 2021
The City of Winter Springs(CITY)owns and operates three water treatment plants(WTPs)with miles of
distribution pipeline which provide water to the CITY's residents.With growth and increasing water demand,
the distribution system experienced large increases in demand.The demand increase, along with a
continuing focus on improving water quality, prompted the CITY's recognition of the need for an updated
water hydraulic model. The primary intent of the update is to aid in identifying and addressing the hydraulic
requirements of the system and water quality optimization in the distribution system.As a result,the CITY
has requested assistance in updating and calibrating its existing hydraulic model to be used for evaluations
of the potable water distribution system.
In this scope, Carollo Engineers, Inc.(CONSULTANT)will provide hydraulic modeling and planning support.
The scope of services for the CONSULTANT will include the tasks which are described below. Certain
assumptions have been made in preparing this Scope of Services, in particular with the ability to utilize the
existing previous hydraulic model as the basis for this project.To the extent possible,they are stated herein,
and are reflected in the attached project budget
City of Winter Springs
Potable Water System Hydraulic Model Update and Calibration
Scope of Services
Page 2
Task 1—Project Management and Quality Assurance/Control
Task 1 includes aspects of project and quality management to provide effective delivery of the PROJECT.
Specific items included in Task 1 are detailed in the subtasks described below.
Task 1.1—Project Management, Communications, and Meetings
The CONSULTANT will provide overall project management and communication between its staff and the
CITY.The CONSULTANT will track and manage the budget, project tasks,and schedule.
The CONSULTANT will attend and manage project meetings.This project anticipates a kickoff meeting and
up to three regular progress meetings to be held as needed to review field investigation plans,calibration
progress, preliminary results,and for decision making to move the project forward.
The CONSULTANT will provide monthly progress reports that identify the work that has been performed
during the month and the work that is anticipated in the upcoming month.These reports will be delivered as
part of the monthly progress payment request.
Task 1.2—Quality Assurance/Control
The CONSULTANT will coordinate quality control and quality assurance review of the project including field
testing and calibration procedures;calibration review between the QA/QC officer and CITY staff so that all
parties understand the accuracy of the model; and a final model check after evaluation scenario
Task 1 Deliverables:
Meeting agendas, presentations,and minutes(electronic).
Monthly progress reports(pdf).
Task 2—Data Collection and Field Investigation
Task 2 involves gathering of data and completing field investigations necessary for execution of the project.
Specific items included in Task 2 are detailed in the subtasks described below.
Task 2.1—Data Collection
The CONSULTANT will develop a comprehensive data request list and collect the listed data to be provided
by the CITY,with an objective of updating and calibration the existing hydraulic model.The CITY will provide
data to the CONSULTANT electronically where possible. Data sources may include but are not limited to:
Most current GIS for potable system (pipe, pump stations,tanks,valves,etc.).
Customer billing data (last 12 months).
Historical daily WTP flow data(5 years to identify maximum day and maximum month peaking
Available water quality sampling results within the distribution system,as available.
Water quality customer complaint logs.
Performance Criteria:
Maximum velocity.
Minimum pressure.
Other water quality parameters as needed.
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Potable Water System Hydraulic Model Update and Calibration
Scope of Services
Page 3
Pump station/storage tanks record drawings.
Pump station/storage tanks operation manuals.
Pump curves.
Pump station and tanks operational settings/control protocols.
Summary of perceived control challenges during extreme demand days, by operators.
SCADA provided at hourly increments(at a minimum)for up to 12 months:
Pump status(on/off).
Pump speed(variable speed pumps only).
Pump flow/total flow.
Pump discharge pressure(or target pressure).
Tank level.
Distribution or remote pressure readings if/where available.
Near term(5-year)planned improvements/modifications or past since last model update(record
drawings, plans, or reports).
List of identifying critical system valves and position(open/closed).
Pressure reducing or pressure sustaining valve set points and locations.
Locations of automatic flushers/or regular manual flushing.
Operation/rotation/time settings/standard protocol.
Included in this data collection task is time to coordinate data collection, perform preliminary review of the
data,and time for three trips by two members of CONSULTANT's team to collect on-site data.
