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State Road 434 Reclaimed Expansion Design
Tuskawilla Crossings is a two phased development bounded on the west by
Tuskawilla Road and bounded on the north and east by State Road (SR) 434.
The development currently uses potable water from the City's Utility system
to charge and supply the development's reclaimed system. Tuskawilla
Crossings'reclaimed water pipes are connected to the City's 12-inch potable
water pipe at SR 434 with an 8-inch connection and the City's 12-inch potable
water pipe on Tuskawilla Road with an 8-inch connection. It is understood
that, as the Tuskawilla Crossings development approaches build-out, the
irrigation demands of the development will strain the capacity of the potable
water system, creating a need for an additional reclaimed water supply.
On the north side of Tuskawilla Crossings, the City operates a 4-inch
reclaimed water pipeline in the SR 434 Right-Of-Way (ROW) which is located in
the median of the divided highway. On the west side of Tuskawilla Crossings,
the City operates a 4-inch reclaimed water pipeline in the Tuskawilla Road
ROW located in the median of Tuskawilla Road.To alleviate the demands on
the potable water system, the City intends to extend the reclaimed system
along SR 434 and connect the following:
• Tuskawilla Crossings reclaimed water pipe on Silver Moon Lane to the 4-inch
reclaimed water pipe on Tuskawilla Road
• Tuskawilla Crossings reclaimed water pipe on Eagle Wind Terrace to the
proposed 12-inch reclaimed water pipe on SR 434
• Creek Run 4-inch reclaimed water pipe to the proposed 12-inch reclaimed
water pipe on SR 434
• The 4-inch reclaimed water pipe in the median of SR 434 will be upsized to a
12" pipe from Creek Run Way to Central Winds Drive via pipe bursting the
existing 4-inch pipe and horizontal directional drilling a new 12-inch pipe
under the wetland along the corridor.
Total cost of construction is estimated at $2,000,000 dollars to be split
between the City ($1,343,000), St.John's Water Management District
($532,000) and Tuskawilla Crossings development ($125,000).
Authorize the City Manger to execute a Purchase Order with Kimley-Horn for
the design of the reclaimed water line extension on SR 434 from Creeks Run
to Central Winds not to exceed $233,000.
Kimley>>> Horn
June 17, 2021
Dale Smith
Public Works and Utilities Director
City of Winter S pri ngs
400 Old Sanford Oviedo Road
Winter Springs, FL 32708
Re: Tuskawilla Crossings Reclaimed Water Main Extension
Dear Mr. Smith:
Kimley-Horn and Associates, Inc. ("Kimley-Horn"or"Consultant')is pleased to submit this letter scope
(the"Scope")to the City of Winter Springs. FL("City")for providing design and construction documents
forTuskawilla Crossings Reclaimed Water Main Extension.This Scope isforwork release authorization
#3 under RFP#01-21 Civil Engineering Continuing Service Contract.
Project Understanding
Tuskawilla Crossings is a two phased development bounded on the west by Tuskawilla Road and
bounded on the north and east by State Road (SR)434.The development currently uses potable water
from the City's Utilitysystem to charge and supplythe development's reclaimed system. Tuskawilla
Crossings'reclaimed water pipes are connected to the City's 12-inch potable water pipe at SR 434 with
an 8-inch connection and the City's 12-inch potable water pipe on Tuskawilla Road with an 8-inch
connection. It is understood that, as the Tuskawilla Crossings development approaches build-out,the
irrigation demands of the development will strain the capacity of the potable water system,creating a
need for an additional reclaimed water supply.
On the north side of Tuskawilla Crossings, the City operates a 4-inch reclaimed water pipeline in the
SR 434 Right-Of-Way(ROW)which is located in the median of the divided highway.On the west side
of Tuskawilla Crossings, the City operates a 4-inch reclaimed water pipeline in the Tuskawilla Road
ROW located in the median of Tuskawilla Road.To alleviate the demands on the potable water system,
the City intends to extend the reclaimed system along SR 434 and connect the following:
• Tuskawilla Crossings reclaimed water pipe on Silver Moon Lane to the 4-inch reclaimed water
pipe on Tuskawilla Road
• Tuskawilla Crossings reclaimed water pipe on Eagle Wind Terrace to the proposed 12-inch
reclaimed water pipe on SR 434
• Creek Run 4-inch reclaimed water pipe to the proposed 12-inch reclaimed water pipe on SR
• The 4-inch reclaimed water pipe in the median of SR 434 will be upsized to a 12" pipe from
Creek Run Way to Central Winds Drive via pipe bursting the existing 4-inch pipe and horizontal
directional drilling a new 12-inch pipe underthe wetland along the corridor.
See ExhibitAfor project area and general information describing the existing distribution system.
The following is our understanding of the scope of work that has been requested by the City.