Task 2.2—Field Investigations and Field Test Plan
Calibration of the hydraulic model provides confidence that the model is operating in close resemblance to
reality.To calibrate the model,sufficient field measurements are required to develop a model that is
operating in the same manner as the distribution system. Field measurements can be captured using the
CITY's SCADA system and by temporary measurement devices or hydrant tests where SCADA data is not
Field testing will be conducted during a three-week period to obtain sufficient data under a range of
conditions.This task involves all aspects of field testing to capture measurements in the field,which will be
used to calibrate the hydraulic model.
Included in this task is a Field Test Plan which will delineate an action plan for the field investigation,
including identification of data available from the CITY's SCADA system to be monitored/downloaded
during the field investigation period,and identification of potential locations for hydrant testing and
installation of temporary pressure loggers to collect additional pressure data in the distribution system.The
CONSULTANT can provide six pressure loggers to be installed by CITY staff at the direction of the
CONSULTANT.The CONSULTANT will accompany CITY staff on a limited basis to coordinate installation of
the pressure loggers.The Field Test Plan will also include direction of means, methods,and timing of
installation,which will be discussed with CITY in a regularly scheduled progress meeting ahead of the field
The CONSULTANT will discuss with CITY staff what data is available from SCADA prior to developing the
field test parameters.The Field Test Plan will identify all necessary SCADA data.
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Potable Water System Hydraulic Model Update and Calibration
Scope of Services
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Task 2 Deliverables:
Data request list(electronic).
• Field Test Plan(electronic).
Task 3—Model Update and Calibration
Under Task 3 the CONSULTANT will use the data collected under Task 2 to update and calibrate the
hydraulic model. Specific items included in Task 3 are detailed in the subtasks described below.
Task 3.1—Model Update
The CITY's existing model will be used as the basis of the model update and calibration efforts.The existing
model will be updated based on comparisons with the latest GIS provided by the CITY, billing data/meters
location, and any other supporting documentation on improvements collected under Task 2.The model will
be reviewed for connectivity and a cursory review of elevations and roughness coefficients will be
performed.The CONSULTANT will check the WTP configurations in the model against provided as-builts,
and update pump curves and settings as needed using the operating information extracted from data or
standard operating procedures/documentation.The CONSULTANTwill add any critical system valves,
pressure sustaining valves,or pressure reducing valves if applicable.
Model demands will be updated using current customer billing data which will be averaged,and demands
will be added under a separate use category to represent regular flushing locations. Global scaling will be
completed to match the flows from WTP data. Customer billing data points will be geocoded and assigned
to the nearest model node.
Note:The City has an existing model which was developed by others utilizing WaterGEMS software.This
scope of work intends to utilize the existing model structure as the basis.The City model has been reviewed
at a high level prior to scope development. It is assumed that the existing model data and network
completed prior is representative of the system and usable for update in this scope of work.
Task 3.2—Model Calibration
The model will be calibrated for an extended period simulation(EPS)of a minimum of 48-hours using a
2-day period selected from the field test.The CONSULTANT will adjust data parameters such as
infrastructure parameters, operational controls of pump stations, demand allocations,and/or friction factors
until there is reasonable correlation between the model and the field test data. Significant deviation from
expected results will be discussed with the CITY to determine appropriate modifications. Note it is the intent
to calibrate the model primarily on available flow and pressure data obtained during the field efforts.
Industry guidelines for reasonable correlation and significant deviation in model calibration will be reviewed
at a regularly scheduled progress meeting and documented in the Hydraulic Modeling Report,which is
included in Task 5.
Task 3 Deliverables:
• Calibrated hydraulic model.
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Potable Water System Hydraulic Model Update and Calibration
Scope of Services
Page 5
Task 4— Hydraulic Model Evaluation
After the hydraulic model is updated and calibrated it will be used to evaluate the distribution system
against selected performance criteria including but not limited to pressure,velocity,and water age,to
determine recommended improvements required to meet the CITY's desired level of service.The following
subtasks described the efforts that make up the model evaluation task.
Task 4.1—Model Scenario Development
From the calibrated model,the CONSULTANT will construct several scenarios in the model to reflect various
system operating conditions.This Scope of Services allows for the creation of the following extended period
Base(not used in evaluation,establishes model infrastructure and annual average demands from
billing and flushing data).
Calibration(adjusted from base scenario to simulated specific calibration event/dates).
Existing Average Day Demand(ADD).
Including water quality.
• Existing Maximum Day Demand(MDD).
Will include Peak Hour Demand (PHD)based on diurnal patterns.
Future(five-year near term)ADD.
Including water quality.
• Future(five-year near term) MDD
Including PHD based on diurnal patterns.
Task 4.2—Distribution System Model Evaluations
The scenarios listed above will be used to evaluate the distribution system against the selected performance
criteria (to be established during data collection).Areas not meeting the performance criteria will be
identified in a series of maps and will be presented to the CITY during the Model Evaluation Workshop(half
day).These maps will be included in the Hydraulic Modeling TM,discussed in Task 5. For areas that do not
meet the performance criteria,the CONSULTANT will identify improvements to reduce high velocities,
increase pressures,and decrease water age/improve water quality as needed. Existing flushing locations will
be reviewed for benefit, and recommendations will be made as needed to optimize routine flushing
protocols.These suggested improvements will also be discussed in the workshop.
The model will also be used to review mixing zones between the three WTPs in the distribution system.
Reliability of all three plants will be evaluated from a hydraulic perspective,to determine the ability of two
WTPs to supply the system adequately if one were shut down.
A high-level interconnect evaluation will also be completed on the existing ADD scenario to determine the
ability to supply the distribution system from a neighboring utility interconnect(primarily Seminole County)
under emergency conditions.The CONSULTANT will support the CITY in coordination with nearby utilities
for potential interconnects in order to determine potential locations and estimate water supply.
Communication with potentials utilities is intended to obtain information for modeling purposes.
Determination of reasonable assumptions for interconnect flow and pressure will be required.This does not
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Potable Water System Hydraulic Model Update and Calibration
Scope of Services
Page 6
include hydraulic modeling or analysis of models for neighboring utilities, any interconnect agreement
planning, or design of interconnects.
This task does not include cost estimating and CIP development.This may be included under Task 6 on a
time and materials cost basis.
Task 4.3—WTP No. 1—Raw Water Supply Hydraulic Evaluation
This task will specifically analyze the raw water supply piping from the wells to the treatment units/tanks at
WTP No.1.The existing piping is believed to cause hydraulic restrictions which limits the well capacity.A
desktop evaluation of the existing piping from the supply wells to the WTP tanks will be completed.This
desktop analysis may include the use of other modeling software,or spreadsheet-based calculations,and
will likely be completed separate from the WaterGEMS hydraulic model.The purpose of this evaluation is to
identify any hydraulic bottlenecks in the supply piping from supply wells to WTP No.1,and to identify
potential improvements to increase water supply.
Task 4 Deliverables:
• Model Evaluation Workshop materials(electronic).
Task 5— Hydraulic Modeling Technical Memorandum
Task 5.1—Draft and Final Hydraulic Modeling Technical Memorandum
Upon completion of the evaluations and development of recommendations,the CONSULTANT will prepare
a Draft Hydraulic Modeling Technical Memorandum.This task includes the assembly of the Draft TM, review
meeting,and development of the Final TM.
The TM is anticipated to include the following sections:
• Introduction including background information,general purpose and scope.
• Summary of existing facilities comprising the potable water distribution system including treatment
plants, pipe, pump stations,and tanks.
Summary of the model update and demand development process.
Summary of calibration efforts including field investigations,summary of data used in calibration,
and calibration results.
• Summary of modeled scenarios include differentiators and components included in the model.
• Review of evaluations including the performance criteria used,areas identified to have failed the
performance criteria,and recommended improvements to resolve issues.
Summary of WTP supply desktop hydraulic evaluations and recommendations.
Recommendations for further modeling and improvements and conclusions.
After submittal of the Draft TM,the CONSULTANT will discuss CITY comments during a regularly scheduled
progress meeting. Based on the feedback from the meeting,the CONSULTANT will prepare the Final TM.
Task 5 Deliverables:
Final WaterGEMS Model.