189 S OrangeAvenue., Suite 1000, Orlando,FL32801 3
Kimley>>> Horn
Scope of Services
Task 1— Design Services
A. Kimley-Horn will attend and lead a kick-off meeting with City staff to discuss the proposed
improvements, various design/construction considerations for the pipe installation project,
overall goals and objectives for the project.
B. Kimley-Horn will review pipe location and utility conflict data provided by the City related to the
existing distribution system and identify any design constraints.The data provided,sunshine
one-call design ticket information,and route assessment of the right-of-way will be considered
in the selection of the appropriate survey assignment.
C. Kimley-Horn will coordinate the needed survey with the surveyor, ECHO UES, Inc.,to provide
a topographical survey of the existing and proposed watermain corridors.Survey will consist
of partial surveys within the rig hts-of-way of SR434 and Eagle Wind Terrace,Tuskawilla Road
and Silver Moon Lane, and the median of SR 434 from Central Winds Drive to Creeks Run
Way. The survey constraints for the majority of SR 434 will be confined to the median only
from the edge of pavement to edge of pavement except at crossings. The survey
documentation will include topographical information,visible improvements, manholes,inlets
with top and invert elevations, existing landscaping and underground utilities. Underground
utility locates from non-City utilities will be located as they are flagged by their respective
owners. Further, right-of-way lines within the limits of the survey will be identified as part of
the survey.
D. Kimley-Horn will coordinate the needed geotechnical information with the geotechnical firm,
Terracon, to perform a geotechnical investigation that includes two (2) auger borings to a
depth of 25 feet at strategic locations within the project area to identify soil conditions in
support of the construction contractor's bid.Additional borings will be taken every 500 feet
along the route from Central Winds Drive to Creek Run Way.
E. Kimley-Horn will prepare bid documents including engineering design drawings, and
specifications and opinion of probable construction costs (OPCC). Engineering design
drawings will be submitted to the City for review at 60% (plan, profile, and specs), 90%(plan,
profile, and specs), and 100% (bid ready deliverable) completion levels. Kimley-Horn will
prepare specifications and an OPCC at the 60%, 90%and 100% design submittals. Three(3)
sets of drawings will be provided at each submittal stage and the final documents will also be
provided in electronic format. The drawings will be prepared using AutoCAD and the
specifications will be prepared using Microsoft Word.The design team will attend a design
review workshop with the City to collect all comments at each completion level. The OPCC at
the 100% completion level will include itemization identical to the bid form and will not include
a separate line item for contingency. A preliminary list of drawings is presented below:
Location Map, Key Map& General Notes, Legend,and Abbreviations(5 sheets)
Water Main Plan and Profiles(approx. 19 sheets)
Civil Details(approx. 6 sheets)
kimley-horn.com 189 South OrangeAvenue, Suite 1000, Orlando,FL32801 '1 • ••
Kimley>>> Horn
Task 2— Permitting Services
A. Kimley-Horn will prepare and submit permit applications and supporting documentation
necessaryto obtain Seminole County, FDOTand FDEP permits required forthe reclaimed
water main improvements. Accordingly, Kimley-Horn will perform the following tasks:
• Prepare and submit one(1)FDEPApplication forA General Permit forAddition of a Major
User of Reclaimed Water (Form 62-610.300(4)(a)1) for the complete pipeline
replacement project and respond to RAls. Permit fees are not included in this proposal.
• Prepare and submit right-of way utilization permits for Seminole County as required for
the respective rights-of-ways(Tuskawilla Road).
o Attend a pre-design coordination meeting with FDOT and the City prior to
submission of 60% submittal
• Perform the following services related to securing an FDOT Utility Permit for trenchless
installation in the median ofSR434;
o Attend a pre-design coordination meeting with FDOT and the City prior to
submission of 60% submittal
o Attend a design coordination meeting with FDOT and the City at 90%completion
o Prepare and submit the FDOT Utility Permit Application Package and prepare
response for up to two(2)Request for Additional Information(RAI)
B. Permitting fees are not included within this proposal.
Task 3— Bidding and Award Services
Upon authorization to proceed with the bidding and award phase of the project, Kimley-Horn will
complete the following tasks for each separate bid phase:
• Provide one(1)hard copy of the Contract Documents(engineering design drawings and
specifications)and any addenda,which may be issued to bidders.Also,one(1)digital
copy will be provided which will include the following electronic documents:
o Drawings and Specifications in PDF format
o Drawings in AutoCAD format
o Specifications in Word format
o Signed & Sealed drawings in PDFformat
o Opinion of Probable Construction Cost in PDF format
It is intended that the Citywill distribute electronic copies of the bid documents to bidding contractors
through an online bidding platform.