Draft Hydraulic Modeling TM.
Final Hydraulic Modeling TM.
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Potable Water System Hydraulic Model Update and Calibration
Scope of Services
Page 7
Task 6—Additional As-Needed Hydraulic Evaluations
Task 6.1—As-Needed Evaluations
This task is to be utilized as-needed for additional related hydraulic analysis efforts. This may include, but is
not limited to hydraulic analysis of specific components,additional scenarios,additional future development
scenarios,cost estimating,or other items related to this scope of work that may be identified during the
project. This task will only be utilized after receiving authorization by the CITY.
City Responsibilities/Assumptions
Because of the nature of this project,certain assumptions apply to this Scope of Services.To the extent
possible,these assumptions are stated within this document and are reflected in the budget. If the project
task requirements are different from the assumptions presented in this Scope of Services,or if the CITY
desires additional services,the resultant change in scope will serve as a basis for amending this project
assignment or initiating the development of a new project assignment as agreed to by both the CITY and
CONSULTANT.The following assumptions and CITY responsibilities apply to this project:
The CONSULTANT shall be entitled to rely upon the accuracy of the data and information supplied
by the CITY without independent review or evaluation.
The CITY shall attend all site visits and meetings to maintain the progress of the project according to
the schedule.
The CITY will provide the CONSULTANT with access to treatment facility for data gathering, data
validation and the design process.
The CITY will assist with data collection and site testing as necessary, including accompanying the
CONSULTANT and leading operation of the facility.
The CITY will provide all required information within the period established in the schedule
contained in this Scope of Services.The schedule is based on timely receipt of data from the CITY.
The CITY shall review Draft deliverables and provide comments to the CONSULTANT on a prompt
The services to be performed by the CONSULTANT are intended solely for the benefit of the CITY.
No person or entity not a signatory to this Scope of Work shall be entitled to rely on the
CONSULTANT's performance of its services hereunder,and no right to assert a claim against the
CONSULTANT by assignment of indemnity rights or otherwise shall accrue to a third party as a
result of this Scope of Work or the performance of the CONSULTANT's services hereunder.
CONSULTANT has no control over the cost of labor, materials,equipment or services furnished by
others,over water quality and/or quantity,or over the way City's plant(s)and/or associated
processes are operated and/or maintained. Hydraulic modeling results, data projections and
estimates are CONSULTANT's professional opinion based on CONSULTANT's experience and
judgment. CONSULTANT does not guarantee that actual water distribution system operational
characteristics will not vary from the hydraulic modeling results,data projections and estimates
prepared by CONSULTANT. CONSULTANT is not liable to,and does not indemnify City or any third
party relative to inconsistencies between Engineer's hydraulic modeling results,data projections
and estimates and actual water distribution system operational characteristics realized by City or
any third party in the future,except to the extent that such inconsistencies are determined to have
been caused by CONSULTANT's negligence. iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiinm
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Potable Water System Hydraulic Model Update and Calibration
Scope of Services
Page 8
The services described above are anticipated to be completed in accordance with the following summary.
The CONSULTANT will make efforts to keep the project on schedule within reason. However,there are
many factors which may affect this overall schedule,and this will require prompt attention and involvement
from the CITY to maintain project progress.The schedule below is the CONSULTANT's best estimate based
on preliminary information,and may vary based upon available data,field data collection, meeting
schedules,and review periods. Unless noted otherwise,time durations listed below are weeks measured
from the date upon which the CONSULTANT received the notice to proceed forthe work.
Task Weeks After NTP
1—Project Management 32
2—Data Collection and Field Investigation 8
3—Model Update and Calibration 14
4—Hydraulic Model Evaluation 24
S—Hydraulic Modeling Technical Memorandum 32
6—Additional As-need Hydraulic Evaluations TBD
It is expected that all tasks in this scope of services will be completed within 32 weeks of receiving a notice to
proceed. A detailed project schedule will be provided at project kickoff.
Project Fee
Compensation forthe services described above shall be delivered forthe amount of$108,281.92.The basis
for this is a combination of lump sum and not-to-exceed/hourly amount as provided in the attached
Exhibit B.
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