• Attend a pre-bid conference
• Provide written response to any questions from bidders and prepare and issue addenda
as required to interpret,clarify or expand the Bidding Documents
• Assistthe City in evaluating bids, bidders, and provide a letterof recommendation for the
award of the construction contract
kimley-horn.com 189 South OrangeAvenue, Suite 1000, Orlando,FL32801
Kimley>>> Horn
Kimley-Horn will begin services upon receipt of an executed Task Order. These services will be
completed as expeditiously as possible. An estimate of the project schedule is as follows:
Task Description Timeframe
1 Design Services 8 weeks
2 Permitting Services 4 weeks
3 Bidding and Award Services 8 weeks
These timeframes are non-consecutive and may overlap. The schedule is also contingent on the
reclaimed water model,any deviation from this scope may result in additional time to the schedule. The
overall project design (Task 1)time is projected to be completed within 2 months.
Sched ule includes 3 days for City review at each level of completion and prior to workshop.
Method of Compensation
Kimley-Horn will perform these services for the total lump sum fee of$245,240.00, inclusive of office
overhead expenses. A breakdown of the fee by task is as follows:
Task Description Lump Sum Fee
1 Design Services $ 203,350.00
2 Permitting Services $ 18,100.00
3 Bidding and Award Services $ 11,390.00
Total $ 232,840.00
Services provided under this will be invoiced on a monthly basis.All invoices will include a description
of services provided.
In an effortto expedite invoices and reduce paperwaste, Kimley-Horn submits invoices via email in an
AdobePDFformat. We can also provide a papercopyvia regular mail if requested. Includethe invoice
number and Kimley-Horn project number with all payments. Please provide the following information:
Please email all invoices to
Additional Services
Any other services that may be desired beyond those specifically stated in Task 1-3 above, including
but not limited to the following can be included in a separate scope of services orvia an amendment to
this scope of services:
• Reclaim water hydraulic model development or updates
• Additional pipe design outside of the boundary listed within the project understanding
portion of the above scope of services
• Survey and geotechnical services outside of the parameters listed in the project
understanding portion of the above scope of services
• Permit application fees(if required)
• Construction survey/layout and as-builts services
• Costs to advertise the project
kimley-horn.com 189 South OrangeAvenue, Suite 1000, Orlando,FL32801 '1 • ••
• Detailed civil drawings or specifications relating to paving, grading, or drainage
enhancements as it is assumed that existing civil/site work components disturbed by
construction will be replaced in kind
• Construction engineering,administrative, orobservation services
If you concur in all the foregoing and wish to direct us to proceed with the services, please have
authorized persons execute a task authorization for this scope of services and transmit via email to
Lance.Littrell(@Kimley-Horn.com. We will commence services after we have received a fully-executed
task authorization.
We appreciate the opportunity to provide these services to you. Please contact me if you have any
By: Lance R. Littrell, P.E. Jon Martin, P.E.
Senior Project Manager Senior Vice President
City of Winter Springs, Florida
Dale Smith, Public Works and Utilities Director
Dale Smith
(Print orType Name)
dsmith winterspringsfl.org
(Email Address)
(Print orType Name)
kimley-horn.com 189 South OrangeAvenue, Suite 1000, Orlando,FL32801
Kimley>>> Horn
Table A
Tuskawilla Reclaimed Nater Nlain Extension PRINC PROJ. PROD. PRO] PROJ TECHNICAL PROJECT EXP. LINE
Design Services
KickoffMcefing 4 4 6 $2,466
Utility Location and Coordination 4 18 20 40 30 $15,622
Sini ey Sub Consultant 1 16 6 12 1 $108,600 $113,899
Geotech Sub Cousultant 1 4 6 4 1 $18,600 $20,951
60%Design and Review Workshop 12 28 34 12 50 $20,262
60%Specifications 2 14 20 24 0 12 $9,626
90%Design and Review Workshop 10 16 18 15 24 $12,549
90%specifications 2 6 10 4 0 8 $4,064
100%-Final Design Documents 1 4 8 4 S 4 $3,916
Task Total $203,355
2 Permitting Services
FDEP Pentatting 2 6 4 12 2 $3,774
Seminole County Permitting and Pre-Application Meeting 2 6 4 12 2 $3,774
FDOT Pete-Application Meetings 8 16 4 16 2 $7,304
Respond to RAIs 1 2 9 12 $3,218
Task Total $18,070
Bidding and Award Services
BiddmLz Documents and Front End Updates I 4 8 6 2 $2,986
Pre-Bid Conference 2 5 5 2 2 $2,420
Question Res nses/Addendas 1 8 8 2 4 2 $3,612
Bid Evaluation and Recommendation 1 4 8 2 1 $2,371
Task Total 1 $11,389
TOTAL HOURS 0 551 0 161 177 157 1441 33 $127,200 $232,814
LABOR ($/HOUR) S 260.00 1 S 240.00 S 195.00 S 159.00 S 145.00 S 125.00 S 130.001 S 85.00
SUBTOTALIS S 13,200.00 S S 25,599.00 S 25,665.00 S 19,625.00 S 18,720.00 1 S 2,805.00 1 S 127,200.00 $232,814
kimley-horn.com 189 South OrangeAvenue, Suite 1000, Orlando,FL32801 �1 ��